THE OMAHA DA1LT UEE: TUESDAY, JANl'ABY 1902. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES - Advertisements for (hctc columns will t Ukri antll l'J m. far the. renin edition and nntll At.tO p. m, far iln( and Sunday edition. Mates, 1 1-ao a Hard Aral insertion. Ic? word thereafter. Nnlhlu taken for lea thaa Una far the flrat lneeri lofc. Theae advertlaementa maat he ran conaecntlrely. Advertlaera, hf reqaeaflna; a naan fcered eheck, can have answers ari reined to a numbered letter in ear at The Bee. Anarrera ao nddreaaed Mill he delivered preaeatatloa mt tha hek aalr. SITUATION WANTED. YOUNG girl wishes to assist In private bourdlng house. O B2, lire. A M.1i7 7 WANTED MALE HELP. GOOD messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 South 13th. H-W'J BTEADY work, profitable work, for neat, energetic hustlem. C, F. Adams Co., 161!) Howard. D-940 5 FOR A II A LP DAY'S WORK. It you 11 vo In the country or In a small town and liuvu a good ncqualntanco amcng tlio farmers and stock rulpers In the neighborhood you can mnke llvu dol lar! easily by four or llvu hoars' work. Write us unit we will send you our propo sition. 'I'ha llto Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb. D-M213 WANTED, it good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Centurj Farmer. Our agi-tits mnko good wages ovciy where. References reiulred. Address, Twentieth Century Parmer, Omaha, Neb. It CU WANTED, good, nonunion clgnrmiikcr; good situation and steady worn for the right man. Address William Renting & Co., Bloomfleld, Neb. U-M1S9 & WANTED, men .to learn the barber trade; all tho Advantages of steady practice by free workf expert Instructions, practical teaching, demonstrations on sterolyzcd tooli", hair and skin diseases and every facility for practical training; only two . months required; two years' apprentice ship saved. Our system of colleges em braces seven of 1 1 1 ; leading cities of tho United Winter and our mrluod of school Irlax In well kwjwn with Jiumlrcd of grad uates to recommend us. Wo guarantee uoiltiont. Wi' nru iniiklnir Mtu'dul induce- ments for thirty days whereby anyone can earn tun sanoiarsnip, imaru. loom und tranmiortntlon If desired. Our beiiutl- fuliv Illustrated cat-ilnirun extilatulnar nil mailed true. Moler Barber College, 1023 Farnam street. H-M476 10 FREE! FREE! FREE! (Shave and halt cut. Moler Harbcr College, ib. inrnam bi., ja noor. iioiirn, a to 4 n-.M274 PI- WANTED, Industrious young man of 17, In wholesale house; must have knowledge of bonkkkceplng; stuto salary expected. O 48, lice. . B-.M354 WANTED, ft first-class forwarder and ruler: A. I. Hoot, Printer. 11-373 6 ANY person who will dlstrlbuto circulars for tJ dully wliould address Standard Vo., 4 Wells, Chicago. Sternly position. B-M3S5 7 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1021 Dodge. Tel. 870. u an WANTED, two young lady students to ........ ... ..... . ... . ... ..... -i . i .... .emu mill ui t-nniiiK, iiilllliuu nut, Hllll Clll- ropody' and sclentlllc massage. Call or write Iloom 230. Deo Illdg. C-668 COMPETENT girl for general housework, 1711 Douglas. Mrs. E. Rosewater. C-M25S SECOND girl. 3C20 PArnnm streot. C 138 When You Write tQ Advertisers rfmembcr It only takes an extra stroko or two or tno pen to mormon the fact that you saw tho fid In Tho Bee. ANTED, girl for goncral housework In family of two.' H2l North 2oth street. C-730 WIDOWER wants housekeeper In tho country; good wages, good homo and per msiiont place! mludlc-aged lady preferred. Address O 30, Dec. C MISS 7 WANTED, ladles to learn hart-dressing, manicuring, facial massage; only four wi-ekH required; steady practice, expert Instructions, lectures, etc. Call or wrlto, Moler College, 1033 Parnam St. C-276 10 WANTED A girl for general housework in small family. Apply 1117 I'ark Avo. C-M233 7 WANTED, experienced girl, general house work, three In, family, no washing, good .wages. Mrs. Robert R. lllngwalt. No. 1, Worthlngton Place. C M204 WANTED, a. graduate trained nurso for head nurso at Child Saving lnstltuto, lh and Ohio Sts. Apply to matron. C-M229 7 WANTED, fifty girls, to make shirts, pants and overalls. Apply nt onco to Uyrno A Hammer V. U, Co., fuctory. J2th and Howard sts. C M297 7 WANTED, good girl for general house work. Mrs. C. II. Horton, 1630 S. 26th. C-3H 11 WANTED, girl 'for general housework. 1060 QrorglaAvo. . C 378 OlRIj for housework. 127 S. 23th st. C-M393 9 OOOD competent girl for goncral house work. Mrs. Ralph Drccklnrldgo, 1310 S. 80th St. C-M392 9 HEM' WANTED. MALE & femalo help. Call Canadian Office, . -W2 FOIl 'IIENT HOUSES. 1IOUBEB, stores. Uemls, Pnxton block. D-913 HOUSES, etc. P. D, Wend, 1521 Douglas, D n ' Hfll 1QP In all parts of city. Tho O. nUUOCJ F. Davis Co., 652 Uce Uldg. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co,, office 1511V4 Parnam. or tel. 1659-S03. , D-8iS , I-IlOOM brick house, modem, 2715 Jackson m. tcitpnunu mi or i.-soaj. a 'ireynor, D-919 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Harker Hlk. u is SEE HENRY It, PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. DJiiO 6-HOOM modern house and barn. 2409 N 20th. 'Phone A-250S, D-M261 1IOU8E8. Q. a. Wallace, Urown block. D-933 -ROOM modern, except furnace, 122. G. M. XNawngcr, nee mug. -mono iw. u-yji SEVEN. ROOM all modern houxe, In i.ood condition, large yard and beautiful shade trees, a minutes' wain from city hall Will rent for l per month. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-9S2 SOR RENT, 6-room house, city water, it iv i icruy ui., uibo uarn, ..ocj. JOHN W. ROIUUNS, 1803 PARNAM ST, t U MHil) , FOR RENT, slx-room cottage. 22d and uauiornta street, very convenient, inquire at wt nortn lain street. D-M869 nouse. city water and gas; key -first door south. D-M2SS 7 . l.ROOM cottags. $4 per month, lTTfsouth 16th St. Innulrn Jos. (Inlilamlth. rnnm 18. U. 6. Hunk bujldlng. Otllce hours. 9 mi w in morning, u .M.n . 31 DAVENPORT ST., Broom, new" mod" ern eottnge, larg lot. 120.00 a month. The Ilyron Heed Co., 212 Bo. Hth Bt. . D-231 107 S. 28th, 5 rooms, city wntr, 17; US7 n, sin, rooms, v sui mi. Mary s Ave. 13 room, modem, $45. Rlngwalt Pros. Barker Ulk. D-M243 7 HOUSES Chris, Doyer, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone 2049. D-M919 J30" FOR RENT, ilx-room modern cottage, fur oIjU. Address O S3, Ueo. D-M3S2 7 FOH HEN T FURNISHED HOOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. B-9Si ONE furnished room, with heat, on car line. 1618 Clatk; 15 per month. E 955 THREE furnished, rooms fo light home- keeping. 1112 H. llth at, IS Jift LARGE front room, nicely furnished, steam heat, oni or .two. gentlemen. Call 3im H. Hth St. ' E-M603 TWO housekeeping Mary's Ave. rooms, $9. 2623 St. 13601 J22 PUHN1SIIED rooms. 623 8. 30th St. E-M7M J27 PItONT room, modern, IS mo. 1717 Web iter. E-M925 J.10" PUHNISHED rooms, modern. m a. 20th. E M166 P2 HOOMS. 1W6 Capitol avo, E M190 & NICE front room, with alcove, close In, private family, JM; with piano, 118; refer ences required. Address O CO. Hee. E-MS 2622 DODOE, with privileges homo piano; moucrn, reasonaoie. ii aim is FUllMMIinn HOOMS AND 1IOAIII). UTOPIA.. 1721 Davenport Bt. P 634 NICE homo for young men. 108 8. 2Sth St. P-4S6 BU1TE of rooms, fitrnaco heat, for gentle men. 1619 Jackson St. P-6M STEAM hriitt-d, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, at Tho Thurston. F-669 ELEGANT steam heated front room, with board. 1909 CapltJl Ave. F-Mi65 POll KENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago Sts. F Mill THE HONJlE imiAR. 1720 DODOE ST. F iSfi J17 HOOMS and board. Glencnlrn, 1609 Dojglas PUHNISHED rooms, modern. 622 N. 23 Bt. P-197 8 THE HOSE, 2020 Harney; room nnd board. P-M39 P6 FOH IIKT-t .VFUH.MHHKD HOOMS. DK81C room space, (G por month, ground floor room In The Bee building, facing Purr.nm street; no cxttenso for light, heat or Janitor service. It. C. Peters Co., Hentat Agents, Ueo Hulldlng. a 118 SUITE of rooms, modern; housekeeping, 616 Georgia avo. Q M193 10 FOIl ItF.NT-STOHi:) AND OFFICES. FOH KENT,-tho building formerly occu pled by The Ueo at.P16 Parnam St. It has four stories nnd a basement which was formerly used as Tho Ueo press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Ilosc water, secretary, room 100, Ueo building. 1-201 OFFICE with vault nnd part first floor or all top floor, lili-16 Harney St. Mldlund Glass and Paint Co., 1110 Harney St. 1-691 IOH RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply n. C. Fetors & Co., ground floor, lleo Hldg. 1260 tOR RENT, three nice rooms for office. Apply to M. J. Pranck, Midland hotel. I-M19I I'pH RENT, basement, suitable for any kind of business. 20x100 feet. Apply to M. J. Pranck, Mldlund hotel. I-M195 IJUTCHER Stand. Next to corner grocery. 5r?ftr'nI' AP"1.' to Wcjshans Mantel uuu inu V.U., cvj aouin i in -street. I-.M2CT-7 4 AGENTS WANTED. M E.MORI A I, llfo of McKInley, four lan- guages. 6o0 pages, 100 halftones, 11.50: free outfit. W. A. Illxcnbaugh & Co., BOO Ware block, Omaha. J 693 PROPITAHLE work offered agents In uvrry iuwii 10 secure suDSCnptlOns to the Ladles' Homo 'Journal and the Saturday Evening Post. Wo want agents who will work thoroughly and with business sys tem to covei tach section with our Illus trated llttlo booklets and other advertis ing matter and to look sharply after ro nnwals from old .subscribers. The pay Is i1.5'JL.nU? a.1 tho end of the season $20,000 will bo given tho best workers as extra prizes for good work. How well Home of our agents havo succeeded Is told In tx llttlo booklet wo would like to send you portraits of somo of our best agontH, with the story of how they made It pav. The Curtis Publishing Co.. Phila delphia, Pa. J M200 P7 AGENTS wanted for new , publications; on. 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia J-M281 J12 ATTORNEY In Bee building can accom- uiuuiit- uiHjur wiiii oiiico en suite. M 45, Dee. J 827 WANTED, canvassing agcntB In oveV "'uin 11, nuili:il. Hiiiiaeriniions to th 5 TWENTIETH CENTURy' PARMER ami tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE 8TOC1C DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pages, 800 objcct-tcuchlng engravings and is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the every day, practical money-saving use of every former ntirl utnnr .turn. dA...i.. r ment with assured good Income. Agents ,11 iu umu i) nun nurso ana uuggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily 160 to I10p per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. J 213 STORAGE, STORAGE, low rates. Dcrlght, 1119 Far- lllllll Oh .118 OM, Van Stor. Co., 1511 Farm Tcls. 1550-663. A i'auich; oiornge ana wnrehouse Co., 912- . u.ti .I, bvitvini oiuitiS" uuu lurwaruing. IM WANTED TO IIUY. WANTED, to buy, somo glass doors and glass partitions and one half-oak round counter. Apply to M. J. Pranck. Midland notei. N-M445 NICE IMPROVED FARM IN EASTERN NEnitASlCA OR W10STRRM inw. must be cheap for cash; prefer something around J35 or 140 per acre. Give full tmr- iicumrs. iuuress u m, lice. IS 210 12 WANTED, to buy, private bonk in eastern Nebraska, or western Iowa; any Informa tion win Dt strictly confidential. X 27, Acc. il AldftJ 1 FOIl S A LE F lin N ITUHE, l CHICAGO Furnlturo Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged.- O 957 FOIl SALE HORSES. WAGONS, ETC. GOOD BUGGY BARGAINS. One rubber-tired depot wagon. One 6-parienger Rockaway. Pour leather-ton family carriages. Pour phaetons, 0 top und opon buggies nnd runaoouit-. Secondhand harness, Drummond Carriage Co., 18th & Harney Bt P-95S THE BEST In buggies and wagons at H Frost's, Hth and Leavenworth. P 9J9 FOIl SAI.K-MISCKM.ANUOUJt. CADET coat, good as newt will fit boy 13 or 11 ; curs oiu. nuuresa it w, uce. Q-M586 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam Q-961 POR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical Instruments; (5 up. The wntman uo,, iwi farnam. Q 962 When You Write to "Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two or ine pn to mention tne tact tnat you saw tne an in iio iice. POR 'SALE, good-sized nackases of news paper exchanges, t cents and up. Apply at uro uiuce, wircuintion Yinaow. Q-6S5 INDIAN goods nnd relics. 1119 lrnam. . Q M522 FIR timbers foi housemovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft.; cribbing and bog fence, 901 Doug- ., M WWW Fort NALK-MIHCKl.tiAKKOV". PEhFt'MEB-lOe to 10. 8hrmn & Mc Connrll Drug Co., 16th nnd Dodge 100 STVLEfl trusses, cataloguA free. Sher man & McConncIl Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, 6-naha. Q-961 2D-1IAND eafo cheap. Schwartz, Ui S. 18. Q 9S POR SALE, fine mahogany bank fixtures and Chlcnjo Safo & LonJt Co. safe, ftuto matlo double time lock: doublo burglar Eroof steel chests. Will bo sold at a argaln. National Bank of Commerce. Q v'jS HIGH GRADE TYPEWRITER In first class condition. Price $45. Can be seen any day. Address O 31, Bee. . . Q MC0S 7 TYPEWRITERS Latest models of the Remington, Smith Premier and Donsmore typewriters, which have been replaced by the Underwood, can bo had at a very low figure. Ca'l nnd see them. A. II. Work man & cc. leu i' arnam at. i-none iw. Q-M708 PIANO boxes cheap. 1313 Parnam St 11.11 i-i FOR SALE, cheap. 1,000 good elk teeth, 11 Bum in uno uuncn. auihi-bb iw x iwsc, Crow ngrncy, Montana. Q Maw !! Gns Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. iiiuiuvnv,Cllk f)HOiiMil0 ,inroiii. v man- ties. Tho best gasoline lamps. Wholesale and retail. II. FRANZEN, . . . . . . r. . rt 1 k . I. iiui ix. 101 n ni., umnna. nsu. Q CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th. o Wi MME. GYLMER, gcnulno palmist, 315 S. 15. D yw ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, 317Vi N, 15; flat E; attendants JIM T MME. SMITH, baths, 11$ N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. JU13Z J I BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian ...... .... 1 . xt ireuiiiiuiu. uiiciiuuui mi -,. 10111. run A. T-M192 18 MISS MACK, massagoj attendant. 1403 IU'UDIVIi .o. PERSONAL. DR. HOY. chiropodist, coma and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12, Prcnicr Block. U-968 Ifl i tM atn-. Ah t k A 1 t. l,ntl-..l v i.VAi v UIUU4I n v uj iu iciif 1 iuiiuiiui. U-969 PRIVATE homo for ladles before, nnd rlnr- lng confinement; babies adopted. 2620 uumctia at. Mrs. uurgei. u-.nui jy nnr.DMAN'S. tho only perfect ti ant in tno west. J. uoug as diock. U-M613 SHAMPOOINO nnd hair aresslng, 25c. In connection witn tho iintnory, im-im uoo building. Tl. 1716. U-661 SECRET, SERVICE Business, Criminal and Private, 2619 N. 24th St., Omaha. U-MH3 7 RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to M days; send for circular. O. 8. Wood, M. D., D21 New York Llfo Biag., umanu, ncd. U-971 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chlcp- pody, lor lauica oniy, in connection wun The Hathsry, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U-285 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade customer, 1018 Farnam. uvu SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO.. CLAY CENTER, NEB. Send for handsome 'lCO-pago free catalogue U 977 PRIVATE hospital, beforo and during con finement; uaoics aaopteu. law urant hi. Mrs. Gnrdels. Tel. F-1182. U-973 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with Tno uaincry, rooms iiu-.-u ueo uing. Tel. 1716. U-519 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17 & Douftlas. w 't nnASinPMONEB nnd sunrjlles. wholesale and retail. Collins 1'iano -o., mzz uoug- las. u-370 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. U IUU JiU- WE RENT machines of every make at 76c per week or $2 per month. We repair nnd t.ll parts for every sawing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Cor. 16th and Harney, 'pnone lew. sii liroaoway, coun Council Bluffs, la. 'Phono B-618. 612 N 24th st., South Omaha. U 831 J2S PRIVATE hospital during confinement; uamea aaopteu. Airs, uircora, inn wcu stcr. U-360 11' Mlddlemls, wall paper cleaner. 1403 Jackson , u ai vt WANTED, to know the whereabouts of John nainz, jr., wno left home August 3113J4 Webster street, Omaha. u Jll y- Tliern nrn many (rood cigars, but some nro better man ntners. . THE PRINCE OF OMAHA Is absolutely the BEST. It retails at Co straignt tinu wnoicsaies at jji per i,f.v, Union made. W. P. STOECKER CIOAR COMPANY. U-M321 11 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrant, aeorgo & company, iwi i- arnam street. W-9S7 y. PER CENT on business property. 5 per cent on residence proporty. Options to pay whole or part any tlmo. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 B. 15th St. W-9S8 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W Farnam amitn &. t-'o iko i' arnam street W-9S0 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds nild warrants. R. C. Peters Sc. Co., 1702 Farnam St., uce uiug. w990 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real . .... T . . 11 rtj (1 .... I. n . L estate, urciiuuu-uuvu ouum uin W-991 FARM and city loans, low rates, w. II Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tol. 1618. W-992 YOU don't need to borrow money- If you ..V irr thn TfhnrflM fin. W K9 KV, TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Taxton Blk , w w 150,000 SPECIAL fund; loans 00 up; lowest rates, uarvin uros,, ou rarnam t. W-9M PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 037 N. Y. L, W 990 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-2 N. Y. Ltfe H W-996 MORTGAGE O. G, Wallaco, Brown Block. w 997 PRIVATE monoy. F. D. Wcad, H24 Dougla W 998 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTEL... START THE NEW YEAR OWING BUT ONE PARTY. Where every dollar paid off reduces coat SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to honest working people. 1 No Mortgage. No Indorser. No Publicity, NO UNK IShihiU KNUW, We Guarantee tho Lowest Rates. HOW DO WE DO IT? Full Particulars FREE Upon Request. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303 Paxtott Block. (See Window from Farnam Street.) X-978 MONEY gSK nd You to retain possession of the property, SALARY LOANS nermAnnnt nnsltlnnn You can borrow from 110.00 up. Yoa can' get tho money, on short notice. You get ine luii nmuiini in cubii. 1011 may Kce;: It one month or more and pay for It only what time you keen It. Our rates are low our business Is confidential and our motto is to "try to piease. OMAHA ..rORTGAOE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Olldg. Tel. 2293. (Established 1892.) 30G 8. 16th St. X-983 tfiutiit ww nv4 vo iinuua,iui(uuic. iq r elry, horsts, cowj, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. IX MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. LOANS ON BALARIE9, F RNITURE, live stock, otc. quick service nnd lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE,' 133 (top floor) Pnxton block, northeast corner 16th find Paniam; entrance on 16th street, X-983 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, jeweiry; alio to saianeu people without security; cheap rates; easy payments; business contldentlat. Foley Loan Co., successors to Duff, Green, H. 8, Barker block. Estab. ISM). X979 LAROEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SAWiiiED rxuruK. merciiatits, team sters, boarding houses, etc, without se curity; easiest terms; 40 orttcps in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Hoard of Trodo Bldg. X-9S0 FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOR8E8, ETC., n t atn a ..( ..In. . . a. lAjAt AupoiuitM) viniiout removing goods' Written Riiaratttcc Riven to thlfl effect. AMKHICAN I.OAN CO., Iloom 303, rnxton Hlock. X-DSI MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; inismcss coniiacntini; lowest rates, 614 Pnxton block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X-9S3 YOU don't need to borrow money If you t tf- Un lnarna "V BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room ill, Jieuiiguo building. Y 999 COAL and food business for sale. Well enuippea anu prosperous. Aionroo & uo., 811 N. 16th. Y-100O FOR RENT, Tho Lango or Auditorium notei, wi h. inn tsi., umana; moacrn ana steam heated; 32 rooms, 3 stories. Y-74.1 FOR. SALE, millinery store doing good Business; auo goou notoi tor sale tor leaf to right iarty), both good locations In N. E. Nebraska. Call or write 624 N. Y. Life building, Omaha. Y-134 WHEN you waut to buy, sell or exchango your nusiness or property quick communi cate with one who has tho customers, J. II. JohtiBon, 843 N. Y. Life. Phono 12270. Y-M881 When You Write to Advertisers romcmber tt only takes an extra stroko or two of the pen to mention tho fact that you saw tho ad In Tho Bee. 7-ROOM steam heated flat, well furnished. excellent location, iany going to Cali fornia, will sell cheap; see mo ut once. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y 311 1C-ROOM brick Hat, well furnished, full roomers und boarders, paying business, no better location; price right, J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-312 1C-ROOM modern flat, splendid location, flno rurnuure. nrst-ciass roomers (only), owner obliged to 50 away. J, 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. r Y-313 HAVING decided to go south I have good notei lurmture to boh at rensouauio ug urcs. Also IcaHO on building located In thriving town of 400. Only hotel in town. Good opportunity for right party. Ad- dress M. Wlsroth, Ohlowa, ,, in to. Y-M331 10-ROOM well furnished tenement, good location, 11111 roomers ana Doaruers; prico reasonable. J. II. Johnson, 813 N. Y. Life. Y-M3H FOH BALE, up to date racket store; county seat; noumwcsi Missouri. Aanress "acK ct," box SOS, Neasko, Mo. Y-M28I 10 FOIl EXCHANGE. WILL exchango good oak wardrobo for folding bun. is m, nee. -M5i GOOD FAnM for stock general merchan- uisc. Adurcss uox wi, .Mooroneiu, nco, Z-M381 9 FINE .HOTEL PROPERTY TO EX CHANGE FOR A GOOD FARM First Class hotel In city of fifteen thousand people; cost owner under foreclosure of mortgage over $13,000. For further In formation wrlto or call upon R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., IJco bldg. Z-M380 9 FOR SAI.E-REAI, ESTATE. CHEAPEST lots In town. Four lota on 27th street, near ropplcton. xm each, on grade, lino shade trees. $500 ouch. Tho iiyron iteca uo 212 uouin 11111 street. RE-M263-7 FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! For bargains In farm property go to urveius itcai instate .Agency, ouin uniuua. jvi mvw A BARGAIN. To settle nn estate, wo offer for sale n won nunc moucrn nine-room nouso, rac ing south on Charles St., near 26th; houso has been thoroughly painted and repaired, nnd as It now stands Is tho greatest bar gain north of Cuming st. No. 2623 Charles Bl I I ILVi ,W. THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1301 Douglas ItK HOUSES and lots In nil parts of city; also ncro propurty nna tarm lanus. -i no u. r , uavis uo., itoom u;, iice uuuuing. RE-102 SEVERAL good farms for salo in a good urming country, ror lurtnor particulars writo or can on 11. u. L,uaium. I'lainview, When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tnu nu in mo uce. IiOUSE8-Harrlson & Morton. Tel. 314. HE M1U7 MCI14' RANCH and farm lands for salo by tho union pacific itauroau company, li. a. McAliaster, land commissioner, union pa clftc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-103 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire insurance ucmis, I'axton. biock. RE-101 WILLIAMSON, rSS RE-661 Farms Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L. Tel. 314 1(11(1 in' IF YOU want one of tho nicest 8-room homes in Hanscom I'lace, 1 will givo you a liargain. uwncr lett city. Must sen J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. Bldg. RE Mlta SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Life, T) I,. 1 ft. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an oxtra stroko or two of tho nen to mention the fact that you saw 1110 aa in ine use. GREAT BARGAIN. FIvo acres, Just west of city, near Center street pavement, tsD. HICKS, 326 BOARD OP TRADE. RE372 7 FOR SALE, must go, two full cast front IUIF n , ' ' . 1 ' ' 1 1 1 . . w , , ,1,1 QU I'll. II fruit trees, outbuildings; 11,600, easy terms Waterman, 609 Bee Bldg. RE-377 7 MUST RE SOLD TO CLOSE UP AN E ST AT K 7- room houso at 2C09 N. 19th ave,; ALL MODERN, except furnace. A bargain at l,M. it. u, roters &. Co 1702 Farnam at.. Hee bldg. RE-t3Sl 9 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha. would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations beforo and during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter wnai cause, uan or auureas, witn stamp Dr. PrlcB, Arlington block.1 1613 Dodge, umana, v:, LADIES. 1500 reward falllna- to rellnvn rnn of abnormal suppression, any cause; price 12; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mead Remedy Co., 17 Qulnoy St., Chicago, III. 65 JZ1 DH. W. HUTCHINSON, aneclallst of worn en and children; 30 years' practice Ofllco ew uuming. ites, tei, r-srw, onico n-2-3, M29I LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills nro the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for partloulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester unemicai Co., Philadelphia, Pa. riLLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2167, iij LOST. LOST, Sunday, marten fur collarette, be tween llth and Pacific nnd 16th and Har- ItVUIIIM ll'l IL'lUIII iU IlCfl Lost-376 7 LOST, watch charm, with Initial "E. J. D." itcturn to ueo onico ana receive rowaru, IOst-M37 IX58T, between Her Grand hotel nnd Burt street, black tuik jacket, gilt bmtons: liberal reward It returned to Iter Grand hotel. Lost-M3SS 7 ML'SICAL INSTRUMENTS. BE. PROMPT In calling to see all the slightly used pianos wo nro offering this week on very easy "terms, and you will find yourself woll repaid. If you wish n piano you can savo money now, at this time. Whore7 Mueller Piano & Orcan Co., 1316 Farnam 81 -110 NICKEL PLATING. lARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating plant In Omnhn. Omaha Plating Co., Beo Bldg. Tel. 2SS6. -113 LAROEST plating plant in Omaha. A. I Undeland, 1516 Dodgo St. Tel. 766. -114 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carnenter work nnd re promptly attended to. J. T. ucnutroo, 20th ana L.11K0 bib. 4,u WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real cs: Hill IUl!llj TVUIilllLT Blllim JIU1. Ull. AOWJ Leavehworth. 117 TYPEWRITING. UNDERWOOD Typewriter, vlslblo writer; typewriter supplies, nn maKOB ot ma chines for rent. A. H. Workman ft Co,, 1617 Parnam t. 'Phono 2439. -M391 TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered, cieanru ana rcpairea. joo xouien, iixju Parnam. 128 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. L'31. M, S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. AW LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7o; collars, 2c; cutis, 4c. nw ieavenwortn. tci. ml -131 DANCING. MORAND'S winter term for beginners opens this week. Adults, Tuesday anu Frldavs. 8 n. m children. Saturday nftor- noons. Prices reduced. 177 F3 . FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE HARDENERS protect old ago aa well us llio. Ullliricr jiieiiiui-ru ireu. X'nriiuu- larr. from Frank Rosewatcr, supromo manager, 222 Beo Bldg. 724 III.ACKSMITHING A HORSESHOEING. CHARLES A. HOFMANN. rear 8U N. 16th, ii' DOOKKEEI'ING. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc.: day or ovefi. nig. it. i6i com. inui. uunK. u. 11. natnuun, . -131 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; uu Dusincss conuucntiai. lavi uougias . . -116 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- phono 2190. 611 south Thirteenth street. 90S FUR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanner, 1424 8. 13th, LSi FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tol. 1288, M4S3 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks rcpaircu. um. xrunK actory, iws arnam, 122 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg, m DALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 North 16th. m MASQUERADE COSTUMES. NEW gents' and ladles' costumes for rent, a. sacx, wis Houtn avtn street. M170 Feb2 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. ltth & Doug IV A. C. VAN HANTS school. 717 N. V. Llfo, 107 BOYLES College, court reporter principal, w. i. i.110. ' 1US NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's: xneater. iuu GARRAQB. ANTI-MONOPOLY Oarbage Co., cleans cesspools anu vnuiin, ipmuva isroan ,k (leuu llllllllitin isuuiicu iiiiucb. D.l rt 16th. Tel. 1779. -371 FS PATENTS. HAVE cash for good patent or Invention Address, p. u. Jiox sa, umana, iNeD. -184-J-23 OSTEOPATHY. .TDTINRON Institute. 615 N. Y. L Bids. Tel 16W. Alien jonnson, u. u., laaies- aent,; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 11:7 DH. A. T. HUNT. 613 McCague Bldg. Tel 2352. 12S DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglai Blk. Tel. 2823, ' -129 There's Oreat Satisfaction In knowing that your tooth dre all right and the way to get that satisfaction la to consult us at once. Porcelain Crowns ...,$5.00 Bailey th Dentist, 1112 Pnxton Block, 16th and Farnam Bti. Lady attendant. Phona lOfJt. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be ready dally by nil Interested as cnunges may occur at any time.; Fnrelirn malls for the week endlmr Jan uary 11, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY In all ci.hphI at the General Postofflce as fallows: PARCELS POST MAILS cloSOpNE HOUR EARLIER than closing time snown below Parcels Post malls for Germany close at I n. m. Friday, per s, s. Oraf Waldersec, via Hamburg. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Branch nan nour later than closing time shown below (except Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central Amorlca, via Colon, closo one hour later at f oreign nnuiciu. Trnna-Atlnntlo Mnlla. TIIKHDAY At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct per h. s. Cltta dl Torino (mall must be directed "per s. s, intta ill Torino"). WEDNESDAY At 8:30 a. m. (supplemen tnrv 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, ner's, s. Zeo land, via Southampton and Antwerp (mall POSTOFFICE NOTICE. for Ireland, France, Swlfterland, Italy, Spain. Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, British India and Lorcnco Marnue must be directed "per s. . Zeelund"), at 12. 30 P m. (supplementary 2 p, m.) for EU ROPE, per s. s, Cymric, via Queenslnwn mall for France, Swltterland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, iipiiiah t-.iii, nn.i i ,,... m.;.,. ........ ..111. ..t i-M..II1ULA llll.n. be directed "per s. s. Cymric") THURBDA Y At 7 n. m. for PRANCE, nt 1 1UIU,A.11, ll'AliY, Ml'.VI.N, 1'Ull- TtJGAL, TURKEY, EOY1T. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and 'LORENZO MAR ..... . ... .... . .. . ITIUII IISUIA and 'I.OHENZO MAR EZ, per a. s, L'Aqultalne, via Havre ill for j3ther"p.irts of Europe must bo ifto.l "tint A m T A -iil,Alhn wur.i ftiinil directed "por ATl'HDA Y At 4 a. m. for EUROPE, per n, h. .iiinneapoiis, via I'lymoutn tmiiu lor Ireland must bo directed "per s. s. Minne apolis''); nt 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s, h, Hyndam tmnll mutt bo directed "er s. s. Ryndum"); nt R a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. s. K. M. Theresla (mail must bo directed "per m, s, K. M. Theresla"); ut 9:30 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per 8. s. Astoria (malt must bo directed "per s. h. Astoria"); at 11:30 a. m (supplomentnry 1 p. m.) for EU ,1101'?;, per s. s. Baxonla, via (Jiteenstowu. After tho closing of tho Supplementary Inin-UHIIIIU ATI II 1 1 13 lllllIICII It Ull 't lltllll" tlotml Supplementary Mulls are opened nn tho piers of tho American, English, I- rench nnd German steamers and re main open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. iiiun-siiiHiiiiu itiiiim iianicn auove, noui Mnlla for Smith Mini Central Amrrlrn, Wrat Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary iij ii. in.; lor ur;n ritAi, A.Miiitu A (exeetit Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Finance via Colon (mall for Guatemala must bo di rected -ier s. s. Finance") I ut 10 n, m. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per a. s. Silvia: nt 12..I0 p. m. (supplementary 1: tary i:; CROIX, 1. Ill.l lor Ol. IIIU.MAH, HI. L'ltlJlA, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS nnd BRITISH. DUTCH nnd FRENCH" GUIANA, per k. . Carlbboe (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must bo directed "per s. s. Carlbbee");-nt 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, bcr s. M. Admiral Farru.ut. from Boston; at Ml p.,m. for BAHAMAS via nnssau, jer steamer irom .Miami, I' H. WEDNESDAY At D:30 n. m. fur INAOtf A ana HAITI, per a. s. Mt. Vernon; nt 12 m. ror vjuua, vuuatan, cami'eche, TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS, per .. Yltca tan (mall for other tiarts tit Mexlen must bo directed "per s. b. Yucatan"); at 12:30 p. m. iRuppiomentary l p. m.i tor tijiiku ISLAND nnil IinMlVIrA V tllCPtttll.lf!. por s. a. Seminole: nt H p. m, for JAMAICA, per . s. Admlrnl Schley, from Phlladflnhln. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for BRAZIL, por b. b. w nKcueia, via liania nnu ltio jnneiro (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine. ITrinrimv ml I'rtrncriitii; tt.iidt lt,i ,llrtn.1 "per s. s. Wakefield"); nt 12 m, for SANTIAGO, per s. s. Clcnfuegos; nt 11 J. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, por H. b. ninenan. irom I'niiaiio on n. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. a. uuy ot wasnington, via iampiro email must be directed "per b. a. City of Wush Ineton"). SAT U HD A Y A t 6:30 a. m. for ARGEN TINE. URUGUAY and FARAOUAY, per s. s. Coronda; nt 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, ndr H. s. Pretoria: at fl n. in. for IORTO RICO, CURACAO nnd VENEZUELA, por h. p. uaracas (man ror bavnniuii nnu Cartagena must bo directed "por h. a. Caracas"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVANILLA nnd CARTA- OENA, per s. a. Allegheny (mall for Costa Rica must bo directed "per 8. s. Alleghany"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplement ary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI anil SANTA MARTA, per a. b. Alps; nt 10 n. m, for CUBA, per a. s. Mexico, via Havana; nt iu a. m. tor uuknaua, tiuniuau nnu CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. 8, MurncnM; at 12:30 n. m. for CUBA, ner h. b. Curltvba. via, Matanzas, etc., (ordinary mall only, which must tin oirectea "per s. s. Curltyba"): at 11 p. m. for BAHAMAS, vfh Nassau, per Bteamer from Miami, tin Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North nyaney, nnu tnenco y steamer, cioso nt this ofllco dally at 6:30 p. m (connecting closo hern every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlnuelon. bv rail to Boston, and thenco by steamer, closo at this odlce dally nt 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fin., and thenco by Bteamer, close at this oince dally at "6 a. m. (the connecting closes nro on monuay, wenncsuay nnu naiur davl. Malls for Mexico City, overland unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closo nt this nfllcn nt 1:30 p. m. and 11 n. m. MallH for Costa Rica. Ilellle, Puerto Cortc and Guatemala, by rail to New Orlcana. and thence bv steamor, close nt this ofllco daily at 1:30 p. m. (connecting closes noro nionuay for Belize, I'uerto uortez and Guatemala, ana TUCBaays ror t-'osta incaj. -itcgis-tered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day, Trans-Pacific Mnlla. Malts for Australia (except West Australia, whicn goes via lsuropo. nna now v.eaiann, which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI isiamis, via Vancouver, ciose nere iiauy nt 6:30 p. m. after December 21 nnd up to January i, Inclusive, for dispatch per h. b. Aornngl (supplementary malls, via Scattlo and Victoria), closo here at 0:30 p. m. January S. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd Philip- pino islands, via nan i-Tancisco, cioso hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to January "6, inclusive, for dispatch por a. a. City of Peking. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, cioso ner uauy at e:a p. m. up to January 8, Inclusive, for dlspntoh per s. b. Kaga Maru. (Registered mall must bo directed "via Scattlo"!. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, wnicn is rorwnraea via Kuropo), now Zea land, Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p, m. after January S and tip to January 11, inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Etrurla, dmv at New York January li, for dis natch Per . a. Ventura. Matin for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip- nine islands, via Han Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 r. m. un to January "16. , Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Gaelic. aiaus ror Hawaii, via nan r rancisco, close here dally at 6:80 p. m, up to January 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Mnlla for China and Japnn, via Vancouver, cioso nere uauy ai oiau p. m. up to Jan uary "21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s.'h. Empress of Japan. (Registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver." Merchan dise for the U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) Mails for China and Japan, via Tacoma, cioso nero iiuny ui o;ju p. m. up to Jan uary l, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. Tacoma. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via nan Francisco, ciose nere aai y at e:30 p. m. up to February !, inclusive, for dis patch per s. a. Australia. Transpacific malls ar forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of -closing Is arranged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regls- tered mall closes at 6 p. m previous day. rostofflce, New York. N, Y., January 3,-1902. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR ARTILLERY HORSES Office Chief quartermaster, Denver, Colorado, Jan. 6, 1902. Soaled proposals in triplicate will bo received hero until 11 a. m., January 21. 1902, for furnishing two hundred nnd fifty-two (252) artillery horses required nt rort u. a. uusseii, Wyoming, nnd Fort Douglas, Utah, an equal number, 126, being required for each post named. itorscs to DC in accordance with specinca, tlonu in circular of Instructions to bidders which will be furnished, togothor with blank proposals, on application to thin of fice. U. 8. reserves tno right to nccept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should bo marked "Proposals for Artillery Horses,' and addressed Major J. W. POPE. Chief Q. M. J6d4t&18.20M CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFPICE Omaha, Neb., January 4, 1902. Sealod pro posals will bo received here until io a. m., central time, January 18, 1902, for furnish ing 3,000,000 lbs. Steam Coal at Jefferson Barracks, Mo, Proposals for delivery at other points will bo entertained, U. 8. re. servos right to reject or accept any or ull proposals, or any part thereof. Informa tion furnished on application Jiero, or to Quartermaster at Jefferson -Barracks, Mis souri. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Coal," and addressed to the undersigned. Major JNO. W, PULLMAN, C. Q. M. ' J0-7-14-16-M LEGAL NOTICES, STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. OFFICE! OF LHE.OljAHH.ANrillFrHF.M HARDWARE COMPANY, OMAHA, Neb., Dee. li. 1901. Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of tho Lee-Oia3-Andrecson Hardware company that the annual meet ing of tho stockholders of the company will be held at the offices ot the said com pany, 814 to 82 Harney street. In the city of Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 14, A. D, 1902, nt 3 o'clock p. m., for- the purpose of electing" u board of directors for tho company to Bervo dur ing the ensuing year, and to transact such other business as may be presented at such meeting, it. J. utua. President Attest: W. M. GLASS. Secretary. (Seal.) Dec.lStoJliM RAILWAY TIME tAltll. UNION STATION lOTII AND MAIICt. IllnoU Ontrnl, I.eve. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7i20 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited a 7:M pm a 8:03 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express .. ,..b 7:20 am bl0:35 pm Chicago Express atOiSJ pm t itionuti, MiiMHiikvc .v st. mm. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Es.. b J;15 am b 3:40 pra I II 1 1, II PlM'IflO. Overland Umlteil a 9:10 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a s:&o am n 3::a pm California Express n4:2Spm Pacific Express nil :30 pm V l. . ......... A ,t linaii;MI A, n vnn ....... . a, Atlantic Express a 7:0) am Llncoln-Stromsburir Ex.b 4:05 pm b'.2:30rjm Grand island Local t 8:3u pm b b:3S am tJljIrntfu A .turtlmealrrn. "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7:10 am nll:20 Dm Chicago Passenger .....a 4:15 pm n 8:00 am Eastern Exrriss al0:M um a 4:06 pm Kastcrn npecini n :ao pm a :w pm Fast Mull a 3:40 urn Omaha-Chicago L't'd.,a 7:45 pm a 9:20 am Fast Man a a: J am Cedar Haphlr Pass a S:S0 pm timii i ixprens n 7:ui am niu:i-5 pm Twin City Limited.... .. u 7:66 put a 8:40 am Sioux City Local. .......a 6:16 am u 3:60 pm V llllHUll. St. Louis "Cannon Bad" Express a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Council uiuna - iu:uu nm aiosau pm .11 InKOiir 1 l'HClrit'. fit. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6: pm K. C. & St. L. Express. aio:60 pm a 1:16 am Cuicniiti, Hook lalnltd A I'nolBe. EAST. Des Moines nnd Dav enport IjociiI a 7:U am a 9:35 pm Chicago Express 1H:U nm a 6:05 pm Des Moines Local u ;() pm Ml-.W am Chicago Fast ExpresH,,iv 4:35 pm a 1:25 pm Des Mulnes. Hock Isl and und Chicago a 7:10 pra (:35 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo und West a 1-J0 pm a 4:11 pra Colorado, Oklahoma at Texus Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:80 am a Dally. UURLINGTON STATION 10TH Jk BIASO.N HurlliilltoM t Mlssonrl Hirer. Lave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrlco and Nebraska Express a 8i40 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln , a 8:40 an. bll:M am Denver Limited... a 4:25 pm u 3:00 pra Black HI1U and I'uget Sound, Denver Con nection a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Past Mall b 3 00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook und Platts- mouth ., ..-.b S.20 pm hll:05 am Bllevue U Paclflo Jet. .a 7:10 pm a 8:20 ara Uellovuo & Pacific Jet. .a 3:00 am Knnans lit), i. .Ii,tili Cnuiicll Illnffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 8:06 prn Kansas City Night Ex..al0:SO pm a 6:13 am St. LoUU Flyer a oilo pm ullilS am ChlcMUo, llurlliiKtoii .t Cluliicr, Chicago Special.... a 7:00 am al0:2a pm Cliicugo Vestlbulcd Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:t5 am Chicago Local a t:3o am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:44 ktq Xast Mull a 2:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. VEUSTE UEPOT-lfiTII A WEDSTER Leave. Arrive. I'ii ii I. .iiliiiieniMills & CaicnKO, St. flmithn. Twin City Paasenner....a 6:00 am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:45 pm Emerson Local b 6:30 pm a 9:10 pm aiiiiu am b 8:30 am Missouri Paolflu. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm nl0:2j ara Frcuiout, Klfclmrii .V. Missouri Valley Black Hills. Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pra Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pra Hustings, York. David City Superior, Geneva, Exeter and SewarJ....b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:80 am b 10:25 ara Fremont Local o 7:30 am n Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. ' SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT New Sendee to Mediterranean Tho now rlr.imlc twin- screw steamer "Common wealth," t:l,- noo tons, uuu icot lonif, ami -now Knelftiid," ll.floil toni, f7fl feet lonj, will sail from lloton to (Jlbrnltcr. g Al-tors. Genoa. NiiDles ami Alexan dria, Kft-ypl, as follows: "Common wealth, Jan. 4, '0Si"Nnw Knirlnnd" 2 Jan. ! Commonwealth rl 1?. Perfect rervlce and cuisine. Annlv Com. any's Office, C9 Dearborn St.. Chicago, end for Mediterranean Illustrated booklet. Panama Secretary Arrlvrs. NEW YORK. Jnn. 6.-E. Lamnro. secre tory irenwrnl nf thn IMmimn. ConAl rnm. pany, arrived hero today on board tha steamer l'Aqulntalne, from Havre. M. Lnmpro willgo to Washington to consult with Rcnr Admiral Walker regarding tho troposcd salo of tho Panama canal to tho nlted Slates government, lie refused to talk on tno subject nere. Importing: Fine Iloraea, NEW YORK. Jan. 6. On the liner Cymric. which has Just reached this port, nro forty-seven Pcrcheron stnllloiiH, ten French draft horses and fifteen English shlro horses, Intended to stock furma at Winona, ill., anu uaiesDurg, in. in a spcciui tram tlinv will start went today and are duo at their destination In less than twenty-eight hours. Seasonable Fashions. 3617. Mistat flv-gora) Skirt 12t10yaara Mlssca' Flvo-Qorod Skirt, No. 3587 To ba mailo with or without the circular flounce. Dull blue cheviot mado tho skirt aj hera illustrated, tho bands ot velvet that head tho flounco being In graduated widths. The flvo-gored skirt holds a permanent place. It suits many materials an no other does and la always rollable. Tbe model grven Ms snugly over the hips and can bt arranged In Inverted plaits or gathered at the back, aa prefefred, Both method! ara Indicated In the pattern. It can lnolude the circular flounco or be left plain, but tha design, as shown, Is an excellent one. All woolen suitings aro appropriate, at are thoeo of silk, velvot and corduroy, linen duck pique and merccrlzod cotton fabrics. To cut tbts skirt for a miss 14 yeara et age 3 yards of material CO inohei wide, &4 yards 32 Inches wldo or 6 yards 21 inches wldo will be roqulred. Tho pattern 3587 Is Cut In bIios for indues of 12, 14 nnd 16 years of ago, For the accommodation of Tho Beo read ers, those patterns, which usually retail at from 2G to 60 cents, will be furnished at n nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense. lu order to get any pattern en close 10 cents, give number and narde of pattorn wanted and bust moasuro. i