Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1902, Page 8, Image 18

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Promises to Sec This Land of Ours
and This Goodly State of Ne
braska Prosperous and the
AiMoclntlon Tnlem Dp It's Work with
lien cavort VlKiir nnit I ncrpimcil
Power for flrnwth.
TUB YKAll 1901 pnsses Into tho history
of Omaha's only llfo Insurance company
with a record of growth never equalled by
nny western llfo Insuranco company.
THK YKAH 1001 clonus with tho Hankers
Ilescrvo Mfo an unqualified business suc
cess and n business of rUks In Nebraska
nlonn of $3,350,000.
THK YKAH 1901 added nearly $2,000,000
to tho aggregate of risks In forco nt the
closo of 1900, and fixed for Nebraska's ug
grcsslvo llfo company.
among tho flnnnclal enterprises of our
young mid prosperous commonwealth.
TUB YKAH 1902 opens with tho assets of
tho Hankers Itceservo moro than doubled;
Its Incomo proportionately Increased and
Its succpsh nnsured beyond peradventuro.
TUB YKAH 1902 opens with the Hankers
Hcsorvo Llfo Association leading ovcry com
petitor In tho stato In premium Incomo and
nmount of Insuranco written for tho pre
ceding year.
TUB YBAH 1902 is full of promlso for
this young and nctlvu organization, which
II. II. HOIIISON, l'r-lilriii.
promises policy holders and pcoplo goner
ally shall not fall to maintain Its present
phenomenal forward march In tho Insurance
TUB COMINO YBAH will sco this now
homo company tho strongest fiduciary en
torprlso In tho great west.
TUB COMINO YBAHS, and not very many
of them distant, will neo tho Hankers Ho
servo a $10,000,000 company.
TUB COMINO YBAHS. say flvo or ten,
will find tho pcoplo of Nehrnska blessing
tho day when tho
was organized upon tho Idea of building at
homo, a homo company, for tbo unto koeplng
and Investment of homo Insuranco savings,
now no largely sent to tho money congested
centers of tho cast, never to roturn. Loyal
Nebraskans will aid tho Nebraska company
and assist In tho growth and development
of tho homo Insuranco Idcn. Bvory man
In tho stato ought to lend a hnnd. Sollc
Itors ot llfo Insuranco will find tho Idea n
good working one, tho policies snlenblo and
territory available Write to President
Hoblson for particulars nt tho homo offlco,
HiiHlncHS. Hliortlmnd. Tynewfitlnir. and
Bngllsh. fltudcntH who desiro It uro mh-
HiHlen 10 positions to earn unnrti wiiuo ni
tendlng. Send for catalogue. New York
I.lfo building, Omahn, Nob.
Kvrrvlkla In ttm Nnrcrr anil
KlorUt'ft 1 1 nr. lH wt witlt
u will Imur jou the bwi ami
mti you monrr Mull nlt postpaid.
laruMr tiv t rtilirlit nr Hftrtu. an tm arrival
And aBtlflfactlon aiiHriintml. Try ua. A vain
Ahlttl(MnajiCatnloufcir tha aaklnc. W tiui.
jiAiuarrM. MurMtnnouaia,
which appear from time to time
In The Illustrated llco. On small
portrait cuts wo make a nominal
price ot 11.00. On larger cuts S
conts per square inch. They are
all In first-claw condition.
Our photographic department
wilt also print additional copies
ot our original photographs at
a reasonable rate.
The Bee
Publishing Co,,
Oinalin, Neb.
Monsters of
Sea's Abysmal Depths
EFOHE tho end of this year tho
world will begin to learn such
things about tho chasms of tho
deepest sens as It never has
dreamed of In Us wildcat
Tho United States, Oreat
Franco, Ocrmany nnd Den-
mark aro all approaching tho point whero
their scientists aro ready to begin system-
ntlo publication of results attained In tho
various deep sea exploring expeditions that
wcro sent out in the laBt row yenrs.
Tho most remarkable among these ro-
ports, says tho Washington Tost, will bo
moso tolling or tho work of tho German
Valdlvla expedition, which recently ox-
plorcd tho seas off tho American. African,
Indian nnd Chlnoso coasts, tho final reports
nf tho Agassis oxpcdltlon through tho Pa-
clflc ocean, tho final reports of tho German
mombcrs of tho Challenger expedition,
which aro being published now In Ocr-
many In a magnificent edition with colored
plates, and tho reports of tho various ox-
pcdltlons of tho prlnco of Monaco.
Twcnty-flvo yenrs ngo tho dcon sea was
nn unknown world. Hero and there, scat-
loren in museums rar apart ana gazed at Nono of tho uncanny, frightening faces on nunuy navo ooen stranaca. us woria
wlth amazement and Ignorant wonder and Notro Damn's famous earcovles can roual w,lo distribution nnd tho number of waifs
unavailing speculation, wcro forty or fifty
monBirous snapes. Thoy.wero deep-sea
forms that, driven upward from their ctor-
nal night by somo fatality, had been plckod
up dead on tho surfaco or wnshed ashoro.
They taught tho world nothing. Mon did not
oven know that thoy wcro deep-sea forms,
It was DCHOVca then that thnro wns nn llfn
bolow a depth of 1,000 feet. Thoso forty or
uuy uncanny creatures represented no moro
to tho world, scientific and lay, than
did tho bodies of tho strancc red
which, according to tradition, wcro wnshed
on tho shores of tho old world before tho
discovery of tho new. hinting at tho ex-
Istonco of unexplored realms inhabited by
unknown rnccs, but supplying no further
I a a
III lUrnillLlOn
But when tho first groping wlro arm ot
tho first deep-sea dredgo vibrated on the
bottom in tho oozo of tho black pits of
water, and thoso depths felt tho thrill of
human llfo for tho first tlmo since the
world wns evolved from formlessness Into
bolng, at onco a new and awful page in
tho stupendous book of naturo was un-
folded. It was a chapter of revelation.
NlrnitKe Karma.
The writer often has heard Dr. Bean tell
- s . . . ,
!Lr J2l2 PP w?"or "d ft4?
,iZ LJ . B.tndlnK by 1lh mo"th
1 ,S 7" 'I' ' t"i end
of tho bag, two strango formB fell out on
probably unknown to science. They oemoJ
passed through our laboratory has brought hcaaKht BhlnlnB wlth dnzzng ght ln Tho famous light between Enter
half so much Interest and enthusiasm. front nnJ thn u g,camln ,lko tho m prso nn(, noxer ln i8i2. says tho K n
Now. looking back on the great harvest In wlndoW8 of CRrs behnd Albatroll3 caugnt nebec (Me). Journal, took place oft Mon
the Held of oceanic Ichthyology which wo onQ of thcso gtrang(J an(, beautlfu, creaturoa hegan, fifty miles from Portland, but the
i ,1 J' , Plcnsuro f helping to garner ,n ,h(J dec ho,0 off por,0 n,C(J ,a g 195 foct ovcnt ,8 closoly n8S0Cated with that city,
... ....vv.. ,v....
thnt happy and eventful morning, It eoems
Incredible that Amerlcnn nnturallsts should
not thin havo known that only a few miles
.... .t. a .1...' ,
II uill lliu 1IIIU4 null kutint ilium nuo c. inuilil
i IrZU n , .hin-.
a in t W, ,1 Zl ?n
d ln( tho Indian ocean or In
... ..
as unllko that
rould ho found
tho bcas ot China.'
n I LLTZ nf T nnn ?Z n.
fish, tnken from depths of 1.000 foot nnd
moro. aro known to sclenco and havo boon
elnnslfled. flrent nn hls hnrveal is. no mnn
Today moro than 700 dlfforent kinds ot
classified. Great ns this harvest is, no man
knows or enn lmnglno how many hundreds
or oven thousands ot othor creatures live
"'IT K"" :TT,r
V.7 tM
man Can tell What Still moro nwesomo
centlon. dwell in the lost nlnces of tho son..
Imagine that men living beyond tho clouds
were to drop a few wires with nets attached
...ii . ..,..nn,i
along our plains or through our cities. What
few and scattered specimens would they col-
loctl How could they form oven tho slight-
est Idea ot the wonder, that lie hidden from
their eyes? Evon so it Is with us and our
doop aea expeditions. It la equally beyond
our trained science to speculate and our un-
trained Imagination to grasp tho unknown nab. It was fitted out with n new form
terrors, tho unspcaknbio enormities, tho np- 0f irawl, which brought tho best ro
palllng deformities, tho unearthly horrors, tujts over attained In deep-sen searching.
that Ho In hiding doop in tno very gravo oi
A Wonderful Mouth.
The most crotesauo imagination of be-
Hovers In tho Biipornaturnl of tho dark ages
nover formulated such shapes as exist
nmong tho 700 varieties of deep sea fish
that already havo beon brought today,
Nono of their vamplroB or basilisks wns
such a crcaturo as Is tho blind Euryph-
nrynx polccanoldcs. What is not mouth In
him is tnll. His mouth Is a envem. Tho
jaws aro loose and tho crcaturo can spread
and stretch them around fish twice as large
as ho Is. His tall Is that ot a roptlle. His
skin la black and leathery, exactly similar
to tho wine membrane of n hugo bat. His
eyes aro moro specks, but spocks that gleam
wlth concentrated wickedness. This tn-
credibly misshapen form has boen fished up
from a copth ot moro than a mllo (5,388
foct), a dopth at which tho prossuro of the
Incumbent ocean water la so tremendous
that It would crush a man's body Into noth-
Ing. Ctstlron Tessels that have been low-
crcd Into these deaths have been crumpled
up llko tlssuo paper. Yet this soft, ftnlcss,
half-blind thing lives thero and swims
around In tho pitch dark.
Before it fleo things even blinder than it.
Tho last faintest filtering of light from
abovo disappears totally at a depth of less
than 2,000 feet. Beyond that thero Is otornal
night. Yet even there, amid tho wallowlnc
nnd winding of countless blind things,
thero aro eyes. Somo aro tiny, llko tho
baleful holes out of which tho Eurypharynx
glares. Others aro beautiful and nromlnont
nnd glowing. They belong to tho lamp fish,
tho phosphorescent creatures thnt light
their way as they proceed by shimmering
phosphorescence produced by their own
Ono of tho light bearers Is Llnopbryne
luclfcr, n truly demoniac form. On tho
ton of his head ho carrlcB an nnnaratua
that Is Identical In shapo with tho common
light bulb of our ordinary small electric
lnmps. From It ho diffuses a blurred white
glow that Is llko a star In tho blackness
whero ho lives. That clow Illuminates a.
horned head and a faco that Is a gargoyle
it In terror of expression and wild oxagger-
Llko most of tho creatures Dshed up from
tho great depths, this fish Is voracious
onouch to swallow nnlmals far lnrsor ihnn
Itself. Tho first speclmon over cantured
foil a victim to this habit. It swallowed
.nil,n ,1n-n nau iui . .-.I-
4S long as It was nnd so disarranged Its In-
5 as it was nnd so disarranged Its In- , . .,
mechanism that It shot up to tho molassc. produce rum. at one time b popu-
o, whero It was picked up by Captain lnrMdpr,nIj,'n NnY"k' b"1 80 n? long0r
.n o.hin tZ w Moro than 1,500,000 gallons of rum are
the Island of Madeira. Since then many
dp0clmena havo been taken by deep-sea
lrawi8. Tho latter capture was made by
the prlnco of Monaco, while trawling from
his steam yacht. Princess Alice.
Another of tho lamp fishes of tho sea that
nns been taken recently Is Aethoprora efful-
gens. This Is ono of the big-eyed fish of
,no oceanic night. Its luminous organ Is
enormous, lying llko a great gland ovor tho
cntlro region behind tho rear orbit ot tho
y ana overlapping tne ougo ot tno jaw.
IIo is n searchlight nab. No human cyo has tho ingredients which enter Into its manu
scen tho wonderful creature flashing along facturo being cheap and tho coat ot manu-
In ltd I" I V1 n tiahlfnt hut oolnnt I fl nml fnntiifn cmnll Vi n ir ta nn onr Iniln nnniolnn
,, ,,.., ,,,. tt,L i i ......... .u..
uuuuu qiiu n a i uuk iuu lutuiuuuo uutuu vuni
covers its head aorves exactly tho purpose
that the headlight of a locomotive docs.
Tlin Innnmnl ! nltnltn la nimclflj nn
thcr, for nil along its body tho fish has
r)ws ot pho8phorcscent spots that must
, ,,,, ., ,.,,, , , ,,
oven dead epeclmons havo given off light
Anniinh in mnlrn It rtrva a I lil r In rn 1 Ann
pHut un(cr iMr llIumnatIon. 0ne can
Imagine Aethoprora dashing along on Its
Ivsnlrlnaa nnlti Avnnlln IIU n UaI th
0f Wator.
Valdlvla captured ono of tho most beau-
tlful ot tho lamp fish In its recent ex-
In his first roport, which has
Just occn ma(1 Publlc' Prof- Carl Chun.
wh0 '" charge of tho expedition, says of
thg unq(o nnlranl.
"It Is a coDhalonod (n. deon-sea snul.n.
a representative of the genus Enoploteu-
th,8 v n haa twonty.four orBnns for cn.
., , t E h . . ton,.clo1
pral,nB "B"- -acn 01 Its great tontacios
has two. Each oyo Is surrounded with live.
Tho rest ore distributed over tho hodv.
Nothing nt all of the wonderful manifesta-
uoep-sea form, can be compared
. . ,
Diiiuuuiu ciciuuiv. auu uuu uppcars ns u
. " "V" " --"
nl" ' ' 01 arcuna tho eyes
a brlSht. "ih ng ultra-marine blue; the
t aro of n dainty mother-of-pearl color.
0" vth!, bodJ. '? flrst '
The tddlo row Is sky blue. Tho
"""" , , ,
w8 tho mos' beautiful sight that we ever
There Are Othera.
Valdlvla gathered scores of other strango
These notB In principle were Just llko tho
common purses that closo with metal Jaws.
Tho net Is lowered with tho Jaws locked. A
mlnlnturo propeller Is so adjusted that as
soon as tho trawl roaches the desired depth
anu tension is put on tno lines tnat noia it,
Its rovolutlon opens tho Jaws wldo. Tho
propeller screw can bo adjusted to close the
Jaws again nfter making nny desired nura-
her of revolutions. Thus It was possible to
nsh nny depth and lock tho net whonover
desired, and the explorers woro sure that
tho trawl would bring to tho surfaco only
tho creatures dwelling In certain dopths.
In the Quit of Guinea, 12,000 feet below
tho surface, vaidivia'a net brought up
a fish whose eyes had become telescopes.
Thoy protruded outward and straight up-
warn irom nwi queer. Kniro-iiKo neaa. no
was Oplsthoproctus solontus. Nobody can
oven conjecture for what odd purpose his
eyes were formed In this peculiar way.
What Is considered one ot the strangest
captures ot Valdlvla was that of a now
form ot predacious Osb. He Is so queer
ajistV no scientist has yet been able to
.sslfy him, and hence ho is still nameless.
, "iw, ts telescope eyes. Instead of a
tall he has Immensely long and One fila
ments like spun glass. He shines llko a
piece of polished metal and his mouth Is a
death trap of spiny teeth.
"II cannot bo doubted," said Dr. Bean to
'he- writer, "that somewhere In tho sea, nt
nn unknown distance below tho surface,
thero aro living certain flsh-llko animals
unknown to sclenco and of great size, which
como occasionally to tho surfaco and give
a foundation to such stories as thoso of the
scft serpent,
"To understand how little wo know of
wnt ' RlnK on In mldocean, think of such
n flgn 08 chlasmodon. This fish has been
iaKcn oniy once in nistory Dy a uocp-Bcn
nct- ot flvo times have dead specimens
bccn Picked up entirely by chanco on tho
sunnce, snowing mat tne creature must ie
abundant. Another ocean dweller which no
exploring ship over has caught Isregalecus,
or tho oarflsh. It Is a serpent-shaped, rap-
w,y swimming form, usually from eighteen
t0 twenty-four feet long. Within tho last
150 years specimens havo been strnnded on
lno shores of Norway, Denmark, tho Faroe
'"'anda, Scotland, Ireland, England, Franco,
Bermuda, tho Capo of Oood Hope, India nnd
Now Zealand. Ounther gives a list of forty-
four seen by naturalists, and this, of course,
18 on,y an Insignificant part of thoso which
nrovo lnat 11 18 abundant In mldocean, yet
mo exploring snips in an tne years ot tneir
combined searching havo caught no sped-
mcn of " 0,d or young."
Kum unee More in ravor
. . ...
vuuuuiub mucu pruuucu nusur cuuu iru-
. , - , , .1. a
duc. moln88ef nnl countries which produce
" this coun ry every year,
snya tho Nc.w rk Sun nnd 600'000 BallT
each year, more than ono-hnlf
f tho "moun' boInB shPPed, to Africa,
Four-fifths of tho rum manufactured In the
TT-i I wl Clntnn la im niln In Mn r - AliiiaAWa nml
wmi.w uutii.n m iiiuuu n iuucmauuouio uiki
8 from tno neighborhood of Medford.
Prices ot Now England rum rulo steady
and tho demand in tho south and west Is
increasing. Tho prospect of Increased Bales
In domestic rums during tho winter Is re-
ported good, tho quality being maintained
at a good standard.
mo cnici merit nsBcrtca ror rum is tnat
. ... . .,..i.
tut tuu uou ui uuuuti tint a nut 11 ug uuuvi
unwholesome other spirituous liquors.
Moreover, rum Is fattening nnd most popu-
tno nH n ,l.n. In t.ilnln. I . Inbnh
spiced, hot spiced rum being as popular In
Its way as any fancy drink In tho samo sea-
,, m.,h mr
But spiced rum, like highballs, must be
(nlnn In mnrlorntlnn tnf flnfntv
A jbiiUlOUS oSQ. r 111 lit
ns the enterprise sailed from Its harbor in
search of tho British brig, which It cap-
tured after a brief nnd bloody battle. More-
over, side by side In tho Eastern cemetery,
In their graves o'crlooklng
Where they In battle died,
lie both Captain Wlllta
Enterprise, who fell In tho
tho tranquil bay
tn Burrows of
Kntorprlse, who fell In tho hour of victory,
nnd Captain Samuel Blyth" of Boxer,
who wns also killed in the battle. Both
wore young men. ono 28 nnd the other 29
' ,.,' ,., ,,.
ycars 0'"- i i8 commander lies aim-
snipmnn Kerwin waters oi fcniorpriso,
18- ,Thc8 Braves aro much visited.
? '"P""- " I
uruisn vice consul, ivcaung, is
stnnn In hnvn nil thron utanm ronnwed nnil
put In good condition. Portland citizens
nre heartily supporting his efforts.
When yon drink whUVrv drink
good Vfhfukey, a Rood vrhixkry ia
K"d fur you and bad wUUkey U
bad lor you
Is prescribed ly phyalclnni w!m
know that n flue null lilVey la
the only rldlit nil ri'r whinkry
tn driiiK HtiU ttmt lltr'a lend them
all In purity, tuatouud general n
ccllence. It luis been on the market for
thirty yenrauiiil lagrowlnKln popu
larity every day.
Willow Springs Distillery,
Omaha, Neb., U.S. A.
If you want a hand
some bouquet of
American Beauties,
Narcissus: noma nr
Carnations, we can serve
you the best the mar-
ei Ktioras.
FLORUITS. Phone 1801
ltU nunam 8t.,Omnha
January 5, 1002.
in the coffee bin not
.1 pleasant thought,
ct when cotices are
untoncn in bulk who
knows what different
"things come climb
ing and floating in ?
Lion Coffee
put up in scaled packages insures
cleanliness, uniform quality,
freshness nnd delicious flavor.
Start the
New Year Right
A good resolution Is n good thing to keep.
Itcsolvo that during 1902 you will permit
only tho best of pure goods nnd puro bov-
crages to enter your homes.
Blue Ribbon Beer
tho bill as no other can ln the line of
beverages properly aged and sterilized no
young beer over leaves tho browory, made
under tho most cleanly nnd perfect condi
tions with our own AnTESIAN WELL
Why not telephono Storz Brewing Co. for
a sample case, and prove Its delicious
Storz Brewing Company
Telephone 1260.
Jl&ents Tfitnted
Tor Mr. Gea. JOHN A. LOOAlTa Braa Mew Bck
It rtreala the Inner Life and all the Wenderfnl Slxhll Md
Rcenra of our National Canlul-Kicoutlra, AimlnUtrattre,
Hoelal. and Oepartmentali Includrathe Umof allUiePnal
drnu. their vlTra, and erery Lady oft he White llouaefron
Waihlnitonli llooaertlt. In magnificent lllnitratlona.faael
naunalntcrett educational ralue. and mr.H1 aalra. It la the
klnie of hooka. To mcn and women we offer work at home
tht pa a book that cxcluilre t rrltory and fine
terma. Vrclahta paid and credit given. Addrcaa
A. O. WOUTUIMUT'IN A CO., 11 art ford, Ces
JManz Engraving Co.
195-207 Canal St.
Chicago, Illinois,
Are Justly celebrated as the engrav
ing establishment which can at all
times be rolled upon for satisfactory
results, whether the engraving be 1
fine halt-tono, wood cut or zinc etch
ing. Their facilities are so extensive
that work which must be executed
quickly (or shipment to distant cities
can be easily turned out.
When ordering engravings from
your printers ask for
Manz Perfect Engraving.
is easily sclttled
when accounts are property kept, Ifcon't
practice false economy by trying to a.fve on
BLANK BOOKS. We will make you. et
ruled and printed to order at such aJ small
coat that you can buy the best. (
A. I. ROOT, Printer,
414-410 8. nth 8t . . OMtJllh, NEB.
If You Have Rheuiiiatism
write to The Numsen Remedy, 717 Walnut
nr.. f!h cairn mnA .v.... .u ri',, ' -ul
how to cure it. They guarantee i euii
Wa will iffnw tn frenl. am -
vaaaaaaaaailllaaaw aaavHiaefj mlW IUB UVrDI film
Juraj laii. to cure. Inatant relief. WrlteTtonce
Uerm Medical Co., jqj K. sif.l., Claelnuu"o.'