THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATUHPAV, .TAyrjAKY 4, KIOL'. DANNY I1ALEY BEATS COLLIE R: If rilr Tn Ktandi Snfila to Dimviatritt ' of Sli Baptriotitj. CMAHAN SUNRISES HIS FRIENDS t'nut, Fojtr and StroiiR, lie Put t"l Fight thnt ntlfles it l,nre mill Knthnlitle Crowd if .Spectator n. It nnV Tlannv Ifnlnv nt nmaha harelv it took Danny Haley or omatia tarciy two round to knock out Frank Collier of Wheeling, W. Va., At tho Hod Light theater i .,.,,, n.i, I,., iu, A .., ,. In South Omaha. last night. A largo and wildly enthusiastic crowd of sports was on hand to aee tho match, and the work of ,w ...i i.,..i ...i.t. i,,.. t., n,i nnm claim. Everyone was surprised, the spectators, ii.i..'. .i-.i- -in- ..,,i ,,i,,. Haley s friends, Collier and his hackers, even Danny's own seconds and managers, . . l i I 1. 1 t tt.i I'rooauiy mo laucr iiimscii, nun Haley tough Mike Shreck a few months riucu uq was a sreun unu, aim biiuwcii u i In nverv mnvn fin thnt nppnslnn hn wan I! u on tnnl occasion no touitni an orounu tno ring and Knocked out In, three rounds. Last night he np- . j - t I pe.r.a a. Toia. y oiuercni man. lasi, loxy and strons, with a ready right nnd left and a good punch behind botluof thorn. Hwlr blovs toelc round was a terrible jar, and left Collier hanging nvnr Spal trnte t.'llt. hlu linnil nnlaliln iglng Islde . . - . V. . .... . : .. ana nis leet in me ring, wncn no ion, however, he Btruck Ills head hard on tho tlnnd edge of tho theater stage, which was just Behind tho ring, and It was ns- ericn ny somq silling on me siago ai mm i nllnl I V. 1 . Klnui .itl 1. 1 ... a I . I 1 1 ,. n . I unable to rise, and lay with his head bent back, under him while tho count was im- lshed. Thuro wero thirty seconds of tho second round yet to be fought. flrlea Over lllx llefenl. No one had expected such an early con' elusion of .the match,-especially In Haley's favor. Collier la a lighting man of long experlenoo and a gnod record Ho was outweighed apparently fifteen pounds, but was fast and acgrcsslva from tho start, Frank cried nltcously over his defeat when . ...i .... , i .M'Cfiim i ii jr. l uro'i nt uvin hi it iii.i. i ! . i t. .I I , .i L ' V '. selling: Sum of Tnrsus won. Ned Dennis special basa ball train during tho with which Hnley did tho work, and It stcond. Hard Uurns third. Time: i:15". .i, , ,!.. ,in i. nn,t.i .. ... .. . M'l.l..i . r .11.. .... .r.lllnir. 111,11. I ' ' " 1 vv.t jusi nix oi uicm, mrco in mo nrai . '."lV.,'""''''V" . Th ,.pnint olm I. ih,. nl.l pItph. una uirco in ine second, i no msi T.m. i.iil.. Ui Tnntlih n.,,i Haul n Inpnthm . .. m.i . . I 'mm wnn. iFiiinr hlcuiiii. ur. nuiiitiiL num. i - -. . ... - .. ha was broimhl to his sPnps Hn wnn "Hl nothing win settled, Air. Jiurns sup vi ii "rougn,1 10 n,s ?f , 08V 1,0 WUB gestlng Out n written proposition be sub bleeding from tho nose. Haley bore not n niltteiC l.ntcr In tho day Judge Ferris, lit cratch, although Collier had put In sov- ral hlnw mnillv in'ihn kn,U' erai OlOWS, mostly to tno bOd. For the first two minutes nnd a half of th Jlrst round Haley did not take nn ng- ...... i. ,i,A nui i .!..,.. i. i, . I grcsslvc part In the fight, although It was asy to see as soon as he' squnrod off after the cons that ho was a different Haley Meanwhile Collier rushed and swung and Jabbed and dqdgcd, with some success, while Danny took tho whirlwind's measure Rnd gavo ground slowly, CMIter sctimcd much tho more nctlvo, though Haley was an tho alert There were but forly seconds of this round to go when Collier rushed Hftloy to a corner ana uio inner countered niceiy on the Jaw with his right Just ns Frank waa getting away. Tho blow was a gocd onn nd Danny leaped In for another, which ho put In tho umn placo with the othor hand Collier (ell hack, though not put out, and went clear through the ropes to the floor, four feet below. Ho climbed back Into tho "ring to finish the round. Thoy fiddled for a cd Halov nut ,cu ,IH'y rut minute, nnd ns tho bell sounded his right straight to Collier; o juw uuin i with fair speed, Heconil Itouml Fast nnd Furious) The second round opened fnst nnd furious, for now both men wore more than willing. Haley had loosened up, and was thero with a left and a right and a clever duck when- ever needed. After some clinching Collier rushtd at Danny, and tho latter broke ground, at the same time bringing his rlRht round In a hook to Collier's Jaw, the latter being unpreparad for tho blow, Bach map then landed once, when Hnley put In tho hot that ended the light. It was n vlclotin punch and clnchod n contest which was Haley's almost from the start Young Corbett. featherweight champion of the world, who has been exhibiting nt the Troeadero, ya to referco tho fight anil up- pearcd. but was too tired to attempt the i. . i.---i, a,.,h n,v,n niili qm "luiifx ,it,i,iij ui uuii.ti iun.ii. officiated. The champion wits given the ovation of tho evening-. In Haley'n cornor were Oscar Gardner, Illlly Haley and Dick Kcefe, Colllor had behind him John Hltchie, Charles Kluio, Jim Ford and Cliff Hnttgh. Tim Murphy of Sioux City challenged the vinnSr i-nm .ho .in.iidn. A battlo royal by eight colored men waslj10P!i medul play, Justlco Olldorsleovc lie- a popular preumiuai y, to now era w on after a lot of dust had been raised. In tho fourth round of n four-round contest Charlea Morflsl was glycn au unpopular dc- cleon over Frank McGutikln on nn alleged foul. Frank had tho hotter of tho lighting, Iloth wcro bantamwelghta at ICS pounds Claude Qrayiion and Abo iWarren, both col- orad, trnlfhcd another four-round bout Qraycon was experienced and active, though much smaller than his antagonist. He bat ted Warren around ao freoly In tho llrst three, rounds that tho latter lost, although In tho last round he had Grayson tottering Manager Gurt 111. handling Hale) and Gardner, offcrt-J a " brt of from $500 to 12,000 on the latter to whip John Hltchie. GOOD SHOWING ON THE LINKS Men anil Women (Solfers Are Un- dnnnteil In Toiirnuiiieut liy WlllMV. LAKKWOOD. N. J.. Jnn. 3.-Dcsplto tha now oi) the links, of the Lnkcwood Coun try club the winners toduv ninoiiir men and women Rojfrrs who nro taking part In the mid-winter foursome haudkuii tournament turned In fnlrly good cards. The play waa at elnhteen' holes, match nluv. Tomorrow the tlual rou nils tor both prizes will lie on ino same imsitf, rue mizea are cupa uonairu oy .Mrs. iieorgo j. uuuiu una iirs. Ularence M. Hoof Following ure the results of tho day's guinea; For the Gould run: Mica and J, J. O'Domiliue won by ! fault from Miss Wullucu and J. Moller. Jr. Mlsa und Mr. Ferris bent Mr. hud Mm. worm oy a vp ami i to piny, Miss H. Downer and V. P. Kreemnn beat MIhu AmhVrtso nnd I Tlinrnn liv iiit illiss Amoiose aitu J. 1 llprno tiy . up. jinss Amnvose ana j. -i norno ny s up. Miss llolston and U, T. Hrokaw beut Miss 1.. Downer und It. Symna by 2 up (twenty- thre holes). Hpnii.flnni rnmidi ?iimJ 5mV fi-u" ln.,.i. i...... mi Mr. Kurrls by 2 up und 1 to play, and thd ....o mm , v wuiiuiikii hviii .t,,r fill, I I match between Miss S. Downer and If. 1. Freeman nunlnst Miss llolston nnd (1. T. Hrokuw waa not llnlahed on account of onrkiu'Rs. Mrs, NaetUliig and her son, J. II. Naoth- Ins. beat Mr and Mr. Clark. 5 up and 1 to Play In the mutch play round for the Hoot cup apd drew u bye. for the sumlmiml. ", I, in ui-ai Ma '' " V; """' " "i" ,'ui j iu ,i.i ..... v .,,i,,( ur u t,t, u,,ti ,i tt, iiiiih. in tha semi-final round Mlsa Wallace and Mr. Ilacon beat Mrs. and Mr. lingers by 2 tin ana i io piny, unu tomorrow tney will meat Mrs. Naethlng nnd hor sou In tho linal round of ulghteun holes, match piny, for tha Hoof' trpphy. SAYS LEAGUE WILL THRIVE President of Pnolllo or(liiveat llnae tl l Ircutt tUprots tiooil Yenr, RT. PALM.. Minn.. Jan. 3. lresldent W 11. l.ucas of the Paclllo Northwest Has Hull league, who Is In th city to consult with Northern Tilclflft olllrlnls In ronnrd to rates for next season, said he' hud sue'. cerded In obtaiulng rules, and nothing now pinnus in mo way ot completion or the cir. sun. -Huiie und Helena," he said, "have oeen aumittcu to membership in our Icugue und the circuit comprise the bout cities of mrec siaies, numoiy nunc unu iieicnn, Mont.; Hpoknno and f-eattlc. Wash., nnd Pnrllqnd. Ore "riil nuike iimp nt the strongest minor league, circuits In the country und a we nre a member of thi Nntlonnl Association Huso Ilnll clubs vp or re In n position to secure 11 tnl retain good playing tnlent. Willi tno traveling rales grained us y me Northern Purine we worn nble to Include llntti. unil Helena, notwithstanding tho long railroad Jump for Portland to Unite.'' HONORS ARE EVENLY DIVIDED Victory flue tii Out'Oderx its Writ im l''n vnrltct on (lie Const. RAN' PtlAVPIBrn. -tun. .1. Va vrtrlf ps md outs ders i v i led me honors nt uumanu today. The surprise of the ufternoon was Ue vlctnryf arnntI snchem, n 20 to 1 shot, the seven furlongs event. Ho nnd Kntle Wuicott boI the best of a bad start, unu they ran one, two. The llrst race was (nUn hy K1'M,in UlB second, eltolcj. Mounce made his run nt the right time -ind ne got . up In timu to win by u nose from I.ot Olrl. Helen Smith , was third, hi Konzo, the fiivorlte. fiillcil to show much speed. In the second event Snul of Tumub Ht-l homo In front of Ned Dennis nnd nnl Hums. Hifuchuca, played from 2 , , t0 r t0 3 wnM tnP thlr(l rnC0i nf,er getting uwuy poorly Ishtar beat 1)V. Knhftrff fnr 111.. n'it,..v Prlnpps Tltntllll , i., . nrii7.;; ih. s-in iedro handicap u six furloiiKS. 8ho did iiui uir.imiy i'i i liiumi p,ceu, iuiiiiu,y """fi I W clippy track. Myron Unso led oil I Ule wayi J'nnn enslly from Mat llogan ,,nd the ilrsi cho cc. The last race went to Florcnao, played from 3 to 1 to 3 to 2. Ho Ipil nil Ihp w.iv. ItpsilltHI Vace ono ml o nnd seventy ynrdH. hpIIii: Klrnldo won, Uist (llrl second, Helen Mmitn linn , limei i:n. Fourth rncn, thrro-oiiurtcrs of n mile, hnndlcap: Hyron Hose won, Mutt Hnmm second. Princess Tltnnln third. Time: VA3i spennd. Princess Tltnnln third. Time: P.13VI. ,,,,, rnt,Ci ,Cven-elKhth of n mile. sell, Ingj Grand flaohem won. Kntlo Wnlcott '"c""'1' "ln u?"iMu.".r."i ' V.Y'' ii . i.'iorcnzo won. Domed second. Uedcck iniru, lime: uiv.i. BRUSH REFUSES T,0 SELL CLUB (UiH'liuiiill NenrrN SpnIilliiK for l."isct- tlnit I'omllt ImiN 111 Iliisi- Ilnll Circles. ' Irtiirt I 1 , Jilll Jllllll I. Ill II"I. president of tho Cincinnati lengue buse ball -. I rt. . ... , .. 1 . . . ,n T 1 ..... I J.Ul,t tonight uotliled the local syndlcat who desires to purchase his holdings In Ihe club thut his stock was not for sue. Hit lipid ii Imiiz pimtVri'iiri' nt thn Bt. Nicholas hotel th'it ntternnon with Judgo Ilownrd Ferris, tho hend of the syndicate, writing, ntked Mr . Brush If he nnd lis ussocioies were WHI1I13' in purl wmi iin'ir Iwil.llnfrM In th rinplnnntl nlnh. Mr. TlruH. In n long statement In roply, declined to "nslder nn offer for the club nnd took iii'fiifuui hi i;ii nun iiim iet-uin nivt;iiiiM .. thu N,ltnnnf leagun at Now York. Ho scored A. U. Hpaldlng for mo p'irt u took In the inentliiK. Mtylng that ho had rnUpil tho Isanti of basil bull til unnrohy during his brief term of disputed control. I'utll tho Ishuh is settled, .Mr. iirusn sum ho must remain loyal to tho-ie with him In tho present unsettled conuilion or ine leagun. He closed by saying thnt when penca Is established ho may welcome u renewal of tno oiler ot i nc uiiiciuimu syniucuiu. KANSAS- MAN IS A SLUGGER Jninivs rerun Kniirha Out Prnimyl- vnnl n n In the .Nepond Hound. PHILADELPHIA. Jnu. 3.-Jnmes Ferns of Knnsns knocked out Jack Dennett of McKeesport, Pa... In the. second round at thn Industrial Athletic club tonleht. Thn B"ht was to have gone six ; rounds. Ferns' punches weio mure effective thanr Hep- noil b, in inn iircuuii niuiiu iiiu imiiidho i man cnugni 'tie I'euiisyivaniiiii on mo j.iw p with a terrlmp left hand punch. Uennett r ed to clinch, but . run iigalnst n right mmereiit. u-htrh -ennrnliitelv knocked ,m out, - - ...... On tho Gate City alleys last night the fe"0i.;ro"" ",,m l"u "ul """" B"""'" CLAHKSONS. 1st. 2d. Hd. Total. Kolls 179 . 187 Molyiunux ....i Vtt HI l.neiiM 152 125 21.1 est. 12 1GC 18S 413 'llninltli 17l 161 U Clurkson ,'..iw no vv I Totals 811 787 NATIONALS, 851 2,47? 1st. 2d 3d. 132 M35 134 148 151 Totnl. Ahmaiison 10) 212 120 liiii nvs 134 501 38li Nealo .131 piotts 103 Tracy lbs Forscutt 157 471 442 Totu'i!) 700 800 700 29li C'elrlirMleli Tiikr n llnnil. LAKKWOOD. N. J.. Jnn. 3.-A three- ....l ....... ..1....A.I r..-n. II. n 1 1 I. . r ,iu7 i.,,kowood Golf club between Su- premo Court Judge (llldersleevo und kick- urd Croker nnd Andrew Freedman . todu v. ti o ttiull nnnluulnil rnt m u n n rr Ii t ti i lemuu mn ,111111111111 .. .. . . i',1"' nc"1 L .?v ,orK UUB0 1,!U' uluu " , . Kevernl Stninll limitH. MILWAUKKIC, Jnn. 3. Clarence J"orbes "f Chicago was given the decision oyer eitililiru n,iiia 111 ill, p vilj, ill It riA'iuiiuu hunt before the Mllwiuikeu Uoxlng club In thn . Paiioruinu bulIdliiK tonight. In ths iirellmlnarlcs Walter Nolan or Phllndolnhlu nnd Jon Curttn or CliicnKiv wont six rounds to it drnw nnd " young" Hcotty or iienver KtincKed nut "ivur iiiiick or luicuko in ono round. Ine (Iiiiih Nueeessf ill. BALTIMOHK. Jan. 3. Thomas Drlderlck of Yonkers. N Y.. wns knocked out by Joe unim or liaitimoro in tno sixth round or u light scheduled for twenty rounds at the uureKit Atnienu emu lonigiu, Steuinei I, Ine to Alnalln. HAN FHANCISCO. Jnn. 3.-Tha Call savs thut n lino of merchant steamers between this port nnd Manila will soon bo estub- llsheil by thn Hmplro Steamship company. acting In conjunction with tha owners of tho steamer Albion. The company will put Ohio. Indiana"' nnd iMnn.y van whfiS n.i. ...nt i i. - vnm)i run in iuu liner Islnnd trndo. Tlie HteamerH llrst named Mrc KKo dimensions, utu vary somewhat in tonnngo, nwinK iu ine uiiiurcuco in iiieir linings, They nre ai.i leet long, loriy-tnrce reet beam und twenty-four feet nine inches deep. t'onl Co in puny lluiikrupt, PAUKKHSHUHO. W. Va.. Jun. 3.-Col- onel John T. Mcurnw nud Mnvllle D, Post, retirerentlng creditors of theFlem- Ington Coal company, with otllccs In New vorit ami mines in west vu-Rinia, nuvo l'"V'' " V.V"""."" "i i'".uA " tir or UltMlllura l" lllivy mu L'UIUiuuy ueuiureil ail Invnluntnry bnnkruiit. Admits nre hiiI.I in r:; "N ".VS" 5 .'' hSi-fi ),u), wnn iiumiiueg cousiuernbiy in of thnt nmnunt. The caso will bu nearu tomorrow, il ii Kim 10 ue uio iurg- est bankruptcy casu over before this court. Three eurioi-f, Droiviied. mi inmno nn inn :t wiiii guting tho ditmago done to the dam of tho Columbus Power company by the recent Mood. Chief Knglneer John and four negroes wcro cnrrled through ono of thu breaks Iu the atrueture. Mr. and una negro wero rescued badly bruised, but tha inreo otuer negros wero urnwneii. tiw names are KraiiK narvey, William iiussey llloiiet Hosts Coiiifortulily, KKW YOHK. Jnn. 3.-Mns O'Hell (M, Paul Iltnuot). who was npurated upiin yrs terday ,it tho Kronen hospital, was reported tiwlnv tn lie rpsttlur pfililfnrtiihlv. At tit.. hospital It wus yald that Mr. Hlount was operated upo'i for strlcturo qf the bowels und not appendicitis, us reported, Neiv Jersey llni JVrw Trenaiirer. TIIKNTON, Jf. J.. Jan..-aovcrnor Vnor hces this uftcrunoii received from former Muvnr Frank O. llrldaes of Trenton thn ilattor'H urceptniu'e ot tho appolntmant to be sinie ireiisurer, ue will succeed tho lute James 11. Swain. l.luht nml lleiUliui IMnut Sold. I.KAVENWOHTH. Jun. 3. The I.eaven. worth Light nnd Heating company's plant I wns sum muiiy u p. n. neriron unu it. I storres or ,-ew iora. rno price I under I stood to imvv wen SITES FOR NEW BALL PARR Hickej and fitadU Fit Tw Eicslltnt Looittoni ia Ntrth End. ILD CIRCUS GROUNDS NOW AVAILABLE Heat Locution In Oninhn Una Hern Of fered Hie Amerlcnn Assooln tlon Owiierx for I'ae of Tliclr Tt-nni. Messrs. lllckoy and Uandle were very busy yesterday In search of a site for the American nesoclatlou baso ball grounds, They have found two most desirable loca tions, nnd expect within tho next twenty four hours to close a lease on ouo of them. At Sixteenth and Locust streets thoy have found that by' going up Into the south end of'tho old oxposltton grounds they can sccuro amplo space for a splendid base bill park. Tho owner has named a low rental for this location and the only thing,, to bo determined l Itnl what arrnneuments can bo made with the street railway company ni nvtri ,or oxira son son. At pres. Ico during the base ball sea- sent only one car lino patnes close to tho site, the Sherman avenue lino, which gives a ride of thirteen minutes ft am Farnam street to the entrance to tho park. Cars on this lino run five mliiules apart. If arrangements can be made for season grounds that has inni.,i llnnn i,v inrBi 0"B , uo.on l01,0Ke,1 "pon uy ,loc'i Ideal placo for a ball park. U tans as an has excel lent street car facilities. Is within easy ac cess of the business center and has none of tho objections that can be urged against other locations. One or the other of those sltea will ho taken for the now grounds, unless. negotiations can bo put through with W, A. Rourko for tho purchase of his plant at Vinton street. It Is not at all unlikely, If certain arrangements can bo mado af fecting tho slto at Twentieth and Paul, that tho overtures from the Western league will be rejected and no attompt made to buy tho Vinton slrccj. plant. COMPANY WILL. QUIT FIELD Trust t.'imerrii Oei'ldcs tin Voluntury I.hliildiit Ion, I'rnnilslnw to . Sleet OlitlKittltiti-. ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 3. Tho directors of tho St. Paul Trust company, a well known Institution of St. l'aul, of which Oeneral J. W. Bishop has been president since 1884, with a capital of $200,000, havo voted to go into voluntary liquidation. Public Kxamlner Pope mado the announcement of tho com pany's decision at noon, stating that from bis knowlcdgo of tho company's business ho believed all creditors would bo paid In full, although tho stockholders probably would lose part of their Investment. Tho company has carried on au oxtenslvo bus! nosa and administered several largo cs tatcs, the greatest having been that of tho lato Norman Kittson, who loft $3,000,000 or moro, tho last action on his big property having only recently been taken, Tlioro has been much litigation of this estato, the- heirs contesting tho trust company's claim for compensation and so- curing a big cut In tho amount claimed. Tho most serious casa against the com pany was . as thnt of tho estate of C. D, hoso ostate showed a depreciation i. . ftAn . . oi mum iuuu fiuu.wu uunun iuu im ;ii i, was in chargo of tho trust company. 1. " . ... u "ij .L.. .ui" I. j VT" 1 no supremo cuuu uciu "in unu mm no criminal Impropriety ot action In handling the Strong estate, but that the trust company must make good the $100. 000 depreciation in the value of that es tale, such falling oft In values having been In real estate which the company as trus teo for the Strong estato purchased from Itself aa- owner of such property. It Is stated that tho company will be closed up by new officers No figures aro ..I., !..,. 1.1 JUL uuklliliuuii;. The usscts ot tho company consist largely or real esiuie ana, noiwiinsianumg m depreciation In realty valuations' during th last few yoars, the assets still largely ox cced the liabilities. The total assets aro given at $510,59 In the last published state ment of tho company. Today's, action was taken with tho o-n sent and approval of all tho creditors and tho public examiner was simply notified of the action taken, 'iiot having taken an offlclnl part in tho decision of the dlroc torate, GOOD USE FOR PRIZE MONEY Citutnlu MeCnllu Will Ilitllil Club House fur Snllnrn ivltli Ilia Shnre. SAN FHANCISCO, Jnn. 3. Captain H. II McCnlla, now In command ot Kearsargo tho flagship ot the North Atlantic squad ron, has In vlcv tho erection of a fine club houso at Vallejo for tho enlisted men ot tho navy. He has already secured a slto for tho proposed building, paying tor It with tha prize money awarded to blm for hi services In tho Spanish war. Additional funds aro to bo secured by popular sub scrlptlon. Mrs. McCalla Is now hero mak Ing the preliminary arrangements for tho erection ot the structure, which will proh ably bo modtled aftei tho Blue Jackets' club houso In Brooklyn, which waa erected thrnuvh thn munlflpenoo cf Miss llnlnn 'hr0"R" tna munlllcen00 01 "!", I,0l0' Gould. It will contain n library, gymna- slum, billiard room, a bowling alley and "Ue,,1"B T,., be ,f tha men 1 n Mara Talnnr' U'tiftn nff fllltv i mw v uvu , PREPARES FOR HER RECEPTION ' i i'i esisne in in i.iiiimimi iiihh woiiicii .MunuKera lo Meet Helen Gould nt Ills Home. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 3. Miss Helen Mlllnr Oould, a member of' the board of' women managers of tho Louisiana Purchase ex position, and a party of four or five friends, will arrive In Bt, Louis over the Wabash road on tho afternoon of January 1! and remain In tho city until tho following Tuesday, President Frnncls of the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition company and Mrs. Fran cis havo tendered Mis Oould a reception at their homo for Saturday evening, January 11, to meet (ha directors nnd officers ot the exposition company apd their wives. Invitations will bn sent to tho untlonal commission ind all the mem bers of the board ot lady managers. FREED BY STATE'S EVIDENCE Purl- In Salisbury Conspiracy lifts Liberty While Confederates l''nce I lie I.uw. ' GItAND IIAPIDS. Mich., Jan. 3. It de veloped today that StIUon W. McLcon, In dicted with City Attorney Lant K. Balls- bury, Thomas B. McHarry, Henry A, Toy lor of New York and others, for con spiracy In tho attempt to foist 'a 11,000,000 water contract upon tha city, confessed hla share In the affair to tho prosecuting at torney last Tuesday and has agreed to turn state's evidence In the trials of McOarry and Taylor, Salisbury has already been convicted. The (,'ueu against McLean Ii to be dropped In consideration ot bisection REGARD CZ0LG0SZ SANE MAN 'lt Mclnni In Keleiillllc Iteport Find AhsiissIii Hrspoiinllile nt Time of Crime, NBW YORK, Jan. 3. An exhaustive ro- port cn the trial, exocutlou, autopsy and mental status of Czolgosz, tho ascasaln of President McKlnloy, Is given In the New ork Medical Journal for January 4. . , Tho report embodies the result of much careful Investigation by Dr. Carlos Mc Donald and IM ward A. Spltzkn of this city. Tho question which thcs,e Investigators set thcmselvca to answer was: "When Czolgosr. shot tho president did ho know the nnturo nud quality of the act ho was doing, and that tho net was wrong?" This was from tho legal standpoint. From tho standpoint of nodical science the question that fra'med Itself was: "Was Czolgosr. at the time he committed tho net victim of niontal disease or mental un soundness?" Tho reply to these questions, which cm- bodies the ontlro history of the casa from tl.o trial of the criminal to his execution nnd tho disposal of his remains, takes un nearly twelve rages In the New York Med ical Journal and, divested of all technicality. Is to tho effect that Czolgosz was sano and osponslble under the law and punishable for tho offense, although everything In his history, according to the medical experts, pointed to the oxtsteuco In him of the soclnl disease anarchy, of which he was a victim, His refusal to reply to questions at tho trial Is regarded as being In line with his role, expressed In tho theatrical declara tion: "I am nn anarchist and hnvo done my duty." PROMOTION COMES AT DEATH Cnptnln l.enry Ik Mil do Hour Ailnilrnl, lint Dies Without Knoiv- Inwr It. ' 110STON, Jnn. 3f Information from Wash ington shows that Captnln Richard P. Lcary, U. S. N., who died at Chelsea recently, died a rear admiral without bolng conscious ot the fact. It wos n promotion which he had looked for, and It is said to have been thu ono thlug thnt troubled him In his last moments. Tho appointment was mado the day before ha died, hut It was only when his brother-in-law, Dr. Fairfax Irwin, ro turned from his funeral, nt Annapolis, to Chelsea that the appointment wns found. WASHINGTON, Jan. .1. Cuptnln Lcary's retirement with tho grade of rear admiral was mado uudor tho law giving tha pres ident authority to reUro ofllccrs who sorvod In tho civil war ono grade higher than the position they hold nt the tlmo tho request for such action Is mado. Unfortunntoly, for nomo unexplained reason; uctlon was de forrcd on Captain Leary s application until his sudden death recalled tho matter to tho attention ot tho officials, whon ho was promptly retired at tho advance grade, tho retirement taking effect as If betoro bis death. SMILES AT HIS SENTENCE lloy Uiinvluteil ot .Murder Grin Twenty Yenra In the Peniten tiary. WINFIELD, Kan.. Jan. 3. Clydo Uccre, tho 17-year-old boy ?onvlctel of murder In the second degree for killing C. L. Wilt bcrger, a fnrnitr near here, last April, tor bis money, was today sentenced to twenty years In tho penitentiary Ho received the verdict with a smile. Tho prisoner's attorney1 pleaded for n re form school sentence, but Judge Mcllrldo aald the boy was, sufficiently mature to know1 what ho was doing ' when ho com mitted the crlmo. Wlltbetger waa shot from behind whllu driving to town. His dead body was found In the wagon and threo checks which ho had received for his wheat wero missing. Clydo llettfl, aged 13, nnd Moore, boys who had run iway from home, previous to the murder, wero arrested cjiarged with tho crime. Hetts was tried llrst and acquitted While Moora was being tried a prisoner In tho Sedgwick county Jail confessed that he. with Mooro and another boy, killed Wlltberger. CITIZENS FIGHT ROBBERS IlnnilltN Foreeil to Flee After I'nIiik 11 yon iii I to. on Hunk Vnult. ST. JOSEPH, Jan. 3. A special to tho Dally News from Cambden Point, 'Mo., college town.torty miles south ot St. Jo Beph; says: At 2 o'clock this morning tour masked robbers entered tho bank nt Camden Point and wrecked tho vault with dynamite P. Sarrhurst, assistant cashier of the bank and H. F. lltxoy, n local merchant return Ing from a country dance, passod tho bank just as tho explosion occurred, Hastily arming themsolvcs with shotguns and summoning a small posro headed by Duck Culllns, the crack shot ot tho town, they surrounded the bank nnd opened flro on the robbers. After a fusllado lasting sev oral minutes, In which ono of the rob bers wan shot In tho shoulder, tho bandit broke away from tho bank, ran' to tho rail road tracks und escaped on a hand ca They securod no booty. Several armed posscB are In search ot tho robbora today, WRECK ON NEW YORK CENTRAL Work Trnln Ornshe Into Hour o I'naaeiiRer nnd Woman Ik llndly Hurt. ALBION, N. Y Jan. 8. A collision oc currcd on tho New York Central road at Fanchqr today. Tho westbound passenger train had Just pulled Into tho statlou whon a work trald crashed Into Its rear. Several patsengers In tho day coach of tho pas senger train wero badly shaken, but only ono, Mis. Cathorlno Heddy of Now York, was sorloualy Injured, A telephone message from Kaglo Harbor raid the rear passenger conch, after tho collision, rolled over nnd was burned. THU IlKAl.TY MAItKKT. INSTHUMKNTS placed on record Friday, January j; Wnrrnnly Deeds, J. J. Nelson and wlfo to Mury Slek- kotter. lots 1 to 0. block 7. Millard,..! 1.000 W. R Vanllurg und wltp to Hannuh Llnd, o)i 10' . piock iuwinac At a.- add ...x I.9M A. C. Larson and husbnnd to I3mlly Heck, lot u, piook t, unermun Avenuo nark i VA K. A. Hutthlnaou .nnd husband to Iloso Peterapn, lot ti, block 1, Ames Place ,....,...,.,,.., ,, 75 ltoso Puterson to V . II. Piilmutocr. lnl 22. block 1, Ames Placo 3M L. H. I'enrson io u.u. unscy, lot 2i, block 3, Hhcrldan Placo s) Omuliu Mercantile company to Peter Iversen, lot 1. Iltistin's add,, 753 x Quit Clnliii Deeds. L, A. Wtllfey to C. C. Kills, w",4 swJ nnd sei swU lR-ltf-13 Hnttle Leo to C. O. Harry, udmlnls tratnr, w lot 7. block 337, Omaha... M. L. Leland to M. T, Spethman, lots S nnd 30. block 12. Hrlggs' l'lnrn, ... Deeds, Sheriff to Nebraska Loan and Build ing association, lots 12 'und 13, Suunystde add . Sheriff to William Wnllace. lots 19 und 20, block 4. HnwthnriiQ ndd W. A. Dollord, receiver, to Annie Sweenoy, lot 2, block 2J, Wilcox's 2d add 1,02) 1,100 1,200 701 Total amount, of transfer ? s,5Si STANDARD OIL LITIGATION linjtb Replies t Froat on SUUu of Ami- Trust Enit. DEFENSE OF IATE ATTORNEY GENERAL iislsls Hint Ills Mneeessur llnd Kierj Opportunity to MnUe WlnnliiK l'lrtht llefnre Helcrren unit Did Not Do So. The Uce has received from former At torney General Smyth tho following nnswor to tho letter of Attorney Oeneral Prout re lating to tho caso brought by Mr. Smyth gainst tho Standard Oil company under tho Nebraska nntl-truat law with n request that It be given space In Its columns: OMAHA. Jnn n.-To Ihe Kdltor of Tho Hoe! Attnrnpv npneriil I'nitlt linn nmiearu.l In print with what tic would like, doubtless, lo have the nubile believe Is an answer lo mv criticism of hla conduct In the Standard Oil case. Hut It Is neither an tinswer nor n excuse; It Is plainly n deliberate effort to deceive. Tina l Know is n nursn cunrgo, but i shall prove it Tho attorney KCtterul should know that It Is of no moment, n this regard, what my views ninv nn wnn rosnpet in wneiuer i i" federal or Mute bower Is belter lit ted to I deiil Hllppennflillv with thn trust evil, nlld I he might, therefore, hnvo snared himself ne iiinur in xenrcuiUK iur unu iiuuuiih iiuiii i l letter of mine, on that sllblect to a collcito I student In lowu. ine tiiicsuon is; ivns ii ine mint in urn i ouru or the statute, or or Attorney wen- nil Prout that ihe stntp was ilnfealed In tho Standard Oil ease? The attorney grn- nil's political partisans, by dispatches to temnted. to bo sure, to obscure them In his communication, isow tor ine mem; first. The referees refused lo receive Mr, Mice's deposition becuuse It waa directed to the clerk of tho court, as depositions nro usually directed, Instead of thn ref erees. Hut upon nliiioilliclng their decision they, In open court, ndvised Air. rrotti, ((uestlon of Xunieloiio Hut he savs In defense that I character- zed this deposition nn "Insultlrlent." He u rlplil. but Insiilllplent for whnt? Instllll- . !.'."; ,::mm .i' V'.. or the company snowed it wan u irusi. tv think that the fault was hat o the law ot nVceigary that 1 should swenr nnd of tho courts and tot j.f Mr. I'rout, positively upon that subject In tho uftiduvlt Hut tho foots nro otherwise-fact e . fort h vlllch f mod. The law did not require In my hitter to tho New ork Lvc in in mch nnMiavlt of m ut that time. My Vost niHl wit ch have not been ileitlei by a,imvt upon Information and be.lef nc- Mr. Prout. iilthot ch he has laboriously ill- .........n.i..i ...i.... i i,.m.,.i.,.i ,, ,.. ........m. sltum tmck to the mmwi, ; had aken It ff ' ( vAY' Ilfn.lV d pagVsr'Vr.nfid und hnvo him properly d rcct it. tin d hat nmtlcBP, ltl n10 enso of the Htato of Ohio thoy would awal tho rett r l,rf. niiese ,, thl Btnndard Oil oomp.iny, wherein fucta Mr. Prout bus not denied nnd cannot ,,ccr;, ot tll lruit testlilotl.' by pro- SUCCCSMiiuy ticni. i ny inn no nm iiiiiuw onrlnir from the leerelnrv or the state of tho HUKKCHtlor t o the ,"nnt,ha S ktol Lul.annfn"Vrth"ca?"of had been a prlya to , n , and not h Nlnto. m)wra mt at om. Ume thB atnndard Oil would I n not 1 ave dony so, "l f Iv c had t , , , , ,..,, )IoJtol, not woji d be .not hnve thereby Ji stly.sub- ,... ... ,.. H.npk f lhu defendant In th s Jcotcd himseir to n ennrgo or niatpracucu r . reudlnu' thn testimony, or so much clcnl, of course, on which to rest the wholo hnvo been nble to hnvo mado tho requlslto case. Hut that was far from saying that It atllduvlt. And If ho bud been representing did not contain vnlunblo testimony for the a private client, nnd ns loyul lo his In state. Hccnuso I deemed the unsupported terest us .i lawyer shnuld always b to testimony or or.o witness inDUiucteni on which to submit tho case did not wnrrnnt Mr. Front's deduction that the testimony wiih worthless. Surely It cannot bo that Mr. I'rout does not know this. Mr. I'roui pieuits runner, in exieiiiiiiuou nr his Piimlnet with resnect to this dennsl- tlon, thnt l knew, during my term of otllcc, that the deposition had been sent to tin) clerk nud not to the referees. 1 his Is truo. Hut how does It Justify Mr. Prout? I lind no occasion to give any inougniio wneiner thn ttetinsltlnn had bent) lirOtlOrlV directed. I The objection of tho company that It had been misdirected did not como up for con- Hldcrntlon or decision until Mr. Prout pro- sented tho deposition In evidence. Then the defect in tho direction a mere leciiiu cnlltv was brought home to Mr. Prout. nnd he waa given nn opportunity to cor rect It. A few postage stamps and u few ,inv' delfiv nnih of which wcro at Mr. Prout's command, would havu made tho deposition ndnilsslblo In evidence. I Hub- torney, loyal to tho Interest of his client, uso the postnge stumps nnd Incur tho delny, mil tf i ia rviiiiiiii rmiiif!. wiiuiii inn un ill- nnd does noi ine inci iiiai iur. t-iuuv i u- i fused lo do so prove him unfnlthful to tho I Interest of tho stnto which he pretended to ,.ii,..iiiii I ' I UlsolMMllenee of Con.imi.y; a i t . i- n 'n.intlttn,! he Mr I Prout, that when I retired from the otrico of nttornoy genornl, I left him un order of tho supremo court upon the Btundnrd Oil company whereby the company wus re- quired to permit the state, through Its nt- torney gcnerni, in inspect unu uupy uic books, iinpers und documenta In the poN- 1 .I.,. nr,.nnniit o, mt ui mnif pviiitinrs i rolutlng to the morlta of tho notion. Tho company tllsobeycd this order. In the event . . . 1. i.iinii hind I that upon application of the stnto the court tilfKht (lireci Hie jury lo presume u una mm unu mu ruin cuiw limn i itiivt. wrt"..!" book, nntier or document) "to be such ns him. This is n hare-faced nttenipt tn put' tho linrty by ullldnvlt alleges It to bo." It n...;. it.n .ii, if nt the ntliiriinv irenernl to lilo un' atlldavft setting forth what tho hooks, paper and documents of tho Stun- dunl Oil company showed wiin respect io that company being a trust. Did he do It? Vn nn tho ponlriirv ho refused to do nny- thing which tho luw contemplated he Bhould if there bo one statement In tho fore ,i win, tn thn mutter, und thereby trnlnir whloh Mr. Prout tli Inks hn can sui'- enst to me wmos uio mraim, wmi-n. i nun placed In his hands or brovingK inuisptii- nbly, tho caso of the State ugnlnst tho Standard Oil Company. What cllU ne uo iu mm hhuiui iic im- DPiitci nn ntlldavlt of mine, used by mo for tho purpose or procuring ine ururr jusv ....niinnnl iiimn tint Htnndnnl Oil company, and urfected to think that this nflldnvlt. filed by mo for ono purpose, which It served, could be used by him for an en- mlno referred to by him In hla letter wns mado und used by mo In support of my np li,.niir,n m thn pniirt for the order to rom- tlreiy uincreui purpose. "e iiiunvn ih pel the company to pormlt an Inspection of Its books nnd papers. That application wns granted and tno nmunvii, tneruiure, , hlviiiu nllshed whnt It wns Intended to do. Hut Mr. i'rout mining u hiiiumkbv mu un ui ,.m,i It tn thu referees to nrove thn con innij nt thn hnnks. n nuruoHO for which I nover Intended It. Tho referees called his attention to tho lending caso on the sub ject In this" state, nnd then mild of thnt case: "Wo llnd thnt the affidavit uppn which the order was obtained wns not tho one offered In evidence, but thnt nfter tho rofusul to comuly with tho order tho plain- tiff mu do nnd filed a positive affidavit. , In concluding their opinion they exnrespod themselves thus: "Tho statute contemplntes that the affidavit may be made after the obtulnlng of tho order, and the established practice or hub hiuw mm n o uiuuiiwi muv bo mndo aner mo ouiuiiuug oi uiu order." Use of tlie Allldnvlt. Mr, front was thereby told that whtH the ntlldavlt of mine, presented bv him nnd ii.. mtn iinnii whlph I had obtained tho order was sufllplent for tho purpose for wiiich I had Ufod It. It was not tho affidavit which tho statulo contemplated for tho pui iiosu for which hn hud offered It; but thnt It wnn tho command of tho statute, tho nrnptlen nt the Htnte nnil Ills lllllV tO tllO nnother ntndiivlt of n dlffetont character entirely. The attorney goncrnl tnlrht ns won nave iiuiun mif iuiu-i um uui.iu.n. of mlno. surh. for InEtunce, na ono for service by publication nr for nn attach- mont. nnd tuesenieu u to ine ruuri. n Ihn nun which he did nresent. It would h,,t. it.inn lust nlinut an nor 1 1 Hon t . rVOW, lUni IO IUS iviier unu vuninnii ni" what n miserable piece of p(ttlfoglng Mr. Prout miguFeH In with rurerenco io thla ntlldavlt. I nan sain in my luuer iu the Post Ihat he had presented an "Im proper" ntlldavlt, CommentliiK upon this, tin. torltPB "Would nny one not famlllnr with the ense over suspect that tho improper' nf lldnvlt wns mado nnd filed In the supremi court v C. J. Bmvth, yet such Is tho fact, . 1 . . .11 I .... I . . n i. I" n I 111 1 1 1 11 1 1 lM llllllltltlt t,lP ,,,P, livi (,,...'. He thrrcby endeavors to eonvey to tho miiii the tmnrpsslnn that I had (Upd an aindavlt for tho purpose of proving the contents of tho books and papers of the Standnrd Oil company niir tuoy una nis nitsvpd Hit. nrder nf th court, and that Hint nindnvlt was lnuftleent, when thn truth Is that 1 'wi died no such nflldnvlt and Hint the atllduvlt which he nresiplnd tv'itM nnn tiled bv mo for an entirely dif ferent purpnpe. and, us (ho Jodgm"-'t "f tho court o8tab!lh?d. prove t uulti si'lllrlpnt for that purpose Is nnt this a plroe nf downright deception on the pa-i of Mr Prout. unworthy of the high olllco which ho hoidH .' Whnt He Should Hnve Done, Hut sunnoslng. for thn moment, that I had tiled u ilnfoctlvo ntlldavlt. would that Justify him. the nttorny general, In to- fusing to nio a proner one uner no. nnn neon iiuormru ny ino enuri unu my hi thbivlt wns deferllvu: what was necossnrv 5 1 to make It suttlclent. and that h onu'd havo tho time to present mteh ndldavlf uertuiniy not. ueieonvn piriKitngs nr nico every day bv lawyers, hut upon tho defect hnlnir hrntiulit to their nollco by a decUlon of the court thev at once cornet thorn, If tliev bo correctable. There Is, however, no profit In prncedlng upon the nsFuni!itlon thut 1 had mndo n mlstnko in tho ntlldavlt. for 1 had nnt. The fact that Mr. Prout did not nreent nny legal aftldnvlt, thnt It was his dutv to do bo, that he was Informed of this by the rourt and' that he llacrant y nec'eptml his duly in that respsct. urn established beyond tho possibility ot aucce a'ul don'al, u stands for of American fame he uses WOOL SOAP let's all do tlie same Use Swifts Pride Soap in tl How does he attempt to excuse his con- dtirt7 Ho fays. spenKing oi mei Mlnvlnir rpfuspd in swear nnsltlvelv that fh.. l,,,bu r tit., p.trtttt.'inv It WMS n trust, Iip. now attributes the dismissal or uio HUH lo my Iiiliure in swear iu ine oniitmitii f thn luniks he had never heetl nble to loiate In four years of his olllclal pre. Wluit Nmrlli Snore To, w nut niujiii snurf . i n... i.,P. i, t nnt trim that I reftisetl to swear positively thnt tho books nllsli. Thn ntlldavlt limlllfd of II I til WHS an cntliely dlfTerent one, brc.uiso th pur- pose to ne reaencu wns un enuruiy uuirreni purpose. 1 could hnvo sworn ua posltlvoly ns thn law required, If It were necessary for me to have done ho. and 1 would hnva done so If I had hien In Piout'a plnre. for I had prepared myself for such an t of It ns wnn published, In tho Investigation of tho Standard Oil company before tho attorney nenernl i nl of New York, nnd by con- suiting other sources of t.itormatlou. If Mr. Prniit li.nt dnnn Ihn siimn he would tltH Interest of his client, ho would huve done so. und If ho had not done so his neglect would hnve been euliwibln nnil dls- hafnient nriieoedliics would h limtltled. jn the tllea of thu attorney general's olllco wits tho cerllllcute or tho secreiury r tl in ufnln it 1 ml hi it u 1im( rifrrl t n. which showed that tho Stnndard Oil trust owned iirnctlcally all the shares of stock of the defendunt company. If the attorney general had been hulf n Industrious In digging up that certlllcnte nH ho was in rpunrrortlti n hittpp nf mini, in a rnllofrp student, ho would hnve learned that tho secretary of stnto of Indiana could have given him Important testimony. Why did ho 0t uo (ty Action of Iteferees. Tho attorney ccnernl savs! "1 did. how ever, offer betoro tho referees every sylla ble or uviuenco ion in my nanns ny my predecessor. It woh nil rejected and the referees held it was insuiTicient. t ex cepted at tho time to Ihelr holdings, us shown by the reports, but the report waa vuuiu meu uv me oimuhiiic iuuu. This Is another Illustration of tho. fact thnt a half truth la worse thnn n Whole ile. Hn seeks to leave the lmnresslon thnt hn l,.iiBl,l,i,l 11 I n.Anl.llllH. I.. I Vl a mill M lit A court nd that they wire overrated. , This Is uiiiiunlltledlv false. I'non the llllliR nt tin; refereva' report the court tnudit nn order that If no exceptions wore tiled by the attorney general within ton days the report would stand con lrmed. Ho knew of that order, but ho failed to tile uny x- i.tim n m in - elapsed, nnd, consequently, never nrescnted in ine aunreme eonri inr us tiecisiuu uuy pf tho ruling, of the referees to which he had oxcepted. This he cuntiot euccesstul ly il.ti Tin n tir Ii l bua Lf it r h it 111 rl 111! I f bellovo that he did present Ihe exceptions ihe responsibility ror uio resuii upon uio sunrptiin enurt. whon It should rest Ulion tho nttorney general. Such conduct can elicit only the condemnation of honornblo men. Wluit the I'MIe Contnlnril, I i ccsstuuy controvert i oiiiiiioniee nun u; do Ir. Tho fact Is, hn cannot do It. And the result Is, that when 1 retired from tho olllce of nttorney general: i, 'rnero wns on ine u ueinmiiiuu in mi. nice contaliilntr much valuable testimony m rnvor or mo male, wnicn .Mr. rroui pnntil huvn usnd. hut fulled to do uo. . Thero vns nu order of court requiring tho Standnrd Oil company to permit tho attorney general to Inspect nnd tako a copy oi us uooas unu rucorus uciiriMK ui'uii the question of whether or not It wus a trust; tniH pinceu Mr. ituui iu a nosiuuu tn estahllsh tieviind the norndventuro (if U dolibt every iillogatlon of tho stutu's peti tion tr he nnd only utuweu it wiin loyally to hi client, tho state; but ho dint not. I havo no disposition to unjustly criticise Mr. Prout or his olllce. So far as l hnve observed tno worK or nis nepuiy. air. Nnrrls Urown. I hnve commended It un- teservedly for Ha earnestness und enorgy. In conclusion, let me say, that my com munication to the Pott was not written for the purpose or "f.ommonuing in im- cea n attempting to drlvo the Stnndard oifcompany out of Nebraska," but nt the request of men eminent In tho Held of po- nticnl economy. Who desired that ths truth ue ,nnde known, nnd for the purpose of defending myself nnd tho courts of my stnto against the aspersions of certain lortnnce unu einciency oi my puuuo seiv newspaper correspondence, nun ot vinuicm 1JK the o oiitrnDed lnwa of this common- wcnlth-iutrnged In the presence, and with tho connivance, of their sworn, but fnlth lesa, defender. C. J. SMYTH. Pays Penalty with I. He. CLAYTON. Ala.. Jnn. 3. Hob Brown, u negro, who murdered Mr. Mol.eod. a road overseer, was legally hanged hero today at noon. Tho oxuctlon was attended by a largu crowd of white nnd colored people. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuln Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must ar Slgnfttur Mai Vary rnmrnll ol MtaluunfM CARTER'S FOI HUIACNK. fh iiamisi, FOR IIUOUMEft. FOR T0RPI1 LIVER. FOH COMITIf ATIIR. m IAUBW SKIN. FOR THEC0MPU1IRR OURS BIOK HCAOAOMJJU i Uncle Enough, No More, No Less When takan In moderation as a tontcal stimulant Hunter Baltimore Rye For health hospitality will prova Itself to ba of the Highest Purest Quality Rich In Flavor. Mellowed by Arc t itt snil tir JoblTr.. I N, nsltlmure, l ii ?i, i,h., . ..f. S5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases anJ DlssrrJers of Men 10 years tn Omaha. VARICOCELE d HYDROCELE cursd. Method nw, without cattiue. ,t lots ot time. ettDUII Bjeurdforllfaanatlipo!aoa 91 rHll-IZJttorouihly oleanaed from the system, Soon every sign ana aymptorc disappears completely and forf.Ter. No "BltKAKIHO OUT" oftlie dlseaa on tha akin ur fae. r,reatman: contains no dn(rout drurm or Injurious tnedlclnt. WAK MEN trorli Kzcrstes or Vienna to Niuvnuii nni.MTY nr KXBiUSTiotf. WiSTINU WBAKNBM Wltk KAItLT 1UCAY to YoiiNd and Miuple Aozd, Uck of vim. vigor and atrangth, wita organs Impaired and weak, STRICTURE cured with a new Horn Trrsinient. No pain, no detention from tusl nets. Kidney and Hlsdrtee 'Proublts. , CHARGES l3W m Coinritition f rtf. bv Mill. Call on on or address I IO So. 14th Sti Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb. Poor Indeed Arp thrive wpfchrd down bv inentnl de- presiou. ien rue in mis woriu irpslon. t! hrotigh huoynnt nerve totce. Tha loss of this force dsllv drscs down to failure some of the worlrTs tirlchteit minds. Such n condition la Commonly kuowii as Nervous Debility. wncil you loic rll-connurncc sim feel your strength, energy and nerva force ate llpping away, ll is high time you i-cck (cusible aid. You prefer health nud aucceit to mijry and failure. ' 0 M0 have uo equal nan nerve restorer, A collide of tuxes wilt dlsnel that heaw feeling; the unnatural wearinca dis appears anu replaces languor wuu new force nnd viirnr of liodV and hratn ftlx boxes will cure auy ordinary case ot nervous ueiuiuy. ii not, you get your lnnnev tiack. fl.00 per box 0 for fi.OO. mail I Jn P'-'ii iviPKP"f ii"oi irep. la hv Knkn na.. miliar Palat A DruK Co., OmnhM Dillon's Drug atom, Knutrt Omaha, and Davis Drug Co.. CounclJ Bluff. ; Stop! Did you ever stop to think that over six, hundred Individ uals use The' Ilea iVunt Ad pages ovory 8upday7 That, besides this lurgo num bur who nre' personally Inter ested, thero ure sevtrjil luiudred that ure Interested In cVery clastltlcattnn, . Thnt ulasHlncatlons can' bo- found for every want 'of mortal man, GET IN LINE Uan't you think youmd ,VeUcr get In lino under one of theso cinsslllratlons nnd let your wants bo knownT Thoro la surely someone nmong this vnat army ot read ers thut you can Interest,, nnd it 25i Want Ad will do tha "Biz." ie Laundry. jva W V 1 fcCtsus