8 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY IlEE: - SATURDAY, JAiNUAHY 4, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL M I.N OH MCNTIO. Davis sells drugs Btockert elln carpets ana runs. Metr beer nt Ncurnayer's hotel. Dm, Orccn. olflca 203 8a pp block. Wclsbach burner. Ulxby & Son. Wollmaii, felcnlMc optician, 1j3 Uroadway. Dr. Stcphenaon, Ilaldwln block. Elovator. Sergeant Slack of the day iletnll of tho pollco Is 111. Mrs. McConnell left last evening on a visit to friends In Chlcugo. Picture tot wedding gifts. C. K. Alex ondcr is Co., 333 Uroadwny. Missouri onl bouy wood. s.W cord. Wm. Welch, 23 N, Main st. '1' ,. Ui. Mrs. S. Foray til of Orlswold, In., Is guest of Misses Shea of Sixth Htrcet. Miss Alice Scuhlll Is homo from Atchison. Kan., where shu spent tho holidays with relatives. Miss Ixitilso Herman of the Boston store will ltuvo today tin a visit to friends Ui Unawu, lit. Miss Delia McCarthy of Missouri Valley Is guest of Miss Noule Wlckham of Frank lin avenue. Mrs. G. 13. Houston of Fifth nvenuo Is cntertnlnliiK her ulster, Miss Winnie Carley of l'eorla, 111. Mrs. I'. J. Montgomery will leave early next week to spend tho remainder of tho winter In California. Judge Wheeler will hold n session of district -court today, to take up such mat ters us may bo presented to him. Mr. und Mrs. J. F. Hegog of Dultith uro guests of Mrs. Hogou'a parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Hull of btutsmun wtreot. The records of the1 commissioners for tho Insano show that forty cases were In vestigated by the board miring 1U01. Jacob Krug Is said to be contemplating building a iiuMncKH block at Main and Story streets on the old Merged property. Dr. John U'irdon, aetiiig prcMdent of Tabor cullegt, will occupy tho pulpit In tho First Congregational church at both serv iecH Sunday. Mltm Kale Warner of Washington aveium left last evening to resume her studios at Tabor college, after spending the holidays with her parents. Abe Lincoln post, Grand Army of tho Jtepulillc, and Abe Mm-nlti lteilef corps, will hold u Joint Installation of olllcers 111 Grand Army hail tonight. Lost, goltl fob loeket. elk'rt head, diamond between horns, monogram "C. F. 1'. '.," letters entwined on leverso side. Jtewatd offered. Leave at lice olllce. A marriage license was Issued yesterday .to Charles hembke, aged II, and Anna titniiKC aged Si. both of Douglas county, Nebraska. Justice Ilryant performed the marriage cotemoiiy. Dr. II. D. Morohousi) and wife, who havo been visiting relatives here for tho boll dai k, left yesterday for their home in t'olorndo Spring. They were uccoinpauicd by Arthur H. Morehouse. I'nder a search warrant issued fiom the court of Justice Ilryant. Charles McCoy recovered tome household linen and other articles from the . premises occupied by a woman who had formerly acted at his housekeeper. Fostmaster Treynor has changed the hour of closing tho money order department at the postotllco from 0 to 6 p. in., In ord?r that the clerks of that department may bo able to complete their work by C o'clock each evening. v J.), Howes Hied In Justice Ilryant's court yesterday , an Information charging F A. Hyde withmssault and battery. The iKMUilt Is aliened to have been committed last April, during an altercation over a real cstatu transaction. Tho Omaha lirldgu and Terminal Hallway company filed an answer yesterday to tho hull brought by J. M. Calvin, ndmlnlHtn tor. for damaues for the death of Michael Hoylc, in wh.ch It u.Ipkcb contributory neg-llgenco'-on tho part of Doyle. Tho motion for a new trial In tho Doyle Burns mining suit will not bo heard, It Is expected, beforo tho end of January. J. N. Ilaldwln. counsel for Doyle, hiiH to go to AVashlngton in a few days and Judge Green' has announced ho will bo unable to bo hero before January 27. John Bchocntgen, who was n passenger In tho train on tho Northwestern wrecked Sunday morning at Malta, HI., Is home, but Is conllncd to tho house as a result of reaction from the terrlblo strain he went through. Except for two Binall scalds, he escaped outward injury, II. Neto kills, formerly of this city, who has been a resident of Manknto, Minn., for tho Inst two years, left last ovcnlng for Ht. Joseph, to tako charge of a branch house for tho I'eregoy & Moorn company of this city Mr. Kills' family will remuln In Maukato for the present. Sheriff 11. C. Konnelly of Guthrie county was a visitor In the sheriff's olllco here yesterday. Ills fourth term of otllce will expire Monday, lie was urge.d to become n candidate. for tho llfth term and was sure of re-election, but declined because his health prevented ids standing thu demands of tho position. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Test Stewart, MIjh Stewart and 13. W. Hart returned yester day morning from Indianapolis, where they attended tho funeral of It. O. Nichols. Tho funeral was private, but tho largo numb?r of floral tributes evidenced tho esteem In which Mr. Nichols was held in his homo city and elsowhcre. Filling u hard coal heater with bitumin ous coal Is suld to have been tho causes of a tiro yesterday morning at the residence of Harvey Skelton, CCS Damon street. Tho Hue. began to blaze and the tinmen Ignltfd tho roof, which was burned off. Tho de- fiirtment succeeded In conllnlng the blozo o tho roof. Two smnll children were ulono In tho house when tho Ore broke out. Mrs. Halstend, 1021 Avenue D, whose family Is tinder quarantine! for smallpox, was reported late InBt night to have be come mentally deranged. Her condition, It was Bald, was duo to confinement In tho liouso and worry over the Illness of her children. Neighbors wore llrst attracted to tho houso by Mrs. lialatcad's tiring off a rovolvor from ono of the windows of her home. Quito n scenln novelty Is Introduced In conjunction with tho new beautiful llrst part of Hnvorly's Mastodon minstrels, with Its scries of pretty drops, and when all Is In readiness exposes the full ensemble of this great company In a most attractive manner. Manager Will 13. Nankcvllle Ins given tho new Haverly show nn environ ment of grc.it brilliancy and newness, and tho performance Is refreshing nnd superior to anything of thu kind ever offered by uny minstrel organization. "Waltz Mo Again" Georgo Wilson Is the leading come dian and associated with him are ten other bright fellows, who havo no equal as laugh- E Hikers. Haverjy's minstrels play at tho lohany tomorrow night. In olden times, Now Year's not Christ Bias was the gift-making tlmo. As old styles and revival of antiques conio again In tho kaleidoscope of fashion, so tho old customs of Now Year's gift making is with us again, Increasing lu volume each year, Thn Jeweler's, stock Is ono that stands tho rush of Christmas buying much bettor than other lines, bo wo may yet show you many handsoma nnd doslrablo trlnkots for Now Yeur gifts. HERMAN M. LEFFERT, Optician, Jeweler and Engraver. 2UH nilOADWAY, Opposite Olen Avomie, . Council Bluffs, LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director Ibuix'cxor io . (j St I'liAKL yi'UHHT. t FARM LOANS Negotiated in t-.ujtlarn .Nrunutt &nd Iowa. Juno N. Ciaadjr, Jr, : Main Kt. CouaeU Bluff. BLUFFS. LETTER THREATENS SUICIDE Hikwathia Van Girii Hit Wift a Uriis cr. SHE HAS POLICE HUNT FIR KIS BODY When Titer Find It, If in Very Much Alltc, nml flic Supposed Corpse Tells Them to Co Anny. Dear Mollle; I havo been driven to death. Things have not been running light, l'oii called mo a liar today. I know you have no use for liars, I will sleep In tho streets tonight mid then, Goodbye, I love you better than life. 1'tcase straighten up our business matters as well as you can after 1 am dead. This is tho letter which Mrs. I. Hayes found lato last night under thu door at her home, 108 Uroadway, whero she and husband havo been conducting a ten busi ness. Tho note was unsigned, but Mrs. Ilaycj at onco recognized It as being In her husband's handwriting. She recalled that during thu early pari of the evening they had n slight quarrel over some business matters, nnd she at onco Jumped to tho Conclusion that her hiubnnd hnd left homo with the intention of committing ulclde. Date as thu hour was, she at once hastened to tho pollco and laid tho note nnd other particulars beforo thu ofllccru. The police lost no tlmo In Instituting u hcVch for tho supposed would-be. suicide, A thorough search of tho city was lnnde, but not if trace of the missing man could bo found. After midnight, fulling to llnd Hayes, tho nfllcCrs detailed on the case went to notify Mrs. Hayes, as she had re quested. When they kuockod at tho door they worn met by Hiijch himself, who In quired their mission at that lato hour. "Why, 1 thought you had committed suicide." answered onu of the olllcers, as soon as ho could collect his brooth. "Who tnlked of suicide'.' Get away and do not bother me," wns Hayes' answer, as he shut tho door In thu olllcers' faces. Tho policemen, realizing that Hayes was still In tho land of tho living, concluded they hail nothing further to do with tho case und returned to pollco headquarters, where thoy made their report. Inquiry yesterday nt the Hayes domicile elicited the Information from Mrs. Hayes that sho really believed her husband In tended (o take his life, but that he must have thought better of It and decided to slay on earth a little longer. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes came to Council niilfs from Hiawatha, Kan., four weeks ago. Hayes came alone, and not hearing from him, his wife feared that he had do feerted hor. Shu got tho authorities at Hlawntm to request tho pollco hero to look Hayes up and arrest him. Hayes was soon located, nnd nn Investigation showed that as soon ns ho reached Council muffs hu hnd written back to his wife, but had by mlstako addressed his letter to High water' Instead of to Hiawatha. When tho mistake was ascertained Hayes nt once sent his wlfo sufficient money to bring her here. Our annual clearing salo commences to day, Saturday. Dig reductions in every de partment. WHITELAW & GARDINER, Boston Store, Council JJluffs. U. n. K. P. danco tonight. Hughes' hall. OavU sells glass Gravel roofing, A. II, f.ead. 641 Broadway, Still the Piinscn Are Withheld. City ofllclals and tho members of tho police and flro departments havo not re ceived motor passes and arc olthcr com pelled to pay their fares or walk. Somo trip tlckots have been distributed among tho city omclalB by Superintendent Tnrklng ton, pending the Issuanco of the regular pusses, but In some cases theso havo been returned to tho motor company as not being acceptable under the circumstances. Section 7 of tho ordinance under which tho motor company in Its last suit In the district court claimed to bo operating pro vides: "That ns a further and additional consideration for tho granting of this fran chise, nnd tho granting to said company tho right to use tho streets named In section 2 hereof, It Is agreed that said company shall transport free of charge on its cars tho mayor, city engineer, mombors of tho city council nnd all firemen and policemen of the regular forco when In uniform, on duty nnd having in their possession Indices of their respective offices, whenover sucih officers could, by law, collect tho expense of such transportation from tho city." Ono or more of tho aldermen not receiv ing their pasRPs for 1902 wrote to tho com pany asking for thorn. Answer wnB recelvod from Superintendent Tnrklngton stating that no passes would be Issued until a.'tcr tho meeting of the board of directors on January 7 and that In tho meantime he en closed a number of trip tickets. As tho aldermen felt that under tho ordlnanco under which the motor company claimed to bo operating they were entitled to tho passes without question, thoy promptly ro turnod tho trip tickets, suggesting that If thcro vcro any doubt as to their being en titled to tho privilege of riding freo on the motor cars tho motor car had better take the benefit of tho doubt for tho present. Tho falltiro of tho motor company to sup ply tho members of tho police department with tho usunl transportation has worked considerable Inconvenience upon tho force. Mayor Jennings has been appealed to by the city officials and employes of the municipality to enforco tho provisions of tho ordlnanco under which the motor com pany claims to operate and compel It to issue tho passes as required, Somo of the conductors refused oven to recognlzo the trip tldicts, and a news paper reporter who offorod one for n rldo was required to pay his money. Tho con ductor said he had not been nuthorlzed to accept the trip tickets and refused to do bo. Several members of tho pollco force who while on duty havo been compelled to rido on tho cars have refused to pay any fnre and havo dared tho conductors to put them off. In every case tho conductor has taken tho number of tho Inst year's passes and let QOHANY THEATER SU.ND.VY, JAX. K. HAVER .Y'S MASTODON IVilNSTRcLS Hended by tho Minstrel King, Walt Me Again GKOIIOK WILSON', Tho man who deals In tho comedy products of his own brain. Much fluttered by thoso who try to Imitate him. llenr MOHGOIV, Tho phenomenal malo nlto, Concert in llayluui park 1 p. m. 1'rlces: 35c, SOo, 75c them ride without enforcing the payment of their fare. Unless tho regular passes are Issued the city officials, as required by the ordlnanco, beforo next Monday night, It Is said thu city council will net In the matter. Citftftliin Church Henrrenteil. Casslus Church, tho young farm hand chnrged with stabbing "Olngcr" Fields, col ored, In Carson, Christmas day, was re arrested yesterday morning, when word of tho death of Fields at lied Oak was re ceived. County Attorney Klllpack was no tified of tho rearrest of Church on a chargo of manslaughter yesterday aftoruoon, Mr. Klllpack Is loth to prosccuto the case, as Investigation by him nt tho tlmo Church had his hearing on the chargo of assaulting Fields showed that tho colored boy was tho Instigator of tho trouble and that Church acted In sclf-dcfcnsc. Witnesses to tho light between Church nnd Flolds deny seeing any knife In tho hnnds of the former. Tho trouble between Church nnd Flolds nrose, It Is said, over the sum of 3 cents, which Fields claimed Church borrowed In a bowling alley In Carson. Fields' death resulted, It Is said, from blood poisoning, caused by his wound after ho left Carson. ,. Special prices on nil winter goods at b.iIo commencing Saturday, January 4, and last ing for two weeks. WHITELAW ft OAIIDINEU. Boston Store, Council Uluifs. Anfinult mill Tindery. St. John says that ever slnco last spring ho has been pestered by tho dogs of his neighbors, nnd that all his protests havo been ridiculed by them. I'atltnce, he said, ceatcd to bo a virtue, and yesttrdny morn ing, when hp found n little yellow pup belonging to Scott In his' yard, he torralcd tho canine. 'tied a rope around Its neck nnd hauled It olf to the poundmastor. This made Scott wrathful, nnd with tho asijlstnuco of Cnrlson, it is alleged, ho as saulted St. John, Curlson and Scott gave bond for their appeal ance nnd will hao a hearing before Jiutlco Bryant this nfternuon. CiiIIm nil Oiniiliii llniitlnl. It Is said tlit tho congregation of tho First Baptist church of this city has ex tended a call to one of the Baptist ministers i In Omaha to succeed Hov, Venting, who re-! signed tho pnstoratc lust summer, nnd since I when the church has been without a pastor. Thu officer of the church decline to mak public the nnmo of tho minister lo whom tho call has been extended .until It be known whether he will accept. Letters to friends here from Hov. Venting, former pnstor, In dicate that he 1b not pleased with tho condi tions in his present ministry In England, and that ho would prefer to be buck In America. Tho annual clearing salo at Boston store Council Bluffs, commences Suturday, Jan uary 4. WHITELAW ft GARDINER, Boston Store, Council Bluffs. U. 11. K. 1. danco tonight. Hughes' hall. GypnleN !"'ent nn AkiiIii. A portion of the band of gypsies driven out of camp near tho motor bridge by tho pollcu pitched tcntB at Lake Manawu nnd prepared to spend tho winter there, when tho motor company objected. Deputy Sheriffs Canning nnd Baker were detailed yesterday to notify the wanderers that their absence wns preferred to their pres ence. Deputies Canning and Baker nevor left them until they hnd scon them safely, over the linn Into Mills county. U. R. K. P. danco tonight. Hughes' hall. Got prices on cloaks, furs, blankets, dress good and all winter goods at this salo, com mencing today, Saturday, January 4. WHITELAW & GARDINER, Boston Store, Council Bluffs. II I ur DrcilKC to Improve .MnmiiTit. Tho big steam dredgo brought hero from Illinois by tho motor company whb put In oprntlon yesterday at Lako Manawa for tho first time. Tho ponderous mac'hlno, which weighs twenty tons, has taken a forco of men severnl weeks putting it together. It Is bolng used first nt tho dam, where tho lako will be deepened and tho dam built up. Tho company oxpects to keop It at work all through the winter into next sum mer. Nelxhbnr Kjuht Over Dor. A llttlo yellow dog, whoso pedlgrco Is lost In oblivion, Is said to bo tho causa of serious trouble between Burgess St. John, a resident of Upper Harrison Btreot, and two of his neighbors, John Scott and John Carlson. St. John wont beforo Jus tice Bryant yesterday and filed an In formation, resulting in tho arrest of Scott and Carlson on a chargo of assault and battery. N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 250. Davis sells paint. HrnI Kiitnte TrnnaferN. These transfers were filed yesterday In the nbstrnct, tltlo and loan offico of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Tho Tootle estnte to H, 13, Gould, lot 3, block 7, Juckson's add., w. d....J KS Peter Killers and wlfo to John Al brecht, lot 12. block 7. Mlnden, w. d.. 300 Same to Christine Merkert, lot 10, block 7, Mlnden, w. d 200 Chris Poulsen and wife to Lllllo A. Berry, nwt; bwV'i 21-74-41, w. d 2,400 Helrw of Harrison Kvuiih to Hawley B. Tooley, sV4 bwU 3-75-40, w. d 4,400 Hugh I. llolln to Florence M. llolln. undlv',4 lot 5, block 15, Hyatt's sub iliv.. w. d 330 Sheriff to J. W. Squire, trustee, lot 11, block 6, PIcrco'H add. to Council DlufTs. ah. d 1,077 Eliza Crawford to Olo Jensen, lot 4, block 10, Crawford's add., w. d 250 ExecutorB of Eliza Crawford to Olo Jensen, lot 3, block 10, Crcwford'a add., w, d 100 Laura J. Drown to F. J. Day, lot C, block 25, Bryant & Clark's BUbdlv., q. o. d 50 George W. Day ot al to F. J. Day, lots 1 to 0, block 25, Uryant & Clnrk'a subdlv., ii. (!. d s Michael W. Nnsh and wlfo to F. J. Day, uiullvH Interest In nwii swM sw',i 12-7t-44, w. d 200 Mnry A. Moore to F. J. Day, lot 11, block 1, Hognttn Place, w. d 60 A. S. Douham nnd wlfo to Alonzo M. llonham. art of lot 2 In subdlv. of lot 35 nnd pnrt of lot 19, old plat of Council DlufTs, w, t 1,400 Guy C, Hey wood nnd wlfo to Van II. Heywood sw',i nei 4-75-42, q. c. d.. 1 OBcar L, Iviiwson to Chris Poulsen, nU 23-74-41, w. d 0.73S Catharine Cllno unci husband to Wil liam C. Johnston, lotu 21 and 22, block 10, Hlghlnnd Place, w. d 1.700 Seventeen transfers, total $22,717 Council 111 an Note. Two members of tins Harrington family, Twrnty-IUth nvcniio and Fourteenth street, wcro reported to tho Board of Health yes terday as Buffering from smallpox, Celly Hough wiib arrested yesterday afternoon for causing a disturbance In a Broadway t-nloon. After being ejected, ho returned und thrust his right fist through a i plate gluts window, cutting his hand badly. Dr. Waterman, in the absence of City Physician Jennings, attended Hough at tho city Jail. Price of Copper l Ann In Itedueril, NEW YORK, Jan. 3. The United Metal Selling company today reduced the prlco of lako copper M cent to 124 cents, electrolytic cent to 12 cents, and cast ings 1 cent to 11 ',4 cents. Iiter tho price of lake copper wus re duced to USic, ii total reduction of c from i'eiterday. INAUGURATION OF GOVERNOR Military FaaUra af 0rmonIti Will la Iipo!a!lj Natabla. FOUR COMPANIES OF MILITIA CALLED Orunnlxiit Ion Ilnvlnu tllltlirxt Murk nt tlu I, list liixpeeflon Arc Se lected to Do till! Honor. (From n Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 3. (Special.) Lieu tenant Governor John Hcrrlott and Speaker W. L. Eaton, who will secure thoso offices about tho middle of tho month, havo been entrusted with the naming of tho commit tees to arrange for the Inauguration cere monies. Tho military feature of tho In augural ceremonies will ba tho most Im portant this year. It has been decided that four compaulcB of tho national guard will be called to the city und the coin pan I c so lected will bo thoso that wero highest In marking at tho last Inspection, namely, Company A, Forty-ninth, Dubuquo; Com pany I), Fiftieth, at Davenport; Company M, Fifty-first, at Red Oak, and Company L, Fifty-second, at Sioux City. Tho expenses of bringing these companies to tho Inaugu ration us a military escort to tho governor will bo ubout JSOO. Tholr services will bo donated free, as In tho past. Tho Flfty flrst regiment band of Centorvlllo will furnish tho baud music for tho occasion. Tho vocal music will be largely by tho gleo club of tho Grunt club of Dc Moinco. Messrs, Herrlott nnd Eaton have not .yat completed tho general committee, but Sen ator Doncll of Des Moines will be chairman. Tho inauguration will tako plnco January 1C and the ceremonies will bo lu tho audi torium. The two houses will meet In Joint Hesslon and be presided over by the retir ing lieutenant governor, J. C. Mllllnu-u, arid proceed to march to the auditorium. Tho IcglHlaturo and tho statu officials will be seated on tho Btugc. Tho boxes will bo ro served for tho friends of thu governor and lleuteuant governor. Tho Meats of tho audi torium will be free to all who come. U will Btut about 3,500 persons. lu tho evculng tho reception to tho governor and wife will be at the stutehouso. ImiMirtiiiit Criminal ('nxe. Several Important criminal cases aro coming up in the supremo court at the term which begins Junuary 21 next. Assiutant Attorney General Van Vlccl; today filed his arguments lu some of theso cases. Tho caso of Sarah Kuhn, serving a life hentenco for murder In Keokuk county, Is thu most in foresting. Sho was convicted of having put poison in beer which killed her husband. John Gray and Pat Dunn wore convicted In Marshall county of killing a negro dur ing a quarrel. Jack Phillips was town mnr hul of Eldon and was convicted of killing a mun. W. R. Hammer, n doctor of New ton, was convicted of assault with Intent to commit murder. All ot theso arc now appeal cases. Flro In Semite Chiuntier. A peculiar II ro was discovered In tho sen ate chamber at tho stalehouso this morning. Somo cotton wnsto used In cleaning the desks had been left lying on tho dcek In contact with tho acids around tho inkwell nnd It caught tiro, during tho night and was burned up. The top ot the desk was chorred and wns still, smouldering when found this morning. None of tho flro fell on the carpet or the damage would havo been great. The origin of tho flro Is a mystery. School CcnmiN fur I'nnt Year. Tho superintendent of public Instruction today turned over to the auditor of stato the statement of the showing of tho school cen sus for tho year Just closed, on which tho apportionment of school funds Is to bo mado. This shows a total school population ot 735,159 In tho state. Among tho totals for counties are tho following: Pottawnttumlo ..15,707 Shelby 6.121 Montgomery .... 5.728iAdams 4,ik!8 xiuiiuiui. , o.jij uarroi I,. i). Audubon 4.72S Crawford 7,721 Cass 7, 1S1 Harrison S.703 t rcmont 3,733 Taylor 6.212 JVifi0 is Union ti,3i! Mills 5,770 Vnn .Sunt See ii re New Charter. Tho reincorporation of tho Van Sant and Mussor Towing and Transportation com pany of Muscatine was effected ' today by filing now papers. The capltnl stock is $10, 000. Tho company was Incorporated by Governor Van Sant and his brother and others twenty years ago and on the expira tion of tho charter a now one has been se cured. The DoWItt Telophono company of DoWItt, Clinton county, wa3 incorporated by D. Armentrout and others, cnpltal J15, OflO. CnriieKle Lllirnry nt Mnrnhnlltown. Marshalltown Is going to have a Carnegie library. Negotiations wero entered into many, weeks ago and have Just culminated In a formal offer from James Detram, prl vato secretary to Mr. Carnegie, of a gift to thu city for a library on the usual condi tions. A resident of the city has offered to donate a library slto and tho city council has already provided by tax levy for tho support of tho library. It is expected that all tho details will bo arranged before spring and that Mr, Carneglo will yield up either f.13,000 or $30,000 for tho library. Hub Confidence In State' Clnlm. Captain J. S. Lothrop, who dug up tho big clnlm of tho atato of Iowa against the gen eral government on account of tho exponsos of equipping soldiers at tho breaking out of tho rebellion, is In tho city securing tho proofs of tho claim from tbo state records. Ho has hnd Governor Shaw forward to tho Treasury department at Washington ad ditional Items of tho stato's claim, making It larger than before. Ho desires to havo i all tho proofs presented by Governor Shawi boforo ho goes out ot office hero and takes I up his duties, nt tho other end. Tho fact I that the claim will bo presented on behalf of tho state by Governor Shaw and will bo passed on for the government In his de-1 partment al Washington leads to tho con-j Kodol Dyspepsia Cure The agony you sudor after eating, tuat feellDg of fullness, flatulence Jwlnd on tho stomach) and belchlnR Is caused by decay of undigested ood which forms a gas that distends the walls of tho stomach und ex erts a pressuro against all the Internal organs. The eating of more food forces out part of this gas and causes bclcblng. Just take a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, it will relieve you at once. It never falls to permanently cure tho worst cases of Indigestion and dyspepsia. "I suffered untold pains from Indigestion which wcro always worsoaf ter eating. Two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cuhk mado mo a well man and Ufonow6eems worth living. Poter Sherman, No. Stratford, N. II." It can't help but do you good Prepared by E. 0. Do Witt &Oo., Chicago. Tho $1. bottle contains 3H times the 50c. site. Tbo favorite housoliold remedy for coughs, colda, croup, bronchitis, grippe, throat ind lung troubles is ONE MINUTE Couyh Cure. U cures Qulckljt. elusion that possibly tho claim will receive mora attention than others, but Captain Lothrop says this cannot be true, for tho nudltorn ot tho War department ot tho treasury have to follow the fixed rulos. However, he has abiding faith In tho claim and dtclnrcs that Iowa will get a largo sum. Dlcctlon Cnoe AlMeiileil, Tho caso tried In Johnson county In re lation to the tiling of papers for nomination with tho county nudltor Is to bo appealed to tho supremo court In order to securo a decision on somo points ot the ballot law. Tho republicans forgot to tile their papers within tbo tlmo cpcclflcd by law and went beforo Judge Wado, who ordered tho papers filed even after that date. Tho republican ticket was then placed on tho ballot and two of tho candidates for county offico wcro elected. Tho democratic county commtttco appealed from tho decision of Judgo Wads to tho supremo court. Tho defeated candi dates are not making contests for tho of fice, but It Is desired that tho suprotue court shnll pass on tbo caso and establish a precedent. I'rtien for Odd Fellow. Tho local committee In chargo ot tho ar rangements for tho sovereign grand lodgo of Odd Fellows, which mcctB hero this year, has announced that tho total ot cash prizes to bo given nt thu tlmo of tho grand lodgo will bo $2,625. This Is a larger prlzo list than offered nt tho Indianapolis meeting three years ago. Preparations for tho en tertainment of tho Odd Fellows from all parts ot tho world aro now well uudor way and tho committees aro assured that It will bo ono ot tho greatest meetings over heU. l'nrt nt Stolen (iunil Found. Local pollco officers this morning recov ered at least halt of tho goods which wcro stolon from tho Brown Dry Goods company storj In Do Soto New Year's night. Infor mation was furnished to tho pollco Inst evening which led them to bellovo that something wus amiss at tho premises of Charles Jones. A detective reported that there was a man locked up in the coal Bhcd and two officers went up to Investigate. Ar riving, they found that insteud of a man was a largo quantity ot merchandise, piled in ono corner of tho shed. An examination I proved tho goods to bo thoso which wero tnken from tho Do Soto store. Jones, who was found In tho tjouec, wns promptly placed under urrest and a dray hired to carry tho goods to tho pollco station, where they wero locked In tho vuult of tho chief's office. In tho pllo aro u number ot full suits of clothing, consid erable cheap Jowey, plated knives and forks nnd spoons, und other general mer chandise, such as hose, shirts nnd furnish ing goods. It Is estimated that thu goods recovered aro worth at wholesalo $1,000. lion. I,. I,. Alnsivortli In 111, WEST UNION, la., Jan. 3. (Special.) Hon. L L. Alnsttorth, ox-member of tho Iowa, general assembly and of congress, veteran of tho civil wnr, oldest member of the Fayette county bur and ono of the most prominent attorneys of northeastern Iowa, Is dangerously 111 at his home at West Union from a complication ot Btomnch and kidney troubles, nnd his death Is consid ered only a question ot hours. He has been alck somewhat moro than a week, having contracted n cold whllo attending a lecture at tho opera house, and from tho llrst his condition, owing to his ago and weakened physique, has been viewed with alarm by his relatives and friends. Ho was born In New Woodstock, N. Y.. In 1831, and has been a resident of West Union slnco 1855. Y. M. C. A. linlldthiK for Miincntlne. MUSCATINE, la., Jan. 3. aovcrnor-clect Cummlub of Des Moines and Judgo S. P. Sponccr of St. Louis wcro tho principal speakers at tho Young Men's Christian as sociation banquet and confcrcnco held in this city tonight and attended by 100 prom inent business men for the purpoeo ot rais ing $40,000 for a new Young Men's Christian association building. Thomas Irvlno ot St. Paul, a wealthy lumberman, gavo $10,000. P. M. Mussor, a millionaire lumberman, who recently presented tho ,clty with a $40, 000 library, also promised to give $10,000. Orntor for Son uf He volnt Ion, CEDAR RAPIDS, Jan. 3. (Special.) Dr. Thomas E. Green, who firesides over a largo Episcopal congregation at Cedar Rap ids, and who Is a member ot tho Colorado Society, Sons of tho Revolution, has been choson orator at the tomb of Washington at Mount Vernon; April 19, 1902, on tho occa sion ot tho triennial meeting of tho general society. Tho triennial will bo held in Washington, but tho oration will bo deliv ered at Mount Vomon, COAL COMPANIES COMBINE I'lftMliurK nnd Shnw I'rnpertle Are United, Involving Many Million. PITTSBURO, Jan. 3. Ono of tho most Important acquisitions of the Pittsburg Coal company during tho past year was se cured today when final papers wero signed for tho transfer of all the properties and Intorcsts of tbo Shaw Coal company to tho big combine. The deal Involves severnl millions of dol lars, but tho actual prlco paid is not mado public, Tbo negotiations were conducted by F. L, Robblns for the combine and II. C. Frlck, who owned tho controlling In terest In tho Shaw Coal company. Tho property lies In tho Pan-Handla district, contains 4,200 acres ot tbo finest thin vein Pittsburg seam coal, and has flvo largo shafts with a capacity of 1,000,000 tona a year. In addition to tho mining property the Pittsburg company oIbo secured tho Midway & Oakdalo railroad, a Bhort lino which connects tho mine with tho Pan-Handlo road. No More Fight In IJenvpr. DENVER, Jan. 3. The News says: Tho Fire and Pollco board will blast tho hopes of thoso who nave oeen Hoping ror tno re opening of the fighting gamo In this city. It naB been rumored among the devotees of tho ring that tho board would permit fights to bo pulled off after the first of the year and a fight for the championship be tween Jeffries and Shurkey hud been dis cussed. Frank Adams, president of tho Flro nnd Police board, In on Intervlow, said; "Tho attitude of the board has not been chnnged, Tho fighting gnmo will nftt be revived." Digests what you Est FOR The Twentieth No other agricultural weekly can point to ? similar record of fulfilled promises or make a prospective as inviting, Somo of tho Eminent Specialists who will be repre sented by articles on timely uubjocts in tho iirsf low issues of tho now year. ' Col. F. M. Woods, Leading live stock auctioneer of tho west.' Prof. C. F. Curtiss, Director Iowa Experiment Station. Dr. A. T. Peters, Animal Pathologist Nebraska Experiment Station. E. A. Burnett. Director Nehraska Experiment Station. Elias E. Nelson, Horticulture and Agrostology. Prof. Lawrence Bruner, Nebraska State Entomologist: Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Father of Arbor Day. Prof; O. V. P. Stout, -l Irrigation Engineer. F. E. Bone, ' ' ', Trizc Hog Breeder, Toluln, Ili. T. F. B. Sotliam, Noted Hereford Breeder, Ohillicothe, Mo. Here are a few of contributors? ' Livestock, J. J. EDGERTON, Iowa Agricultural College. Household, MBS. NELLIE HAWKS, ' Friend, 'Nebraska. Dairy, O. p. BARNHILL, Shenandoah, lawn. Crops, JAMES ATKINSON, i Horticulture, E. F. STEPHENS, Creto, Nebraska. Bees, A. H. DUFF, Lamed, Kansas. Horses, N. J. HARRIS, Sco'y. Am. Horso Registry Ass'n. Irrigation, U. A. CRAFTS, Kort Collins, Colorndo. Live Stock, W. G. KELLY, Mondamln, Iowa. Veterinary, DR. H. L. RAMACOIOTTI, Omaha City Veterinarian. Soil Culture, H. W. CAMPBELL, Iloldrogo, Nebraska. In addition to these special features each is' sue of The Twentieth Century Farmer contains; Frank G. Carpenter's entertaining and instructive let ters of travel. hort Stories, by tho best known writers of the day. Market Quotations, most accurate and latest on .every thing the farmer wants to know about. Editorial Discussion of live subjects, treated from tho standpoint of intelligence and progress. Best Illustrations, from fine half tone engravings, repro ducing actual photographs, made specially by our own artists. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, as its name indicates, is a weekly farm paper for uptodate farmers, designed to be helpful in every branch of his work and appealing strongly at the same time to the domestic circle on the farm It is a well printed, 24page pc riodical, high class in every respect, re fleeting as no other paper the ,rapid forward strides of this section of the west The price is only $1,00 a year. Subscriptions or requests for sample copies should be addressed to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. OMAHA 1902 Century Farmer the regular department