Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The UMAiiA Daily Bee.
Dally Ilea (without Sunday), Onn Year.1fi.00
Dally Heo and Hundny, Olio Year 8.00
Illui.tri.fori Il..n iinx Your 2.W
tiundnv Ufa. (Jim Year ".W
Buturday lieu, One Year,,
Twentieth Century Kurmer, Ono Year.. l.W
Dally Ilco (without Sunday), per copy... 2c
Daily llco (without Sunday), per weok...l-c
Dally He (including Hiliday), per wcek.l.c
Sunday Dee, oer opy M
livening lite (without Sunday), per week. 10c
Evening Deo (Including Sunday), per
week ......loo
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
should bo oddrcsMd to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha-The Ilto Hulldlng.
Houth Omalin City Hall Building.
Twenty-fifth nnd M streets
Council Dliirrs-10 I'enrl Street. .
Chlcago-nny Unity Uulldlng.
New York Temple Court.
Washlngton-Gor Fourteenth Strcot.
Commtuilcatlons relating to news and edi
torial matter should he addressed: Omaha
lice, Editorial Department.
'Ilurilnci-s letters and remittances should bo
addressed. Tho Hoo Publishing Compan,
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payablo to The lieu Publishing Company,
only '.'cent stamp accepted in payment of
mull accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eantern exchange!), not accepted.
'State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
George) 11. Tzschuck, secretary of Tho Ileo
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
says that the nctuul number of full nnd
completo copies of Tho Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday lice printed during
llio month of December, rm, was as ioi-
1 no, too
2 no.oiir,
3 :to,:i:io
4 :io,:tio
s no, ino
c :to,:tio
7": ao,j!
s no.aoo
9.,, ;to,:t:to
10 no, i in
12 ao.r.oo
13 :to, ino
11 :to,r,:to
15 :to,:too
,...:tn,i io
22 y..:io,oio
23 f...:io, tso
21 :to,tso
25 no, iio
20 no.rwo
'.V. . .
so. . .
....:to,07o'o, i in, io
is :io, kio
Less unsold and returned copies
. i:iAT.r.
. 10, OHM
Not total sales.
. ao.ioi
Net dally nvernge.
ai:o. n. t.schuck.
Subscribed In my presonco and sworn to
neroro mo tnis sist .lay or December, a. d.
Notary Public.
Happy Xew Year.
Samo to you, sir.
Now, nil at once turn over.
Wonder If Maclay could be Induced to
swear off.
Two years more yet for the leap
year girl to wait.
The year 1002 ought to be an easy
ono for rhyuisters. .
Figures talk when tho nchrovements
of one year aro placed for comparison
beside those of previous years.
The battleship Missouri lias taken to
water, The other Mlssourlans, how-
over, will still have to bo shown.
Tho United States possesses two-llfths
i cf all the railway mileage in the world
and still there Is room lor more.
It Is useless lo attempt to drown tho
old year's sorrows on the advent of the
new. They multiply under the drench
ing process like niostjultoes on a hot
summer day.
Evidence Is accumulating that affairs
mv assuming their natural condition In
China. The latest proof of this Is the
report of a mashacru of missionaries and
uatlvo couvurts.
Tho Pan-Anierlcan conference Is work
ing away on an arbitration scheme. No
action is expected until Chile and Ar.
gentlno fully make up their minds
whether they desire to scrimmage.
Anyono having a few warships, either
now or second-hand, can llud a market
for them by addressing tho governments
of Chile or Argentine. Lack of them
Is delnying tho gamo In South Amurlca
' Tho commltteo which is planning a
model city for exhlbltlbn at the St. Louis
exposition Is In session In Now York
Up to tho present Richard Croker hup
not been called In to offer suggestions
What promises to perplex Secretary
of the Treasury Shaw iU8t s how to
tako care of the smpbw. None of his
democratic predecessors In the Treasury
department were troubled very much
tlmt way.
An organization lias Just beei. formed
with tho object of promoting boxing
bouts In common parlance prize lights
In this city. Omaha can get along fairiv
well without entertainments of this kind
during tho new year:
Thu United States starts out the ymr
lOOii with the balaneO on the right sh)
of the ledger. Thu people aro satlstled
with thu operating crew of thu country
aud tliosu who are working for a change
uro likely to receive scant encourage
ment. Study Tho lice's statistical panorama
f "tho growth and progress of Omaha
. for the past year. It Is an Interesting
nnd instructive exhibit. Copies of thu
paper sent to your friends will bu tho1
most convincing messenger of the city's
substantial prosperity.
A Klondike miner lias at Inst returned
who Is willing to admit tlmt whllo ho
, has n few good claims, the country Is not
tho laud of gold ho was originally led
. to bellove. But ho will probably offer
to let. a row confidential friends In on
-those claims on tho ground floor.
Tho Greek Indians nro dlssntlsiled
with tho plan for allotment of their.
lands. Possibly tho Indlnns would bo
Batlsllcd If tho government would nmko
an appropriation for a hired man for
each Indian who would relievo thtf na
tlyo of tho bunion of working tho laud.
The march of time Is continuous nnd
uninterrupted. The Instiint tlmt murks
,1... l r j. .1...
me ciwmu ill .me .vein ii'iuius nv i iv- i
glutting of another. Hut we note tho
progress of time by days, weeks, months
ain! years and we count tho years as gregnto the sum of $7,(KK,000, approxl
milestones along tho path of life. "The mutely fid per cent of tho duty collected
past wo know; the future Is mystery."
So said the sage. Whether or not the
ear that begins today will bring us
good or HI, prosperity or misfortune, we
cannot ioresoe, yet u is welcomed uuii
general hope or improvement nmi
betterment, as well as a general purpose
to Improve. It Is a time for making
plans, projects and resolutions some
practical nnd attainable, others fanciful
and doomed to failure. It is a time,
also, for retrospection anu lntrosiectlon
, . ... . .... . ., ,
...... m.L ui u.m ...ue num.,.. nu...u
good results, it may ename us to in
the future" avoid tho mistakes of the
past and to correct those follies which
have operated to our disadvantage and
Injury. It Is a common observation
that the resolutions made at the begin-
nlug of the year aro for the most part
speedily broken, yet if only it small pro
portion of them are kept there is cood
done not alone to the Individuals, but
to society. May It not bo said, there-
fore, tlmt every New Year contributes
something to moral and social Improve-
mem.' u would ue very iiis.couraging
... . . i 1
to think otherwise.
The year 11)011 begins with every
promise of a continuance of prosperity
for the American people. There is no
cloud . upon our Horizon, no danger
mrcniens us. e are warranted, mere-
.. ... ..... .
fore, in looking hopefully aud conll-
denlly to the future. The Heo wishes
'or all Its patrons a happy and prosper-
oils New Year
Tho reports'! hat have gone out from
Washington Indicating a feeling of ap
prehension there of a disturbance of
irienuiy reunions netween i.ernmuy anil
.. . .. ... . . .. .. ....
the United SiMt... umwlnir nut of the
ITorls of Germany to collect a debt
from Venezuela, an; shown to be en-
thelv trroundless. The Gorman foreign
olllce has promptly given out a state-
ment that tho assurance kIvoii bv thu
governnient regarding Its plans In rola-
' I
in to Venezuela are ent relv satisfae-
m to cm.iiuu aic iimiu saiisiac
v to our government and that (lor-
many, which maintains diplomatic rein-
tlons with Venezuela, still hopes to col-
eet her claims peaceably. The (Jer-
man foreign ollice also reiterated the
ihu.l linn If .l..w iw.f ...... I.,...,l,l..
UV..(Uilllll(l llllll, IV IIULll IIWL LWIII.III llllll. I
territorial aeoulsltlou In Venezuela.
which ought to dlsnol coninleteLv anv
loubt that may have existed on that
point; l
There Is not the ronsnn. fli..r...
fore, to fear any dllilculty or nilsunder-
standing between this country and Oer-
many In regard lo the Venezuela Incl-
dent. The German government has
shown the greatest desire to avoid nny-
thing tlmt might be oblectionnble to the
United States Its manifestation of so- in this respect being marked.
If not Indeed i,ultc unparalleled. No
stronger evidence could be wished than
has been given by Germany pf her ear
nest desire to maintain the cordial re
latlons which exist between thu two
countries and our government and peo
plo fully appreciate this.
We shall not become involved in tills
mutter for the obvious mason that It is
none of our business. We do not under-
ake (o protect nny of the republics of
this hemisphere In the refusal to pay
.1...... i...,. i i. i
ii.u.L ji.nt ..unin . l. in
that In this c-iso the claim Is lust
tutu in inis c.iso tue cmiin is just,
tliomrh the Venezuelan irovernnient
seeks to avoid payment by alleging that
the debt Is duo to citizens of Germany
and not to the government. Tlmt is a
pretext, however, which is not to be
seriously considered. -Germany may
collect her debt In nny way tlmt ac
cords with thu usages of civilized mi
tlons provided she respects the Monroe
doctrine and this she intends to do.
It Is now strongly Indicated that tho
reassembling of congress next yvook ivjll
be the signal for a spirited controversy
In the senate over the Philippine and
Cuban tariff situations, with sugar oc
copying tho foreground lu the discus
sion. Tho Philippine tariff bill passed
by tho house does not deal with the
staple products of the islands that are
mado tin: subject of an appeal from the
commission for reduced (little. A move
ment Is said to be on foot to get thu
senate to reduce the duty on Phlllppino
sugar by one-half, or establish the equiv
alent of an entire removal of the pres
ent duty. A number of republican sena
tors Wel that some concessions should
bo given to these new possessions, in
nr.W t.i Hllmnlnfo tlio liiilustrloH thorn
- " " ...... w .
nnJ thus inuko American rule -moro
palatable. It Is therefore probable that
tho recommendations of tho Taft com-
mission lu this direction, which have tho
, ....I i Iu..,i. m
t ..... ........... c.l.inu.1, .1... tw...
nmiid attention In the senate. KnStern
"gur Interests, it appears, tako It for
gntert that on sugar coining from the
Phunnliu.u timnitir.inv .intiou win iwi i-...
rtuceu 0nt,hlf.
lu .-., .
l" v.uua lliero IS greater Ulicer-
talnty, sU fur lis can bo gathered from
Washington nhvleos. There lu km Id to
bo a couslW.jU, grollI, 0f senators,
some of wlionVli. '
. . Vv ui nnnu muuucn
in their own stab- wi,0 ure wming to
glvu tho Cuban cat., ,m,,.ra nil,,
It Is nllegotf that ucuntora niain- personal attacks ujion President Itoose- long-mooted questlou mat nas vexcu nu
taln that Uio existing tnrltt Ui,nlim Velt hu Is mightily mistaken.' Tho inanity ever since tho days of ''shlnplaBter''
Cuban sugar is so high .t0 prov.d0 a friends of thu president will lend no 2!
wholly artinciai stiniuius, tuo l)(!et
sugar Industry and that wltUS0,U0 cou.
cession to Gtibu there would hU t)L, nj
tho protection on our domestic ln,lf,try
that was healthful. This view, l8
needless to say, Is uqt approved by th.
who aro eugaged lu tho homo Industry
and they will combat It vigorously,
though whether effectively or not Is.
problematical. Thu newest suggestion
in tho matter is thu payment of a
bouuty to thu Cuban sugar growers and
this Is B'ltd to bu gathering headway,
It Is estimated tlmt n bounty of from
nno.tlilitl to one-half n cent it pound
wou!d meet the complaint of the Cubitus
... ., .. .1... I. f .1...
(illll SlUISiy llicm, Jii uiu minis ui inv
Imports during the past year n bounty
of one-half a cent a pound would ag
lust year on Cuban sugar.
It seems
Improbable, however, that congress will
ndopt this novel suggestion for Diking
money out of tho national treasury nnd
giving H as a noumy to uiu augur Hru-
urs of another country.
Svv York paper remarks that there
4ms never been it time when so many
ruinojs connecting the sugar Industry
with efforts to lnlluenec-natlounl leglsla-
tlon have been current nnd it Is very
plain that the sugar uuestlon la to occupy
... ... ...... ... .... .,,
iuiui..cia ... u.. '"
of. congress, witn tno cniiuccs, as now
indicated, strongly favorable to concos-
slons to the sugar of both Cuba and the
l'hlllpplnes, though osslbly not to the
extent urged by the more radical ad-
vocates of such a policy. A compromise
of views Is what may be expected,
Tho scheme of n. bank that will be
absolutely International In Its scopo is
by no means a new proposition, but it Is
ono that has not received a great deal
1.1...... si.... MM.rt n.i4.. I .no Kiwiti I
oi loudwuiu.. uu
discussed In the congress in session at
the City of Mexico and Uio question Is
. . .. . .1 , .(.., , I
or sticn importance inai u nas oivmeu
the congress in regard to it.
inere is urgeu in regain to uiu projio-
union mm mine it mib-nt imu uuuciiuiu
... .. ...... ...i.ii . i . . .. i . . i. . i i .t ..... i
results and probably would have a good
elTgct In ctiltlvutlng llnanclal aud com
luerclal relations between tho United
States and the southern countries, still n few years trolley lines will carry passen
on the other hand it would possibly gers between Now York and ashlngtoif
create llnanclal complications of n more
or less troublesome nature. It Is not
dllllcult to conceive of conditions, In tho
operations of such an Institution as is
I I ...... I., I I
llI'fllHlM.H.. I. II. I W.l.l.ll l.'.lLl...U..r- I
' "
""'-"H. imriicumny m uio event oi us
'"'"'K controlled oy an international ar
rangenient, as eomciiuuaieu.
" '"""lastly deslrablo that there
1,u il "nnuclnl Institution through
ihcii exciianges couiu oo enecieu oe-
tween American aim noiun ivineriean
i . i ... i... I
merewiiiis wnuuui inning iu k uiu
roundabout way of Loudon. J lint Ino-
ct'HH ,H not onI' dilatory, but It is ulso
costly. There Is no good reason why It
should lie continued except time ior
i.. . i . . . t a- rm. . i
""' "ol" 11 18 "veii.ent. mu -
It ought to Do possible for Ainericau en
tcrprlse to do away witn it at un cany
i neio is a project unit jnuuii.ert 10 uu
SUCCesstUl to establish banks In tile
Orient and the expediency of doing this
appears to be uiiiiuestionable. We can-
"t lnucmo our trade in the lar east
.t nav ug capita. .. t at quarter
t tllt! woim ,s 1,1 1,11 UIUCS ,lvau'
,llu for (,UI" uicrclmnts doing business
there.. That is a sclt-evident proposition,
U l finally clear that wo must have
llnaucUrt Institutions In tho countries
south of us, Just as our coiumotclal
rivals have such Institutions there. In
other Vords, If wo expect to win our
share of the business of any part of tho
, . . , . . . .
world we must bo prepared to contest
for it on tho same lines anil by the same
policies that aro employed by other nn-
... . ...... a ... 1
tlons. e ueea to understand nil lira
t'"11'. " 11111 u st'e, 1101 lo ,1UVU HU1"-
ltly thought of in tho past, tlmt there
' 1,0 wniunem m.sniess aim tnat in
order to obtain the trade of anv conn-
try wo have to apply business principles,
This Is the Idea that is comprehended in
t,us Hhemo to establish American banks
... .1... ! .... I I. I , ......1 I......
1,1 u,u ritul ,n " i'i"--ui mcu,
wlilcii u carneu out win uavo goou re-
The redoubtable Webster Davis Is try
ing to resurrect himself Into notoriety
I iv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! r 1 1 1 1- hlmsnlf In most. Invlillnns
up(m uri.sldeut Koorfevelt and
nredletlng tlmt he will be renominated
prcdiuini, linn uc win oc renominated
tor tnu presiuency and neieuied. ine
worst thing ho says about the president
l. "While In WnsbliiL'ton. I was on
even footing with Mr. Hoosuvelt. Uo
was llko myself, an assistant secrctarx
in thu cabinet." Tho wonderful Mr.
Uavls need, however, have no com
punctlons on that score. Ho will never
be on even footing with Mr. Hoosuvelt
again, because, while tho president lias
been going steadily upward, Webster
Davis has beeti going steadily down-
ward In the estimation of all those
whoso esteem Is worth lmvlng. ttniin..!- nf Vow Yr.rlf lmu lie.m
Hugh Homier of Now lark 1ms been
chosen as the new chief of tho Manila
tire donnrtineiit. Homier 1ms u renuta-
tkm l(J u )lre nKi,tel. BOCOud to no man
, t, W(,rl(1 If ,10 wn trnl tho mn.
. . --- ......
I ntWIU lt Tliril (ill I I 1 II 11 ri H I II HI IIK I llt'V
,mve l)ct! lu tho ,mblt of rum,nt. nt
..... limmlw.h of American soldiers ho
..,, .,,.,. iu.ii. ).. nuiiii tim
1in.11.,.n..nt In the world
Idepaitment In tin, woiltl.
Tho failure of the asphalt trust I
explained that It fell short or the as-
snmntlon on which it wns built, namely,
i, n rwiiniiloto iiioiimmlv nn tin.
llH,.halt paving business of the country.
. ... i . . i
T IO monopoly meory jh i uiu uuma ui
tho most of tho trusts and It is enually
liiiiiln to move with mnii.v others a rone
of sand instead of a foundation rock.
If Webster Davis thinks ho can'nmko
fimitnl for tho cause of the Doers by
COiiuteuanco to Mr. Davis and thoso of
i,il class without regard to whether or
not they aro jwslng as tho cliamplons
of thu oppressed Hours.
lie roe. I the jfhaile,
' Chicago Hecord-llorald.
Tho peoplo of Cuba hissed Gome;
Vir day. Really, Is It worth while being
n,N any more?
, ' , ; ,
"I'll in Hrlvntc I.lfe,
htngton Post.
Hon. Lyman
a a eo will now proceed to
enjoy the rci,
'emolument which come
to tho statesman In prlvato life. Tho c.xam
pIm of Hon. John O. Carlisle nnd Hon.
1mns "rackett need bid fair to be gen
v..,n., .u.iuniu
Dolnir Uultr Well, Thmik Vim.
New York Sun.
Iowa seems to bo doing fairly well. This
latest nddltlon to Its Increasing influence In
tho nation's councils Is received with ten-
enu satisfaction, east and west.
Timber Further West.
Chicago Inter-Oceun.
Tlinrn la n tielttr It. Vflli.nfllta Hint it
President n00sevelt wants to touch the pal
pltntlng heart of tho great west he need not
confine' his touching altogether to Iowa.
A C,110SP Mneetnoie.
chienen Post
Thousands of Chlunao troons are com
manded to kneel along tho line of railway
ft"d ,0 tho Rat0 ot tuo forbidden City as
tho court approaches and enters Pckln.
N-CC(j wo miirvc, at tho t)0Tcrs ,, Ulolr'
barbarities when such debasing ceremonies
as this aro ordered?
(Ir.-nt .11 1 ii dn IMniiKrcr.
lnillfinntmlla .Im.rnnl.
'il0n u ja remembered that every man
bellovea his own method tho best, It Is not
surprising to read that the civil commis
sion in tho Philippines bullcvcs In civil
government, whllo General Chaffee sees In
tho military tho host authority to handle
the Filipinos.
l)f,rt'ii llrlllliuit
MtmipntinllM .Innrnnl.
General Dcwet seems to have lost none
v .
ot hl8 cum,lllK nn,i encrKy aa n partisan
loader. Ills completo overthrow and capture
of n Drltlsh column of 400 men on Christmas,.. .....1. ..... nn n . ...... n . . m.Md
b". w.m mo i.ui.iu. u. iu f.""j
rZXZ Z .uo"
C0R!,C8 Enncd through skillful adaptation of
..... .
noer jactics
I'riiKrrss of tin Trolley.
New York Tribune.
It Is now practically nssured that within
tween New "lork and Dostou and between
' an avrrnc0 . . . ,
twenty miles nn hour and at moderate
tares. What a nation ot travellers within
Ihnlr nwn hnrilnra Amnrlpfina lip
-- w .. .,...b.a ................. .
(.rent .Xri.iiiin.'i.t Met-deil.
New York Evening Post.
It Is tlmo that nil who bellovo In keeping
tho United Stutes freo from tho heavy mili
tary burdens which now hnndlcnp tho great
nations of Europe, raornlly as well as finan
cially and Industrially, should make them-
scives nearu. i ncro is no uviuenco mui uio
Am.irlpnn nrnnln n whnln ilnalrn mivthlm-
moro than n strictly defenslvo navy, nnd
,,., ,.. , Pnnn ,lovnn,i
nm,ti T1)ls cm,lry nH novcr performed
n greater service to tho world thun by
"moiiBin.ui.g u uuuuy io Kei. m....u
uiriiL ill nuiiiiuiiin
'I'AAWI. tlllU'llll.l I HIAS
liiipirt- Stiitr,
Iluffnlo Express.
Patterning after tho state of Now York
nnt'n.tini. Vnolt rt flhlr. hn. on.ianrl In lin
(lraftca nntict wUeh haa for Its object tho
nbolltlon of nil tuxes on renl and personal-
property ror state purposes, i is o w
,h; wVnH 0f (Jovcruor bdoll. AN
readv tho receipts from corporation taxes
nml from inneritanco taxes nnd tho llko are
almost equal to tho largo expenuiture or
"'1;i,;'anUh'?sorb,0 nffmlSo wfl!
'Zr mZSL'ZXS will
br,U(, lh0HO reccpts up to enough to pay
tho full cost of tho state government out
side of the canal tax which tho constitution
requires shall be levied each year. If It Is
found that enough cau be realized from
umrpn . ...... .Xttto . nay
fcaimj tnx t00i then an amendment to tho
constitution may bo proposed which win
. l... I -1 .1 n An. numv otlllffllt' wIMl
i" " -
all stato taxes on real and personal prop
er tiv
Governor Nash has mado n study of tho
Now York laws on this subject. In tho bill
which ho has had drafted by his secretary
...... ... nK.nni.,r.l
of tnto ho has Incorporated tho prmlpa
features of tho New York corporation tax
. n.m uMe. tll0 nubllclty fett.
turea of H. Mttlclleld bill now In congress
. . . ... .l tl,, ,n,...
anu ucamcs nu nuum duiiiu w. ......
u ""--u unu. ... .
seen how such n bill will be received by tho
corporations will oppose It. Equally, of
course, tho owners of real property which
now bcars tuu burden ot taxation will wel
strong, but tho welfare of the people should
h0 ,lrBt yn8lucreu- 11 UU1U"' ul
tlon'can bo imoll lu wholo or port from
,,, .,,, nnd transferred to othor Inter-
ests without working nn lnjustlco (and the
exnerlenco of New York snows tnat una
can bo done) then It Is tho duty oOUio Ohio
leglSlaltirO IO mane una maun f-
pie. They will find It a popular move.
Solomons of the flileiiKO llciicli SHUe
n Fctv Problem.
Chlcogo Ilecord-Uerald.
if is cratlfvlnc to know thnt tho men on
tMG bench are showing a disposition to
come down from thulr lofty Judicial eyries
to settle somo of the everyday problems
tnat vex mo uuiu.uui. ...o.
1 nreo imporiuiu uiuiu.i .......... ....v
superficial thinker ns trivial
Threo Important decisions touching wnat
nBtlnn hu, .vhlcll ro of far-reaching
imnnrt. bavo been handed down by Chicago
Judges during tho week. Ono of theso was
to the effect that tho sum of $23 is enough
for a newly married couplo to go to nouso-
I ... . 1 m n.
howehoW necessities may bo bought oa
the "installment plan." This was a case
in which the young wifo brought suit for
divorce agaimn tho young" roan for mm-
support, alleging that his salary was In-
I , .,,1 n.nmntlv ..llort Vin
Z'8aTnry was ample and dented tho petl-
Another decision was to tho effect that
la Judgo need not resist the soporific effects
?L f?TT fZZl
COUIIBCI 1.1 .1 lunoii.., .....w ,
,v a nnn ..,., tho attorneys aro throw
iuc rhotorlo at each other without lnvali
dntlng tho verdict of the court. In short
the Judicial nap, WJ
particularly tiresome. Is not to be regarded
na I. Irlnl "orrD
. trlal-
Tim ihir.i rienuinn. or oDlnlon. sottles
tlon psed up to Judge Dunno, nnd nlthouKh
it was not the particular issuo on trial, its
prompt settlement ty tne jurist marHs
long stride In progressive Jurisprudence
The defendant hnd drawn J 100 from a brow
ery nud after adding 75 to It he declared
himself possessed of "quite a bank roil,
Tho court strenuously demurred and In
formed the defendant that It was only
"pocket roll."
This is tho first tlmo that tho lino he
tweon a bank roll and n pocket roll has
been legally drawn. wnne tno line
somewhat Indistinct, It la very plain X'.ia
$175, even though It bo la U bills, Is toot
I in the eyes ot the law, a "wad" of bill
New Year
New Year's day hns become a sciul-re-
llglous festival. Tho custom of watching
out tho old nnd watching In tho new year
Is, more general and Interesting than It
used to be. Fifty years, ogo but n single
nomination observed this, custom, and
few outside of the participants wero aware
that anything out of the common was In
progress. Tho celebration began after New
ear s day had dawned nnd was almost en'
rely social, It lias of late years grown
n the religious mind that tho observance
f . New ctr Is not only proper, but that
tho watch service Is peculiarly appropriate,
Many denominations have adopted thc.cus-
om. Man makes the nrbltrary division of
line comprised in n year, but it is com-
putcd In nccordnnco with tho physical laws
ordained by the Creator, nnd Its conclusion
nd the Immcdlato succession ot another
car glvo a most excellent opportunity for
religious reflections.
man can look back over a year and re-
call all tho salient features of his career
urlng that time. Ho rnn pcrculve what
acts, words or courso of conduct Old him
good or harm or conferred blessings on oth-
ers, or .tho revorsc. An Intelligent person
can generally gaugo In this way tho success
or non-success due to his own nets, As a
rulo that which has hampered him or In-
Jured others has been 'a violation In somo
ay of Cod's ordinances. There ura cases,
perbnps, whero success In llfo haa nothing
to do with religion, but In n majority of In-
Wiirxlilp roiiNtriKjIlon In Xnty Yiir.ln
nml liy 1'rlvnl.' I'Mrin.
Sclentlllc American,
rojmlnr delusions dlo hard, and ono of the
most pernicious nnd persistent ot theso Is
the belief that warship construction when
done by the government Is poorly dona and
costs moro than it does at prlvato yards.
Thero was a time, It Is true, when tho nnvy
yards could not competo with prlvato firms,
but that was n day when tho ynrds were
overriden by political Inllucnco nnd en-
umbered with lazy Incompetents, who
wed their positions to "pull" With the
politicians, Thanks to the trenchant re
forms instituted and carried through,
largely by tho efforts of tho present chief
constructor, Hear Admiral Howies, our
navy ynrds havo been entirely emancipated
from politics and thu organization, plant,
discipline and character of work turned out
nvo been brought up to n standard that Is
fully equal to that of tho best prlvato es
tablishments. Tho nnvul constructors believe, and we
fully ngreo with them, that tho tlmo has
como when It would bo to tho nation's nd-
antngo to bnvo a certain proportion of
Its ships constructed In government yards,
Tho plant r.nd tho working stnff at New
brk and Doston havo been brought up to
uch n state of efficiency that tho largest
battleships could be constructed with
economy and great efficiency, Tho high cost
of "Texas," Maine" and other govcrnmcnt-
bullt ships cannot he quoted against this.
tatement, slnco thoso vessels wero built
before tho yards wero reorganized and
when tho plant was old and Inefficient.
Tho construction of ships In government
nrds would have a two-fold ndvuntage. It
would stimulate prlvato builders to exhibit
somo of that dispatch, which has recently
been so conspicuously absent (somo ot our
battleships aro a year and a half and our
torpedo boats two nnd a half to three years
behind their contract date) and It would be
posslblo to keep tho well-trained navy yard
forces continuously at work. Instead of hav
ing to lllschnrgo a largo part of them when-
ver routine repair work Is slack.
Tho practice of building somo of tho war
ships In government yards Is followed to
advantage in the leading European navies.
Wo should oaopt It here.
Senator Clark Is reported to havo taken
only ninety minutes In spending $300,000 for
paintings In New York tho other day.
"Chicago, thy namo Is mud," exclaims tho
Tribune. "Chicago Is tho Ideal spot for thoso
who would be entlroly happy," pipes tho
Inter Ocean. Between theso extremes safety
lies In boiling tho wntor.
Mnrsden J. Terry, tho Vrovldence, IL I
banker, owns the finest Shakespearean li
brary In America. It cost him over 150,000,
and Its collection was brought about through
tho ransacking of all tho larger cities of
this country nud Europe,
Tho Connecticut savings banks In
creased their deposits tho past year by
Jti.r.00,000, bringing the total up to $103,-
000,000 In round numbors. Hut ot thla sum
only $"G,000,000 belongs to depositors who
have less than $1,000 each to tholr credit.
Tho Hoston postolTIco officials and em
ployes nro taking great credit to thom
solves and finding much satisfaction in tho
fact that thero was not a sluglo pleco ot
mall remaining In tho oflico U) bo dollvcred
after the carriers had startod out on their
ast burdensomo trip on Christmas morn
ing. ,
John I). Crlmmlns ot Now York City hns
hnd conferred upon him by tho popo. In
recognition of distinguished services to the
Itornnn Cnthollc church, tho title of Knight
Commander of tho Order of St. Oregory, tho
Great of tho Civil Class. This Is ono of tho
highest titles which cau bo given to a lay
man. Mayor Jcromo Hewitt of Illnghamton, N.
Y., Is doing such a thriving bufllnoss In mar
rying couples oloplng from rennaylvnnla.
that ho hns established two of his office
employes, a man and a young woman, as
permanont best man and bridesmaid re
spectively so as to give futuro couples all
tho comforts of a homo wedding.
Captain William Campbell, said to be the
last of' tho long lino of famous old Mis
sissippi river steamboat masters between
Now Orleans nnd Vlcksburg, died In Now
Orleans on Sunday, December 22, In his
seventy-second year. Ho began steamboat
Ing at thirteen years of ago, and contlnuod
In It until two weoka before his death.
A family of flvo generations colebrated
Christmas togother In Altoona, Penn.
Tholr ages ranged from olghty-sovcn years
down to ten mopths, The several ropresen
tatlves of tho flvo generations nro; Mrs.
Sarah A. McClelland, agod oighty-sovon
years; her son, William McClelland, aged
slxty-thrco years; his daughter, Mrs, Anna
I'rlce, aged forty years; her daughter, Mrs.
Carrie Snow, aged nineteen years, and Ilttlo
Esther May Snow, her daughter, nged ton
llo.iHPvelt Xnt nn Iinllnlnr,
Detroit Free Press.
Concede that tho president Is not always
tho courtier. Admit that, becauso of his
wonderful celerity in going to the meat ? a
question and measuring Its merits, and uo
cause of tho Impetuosity nf a nature that
Is alwuys striving for results, ho does not
stop to omploy'tho redundancy of diplomatic
language. Th'b vital question is as to what
ho does, not as to how ho docs It. Tho
representative of tho supremo bench who
wns offended wus atiklng something ho
should hnvo been ashamed of, nnd General
Miles, to nut It ns mildly as the truth will
permit, was unpardonably rudo In' declining
to wait for h prlvato lntorviow. as rcc
quested by his superior officer. Thoro Is
something refreshing in having a president
who is not an Imitation.
stances thoo whovaro unsuccessful owe
their falluro to a fllregurd of obvious prln-
clples In which, religion Is more or less ft
For those who are Imbued with n sincere
religious spirit this animal retrospection Is
n great boon, nnd It Is likely to be all the
more usefut nnd Impressive when accom-
p.mled by solemn religious exercises teach-
Ing where man's truo dependence lies. Tho
resolutions mado on New Year's day or the
day preceding form n perennial subject for
Jest, but this should not deter serious pcr-
sons from forming them. Whero everybody
makes resolutions somo aro sure to break
them. It should nlways bo borno In mind
that countless thousands havo mado resolu-
Hons and kept them, without deviation, Tho
proportion of those who adhere to them is
as large, perhaps, ns the proportion ot good
to tho actually bad. Hut n man who breaks
a resolution is not necessarily bad. He Is
weak and vacillating, but If he has kept
It even a short whllo ho has duno himself
good by giving tono to his nature. Thu
proper thing fcr him to do Is to keep on
making it whenever ho breaks It, until he
has developed strength enough to keep It
New Year's day has Its temptations. They
aro not as great now na formerly, but thoy
nro still formidable. There aro those who
break their resolutions on Now Year's day
and never break them nt nny other time,
Tho spirit Is willing, but tho flcBh Is weak.
itlpj.le on the Ciirri'itt of Life In the
One of Ilrooklyn's unique characters, L.
0. lHnck, who died recently, was a man of
wealth, coupled with nn umbltlon to shine
as a patron of machine-made muslo. Tho
hand organ nud the mimic box possessed
nn Irresistible charm for him nnd their
Ecntlmcntnl nnd ragtime strains wero an
exhilarating cocktail to his soul. Ah n
visitor entered his houjp somo secret con
nection with tho door Started tho flattering
strains of "Hnll to'the Chief," to tho ac
companiment of which tho astonished guest
was UBhored Into the reception room.
Clocks of every sort sounded fitting music
to tho pnsslng hours; In short, every pleco
ot turulturo In tho houso seemod In soma
way to bo conccted with n hidden orchestra.
Mr. Hindi's death was untlmoly; u hand
orgnn with n now nnd wonderful combina
tion ot every orchestral Instrument that
blares suddenly began a concert In front
of his house. In his engerness to examine
the new muslcnl marvel Mr. Illack tripped
nnd fell down the long stnlrcaso, nnd hln
llfo paid tho penalty of this final pursuit of
his Ideal,
Ileforo tho funeral extreme care was
tnken to stlcnconll tho harmonicas nt the
Iiouhc. For two days the sorvants Jabored
diligently disconnecting wires nnd removing
offending furniture. At last thoy rested
from their labors and tho Inst sad hour ar.
rived. Tho exercises wero conducted in
the houso qnd as tho minister was conclud
ing his panegyric qn tho departed n belated
mourner entered nnd was shown to the ono
empty sent, -a chair In an obsauro corner.
Silently tho late comer tiptoed to the chair
nnd quietly sank Into Its depth.
Instantly there poaled forth a loud chord
nnd then without Interruption there came
forth tho loud, strident notes of "Thoro'll
Ilo a Hot Tlmo In tho Old Town Tonight."
All offtfrtn to silence the music wero futile!
In notes thnt drowned tho minister and
were plainly nudlblo for blocks tho music
continued, and not until tho Inst strain had
died away was tho minister ablo to con
cludo his remarks.
A rcmnrkablo decision was rendered tho
other day by Justlco William J. Gaynor.
At tho election ot 1S99 Max Ilochstlm, who
was a party wntcher at tho polls, was ar
rested on a charge of having Interfered with
a McCulIagh deputy when ho was attempt
ing to nrrcst n man named nassott, whom'
ho believed had no right to voto. Hochsttm
was convicted, but Justice Gaynor granted
him n certificate ot rcasonahln doubt, nnd
wroto a long opinion, In which ho says: "I
am unnhlo to sco this conviction othorwtso
than n most Incredible mlscnrrlago of
Justice. The trial, Instead ot showing this
defendant to bo guilty of tho crlmo charged
against him, seems to mo to show htm to
bo guilty ot nothing, and to reveal tho com
plaint against htm ns guilty of n criminal
offonso of tho most gravo nnd dangerous
character to tho community." Ho holds
tho deputy was not acting In tho perform
ance of his duty when tho alleged Interfer
ence with him occurred, nnd declares that
the right ot a citizen to voto cannot bo
summarily denied; that tho proposition that
tho government mny sond officers to tho
polls, with or without warrants, to prevent
citizens from voting on tho alleged ground
that they havo no right to voto, endangers
tho fredom of elections nnd means tho
destruction of government, by tho people.
A fnker, a bank official and n pollcomnn
camo near creating a small riot on Wall
street ono day last week, Tho faker ap
peared In tho strcot about 2 o'clock In tho
Afternoon with a band cart on which ho
had a pllo of boxcaontaiulng smnll print
ing machines that whon operated turn out
what appears to bo new $1 bills, '
Ho hnd ono ot tho machines sot up on a
box In tho front part of tho cart ready for
operation, rclatro tho Now York Times. In
tho machlno was a real dollar bill bo ex
posed ns to catch tho oyo of thoiaBScrhy.
Hesldo tho machine, as though fresh from
tho diminutive press lay a cluster ot
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers.
R. S. Wilcox, Manager.
confederate' money mixed with renl anil
stage money. The wholo exhibit wns ex
tromely nttrnetlvo and ns tho faker pushed
his display tip lit front of tho (lallatln bank
a crowd gathered before he had had time
to properly adjust the cart for a slay.
An the faker cleared his and be
gan to shout out " 'Kre you nro! Chancn, to
mnko nil tho money yn wants. Simple ns
rolling oft a log Any child cau manipulate
It. Make yourself money to bunt nnd nil
for tho simple price ofv$l." Tho crowd had
formed Into a twisting mob in Its endeav
ors to get n glimpse of tho money-mnklng
machine n tho man nt tho press tegn to
turn out whut appeared to bo lino crisp now
Jl hills from It.
Tho crowd grew so largo that an official
of tho Oallatln bank, who had been an
noyed by tho clamor nnd noticed, moreover,
that customers of tho bank had troublo to
get la tho doors, looked up n policeman,
who tried to disperse tho assemblage nnd
get tho faker to move on. As tho police
men stnrted Into tho crowd In nn enorgetle
way somcono raised tho cry of pickpocket
nnd Immrdlnto excitement nil along tho
lino was tho result. Tho monoy-mnehlne
man finnlly moved on', followed by tho
crowd. Ho wns not allowed to station him
rlclf lu front of nny other bank and tho last
neen ot him ho was going down Ilroad
street, still followed by tho crowd.
Iteoelvcr Appointed for ti Wnlrr
l.iHur.l Concern.
Chicago Chronicle.
Tho collapse of tho nntlonul nsphnlt trust,
with n capitalization In stocks and bonds
of $51,000,000, mid tho nppolntment of court
rscelvcrs to take chnrgo of its affairs Is of
Interest mnlnty as tho Inovitnhlo outcome
of overcnpllnllzntlon nnd vicious methods
The nsphnlt trust, rightly or wrongly,
has been regarded In the financial world
ns an extremo oxamplo of trust manipula
tion. It hns been charged that political
methods in tho obtaining of profitable con
tracts and the ruthless destruction of com
petition' by unfair means havo ruled In tho
trust, councils. Whether truo or not. It Is
now nppnrent thnt not oven huge enrntnr
power of tho combination could successfully
carry tho unwieldy burden of capitalization,
which seems to havo been Inflated far be
yond the danger point.
Tho Inability of tho asphalt trust to earn
fixed charges on this enormous capitaliza
tion Is very far from Indicating nny less
ening in the volume of business or nnv
dlsturbnnco of general nnd normal indus
trial coudttlons. Tho only moral pointed
by tho present court receivership Is that
when trust promoters nro swayed by greed
and not by sound business prlnclplos the
end of their scheming Is K foregone con
clusion, and In most cases In already In
It should ho romcmbcred that the organ
ization now In straits was not engaged di
rectly In tho asphalt business, but A-xIstod
merely to hold tho securities of' subsidiary
corporations, to collect nnd pay out divi
dends. Tho subsidiary companies are ns
prosperous ns over, If not more so. .Tho
manipulation of trust eeourltlos gots n
Jolt, but out of tho wreckago tho normal
prosperity of tho asphalt business will
doubtless emerge unharmed.
Somervlllo Journal: When tho sausage
man Joins tho golf club ho must expect to
bo pestered with bad Jokes about tho links.
Detroit Freo Press: He Thnt was a potir
dinner and a worso play, but I didn't mind
It with you. .......
She That's get tho best of mo.
Philadelphia lleconl: Tommy-Pop. If I
grow six feet In twenty years what will I
grow In seventy years?
Tommy's Futher You muy grow wlso
enough not to nsk such fool questions.
Chlcngo Tribune: "Is there any water
In motals?" nsked tho Instructor of tho
class In physics.
"Ther seems to havo been, somo m cop
per." responded tho young man with tho
bad eyo.
Baltimore American: Hospital Surgeon
Why wasn't that man brought Immedi
ately to tho hrspltnl7
Ambulance Driver It took an hour to
curry out tho directions contained In. your
book, "What to Do Hororn tho Doctur
Comes," nnd meantime ho died.
Chicago Nows: "Thero wns n girl nfound
hero applying for a position." said tho
ottlcf. boy. "Aren't you afraid sho will
stop In your shoos7"
"Hardly," smiled tho protty typewriter,
"I wear 2'b and sho Is from New York." .
Clnvoland Plain Doalor: "Thero Is a good
deal of controversy Just now ovor tho
exact words used by tho man who was
kicked by a mule."
"Well, what of It?"
"My opinion' Is thnt If the mule wns In
good condition tho man didn't say any
Somervlllo Journal.
IteHolved: That after January 1 N
I'll conquer every evil habit,
And If ono shows Its ugly head,
Directly through tho heurt I'll stab it.
Ilosolvcd: That lying is a vice
All moralists allko decry It. i
Henceforth I will not tell a Uo
Unless I can inako something by it.
IteHolved: Thut gosslplng's n. prime
To bo condemned with censnro Icy.
Hereafter 1 will tell no toluM
Unless thoy'ro singularly spicy.
Ilosolvcd: That robbery 'is sin.,.
And so I will not rob my neighbor
In nny way that might Involve
A term In prison at hard labor.
Ilesolvcd: That I, will go to church
(Unless some other occupation
Seems mom nttractlvo nt tho time),
And so enhanco my reputation.
rtosolved: In short, that I will bo
A moral mini, as somo men view It,
And when' tho path of virtue lures
That I will zealously pursue HI
Tho hustle and confusion of Holi
day shopping Is over nnd wo'U all
bo glad of tho rest.
Today our store will be closed
nil day. Thursday wo will bo ready
to ontertaln all comers with best
wishes and many reduced prices on
broken lines and odd Thank
ing you all for past patronage, wu
nro respectfully,