lis THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE: WEDNESDAY, JAttVATlY 1, 1002. EXTENDS FIRE PROTECTION Oitj Omriaint Hai Kw 7uri tlft ttt Jobblif District, NEW ENGINE HOUSE TO BE BUILT St OH Mltyor mul Council I'tirclinni Lot nt Uleventli mul JnuUxnti nnil Will OoiiNlruot nil Kipilp Mod ern I'lnnl. A mddcrn flro engine house at tho corner of Eloronth anil Jhfckson streets will bo tho Now Year'n gift of Mayor Moorcs and tho city 'council to tho Omaha wholesale dis trict. After negotiations lasting tor several wooks tho mayor nnd council have Anally closed a contract for a lot locntcd at the northwoat coluor of Eleventh and Jackson treots. Tho tot has a frontaxo of 69 feet on Jackson street and 13! tcot on Eleventh Btreot and tho prlco paid for It is $13,00Q. Mayor Moorfa nnd Cnuncllmen Lohcck, Whltohorn, Karr, Trostler and Mount vlsltpd tho slto yesterday. All wcro well pleased with it and Mayor Moorcs was authorized to pay $1,000 down upon it to hind the con tract. "A now onRlno houso will he erected at once," said Mayor Mooros. "It will ho two torlcfl in height and' strictly niodorn In every particular. Tho houso will havo n south front, with thruo doors to accommo date an ongine, hook und ladder truck and lioso wagon. A tiew first-class engine, hook Mid ladder truck and hoso wagon will ho ordored nt onco for this now house. The equipment will bo tho best that money can buy. Ilorcafter fires in tho wholcsalo dis trict will not causo tho uneasiness which ban prevailed up to this tlmo when alarms' wcro turned in from that portion of tho city. "In my 'opinion this Is tho best possible location for a flro houso designed to afford protection to tho largo Jobbing houses and factories locntcd near tho railroads, and tho prlco pnld for tho ground Is much less than that asked for similar plecos In tho samo Vicinity. A lot of tho same slzo one block west of tho now slto was hold at 30,000." Within tho last two weeks Mayor Moorcs knd tho 'council bavo held several confer ences for tho purpaso nt discussing tho new flro house location. It was thought thnt publicity might causo proporty holders to rulso tho prices on sites under considera tion and Information concerning tho meet ings was dculed tho press. This gavo rUo to wild guesses In local pnpers concerning tar-chamber scsslpns which tho mayor and council wcro holding to consider the changes which may bo brought about by tho recent decision of the supremo court con cerning the Omaha Hoard1 of Flro and Po lice Commissioners. "In addition to giving tho wholesalo dis trict hotter' flro protection it Is our purpose to itnprovo tho flro department In all parts of tho city," said the mayor. "Four new hoeo wagons, a new hook and ladder truck fend a largo amount of now hose will be bought at onco. Omaha's flro department will bo brought up to the standard of tho best departments In tho country. Tho slzo of tho companies will bo Incorased nnd no body will havo any cause to And fault with tho cfflcloncy of Omaha's flro fighters." LIMITKI) I'AIITY ( For Centrnl America. Leaving Omaha January 12, going via St. Louis nnd New Orleans, taking tho now and legant steamer Breakwater of the United Fruit and Mall company, sailing from Now Orleans 9 a. m. January 1C, thence to Puerto Barrios, thenco to Guntemala City via Northern railroad, passing through tho gar den spot of Central America from tho. trop ical to tho temperate zones, along banks of rivers, cocoanut plantations, tropical for ests, cornfields, sugar, rlco nnd tobacco plantations. ' Tho most delightful winter trip Imagin able. The 'capital, Guatemala City, Is ono of the most beautiful cltios in tho world, provided with flrst-clnss hotels, electric lights nnd till modern improvements .of a metropolltau city, surrounded by mountains and volca noes. Tho grandest climate In tho world. A stop of about ton days nt tho city, thenco to San Jose on tho Pacific coast, a distance of about seventy-four miles. A most inter esting and especially attractive sldo trip, passing through ruins' of old cities, which bavo been thero for ages, returning so as to arrlvo In Now Orleans .to witness tho Mardl a. as and carnivals. Passengers desiring to remain, longer in tho south can lenvo party at Now OrlcnnR, returning at any time up to June 1. Mr. J. A. Darthel, general manager Northern railway of Quatemala, will meet party at Puorto Barrios and personally con duct It through tho entlro trip wbllo in Central America, Mr. Darthel being well acquainted with tho country, languago and all points of Interest. Hound trip from Omaha and back to Omaha, Including rail road and sleeping car faro both ways, meals and stateroom on stoamer, $138. For de-, criptlve matter, or all Information, call or write W. II. Orocn. room 405, Now York Lifo building, Omaha, Neb. Detour Iluatea Are ATwny Teilloiia, Why travel to California or Oregon In winter over any othor than direct routes? Passengers leaving Omaha for Portland or San Francisco can reach tholr destina tion fifteen hours sooner than if they trav eled any other way, besides avoiding the discomforts of winter and extra expenses Incident to a long Journey enroute. THE UNION PACIFIC has the best of everything. Pullman palace sleepers, buffet srookfng and library cars, ordinary (tourist) cars, rullman dining cars, tneaU a la Carte, froo reclining chair cars, Plntsch light, steam heat, tc. City ticket office 1324 Fnrnam: 'phono 310. A. A. O. N. 31. S. The Illustrious Nobles of tho Mystic Bbrlno of Tangier templo are requested to moot at their hall on Wednesday, January 1, 1002, at 1 o clock p. m., for tho purposo of attending tho funcrul of Noblo George Rudlo. By order S. ROPER CRICKMOnE. Recorder. 6.00 for ii iliilf n I)i'n Work. If you live In tho country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and stnckralsers In tho neigh borhood, you can raako $5 easily by four or five hours' work. Wrlto us and wo will end you our proposition. The Dee Publish Ing company, Solicitors' Dept.. Omaha, Neb, There's only one Stonocypher. Ho prints. Johnson Bros., coal. Tel. 1052. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Rathcry, 216-220 Bea building. Telephone 1716. The "bost" laundry, the Model. Tel. 525. niv.n, ' ALLEN Mrs. Jnne. Rrandmother of Allen K. nobln nnd Mrs, Herbert p. Crano, De- cemDer . iwh. , Funeral nt residence, S16 North Forty first avenue, Thursday afternoon at o'clock. JITJDIO George and Anna, December sC9, 1901. Funoral Wednesday, January 1, 1902. ut 2 o clock p. m. at residence, 137 North Thirty- eoona ayonue. r riuuun ut me muiuy m VlUd t attsncl. ANOTHER LAWYER DIPS IN .1. V, Went Would Sennit I'll Thirty Vive lltitiitrril Dullnrx of flrrm it n PiivImhm llnnU .Mnnc). Tho 'report of Receiver Thomas II. Mo Cogue of tho German Savings bank for the period from February 11, 1D01, to Decem ber 28, 1901, was approved yesterday by Judgo Fawcett. Ho also made an order directing Receiver McCdguo to pay Silas Cobb $75 a attorney fee for services ren dered while Attorney Urwkenrldge whs out of tho city. J. W. West, attorney for thn German Savings bank, has filed nu application In I ho district court for nn nllownncc nf $3,500 for service rendered In nld of tho crtatloti of a fund and tho covering of tho Kamc Into tho hands of tho receiver for distribution among tho depositors mid other redltor. His application fays thnt the f u ud no collected amounted to $118,743.72 and tho collection of said .sum was duu In n considerable measure to tho active ef forts of himself In soliciting tho stock holders to contribute. Tho Judgo Jias an nounced no decision on tho npptlcatlon. William K. Potter, receiver for tho Ne braska Savings nnd Exehango bank, pre sented his report to Judge Fawcett for tho period ending December 27, 1001, nnd it was approved. The assets, as shown by tho report, consist of cash and bank bal ances of $1,791.26; the. liabilities aro claims allowed, less dividends declared, $37,690.36; dividends unpaid, $914.80; trustee account. $576.67; total, $39,181.89. Tho profit and loss account shows tho payment lo Silas Cobb of $1,500 m attorney's fees to Janu ary 1 and $44.35 as expenses. Tho othor Items of expendlturo In this account amount to $101.70. Editor Lynch of tho Dally Tost. PhllllDS- burg, N. J., has tested the merits of Foley's Honey nnd Tar with this result: "I havo used a groat many patent remedies In mj family for coughs and colds, and I can hon estly say your Honey nnd Tar Is the best thing of the kind 1 havo ever Used and I cannot sny too much In praise of It." fl,(l. LINCOLN AXO nUTtllN. litirlhigton Itonte. January 1. TrnlnH Irnvn nnrllncrtnn atnllnn fl'iO n m., 3:00 p. m., 4:25 p. m. and 9:00 p. m. ncKeis, 16U2 Farnnm street. Aniiiiiiiicciiieiitn of the Thrntem. Tho demand for scats, matlnco nnd night, nt tho Orpheum today Is even greater than It was on Christmas day, when tho thentor was too small to nccommodato all. Many people hcllovo that If ono Is good on Now Year's day, this will ho be tho year nround, which If truo of n show, places the Orpheum beyond adverse- dritlclsm, because the ap proval accorded this week's bill has been pretty uniform. Besides Cressoy nnd Dayno In "Tho Vlllago Lawyer" and Kara, tho famous Juggler, flvo good numbers keop up tho stnndnrd. Ada Arnoldson, a rclatlvo of tho great Swedish nightingale, Christine Nellson, Is scoring big with a full soprano voice nnd a pleasing personality. The real Interest whlrh hno hn Mi tnr some tlmo among music lovers in this city In tho appenranco hero of Margucrlta Sylva who with her company 1b to present "The rrtneoss unic" nt tho Dovd. Thursday. Frl- lay and Saturday nl-htn. wnn atmmrlv shown at tho opening of tho advance salo of scats and boxes yesterday. It is said that tho audlenco wl li will welcomo Miss Svlva.hcro will hn nnrhnns thn mnmt fo.Vi. lonnblo that has been seen in tho theater so far tbls season. r Tho Now Year will bo Inaugurated with special features added to tho rogular per formance today nt tho Trocadoro. Tho at tendance continues very large, tho excel lent olio and tho boxing exhibition furnish ing a' pleasant evening's program. SPECIAL EXCURSION To Central Amerlcn. Leave Omaha January 12th, via St. Louis. New Orleans, Puorto Barrios, Guatemala City, San Joso, returning in tlmo for Mardl Gras In New Orleans. For rates and all Information, call or wrlto W. H. Green, Room 405, New York Llfo Building, Omaha, Neb. . Attention, Sir Knights. All Sir Knights of Mount Calvary com- mandory, No. 1, Knights Templar, aro re quested to meet at their asylum January 1, 1902, at 1, o'clock p. m. to act as escort at tho funeral of Sir Qcorgo Rudto. BENJAMIN F. THOMAS. ' Commander. EBEN K. LONG, Recorder. Sent articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. We will glvo them proper legal insertion. Telephone 238. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Bathcry, '216-220 Bon building. Telapbone 1716. Correct quality of goods, lowest prices guaranteed. Hubermann, Jeweler, 13 & Doug. Genuine Imported Bock Beer on draught at Maurers', 1306 Farnam. Repairs for your furnaces nnd stoves. water fronts. 1207 Doug., Om. St. Rep. Wks. Publish your legal notices in the Weekly Bee. Telophono 238. Douglas Printing Co,. 1508 Howard. Tel. 614. PALACINE OIL, high grado safety light. LOCAL BREVITIES. Hove noot print It, . Winter enps. Frederick, hatter. Try tho Chicago laundry. 'Phono 205. Dr. A. W. Nnson, dentist, 446 Bee Bldg. Dr. 3ulnby, homeopathlst, 334 Beo Bldg. Foster, Life Ins., 432 Bee. Bldg. l4hone 1817. Onto City bowling nlley, 1312 Farnam St. Dr. W. II. Hnnchctt. 446 Ileo Bide. Tels. A-121 nnd 161. O. R. Kellev. dentist, removed to 311 Bee building. Tel, 1870. I .ndles' and misses' suits, skirts, wnlsta wrappers, underskirts, mllllnury, etc., cash or credit. People's Storo. 16th nnd Farnam. For Dolicles that aro slcht. drafts nt inn. tnrlty apply to H. D. Neoly. manager Equitable o i.uc, Merchants' Nat. Bunk Bldg. "A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION." That during tho yenr 1902. we will como drug stori'." "Drug Shop " "Apothecary's Hull," "I'hnrmncy," "Chemist's Place," "Drug Emporium." or by whatsoever uiif-l iiiiiur t iiiiuiiu; lliunil. That wn will rovlsp our system of doing business from dny to day to meet the spe cial views of thoso who are good enough .o fnvor im with their patrnnuRR (pro vldcd tho revision. Is not so radical we won't know which wny wo nr going our selves,) That we ar thankful, yea, "deeply srcntful," (ns Henry Irving would say), for tho continued pntronugo of thousands of customers nnd promise to do better next time. All tof which Is said nnd promised In iood fnlth of our own free will nnd nccord. mil without any montul reservation what loever. Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go. Comer 16tti and Dodge, Omaha. For further particulars sco small bills .and dally vapcra. HALLS FOR JAB0R UNIONS I'lnim for thr ArrniiKeinriit of Sew llenliiinrtrrfl nt I'llti-en tit ' mul Duller. Plans for the arrangement of tho now labor headquarters at Fifteenth nnd Dodge streets wcro approved Monday night by tho board of directors of the association. The plant contcmplato seven hnlls. to occupy i the second nnd third floors of tho building. Tho largest hall will bo 40x13 feet In nrca nnd tho other hnlls will hu of sizes to ac commodate tho patrons. In addition to theso hnlls thero will be a parlor on thu third floor, n reading room on tho second floor, several com- mlttco rooms, nn ofllco for tho superln-! tendent and n private Toom for tho secre taries nnd business ngents of tho various unfotis. Tho association has borrowed about $1,000 which will bn expended upon these Improve ments. Tho money -was advanced by iho various unions, to ho pnld back quarterly by tho board of directors. The carponter ,work will be In chargo of President Madison of the Carpenters' union, the mon to 'bo employed by tho day. Flint Time. to New York or Philadelphia is made by tho superbly equipped trains of tho Ichlgh Valley railroad. Double track, stone bat lasted, automatic clcetrlc block signal eys tcm In oporatlon over tho entire route. Stop-over allowed at Niagara Falls on through tickets to Now York or Philadel phia. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectlo and magnetic physician, office nt Victoria hotel, 1308 and 1310 Dodge street, till a suitable location can bo found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering of women and children. Great January Clearing Sale -OF- High Grade Pianos PRICES CUT IN TWO Anyono contemplntlnc; purchas ing n plnno within tho next year should not fall to tnko advantage of our great January clonrlng sale of the highest grndo plnnos In the world. Steinway, Vose, Emerson, Stager. Stock. Mason & Hamlin, A. B. Chase And Others Nowhero In America can you find such a magnificent assortment to choose from. Wo cordially Invito you to como In nnd compare the different styles and see how fine n piano you cun buy here for llttlo money. New pianos In all the latest de signs nnd rich fancy woods, $148, $1G8, 188 nnd upwnrd. Used upright pianos, fully guar anteed, $75, $85, $95 nnd upward. Organs nnd squaro pianos, $10, $25, $35 and upward. TERMS TO SUIT CONVENI ENCE OF PURCHASER. 100 plnnos for rent, $3I($4 and $5 per month; one year's rental al lowed If purchuscd. For catalogues, prices nnd fur ther Information write to SCHMOLLER & MUELLER The Largest Piano Houieinthe West 1313 Farnam St., Omaha Telephone 1G25 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs Telephone 368 PUBLIC ABUSE It has lonir since been the nrlvllnen nt any manufacturer of Deef Extraats to uso me oiu i mo eiuig process ana all of tho un-to-dato reliable concerns In thn mni packing houses havo for years been putting lleef Extracts on tho murket, both by high unit ftuvvDo turn uiou mivt unCQ uy tho old tlmo l.clbltt concern. The nulilln in general nro not awnro of this fact and on this account no mo of our Joalous would-bt competitors aro trying to Injure us by de ceiving this lack of public knowledge. Ro- cenuy wo uuukiii uirvm irom Armour & Co. a largo quantity of tholr Extract of l'pof mafia In' thu Lelblir nrnrouu quantity Jn which this Is bought regulates lite price imu ii wo ecu nt to give our patrons the bcnellt. Unit's our business, itegarding tho uunllty and genuineness of this article which we sell wo havo Armour & Co.'s guarantee thero Is none better mauo anywhere ir wo nro infringing on tho Llebeg name, why don't thoy prosccuto us. Oua bIzo Lelblg's Extract lleef ij0 "jo 'size Leung's Kxirnct lleef 40q $1.23 slzo Liflblg's Extract Beef 750 f.'.OO slzo Lotblg's Extract lleef ji.jj SCHAEFEil'S Cut I'rloe nma Store. Tel. 717 H. W Cor. Kith nnd Chicago. doods delivered FREE to any part of city. LOOK OUT FOR FRAUDS You can always depend on gotttng the genutno artlclo nt our store, It makes no dlfferenco whether It Is a doctor's pre scription, a patent medicine, or Extract of Deef. You cannot buy genuine EXTIIACT OF DEEF at prices quoted by others, Our prices aro: l.olblg Extract of lleef, 2-or 45c Armour's Extract of Deef, 2-oz 450 Oudshy's Extract of Deef, 2-oz 40c Swift's Extract of Deef, 2-oz 404 Valentino's Meat Julco 83a Wycth's Meat Juice , 75e Theso are genulno goods. IMITATIONS can be bought for $1.2C a dozen. We havo none. FULLER DRUG AND PAINT GO it th aa Uuuslit iu. OPEN TODAY SACRIFICING $500,000 Stock High Grade Merchandise has never before been subjected to such deliberate price cuts. Bargains Have No Parallel. SMOKE AND WATER caused the damage and the Insurance, Companies have ad justed the loss. It's a Rare Money-Saving Opportunity. The vast multitudes of eager purchasers that have thronged this store from opening until closing time since this sale has begun, is evidence enough of the greatness of the bargains. The damage in the majority of cases ia from smoke only. The depreciation in value tho goods may have suffered, hardly warrants such radical reduc tions as we have made. Open Today 'Til Noon JDDAMDEI YOUR WATCH NEEDS REPAIRING If thero's tho, least thing tho matter with your watch, It needs tho kind of re pair service' that we Blvo. It doesn't pay to tako chances oven on llttlo watch ali ments. Our watchmakers aro experts, nono mora expert In tho state, and their In structions aro to elVo ench Job nil tho tlmo It needs. Wo'vo recently employed an other export tu Utttid to disabled watches and when a watch leaves our storo its ro palrcd right. Mawhinney & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art ibth akd dovovah its. Stall Oilers &atl orders Riven careful attention. Selec tion packages sent to responsible parties. Is There Anybody Else? If thero is anyono who )s yet to wejar for tho llrst tlmo a pair of CAt $3.50 Always Perhaps they hayo never known what real foot comfort is. A wearer of Sorosls once and thoy aro Sorosls cus tomers evor after. SOItOSIS aro shown In tho lightest weight turn soles for dress or houso wear to tho heavy bot toms with wide cdKCs for rough weather and general street wear; in tnnmej, French calf, kid or chromo patents. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mgr. Send for Catalogue. Owing to u lire in our laboratory all orders for Shrader's Fig Mov' der and other reme dies, will be promptly filled by E. E. Bruce & Co., Omaha, Neb., Richardson Drug Co., Omaha. Horle ITaas Drug Co., Council Bluffs, la., and by all retail druggists with a calendar free. W. J, Shrader Medicine Go,, New York noom JO, No. 30 Kast Utfc iu r 13 N 2Uh St.. Omh. Nab. Our patrons wear arallos when thoy como In our storo nnd leave satlsflud. Wo carry tho finest line of Sewing Machines In the city. Wo are making a special salo on all our "loft over" Xmas novelties, P. E. Flodman & Co., 151 Cupitol Ave. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK or OMAIIA. N. B. Cor, Farnam and 11th 1 su. VBIMIO Up Capital (NMjonO arplsa Fusd 91(K,00O DNITBD STATIC I DKPOilTOIlY, rKAKK MURPHY, President. u. u. wuuu, vie rraatasat. LUTHER. DRAKE. Cashier TIL NOON. s a-Miv -. r- CT The Proper Thing (or Open House New Year's Day Is a caso of our colo bratcd beer a cool, . foaming gloss of Metz' beer goes Just to tho right spot. There's nothing moro satisfy ing as a thirst quonch er, nothing moro in vigorating, nothing to surpass It as n health ful summer boverago. It Is pure beer. Spe cial caro taken In tho brewing and bottling. Metz Bros. Brewing Co,, T.l. 119, Omiiha ! Or Jacob Neumayer, Agent, caro Neu mayer Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa. I BLACK'S ' Caps for Men Make Men Come Again 50c to $2.00 I All Hats $2.50 BLACK, 1 TUP SJ.Sfl HATTFD i 107 S. I6TH 8T. TRENTON COAL GLEAN, STRONG AND QUICK It lins 110 ciiunl Iri nil tho medium priced conls of tills mnrknt. Lump and Egg Sizes, Per Ton Nu) Size. Per Ton $5.75 $5.50 C. B. Havens & Co. 1522 farnam St. Tel.. 301 m s:s. HB'!k lV'yL-lBr OR1 HAYDE THE BIG STORIi LOSGS THE nAHOAlN ltOOM Is filled with silks, furnishings, wash goods, muslins, etc LA II VALUE. Keep your eye on Tho Mr Dress Goods 64-Inch all wool chavlot, worth $1.50 yards 48-Inch plaids, worth Jl oO yard; 3S-lnch granite cloth, worth 75c; 40-Inch all wool German hcnrlatta, worth 75c; nnd thou sands of other goods, worth up to $l.ys yard, all will go nt 4Dc 40-Inch granite, 40-Inch black noveltlos, worth 75c; 3S-luch nil wool Herman ht-nrl-ettn, 40-Inch solids, etc., alt worth up to $1.2. yard, will go at 39c 42-Inch storm serges, all colors .... 29c 36-Inch hcurlctttns, all colora Sita 40-Inch crcpons, black only S9c 40-lnch novelties 19c 36-Inch novelties ,' 15c 18-luch double fold cashmeres "Vic 28-fuch novelties, cashmeres 7'.&c 28-inch plaids Cc Waisfings Single fold French flannel, dots and fan cies, worth 7Cc, at 25c. Tlaln colored waist flannel, 25c. Fancy alt wool walstlngs, 39c. 30-Inch flno Imported percales, 7Hc 36-Inch flno Imported cotton Fronch flan nels worth 19c yard, at IMc. 10c Shaker flannel, at 24c. GREAT WIND CHOICE OF FINEST SILK AT IllO UE- nucnoNs , I'laln silks, all colors, worth 35c, at 15c. Plain taffeta, all colors, worth 75c, at 39c. Plain surah, all colors, worth 60c, at 29c. $1.00 fancy silk, on salo at 39c $2.00 fancy Bilk, on salo at 69c. GRAND ORANGE SALE Sweet Juicy Naval Orangos, on salo Tuesday, por doren lOo QflAND SPECIAL GROCERY SALE 3W pounds hand picked navy beans, 14c. 10-lb sack granulated corn meal, 15c. 3 packages mlnco moat, 25c. C cans oil sardines, 25c. 33 1-3 Ptr Ctnt Discount on Copyright Books This means you can buy Rlchurd Carvel, "Tho Eternal City" and nil I AA similar up-to-date, latest copyright hooks for only , liUU Come Early to Get Full Selection. HAYDEN BROS. THE BIG STORE CLOSES AT NOON NEW YEARS DAY. UAVnCIT CLOTHING SALE OF HA I UCRS odds and ends now actively in progress. The enormous Holiday trndc left us an immense array of broken lines of fine merchandise which we-pur-pose to clear away by most radical reduction of GO, CO, 40, 30 and 25 cents on the dollar. MEN'S SUITS Odds and ends, for 8.50 and 10.00, now at ..,... MEN'S SUITS Odds and ends for 12.50 and 13.50, MEN'S SUITS Odds and ends f eit; nn en' nn 17 rn w at iuoa u ouiio vjuu uuu uuuh t onn nn onn rrn 1 iur jfiu.uu, .ji-.i)u uuu 25.00, on sale at iUjUiiM H UUU a U IT 1'AJNTW 10 $.ou, on sine at x.ou, .ou EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES size pants, waists 38 to 48, at MEN'S OVERCOATS (the new style long overcoats) T Cfl Odds and ends, that were 10 to 12.50, now only. ... I IU OVERCOATS Odds and ends, that were 13.50 0 011 and 15.00, now Valid OVERCOATS that were 18.00 to 20.00, Q QQ Odes and ends of boys long trousers 27 to 32 waist, tat wcro marked' to sell for J1.7C to $3,60, now at 95c and $1.50. BoyB' all wool knoo corduroy pants tho 7Co and $1.60 grades, at BOo and 75c. EXTRA SPECIAL SALE ON MEN'S ODD COATS AND VESTS. Tho pants being sold from theso suits wo will closo out the coats and vesta at ridiculous low prices. Coats and vests from suits worth $10,00 to $25.00, at $3.75, $5,00 and $7.50. 33 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON COPYRIGHT BOOKS This means Richard Carvol, "Tho Eternal City" and all similar and latost works will bo sold at $1.00. HAYDEN BROS. A GOOD RESOLUTION "I will do nil my tradlnn In tho Jewelry lino nt Lind say's Jewelry more next year. Ho curries such a beauti ful lino, you know." STORE CLOSED ALL DAY NEW YEARS. LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler, 151(1 Douglus St. V COfYHIU ON JANUARY 1st send us an order for a ton of our JUI'ITBIl COAL and Inaugurate a new departure In your domestic economy. You will save tlmo, trouble and expense, which will cer tainly mako you Bappjv This coal comes from tho richest ml 11 03 In Illinois. S5.75A TON Hald & Rice, Tel. l'J3. 506 bo. lUtii at. PRICES MADE TO CROWD A DAYS' SELLING INTO J FEW MORNING HOURS. AT NOON NEW YEARS DAY. mts t nstonlshlng values in dress goods, I'RICES FItOM 4 TO 1-10 THE HEGU Stores' grnud closing out sales. 15c Shaker flannel, at fc. 10c outing runnel, nt Sc. 15c outing flannel, yard wide, at 7 He 74c full standard prints, at 3ic 15e percales, nt 7c Cc upron ginghams, nt 3-c. COc unbleached muslin at 3-ic 40c table damnslc, nt 25c. 35c table damaslc, at 19c. EXTItA SPECIAL ON ULANICETS Furnishing goods. Hoys' nnd youths' clothing. Silks, vclvots and corduroys. Men's rants. Underwtar in Bargain Room Children's 50c fleece lined underwear, 10c. Men's 50c and 75c ileeco lined nnd wool shirts and drawers, closing prlco, 25c, Hoya' 35c ntufllcrs nt luc. Men's 50o And 76c heavy Jersoy ovorshlrts at 25c. Men's 23c heavy wool socks, nt 10c. Men's 6Pc nnd 75c heavy glores and mit tens, closing prlco, 26c. Men's heavy wool lloccc lined shirts and drawers, worth up to $1.25, at 39a. Men's colored laundered shirts, 2 collars, soparato cuffs, worth up to $1.00, l.t 20o. Men's 25o neckties, cloning out at 10c. - UP SILK SALE $3.00 fancy silk, on salo at 98c. $5.00 fancy silk, on ento at $1.75. Dlack peatt do solo, worth $1.50, for 75c, lllnck peau do hole, worth $2.60, for $1.10. Illack peau do sole, worth $5, for $1.76. lllnck taffota, 27-ln., worth $1.50, for 69c, Dlack taffeta, 36-ln., worth $2, for 80c 3 packages hnsty Jollycon, 25c. , Puro mapln sugar, 12 Vic. Evaporated cream, por can, 10c. 3 2-lb packages pancake flour, 25c, Capo Cod cranberries, 10c. ' that sold C ff U-UU that sold 7 50 that sold mmm mm mm EiK-'l lu.uu mi 111:11 hoiu Hrt. IjfSK i mmm c.i..n lK law """TRWWrt I9.UU W$ VOrtll ..DU t,0n S! ana .s.uu. ww5& In large the above Special Clearing Sale on Cameras Prior to counting stock on January 1 wo will offer our entire stock of Kodaks and Cameras at greatly re duced prices. Sorao $10 Prrmo Cameras for..,,,., $20 Soino $7.00 Koreans for $3.25 Wo havo all good makes to chonno from. All Instruction froo. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 121fi Fur nil in SttMet. Wholesalo and Uetall Dealer la' Photo Material. ' , EM III mm