Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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JUmmpticn t Suiiitrt Btiaulttid bj
Ibnndftioi tf Utntj,
investor Grow Cniillniii IMtImit to tlic
Jttiinnr (lint Account Hit llcru
( O verrenr lied In the
lulled SliUes.
LONDON", Jan. 6. Tho atmosphere on
the Ioudou exchatigu has been clearer
elnco tho beginning of thu yeur than for
a long while past. Tho activity which de
veloped with tho resumption of business
Jnnimry 2 wan Kroatly aided by thu abund
ance of money wlthnvhlch u stringent mar
ket lias recently nnd nuddeiily ticcomo
flooded, Professional operators wcro nat
urally anxious for a rise and did their
utmoBt to foster the boom, but however
good wcro the promise upon which tho
predicted advnnco was hocd, the public
thus far hus been responsive. This hesi
tancy 1h duo cmiullv to the lack of ralth
und to the lack ot cash with which to
peculnle. I ntll the public can bo re
enthuxed thu boom Ih bound to draK. Tho
grratcHt vitality at thu clone of llio Inst
wrK was i-xnumeu uy lvaiurs.
Thli) vltalltv whh based not cn much
upon the genuine liopo of tho proximity of
penco as the belief that the completion of
tho blockhouses would noun render Johan
nesburg nufi! for miner whether tho war
stops or not. There was coiiHlderablo ac
tivity In Delicers on reorganization, but In
iptiservntlvo opinion the current quota
tions aro quite, riH high ns thu reorganized
prospects warrant. It Ih alleged In soma
quarters that much of thu buying of
iJelleern has boen on American account.
Tho American section of tho Stock ex
change showed little actual business.
American quotations perfunctorily follow
New York prices. There has been much
talk of tho account hnvltiK been over
renched In thu Tutted Stolen that Investors
hero have Brown cautious.
Topper continues to bo un unsolved equa
tion. In spite of the talk of a further cut,
It In apparecnt Hint substantial Interests
hero have sufficient money and faith to
buy liberally on every decline, so n serious
break Is not likely unless there aro un
expected developments In tho United Htatos.
froth In (lermany and In Franco tho out
look for tho new year Is more hopeful,
Theru Is considerable, money In Paris
uwultlng only some encouraging lead to
seek Investment.
Miontr Inside Interests Tnke Hold
mill I'nref the 1'rlcrs
NEW YOriK, Jan. fi. (Special.) Henry
Clows, head of tho banking houso of Henry
Clown & Co., reviewing the conditions of
Walla street, says:
In spite of holiday Interruptions and ap
prehensions of tight money; wo havo had
a fulrly active nnd advancing stock mur-
ket. Strong Insldo Interests havo taken
hold of tho market nnd under their power
ful support pi Ices were hound to advance.
Thoro was no unfavorable news except
what had been already discounted, con
sequently, there was llttlo hindrance to pro
fessional manipulation. Tho principal stimu
lus to a bull movement was of course an
ticipation of tho usual January Investment
demand and the largo dividend disburse
ments at this period. Whllu tho latter
caused a temporary derangement of tho
money market, they aro generally regarded
ns a hull argument for tho reason tint a
considerable portion llnd their way back
to Wall street for Investment purposes.
This year January dividend payments aro
larger than usual In spite of the decline
In Industrial dividends. Our rallro.uls aro
Mill onjoylng a degreo of prosperity far
beyond what was over anticipated, and
this fact alone Is sufficient to hold values
ut their present high level and glvo tho
professional trader a chancu for an upward
turn. So far, however, thu outside public
Jiavo shown llttlo disposition to enter thu
market. Such of them ns have not been
bitten by tho collapse In copper ure In
un exceedingly cautious mood; they recog
nize that values are already very h!ph
and that a bull markut forced at this tlmo
would very likely bo a selling movement in
disguise. It seems very Improbable. there
fore, that tho present attempt to Interest
tho public will succeed, and prudent com
mission hou'es are taking a cautionary at
titude. Tho exceptional strength of tho
coal stocks served to stlmuluto npeVulatloti,
especially ns there was some Justification
for ii rlso In tho Heading Issues. Thu latter
huvu long been clarsed among tho low
grado Issues for reasons that oru now
ancient history. High prices for coal and
a largo demand for that product havo, how
over, effected nn Important change In the
prospects of .theso securities, to say noth
ing of the early .restoration- of voting
power to tho Heading. Doing among tho
most baokwnrd shares on the list, thu rise
lu these issues have boon moro legitimate
than, other movements In the market.
As for the outlook In ISX12. It is certainly
satisfactory and hopeful, but less so than
a year ago. Prices of both stocks nnd
commodities am very high; so hlch as to
materially check buying power nnd re
movo nil basis for legitimate singulation
or anticipation of futuro wants. The busl
liess situation is good; yet It Is spotty com
pared with tho beginning of 1901. Tho Iron
trudo Is still enjoying a most extraordinary
boom and promises to continue, in this
courso for somo tlmo to come. Its chief
basis Is tho demand from tho railroads,
which, ns explained in previous advices,
aro not only overtaxed with the handling
of freight, but are passing through a pro
cess of reconstruction involving heavy
orders for rails, bridges, cars anil locomo
tives that vdMld bo likely to continue, even
should tho rush of freight nbtTto somewhat.
For somo time to como tho railroads will
bo obliged to spend u largo part of tholr
surplus .earnings In this direction, rather
than In Increased dividends; and It Is raro
good fortune for railroad managers that
theso Imperative changes can bu paid out
of earnings, rather than by Issuo of new
Rccurltlt).', which would otherwise have been
tho cii3u. Experts nay that tho end of the
present activity In freight trafllc is not
yet In sight; tnat wo are In for several
months' additional good business. We trust
tills will provo true, but wo Hro now at
th time when a reduced corn movement
will bo felt .inl tho sevoro winter promises
to cause moro or less Interruption. Outsldo
of the iron undo there Is no abnormal ac
tivity and values often show a sagging
tendency, High prices hlivo stimulated pro
duction and checked buying, so that soma
Hort of natural readjustment seems neces
sary. In this connection It is Important
to ,wutch the workings of the trust cxprrl
menu Theso organizations exert n power
ful control over prices, which If used In
.tlia samo fashion as in copper will produce
corresponding .results, Those who control
these trusts nnd have securities which they
would like to sell may easily bo tempted
to hold prices at artificial levels, to dam
up tho natural forces if supply and do
miind, until such schomos collnpto froim
Inherent unsoundness. Thn trust systeTii
appears to have worked very smoothly '
under prosperity, and it will bo Interesting
to watch Its courso when tho markets be
gin 16 moyo in a downward direction, as
thoy certulnly will lu duo season. Thoro
Is a vast mass of theso securities In tho
market undigested, and they will bo the
first to foul tho effects of reaction, '
lhe Immediate outlook for tlw market Is
hopeful. Easier money, which may bu ox
pocted In a faw days, and tho nntlclpitnd
Investment demand will undoubtedly be
used as a bull urgumuut. As a result, wo
shall probably have a good trading market
for a spell, during which wo should advlso
prollt-taklng upon all pronounced rnllles.
There nro still rumors and ruihors respect
ing various Important railroad denh, which
must havo on Important Influence upon
values. In this connection litigation re
gardlng tho Northern Pnclllc merger will
have a Hlgnlllcant bearing. An adverse
decision might not prevent inn object that
could bo uttained by other legal methods;
but it would cause delay and idlsuppolnt
meat which would unquestionably affect
thu prices of other securities now tinder
the sway of community of Interest and
merger plans.
I extend tho compliments of the season
to all my readers and congratulate them
upon a year of great prosperity and upon
huvlng been witnesses at tho launching of
tho most glgnntlo business enterprises In
tho world's Tilstory. The great consollda
Hons in the Industrial world and the har
monization of Mist Interests In tho rallwav
world surpass nil precedent. Ab n
solution ut least of Brent economic prob
lems they hold forth great promise. It Is
something to have lived in stirring times
and tuken purt In great movements. I wish
you all 11 very happy Now Year and a
large share of tho prosperity yet In store
for us all.
Cloth .Market.
MANCHESTER, Jan. 6.-TI10 cloth mar
uet during tho Inst week was almost with
out feature, nnd the holiday atmosphere
remained undlspellod. There was a fair
eastern cloth Inaulry. but it was dlfncult
of negotiation, and few,orders wero placed.
Bonw odd lots were sold in China. The
makers nfisatccns aro struggling hard for
higher figures, and severnl minor outlets
uppenr to tuijipiilthy. Huyer and sollers
ore carefully watching cotton receipts, but
aro not anxious to opernto largely. The
Impression apparently prevails that the
crop movement In tho United States will
slacken prices and bring out cotton. Little
business was done and merchants did not
seem to have muny orders. Home users
on American nccouuts wore very cautions,
confining their purchases to their Immcdlato
wants. Tho tendency of prices was In favor
of American buyers.
Mnrhcd Incrcnsc In Trading; In All
Department tliv l-Vntiirc of lie
Rlnnlntr of Venr,
MERLIN, Jan. 5. Tho bourse begins tho
Ufw year with a marked Improvement In
all departments and It Is the general opin
ion that n considerable bull movement has
' Favorable, factors during tho last week
wero tlx eae of the money market, the
mining boom In London, the strength of
tho Vienna bourse, the utterances of Presi
dent Koch of the Helchsbank upon the
German business situation nnd the reduc
tion of freights over Prussian railroads lu
ifon exported from Gorman ports, nnd,
finally, thu reports on the American Iron
and copper markets. All tho German Mate
loans wero heavily bought as Investments,
tho quotations on these securities rising
until yesterday, when thu preference for
iiiuuniiiuiH caused government securities 10
wruKtm, milieu interest was also shown In
curtain foreign rentes, especially Spanish
and Argentine rentes. The obligations of
1110 Anatolian and Italian Transvaal rail
ways were very active, but American rail
way snares were qtlllo neglected, Shares
of tho ocean steamship companies nttrncted
llttlo attention during the week, but ad
vanced moderately. Irons wero very strong
at tho week's end, as a result of the an
nouncement of the reduction of stocks itnd
through reducod production, diminished Im
ports and Increased exports, as well as
numerous other Indications of an Improve
ment in thu Iron situation, which wero
partly contradicted by reports of vyorso
conditions. '
Thn Vosslsche Zeltung already warns .the
public against n too optimistic view of tho
"',' 'i'.""!1"' which it says is still very
nnd. The bourse .rennrtn Imllnntn flint n t .
Mders havo begun .speculative buying In
Iron and coal shares. Yesterday all tho
Industrials were In strong demand and
many advnnced 10 points during tho week.
These latter Include Iron and coal shares
Him inp obligations or machinery nnd
Chemical roneorns.
During tho Inst week tho money market
TP. ,t"cmciy easy and tho press predicts
that the Helchsbank will mako nn early
icuuvuuii hi uiu rmo oi discount, money
has been heavily offered since the new year.
I'urolKii riiuinclnl.
MADRID, Jan. E.-TJ10 report of the Hank
of Spain for tho week ended vesterdny
shows tho following changes: Gold In hand
increased 2116,(100 pesetas, silver In hand In
creased 1. 453,(00 pesetas, notes In circula
tion Increased 9,2mJ,ooo pesetas. Guld was
quoted yestordny at Xt.W.
IHJENO8 AYRKS. Jan. G.-Gold at closing
yesterday wan quoted at lCS.GO.
Cotton Market.
limited denrind, price 3-32d lower; Amer
ican middling fair. 3 0-32d; good middling,
4!i-16d; middling, ll-lfid;- low middling,
-I11.3LM! L'nritt nrrllnnri J , .11.... .
3:i-32d. The. sales of 'tho day were 5,'Xn5
uiticB, oi which .iv wero ror speculation and
export, and Included 4,3m) American. Ho
cefpts, la.OiK.' bales, Including 10,2i Amer
ican. Futures opened easier nnd closed
steady; American middling, g. o. c, Janu
ary, 4 21-fild, sellers; Jonuary-Fobruaiy,
4 23-Cld, buyers; February-March, 1 23'Old,
buyers; March-April, 4 23-fild, buyers; April
May, 4 2.1-Gid. buyers; Mny-Jiine, 4 23-Clft
I 'J l-Old, buyers; June-July, 4 2.J-m4 24-tild,
buyers; July-August. 1 23-r,fr 21-tild; Au-gust-September.
4 20-fild, sellers.
Closed unlet: middling Iinlnnd. KK.liVr mill.
tiling gulf, S9-li!c; no sales. Futures closed
firm: January, 7.91c; February, 7.JSc; March.
Sc; April, S.i)lc; May. 8.08c; June, sale; July,
.12c; August, !c; September, 7."2c; Octobor,
NEW ORLEANS, . Jan. 4.-COTTON-I'lrm:
sales. 3.90O bales: ordinary, nii.lftn:
good ordinary. WTdc; low middling, 7T4c;
ii luiiiiiiK, i:iv: kuuii middling, ic; mm-
uiiiik inir, sa-ioc; receipts.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 4. CnTTnvSton.iv
middling, 716-lfic; sales, 200 bales; receipts,
8. SCI, bales: shlnments. UAiCA h;il.a ut,,,.ir
50,270 bales.
quiet at 7Tc
Wool Mnrltct.
LONDON. Jan. 4,-WOOr Trn.llinr In
wool hus bjifn very quiet since ths closing
of tho December auction snles. lloldern
uro asking full rates for merinos. Cross
bicds are steady. A better feeling hns pre
vailed during tho last few days. York
shire reported a good trade at satisfactory
prlcos. Tho arrivals for the first series of
tho 1903 auction sales amount In l.iiii
bales. Including 32.000 forwarded illreet. Tim
Imports of wool during tho week were: New
aoutn wnies, ir.aou nates; Queensland, 10,
325: Victoria. C.154: Sonlli Aimimltn. K r.
New Zealand, 3,fiS3; Cape of Good Hopo nnd
iiLim, eisewncre, i.itij.
ST. LOUIS. Jnn. 4.-AVOOI-Flrm, un
changed: medium grndes, 13ff17Wc; light
line, j.i'iiiDc; neuvy line, ivuizc; tub
washed, liy2lc
Oil nnd ltiisln.
OIL CITY. Jan. 4,-OIL-Crodlt balances,
11.15: certificates, no bill: .ohlninentH. 74.110
bbls.; averngi. 77,073 bbls.; runs, 79,916 bbls,;
KVemtrit 7:1 llnl Idilu
SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. 4,-OIL-Turpcn-tine.
firm. 37Wc. Hosln. firm: A. n. n .mil
I). 1.05; K, SI. 10; F. $1.15: G, 11.151 II. Sl.tO;
I. Jl.70r K. $2.25; M, J2.C5; N, J3.25; W. G
J3.00: W. W . J3.85.
NEW YORK. Jnn. 4. OllCottonseed.
stendy; prime crude, nominal: yellow, -llfif
41Uc. Petroleum, dull; refined. New York,
J7.20; Philadelphia and Ilaltlmore,' $7.15;
rtew vorK anil iiaitimorc, lu bulk, $1.5.).
Rosin, steady: strained, common In irnml
$1.05. Turpei.tlne. steady, WfiUiOc.
UKiir Jliirkel.
NEW nni.RANfl. Jnn. iHitr: Aii-
Steady; open kettle, 2(.?f2'ie; open khttle,
centrifugal. 3iT3-ic; centrlfugul granulated.
4i.Miliic: whites. 3 ll.lfrftnaie: vellnwn .u:ir
3iic; sccondii, 2J?3',ic. Molasses, quiet; open
kettle, 15(f."0c; centrifugal, GOlbc; syrup,
qtllnt at KVii24c
NEW YORK, Jan. 4.-SUaAR-Haw,
steady: fair rellnlng, 3!,c: centrifugal, 9d
test. 3e. Molasses sugar. 26c Hotlncd,
SMc; No. 9, 3.90c; No. 10, 3. Mo; No. ll,
4.75c; cubes, 6.00c.
Hunk CleurliiKK,
OMAHA, Jan. i. Bank clearings toJayf
$l,31t),SC4.2M; ctrresponillng day last yenr.
$1.30S,1G1,57; Increase, J2.7u2.71.
CINCINNATI. Jun. l.-Clenrlngs. $2,867.
100; money, 4H5JC per cent; New York ex
change, par. - ,
IIOHTON, Jnn. V-Clenrlngs, $:3,610,353;
balances, $1,853,322.
PHILADELPHIA. Jnn: 4.-Clenrlngs, $26.
C01.S1S; balances. $2,(5,i;52. Clearings for
week, $U:i,346,SS3; balances, $13,320,13.
Money. .1 per rent.
NEW YORK. Jnn. 4,-Clcarlngs, $368,491,
399; balances, $19,237,017.
MlimciipMlK "Wlicnt, Klnnr nnd Ttrnn.
78'.4c: May, 79,c; July, FQli80Wc Oii
track: No, 1 hard, SOfto; No. 1 northoni,
7b',!!e. ,
FLOUR-Flr patents. $3.153.90; second
patents, MW.VM: first clears, $3.S533.9J;
stcond clears. $2.50.
llRAN-ln bulk, 1S.
IniporlN mill Exports.
NEW Y'ORK, Jan. 4. Tho Imports of dry
goods stud merchandise nt thu port of New
York for this week nro valued nt 510,160,603.
Exports ot specie from this port to all
countries .for this week aggregate- $G21,5S6
silver and $154,230 gold. The Imports of
specie this week woru $9,617 gold and $11,
131 silver. ,
.Mil wiuiKee (J ruin .tlnrUet.
No. 1 northern. SOHc; No. 2 northern, 79'u)
79V4e; May. MVfcfjMlic.
RYE-lllghir. No. 1. CCUf07c.
HARLEY Steady; No. 2, 01c; sample, 53
CORN Higher; May, 676740.
lloston Slocks ii ii il Iloiids,
HOSTON, Jon. I.-Call loans, 6-a per
cent; tlmo loans, 5'aii per cunt. Official
Atchison 4s
Oas 1 ,.
Mux. Central 4s.
N. E. G, & C...
do pfd...,
Boston & A
Boston & .Mu...,
N N II & II..
Fltchburg Pfd...
Union Pacific ...
Mux. Central ...
Amer. Sugar
Amer. T. tiT...
Bom. I. S
Gun. Electric ...
Mass. Electric..
do pfd
N. B. O. & C...
United Fruit ...
: W
, oi
Allouez 3
Hnltlo 37
Bingham ', 21
cai. a ifccla coo
Centennial l.Vl
Copper Rango ... on'
Dom. Coal 65'i
Franklin ii
IhIi; Royalo 21
Mohawk ;to
.14 144 1
, 2X
, 2N4
win dominion ... 21
Osceola , m
Parrot 29
ylncy i
Santa Fe Copper. 3U
Tamarack ..,....i26i
Trlmoiintnln ...... 31
Trinity mij
smcK, J.(i,t)iri Dales. Futures, steady; Junu.
nry, 7.71?i 7,76c: February, 7.77fj7."i9c; March,
7.bO'u7.Mc: April. 7.N9ft7.91c; May, 7.94j7.95c;
Juno, 7,jtW7.95c: July, x.oui.s.ioo. v
1,1 'JTil t... Int.
j.nuc; iu. a, .l.vjc; imi, u, j,,ac; ISO. II,
3.75c; stnndnrd A. 4.55c; confectioners' A.
1. 55c: mould A, 5.10c; cut loaf, 5.2.1c;
crushed. 5.25c: nowdercd. 4.85c; L'rnnn'ii..,!
Grains and Frtriiitni Art lacjtd Up bj
, Cain Dtmaid,
All ti ii iliuit It it I ii m: In Wlient Corn
.MiilntiihiN lis StreiiKlli mid lints
AutliiK In Sympathy Huh a
I'nlr Cull.
CHICAGO, Jun. 4.-Caslj strength In
wiiciit aim corn mid a considerable revival
ot outsldu b'JV nir bill led the lira lu nits to
day. and In suite of tint tifiiial Saturday
evuiilng-up brought a close very near to top
prices all along tho line. May wheat was
up SV'it'i May corn Wuw higher and May
oats -M'bc advunced. Provisions closed 2',4
djioo nigiicr.
The trade lu wheat was largely of tho
same character us "yesterday nervous and
active, with traders generally somewhat
akcptlcal as ti, thu genuine strength of
mo murKet. Tlic crowd was soon reas
sured upon the appearance- of an nbun
dlilico of ImvlliL' orders In thn ntt. I. lb
ernls wero advanced, liut us little reflected
tlie condition lieru as they did yesterday of
'1 hursday's depression. Antwerp was un
changed nnd Paris well up, consequently
somu small attention was given to the for
eign sttJiitlon und prices advanced a llttlo
under ino inuiienuu or outsiuo buying, lie
ports from tho southwest sliiteil win
ter wheat was bringing moro in Its prin
cipal region ot growth innii in uiucugo.
On thu other hand excellent Munltotm
wheat was belng-olTercd ut Montreal at thu
opening of navigation for Sic. Receipts
weru small, though weather conditions
wcro Improved. When the commission
house business began tii nick up, scalpers
came in tne mnrxct and trade gruw heavy.
In spite of Saturday realizing May sold
un to fvH.o and closed stromr at that Hz-
uro. Local receipts wcro 31 cars, none ot
conirnct graue; Minneapolis and uuiutli re
ported 293 cars, making a totnl for tho
three points of .126 cars, against 490 last
week and 376 a year ugo. Primary receipts
wero p),uw uu., compared Willi 47U,wo uu.
tho corresponding1 duy last year. Seaboard
clearances In wheat and flour cnualled 405.-
000 bJ. Australian shipments were 272,000
on., compared wun 4S,(ioo bu. last weeK,
Corn opened strong nnd maintained Its
strength throughout the short session. Tho
siceumtlvo market was broadening no
ticeably, outsiders wero buying nnd tho
resting bears began to wako up. Shorts
bcculno doubtful and covered, and when
tno ensn situation was reported improving
prices began to advance Liverpool cables
wcro UU. based Inriselv on nonr recelnts
from the Danublan country. Country ac
ceptances were smau nnn at tno same tlmo
corn offered from horn to Now Engluud
points was accepted. Rdfcelpts wero small
and It was said country offerings wero
dried up. Everything was quickly taken
nun mo mi grow nroau nnu independent
Mny so d UP to fi7'.Ao. Toward thn dos
commission houses sold for nrnflt iiml
pcalpers entered tho market, easing prices
niigiiuy. .iny cinseu sltong, '.WW Itlghcr,
ill K?iIA7l.v tlol.,lo .?i Ki ......
Oats had a fair trade, tho market work
ing lu sympathy with other grains. On tho
intra spots thu northwest as well as St.
Louis had them for sule. Scalpers and
local Interests bought them. The advance,
which began with tha opening, was a re
sult of thu cash improvement and good
speculative buying by commission houses
and loonl traders. Receipts were lluht mid
Clearances fair. Tho selling was not
enough to take the edge oft thu market
and May, which sold up to i(yic, closed
strong. fiV4c up, at 46V& I0ic. Receipts
were m cars.
Provisions were dull and steady. Lard
absorbed much of the attention. There
was some, changing or May for January
nnd some smtll outsldo buying of pork.
Tho i)iog market was dull, tho receipts
wero light. May pork closed 10c up at
$17.37(4. May laru i?c higher nt $9.97V4 and
Mny ribs 2Vc up nt J8.S2H.
Estimated tecelnts for Xtonilnv! Whent.
3o ears; com, 133 cars; oats, 115 cars; hogs,
ii.w'u neaii.
Thu leading futures ranged ns follows:
Articles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. I Yes'y.
78 79 78V4 79 78
S2'.jj; S3VJ S24 83U824ff
67 Sf. 67H 67 67ii 66
CO'.MfU 66T4.66HOU 665 66 U
39J(, lOJifiH 39', 40 39tJ
33i 33y4 33; 33H 33
I 16 95 17 00 lfi 95 IS 9S 16 S7
17 35 17 42 17 32i 17 374 17 274
9 92 9 95 9 87U 9 W 9 924
9 95 10 00 9 924 9 974 9 !'
I H 65 8 65 S 65 S 65 8 524
I S 624 8 85 8 SO 8 824 8 SO
No. 2.
Cnsh quotations wcro ns follows:
FLOUR Slow: winter patents. J3.7oW3.9rt-
winter straights, $3.30fl3.70; winter clenrs,
$3.00fr3.40: soring specials. $4.30: snrinir mil.
ents, $3.50fj3.l:0; spring straights, $3.1ujr3.S0.
WHEAT No. i spring. 7y80Hc; No, 3
spring. 76f?794c; No. 2 red, M4frSSc.
UATH .NO, U'.tVMW; NO. 2 White, 4Mf
49Hu; No. 3 white. 4SQ494c
HYK NO. L'. liiliC
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 69fi62c.
HEKUS-No. 1 flax. $1.60: No. 1 mirll,w..ut.
cm, $1.65; prime timothy, $6.53'; clover, con-
traci graue, xiu.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, ner hbl.. HRflr.
fi 17.00. Uird. per HO lbs., $9.9vfi9.92'.j. Short
ribs' sides (looao), $S.50?i8.C0. Dry salted
(boulders (boxed). S7.374iJ7.50. Short nlenr
sides (boxed). $8.909.00.
wttiMKi uasis ot nign wines, $1.32.
The following wero tho recelnta nnr) ahln.
ments of grains yersterday:
ltecelpts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls C3.CO0
wheat, uu y.i.wt
108 100
Corn, bu 2l2,00i)
uats, tm, 24.1,000
iiyr, uu........ li.uil
Barley, bu 46,fil
Un tho l'roduce exchnnco today tho hut.
ter market was steady, creameries. ISfrC
24c; dairies, Hff.'Oc. Cheese, steady, 9j'uv
lU'.iC. i-KKs, very nnn; iiesn, .'iifisc.
(liiotntlona of tlic l)n y nu Vnrlnus
NEW YORK. Jnn. 4.-FLOUR-Recclpts.
22.302 bbls,; exports, 3,36T.bbls.; very Ilrm,
but still too high for much business out
sldo of tho usual Jobbing lines; winter pat
ents, $3.75Jjl.OO; winter straights, .$3.508
3,63; Minnesota patents, $3.60((3,95; winter
extras, $3.20ii3.35; Minnesota bakers, $3,20
iii;i,33; wIhUt low grudes, 2.7tKi)-.bO. Ryu
tlcur, steady; fair to good, $3.203.40; choice
to lancy, j.wno.3.
CORNMEAL Firm: yellow western. $1.36:
city. $1 36, Brandywlne. $3,631(3.70.
RYE Firm; No 2 western, 764o f. o. b.
ntloat; statu rye, 71872c c. i, f. carlots.
HARLEY steady ; reeding, uio c. t. f.
Buffalo; mailing. ftlfttWo c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts, 101.C30 bu.. .Spot, ilrm;
X.. 1 .....I Ll.Tf r .V 1. ..,!... V'.. O w.n,t
-!,. M tLll. M,HU U U. .1 IlllUtll, W I HI,
87To elevator; No 1 northern, Duluth, S8'4o
r. o. p. aiioat; .no. i nam, uuiuiu, yj'j.c r.
o. I), ailuut. Option)! wero active and
stronger on better cables thiuu expected
nnd a vigorous demand from tho south-
wost. Local traders having oversold yes
terday wero forced by these conditions and
tho cold wavo east to cover freely. Closed,
firm at i.i4c net advance: March. 8SV4i
ito; closed at 8Sic; May, S7 7-16u8!sc;
closed at 87'ic; July. 87 fj-lli4iS7ic: closed
ut 87?o.
CORN Receipts, 7,ooo tm.; exports, i.sos
bu, Spot, Ilrm; No, 2, 714c oluvator nnd
71C f. o. b. afloat. Tho option market
bhowed Important activity and strength
quite unusual for Saturday. Buying was
stimulated uj; uiguer cnDics, iignt receipts
west and a more bullish sentiment gen
erally. Closed firm nnd He nut higher;
May. 711i71Vc: closed at 714o: Julv
closed at 7044c
ija i a iieceipis iu.wu nu.; exports, 4&o
bu. Spot, Ilrm; No. 2. 63c: No. 3, t2c; No. 2
white, Mc;.No 3 whltu, 6l4c; truck, mixed
western, 524e; truck, white, 54-344c Op-
iiiiiin iiuriy iicuve mid iiriner whh pom,
HAY Steady: shliinlng. 60Ca63c: uood to
choice, 824?9oc. '
HOPS fillet: state, common to choice.
1901 crop, Hfil54c; I9oo crop, Siyi2o: ib!j
crop, 69c; i'acltlc coast, 1901 crop, 114715c;
1900 crop, 8012c; 189!) crop, 6'u9c.
HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs.,
18c; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 194c; Toxin
dry, 21 to 3.) lbs., 144c.
LEATHER Steady: hemlock so e. Hue.
nos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 25fi264o.
WOOI Dull; doincstlu llocce, 2oii2i5c;
Texas. 165T17c.
PROVISIONS-Beef, steady; family, $11,00
W12.50; mess, $9.601 10,00; beet hums, $20.00
4)21.0); inickot, $10.501811.60; city, extra India
mess, $l7.60ii 19.(io. Cut meats, qalet; pickled
bellies, Sij!0o: pickled shoulders, Sc;
pickled hams, 9;frl04o. Lard, ilrm; west
ern steamed, $10.20; letlncd, flrmor; conti
nent, $11. W, coiniioiind, $00ij8,23, I'ork,
tit m ; family, $10,110.00; short clear, $18.01)
(jl-.'O.OO; mess, $10.50'7 17.W.
BUTTER Firm; creamer, 16f23c; fac
tory, 12441164c; Junu factory, 13ii2l4c: imi
tation creamery, 110184c; state dairy. 15
CHEESE Firm; statu full creams, large,
fall made, WZaiO-tc; state full creams
small, family mado. Hiflll4c; Into made,
best large, ji4t.. ate mnde, best small, 10
EGGS Strong; statu and Pennsylvania, 31
wesiern, nt marK, wiijic; souincrn,
at mark, 2i'(p)c.
METALS- rim rnnnnr sltlintlnn uns mltl
unsettled, bin inotutlons were ruling at
yesterdays iiKiircs and sales were being
made at that. Lako Superior was quoted
at 124c electrolytic nt 12c and casting nt
114c 1 lu was weak '.n tone, but not quot-
nuiy lower, spot Uelllg quoieu at JZ.'.itt'tf'
23.30. IAUd tvna flllll itnd linphil llffml n t tl
as was spelter at $4.30. Iron was very quiet!
111 ji.uu ior pig iron warrants; ro. 1
northern foundry, Jlo.60416.00; No. 2 north
ern foundry, $; No. 1 southern
foundry, $15.6011 16.00; No. 1 soft southern
foundry, $15.oncul7.00. As usual on Satur
day there were no cable advices from
Condition of Trade nnd (Imitation
on Mtiipl,. nM, I'niicy Produce.
f-P. V,? 1 toe c I p t . light; frcsli stock, 22c.
LIVE I'Ol'i.THY Hens, lVf64e; old
roosters, 3iOo turkeys, 7rjDci ducKs atitl
u-viTc. I'"'isc' 8I'rlnK chickens, per lb.,
ducks, 'i84c- geese, 8y9c; spring chickens,
iliWW, nen 'iij7ic.
BUTTER ''onimun to fair. 114c; cliolca
dn.l.r.J',.,,',vt,l,1;i't "c; sepniator. 23y2tc.
FROZEN FISH Black bass, 18c; while
bass. luc: bltieilsh, 12c; bullheads, loci blue
tins, ic; burfatoew, 7c; catllsn, Itos cod, 10c;
crapples, lie: halibut, 11c; herring. 3c; had
dock, 9c; pike, sc; red snapper, 10c; sul
mun, 120; suniish, 6c; trout. 9c; whltetlsh,
ic; pickerel, 60, iresh mackerel, each, .".i
Jju; smelts, loc. '
OYSTERS .Mediums, per can. 22c; Stand
ards, per cun 25c; extra Selects, per can.
ajc; New lort. counts, per can, ice; bulk
Standards, per gal., Jl.2eal.25; bulk extra
selects. $l.Co4!i.C5: bulk New York counts,
per gal., J1.75. 1
Pit) EONS-LI ve, per dor., 0)c.
tvfI?AI-Cholcc, 6Wc.
HAl 1'rlcvs quoted hy, Omaha Whole
sulo Hny Dealers' association: Choice up
land, $9.50; No. 2 upland, $i.60; medium,
ii coarsu, $7.50. Rye siruw, $5. These
prices nru for hny of good color and
quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 8 cars.
BRKr'' B7ci ow 67c-
I'OTATOES-Home grown, $1; northern,
M.iu; Suit Lake, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10..
CARROTS-Pcr bu 60c.
"EETS-l'er 4-bu. basket. 3c.
j(TURNIPSPer bu., 60c; Rutabagas, per
PAltsNiPslper bu.. 60c.
CUCUMBERS-Hothouse, per doe,, $1.75.
LETTl'CE Head, per iU $ti.6o; hot
houso lettuce, per doz- 25c
l'ARSLEY-Pcr doit., 26c.
RADISIIES-Per doz.. 26cj
SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per
ib.. 24c. Kir.--., per bbl $3.25.
CABBAGH- Holland seen, cratod, 14c
CAULIFLOWER I'er crate. $2.75.
OMONS Kpanlsh, per crate, 2.0o; Michi
gan, red or yellow. 3c per lb.
CELERY-Callfornla. 40ff75c
APPLES Bon Davis, per bbl., $1.50;
W iuesaps, $5; Jonathuus, $; Bcllcflowers,
per box. $175.
n PEARS-Vlkors, $2.25; Lawrence, $2.25
GRAPES Mulaeas, per keg. J5 ROQ8.50.
CHANHEH HIES Per bbl.. i7.6Wis.ou: tier
crate, $2.75.
NAVY BEANS Per bu.', $2.13.
Tlllll'ICAI. 1,'KtllTK
ORANGES Fiorldas, $3.2o't3.t0; Califor
nia nuvcis, w.ijjj3.O0J budded, $2.50.
LE.MGNm li'iim v tir,n',ii ,.1,,, 1.... uin
UA.NANAa Per ounch, according to size,
F1US California, new r.irlons. fl.00: Im.
ported, per lb., U'JtHc.
DATES Perslnns In ll.ll, ImvM tn.r Ih
64c; Sulrs, 5c
.V'UTH N(!W ,rnn vi'iilnnlu "Mrt 1 nntt
shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per ib., 114c;
No. 2 silft shell, luc: Nn. " hnr.l Klirtl
Brazils, ner Hi - He illli.irin i,..r n. IV
almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c;
pecaiih, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa-
uuin, per cwi jo; chestnuts, li'C.
HONEY I'er 24-scctlon case, $3.50.
CIDER Nchawku, per bbl., 3;
York, a 50.
POPCORN Per lb.. Cr.
HIDES No. 1 green, 0c; No. 2 green, 6c;
No. 1 salted. 174c; No. 2 salted, 6-ic; No. 1
tin vim, o iu nf2 ios., c; iso. i veal calf,
12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8yi3c; Bheep
pelts, 2o27c; horsu hides, $1.60iJ.'.25.
St. I.onla Grain nnd Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 4 WHS? AT1ili,,P
No. 2 rod. cash, clei'ator. MSle: trnek nie-
&".'. . uiioii, iracK,,
ili'uS.sVic; May. Ki4ac9?io: July.'6S4c.
OATS-IIIghcr: No. 2 cash. 4Sc: trn.k
49'ic: Mnv. 48ic! Julv. 39K.O! Nn 1 whit..
it YE Better at 67c
FLOUR Firm and quiet; red winter pat
its, $3.S5(4.10: extra fancy and straight.
$3.45'i(3.60; doors. $3.10413.25. '
HUliU Timotny, steady, $6.0OSf6.30.
tJORNMEAI-Steady at $3.25.
BRAN Quiet; sacked, cast track, $1.07.
HAY Quiet: timothy. S15.00fflS.GO! nrntH
$15. '
PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; jobbing,
$16.50. Lord, lower. $S.95. Drv salt men tit
boxcd), Ilrm, but quiet; extra short and
clear ribs, $8.75; clear sides. $9. Bacon
(boxed), firm, but quiet; extra shorts,
$9,624; clear ribs, $9.76; clear sides, $9,674.
whihky Hlendy, $1.32.
METAIS Lead, bettor at $3.95. Spelter,
asy at $4.12W. ' '
lOULTY-8tcndy: chickens, 8c; turkeys,
Sc; ducks. 674c; geese, 3Jj5c.
BUTTER Steady; crenmery, 200254c:
dairy, 15420C. " '
1SUUH llighcr nt 22c
RECEIPTS Flour. 6.000 hbls n O A
bu.; corn, 71,000 bu.; oats. 47,000 bu.
Miiii'.Mtt.'viH i-iour, 10,000 bbls.; whoat.
0,000 bu.; com, 91,000 bu.; oats, 64,000 bu.
Liverpool Grnln and Provisions.
No. 2 red, western, winter, firm, 6s 24d: No.
1 northern, spring, steady, 6s 14d; No. 1
California, steady, 6s 44d; futures, quiet;
March. 6s 341; May, 6s '
CORN Snot, aulet: American mixed narv
5s fid; American mixed, old, 6s 6d; futures,
Inactlvo; February. 5s 3)4d; March, 6s 34d;
PEAH Canadian, Ilrm, 6s lid.
FLOUR St. Louis fancv winter, firm
s 9d.
HOPS At London (Pacific coastl. steady.
3 3s03 5s. '
PRO VIS I ONS Pork, ilrm; prlmo western
mess, 27s 6d. Lard, stendy; American re
fined, In palls, 49s 6d; prime western, In
tierces. 49s 60.. Hams, short cut. 14 in 16
lbs., steady, 48d. Bacon, Cumberland cut,
26 to 30 lbs.,- quiet, 43s Gd; short ribs, 16 to
24 lbs,, steady, 46s Gd: long clenr middles,
light, 28 to 34 lbs., quiet. 46s Gd; long clear
middles, Jicavy, 35 to 10 lbs., quiet, its 6d;
short clear backs, '16 to 20 lbs,, quiet, 4ts 6d;
clftir bellies, 11 to 16 lbs,, quiet, 52s Gd.
Shoulders, oiiiiare.cut, 11 to 20 lbs., 49s.
CHEESE Firm: ilnest American white,
4Ss Gd; tlnest American colored, 49s 6d.-
BUTTER-Steady; good United States,
Kniisns City Grnln and I'rovlKloiin.
SlMfiSlUc; July, Mo; cash, No. 2 hard. 80c;
No. 3, 7879c: No. 2 red. 8S4fJ91c; No. 3,
864iSS4c; No, 2 spring, 794c.
CORN January, 67)EtOSo; May, 69069V,c;
cash, No. 2 mixed, 674oOSc; No. 2 white,.
094c: No. 3, 68c
ua jh iso. 2wniie, c.
RYE-No, 2, C74c
HAY Choice t mothy. $14.00314.60: choice
prairie, $13.00313.50.
HUTTER-Creumcry. 16822c: dairy, fancy.
EGGS Firm, strictly fresh scarce; fresh
Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on
'change nt 24c doz., loss off; cases rqturnod;
now whltuwood cases Included, 4c moro.
RECEIPTS-Wheat. 25.600 bu.: corn. 121..
800 bu.; oats, 20.000 bu, .
SHIPMENTS Wheat, 18,400 bu,;
92,800 bu. ; oats, 13,000 bu.
Dry Goods Market.
market closes the week with' a quiet busi
ness in urouress In all departments. Thern
bus been only a slim attendance of buyers.
The lono of tho market for nil descrlnilnns
of piece goods continues Ilrm. Cotton yarns
nru in quieier request, uuyers oeing in
fluenced ny tno iiecunn in raw material,
but prices are maintained. The worsted
vnrn market continues stronir. Wnnlnn
yurns, quiet nnd unchanged,
Evnpornted Apples and Dried Frails.
APPLES Tho market ruled rather unlet.
but held steady In tone nt unchanged prices.
Stnte, common to good. t'S4o: prime, 9B
9,o; choice. 9W104u: fancy. lo'iifTilc
quiet and unchanged. Prunes, 3i U 7e. Aprl-
cots, itoyni, iuvmc; moor rara, avt'(ii3c,
Pcuches, peeled, 161120c: unpeoled, 7MifI24c,
Philadelphia 1'rndncr Slnrkrt.
Steady; fancy western creamery, 254T2Cc;
fancy nenrby prints, 29c,
EGGS Firm, Ic higher: fresh ncurby,
western und southwestern', 29c; southern,
CHEESE-Qulet: New York full creams.
fancy small, ll'.iu: New lork full creams,
fair to choice, 944711c
Coffer MnrUet.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4 -COFFEE-Spot nio.
3Ulet; No. 7 Inrolce. 7c. Mild, quiet; Cor-oa-,
744211c. Futures opened steady aud
JANUARY 0, 1902.
unchanged In price to 5 points-higher The
local market finished sundy at net un
changed prices to a decline ot 5 .points.
Sales. I8.S0O ongslnclttdlng: January, 6.70c;
March, 6.70c, M.ty, G.9.v(j7c; July, 7.1ic; Sep
tember, 7,304fi,35c; December, i.GOc,
Trnvr-llnir lrn Once Jlorc 3lnUhir
T!ielr Roiinds vltli Good
Success. ,
OMAHA, Jnn. I.
Traveling salesmen for local jobbers and
manufacturers uro once more on thu road
uftcr thu holiday recess and according to
all report they nru meeting with much
better success than .anticipated. Just lit
this season there Is, of course, consider
able tendency en tho part of retailers to
clean un what stock thev have on hand
and besides that they have hardly finished
invoicing and for that reason a good muny
merchants aro not buying as freely as they
will In n week or ten days from now. Tak
ing everything Into consideration, however,
Jobbers are greatly pleased with the busi
ness outlook for the coming yinr and are
predicting n good, healthy, brisk rnitrxet
for sonfe time, to come.
It hns been a long tlmo Rlnce tile local
market has been so free from price lliictu
ntlons as it was last week, In nct, It
may bo said that there was not a single
important change In any line. Th" general
tendency seemed to bu to hold prices steady
until thu year's business Is fairly well
under way As :i general thing Jobbers and
manufacturers do not plum very heavy
orders tli first week or ten dnvs if the
now year, so 'that thu true condition of
the market, Is hardly known, Those who
ought to know, however, seem to have u.
good deal of confidence In futuro values
and do not look for any very radical
changes for some tlmo to come.
Grocers A him I Stendy.
Tho new year is starting out In n very
satisfactory manner bo fur as the grocery
trndu Is concerned. Traveling men fur
local houses havo only been on the road
n few days, but, nevertheless, they niu
Rending lu n flood of orders. It seems that
grocers out through the country cleaned
out their holiday stocks lu good shape and
as there is a good steady demand for all
staple lines, there Is no prospect ot much
letup In the wholesale trade.
The mnrkct bus been itniisiirilly iiufnl n
far ns changes in quotations are concerned.
- n- mihui niiiiAt'i in 111 iiriiuiiciiny UIU HttlUU
position It was a week ago. That Is true
of both raws and rcllned. Canned goods
are also unchanged, but there is a very
firm feeling on com and tomatoes. Those
who nre In a position to know aro pre
dicting higher prlnes nt no very distant
Dried Crults arc irolni: Into rmisumiitlon
nt n rupfd rate, owing to thu cold weather,
out tne market has scarcely recovered as
yet from the rush of the holiday season.
As soon as retailers get their stocks
cleaned up a big demand Is loukcd for.
rarinnceous goons aro also unchanged.
Beans and oalmcnl aro both sclllnir In
practically the same notches thoy were a
week ago, but the market Is brisk and in
a good, -healthy condition.
CliniiKcn In KrrlKM Itntrs.
Local hardware men nre atlll l.ii.v In.
Voicing their stocks ntul iiu-thtr In ft r i i v 1 1
of bus ness they nro meeting with consider
able dltllculty. Not as many orders aro
coming In as aro expected a week from
now. but still there are moro than usual
at this time of year, which Is tnkin ns un
ndlcatlun of tho healthy condition of trade
in uiu couniry. Traveling men arc now
making their usual rounds and llnd that
stocks in thu country aru not what would
be called heavy and for that reason they
are predicting a very nice trade to set In
within thu next week or ten days.
Present indications nro that theru will
bu a few changes In prices nt this point,
owing to n readjustment ot freight rates,
It Is, of course, a well known tact that
several lines of goods havo been selling at
a lower prlco In this market than tlio mill
prlcss would Justify, owing to thu some
what demoralized condition of freight rales.
uiu way inings iook now, nowover, Jobbers
uiu in 1 1 in (.pinion iinu rnies will bo
slrlctly maintained In the futuru and for
nun. rrusur. such lines as wire nnd nnlls
will probably be marked up within tho next
few duys, so that thu selling prlco here will
bo In lino with the quotations at tho vari
ous mills. Outsldo of the changes that will
bo brought about by this readjustment
thoro Is practically no change In thu inur
ket worthy of mention. Tho Iron und steel
iiiarKei is in a goon, neaitny condition and
Indications aro that it will remain that
way for somo tltriu to come. Tho demand
seems to bo fully equal to tho supply und
a lively market Is predicted.
l)r; Goods n Trllic Uulel.
The dry goods market is not exactly
br sk. owing to the tact tliut traveling
sulesmen aro Just getting sturted otter
thu holiday yucatlon. They will practically
ull bo out, however, within thu nuxt lew
ilays, bo that a great Improvement is
looked for this week In thu vouimo of
business. Hetutlcrs enjoyed uu elegant
holiday trade n.nd that being the cuse it
s thought they will be ready to plncu
liberal order ior spring as soon us they
are given tho opportunity. Spring lines
are coming lu at a rupiu rate and in a
pnort time Jobbers' siccus will practically
be complete. It is expected thut earlv
buyers will begin to come In very shortly,
so thut Jobbers nro muklng a- grout effort
to get their stocks In shupo. Tno work of
shipping advance orders on such lines as
hosiery, underwear, shirtwaists unu guous
of that character is well under way. bo
much of that stock hus already been sold
thut wholesalers ure anxious to get boiiio
of the urders tilled und out of tho way
It will bo remembered that lust soring
there were moro buyers on tho market than
over before up to that tlmo und last fall a
corresponding lucre-use, In tho number or
visiting merchants was noted. In view of
the growing popularity of this market with
western merchants Jobbers uru looking Ior
another big Increase and for thut reason
ure making great preparations for a record
brenklng house trade.
There is no market news this week
worthy of mention. Practically all niios
nro in thu same position they wero .i weuk
ago nnd tho whoio situation is described by
calling the markut active and In a gooa,
hoalthy condition. who aru posted
aro very contldent that the maiKut will
continue satisfactory and that merchants
may buy lree,ly without fear of any drop In
Not So Active.
Tho demand for footwear last wir n.o,.
not quite ns brisk as it was when tho
weather was softer. There was, however
a good, steady demand owing to the fact
that merchants sold out an Immense
nmount of their stock during the previous
two weeks. The wcuther Is cold enough to
make all such lines vas nrctlcs, felt boots
legglns and German box movo freely!
though a llttlo moru snow and slush would
of course, help matters out considerably..
Wholesalers, however, are well uatlsllod
with tho trade thoy havo had so far and nil
thoy usk for is that the remainder of tho
winter be normal,
Leather goods aro also moving out fully
us well as could bo expected nt this tlmo
of the year and Jobbers nro all counting on
n very successful spring business, AM in
dications at tho present time seem to be
favorable und they hopo to break oven last
year srccord on snles of spring, lines.
Fruits nnd Produce.
The demand for fruits nnd vegetables was
not very largo lust week. OrderH wero
mostly rather light, ns dealers as well' as
consumers seemed to huvu considerable
'stock left over from Christmas, That sur
plus, however, is getting well cleaned tin
and a good brisk market Is expected for
this coming week.
So far ns prices ar concerned thoro In
nothing to be said. Thoro was hardly n
change all tho week and quotations nro
now nbout the snmo ns they wero during
tho holiday season. .
The poultry market has been In very
satisfactory condition. Tho supplj1 wns
none too henvy, so that prices hold firm all
the week. Commission men aro of the
opinion that poultry will command .good
prices for some IIUIq time, as they do not
think there will bo more than tmotigh to
meet tho eyery-day demand. .Tho prices at
which good stock Is selling will bo found in
another column.
Tho receipts of eggs Increased somewhat
last week, but the bulk of tho stock now
icomlng forwnrd Is limed nnd salted. Strictly
fresh eggs are scarco and thn market ilrm.
There has been no ciinngu In butter since
last report, the demand nnd supply run
ning about oven.
,eiv York Lire Stoek Ainrkrt.
NEW YORK, Jan. 4.-REEVES-Recelpts.
131 head, all consigned direct; no reported
transactions: dressed, beef stendy; city
dressed nutlvo sides, 6Hfl!0o lb. Cables
last received quoted American steers at
12Jfl3c, dressed weight, and refrigerator
beef nt frtiftlOUe lb. Exports toduy. 619
beuves. 1.02o sheep nnd 46S quarters of beef.
CALVEfl-Hecelpts. 81 head, with 61 head
on sale; quoted steady; fU barnyard calves
sold at Ji.00i34,12Vi per cwt ; dressed veals,
SHEEP AND'LAMnS-Rccolpts, 655 head;
10 cars on sale; shocp Ilrm, lambs very dull
and slightly easier; about 11 dozen cars un
sold nt Into hour; sheep sold nt J3,12'i;4.oi;
lambs, J5.50f6.12H; dressed mutton, 6Hffmc
lb.; dressed lamb, 7Uil0c,
HOGS-Recelpts, 365 head; Ilrm; state
hogs around J6.50.
St. Joseph l.lvr Stock Mnrkct.
ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 4.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
2S iK-nd; market bteady, ,
HOGS-Recelpts. 3.200 head: steady me
dlum and heavy, J6.0Af(.70; light and mixed.
J5.75W6.45: pigs, J3.605i5.(irt. 1111JK.U,
SHEEP AND LAMI33-NO receipts.
Diirbl 0rdi f OattU lId Frtily This
Wtk at Stroiju Pricti
llotli Fat Micep mid l.iiiulis IIimc lleeii
In 111k Di-iiinml All the WccU
Hint Prices AiH HiK-eil Abo ill
ii Uuiirler All Aroiind.
Receipts were:
Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
Olhclal Monday
Olticlai 'Juesuay .... Ucunesduy..
Ulni'ltii 'iniiis.iuy....
Oiliciut Friday
Oincial Satutdiiy....
6, Ul
i lil
Six days, this week... 13.13J 4S.93I 11,111
Satnu days lust week.. . o.vo'.i 3i,2U 4,lKi6
Siinio duys. weuK belort-..l6,J.jti 06,Joj 11, dm
S.iiiiu three weeks uko..1i.i9. ii,i'M H.uOJ
bnmu inijs imiiiilt iiho..1j,ju1 ii'.n 2j,ttt
h. i mo iiiys a yctii iirfo..lo,6ij 3a,imI 11, lis
Average p.-ice pul.i tor lings ut Soil.h
Omaha uiu piut several days with ioiii
piirisons: Date. lyol, UH)0.i!s93.IWi.li97.lS9i.lS,
Dec 15. ..I I 4 Ml It 9ji 3 271 3 211 3 171
Dec. 1K...I 0 264i 4 Oil 3 Stu 3 291 3 lil 3 3;
Dec. 17... I 6 4 h3: 3 26l 3 31 3 lil 3 40
UVK. iO... D .bVt
4 i3 3 9S J Jli 3 16, 3 36
IJUK. IJ... M 1.
lA'C. 2U...I h III
4 7(1 3 Vll 3 Ml I J 18 o il
4 'i9l 3 9li 3 3 33 1
3 31
Dec, 21.. .j 6 W
1 tll 4 01 J 3J, 3 ll, 3 17 3 21
4 Km l-ji :t :u. 3 241 3 111 '
Dec. 23... I 9i I 0 3 3? 3 21 1 3 li 3 27
Dec. 2I... 6 t'jifci Siji - 3 471 3 26 3 I9 3 31
Dec 2o...i I i I I
Dec. 26... I 6 1914 4 S9i 4 111 .1 501 I 3 20l 3 30
Dec. 2s.
Dec. 29.
Dee. 3D.
Dec 31.
I V OKI I J I W i 41 J ! I
. U 26hit 1 l, i H 3 4!! 3 32 3 2I 3 M
I 4 SK 4 CA 3 4.M .1 301 3 IS.
0 iliiij, 1 4 Hi 3 U, 3 ill, 3 lal 3 41
B !7 4 VOl . 3 01 3 35i 3 17( S 39
Dntc 1902.- 11901. ,9W.lMO.U!.l7.lS'Jfl.
Jnn. 1..
Jun. 2.,
Jan. 3..
Jnn. 4..
6 20 4 95 4 211 ' I 2 -Ii
22UI 4 961 4 3.l 3 57
6 W, I 93 4 3 57! 3 18:
6 2S 6 02 4 27 3 4li 3 41
3 IS
3 17
3 25
3 49
3 43
A 16
3 51
Indicates Sunday. Indicate iiolldny.
The official number of cars of stock
brought lu today by each road was:
C, M. St. P. ny.. .. 0
Missouri Pacific Ry.. .. 1
Union Paclilc system 1 11 4
Cf & N. W. Ry 1 9
F., E, M. V. Ry 14 .. 1
C, St. P., M. .v O. Ry 1 5
H. At M. R Ry 11
C, R. & Q. Ry 1 4
C, R. I. .V P., cast 3
Illinois Central 2
Total receipts .... 4 65 4 1
Tho disposition of the dny's rectipts was
us follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
lluyers. Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
liiininnmii rucking uo.. -i
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour it Co
Swift, from country
Other buyers
Total 47
CATTLE Thero wore not r.nuugh cattle
on sale toduy to make n market, hut for
tho week thu supply hns been of rather
liberal proportions for this tlmo of tho
year. Nearly double the numbur of cattle
arrived this week than were offered last
week and a good increase Is nlso noted over
the corresponding week of last yenr.
Not 11 Very In mi; nercentnuc of tho re
celpts this week consisted of cornfed steers
and as tho demand on tho part of packers
was liberal the markut ruled active nearly
nil 'thn week, with the tuiuleiicy of prices
upward. Tho demand seemed to bo best
for the clieimer urudes and It was on that
ciass 01 cat tm mm tno improvement in
prices was thu greatest. Thero Is very lit
tle change In the quotations on the better
grimes, 11 was also iiotlcenDlo that henvy
cattle did nut sell us rcudlly us those of
medium weigm. i-ncKers seem to want
cuttlo weighing from 1,100 to 1,.W, while
thoy aro not ut all anxious for thoso weigh
ing nrouuii i.ww pounds, snort red cuttlo
sold largely from JI.60 to J3.00. Medium
grades of cr.ttlo brought all tho way from
J6.00 to J6.00 nnd thu choicer grades could
bo quoted from J6.00 to J7.00.
Tho cow market wus also in good shnpo
and particularly was that true of the trado
on dinners. Tho demand was henvy and
prices Improved fully 15c nnd In some cases
considerably moro. The better grades of
cows, nowever, are prooauiy not to exceed
10c or 16r higher than they wero a week
ago. A choice bunch of lonir fed enwa
would bring from JI.C0 to 14.76 and If of
good enough quality would probably reach
J5.00. Choice helfern could safely bo quoted
us high as J5.25. Tho bulk of tha cows
coming to mnrkot, however, are selling
from $2.73 to J3 76. Cn liners sell largely
from J2.25 to J2.75. '
mills huvo also sold freely all the week
and tho market 'nay bo quoted strong.
Tho same Is true of calves, which are sell-
nig as nign us M1.ZI1. few slags havo been
offered, but they hnvo also commanded
strong prlcos all tho week.
Stockcrs and feeders have been vory
scarce all tho week and as tho demand
wns fairly liberal prlcos Improved fully 15
(ffSoc. A choice bunch of yearlings or of 2-
ycur-uum wouiii prooauiy sell as high ns
jl.50. Even tho less destrnblu grades have
sum ireeiy mis wock srt strong prices,
Representative ales:
Av Pr,
Av. Tr.
..1263 I 63
2 S2o 2 30 3..
2 855 2 30 19..
2 1150 3 23 3..
1 1100 3 25 1..,
1 115") 3 33 1..,
..1230 3 60
.. 9S0 3 75
. .1220 4 00
..1270 4.00
..1230 4tW
1 133i) 3 00
1 150 6 25
HOGS-There was rather" a light run of
hogs hero today nnd tho markut was a
big nickel hlghor. All the packers seemed
anxious foe supplies, nnd w theru were
only a few 011 sale trado wiii fnlrlv nntu-n
at tho advance und everything wns out of
nrsi nunuH in goon season. Tho hogs
weighed considerably moro todnv tlmn tinw
did yesterday, which makes the mnrkt
look higher, when compared with yester
day, than It really Is. Tho bulk of the
heavy weight nogs sold from J6.40 to J6 65.
Medium weight hogs sold mostly from $676
to J6.35, nnd tho lighter loads went from
J6.20 down. There was very llttlo chango
1, Ih,, t,mr1fnl fr.iM. ulnrl f., filial. .1..
.., ...v ............ ....... ,u ,,,,, ,i,m mi;
Improvement In prlcos was general on both-
iignt anil inavyweignis.
For tho voek receipts have been fulrly
liberal, a good gain having been mado both
over liiBt week and over tho corresponding
weok of Inst vear. Tho week nnxnmi tuiti.
un advnnci), but Mdndiiy proved to be thu
high day. The general tendency of prices
wus iiuwmwtiu iiuiii nun urno on until
Saturday, when thero was a reaction, imt
still the average cost was lower than ut
inu cioso 01 ,inu piuviuus wock, us tho
table of average prlcos abova will show.
Representative Bales:
No. Av. Hit. Pr. No.
Av. Hli, Ir.
..227 80 6 23
..191 ... 6 25
..2118 40 6 25
40 .is) ... o ia sc..
9S 1K4 60 6 10 60.,
..174 SO 6 10
,.1M) ... 6 10
.,181 160 6 16
. .201 ... 6 15
..202 W) 6 20
..176 60 6 20
..177 120 ti 20
..174 ... 6 20
IW 160 6 23
81 203 120 6 27
76 214 100 6 27U
63 211 120 6 30
75. , .
66. . .
97 191 80 6 30
40 6 30
... 6 30
... 6 30
40 6 30
... 0 30
40 fi 30
120 0 30
80 6 30
... 6 33
80 li 35
40 ti 33
80 6 40
... 6 40
... 6 40
40 6 40
73 190
96 203
411 o 20
40 6 20
8.1. .
. .202 2u) 6 20
..212 200 6 20
. .192 tU ti 2i)
. .203
6 20
6 20
6 20
6 2t
6 20
6 20
93 189 120
67 233
79 23:
. 1
66 233
67 290
63 315
69 236
65 231)
65 228
62 264
60 6 20
.. 0 22'4
.. 6 25
. . 6 25
. . Ii 25
80 6 23
, . 6 23
,. 6 23
40 li 23
80 6 40
80 6 45
71 301 IC) 6 43
69 290 120 0 60
67 295 200 6 60
61 269 80 6 60
64 283 280 6 65
69 296 40 6 65
63.. v,, 276 ... 6 65
69 295 40 6 60
PI 291 120 6 60
71 22
81...,., 209 120 6 2,7
3 222 ... 6 25
93 189 80 6 23
91 198 80 6 25
89 183 ... 6C5
SHEEP There were a few sheen In thn
yards this morning, but tlmv were mnstiv
sold to arrive, so that a fair test of tho
maraci was not mane. Tho supply for
thn week hns been much hoavler than it
was pint week and nbout the samo us for
tho corresponding week of last yeur. The
demand has been of liberal proportions, and
as a result prices havo advanced sharply.
Roth fat slu-ep and lambs may safely bo
quoted 25c- higher than thoy were a week
ago, Each day's offerings worn picked up
In good sen soil and there did not seem to
be enough on snlo to supply the demand.
Then- huvo been so few feeders on sale
thin week that It Is dllllctill to tell much
about tho market, but those who ought to
know say that anything of desirable, qna.
Ity would sell considerably higher than the
quotations of a week ago.
Quotations'. Choice Ikntwolght yearling'.
14,60114.75, good to choice medium weight
yearlings. Jt,25?i 1,50; fair to good yearlliiKSf
U0031.25. choice wethurs, $l.25'tfl.COi fair to
good wethers, ll.0OfJ4.IS; choice ewes, W.7T(T
4.W; fair to good owes, J.X50WXT5, comnuii
ewes, I2.75ifi3.50; choice lambs, .7M(6.),
fair to good lambs, J5.50S5.73; feeder weth
ers, 2.75l?3.0O; feeder lambs, 13.608 4.(4. Rep-
eseiiiiiiivu sales.
6 6 ewes ... Ut
lid western lambs 72
4 50
6 33
Cnttlr, Slir anil l.iuntis .Stendy mill
lings Wink.
Liiii-AUU, Jan. 4. CATTLE Receipts.
HOGS-Recelpts, I2,m head; estimated
Monday, 39.U4 head; left over. S.u" head
mixed, J3..W4.2.1; w-estern sheep, fed, Ji.2.VU'
VkboV'" 3-604l.25: western lamb",
RlicEIPTS-Ofirrlal: Cattle. 3.475 head
hoifs. 1H.W2 head; sheep, Si.252 hend.
. 'III'MI'JNTS-Olllclal: Cattle. 1,625 head:
iivKf, o,.i neuii; sheep, 701 head.
Kniisns fit j l,lii- .Slock .tlnrkrt,
ceipts, i() head, mnrkct compared with a
,nK'. ,ri4re5i' 1,ll''l'rf duys quota-
-I ltVll! .l.l
i,.,i.m..-, iniiis, J2.wvn.25; ca ves. ti.mi
hw. Receipts for tho week, 22,5) head
..iRt week. 12.800 he ml. . ' '"'
iiuun-ilecelpts. ; liead; market stoadv
SIIEEP AND LAMPS RecolnlH. irtl,r..,l.
market compared with week mm. 9-..,-t
hlRher; fed lambs. J.ViWitU'n: fed woiiinr
M.10W1.W1; yearlings, J4.o0i.r; ewes, JJ..VKif
.Fi.'iM rj)' I'niirlliwtu t friT. - j-ht . ...
..ipi: riiiiH nnii rntu nru fi min t.. . .....
for tho week; KSW head; iXit week. 2
Si. Louis ,c Mock'.Mnrkrl.
Mockers and feeders. J2.60tf4.30; cows am
i-Tv'-r.2-"'73' cnn1(;r?,- .WjT2.60; bulls
J2..Mi3.i5; Texas and Indian steers. Jl.O'
?,el,f,.rf;.,,J2.?ol,:8W3R', KrnsHi cows &
ninin-iterelpts. 4.50 head: market
; 1 ituuiii millions, jj.o'ifi.i
3.50; stockcrs, JI.60',12.25. nr' r-U J'
litmus. l.l.t-llt,.liu: nillltt nn, l.iii.l.a n-.,.j,
.Stock In Mailt. -
Tho follnwlnrr tnlil,. a), CUV t It A KaaaIi.I n 6
cattle, hogs and sheep, ut tho live principal
...,.. r ,w. Wllllliuij I i
. ... 122
.... 100
.... 60U
South Omalia
Kansas City .
St. Louis
St. Joseph ....
Hogs. Sheep.
..1,250 37.S33 3.50.!
For Sin 11 11 nnd I ni ne Inti-stors to
riupi- Thrlr .Money In n Sn'ft' Druim
Irntlim Composed of .Men of n
tloiinl Ili-iuitiillnn Thi Person
nel of the Coiiipniiy Mnkc
It lis Stronir lis lhe
Rock or Gibraltar.
The .North American Crude till Co.
Show Grunt St rrnBli Its .Stock
to He Advnm-eil from r0e to
OOo I'er, .Shnrc J1111
unry 11), inoa.
Many nrguments have been put forth nii
to the real causu of tho Immensu wealth
or John D. Rockefeller nnd other great oil
magnates. It Is easy to iraco thu founda
tion of their great wealth. Not many
years ago oil wus discovered in tha siuto
of Pennsylvania thu How became so great
thut It was Impossible, to tnko euro of tho
output, as tho mnrkutntito facilities wero
not great enough, consequently tho prlco
of stock in tho different enterprises re
mained at a normal figure. Hut fur-sighted
men like Rockefeller, Payne and other
bought up as much stock as they could at
these low figures, and when American In
genuity supplied the marketnblo facilities
tho stock shot skyward, laying thu foun
dation for the fabulous wealth of those
multl-mllllonulroB. The same, exact con
ditions nru now In ovldenco In tho Honu
mont, Texas and California oil fields, and
thero is 110 doubt in tho world but that his
tory will repeat Itself. Possibly tho most
favorable com nam- now nrunnir...! ...,.1 ,1,.
...... ho . 1. . .'....
ii ii .1 . 1,11 ""Kiitest future is
inu I II
tho company Is Hon. W. C. Ronfrow, ox-
.7' uniunomii. president of tho
Irst National bank N'nmn,,, nii ...! ..
director of tho American Zm;, Lend aud
feme ting company, Joplln, Mo. Thu vlco
Krl1'1?.".', ,s J-' 1"'0"n';'l. President Swof
ford Hros Wholesalo Dry Goods house,
Kansas City. Mo. Thn trensnr..,- iu 5
Rule, cashier National Han of Commerce
Kansas City, Mo, Tho secretary la A. H
Kimberley, treasurer Hiiilson-Klmberly
Publishing company. The general manngeV
Is M. F. llrown. welt knnivn 1., i.
circles. The directors aro Judge 2 1 1 j ih
Robinson, attorney Nni nm,i ii..; ' "
niorco nnd Missouri Pnclllo railroad; Fred
K. Rule, gontrnl. munuger L. A. Terminal'
Railroad company, Los Angeles, Cnl.; W.
W, Sylvester, vlco president K. C. M. & O
R. R.: Wllllnm Hllttlc. nreslrtrnt' w.,ii:
Sash and Door comiianv; if. v ul-i,
president Armourdalu National Hnnk of
Cbrnmcrce, president H. N. Strait Mann
liicturlng company; C. H. Hessont, banker,
JJKml"'i .lc H.3' H'nnton. nroprlotor
Vfctorlit hotel. Kansas C iv. nnH t.. i,..,i
Oklahoma City, Okl.; Samuel Q. Worner
geiiernl passenger ugent K. C. Southern
rnllroad; John' D. Jennings. Imnkor,
Moberly. Mo., and other strong financial
men, Theso men, who compose tho ofllcer-i
nnd directors of tlila company, llrst In
vestlgnted and then rnvested over J10.000 of
niuir nun limner in mis enierpriso beforo
the books wero opened lo tho general pub
lie This comnunv Is organized fnr iiVmn.
iiCf) which consists , of 1,000,000 shares, par
value Jl each, 600,000 shares of which nro
set nsldn as treasury stock. Tho stock of
this cornpnny Is Xully paid and positively
noii-assewjablo. The company hns acquired
inu un riKiiis 111 o,w acres of land upon
twenty year leases In tho oil belt In So-
nnmn. Knntn rlnm nn.l u, ,,,in
ties. Cnllfornln; also huvu sumo t tho
choicest, holdings on Splhdlo Top, Heau
mont, Texas. Tills land Is JjBt 200 foot
irom tno ruinous Heatti' gusliers, lleforo
the Heaumont. Texas, nrnneriv u,.u .in
quired stock was soiling rapidly ut 60 cents,
liut of courso tho stock will now rapidly In
crease. At 11 mooting held by tho directors.
January jv, iw, nils ueen sol as tho limit
nt which tlmo tho price of tho North
American Crude OII compnny stock must
bo advanced to 60 cents a sluirn- nn ......
can buy tho stock nfter that date at a loss
figure. The general olllces of 1 his company
1 swi iinng pr- u.immerco building, Knn
i City. Mo. Anvono send iil- llmlV .,,....
und address to tho North American Crudo
OII company, nbovo address,' will recelvo
from them, without any cost whatever, a
beautiful book giving prospectus nnd full
particulars. There Is no Investment nt tho
jircsent dato that Is so safe, for, In tho
first ploce.ilf yon buy stock beforo January
10, It will only cost 50 cents per share anil
samo will bo positively advanced to 00
cunts on dato mentioned. Orders for stock
at 50 cents per shnro must havo postmark
not later than the 10th at January. Stock
will only bu sold lu blocks of twenty shares
or more. Another thing, tho prospects nro
) nattering that ii great many feel sure
that Die stock of tho North Amcrlcnn
Crude Oil company will In tlmo roach In
ynluo thu New ork Oil company, which
began nt 60 cents and Is Milling nt $200 pot
share, Just think. yi an Investment of jsi
your stock would be worth J20.000, nnd still
the world wonders nt tho rapid manner Is
which soma. Americans ncqulru wealth.
TrM-iitaamw KlSrt.
Boyd Commission Co
Successor! to james E. Dojrd A Co.,
Huftid cf Trail HallillUaT.
Slrtct wires to Chicago sad New Yer
Vunoendtno, John A. Warrta A C.
S .i.Vi. ........j, bv'y." ".i'niiie nominal,
J6.5cft7.6o; poor to medium, Jl.UMti.a-i; stock
ers und feeders,, J2.lHi4I4.60; cows; J12jil.7o.
icI?y r t S.4.i4i ; cunnerr. Jl.2o-u2.30; bulls
Jl.i.Vii calves. S3.uiii ?S: r..v... r...l
""'iiii.v, i-ioseu wciik; mixed and
butchers, J6.wnjtJ.tB; good to choice heavy
Jt..3.'ji,.b.,i rough heavy, jo.aie.-jj; Uuht
sJrt-,: J '"! T sales. J6.1W6.3:,. M
SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 2,C4
head; slircti und lambs, steady; good to
choice wuthers. Jt "Wis i): r.iii. 1,,
........ ,...,, I,., ,( viiimci export lino dressed
beef steers. WWlO.76; fair to good, J5.CW
0.90; iitockers and feeders. J3.50i4.75; west
ern fed I s eers, Jl.75lifl.00; western rango
?11'o-T1,,'f,,'76,?,,("'i Tf'x"M nd Indian steers.
l.utfiMi 'lexas cows, J2.60',i4.2j; native
enu-H. I? .". Kt. -f.V ,TT muni'
uiiu.iki; en n nets.
... ... , , iiiinui, iiiiiir; lop, tu.ui; ntiut
of siilcs, J5 ;iy..6, heavy, JH.tiiv-,: n""X
packers. Jrt.lM'diUim ht i5.4iMft.m . e jl
j... 4W..W). Receipts for thu week, 77.006
. ,. . "v""1"." . '"v '' lexuns; market
SJ'X'Ji15. "tlv- shipping and export steers,
5 7'!! : 'rc!",l,'l I'ref nnd butcher steers
4.tilIti.2l): steers under nil 11,0!1
M.r.,... r. 1 . 1 1 . .
S o-:'"" '"Si'xi -. .P'gs nnn iignt. js.T.W
6,ui!i fM-pAcrt,V'.W?.r,-4":' I'dtchers. Ji;.3.Vij.7o.
HHEEP AND LAMllS-Recelpts, hen I
tnnrlfnl tiif1... ,n.l 'An-!..V
'iiiii-iiciiii uriiuu uii comnunv.
niu directoruto of this company nro promi
nent business men, nnd men of niitltiiful
reputation. Their stnndlng is as strong as
the. Rock of Glhra Inr. Tim rr,ui,i.,7