Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Juntifnl Obriitnmi Ssrrlotiin Htnj of th
Oitj Ohiiolm.
lllnhnji Scntincll .vt nn Otrlirnnt nt
HI. riilloinrtiK.' Ciithrtlrnl .iiiner
un Kiite'rlnliimcnln In the
IltiMiinif fur (,'lillilrr n.
Christmas' was celebrated with beautiful
ceremonlcH at all tho Kptscopnl chuichcs.
At Trinity cathedral thero was a brief Bor
in on, responsive readings, an clnborato ong
service and si celebration of holy tomtnun
Ion. On Recount of oxtrt-ino hoarseness,
Dean Campbell Fair was unablo to preside,
bo tho pulpit ut Trinity was tilled by Itev.
W. II. Moor of St. I'aul's Mission church.
"I huvo no sermon prepared for you,"
said he, "n ml, Indeed, you need noun on a
lay llko this. All your thoughts, your
breathing to ono another, your kindly
nets, aro sermons In themselves. Hut
while our souls aro Joyous with Christ
inas cheer lot us not forget that Ood so
lovod tho world that Ho gnvo Ills only be
gotten son, that thoso that believe in 1 1 tin
nhalt not perish, but have everlasting
Tho altar was beautifully decorated with
ovorgrceni nnd flowers, tho sinning was
mipnrb nnd tho cutlro servlco solemnly lm
jirosslvo. At b't. Jobn'n Kplscopal church the prin
cipal sorvlco was at midnight, Christmas
ov, when Hcv. 0. It. Young, assisted by
Hov. Francis S. White and Hcv. Phillip S.
Smith, colobratcd tho holy communion.
Thin also wait un Impressive service, In
which eacrcd music nnd songs of rejoicing
took a prominent part. Thcro was n low
celebration at 7:30 u. in. ami children a
uiicharlst itL 10 u. m.
Holy communion wan celebrated at St.
Andrnw'n Episcopal church at 7:30 n. in,,
ut which tipeclal enrols wero sung, and
throo hourB later there wan a second cele
bration, with Woodwnrd'B service In E Hut
uml special antlu'ins.
HlKbt Hcv. A. I.. William served an cele
brant of tho holy communion at St. I'aul'n
Kplacopal church at 10:30 n. in. There was
un elaborate musical prngrnm. At 7:30 n.
in. Hov. W. II. Moor served us celebrant
nt tho sumo church.
There was an Impresslvo Christmas scrv
luo at All Saints' church nt 10:30 n. m.,
consisting of a brief sermon by tho reo
tor and Hpcclal music by tho choir. Mrs.
T. J. Kelly nng n soprano solo, "The
Manger Cradle."
Hov. O, Taylor Orlfllth preached n Christ
mas Bcnnnn at 10:30 nt the Church of the
Hood Shophcrd. Tho choir, which had been
ro-enforced for tho occasion, rendered some
beautiful music appropriate to tho day.
At the 4'iitliotlc Chun-lien.
At tho Catholic churches ChrlstmaB was
greeted beforo dawn with boleinn high moss
at G o'clock.
At St. riillnmcna's cnthrcdral tho early
morning mass pontiflclal high mass was
celebrated by Illshop Sc.innell, ntulstcd by
Very Hov. William Kelly, assistant priest
nt tho throne: Hev. P. A. McOovorn nnd
Hov. J. P. Strltch, S. J., deacons of houor:
Hov. S. F. Carroll nnd Hov. Mr. Schlcrman,
S. J., deacon nnd Biibdeacon of tho mass,
nnd Hov. J. W. Stenson, master -of cere
monies. The church was bonutlfully decorntcd for
tho occasion. Tho nldo altars worn a blao
tf light, second only to tho effulgenco of
the high altar nbovo which blazed tho star
f Uothlchom, Its live points radiating
round a flaming croBs, Flowers In pro
fusion woro placed on every nltnr, tha
ilccoratloiiB extending to tho chancel and
A short Kcrmon on tho gospel of tho day
waa preached by Hov. 1. A. McOovcrn, pas
tor of tho parish. From 7 o'clock until 0
low masses wero celebrated nt tho cathe
dral. At 10:30 Holemn high niasa was cele
brated by Fathor S. F. Carroll, assisted
by Hovs, J. W. Stenson, deacon, nnd P. A.
McOovcrn, subdeucou. Tho sermon was
preached by tho pastor. Tho music nt both
tnaanea was specially arranged for tho occa
sion. At tho first mass tho selections were
from Mcrcadante nnd Mozart and at tho
last mass tho selections woro from Marza
nnd Maart. Tho soloUtH wero: Mrs. T. A.
Cobry, Miss Klla Croft, Clinton Miller and
William Drown.
At St. John's church Father M. 1'. Dowl
Ing, prosldout of Crelghton college, was
celebrant of the Bolemn high mass nt B
o'clock. Ho was assisted by Hev. Corblev.
dacon, nnd Prof. Hellly, Hubdencon. The
church was beautifully decorated with
flowors nnd plants. From 5 o'clock until
9:30 low manse worn colobratcd every half
hour nnd at 10:30 tho services for tho day
cloiod with soloran high mass, celebrated
by Father Corbloy, assisted by Father
lllgfo, deacon, and Prof. Hellly, subdeacon.
Tha muslcnl selections at tho masses wero
from tho Mass Solomncllo, Decln Monte
nnd Morollo. Tho soloists were: Mrs, Ed
ward Cudahy, Mrs. C. J. White, Harry
liurkloy and Schenk.
At tho Sacred Heart church tho services
opened with solemn high mnBs nt C o'clock.
Low masses wero said at 7 and !l o'clock
and at 10:30 Eolenm high mass was cele
brated, with n aormou by Father P. J.
Judgo. Millard's mass was used at both 5
o'clook and nt 10:30 o'clock, tho soloists
boluflf Mrs. 13. J. von dlllem. Miss Knight,
Miss Jitcobbergor, Miss Abblo Scnnlon.
Mlsse Margaret nnd Anna Flynn, u. J.
von Olllem, Arthur Moran, Charles Harry
nnd M, J. Cannon.
At the cburchos of St Peter. St. Patrick
and St, Oecolla solemn high masses wero
celebrated ut 5 o'clock, with low masses nt
7 and 9, tho morning servlcoj dosing with
high raw at 10:30. The regular choirs, ua
elstod In somo Instances by other voices,
nupplled tho music, which had been espe
cially teleoted for the day.
At tins Holy Family church tho same
hours wero observed, Clmarosa's military
mass being suug at G o'clock sorvclce, the
Hololsts being Miss Anna Shannon, Miss
flentlemnn, Miss Uenahey, C. A. Jacobson
and A. McCreory.
At St, Pator's churoh Fathor P. F. Mc
Carthy preached tho sermon at 10:30. Leon
ard's rams In 11 flat was sung, the follow
Inn taking part: Mrs. Daulelson, Mro.
Downey, MlBses Wyman, Morrell, Murphy,
Moran ana Ilushman, Messrs. John Me
Crcary, IuoldBby, Daluff nnd Hushmau.
At Koniilir Mrmorliil Church.
Artistic decorations of ovcrgreen and holly
and special muslo marked tho Christmas
iierrlces at Kountao Meraorlul church. Hov.
E. F. Trofa preached on tho thomo, "neth
lehoia's Touch on Scholar, Sago and Seer."
He found Wp text In the versa from Phil
llpplansi "Wbcreforfl Ood had highly ex
alted him and has given him a name which
la abovo every namo." Aa antocodont to
the sermon scripture lesson was read de
tailing tho birth of Christ
The pastor Bald that the essonce of the
Christina tide was peaces On that day all
men were casting away bitterness and
rancor and permitting happiness to reign.
Tho Joy of the occasion Is not riotous, but
calm. Christmas day li the children's day,
and all hearts aro warmed toward the llttlo
ones then booause of the birth of the babe
of Uethlehoin. This spirit did not exist
before then. There was no cradle, no lul
laby and bo hymn beforo Christ's birth.
11 y Ills coming Ho gave to that arc of
civilization 1U Impetus and Us genius.
Never beforo, cither, did men realize tho
vnluo of llfo or placo a value upon It. With
all tho old races llfo was cheap.
Siimtn' .School Iliitertnliiinrnln.
Fifty children took part In tho enntata,
"Miss Christmas Day," given In tho lecture
room of tho First Methodist church last
night. Miss Irene Colo took tho title role,
Impersonating Christmas, and was heralded
by the other llttlo thesplans, who gathered
about her nnd told her how much sho was
appreciated by them. It was n very dainty
production, tho purpose being to reflect the
spirit of Christmas from the standpoint of
the llttlo ones. F. W. Conkllng, chorister
of tho church, who had trained tho chil
dren, acted ns stage director. Preceding the
play pastor, Hov. A. C. Hirst, gave n
short talk. Thcro was a piano solo by
Elmer Umsted and a violin solo by Leslie
Macdalrmld. Tho lecture room wan crowded.
A largo crowd attended tho Christmas en
tertainment given at tho St. Mark's Luth
eran church last night. Tho entertainment
concluded with a Christmas tree, from
which each pupil received n present. Tho
church was tastefully decorated nnd pre
sented a beautiful appearance. Tho pro
gram consisted of nn address by tho pastor,
Hov. taonard Oroh, nnd songs and recita
tions by the different classes In chorus and
tho following: Dora Fredrlckson, H. Jep
Eon, Huby Stnnton, lna (Irctzmyer, Adolph
Larson, Hachel Shults, Hnrry Puis, lna
Swanson nnd Mnrtha Shults.
Tho Seward Street Methodist Kplscopal
church was crowded last night, tho occn
slon bring the Christmas entertainment
given by tho mombers of the Sunday school.
After tho llternry nnd musical part of tho
program had been cnrrled out Santa Claus
tamo down nn old-fashloucd chimney out
of nn old-fashioned flro placo nnd proceeded
to glvo presents to I). H. Hall, superin
tendent of tho Sunday school, for
distribution to nil "tho good lit
tle pupils." Tho program consisted
of recitations, scripture rending by tho pas
tor, Hov. C. N. Dawson, pongs, exercises
and dialogues participated In by Ethel
Mnyne, Clnrcnco Hushlatid, Mildred Nyo,
Donald Tracy, Hay Wilson, Clifford Daniels,
Pansy (luthrlc, John Wlthnell, Edna Ogle,
Klla Scvcrctice. Sndlo Tracy nnd several
classes in chorus.
At the Sunday school eutortnlnment of
tho Hanscom Park Methodist Episcopal
church tl.o program consisted of thlrty-flvo
numbers, varying from recitations to musi
cal features and thoso who took part ranged
In ngo from tho Juvenile class members to
thoso of tho Illble classes. Tho musical por
tion of tho exercises was especially good,
tho children singing In good tlmo nnd tuno
under tho direction of William Stevens.
Charles Detwcllcr In the guise of Santa
Claua concluded tho entertainment with a
generous distribution of dainties,
flood cheer prcvnlled at tho United Pres
byterian church last night, the occasion be
ing the Christmas entertainment by tho
Sunday school. A general treat by Santa
Clans, in which sweetmeats wero distrib
uted to all the llttlo ones, was followed by
nn offering for the poor. Then enmo tho
featuro of tho evening, tho cantnta. This
was entitled, "The Old Woman Who Lived
In tho Shoe," and Its orlglnnltty was further
enhanced by Its being sung by llfty chil
dren. "Tho Hovolt of Santa Claus" was the
title of a sprightly llttlo cantata given
In the lecture room of tho First Presby
terian church last night by tho children of
tho Sunday school, seventeen llttlo ones
participating. In this piny tho author rep
resents Santa as "going on a strike," ns It
were, because ho thinks tho children don't
lovo him, whllo they, each dressed In a cos
tumo typlcnl of somo nationality, protest
that they do and Implore him to remain.
Hu combats nil their arguments until
"China" and tho "Philippines" appear.
Thcso are introduced to him by "Japan,"
who Bays they aro the youngest of his
large and growing family, and that It would
bo unfair to desert them, as they are be
ginning to know him. At this Santn strikes
his flag and consents to stay'. Santn Claus
was impersonated by J. II. Franklin. Ches
ter, Elolso nnd Hnrt Jenks, Allco Coolcy nnd
Fnyetto Thresher took prominent parts.
Other participants In the program were Ma
rilla and Eza Sours, Isabell Mllroy and
Ethel nnd Mabel Lnndon,
llimtoii Slore Will lie Cloacil AVI. lie
I un urn nee Adjustment la
Ileitis Mnile.
Tho Boston Store will not resumo busi
ness until Saturday morning. Tho members
of tho firm spent all day yesterday going
through tho stock. Today tho lnsuranco
adjusters will bo with them. The loss has
not been estimated. Arthur L. Brandies
said last night: "Wo spent tho day Invoic
ing tho stock, but what the damngo will ha
wo havo not mndo sufficient progress to es
timate Considerable damago was donu
by nmokn and water. Wo used tho
houso hoso on tho tiro and much
water wns thrown on the bar
gain counters, silks and waists near the
hlnze. Tho smoko went nil through tho
house. Wo will bo at work tho balanco
of tho woek and will not resume business
until Saturday morning."
Keep the bowels actlvo If you would pre
Bervo your health. A dose of Prickly Ash
Hitters now anil then does this to perfec
tion. Aniioiiiieciueiilii uf Hie Tlinilern.
Tonight Oertrudo Coghlnn nnd her clever
company will preseut tho comedy "Col-
Inottc" nt Iloyd's theater for tho benefit
of the Nebraska branch of tho McKlnlev
Memorial fund. "Collnotto" was originally
presented In New York by Julia Marlowo
nnd was qulto an unqualified success. Miss
Coghlnn enacts the rolo of Collnotto. The
piny la laid In the period of Louis XV,
which gives scope for elaborato costuming
and rich scenic sotting. Tho production
la said to bo n most praiseworthy one.
Tho rolo of Collnette Is said to fit Mlis
Coghlnn's wlnsomo personality to perfec
tion. Mannger Hosonthal of tho Trocadcro Is
greatly elatod nt having secured tho serv
ices of Young Corbott ut his playhouso for
an ontlro week beginning next Sunday matl
noo. Corbott Is tho present fcatborwelght
champion of the world, having won the title
by his much-dliciiBsed victory ovor Terry
McOovcrn recently. Tho little pugilist is
Just now tho central (lguro in the ring de
partment of tho sporting world, Corbott
will spar at each performance of tho Jer
sey Lilies Ilurlosquers next week. Ho can
celled n Boston engagement In order to
uutko this oue.
Shampooing and batr dressing, IBc. la
connection with the Bathery, 216-220 D
building. Telephone 1716.
John Reese of Broken Dow Is at the Her
J. F. Emmett of England ate his Christ
mas dinner nt tho Millard.
AV. S. Heckart. a railroad contractor from
Sponrtlsh, Is at tho Dollone.
Mrs. C. II. Peeples, wife of the chief
clerk at tho Millard, Is making; a week's
visit in Chicago.
W. T. Auld, who registers from Red
Cloud and owns banks there and at Su
perior and Lincoln, la nt the Murray,
John Sanders, owner of a cattlo ranch
near Adams, nnd A, U. Dean, un attorney
of fit, Paul, uro Ncbraskans at the Hen
sliaw, Nebraskans at tha Merchants: "William
Stewart, Hastings; Robert Beer and
mother, Rtromsburiri F. Q. liameL Kear.
Lnoyj l w Chllde, laacpln.
Iftaj CaididtUi Alrtadjr It Fiild for
Aldtratnio Itnirs.
Kelt? mill Kotitnky the Only Mayor
alty CHnilliliilrn .Mentioned So l'nr,
but There Mn lie Others
Mnttlc City Gosnlii.
As six councllmcn are to be elected In
tho spring, republicans are already cost
ing about for sultablo material. In the
First ward threo possible candidates are
being talked of. W. P. Adklns Is one, W.
A. Bennett nnothcr and J. 1). Smiley the
third. Both Adklns and Dennett havo seen
servlco and aro familiar with tho workings
of tho city ofllccs. Smiley was a candidate
for mayor 'once, but was defeated. In the
Second ward Joe Dworak seems to have
things his own wny, but a dark horso Is
liable to spring up and possibly rob him of
tho plum ho hopes to land. Over In tho
Third ward Martin and Leo will contest
for tho honors. Martin Is now n member
of tho council, but It Is understood that tho
packers will back Leo with plenty of money
nnd influence nnd turn against Martin.
A3 far as town talk goes August Miller
can havo tho Fourth ward delegation if
ho asks for It. Mr. Miller has worked hard
for tho lutereBtB of tho city and his con
stituents apprcclato his efforts. Tim Fla
herty and Jeff Coolcy aro talked of In the
Fifth v.urd and It will doubtless bo a fight
between theso two nt tho primaries.
In tho Sixth ward C. C. Clifton and W.
D. Vansant will probably como up. Clifton
served a term and so did Vansant, so honors
aro about even. An for mayor no ono seems
to talk about anyono clso but Kelly and
An entire chango will bo mndo In tho
spring, ns tho election proclamation will
call for tho election of n mayor, treasurer,
city clerk nnd six councllmcn, In addition
to a city attorney.
Inferior I'lpn l.'ncd.
In recent Investigations Plumbing Inspec
tor Cook has found that a great deal of
cheap lead pipe Is being used by plumbers.
"This is not tho fault of tho locul
plumbers," said Mr. Cook, "as they ordor
by tho cataloguo and arc not aware of the
fact that lend pipe Is being manufactured
for show purposes only." In somo Instances
Inspector Cook hns dug up plpo which burst
on account of being too thin and again bo-
causu it contained nn nlloy, making it brit
tle. From this time on there will bo a
raoro rigid Inspection of plpo laid by
plumbers. '
Ciinntiintly InerrimliiK Receipt.
In sptto of weather conditions there Is n
constant lncrcnso In tho receipts of live
stock nt tho yards here. An compared with
last year there Is an lncrcnso of over 200,000
hogs nnd 33,000 shoep, whllo tho decrease in
cattlo amounts to only 12,000 hoad. This
docreaso In cnttlo will mostly bo mndo up.
It is expoctcd, by tho end of tho calender
year. Taken all together tho packers and
btock yards company havo gone through a
very prosporous yenr.
ObnervlliK Chrlftttiinn,
Thero was nothing doing at tho Btock
yards and pncklng houses yesterday. All
stock coming In was cared for, but thcro
was no rrarkot, according to the usual cus
tom. Tho city offices woro closed all day
nnd It wns tho same with tho banks. Busi
ness houses kopt their doors locked nnd
very fow people were Been on tho streets
after tho early morning hours. Judgo King
held a short session In tho pollco court and
discharged nil arrested for minor offenses.
Ico cutting by the packers was suspended
nnd inly tho needed working forco wns
kopt on duty. The usual services were hold
at tho churches.
Mr. O'Krcffc Worried.
Richard O'Kcofe, county commissioner
elect, Is wearing a worried look these days
on account of his announcement that he
would appoint Dr. W. S. White assistant
county physician. Democrats all over the
city are making protests, and O'Keeffo Is
said now to be sorry that ho spoko so soon.
There is the liveliest light Imaginable- nn
hand Just now among the democrats, and If
O'Keeffo holds his own, democrat say, It
sacrifices his chances of obtaining any con
cessions from tho other members of tho
Mure Telephone Talk.
In a conversation over tho wlro with a Bee
representative yesterday afternoon Presi
dent Parmaleo of tho Plattsmouth Tolo
phono company said that bo had not played
his last card yet. Ho says that his com
pany cannot accept tho conditions of tho
general franchise ordlnnnco passed at the
last meeting of tho council, ns tho annuity
Is too large.
"Another attempt will be mado at tho
noxt council meeting," said Mr. Parmaleo,
"to repeal the present ordinance and then
wo will lay beforo the people another prop
osition." It will be remembered by read
ers of Tho Bee that tho last proposition
submitted by Mr. Parmalee was placed on
til o without comment.
Mayor Kelly has attached his signature to
tho ordinance passed Monday night by the
council and the act is now a law.
MukIu City (!ansli.
Walkor Clark is hero visiting his sister.
Mrs. W. L. Holland.
Thero will be n sparring contest at
Koutsky's hall tonight.
Mrs. M. 11. Tiibk of Wnco, Neb., is visit
ing hor son Harry here. ,
Tho Royul Arcunum will moot Thursday
night In tho hall over the city ofllces,
Thero will bo a meeting of Hoyal Achates
lodge iso. s-i ai omiman nan lonigni. (
IVnntH Ilurrlngton is looKlnir for a hnv
homo stolen from his bnrn Tuesday night.
Mr. und Mrs. C. II. Watts of St. Joseph,
Mo., aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tan
Leander Swarti nnd Mm. Dolllo Rounce
wore married yusterduy by Rev, M. A.
Daulol R. MlleB, nn old settler, died yes
terday at his home, 017 North Twcnty-tlfth
Ico cutting was suspended nt Seymour
lake yesterday on account of It being a
Kay w. Hunt Is bnck from Colorado,
where ho' has been looking after his mining
Thero wns nothing doing In police circles
yesterday, tho ottlcers on beats closing
their eyes to minor Infractions of tho reg
ulations. Model nottllnir Works.
To accommodate tho ever-increasing de
mand for Its famous products tho Anheuser
Busch Brewing association of St. Louis,
Mo., new has In course of construction an
immense bottling establishment.
A handsome structuro covering an area of
700x400 foot (about four city blocks),
equipped with tho best and most modern
machinery, will be, when ready for opera
tion, the largest and most completo bottling
works In the world, tho "Dudwelser" de
partment alone having a capacity of 1,000,000
bottles a day.
To Central America.
Leave Omaha January 12th, via St. Louis,
New Orleans, Puerto Barrios, Guatemala
City, ,San Jose, returning In time for Mardl
Oras in New Orleans. For rates and all
Information, Call or write W. II. Oreen,
Room 405, New York Llfo Building, Omaha,
No Our ICiiotth IIiiit fi l.nud of Illuek
DlnmoiuU dime to Jiiiuen
A quantity of coal belonging to L. R.
Lucas, which was stolen from n car on tho
Missouri Pacific tracks Monday night, was
locatod yesterday In tho renr of a saloon
run by James Bacon. Bacon and ono of his
drivers. Bud Marlow, wero arrested by
Detectives Drimmy nnd Mitchell nnd wero
locked up pending nn Investigation. Bacon
Informed tho police that ho did not know
who owned the coal. Monday night, ho
said, someone stolo his wagon and team
and Tuesday morning tho team was put
back In tho batn and the wagon load of coal
was standing outside his gato. Hu then
ordered his men unload tho coal In hla yard.
Dncon gavo Lucas nn order for tho coal.
Tho kidneys ache wheu thoy nro ove.
worked and the trouble gets serious unless
promptly removed. Prickly Ash Bitters la
a rcllablo kidney tonic and bowel regula
tion. IIOI.lIIA ItATlIS.
Via Rank Inliinil Itoiilr,
On December 24, 25, 31, 1001, and January
1, 1902, tho ltock Island route will sell tick
ets to points within a distance of 200 miles
for ono nnd ono-thlrd fare, return limit
January 2. City tlckot office, 1323 Farnnm
Detour Route Are AlMiiys Trillium.
Why trnvel to California or Oregon In
winter over any othor than direct routes?
Passengers leaving Omaha for Portland
or San Francisco can reach their destina
tion fifteen hours sooner than If thoy trav
eled any other way, besides avoiding tho
discomforts of winter and extra expenses
Incident to a long Journey enroute.
has tho host of everything.
Pullman palace sleepers, buffet smoking
and library cars, ordinary (tourist) cars,
Pullman dining cars, meals a In Carte, free
reclining chair cars, Plutscb light, Btcam
heat, etc.
City ticket ofllco 1321 Farnam; 'phone 310.
IIOMI::sKl2ICl3K., i:.ctusio.s.
Via Illicit Inliinil Roulr,
On January 7 nnd 14, February 4 nnd 18
the Rock Island routo will bcII tickets at
one regular first-class faro plua $2 for tho
round trip to points In western and south
ern Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory,
Texas and certain points In Now Mexico,
Arizona, Colorado nnd Utah. City tlckot
office, 1323 Farnam strcot.
Send articles of incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Be,
We will give thero proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 35.
Shampooing acd hair nreesln, 25r. In
connection with the Bathery, 216.22ft Be
building. Telephone 1716
Publish your legal uotlces in tho Weekly
Boe. Telophono 238. 1
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars.
ilAaulMturcA-tw V B. &lo Mwoaatll
of our holiday stock will bo sold now
mighty chonp, 'enus-i wo don't want to
curry any over. All- tho leading 5c and 10c
elgnrs In ChrlHtmus pneknges, several
pretty atomizers nnd shaker top bottles
will bo sold now for actual cost. Fancy
candles In Christmas pnekuges. u suitable.
. return gift for anyone.
itr f'"rm Hair Tonic ?50
I i J,v.vlur , v,vml. "oguintor. ::::::::: jsc
tM Peruim
Packer's Tni Soap !.'!!"! l5o
c Laxntivo Hromo Quinine .120
iii; Quluuretnl (beat for colds) V
oC Cniter'H Liver Pills fZi
SGKAEFER'S "'r..-.
Tel. 717 S. W Cur. Kith 11111I ChlriiKO.
Goods delivered FRU13 to nny part of city.
nnd before 1002 comes In order a supply
of Metz beer and resolvo to kcop some on
hand right nlong. You'll find this bcor
healthful and Invigorating, because it U
pure and wholesome, made of Mm i,Mi
..... wwuv .,11, 1 k
nnd hops, and brewed and bottled with spe-
ciui cure.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. I III, Dm 11 tin,
Or Jacob Ncumaycr, Agt., caro Neumnyer
Hotel, Council UluffB, Iowa. '
Glgr Ou fit. LouU. Union Audi,
Mo Gem Catarrh Powder.. ."!!!!!
is still hangine: oxpoctantly somowhoro. Bet
ter to bo twico romomborod thrtn onco forgot
ten. Theso closing days of tho year trado was
novor found in better shapo to supply tho tardy
buyers. Tho congress ol morchandiso that
meets under this roof each Christmas timo
was novor moro intorosting than now. Tho
changes in values of morchandiso havo mado it
possiblo for you to bo liberal. You can givo at
half tho oxponso ot former soasons.
The Odds and Ends
Must move before Januaru 1st.
factor that moves.
J kindreds of busu hands are getting things in
shape for inventor!.
The remaining Jive dags mean much to the de
layed buyer, they mean much, to us.
These prices for the balance of this week: 25 to 40 per cent reduc
tion from early season's prices on Winter Suits and Overcoats.
$22. HO and
rhiisp from
f "i"r"whit'h were
WaTe., now
tf J'-'JK Vv'lKfroa
cut: long and full, with or without yokes, sold earlier 07 Cfl
at $10 and $12.50, now marked Q , JU
Youths' and boys' overcoats, cut long and full, with broad
shoulders, sizes 5 to 1-1, at $2.05, $11.75, $5.00, $(5.75 and $7.50.
. Youths' overcoats, sizes 35 to 10, at $5.00, $0.50, $7.50 and $10.
Boys' suits that were $3.00, now $1.50.
Continuation of the irreat trouscr sale inaucurated tin's week.
The trousers were made to sell from $1.50 to $12. We offer them
at $2.50, $.'J.50, $5 and $0.50 all sizes, .10 to 50 waists.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
A 1902 calendar is all right in your home for a year. It isn't
worth shelf room in a store. Ilayden's have thousands of the
daintiest and the 11 nest turned out by the Art Lithograph Co. and
will sell them at. the most ridiculously low figures. The best, of it
is we don't have to lose anything on (hem even then, as we bought
them at our own price. Jiead this telegram:
Ilecclvccl from tho Art UthoKrnpli Co. of Now York City- rendu:
IIAYD12N IJKOS.. Oranhn: NKW VOUK. necembor 16, 1001.
Cun offer Block of now Calendars, thrco flftlea off list. Oood vnluo and seleo
tlon. Immediate delivery. Wlro answer. AKT LITIIO. I'UII. CO.'
Hoydens' anawor was: "KxprcHS Immediately."
They aro horo, tho newest, tho prettiest nnd tho costliest, for you to choose from
at 12Vie on tho dollar. You will bo inoru than surprised at tho astonishing valuot
when you soo thorn.
Ilnydcns will sell C0c calendars nt 15c.
Huydena will soil "He cnlendars at "0c.
llayilens will sell U calendars at 25c.
The Greatest Calendar Sale Ever Held
Toys and Holiday Goods for a Song
It wouldn't pay to carry toys ovor, even If wo wanted t'o. Tho cost of packing,
storago and brcakaRO would make them coit moro than now Roods next oaon.
HAYDENS S13LI. TIIUM, no matter how small tho prlceu havo to be mndo.
If you can uso toys, novelties, books, sterling nllver novelties, Jewelry, opora
Klnsscs, pictures or Chrl3tmus or holiday Koods of nny description you can buy them
now nt Haydon Urns.' for ono-tcnth to ono-quartcr their former value.
Tobacco Department
Star plus chowlns tobacco, 33c; Ilorseahoj
plug cliewliiK tobacco, 35c; Navy plug chew-
Idr tobacco, 35c; Ilattlo Ax, 35c; Nowsboy
tobacco, 36c; null Durham smoking tobacco,
60c; Duko's Mixture, 35c; Meerschaum
smoking tobacco, 35c; Undo Tom smoking
tobacco, 36c; Old Stylo smoking tobacco,
25c; Mall Touch, por package, 0c.
of Christmas Things
Price is tho main
A radical means to reduce slock at a timo
when bargains are rare ami economy appeals
to you most. All small lines of the Stein
IJloch Co. and Hart, Seliaffner & Marx finest
suits and overcoats, fashionable cut, thor
oughly made, and sold earlier at 20.00,
$25.00, combined now
The balance of lliose very stylish suits and
overcoats included in our recent special pur-
:i rclinlilo I'imt ii'ii mnl.'or. ;inil
sold earlier at l ami
. ...
A third line ol excellent pure worsted and all
wool cassimere suits that, sold ftTf ffj
regularly at 10 and $12.50, now. . . 0 I lull
A special line of pure wool vicuna overcoats.
Ilaydens will sell J1.D0 cnlond.irs at 36o.
Haydens will sell i'i calendars at 00c.
Candy Department
Peanuts, salted 15a
l'canut Tarty lCo
Peanut Candy 15o
I'oppcrmlnt 20o
Marshmallows 25o
Butter Scotch ... 25o
Peppermint Drops 20o
Peppermint and Wlntnrgrflon 20a
Knrd Dates , 20a
Persian Cream Dates 26o