Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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'YV KSTVAV DECKailtKlt HI, 10Q1.
si i.n on .mi:mio.v
Davis sells drugs ' j
Ktockcrt sells carpets and rugs.
Mctz bcor at Neumaycr's hotel.
Vth., offlco S03 Supp block.
Welsbach burners. & Bon.
Wollman, nclonlltlc optician, liO Broadway.
Dr. Stprlienion, Iiald'vln block. Elevator.
Mrs. II Oils wold Is home from Colorado.
foncirdln lodge, Knights of l'ythlas, will
Jncct tonight tit 7.30.
Judge Whcwlcr has adjourned district
court until .Saturday.
Watch nlclit mrvlces will bo held in the
Jlroadwuy church tonight.
Missouri oal: body wood, 5 50 cord. Win,
Welch, 23 N. Multi st. Tul. 12S.
Mrs. W, fi. Ilewetson of I'ark avenue Is
convnlccent from 11 Ioiik Illness.
J. V. Li.tlon, mnnKer of the Grand hotel,
1b vIsltliiB his family In Kort Scott, Kun.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Campbell and son
Matt ate homo from ('anmlu mid Now Yorlf.
Mrs. V. M. Onult of Kansas City Is Kuost
of Mrs. A. M. Jackson and Mrs. 11. II.
an Jirtint
I'lCtun-H, vases and statuary for Christ
ians shcopcrs. CJ. 12. Alexander ti Co.,
: IJroauuay.
V. I. Walker and daughter of Hook
1 land. III., am Kuests ot Mr. and Mrs.
II. 1. Forsyth.
C M. McKlnliy of South Ninth etrect
lift yistefduy tor a visit ut his old homo
In Linden, la.
ItfiV. Kathir Fnbrlo'ii of the faculty of
Notre Duiiil university la guest of former
l.jplls in this city.
To keep jour hubby homo nights get him
a portublc billiard and pool tablo at l'eter
1, si & Sx-liocnlllg's.
Th cxicutlvo board of the Council llluffs
Aotnan'M club will meet Thursday after
la on at 4 In the club rooms.
Humboldt lodge, odd Fellows, will meet
it the temple tunlynt ut s to anuiiKe lor
the tumvriu of William Sttobehn.
The Hiuuial meeting of the Associated
Ch.irltli's will be Mouiay, .hum. try u, In
fct John'H I'.'liKllsh Lutheran church.
The will of Mr. I.lazle (Junderson was
llkd for probate yoKieitluy In the district
court. An ot her properly Is lett to her
Itev. Henry Dr-Lnnir will give an enter
tatiinif lit tor boys Now Yours night ut the
mission. haul litoaduuy. J. J. Stewart
will speak.
It. A. St' pliciisun, a farmer near Manawa,
complained yesterday to the police that a
valuable bay team lutd been Htnlen from
his prcinlHot!.
The llncst nlfts you can make Is In fur
niture. See the extensive line carried by
l'ciersei! ii Schoeiilug, Merrltim block.
They can ple.isu you.
The regular general reception of tho
Council IlluffH Woman's club will be Satur
day artcrnoon from ;i to r, at the homo of
Mm. I'. J. Montgomery, Fourth street.
Members of the Council llluffs Hiiwlns,
u.-Boclatlon are ciutemplallug the purchase
of several training machliiis, In order to
get In training for the regatta, next year.
The tlrape Uroweis' asKoclallon, at lis
lilliiual meeting .1 amiiirV' H. will consider
the proposition of ertctlntr a building and
dollar a commission busluesH all the year
Mrs. Luther llorno of Cincinnati N here
to attend tile wedding of her brother, J. T.
Stewart, and .Ml so Kutintze. She Is visiting
her mother, Mrs. J. 1... Stewart, Fourth
Hev". James Sims celebrated tho llftleth
unnlvorwiry or Ills admission Into tho
Jicthodlst ministry Sunday by a seml sermon In tho Ilroai'lway Mutho
Unt church.
Abe UiKMln post, (Irnnd Army of tho
Jtcpuhlle. has Issued a elrculur Indorsing
the candidacy of John Limit of this city
lor state cmninaiuler of the (Irand Army
of the Republic to succeed Ooorgo Melzger
of Duvenport.
A team hitched to a wagon licIotiKins; to
Sam Dobson. city kcavcnger, ran away on
Uroiidway yesterduy afternoon and miulo
Its way home to Sixteenth street and
.Avenue !! by a clrcultoti , route without
Vtijiirln? h'jrsi-ii n.isim.
ilarmouy chapter. Onlui: of tho ICastern
Star, will meet at l'cnrl street and llroad
vny Wednesday at 12:30 to attend tho
funeral In Omaha of Mr. and Mrs. Ueorgo
ltudlo. The funeral will bo from tho resi
dence, 1S7 North Thirty-second street.
Fred Holule, u laborer, rooming at M23
South Main street, fell on the street last
night while under the Influence of liquor
und fractured his right kneecap., lie was
removed to the police station In the patrol
and later" to ilie Woman's Christian as
sociation hospital.
New Ycnr'H will be observed ns a holiday
ut the freight depots i Council liluffs.
Only such business will be attended, to as
Is citstomaiy on Sunday. No consignments
of less than a carload will be accepted for
Hhlpmcnt. Tho depots will open for a fow
hours In tho morning for tho delivery of
perishable property.
Pill m grove, Woodmen Circle, and their
friends will havo a Jubilee gathering this
evening In Woodmen hull. A short pro
gram of musical numbers nnd recltiitlons
will be given and the supreme guardian
Is expected to miiko an address. Cards
and refreshments will follow the program
and tho old year will bo watched out.
The firm of Dy Hros. Co., In the gen
oral merchandise business In .Macedonia,
this county, for the last twenty years,
lllod nrtleles of Incorporation yesterday In
tho recorder's otllco under the name of
Dye Hros. company, with a eopltal stock
of Jl'D.iK.O. The Incorporators are Wlllnushbv
Dye, HylvcEtar Dye, K. U. Smith nnd Henry
Kennedy, nil members of tho former com
pany. Ileal KMatc Transfer.
These transfers wcro filed yesterday In
tho abstract, title and loan olllco of J. W.
Squlro, 101 Pearl street:
(leorgn W. Dennett to Herman 11.
ICverlngham. part of old plat hits Pi
and 35, Council Uluffs, w. d. J 1.00J
Sheriff lo K I... Lyman T. und IJImor
12. Sliugart, sty nw',1 nefi 2.S-73-I3,
sh. d 2.432
C, D. Dlllln nnd wife to T. C. Ferris,
lots :t mid I. block 21. Hums' add.,
q. c. d 25
Maud Ploghoft and husband to 11. A.
Davidson, lot .1 and h'j of lot 2,
block 11, Macedonia, w. d S09
J, AV. Squire and wife to Calvin
Hafer, lot 133, old plat. Council
llluffs, w. d Too
fiiimo to Sybllla Kempes. lots 1" lo
22. block t2, Ilallroad add., w. d .... 210
Lars Jensen niul wife to Haas Mad
son. eVj seU. nwU se4 and nVa sw',i
Sj-77-13, w. il" 10.000
Seven transfers, total
In bldcn times, Now Year's not Christ
mas was tlio gift-making time.
As old styles and revival of antiques
conio ngntu In tho kaleidoscope of fashion,
bo tho old customs of Now Yenr'a gift
junking Is with us again, Increasing In
volume each year.
Tho Jowcler's stock Is ono that stands tho
rush of Christmas buying much hotter than
other lines, so wo may yet show you many
hnndaonin and desirable trinkets for Now
Year gifts.
Optician, Jewoler nnd Engraver.
j;is liito.vmvAY,
Opposlto Gleu Avenue, . Council Bluffs,
Lew i sc Cttler
Funeral Dlreotor
itiuccoMor to W. C. fcUUpl
NtgotUtod In Eastern Neunuku
And Iowa. Jm N, Castdr. Jr,
. -j Main Ut., Council D'.uSa.
II. 0. Dtrii, SicnUry of Labsr Auamblj,
Undirf;os Inmtig&tion.
riitiinclnt heere(ar- Dietrich IlrnrN
Hint Out In CIHin of Innocence
Dim In Allow Spite'
II. O. Davis, secretary of the Council
llluffs Trades aud Labor assembly, la
charged with being short In his accounts,
and a special meeting of the assembly has
been called for Thursday evening;. Tho
alleged shortage' Is being Investigated by a
committee consisting of William McKlnlcv,
13. II. Gardiner, 1. Ulnk, Frank Kdgar and
T. Wurd. This committee l expected to
inuko Its report at tho meeting Thursday
It Is said tho Shortage complained of ex
tends over a period of sevcrnl months and
that a portion ot thu amount has been re
paid by Davis, but that his failure to make
complete restitution resulted In the ns
Ecnilily taking tho action of appointing a
committee to make n thorough Investiga
tion of his books and accounts. Among
other things it Is charged that a sum of
money voted by the assembly to assist a
striking union In Cedar Hnplds was charged
up by Davis on his books, but never for
unrded to tho union.
When confronted some time ago with tho
charge of being short in his accounts, Davis
Is said to havo admitted It and to havo prom
ised to' pay the amount back in month) v
Installments. Ho made one or two pay
ments, It Is alleged and then Is said to
have declined to make any more. Pending
tho Investigation Davis has been removed
from tho olllco of secretary and Frnnk Kd
gar Is acting In his stead.
Davis la a 'member of Illtiff City Typo
graphical union, from which ho wns nn ac
credited delcgato to the Trades nnd Labor
assembly. Tho Typographical union has
cancelled his credential and Is now rep
resented by another delegate. Davis has
been prominent In labor circles and has
been secretary of tho Trades nnd I-ibor as
sembly In th la city since Its organization.
Mr. Davis denies that there la nny short
ago In his accounts with tho Trades and
Labor nsscmbly, nnd his statement Is cor
roborated by Jeff n. Dietrich, financial sec
retary. Mr. Davis says spltework on the
part of Boiuo of tho members Is responsible
for tho chnrgc.
Victims or ln I In Wreek.
Tho family and friends of John Schoent
gen of this city, who was In tho wreck
on tho Northwestern railroad at Malta, 111.,
Sunday morning, wcro much, relieved to
receive from him yesterday morning a
telegrnm, stating ho was feeling lino and
was positively not- injured. This happy news
was also confirmed in n telegram from a
friend of the family In Chicago.
The first news of the dlsnstcr was re
ceived here In n telegram from Mr. Schoont
geu, In which ho said ho was uninjured,
but tho dispatches stated ho had received
serious Injuries nnd these reports alarmed
his family nnd friends here. Tho telegram
received by tho family from a friend In
Chicago yesterday stated that Mr. Sehocnt
gen was not Injured nnd wns then on his
way to transuct tho business which took
him to Chicago.
Word wns received here yesterday that
tho body of I). O. Nichols had been taken
to his home In Indianapolis, and that tho
funeral would bo thero Wednesday. Hand
some lloinl tributes wcro sent by his frlendn
to Indianapolis lost evening, among tho
number being a beautiful ploco from Coun
cil Illurfs nerie, fraternal Order ot Eagles,
of which Mr. Nichols was a mcmbor. City
Attorney Wndsworth and Alderman Charles
Huber, representing tho nerlo, left Inst
evening for Indianapolis to attend the fu
neral. Tho aerlo will hold memorial services for
Mr. Nichols Friday evening. At a special
meeting yesterday morning these commit
tees wero appointed: Hosolutlon, k. W.
Hart, City Attorney Wndsworth. Judge E.
K. Aylesworth, II. M. Snrgent, H. W. Uln
dor: floral tribute, Alderman Huber, W. H.
Schurz and Phil. Wnreham.
Aiiiiiiik (lie Ciiiirchc.
Tho annual pnrty for tho children of tho
Sunday school of St. Paul's Episcopal
church will bo Thursday night In Hoyol Ar
canum hall.
Tho members of tho Congregational
church have decided to defer tho matter
of selecting n pastor to succeed Hey. J. W.
Wilson until tho nnnual meeting January 13.
Tho annual meeting' of thu congregation
of tho Second Presbyterian church will bo
Thursday night.
Tho second quarterly conference will bo
Sunday and Monday at tho llroadway Meth
odist church. Tho sacramental service Sun
day morning will bo conducted by tho pre
siding older. Hov. D. C. Franklin, D. D.
Tho conforenco will bo Monday evening.
Tho members of the Second Presbyterian
church will hold, a New Year's reception
at the homo of tho pastor, Hev. Harvoy
Hosteller, 702 Porlu avenuo, afternoon nnd
Tho union prn'or meeting of the Chrls
tlnn churches of Council muffs. Dmnhn mid
South Omaha will bo tomorrow evening In '
tho Christian tabernacle, this city.
The Woman's' Hnmu and Foreign Mis
sionary society of St. John's English Luth
eran church will meet tomorrow In tho
church. The Ladle's' Aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ouren, South
Fourth street.
Tho Ladles' Aid society of the First Ian church will moot Thursday aft
ernoon with Mrs. 'W. 11. 'Crowdson, North
First Btreet.
Nnuillimv Situation.
President Hess' la expected to call a meet
ing of tho Hoard of Education some day
this week to consider tho advisability of
closing of North Eighth street school, ow
ing to tho prevalence ot smallpox In that
neighborhood. President Hess stnted yes
tordny that nn notion would bo taken by
tho bonr.l until tho return ot Superintend
ent Clifford from Des Moines.
Mngglo Nold, SOI Avenue A, nnd a child
In tho Hulbert family at Seventeenth nnd
Avenue C, wero reported to the health au
thorities yesterday as suffering from small
pox Quarantine on tho Kalcr family at 1610
Avenuo 11, and the Hlsney rurally. 1021
Avenuo F, was raised yestordny.
Davit sells plats
Kiitei-tnliiiMl by General DnilKr,
Throe hundred children last night en
joyed the annual enturtnlnment provided
by General Grenvlllo M. Dodgo for the
families of the veterans of tho civil war.
Each child whs made happy with n largo
sack full of candy and fruit and through
tho generosity of a local business bouio
was presented with a copy of an Illustrated
work, "The7 American Navy, Cuba nnd
Haw nil." Addresses woro made by Ho v.
W. J. Calfec, Hev. a. W. Snyder, Colonel
B. J. Abbott and Dr. Craig. W. J. Lcverutt
entertained tho little ones with stereop
tlcon views, and Mrs. Leverett sang for
Council lllufTs Death.
William Strobehn, aged 49 years, died
yesterday afternoon nt tho Woman's Chris
tian Association hospital of cancer. He
was taken to the hospital last Saturday.
His wife, one son and threo daughters sur
vive him. Ho was formerly bookkeeper for
Oroneweg & Schocntgen In this city, but a
few years ago wqnt Into business for him
self In Missouri Valley, Ho recently re
moved to Treynor. In., where ho was a
general merchant. He was n member of
tho Odd Fellows of this city and It Is ex
pected tho order will tuke charge of the
funeral. Tho body was removed to the
homo of his sister, Mrs. Hoth, 721 Seventh
nvenue, ponding arrangements for the fu
neral, which will bo In Missouri Volley,
wheio his children Hvo.
Tho funeral of Miss Viola Otto will be
Thursday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from Clr'ace
Kplscopt.1 church, of which she was a mem
ber. Hev. George Kdwnrd Walk, rector of
St. Paul's church, will conduct the serv
ices und burial will bo In Fnlrvlow ceme
tery. Friends desiring to view tho remains
may do so at the family rcnldcnco on lien
ton street after 1 o'clock Wednesday.
Tho funeral of Mrs. William P. Alien,
1917 Fifth nvenue, will be Thursduy In
Columbus, Nub., her former home. The
body will bo tnken thero Wednesday.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Head. Oil Broadway.
I'lillw to (let AVurlnn.
Sheriff Desmond of Sibley, la., was In this
city yesterday, on his way homo from Co
lumbus, Neb., whero he wont, hoping that
tho autllbrltles there would turn over to
hi in Frank IJ. Waring, with many aliases.
He returned disappointed, ni tho author
ities at Columbus havo decided to prosecute
tho young man there. They promised Sher
iff Desmond, however, that If tho case
against him there failed they would hold
Waring for him. Sheriff Desmond, while
In Columbus, learned that young Waring
was also wanted In Lincoln, so hu has little
hope of over getting him Into Iowa for
trial for tho many charges of forgery
against him in this state.
Davis sells paint.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
DeiuliiK'f) (ilfl In Titlmr.
Dr. John Gordon, acting president of
Tnbor college was In Council llluffs last
night on his way homo from Fort Dodge,
where ho went at tho request of John H.
Doming, a business man, As a result of
tho visit Dr. Gordon rottirns to Tabor with
a check for $3,000, the gift of Mr. Doming
to tho college. Last year Mr. Doming sent
tho college hi a check for ilO.000.
(overn'or-Klret CiiiiiiiiIiin Nhiiicm
11 era Ami In for Adjutant
(Ftom a StnfT Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Dec. 30, (Special Tele
gram.) Govemor-olcct A. II. Cummins
today announced his military appointments,
with the exception of military aides, as
Adjutant general, M. H. Dyers, Glonwood.
Quartermaster goncrnl, J. C. Lopcr, Des
Inspector, John H. Prime, Des Moines.
Commissary, Hugh II. Hedge, Des Moines.
Surgeon, Wilton 11. McCarthy, Des
Judge advocate, Charles O. Saunders,
Council llluffs.
Inspector small arms practice, W. E. II.
Morse, Algona.
Chief engineer, Edwin O. Pratt, Dos
Signal officer, Charles S. Crall, Fairfield.
Military secretnry, Joseph llceson, Oskn
loosa. Ilyers Is tho present ndjutant general
and Prlmo wns ndjutant general under
Jnckson. Loper was colonel of tho Fifty
first Iowa In tho Philippines. Prntt is on
the mllltnfy Btnff of Governor Shaw.
Petition for IcrnilNnlnii of Operating
SiiIooiin In MlHuoiirl Valley Ite
vrlveM .tinny Mnatiire.
MISSOUIU VALLEY, Dec. 30. (Speclnl.)
Tho potltlon for consent to operate sa
loons In Missouri Volley has been filed with
tho county nudltor. Tho business men took
the petition in hand and secured soventeon
names over the 80 per cent required by law.
Tho petition will bo taken up nnd passed
on by the county board on January S. Tho
Harrison county Antl Saloon league, led by
Hov. Wllhclmsen ot Missouri Valley Is try
ing to defeat the potltlon by getting peo
pla to withdraw their names, but meets
with little succcbb, ns tho petition has tho
support of ali the business men, tho com
mercial club nnd both dally newspapers.
William Mullnncy Aliened lo Have
Pimctl KorKetl Cheeka lit
Spirit I, like.
WEnSTEH CITY, lo., Doc. 00. (Special
Telegrnm.) William Mullaney, agent for'
tho Continental Insuranco company for tho
vicinity ot Webster City, wbb arrested in
tho latter city this morning by authorities
from Spirit Lake. He Is wanted there for
forgery of checks, the amount of which Is
not known, but suid to bo considerable. Ho
stoutly denies guilt nnd says It is spite
work. Mullaney has bcon considered ono
of tho best agents In the employ of tho
company, but a high liver. Ho hos been
considered honorable heretofore.
lleeoverH und IIi'iiic,
OAKLAND, la., Dec, 30. (Special.)
"Ginger," tho Carson negro, who, In a
snloon brawl, had his Jugular vein cut a
fow days ago, hnB so far recovered ns to bo
nblo to make his escnpo. Ho feared nrrest
for "hlB actions in mnklng tho nssault.
Anticipate IIIkIi Prices.
OAKLAND, In., Dec. 30. (Special.)
Corn Is readily selling for CO cents n
bushel, and fnrmers nro looking forwnrd to
10-cont hegs nnd cattle In tho spring.
Theodore Hniiaevclt, ,lr llrlnuN llnek
.Severnl Wild fieene and
I)liel. Unit He Killed.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30, Mrs. Hoosovelt
nnd children returned to tho White House
this afternoon from their trip down the
Potomac aboard tho Unlte'd States steamer
Dolphin. Thej spent most of tho time In
tho vicinity of tho Metropolitan olub game
preserves at Qnantlco, Vn. Theodore, Jr.,
brought with him several wild geese, ducks,
etc.. that .he had killed.
Zelieres It ia tht Lait Mcitin; Ha Will
i'befl of I'liper Force Heeoinlilrr
liiK (irnnd Jury of the CliiirKe
of Perjury AkiiIiinI Mier- '
Iff nnd Other.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Dec. 30. (Special.) Gov
ernor Shaw presided nt nn executive coun
cil meeting this morning, which is likely
to bo tho lust meting ho will attend. The
report of tho committee of examining ex
pert, consisting of A. C. Savage of Adair
nnd J. A. Peters of Forest City, In relation
to the accounts of tho Department of Agri
culture, wns presontcd. They found no
discrepancies In the accounts, nnd reported
that December 1 thu society hnd 131,
241.33 to Its credit In the bank. The com
mittee of experts, consisting ot A. L. Denlo
of Altn and C. C. Clements of Marengo,
which is to examine all the books of tho
stnlo olllclals covering the past year, has
not commenced work, but will do so as soon
ns Mr. Denlo accepts the offer and can
arrange to come. W. M. Wllcoxen, who
has been employed by tho executive coun
cil Ut go over tho books of tho secretary
of Btnte with reference to the expenses of
stnte binding, ami to report on some spe
cial irnttors to tho attorney general, will
go to work this week on the task. The ex
nmlnation of accounts this year Is to be
more thorough nnd completo In every de
partment than over before lu the state,
and tho fact that last year for the first
time all departments were examined, leaves
It certain that tho work can be douo more
thoroughly now.
tieiiernl Lincoln fioc to Tennessee.
General J. H. Lincoln, colonel of the
Fifty-first regiment, Iowa Nntionnl guard,
has been grnnted lenvo of absence from the
stnto for a short time, nnd by a general
order Issued this morning General Dyers
places Major Dennett of Des Molncs In
temporary command of the regiment. Gen
eral Lincoln went to Tennessee to spend
tho remainder of tho winter on account of
his wife's poor health.
.tew Incorporation.
The State Savings bank of Manchester
has fiicd articles of Incorporation with the
seTotary of tnte. The capital stock Is
725,000. President, L. Matthews; cashier,
11. F. Miles.
Tho Almaclgos Springs Land compnny of
Fairfield, with n capital of $70,000, has been
Incorporated, nnd nrtleles placed on llle.
The Incorporators nre Hon Mason, E. C.
Smith, C. M. Johnson nnd others.
I'olk County llnr Axsoelntlon.
Tho Polk County Har as3oclatlon hold a
meeting today and passed resolutions rola
tlvo to tho death of the lato Judgo Conrad.
It also extended congratulations to tho now
Judge, A. II. McVey. appointed a fow dtivs
ago by Governor Shaw. The commission
of Judgo McVey dotes from December 2G.
Another unusual feature of the mooting was
n greeting to General Joslnh Given, who was
welcomed back lo the ranks of tho bar oftor
an absence of many yenrs, during which
time ho hns been on tho district nnd su
premo benches. Ho delivered nn eloquent
nddrcss eulogistic of his old friend Judgo
liiillelinentH of Oltlolnl Are Stolen.
There Is great excitement nt Centervlllo
over tho theft of Indictments against cer
tain county officers. Some time ago the
sheriff, a Justice of tho peaco and a con
Btablo wero Indicted for conspiracy on ac
count of feo padding in a gross manner. Tho
Indlctmeuls wero quashed by Judgo Fee,
who has Just resigned. Slnco thon other In
dictments woro returned against Sheriff
Cllmlo and two others, some for perjury
nnd othors for conspiracy. On Christmas
day tho Indictments wcro all loft In tho
clerk's olllco and slnco then It lies been
discovered they wero stolen and no trace
of them can bo found. A speclnl meeting
of tho grnnd Jury has been called to go over
tho ground again. Ono of tho Indictments
had been copied, but tho othors had not
bcon out of tho hands of the clerk. Thero
Is great excitement over tho theft nnd a
special Investigation Is being mado to fix
responsibility for tho less.
envej'H AVI ft il Pen Molne AVoninn.
Frank H. Pcavey of Minneapolis, who
died in Chicago this morning was married
in Des Moines about thirty yiars ago to
Miss May Wright, daughter of tho lato
Judgo Georgo O. Wright, for many years
tho most distinguished mcmbor of tho Iowa
bar, nt one time chief Justice nnd later a
United States senator. At tho time of tho
recent national convention of grain men In
Des Moines Mr. Peavey attended and his nd
drcss giving his reminiscences of early days
In tho grain trade In northwestern Iowa and
the Dnkotas was a featuro of tho conven
tion. Mr. Peavey visited his relatives hero
frequently nnd wns well known. On his
last visit a reception wns accorded him nt
the homo of Carroll Wright, his brother-in-law,
and Iowa solicitor for tho Rock
Island railroad.
ItetnriiM with Another Wife.
Frank Ft Merrlam of Manchester, stale
auditor, roturned from Chicago this morn
ing and with him was his wifo, tg whom ho
was married ono day last week. Mr. Mer
rlam received a divorce from his former
wife last spring nnd about thu same tlino
his doputy, C. H. Day, who hnd lived In
Mnnchefiter nnd hnd been his doputy but
n short time, died. Lnst week Mr. Mer
rlajn and Mrs, Day wero wedded In Chicago.
I'r.rnlyr.eil ,enr Wife' firnvc.
Frank Sherman, son of Major Hoyt and
nephew 'of William Tecumsoh and John
Sherman, Is reportod to have been found
near the grave of his wifo In Woodland
cemetery this morning In nn unconscious
condition nnd with his right sldo paralyzed.
He was removed to tho homo of his father
at Fifteenth street nnd Woodland avenue,
whero ho Is now lying In a serious condi
tion. Mr. Snoiinnn Is said to havo Buffered
a sevoro shock at tho death of his wifo from
which ho never completely rocovored. Ho
mado frequent visits to her tomb nnd It Is
supposed thnt while upon ono of theso visits
ho was solzod with tho paralytic stroko
from which ho Is now suffering. It Is
understood, nUo, that Mr. Sherman Is sub
Ject to paralytic strokes, having been at
tacked on provlous occnslons. It Is pro
sinned that whllo In tho vicinity of his
wife's gravo ho. was overcome and remained
In thnt stato until found by friends boiuo
lime later.
ot nn lOlopeiiienl.
Among tho marriage licenses published In
tho Chicago papers last Saturday woro
the names of Miss Hazel Henrdshenr, dough
tor of Prof. W. M. Heardshear of Ames, nnd
Mr. L. M. Chambers, n young mining en
gineer. It was rlrst reported that an elopo
mcut had taken plnco nnd that Prof. Heard
shear was greatly wrought up over the nf
falr. When Interviewed, ho denied this re
port n every particular. Ho said that tho
marriage iook piace wun nis consrui unu
knowledge, was no elopement and that ho
holds Mr, Chambers In very high respect
, Chamber!! graduated from the lown Slate
college lnst year as n mining engineer, nnd
Is liked by all his class. He wns also a
foot ball player of grat renown, having
played on the Ames (earn for over two
years. Miss neardsheat' Is n very pretty
miss nnd very populal- The annouune
tnent of her mnrrlago wjas a Brent surprlso
to all of her friends.
DendMood Intends, HiiIIiIIiik Itexer
vnlr for futility from I'.IU
DEADWOOD, S. D., Dec. 30. (Speclnl.)
Tho city of Deadwood hns taken an option
on a water right on Elk Creek, situated
between eight nnd ten miles from town.
Tho right embraces ten acres of hind situ
ated a short distance below the Uncle Sam
mine, and It Is estltnnted that between fifty
and sixty miners' inches of wnter can bo
doveloped. This will furnish a wnter supply
for Deadwood, nnd will be adequate for n
city of 28,000 Inhabitants. A preliminary
survey has been made, nnd tho city pro
poses to bring tho water from Elk creek
tu vitrltled tiling nnd to store It In n stone
and cement reservoir, which Is to be erected
near White Hocks, overlooking tho town.
Tho estimated coat of getting this supply Is
$715,000. To meet this the citizens of tho
town will vote on a bond proposition at the
spring election.
l iihleiitllled Mint Commit Snlelile ut
Depot In Viinkton, South
YANKTON, S. D.. Dec. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) An unidentified man committed sui
cide nt the Milwaukee depot In this city this
evening by drinking carbolic acid. An en
velope addressed to Clnrk, Veimlllon, was
found In his pocket rind Is tho only cluo
to his Identity. Tho body wns moved to
Snnborn & Tonge's undertaking rooms and
the authorities nt Vermilion wcro com
municated with. Tho dead man was nbout
SO yenrs of age, largo and well built, and
had the nppenrunco of a worklngman.
Vouiiir Wnnieiin' Mellilnu l'nrty nt
. TeriuliiiiteN Midi Merlon
LEAD. S. D., Dec. 30. (Special.) Eight
een young women from Deadwood were In
a runaway at Lead Satdrday night whllo
out sleigh riding behind a four-horse team.
They were all bruised to somo extent. Tho
most sevoro Injuries received wero by Miss
Myrtlo Grlmsbaw, who iccelved n deep cut
over tho eye; MIbs Dorothy Gnldbloom,
Inccratlon and contusion of the nose; Miss
Mnrlo Knowlco, Injury to back. Tho horses
ran until freed from tho sleigh.
Attorney Sentenced for Kinbezle
menl Furnishes IIoiiiIh for
Supreme Court,
SIOUX FALLS, S. I).. Dec. 30. (Special.)
S. II. Wright, tho Centervllle attorney
who was tho central figure In a sensational
trial in tho circuit court here n fow days
ago, nnd who was found sullty of embez
zlement nnd fcentenced to n term of ono
year In tho Sioux Flls penitentiary, has
perfected hla appeal to the stnto supreme
court. Ho has furnished bonds of $1,000
and with his daughter Alice has returned
to Centervllle.
Mrs. V. AV. retllcrev Want Hx-Scn-ntor
lo Supervise llus
liaiid' i;lnte.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Dec. 30. (Special.)
Letters of admlnstratlon to tho estuto ot
tho late Fred W. Pottlgrow havo been
applied for beforo Judgo Dalloy of tho
county court, by Mrs. F. W. Pottlgrow,
widow of the deceased, who asked for tho
appointment of ex-Senator Pottlgrow as ad
mlnlstnitor. The application for nn ad
ministrator places tho value of tho estate
nt $20,000.
Ml THIIe elMim AnliK for llelieiir
liiK of llreneli of Promise
DEADWOOD, S. D., Dec. 30. (Special.)
Tho breach ot promise suit brought by Miss
Tllllo Nelson against Alexander Quarforth
Is to be totrled. It was tried before a Jury
in tho circuit court nt Deadwood two
months ago and n verdict of $2,000 awarded
tho plaintiff. She asked for $10,000. Quar
forth Is foreman of the Homestako black
smith shops at Leud.
l.euil Woninn llrnikn In Tivo
I'liier In TryliiK to (let .
on Train.
LEAD. S. D., Deo. 30. (Special.) Mrs. L.
D. Smith of Lead slipped whllo boarding
the Deadwood-Central narrow gaugo ear
yesterday afternoon nt tho depot and brolto
hor left leg In two places below tho kneo.
Sho wns enrrying n child. Tho child escaped
Coventor of South Dakota Coinml
hIiiiin Lead Mini (o Fill
PIEKKE, S. D., Dec. .10. (Special Tele
gram.) Governor Horrled has Issued a
commission to II. E. Davy of Load City ns
county Judgo ot Lawrence county to 1111
tho vacancy caused by the election of F. J.
Washabaush to tho circuit bench.
lliirulnrK Loot Liquor Store,
SIOUX FALLS, S. I)., Dec. 30. (Speclnl
Telegram.) Tho wholesale and retail liquor
rttore of Henry Lovlnger was entered by bur
glars somo time betwuen Saturday night and
Monday morning. They secured a small
sum of money and n quantity of bottled
goods. Lnrg.1 rooks wero found nearby
which woro used In an unsuccessful attempt
to break open tho safe, which contained a
largo amount of money.
South Dakota Sheriff Heel.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Doc. 30. (Special.)
Sheriff Kirk of Turner county, who h
secretnry of tho South Dakota Sheriffs' m
soclatlon, has issued notices to the mem
bers Informing them that an adjourned
meeting of tho association will bo held
at DeStnet on January 7.
Take Overdone of .Morphine,
LEAD, S. D., Dec. 30. (Special.) Joseph
Schultz committed suicide Saturday after
noon by tnklng morphine. Ills wifo died
from nn nvcrdoso of the drug at l'lunm a
fow months ago. Ho wns a member of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen.
.lo bn T, ,Velfii Pa rdoned.
PIEHHE. S. D Dec. 30. (Special Telo
gram.) On recommendation of the board
of pardons the prison officials, county ofll-
t y i
X is fr Trial
all soaps to
win if the trial
be fair.
Use Swift's Pride Soap in the
clals nnd a number uf citizens of Hrook
Ings county, a pardon has been granted to
John T. Nclon, sentenced from Hrookings
county on a charge of mutilating public
Iteport that Itr .1, Sidney Coodmnii
miii W.i l,j nelieil Are
SEATTLE. Wns!;.. Dec. 30.-(Sprclnl Tel
egram. ) The reports clrculnted In Nebrnsk.i
to t!u effect that Dr. J. Sidney Ooodmnu
son had been lynched In this stnte nro with
out any foundation. Thero has been no
lynching lu this stnte for a long time, and
nothing Is known on the cont of n circum
stance such as mentioned In the Nebraska
Dr. I. Sidney Gondmnnson formerly lived
nt Pender, and while n resident cf that
place his wife died suddenly. He whs in
cused of being the rouse of her death and
arrested on the charge of murder. He
took a c hnnge of venue, and on trial at
Poncn wns acquitted. He never returned lo
Pindr to live, hut removed to South Da
kota, which state he left some time ago.
The report printed In severnl of the stnto
papers was to the effect ho had been
lynched at a town near Seattle for the mur
der of his second wife.
Colorado .linn Convicted for Tren
PiinnIiik on Land In
W'i OllllllK.
ST. LOUIS, Dev. 30. The United States
court of appeals hero today affirmed the
decision of tho Wyoming United States
district court convicting John C. Teller
of Colorado of unlawfully cutting lGO.OOO
icci or lumucr irom government mini in
Carbon county, Wyoming. Tho court con
sidered that timber on public lands mut
bo protected, slnco It often comprised thu
chief valuo of the land.
A enso ognlnst I V. Hruce. who was
associated with Teller, was decided simi
Prnniieetn for Wlnlrr Crop I'lifmiir
nlile lleeiniMe of I.oiik Dry
SALINA. Kan., Dec. 30. The outlook for
winter wheat Is becoming decidedly unfa
vorable on account of tho dry weather. In
western nnd southern Knntns, whllo the 1
weather has been very cold, practically no
nnow or rain hns fnllcn this winter. Unless 1
mnlsturo of pome kind comes nt once the
prospect Is thnt tho wheat crop will not
ntnount to much.
Farmers generally reject the theory that
tho cxccsslvo cold damaged tho wheat to j
any t xtent.
AppoliitineiilN l llle President,
WASHINGTON. Dec. 30. Tho president
today mado tho following appointments'
Porto lllco Provisional Heglment of In
fantry Captnlns: John M. Field, Frank L.
Graham, V.. J. Griffith.
First lieutenants: S. M. McDecker, It. K.
Gnmboll, Miles H. Taulbe.
Second lieutenants: O. A. Derbyshire, K.
M. Iloblnson, A. Moreno, William S. Wood
ruff, Richard II. Polllon, Jr., William D.
Prltchard, William L. Patterson.
Philippine Scouts First lieutenants: A.
C. O. Wllllams-Footo, John Poltmnn.
Second lieutenants: L. A. Do Clolrmont,
Jesse Hazeltlne, Jose Maria del Kosarto,
Howard White, Frnnk C. Uarcudt.
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years in Omaha
Method new. without
CilttlUR. OrJt. jV losi
ot time.
CV O LI 1 1 I o cured for life and th poison
OT lrill-.IO thoroughly cleansed from
the. system, Soon every sign and symptom
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"HHKAKING OUT"ot the dlteane on the skin
Dr face Treatment contains u dangerous
Urup,i or injurious medicine.
WEAK MEN from Dxcenies or Victims
to Nkhvoiib dkdimtv or EXUi rjgTluN,
Wartino with Kxni.r Dioav In
YoiiNO and Miuns. Acsn, lack of vim, vlgii
and strength, wlta organs Impaired and weak.
STRICTURE cured with a new Home
Treatment No pain, no detention troin tusl
nets. Kidney and Madder Troubles,
CHARGES w5V,' . .
Consultation tree
irrsimcm gy Man.
Call on on or address
nu so. latrt a i
Dp. Searles & Searies. Omaha. Neb,
Strong Nerves
are me true source of good, healthy
Persons with half.fttnrved nerves nl
wnyf look worried nnd "drnggrd-out."
You cannot te happy without nerve
vigor; you cannot be natural without
all the powers which nature meant you
to have. -
produce a healthful glow which art
cannot Imitate. They Invigorate every
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elantlclly to the ttep and rouud out the
face and form to lines of health and
31.00 per box, (1 txjxes (with written
gunrnnteri, V,r), Hook free.
m mis
Knfcn Co., Fuller PJnt A
Diiik Co. Omaha: Dillon' Druu store.
TiunH , union a uruy viuiv,
and Davla Druic Co., Council
1 UluHa, la
He took liis draught anil
exclaimed, Hnel
Me was a mAti up In years, '
of feeble appetite, shaky
nerves, sleepleaj nights.
His doctor prescribed a
modciate stimulant occa
sionally of
It strengthened him. warmed
his stomach, steadied Ills
nerves and cheered his spirits.
He might have exclaimed
SoM nt " r.r.l-rla!! cafrr nlirl l,r JoMlf
WM. 1.A.NAIUN A M)N luitlumrr. M
.move Tan, I'lmplta,
'recklti. Moth I'atcli.
Jluati iinrl Skin ill.
rant, and vrj
blrmlth tin twtuly,
ar.c ane otix.
It hu itooj
teat ot 63
)iur, and It to
harmleta w taut
H to be ur I
It properly made.
Accept no counter
'It ot tlmlUf
hlme, Dr. L. A.
.-uyre raid to a la.
il) tit th haut-toa
(it nntlrnt)!
'As xou Indies will use them, 1 recom
mend 'aOUIlAUD'S CHIC AM' as the least
harmful of ull the Skin preparations." l'or
Eale by all Druggist's and Fancy Qoods
lealcrs In tho U. S. and Uuropo.
FEUD. T. IKMMCIIVS, i'rup'r,
7 Great Jones St.. N. V
1 1 1 1 1 1 rrrr 1 1 1 1
Tho qtinlnt old mission towns
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liy tlioiihnntlH of tourlntn who
Over the Union Pacific
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Leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. m.
These Ordinary Cars nru
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Wrdnrndny nnd Krlday from
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