(Copyright, 1902, by Wnldon Fawcett) IN tbo panic of 1893 tbcro wns a sudden call (or bank notes from banks In nil parts of tho coun try. The demand, beginning In modcrnto terms, presently In creased to enormous proportions. It wiped out tho 15,000,000 supply or bank no too In tbo treasury vaults in no tlmo nnd still the call continued. Tho Issuo division of tho Treasury department was set to work double tides in tho effort to keep up tbo supply. It fell behind hopelessly from tho first and nt one tlmo tbcro were frenzied requests for somo $30,000,000 moro than could be supplied. Naturally this Increased tho panic and aided In bringing about disaster and the authorities nt Washing ton enmo In for severe criticism. Tholr answer was that tho $5,000,000 In bank notes on hand took up all tho spaco avail able for such storage. "Provide moro space, then," said the banking Interests, nnd the government set about It. The result of Hint complication Is n wonderful new vault, Just now completed, which will store $90,000,000 In money. With this enormous sum on hand It is not prob ablo that any demand will bo ablo to ex haust tho Immedlato resources. Tho new vault Is twclvo feet squnro nnd Its walls rise to a height of twclvo feet. Tho lining of Uncle Sam's new money cheat Is com posed of Bessemer steel plates three eights of an Inch In thickness, and theso nro securely fastened by means of hugo screws and bolts to a framo work of steol. which Is built Into tho masonry. All tho pigeonholes, nearly 6,000 in number, nro of steel and thcro Is not an Inch of Inflam mablo material In tho furnishings of tho vault. This rcccptaclo of tho nation's wealth Is doubtless an object of deep longing to somo thousands of gentlemen who mako a living by helping themselves to other people's money In ways not sanctioned by the law, but It would bo n very remarkable cracks TREASURY EMPLOYE WHO FRIEND of William C. Whitney the other day spoke of tho latter gentleman's lavish style of enter tainment. Mr. Whitney said in reply: "I havo tho money and can afford tho expenditure. It Is tho duty of evory rich man to spend as much as ho can afford, and that is my way of helping those less fortunuto than myself. Better give employment than glvo alms." Stuart Robson, the actor, was onco a pagu In tho United States eenato, bis appolnt mont having been due to tho efforts of such distinguished southerners as John C. Cal houn, Jefferson Davis, Henry Clay, Robert Toombs and Alexander Stephens. Ho and his playmate, Arthur Puo Gorman, went from Baltimore to Washington and tho man who is now senator from Maryland suc ceeded In being appointed pago at once, but Hobson was kept waiting for a time. Rov. Peter MacQueen of Charlestown, Mass., says that In a small town In Scot land he recently came across 'an old man seated by tbo roadside, apparently In' much distress. Believing a helping hand could bo given, or tho monotony of bis own travel relieved, ho approached tho old man and began conversation. Tho latter, on learn ing that tho pastor was from America, be came Interested and several times during tho conversation asked of sovera) pcopla whom ho had known to lenvo the town for America. Among other nnmca montloncd was that of Andrew Carnegie, of whom bo had evidently heard llttlo slnca his de parture for this country. Mr. MacQueen said ho hnd heard of Mr. Carneglo. "They tell me 'Andy' Is doing qulto well in Amer ica," said tho old man. "Tho pcor old fel low was a schoolmato of mine," he con tinued, "and mnny a day wo spent fishing together. Ho novor had much sense." It has Just boon announced that General H. W. Carpenter wns tho donor of the $100, 000 presented to Columbia university Borne tlmo ago for tho founding of a chair of Chinese languago and literature. Tho note which accompanied the letter of donation said that tho money had been saved from mi HHHHHHHHHHHHJSHhHHHHHHHBmi-' -SsHUfeB Ninety Million man, or nrray of cracksmen, for that mat ter, who should get anywhere near tho $90, 000,000 securely nested In the now vault. This new vnult can bo entered only through tho old vnult and Its location Is Impossible to determine from tho outside of tho build ing. Tho government has even gone so far ns to put In fnlso windows, heavily cur tained, to deceive anyone who might try to determine thu resting place of tho treas ure from outsldo. Two special guards who havo for years done sentry duty over thi bank notes guard tho now vnult ns they guarded tho old. Hut even If theso guards could bo overcome the bank robber who had reached the cntrnnco to tho vault which he could never do, by the wuy would be nblo to get no further, for the doors are practically Impregnable. It wns not so al ways. Tbcro wns a tlmo when n committee of Investigation lrivltol n delegation of bank burglars to experiment on tho doors. Tho committee believed that tho place wq.i pretty secure. Tho gentlemen of the Jimmy examined ,tho situation carefully, smiled, did n few minutes' work with their tools nnd said to tho Investigating committee, "After you, gentlemen," ns they bowed be fore tho opened entrance. Now there are dupllcato locks on those doors nnd thu whole construction Is so compact that noth ing but dynnmlto would hnvo much effect upon It. Asldo from this passive protection In all Its various forms tho gigantic storehouse of wealth opposlto the Whlto Itouso has tho benefit of one of tho most complete systems of guards ever devised. About Bovonty watchmen nro employed and they work In tlireo reliefs, patrolling tho cntlro building nt all hours of tho day and night. In the omco of tho captain of tho watch nro re cording Instruments to which each watch man must send an nutomatlc report onco every half hour whllo on duty. Tho cap tain's office Is continually In communication with tho chief of pollco of Washington, the commandant nt Fort Meyer nnd tho com- HAS CHARGE OF MILLIONS. Episodes and Incidents in the Lives of Noted People tobacco and whisky. Goneral Carpenter says that that expression has been grcntly mis construed. Most people, ho asserts, havo construed tho statement to mean that the money had been earned In tbo tobacco and whisky trnde, whllo be Intended to say that ho had B.ivcd tho sum donated by total abstinence from tho uso of tobacco and whisky. Comment has been mndo on tho small amount between $30,000 and $35,000 left by Sir Walter Bcsant. It may, however, be safely nescrtcd that, except Sir Walter Scott, no novelist has ever made such sums as would bo regarded by men In tho monoy market as wealth. Scott's Income averaged for years $50,000 a year. Dickens left $100, 000, Thackery less, Bulwer Lytton, with n vory keen eyo for tho .main chance and a considerable but Incumbered estate, $400,000. Ho was christened' Ocorgo Brlnton Mc Clcllan Harvey when ho was born up In Vormont, relates tho Brooklyn Eagle. That was In tho dnys when Goneral McClellan had tntenso admirers and when thoro wero men who did not ndmlro him a llttlo bit. Ho carried tho nnmo with him to tho Spring Mold Republican when ho told Samuel Bowles, who wanted him to work for noth ing and board himself, that ho would go back to Vormont beforo ho would accept such terms. Ho still had tho name whon ho camo to New York. But when ho bought tho North American Review ho dropped part of It and put his name on tho front pago as "Ooorgo 11. ilnrvcy." Ho has Just cut It still shorter, for It nppears as "Georgo Harvey" in Harper's Weokly, with tho title of editor annoxed. Tho next chango will doubtlcrs bo to "G, Harvey" and then, It may bo cut to "G. H." nnd If ho keeps It up ho may wrlto It simply "H ." Although Maximo Gorki has been known as a writer only eight years, moro criticisms have been devoted to him. than to any Rus sian author except Tolstoi. He Is only 33 years of age, was born In Nljnl Novgorod, lost his father and mother before be was 9 years old and set out to mako his way In tho world at a vory early age. He wandered Dollars in LOADING mandant of tho Washington arsenal, so that In tho ovent of nn emergency tho pollco or a cavalry forco could Instantly bo sum moned. Stacked In ths various parts of tbo build ing whero money Is stored nro sufficient weapons to arm over a thousand men and quantities of ammunition. The Interior of tho building Is also honeycombed with wires to facilitate quick communication and should any foolhardy robber attempt to Intimidate tho treasurer, assistant treasurer or cashier, tho official would only havo to press n button under his hand to bring an armed forco to his assistance In less than thirty seconds. At 5 o'clock each day nil tho doors of tho Treasury building aro closed savo thoso at tho main entrance, and by 6 o'clock every person save tho watchmen must havo left tbo building nnd tho keys to nil tho various doors been de livered to tho captain of tho watch. As sisting tho guards on the Inside aro a num ber of outsldo watchmen stationed In shel tered posts or watch houses, so disposed ca to command ovcry foot of tho exterior of tho building nnd its approaches. Tho transfer of tho newly printed cur rency from tho Dureau of Printing nnd En graving to tho Treasury department and tho dispatch of consignments of bank notes from tho national treasuro houso to the railroad stations Is characterized by watch fulness equally thorough. Some of tin wagons employed nro virtually great Iron all over Russia, undergoing such privations nnd sufferings that on ono occasion he tried to commit sulcldo. At last, after herding with rogues nnd vagabonds nnd tramps in both Europo and Asia, ho discovered his vocation. No ono in the houso Is a better authority on fish than Representative Minor of Wis consin. Ho is a disciple of Iznak Wal ton and during tho summer spends much of his time with rod and line. Mr. Minor Is said to bo so expert with tho rod that he can tell tho difference between the blto of a black bass and a brook trout. Beforo coming to congress Mr. Minor was engaged In tho Bhlpplng business. "Tho lato John T. Raymond nnd I had been matching dollars all tho afternoon and ho only ceased because of having to play that night, and tho one sport that fas cinated him completely had already kopt him overtime," said William St. John to a Washington Times reporter. "I went to hear him, as I always did when thore was nn opportunity, nnd chanced to sit in tho very front row downstairs. After awhtlo Raymond camo on and It wasn't a mlnuto before ho Bplcd mo. I saw him fumbling in his vest pocket while ho was speaking his lines nnd noted n smllo on his good-humored faco. Presently, getting as closo to, mo as ho could, ho said In a voice qulto audlblo to all around mo, whllo he held up n sliver dollar: "Heads or (alls, Saint?" "I put my hand up to my head, which ho translated In a flash, and, with the ro mark, 'You win,' went on with tho per formance. It wns certainly ns curious a by-play as wns over seen nnd tho onlv tlmo I supposo In tho history of tho stngo when nn actor actually gambled during tho production of a piny." Senator Proctor owns nenrly tho wholo town of Proctor, Vt., whero ho employs over 2,000 men In his vast quarries. Ho also owns tho only store In tho place nn enormous emporium, where almost any thing may bo purchased. Mr. Proctor pays good wages, but most of his earnings come Ready Money GOLD ON UNITED STATES TItEASUItY safes on wheels. Two guards occupy tho scat with tho driver, two others have places on top of tho van, and n trio of em ployes stand upon a broad step at the rear. All nro, of course, fully armed. For tho delivery of express shipments of coin nnd currency there nro employed wagons with heavy Iron screens, and these, like the vans Just mentioned, nro protected by tinned guards on tho Inside nnd outside. No at tempt has ever been mndo to bold up one of theso wagons. Nothing less than nn nr tlllery company would hnvo much chnnco of success, ns tho wagons nro practically fortresses, as well ns safes. Tho guarding of the nntlonnl treasuro, In which such p. marvelous precautionary sys tem Is employed, In reality commences nt n point In tho governmental money-mnklng long before the currency has como Into ox Istcnco ns such. Tbo mill nt Dalton, Mass., whero Is manufactured tho "distinctive" paper on which tho United States currency is printed, Is hedged nbout with safeguards designed to prevent not only tho theft of tbo precious fabric, but also to Insuro tho Bccrccy of tho chemical and mechanical processes whereby there aro provided tho two lines or bands of looso colored silk fiber which appear In each spoclmon of paper monoy and upon which tho govern ment rolles largely for protection ngnlnst Imitations. An nmazlngly Intrlcnto nnd complex system of safeguards provalls at tho nureau of Printing nnd Engraving nt back to him through tho store, though ho sells goods moro cheaply than they can bo had elsewhere In that region. Governor Crane of Massachusetts, who has Just been re-elected by a voto tho greatest in years, is a tall, quiet and re served man. Ho Is tho hend of a firm of pnpormakcrs who mako the paper, on which tho United States bank notes aro printed. As chief executive of tbo state, relates tho Saturday Evening Post, ho has had a keen eyo for tho saving of expense and ho found an excellent opportunity to oxer clso his economical bent nt tho tlmo tho stnto determined to assume control of tho waterworks of tho city of Boston and negotiations wero on foot for tho ad justment of tho purchaso prlco. Tho very first day negotiations opened lawyers began to flock In to soe both tho governor and Mayor Hart of BoBton and beforo a month had elnpsed about half of the bar of tho state wero lined up, waiting for a retainer nnd expecting big foe to fol low from settling tho caso for cither ono sldo or the otbor. Tho governor becamo disturbed at tho sight of It and at tho prospect of the fcos nhcad. Yet tbcro was n sorlous question In dispute between tbo city and tha stnto and lawyers' fees seemed an unavoidable evil. At tho last moment, however, ho callod Mayor Hart by telcphono and tho two talked together. Tho next day thero was a porsonal conforenco nnd tho lawyers wero told to wait a whllo. Thoro woro meetings each day and nt length tho law yers wero Informed that a settlement had beon reached botwen tho two executives, Tho govornor and mayor carrlod on nil tho negotiations. It was matter of mil lions, but tbo best part of tho affair waB that they had saved about $1,000,000 In fees enough to run tho plant for a year. John D. Rockefeller Is following tho ex ample of Gladstono and chopping wood meroly ns exerclso on his road to health nt his country seat In Pocantlco hills. Mrs. Rockefeller herself looks nfter tbo prepa ration of ber husband's meals. The lat WAGON. Washington, where nro printed all tho cur rency, government bonds nnd other securi ties, particularly as regards tho engraved plntcs, as tho theft of n packago of bank notes would bo u small matter compared to tho loss of plates which would print the faco nnd reverse of n bank note, and which would confer upon their possessor n virtu ally Inexhaustible fount or riches. Tho responsibility for tho Bafety of tho printing plntcs really rests upon three men. Each of tho largo doors of tho vaults con tains thrco combination locks, ono of which Is operated by each member of tho trio of trusted employes. It Is necessary Hint nil three men bo present In order to open nny door nnd should ono of them bo absent nil work In the big printing establishment would be nt n standstill unless ho had deputed somo person to represent him and Informed him of tho combination of thu lock nvor which ho has custody. In moro tlinn n quarter of n century not n single plnte In uso nt tho Ilurcnu of Printing nnd Engraving has been lost, but n fow months ngo somo persons succeeded In securing several sheets of printed currency and It has not been posslblo ns yet to approhend tho culprits. However, In vlow of tho re lentless, untiring policy which tho United Stntcs secret servlco nlwnys follows In such cases, It may bo taken for grnutcd Hint 't will only bo n mnttcr of tlmo until tho thief Is plnccd behind prison bnrs. WALDON FAWCETT. ter can hardly cat n full meal as yet, for ho Is suffering considerably from Indi gestion. Ilcsldo his woodchopplng Mr. Rockefeller exercises with dumbolls nnd In outdoor walking. Pointed Paragraphs Chicago Nows: Thoj: oW trite takes things easy. Sense nnd beauty, Uko truth and novoltv. aro rarely combined. Postago stamps aro egotistical whon they got stuck on thomsolves. k fi( Actions may speak loudor than words, but thoy don't llo ns loud. Tho pessimist Is always throwing cold water on tho optimistic tiro of genius, A wlso man speaks woll of his friends nnd of his enemies ho speaks not at all. Wrinkles tell tho story of ngo to thoso who nro nblo to read between tho lines. A man who loved nnd won says that tho best man at n wedding Isn't thu. .groom. Thcro Is n vast dlfforcnco botwecn second thoughts nnd second-hand thoughts. Much of man's unhnpplncss U duo to his getting what ho expects, but doesn't wnnt. When people fly from tho Ills thoy havo thoy should not fnll to secure a return ticket. Tlmo Is monoy to tho unfortunato wrong doer who Is engaged In working out n flno. It's a lucky .thing for tho average man that ho doesn't know somo of tho things that other pcnplo know nbout lilm. Feline Depravity Chicago Trlbuno: "Oh, Horacol'" walled his wlfo, "I hnvo Just found out that AJnx, our beautiful Angora cat, has been leading a doublo life!" "That makes eighteen, I supposo," said Horace "What has bo been doing?," "You know I let him out overy morning, becauso ho Booms to want to go and play out of doors. Woll, I havo discovered that ho goes ovor to tho Robinsons nnd lets them feed him and pet him!"