I T 1. it1 m rAlMS AGAINST FIDELITY Ttktmth Mm Waste te Ohitlc Up MutMi f . Isiirruci Oomptuj. 'fa Thinks a compromise scheme is on STpJry of (lie Cotupnnj 31 alien Vnirne JHnteinent In ItfKitril io Its Affairs No 1'lKtirc to , Give Out. II. it, Wheeler of Tckamah complains that tho Fidelity Mutual Flro Ineuranco com pany, -with headquarters In Omaha, Is too dilatory in sottllug his claim, nnd he Is prosecuting luiiulry into tho reason or ox-' cuso therefor. Mr. Wheeler Bays: ' "I wns Insured in tho company for $300 and had a loss ot at least J500. After wrangling over it for thirty days I got It adjusted for $200, payahlo October 1. Tho company suspended payment sometime oar,ly in October, with thu assurance tlmtnn as sessment had been mndo sufficient to cover ell expenses nml to pay nil losses In full and that 'tho business could bo closed up in about sixty days. Secretary llhoadcs ns surcd me from tlmo to time that assess ments were coming in satisfactorily, nnd that they would by enabled to sottlo in full in short time, but refused to mako b statement of tbo finances ot tho com pany. ".My last request for ft statement a few days ago was answered In this way: 'Wo havo no money on hand nnd havu received none from assessments, as wo havo to lltl gato nil r.BFesamenlfi, but If you nro hnrd up and havo no money I will borrow it for you nnd you can Bend me n receipt In full for your claim against tho company nnd I will allow you 10 per cent ot your cln'lm.' "Tho secretary says they have not re ceived any of tho Inst assessments. Now wo havo In Tckamah a number Insured In tho company and nil of them paid tho as sessments in full." I'roiio.it-n to CliccU I i. What Mr. Wheeler proposes to do In the matter is indicated by tho following; "If tbo Insured parties having losses In tho Fidelity Mutual Tiro Insuranco company unsettled will kindly hand the claims to me wo will try to uncertain the nmount of outstanding claims, Tho oftlccrs of tho company refuso to mnko such statement nnd seem to bo undertaking to buy up those claims nt 40 cents on tho dollar. Par ties having paid tho Inst assessments will kindly repot t tho same, so that we may bo nblo to form an Intelligent Idea ot tho finances of tho company." When Been nt tho olllces of tho company in tho United ytntca National bank build ing II. 1). Hhoadun, tho secretary, said; "Our company, which was organized In June, ISO", by others than tho present ux ccutivo heads, discontinued writing busi ness September 1 of this jenr becausn thu flrea of members had becomo so numerous oh to make thu rutu bo high that others than tho losem began dropping out. Tho first throe yearfe tho company was able to ravo members 25 per cent of tho old line premiums, but (luring this last year, up to September 1, It was running over the old liners, so wo decided to discontinue. On October 10 wo sent out notices of an as sessment Hiiincleut to pay all claims. The nvnnt nntiimit r t itt ni'iiiinuinflnt f ir mj.I . VI H '11 1 I 11 . I 11 1 11 licit, II I! 1 1 1 1- Ilk 1... 111! L m caro to give, nor can I say definitely when1 nil tho claims will bo paid, as that all doJ ponds on how fast tho iissessmcnts'cotno In? i SrUllmr mi iiiniiiroiiiluc IIiimIn. I k, hiiii nniima "Sorao of the claims 1 wo havo already nottlcd on n comproiulso basis, such claims being those of person who would rathor tako only part nnd got It ut once than to wait for tho full payment. Thero have been nbout ton Bottled this way. How many c'alms thcro are In nil nnd what the ngpreguto Is I cannot tell just now, but our regular report will bo mndo to tho stnto nudttor early next month: Ah fast as tiro assessments come In wo nro paying tho claims according to their ngo. uxcipt in the caso of those who wished to compromise nnd had .nil extra good propult)on to make." Tho Inst city directory gives V. O. Stick ler ns tho president of tho company, 11. I), llhoadcs as Its secretary and W. E. llhoadcs ns Its treasurer. Clinmltrrlulii'n CoiikIi ltrmi-ily the lloiit nnd MOMt t'opiiliir. I soil moro of Chambcrlnln's Cough Rem edy than ot nil similar preparations put to gether, and It gives tho best satisfaction ot uny medlclno I ever sold. 1 Kunraiitco every bottlo of it. F. C. Jaqulth, Inland, Mich. This remedy Is for snlo by all druggists. ClirlNtniiiM llollilny. Now that tho holidays aro over nnd you havo abused your dlgoBtlve organs until they aro on tho point ot rebollltjn. thn proper thing to do is to got back into work lug condition aa speedily ns possible. "A ntltch in tlmo saves ulno" is nn old saw, but It Is a great truth In homely dress nnd applies with greatest forco to tho human body. A llttlo trilling aliment which was not considered worthy of n second thought lias In counties instances cost n lite. A "stitch in tlmo" would havo saved much HUfforUiK nnd distress to tho victim nud bts family. Thoso who havo to fight tho battln nt life, tho wago earners, must at onco got In shapo for another year's work, If thoy start out with nn ailing body, bo it over so trilling, thoy cannot do their best, and It no attention Is paid to tho trouble It soon boeomcs sevoro, entailing loss ot tlmo and money or worse Prudent por sons will get rid ot tho dUordcr as speedily ns possible A few dosoa ot Prickly Ash Bitters will do UUa work. It will cleanse and strengthen the dlgostlro organs, empty and purify tho bowels, regulate tho whole eyttem and Impart a fooling of strongth and energy that will mako work a pleasure. It Is good for tho wholo family. Cblldron who ro puny, sickly or who havo eaten too frosly ot sweet stuff will Immediately lm- crovo under Its beneficial effect. For ladles, particularly thoso subject to head ache, Indigestion, constipation or tho ail ments peculiar to their sex, it ls ot tho grMtest value, ns it purities tho system thoroughly, tones up tho vital organs, clear tjie. complexion and promotes good appetite, vigor nnd cheerfulness. Detour Itoittcn Aru Always Trillium. Why travel to California or Oregon In winter over nny other than direct routes; Passengers leaving Omaha tor Portland or San Francisco ran reach their destina tion flfteon hours sooner than it they trnv elod any other way, besidos avoiding the discomforts of winter and extra expenses incident to a long journoy onroute. THH UNION PACIFIC has tbo beat of everything. Pullman palaco sleepers, buffet smoking ob4 library cars, ordinary (tourist) cars, Cullman dining cars, meals a ! Carte, freo reclining chair cars, Flntach light, stoum heat, etc. (City ticket office 1324 Farnam; phono 316, Attention Knights. All members of TrtanKlo lodeo No. G4. I"1 . ' Knights of PythJaa nro requested to meet to mako arrangement for O. Clark's funeral. CHAULBB SCIINAUHErt, C. C. Ttetro'i only on Stonecypncr. Ho prints PATRIOTISM jAND Snlijcct of Lecture ncflTtWd lr , 1'ntlier .iiRcut lie fore Anrilcncc at St. IMillonienii'o. Tho audience which greeted Itev. J. F. Nuitent at St. I'hllomena's school hall last night was not as lnrga as cither tho ability of the speaker or tho Importance of the subject warranted. Father Nugent apoko under tho auspices of tho Catholic Order of Foresters, his subject being "Patriotism and Anarchy." He said In part: "For twenty years nihilism and anarchy havo attracted tho attention of tho people particularly those ot Europe whero blows have been aimed at crowned heads. In recent years tho subject haa forced Itself upon America. In readlug magazlno arti cles nnd eulogies over McKlnley one Is led to believe that much must bo learned upon tin? subject. 'Lovu of country' does not nn swer ns a definition for patriotism. Do any peoplo lovo their country more than tho peasants of Ireland: the slaves ot Poland. I understand by patriotism n loyalty to thoso laws which make n country fit to llvo In. I could not aland on tho green hills of Ireland and sing 'God Savo the Queen,' when I know that tho queen owned more ot those hills than tho people. 1 do not feel llko being patriotic to a land where Jurlw nro packed. "Patriotism flourishes In wnr and wanes In pence. Tho young soldiers who leave tho cornfields nnd shops aro cautioned against lnxness of duty. Kvery ono up. dcrstands and realizes that pntrlotlajj not a lovo ot tho soil, but a love, 0f thi ling nnd thoso lnws for whleU.-tho flag stands. t ' "If patriotism means lovef country and lovo of Its laws every rran wno la a (lo. faullcr In ofilcc. every Qnn wno nUowft u, duties to fall shorycomro,s an offcnao against patriotism. In Umcs of pcttct. when men buy ofTlc tho country bcs(UH t0 rot nt the core. Jjt is In times ot peace that nations becr,0 yvcuk. "At this tlmo 'j,cro ls n grcat cry agangt nnarchy-tho iylthcB8 ot patriotism. I think there ls J00 mucll cxctement on this subject. rhrf0 i no history of n nation j )nB. , UI' or overthrown by anarch IhIs. This lsA,DCIU1B0 tho theory of nnarchy ih opposcu u, tno law 0, nature, order Is tho law ' 01 ill things. "The coijpy nas notj,ing to fear from tho nnarcygti ijCCauS0 ho Is not making ProKrcM; either is ho retrograding. He Is not ITjraing hecnuse tho highest aim of progirHa ja a gtato wherein lnws are Justly njministorcd. Ho enn not bo going biickwni (0 savagery, for In snvago life every tj.bl, j,as its customs. Had Czolgo.s tommlpj , crmo In n Pawneo camp his fate v.,nl( nnvo been tho same n It was nl Iluifalo. It Is generally found when crime! nf anarchists arc committed that the ""Tcrs act without conspiracy. This has JCCn (shown In every enso so far lnvestl- n0.'0 can tako lm'ns ,0 preserve the llvey rliCrs and punish tho offenders, w'iliout adding to tho laws nlready In force. Vho spirit of anarchy Ih not growing nni It seems to mo to bo unnecessary to nls nny other laws upon the subject. It 'Vposslblo laws paescd ostensibly to check nlinrchy might bo taken up by tho domlnnnt 'tity to gag thn minority. It Is dan feroua to mnko laws against nnnrchy nnd .fjxclte tho people." 'INDICATES EFFORT TO STICK JuiIk norlnn I'llm lloml ns Hold- Over InKlstrnto with the . Illittrlet Court. Judge S. I Oordon, hereditary Incumbent of tho police court bench, went up to tho county court house yesterday nnd had his bond as a hold-over magistrate approved by Judgo linker. In the regular procedure tho document should havo gono to tho city council for that purpo3c, but Judgo Cordon had no intention of giving that body nu opportunity to turn him down, so took it elsewhere. It avers that ho was elected In 1805, nnd that slnco that time no successor has been elected. For elections may come nnd elec tions may go, but Jildga Gordon stays on forever. "How long Is tho bond good for?" asked a friend, ns his honor wns leaving tho court tlOUB.0. "Two yenns," was tho reply. "Preposterous!" exclaimed the friend. "Do I uudcratnud you havo to climb tin tbeso Btcps to havo n mensly llttlo bond an- proved every two years during your natural life?" "That's Just tho trouble," Bald the Judgo. "While I am ot sound ,nud .disposing mind, I nm duly conscious, I hopc, of the uncer tainties of this life. Immortality is ono thing which the city cburter can't guarantee me." But the Judge thinks ho la still a good risk for a llfo insurance company. Accenting in me wording 01 ino nonn. which is for $10,000, tho Judgo must sur render his ofllco to his successor, whon- over bucIi successor shall havo been elected. tho words "or to Borne person to bo desig nated by tho city council for that purposo" having been stricken out. A system regulator Is a medicine that Ntrengthens nnd stimulates tho liver, kid neys, stomach nnll bowels. Prickly Ash Hitters is n superior s,ystcm regulator. It drives out all unhealthy condition)), pro motes ncttvlty ot body and brain, restores good appetite, sound sleep nnd cheerful spirits. AimoiuirtMiitMit the Theater. Sovcral good-sized theater parties havo secured ncats at tho Orpbcum tonight, thoy bolng composed of Jolly young people, who aro going to stay up and seo the death of tho old nnd the birth ot tho New Year, They will cpjoy an' excellent bill, ono of tho best ot the soason thus far. Tbo beau tlful little Idyl ot Now England llfo "Tho Vlllago Lawyer" ls full of wholesome comedy and possesses Just enough pathos to' build a serious themo. It ls ouo ot tho cleverest productions that Will M. Cressoy nnd Dlancho Dayne have ever given ami that Is saying a great deal. Scats can bo re served for the Now Year's matinee, tomor row. The salo of seats for the engagement ot 'Tho Princess Chic," with protty wfhsomo Murguerlta Sylva In tho tltlo rolo, Is open nt Boyd's theater. The company was seen hero last season, nnd made a decided Im pression on thentcr-goers, as it doubtless will during this vUlt. Tho Trocadcro management can congrat ulato Itself, that In securing Young Corbett this weok It has a decidedly strong drawing card, tho champion's prcsenco hero draw ing largo audiences. The several olio turns aro all presented In a commendable style, each of thcra, re ceiving their due share of applause IIOMKSUISKKIIS' EXCUHSIONS. VI Hock Ialuml Iloute, On January 7 and U, February 4 and 18 the Hock Island route will sell tickets at one regular first-class faro plus $2 for the round trip to points in western and south ern Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas and certnln points In New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah. City ticket offlce, 1323 Farnam street. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connootlon with tho Datbory, 218-220 Doc building. Telapbono 1710. "THIS OMAHA DA BOSIONSTURE$500 OOOSTOCTT Ugh Gwd Hirchtidlo tit Bmas Dmb tgtd br Smoka aid WMr laenfitia REGARDLESS OF COST OR VALUE SmioUp I'nrnienteil Every Corner of Our Kntnbllahineiit nnd Wo Have ltcilucei'J l'rlces on Mvcrytlilnn The Unnurnuce Co'. llnve ADJUSTED THE LOSS. OltEATE.WT SALE EVEIt HELD NOWV OOI NO ON AT HOSTO.y STOHE, OMAIIA Tho following prico quotations aro tnerf Instances of hovV; wo aro cutting prices ftf every dcpartmcnln thu houses EUC IMPORTED ikENCH FLANNELS, lc. Slightly snioko Wamaged French flanjejg nil colors, chccksUgjjiHids and jyilfc'MbtB, tho 60c quality; .jryard.lDc.' " coc Hinj,0N.3 AT r,c yaiid. Our entire rihbon Btock that got wet; ribbons tilling soj up t0 coc yard; go at Cc per yaf-j 10-,LL WOOL ULANKETS, $2.50. AIJ'tho 10.00 all wool blaukets, In whlto nndgray, that nro slightly wet bo at 2.50 fcr pair. DAMAOEI) CAKPBTS, CC YAIID. All tho badly damaged carpets of every description on sale nt 5c per yard. $1.00 DAMAOEI) CARPETS, 25C. All thd slightly damaged carpets that sold up to 11.00 a yard on salo at 25c per yard. $2.50 LACE CURTAINS, 35C EACH. All tho slightly damaged curtains, worth up to $2.50 a pair, on salo at 35c each. 25C DAMAOEI) TOWELS AT 10C. 16C DAMAGED TOWELS AT 5C. Imitation French llannels, worth 15c a ynrd, nt Sc. $1.50 DRESS OOODS, 39C. All tho slightly smoko dnmnged Imported dress goods, golf'chovlots, serges, worsteds nnd novelties, worth $1.50 yard, at 3.c. $5.00 SILK LINED JACKETS, $1.50. Ladies' silk lined Jnckots, slightly dam aged by smoke, In oxford nnd colors; also c'oth nnd bonell enpes end child's nnd misses' coats nt $1.50, $6.50 GOLF SKIRTS. $2.9S. Women's fine golf Bklrts, slightly dam aged by smoke, the $6.50 values at $2.9S. $7.50 FLANNEL AND SILK WAISTS, $1.03. Silk and French tlnnnol waists, damaged by smoko, all colors, nil sizes, $7.60 values, at $1.98. $12.60 LADIES' JACKETS, $1.90. Your choice of any of our $12.50 Jackets, all lengths, with guaranteed satin lining, nil sizes, nil colors nnd black, slightly smoko damaged, for $1.00. SMOKE DAMAGED SILKS. All tho 75c smoko damaged silks go at 23c per yard. $1.00 silks, smoko damaged, 39c yard. $1.50 silks, smoko damaged, 60c yard. $10.00 MEN'S SUITS AT $3.00. Your choice of ovcry man's suit In tho houso that sold up to $10.00, absolutely perfect except for smoko, nt $5.00. $20.00 MEN'S SUITS AT $10.00. Your chotco ot all our high grado suits, In all styles, that wcro Bold up to $20.00, go at $10.00. ALL 60C MEN'S UNDERWEAR, 15C. ALL 76C MEN'S UNDERWEAR, 25C. ALL $1.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR. 35C. All 15c men's silk neckwear, 5c. AH 25c men'R silk neckwear, 10c. All 60o men's silk neckwear, 15c. 250 EMHROIDERY AND INSERTINGS, 6C. Smoko damaged embroidery and Insert ing, fine nnd showy pnttcrns, at 3c and 6c per yard. 25C SMOKE DAMAGED LACES, 5C. Oriental, torchon nnd black nnd cream silk laces, all widths, worth 25c a yard, nt 2',4c nnd 5c per yard. 50O SILK VEILING AT IOC YARD. Silk veiling, damaged by smoke nnd water, somo aro very wet, 50c quality, So and 10c per yard. $1.00 DRESS TRIMMINGS, 16C YAItD. Dress trimmings, damnged by smoko and water, over 100 styles, worth up to $1.00 a yard, at lc, Dc nnd ISc ynrd. H 43C MANICURE PIECES, IOC. Slightly damaged ebony toilet nnd manl- curo pieces, mirth 25c, 39c and 40c, at 10c. $5.00 SILVERWARE PIECES, 9SC. High grado quadruple plated Bllvnrwaro, Homan's nnd Benedict's makes, Including cako baskets, syrup pitchers, etc., etc., $5.00 values nt 98c. $3.00 TRIMMED HATS, 47C. Laiiles' trimmed hats, damnged by smoke, were $2.50 nnd $3.00. on salo at MEN'S $5.00 SriOL-? .-.7 $1.50. Men's shoes, worth up to $5.00 a pair, soiled and damaged, on salo In basement nt $1.60. LADIES' $3.00 SHOES AT $1.00. Ladles' $3.00 tan hygiene fhoes, not dnm nged ut all, every pair stamped $3.00, on salo nt $1.00. LADIES' $3.00 SHOES AT $1.39. Ladles' black kid and box calf $3.00 shoes, nil sizes, at $1.39. Ladles' houso Bllppers, 69c. Infants' moccasins, 10c pair. Ladles' $3.00 satin Bllppers, 39c. IIOSTON STORE,1 OMAHA. J. L. Ilrnndols & Sons, Proprietors, Selling Rogers, Poet & Co.'s Men's Clothing. HOLIDAY UATKS, Via Hoe If Ixliuiil Itonte, m On December 24, 23, 31, 1901, and January 1, 1902, tho Rock Island routo will sell tick ets to. points within a dlstanco of 200 mllos for ono ,ind one-third fare, return limit Jnnunry 2. City tlckot office, 1323 Farnam street. Curil of Thimbu. We desire to extend our slncero thanks for kindnesses shown during tho sickness and death of our son and brothor, Wllllnm Luucr. MRS. E. KUHLMAN AND FAMILY. Publish your legal notices In the Weekly Bee. Telephone 236. is There Anybody Else? If there 1b anyone who Is yet to wear for tho first tlmo a pair of QROSiS At $3.50 Always Perhaps they havo never known what real foot comfort Is. A wearer of SoroBls onco nnd they nre Sorosls cus tomers ever after. 80ROS1S nro shown In the lightest weight turn soles for dress or house weur to tho heavy bot toms with wtdo edges for rough weather and general Btreet wear; In enamel, French calf, kid or chrome patents. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mgr. Jtoml for Catalogue. ESDAY, JDECKI 0UNTY AWmS CONTRACTS Stnnilaril Ilrldftl , Coniititii)' Seuilrc 1'lle nnd , IIHiIkc Work for Si thor Yenr, Tho Hoard of 'loSity Commissioners met In regular r.ilJfttondny afternoon and awarded cori, Bits for furnishing supplies for tho year JJtns-follows: For construction ot class pile , bridges, Standard lirldge cnmpauWtfor construction of class A iron btldBoffj' Standard Urldgo company; for pftio hfttnber nnd piling, Chicago Lumber j'Pfnyi for whlto oak lumber, Charles 1, yto; for bridge repair work n3 ordered, 6tflildard Urldgo company: for furnishing reJat to poor farm, A. Thomson; for fur- "Ahlng co to court house, Jail .and poor Brm, David Talbot; for furnishing brooms Xo court house, Jail nnd poor farm, Thomp son Uros. ; for prescriptions. Otto Selftcrt. Tho following appointments wcro mndo nt the county hospital, all at n salary of $23 per mouth: Ous Peters, day ilremnn, effective December 7; William Ewlng, night fireman, December 0; Charles Illnik, drug gist, December 12; Otto Pfelffer, night Are man, December 21. A revolution by Commissioner Hnrto wns adopted Instructing tho county clerk to advertise for bids tor, tho construction of plpo sewers In accordance with the plana nud specifications on Dlo In thu county sur veyor's ofllco. It Is estlmntcd that tho work to bo dono will cost nbout $5,000. Owing to u misunderstanding as to tho time for receiving bids for groceries, wood enwnre, etc., for tho county hospital, tho county clerk .was Instructed to rendvertlse nnd to return nil bids already received. Tho matter of lenslng two court rooms was brought upotr u motion by Commis sioner Ostrom to renew the leaso for one yenr on tho rooms now occupied In The lleo building. Commissioner Hnrto objected nml said that ho understood better roomn could bo secured for less money In tho New York Llfo building. After boiho dls cubslon tho matter wns referred to the committee nf tho whole, with Instructions to Inspect tho rooms in tho Now York Llfo building nnd report to a meeting of the board to bo held nt 2 p. m. today. M'm Xcnr llentli. "It often mado my henrt nehe," writes L. C. Ovcratreot of Elgin, Te'nn., "to hear my wlfo cough until It scorned her weak and Bora lungs would colnpso. ' Good doctors said alio wns so far gpno with consumption that no medlclno or earthly help could savo hor, but n friend recommended Dr. King's Now Discovery and persistent use of this excollent medicine saved her llfo." It'a ab soluely guaranteed for Coughs, Cold, Bron chitis, Asthma nnd all Throat nnd Lung diseases. 60o and $1 at Kuhn & Co.'s. Trial bottles free. SPKCIAIj KXCUUSIO To Central Amcrlen. Leave Oranhn Jnnunry 12th, via St. LouIb, New Orleans, Puerto llarrlos, Guatemala City, San Jose, returning In tlmo for Mnrdl Gras in Now Orleans. For rntcs ami all luformntion, call or wrlto W. H. Green. Room 405, Now York Llfo Building. Omaha, Neb. r..00 for u Hnlf it Hiiy'n Work. If you llvo In tho country or In n small town nnd havo n good acquaintance nmong the farmers and stockrnlsers In tho nclgh boihuod. you can mako $5 easily by four or flvo hours' work. Wrlto us nnd we will send you our proposition. Tho Beo Publish ing company, Solicitors Dept., Omaha, Neb. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Bathcry, 216-220 Bco building. Telephone 1710. People Appreciate A rcllnblo druir store ivheri. tbrv can cot anything desired ut nil hours of tho day nnd nluht. Beginning lUnnr.ry 1 wo wilt keop our Btorc open oil night, so Unit should you deslro medlclneh nt nuy hour ut night wo Will bo pleased to nttend your wonts. 2-CiZ. SOC SlZO I.Cltllil h Kxtruct itecf , Ifio , 40c 75c .$1.23 4-CZ. 75c slzo Lelblg'H Extract Beef 8-oz. $1.25 slzo Lelblg's Extract Beef. 16-oz. 2 slzo I.eiUIKH l'JXlruct Beer.. $1 Parisian Hnlr Tonic (guurnntcedi . uC $1 Dr. Butler's Fcmulo Regulator (guar antced) ) 25c Schlltz Malt. 2 for Jl Iler's Malt Whlskuy 23c Packer's Tur Soup 25a Carter's Little Liver l'llls 25c Laxative Uroino Quinine i!5o Oulnacetol (best for colds) 50c Caldwell's" Syrup l'epslri ,JC 230 7.o 15a 12o K'o .Wn i30o .30a &no Syrup ripu... Jl.fiO Wino Cadtll 49C $3.00 Crnmer'B Pennyroyal Pills jj 60e Cramer's Kidney euro (genuine) 41 Salisbury's Catarrh Curo 7, 49c IOC SCHAEFE'S u",Vr Tel. 747 S. VI'. Cjr. Kith nnd ChleiiKO. Goods delivered FllF.E to nny part of city. HAYDE Every price in the cloak department si a lightered to make Tuesday, the Inst day one of the best in the year. The bargains Jackets lined tnffeta Bilk for BABOAIN NO. 2 About lf.O children's fur sots that sold at $2.00, $3.00 nnd $1.00, TucBday nt 6c 'B fine box BARGAIN NO. 3 All our woraen'B tine box coats that sold ut $18,00, $20.00 and $23.00, for 9.90 BARGAIN NO. 4100 dozen women's wrap n's wrap ous $1.25 53c persyou nil know our famous $1.25 wrapper made like a $2 ono for this gigantic salo will go nt BARGAIN NO. G Women's high' clasa tatlor-modo suits; thero ore about 175 of them; an excellent variety, uuido by such houses ns Couhalm's, Boilers and Brady; thero oro no better worlh up to $40.00 your choice nt BARGAIN NO. 6-Womcn's rainy-day skirt; ' l" bound with two rows of satlu, nicely BARGAIN NO. 12 And last In CO dozen, stitched nnd well mado fl C fl ' W00' nnnncl 'alts M f perfect In hang, for 1.311 $125 quality AMO only ,or -WV GRAND PRE-INVENTORY SALES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS HAYDSN BROS, licllVEH JiAKES A REftfl ;k HOW , HUM 01 ytt mv Dipiintini ti tmti .jiaTUp lank Sittlimwt LAWYER BpCKENRDGE GETS GJ0D SLICE L . lteeelverl ttnw"c Also Tnl.et. Mliernl Slu.ro I ni s,e Mmlt on ","e,cW Full. Receiver ThomnvW. McCflcue of tho Qcr rhomnii'w. Mc man Savings bnnk has filed n report cover ing tho period from Februnry 11, 1901, to December 28, 1901. Upon receipt of the report Judgo Fawcett made nn order for a hearing nt 0'45 a. m., December 31, to show enuso why tho report should not be con firmed. Tho Judge hns also allowed It, W. Brerkcnrldgo, attorney for the receiver, tho sum of$3,155 for his services during that period. Of this nmount thero hns been advanced $3,100 by order of tho court from tlmo to time, leaving a balance ot $2,035, which bos been uald. The report shows tho following Items as receipts: Cash on hnnd, February 11, $12,138.14; amount collected from stock holders, $115,176.72; miscellaneous receipts, $3,53; total, $131, IS". SO. Total receipts, ns per approved reports to February 11, $205, 330.00; total recclpta, as per present report, $118,749.72; total receipts to December 28, 1901, J32l.100.C0. Tho disbursement Items nrc ns follows: Attorney's fees, $5,155; receiver's compen sation, $5,SSS.St; dlWdctid No. 6, .Hi per cent, paid February 15, 1901, $10,213.26: dividend No, 7, 60 per cent ot balance duo, $75,612.61; miscellaneous disbursements, $13,729.32; cash In hank, $30,5SS.83; total, $131,l&7.8rt. Total disbursements to Feb runry 11, heretofore npproved, $192,012.76; total disbursements, ns per present report, $100,699.03; cash In bank. $30,5S8.83; total disbursements to December 2S, 1001, $324, 100.62. Tho Item of $30,5S8,83, rash In bank, rep resents pnrt of tho Inst dividend of 50 per cent of the bnlanco duo which dirtnln of the depositors have refused to nccept. They contend that tho stockholders nro able to pay tho liabilities In full nnd should bo compelled to do so. A suit brought by tho nttorneys for this body of depositors to sot nsldo tbo settlement with tho stock holders ls still pending. Anti-Combination Drug Sale Our Antl-Comblnntlon nnd Anti-trust snlo Is now In full blast. The object of this snlo Is two-fold In Its purpose, llrst to re duce our stock, which ut our wurehouso ut 1514 Dodge Is Just nbout $3,1 too lurge. Second, to thoroughly demonstrate the fact that wo belong to no trust or combi nation. .. . Tho goods nnd prices tell tho rest. $1.00 Allcn'B Celery Compound for Glc 25c Allcock Porous PlustetB for 12c jl.00 Burnliam'B Beet: Iron nml Wlno.. 60c Bitter water, Himyndl Lajos for 15c loo Bromo Seltzer for 6c j.'.o Hrotno Seltzer for He i)c Uromo Seltzer for 29o $1.00 Bromo Seltzer for C9c 23c Chumberlaln'n Cough Kyrup for.... 17c Wo Ouduhy'B Extract of Beef for 34c 25c Cliamberlnln'H Cough Curo 17c All goods warranted new and genuine. $1.00 Duffy Malt Whisky for 71c Z5c Dnnilcrlno for 20c Mc Dnnderlne for :c Jl.00 Dunilerliio for f9o J1.50 Fellows' Syrup for OjC 25o Frostella for 19o 25o Oarlluld J'en for 2Cc 00c lllnd'B Honey nnd Almond crenm for 3!c $1.00 Hoods' Snrsnpnrllla 1 Cc 25c Ilownlls' Antl-Kuwf Lc $l.(i Kilmer's Swump Root tu'o 60c Kilmer's Swamp Boot two F,0o Mnltd Milk, for 34c $1.01 Mnltcd Milk for 67o $3.73 Malted Milk for $2.63 Wc Marslmll's (cnlled by sonic "Lleblg'M" Extract Beef) for 14c ao Mistletoe Crenm for Ho il.OO Newbro'B llerplcldo for 5?c Ms Omega Oil for 31c tiOc Parker Hnlr Balsam for 40c $1.00 Palno's Celery Compound for..?... fiOc $1.00 Plnaud's Eau do Qulnln for 73c 50c rinatulH Eau de Qulnln for 3Sc 25c 1'lso Consumption Curo for 16c DOc Ponds' Extract for 3Sc 73o Port Wlno for 33o 'no I'yrnmld I'llo Curo for 40o 2Sc Bulilfoam for 20o 23e Slillohs' Consumption Curo for 17c $l.i) Temptation Tonic 29c $1.00 Wlno Cimlul 60j Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. COR. 10TI1 AND DO DOE. OMAHA. Cloak Dept. we have offered sinee Christmas in women s ready-made garments, especially in suits, jackets and skirts, were more than pleasing but the bargains that we will put on sale Tuesday CAN NEVER HE DUPLICATED IN OMAHA. Your money refunded the first day of this new year for any garment that you are not suited with. Hear in mind that we are going to sell stuff Tuesday at less prices than we ever bought them. BARGAIN No 1 Wo've 400 womon's tailor made suits that will bo on tho racks Tuesdny morning at 8 o'clock. They Are mado ot all wool matorlnls, Just llko thoso dis played In our wlndpwi; thoy nro perfect In fit. hang and stylo; they aro clean, up-to-dnto garments; silk lined with Otvcrnaud's famous jp worth up to $25.00; 1 BARGAIN NO. 7 All our flno raglnns, beautiful garments, that sold nt $12.00, $15.00 nnd $18.00, for only 8.98 BARGAIN NO. S 100 dozen women's per cnllno underskirts with deep flounce, well mado; 39c I $1.00 quality, for (BARGAIN NO. ! Women's dress tklrts, mado ,of -cheviots and serges, vicunas and , Venetians; lined with near silk, velvet I bound; perfectly fitted; no , charge Tor alterations; worth up to $12.00, for only 1 BARGAIN NO. 10-Women's 5.00 4.90 I automobiles; nil wool kersoys, nicely lined, for . I BARGAIN NO. 11 All our flno flannel waists in French and Ger 9 Qli man flannels that sold up Thinking Throughout the store theso days you will observe without being told that somebody has been thinking ahead for the season of 1002. It's policy is to keep such merchandise as the critical population can buy approvingly common goods, adapted to the low-class jobbing business the stuffs that nre not cheap ut any price, however Jow, WIS DO NOT KEEL TKe After Inventory Things look very templing today, prices have been nipped off many winter things in order to make room for advanced ideas and styles now in transit. In the clothing section there's some tempting prices on overcoats--we spoke of them in today's paper 0 ones they're worth 10.00. S Tho Rrrat newly ro-opened bargain room, filled with stnrtlliiR bargains In small lots, broken slze, odds nnd ends, short lpiiKths, etc., etc.. from every department. Tho crnndest nnd mout astonishing sales on lino, new, perfect merchandise nt tho most ridiculously low prices Koods hnvo over been sold nt In Omnbu. WUKUH EI.SH CAN YOU OUT SUCH I'RICICS AS TUUS13 BUT AT HAYDKN'H? Dress Goods Cl-lnch all wool chovlot, worth $1.C0 ynrd; 48-Inch plnlds, worth tl.CO ynrd; 3S-lnch grnnlto cloth, worth "Cc; 40-Inch nil wool Ocrman hunrlcttn, worth TCc; and thou sands of other goods, worth up to fl.'JS ynrd, nil will go ut 49c 40-lnch granite, 40-Inch black novelties, worth 7nc; 38-inch nil wool Ocrman hour! cttu, 40-Inch sollcls, etc., nil worth up to 51.25 yard, will go ut 33c 12-Inch storm serges, nil colors .... 2lic 20-Inch henrlctttus, all colors 2Cc 40-Inch crcpons, blnck only 29c 10-lnch novelties 19c 3C-lnch novelties ICc 28-Inch double fold cnbhmercs 7'jC 2S-Inch novelties, enshmeren 7Vic 2S-lnch plaids Cc Waistings Slnglo fold French flannel, dots nnd fan cies, worth 7Cc, nt 25c. I'lafn colored waist pannol, 2Sc. Fancy nil wool wnlstlngs, 39c. 30-Inch flno Imported percales, 7l$c. 36-lnch flno Imported cotton French flan nels worth 10c ynrd, nt 7',4c. 10c Shaker flannel, nt 2c. TUESDAY, GREAT CHOICn OF FINEST SILK AT BIO RE DUCTIONS Plain silks, all colors, worth 35c, nt ICc. I'lnln taffota, all colors, worth 75c, ut 39c. 1'laln surah, nil colors, worth COc, nt 29c. $1,00 fancy silk, ou snlo nt Si'c. $2.00 fancy silk, on snlo nt G9c. GRIND ORANGE Sweet Juicy Nnvnl Oranges, on salo Tucsda GRAND SPECIAL 814 pounds hand picked uavy beans, 14c. 10-lb snck granulated corn meal, 15 c 3 pnekages mlnco meat, 25c. C cans oil Bardlncs, 25c. HAYDEN BROS LOOK OUT FOR FRAUDS You can nlwaya depend on gottlng tho genulno article nt our Btoro. It makes no dlfforrnco whether It Is n doctor's pre scrlntlon. n patent medlclno, or Extract of Beef. -You rnnnot buy genulno EXTRACT' OF BEEF nt prices quoted by others. Our prices are: I.elblg Extract of Beef, 2-oz 4Cc Armour's Extract ot Beef, 2-oz 45c Cudnhy's Extract of Beef. 2-oz ....'..,. 40o Swift's llxtrnct of Beef. 2-oz 40c Valentino's Ment Julco 85c Wyoth's Meat Julco 75c These are genulun goods. IMITATIONS can bo bought for $1.25 a dozen. Wo huvu none. FULLER CO. 14th anil Uuuifiua !. If you nro keeping Open House New Year's Day wo can supply tho proper refreshments. Tom and Jerry mixed reiuly for uno with hot water, pints 75 nuartH Jl no Escapernong fliK'St table wlno on earth natural Julco of tho grape, bottled ut Weldnn, N. C . Jilnts f.0c, (imirtH Wr Burn Callfornli wines nt 3.'c, Wo nnd 75c (UartH. Kentucky whiskies, riuurlH 75c, $1 and $1 25. Man orders promptly filled. City orders delivered. CACKLEY BROS. wiim.cs w.i: i.iukih .ii:ucii.. r.s. UpiiiHlti l'ri(olllri- 'I'fi-ilioiif) I l ib. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED HUNTER RTE WllIHK EY ASK FOR A ijim ii ii ' 1 1 if! mIWnm3mm!wmVi Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigar, piAnuluoturod by IT. IL BUo Meroaatllo Qlgtt Oa, BU Louis. Valon ARti Bar6a'n Boom Closing. Out Sales Tuesday. lfic Shaker flannel, nt Cc. 10c outing llnuuul, nt Cc. 15c outliiK flannel, yard wldo, nt 'e. lic full standard prints, at 3ic 15c percales, nt 7V4c. Cc apron KliiKhnms, nt 3?c. COc unblruched muslin nt 3?c 40c tnblo dnmask, nt ISc. nrc table dnmask, nt 19c. EXTRA Si'KCIAh ON BLANKETS Furnishing goods. Boys' nnd youths' clothing. Silks, velvets nud corduroys. Men's limits. Underwear in Bargain Room Children's COo llecco lined underwear, 10c. Men's COc nud TCo lleeco lined nnd wool shirts nml drawers, closing price, I'Cc, Boys' .ICc milliters nt lCo. Me.n's COc und 75c heavy Jersey ovorshlrta at :.c. Mon's 2Bc heavy wool socks, nt 10c. Mon's BOo nnd 7fio heavy gloves nnd mit tens, closing price, I.'c. , Men's heavy wool flecco lined shlrtu anil drawerif, worth up to J1.2C, nt 33c. Mon's colored laundered shirts, 2 collars, sepnrato cuffs, worth up to $1.00, nt 29c. Mon's 2Cc neckties, closing out at 10c. WIND - UP SILK SALE $3.00 fancy silk, on salo nt PSp, $5.00 fancy silk, on salo nt $1.75. Black peau do nolo, worth $1.50, for 75c. Black penu do nolo, worth $2.50, for $1,10. Black peau do solo, worth $5, for $1.75. Black taffeta, 27-ln., worth $1.C0, for 60c. Blnck taffotu, 30-ln., worth $2, for 80c. SALE, TUESDAY y, por dozen 10c GROCERY SALE 3 packages hasty Jollycon, 25o. I'uro mnplo sugar, 12i4c. Evupornted cream, per can, 10c. 3 2-lb packages pancako Hour, 25c. Capo Cod cranberries, 10c. The Proper Tiling for Open House New Year's Day Is n caso of our cele brated beer n cool, foaming glasH of Met' beer Just to tbo right spot. Thero'B nntblng moro satisfy ing iih u thirst iiuencli er. notlilntr more lli vlBornlltig. nothing to Nurpnss It ns n health ful summer beverage, II Ih liurn hrir. Mnn. clal euro taken In tho i mewing unu Moiiung, Metz Bros. Brewing Go,, Mr,.?? CO-'J 1 nuiui. urft. U Tel. Ill), Oninlm Or Jurnli Neumnyer, Agent, c mayer Hut. I. Council Bluffs, Iowa Bee Want Ads Give Results -i -i 1 1 Tf k ft