TIIE OMAHA IMt.v BEE: T KsaiHEit 31, mot. n ( SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for these (oluntni will lie taken until JU m. for (lie TctiliiK edition nnil until H 510 p. ni. (ir tnornltiK a! Sunday edition. Utiles, J l.'Jo n unrit first Insertion, la n word thereafter. ,llilnii tnkeii for lesa thnn i!."c fur the first Inner tlon. Tlirup nilvcrlliruicnli must li run ciitmrcntl vel) . Aflrertlaera, lir requesting nOm tiered check, enn hne ninmeri nil- reaaed to r numbered letter In care f The llee. Aliinrri no nildreaard will he delivered oa presentation of thi keck onlr. WANTED MALE HELP. I WILL cducato a deserving young man or woman In the bent shorthand nnil type writing schoo', to be paid fqr whun course is nnisncii ana position secured. Address N 61, liec. u Ji am t g?i5 u.?,! f in), crcus?? ?3,y- A. d. r, io 212 South latli. u W2 I BTEADY WOIIK, profitable work, for neat. energetic nunucrs. u. i. Auamj -o., iwj noward. u etii is pon a iiai.it nAV vmtK. If you live In tha country or In a small town ana iavu u goou acquaintance among tho farmcra and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can -moke live dol lars easily by four or live hours' work. Wrltu us and we will send vou our urono- anion, 'i no hoc l'liuiisning Co.. soiicnor.i uept., umuna, Net), umus WANTED "Young man stcnogrnptior; glvo rficrence. ngi; unu suiury uesireu. drtHM O 11, Hen ' H-M7o7 TnAVELINfl raleBmenl also ndvcrtlscrs; I salary ur no no. Triumph Co.. Dallas, Tox. u miki WANTIJD, uood harni'ssmaker. A. E. Kemper, North Hend, Neb. 11-8 IS 31 I'HIIHONB desiring young men to work for board should llln their applications with Iloylcs College, N. Y. 1,1 fo llldg., before jnnuary I. Tel. ism. 11 msi I THE Jtnlur llarber College, 123 Farnam tit., wants men to learn tho barber trade by their now method of practical experi ence, expert Instructions, lectures, etc., that cbiluot Iw had In uny other way; two years' ntmrontlrcHhlt) suved: oiilv two months required; splendid wages paid grudiiMteH. I.ust year thoy placed over 3'( barbers In hospitals, hotels, sol dlern' homes and shops throughout tho country and havo more demand than can lift HUttnlled. Ktierlal nfrr imiil,. tinw. Can cam schotarshlo. board, tools and transportation If desired. Catalogue and particulars mmieu rrcc. write today. 11-.M7M Wh7nYoiTWrite to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke, qr two rtf fhu pen to mention tho fact that you Baw mo nu in i no iiue. WANTED A good man In everv pmintv In take subscrlDtlons 'for f The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agontu make good wbki'h sYtrjivnoro. iiciurcncc.i reiuircu. Address, . Twentieth Century Farmer, UIIlHIlil, cp, , HUli VANTED, printer, Job man, steady. Ad drosi liakcr-Vuwter Co., Atchison, Kan. , u .MIES ;u WA.TKI-Fi:.IAI,n 11121,1', WANTED 2W girls. 1624 DodBC Tel. 876. C ViS WANTED Two younc lady students to icarn nairaressmg, manicuring nnu cm ropody una scientific massage. Cull or write icooni w, lico uiug. c 66S COMPETENT eirl' for general housework. 1711 Douglas, Mrs.-12. Kosewatur. C M2G3 8IiCOND"glrl. 3C20 Farnam street. J C 188- I WILL educate a deserving young tnun or woman in tuo nout Hiinrtuaiul and type wrltlnk school, to bo paid for when courso is iinisuru nnu posuion secured. Address JM w, ueo C 497 Jj WANTED, girl for gonerul housework In lumuy oi two, li.l ioria .Utli street. C-w730 KXPEUIENCED hecond girl nt 3707 Jones hi. u ynw WANTED, good girl 'for general house- wurK. jjiu no. uUtn AVO, U 770 30 SPLENDID wngrs pa)d ladles who learn niiiruressing, manicnring or racial mas sagu with us. Our new method of train ing saves years of npiireiittreshtn. Prac tical experience furnished by free work; comparatively no expoiise. Call or write, .iiuier uiuicue, iiyi rarium nt. C-M79.-I ! WANTED Girl for general housework: good Wages to uood idrl. Annlv nt -nn llarney, C 90031 OlHL for general housework. 2517 Far nam. c A192I 4 VANTED-Olrls to work on ladles' shirt waists, llurgt-ss & Co., 2219 Douglas Ht, C-A1915 31" WANTED, lady piano player to go on tho roau. Address j.ock uox M.i'onda, la. C 930 3t 1IE1,1 WA.TEI. MALE & female help. Call Canadian Office. -4W4 KOIl HUNT lll)LSl;s. Mlddlcmls, Wallpuper eleuner, 1403 Jackson. D-S23 J3 HOUSES, stores. Demfs, Paxtou Block. HOUSES, etc. F. D,, Wcud, 1524 Douglas. ij Wi HOUSES unJ flats. Illngwalt, liurks;- Dili. u mi HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho cltyT Utennah-Lovo Co., 2W South 13th reA D-tW UriMQP U? 11 I"rts of 'CltV The C. nUUoCo p. Ua,yls Co., 552 Uee lilds. ii 502 TO MOVE right net Omaha Van StorhRS UO., ouicu luiiyt ran .'arnam., or tel. 1559-SC3. , FOH nENT, 8-room brick house, modern. 371b jucKiou 01. leicpnoiie rji or iwtS3. A.r Traynor. ' u SEE ii&it&X I!. I'AVNE. (HI N. Y. LIFE. uvn 8-llOOM modern, except furnace, J 22. U. M, Nattmcec uee. mug. 'rnone iw. U-U73 8EVEN-HOOM nil modern house, in eood condition, largo yurd and beautiful shaile trees, '5 minute-' walk from city hall. will ntiii lui iit iiiuuiii. OMAHA LOAN & TUUST CO., lGth and Oouglus Stj. ' D-074 NO IIAIID coal needed, 'central, modern. si Tt steam heat, 4-room Hat, 7-room house. rizard, 321 North Twenty-third. D-MIC2 Dec. 31 When You Write to Advertisers remcniber It only takes an extra stroke or two of the H-n to mention the fact that you saw inu au in me uee. l-rtOOM modem hduso and barn. 2IM N. ..mil. i-none A-.9t. u JU'til 5. HOUSES. 0. G. Wallace. Brown Block D-674 107 8. 2STH. 5 rooms. 7; 2123 Eisklne. now 7-room, modern, J23.G0; 2019 St. Mary's avb 11 ruoini, uioiierii, otners. itingwait tiros., narker ink. D JIS2J 31 FOR RENT 6-room house, city water. 1910 Pierce 'st.. tin: also barn. 12.60. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. D MS70 FOR RENT 531 S. 26th Ave.: only one luft now. 7-roont. an modern nai luriCKi; nan separate tur nnce .anil laundry room and" separato front lihrt. rear entrances, rs.M. JI24 N. 15th St.. 6 rooms, modem, I16.CK). .P."4 .s.tS rntrlPk. Ave, b rooms, city water. IlO.Rft. B7 nnd 839 BO. 29th AVe.. S' rooms, all mod ern nnd furnace. 125.00. I2I'4 tint- llh St.i tf-room Hat, bath, etc., In orieg nuuning, i'Ul. :4U N. 20th.8t., ! roonn; modern, with fur jiaco nnd 1 born, will renalr throughout, 13O(l0. TWi N. SStK Ave., 5 rooms, city water In yard, liom 1. 4101 T.,n . I. n 0 A .....II (22 So. 40th St., '9 rooms, all moifern. laun dry, -hard niooA IIiiImIv Jiotwit'r-Jieal, 140.00. ABply McCAOUU INVESTMENT CO., 150 JHUIla trtL Um JI riiit iti:.vr-nor.i:H. FOIt RENT 6-room hotlso with elocets. storeroom, etc., city water, iewor con nection; near High school, (12 per month. J. A Lnrgren, room 424 Paxton Mock D-923 KOIl HENT-Slx-room cottage, 22d nnl California street, very convenient, J22. inciuiro ui vii .onn mm airecv D-MS63 - - . - . . HOUSES-Chrls. Iloycr, 22J nnd Cuming. rnone ai, u .M919 J30 for rent rciiMMiiin iioo.m.o, DEWEY European hotel. 13th und Farnam. ONE furnished rfom, with heat, on car line. ims .uiarKj a per nionm. is wj THHEE furnlKhed rooms for light houio- Keeping. Hiz a. mil at. ii tcu I, Alton front room, nicely furnished. steam neui; one. or two gentlemen. ;nii 313',-, S. llth Ml. E-M5C9 TWO housekeeping r6oms, . 202:1 S Mary's uve. E 91 J22' Ht. FURNISHED room for gentlemen; de. taehed hou.e, close In; Hteum heat. 2215 Farnam. E-M713 31 NICELY furnished room In prlvnto, family tor ono or two gentlemen; very ciosc in, 19th nt. Nf,2, Uee. E-M707 3U FL'U.VISHED rooms, C23 8. 20tlt st. MiaV J.i Ft'UNISIIED room, modorn. 2227 Dorlo. riOOM suitable for two or four gentlemen; a so IloUScKeco nir rooms. 171'2 Uuss. 15-858 31 KUHNI8HKU rooms, steam heat. 313'4 N. ICth St., Hat L. E-MW1 31 KOOMS. I'M Capitol Ave. E-OU-J-Il 222 DODOE, with privileges of prlvuto hoinu plu.no; modern; reasonable. FUONT room, modern, t mo. 1717 Web- Bter. is ai!a jw 11-IlOOM modern flat at 1107 N. 19th, J30 per month. Call ut 41S N. ICth. rUH.N'ISIIEU IIUO.MH AMI 1IO.VUI). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport Ht. K--CH4 GLENCA1KN, transient Jl.25 day. 1000 Uoug. F-6S3 NICE homo for young men. 108 a. 25th Ht. Jf wu SUITE E of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle i. 1519 Jackson St. F-ttS mcl STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, witu or witnout ooaru, at tho inurHton. . I' vs ELEGANT steam heated front room, with board. 1909 Capitol AVO. F-M465 FOH KENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, wiiu or wuuoui ooaru. .Micn:inu hotol, ICth and Chicago sts. F Mill THE 110NNIE imiAIt. 1720 DODOE ST. F 135 J-17 FtJltNISHKD front rooms, with board. 31G M. '0tll St. LAltOE south front alcovo room, second noor, moucrn. iiarncy Mt. FUHNISIIED rooms nnd board. 222 N. 19th. F-S5i 31 KOOMS and hoard. Glencalrn, 1C09 Douglas. FUR 11KMT U.NFUIUMULID UOOJIH. DES1C room space, 3 per month, ground' noor room in ruo uee Duuuing, lacing Farnam Htrect; no expenso for light, heat or Junltor uervlcu. It. C. l'uteru & Co., Iteutal Agents. Ileo Uulldlng. O Utf SUITE of rooms, modern. C16 Georgia Ave. G 729 Jl l'Oll IlE.NT STOICS AND OFFICIOS. FOIt ItENT, the building- formerly .occu pied uy Tin uee ai yit 1'Urnum oi. ii nut lour 8ioi.es una u uusemuui wniuu nui formerly used as The llee press room. This will be runted very reasonubly. If Interested upply ut onco to C. O. Rose water, secretury, room 1U0, Bee Uulldlng. 1-261 When You Write to Advertisers (member It only takes an extra stroke or two or tne nen to mention inu laci nun you saw the nil In The llee. OFFICE wMh vault and part first lloor or all top noor. 1411-iu iiurnoy m. Mtuiaua Uluss and Pciut Co., 1410 llarney ut. 1-C91 FOU RENT, storo In llrst-class location; rem reasouuuie, Appiy it, v.. x-eiers os Co., ground lloor, llee llldg. 1 23 LAHGE warehouse, trackage facilities, Nos.- 15I7-1M9 n. itiin St., ii.ouu squaro reet lloor surface; hydraulic elevator, llensou & Myers, 509 N. Y. Life bidg. I-M765 3 Knil KENT, o ice room or desk snnce. wltn stenograpiicr nnu teiepnone. Address O ilec. i aiai i AtiENTS WA.Vl'UI). guages, nw pugei,, iue naiiiones, i.o: tree outtlt. W. A. lllxeiibuugh At. Co., 500 Wure block, uuiuna. J ov: PHOFITAIILE work offered agents In every town loi secure suoscriptious to tne Ludtes' Home Jouruul and the Saturduy Evening Post. We want agents who will work thoroughly and with business sys tem to covn each section with our Illus trated little booklets aril other advertis ing matter and to look sharply- uf ter re- 'BS. "late Slid at"thoCcndr of he sson &rw?liaio Bvon IhV'ues workerS'as iV.vv will ue given 1110 uest workers as extra prlios for good work. How well some of our agents havo succeeded Is told In n little uoouiei wo would like to send you portraits of some of our best agents, with the story of how they mndo It pay. inu uuruu i:uuiiiiiiig mi., twill adelphla, Pa. ' J-M20G Fcu7 IIEPHTABI,E attorney- can obtain oftlce en snuo in uee uunuiug. Auuross .M 45, uee omce, j jisui WANTED, canvassing agents in every couniy 10 soucii KUDHcnpiions 10 tub TWENTIETH CENTUItY PAHMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE HTOCIC and COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid boog contains 1.400 Imperial octavo pages, S00 oblect-tcaching engravings und Is the only book on llvo stock ever published ndaptod to tho every day, practical money-saving use of overy farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse nnd buggy es iwrlnllv desired. Cnnvussers make easily 60 to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer solicitors uureau, ueo nuiiding, Omalia. 1 J su ATTORNEY In Boo building can accom modate lawyer witn otnce cn suite, M 45, Bee. J-S27 AGENTfl wanted for new publications; prospectus, etc., free, iieorgo Harriett Son, 1313 walnut hi.. I'nuauuuiniu. J-M2S1 J12 A NEW BOOK. "THEODORE ROOHl' V .". IWTUIU l AI1J b l AlLaMAN. complete; of thrilling Interest; profusely Illustrated; low prleo; extra liberal torms; out tit free. Zlegler Co., 322 Dearborn st., Chicago. J-M721 3l HOUSEHOLD novelty, entirely now; every housekeeper win npprecinte 11 hi once; low-priced. Address C. H. Cushman. 412 Bee llldg., Omnha. J MSGS 4 WASTED TO IIUY. WANTED, to buy, some glass doora and glass partitions and ono nait-oaic rouna counter. Apply to M, J, Franck, Midland noiei. ,-.mio SECOND-HAND book bought for spot at Antiquarian, 1519 Fi r-.r.T, .,k... i,T, earn at Antiquarian, ioiu furnam si.. 11 000 WANTED to buy private bank In esstern NetirnsKa or western iovu; any iniorrno tlon will bo strictly contldenilal. X 27, Bee. N-.M59S I A HOUSE nnd lot In this city, within ren somtble instance; price not to exceed J1.2W. Address u u, nee omce, N-S22 31 WANTED-Slxtwnth street property: will lui- f reet Kiiuiiro on lutn St.. netween llarney pd Le(ive,nworth' prlco must not exceed lift) per foot; corner of alloy or OIICCV piciciicu, Alianci .l - oco. KM920 2 Ton SAMJ CU!F A.O rurnlwr- Co.. w S Tel. sold. kvv. low ana :" a ry.cnneJ. w I . IlllltSI'.ft, VAiO?iJ inc. aou Et aav hauoain 1 rubber-tUd depot wagon. 1 1 C-pasa. Hickawaj. . I 4 leathcr-to tnmlly cnrrlnRM. j 4 phaetons, 6 top and open vuKeltt nn(1 runabouts, l Secondhand hnrness. 1slh & ti Urummond CaTlage Co., istn a. arnay st 1 192 THE II EST in'bvlKttJ" nnJ w.a,F,ns at II. rrcsva, mn -r-" " vm FOH jai,i:-.miY1 ' i.:ot s. l ..... t. Al HOUSE nnd phnV?i, cheap. Inaulro 131!) I'.irnum or 1723 uoage. ti-.Mau EDISON and Columbia talking machines und records. Omaha Bicycle CO., 16th and Chicago, Q 702 CADET coat, good as new: will fit boy 13 or 14 years old. Address II 53, Bee. Q-M556 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farmm FOH SALE, phonographs, superior to any oiner inusicui instruments; j up. 1 no Wlttmann Co., 1C21 Farr.am. Q 704 FIR timbers for housomovors, etc., 40 to 11 n.i criumng aim nog iouce. mil uoug las. Q-631 FOR SALE, good-sized packages of news paper exenanges, s cents ana up. Appiy at Bco Olllce, Circulation Window. Q-6SJ PEUFL'MES-lOc to 110. ' Hhcrmnn & Mc Connell Drue Co., ICth and Dodge. W-M172 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Fnrnam. Q-M522 . MERRY CimiSTMAS present; a nice gas lamp will pleitse till; open evenings 6 to 10. Specialty Mrg. Co., 41 N. Main st., Council Bluffs, In. Q-M377 PHONOGRAPHS bougtit and sold. 2419 2D-IIAND safe cheap. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Q-931 FOU SALE, fine mahogany bank llxtitros una iiicii(,u .uo nc imck. uo, sate, auto matic double time lock: doublo burglar proof steel chests. Will bo sold at a bargain, Nntlonul Bank of Commerce. Q-6H TYPEWRITERS - Latest models of the Remington, Hniith Premier and Densmoro typewriter!), which have been rcplnccd by the Underwood, can bo had at u very low figure. Call und see them. A. 11. Work man & Co., 1U17 Farnam at. 'Phone 2139. Q-M70S FOH SALE One houso moving outllt cum- piete, 111 gooa repair, also one new set uf mrving trucks; a bargain for noma otic. Address Geo.' E Carr, Lewis, Iowa. Q-M753 3' When You Write to Advertisers remember It only tnkes an oxtra. stroke or two of tho pen to mention tho fact that you saw the nd In The Bee. FOR SALE, fresh Durham cow and calf. :s:'ti wcostcr hi. ij urt J2 Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. Incandescent gaslights, alasswarc. man tles. Tho best casollno lamtiN. Wholesale and retail H. FHANZEN, 10111 Ol, WI11U11U, .1UU, Q CLAIHVOYA.NTS. MBS. FHITZ. clairvoyant, S19 N. 16th. s 70J MME. GYLMEH, genuine palmist, 315 H. 15, 3 700 ELECTRIC THE ATM EXT. MME. AMES, 317H N. 15; flat E; attondatits ' bU Jt MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 1$, 2d lloor, ,11 J. BEATRICE IIAHLOW-Elcgant vapor and luu uains; electricity given; Egyptian treatment. in. uin, -u noor left. T M719 Jl PEIlStl.VAL. DR. HOY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous uuir rcmuveu uy uiecinciiy, u. u, Frenzur Block. " , U 707 V1AVA, vo:nun'u way to heulth; rational, wnoiesume iiuuie irvuitneni. jis uee uiag. U 1U3 JUST think of It! Good cublnct photos oajy mtl uoz. ut xue u. a. uuuery, i.o a. lbin, U-709 RUPTUltE permanently cured In 30 to 69 auyn; scna tor circuiur. u a. wood, il. V., 521 New York Life Bldg.. Omuha, Neb. U 710 SHAMPOOING and hair dressing, 26c. In connection wi(ii ine uuiucry, iio-.-u ue uuiiuiug. i.ei. iuu. u &i HAIRDRESSING. manicuring and chlro jiody, tor i.iuie amy, 111 connection witn i no uam.ry, nn-.iv uee uiag. L1EBEN, theatrical, masQucrade coBtumar. wis i'urnuiii. u ,i I'HIVATE hpspltal, before und during con- iineiueiu, uauicn uuui'ieii, urunt ML. .Mrd. uurueis. Tel. 1'-116J. U-Wll CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection wltn Ttie uuiucry, rooms ziu-o uee Bldg. i,ei. luo. u 049 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and UUicKuai. ,uib. a. AiurK, ii Ac Douglas, U-M1B1 ORAMOPHUNES and supplies, wholesale auu reiuii. 1.0111118 1'iano uo iua Doug. Us. U-997 JET tho little (diotos for 15u per dox. at 'j. ne u. 0. uuuery, tiu uoutn iin bt. IJ TOO SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO., CLAY CENTER, NEB. Send tor handsome iu-puce lieu cutuloguu. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two or l ne pen to mention tne 'fact that you saw tne mi in xue ucc. PRIVATE homo for ladles beforo and dur ing conliucment; babies adopted. 2020 uuruette st. Airs, uurgci. u ailtfl J9 MME. SMlTll, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d lloor; H 2. u no j-is' GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleating piaui in 1113 west, iw uougius uik,- 1 U-M513 PIANO for rent on rensohnble' terms to responslblo party, J. II. Johnson, 13 iN. 1. wie. U M737 AVE RENT machlues of every make ut "5c per- week, or J2.00 per month. Wo repair and sell parts for every sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cor, 15th and Harney. 'Phone 16KI. 331 Broadway, 'Council Bluffs, la. 'Phono B-tilS. 1 nai j;s FHHNCH embroidery done by Mrs. Preg ler. 6111 S, 16th. IT M916 31 MOX12V Tt) LOAX CHATTELS, START THE NEW YEAH OWING .HUT ONE PARTY. Where overy dollar paid off reduces cost SAl.Altl J,UAa Ul I'ljAl.N NOTES to No Mortga NI to honest working people, gage. No lndorser. No Publicity. NO ONE NEED KNOW. We Guaranteo the Lowest Rates, HOW DO WE DO ITT Full Particulars FREE upon Request. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303 Paxton Block. (Sec Window from Furnam Street.) X-M7C9 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, tew elrv: also to salaried ceonle without secur. Ity; cheap rates; easy payments; business ccutldentlnl. Foley-Loun Co., successors to Dun urtcn, it. a, Barker uik. Est. 1&S9. A 75 LAHQEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO salaried peoi'ke. merchants, team ster. boarding houses, etc., without se curlty; tasirst terms; 40 omces In prln clpal cities. Toiman, 440 Board of Trade . Uiug. X 727 YOU don't need to borrow money If y work for the Kharus Co, X 66 ,-ou I MONEY loaned -on pianos, furniture, Jew. dry, horses, cows, etc. C, F, Heed, 319 S. 11 ft IIATTr.l... 'MONE To luun on 1' iirniturc mid I lanos, Live mulK. eti You to rutuiu iv. i2.sij,i I1' ht nrouertv. SALARY LOANS 1 .. vuoi le noiuing pernnn lU positions. I 1111 1 .111 l.nrrnw trnl.i Jln'W UP. 10U Call get tho money on short nce. lou got me tuil uiiiojnt III cash. lu keu It one month 01 more and i,Ior 11 whut time vou keen It. uur Tt's ro low, our bl'slncss Is coatldvntlul und motto Is to " try to uleato." nMAlIA Mfll ' YIAOR T.nAM 119 lloiinl of Trailo Iildtf. Tel.W- (Established liVi.i 3t.v S. 16th S LOANS ON SALARIES, FUHN1TUV.: live stock, etc. Quick service and lowV' rates guaruntcfd. J, W. TAYLOE, !l (top floor) 1'axton block, northeast corn. 16tn and Farnam; entranco on Ibth street, X-TSO FUHNITUHE, I'lANOS, HOUSES, ETC. i.w.10. Aosoiuieiy wuuoui removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 303. Paxton Block. X S17 MONEY loaned on plain noto to salaried people; uusiness contiucnuai; lowest rates, til Paxton block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X-729 SIO.VEY TO 1.0A.-ltEAI, 11STATE. LOANS on tustern Nebraska and western lowa larms 111 0 per cunt; oorrowers can pay $100 ot any multiple; uny Interest date; 110 delay, Brennan-Love Co., Qv9 South 13th St., Omaha. Neb. W-712 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. ueorgc at ir,nipuuy, iwi furnam street. W-713 4',i PEH CENT on business property. 0 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part uny time. YV. IS. MElKLh, 101 S. 15th St. W-.Mi2tl WANTED, city loans und warrants. W. 1 urnum amitn uo., 13.U puriiam street, W-714 WANTED, city mid furm loans; also bonds unu warrants, it. i-eiers ik cu., liis Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 71 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. ureunun-iovo uo., uU-j uoutii I3tti, W-722 WU.M and city loutis, low rutes. W, II. Thomas, 1st Nut. Bank Bldg. Tel. HilS. W-716 Y'OU don't need to borrow money If you worn lor mo imuras uo. w tit3 4H TO C P. C. money. Beniis, l'axton Ulk. V TM JDO.OOO SPECIAL fund; loans )500 lip: lowest ruies. uurviu uros., iwi i iirnuin ni. AV-717 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. w Jl SEE HENRY B. TAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. Life. V HI MOHTGAQE G. G. Wallace. Brown Block. W 723 tl.OOO-TO LOAN quick. G. E. Turklngton, tuo uee. w out PRiyATE money. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. iiiJMi;s$ ;ii..vces. PARTNER wanted In n llrst-class second hand business In a thriving Nebraska town; 110 better paying business iiuv vh6ro If you haVo u few Hundred dollars cash to liandlo It (.no Jew need apply); reliable ;tiui who tiuvc the cash and aro ready for business. Address nt once, O IV, cure Bee. Y 900 21 TO GET In or out of business call on Williams,- Houin 411, McCugUe building. Y S31 INTERESTED In goats? Learn all about mem as money manors, ueau American Ooat Breede-, published monthly; 20 ceno ,1 copy. Address 1100m u, hi wn avc Chicago, Y M50U D7 COAL and feed bu'slr.eMi for sale. Well euulpped ami prosperous, Monroe & Co., 811 n! 16th. Y-S57 FOH 3 ALE. millinery store, doing good buslnosa; uUo good hotorforsalo (or lea"e to right iiirty), ' l)oth goud locations in N. E. Ncbrasitn, Calrrwrltc- C2I.N. Y. Life building, Ornahu. ji V-131 INVESTOHS-If you wish to tejifold your capital by Investing from '-r) and up Into manufacture ot the latest and lead ing puicuttd nrtlclcs to be placed on the market by local, county und state ugcuts all over; lntlura Is impossible; prollts enormous. For particulars wrlto with stamp to F. R. Siltz, Omaha, Neb. Y-M404 31 FOH SALE, or will Undo part on land, (i goon, clean siock 01 general merciiun dlsu, located In centrul Nebraska, In good, live county scut town of 2,500; best ioc.itloii'ii town: stock'wlll Invoice ubout $3,000 to $6,000; best of reason for soiling. iuress ;n w, ucc. i-wu ai- FOH RENT, Tho Lango or Auditorium hotel, C02 S. 13th St., Omaha; modern and steam heated: Si rooms; a stories. Y-713 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two or the pen to mention uie fact mm you saw tne un in xne ueo. 7-ROOM steam heated flat, well furnished, excellent locution; iiuiy going 10 i.;uii fornla; you can buy this cheap. .). II. Johnson, N. Y. Lite. Y S7ti 30 11 ROOMS, splendidly equipped, llrst-class furniture, tilled with llrst-class roomers (only), line location, nroiiinoio proposi tlon. J. 11. Johnson, N, Y. Life. Y-S77 31 15-ROOM brick tenement, llncly furnished, full tlrst-cluss ruumers and boarders, ex cellent location. 11 money maker, J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y 879 30 HOTEL, 3-story brick, 37 rooms, electric light, good condition, only $2 Iioiiho In cue of tho best county seat towns of Its size in NelirasKa; rents rnr vj per montn; will sell reasonable or exchange for Im proved tnrm. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-SS0 30 WHEN you want tq buy, sell or cxc'luingo munlcato with ono who haw the custom' era. J. H. Johnson, 813 N. Y. Life, Phono L-2270. Y MS81 BAHBEH shop nnd cigar stand for stlc. Address O 7, Bee. Y-913 31 l'Oll EXCHAMii:. 'WILL exchange good onlt wardrobe tor folding bed. w w, uee. v. tw TWO flrst-clnss stockn, merchandise, to exchnngn for good lands, Trades and .deals of nil kinds negotiated, R. II. Wood, Room Wlso block, Sioux City, la. i. MVS 1 l' FOIt SAl.K-HEAI. ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. Life, HE 731 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city: also aero property and farm lands. The O. F, Davis 1.0,, iiuoiii im, uee iiuuuuig. HK-726 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of tho pen to mention me fact that you saw 1110 an in ine uee. hp.vrral cood farms for sale In a uood farming country. For further particulars write or call on H. L. Ludluin, PInlnvlew, Neb. iws3 CHOICE DAIRY FARM. Finn dairy farm ot 320 acres for sale within Wi miles of n railroad division town of 3,600 peoplo; good house, well and other Improvements; owner says active man can mako $2,000 to $5,000 per year from it; prlco, jio per ncro; lor runner purlieu lars bco Broadwell & Spencer, 501 N. Y Life Building. HE-M70t31 RANCH and farm lands for salo by the Union Puclflc Railroad company. 13. A, McAliaster, mnu commissioner, union 1'ft cltlc Heudquurtrs, Omaha, Neb. ( RH-733 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tiro insurance, uenus, ruxton uiock. RE-733 WILLIAMSON Clias, E., 1203 Farimm Street, llltj-Wil FOH SALE -r trade, 1,700-ncre ranch In Brown county. Nebraska; SO acres In pas ture. 400 acres under cultivation: good stuck Improvements, timber, running water, r, a. utevenson, Ainswgrm. .nod. miim:v to t.ot 1 'OH WAMl HK.Ui ESTATE. F rms Harrhon '& Morton, N. Y. L. Tel, 314. HE-171-13' IF YOt" want ono ot the nicest 8-room 'iotr.es In Hanscom Place, I will give you 1 bargain, owner left city. M it sell. J. II. Sherwcod, 937 N. Y. U Bldit. H11-.M163 7 Room, 2-Story, for S77a00 3cwer nnd water on street, lot fjOxl27; on 31st Ave., Just south of Ames Ajko. 7-room cottage, 2527 Davenport, fooOO. 6 room?, Ui-story, 1620 Corby. Jlyll50. . W. H. GATES. 61S N. Y. Life. Phoie 1291. 11-821 .11 20 PAYMENTS, NO INieHeSt! A. P. ''VKEY AND SON makle the follow lug special offer on acre pro,rty sold be fore January 1, I9i2i - ,mu ilium; 1,1 i. Hum 111 ,iinuier I'liire, blocks sojth ofCenter St, for $10 down inu iw per iiiuuiii tor id riflolllll'", WltliilUl ueresi. 1111 o your savings, tiny a lew cres of this ground and vmi will Und It Jtter than nny other luvstment you can !dco on so small an uitlay. See Us ut ...ie about this tironemf. . V.NTukry nnd Son, Boatfd ot Trade llldg, . RE-747 HO When You W'rite to Advertisers v remembct It only takes an cxtru 'ro'fi.' two of the pun to mention the ncl ll,iU you saw tho ltd In The Bee. FARMS' " FARMS' FARMS' V. . For bargains In farm nrouertv go 'VJ u .Neil s neai ustuic Agency, Motitrr, Omuha, RE -MU05 FARM FOH SALE, 160 acres, with house ixs, two stories, stone tmsemeni, stono nil llnlshed; good well nnd windmill, hog pasture, ten aero? fenced with net wire, 3,(W pines, cedars and cottotiwoods; sIumIn for H") cattle; stables for II horses, corn cribs. All for $l.2tO. Ten miles northeast of Alnsworth. C. 11. McClure, Alnsworih, Neb. H.M'WC J3 SI E I) I OA L. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases ot women In Omaha, would call tho attention of suffering '.udlts to his unsurpassed accommodations betorn und during colilluemciit, and hH treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Doduc, Omaha. 731 LADIES, our harmless monthly remedy cannot inu. iruu tree, i-aris (-inimical Co., Milwaukee, Wis, -919 J5 DU. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women ami children; so years' pructice. unite z.'ig CutnlliB. Hes. tel. F-2790, olllce B-2W6. 4S4 31 LADIES, $500 reward falling to relieve case 01 uunoriiiui suppression, uny cause; price $2; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mead Remedy Co., 17 Qulncy St., Chicago, 111. -595 J21 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal I'll in arc tne nest, aarc, rename, tiiku 110 other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles." In letter by return mill. Ask your urugglst. Chichester Chemical Co,, Philadelphia. Pa. LOST. LOST Young setter bitch, black nnd white; . reward inr return to uenjarnin .Mci.ean, Omaha Wuter Co. Lost 731 30 LOST Lady's gold watch Sunday near 40th and 1'iirnum. jicwuru it returned to zjs Bee Bldg. Lost-M9l2 31 LOST A pearl ring on Thursday. Leavo ul ueo oince anu receive rewiiru. Lost-MWl 31 LOST A pair of gold-rlmmcd spectacles with case. Reward ui 2113 i.ocusi m. Lost M918 i" MIIOHTHAM) AM) TYI'li WltHT.U, GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug 73'J A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -740 JJOYLES College, court reporter principal uee uiug. iu NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 7U SI USICA L l.VMTHlI.MKNT.S. BE PHOMPT In culling to ee all tha slightly used pianos we aro offering this week on very tusy terms, end you will Und yourself well repaid. If you wish a piano you can save money now, at this time. Where? Mueller Piano & Organ Co., 1316 Furnam St. 738 HALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 North 16th. -172 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2167. -M7S7 MClvEI, PLATING. LARGEST, eldest, beat equipped plating plant In Omaha. Omaha Plating Co., lPio Bldg. Tel. 2533. 754 LARGEST plating plant In Omaha. Uudeland, 1516 Dodge st. Tel. 766. - A. L. M813 ELECTRIC BELTS. ELECTRIC Belts nnd what they will do. Address 1. O. Box 488, Omaha, Neb. -751 PAWNBROKERS. EAOLE Ldan Olllbc. reliable, accommodat ing; nil business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -753 CAHPE.VTKHM AMI) JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing pnm.ptly attended to. J, T.' Ochiltree, uotn and i-aae sis. uu WM. F.VEItlTT. Special rates to real es- tato 111011; weather strips put on. 2803 Leavenworth. M7C3 STORAGE, STORAGE, low rates, uum St. Derlght, 1119 Far--693 OM. Van Stor Co,, 151114 Fam. Tels. 1550-603. 091 PACIFIC Btorago and Warehouse Co., 912. 914 Jones, general storage and forwurdlng. 01j BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookkeenlnir. etc.. dnvoreven. tng. H. 15, Com. Nat, Bank. O. H. Hathbun. tut TYIMIWIIITEHS. UNDERWOOD Typewriter, vlslblo writer: typewriter supplies, nil makes of ma chines for rent. A. II. workman & Co,, 1U17 t aruam si. mono .icj. muj ji ANNOr.VCI3.MH.VTS. WATEH8 PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. 511 South Thlrloenth streot PATENTS. HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Address, P. O. Box S5, Omaha, Neb. 4S4-J-21 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired, um. ttuiik ractory, i-vj rarnutn -744 Damaged looking glasses resllvcred. 70S N 16 249 TAU.OIUNd. LADIES' lackts made, remodeled, altered. cleaned and repaired. Joo Youson, il506 Furnum. "i STA.M.MEHING AND STUTTEHINO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 llamgo Bldg. III.ACKSMITTIING &. 110118 iCiSIIOEING, CHARLES A. 1IOFMANN, reiir 811 N. 16th 751 tTEOPATIIV. JOHNSWBitute. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1G0I. Alice Johnson, 1) O, ladles' dept.; Old E, Johnson, Osteopathlsl, Mgr. 710 DR. A. 1, HUNT. 512 McCnguo Bldg. Teh 2352. -717 DR. MRS, MUSICK. Dougias Blk. Tel. 2'M. Ft'ltXlTllli: REPAIR t.(l TEU 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. -745 horses wi.vri:iti:n. HOUSES wlnteted, $1 per month: good shelter and feed. D, G. Hopper. Water loo. Neb, 691 D3l I.Al.MHtV. OMAHA Steam Lnundry; shirts, 7c: collars, 2ci cuffs, 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. Fl II Illir.SSIMl. O. It. aiLBERT CO.. tnnncri', 1121 S. 13th. -MS29 FOH SAI.r.-ll VV, OltAl.V. ETC. WEST OMAHA FEED CO., 2tf8 Leav. Tel. 2303 -M46J FHATEIIXAI, OltlH:it!l, THE GARDENERS protect old age ns well as lift Charier members flee. Purtleu. lafs from Frank Roscwnter, supreme uiiuKi'i, ueo uiug 1.1 n.oui.s ts. IISON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 125S. M lT mm That Burning Mouth tiom fcearlng rnlbcr P'n,0 wl" disappear by wotf'" ,,n nlu" mlnum plate. s Bailey the Detit illi: Pniton lllnrk' 16th and Farnam Bt; ,,,,, Lady attendant. , Phom Ifl83- MP rosTOFFici: notice. Shniilil tin renil ,t 11 1 1 I., .ill ititrt.. Afd, US changes may occur at any time. i Foreign malls for the week ending':' , n ury I, 1902, will close, (PROMPTLY V f H enscsj at the General Post Olllce 11, lows; Parcels post mails close one !! . !.r earlier than closing , tlmo shown Piucels post mulls tor Germany close, "iL p. m. Friday, per s. h. lironprlnz Will,uln foreign branch. Triuiniitliinllt! Ma IN. TUESDAY At 8:30 n. m. for ITALY J' reet. Tier s s. Llgurla (mall must be df" reeled "nor s. h, Llgurla"); nt 9:.to a. mv .for SCOT1UND direct, per s. s. Furnqs' sla (mall must bo directed "per . si Furnessla"). WEDNESDAY At C:30 a. in. for EFHOPE,) tier . n. 01. i'iiui, viu eouinnmpion (maul for Ireland must' bo directed "per s. . St. Paul"); ut S:30 11. m. (supplementary 1 10 u. m.) for EUROPE, per s. h. Majestic, via Queenstown; ut 10 11. m. for BEI (HUM direct, per a. s. Huverford (mall tt1llt I1.1 .llM,...! 'innr a u I I ....?.. .1 'riilJHSDAY At 7 u. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN. POUT UGAL, TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA und LOHEN.O MAH QUEVC, per h. b. IiCliampaviic, vlulinvro (mall for other iuiiIh uf Hiiriuin iiiiiki lm directed "per d. s. liChnmpagne"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for ITALY di rect , per s. k, l'". Bismarck (mall must bo directed "per s. s. F. Bismarck"); ut 8:30 n. m. (supplementary 10 n. in.) for IRE LAND, per s. r. I'mbrln) via UueenK town (mill for other parts ot Europe must bo directed "ior s. s. i'mbrln"); at S:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Kronprlnz Wllhelm. via Plymouth, Cherbourg und Bremen (mail for lrelund must be directed "per s. h. Kronprlnz Wllhelm"); at 10 n. m. for VZOHES ISLANDS, per h. h. Tartar Prince. , Printed mutter, Etc. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and Hamples for Germany only. The stuno class of mnll matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship un losn specially directed by her. After the tloilng of the supplementary Transatlantic mnlls named abovo addi tional supplementary malls are opened nt tho piers of tho American. English, French and German steamers, and re mnln open until within ten minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. SIiiIIn for South nnd Centrul America, U'cM liiilli-H, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:20 'a. m, for HIO JA NEIRO. SANTOS nnd SAO PAULO, per . h. Mozart (mall for other parts of Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay und Paragiriy must be directed "per s. s. Mozart"); ut 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) 'or CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SuH'TTI PACIFIC PORTS, per a, s. Allluncn, via Colon (mnll for Guutc mala must bo directed "per s. h. AIM nnca"); at 10 n. m. for GRENADA. TRIN IDAD nnd CIl'DAD BOLIVAR, per M 8. Grenada; nt 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.l for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX'. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS nnd BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, tier s. h. Mndlnim; nt 6:30 p, m. for JAMAICA, per 8. . Admiral .Dewey, from Uoiton; nt "ll p. m. for BAHAMAS, via Nassau, per steamer from Mlnml. Fla. WEDNESDAY At 7 n. m. for FORTUNE ISLAND nnd HAITI, 'per s. H. Adiron dack; at 9:30 a. m. for 1NAOUA and HAITI, per s, s. Belvernon: at 11 p, in. for JAMAICA, per . s. Admiral Samp son, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At 12 m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Momcrey (mull for other parts of Mexico must- bo directed "per , h, ilonnrcy"); nt 12 m, (supplementary 12:30 p, in.) for BAHAMAS, GUANTAN AMO and SANTIAGO, per s. s. Sara toga: nt 12 m. (Hiipiitomciitury 12:30 p, in.) for BAHAMAS, per h. s. Anllllu (mall must bo directed "per s. h. Antllla"). FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. h. Mntauzas. vlu Tuinulcn (mall must be directed "per s, s. flatanzas"). SATUHDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per s.,s, Trinidad: at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. San Juan; ut 9 u. in. (sup plementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. H. .ullti. via ijUluuyni und Muruculbo (mall for Ha vanilla and (.'artiuKcnu must be dlr-vted "per s, s. VCulla"); nt 9:30 n. in (supple mentary 10:3u n. in.) for FORTUNE ISl AND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA. CARTA GENA and GREYTOWN, per s. s. Athos (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Athos"): at 10 a. m, for HAITI, tier h. s. Prlns Wllhelm III, via Port au Prlnco and Petit Goave (mnll for Cura cao, Venezuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. h. Prls) Wllhelm III"); ut 10 u, m. fur CUBA, per , s. Morro uastie. via Ha vana; at 11 a. m, for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per h. h! Soldier Prlnco; at "ll p. m, for BAHA MAS, vlu Niissaii, per steamer from Miami, Fla. v Malls for Newfoundland, by mil to North Sydney, and thnnco by Htcamer, closo at Oils otnce daily it n. in. (connect nu closo here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlauelon. bv rail to Boston, nnd thenco liy steamer, closo nt mis omen nniiy ui n:.vj p. in, .Mails for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thenco by steamer, clone at t liln otnce nniiy ,ii ':u a, m, (tno connecting closes aro on Monday, Wednesday nnu Saturday). Jiaus for .Mexico City, over land, unless sncclnlly addressed for dls patch by stunner, closo ut this miico dully at 1:30 p, ti. nnd 11 p. in. Malls for Costa Hlca, Belize, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to Now Orleans, and thenco by steamer, closo nt this olllce dully at l;S0 p. m (connecting closes hero Monday for Belize. Puerto Cortez und Guatemala, and Tuesdays for Costa itica;, Registered muu closes ai u p, m previous dny, TrniKIUiclllc .Mulls. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan nnd Phil ippine Islands, vlu San Francisco, closo hero dally nt 6:30 p, m. up- to December "30, inclusive, ror uispaicn per s. s America Mam. Halls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands. vlu San Francisco, closo hero dally ut eiw) p. m. up to uecemDcr "so. inclusive, lor uispaicn fvr b. b, Auairuucu Regular nud suppletnelilrtry malls doe?."' iorelgn branch half hour later than eld, , ,K time shown below, except that siii!','',! mentiiry mulls for Europe and CcnV.", America, vlu Colon, close ono hour later Jl POSTOPFIl 1: NOTU 1:. Mnll for HawhII. vlu Sun Fran. . 1. ...I here dally at fl: p. m up 11 December Inclusive,, for dispatch per s Al ameda. Mails for Atlxtntlln (except West An t rn Hit. Whleli goes via Europe, and New Zcalntul, which goes via Sun Francis and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, rloso hero dull) at (!. p. m. lifter December 21 and up 'o Jnnuary ,l, lncluslvo, for dlspiiloh per . s. Ao'nngl (supplementary malls via Seattle und Victoria), clmo here nt 6. p. m. Jiinuury J. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo here dally nt :. p. m. up to January 6, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. City of IVklng Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally ut t!;30 p. 111. up to Janu ary Inclusive, for tllspnleh per s. s. Kitgu Marti. (Registered null must bo directed "via Seattle"), Mails for Australia (except West A istratbi, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 0:30 P. m, lifter Jnnuary 5 nnd up to Jan uary 11, Inclusive, or on arrival of . s, Elrunla, due ut New York Jnnuary "11, fur dlipateh n.r . s. Ventura. Malls for China nnil Japan, via Vancouver, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. tn, tp to Jnnu 11 ry 21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h. Empress of Japan (registered mall must I;o directed "via Vancouver." Mer chandise for tho II. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ndii.) 1 Malls for China and Japan, via Tneomii, close here dully ut 0:30 p. m. up to Jatui nry 21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tacoma. Transpacific mall are forwarded to port ot hi lllng dally und the schedule of clos ing Is nrranged on the presumption nt their uninterrupted overland transit Registered malls close at OlW p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllce. New York. N. Y.. Dec. 27, 19)1. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. OFFICE OF LEE-GLASS-ANDREESEN HARDWARE COMPANY. OMAHA, Neb,, Dec II, 1901.- Notice Is hereby given to tho utoikholders of tho Lce-Gl.iss-Andreeseii Hardware company that 1110 annual meet 1 Ing of the stockholders of the company wilt ! hi Id ut the ollli'cs or the sulci enm puny. Ml to s2! Harney street. In the city 01 Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, 011 .Tuesday. Jnnuary 14, A. D. 1U02, nt 3 o'clock I p in , foi tim purpose of electing a board of tilt tcttirc for the company to servo dur 1 11 lt Hi lsulng vcar. nnd to transact such .other liusltnsH us may be presented at bucii t meeting. 11. J. LEE. President. M. GLASS. Secretary. Dec.l5toJ14M I Attest VA (Seal.) In tho cii.iuty court of Douglas county, Nebraska, in the mutter of tho estate t Fiedeil"k Metz, sr., deceased: By virtue of un order of sale Issued by Hon. Duncan M. Vliisonhaler, Judge of tho cninly court of Diuglas county, Nebraska, and by virtue of the provisions of the hint will and testament of the said Frederick Mriz, sr., deceased, the undersigned will offer at public sale eighty (soi shares ot Hlock uf tho Metz Brothers' Brewing com pany at tho cast door of tho county court on next Saturday. January I, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. ui. sharp, to the highest bidder for cash. No bid will bo received for loss thilii the par value of said shares of slock, to-wit, jioo per sua.ro. i'HAitl,i':s ,Mi'7iy, FRED METZ, JR., Executors. R AII.WAV TIME CARD. UNION' STATION 10TII AND MAllCU Illinois end-ill. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express a 7:20 am n 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & at. rain Limited. ..a 7:110 pm n s;uo am Minneapolis & St. Paul Exptess b 7:20 nm b 9:10 pm Fort Dodge Local, from Council lliurrti n o:iu am Cli;cngi, .Ml. miiii Ut't' A St. I'niil, Chicago Limited n 0:00 pm a N:03 am hlcago & Omaha nx.. u i.io am n a;iv pm i Hum Pai'llli'. verland Limited a 9:10 um a 7:30 pm ii.iiL. ri1 -ti 'j i: nm Ciilll'niiil.i ICxurcss u I::jihii I'acinc lixpress an:, pm Eastern Express nt:l"inm Atlantic Exptcss -a 7:00 nm l.iiicoin-NtroniHiiurg I'ix.n r.e.i pm iiij:jo pm Oiiiud Island Local u 5:30 pm b 9:35 um WiiIiunIi, St. Louis "Cannon Bad" Express a 5:15 pm n 8:20 nm St. Louis Local, Council HluffB .il0:00 nm nl):30 pm Cliti'tiKii A N'lirtliwt'itlPrn, "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special u 7:10 am nll:20 pm Chisago Piirscngcr a 4:15 piti a HW um Eastern Express al0:51. am a 4:0.1 pm Eastern Special u 4:55 utn a 4:05 pm Fast Mall a 2:40 pm oinuhii-Chlcngo L'1'd..u 7:15 pm a 9:20 um Fust .Mnll a S:3o am Cedar Rapulr Pass a 5:30 pm Twin i uy express n i.oo am aioua pm Twin City Limited. . .u 7:55 pm a 8:40 um . .u 0:15 um u 3:50 pm Hloux i uy i.ocui. u Dally. SIlKtourl Piii'lllr. St. Louis Express al0:00 nm a 6:25 pm K. C, & St. L. ExpreEs.ulO;50 pin u 6:15 um Chlciiuo, Hock IkIiiihI A l'liclflc. EAST. Dcs Moines nnd Dav enport Local a 7:35 am a 9:25 pm Chicago Express bll:15 nm a 4:55 pm Den Moines Local n 4:w pm bll:50 um Chicago Fast Express. ,u 4;35 im u 1:25 pm Des MoineH, Rock Isl and und Chlcugo u 7:40 pm u 8:25 am WEST. f Lincoln, Colo, Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West n 1:39 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado. Oklahoma & Texus Flyer a 5:20 pm u 9:50 am IIUHLINGTON STATION 10TII .t SIASO.V llurlliiutoii A .MlHSiiurl Itlvrr. Leave. Arrive. Wymorc, Beatrlco and Nebraska Express u ;40 um a 7:35 pm Lincoln u S:tu an. bli:55 am Denver Limited a 4:25 inu u J;wi pm Black I1IIW und Puget Sound, Denver Con nection a 9:00 pm n c:45 nm Lincoln Fust Mall....i..b 3 00 pm a 9:17 um Fort Crook und 1'lutls- mouth b 3:20 pm 1)11:05 nm Bellevue & Pucliln Jct..t 7:40 pm u b:20 am Bellevuu & PeclHc Jet. .a 3:00 um K a n nii a (yl, Si. .i.mi'iili .u Council lllllflN. Kansas City Day Ex.... a 9:20 am n 6:05 pm Kansas City Night Ex..alo;30 pm a 0:15 am SL Louis Flyer u 5:10 pm ali:ii am Clilcuuii, lliii'llnutun A (lulni!)'. Chicago Special a 7:00 nm al0:20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..u 4;00 pm a 7:45 um Chicago Locul a B:So um a 4:06 pm Chlcugo Limited u 7:50 pin a 7:43 am Fust Mull a 2:40 pm a Dally, ti Dally except Sunday. WEBSTER DEPOT IfVTII t WIWSTER Frrmont, ElUlioru A Sllsnourl Valley Leave. Arrive, Black Hills, Dtadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a D;00 pm Wyoming, Casper and DojRlaa d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pm Hastings, York, David City Superior, Genevu, Exeter and Seward.... b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:25 am Fremont Locul o7:30um Clili'iitio, SI. Pniil, Sllimenpolla A Olllll Int. Twin City Passenger.... a 6:00 am a 9:10 nm Kloux City Passenger. ..a 2:45 pm allilO am Emorson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:20 am SlUsourl Pittilflu. Nebrnska Local, Via , Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0;25 am a Dally h Dally escept Sunday, o Hun, ay only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. I I SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT New Service lo Mediterranean TIki nuw tlir.'llitlo twin. Kcruw steamer "Coniinunwualtb,"li), 000 tons, (!()0 feet Ionic, and "Now Knplanrt," 11, GOO tons, f75 fix it lonr, will sail fnim Ilnsion to Ulbralter, Airier, (lenoa, Naples nnd Aluxan. nrla, Kirypt, ns inllowsi "Common wealth," Jim. !, '02:''New Knirland" Jan, 'Jot "Commonwealth" Feb 1'.', Perfect service und cuisine, Apply Com pany's Olllce. CO Deurborn fit'. Chlcugo. Bend for Mediterranean Illustrated booklet. ! a, a i,