of the preftrred Block, that on January 1, 1002, they would rotlro such preferred mock. The bill allcRcs further that slnco,lts re organization tho Northern l'aclflc Railway company, hns conducted a successful and profitable business and has paid 4 per cent on Its preferred slock and Is now paying 4 per on tho common, out of tho earnings nfter paying the fixed charges und the operating expenses! that there Is n fund of about ROOQ.OOO set nsldc to Becuro pay ments of dividends on preferred stocks and between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 of a'gen oral surplus; It has now on hand exceeding 3,000,000 derived from tho earnings of the road, whcrowlth to pay tho $75,000,000 of preferred stock at par, but that In order to retire such perfcrred stock the directors of the company nro threatening to issue and sell certificates of Indebtedness of de benture bonds, amounting to J75.O0O.O00 of tho Northern l'aclflc Hallway company, and out of tho proceeds pay off tho stockholders of the preferred stocks nt par, January 1, 1002. .ollec of Retirement. It Is alleged thnt the Northern Pacific Hallway company 1ms caused to bo sent to each of Its preferred stockholders a notice that It would retire ;tho wholo of the pre ferred stock ui par, on January 1, 1902, and that tho transfer bookH of tho company wore closed Tuesday, December 10, 1001, nt 3 o'clock, for tho ratlremcnt of the pre ferred stock aforesaid. Tho plaintiff says ho has been unablo to obtain a copy of tho resolutions of tho board of dlroetorn as to tho' Issue nnd sale of the certificates (of Indebtedness or do bcntilro bonds, but tho genurnl offect of tho resolution, he alleges, In set forth In a cir cular Issued by tho -Northern Pacific rail way to tho stockholders, a copy of which circular Is made a part of the bill. It Is alleged In the bill that no meeting of tho shareholders of tho defendant com pany has been called to mak,o tho lssuo of tho certificates of Indebtedness or doben turo bonds; that tho board of directors Is without power to Ibsuo such call; thnt nt tho tlmo of tho lssuo of tho certificates of stock, to the common stockholders when the company reorganized In 1S98 and by tho reorganization Tigrcemont provided "that tho company shall not put a mortgage on Its property embraced In tho property In tho Northern Pacific system, nor shall tho amount of tho preferred stock bo Increased excepl nfter obtaining In each Instance tho consent of the majority of holders of the whole amount of tho preferred ntock and tho consent of tho holders of tho majority of common ntock, to bo voted separately; that the plaintiff la unablo to ascertain whother certificates nro to bo socurod bv a mortgage on tho property of tho Northern Paolflp company or not, but whether secured by mortgage or not It constituted an tndebt neas duo and payablo not later than 1907. with Interest at 4 per ;ont, whothor the company has any famines or not out of whlohito pay It, and nn Indebtedness upon which Judgment can bo obtained, tho prop erty of ,tho company sold, tho rights of the common 'stockholders foreclosed nnd that If the common stockholders or a portion of them tako advantngo of' tho option offered them to tuko common, stock for tholr cer tificates of Indebtedness, tho common stock Is greatly Increased without the voto of tho stockholders of. thq. jconipany and without the nuthorlty o( the. law; of the stnto whSro It was Iucorpprp.tO(.. f Not (i Men on" Properly. Tho petition alleges that It was proposod In this way to aubstltuto for tho presont preferred stock, which In no way. consti tutes a lion upon tho property of tho North ern Pacldo company and Is not a chargo against tho earnings ot tho company and has no prior right over tho common stock except In priority of dividends, a converti ble ncsstlablo security or debenturo bond, bearing Interest at tho rate of 4 per cent por jfncunr; which' said pmount of 4 per cent per annum is a fixed charge against tho earnings of the company and Its prop erty jnnd must bo paid whether tho earn ings for any' year nmount to 4 por cent upon laid ksue of convertible certificates ot In debtedness of debenturo bonds or not, and Under which, If'default Is mndo In 'the pay Inont.of said Interest or uny payment of tho principal when due In 1907 or nt any tlmo prior thereto under tho provision of said certificates of Indebtedness or debenture' bomU.'tho ont'ro property of the Northern I'aclOq Railway company may bo told to satisfy 'tho Judgment or judgments which may tyo, obtained thereunder nnd nil cqult'ias nnd rights of the common stockholders ex tinguished. Scheme I'nivoliin Mtlicnllon. Tho bill sets forth that tho schemo has nlroady provoked litigation, which Is now pending, and plaintiff swonrn that by rea , son ot public criticism other serious liti gation will bo instituted unless tho do fondnrtt' railway company bo restrained from carrying .out. Its Illegal scheme and design, and In this connection It la allegsd that propcodlng3 nro about to be Instituted ngalnst' tho 'Northern Securities company, tho Northern Pacific Hallway company, tho (Ireat Northern Hallway company and tho Chlcagp,,.HurlnKton & Qulncy Hallway com pan'y by eomo ono or moro ot tho stntos through which tho rouda pass, to provent tho 'consolidation In tho mnunor alleged In 'Jt'ho bill, nnd that tho actlou ot these companies will Invito and urouso hostllo nnd'; punitive legislation by all states thrqugh which the roads pass, anil that In thoicase tho railway rompany should carry nut j'mhI accomplish the plans and Hchcmes mentioned It will bo subject to huvo Its charter rights forfeited. , Too bill rccltoa tho provision for tho con stitution of the stnto of Montana prohib iting tho consolidation of competing and parallel 'lines of railway, nnd also tho laws of the state of Washington prohibiting the comulldatlnu of parallel and competing HnCB. and nlleecs that the Northern l'a c tilt; and Great Northern Hallway compa nion are parallel nnd competing lines, f ! Purpose nf C'tiiuiinii-, It Is particularly alleged In tho bill of complaint that tho Northern Securities company Is a railroad corporation nnd was organized for tho express nnd solo purposo of amltlng under Its mnuagctnent nnd con trm tho defondant, the Northern Pacific Hallway company, tho Orcat Northern Hall way company, tho Chicago, Ilurlln'gtnn & , Qtijncy Railroad company nnd the systems of railways controlled and operated by each of thesa railway companies, respoe tlvejy, nnd for no other purpose, nnd that tho Northorn. securities company was or aanlzed for tho purpose of owning, holding Vnd contro'Ulns all threo of tho corpora tions mentioned In tho bill nnd their vari ous systems of railway, so that all competl tlon between thcBO companies may bo stifled and provented, nnd that unjust and In cqultablo exorbitant rates for both freight nnd passenger traffic may .bo obtained "by Ihem. Tho bill further nets forth that It Is tho Humors - ' i ' Ibqr take t-ns$ortdo:i of th bqdy, am tut Lords of .Misrule. thoy are attended by pimples, bolls, tin Itching tetter, salt rheum, and other eti taneotu eruptions: by fecllnM of vfeakne Iaoiaof,'twral nubility and What not. They cause more suffering than anythlr 'lie. ' ' Health, Strength. Pence and FleMrcr require their expulsion, and this is po,. ttvely effected, according to thousands o grateful, teifiBionlali, by Nooii'm Sarmmpmrilh which radically and permanently drive Ueaa oat aid bnildi up tin whole ytua. design nnd purpose of tho Northern Pa clflo Railway company, the Great Northern Hallway company and the Chicago, Ilur llngton & Qulncy Hnllrnad rompnny to con solidate and merge In the Northern Securi ties company, tho complete nnd exclusive control of each nnd all of these railway systems and that the proposed attempted retirement of tho preferred stock of the Northern Pacific Hallway company Is solely for the purposo of enabling the Northern Pacific company to turn over to tho North ern Securities company 'n majority of the stock of tho Northern Pacific Hallway com pany; that tho proposed and attempted creation of nn Indebtedness of $73,000,000 on tho part of the Northern Pacific Hallway company Is sololj- for tho purpose of pay ing off and retiring tho preferred stock, to tho end that n majority of tho common stock may bo so turned over to the North ern Securities company. It Is alleged thnt In case the Northern Pacific company proposes to and does carry out tho plans anil schemo nllcged In the complaint that the plaintiff will be Irre parably damaged and that ho had ho rem edy nt law for his damage or Injury or any part of It. either against the company or tho officers thereof. The bill then prays for tho writ of In junction as Issued by Judge Elliott.' Applies to All Ofllccro, Tho order IbsuciI recites tho application nnd continues: Now, therefore, you, the said Northern Pnclllc Hallway company, defendants, your officers, directors, attorneys, agents and servant, nro hereby wimmnndcd nnd en Joined to forthwith refrain nnd abstain from Issuing or selling nny certificate of Indebtedness or debenture bonds or other evidence or evidences of Indebtedness or from creating ntiy Indebtedness or liability either direct or contingent of nny descrip tion for the purpose of raising mouoy with which to pay or retire the preferred stock of your snld company or nny part thereof or from using uny moneys or proceeds other than the ordinary surplus net earn ings of tho rompnny to tho payment und retirement of the preferred stock of your Hiilit company or nny part thereof, nnd, still further, from creating nny Indebted ness u m! liability for the operating ex penses of your Bitld railroad system and the Indebtedness nnd liability now existing with n preference or taking precedence over tho common stock of your snld corn puny, nnd, still further, from placing your property or nny part thereof or the man ngement of your railway system or any part thereof In tho possession or under the control, either directly or Indirectly, of the Northern Securities company or Its officers, agents or servnnts or from entering Into any ngreemedt or arrangements, either directly or Indirectly, through the medium r tne .Nortnern securities company, or therwlso with this (Trent Northern Ilnll- wav comnanv und the Chicago. Ilurllngton & Qulncy Hallway company, or. either of them, their stockholders, directors, olllcers or agents, for the purpose of causing the runway system owned una controlled oy ,'ou to be opcrnieu or controlled tinner ho same rules or by the. sliino authority as tho said Orcat Northern Hallway com- Siny and the Chicago, lliirllngton & ulncy Hallway company, or either of lem, nnd from entering Into nny agree ment with the snld companies, or. either ot them, thcli stockholders, directors, of- ncers, ujtents, servants -or nitorneys ior the purpose of nvoldlng competition nnd fixing or rates for tho cnrrlago' of freight and passengers. And this Injunction you will observe nnd keep under tho'' penalty of the law. nn. . i. it.. t . l ... -1 n r til,.. linen lliu llliliuiiiuiu inuiit-n i. liiiuu. Judge of tho district court nforosnld, at Minneapolis, Minn., this 30th duy of De cember, A. D. 1901. Inline nan Clioelc Ilrnivn. NEW YORK, Dec, 30. Tho World will say tomorrow; a cucck ior 3,uuu,uiu. drawn, It Is said, to the order of' tho North ern Pacific company tyy J. P. Morgan, wnH delivered yesterday. It rcpresontnted part of ,tho, subscriptions q .the Northern Pacific convertible bp.nds. This check will bo de posited by tho Northorn Pacific Itniiwaj company with the fund of $75,000,000 which was to be used Thursday to retire the pro- ferrcd stock of tho company. RAISES TRAINMEN'S" WAGES llnltlniore Jk Ohio Mnkcs uluiitnry ' IncrcnKe Ilroiiusp of Addl tloiuil "Work. nALTJMOHR, Doc. 30. Official announce ment was mado today nt the general offices of tho Ilaltlmore & Ohio railroad of an ln- crcaso In the wages of trainmen and switch men on that road. Tho lncreaso will aver ago about 8 por cent, nnd was made with out n request from tho employes, tho In creased duticB convincing tho management that their wages should bo raised. Tho Important lncrdaso Is In tho compen nation of firemen. The present rate on the consolidation Is 2.15 3-5, and the new 2.7 cents a mile. On other construction en glues and three-wheel onglnes (ho rnto will bo 2.15, as against 2.75. Rear brakeracn havo been dcslgnnted "flagmen" nnd wilt bo pnld 10 ccuts per day moro than other brakemon. A largo number of yard engineers, llremen, conduc tors nnd brnkemen recelvo Increases of several conts por hour, ln.aooprdanco with local conditions. ... HILL IS SCHEDULED TO TALK llellef thnt lie Will Outline Some or III IMniiM for Ilnllroitil Propertied, ST. PAUL, Dec', 30.-rA special from Kargo, N. D., says: President J. J. Hill ot tho Great Northern Is to in alio an, address January 8 to the Trl-Stnto Grain Growers ami stocKiuon s convention nore, ami it u anticipated that ho may make somo remarks on tho "morgor" that will bo of Jntorest to tho general public. Ho ts expected to make some official declarations of' lift In tentions and tho futuro plans ot tho roads In tho northwest. . llrvlvn Old (HIIccn, DENVKH, Colo., Doc. 30. Tho. oftlccs of general passenger nnd general freight agont, on tho Colorado Midland railway, the duties of which have been performed by Tralllc Manager II. C. Uimch during tho last year, will bo re-established on January 1. Assistant Gonornl Passenger Agent Spcers and As sistant General Freight Agent V. D. Hun ter, being promoted to bo at tho head of their respectlvo departments. .Venn Agent! ut Go, TACOMA, Wash., Deo. 30. Alt nows ngonts on tho trains of tho Northorn Pa cific aro to be discontinued after January 1. Dally papers will be kept In tho dining cars and supplied by onoof tho waiters. nieN Cured Without the KaUe. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. Nc cure, no pay- AH druggists are authorized by the manufacturers ot Pazo Ointment to refund money whoro It falls to cure any caso of piles, no matter ot how tang standing. Cures ordinary cases In six f sysj tho worst cases In fourteen days. One 'ippllcatlon gives ease tad rest. Reltoves .tcbtng Instantly. This Is a new discovery ind Is tho only pile remedy sold on a posi tive guarantee, no cure no pay. Price GOo. It your druggist don't keep It In stock send us fOc In stamps and we will forward samo by mall. Manufactured by Paris' Medicine Co., 6t. LouU, Mo., who also manufacture the celebrated cold cure, Laxative) Bromo Quinine Tablets. Chief, of Manila Flrenien. WASHINGTON, Dec. 30.r-Hugh Bonner of New York dbb accepted' the tender of an appolnfjment' as chief 'of tho flro depart ment Ot Manila. It Is purposed to organize the Manila fire fighting eorytce , onN modern American linos, - To Cine cold itt iue nay. take Laxatlvo llromo Quinine Tablets, AH 'druggists refund tho money If tt falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature la on eacb bos. 2So. THE OMAHA DAIL VAN SANT OUTLINES PLAN MinBeuU QoTimor Saji Meremont ii Not faud on Histilitj. BELIEVES MERGER A VIOLATION OF LAW (Intermit- While of .North Dnkoiit lie. dine to Attend ( niiferenee, Ih lirexliiK lll Dltnniirin ill of tho l'nrpoKe. HELENA, Mont., Dec. 30. No action was taken today at tho meeting of tho governors and attorneys-general of the , Northwest states called to consider plans for opposing tho proposed consolidation ot tho Northern Pacific, Great Northern and Hurllngton rail way systems. From the discussion at these meetings, however, It Is considered prob able that tho plan of Governor Van Saut of Minnesota will bo Indorsed by the ex ecutives of other states who were present and that tho fight against the railroad consolidation will be carried to a finish. Whai this plan is Governor Van Sant re fused to stnto until the mooting tomorrow morning shall havo taken action. The meetings were held In Governor Toolo's prlvnto ofllre, and behind closed doors. There were present besides Gover nor Toolo nnd Attorney General Donavan of Montana, Governor V'nn Sant and At torney General Douglas of Minnesota, Gov ernor Herrlcd and Attorney General Pylo of South Dakota, Governor Hunt and Attorney Oenerttl Martin of Idaho nnd Attorney Gen eral Stratton of Washington, Governor Mc- Hrldo of that state, not being able to be present on nccount of the death ot Gover nor Hogers. Governor White of North Da kota 'was ntso expected to attend tho con ference, and in fact had telegraphed Gov ernor Van Sant thnt he would be present. In a later tolegram, however, ho stnted that Is was Impossible for him to attend tho meetings. nn Sunt I'rt'NlilPN, Tho meeting was organized by tho elec tion of Governor Van Sant as chairman, and Attorney General Martin of Idaho fts sec retary. After reading Governor White's communication, stating thnt ho would not bo present, Governor Van Sant mndo a brief speech In regnrd to tho objects of tho meet Ing, giving a brief history of tho proposed railway combination ami tho effect ho be lieved It would havo on the stateB affected. "The state of Minnesota," said tho gov ernor, "has had on its statute books for moro than twcnty-flvo yenrs laws prohtb Itlng tho consolidation In any way of paral lel and competing lines ot railway. It has been tbo settled policy of our stnto to main toln a free, open and unrestricted compe tltlon In freight and passenger rates. The Great Northern nnd Northorn Paclllc mil- way companies operate parallel and com potlug lines of railway within tho state They arc practically tho only roads which furnish any transportation tacllltlco to tho northern half of tho state, with tho execu tion of tlici. two known as the 'Iron Ore roads.' Ilcvlcwn the lllntor)-. "It has been recently announced that Mr. Hill nnd his assistants have obtained tho control of the Northern Pacific Hallway compnny and Intend to operate tho samo Jointly with the Great Northern and In ef feet bring about a consolidation by remov ing all competition nnd nil 'rivalry be tween theso roads. To this end the North ern Securities company waa organized In New Jersey to acqulro a controlling amount ot the stock of tho Great Northern nnd Northern Pacific railroad companies In exchange for Its own stodk and It Is through tho compnny that the unity of management and control Is to bo effected. As soon, ns this fact became known to me. I felt It my duty ns governor to do overv thing In my ofllctnl power to opposo tho consolidation or amalgamation of theso properties within the state of Minnesota. If thrro is such n consolidation content plated and that fact seems to bo practi cally conceded, It Is an open violation of tho law as well ns against the declared public policy of tho state of Minnesota, nnd I feel that I should bo negligent of duties If I remained quiescent under such circum stances. v Other fttnlrn Intermtcil. "I havo been Informed thnt tho states which you gentlemen represent ns govern ors and attorneys general havo statute laws similar to thoso of the state of Minnesota, and that this was a question In which our state was not alone Interested. Acting upon this be let I took tho Ubcrtv of ask Ing for this conference of governors and attorneys general of tho various states through which theso two. roads pass, be Having that all such states wero equally Interested In maintaining tho principal herctoforo asserted in tho stnto of Minne sota and reasserted hero In Its objection to this consolidation. I folt that the Interests were so vast and at the same tlmo similar to thoso of our own stnto that tho states of which you gentlemen nro tho official hcadB should bo consulted, and If possible such metnods ot procedure Adopted ns would bo uniform. "Tho people of tho strtto of Minnesota feeling certain that competition has been the chief factor In her development and equally certain that Its destruction would result In the greatust loss to both producer and consumor, has determined to opposo this consolidation. No Spirit of HoNtllit)-. "This determination Is not entered into with any spirit of hostility towards rail roads. Our statu has dealt liberally with them, nnd has deeded to tho various rail roads operating within tho stato moro than 10,500,000 acres of land, or moro land than Is under cultivation by the people of MInnosota, and by tho state and national government at Washington somo 20,000,000 acres, being doublo tho cultivated acreage In tlui hands of tho agricultural population. In view of this. and other priv ileges granted by the stnto It Is but just to sny that railway companies owo reciprocal duties to the public, Including cheerful ocbdlenco to our laws, I should bo pleased to hear from each ot you gontlomeu on tho subjoct and some genernl expression as to tho policy which tho poople of tho north west, through you, their representative? hnltevo to bo best for tho-publlc welfare. y"I wish the Associated Press would etate for me" said tho governor, "that I will knot make any statement on this matter until the conclusion of tho conference. I have received a Bcoro ot telegrams asking for statementu In regard to my proposed action, but until this conference Is over 1 will not talk." Tho visiting governors and attorney gen erate were given a dinner this evening at the rreldonco of Governor Toolo and later woro guests ot tho Montana club. White Will Not Attend. DI8MAHCK, N, D Dec. 30. Governor Whtto nf North Dakota will not attend tho conference of governors at Helena for tho reason, ho saye, that Instead of being a conteronco to discuss tho matter ot tho railroad merger, with it view to ascertain Ing tho facts In the case nnd whether any state laws nro being violated, It has come to bo heralded abroad as a meeting In open hostility to railroad Interests, with adjuncts of extra sessions nnd other things, before the matter has been dlscueed nt all. The following statemont of Governor White's position was authorized this afternoon: So tar aa the poople of North Dakota are concerned, there has been no demand TUESDAY, D on the iT.i'tnor from any source to mix i mis mAttor, The tiroDle of North Dakota nro not so much alarmed over the proposition ns to III. lillmlnil In Mm fnot thnt romirdle!) Of ownership, so fa,r us rates and regulntlon oi ruiirniuin lire rnneerneu, itir) iu ii" rurrender nny power nf present possessed. Whenever the railroads oppress our people wo will find u remedy Thus for we have hot been Injured by the so-dulled merger nnd It l heat to nwhtt developments. Amusements The Mr-rebuilt of Veiilec" A comedy In five nets, by William Shnkes peare. Produced tit lloyd's theater Monday night by Sir Henry Irving, Ktlen Terry nnd the London Lyceum company. 'PHK r? A ST. Shylock Henry Irv'ng na.isanio Arthur itoysmn nuko of Venice..,, u. i tudu intonio, t .iiuurenre itviiik Prince nf Mnrnreo James S. Ileum Salnnlo .' W. Hi b, Halnrino.i Lionel Helmore Clrittlano ., V. Tyii'a Ixireiizo W. li. Asncrott Tubal ; Murk I'uton I.iuitireliit (Inhh.i. ,. .C. Dodsvvorth Old (lobbo T. Heynolds Gaoler W. Graham eomtrdo c...i, II. H. Cook W. Marlon ......... W. Ablett K. Dtvisfl ..Mabel Hackney Mnild .Milton Kllen Terry Itulthaear. Stephano Clerk of the. court...... Jessica ; iverissa ..... Portia , Whatever Shp'kesfeard's nature may havo been and It Is only charitable to think he was Influenced by the prejudices of his day nnd sought to curry favor by catering to n pop'ulnr passion It Is certain he drew a most unlovely caricature when he gave the world Shylock. Thaptho portraiture Is a car icature all Shakespearean students admit, and some oven go so far as to apologize for the master. Yet withal It Is a character of such marvelous possibilities that tho best actors since tho day of Its creation have found lu 1t ampin scopo for all their capabilities, and no two In modem times havo given us tho same conception of tho part. Sir Henry Irving Is very faithful to tho character ns It appears In tho lines of the written play. His Interpretation is based on the fundamental nnturo of n man the current of Nvhoso life has been turned awry by unkind fat, and who seeks through vengeance to obtain solace for wrongs put upon him. Not one Jot doos Sir Henry abate of the vlndlctlvonrss thnj. has given the name of Shylock ItB modorn significance nnd nt no time docs ho In nny wny lesson the truculenco of the spirit that seeks re venge on n wtyole race of men through ono. His grief over fho elopement of his daugh ter In pitiful! tho breaking heart strings nro heard In tho sob with which he tells of the turquolfto ring ho had of Leah "when 1 was n bnchclof. I would not hnvoglvcn It for a wilderness of 'monkeys." In tho court scene life has forgotten his dignity, his grief, his' business everything but his desire for vengeance. "Until." ho snys to Gratlano, "you can rail the seals oft my bdnd, tl.ou but offendest thy lungs." His hatred of tho' merchant, grown so fierce slnco Lorenzo struck tho blow at his hearthstone, Minis, In all bis acting until that tlmo when Portia, tho fair pettifogger, calls his attention to the fact that his bond Is fatally weak In ono particular. Then ho awakes. His dream has passed. Knife and scales fall from his nerveless hands, whllo In his' ears ring- tho words of the Judge who pronounces on him his doomi In thnt final scene Sir Hehfy gives a sub' llmo plcturo of a man stricken In his most vital point, his home wrecked, his worldly goods tnken from him, his vengeance balked and his llfo' forfeit, but offered back to him on tho condition that ho ac cept In outwnrd form, nt ledst, tho religion of thoBO ho ihost detests. It Is a picture which easily ehllsts tho sympathy of nil beholders: and fey enn csedpt- a pang' of re grot at the thouhl that tho lines compel tho broken old man, when ho hears re hearsed tho distasteful terms on which life Is offered "him, to answer: "I am content." Even Shylock In real life could hardly havo dono that. Sir Henry gives us Shakespeare's Shylock, and yet ho undoes Shakcspcaro'n lesson, nnd by tlfo very force of Tils art gains the compassion of most for him tho dramatist sought to pillory. Miss Terry Is delightful as Tortla. She has tho wlnsomeness of the girl tempored but little by tho dignity ot tho matron. In the caskot scene sho has llttlo to do but look charming; In tho court scene sho dominates with tho cheerful assurance that has marked Portia as tho attorney's model of what a pettifogger should be, and ladles out decisions, Just or unjUBt, legal or oth erwlso, with tho abandon characteristic of her sex. Her womanly Intuition rather than hor learning In tho law led to tho un doing of tho plaintiff In the case of Shy lock against Antonio. It Is when she nnd Ncrlasa put Hassanta and Orntlana on tho gridiron that hor rogulsbuess finds-its full est swing. Thnt last act of the drama Is a most effective antl-cllmax, and Mies Terry and her associates make the most of It. Of the company It is sufficient to say rta members are all worthy of tho high prlvllego they enjoy of being numbered ninong the supporters of principals so eminent. All who lovo tho English Jnngungo In Its purity nnd find delight In Its propor uso and chasto enunciation wero greatly entertained last night by the company which assists Sir Henry Irving nnd Miss Torry. Two other things contribute to this enjoyment tho fidelity of tho actors to tho lines ot tho playwright and tho artistic environment of sconery with vvhlcu tho pictures wero sur rounded. Tho performance did not prove tho social event that dtd tho appearance hero two seasons ago of theso distinguished stars Tho audlenco was mado up mainly ot Shakospcareon students and thoso who on Joy seeing perfect protrayal ot the highest type of dramatic art. This fact wad at tested by the spontaneous enthusiasm and applause accorded each of the Important scenes. Following tho trial scone" of tho fourth act both Irving and. Terry wero forced to respond to repeated encores, Sir Henry finally tired of bowing his ap preclatlon ot the demonstration, stepped to the footlights and thanked them by word ot mouth. In part ho said; "It Is my pleasure to onco again have the opportunity of thanking you for your gen erous appreciation of our efforts. It brings to mind a simitar wolcomp whch It was our pleasuro to enjoy In your city two years ago, and I sincerely hone that wo Bhall all havo tho pleasuro of meeting again not only during our present stay In the city, but at a futuro time. Again, In behalf ot Miss Terry, my company and myiolt I wish tp thank you and beg to romaln al ways your loyal and truly humble servant.' The, boxes wero occupied as follows; Box A Ex-Govcrnor and Mrs. Boyd, Jay and Miss Dnvd. Box H B. H, Barrows. J. C. Thomas nnd Miss Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Cadet Taylor. Box C Mr. and Mrs.Mandleburg, Rabbi and Mrs, Simon. Box V C. A. Bolter. Thomas Arthur and li. s. Harrison ot iogun. la. Box I-Mr. nnd Mrw W. J. Burgess. Mr. ana airs, usenr vviiuoms. Uox HL. E. nnd Mrs. Williams. Mn C. H. DeWltt. Herman DeWitt and I,ucilo Anqerson 01 uicnwoou, in. Box N George II. and Mrs. Thummel Judco nnd Mrs.- T. K. Gaffy of Pierre. H. n Box M Mr. P. E. Her, Misses Edith nnd uesHio tier. Peru Invltlnrc 'trouble. NEW YORK, Dec. 30. Tho Ecuadoroan goyornroent has ascertained thaC Peruvian parties havo occupied certain regions In tile easterly part of Ecuador, says the Guayaquil (Ecuador) correspondent of the Herald. It will protest energetically against the occupations. . EC E3f HE'jtUfl 1 , 3 901. OMAHA OUSTER OF ACTION Fraik laid! Ud to Hold Aertci Aiso- oinU Fraicblit. HICKEY GIVES 1 'T LETTERS F ROURKt GrnntliiK of the Franchise to this I'll)' Hcmirdrd I) Nome lis l)ec Inrntlon of Wnr Club Give Hunters. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 30. Representatives of the eight cities' which are to comprise tho circuit of tho now bnso ball leogue. the American association, as outlined by Its promoters, met In executive session nt the Baltimore hotel In this city today nnd took the nict-ssnry action to complete tho or ganization of the association. Threo se cret sessions woro heUl behind closed doors, with President T. J. Hlckey In tho chnlr. The magnates In attendance and tho cities they lepresent nre n follows. H. D. Quliin and W. Cllngiuan, Milwau kee; W. II. Wntklns and Hauschau-.it, In dianapolis; Charles J. Strohel. Toledo; T. Brlce and Murchlson, Columbus; George E. Lcnnon, St. Paul; Walter Wllmot, Min neapolis, and Georgo Tebcatl and Dalo Gear, Kansas -City. Omaha was roprcfceiited by proxy by H. D. Qulnn of Milwaukee. Tho most Important business transacted consisted of the ndoptlon ijf a constitution, tho awarding ot tho various franchises of ficially to tho respectlvo magnates of the association, and especially the disposition ot the Omaha franchise. CoiiMlltntloii noil II-I.iimi. After tho morning session President Hlckey nnnounced Hint the first Importnnt business brought up was the adoption ot tho constitution nnd by-laws. The presi dent snld that tho constitution does not differ rrnterlally from tho constitution of tho old Western league, only minor changes being necessary to suit tho purposes of tho new association. It was decided that uni form tickets should be used In all of the towns. The lenses held by tho magnates wero turned over to President Hlckey and the session adjourned. Mr. Hlckey stated that ho had threo- yoar lenses on parks In seven cities In his possession, nil of tho cities except Omaha. At the afternoon session, It Is understood, but not officially given out, that the Omaha franchise was nwarded to Frank Bandlo of Omaha, nn old ball player and practical business man. Mllwnukeo capitalists aro backing Bandle, but ho will havo imme diate chargo of tho team. Ho appeared In tho meeting this nftcmoon nnd made n strong plea to havo Omaha Included In the American association circuit. Deeliirutloii of Wnr. Tho awarding of this franchise nmounts to n declaration of war against the Western league In Omaha. W A. Hourko owns tho Western league franchise. President Hlckey tonight gave out somo correspond ence which ho has lately had with Rourke. Mr. Hlckoy on December 27 wroto a letter to Mr. Hourko, In which the latter la re minded that ho was awarded tho Omaha American association franchise at the Chi cago meeting, but had failed to mako good his guarantee. The letter Invites Mr. Hourko to attend tho Kansas City meeting called today nnd be prepared there to put up tho guarantee or return his franchlso to avoid legal difficulties. Mr. Itourke's ro sponse, dated December 30, stntoH that he owns tho Omaha .franchlso In tho American association, and nny attempt to disturb his rights In the premises would bo resisted by him in the courts. Tho president was given power to mako tho schedule, which will bo aifopted with out changes. An admission fee of 25 cents will bo chnrged In cities vvhory thoro is competition. Charles J. Stroebcl of Toledo, who was awarded a ono-yoar franchlso In tho circuit at Chicago, was today awarded a five-year franchise. WntklnB, Wllmot and Tebeau wero appointed a committee on playing rules. , IliiMtem of l'lner. Tho next meeting of tho association will probably bo helij In February a'nd all futuro meetings will be In Chfcngo. All tho mag nates wero a bit shy about announcing their lists of players, but a roster of thoso claimed was Anally prepared and given out as follows: Kansas City Pitchers, Wolfe, Gibson, Welmcr, Gear, Oscar Jones; catchers, no ville, Messett; first baseman, Brnsshear; shortstop, Dundon nnd Leowe; ihlrd baso man, Robinson; outfielders, Miller and Hart man. Indianapolis Pitchers, Helium, Siidhoff, Ralph Miller; first baso, B. Meyers; sec ond baso, Fox; fielders, Woodruff and pos sibly Hogrlevcr. Columbus Pitchers, Dalley, Cogswell, Dunham, McMIckon, Wnlkor, Wagner; first baso, Jack Grim; socond baso, Evans; third base. Griffin. Toledo litchors, Eddlo Joss, Al Pardee; catcher, Grafllus; third baso, Cargo; short stops, Grosart, Woodlock; fielders, Miller, Bobby Gllks. St. Paul Mlko Kelly, manngcr nnd cap tain; lnfleldcr, Holllngsworth. Minneapolis Waltcr'WIlmot, malinger nnd captain. Milwaukee William Cllngman, manager and captain; first banc, Jack O'Connell; catchers, probably Klclnow nnd "Kid" Spoor; fielders, probably Sam Dungau, Thiol and Hemphill. Tho night session was occupied with routine matter. PLAYING SQUASH IN OMAHA New nnd S t reuiinim Rmne TuUeii 1: Hreenlly OruiutUed Iliiciiiict CI nil. To Dick Stowart of Council Uluffa won tho first gitunsli tournament of tho R.iciiuut club by defeating N. P. Dodge In the llnal round on tho club courts ut KxJ South Four teenth street. Twelve players competed In the tournament. . flqtimih In u new game In Omaha. Tho club which In now pluylng It waa formed two mnntliH ugn, nnd operations begun nt once. The old lfnrtman hall was secured nnd partitioned off Into two courts and shower baths and locker rooms. Kach court Is 35x26 feet nnd tho room in which It Is laid nut must bo just that sire. Tho gamo Is played ngalnst the four walls of tho room, somowhnt afjer tho manner of handball, except that tennis rncciuets nro used, Only two players can engugo nt u tlmo In one court, , Tho object Is to compel your opponent to miss tho ball, which Is an ordinary tennis ball, cither on tho lly or tho first bounce. A court Is divided lengthwise Into halves. Hach, mnn takes one nnd tho server starts the game by butting tho ball against tho front wall so that It falls back Into his op ponent's court, The Intter then strikes it back against nny wall regardless of local Ity. for nfter that first servo tho ball may fall anywhere. Play Is continued till one man misses, fulling to return either on tho fly or ilrst bounce, If tho server misses, neither player scares one point, but the servo passes to tho other mnn, If this other be tho ono who missed, howevar, the server scores one, nnd retains tho serve, Thus only a sorvor enn score, and the wny to win Is to keep the servo by not mlBslng. Fifteen points count a gnme. Tho gnmo Is extremely strenuous and re quires the grentest activity of any Indoor contest played, The mero fact thnt tho hnll may bouncn ngalnst nny of four walls explains this. The fascination of tbo sport lies lu Its speed. Twenty-five members comprise the Rac quet club. Tho expenditure of somo $501 on the quartern has produced a well equipped set of rooms. Men who played racquets at schoid aro naturally best nt this game, but others uro now coming rap- r Idly lo the front nnd will soon vlo with the experienced ones. Tennis players take to it readily. Among the star squash pliV er!-JUHt now nre Hither Kountze, Charles Koiintsto, Frank Hnxkell, Ezra Millard, Nnthun P. Dodge and Dick Stewart All other tournament will be begun this week ALL DEPENDSONPETER MAHER .NfTrl.i. ii ud Sharkey Will I'lulil If ynllnr Tom Whip the Irlfthtunii NEW, YORK, Dee. SO.-JIm Jeffries and Tom Sharkey were matched today for n light which will Involve the heavyweight fistic championship or the world. "Hilly Uelunev, who Is Jefftlra' manager, met Tom Sharkey and hit manager. Barney Reich, nt Tom Foley's resort here this afternoon. Delnuey said thnt he was anx ious to lndt.ee Bob FltZ.slmiiion to meet the chnmploii once more and he hail given him due notice of his whereabouts, but neither l'ltzslintuonH nor any representa tive of his put In nn npiicur.xiU'e, so De lnuey clinched the bargain with Shark v According to the articles of ngreement, thn fight will take place on any day be tween March 17 and April 30, before the club offering the bet Inducements. James C. Kennedy, representing J W. I'ofTrntli of the Vosemlte Athletic club of S.iu FrnnelFOn, bid tK'i per cent of the gross receipts, und the men Imiuedlntely ngieed to light In Sun Francisco under that club's auspices. There Is a pofslbllMy thnt the mm will tint meet tiiul that no cording to the nrtUies of ngreement. I the chance that Sharkey Is defeated bv Peter Maher In their bout In Phlladeliiblu In the third week of next year The bout will be deelared oft should Hhnrkey suc cumb to Maher. FITZSIMMONS IS WILLING Snyn He N Retired, hut Would t'ou- Mldrr tny OITer from .loltrlcd. NEW YORK, Dee. 30.Hoh Fltr.slmmotis was seen tonight at his home at llith Bench und Informed Unit Jeffries and Sharkey bad been matched. lie sold- "From reading the tunny advance untie sent by Jeffries and Delnuey from the west during tho lust few weeks I was led to believe that Jeffries was hot after me und wns coming to town to tnnke me ex traordinary Inducements to get me to light him. In the first place, Jeffries Is not here anil. In tho Mornnil. I hnvn nnt reeelvotl unv J great olTor he had to make. Delnuey did not notify me personally no was in town. I havo retired from the ring, but I eer tnlnly would have considered any nrfr Jeffries or Ins manager offered to mako had 1 received it." DETROIT LETS LANGE PASS WlK I.i'MKiier WnntN Six iilnllfill lid UollurN nnd Mr.Voiiinrii i'lin t'cl the Drill, DHTROIT, llee. .lO.-The signed contracts of Outfielder Hurley, who was with Cin cinnati lust year, und First Has, 'man Frnnk Dillon, were received today by Secret. try MeNumarii of the Detroit huso ball club. Negotiations between the Detroit club and Hill lounge, formerly with the Chicago Nn tlnnai league club, are off. Imwe wired thnt Detroit "would huvo to do better thrill JiJ.lMi. ns the Huston league teum hnd of fered him that salary." Secretary McNn mnru declined to offer nlch figures. JEFFORDS THE AGGRESSOR lllir Cn II for ii I n n lirtu ItcttiT of .luck McCormlck In l.liull limit. AI,I,i;NTOVN. Pn., Dee. SO.-JIm Jef fords of California nnd Jack McCormlck of Philadelphia fought fifteen rounds here tonight In which the California!! had much the better of the po. Jeffords, drew blood In tho first round, und In the second round sent the l'htladelphlan to the lloor with a hard right-hand punch. After thnt MC' Cormlck braced up and managed to stay the limit. St. ChnrlfH DrIYiitH Kmikh, In n lenguo bowling game last night on Clark's alleys the St. Charles team lock three straight from tho Krtig Parks. Score. ST. CIIARUCS. 1st. L'd. 3,1. Total, Fritscher Ifil I'M UK 20 Wllllo IS" 111 10 nil Davldgo ,, 151 1C2 112 IN Houthy 15S 1S1 1!"'. KIT Flaimgnn UU Stri WO tin Total "TEii Til fCI 'J.SiM KRUO PARKS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Totnl. Conery l&t in 147 m Nielsen H7 llfl 131 127 SCItzman 153 1S2 213 F. II. Krug 1(3 1EO 172 4'.5 llengolo 152 ICA 1S3 451 Totnl 771 7!0 Tx 2.3.VT Ciiniidlun Wrestler WIiin. ROCIIKSTICR, N. Y.. Dec. HO-Danld Mclenn of Canada, the Scotch wrestler, bent Mort Henderson, the Rochester "butcher boy," In n tnntch tonight, lie agreed to put Henderson down five times Inside of nn hour und nccomnllshed tb" undertaking In 15 minutes 15 seconds. Henderson weighed HO nnd Slolxnid 1G0. .loi (Iiiiin Too llcnvy. PHIDADKM'IIIA. Dee. SO. Jo- Youngs of lluffnlo was completely outclassed by Joe Oans of Ilaltlmore tonight In what vvus to hnve been u six-round bout nt the opening of tho now Washington Sporting club, In the fourth round Youngs had enough nnd retired. FBroft Trial From Oeo, C. Oelck, Owens Mill, Mo.: "Some tlmo aRO I botiKht ft pnckaBo of Pyra mid Pile Curo for my wife, who had suf forml very much. The first trial did her more Rood than anything sho bus ever tried. It Is Just what Is claimed for It. for It cured her completely." For salo by nil drtiKRlsts. Llttlo book, "Plies, Causo and Cure." mailed free. Pyramid DniK Co.. MarHhall, Mich. OMAHA-TEXAS OIL CO. Mr. H. F. Pierce, president of our com pany( wired from neaumont, Tex., today as follows: "Just returned from field. Our well down 865 feet. Rulldlng of Joint plpo lines nnd tanks nicely started. "II. F. PIERCE."' Remember, shares advance to 60c por sharo, or hlshorwhen gush'of Is broufiht In. Lees than 200 font loft to drill. Halos of stock Increase dally as tho well Roes down, Remit to H. I. FORSYTH, Bccrctary and Treasurer, aapp Iilock, - - Council Illuffs, la. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuln Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Sear Slgnntur f & PacSlaMI Wrapptr Below. Yrr 11 aad ft Mf to UklMNIlA FOR HEADACHE. FOR DI7ZINES3, FDR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION oaowiunvn MunuviMhifv.t. OURS IOIC HCADAAHK. i TREE' A stuff of cmlnc.it pnyslclnns and sur geons from tho British Medical lnstitutn have, nt tho urgent solicitation of n largo number of patients under their cure In thti counuy. established ,i permanent branch uf the Institute lu this city, at Corner or Kith mill I'liriuiiu Street. lliioniN -CIS-lift) llonril of Trndn llnlldlMg. These eminent gentlemen iinva decided to give their services entirely free for three months (medicines excepted) to all Invalid who call upon them fr treatment bctwoeii now unci Jiini'ury !). Tho object In pursuing this course Is to becomo rapidly nnd personally acquainted with tho sick and uflllcted, und under no conditions will uny charge whatever bn made for un services rendered for three months to all who call before January 0. Mule mid I'cinalc weakness, catarrh nnd catarrhal deafness, i.lso rupture, goitre, cancer, .til tkin diseases i.nd all disease of (he rectum nte positively curci by their iiew treatment. one" MINUTE COffljElCUPe Cures Quic&Sy It lina long been it household fnvorlto for CoukIh, Colds, ljionchitls, Pneu monia, Asthma, WlinopliiK Cough and all other Throat and idititf Troubles. It Is proscribed as aMrk.fitlc for Grippe, Mothers endorso .It as an infallible remedy for Croup. Children lllco it. Preparod by I".. C. UoWItt &. Ca., Chloafjo. A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN Ucften illttrfMftl by Crav or ttrllj nUstlifil Ililr Imperial Hair Regenerator Trill rrmeilj' this. Any shartsfinm Illnelr i um ui;i)irii jnn iimnur priMmcm, ('(iliirHnreitnraliln llmllv nimlliM All. 3tfS5 solulely liarnilesn. Hamilton linlrrnl. uigu tiro. iiUdrnjHiimruir iu.iurilliu: Imperial Chemical i'u. 3.i W .ad Hi . .n' V. Did you ever !toi i,, Hunk thnt over six hundred Individ uals linn The Dee Want Ad puRes every Hundiij .' That, besides (his inrne num ber who uro personullv inter mted, there nre several hundred that are Interested In very classification. That classllleatluiiH ran be found for evuiy want of mortal man. GET IN LINE Don't you think you had better Ret In line under one of these I'lns.dlleutlnus nnd let your wants lu known? There Is surely someone nmoiiK this vast urmv of read ers that ynu can Inti-nst. mid a 25c Want Ad will do the "Hlz." Howell's will knock u cold, Anfi-Kawf a -nURli, or a win ter sore throat. Into tho inlihllo of next week. It's Rood for rold sores. Don't allow nny ono to sell you nny ntbor kind. There's nono so good ns Antl-Kavvf. 25c n bottle. A II l Hl JMK.Vl'.S. n wrIO Woodiwird & Uurgcss, DMT LI O .Manners. TONIOHT AT 8 RIIARI'. HENRY IRVINC-MIbb ELLEN TERRY Double bill: "W'ATFJtl.OO ' Corporal 111-owster, Henry IrvlllK; JI.ME. HANS OHNK." Henry IrvliiK ns. Napoleon; Mme. Hans dene, Miss Ellen Terry. Tomorrow n B it. "NANCE OLDFIEI.l' nnd "THE llEIXB." Prices. Uia, SI. St 50. S2. 12.60, S3. Thursdaj. Friday, fint. Mat., nnd' MAROCERITE SYI.VA, In "THE PRINCEHH CHIC." NlBht. . nlirht, Prices, matinee. 25c. OOe, 7tC SI! 25c, 6Uc, 73c, SI, S( 50. TEDEPilONE 1631 A HAPPY NEW YEAR HIM Matinees WtdinsdHy, Saturday and Sun day. 2 16. Evury eveiiliiK, &SIG. HlOll DASH VAUDEVILLE, Cressey und Dniim, Kuril, W'urd and Cirmi, Frazer Troupe iuylor Sisters, Ada Ariioldson find the Klnodromo, Prices, 10c, 26c nnd 60c, Seats can bo reserved for Now Yenr'H Matlneo. Miaco'sTrocadero m.tim:i: tuiuv-h TKMSI'MONR i ll), V Id'', iiOe. Entlro Week. Including Saturday EvenltiK. .ir.HSKY I, II, I, IK III III.ESItl HUM mill , V(ll Mi ( OHIir.TT (Johnny Corbett, Muttr.) who defeated ferry Mcuovern, nt every perfqrmunec, mli linen ami niKiir isvrmnu tiricesj joe, 20v 'to, Smoko If you like, advancu III prl'-es CARTERS ft I j s t-o pi j