Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Oltj QiTrnmnt Hai Ea!naei n land
lnitnd of Difioit.
(Mayor Mnnrrn iiml President Knrr
'loarl Otrr thr I'lnnnclnl Slunr
InlC .Ala lie nt the Clour of
, 1 the Old Vcnr.
Tho city of Omnha begins the new year
with a small balanco In tho city funds.
Last year a deficit of more than $100,000
wa loaded upon tho 1001 tax levy.
Ycstorday mornlnK tho city council held a
special meeting and passed a general ap
propriation ordlnancii containing all tho
unpaid bills of 1001. ll.cforo voting upoti
tho ordinance tho members of tho council
nnd tho mayor mado an examination of the
various funds and fouud that after tho
payment of all tho bills In tho ordinance
thcro will still remain a balance In all ex
cept tho water and lighting funds. Tho
fixed charges for water and light nro In
excess of tho amount the council Is al
lowed to appropriate for these purposes,
itnd consequently deficits cannot bo avoided
In theso funds until a chango Is mado In
tho charter, which will enablo tho counrll
to sot aside sufllclcnt money to pay water
rent and light charges.
The balanco which remains In tho gen-
oral fund Is slightly more than $13,000. The
balances In other funds vary from a few
dollars to several hundred dollars.
Mnyor Uipreiisr .Siitlufnottoii.
"Throughout tho year I have warned tho
heads of various departments that I would
not tolerato an overlap and It Is very grat-
lfylne to mo to find that nil departments
have kept within their allowance," nald
Mayor Moores. "Tho condition of tho gon-
prnl fund Is especially satisfactory. Tho
$13,000 remaining will be a very neat neat
egg for tho present year. Too frequently
city officials feel that they must spend nil
tho money that Is appropriated for their
departments, but it has been understood
this year that only nuccssary expenses were
to bo met,"
"Tho condition of tho city funds Is very
encouraging to the councllmen," said Myron
D. Karr, president of tho city couucll. "It
lias required considerable vigilance on the
part of tho mayor and other city officials.
to keep all expenditures within the appro
prlatlons. Our only regrot Is that tho
water and lighting funds nro overdrawn
This Is unavoidable, becauso the fixed
charges for water and light aro moro than
tho charter allows tho council to set nsldu
and pcoplo who understand tho situation
will realize that tho deficits in theso funds
could Dot bo avoided."
Chllilrrn I.Ike It.
"My llttlo boy took tho croup ono night,"
says F. I). Ileynolds of Mansfield, O., "an 1
grew so bad you could hear him breathe all
over tho house. I thought he would die-,
but a tow doses of Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure
relieved and eont htm to Bleep. That's th
last wo beard of tho croup." One Minute
Cough Curo is absolutely sftfo and acts at
once. For coughs, colds, croup, grip,
usthma and bronchitis.
To Central Anierlrn.
Leave Omaha January 12th, via St. Louis,
Mew Orleans, Puorto Barrios, Guatemala
City, Ban Joso, returning In ttmo for Mardl
Gra's In Now Orleans. For rates and all
Information, call or wrlto W. II. Green.
Room 405, Now York Lite Building, Omaha,
Shampooing and hair dressing, 23 o. In
connection with tho Batherjr, 216-220 Ben
building. Telsphono 1716,
Publish your legal notices in tbs Weekly
Deo. Telephono 233.
Great January
Clearing Sale
High Grade Pianos
Anyono contemplating purchns-
Inn n nlnnn wIMiln .flirt nrvf vnnr
J should not fnil to tnko ntlvnntuBo
of our Brent Jnnunry clctirliiR snlo
ot tho highest grndo pianos In the
Stelnway, Vose, Emerson,
Stager, Steck. Mason &
Hamlin, A. B. Chase
And Others
Nowhero In America can you Hud
such a mngulflcont assortment to
choose from. Wo cordially invite
you to coma lu nnd compare tho
different styled nnd hco how lino n
piano you can buy ht'ro for little
Now pianos In all tho latest de
signs nnd rich fancy woods, $HS,
$103, $188 and upward. .
Used upright pianos, fully guar
anteed, $75, $85, $1)5 and upward.
Organs and squaro plaios, $15,
$25, $35,juul upward.
100 plauoa for rent, $3, $t nnd $5
per month; ouo year's rental al
lowed If purchased.
For catalogues, prices and fur
ther Information writo to
The Largest Piano House In the West
1313 Fnrnam St., Omaha
Telephone 1(125
502 Broadway, Council Blurts
Telephone 308
Thrcr DeleetlTCK Do Some lively
AVork After "Coenlite Ann" I'er
ltetrnte n Ilnlilup.
Helen Johnson, colored, alias "Cocaine
Ann," picked tho pockets of J. T. Ornham.
Wyoming stockman, ,at Tenth and Capi
tol avenue yesterday' morning, securing
$145, and in less than five minutes she was
In Jail, the money was recovered and the
witnesses for the state subpoenaed. It
was one of the quickest cases In the his
tory of tho department and was handlod
by Detectives Donahue, Heltfeld and Dunn.
At 7 o'clock yesterday morning Jcsso Mllo,
standing at Eleventh and Capitol avenue,
saw a colored woman approach a white man
who was standing on the street corner
h block farther cast. Ho observed that
they stood close together for a minute or
50 as If engaged In conversation. Sud
denly the nrgress turned, gathered her
skirts about her knees and started to run
westward, tho man In full chaBc, shout
ing to her to stop. Ho saw the negress
throw something Into a vacant lot ns sho
ran. Then Mr. Mllo hurried to tho ppllco
station nnd reported thnt there had been
a "touch," and almost before he had tho
word out of his month thrco detectives
wore on tho trail of the thief.
With Mllo as a guide, they went directly
to the famous Midway saloon, and there
found the victim of tho robbery. He was
standing In the bar room, bewildered, not
knowing which way to turn.
"She disappeared In here." ho said to tho
detectives, "but the bartender says he
didn't sec any colored woman."
One of tho detectives then went upstairs,
the others remaining to guard tho various
Ou the second floor, In a room occupied
by tho housekeeper, tho sleuth found
"Cocaine Anu." Sho was lying across tho
foot of a bed, bo thoroughly exhausted by
her lively sprint that she could scarcely
iipfal:. In the bosom of her dress wan found
a roll of bills, amounting to $12.". She was
taken to tho stntlon. '
Meanwhllo an olllcer had searched tho
vacant lot designated by Mllo and had found
tho purse tho woman had thrown away. In
her hasto to get rid of tho Incriminating
evidence she had failed to take nut all tho
money and (hero still remained In the pock
ctbook two $10 bills. This mado Up the $H
which, riraham had lost.
A complaint of larceny from the person
has been (lied against her.
"Cocaine Ann" Is a notorious thief and
haB been In troublo mnrjy times before. Six
weeks ago she dressed In male attire, armed
herself with a pistol and, goln to tho
rooms of her lover, a negro named Dlngel
splcl, called him out and shot him In tho
shoulder. Dressed ns a man, she was In
Jail several days, tut wns" discharged, aH ho
refused to p'rosecutc. .
The robbery of Graham Is tho second rob
bery of n Wyoming man which has boon
perpetrated In Omaha within a week. Henry
Hegel, tho old German who lost $280 to a
nlmblc-flngcred thief last Saturday, claims
Wyoming ns his home.
l'oMolllcr Dcimrlnient Cunflrmn De
nial of Ilciiortril Kxeliinlini of
eeonil-ClasH t'lildlcntloii.
Tho Bee's editorial denial of the report
that the Postofllco department had ex
eluded from tho malls second-class pub
llcatlons subscriptions to which had not
been pnld In advance, had Just been read
In the postmnster's prlvato office yesterday
morning when Third Assistant Postmaster
Mlndcu wns heard from. He sent In tho
dally bulletin an official confirmation of
tho statement that the, department had
mado,. no such ruling and explained thnt the
only possible excuse for tho press bureau
sending out tho alarming report that It
did was tho action recently taken In the
case of a New York publication which bad
pcqulrod an immense circulation by a cheap
premium plan and then persisted In Bend
ing tho papor when tho subscribers asked
that It bo discontinued.
"Country publishers need loso no sleep
over that kind of a rumor," ald ono ot the
officials of tho Omaha office. "They aro less
persistent In sending their papers to peo
ple who have decided to do without thera
than are tho publishers ot some ot tho big
eastern' weekly storyiand Illustrated publi
cations. Theso latter are the people who
sond postal crews to early graves and moke
tho department most ot tho unnecessary
work. When ti publication Is refused at
the poetofllco tho postmaster Is required to
sond but one notice to tho publisher, but
wo send three, and yet many of them keep
fight on coming. There Is record made of
tho notices ent and if, after reasonable
time, no Instructions are received from the
publisher tho copies of his pa.per that are
on nana ana any mat may come later aro
simply thrown In with what we call tho
waste. Thcro are wngon loads of this
burned every llttlo while. As for tho sub
scriber, ho gets off comparatively easy, for
the postodlco has to do tho notifying when
discontinuance is ordered and ho Is not
llablo for any papers sent after that date,
even though ho bo In arrears. For that
reason I wish there might be a law passed
in n form similar to that which stirred tho
president ot tho Nebraska Tress association,
but applicable more especially to tho east
ern publications ot tho kind I have de
scribed." Announcement of the Theaters.
Tho bill on view at tho Orpheum this
weok baa beon a gratifying success, the
biggest attendance of tho season having
witnessed It. Tho regular family matlneo
will bo given tomorrow, and for Saturday
night Will M. CrcsBoy and Blanche Dayne
will change their btll by request, present
ing "Tho Key to C," which was a tre
mendous suocess Inst season, when theso
two talented players wero a feature of tho
Orpheum road show.
Clayton, Whlto nnd company, In tho
skotch entitled, "pickoy;" Tagllone, the
spectacular dancer; MIdgely nnd Carlisle
and Albert Qullle, for several seasons
loading tenor ot tho Adeline Pnttl Grand
Opera company, nro prominent features on
tho bill next week. ,
Mortality StutUtlci
Tho following deaths nnd births wero re
ported to the city heulth commissioner for
the twenty-four hours ending at, noon
Dennis uarno Tiiyes, :u Norm isinui,
lined 47: Mrs. Herman Small. 253ft Dodc.
aged 69; Leopold Doll, 3311 Jones, need 58:
Thomas Proctor. St. Josenh's liosultal. need
2S; Myrtle O. Urown, 3323 Mnnderson, aged
Illrths-Itobert Hodgon, 42S North For
tieth, girl; Harvey Hoffknmp, 17MV4 Leaven
worth, nlrl: Orson C. Heokworth. 9CS North
Twenty-seventh, girl; John Shea, 4117 North
1 wuiiiy-iiiui uvvuuu, uuv; ditnifs r.vers,
210S Boyd, girl: Qeorce Mitchell. Fortv-
eighth and Hurt, boy.
fK.OO for n IlHlf n tolly's Work.
If you live In tho country or In a small
town and have a good acquaintance among
the fanners and stockralsers n the neigh
borhood, you can make S easily by four
or five hours' work. Writo us and wo will
send you our proposition, The nee Publish
ing company, Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb.
Send articles of Incorporation, notlcet of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Dee.
Wo will give them proper legal insertion.
Telephono 238.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with tho Dathery, 216-220 Be
building, Telephono 173.
Biiiusi nt Otart Ions CUiti Off at
Lirtly Tact.
Mnry Admits, First Wit nous of the
icvr Ytnr, Tells Pitiful Story In
Trlnl of Divorce Cnse
llrouitht Aicnlnst Iter.
lluslness in all departments of tho county
government started off on tho first business
day ot tho new year with a rush that set a
promising pace.
The first happy couple to get a marrlaga
license this year was Martin M. Tucker,
aged 45, und Emma Phillips, aged 33, both
of Omaha. Several other couples were also
mado happy during tho morning hours.
Tho first civil case wns ono of Totlco
.Judge Oordon's periodical mandamus .pro
ceedings to compel tho city council to pay
him his salary, it was brought heforo
Judge Koysor and tho hearing was ad
journed until Friday morning.
Tho first filing In tho oHlce of the clerk
of tho district court wns an appeal from a
replevin suit. The title of tho enso Is
Oeorgo F. Abbott against Frank Frnnck,
anil tho property Involved Is' one set of har
ness. Tho first witness the now year saw In tho
Adams divorce enso was Mrs. Mary Adams,
tho first wife ot Joo Adnms, nnd from whom
he Is trying to obtain a divorce In Judge
Dlcklpson's court. She told of tho part shd
played In the aclil throwing on tho night of
February 11 hist, when alio dashed carbolic
acid In her husband's face at his homo, 1S05
Locust street. Mrs. Adams sworo that shu
Intended to do no harm to Adams or to hl3
second wife, hut had determined to kill her
self In their presence If It proved to bo truu
that they wero living together. It was her
purpose, sho said, to drink tho acid first
nnd If It failed to do its work promptly, to
thrn us.! n revolver which she carried. Tho
witness was much affected while- telling her
story, breaking ifown and weeping violently
n number of times.
Klrxl Deed of the Vriir.
The first doe'd recorded by the register of
deeds wits ono conveying ono ncro ot ground
In Pullmnn Place from Charles I). Lnyton
to Mayvella I'. Williams, tho consideration
being $200. Tho first mortgage recorded was
that of Frederick Chrlstlanson to Elizabeth
Hcndrlckson' for f 2,500 on lot 7, block 6, of
Parker's addition.
Tho first payment of taxes was made by
It. C. Peters & Co., who paid the sum of
J5.M on perscnnl property.
Tho first official action of the, Board of
County Commissioners was tho ordering of
three coffins and tho digging of thrco graves
In the county's plot In Forest Lawn como
tcry. Two wero for Infants and tho other
for a colored woman,
Tho first filing In tho county clerk's offlco
wns a bill of salo from Eva K. Mackey to
Mary E. Bowser, of exposition sod house
fame, conveying for a consideration of $3,000
the furniture nnd furnishings of tho Utopia
hotel at Eighteenth and Davenport streets.
Tho first action In criminal court this
year wna the appearance of Slg Kohn, In
dicted by tho grand Jury for selling lottery
tickets, who was . admitted to ball In the.
sum of $200. A number of othors were ad
mitted to ball, and then tho grand Jury
filed In nnd presented another bunch ot In
dictments to Judge Baker. Tho latter In
formed tho Jury that ho would bo out of
the city for a week or ten days nnd that It
tho Jury should finish Its work before ho
returned It was his deslro that they adjourn
from day to dny until ho could recelvo their
final report.
Committeemen Itrtnrn from Knnsas
City St. Louis and
Submit Ttcports.
At a meeting of tho Auditorium commlt
teo ycstorday a report was received
fron D. J. O'Drlcn nnd J. E. Utt on tho
method of raising funds by tho Kansas City
Auditorium company. This report was of
a secret nature and will be made public
after tho local commlttco has formulated
Its plans for a similar enterprise. It was
decided to Invito tho promoter of the Kan
sas City scheme to Omaha, when a special
meeting of the promotion committee will
bo held to consult with him.
C. O. Pearso, from the special committee
to visit St. Louis, reported In a lengthy
document facts and figures on tho manage
ment of auditorium and exposition build
ings In thoso'cltles.
The resignation ot Frank Burkley as a
moraber of tho board of directors was re
ceived and tho question of his successor
referred to the executive committee.
C. S. Palno of 'the local committee ot tho
Christian church convention stated that
officers of tho missionary commlttco and
one president of the coming convention
would bo In Omaha January 9 and invited
tho board to appoint a committee to meet
them and to make arrangements for their
entertainment. This committee consists
of M- P. Funkhouser, J. R. Lehmor nnd
Charles E. Ady.
Co 11 xlii nf Murdered Mnn Sleets Hint
un Street In Sonth
Joo Dardaweel, tho Assyrian who Is be
lieved to be the man who stabbed a coun
tryman by tho name ot Saldy to death on
South Thirteenth street a few weeks ago,
was. seen In South Omaha yesterday.
Heodrnh Saldy. a cousin of tho murdered
man, who cannot speak a word of English,
met Dardaweel In Soifth Omaha yesterday
and grappled with him. A crowd gath
ered about, but Saldy wns unablo to explain
his purpose In holding Uardaweel. Tho po
llco appeared and, presuming that It was
merely an altercation, separated tho men
and Dardaweel dlsappaareil hurriedly.
saiuy, Deing unnmo 10 speak a worn ot
English, could not tell tho murder story to
Ihe South Omaha police Ho camo to
bmaha Immediately and, with members of
tho Assyrian colony as Interpreters, made
his discovery knownHo the local police.
Cliamuerlnlii's Cnuwh Itemed?
llest nnd Mast Popular,
I sell moro of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy than ot all similar preparations put to
gether, and It gives tho best satisfaction ot
any medicine I ever sold. I guarantee every
botUe of It. F. C. Jaqulth, Inland, Mich.
This remedy Is tor salo by all druggists.
Detour ltontcs Am Airnys Tedious.
Why travel to California or Oregon In
winter over any other than direct routes?
Passengers leaving Omaha for Portland
or San Francisco can reach tholr destina
tion fifteen hours sooner than If they trav
eled any other way, besides avoiding the
discomforts of winter and extra expanses
Incident to a long Journey enroutp.
has the best of everything.
Pullman palace sleepers, buffet smoking
and library can, ordinary (tourist) cars,
Pullmun dining cars, meals a la Carte, free
reclining chair cars, PIntsch light, steam
beat, etc.
City ticket office 1324 Fanuun; 'phone 316,
.i n m wkM i ih la Mini iiin
Incomparable Bargains
from the
$500,000 STOCK
diuiingcd by
The people EXPECT to buy merchandise of n desirable
character in a sale of this kind at. stsirtlinjjly low prices,
but the values ve are giving- far exceed their greatest expectations.
25c Dress Goods 9c Yard .
Thousands of yards of double width
enshmcro,, nun's veiling,
brllllantlne, wool, largo nnd smill
plaids, wool suitings ninny of them
In remnants, other In full f.
pieces, only smoke 'damaged, WlJ
go In basement nt, yurd
Velvet Remnants 5c
Our entire stock of velvet remnants,
la-yard ami Vynrd In each
piece, many pieces to
mutch thnt were 23c each, t"5C
on sale, cholco ....-
Waistlng-s and French Namicls
Our entlro stock of French fl.innol nnd
wulstingH, prlctH before tho
tiro were ui) to "So yd,, on
eulo on main Moor, tit, yd...,
$1.50, $1 Dress Goods 25c, 39c
These nro tho greatest bargains In
dress goods ever offered, most ot them
nro perfect. Homo uro slightly smoke
damaged, go on hit renin Os""
Miuarp at, yard, 2ue ."iVfC
and -, w
Extraordinary Basement Bargains
All the largo size damaged cotton
blankets worth up to 2.50, go at 23c
All tho Jf.W sllkollno comforts go nt
73e each.
All the wool blankets worth J7.30
pair, slightly damaged, go nt $2.W pair.
All tho best grade of nrlnts go at
2'ic ynrd.
aii me extrn neiivy iwiueu sinning,
worth 15c, go nt 0Vi.c yard.
All tho best grndo damaged sewing
tdlk at 2He siifiol.
All tho skein silk, best grade, at lc
43-Inch dotted swlss Co ynrd ,
' Everything, in the entire
Disc oses the fact
that there is still
a large stock of
Pianos,. Organs,
Pictures, Frames,
and Musical In
struments, on which the in-
W ' swssiwti in v w mm LtTTTI
surance credits I
exist. Therefore
he has decided
to enumerate the
articles in Sun
day's press. They
are on sale at this
A. Hospe
1513 Douglas.
Tho flrst ouo Is Egyptian Lotus Cream.
Tho best preparation on tho jnurkot for
chapped hands, face nnd Hps, and It costs
hut lOo a bottle. Tho second Is Parlslnn
Hair Tonic. This ono wo guarantee to
elennso tho hnlr from dandruff nnd promote
nuw hair we sell It for 73c.
tl Pnrlslan Hair Tonic (guaranteed),. 75c
tl Dr. Uutlcr's Femala Regulator (guar
anteed) 75c
25c Schlltz Malt. 2 for 2.1o
Jl Iler's Malt Whiskey 75o
25o Packar's Tar Snap 15a
25a Carter's Little Llvor Pills 12c
25o Qulnacotol (best for colds) 2c
50c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin fflia
50o Syrup FUs 30o
50n Wine Cardui 49c
12.00 Cramo Pennyroynl Pills, Jt.00
Gfc Cramer's Kidney Curo (genuine).... 40o
Salisbury's Catarrh Curo 75a
6Qp slzo Letblg's Extract Ilcef 30
76o size Lclblg's Extract Heef 40c
Jl 25 slzo Lelblg's Extract Beef 73c
J2.0Q alza Lelblg'a Extract lleef ji.25
CftlllECCtt't Cu ,r,"u
OUnMiCrCn O nru Store.
'I'd. 717 S. W Cor. llltli ami Clili imo,
Goods delivered FHKE to any part of city.
Bee Want Ads Give Results
Extraordinary Bargains in Silks
Whist lengths, skirt lengths In taffeta
Mlk, plain colors and fancies, brocaded
slllts, grn.i grain silks, pcutt do sole,
black and colors-, china r r
nHlss. and wish nllkH, all il 1C
go at, yard, 23e, :c and w
Bargains in Cloak Dept.
$7.iV JackctM and capes mi i Ci
wile at l.ov
Jin.iiO silk lined Jackets, - Ckd
in ns, castiirn, Mucks, . Vf
all slies. at f "
nother lot nf silk ami French Han
nil waists, worth from 4 - o
;.') to fla, sllirhtly 1. UN
smoke damaged, at
Men's $10 Suits $5
Your choice of all the
men's sulta that sold up
to ?iu.w, tor
Acn's $20 Suits at $10
Your choice of all the
MH'Ii'h kiiIIh that Mll'l up .
to 120. W), for
Men's U)c Fiiderwcar ..
'Men's 75c rtalcrwcpr ..
Men's $!. t'udeiwear
Men h I3e Hill: Ncekcar
Men h 2.K! SUk Ncckwni
Men'H Wo Sill: Neekwe
vear .... liv
vcnr . .. luc
Men'H tan shoes worth 4 E"f
up to $."i.ihi a pair, on salo
In basement, per pair w
All the damaged rulllcd swlss cur
tains 23o each.
All thu fringed linen doylies that
were wet. go at 2'4c each.
All the tine knotted frlngo towels 13c
each, worth toe.
All the 10c damaged towels nt Sc
All the largo slzo fringed table cloths
go at 7ie, worth ?1.5o.
One big counter of damaged crochet
bed spreads 49e each.
One big counter of $3.00 Mnrsnllles
bed spreads, $1.C9.
"O-lnch percnles 3c yard, worth 12',4c
All the best gr.idu outlug llunnel
C!c yard, worth 13c.
store reduced in proportion.
When in search
of foot comfort
at $3.50 always
Solicit your consideration.
Tho woman, bo she largo or small,
who has not yet worn a pair of Soro
sis shoes, has such pleasure In store
for her feet that Is only fully ap
preciated by wearers of this celebrated
ready-to-wear shoo.
"JU3t as good" don't lit "Just as well."
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 S. 15th St.
Frnnk Wilcox, Mgr.
.fiend for Catalogue.
Something to Fall Back On
when company drops In, or when you need
a refreshing stimulant during tho day or
evening, you will always havo when you
keep a enso of our dollcloun Metz beer In
tho houso. If you aro weak and noed n
tonlo try Motz beer. If you aro tired and
need n stimulant try Motz beer. If you
want a refreshing boverngo thcro Is nothing
to equal It.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. Ill), O urn tin.
Or Jacob Keutuayer, Agt caro Noumayer
Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
It lins no cqunl In nil tho
medium prlcetl .conls ot
this market.
Lump and Egg Sizes, R'7i;
PerTon W Jl I J
Nut Size. OC cn
PerTon UwlJU
C. B. Havens & Co.
1522 farnam St.
Tels. 301317-825.
nwxr- Nwiiwj i m,r mm
uu msmiWm www
u iwncu
Is Remnant Day
Jnst having taken inventory,
of odds and ends Hint we want
Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Flannelettes, Quilts, Blankets,
Underwear, etc., and thousands of other things. Commencing
Friday we will make special prices each day until we close out
Be Sure to Attend this Great Sale.
No Peddlers or Dealers Sold to in This Room.
Dress Goods
H-lnch strictly all wool cheviots, nt 49c.
f'2-lnch strictly alt wool storm serges, at
12-Inch granite cloth, worth 7uc, at 49c.
40-lnch- nil wool henrietta, worth 7Cc, at
54 - Inch heavy nil wool plulds, worth $1.D0,
at 49c.
C4-lnch all wool sucking, worth 75c, at
33-lncli strictly all wool Venetians, etc,
at) 49c.
55- tnch granite cloth, worth 75c, nt 39c.
no-Inch all wool hcnrlettns, worth 69c,
at 39c.
;is-liich black figured eatln bcrbcr, nt 39c.
42-Inch storm serges, worth 50c, at 25c,
16-Inch fancies, worth $1, at i!,"o.
SC-lnch hcnrlettns, worth 50c, nt 2Rc.
28-Inch henrlcttns, half wool, nt "ViC
28-lnoh. Jacrjuards, half wool, 7'c.
2S-lncli plaids, halt wool, nt 5c.
$15.00 dress patterns, $3,9S.
$12.50 dross patterns,
jlO.OO dress patterns, $1.9S.
Silks, Velvets and Corduroys
All our 7;e nnd $1,00 black wllks, ut 49c.
All our 75o and $1.00 fancy silks, nt 39c.
Silk remnants at all prices.
' All our 50c and 75c velvets, at 15c.
All our 5c corduroy nt 29c.
French Flannel and Ghallis
All our strictly all wool French flannels,
worth 75c yard, lu dots and small figures,
will go at 25c yard.
All our flno Imported challls, that we
bold In the bargain room nt 50c, go at 23c.
Remnants of $1. $1.C0 and ?2 velvet for
Remnants of 7Cc. $1 nnd $1.50 silks for 39c
Remnants of tl, $1.50 and $2 silks, for
(iroat lot of flno black silks on salo
$1.00 black 27-inch tnffetn for C9c.
Closing Out All ihe Ladles'
Underwear at One -
Ladles' $1.00 outing llnnnel gowns, nt 49c.
Ladles' 50c flceco lined vestB nud panto,
at 25c.
1 lot of ladles' vests and pants, worth
up to $1.00, nt 49c.
1 lot of children's vests nnd pants worth
up to 60c, at 25c.
Iloys' 52.50 2-pleco suits, at 95c.
Boys' $3.60 2-pleco suits, at $1.69.
Roys' $j'3-plcco suits, nt $1.95.
Men's 60c hosiery, flecco lined shirts and
drnwers, at 25c.
Men's whlto uulauridored shirts, regular
50c quality, at 25c.
Men's $1.00 heavy Jersey overshlrts, at
Star plug chewing tobacco, 35c:' Horse- Meerschaum smoking tobacco, SBc! Unols
ahoo plug chewing tobacco, 35c ; Navy plug Tom smoklng tobaccp, 35c; Old Style smok-
chowlng tobacco, 35c; Battle Ax, 35c; ,.,,,.
Is'ewsboy tobacco, 35c; Bull Durham sraok- Idk tobacco, 25c; Mall Pouch, per package,
Ing tobacco, 60c; Duke's Mixture, 35c; 9c.
ono or two odd forks or spoons ns Christmas gifts. Let
us mnkc un the set for you. Wo can furnish them , in
uniiy muko. Whllo you nro
anu uavo it pin in uiuvi.
S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
151G DuukIus St.
In These Times
stty to everybody. Perfect rellnnco enn
havo a watch that needs repairing lot ono
Mawhinney & Ryan Co.,
Jewelers and Art "tii and douglas rri.
Stall oneri Mall orders given careful attention. Helsc
aiaii tmi tlon packages sent to rsponlbIe parties.
send us an order for a ton of our JUPITKR
COAL and Inaugurato a new departure In
your doroestlo economy. You will save
time, trouble and expenuo, which will cer
tainly make you happy. This coal comes
from tho richest mines In Illinois.
S5.75 A TON
Tel. 1238.
& Rice,
5UG So. 10th tit.
Friday in the
Bargain Room
we And that we have thousands
to close fast. They consist of
WIDI2, AT 6c.
All our ynrd wldo Imitation French flan
nels, to close, worth 19c, at 5c.
All our yard wldo remnants of outing
llnnnel, worth 12iic, at Sc.
All our remnuuts of 15c and 19c percales,
will go nt 5c.
All our flno prints, remnants, will go at
All our 5c apron ginghams, 3o.
All our 10c Shaker flannel, 5c.
An all day fculo on blankets, comforts, etc
at about half their regular value
From 13 to 1 P. M.
Wo will sell Cc unblcachcdtnuslltu, 10
yards only to customer, at
From 1 to 2 P. M. '
Wo will sell apron chock at 2cX Only
G yards to customer.
From 2 to 3 P. M.
Wo will sell remnants at 25c, 39o, 49c
iSo ,,m ,7Cc ,eooda- at ard 12
From 3 to 4 P. M.
Wo will sell full standard prints, dark
nnd light colors, worth Cc and 7Ho yard,
nt 2c Only 10 yards to customer.
From 4 to G P. M.
Wo will soil 5c cambrto linings, only 10
yards to consumer, at 2',c.
From C to 0:30 P. M.
Wo will sell yurd wldo full bleached mus
lin, worth 7c ynrd, just as flno and a. llttlo
heavier than Lonsdale, only 10 yards to
customer, at 3c.
$1.00 black 27-Inch taffeta for 7Bo.
$2 black 27-Inch taffeta for 89c,
DLACIC PEAU DE SpiE, flno grade, reg
ular $1.25 r.unllty, for' 75c.
Regular $1.75 quality for 95c.
All $1.00 and $2.00 corduroys, 27-Inch
wide, for C9c.
All $1.60 and $2.50 panno velvot, for $1.00.
Men's and Children's Winter
Half Price and Less
Men's flno woo) and fleece lined shirts
nnd drawers, worth $1 and $1.25, at 49c.
Men's line wool and floeco lined shirt
and drawers, worth up to $2, at 76c.
Men's $1.00 and $1.60 whlto and colored
laundered shirts, tho (J riff on brand, at 49o
.and 75c.
Hoys' 75c corduroy pants, at 25c.
Boys' 75o all wool pants, at 35c.
Boys' $1.00 all wool pants, at 60c
Hoys' $2.60 long pants, at 95c. ,
Men's 25c heavy wool socks, at lOo,
Shirts and drawers worth up to $1.00 at
1 lot of ladles' and children's stockings,
worth up to 26c, at 6c.
Men's and boyB' 60c heavy Jersey over
shirts, In all sizes, at 25c
in our storo loavo your watch
nil may depend upon a mlnuto, a
rellabla watch hflrnmpii n. nnfn.
bo placed In every watch wo sell. If you
of our experts look It ovor.
Special Clearing Sale
on Cameras
Prior to counting stock on January
1 wo will offer our entire stock ot
Kodnks and Cameras at greatly .re
duced prices.
Some $10 Promo Cameras for $20
Soma $7.00 Koronas tor 3.25
Wo havo all good makes to choose
All Instruction free.
, 1215 I'Hrnnin Stt-Jit,
Wholesale and Itctall Dealer! la
Photo Material.