'I ( 4 THE OMAHA DA1LT J3J tboi. DAT, DECEMBER V AVO I . 4 " ,V - If s COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL AH Otntli aui Frariiitni Expiriineo harp BtotTttin ii Prices. WHEAT HAS A VERY WEAK OPENING Cable Are Lower, lint Smnllne of World' Shipment (n llu ro tt Act a ItcilroinlttK I'cnttire mid 1 Mnrket Close HlKhcr. CHICAGO, Dec. 3D. Covering by short to even up an oversold rrmrkot, which hntl been brought about by a weakness follow ing on early bearish conditions, today In fluenced a sharp recovery In nil grains. May wheat cloned ?c up, May corn 4fiyc higher and May oats Ho ndvanced. Pro vision closed 10f224c higher. Wheat hnd a very weak opening. Cables wcro lower, much more no than wa ex pected In coiiBldcrntlon of the decllno hero Saturday. Tho uimntlty of wheat on pas sago wan Increased 232,0"X bUHhel and tho northwestern primary receipts woro ma terially larger than a year ago. Tho one redeeming feature for tho bJlls wa tho smnllncss of tho world'. shipments to Europe. May opened 4ff4c lower at 8141P solio and at once sold down to 80,ylu'80ic. Tho early selling was heavy and every thing offered at tho low prices wbh ab sorbed. When thn small decrease wan re ported In the vlslblo Biipply and tho ex port clearances appeared of considerable proportions shorts began to cover In such a mnnncr that It seemed apparent that tho market hud been oversold. There was aome rumor that a conslderablo short lino was being oovered for F. 11. I'cavey, tho elevator magnato who died hero today. This covering, which begun oidy half an hour beforo the close, soon sent May to KUc. Small protlt-tnktng brought a slight reaction und May closed strong, -io up, at 824c. Local receipts wcro 49 cars, nono of contract grade; Minneapolis and Uuluth reported MS cars, making a total for thn threo point of 912 cars, against Sin last week nnd 677 a year ago. Primary receipts were lCHdu bushels" compared with 792,0m) bushels last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and llour equalled tJ),0(io bUHhdls. Tho seaboard reported 35 loads taken for export. World's shipments wero ti.OSI.ouo bushels, against fi.'JsS.uoo bushels last week. Tho vlslblo supply decrease wua 157,000 bushels. Corn played a following gntnn with wheat most of tho day. Cables wero lower and May had a weak opening. Most of tho early selling aslot from the wheat sym pathy was Influenced by the cables, Homo of tho heaviness was duo to tho expecta tion of heavier receipts and to the Im pression that the demand from feeders was abating as a result of the milder weather. The cash situation was rather tame. Tho accumulation of largo short lines on tho wenkness, ns In wheat, led to the lata re covery. May sold up well after the early decline and closed llrm at Vic down at fifi'iC. Receipts wcro 178 cars, Oats opened lower with other grnlns and ruled dull throughout tho day. Tho ruugo w.m narrow Commission houses and ele vators wcro sellers at the start, Later n good deal was reinstated after the advance was pretty well under way, May sold up to 45ic and closed firm, w up, at 43140. Itecelpts wero 173 cars. Provisions opened llrm on light receipts nnd better prices at the yards stimulated tho trading. Early grain weakness Inllu enced some profit-taking, but on tho Into strength In cereals provisions advanced again. May pork closed 22!e up at $17,124, May lard 12Hc h.gher at U0.20 anil May ribs 19o higher nt 8.92',$. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 40 cars; corn, 245 cars; oats, 105 cars; hogs, ).) head. Tho leading futures ranged ns follows; Artlcles. Open.l High. I Iow. CInse.i Sat'y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oats Dec. May July Pnrk Jan. Miy .aid "May Itlbs Jan. May i 4 1 '4 ' 'C 74 II 40 I 10 12U 10 10 8 CO 8 87V5 (Bi 68H1 41 4!ifl 39! If,' 97v 17 47V4 10 174 10 20 8 05 8 92(4 ,03 77 654; 4Ui 44 as?; If! S3 17 324 10 124 10 10 8 67'4 8 874 J5B WTfV u;-l ui' C3 44J4 k. 974; 17 47t? io ir 10 20 8 03 7! 41 43 was quiet nt J23.00fj 24.00. A better feeling prevallod In copper at London nnd at tho close value wero 1 higher, leaving spot at 69 nnd futures at 49 12s 6d. Here the market remains dull nnd unchanged, with I-nko Superior ouoted nt 113; electrolytic, J12.78; casting, 112.50. Lend was dull at 14.37 at Now York; nt Iondon spot wn quoted at 10 3s S4.d- Spelter eased off 2 6d nt London to 16 15s, nnd the locnl market was nominally 5 points off, but dull, nt tl.35. Iron, nuleti pig Iron warrants, J10.6otUl.C0; No. i northern foundry, $15 6o 16.00; No. 2 southern foundry, U.foffi5.W! No. 1 southern foundry, tl5.5tWG.00; No, 1 southern soft foundry, $15.0017.00. Glas gow Iron warrants closed nt 49s Id and Mlddlesborough at 43s 3d. 10 73 17 25 10 05 10 074 8 55 8 824 "No. 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: . FLOPR-Stondy. WIIEAT-No, 3 spring, C6fJ77U,c; No. 2 red, miiii 'Uiic 47', d, 8IU1iV6ic OATH No. 2. 454fj45'io: No. 2 white, 17 Ho; No. 3 white, 4Cffl7c. 05,ic RYE No, RARLEY Fair to cholco moltlnir. r.sitw f.2c. SEEDS-No. 1 llnx. J1.5SJ No. 1 northwest ern. J1.00; prime timothy, J6.S55jC.15; clover, contract grade. $9.15. PROVISIONS .Mess pork, per bbl., $11.00 ff 10.10. Ijiird, per 10(1 lbs.. $10.12iff710,15. Short ribs sides (loose). KOotfS.'O. nty t-altctl shoulders (boxed), $7.37 V.il( 7.60. Short clear sides (boxed), I9.00fi9.10. WIIlSlyY IJasls of high wines, $1.32. Tho following wcro tho receipts nnd ship ments of grains yesterday: Articles. Itecelpts. Shipments. JFlour, bblft 05,KY 0.m0 wheat, bu NS.ooo 14.0 K) Corn, bu 122,0(10 4 "() Oats, bu 163,OiiO lfi0,(,)0 Itye, bu 9,0X1 ;i,0X Uarlcy, bu (o,0W 20,000 On tho Produces exchango today tho but ter market was steady; creameries, 15 24c; dairies. 14f(20c. Cheese, steudy, 9(&' 10;c. Eggs, steady; fresh, 24c. ni:w vonic gi:m:hai, maiucht. (liintntlnnn of the I)ny on Vnrlou COIIIIUOlIltlCM, NEW YORK, Dec. 30. FLOIJR-Recelpts, 42,119 bbls.. exports, 11,700 bbls.; market firmer nt the close, with wheat, but not quotnbly higher; winter patents, $2."5ffl.00; winter straights, $3.60fi3,t5: .Minnesota, pat ents, $3.80yt.l5; winter extras, $2.ynff3.20; Minnesota bakers, $2 931(3.30; winter low grndes, 52.T0fi2.8t). Rye llour, llrm: fair to good, J3.20li3.40; chalco to fancy, $3.45f(3.30. CORNMEAI Quiet ; yellow western J3.15; city, $1.36; Hrandywlne, $3.05f)3.75. RYE Klrm; No. 2 western, 75'fce, f, ft. b.. nlloat; state, 70071c, c. I. f New York, carlots. 11ARLEY Steady; feeding, 59T)61c. c. I, f.. Duffalo; mnltlng, 04ji09c. o, 1, f., Huffnlo, WHEAT Receipts, H:DU0 bu.; exports. 137,121 bu. Spot, llrm; No, 2 red. SvVo t. o. b., nlloat; No, 2 red, 87c, elevator; No. 1 northern. Dulutb. S7Ue. t. n h ndnni Options for-a time were alfected bv bearish weekly foreign statistics, lower cables and general selling, but In the afternoon sharply recovered. Tho rally was attende.l by la scare of shorts, export rumors and larger clearances. Closed llrm nt ic net ndvance March, tf,i8Sc, closed at SSe; Mav, i-5 11-lti flS7dc, closed at S71ic; July, 85.(fS64e. closed at 86?4q; December, 81Hl)85He, olos'd ut 85Hc. CORN Receipts, 10.000 bu.; exports. 401 bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2, 70Tc, elevator, und "OSc, f. o.,b ntloat. Ojitlons held off nt llrst under wenk cables, big world's ship ,mentB nnd liquidation, to recover eventu ally with wheat and a strong demnnd from shorts. Clased firm and ,c net higher. May, il'l 13-1 W70e, closed nt 70c; Decern ber, S9iW7Kc. closed at 704c. OATS Receipts, 75,0) bu. Spot, (Inner No. 2, 52c; No. 3, 51o; No. 2 white. r,1e; No, 3 white, 634c; track mixed western 624c; track white western, 6Ki574c; track whlto states., 5lfj57Uc. Options quiet and llnnlly stronger, with other markets. HAY Quiet: shipping. C0565e; good to choice. 8244(95c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. 1901 crop. lHiiSHe; 1900 crop. S3I12e; 1S.D crop, 0'9e; Pacfllc coast, 19J1 crop, HW IDe; l!Ki crop, wuc; jsw crop. Ufi9o. HlDES-ri.-m; tlalveston, 20 to 25 lbs., He; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 194c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., H4c. LIOATHER Klrm; hemlock solo, Ilueuos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 25Jf204c, WOOL Quiet; domestic (leeco, 25;c; Texas. IGHc. PROVISIONS-Reef. llrm; famllv. $11.00 W12.60; mess, $10; beef hams, 2O.50fil,M; packet, J10.Wfil2.00j city extra India mess. S17.U0& 19.(0. Cut meats, steady; pickled bel llos, 8H4fWUo; pickled shoulders, 7c; pickled hums, 9i'i(104. lird, llrm; western steamed, $10.01; refined, firm; continent, 110.604(11.00; South America, $11;' compound, IS.00o-S.25. Pork, tlrm: family, $11.751S.W; ehort cleat, $1!).W(20.00; mess, Jl0.50ui7.50. UUTTER Receipts. 4,672 iikgs.; steinly; ntnto ilniry. 15i2;te; creamery, 16f(25c:' June creamery. 15lf2l4c; factory, 124Jjl54c CIir.ESE-Reculpts, 2,619 pkgs.; uulet; Btnto full creams, largo, fall mado. fancy, JOtflOVic; statu full cronms, small, fall made, fancy, H5('UV4u; Into mndo, best, large, 94c; Into made, best, small, lOytOVio. EQOS RoeolptB, 4,066 pkgs.j llrmorj stnte nnd Pennsylvnnlu, 30o; western, nt mark, V3lf29o: southern, nt murk, 224j2Sc. POULTRY Allvo, no receipts; dressed, firm; springers, 94(J10c; fowls, 94j94c; turkovs, 14ihl44c. MKTAIS Intorestlng features woro lack ing In the market for metals at home and abroad and trade was quiet. Tin nt Iondou was dull nnd unchanged, with spot quoted 1K and futures at 103, Locally, tin OMAHA "IVIIOI.KMAI.H MAItlCUT. Condition of Trnilc nnd tltiotntloii on MtnplR and l'nney Produce. KOOS-Recelpts, light; fresh stock, 21c. LIVE POULTRY - Hens, 545(6o; old roosters. 3f(4c. turkeys, 75(9cj ducks nnd geese, 6460! spring chickens, per lb., v;t 64c. , DRESSED POt'LTRY-Turkeys, JHtcj ducks, 884c; geese, y9cj spring chickens, diV'c; hens, 7fi74c. UUTTER Common to fair, H4c: cholco lu'ry. .J" tubs. ir,fi7o; cpaator, 2324c. FROZEN I'-ISII Ulack bass, ISc; whlto bass, loo: bluetlsh, 12c; bullheads, loc; blue llns, 7c; burfaloes, 7c; catllsh, 12c; cod, 10c; crapples, 11c: halibut, 11c; herring, jc; had dock, 9c; pike, 8c; rod snapper, 10c; sal mon, 12c; suntlsh, Cc; trout, uc; whltetlsh, Jc; pickerel, 6c, tresh mackerel, each, 2v'ii 30c; smelts, loc. OYSTERS Mediums, per call, 22c; Stand ards, icr can, 5c; extra selects, per can, 33c! Now Y'urk counts, per can. 4'jc; bulk Standards, per gal., Jl.Suft 1.23: bulk extra selects. Jl.fioyi.Coi bulk New York counts, per Bal $1,75, PIUEONS-Llve, per doz 60c. VEAI-Cholce, (Vii'ic. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale liny Dealers' association: Cholco up land, $9.60; No. 2 upland, JS.60; medium, $S; coarse, $7.50. Ryo straw, $5, , These prices aro for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 8 cars. CORN-Now, 67c; old, 67c. I1RAN-J23. OATS-62C VEQETAULES. POTATOES-Homc grown, Jl; northern, $1.10; Salt Lake, $1.10; Colorado, $1.10. CARROTS Per bu COc. IIJCETS Per 4-bu. basket. 30c. Tl'RNIPH-Per liu., COc; Rutabagas; per 100 lbs., $1.25. v PARSNIPS-Por bu., COc. CUCIJMHERS-Hothouse, per doz., $1.25. LETTUCE Head, per bbl., J0.50; hot house lettuce, per doz., 25c. PARSLEY-Por doz.. L'6c. RADISHES Per doz., 25c. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per ib., 24c, Kansas, per bbl,, $3.25. CAIUIAOE-Hoiland seed, crated, 14c CAULirLOWER-Pcr crate, $2.75. ONIONS-Sjianlsh, per crate, $2.00; Michi gan, red or yellow, 3c per lb. C ELER Y Ca 1 1 fornltt , iO'U 75c. NAVY UEANB Per bu., $2.15. KRUITS. APPLES - Ren Davis, per bbl.. JI.M; Wlnesnps, J5; Jonathans, J5.60; Uolltllowers, per box, Jl 76. PEARS Vlkers, $2.25; Lawrence, 2.260 2.50. (JRAPES-Mnlacas. jior keg, J5.501i6.50. CHANHERRIES-Por bbl., j7.D0'a8-W; per crate, $2.76. TROPICA!, FRUITS. ORANGES-Elorldius, $3.2ya3.50; Calif or nla navels, J3.2sit3.60J budded, $2.60. liEMONS-Funcy, J3.604JJ.76; choice. $3.00 Qil.L'O. HANANAS Per uunch, aLCordlng to size, 12.2362.75. FiUS-Callfomla, now cartons, $1.00; Im ported, per lb., K'fjllc. DATES Persians, In GO-lb, boxes, per lb., 64c; Sulrs, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. . UTS New crop walnuts. No 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., 11c; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; IJrazlls, per lb., 14c; filberts, per in., 13c; almonds, soft shell,, 17e; Intra shell, 15c; pecutis, large, per lb 12c; small, loc; cocoa nuts, tier cut,, $5; chestnuts, 12c. HONEY Per 21-scctlon case, $3.6033. ,5. CIDER-Nchawka, per bbl., $3; Now York, $3.60. HIDES No. 1 green, Co; No. 2 green, 5c; No. 1 salted. 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 124 lus., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 7c; dry hides, sf13c; sheep pelts, 25fj27c; horso hides. $l.G0'u2.25. tii. I. (mix (iruln und I'ro vision. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 30. WHEAT-IIIgher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, S7e; track, 8J4c; December and Muy, 87c; July, 8(j8c; No, 2 hnrd, 79JjS3c. CORN-Hlghei, No, 2 cash, 65,c; track, 6?4l65cJ December, 6o?ic; May, GV&c; .July, 6Sc. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 47c; track and December, 474J May, 47c; July, 39Vic; No. 2 whlto, ISUc RYE Higher nt 604c KLOUR Market quiet; red winter pat ents, $3.90fl4.10; extra fancy and straight, $3.603.65; clears, JS.IO'QSS. SEED Timothy, nominally llrm, JC.OOff 0.30. CORNMEAIy-Stendy Ot $3.23. U RAN Dull, easy; sacked, east track, $1.10. HAY Timothy, easy, $13.00f( 15.60; prnlrlo, steady, $13. PRUVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing, $16.60. Lard, higher, $9.90. Dry salt meats (boxed), higher; extra shorts and eltnr ribs, $i.S4; clear sides, $9,124. lttuon (boxed), higher; extra sliorts, J9.6241I9.T5; clear ribs, $U.7b; clear sides, $9,874. ' WIIISKY-Steady, $1.32. IRON COTTON TIES-93C. , UAOOINa-5Jif(G?4C HEMP TWINE 9c. METALS Lead, nominal at $3.93. Spelter, nominal at $1.15, POULTRY Firmer; chlckons, old, 04c; young, 74c; turkeys', 10c; ducks, 6f7c; geese, 3(f(fic. UUTTER - Steady; creamery, 207254c; dairy, 15(ii20c. EOOS-Steady at 23c. RECElPTS-Flour, 9,000 bbls; wheat, 13,000 bu.; corn, 19i,0(X bu.; oats, 12I,W) bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, 8,0)0 bbls.; wheat, 33,000 bu.; corn, 126,0m) bu.; oats, 27,OjO bu. Liverpool firulu und Provision. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 30. WIIEAT-Spot, No, 2 red western, winter, llrm, 0s2d; No. 1 northern, spring, steady, 6sl4d; No. 1 Cali fornia, llrm, Os 6d, Futures, quiet; March, 6.4 2Hd: May, Ca 2d. CORN Spot, American mixed, old. quiet nt 6b941; now, 6s 9d. Futures, dull; Jan uary. 6s 4Hd; March, 6s2?id; May, 5s 2id. PEAS-Canadlan, llrm, 6s 114d. FI.OUR St, Louis fancy winter, llrm, 7s 9d. HOPS At London (Pnclllc coast), btendy, 3 :!sft3 13s. 1'ROVISIONS-Ueef, firm; extra India nitss. 79s. Pork, llrm, prime moss western, 72s 6.1; hams, short cut, II to 16 lbs., quiet, 47k 6d. Lard, quiet; American refined, In palls, 60s Cd; prime western, In tierces, 50s. llacon, Cumberland cut, 2(1 to 30 lbs,, quiet, 13s 6d; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs., quiet, 4Cn 6d: long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., quiet, 45s 6d; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 10 lbs., quiet, tos; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., quiet. 44s; clear bellies, II to M lbs., dull, 1 62s 6d. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., (inlet, 43s, UUTTER-Steady. finest United States, 92s; good United States, 70s. CHEESE Firm; American, finest white, llrm, 47s 6d;. American, finest colored, llrm, 4Sh 6d. The Imports nt wheat Into Liverpool last week wero 37,(Vo qtinrtors from Atlantic ptrts, none from Pnclllc ports and 6,000 quarters from other portB. The Imports of cc rn from Atlantic ports wero 2,800 quar ters. Kiiiinii City (iriilu und ProvUlons. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 30.-WHEAT-.May, 8C,c; cash, No. 2 hard, 77c; No, 3, 734ff 76o; No. 2 red, 87c; No. 3, 834flS6c; No. 2 spring, 75fj6o; No. 3, 71c. spring. YuiUitic, No. 3, 74o; Receipts, 57 cars. CORN December. 674c; January, C&tc; May, 68e; cash, No. 1' mixed, iif(c7G04c ; No. 2 white, U64(j(67c; No. 3, ti4l6C4c. OATS-No 2 white, 47c. RYE No. 2. 6Vii004c. HAY-Cholco timothy, Jll.OOfj 14.50; cholco prairie, $13.50. llUTTE-R-Creamcry, 185J22c; dairy, funcy. lSe EC5C1S Stead v: fresh Missouri nnd Knn. sua stock quoted oq 'change at 19o doz., loss off, eases returned; country hold, lCc. RECEIPTS-Whcat. 45.CO bu.: corn. 179.- 200 bu.; oats, 39,0(i bu. SHIPMENTS Wtieat. 23,L'00 Ull.J corn, lSS.'.VO bu.; oats. 25,(M) bu. .Minneapolis Wheat, flour nml II run. MINNEAPOLIS. Doc. 30. WHEAT Cash. 77c; May. 78Uc; July, 79c; on track, No. 1 hard, 79ic. No. 1 uurtheru, 77c; No, 2 northern. "5Vsi6c. FI.OUR Lower; llrst liatents, $4.0034. 10; second patents, $3.9a&-l.eo; first clears, $2.9) 4j3.(io; second clears, $2.55. 11RAN In bulk. $18, Jllltrniikof (iruln .Market, MILWAUKEE. Dec. SO. W 1 1 E AT M nr. kot higher; No, l northern. 7S40'79c; No. 2 northern. 77h"9c; May, Kic uvi'; l.ower; ,mi, j, (x',sc PARLEY Lower; No, 2, tV4iff6!4c; sam pie, 68li61c, CORN Lower; May, C64c. IMltlii llutter Market. ELGIN. HI.. Dec. 30.-HUTTER-ITiv changed; market steady at 20c, with no regular saies. i no saies ot tno week ag gregate 601,450 pounds, Vlslliln Supply, of (irnlu, NEW YORK. Dec. 30. The vlslblo sunnlv of grain Saturday, December 28, as com piled by the New York Produce exchange. Is: Wheat. 68,IS,0o) bu.; decroase, 157.000 bu. Corn, 11,252,0( bu.j increase, 121.0W lu. Oats, B.SM.tM), bu.: decrease, 333.UU0 bu. Rye, 2,661,(iO bti.j decrease, 15,C bu. Bar ley, 2,463,1(00 bu.j Increase, 4IO.0W bu. Philadelphia Produce Mnrkct.' t PHILADELPHIA, Dec. S0.-BUTTER-I-Irm nnd fair demand; fancy western, 254 5j26c; fancy nearby prints, 23c. LOOS Firm; fresh western. 2cJ fresh southwestern, 28cj fresh southern, 27c. CHEESE-Qulot but firm; Now York full creams, fancy, small, ll'e; Now York full creams, fair to choice, 94011c. Toledo tiro I n mill Seed. , TOLEDO, Dec. 3). W 1 1 EAT Fairly" ac tive and higher; cash and December, 83c; Muy, sxjie. CORN December, 66cJ May, 074c. OATS 17c; May, 17c. SEEDS-Clover, December, $J.S74i Mnrch, Jj.9. .MOVn.MU.Vl'S Oh' STOCKS AMI IIOMIS. .Vuinrroii DeprrssliiK Fut'tor Cnue (ieneriil .ScIIIiik mill Decline. NEW YORK, Dec. no.-Todny's stock market was largely a matter of money supplies. The symptoms wcro lndubltablo that these were scarce, the call loan rate running up nt ono tlmo to 12 per cent. Tho general rato for renewals was 10 per cent. Later In the day tho money rate became easier under offerings by bankers, among whom J. Plerpont Morgnn Ai Co, wero con spicuous. An urgent demand developed for Reading, which caused nil advance ot I points lu that stock ut a new high record price i nt each step of tttV ndvnnce. When Reading yielded to realizing the general market, which hnd been held onlv steady, gave way again suddenly und dropped to the lowest, tho Industrials nnd Pncltlcs leadlmr. The nlnalntr tt'tia unllvn niirl nniit. Today oyer hulf a million dollars additional jvai pain out. ror redemption of government bonds; later In tho day It wus explained that payments Were tielnir timiln fnr (lie $75.0O,0i m of Northern Pnclllc convertlblo bonds, tho proceeds of which are to bo used lor tnt retirement of Northern Pacific pre ferred Stock. It WllH Klllll Hull ,111,1 ,.,U of $3l,(ioo,0o0 had jinssed on account of tho suoscriptious. tho reduction III the Calu met & Heela dividend and tho closing clown of tho Anaconda tnlno. depressed Amalgamated Copper sharply. Sugar was under- renewed pressure and showed Mho lack of recent demand from a short Inter. est. The assembling of tho conference of northwestern governors to concert meas ures of opposition 'to tho Northern Securi ties company made the Paclllcs weak. 1 nlon Pnclllc seemed to bo uffected also by some dlsaimolntment over the hipmuit. ness of details In the annual report regard- iiik me mcitiods oi iiuaticing tho Northern Pacific settlement. Tho bond market was moderately nctlvo and Irroelllar. Total sulen. nur v.iln,. $2,320,000. Tho, 1'nlted States 6s, coupon, nnd refunding 2s, registered, declined Hi, and 2s, coupon, :is, coupon, and the old 4s per cent on tTie last call. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says. The stock mnr ket today was Inactive and featureless. The American '.lcnnrtment was firm carlvi but reacted on lower quotations, from New vorn. union l-aciuc and Atchison wero weakest. No reason was ulven save apathyt Rio tlntos sold at 10 Hd nnd copper at 49 jier ton. .Money Is strong, on the year end demands. The market bor rowed 3,60O,(K) from the Rank of England. pans I'xcuunge is -.u.ti; Heriin, au'jft. The following are the closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: 60 V; 33U 93V 33V 18 WA 1024 . 89:, . 22'Si . 42, . 184 . 29 . sou 41U .195 .2(Hi '6 L Atchison do ptd lia'tlmore .t O. do nfd. Canndian (lunula C lies, ifc Chicago it A do pro Chi., Ind. .t do pfd Chlcngo O. W do 1st ptd... do 2d pfd... Chlcugo .Vc N. C. R. I. ,t P. Chi. Ter. & Tr.. do nfd C C. C. & St. Colorado So... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson. Del. L. & W.... Denver tc R. do nfd Erie do 1st pfd., do 2d old... Ot. Nor. pfd. Hock, valley do pru . 79 So. Pacific .102 So. Rullway .... .1034' do pfd 91 TfX. i I'acltlo .. Pac....ll34'ToI.. St. L. & W So 87 do pfd Ohio 47U I nlon Pacific ... ... W,h do pfd ... 76U Wabash ho-h do pfd .... i(i (Wheel, & I .... a do 2d pfd .... 834, Wis. Central . ....47 do pfd W.20I .Adams Ex 1534'Amerlcnn Ex.. U. H. JJX K. L. 1-J4 Wells-Fargo Ex.190 97 lAmal. Copper . 14T4 Amir. Car & F.. . 69 d" pfd . 2S4 Amer. Lin. Oil.. .lJil'a do pfd Amer. . At it... O.. 114 do pfd .... 9.4'Anae. Mln. Co. 6S4 304 SliJi 15 43 4IU 'Mi Ml-. i.",2 J' "'vni 11 Jl. i.AIlj . 71 C0l0. Fuel & l. S6 . Kl? son. 'as 2la .lNlw-on. ion. prd... . 70 Oen. Electric ... . AliC'Clnnosil HiiL-np Illinois Central ..l.isl locking Coal ... Iowa Central .... 37 Inter. Paper .... do pfd 714". ,ln I'fd Lake Erie & W.. 09 .Inter. Power .... ..127 i.uciode Uas .... ..ltK'4'Nu. Illsctilt ..1364 National Salt ... ..161 do pfd . .26s 'No. American .. .. H5i J ac lie Coast ... ..10SU Pnclllc Mall ..1051, People's Oas .... .. 25-Ji Pressed S. Car.. i Hid .i.(a 'y ion v". N. J. Central ....1964 Pullman P. Cnr..217 n. i. leuinii.. . .iiiiiui I'ui'iic nteel Norfolk & W 57 do pfd do pfd 914 r'lgnr No. Pnclllc tifd... 99)i i.enn. Cnnl & I.. ,v do pfd L. & N Manhattan L. Met. St. Ry..., Mex. Centrnl . Mex. National Minn. ,t St. L. Mo. Pnclllc ... M., K. k T.... do pfd.. .1114 . 29 . 154 . 20)4 . 76 . 874 . 90 . 414 . 32 . 01 . 93 . 75 103: 40 85 Ontario & W "Vnnsylvanla . Reading do 1st pfd..., do 2d pfd.... St. L. & S. F. . do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd St. L. Southw. do pfd St. Pan! St. PhuI pfd.., ;i;,ik union Hag & ! .. 67 t. S. Leather .... 824 ..'Io Ijf,l .. ta-n U. S. Rubber .. 31)4 , ,,Io 5'fd , .. 82' V. S. .Steel .. 7.Th 'o Pfd .. 2iis, Western Union.. .. 5S Amer. Locomo... ..ltllijj do pfd , ..1S9 J54 68'fc 1104 rtl'4 H!'K 73 in 81'i 13 31 904 Xpm- Vnrk .Money Mnrkct. NEW YORK, Dec. 30.-MONEV-On call, firm, at 0fil2 per cent; closing offer. 6 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 51rj. per cent. STERLINO EXCH ANO E Firm, with nc tual business In bankers' bills at Ji.Wi for demand and nt $l.834.f3i for sixty ilnys; posted rates, $4,84 4 and $1,874; '.ommerclnl bills. $4.f'3i(4.S34. SILVER-lhir, 655dc; Mexican dollars, 43'b0. PONDS-Oovernment, wenk; state, Inac tive; railroad, Irregular. The closing quottittuns on bonds aro aa follows: U. S. ref. 2s, rcg.lOS4 1094 IU.14 IimJS reg.1394 i'"ii..' .U2'", .1074 107 U .1U3V reg do coupon do 3s, reg. do coupon do new 4s, do coupon do old 4s, do coupon do 5s. reg do coupon Ati h. gen. 4h.... do adj. 4s Ral. & Ohio 4s. iin :. do conv. is ii" Canada So. 2s...lC94 Kent, of tin. 5S...106,1! do la Inc "6 Clics. ,1 O. 14s. ..nwV Chi & A. 34s 80. ('. U, & Q n. Is.. !h78 C. M & S P g. 4s,112 U ,t N W c. L. fe N. jinl. 4s.. .1024 Mex. Central 4s.. 83tJ do Is Inc........ ;i M. & St. L. 4s.. 103 M.. K. & T. 4s... 9S N. Y. Ceiit'rai'is.liN; 4 ' g.eu. U4S....U0 ?.' J 1 V .BP,, Bh. .134 No. Pnclllc 4s.... 103 9I4IN. & W. con. 4s.ni'i! 1(13 iRcadlng gen. 4s..l0o4 u73.,i . iu i .ii e, os. Jin HI Ii S F Is... 971 St L. S. W. Is... m;)T do 2a rn (I S A & A P 4s.... m I ho. Pacific 4s !i,rit ho. Rullway 5s...li4 lex. Pac. Is... 1194 T. St L & W 4s.. 814 C. R 1 K- V 4s 1H74 do conv. ts CCC & S L g. 43.101 ,'U'nbash Is Chicago Ter. 4s... 104 do 2s Colo. So. 4m UO',4 ' do deb. H D. & R. O. 4h....10334 West Shorn -Is... Erlo prior 1. 4s. . .1014 W. L. E. 4s... do general 4a. . . 914 W Is. Central Is. F. W. A: D. C. Is. 1(15 Con. Tob. 4s Hock. Val. 44s...l097i balnneOVy premium. NEW YO0i 10i Utsil .114 . 66-Vj 114U i4 . 63 Hid. London Muek Uiiotnt.'oii v LONDON, Dec. 30.-1 p. m.-Closing: Consols, money do account .. Anaconda Atchison do pfd Hal. Ii Ohio.... Canadian Pac. ('lies, .v: unn 91 INorfolk & W 91 I do pfd... (1)8 ISO. brk exchange, 35c Clesrlncs. 1127.062.- 837; balances, )o,48'.',8uf. RALTIMORE, Dec 30,-Clcarlngs. $2,812, 756: balances, $421,Su0; money, 64 per cent. BOSTON, Dec, SO.-Clenrlngs, $19,177,660; balances, $1,639,454. CINCINNATI, Dec. 30.-Clearlngs, J3.S08, 950; money, 4416 per cent; New York ex change, par. Ronton Stock faotntlnn. BOSTON, Dec. 30,-Cnll loans, 44'9'5 per cent; tlmo loans, 44Q6 per cent. Official closing: r Atchison 4s 101 Allollez Oas Is 80 Amalgamated Mex. central 4s,. 81114 name N. E. O. & C Atchison do pfd Boston & A Boston ,V .Me... Boston Kiev.... N Y, N II & H. Union Pnclllc ,. Mex. Centrnl .. Amer. Sugar ... Amer. T. & T.. Dam, I. & S.... Ocn. Electric... 57 Bingham . 734 Cal. & Hecltt .1024 Centennial .260 Copper Range .. .191 Horn. Coal .160 Franklin .2114 Isle Roynlo .102, Mohnwk . 25-)i Osceola .1111 l-arroi .. .1644 Qtilncy .. . "fit! Hnntn Fe 283 Mass. Electric... 33 do nfd. United Fruit ... U. 8. Steel do pfd Westlngh. Com.. Advcnturo , 92 92 43 93 85 Con. 'Tamarack Trimountain .. Trinity United States . Utah Victoria wlnonn 19U Wolverine 334 23 4 690 124 524 494 .,. 13 ... SOU ... so2 ... ;n ...14(1 ... 34 ...2(H ... 37 ::: ::: lit .Ketr York .Mining Stooks. NEW YORK, Dec. 30.-Tha following aro the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Alice 41 Rreece 75 Brunswick Con... 15 Com. Tunnel .... 6 Con. Cat. & Va..l&i Deadwood Terra. 50 Horn Silver 190 Iron Silver 60 Leadvtllo Con 6 .Little Chief 12 Ontario 850 Otdilr so Phoenix 6 Potosl 3 Savage 2 Sierra Nevada ... 20 Small Hopes ..... 44) Standard 350 3: OMAHA L1TE1 SOCK MARKET lotif DiBui for tiJ CattU tti tUtng Tnott H ik Paid. H0CI SOLD AB0U1 A DIME HIGHER Both Fnt Sheep Ileqilcst nnd unit Stronn-.ot er to Tet Lamb In (food Ruled AotUe, uonRh I'eed- Slnrket. .Mnri.M -.ot v:i ' 1. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 30. Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2,562 5,o9S 3,3ol Same day last week 2,724 8,7' 2,62,1 Same day last year 1,112 1,423 2,173 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha the past several days with comparisons: Date. I 1901. 1900.1899.189i.lS37.,189S.!S95. Cotton Market, LIVERPOOL, Dec. 30,-COTTON-Spot In fair demnnd, prices steady; American mid dling, 4 19-32d. The sales of the day wore 12,0" bales, of which l.oon wero for specula tion and export, and Included 11,400 Amer ican. Receipts, 25,000 bales, Including 24,2X American. Futures opened steady and closed quiet: American middling, g. o. c, December, 4 31-6411 4 32-6ld, sellers; December-January, I 30-6lti4 31-64d, sellers: Janu-ary-Februarv. 1 30-64d. sellers: February- March, I 30-6id, (.cllers; March-April, 4 30-Cld, sellers, Aprll-Muy, 4 20-tlld, value; May-' June. 1 3iMif,i 1 ;ii-6ld, sellers; June-July, 4,W-64fj-l31-6ld, sellers: July-August, 4 30-6l' 131-61(1, sellers; August-September, 4 26-64 4 27-rtld. sellers. NEW' YORK, Dec. 30.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet, 1-16C lower; middling upland. 8'c; middling gulf, 8 11-lOc; sales, 2,100 bales, Futures closed barely stendyj De cember, 7.99c; Jnnunry, 7.99c; February, S.OIc; March and April, S.12c; May, 8.17c; June, S.l.xc: July, 8.20c; August, 8.07c; Sep tember. 7,75c; October, 7.76c. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 30.-COTTON-Qulet; snles, 3,4() bales; ordinary, 6 9-16c; good ordinary, 7 I-I60; low middling, 7 7-16c: middling, ho; good middling. 84c; middling fair. S U-16c; receipts, 12,613 bales; stock, 342,S35 bales. Futures, quiet and steady; December, S 75c. bid; January, 7,R.S7i7.R9c; February, 7 92J(7.94c; March, 7.99ft8.0Ocj April, 8.oKi)S.o.'c; May, S.OSfyS.Ogc; Juno and July, 8.09118.11c. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 30,-COTTON-Mnrket quiet. 1-lOc lower; middling, 8c; no salesi; rece4pts, 5,816 bales; shipments, 6,936 bales; stock. 62,237 bales. GALVESTON, Dec. 30,-COTTON-Mnrket quiet at 8c. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Deo. Dec. Dec. Dec Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1 Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Stiitnr Mnrkct. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 30.-SUGAR-Mnr-ket (inlet; open kettle, 2 9-16fi3c; open kettle centrtfugnl, 3'k.IUc: centrifugal granulated, 441(4 3-10c; white. 3 H-10fi3'4c; yellow, SVff 3S,c: seconds, 2j34c. Molasses, quiet; open kettle. 151(300 ; centrifugal, 6fjlSc. Syrup, steady. lOfc'lc. NEW' YORK, Dec. 30,-SUOAR-Rnw. stendy; fulr refining, 34c; centrifugnl, 96 test, SHc; molasses sugar. 2!ic. Refined, steadv: crushed. 5.25c: nowdered. 4.85c: Jioiasses, quiet; Now granulated. 4.75c. Orleans, 37E?42c. LONDON, Dec. cember, 6s Cd. 30.-BEET SUGAR De- Oll nml ltnnln. 934. i No. Pnclllc pfd,..102' Ontario & W 35I I'ltllnnt'l I'ii 111 ,1 ri!v ,.10J)4 Pennsylvania , .IU174 nf.iiuiig ..Hi!'1! do 1st pfd... 44l do 2d pfd.... 7ti l4 mi Chicago O. W... 2H4, So. Railway 3K ('.. M. & St.. P... 1094 do, pfd.... i; Denver R. (J... 45VSo. Paelllo C218 do pfd. Erlo do 1st pfd do 2d Ptd Illinois Central. L. & N M., K. .t T do pfd N. Y. Central... 95 . 42H ,. 754 ,. 614 ..142V ..IO941 lUnlon I'aclfle 110 jifd U. S. Steel.. do pfd Wnbash .... do pfd.r... Spanish Is.,, 11 VDeBeers .UlVUtnild Mines J. 41 93. 23 41 77 41 JOT, Ex-dlvi.lenil. BAR SILVEIlf-Steaily at 25 lM6d .r ounce. , MONEY 3 li 1H per cent. The rate of dls. count In the open market for short bills !s 38(03 7-10 per cent; for three months' bills. 3) per cent, Hunk ClrarliiKM. OMAHA, Deo. 30. Rank clearings today, $1120.015.09; corresponding day last year, 11,041.636.26; increase, $76,403.43, CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Clearings, $2$,S77,6RH; balances, $1,913,273; New York exchange, 5c uremlum bid; posted exchange, $1,844. sixty dnys: $1,874 on demand. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 30.-Clearlngs. $23,CVs,60.i; oaiances, i,i'o8,ioy; money, a er cent. ST. LOUIS, Dec. CO.-Clearinss, $7,S,73S; OIL CITY, Pa.. Dec. 30.-OIL-Credlt bal ances, $1.15; certificates, no bid; shipments, 155,764 bbls.; average. 93.295 bbls,; runs, 163,771 bbls.; average, 73,666 bbls. SAVANNAH, On., Dec. 30. OIL Turpen tine, firm, 364c. Rosin, llrm; A. B. C. D, Jl; E. J1.05. F. J1.10; O. $1.15; H, $1.40; 1, $1.70: K, $2.25; M, $2.65; N, J3.25; W. G J3.0); W. W., J3.85. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.-OII-Cottonseed, llrm, prlmo yellow, 41tfi414c. Petroleum, dull, ltosln, steady; strulned, J1.50. Turpen tine, steady, 39c. lOviipornlcd 11 nil Dried Fruit. NEW YORK, Dec. 30. EVAPORATED APPLES The week started out with a fair demand, particularly cholco and fancy grades, nnd values were well maintained; stuto, common- to good, Cl(S4c; prime, -9j. 9'ic; choice. 94Q10c; fancy, lOUIfllc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Qulet nnd unchanged. Prunes, aifa'c. Apricots, Royal, lOHHc; Moor Park, 94fil3o, Peaches, peeled, 16j20c; unpcelcd, "VtWMc. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. Dec. 30.-COFFEE-Snot Rio, steady. Mild quiet; Cordova, 745' lie. Futures opened stendy In tone nt a partial 5 points advance. The market at tho close reflected a steady undertone nnd unchanged prices to a net decline of 6 points. Totnl sales wcro 34.500 bags, Includ ing Jnnunry ut 6.75c; Mnrch, . 0.90!f(0.93c; April. 6.75c; May, 7.15c: July, 7.33c; Septem ber, 7.55c; October, 7.555j7.60c. New 'York Dry .(Jood Mnrket. NEW YORK, Dec. 30.-DRY OOODS Spnt buslne?: today under holiday Influ ences and bad weather conditions was jioor and there was barely an average demand. Tho tone continued tlrm In all descriptions of cotton goods, with prices well main tained, but there wns no feature calling for special mention. Wool Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 30,-WOOIFIrm: me dlum, 13lM74c; light line, 124'(4l5c; heavy fine, 103312c; tub washed, H3 24c. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH, Dec. 30. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,200 head; sfong: natives, J3,35fj) 7. 35; cows and heifers, $1.50f(5,33: veals, $2.60175.75; stoekers and feeders. $2.25(31.30. HOGS Receipts, 5.100; 5l?10c higher; light nnd light mixed $6.35ft6.M: medium nnd heavy. $6.006. 83; pigs, $4.2of(G.93. SHEEP-Recelpts, 9 head; steady. THE IIHAI.TY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS plnced on file Monday, December 30: AVurrnuty Deed. E J. I. Weld to F. J. Glsh. 50x126 in block 7, Ambler Place F. J. Glsh to R. O. Glsh, samo.... Edmund Phalen nnd wife to M Scnnlon. undlvl-7 of e4 se'.l 15-10-12 J. P. Phalen to same, same Nollle Tlmi rly to same, samo W, A. Baldwin nnd wife to J. U Iewls. lot a. mock It, Ixiwo s add..., S. C. Brewslet and wife to August Pamp, all East Irvlugton, except .lots I nnd d, block 2, and 24 acres In northeast corner said add J. C. Tobln and wife tr Florlnn nnd Annn Pollrels, s99 feet of sublot 6 In tuxlnt 1 In no'.i ne'4 34-15-13 Otto Uiuimann and wife to Anna Kubln, lot 8, block 4, Potter & C.'s ndd C. S. Raymond et nl to J. F. Frnhm. lot 5, block 1, Ulmebaugh & P.'s subdlv C. H. Gage und husband to Elizabeth AVest. lots 10, 11 nnd 12, Ludwlck Place W. 1. McKcnna and wife to James Neville, taxlot 5 In 22-15-13 Jnmes Walsh and wife to S. Wnjdn, lots 8 and v, Dlock 3, .Mount Douglas add S. H. Johnson and wife to Mnry Nlesmann, n4 lot 26, Falrmount Place Unit f'liiliu Dee. In. O. E. Phalen nnd wife to M. E. Scan Ion. n4 of e4 seU 15-16-12 B. H. Illhbnrd and husband to Au gust Pump, lot 4, block 2, East Irv Ington II. L. B, Noye and husband to same, lot 6, block 2, tamo F. W. Masters et al to C. B. Hawk Ins, lot 7, Morsmnn park E. F. Glafler and husband to same, samo W. II. Olmstead to Mollle Olmstead, seU neU 20-16-12 M. A. Redman and husband to same, -same feet $ 1.000 300 100 60 75 Sty 1.200 1,600 251 500 1.300 10.030 450 760 600 1.600 Heed. Special master to N. C. Reed, lot 10, block 4, 1-ike'n add Same to same, w66 feet, lot 8, block 7, Rail's 1st ndd Sheriff to A. E. Ankele, lot 9, block 12, Shull's 2d ndd C. A. Baldwin, trusteo, ut W. U. Olm slum. h Total amount of transfers. 3,000 2.450 1,(14 1 ,,$27,0(5 1.... 2.... 3.... 4,... (.... ! I. ... 10... II. .. 12... 13... 14... 15... 16... 17... 18... 19... 20... 21... 22... 2J... 24... 25... 26... 27... 28... 29... 30... I 4 631 3 74 6 9oSl I 3 7f I P S.? ' ?l 4 68 4 77 4 84 B 92i; r ot 6 00 I 6 044 6 11U 6 134 6 14 6 !$, I) 21 6 21 6 264 314 6 264 6 12 6 OI 6 06 6 06 6 094 6 194 6 264 4 811 3 81 3 2 3 1'3 3 00 3 34 4 78 4 86 4 82 4 4 81 4 86 4 84 4 83 "3 4 77 4 4 81 4 80 4 661 4 89 4 83 77 4 81 3 81 3 80 3 86 3 25) 3 23 3 1 3 28 3 'A 1 3 to( J 31 3 291 3 191 3 23 3 43 j 3 21 3 16 3 i i ill - a vji 3 a 3 36 1 3 23 3 34 3 83 3 92 3 95 3 96 3 37 3 38 3 t .1 M 3 3 4 011 3 30 3 291 3 17 3 98 3 92 3 91 4 01 4 02 4 Ot 4 11 4 09; 4 14 4 16 4 14 3 30i 3 171 4 is I 3 31 3 : 3 261 3 28 3 28 3 22 3 31 3 37 3 47 3 60 3 41 3 48 a 43 3 15 3 13 3 U 3 151 3 20! 3 23 3 24 3 31 3 31 3 33 3 28 3 24 3 21 3 26 3 30; 3 32 3 30 3 31 3 19 3 21 3 3 3 21 3 36 3 I7 3 Z 3 ill 3 2S 3 17 3 17 3 161 3 18! 3 17 3 14 3 17 3 19 4 3 20 I 3 24 3 18 3 13, 3 31 3 33 3 3) 3 37 3 40 3 36 3 31 3 33 3 27 3 27 3 31 3 30 3 33 3 36 3 41 'Indicates Sunday. Holiday. Tho ofllclal number of cars of stock brought lu today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Shcep.U'r's. C, M. & St. P. Ry u. ni, u. ity Union Pac. System., C. & N. W. fly F., E. & M. V. R. R, C.. St. P., M. t O..., B, H M. R. R. 11..., C, B. & Q. Ry C, R. I. & p., east.. C., R. I. & P., west., Illinois Central Total receipts 11 21 7 20 14 16 6 13 .110 11 4 12 12 3 7 1 12 1 5 70 1 15 The disposition of tho day's receipts was ns follows, each buyer purchasing tho number of head Indicated: Cuttle Omaha Pocking Co owiu unu company Cudnhy Packing Co Armour & Co Swift, from country it. Becker & Degan Vansunt A Co W. I. Stephen Livingstone & Hchaller.. Hamilton & Rothschild. L. F. Husi Hammond Packing Co.. B. F. Hobbeck Wols. & M Other buyers :le. Hogs. Sheep. 370 327 609 666 119 6 63 23 7 68 41 540 7 97 2,645 o97 1,486 1.603 1,970 459 433 1,313 2,8S 6,656 355 850 Totals CATTLE There Wll n irnnd nviirnini ull, 1 ldy of cattle hero today, and, as the demand was also In good shape, the market ruled active and steady to strong prices were jmloWor ull deslruble grades of beef cattle. Buyers wero out early nnd rode fast, so that tho bulk of the offerings was out of first hands In good reason. There wero quite a few beef steers In cluded in tho receipts this morning and somof them were of very fair qunllty. Packers took hold In good shnpo und tho mnrket could safely be quoted strong and active. Even the short-fed cattle sold with out dllllculty at fully as good prices as wcro paid last week and tho market soon came to a closo for lack of cattle to sell. The demand for cow stuff was also of liberal proportions and tho prices paid looked strong as compared with those In forco nt tho closo of lust week. Tho de mand was general for nil grades and In cluded canncrs nnd medium grades, as well as the choicer kinds. Bulls of good quality also met with ready sale ut goofl strong prices nnd the samo could bo said of veal calves and stags. There wero only a few Blockers and feeders on sale today nnd anything ut all desirable was' picked up at an cany hour at strong prices. Tho demand for the cattle showing flesh and quality Is larger than tho supply, but the' commoner grades and thin cattle nro not wanted to any grout extent and tho market cannot be quoted much moro than steudy cm thut class of cattlo. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. 1 620 2 75 1 1070 3 10 1 740 3 60 1090 4 m 1 1090 4 0) 6 1020 4 15 5 1106 4 20 65 966 4 25 5 918 4 25 9 1040 4 25 9 911 4 30 20 936. 4 35 19 1091 4 40 7 950 4 45 2 1115 4 45 2 1050 4 50 6 930 4 60 1 1100 4 60 9 1125 4 50 STEERS 17 915 4 00 STFERS 2 910 3 00 19 922 4 05 13 903 4 10 No. 4... 1... 1... 6... 20... S7... 17... 10... 1... 63... 65... 11... 1... 41... 8... 15... 20... 52... 18... Av. ...1050 ...1170 ...1120 ...1082 ...1039 ...1093 ...1151 ...1101 ... 910 ...1237 ...1234 ...1292 ...1270 ...146S ...1510 ...1290 ...131li .11S3 .1483 AND COWS. 8 1362 1 1 1 I'.'.'.'.'. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o I'.'.'.'.'. 1 1 1 2 3 3 6 15 9 3.'.'.'.'. 2 V.'.'.'.'. 1 o V.'.'.'.'. 3 8 6 3 4 4 4 3 2 1 1 3 2 2 6 1 14 19 1 1 3 1 3.?... 1 5 16 1 4 5 7 1 1 2 2 1 770 600 810 840 .... 855 770 870 830 920 ,....1010 770 910 ,....1070 ,....1010 973 925 ,....1050 620 460 600 640 963 743 986 853 906 913 933 856 825 970 1040 1100 1003 8S0 933 927 992 913 825 1215 1020 930 970 1090 1190 970 9)3 793 1005 1010 958 1150 937 937 1210 1160 853 1020 906 90(1 930 973 730 640 606 frt) 1150 700 710 860 1005 960 10) 1200 1170 1230 1290 1450 1r.n0 1J70 13m ,...1310 ,...1070 ,,..1310 1 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 3 21 COWS. 1 6 1 , 6 13 1 4 22!;;;.'! 1 3 1 3 3 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 35 2 35 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 00 2 60 2 60 2 no 2 60 2 65 2 65 2 70 2 TO 2 75 2 73 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 73 2 75 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 85 2 2 85 2 85 2 85 2 83 2.... 2 90 2. . . . HEIFERS 3 1 1 r...... 3 , 3 , 8 , 22 , is!'.'.!'.! 17 4 , 8 , 18 1 34 4 68 , 8 1 o i6!;;;;; 1 8 , 1 , 3 4 10 , 3 4 . 1 6 , it 27;;;"! 19 7;;..'; 18 1 16 60 1 6..,.. 12 7 i ; 2 50 2 60 2 65 3 10 3 60 3 60 3 73 3 75 11.. 1.. 11.. 1.. 15.. 1.. 1.. 1. 2 25 2 50 2 60 2 65 2 75 2 85 2 85 2 00 3 00 2 10 3 15 3 15 3 13 3 15 BULLS. 1. A ....1100 ....1270 ....1027 .... "SO ....1052 .... 780 ....1010 .... 975 .... 830 .... 8(12 ....1150 .... 861 .... 820 ....1046 .... 610 ....1200 ....1030 .... 890 .... 813 .... 900 ....1190 ....1300 .... 833 .... 906 .... 901 .... 955 ....102(1 .... 873 ..,.1030 ....1140 .... 900 ....10(0 ....1210 .... 90S ....1212 .... 970 ....1112 ....1240 ....1020 .... 997 ....1050 ....1083 ....1050 ....1150 .... 9S2 ....1063 ....1083 .... 900 .... 810 ....UOO .... 930 ....1080 .... 8S7 ....noo ....110s ....UK ....1470 ....1022 ....10SI ....11(10 ....1016 .... 9.T, ....11M ...,10"l ....1407 ....1023 .... 962 .... 880 .... 710 ....1150 .... 8S0 ....1520 .... 800 1070 112(1 1620 ....1400 ....1430 ....1410 ....lOftO ....1380 ....1280 ....1510 ....1200 ....1000 ....1090 ....1510 ....1770 Pr. 4 50 4 50 4 00 4 60 4 65 4 75 4 9J 4 90 5 25 6 25 6 40 5 60 5 60 6 60 5 50 6 65 S 90 5 90 6 30 4 25 4 25 4 05 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 30 3 .15 3 .15 3 35 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 43 3 43 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 00 3 M 5 00 3 05 3 65 3 75 3 75 .1 to 3 85 3 85 4 Oil 4 no 4 (0 I 00 4 or, I 10 4 10 4 15 4 20 I 25 4 40 5 60 3 90 3 95 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 60 3 35 3 40 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 CO 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 85 3 90 .12S0 .1680 3 106 1 280 ., 130 1 250 1 100 2 173 STOCK 1 380 3 663 STOCK 1 120 2 00 3 25 3 25 CALVES. 1 .1510 4 00 3 SO 3. 3 50 1 4 75 6 6 M I 5 60 2 6 00 COW'S AND HEIFERS 200 160 170 123 170 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 : 00 63 250 370 3 00 8..... 357 14 934 CALVES. It ,.270 1 367 1 330 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 125 810 m 790 703 860 695 641 700 80S 00 2 60 2 75 3 O) 3 l) 3 00 3 no 3 10 .1 25 3 23 6.... 4.... IS.... 31.... 17-: 6.... 6.... 641 . 790 . 410 . 9 22 . 79S . 70S . USD . 825 .1003 . 906 3 05 .1 65 3 00 3 25 3 30 .1 23 .1 40 3 50 3 M 3 73 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 80 3 85 Trwlll ttrna Pnln 11 cows 810 1 75 6 cows 660 1 75 1 steer..... 730 2 00 4 cows 793 2 85 1IOUS There wns not n particularly heavy run of hogs hero today, so that "oil ers had a good opportunity to put on a little. The ndvance, however, wns very uneven, nnd whllo some sales looked 10o higher and In some cases more, other fcnles did not seem to be nny more than steady. The market, however, was active and tho bulk of the offerings wns soon disposed of. The' mnrket could, perhajis, best be de scribed by culling It close to a dime higher than Saturday's general mnrket. The bulk of the henvywclglit hogs sold from $6.60 to $0.75. Medium weights wont mostly 'from $6.30 to $6.60, and the lighter lends sold from $6.30 down, Thero wns but little change In the market from start to finish, nnd the pens wero cleared by the middle of tho forenoon, Representative snles: No. 74... 87... 105.. 102.. 76... 40... 91... 19... Av. 8h. ...129 ...110 ...150 ...UK ...1S3 ...ISO ...177 .181 87 153 SI. 73... 79... 79. . . 80... 86. . . 78... 91... 103.. 99... .146 . .224 ..176 ..185 ..183 ..179 ..2(Ki ..199 ..171 ..176 60 S7 201 7t..., 5S..., 74.... 87..., 87..., !..., !).... 79..., 39..., SS..., 4S.... 85.... 82.... fx).... 19.... ..1,11 ..193 ..201 ..187 ..197 ..KS .171 . .20!) ..190 ..205 ..197 ..187 ..199 ..211 219 80 80 "4'6 '40 120 80 80 80 40 80 120 lr. 5 25 6 73 6 00 6 (HI 6 05 6 10 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 sr. 6 23 6 25 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 .1(1 6 .10 6 30 Ii 30 0 30 6 30 6 SO 6 30 (7 30 6 35 6 33 0 33 No. 71... 8S..., 78.... 75. . . , 69..., 76..., 35..., 51..., 66..., 75. . . , 90. . . , 67.... 95..., 80. . . 80..., 80.... 75..., 81..., 77..., 79. . . Av. Sh. Pr. ..210 . .234 ..211 ..200 . .2.12 ..221 ..290 . .206 . .352 ..191 ..183 ..211 ..217 . .213 ; ;5i9 ..212 ..213 01- .220 62 2.17 66. 76. . .249 . . .220 . . .252 . . .232 ...211 ...2.VS . . .2S.1 .. 250 ...205 ...277 ...251 ...313 .203 . . .312 .337 80 280 160 160 80 40 '46 SO 40 40 iw 40 100 80 120 160 80 120 120 40 80 80 360 h 00 6 35 6 374 6 40 6 40 6 43 6 55 Ii 55 6 80 6 33 o aj 6 33 6 35 6 40 6 40 6 10 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 45 6 45 6 45 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 55 6 55 1 1 55 6 00 6 60 6 05 6 70 6 75 6 75 IV). . 0.1. . 67.. 40 11 30 64.. 80.. no.. 80 6 SO 01.. 67.. 60. . 62... 100 fi .13 51 00 SHLLP There-wns n fair run of sheep nnd lambs here today, nnd nlthough Chl cngo wns rejiorted 10J16c lower, the mnr ket nt.thls point was very nctlvo and stronger prices were paid. It was very evident tnnt pnekers were unxlous for supjilles, nnd there did not seem to bo enough on snle to meet their demnnds. All last week tho supply was not adequate to the demnnd, so that pnekers are hungry for both sltep nnd lambs. Thero were no strictly prime lambs offered today, so that the sales below do not show the full strength of the mnrket. Thero were not enough feeders on nln to mnkn n teat of the market, but It Is very plain thnt tho demnnd Is Improving Quotations. Choice lightweight rnrllngH, Jl.00fi4.23; good to cholco medium weight yearlings, J3.751f4.no; fair to good yenrllngs, J3.601i3.7S; choice wethers, $3.75'JI4.n0; fair to good wethers, $3.50113.75; choice ewes. :l.25ft' 3.60; fair to good ewes, $3.00fi3.25; common ewes, $l.n0fl2.nO; choice lambs, $5.25115 50; fair to good Inmbs, $5.00ftT,23; feeder weth ers, 2, 751(3.00; feeder lambs, J3.50OI.00. Rep reseutattVH sales: No. 15 cull ewes 16 native owes 275 native ewes 1 nntlvo ewe 1 buck 210 nntlvo ewes...... 101 native ewes 147 nntlvo owes 2 native ewes 69 nntlvo ewes 26 nntlvo owes 2 r.ntive wothers.. 13 native uethers.. 373 native ewes 300 native wethers., I native wethers.. 1 native wether... 4 yearlings 12 native lambs 87 native' lambs 52 native lambs. ...r 2 native Inmbs 13 ewes 46 native ewes 23 nntlvt lambs 417 native wethers.. 117 native lainb.s.... 5 native lambs 10 hi nibs V A v. 91 II 81 , 170 , 101 , 10 , 78 , 100 , 95 , 109 i.i 183 II ) 91 126 107 110 130 70 69 83 85 9J 131 76 116 6S 60 121 Pr. 1 60 2 25 2 00 3 no 3 ( 3 15 3 20 3 J?" .1 60 , 3 60 3 60 3 ,r) 3 60 3 0) 4 23 4 23 4 50 4 M 4 73 5 25 5 35 5 50 3 25 3 60 4 (X) 4 00 6 10 5 I) 5 65 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cuttle nml Hiikk HlKber nml Sheep I, nil er. CHICAGO. Dec. 30,-CATTLE-Recelpts, 1S,.)C0 head, 400 Texans; strong to 10c higher; good to prime, $0,751)7.60; poor to medium, $3.9056.00; stoekers and feeders. $2.d0j4.23; cows, $1,2511.05; heifers, $1.76f)0.25; 1 mi ners, $1.25112.30; bulls, $1.751i4.i)0; cnlves, $2,501)0.60; Texas-fed steers, JJ.25fll.35. IIOGS-Recelpts today, 2S.000 head; to morrow, 20,000. estlmnted; left over. 3,000; market 10c higher; mixed and butchers, $0. 101)6. 75; good to choice heavy, J0.6O'i4 6 90; roufih heavy, $6.10116. 50; light, J5.3.Vtf 6.50; bulk of sales. $6,231(6.60. SHEEP Receipts, 25,oo0 head; sheep weak, lambs stendy to 15e lower; good to choice wethers, $4,001(4.80; fair to cholco nixed, $3.oofi3.90; western sheep, $3.751j 4.50; native lambs, $3.00ij6.00; western lambs, $l.8infC.90. ' Official Saturday: Receipts Cattlo, 225; hogs. $16,906; sheep, 2.069. Shipments Cat tle, .193; hogs. 1,3.12; sheep, 1,010. ,mv York Live Stock Mnrket, NEW YORK, Dec. 30.-BEEVES-Rp-celpts, 4,398 head; 50 cars on sale; good to cholco steers, steady to strong; others weak to 15c lower; rough stuff stendy; nil sold; steers, Jl.ooftfi.JB; bulls, $3.75'fc'l.lO; export grades, $4.00; cows, $1,7013.80; cables weak; shipments tomorrow, 2,100 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 1,330 head; actlvo and 25c higher: all sold- veals, $5.00iii9.00; west ern, jl.75(U-l.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts, 9,778 head; 364 cars on sale; sheep, weak to 15o lower; Inmbs, steady to strong; nbout all sold; sheep, J2.iJViti4.00; extra, $4.25; culls, $2, Inmbs, J5,00li6.25; culls, $1.00(0-1.50; Canada lambs, $6.00fn'.25. HOGS Receipts, 4,490 head; two enrs on sale; firm; state hogs, $0.40; choice, $0.50; western pigs, $5."0fl0.73. ICiiusii C'lly Live Stock .Mnt-ket. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 30, CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,000 natives, l.OoO Texan, 100 calves: market 10fl15e higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.0n.(6.75; fair to good, J4. 761(0. 90; stoekers und feeders, J3.0O()4.60; western fed steers, $4,051)0.00; western range steers. J3. 6)16.00; Texas and Indian steers. J3.6oii5.Oo- Texas cows, J3.601i 1.80; native cows. $3,2513 73; heifers. J3.0OUC.60; dinners, J1.604(-J 60; bulls, J2.ri0fil.25; calves, $3,2515.50. HOGS Receipts. 9,Ono head; market 5U lOo higher; top, J6. 90, bulk of sales, J6.15W 6.75; heavy, $6. 7516.90: mixed imckers, $6.40 i6.85. light. $5 501(0 5l; pigs, M.25D6.00. SHEEP-Recelpts, 2,6ml bend; market strong; fed lambs, $1. 251)3. Vi, fed wethers, $.1 751(4. 60;l yearlings, Jl.o04i-i.75; ewes, $2 25 1r3.75; cjIIs and feeders, $1,751)3.50. St. I.oiiIh 1,1 c Stock .Market, on. 1 nntu Tlnr. Ifl PiTTI.W T?,..!ltlt. (II, ,!-. ,), i1 . ' v... ... ...... 6,100 head. Including 4, 200 Texans; market steady; native snipping una export sk-ois, $4,301(0.45, with fancy worth up to $7 50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $.1.90fi6.16; steers under l.ouo lbs., J.I.&oftS.oo; stoekers 1 r I.,ru T.tVitZ f.ki' enuM nnd heifers. $2,001( 1.75: dinners, Jl.tW1j2.65; bulls, JLSOJf 3.60; Texas und HKiinu steers, o.ju-nu.i'i fed, J3.00jfl.33 grass; cows and heifers, $2.10 'noGS Receipts, head; market 10c higher; pigs and llgnts, $5,7616.10; packers, $3.751(6. 10; butchers, $6,6016.80. SHEEP Receipts, 800 head; market steadv; native muttons, .-.i..'(i i.(i; inmns, J4.6oli3.73; culls and bucks, J2.00fjl.(o; stock- ers, JI.W..'.oiJ. .Slock In Sight. The following table shows the receipts of .... ulti.A. nf I hi. ,!,.. r. .1 nl I CIlllIC, ((OK" tlllll flttH I' 1 tttU 1,11. j,, I1,1,I'UI .I,,.,, tnf ll"ntritifir Srt' PatHn. clnotli nnmlin L' 552 R.fi'N Chicago 18,'.M 210') Kansas t ity 1, "" Ht. Uillls 6.IIO 7,900 l,.ll 0,1W St. Joseph.... Total Hobs. Sheep. 3.301 2S,oni) 2,50) 800 9 .31,752 55.69S 21,613 Prorlu .MurUet. PEORIA, Dec. 30,-CORN-Lowor; new No. 3, 614c. OATS-Lower; No. 2 white, 464c, billed through. W'H1SKT-$1.32 for finlfliied goods. ATTEMPT TO PAVE. AN ALIBI Ytuif Mn ImpllotUili Mirdtr Form lftl!l Of Dttl, CONFESSION OF BRUCE AflUSES INTEREST Wife of .Murdered Inn Itelnted (Jrntitife Story of tme nnd Other VInee(jlve Testimony. HUDSON, X. Y Doc. 30. o confession of Harvey Bruce, one of the for young men under arrest for the murder c Peter Hal lenbeck, the wcnlthy farmer a Oreenport, on Christmas eve, caused sua n crowd to nssemblo today when the ceoner's In quest wns resumed thnt the Conner heard the testimony of the widow nndmothcr ot thn murdered man In tho prlvnt otllco of the district attorney. The testimony of Mrs. Mnrgaro L. Hnt lenbeck, the widow, wns to the elect that four men participated In tho mudcr, off setting tho previous belief that me held a horso nenr tho barn, whllo thrci other went to the house. Mrs, Hnlleub-ck de clared that she and her husband nw 11 wagon jiasslng on the highway wltj two men walking behind It. Soon after four men came walking back, wearing coaf In side out. They dlsapjieared down tho fond. She, Hallenbcck,. nnd his mother, all nv them from tho window. Her husband nld they must be chicken thieves and watched them till out of sight. l-'onr Men Klre. I'retently, there was n knock at tho kitchen door. Her husband went to open It nml sho accompanied hint. When ho opened tho door four pistols wero thrust In his face nnd nil were fired, Hnltenbeck Jumped bnck nnd gavo his wife n push out of the wny. The four men Jumped Into the room nfter him and nil fired again. Hnllcnbeck turned toward tho stalrwny for his gun. when his iissnllnnts nil fired again. All the men wore masks nnd had coats turned Insldo out, Sho could not recognlre nny of tho men. The testimony of Almlna Hnllonheck, tho mother, who Is SO years old, boro otit the story of her dnilghter-ln-law. Sheriff II. J. Rest, who visited the houso on tho night of the tragedy nnd examined tho various footprints In the snow thnt had previously fnllcn, testified thnt he and hla assistants senrched tho Van Wormer houso nt KInderliook and found three revolvers. A fourth one wns found next day. Sheriff rindu n Clue. Tho shoes tho prisoners woro when ar rested by Sheriff Best, fitted Into tho snow prints, Tho sheriff identified each pair of shoes In court ns belonging to the four prisoners Individually. The four 1 evolvent wero produced. The sheriff declnred they hnd been freshly cleaned nnd reloaded when ho found them. Ooorge Oreenwood of Stockport testified that on Christ mas OVe ho saw llnrv-ev Hi-iipa with whom ho was well ncnunlntcd, got out of n wngon at the Ilrookslilc hotel, Stockport. Ho could not see If others wcro In tho wagon. Greenwood's evidence Is Importnnt, be causo nt the hour Oreenwood says he snw Ilruce nt Stockport, Mrs. Van Wormer sworn nil four boys wcro nt homo eating supper sever, miles nwny. Ilurton Allerton brought a pleco of buf falo robo Into court in the Bhnpe of chin wlskcrs. which ho found near tho spot tho horso wns tied while tho murder wns being committed. Tills Is llko tho chin whiskers which It was testified was wanted by thn Van W'ormer's, when they bought masks of the dealer In KInderliook. Ho could not rurnlsh them, hut tho youths remarked. It wns ti-stlfled, thnt they could mnko them themselves with n .piece of robo. WILCOX APPARENTLY SAFE Voung Mnn I No himiirr Knppneil ii He Threatened liy l.jneh I.niv. EL1ZAHKTH CITV, N. C. Dec. 30. Ex citement over tho Cropsoy caso Is dying out nnd loudness Is being resumed. The tnlk of lynching James Wilcox Is jienrd no longer, tho peoplo hnvlng decided to permit tho Inw to tnko Its Course. The citizens' commltteo nnd Solicitor Ward nro com pleting evidence ngainst Wllccyc to prosent to tho grand Jury In March. Thero has been a report for the twenty four hours that Wilcox hnd boon removed to Norfolk, Vn for snfo keeping, the au thorities fenrlng that tho peoplo would at tack tho Jail. Tonight Sheriff Orandy de nied this. Wilcox Is still In Jail hero nnd the town authorities expect no further trouble. Solicitor Wnrd hns Insisted that Wilcox bo given n preliminary hearing noxt Wednesday. Ho "was anxious that It should bo held tQday, but E. V. Aydlott, who rep resents Wilcox, demurred, saying that ho had not had an opportunity to consult Wil cox's father who Is 111 nt his homo. It Is moro than probnblo that Mr. Aydlott will waive the preliminary hearing nnd allow tho caso to go direct to the grand Jury. Any nttcmpt to got Wilcox out on ball will bo resisted by Solicitor Wah!. Chair man Orecnlenf nnd tho other members of tho citizens commltteo, assort that they havo much additional evidence of which publlo Is Ignorant. the COMPLETE LONG SENTENCES Apnclie Iiiillnn Ciiptnrrd Twelve Yenra Ami Uy I.nwton Will lie Helenrd. GUTHRIE, OkI Dec. 30. General Frank Armstrong, ns agent of tho War depart ment, Is nt Fort SMI making arrangements for tho release of Chief (loncome nnd tlm eighteen Arizona Apnchc Indians held by tho government ns prisoners of wnr. Thoy wero captured by (Jeneral Lawton twolvo yenrs ngo nftor a 3,000-mile campaign, Thoy will bo allotted land by thn government. i,i:(;.i, .notices. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of tho members of tho llnukor.V Resorvo Llfo association of Omnha. Neb., will bo held In tho McCnguo building in said city nt 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, January 16, 1902, for tho election of directors nnd tho transaction of such other business ns may properly como beforo It. R. C. WAONER, Secretary. Omahn, Neb., December 10, 1901. D-17-24-31.J-7 STOC If HOLD ICRS MEETI NO. Tho annual meeting of thn stockotilden of The I'nlon Iind Company for tho elec tion of five directors nnd tho transaction of such other business as mny como beforo tho meeting, will bo held at th office of tho company, corner of Ninth and Kkrnam streets, Omaha, Nehrnska, on Mondjy, tho 13th day ot January, A. D , 1902, nt 10 o'clock a. m. Dec 20, 19i)l 1 ALEX MILLAR, Secretary. D24 o to Jll Tint torn. Boyd Commission Co GuccsMor to JUmea E. Boyd A O., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION DRAIN, PnOVIIIO.M AND TOK. Htr4 of Trad Hall4ln, Street wlr to Chlca Now Tor! CorxM9adBC, John A. TV'aiTMi 4k