Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Dv!t sellii drugs
Btockert sells carpets una rug.
Mete boer at Neumayer'B hotel.
Drs. Green, omen 303 Sapp block. ,. ' ,
Plumbing nhd heating. Ulxby & Bon.
Wollinan, scientific optician. KO Broadway.
Dr. Stephenson, lialdwln bloclc Elevator.
Herman Mendel Of Ncola, In., was In
this city yesterday.
Pictures for wedding Rifts. C. K. Alex
ander ic Co., 333 Hroadway.
Missouri oak body wood, 3OT cord. Wa
Welch. 23 N. Main st. Tel. 128.
Attend Tcutnnln, lodge. Order Herman's
Bona', ilnnce Wednesday, Januury ft.
Pottawattamie tribe No. SI. Improved
Order of Hedmcn, will Install officers to
night, . '
Charles Reynolds has returned to Chi
cago' to resume Ills studies In the Armour
The Hoard of Park Commissioners last
night discussed proposed Improvements for
the, coming season, but decided on nothing
Mrs. F. II. Miller and llttlo dnughtcr left
yesterday Tor I'aul'H Vnlley. I. U., w ; hero
they will pass the winter with Mrs. Miller a
John Schoentgcn, who wab in the North
western wreck at Malta, III., was ublnto
be out yesterday for tho llrst tlmo slnco
bis return home.
City Engineer Etnyro yesterday laid out
Hall strcot between Ucnton und Harrison
atrceta, property for which was recently
condemned by the city.
Lost, gold fob locket, elk'8 head, diamond
ween horns, monogram -v. r; y. r.,-
letters entwined on revcrso Bide.
lie ward
offered. Leave nt ueo omcc.
Services over Mrs. Joseph l'ardoo will bp
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock In Trinity
Methodist church, conducted by the pastor,
Itcv. W. II. Cable. Ilurlul will be In Fair
view cemotjry.
The body of James Ilynn, who died Mon
day In HL Uernnrd's hospital, wns taken
to Fulton. III., yesterday for burial by his
non, J. M. Ityan, who came hero from
iJiCrosso, Win.
Klder F. M. Cooper of the letter Day
Bnlnts' church Is conducting a series of
meetings Irt' tho hall nt 'Twenty-fourth
Direct and Avenue 11 every evening this
week. Tho Hcrvlces begin nt 7:1j.
Tho caso against Jesse Wnlnwrlght, who
1b charged with tho embezzlement of r0
cents from Mrs. Pattuwui, to whom .ho
delivered n half ton of coal, was continued
tor thirty days In Justlco Hryant'a court
State Senator llazolton went to Pes
Moines yesterday to look Jnto matters be
fore the ftCJrlon of the stato legislature
next week, llo will return before the end
of tho week and leave for Des Moines Sun
day evening.
ThomaH McCaffrey, a motormnn In tho
employ of' the .Qmnha . & .Council Muff
Railway uhd'Hrldgo company,' was found
to bo Buffering from smallpox Inst evening
nnd wits removed to tho pesthousc. Mc
Caffrey boarded ut tho Ilevero houso on
, Tho Jury Irt the superior court In thefcaso
bf Attorney John Limit ngalnst tho Schlltz
Ilrewlng company brougnt In a verdict
yostcrday uftcmoon for tho plaintiff for
35. LIndt sued for attorney's fees nnd
commission nn sale of real estate. At the
former trial ho obtained a verdict for $516,
but on tho caso being taken to tho su
premo court It was sent back for retrial.
The receipts In tho general fund nt the.
Christian Home Inst week wcru S3.403.46.
being 15,2m 46 above tho estimated needs
for tho current expenses of tho week. Tho
Ixalanco wns placed to tho credit of the
Improvement. u,nd contlngenttfumh ln the
manager'u-funa, the .reodlpts wero $257.35,
being 1222.35 above thl needs of tho week,
iwd clearing up tho deficiency. Thu bal
ranco was placed In tho general fund.
' N. Y. numbing Co., telephone ISO.
You know our quarters, are small.
You know'wo hand 16 strictly high-grade
goods. v k. ' . v '-.v:
You knowi.,pvp..prlc1fur right.
You know wo havo no old shelf worn
goods. 1
You know Ifiyou bavo'em from us they're
ylght. ," A, ?y
Now, wo know wis will need moro room
for our spring goods and wlIl(
S3 1-3 per cent off on purchases this 'week.
Quarterly Water Bill.'
Gave flvo'pbr'cont by paying beforo Fri
day, January 10. Offlco open until, 9"p. m.
Friday. 7 ...
nenl Htate Transfers.
These transfers have been tiled In tho ab
stract, title nnd loan offlco of J. W. Squire,
101 Pearl street:
-eari nircui; , ,
! Pondergnst and wlfo to Ilob
P. Christian, wl70,feet of lot 5,
ijamln's 2d subdiv., Avoca, w. d..J
crt I
Tlnti Inmlti
flnhnrt P. ChrlHtltiri .1ind..wlfO' to A. C
Chrlstsen, lot 5, Henjumln's 2d sub
dlv., Avocn, w. d
Warren Scarborough to, II. O, Mcoee,
lot , bjock 35, Kerry ridd.. q. c. d....
F. T. True und wife to Maggie. A.
Holmes, lots 4 nnd 7, block 38,
.Brown's subdlw, n. c. d... ...........
Luclnda Cnrtor to Mamlo Prltchett,
lot 6. block 1. Carter's 3d udd, to
Hancock, w. d
James .E. McGlpty and wlfo to Wll
llamiI. Uutler,1no4tJlwV;,24 andlsH
sei sw'.i 13-77-42. w. d
$). L. Shugart and wlfo to J. v.
Wolf e., ti ncii12-76j42and wH , nw.Vl ; .
7-75241, 'w d.Vi .7.-. 7,473.
Mary J. Richardson to George C.
Steele, lot 10, block 2, Stcelo &
wooas' sun., q. c. ii
Samuel Wood nnd wlfo to John Clnl
rloway, lots 1 und 2, block 4, CnrBon,
Kelson' J olies' nnd w't'fo ' to s". ' bC ' RoeB iti"
nnd C. D. Ilutterlleld, 100 acres In
section 15, and 27 ncren In H-77-44,
w. d C.C00
Executors estate of Daniel Ktcher to
F. W. Corliss, lot 1, block 1, Orlmcs'
add., executor's d 1.500
T. C. .Fnrrls to Mike Wencl, lots 7 ,
nnd . block 21, Hums' add, w. d... 3a
Jlelrs of Mary Ixickwood to Lizzie
Beuchti'l, und. 4-6 of lot 1, block 3,
Ulddle'R sub. w. d 1,250
Osorgq Dewey nnd ,wlf to. N. II.-and
J. H. Chn'sriinn. pnrt of lot 3, blobk
, C. Judson'H 1st add to Ncola, w. d., 300.
jLudwIg Selvors and wife to Herbert
M. and Charles L. Thomna, vi seU
iind'ei wU 9.V75;I2, ,w. d.
In olden times, New Year's not Chrlst-
Bus was tbo gift-making tlmo.
i . 14
As old stylos and revival of antiques
come again In tbo kaleidoscope of fashion,
o the, old J customs of Nw Year's g(tt
tnaklng Is with us again, Increasing In
volume, each year.
Tho Jewole.r'8 stock Is one that stands the
rush of Christmas buying much better than
othr lines, so wo may yet show you many
handsome and desirable trinkets for New
Year'glfts. '
ppthjlan, J.owelpr
nnd Engraver.
2.J8 mtO.UJWAY.
Opposite Qlon Avenue,
'Council. Bluffs
Funeral Dlraotor v
' - ' - i
KtfOttaUd In Eastern MebriuM
Aubtrn, 0-iha aid Dti Moliti ippitr ii
Miitd-Up lUctfli. '
Woman nr lltinliaud Xavr .Seek to
Itepnillntc Ceremony StrniiKf
i:rnmir In Itccurdn of
Count)' Clerk.
Tho marriage records In the' omco of
tho clerk of the, district court show that
September 7, 1807, a llconso to wed was
Issued to A. D. Whye, aged 32, of Auburn,
Neb., and Mary Vanarsdal, nged 28, of
Omaha, Nob., and thereby now appears to
hang an Interesting story. A. I). Whye,
to whom tho llconso was-Issued, nnd L. D.
Whceldon of Washington, D. C, one ami
tho, samo man 7 This question puzzles
Freeman Rend, clerk of tho court, nnd bis
deputy, ail Balrd.i who' Issued the license.
There wero several unusual circumstances
with this marriage license, and In tho last
few days moro havo cropped up.
A few days ago a letter was received here
addressed to tho Judge of tho district court.
It was from a man signing himself L, D.
Whceldon, and giving his address as 106
Twelfth street, N. W. Washington, D. C.
Tho writer says that a woman In Washing
ton Is causing htm considerable annoyance
by exhibiting among his friends a marriage
ccrtldcnto, in which appears his name, as
having been married to a Mrs.. NI6hblson
of Dcb Moines, September 7, 1897, The
writer asks If his name appears on the
records, and If so how It came there with
out his knowledge He, says his nlgnature
on tho certificate appears to be genuine,
but tho names of tho contracting parties
scorn to have been .crasod and other names
substituted. This letter has not yet been
Hears Also from Woman,
.Yesterday morning Clerk Roed rocclvcd
another lottcr from Washington, signed by
Mrs. L. I). Wheeldon, who gavo her ad
dress as 512 13 street, N. W. Sho Inclosed
$1 for a copy of tho marriage certificate Is-
ued tohcr on Soptcmbor 7, 1897, Htatlngthat
her husband had stolen hers and destroyed
It. kHho said they wero married September
7, 1897, and that her namo was Mary
Nicholson, and that of her husband, L. D.
Wheoldon. Continuing, sho writes that
they havo been living together over since,
except tho last flvo months. Tho handwrit
ing In this lottcr appears to bo similar to
the slgnaturo on the marrlago record.
Deputy Balrd remembers that a fow days
after tho licenso was Usucd and the couple
had been, married by Justlco Vlen, the
woman returned' to the offlco and asked to
havo tho names In tho certificate changed.
She stated at thotlmo that the man's right
namo was L. D. Whceldon, and that her
truo namo was Mary Nicholson, and not
Mary Vanarsdal. Clerk :Rced .says oh far as
he remembers, bo refused to alter the cer
tificate, but to satisfy the woman, placed
tho names she sald'wcro tho 'true ones un
derneath tbo others. Sho was, however,
permitted to cbango her signature to the
affidavit from that of Mary Vanarsdal to
that of Mary Nicholson, and the record
shows the crasuro and the change, of the
" Other Kranuren Discovered.
A peculiar feature of tho matter, which no
ono in tho clerk's offlco Is ablo to account
"for at this tlmo, shows that the' namo L. D.
Whceldon had been first written In as one
'of tho contracting parties and then erased
and tho namo A. D. Whye written over It.
It also is apparent that somo other namo
than that of Mary Vanarsdal had been
first written and then erased. Tho erasure,
however, was complete, and tho name first
written cannot now bo distinguished. Tho
record also shows that tbo resldonco of both
parties was first written In an Des Moines
and erased, and Auburn, Nob., written as
that of (he man and Omaha ns.that of tho
woman. When theso changes were mado no
ono In tho clerk's offlco can remember now.
Tho records show that tho porsons wero
married by Justlco Vlen under the namo of
Whyo and Mary Vanarsdal and that they
both gavo Dos Moines as their residences
to him. Whye described himself as a trav
eling salesman. -'County Auditor Innes wit
nessed tho marrlago, which wan performed
In tho private offlco of tbo clerk of tho
court,- 88s his signature to tho 'record tes
tifies, but ho does not romcmber tho cir
cumstance. I'nsilen the Clerk' Office.
. ,How the many, erasures and changes came
to bo mn'do in tho marriage, record Is what'
is puzzling Clerk Reed, and he 'says he Is
certain no changes were mado after the
parties had attached their signatures ox
cept that of tho signature of the woman,
wbo was permitted when -she carao to the
ofllce a few days later to( sign herself as
Nicholson' in placo St Vanarsdal.
A copy of the record as It now appears
in the book was sent yesterday to Mrs.
Whceldon',' and Clerk Reed Is awaiting fur
ther developments. If Whyo was Wheeldon,
why did he get married undor an assumed
name, and If he was' was married to Mary
Vannrsrtal.or MarrNlcboleon, wby is he
now trying to repudiate (he marriage 7
These questions nro fntorostln'g Clerk Reod,
The list of marrlago licenses for September,
7, 1897, as published in tho dally papers of
tho day following, give tho residence of
Whye nnd Vanarsdal as. Des Moines, which
Is taken to show that tho words Auburn,
Neb., and Omaha wero substituted on tbo
day following the Issuance of tho license,
If not 'later.
DavU sells, glair
I'reabyterlana Kleet Officer.
The Second Presbyterian church has
elected these officers: Elder, R". M. Mer
rlam; deacons, A. M. Hutchinson and C. T,
Strlef;'trusteos," A. M. Hutchinson and Rich
ard Turnbull; treasurer, Arthur Picker-
lng; superintendent of Sunday Bchool, L.
G, Scott; asalstnnt superintendent, Mrs.
Spfn'gue; president of ladles' aid society,
Mrs. W. L. Baker; president of missionary
society, Mrs,- BcbsIo Black! .president of
young peoples .society, Miss Jessie Mag
ruder; president of Junior society, Mlsi
Helen Magruder; chur?h directors, H. T.
Black, F. Merrlara, A. O. Hutchinson, II. G.
Davis, J. Streeti board of trustees, J. P
Greenshlolds, L. O. Scott, A. M. Hutchln-
Bon and. Richard f Turnbull; organist, Mrs.
Morehouse; members of the session. Rev
Harvey Hostetler, R. M. Merrlam, B. M
Magruder, A. M. Hutchinson, Arthur Pick
erlng, A. B. Howe.
v .
Burnlnr with a Ladder.
Tho pollco were called early Vestcr-
,1 T 1' .1 . It -I I . t It.,. 1. ... ' . .
"l J iuiiiiimh IM liumn ut .urn,
Knto Cook on Vine . street, whero
burglar was said to bo trlng to
get nto tho house by a ladder. The
was seen ascending tho ladder by
Mrs. Mnddeo, who occupies ono p( ths m
stairs rooms. Sho called to htm, and tho
follow, who was dressed In overalls nnd a
sweater, climbed down nnd walked away,
with the ladder on his shoulder. The house
Is within a short distance of tho police
station and an attempt wns tnado to call
tho police by telephone, but the telcphono
refused to work..
fix the Compensation of Assessors
und Trntisni't Various
Oilier .Mill tern.
Tho Board of County Supervisors yester
day fixed tho compensation of town nnd
township assessors for 1002, as follows.
Towns Council Mulls, $1,500; Avocn, JS0;
Carson, $50; Hancock. $25; Macedonia, 125;
Mlndon, 2o; Ncola, C0; Oakland, $6..; Wal-
nut, $05. I
Townshlps-llclknnp. $50; Boomer, $80; ,
arson, $50; Center. $C0; Crescent, too.
Gnmer. $75; Grove, $00, Hardin, $M; Hazel.
Dell, $63; James, $60; Kane, $15; Keg
Creek, $C0; Knox, $55; Lnyton, $55; Lewis,
$75; Lincoln, $60; Macedonia, $50; Mlndon,
$55; Ncola, $55; Norwatk, $65; Pleasant,
$60; Rockford, $70; Sliver Creek, $60; Val
ley, $55; Washington, $60; Wavoland, $60;
Wright, $60; York, $60.
This year tho assessors have only to
plnce a value on personal property.
Sheriff Cousins was allowed to employ
four deputies at Council Bluffs and one at
Avoca, whose salaries, with the exception
of Jailor Martin, who shall servo without
expense to tho county, shall be $1,000, pro
vided that the compensation of tho deputies
and tho sheriff shall not exceed In tho ag
gregate tho receipts of tho ofllce. The
auditor was directed to pay tho salary of
one deputy, who will not net as court
bailiff, and tho others are to bo paid by
the sheriff, less the amount thuy recclvo
for their services as bailiffs. This arrange
ment Is substantially tho same as was In
force last year.
The annual report of Sheriff Cousins for
1901 showed: Fees tnxed, $6,094,06; fees
collected, $5,896.34; mileage, $419.74; dtie
county, $5,476.00; sheriff's salary, $2,600;
deputies' salaries, $2,122; leaving $854.60
to bo nppllcd on deficit for 1900.
The annual report of County Recorder
Smith showed that during 1901 there were
6,655 Instruments filed nnd $4,402.05 fees
collected', ns follows: First quarter, 2,225
deeds, $1,471.10 fees collected; second quar
ter, 1,530 deeds, $984.10 fees; third quar
ter, 1,324 Instruments, $S94 fees; fourth
quarter, 1,576 Instruments, $1,052.25 , fees.
After deducting his salary of $1,600; Ro-
cordcr Smith turned over $2,902.05 to the
county. His deputy Is paid by the county.
S. N. Dolan, guardian of Michael Fox,
Insane, was allowed a further grant of $100
with which to prosecute the suit of his
ward against tho estate of Mrs. Catharine
Fox, who was run down nnd killed by a
motor car In this city.
A. E. Scaburg wns granted a loan of
$3,000 from tho school fund on property In
Macedonia township.
Tho claim of Dr. F. T. Scybert of this
city "for amputating the arm of Allen Ket
tle, by order of tho Bonrd of Trustees of
Rockford township, was rejected, tho
county attorney advising that tho county
wns not liable ,
Contracts for medical attendance for the
county's poor wero let art follows:
Belknap, Dr. S. D. Tobey, $40; Boomer,
Dr. A. A. Robertson, $20; Carson, Dr. C. F.
Dletz, ?20; Center, Dr. S. D. Tobey, $10;
Crcspent', Dr. A. A. Robertson, $20; Garner,
Dr A. W'StephenBon'. $!; Grove, Dr. W. M.
Bcsoro, $25; Hardin, Dr. D. Williams, $10;
Hazel Dell, Dr. A. A. Robertson, $20;
James, Dr. S. D. Tobey, $10; Kane Dr.
Stcphenton, $96; Keg Creek, Dr. D. Wil
liams, $10; Knox, Dr. G. A. Spauldlng, $48;
Laytcn. Dr. F. Hanna, $70; Lewis, Dr.
Stephenson, $9; Lincoln. Dr. A. S. Stevens,
$15; Macedonia, Dr. Beaoro, $10; Mlnden,
Dr. Grant Augustine, $20; Neola, Dr. J. T.
Van Ness, $30; Pleasant. Dr. Spauldlng. $8;
Rockford, Vfi Robertson, $20; Silver Creek.
Dr. Williams, $10; Valley, Dr. Stevens, $25;
Washington, Dr. Williams, $10; attendance
at county Jail In Council Bluffs, Dr.
Stephenson, $3S.
No fire No water No failure No fake,
btit to make room for our spring goods we
will glvo 25 nnd 33 1-3 per cent off on
strictly new up-to-the-mlnuto, high-grade
merchandise. SMITH & BRADLEY.
District Court In NrnMlnn.
Tho January .terra of district court was
convoned yesterday by Judgo Thorncll and
the grand' Jury was Impanelled. These are
the members of tho grand Jury: J. P. Max
field, Underwood, chairman; Peter Langcr,
Mlnden; A. B. Smith, Pigeon; George A.
Murphy, Neola; Henry Ellbcrback, Council
Bluffs; August Oldcrog, Treynor: J. H.
Pace, Council Bluffs. Walter Joseph Is
clerk and John Aten bailiff. The court's
Instructions to the grand Jury' wero of tho
usunl character.
This assignment was mado by, Judge
Mondny. January 13 Anna Boecs ngalnst
James Hoggs. 8. H. Hnrt nmilnflt. M. F,
Ilohrer nnd othcra, Officer & Pusey agntnst
William McOlll and others.
Tuesday, January 14 F. J. uay ngninsi
D. J. Hutchinson nnd others, Mnttle Ema
rlno ngalnst A. H. Kmarlne nnd others.
Wednesday. Jiimiarv 15 M. M. Peterson
against Peter Peterson nnd others, Jemima
Church ngnlnst N. A. unurcn.
Thursday. Jnnuary 16 A. Rose, executor,
ngntnHt Catherine uunnelln, Linda 12. Drls
kell ngalnst William Arud. treasurer.
Frldny. Jnnunry 17. J. B. MenlnneB
against M. J. Meglnnes, Ada J. Nusum
against George Nusum, E. E. Hart against
K. A. t'rntt ana otners.
VnMilnv .Ttiniiftrv So P. .T. Tlnv nirnlriflt
City of Counrll BluffB, Harriett Kndel
ngnlnst Peter Kndol (speelnl), C. T. Ottlcer,
administrator, ngnlnst Officer & Pusey; H.
It. Tlniev ngnlnst w. a. j'eterBon nno.
othcra, Stnte Saving bnnk ngnlnst W. A.
Peterson ntul otners. . .
Wednenlay. Jnnunry 22 ucorge r . iiewu
ngnlnst J. E. Price nnd others. G. . F.
iteini ncainst uuuort junxncin ana otners,
Mnrv E. Osborn. gunrdlun. ngnlnst O. E.
Ofborn nnd others.
Thursday, Janunry 23 Mllwaukeo Trust
comnnny ngnlnst H. W. IowIk nnd others,
K. E. llnrt ngninsi orcn 'inompson, r;mmn
Ehlers ngnlnst Chtcngo, Rock Island &
Paclflo Railway company.
Frliluv. Jnntmrv 24 Citizens' State bank
agntnst Elizabeth Jnckson nnd others.
The court ordered that In cases whero
no trial notice had bcon filed beforo tho
beginning of the term that such cases could
bo brought on for trial on and after Jan
uary 20, provided that trial aotlce was filed
ten days before such date.
A stipulation tor dismissal was filed in
the case of F. L. Ingersoll agatcet the First
National hank of Boone, la.
We havo no old sholf worn goods, hut
our stock Is strictly high-grade up-to-the-minute
stuff. To make room for our spring
goods It goes this week at 26 and 33 1-3
per cent discount. You can't afford to miss
Gravel roofing. A. H. t.nad. 841 Broadway,
Davis sells paint.
Two Get neneflt of Doubt.
James Steelo, Nels Jones, R. II. Vincent,
F. Ruby and F. Foster were up beforo
Judge Thorncll yesterday afternoon,
charged with contempt of court, In resist
ing the officers at the tlmo Mrs. Edwards
retook forcible possession of the land on
the river bottoms, from which sho was
ejected last Novembor, under decree of the
district court. This was the tlmo that
Andy Nealy, the colored caretaker, placed
In chajgo by t owner eX ttw- prcpwiy,
had such a lively tlmo with Mrs. Edwards
nnd her friends.
Many witnesses wero examined for tho
defendant, and testified that they did not
see the defendants participate In the riot.
Tho defendants themselves swore they
wero attracted to tho sccno of tho trouble
by curiosity and with no Intent to Impede
the officers In carrying out tho mandate of
the court.
After listening to tho evidence Judge
Thorncll discharged Stcelo and Jones, say
ing he would 6tve thorn tho benefit of tho
doubt. Tho other three, who were not rep
resented by attorneys, wero given until
this morning to make a showing on their
Mrs. Kmma Edwards and her' son, Kirk,
pleaded guilty to resisting the officers, nnd
were fined $10 apiece. The cases of con-
, t ogalnRt c A. Dch oml John I)eU,
haVo t ,0 be (I8p(M of.
0 1 1 it u t n tit l- t,nwer llrrlnre
I'lieniselves In Favor of Ile
iiioiIcIIor Court Iloonis.
At tho annual meeting yesterday ef tbo
Pottawnttnmlo County Bar association theso
offlcera were re-elected; Prosldejt, Flnley
Burko; llrst vice president, Spencer Smith;
second vlco president. W. H. Ware; third
vice president, J. J. Hess; secretary, Clydo
B. Altchtson. These committees were ap
pointed: Grievance, C. M. Harl, J. M. Cal
vin, George S. Wright; finance, George H.
Mayne, O. S. Blanchard, J. J. Host; legis
lative, W. 11. Ware, N. M. Pusey, S. B,
Wndsworth; court, George S. Wright, A. S,
Hazlcton, A. W. Askwlth.
Tho association declared Itself In favor
of having tho court rooms remodeled and,
County Attorney Klllpack, J. J. Hess and
J. J. Stewart wero appointed a commlttoo
to confer with tho Board of County Super
visors. It was suggested that tho Judge's
bench bo placed In the cast end of the dls
trlct court room' so that nttorncys appear
lng beforo tho court could enter from the
room now occupied by the county surveyor
and thus not, hayo to pass through the
crowd of spectators outside of the bar rail
lng. It wns also suggested that convon
ienco of tho court and attorneys could be
better met by moving the offlco of tho clerk
of tho district court,from the present quar
ters on the first floor to the large room
now occupied by tho county surveyor and
city assessor. Another suggestion was to
uso n portion of this room ns a cloak room
for tho exclusive uso of tho attorneys en
gaged beforo (he court.
Tho court committee was also requested
to ask the court to order tho bailiff to
keep the space Inside tho bar clear of all
persons except thoso having business thero,
During tho trial of the Doyle-Burns suit
the space Inside the bar was thronged with
outsldors wbo crowded out members ( the
The association Indorsed the action of
tho Stato Bar association relative to pro
posed increase In tho salaries of dlstrlqt
and supremo court Judges, nnd the rcpre
sqntatlvcs from this county will bo asked
to support a measure to this end.
Sovcral Important matters were referred
to the legislative committee, with a vlow to
having them brought before tho state legls
lature. Ono 1 Is a proposed amendment to
the code to provldo for tho examination and
licensing of persons undertaking to do con
veyanclng. Another is a proposed amend
ment cutting, off tho right of dower under
the statute oMfaltatlon. - -
Tho committee waa also requested to try
to secure tho passage of a law making tho
division between client and attorney of fees
taxed up In Judgment In a suit sufficient
grounds for tho setting aside of tho judg
ment. Tho present law prohibits any such
agreement, but provides no penalty for the
client, and the proposed law Is for the pur
poso of making tho client suffer In cases
whero such nn agreement and a division of
the taxed attorney fees can bo shown to
Good goods, standard brands at 25' and
33 1-3 per cent off this week.
For Theft of an Overcoat.
Sylvester Strlckler was arrested yes
terday morning, charged with the theft of
an overcoat belonging to W. E. Cullom,
who claims to be a nephow of Senator Cul
lom. Cullom Is said to havo lost his over
coat in a dlco game and received another
In exchange, which Strlckler Is charged
with purloining. Cullom, Strlckler and
John Smith, a liveryman, came to Council
Bluffs Monday evening from Carroll, la,
and at once proceeded, It Is said, to take
in the sights of the city.
Remember the Maine, also the sale this
week at SMITH & BRADLEY.
Churned with Deceit In Soliciting-
The case against Frank Olbbs, charged
with obtaining money under fnlso pre
tenses In connection, with soliciting sub
acrtptlons tor an art Journal, was continued
In Justice Bryant's court yesterday until
Friday. In tho meanttmo Gibbs Is languish
lng In the county Jail. It Is charged that
he mado false representations as to pre
miums and that subscribers never received
tbo premiums promised.
Strictly hlgh-grado merchandise for mon
and boys. 25 and 33 1-3 per cent off this
week only,
JVntnral History for the Hah.
A Boston paper Is responsible for the
following: "Ants havo been burrowing un
der the brick pavement of Council Bluffs
la., and : enjoying the sand. One street
for a dtstanco of sevoral blocks has thus
been rendered unfit for travel." This 1
certainly news for tho people of this city
nnd exemplifies tho old adage that "One
must go away from homo to get tho news
Go where tho crowd goes.
Ton Trlvlnl for County.
The charges and counter-charges filed
In Justice . Bryant's court by Burgess St
John, John Scott and John Carlson over a
llttlo yellow pup, the proporty of Scott
wero dismissed yesterday by the assistant
county attorney, who refused to allow the
costs of any of the witnesses to bo taxed
ngalnst tho county,
Xew YearV WeddlnK.
Announcement Is mado of the marriage In
St. Louis on New Year's day of Miss Xenla
Langn of this city and Charles Link,
travollng salesman of Des Moines. Mr,
and. Mrs. Link will make their homo In Des
ltalae Yitrrimcn'ft Wane.
CLEVELAND. O., Jan. 7. The Lake
Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad com'
pany today announced an advance In wage to
all yard conductors and all yard switchmen
averaging botween 5 and 6 per cent. About
1,500 men will bu benefited.
Waiting far IIIkIiI of Way.
GUTHRIE. Okla,. Jan. 7. Tho Rock
Island Railroad company has announced
that It will build from Anadarko through
Indian Territory, to' Fort Smith, Ark., as
soon as a rlght-of-wiy can bo secured from
tb iYrnat, -- k
F J 'jW wi.
We do not treat all rilneasra hut we enre all rrr treat) we treat men only and cure them to May cured.
Varicocele, atrlcture, syphilitic hi nnd iiolftuii, ncrvu-aciunl ilelilllty, rupture, Kliliu-v, urinary discuses.
and all associate diseases nnd weaknesses of men. We charge nothing for private counsel und give to each patient a
1, 12(1 A L t'O.M'HACT to hold to our promises. Is It not worth your while to Investigate n cure that lias mnde life anew
to multitudes of men? . ....
BEWARE OF IMITATORS! Let no one te deceived by Ignorant Imitators or fnl e pretenders who Fcek to Imitate our
methods by copying our medical annojneements. None of them possess our new' und original treatment for men, which
can only be obtained at our offices. It Is our knowledge nnd Bklll born of vnst experience, together with sclentltlo ectuip
menta that cure diseases of men and not our medical announcements and writings which Imitators copy. If you cannot call
at our'omc, writ the symptoms fully. . ,
Reference neat Bank and Lcadlnar Himlue Men of the City. CoiiNiitlnlliiii free nnd coiifldt'iitlnl.
Office hourii ft a. ni. to 8 . ni. Sundays It) a. in tu I n. in.
laOH VARKAM ST., Between lflth nnd 14th (., OMAHA, .Kllll.VSK A.
Find Maij Cn.dida.tM ei Hand far Olcrioal
aii Minor Flaott.
Consolidation of School n an Ex
ample for Other Stnten Kdltnr
.Hilton lleciiine n Ilallroiid
AdvertUliiK AkciiI.
(From a Stnff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Jan. 7, (Special.) A num
ber of the legislators arrived In Des Molnea
today and many moro aro expected beforo
the. closo of the week. A great many of tho
candidates for clerical ond minor nosltlons
In, both' houses are on hand and cngugol
In buttonholing tho members as they ar
rive. Inasmuch ob thero Is no contest for
speaker' or for tho senatorial nominations
tho Interest Is not as Intense as It has boen
In other years.
Tho matter of tho secretaryship of tho
senate Is also sottled In advance,' and also
the chief clerkship of tho house. The faut
that tho slato for tho house employed In
clude mon for chief clerk and first assist
ant who nro both of ono faction has raised
a question as to tho revival of a factional
fight in tho legislature, and Bomo of tho
cany arrivals are talking of this freely.
Nothing can be learned of tho committee
ships, aB It Is supposed that tho presiding
officers of both bouses havo practically
made up their committees In advance. A
largo Bumbcr of the legislators expect to
attend the Grant club banquot Thursday
in nonor or uovornor Shaw and as a com
pliment to him on his departure for Wash
ington to become secretary of the treasury.
Governor Bnaw Is due to arrive tin Des
Moines tomorrow night or Thursday morn
ing, as It Is understood he will tarry awhile
In Chicago. His raessnge Is In the hands
of tho printer and will bo ready for tho
newspapers In advance of the organization
of tho legislature. Governor Shaw Is plan
ning to leavo with his family for Wash
ington the day after tho Inauguration of
Governor Cummins.
Iowa Specialist Called to New York.
Dr. W. R. Tattcrson of tho ,Stnto Uni
versity of Iowa ha been called to Now
York City to do somo work for tho cora
mltteo on tenement houso reform under
tho administration of Mayor Low. Dr. Pat
terson Is tho statistician for tho Rtiitn
Hoard of Control and has prepared tho
statistical tables for several years for that
body. Ho was formerly of tho University
of Pennsylvania and was well acquainted
witn feuward .Dovlno of tho committee on
tenement houso reform in New York, henco
tho call from that body.
n. T n . t ,. .
luucinuu mat Bummer, prepared n'
remarkable paper on tho cost of caring for
the paupers In Iowa, and this has been
published In Journals devoted to charities.
His piaco at the unlvorslty will be taken
temporarily by Dr. Loos.
Merge the CnnnlnK Interest.
Tho Iowa Canning company of Vinton Is
engagud In buying up tho canneries of
Iowa, and this week has consummated tho
purchase of tho large cannorles at Garri
son and La Porte. With thcBo two can
neries In tho consolidation tho company
controls the largest output of canned goods
of any company In tho west. A number of
other cannorlcB In northeastern Iowa are
working In closo association with tho Iowa
company, and It Is regarded as only a mat
ter of tlmo until other consolidations are
Smallpox In Vnrloua Localities.
During the first week of tho month tho
Stato Board of Health has received reports
of smallpox in moro than 100 places In
Iowa. The reports continue to como In
with regularity and no attempt Is made to
keep a record of the number of Individual
Mining? Company Incorporate.
Tho Morak Mining company of Ottumwa
filed articles of Incorporation with tho sec
retary of state today, showing a capital
of $10,000. Tho company will not .conflno
Its Interests to any particular Hold, hut
will prospect for lead, zinc ore, gold, sil
ver and other valuablo minerals. J. E.
Hull Is president of tho new company; C.
W. Sullivan, vlco president; E. H. Thomas,
socrotary; Otto Armstrong, treasurer, and
C. V. White, attorney. Tho directors In
clude tho president, secretary and treas
urer and Phillip Snyder and E. A. .Ellis.
Itnllrunil AdvcrtlNluK' AkciiI,
Samuel Burleigh Milton, formerly and for
many years editor of tho Redflold (S. D.)
Observer, but more recently living In Mason
City, has Just boon appointed advertising
ngent of tbo Iowa Central railroad, with
headquarters ut Marshalltown. Tho Indi
cations aro that the Iowa Central and tho
Minneapolis & St. Louis aro to bo still
closer united. They havo had the same
general manager for several yoare and now
a genoral superintendent has been ap
pointed for both roads.
Investigate School ('oimollilut Ion.
Prof. Delos Fall, superintendent of pub
lic instruction for tho stato of Michigan,
has written Superintendent Barrett, asking
for the location of schools in Iowa whero
consolidation of the rural schools has been
accomplished, as ho Is going on a tour of
tho states to make personal Investigation
of such schools for his own Information.
Tho most conspicuous exumplo of consoli
dation In Iowa Is In Buffalo Center, Wlnnl
shiok county, where all tho schools of a
township were abolished except ono and
the. eancrUavnt baa been. Jjicd, wHU pucccbj
Thorp U a nalM in voiir back, blup
iilit tiium. lie.-irl.Trlip. bad taste In mouth, sour'
rUlnir from tlin ntnmnrh. nil nnlletltp.
weak, nervous hnd trembly, poor
have dizzy spells on getting up In
ciety, prefer to be alone, sometimes scl?.ed with thougnt oi buiciuo.
Will correct all of the wrongs In
system, strengthen and Invigorate your sexunl system ami tuny re
store to you the vigor of perfect manhood. Cause you to feel llko a.
new man. with new hopes, something to live for and the whole world
then win seem oirterent to you.
IjyHEN fait passettfjer train service ncross the
" continent was first adopted by the Union
Pacific Railroad the first train was named "THE
OVERLAND FLYER," a daily train) the second was
named "THE GOLDEN GATE SPECIAL," a weekly
train. These trains have given way to the great
California train "THE OVERLAND LIMITED,"
which runs every day in the year the fastest and
most superb train traversing the Western Continent.
Only One Night to - - - Utah
Only Two Nights to - - California
Only Two Nights
Full information
application to
City Ticket Office, 1H21- Fnrnnin
for several years of carrying tho pupils to
tho central school.
Call for .Municipal l.'eaKiie Meeting.
Trosldent W. H. Wrny of tho Municipal
Icaguo of Iowa and mayor of Oskaloosa,
has cftlled n meetlnRot'the-leaBua-for Jan
uary 22, to meet In Des Moines. Tho ob
ject of the session Is to prepare for an
actlvo canvass before tho stato legislature.
Tho committees havo been appointed by the
City Government nnd Legislation Chalr
mun, Henry Theumm, Davenport; J. E.
Mcrshon, Des MolncH; Mayor John Red
mond, Cedar Rapids; Mnyor Victor Jen
nings, Council Bluffs; W. II. Hulley, Iowa
City; J. P. Iicvtlt, Muscatine; Muyor A.
If; Hurton. Bloux City; Mayor C.
Hnrrls, Rockwell; Frank O. Pierce, Mar
Hhalltown; John McCoy, Oskaloosa.
Street Paving Chairman. John Redmond,
Cedar Hnplda; Mayor F. M. Norrls. Mason
City; Mnyor 8. J. iiennet, rort uouge.
Electric Street Llghtlng-Chiilrmun. Prof.
W. Hlsscll, Ames; K. si. Nipper, At-
lnniliv A. .1. Goldsmith. Dnvennort.
Sewerage and Sanitation Chairman, P.
M. Plum, M.irlon; 8. II. Mallory, Hampton;
J. J. Snell. Hoone. ,
Water Works nnd AVnter Supply Chnlr
man. J. H. Walter, McGregor; F. A. Long,
Newton; It. Mcauiro, Mnrslialltown.
Taxation und Assessments Chulrmnn, C.
A. Stutsman. Burlington; Scott Skinner,
Creston; Charles II. Finch. Fort Mndlson.
Street Cleaning nnd Sprinkling Chair
man. U M. Rich, Cednr Rnptds; C. If.
Plckler, Ottumwa; Jumes U. Weaver, Col
fux 'Municipal Franchises Chairman, F. If.
Stebblns, Iown City;- P. 13. Martin, Water
loo; A. C. Gates, Newton.
Municipal Bookkeeping Chairman. N. C.
Phillips, Council HluffH! J. W. Wright,
Tipton; J. 'I'. Iickyer. Cherokee.
Garbage Disposal Chairman, Dr. E. K.
Dorr,, Des Moines; Dr. D. I,. Colo, Oskn
loosa; ThomuB Griffiths; Red Oak.
RcvleW Chairman, J, C. Hlggs, Nevada;
Mayor Stubonranch. Fella; II. W. Spnuld
Ing, Orlnncll; W. H. Schootey, Indlanolu;
J. E. Wlls6n, Perry.
Majority of I.nrnc Influx Find Honied
IlOMt of Mllllll
CHICAGO, Jan. 7. Eben H. McLeod,
chairman of the Western PasBenger asso
ciation, with headquarters In Chicago, has
Issued a statement showing that during
tho twelvo months, ended Juno 30 last,
487,108 Immigrants arrived In this country
through all ports. Contrary to prevailing
opinion, a majority of theso did not go
west of the Mississippi river, but sottled
In the older states In tho east.
IIUiiKree Over Itefcrce,
ST, LOUIS, Jim. 7,-Chnrlcs H. Haugliton,
president of tho West End club, tonight de
clared off tho boxing contest between
Henny Yangcr of chlcugo and Jno Hern
stein of New York, scheduled to take placo
beforo the West End club hero on January
II. Trouble over the selection of a referee
Is given us thu cause. Hnughtnn Insisted
on the club referee, Jno Stewart, otllclatlng,
and Yanger objected to htm. Hnrry Forbes
of Chicago nnd Danny Dougherty of Phila
delphia will box II ft con rounds hero on
Januury 20, for tho bautum championship,
I'liHNCUKcr and Frelidit Collide.
GRAY, W. Va.. Jon. 7.-A Norfolk &
Western ptixsenger train from Columbus,
O.. to Norfolk collided hero early todav
with a nortnhound through freight, lioili
trains wero badly wrecked. Thu messenger
and brakcmnn on the express were killed
outright and the engineer aild tlremnn on
tho freight aro missing. A number of
others were Injured. No names havo yot
been ascertained. Wreck trains from Ulue
lleld nnd Kenova nro on the way to tho
Sue Associate Coniinii,
CRIPPLE CREEIC. Colo.. Jan. 7,-The
Ixmdpnderry Minim company lmH Died suit
in the district court ngalnst the Consoli
dated Mines compnny. asking for nn In
junction to restrain tint defendant from
mining In the Iondonderry claim, which Ih
owned Jointly by the two companies. The
plaintiff alleges that thu defendant Iiiih
taken ore valued nt JIUO.Ouo out of the- Ixin
donderrV claim and has fulled to pay to
thu plaintiff nne-hnlf of tho prollts. Tho
Consolidated company denies tho allega
tion. Abolish the LockNlep,
LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. Jan. 7-Wnrden
Jewett of the Kansas penitentiary bus
abolished thu lockHtup In tho marching of
eonvli-tB. Ho mude tho announcement to
them In chapul today. The warden has
derided to march tho prisoners by fours,
llko soldiers. Tho graded milt system has
beun In vogue at tho Kunsus penitentiary
rltiKR under your eyon, specks
cnll't slfen at lllght, bad
nertlnc the worst to hnppen, tired,
memory, no ambition, nnie ws, .
the morning, dlslke of ladles so
your system, tone up nervous
to - - Oregon
cheerfully furnished on
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
Method new. without
ciittlng. ttriz yt loss
of time.
CV DU 1 1 mcundforllfeanathspolson
O T rn I Llo thoroughly cleansed from
Ibe system. Soon every sign and symptom
ftlssppears completely and forever. No
"BKBAKINO OUT" ot the dlsessn on the skin
Dr rue. Treatment contains no dangsrool
drugs or Injurious medicine.
WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victims
to Nkiivous DEUILITT or EXllirjsTlOH,
Younci and Miodi.s Aqzd, lack of vim, vigor
and strength, with organs Impaired and weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new llom
Treatment. No pln, no detention from bust
nen. Kidney and madder Troubles.
i ,. CHARCR8 DW ,
CeiuiltJtlos rrtr. mitment by Mall, ,
Call on on or address 110 So. 14th 8t,
Dr. Searles A Searles. Omaha Neb,
A start of eminent pnyslclans nnd sun
gcons from tho British Mcdtoal Institute
have, at tho urgent solicitation ot n largo
number of patients under their caro In this
country, established a permanent branch af
tne institute In this city, at
Corner of Kith and Fiirunni Street.
Iloonm 4a8-JU0 Dourd of Trad
These eminent gentlemen have decided to
give their services entirely free for three
months (mcdlctucB excepted)' td ull Invalids
who call upon them for. trcutmcnt .botwoen
now and Jnni-ury 9.
Tho object In pursuing this course Is to
becomo rapidly and personally acquainted
with the elck and allllctcd, und under no
conditions will any charge wlmtevor bu
mudo for ony services rendered for thre'o
months to all who call beforo January 9.
Malo and femalo weakness, catarrh and
catarrhal deafness, also rupture, goitre,
cancer, all skin diseases and all dlsesses
of tho rectum aro positively cured by their
new treatment
White Ribbon Remedy
Can lie liivrn In Ulna of Water, Ten
or Coffee Without Patient'
White Ribbon P.otnedy will cure or de
stroy the diseased appetite for alcohollo
stimulants, whether the patient Is a con
firmed Inubrlate. "i tippler." social drinker
or drunkard. Impossible for anyone tu
have an appetite for alcohollo liquors after
using Whlto Ribbon Romody,
indorsed by Member of W. C. T, If,
Mrs. Moore, Superintendent of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union,
writes: "I Imve tested While Ribbon Rem
edy on very obstinate drunkards, and tho
cures have been many. In many cases the
Remedy was given secretly. 1 ohoerfully
recommend and endorse Wlilta nibbon
Remedy. Members ot our Union are de
lighted to llnd a practical unc, economical
treatment to aid us In our temperance
Mrs. West, president of tho Woman'
Christian Temperance Union, states; "f
know of bo many people redeemed from tho
cursu of drink by the .use of White Ribbon
Hemedy that I curnestly requmt you to glv
It a trial.' For sale by druggist every
where, or by mall, II. Trial puckage freo
by writing or culling on MRS. A. M.
TOWN SEND (for yearn Hooretnry of the
Womun's Christian Temperance Union). HH
Omaha by
S 5,00 A