THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JANUAKY 5, 1902. Meritorious Merchandise Priced As Never Before. 10 . Sacrificing Regardless of Cost or Value $500,000 STOCK Damaged By and WATER .nnmnrifi LUIV! I6NS Sacrificing Regardless of Cost or Value $500,000 STOCK Damaged By SMOKE and WATER phe vast throngs that have crowded this store daily since this sale has been in progress, and the phenomenal selling, thoroughly demonstrates the people's appreciation of the great money-saving' advantages it affords. Two, three, four and tive-fold values are bound to attract the multitudes. It's very, very seldom that merchandise of such a desirable character is offered at such trifling prices. The damage the stock sustained is slight. A small portion became wet and the balance was subjected to the smoke that filled the store. The following will give you an idea of the amount you can save by coming here tomorrow or every day for that matter, while this sale is in progress. Look How We Have Priced the Damaged Linens It's n grand opportunity to replenish your linenstock. No woman with an eye to economy will ignore these rare and enticing offerings 250 dozen full size, full bleached, all linen damask napkins, worth $1.25 dozen go at, per dozen " One solid case full bleached extra heavy, all linen damask napkins that generally for 1.50 to $1.75 dozen go at, per dozen One case assorted qualities, all best grades, of napkins, worth $2. 50 doz. These are large size and all linen, '.UonwJt- aK0 go at, doz One lot of fringed napkins in turkey red and damask, worth $1.20 dozen, we will sell them at', each 50c 75c 98c 2c One Case all Linen Table Damask 3 grades in the case, on sale as follows: The 50c quality oil sale at 25c a yard. The 75c quality on sale at 39c a yard. The $1 quality on sale at 50c a yard. These are all linen, full blenched and very big bargains. One lot of turkey red, large size, fringed table covers that generally sell' at $1.50, we will sell at, each , , . One big lot of damaged linen towels that gonerally sell at 10c each, nothing the matter with them, only having been wet go at, each ." . Think of it, linen towels 2c each. One big lot of 25c, 35c qnd 40c all linen damask and buck towels, - CC knotted fringed and drawn worked, hemmed and hemstitched, oo"-"iutrth 50c 2ic Look How the Dress Goods and Silks are Priced Have you ever seen the time such line dress goods and silks have been sold at such low prices? Weiiavcn't. And we hctually believe these offerings will eclipse all previous bargains. Stop and realize the nin-'iiiludo of tho it . w . i. . n values we mention, anu renieinoer every ining goes in proportion. 50c French Flannels 15c All of our French flannels and striped wnistings that were sold before the smoke damage at 50c yard, on sale on bargain square at, . , . ) per yard, I only , JL W 25c Dress Goods. 9c yd On Mule In Dnneinent. Thousands of yards of double width wool plaids, checks, and stripes, also plain English cash meres and henriettas, black and colors, on pale ""X in basement ' L-M n tit, yard J V $10 Dress Patterns at 47c yard Hundreds of. high class dress patterns in Zebiliues, panne cloth, granite cloth, silk and wool novelties, cheviots, serges, etc., Many f these sold before the smoke aud water damage at $10 per jk pattern, go on front bar- gain square, at, yard . . T' M w $1 & $1.50 Dress Goods, 25c, 39c All wool suitings, henriettas, cashmeres, serges, silk and wool novelties, all bought for this .Fall's business, and the majority of them very slightly damaged from smoke, go in 2 lots at, yd., 2oc, 39 $1.50 Silks at 69c yard 27-inch taffeta in all colors, peau de soie, black and colors, handsome waist silks in taffeta plain and imported novelties, boforo tho smoko damago they sold up to 1.E0 yard, In silk department at, yard 69 75c arid $1.00 Silks at 39c and 50c These include extra quality taf feta in all colors, fancy checks and plaids for waists or linings, gros grain silks, satin duchesse, on bargain square at w yd, 39c and . . V' Look How We Are Selling Smoke -Damaged Hosiery. Underwear 15c All kinds of hQsiery for men, women and" children, fast black, full seamless, medium and heavy weight, plain and ribbed all Blzca worth 2Cc, go at, pair 10c 35c hosiery for misses, boys and Indies, including imported lisle tjiread, also finest niaco cotton, children's all wool, on one immense bar gain counter at, ;paii lilL'U UllllUU, 15c Men's 25c half hose in tine cot ton and heavy wool, also all wool cashmere, go on sale ' '- f 12ic pair ,. . . & Men's 39c merino underwear In natural and camel's ralr, at Men's 50c sanitary Ileeco lined shirts and drawers, nt . ... Men's $1.00 heavy wool ovcr- shlrts, doube front aud back, at 25c 50c Misses', children's and bovs' all kinds of underwear in plain and llcece lined all sizes- worth 3flc, go at each 15c Ladies' medium weight jersey ribbed union suits and ribbed vests -and pants, all sizes go on sale at, suit 19c 1. JJIIUl.- 39c The Cloaks Have Been Greatly Reduced for This Sale $15 Box Coats, $6.50 ' of box An immense assortment cotUs and nutomobllo coats In reds, enstors, oxfords, tans, etc, some of them slightly smoko damaged, all of thenv beautifully trim med, guaranteed satin lining, In lengths from 27-Inch to 43-Inch choice of cntlro lot at Notwithstanding the fact that the damage, except in a few. instances, is very slight, these are marvelous bargains. $10.00 Box. Coats, $2.98 $12.50 Raglans and Some of these are slightly smoke $5 Golf 6t Dress Skirts, 1.98 J1.9S. 612 ?5.00 golf and rainy-day skirts, slightly smoko damaged, all of them' stitched flounce, all wool, gray and blue, at Also black cloth dress, skirts, flounced with satin stitched bands, excellent lining, at 9S $25 Silk Skirts, $10,00 The greatest lot of high grade silk skirts, beautifully .trimmed, at ridiculously low prices, worth up to $25.00, at jjuq.oo, J08 $5.00 and t J damaged, all of them arc tho latest styles, made of cheviot, mcl tons, kerseys, black and all colors, silk and satin lined, throughout, on salo In cloak depart ment, at 221 Automobile Coats, $4.98 Choice f any of our Kaglans and Automobile Coats that Ave sold for up to $12,50, in oxfords, tans and blacks, all sizes,' 4 98 $2 Flannelette. Gowns 89c Women's fine quality iiannelette night gowns in various colors, made full size, trimmed with rib- QQp bon worth up to $2, on sale, Ladies' 35c quality wool cashmere and fleece lined gloves, all sizes, on sale at, per pair 1 (n only t lVy 10c Handkerchiefs 25c Handkerchiefs in plain white and fancy col- for men and women, all pure ored border, hemstitched, many linen, all widths' of hemstitch- styles, go at lc and 3c ing, line sheer and heavy qualities, go at. 8c $1 Quality high Grade Corsets and corset waists, some of the very best well known brands, all sizes, In black and wbtto g and drab, slightly mussed, jJ. ff1 go at S3 SACRIFICING $100,000 CLOTHING STOCK DAMAGED BY SMOKE AND WATER This is Avithout exception the most remarkable clothing sale ever known. The stock was only slightly damaged by smoke For quick selling we have divided them into four special lots at prices ueyqr before heard of. Men's $10 Suits and Overcoats $5.00 Men's $15 Suits and Overcoats $7.50 Men's $20 Suits and Overcoats $10.00 All of Rogers, Peet Co.'s Men's Suits , 1 n CCf) and Overcoats that were $35 go at " nJXJ Boys' $1 50 Suits 50c Boys' and children's 3-piece suits nicely trimmed, ages 3 to 9, worth $1.50, slightly smoko damaged, 50c In basement, at $3 Reefers, Cape Coafs and Uls ters $1.49 Boys' . capo coats, rooters and uUters, mado of all wool ma- crlnl, ages 3 to 13 years slightly noko damaged 3.00 values, (or 1.49 Boys' $3 Knee Pants Suits 98c Boys' suits, ages 3 to 15 years, small sizes have veatee, large ones doublo brcasted coat, all wool materials, smoko damaged f 13.00 values, for Boys' Suits, .Overcoats, Reefers and Ulsters Ages 8 to 16 years, Including all the finest and newest style garments (5,00 values, damaged by smoko on sale at 1.98 SACRIFICING $60,000 STOCK OF SHOES DAMAGED BY SMOKE AND WATER Now is, your opportunity to buy line sjioes. The smoke damnge did not injure them in the least, and the reductions, considering the extra fine qualities, are enormous. When the loss was adjusted we said to the shoe man: Mark the $4 women's shoes down to $2.48. Take the women's $2, $2.50 and $3 shoes and mark them $1.39. Mark the $4 and $5 sample shoes, including tans, mark $1. Take the $3 satin slippers and cut them down to 39c pair. The $2.50 quilted fancy fur trimmed Juilettes mark 98c. The 29c button overgaiters mark 19c. The seven-button overgaiters mark 9c pair. The men's $2.50 rubber heel shoes mark $1.59. Take the odds and ends of men's $3 and $4 shoes and let them go in with the $2.25 lot. This tells in a nut Bhell of the .immense reductions. 'We have ar ranged these shoes where you can make your selections quickly, on the bargain counters on the main lloor. In tho basement prices havo been reduced In about tho samo proportion, In somo Instances :ut to one-third the former selling price. Wo mention la partlcu ar: One lot of men's boBt dress shoes in great variety of styles there are about 960 pairB in the lot, worth up to" A CA I 5 they all go at, per pair.; A-JvJ Laides' silk fleeced under wear in gnty and fancy colors regular price $1.00 on sale at All the high grade dress buttons $1.00 dress trimmings, includ-ImmenM lols ot l&e nncst emboldBlea All the laces 'that are slightly Double fold, extra heavy 40- 40-inch'Indin linen, .very fine 30-inch light and dark per- some cards are slightly soiled, ing Persian bands and all kinds iLbrteoiT'iitt", neatnTJhoi"'1 pat! mussed or damaged by smoke, inch lawn that generally sells at quality worth cule, worth 15c these have many buttons In this lot - of fancy silk trimmings, ' torns, regular prlco up to -4 -v Including Oriental, torchon, "fl"V,-i 12V4e tomorrow, E- 15c, gO at, .l. OCCll WOt Oll.fho cd'reH E? are worth 25c dozen, go Q. worth up to $1.00; go 35c yd., go In lots at, IIJC Venice and ellk chantllly laces, I l(j as long as It lasts. , 'i O oC ,1(l i ,'i TC at, doien at, yard, 16o and ard, 3Wo, Bc and v w wortn up t0 40c, go at 2VSc, 5c... w " at. yard IIU v w JUKI g() at, yd V-W BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE I BOSTON'STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE I BOSTON STOREBOSTON STORE 1 -' 1 1 ' 1 . ,