10 THE OMAHA DAILY J?EE; TUESDAT, JAKUATJY 7, 1002. WEBSTER DAVIS ON BOER WAR liiisuri Ir&tor Ltotint Omtka Aidiiaci Ennrdinj; Atrocities, HIS SYMPATHIES ALL WITH BURGHERS Twenty-ninth, girl: Andrew Munson, 3124 Mntile, boy, J. II. Groves. 1F0S Ornce, -Tlrl; Krnest 11. WIrkk, 21B3 North Twenty-eighth, clrl. F.dwnrd Tnvlor. Twenty-eighth nvenue and Corby, fitrt. MANY IMPLEMENT MEN COME Kt" AttRlulnniw nt Toiln' Convention Promise to Hxeeeil All I're violin lleeoril". GREATEST CLOTHING SALE Hild ii Oathft Nw Fill llait. fioiif on la -CONTINENTAL CLOTHINS CO. EiiKlmiil ClinrKcd viltli All Simmer of llrntnlltli'N ami C'otiriiKc ami l'a trlotlfliu of lliMTd I'rnlNL'il la YViirni Term. Xa Such I'rlee M err Krrr Made lle- forc ir liver Will lie Anln Wc Mimt M 1 1 tin- ooil Our Only Iti-itum. Guy C. Ilarton presided last night nt Kountzn Memorial Lutheran church wfien Kvcry man's cult, every hoy's suit, every man's overcoat, every boy's overcoat, has "Though the members themselves never turn out In very large numbers until the day tho convention opens, there ore al ready between 250 and 300 men here," said Secretary McU-uighlln of the Nebraska ami Western Iowa Implement Dealers' associa tion, at the Her Ornnd hotel last even ing. He further snld: "f.naf Viinr'a n 1 1 nmtrj nrn nt I lin pnni'Pn. on onrtlonnrf nf iil.nnt XfHI n.,.lnhl..il In hoar linn In Omnhn un. thn Inrrrput In tho eleven hecn marked down to a prlcO that will sell .Wcbstor Davis of Missouri lucturo on the years' history of the association, but there overy plcco beforo tho end of the week. You Boor war. An admission feo was collected Is goo.l reason to believe that this year's uavo no umo to ioso-io wan is iu i nt thn ilnor. tho nroceeeds to ho devoted will siirnnss It. The sessions aro to he ono Pl up the choicest garments In In fhn rnllnf nf llfmr women nnd children nnlv In thn fori?nnnnH. with 'nosslblv Olio the Store. in Rmilh Afrlrn. No ulnlrmnnt nf thn or twn nt nlchl. In Hrnlehton hall, at Flf- '23 OVCfCOntS selling for JIG. nmnnnt nf thn reenltits could be obtained tcenth and Hurnev streets, where they 18 overcoats selling for $11.50 at the close of tho meeting. wcro held last year. They nro to open at 10 overcoats selling for $5. ttnt.1,1 Ulhinii nt T,il,i 1annl Innitrt thn t (1 m nf ntl snnil t ti nrnn f I itF III Mirt nmtmrl LVCTy OHO Of UlCHl fTOU! OUT opening address, saying that when tho war number arrive. Tonight some of the ex- In Bouth Afrlcn broku out ho was In sym- ccutlvcs aro In session, planning tho or der of.jhuslness to follow out tho printed program as nearly as practicable, wo are to havo with us, in addition to our own members, J, II. Thomas of Springfield, 0., president of the National Association of Vehicle Manufacturers! W. 11. Hrlntnn of tho concentration camps In South Africa: the I'cru l'low and Wheel company, who Is brlc8 nl "M" n' s"ch Prlccs 08 Mi0 now r.wn Knl!inil' nrmv nf vlnl.illni? Ihn rules to address the convent on: H. L. Al on of maKC " lnIS Breui saio ,und usages of modern warfare, and finally Craig, Mo a member of tho National Federation or implement Dealers' associa tions and of tho Western Association of Im plement nnd Vehicle Dealers." pathy with Englnnd, but as tho war pro ceeded Ills opinions had Changed and now his sympathy Is with tho republic. Frank T. Itansnm presented n set of refo- lutlons, which woro adopted. These rcclto tho alleged turrlblo condition prevailing In regular stock, bought for our regular trade not one but what Is worth twice what wo aBk today, and will cost you that anywhere else. $20 men's suits selling for $13.50. $15 men's suits selling for $9.50. $10 men's suits selling for $5. The young men never had such an oppor tunity of getting tho now, up-to-dato fa- protesting against tho shipment of pro visions nnd supplies from America to the British forces in thn field. At tho conclusion of tho reading of the resolutions tho chairman Introduced tliol'Jpf speaker or tno evening, woustor uavis or JCansns City. Ilni-rn' Ciiiimc Ik Mncrcil, "If thcro over was a sacred couse," said the spuakor, "tho causo of tho Doers Is sacred. 1 never expected to seo a metro politan newspaper ln America publish an editorial favoring a monarchy nt the ex- ponso of n republic, yet I saw such au editorial In n recent newspaper which claimed that tho reports from South Africa referring to tho suffering of tho women ami children nro exaggerated. I will quote from llrltlsh nuthnrlty to show thin not so." Ho read from remarks mndo by John Morley nnd others nnd said that hu did not Intend UNDERWRITERS MEET Ni'lirnnkfi Anfiorlnllon Iloliln Annual Mrrtlnir nnd Klrut Xew Ilonril of Ollloerii. The I.lfe Underwriters' Association of Nebraska enjoyed u banquet, nnd elected officers nt' a meeting held at tho Her Grand hotel last night. Tho following of ficers wero fleeted: C. Y. Gould, presi dent, Pennsylvania' Mutual; Stanhope Fleming, first vice president, Mutual Life: W. A. Smith, second vlco president, I'hoo- nix Mutual: I. E. Frederick, secretary. Prudential Mfo; C. Halney, treasurer. Mutual Ilencllt: members of executive nny reflection upon tho peoplo of Kngland, committee, Julius Meyer, Providence Sav- $15 young men's suits, now $7.50. $12 young men's suits, now $0.25. $10 young men's suits, now $5. We urgo the mothers to examine the boys' suits offered In this sale. They are values that you have never beforo been able to get at such runlnously low prlccs. $5.00 boy's suits, now $3.50. $1.00 boys' suits, now $2.75. $3.50 hoys' suits, now $1.85. $8.00 boys' overcoats, now $3.60. $6.00 boys' overcoats, now $4.50. $5.00 boys' overcoats, now $3,50. Wo must sell tho goods at once. Wo can do nothing more than wo aro doing giving you our print and more, too. Tho tlmo to buy Is now while this sale Is going on. Hcmembcr tho place northeast corner 15th nnd Douglas streets. CONTINENTAL! CLOTHINO CO. In business at tho samo corner 15 years. hut upon n smalt clique of diamond thieves Kohl thfovcH uml their confederates. Running comment was mado on tho re ports road In which Kngland wus de nounced and comparisons mndo between tho courso of Great Ilrltaln In South Afrlcn and tho courso of tho samo country In arming tho Indians against tho colonists during tho war of tho American revolution. Tho articles read covered reports of tho work of tho British troops in tho districts whoro tho proclamations of Ixird Kitchener havo boon Issued. It was repetition of barbarity, wanton destruction and otitrago from be ginning to end. "Tho heart of tho Amorlcan people wont out to tho dark-skinned Cubans. Why should It not go out to thoso women and children of South Africa? Years ago tho 'congress of tho United States did not hcsl tato to pass expressions of sympathy for struggling Grecco and oppressed Poland. No peoplo havo been so misrepresented as theso Doers." Ill Visit to Pretoria. Ho then told of his visit to South Africa And of his mooting with tho llrltlsh olllclnlu of Capetown nnd of his trip to tho Trans vaal republics. At that tlmo all commu nication between tho republics and the outer world wna under survelllanco of tho llrltlsh Ings Llfo; C. K. Ady, National Life: G. W. Noble, New Kngland Mutual Ltfo: II. D. Ncely, Kuultablo Llfo, SAYS FEES ARE EXCESSIVE Attorney for Crrililorx of Rcrninn Snv Inn Hit ii lv Wiiii to nn Order Vnentcil. Judge Keysor Is to hear arguments on a motion to vncato tho order of Judgo Faw cott, mado Docombcr 31, confirming tho report of Deceiver McCuguo In tho Gorman Savings bank case and allowing fees to tho attorney and tho receiver nllegod to ho out of proportion to tho per cent paid depositors on tho claims. V. O. Strlckler has prepared n table bhowlng that tho do- clsco from Oinahn posltors have been paid about one-third Threo trains dally, of, tho amount of their clams, but that At torney Halph Drccklnrldgo was allowed $5,155,' Attorney Joel West $2,500 and De ceiver McCngiio $6,289.07, making tho total attorneys' fees allowed $10,750 nnd tho ro eclvcr's total $14,658. Cnlllnriiln. Hun numerous natural bridges, caves, etc.. of no little Interest. Tho mammoth Cavo of Calaveras, dlscovorcd by miners In 1850: the Alabaster cave, tho Crystal Palaco cavo, containing n number of attractive subter ranean apartments, such as tho Ilrldal Chamber, tho Crystal Palaco room and a curious nparjmcnt called the music hall, whoro the deposits of aqueous origin not only take the form of organ pipes, sounding Lonrds, etc., but also emit when struck musical rounds nnd vibrations. Near this cavo aro twn natural bridges which the tmirlst can visit and return to tho railroad within half an hour. Tho only natural way to reach these scenes of interest is via "Tno overland Route," comprising tho Union and South' crn Pacific, now really ono line. Tho only lino running through trains to San Fran- The fast trains ar riving fifteen hours ahead of all competitors. For full Information address city tlckot office, 1324 Farnnm. 'Phone, 316. .Notice, I. O. O. I Members of Stnto lodge No. 10, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, aro re- Ho described his visit to Pretoria quested to attend tho funeral ot our lato and ot tho surprise, he felt upon finding tho conditions thcro about tho samo as In ;Amorlca. "Tho people of tho country seemed to tako It for granted that becausu I was from America I was Ih sympathy with tho republic, nnd at nil stations I was greeted enthusiastically and with great , friendliness, and at tho receptions I nt tended Kngllsh wns tho lunguago spoken." Ho said that when ho llrst mot Presi dent Krugor tho old man wns sitting on tho front porch of his cottago, talking to two old farmers who had como to talk with tho president nbout tho war and tho fato of their sons, then on the Modder river. Ho told of n visit to General Jouhort's tamp and his reception by that comroandor. llo described tho battlo nt Splonkop, nt which ho was present, saying that but 150 jnen started to tako the height, being joined by others until nbout 1,200 Doers took part ln tho engagement. "In that battlo," said tho speaker, "I fcecamo n full-Hedged Door, a'lid would Btand lor them today If I wore tho only man In Amorlca to do It. I know they nro right." Ho tolil of threo generations fighting side by side, of women with their husbniuls ln tho field, ot boys who seized tho father's rlfio ns It fell, and said, "Then I helloved brother, Doticrt S. Ramsay, from his res idence, 1414 North Nineteenth strcot, Tuesday, January 7, 1902, at 2 p. m. Mem bers will mcot at Independent Order ot Odd Follows' hall at 1 p. m. Members of sis ter lodges and sojourning visitors aro In vited to attend. W. 13. WILSON, N. O. GEORGE U EDWARDS, Secretary. SI'ECIAIj KXCUHSION To CcntrnI Ainrrlcn. Leave Omaha January 12th, via St. Louts, New Orleans, Puerto Barrios, Guatemala City, San Jose, returning in time tor Mardl Qras ln Now Orleans. For rates and all Information, call or wrlto W. II. Green, Room 405, Now York Life Dulldlng, Omaha, Neb. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho DatherJ, J16-220 Doit building. Tclaphono 1716. A ii no n li crin lit of the Turnler. Ono of the cleverest negro ditties, or ns moro popularly known "coon songs and dances," ever written and arranged Is to bo seen at each perfomanco ot "A Run away Qlri." Strango as It may appear. It was composed by a couplo of Englishmen and Is considered thn neatest nnd most natural creation In that line thnt has been seen for years. Mr. Arthur Dunn and Miss Clara Hollo Jerome execute tbts charming song and dance during tho per formance and with tho assistance ot the electrical moonlight effect Introduced raako n decided hit ln its rendition. Tho piece will bo seen Wednesday afternoon and night and Thursday night at Iloyd's. In tho vernacular of the vaudevlllo stage somo of the turns on nt tho Orphoum this week nro "big hits." Mldglcy and Car llslo furnUh a euro for dreary feelings. Their llttlo Bketch, "After School," sclntil- latcs with fun from start to flnluh. Other turns on tho bill nro Just h deserving of pralso as this, Thomld-week family mat- lneo will bo given tomorrow. Tho inter est manifested In tho amateur show, which will be given Saturday night, Is shown by the brisk nnd steady demand for scats, which wero placed on sale yester day. Cnmcron, plumber, 1110 Farnara, 'phono 4C9. samo as tho spirit ot '76 In America." Mortality NlntlNtli'N. Tho following deaths nnd births wcro re- Forted to the city health commissioner for ho forty-eight hours ending nt noon Mon day: Deaths Myrabollo I. Dautnan, 1321 Cnpl lol nvenue, uged 1 mnnth; Henry Mi-utzel, nouglas County hospital, aged 13; Sophia Dickson, 3102 Howard, nged 12, Dlrths Arthur C. Smith, 1013 South Auditor of OrPKon nnd Southern Pa- cine SynteniB,, nu Well Union rnclllc. Tho authority of Erastus Young, who un til now has been genoral auditor of the K3M IONS We now start in with a determination to com pletly clear our floors of everything in the $500,000 STOCK DAMAGED BY Smoke and Water Prices have been again reduced throughout the. entire establishment. 75c Silks at 19c Yd. Our entire stsck of 75c silks In taf fetas, taffetlnes, surnbs, foulards, etc., that wo sold at 75c yd, only -f slightly smoke damaged, I mH on main iloor, yard Children's 50c Caps at 5c Each All ot the children's and Infant's all li caps nnd poko bonnets that wero sold at 60c, very slightly smoko dnmnged, nt, each .... ' 50c Veilings 5c Yd. Tho balance of our cntlro veiling stock that wns in any wny damaged by smoko or water, ln chcntllo dotted cnlffon, sewing silk nnd EI,,-, tuxedo nets, In black and colors, at, yard $1 Corsets 25c Alt ot our smoko damaged corsets and corset waists, In nil tho well known standard makes nnd brands thnt nro ln nny way dnmnged by pmoko or water, at 1 50c Gloves 9c Pair Our entire stock ot ladles' and misses' cashmoro gloves, black nnd colors, nil sizes, that wuro In any way damaged, on sulo nt, Pf.lr w 25c $1 Golf Gloves 49c Pair 49c Our cntlro stock of smoko damaged golf gloves, guaranteed $1.00 quality, on sale nt $1 Dress Goods 5c Per Piece Thousands of short pieces of dress goods in crepons, serges, fancy silk and wool novelty cloths, many pieces to match, at; per plcco 5c Ladies' $1 Petticoats at 25c All of tho pcttlconts In black and col ored sateen, with ruffles nnd flounces, H ut sold nt $1.00, mm slightly smoko dam- .2iC aged,' only mr' Damaged linens Full size, full bleached, nil linen napkins, worth $1.23 -a dozen, OilC nt Full blenched, extra heavy, nil linen damask napkins, $1.50 mm m and $1.75 qualities, OC per dozen Assorted grades of best quality nap kltiB, largo sizes, puro f linen thrBo havo been wot $2.50 values, doz.... V-r Fringed napkins ln turkey j, red and dnransk, worth S, lr C 1.20 dozen, each " V Smoked Underwear Men's 2."c merino under- -f J" wear ln natural and I camel's hair, at Av- Men's 60c sanitary Ilccco mm lined shirts and &C drawers, nt Men's $1 quality heavy mm -v wool overshlrts, doiiblo iT5JG front and back, at Smoked Neckwear Men's 50c silk neckwear, -f -v nil styles unl patterns, C nt " Men's 23c silk neckwear mm ln n great variety ot styles nnd patterns, ut ....... '-"' Men's 25c suspendors, v slightly damaged by 1JC smoke, per pair Everything Else Marked in Proportion UlVnCLT Tuesday in the Unl UtliS Bargain Room Tuesday 'will be a stem winder in our llnrguin Itooiu. Ju read this and see if any other house will come within one mill! of our prices. Having just taken inventory we find thousands o odds and ends that must be closed out fast. They consist o silks, dress goods, wash goods, llannelettes, suifs, blankets, un derwear, etc. We will make special prices each day until w close out all. Be sure to attned this great sale. No peddlers or dealers sold to in this room. Tho I'aU-Amerlcan Ideals opened at tho Trocadero yesterday afternoon to a Publish your legal notices In the Wcokly crowded house, presenting a first-class hill, Deo. Tclephono 238. every act receiving Hborai applause 'ine . .olio Includes: Baby Flo. child artiste: tho spirit ot 1000 ln South Africa was tho ERASTUS YOUNG'S PROMOTION Kelly and Silvers, singers and dancers; Zelma Summers, songstress; Foster and Henderson, In a sketch; McRoble and nose, comedians; tho Zlmmermans, operatic stars; Charles .Itoynard, black-faco act, and John W. Flood, barrel Jumper. The engagement closes Saturday evening, with dally matlnera. Next Sunday matlneo the Itlco & Darton Union Tactile, has been oxtended over tho nntetv romnanv. with thirty-eight peoplo. Oregon Short uno, tno urogon iinuway ana comog, this being Its first western trip Navigation company ana tno cnuro soum crn I'aclllc system. Ills jurisdiction now The ncymern extends over 15,000 miles of road, tho an- Qf Callforna aro of wonderful Interest. nual earning oi wnicn is a.uuu.uuu. d mone tn0 m0Bt readily ncccsslblo of Tho word "genoral" Is now droppod from rniifnrnln'ii natural curiosities. Thov nre tho heads of tho, auditing dopartmonta of nDont j00 miles north of San Francisco. each of tho Individual roads comprising Though tho nltitudo of tho Ooysers Is obout this system, ana moy win do Known nore- onnn feet, tho d stanco from tho sea makes after ns uudltors simply. Tho threo hend- tno days dry nnd warm, nnd tho nights quarters will be nt Ban i-rnncosco, wow c00i Orleans and Houston. NEW OFFICERS FOR AHAM0 Wumnii'ii Auxiliary to Omaha. Typo- Kraplilcnl Union llnlda It An nual Klcotlon. The man who can hardly crawl, nnd has just strength to get through a day's york, has no strength left lor family life. He wants to be quiet ; to be alone, out of sight and sound of everybody. What a difference between such a nan and the healthy, hearty man, who romps with his children and rides his laughing baby to "llanbury Cross." What makes the difference? Usually disease of the stomacli, involving the entire digestive nnd nutritive system. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dlsenses of the stomach nnd other organs of digestion and nutrition. When these diseases are cured the biudrance to the proper nourishment of the body i removed and strength comes back again. M am hsppy to uy I im setting to fed Hue.' wrltti Mr. A. J. Vanderwater, of 873 Wert Diriaion Street, Chicago, III. "In all I have taken alx boltlea ot ' uouieu aieuicai inieovtry Thoso who contemplate n visit to tbesa wonderful sights should remember that "Tho Overland Ilouto" Is tho only natural route, nnd is tho plcasantest, shortest and quickest. The union raclllc Is the only line run ning through trains to San Francisco from Omaha. THIIEE TItAlNS DAILY. No change ot cars across the continent For full Information address City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnara. 'Phono 316. Dress Goods M-lnch strictly all wool cheviots, nt 49c. 62-lnch strictly nil wood tttorm serges, at 49c. 42-Inch crnnlto cloth, worth T5c. at 49c. 40. Inch nil wool hcnrlettn. worth 75c, at ( 49c. 54-lnch heavy nil wool plaids, worth $1.60, it 49c. 64-lnch nil wool - racking, worth 75c, at 49c. 38-Inch strictly nil wool vcnetlanB, etc., at 49c. 38-Inch grnnlto, cloth, worth 7Gc, nt 39c. 86-Inch all wood henricttna, worth 69c, at 39c. 38-Inch black figured satin bcrbor, nt 39c. 42-inch storm serges, worth fiOe, nt 25c. 46-inch fancies, worth SI, nt 25c. 36-inch hcnrlettas,, worth COc, nt 25c. 28-Inch hcnrlettas, half wool, nt 7Vic. 28-Inch Jacquards, bait wool, 7c. 28-Inch plaids, half wool, nt 5c. 115.00 dress patterns, $3.08. S12.60 dress patterns, $2.98. $10.00 dress patterns, $1.98.. Underwear Sale Mon'n tOc hosiery, llecco lined Bhlrts and rirnwertf. at 25c. Men's whlto unlaundercii snirts, regular EOc quality, at 25c. Men's $1.00 heavy icrscy ovorBuins, in Men's 25c heavy wool bocks, at iuc. Shirts and drawers, worth up to $1.00, nt 39c 1 lot of ladles' and children's stocKings, worth up to 25c, nt 5c. Men's nnd boys' GOc heavy jersey over- shirts, In all sUes, at 25c. Silks. Velvets and Corduroys All our ific nnd $1.00 black silks, at 49c. All our 75c and $1.00 fnncy silks, nt 39c. Silk remnants nt nil prices. All-our 50c nnd 75u velvets, nt 15c. All our Ec corduroy at 29c. French Flannel and Ghallis, All our strictly nil wool French llanncls worth 75c yard, ln dots and small figures will go at 25c yard. All our lino Imported challis, that wo sold In tho bargain room at 50c, go nt 25c Linings 15c and 19c 11L.AOK LININGS, YARD WIDR, AT Cc. All our yard wldo Imitation French flan nels, to close, worth 19c, at Ec, All our yard wldo remnants of outing flannol, worth 12Vc, nt 5c. All our remnants of 15c nnd 10c percales will go nt Ec. All our flno prints, remnants, will go a 3yc. All our Ec npron ginghams, 3c, All our 10c Shaker flannel, Ec. Blankets An nll-dny sale on blankets, comforts, otc, at about half their regular value. c Boys' Clothing fioys' $2.E0 2-pIeco suits, nt 95c. Hoys' $3.60 2-pteco suits, at $1.50. Hoys' $5 3-plccn suits, at $1.95. Hoys' 7Bo corduroy pants, at 25c. Hoys' 75c all wool pants, at 35c. noys' $1,00 all wool pants, at EOc. Hoys' $2.50 long pants; at 95c. NEBRASKA CLOTHING Our olatlies art' popular because they deserve popularity. 'They're worn be cause they aro worthy of all classes' wear. Xo patron over leaves this store without feeling that both ho ami wo' have been parties to an honest, legit imate transaction. THE PKICE CLlTriXG PROCESS shows itself conspicuously .iiw-Yinr men's clothing department these early January days, in most cases enough has been clipped olT to ;neournge,you to prepare for next winter's wearing; Men's 0 Coats, the worthy kind. , $6.00, $7.50, $9.00, $9.50, $10.00, $11.00, $12.75, SJ3.50 AND ur. It is no idle speech when we claim that our. clothing department is pre-eminent in Omaha, and, it is no idle, boast to say that it will continue so. Our plans and scope , for it are all laid on a wider, larger and better basis than ' ever before, which makes it more than ever, your trading pin co. If you ha vp been paying too much for your cloth ing, stop it and try T.he HAYDENs ftFT Every woman's garment in the house at half the marked price or less. No dilly-dallying ?;bout it. Everything must go in the next ten days. Sale now going on. o waiting. Garments altered on day of pur chase. All alterations guaranteed perfect and money refunded if everything is not en tirely satisfactory, liemember, every gar ment is about haif marked price. Women's suits, silk lined throughout, made of broadcloths and tine Venetians, only 10-00 "Women's 20.00 jackets for only. 9.00 Women's 10.00 coats for only 4.00 Women's S20.00 automobiles for only 10.00 Women's 20.00 raglans for only r-J0 Women's $,12.00 raglans for only Women's 15.00 automobiles for only -. 7.50 Women's boucle capes, 0 inches long for only 1.50 Women's rainy-day skirts for only 1.90 Women's fine cheviot and serge skirts that sold for ?12 at $5.50 Women's dress skirts trimmed with satin bands, for only. 3.98 Women's $0.00 silk waists for only .' 2.9S WmiiPii'M S:iO.o0 h-iiits for only 15.00 Women's $0.00 rainy-day skirts for only Women's ."51.00 underskirt.:; for Women's $1.50 wrappers for Infant's cloaks, made of nice eiderdowns for . . 3.98 30c (59c 50c 1.50 5.00 Children's jackets, worth up to 4.00, for Women's iackets, in reds, blues and castors, for EVERY GARMENT MUST BE CLOSED OUT. No Reserve. HAVDtN BROS. The Perfected American Shoe Sorosis at $3.50 always I'rom tho lightest turn solo for dress to tho heavi est extension solo for street, Soroslsi shoos for women contlnuo to lend tho shoo procession of this nnd othor countries of tho world. Sorosis fit, and tho lit tolls. K Sorosis Shoe Store, 203 S.15th St. Wrllo for C'ntnloKii.-. I'rnitlc Wllrom, lr. At the semi-annual meeting of Ahamo auxiliary to Typographical union No. 190 Monday afternoon nt tho home of Mrs. nart Cox. 824 South Twentieth streot. theso wore elected olllccrs: Mrs. nort Cox. nrosl- Bond articles of Incorporation, notlcos of dent; Mrs. M. N. Qrimth, vlco president: stockholders' meotings, etc., to Tho Bee Mm. n. r. Patterson, secretary: Mrs. H. we win givo mem yiuyur .uaojuuu, Matthes, treasurer; Mrs. W. C. Turnor, Tolephono 238. chaplain; Mrs. M. T. White, guide. HAYDEN BROS The next mooting will bo nt the residence of Mrs. Louis Kolb, 3870 Hamilton streot, Monday. January 30, Wednesday night, Jnnuary 15, at Hoyal Arcanum hall In the Boo building, tho Ahamo Is to entertain members and friends at high flvo. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, Iu connection with the Bathery, 216-220 Beo building. Telephone 1716. nun). Save Your Hands ti.M (tan me worldA of pood. Thefte medl. dnM have brought the great change in me and four or five vluU o( the little ' relief.' Tltcy leae nieui se in me Vnm & nlow iqom of a mau that could hardly crawl, tired aud ick all the time, and could A3 no work. Now I can worlc, Bleep, eat, and feel fine, aud that tired feeling la all sol tic amy. I fm vary tbhuHul that 1 wrote to Dr. Pierce, lis Golden Medical UUcorery' aud hU little Ivtr 'Felleta' have altnort made a new man of me. I feel youug ai I did at thirty yeara. No other doctor for rae, ouly Dr. Tierce.' 1 Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-tent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Audres l)r, i JU V, fierce, Buffalo, H, Y. EXCHANGE FREE FROM DEBT Ilullilira nnil Triitlrra Oli-linile ()icii lnic of Auaiili'lnua Year lUce tlon of Ofllcrra. At the close of the annual election ot the Builders and Traders' exchange last night the members took part iu a smoker given to celobroto the llrst year In twelve that the exchange starts out froo from debt. The result ot the eloctlon was an nounced as follows: President, J. Frud Smith; vice president, J. I. Watt; treas urer, Grant Parsons; directors, A. J, Vter- ling, J. W. Phelps, Kred Itucmparg ud I Thomaa Uerd. STOUT Mlnnlo K., aged SO, January 6, it,?. Funorol Tuesday morning nt 10 o'clock from tne residence, -ii unio street. Funeral private. UE-aiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaH 1 GLOVE Don't ruin them with grense and hot water. Clot n pair of r u b b o r gloves for dish washing nnd other house work. Tho kind wo sell will last and they nro warranted greuso proof, Price $1.25; by mail, postugo paid, $1,85. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CD,, Telephone 1W. Kith mid Fiirimm Streets. OMAHA. Dealers ia all kinds ot Rubber Goods. LOOK OUT FOR FRAUDS You can nlways depond on getting tho genuine article at our store. It makes uo dlfforenco whether It Is a doctor's pre scription, a patent medicine, or Extract of Beef, You cannot buy genuine EXTRACT OF BEEF at prices quoted by othora. Our prices aro: Lelblg Extract of Beef. 2-oz 45c Armour's Extract ot Beef, 2-oz 46c Cudahy'B Extract ot Beef, 2-oz 40c Swift's Extract of Beef, 2-oz 40c Valentino's Meat Julco 8ro NVyoth's Meat Julco , 7Do Theso aro genuine goods. IMITATIONS can be bought for $1.25 a dozen. Wo havo none. FULLER H CO. l-UU nud DouslM Stk Big I and Little You uvHi?ms don't L'o any more with tho Intol- IlKeiit public. Wo consider that our pa trol h havo brains enough to know what thov want-so that tho inducements which wn nffnr to brlllK POOplO tO OUP HtprO Is to sell them llio best tho market urronis ijjr tho least rnoney-und not harp about our Koods being better than anybody else h. Thin week wo .propose to close out our 1 lie of Client Protectors nt 25 per cent less, for 'the same article, than nny other doalor in Omaha offurs. Come In nnd lot us show you ns tlm coin wchiiut w y"t. Coinpiir tho following prices with others: I1.C0 l'eruna io urungemo .. ji.W vm aiarinni 25o Humphrey'? Specifics $1.00 Hcxlno l'lim $l!fjo Tcinntailon Tonlo .... (Wo Omega Oil J1.00 Alugnet rue wiru .... COc l'ozzonl Powder $1,00 Bromo' Heltzer r.i t,t.il. l, ,,,u ( 'nrnnnnnil $.l!75 HoHpltuI hIzo Malted Milk .$2.fi 60o KIiw'h New Discovery A;0 Wo I.n lllili'lio rimucr 170 75o 15a 75c 25o 33c 25o 2S( COo 25c Woodbury's Facial Powder., $1.00 Wlno C'urdul .. Ma Cramer's Kidney Cure (genuine).. KTOIUS Ul'KN aJ.Ij niiuiri. 330 130 490 40c CPUIECED'Q c,u l'rtv" OUn ACT lull O Print Store, Tel. 717 H. W "-. H1 "'' JlilfK' f&oods delivered FUEB to any part of city. Open Your Eyts to tho nuallty of Mctz beer, nnd you'll find nothing ln beerdom so soothing and satis, tying tn the nnlato. Quality makes It, so and choicest honi and mult mukes tho cxcullence of tlii quality. u. Metz Bros. Brewing Co, Tel. lit), Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., caro Noumaysi Hotnl, Council Bluffs, Iowa. ASK FOR A. Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported dran.' oulftoturod by f. U-Bloo MoxoatUo Olsw Oo,t OU Loula, Uolua Hn&i,