THE OMAHA DAILY JE33t FKTDAY, J Aft U AH Y 3, 1902. Mr t 4. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement tor then I'olnmni will tie talte tin til 12 in. for ttio renln- edition unit until H:!IO p, in. for morning and Sunday edition. nates, 1 l.2a word flrst Insertion) Ic u. word, thereafter. Nothing taken far Iras than 2fto for (lie first Inner Hon. These advertisements must b ran consrcntlrely. Advertisers, hr rennestlnc a nni hered check, run have nnmreta ml dressed "to a numbered letter In car f The flee. Answers ao nddreaaed will be delivered oa presentation ot ihm eoic onlr. WA.TED-MALE HELP. 1 WILL educate o deserving young mnn or woman in tho beat shortnnnti unu type writing schoo'. to bo paid for when course Ib Mulshed and positionsecured. Address Ul, 1JCO, 11 ilW JU GOOD messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 South 13th. B-CCJ STEADY WORK. nroiUablo work, for neat, energatlc huotlers. C. F. Adams Co., 1G19 itowara. u-wi is vnu a ti at. i.' n.iv'tt wnutc. if you live in tho country or In a small town nnd huvo a good acquaintance urn ug the Inrmers'mid stock raisers in tho neighborhood you can make live dol lars easily by four or live hours' work. Write us and wo will send you our propo sition. The jjcu l'tiuusiiing uo., aoiicuor- ucpl., umana, iNou. u-jusu WANTED Young Irian stenographer ; gtvo rercrcnccs, ugu una salary uesircu. .u- TRAVELING, talesmen; nlso advertisers; Binary or no go. xriumpn i;o., uauus, Tex." , D-M76J 4 PERSONS desiring, young men to work fof board should Me their applications with Hoylcs College, N. Y. l.lio Uldg., beforo January 2.) Tel. 11)81. li-.M8:s I THE Mnler llnrlmr Colleen. 1C23 I'll rnn III St., wants men .o learn tho barber trado by their now method of practical experi ence, expert Inslruptlons, lectures, etc, that tinnol bo hue In any other way; two yearn', apprenticeship caved; only two months required; splendid wageu paid graduates. Last year they pluccd over 3ud barbers In hosiiltuls. hotels, sol- dlers' homes and shops throughout tho country and have moru domatm than can bo supplied. Special offer made now. Can earn scholarship, board, iooIh and transportation It desired. Catalogue und particulars inaiicu iree. write today. u-.m;s(J i WANTED--A good man In every county to take .subscription for Tho Twentieth Century Fnrmor. Our agents make good wages everywiioro. tieicrenccn rrquirou. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, umana, imou. iimu WANTED, tlrst-class druggist, registered in Nebraska, or conltictent to tnke exami nation; personal Interview desired. Sher man Aicwonneu urug uo umana, iNeu. 11 Mi J.I J ACTIVE man to manage small local busl- nes: good salary; givo experlenco and rorerenccs. u v, lice uince. li 1& r WANTED IlloekHmlth for cencral black- rmlthiug; only n Hober nnd Industrious man wanted. Jos. Gibbons, Waterloo, rieu. 11 .MIWi & WA.NTi:i)-l'KMAI.K 1111,1. 1 1 WANTED 2C0 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 878. , (J tttf WANTED Two young lady students to. H'nj II 1IUII Ul VBnillH. IIIUI1IUUI iiik UUU .111- ropody and scletulllo massage. Call pr write, iioom .v, uee uiug. i; wj COMPETENT mrl for icenernl housework. 1711 Douglas, Airs. E. Roscwuter. C SECOND girl. 2020 Furnum atrcot C-48S 1 WILL educate a deserving young man or woman In tho best shorthand und type writing school, to bo paid for when courso is nuisneu unu position secured. Auuress r" w, neo u 6JJ J 5 WANTED, girl, for general housework in ismiiy ot two. HZ4 worth zotn street. - " - " C-730 EXl'EJtlENqED second glrl.-at 3707 Jones ul fTiM SPLENDID "wages paid ladles wlio learn halrdresslng, 'manicuring or facial mas sage witn us. uur new meinou ot train Inu saves vears oC nnnrentlccshtti. Prac tical oxiieHcnce furnished by tree work: compurattvcly no expense.. Cull or write, .vioicr college, iu rurnum at. C M793 1 GIRL 'for general housework. 2517 Far- num u 4- "AVANTED, housekeeper In Hmall family, wont iignt. Auurcss u -J, nee. u vm WANTED, ' housekeeper, small family, s. u, uor. i3iit tutu .iiuiucrsou at. C-D3S WANTED srenogrnphor; apply Friday aitternoon iiee uuuuing. c A1172 3 GOOD girl; conio well recommended, for general mnitu lumuy. ii-J uauiornia. C-M171 3 HUM' WANTED, MALE Se femalo help. Call Canadian Office. 664 FOR HUNT-HOUHKS. Mlddlcnils, wallpaper cleuner, 1403 Jackson D 822 JJ HOUSES, stores. Bcmts, Paxtou Block. 4V-VW HOUSES, etc. h D. Wead. 1521 Douglas! U0U8KB anJ Hats. HUigwalt, Barker 11 lie r Hall Wl 1IOU8US far rent In all part of the city. nun t t 9l t Jlll ll 11.. u.MnA U WW I1UUOCO p Davis CO., 652 Bco, Bldg. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage V.Q., uuito imm I'utuuiii,, or tel. icov-sui. D-071 FOR RENT, 8-room brick house, modern. 2715 Jackson St. Telephone 401. or L-2S&. A ntamiHAH 141 SEE HENRY U. PAYNE, 01 N. Y. LIKE. Ei-ROOM mo.ltrn housd and barn. 2403 N. 20tll. Phono A-25S8. D M28I 1101J8EH. G. G. Wallace. Brown Block" ' D-C78 S-ROOM modern, except furnace, (22. G. M. Nattlngor, Beo Bldg. 'Phone 403. D-673 SEVEN-ROOM all modem house, In good condition, lareo yard and beautiful iha.le trees, 6 minute' walk from city hall. win rani ioi per monin. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sta. D-074 FOR RENT 0-room, house, city wator. 1010 Pierce St.. 110:- nlso barn. I2.E0. JOHN W. RO1I01NS, 1802 FARNAM ST. u SlSiO FOR RENT Six-room cottage, 22d nnd waurorma street, very convenient, J. inquire at wi iNonn i?in utrcet, D-MSGO IIOUSES-Chrls. Boycr, 22d and Cuming. 7.HOOM rnllnirn. ?Srt9 Rnwnr.1 D-931 J3 FOR RENT, lino Btone front house, 11 rooms. 415 N. 25th St., 1 block south v.iuigniuii cuurgu. au itamge uiug. ' D-M648 fi FOR IlENT-FUHNISIIHD ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. . E 051 ONE furnished n'om, with heat, on car nne. joia uiarx; K per monin. is sw THREE furnathed rooms for light houie- acaping. uu a. inn ay, t-23 T.Annt frAnf rnnn. i.lnl.. 9 ,...lBt.A,l .WW..., ..1134 141 111111 11, steam hent: one or two gentlemen. Call a. mil l. jk. AIMS TWO housekeeping- rooms. SS. 'XU St. tlnPu'a II .. T ml 1IVI. " . f !.- 4. Wl TWO pleasant rooms" for1 light hou'oktw. - -pr"' is Mica o NICELY furnlihed rooms, modern, well ucuii-u, wiui uoaru. wj o. ;stn. E M1GS 5 1011 HHM'-FUH.MSHI.D ROOMS. ITHNTiHEt rooms, '62S H. 20th st. JS-.MIW Ji( ROOMS. 1006 Cnpltol Ave. 2622 DODafc, with privileges of private no mo piano; modern; rcaeonnoie. V E-910-J-4' FRONT room, modern, JS mo. 1717 Web ster. K-M'JX jjo ll-HOOM modern flat at 1107 N 18th, $30 per month, can ut lis in. istn. t K-M9176 FURNISHED rooms, modem. 809 H. 20th. FURNISHED IIOO.MS AM) UOAltl), UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. !'-tot CLUNCAIHK, trunstcnt 1.25 day. 1C03 Doug. NICI3 homo for yojng men. ICS S. 25th St we SUITU ol rooms, furnace heat, for gentla men. 1019 Jackson St. , 1 688 HTEAM hcucd, nicely furnished rooms, wan or wunoui uouru. at ino inurston., ELEGANT steam heatod front room, with bonru. l'Jw Cnpltoi Ave, r flutw KOll It ISN'T, nicely furnished, steam htatcd rooms, wmi or wunoui nouru. .Mioianu hotel, 16tr, and Clilcugu sts. K M4H TI113 BONNIE URIAH. 1720 DODGE ST. I 485 J-17 LARGE south front nlcovo room, second noor, moucrn. 25W iiarncy Bt. 1' lU Ji- ROOMS and bonrd, Glencafrn, 1600 Douglas.. 1' MM) ruil ItK.NT-U.M'llIIISIIKU ItUOMN. DESK room space, So per month, ground noor room in ino iico Duiiuing, luving Kurnom street; no expense lor light, heat or janitor service u. u. x'cicrs & o., llentul AgcntH, lice Building. O 110 1'OH HU.NT STOIILS ASH Ol'l'tClOS. I'UR RENT, tho building formerly occu pied uy i'io lieu at mu j jrnam ai. ii lias XOur sioi.ea unu u uuaemeiiL wiucu wm torineriy useu as J. no uea press room. 'huh will i'i' rentcq very reusonubly. if Interested apply at onco to C. C Xtose- watur, ccruiury, room iuu, ueo uuuuing. 1 261 OFFICE with vault und part llrsi floor or all top noor. itn-it uurncy at. Aituianu Uluss and Ifclnt Co., 1410 Harney St. 1 Ml FOR RUNT, store In llrst-closa locution; rem ri'usuimuio. i, xvivis Co., ground tloor, lieu Bldg. 1200 LARGE warehouse, trackage facilities, Noh. ir,i7-ir. I'J m. ictn st.. n.wn sauara teut Door surface; hydraulic elevator. Benson Ai Aiyers, wj i. l. iua uiug. i aiiuo o- KRONT tiart of storo room, sultablo for omce 'or Business. i mi j- t'RONT part of storeroom, suitable for olllco or business, uiu a. luin, i uji jz AG EM'S WA.M UI), MEMORIAt. life of McKlnley, four lan- iruui-es. biu uuce. iw naiiiones. ti.ciu: ireo outht. NV. A. lllxenbaugh & Co., Ow Wura uiock, umana. j PROFITABLE work offered agents In every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladles' llomu Journal aim tho Saturday Evening Post. Wo want agents who will work tnorouguiy ana witn uusiness sys tcm to tiiVLr each section with our lllus truted little booklets acd other advertis ing matter and to look sharply utter re- tiMWUis irom oiu suuueriueis. ino nav is 11 rat rate and at the end of the season jiU.uOO will bo given the best workers as extra prizes for good work. How well somo of our agontH have succeeded Is told In a little booklet wo would like to send you bortrults of some of our best agents, with tho story of how they made It pay: The Curtis Publishing Co.. Phil adelphia, Pa. J M200 Feb7 AGENT3 wanted for new publications; prospectus, etc., tree, ueorgo uarrio et Son, loiii wamui. si.,, x-uiiaucipiua. 1 1 1 j 1 IIUUOI-UWIji ,iu vji ,. siih, cigr nun, uvcijr hiiiniilMMinr will niinrAetatn It nt nnn low-priced: Address C. II. Cushman, 412 Bee- Bldg., Omaha. J-M8C8 4 Ull DUIIU III uv;u uutiuiiia. .muicaa i ua Tin A .iflli'n ' .T fttlll AT'rnilVRY In Bee bulldlne can Aronm modato lawyor witn omce, en suite. M 40, ueo. J 27 WANTED, cnnvnsslng agents In every county to solicit suoscriptions 10 -11113 TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OP LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid boog contains 1,400 Imperial octnvo pages, 800 object-teaching engravings and Is the only book on live stock over published -adapted to tho every day, practical money-saving uso of every former nnd stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agonts In tho country with horso and buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily ICO to 1100 nor month. Address Century Farmec. solicitors- uurcau, uce Duuuing, umana. j zis WANTED nOARD AND nObM. GENTLEMAN and wlfo wnht first-class room and board for winter; Btato price ana iuii particulars, u 21, uce. K-M173 4 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, to buy, somo glass doors and glass partitions ami ono nait-oak rounu counter. Apply to M. J. Franck, Midland hotel. N M446 WANTED to buy prlvato bank In eastern isourasKa or western lowa; any mrorma vtlon will bo strictly' confidential. X27, uec. Aipyu 1 FOR SALEt-l'imNITUUU. THE CHICAGO FURNITURE CO OFFERS A BIG LOT OF BASE BURNERS AND' STOVES, for less than one-halt their value. Prises from 13 (o $15; actually worth douhlo. this amount. Don't fall to Investigate this offer. Also complete lino of furniture at lowest prices. 14W-8-I0-12 UUJJUiJ bTUEET- CHICAGO Furniture Co., HlO Dodge. Tel, itj.o. isjew unu seconunaiiu, uoum, soia exenangca. u HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR 8ALE. Am obliged o break up hojsekouplng nnd 1 will sen tue iouowing uousenoiu goons and furniture at a grcut bargain: One Singer sewing machine, ono tlno upright JIUVIIU, uuu iiiuiiuiiuitj niiui laiifiu, viltl nia ranue. ono solid oak dining room table. chairs, bedroom sets, carpets, etc.; will be at my home to show goods each day until January 7 from 2 till S. p. m. J. -M. uiuan. 4aiti urant at. u A1171 4 FOR HAI.K-IHmsE', WAGONS, 1JTO, GOOD EUGGY BARGAINS. 1 rubber-tired depot wagon. 1 o.pass, Rockaway. 4 leuther-ton family carriages. 4 pnacions, 0 top unu open uuggies ana rutiaoouiH. . Secondhand harness. Drununona carnago uo., jBtn & iiamoy tit. 1 ti THE REST In buggies and wagons nt H Frcara, i4tn anu ieavenwurtn. rva FOIl HALE MISCELLANEOUS. Al HORSE and phaoton, cheap. Inqulro uio I'arnam or uoage. vj aihu CADET coat, good us new: will lit boy 13 ur 11 ytura oiu. Auureas 11 in, uee. Q-M5S- 2DHAND safe cheap. Dorlght, 1119 Fam im u, say FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any otner musical instruments; to up. xne witimann -o,, iwi rarnam. w 704 FIR tlmbera for housemovers, oto,, 40 t u it., criuuing uuu nog leuce. wi unu, las. Q-C3J FOR SALE, good-sized parkages of news paper exchanges, 5 cent, and up. Apply at lieu uuice. uircuiation window. Q-6S5 A MERRjY CHRISTMAS present: a nice ,gasiamp win picuse an; open evenings to 10. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main st, uouncu uiuns, ,ja. y .mj INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam FOIl SAIiH-MISt'ELLANKOUS. I. If FUMES lOo lo 110. Sherman & Mc- nnell Drug tjo., ictn und uoage. tj-M172 PHONOGRAPHS and sold. :iu cuming st. q MSS3 iD-HAND aato cheap. Schwartz, 111 8. 13. OR SALE, line mahogany bank flxturos nnd Chicago Safe ti lick Co. safe, auto matlo double time lock: double burglar proof steel chests. .Will bo sold nt a bargain. Nu'tional Bank of Commerce. Y PE WRITE RS Latest Tnodcls of"tlio Remington, Smith Premier and Dcnsmoro typewriters, which huvo been replaced by tho Underwood, cun bo hud .it a very low figure. Call und sco them. Agll. Work man & Co., 1617 Farnam st. 'lltone 2139. Q-M70S VOH 8AI.13 One houso moving outllt com plete, In good repair, also one new set of mcvlng trucks; u bnrguln for some one. Address Geo. E t.'arr, Lewis, Iowa. Q-M753 3 'OR SALE, fresh Durham cow and calf. 2820 Webster St. Q-912 J2 CIIINKSn W1ZAHO trlclt cards. 10 cents Council Ulufls, hi. q 17G CI.AIRVO VANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. ICth. a to., MME. OYLMER, genulno palmist, 316 S. 13. S 700 FREE tests by the Leon's world's greatest mediums ono weeic oniy, iiu uuss at. S-M151 3 Ul.fc.CTlt IO THE A 1'AUlN'l'. MME. AMES, 3174 N. 15; flat E; attendants MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 15, 2d 11 dor, 111 ,T A1132 J7 BEATRICE HARLOW, electric treatment. 3U'.j, N. lotll. I' lltt A. 1U1 . PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair rjniovuu uy tiiectnciiy. it. u, Fronzer Block. U 707 V1AVA, wo.nan'o wuy to health; rational, wuoiesoine iiuinu ireutuieiii, 013 uec uiug. U-70S ,'RIVATE homo for ladles beforo and dur ing 'conitnemcni; uuuies uuopicd. 20J0 Bufdette st. Mrs. Burgut. U Mini J JUST think of Itt Good cabinet photos only vjc uoz. ui inc u. is. uuuery, uo a. lutn. U-709 'ItENCII 'ombroldory done by Mrs. Preg. ler, 010 S. 10th. U-M148 5 tJOLDMAN'S, tho only perfect pleutlng .limit tti 111. Went. L'ijO llnllirliLii JiiU U-SI513 SHAMPOOING und hair dressing. 2ic. In connection witn ine .uamery, iiii-i.u uce building.' Tel. 1710, U-661 SECRET SERVICE Business, Criminal and Private. 2019 N. 24th St., Omaha. U-M113 ' WANTED. Information concerning where' abouts ot Daniel miner, u uerman laborer who eloped irom umana witn Jiia Alolir, October 2, I'M; sultaulo reward. Albert Mohr, 4-'w a. inn St., umana, icu. U-M141 RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to '60 days; scna tor circular, u. b. wood, n. V.. 521 New York Lite Bldg.. Omahu, Neb. U-710 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, tor lauies oniy, in connection witn The uain-ry, ziu-zju uco uiug. um L1EUEN. theatrical, masquerade costumer, 1U10 J?UIIIB.I1I. J It4. SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO., CLAY CENTER. NEB. Send for .handsome 160-page ftee cutalogue. ' U-4.13 PRIVATE hospital, before and during eon- tinemunt; babtea Adopted. 2300 Grant' St Mrs. uarueis. xej. i'-ii3.' I. -U-99S CHIROPODY i specialty, in. connection wtin ip wuvuci;, iwuiuu -iu-4.'j una uiug. Ki, -ilia. , u vt ACCORDION pleutlng, cheapest, boat and auicKosi. Airs. a. fj. Aianc, it en Douglas U-M1G1 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana rctuu. -omna i-iano uo., it:. Doug. laa. u wi GET the little photos for 15o per doz. at xne u. a. uauery, uo uoutn itttii at. U-709 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor: R 2. U ISS J -la WE RENT machines of every muko at iba ncr weeK. or i.'.vu ier monin. Wo repair and sell parts for ovcry sowing macninu mauuiaciuruu. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor, 15th and iinrney. -inono iwu. 3t uroauway. Council Bluffs, la. 'Phono B-618. r,vi N. inn, bo. umana. u sal "SMOKE IF YOU LIKE." But you'll llko It better If you smoke tho PRINCE OF OMAHA tho best 5c straight cigar on tho market. Union made, flavor unexcelled. Wholesale, 37 per 1,000. W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO. U-1G4 3 MONEY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ueorgo oc,Juuy, iwi rurnam street. , W-71S 4W PER CENT on business properly. E per cent on residence property. Options to pay wholo or pun any time, W. B. ME1KLE, 401 S. 16th St, w ais;'u WANTED, city loanu and warrants. W, Furnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street W-714 WANTED, city und farm loans: nlso bonds and warrants. R. C, Peters & Co., 17m J rurnuin st., iiee uiug. w 71) MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha rel nntiitA. ltmtinnn.I jiv.i f?n 3iVl nnntl. i.K W-722 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. i nomas, ibi -Mat. uanx uiag.. -rei. ims. W-714 YOU don't need to borrow money If you TO 6 P. R. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. w 720 (50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans &00 up: lowest ruies. uurvin uros,, iuui rurnam Bt. W-717 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W 719 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. Life, W 721 MORTGAGE Q. G. Wallace. Brown Block. w 7a 11,000 TO LOiVN Quick. G. E. Turlington lino CSA PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas w 11 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. START THE NEW YEAR OWINO BUT ONE PARTY. Whero every dollnr paid oft reduces cost, BA1.AU 1 l.UAiSU Ul J'LAJN NOTES to honest working peonle. No Alortgage. No lndorser. No Publicity, We Guarunteo tho Lowest Rates. HOW DO WE DO IT? Full Particulars FREE upon Hoquest. RELIABLE CRED1U' CO., iioom J'M i-axion uiock. (See Window from Farnam Street.) X-17l 09 MONEY Sir ' stock, etc. you to retain possession ot tno property, c a I ARY 1 HANS 'l'o people holdfrig OVLAIM UUrtn- uormanent nosltions. iou can borrow trom HO.oti ud. You can gut the money on short notice. You got tno lull iimojnt In cush. You may keep ii one unjoin ui more unu pu ior ll oniy wlmt Mm.. vftt Utst It flilr rutnu urn liiv our bvsluess is coatldenthU and our motto Is to "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 229i . (Established' 1-92.) 30o S. 10th St. i i- X-724 MONEY loaned on nlanos. furniture, taw elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S. IX a un MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jew- eiry ; uiso to siimneu people wunoui secur ity; cheap rates; easy payments ; uusiness ccnlluential. Foley Loan Co., successors to Dun urten, U. i, Barker Bik. Est. 1MJ. XUo LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO salaried feoplu, merchant, team sterw, boarding houses, etc., without (se curity; easiest terms; 41' unices in prin cipal '.tties. Toimun, 410 uoard or 'irade Bldg. X-72I YOU don't uccd to borrow money If ou work tor the Kharas .Co. X WI , LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live stocK, etc. iuick rerviee lllld lowest rates guutuutetid. J. W. TAYLUE, 033 (top Hour; i-iixton block, northeast corner istn and Furnam; entrance on Jbtli street. X-720 FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, ETC. iiUAno, "Ausuiiiteiy wunoui removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN i-OA.N CO., Room 303, Paxton Block. X-S17 MONEY loaned on plain note (o salaried people; uusiness conuuentiai; lowest rates. t14 1'uxton block. Tho J. A, llutton Co. X-729 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out ot business call on Wil liams, Itoom 411, iuccaguo building. Y s:i COAL and feed business for sale. Well equipped una prosperous. Aiouroo & Co,, til N. 10th. Y-S57 FOR RENT, 'Clio Lange or Auditorium hotel, w. a. istn st umana; modern und steam heutcd; 32, rooms; 3 stories. Y-743 FOR 3ALE. millinery store doing good uusineBj; ui-.o goou noici tor sine tor iae to right aityl, both good locations In 'N. E. NebrasKn. Call oi' write 021 N. Y, L!fT building, Omahu. Y-134 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange .111,. . lillalnnud .1 f tir.itini, I. HlllnU mtinlcate with ono who has the custom ers. J. 11. Johnson, 543 N, V. Life. Phono L-r. Y-MiSl NEW SNOW-CHURClTco- 4TH FLOOR N Y. L. BLDG.. OMAHA. Assoclato banks and attorneys everywhere LARGliST LAW AND COLLIiCTIOiN AGENCY IN THE WORLD. DAMAGE. SUITS. BANKRUPTCY. DI- V'OltCE und every lorin of LITIGATION given attention bv luu'yors uutKliig a spe cialty in tncir particular oraiicu. Buuuiit your ciuuni in pcrbun or uy man. Y- FOll EXCHANGE. WILL exchuuge good ouk wardrobe for fill. linn- 1M .III. Hon. 5:Mr,10 FOIl HALE REAL ESTATE, SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 001-2 N. Y. Life. RE 731 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also ucro property anu iurm lanus. rne u. r. Davis Co., Room 552, Bco Building. RE-735 RI'.VERAL cood farms for sale In a cood lurming country. ior iurtncr particulars write or cuu on ii. ia xiuuium, i-uiinview. Neb. RE-M39J RANCH and farm lands for salo by the union I'ucino iiaiiroau company, u, A. McAllastcr, land commissioner, union Pa clllo Heudquurters, Omaha, Neb. , RE-733 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; alio tiro insurance, ucmis, i-uxion uiock. RE-733 WILLIAMSON Chas. E., J203 Furuam Street. HE-C04 Farms Harrison & Morton, N. Y. L. Tel. 314, RE 471 13 IF YOU want one of tho nicest 8-room names in nanscom 1'iace. i win civa von a bargain; Owner left city. Must sell. j, ii. anerwoou, vjt ts, x. u. uiug. RE-M153 vinmai T?AnMdl T.A1K,C3I fflllllUUI 4,' 4h..44. 4'nillUUI For bargains In farm.1 property go to O'Ncll's Real Estate, Agency, South umanu. ) " i&nivvu FARM 'FOR SALE, 10acres, with JioUse all llrilshcd; gdod wellild windmill; hog pasture, ion ucrcs tenceu witn net wire; 3,000' pines, cedars' nnd cdttonwoods; sheds for luO cattle: stables for 14 horses: corn- cribs. All for (1,200. Ten miles northeast of AInswo.rtli. c. ll. Mcciuru, Ainsworth, Neb. HIS .M'JZtt JS FOR SALE, flno farm lands, ihour ride South Omaha. 203 Ramgo bldg. Uw ,U11I UT BOYD COUNTY LANDS Railroad an assured fact. Our next party Jan. 6, 1902. See us about It. Join our party and save railroad fare. POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 470. .Omaha, Neb. RE-M145 C HOUSES Harrison & Morton. Tel. 3H. RE-M107 Mchl LOST. LOST Evening of December 30, between Rumgc block und 10th and Leavenworth, a pair ot gold-bowed glasses In stilt blade WUOVi HIUI w HIII III.... w- ,ui.v.viiiivii uitu got rewuru. ivost yja- LOST, bay horse from Melcholr's barn, C01 S. 13th st. I4OS1 0 LOST, December 31, between public library anu ucniiotl s, pair goiu rim nose glasses, chitln attached. Buitauiu rewaru ior ue Hvery of same to S13 N. Y. Life. Lost-M108 BROWN pocketbook, between 31st and Furnam and 32d and Cass, or on Furnam car, yesterday, iteturn sas, iieo uunuiiig, Mnnrnnl. Lost 103 2 LOST, light roan horso, medium size. Re waru ior return to iuoi tupuoi uvenue. v Lost-lU2 3 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women in Omaha, would call the attention of suffering I'.udles to his unsurpassed uccoinmodutiolis before und during coullnemunt, and hi trcatntent for IrrogUlurltles, no matter what cause, can or auur.c.s, witn stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodue, umanu. in LAD1HS. nur harmloss monthly remedy cannot fall. Trial tree. Paris Chemical Co., .Mllwi.u,:fcw, wis. Wi J6' LADIES, iMO reward falling to relieve case of abnormal sumiression. uny cuuso: price li; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mead Remedy Co., 17 yuincy at., umcugo, 111. -695 J2l CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly uuenueu to. , j. i. ucniuree mh and Lake Sts. 3iu WM. EVERITT. Sneclul rules to real os tsto men; weather strips put on. 'Mi Lcavcnwortn. FACTOIHES. TRUNKS, travcllr.g bugs, suit cases: trunks repaired. Om. Trunk factory, VM Furnum. -(44 Damuged looking glasses resllvered. "Oi N ID iVt STAMMIlltlNG ANU STUTTEIHNQ. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 439 Ramgo Bldg 7i0 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-TIo Co., 811 North 16th, 173 ELECTRIC BELTS. ELECTRIC Belt- and what they will do, Auuret'B i'. u. uox w,t umuiiu, inou. -731 M.lStlUEIlAllE COSTUMES. NEW gents' and ladles' costumes for rent b. aacK, wis oouih Wtn street. -M170 Feb2 SHORTHAND AND TYPE WltlTtNd. GREGG Shorthand. Otn. C. Col. ICth & Doug 7 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. ?4V BOYLES College, court reporter principal 1100 UlUg, 741 NEB. Business Ai Shorthand College, Bovd's Theater. 7U .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, BE PROMPT In calling- to sec nil the sng.'itiy useu pianos we are oneriug tins wick on very easy terms, und you will Und yourself well rcpAM. It you wish a piano ou can savo money now, ut this time. Where' Mueller Piano St Gruuti Co., 1315 Farnam St. m STORAUE. STORAGE, low rates. Dorlght, 1119 Far nam Bt. j O.M. Van Stor Co., 151114 Farn. Tels. 1559-SC3. ACIFIC Storage and Warchouso Co., 912- 914 Jones, general storage uuu lorwarding, i C9J PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2167. MJ37 NICKEL PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating plant in irnisna. umanu i-iuting ja u:e Bldg. Tel. 233. 754 LARGEST plating plant In Omaha. A. L. unueiand, lbiu uodgo st. i:i. iw. aim TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered, cleaned unu repnireu. joe xouscn, mow Furnam. -801 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute 615 N. Y. 1,. Bldg. Tel. 1001. Alice Johnson, u. u,, ntdics' dept.; Old E. Johnson, UsteopatliisU Mgr. 716 DR. A. T. HUNT. 512 McCaguo Bldg. Tel, DR. MRS. MUSICK, Dougias Blk. Tel. 2S33. 7 PATENTS. HAVE cash for good patent or Invention, Address, P. o. JJo 85, Omaha, Neb. 184 J-22 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. ii LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, ic; cures, tc. itw Leavenworth. Tel. 547, -755 FUR DRESSING, O. R. GILBERT CO., tannors, 1424 S. 13th, MS29 FOIl SALE HAY, GRAIN, ETC. WEST OMAHA FEED CO., 2808 Lcav. Tel, 2J03 -M16J FHATI2HNAI. OHDER8. THE GARDENERS protect old ago ns well as. mo. i raiiK iioscwatcr, iieo uiug. -721 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. 1258. M433 . BLACKSMITIIING & IlOnSEiSIIOBINQ, CHARLES A. HOFMANN, rear 811 N, 16th. 751 BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookkccplrig, etc., day or even' ing. ii. id, com. in at. uatiK. u. it. ltatnoun, 75a PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Olllco, reliable accommodat' ing; an uusiness conuacniiai. isui Douglas, 753 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- pnono -'iw. bu Bouth Thirteenth street, ' 90S rOSTOFFICE NOTICE. Should bo read dally bv all interested, ns changes may occur at any time. l' orcign mniis ior tne ween ending Janu ary 4. 1902. will c OSo (PROMPTLY In nil ciiBesj ni tne uenerai 1'osi uillco as fol lows: Parcels post malls cioso ono hour earlier than closing time shown 'elow. Parcels post malls tor Germany cioso ut 5 p. m. I' riuay, per s. s. ironprinz wnneini. I Regular and sunnlemcntary malls closn nt foreign branch half hour later than closing time snown oeiow, except mat supple mentary mails for Kurouo and Central America, via Colon, close ono hour later at foreign- urnncn. , Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY' At 7:30 n. m. for ITALY di rect, per s. 8. F. UlHmarck (mull must bo directed "per s. s. F. Bismarck"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary iu a. in.i tor litis l.AMn o r a u llmlirlnl (n 1 1 , , n ,i ,1 town '(mill for other purts of Europe must be directed "tier s. s. Umbrla'M: at 8:30 a. in. (supplementary 10 a. in.) for j'JUJtui'Ju, ;er 8. b. iironprniJ! wnneim, via l'lvmouth. Cherbourg and Bremen (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. s. Kronprlnz Wllhelm"); nt 10 a. m. ior AZORES ISLANDS, per . a. Tartur I'rliico. Printed mntter. Etc. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and sainplcH for Germany only. Tho no mo class of mall matter for other parts ot I'jurcpo a'iii noi uo sent uy tins snip tin U'hk specially directed by her. After tho doling of tho supplementary Transatlantic malls named above addi tional supplementary mans are opened at the piers or tno American, ungllsn French nnd German steamers, and re. main open until within ten minutes of tho hour ot sailing oi steamor, Malls for South nnd Central America West Indies, Kit;, FRIDAY ,U 12 m. for MEXICO, ncr s: a Mutnnzna via Tamplco (mall must (lie uireciuu per s. wiitniiaus ). SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BKRMUDA tier s. 3. Trinidad; at 9 u. m. for PORTO jm.u, per s 8. nun juuii; ui u it. m. (sup. plementury 9:30. a, in.) for CURACAO and . i;.Nt;,uiiii.A, per s. s. xuiiu, vit IiOuuvra und Marnculbo (mull for Sa via vanilla nnd Cartagena must bo directed "per t. s. VSulla"); at 9:30 a. m. (supple .nentarv 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE 1HL. AM), .JAAlAlwA, n AINll.l.A, UAIl l'A OliNA and GREYTOWN. tier . s. Atho (mull for CostA. Rica must be directed "per s, c. Atnoa j; ui ju a. m, ior it ait nur s. s. Prlns Wllhelm HI. via Port n Prltico und Petit Gonvo (HalL for Cura cao. Venezuela. Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per s. s. Prlns Wllhelm III");, nt 10 n.Mn. for CUBA, per b. s. atorro i-UBtie. via Ha vana; at 11 n. m. for ARGENTINE, uu i imi i ii ATi inn a V u UlVUUUUl . W 111;. j.. s, b finMler I'rlnCe: nt "11 I), m. for BAIIA. fllAH, via isussau,, per Btcamer from Jiinmi, i"ia Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thenco by stenmer, close at this olllco dall? it 0:30 p. m. (connecting close hero overy Monday, Wednesduy and Saturday). Mulls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, und thenco by steamer, close at this eltlce dally at 0:30 j. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Flu., and thence by steamer, close ot this olllco dally at '0:00 a in. (the connecting closes tiro on Monday, Wednesday and naiuruayj, muiis iur .Mexico uny, over liiiirl nl.u. unnlnllu mill rn.ilail f, 11a (Mill., Ml.," ,,..i....t huu.vbvvi. IUI IIIB' .natch bv steamer, close at this onlea daily ot 1:30 p. and 11 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Bellie, Puerto Cortez and Guatemula, by rail to New Orleans, and thenco by stenmer, r.Ipsa at this olflco dally at 1:10 p. m (connecting closes hero Monday for Belize, Puerto Cortez nnd Guatemula, and Tuesdays for Costa Ideal, "Jiegtsierea man closes at u p. m previous uay. Transpacific Malls. Malls for Hawaii. China. Janan and Phil limine Islands, via San Francisco, cioso hero dally at C:30 p. in. up to December "3U, inclusive, tor uispntcn per s. America Maru. Malls for Tahiti and Marriuesas Islands via San Francisco, cioso hero dally at POSTOFEH'E NOTICE. 6:30 n. in. tut to December 30. Inclusive. for dispatch per s. n. Australia. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here- tittiiy nt c::w p. m. tip to ucccmiicr 30, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. Al- ntnedii. Malls for Australia (except West Aus- traun, which goes via i.uiopc, unu rtcw V.enlaml, which goes via 8nn Francisco) and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dully ta C:3u p. in. utter December 21 and up to January Inclusive, for ill? pa roll per i. s. .o-nngl tstipplementary malls via Seattle nnd Victoria), close hero nt 0:30 l. m. Jnnunrv 5. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine iFiinnn, via can i-rancisco, cioso here daily at 0:30 p. m. up to Janutuy "C, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. City nt Peklnir. Mails for China and Japan, via Pontile, cioso uerr tiany at u:u p. m. up to Janu ary Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Knga Marti. (Registered mall must bo directed "via Senttlo"). Malls for AUbtralln (except West Australia, which is lorwaruca via uuropo), now Zealand, FIJI, Samoa nnd Hawaii, via San Francisco, cioso hero dally at 0:30 p. in. after January "u und up to Jan uary Inclusive, or on nrrlvul of s. s. Etrurlo, due at New York January ."ll, for dlsnntch ner s. Ventura. Malls fur China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, cioso ucro tinny ut u:ju p. in. up to Janu ary 25, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of Japan (registered malt must be directed "via Vnncouvor." Mer chandise for tho tt. K. Postal Agency nt Shanghnl cannot bo forwarded "via Can ndu.) Mails for China and Japan, via Tnroma, close nern tinny ut u:w p. m. up to Janu ary 21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. Tacomu. Trnnspncldo malls nro forwarded to port ot sriung iiiiuy unu inn Bciicuuia ot clos ing Is arranged on the presumption of their unlliterrunted oVerbind transit. Registered malls cioso at 0:00 p. in. pre vious nay. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllce, Now York, N. Y., Dec. 27, l!Kt. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS M E ETI NO. Tho annual meeting of tho stockohlders of The Union l4niul Compnny for tho elec tion of live directors and tno transaction of such other business ns mil v come before tho meeting, v ill ho hem at tno omce oi the comnanv. corner of Ninth and Furnum streets, umuna, iMcnrasKa, on tonuay, tne l3tn uay ot January, a. u iw., ut iv o clock u. m,. Deo. 20, 1901 ALEX MILLAR, Secretary. D24 o to Jit- STOCK IIOLDKRS' MEETING. OFFICE OF LEE-GLASS-ANDREESEN HARDWARE COMPANY. OMAHA. Neb,. Deo. 14, 1901. Notice Is horeby given to the stockholders of tho Lee-Glass-Andrccsen Hardware company that tho nnnunl meet ing ot tho stockholders of the company will bu held at tne oiuccs or tno sum com pany, 14 to 824 Harney street. In the city n f (imnlin. In thn statu of Nebraska, an Tucsdny, January 11, 4. D. 1902, at 3 o'clock p. in., ior me purpusu ut uicctniK u uu.tru ot dlrectori for the compnny to servo dur lne tin- ensulnu- venr. nnd to transact such other business as may bo presented at such meeting. II. J. LEE, . iTcsmeni. Attest: W. M. OLASS. Secretory. (Seal.) Dcc.lStoJHM In tlm rnllnlv rnlirt nt TiOllulnH CfltllltV. Nebraska, in tho mutter of tho estate of Ftederlck Motz, sr., deceased: By virtue of un order of sale Issued by Hon. Duncan M. Vlnsoiihuler. Judge of the county court of Douglas county, ISebrnsku, ami ny virtue oi tno provisions ot inu nisi win und testament ot tne sniu ircuericit Motz. sr.. deceased, the undersigned will offer nt public salo eighty (SO) shares of stock of tho Motz Brothers' Browing com pany nt tho east door of tho county court on next Saturday. January 4. at thn hour of 'l o'clock ti. m. sham, to the hlahcst bidder for cash. No bid will be received for less than tho par value of said shares of Btock, to-wit, iou per snare. Jir.jv,, FRED MET., JR., Executors, GOVERNMENT NOTICE. WANTED for U. S. army, able-bodied un married men neiwecn ages oi -i anu an, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information Apply to Recruiting Olllccr, 10th nnd Dnflirft sts.. Otnilin. Neb. J-1EOD to M31 R AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10T1I AND MAROV. Illinois Central. Leave. Arrive, Chleaco Exnrcss a 7:20 am a 5:10 nm Chicago, Minneapolis & St. l'aui Limited a r.M pm a s:uu am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:20 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, Irom Council 1)1 una a u:w am Chlcuirti. Milwaukee & St. Paul. Chicago Limited a c:oo pm, a 8:0.1 am Chicago & Omaha Es.'. b 7:15 am b 3:10 pm Union Tiicllle. Overland Limited .. ...a 9:40 am n 7:30 pm ...a 8:60 am a 3:25 pm ...a l:2.i pm Fust Mall California Express Pacific Express Knstorn Express... Atlantic Exoress .., .. .aiiiso pm a 4:33 pm a 7:00 nm bl2:30 pm b 9:36 am Lincoin-BtromsDiiri Ex.b 4:05 pm Grand Island Locii. t 6:30 pm IVnlianh. , St. Louis "Cannon Bail" t Express a 6:15 pm & 8:20 anr Bt. Louis Local, Council Bluffs 10:00 am al0:30 pro CIiIcbko A NorthTrestern. "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7:10 am all:20 pm Chicago Pnssengor a 4:15 pm a 8:00 am Eastern Exrrcss al0:5fc am a 4:05 pm Eastern Special a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd..a 7:45 pm a, 9:20 am Fast Mall a 8:30 arn Cedar Rapldr Pass a 6:30 pm Twin City Express a 7:05 am nl0:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pm a 8:40 urn Sioux City Local a 6:15 am a 3;50 pm a Dally. ailssonrl Pacific, St. Louts Express U0:00 K. C. & St. L. Express, ul0:60 Chlcauo, Rock Island .t EAST. Dcs Moines and Dav enport Locnl.-i.r a 7:33 Chicago Express bll:15 Des MoIiich Local. i a 4:00 Chicago Fast Express.. a 4:35 Dcs Moines. Rock, Isl and and Chicago a 7:10 WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo ana West a 1:30 Colorado. Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 6:20 am a 6:23 pm pm a 6:15 am Pnoiflc. am a 9:35 pm am a 4:55 pm pm ,bll:60 am pm a 1:25 pm pm a 8:26 am pm a 4:16 pis pm a 0:50 am IHJIILINGTON STATION 10TII fc MASON Uurllnifton A SlUsonrl Hirer. , Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:35 pm Lincoln a 8:4 nn. bll:53 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 3:uo pm Ulnck Hill and Puget Sound, Denver Con nection ...a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mail ,b 3 00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platts mouth .i...b 3:20 pm bu:05 am Relluvue & Paclllo Jct.ji 7:40 pm a 8:20 am llolievuo & Imcltlc Jet. .a 3:00 am ICiiiihhb Llt, si. wimupii .c Council) Huffs. Kansas.Clty Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 6:05 trm Kansas City Night Ex..alo:30 pm a 6:16 am St. Louts Flyer a 5:10 pm alius am CIiIuuko. lIurHuicton A ttilno', Chicago Special........ ..a 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chicago Vustlbulcd Ex.. a 4:00 pm 7:45 am Chicago Local... a 9:o am a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited u 7:60 pm a 7:43 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm a Dully, b Dolly except Sunday. vVEUSTHIl DEPOT-I5TII A WEBSTER Fremont, Elkhoni Mlnaourfvalley . . Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Dottdwood, Hot Spring .a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pre Wyoming, Casper and DoJglaa .................d 3:00 pm c 6:00 pro Hustings. York, David J. City Superior, Geneva. K.xeter and SewarJ....b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:23 am Fremont Local o 7:30 om ClileuKo, St. Puul, Mliiueunolla A Omalia. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:00 nm i Sioux City Passenger. .a 2:45 pm all:lo am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:30 am Missouri I'uollio, Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm' ai0:25 am n Dally b Dally except Sunday.' o Sun day only, d Dully except Saturday, Dally except Monday. RETIRES PREFERRED .STOCK North Ftoifio Tumi ril Ntle of , Iti Withduwal. C0NVLRTIBLE IS ALSO CALLED INV Aniiiiiiiieo that Holders of Cfrllflcntes. Will Receive J'.-.r ' Vfltie In Co in in on Thrill. for il NEW YORK, Jan. 2. Formal notlco wi Issued today that In exercise of tho powef conferred upon it the Northorn Pacific Rail way company retired Its preferred stock in whole yesterday. Each and ovory dollar o( a certificate for preforrcd stock not here tofore surrendered ,wlll upon presentation and surrender ot hts certificate at tho office of tho company, No. 49 Wall strcot, rccolva payment In cash at par. Except ns to toll claim all rights nnd claims of tho prefcrrod stockholders havo ceased to exist. Notlc was also given by tho Northern Pacific Rail way company, thnt It had elected to requlr tho holder ot ovory 4 per cent convortlbU certificate of tho company to convert th samo Into common stock of th company at thn rato ot ono sharo ot 1100 for each $103 of the tinpnld principal of tho cortlflcot and upon surrender of such cortlflcato nt tho company's ofllco tho holder will ho en titled to recetvo therefor common stock of tho company at tho rato aforesaid. No In terest will accrue or be payable upon any such cortlflcato from and after January 1, 1D02. These notices showed that from and after today tho capital stock of the company would consist of $165,000,000, entirely 'la common stock, nnd that the Bond cer tificates Issueil to provldo for tho retire ment of tho preferrl stock would bo re tired Immediately. Tho effect of thla wa to put what was formerly preferred etoclc On tho samo basis as tho old common. All of the Northorn Pacific stock Is to bo taken over by tho Northern Socurltle company, which will also ncqulro all of tho stock of tho Great Northorn. Tho Northern Securities company will thus hold tho slock certificates of tho great companies In tho northwestern field, nnd, tinder tho sottloment agreed upon between tho contending Interests for control In that field, will administer tho properties In Us charge to 'tho end that harmony may prevail, Thu belief In Wall street was general to day that tho rapid retirement of tho North orn Paclso prcferrod stock, followed by tho redemption of tho bonds Issued for Its re tirement, had removed tho obstacles In tho way of tho carrying out of tho plnn for tho adjustment of the difficulties which grow out of the contest for tho control of North ern Pacific last May. It was th'ls contest and n sensational rlo of Northorn pacific common to $1,000 a Bharo which brought about the sensational decline In tho prices of other securities on May 9. The Institution ot the first milt In tho United States supremo court 1b In line with the original plan made by Mr. Douglas re gardless of Its effect on tho ultlmato re sult of tho light It will 'definitely settle the question ot Jurisdiction, which Is some what clouded. The suit In the United Btates supremo court may bo Immediately followed by an action along tho same lines ot tha supremo court of Now Jersey. CONDITIONS IN FREE STATE Hcvoltlnjr Crimen Aliened by Former Attache AKiilnst Hit; Coiiko Government. LONDON, Jan. 2. Captnln Guy narrows, who has Just retired from tho employ of tho Congor Frco State government, nfter six years' service, dcclarod In au Interview today with a representative of tno Asso- elated Press thnt the conditions prevailing In tho Congor Free State are n dlsgraco to civilization and far worse than over before. Ho pictured atrocities of the most horrible character perpetrated on the natives bv officials and whites who had concessions nt rubber lands. As a typical instance of tho means employed by tho Free Stnte gov ernment Captnln Ilurrows corroborated tho story of nn American missionary lo the effect that the government employed 500 cannibals, to "whom they Issued arms to capture natives who had rebelled against their briftal methods." "I havo sworn testimony," said Durrows, "ot tho Dolglans handing over natives to cannibal tribes for tho express purpose of being eaten. Forced labor vrovalls every where nnd 'shotgun rule' Is tho truest de scription of tho present administration. Tho companies deriving wealth from tha collection ot rubber are all more or less stato enterprises, us a third or half tho slinros In thorn aro Invariably held by tho government. Latterly King Leopold and the government havo made some show ot action ngalnst the agents of some of tho Upper Congo companies, but only minor officials aro aver touched, nnd tho so-cnlled reforms are merely Intended to throw dust In the eyes' ot tho public whoso Indignation has peen aroused by tho stories ot this reign of terror. While tho present systems for the collection nf rubber and the re cruitment of natives continues the Congo Freo Stnto will romaln jt disgrace to the white man's work In Africa." MUST BE PAID TO GOVERNMENT Xrw Dill Will Seqnre Interest on Cr ter'M Stock fur the United Sliites.' SAVANNAH, Oa,., Jan. 2. in tho United . States court today Marlon Urwln, special assistant to the attorney of tho Unltod States, filed a new bill In the caso ot tha government against Oberltn M. Carter. Tho bill seeks; to prevent the Savannah Draw ing company, tho Savannajt Lighterage and Transfer company und tho Propeller Tow boat company, In which Carter held largo blocks ot stock, from paying tho Interest accruing to either tho-agent or tho re ceiver for Captain Carter's proporty. It orders Thomas Martin, who owes Csrtor $6,000 on a natp, to pay tho monoy to the receiver, and John K Oarnett, who for $6,000 bought Carter's stock In tho "Port of Savannah company1," which bought 'tip Hunting Island, to turn that monoy over to the government. s AVulk from St, Puul to Anaconda. ANACONDA, Mont., Jan. 2. A crow of lltiomen of tho Western Union Telegraph compuny today arrived In Anaconda, hav-, Ing walked all the way from St. Puul and strung a now wlro from thnt city to this , pluco, Tho new circuit will bo completed when tho wlro has been run to Stuart. The start from St. Paul was made early In September and un average of nlno mtlea ot wlro was strung por day. Policeman Declared Insane. CINCINNATI! Jan. 2.-Georgo Huesman. the pnllcemun who was publicly degraded und dismissed last fall for having spoken disrespectfully of President McKlnley when ho was shot, was today declared Insane, nnd sent to an usylum. Tho testimony' showed that somo years ago ho suffered from Hunstrnko and later received a seven elect rlo shock unu had been Insano for years. Colorado Sinn 4o lie Ilnnired, PUEIU.O, Colo.. Jan. 2. Lawrrnco Helx. colored, whs sentenced today to be hanged during the week nf April 13. Helx was convicted of killing William White nnd Miss Alllo, both colored, two months ugo, This Is the first death sentence .since His reptnratlon of capital punishment In Colorado,