I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 5901. 10 OMAHA LITE .STOCI MARKET Iitgkt Kiotlptf of Cfcttlt kid Trad iotire with friofi Eifktr. IEHER TONE TO ' THE HOG MARKET Only Few Fnt flheep nnil I.nnmli i Arrived nnd ' Trade Wm Fnlrly Active Rt Steady to n Shndo , Ttronfrer Prllcos. la-' SO&TII OMAHA, Doe. 24. Receipts wore: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. BfflcloJ Monday 2,724 8.72S 2,623 fflclal Tuesday 1.S40 11.7M 1,147 Two days this week... 4,564 Hamo daya last weok.... 6,690 tmo week before 8,145 mo thrco weeks ago.. 8,091 mo lour weeks ago,,.. 9,730 me days last year 75 20,612 17.828 22,062 26,702 23,013 0,3 H 3,770 4.214 7,621 10,322 8,240 17 'South com ' ' Average price do id (or hoes at Omaha (Iio pail soveral days with prlsone; Date. 1901. 1900.1U99.11898.197.118C11896. 4 631 mi 8 26 3 31! 3 111 J 31 3 43 3 31 8 3 3 36 6 tS 8 28 3 26 3 W, I 23 3 16 6 SS 6 92 f OS 6 09 4 64 4 68, 3 29 I 19 8 21 3 81 3 Ml 3 86 .4 77i 4 84 8 37 t 3 25 3 09 3 36 4 81) 3 81) 3 28 3 2.1 3 001 3 34 3 17 e lid1 4 18, 3 30 8901 3 29; 3 31 3 131 3 13 3 21 3 33 3 38 3 28 3 31 3 33 3 88 3 37 3 40 3 36 3 31 3 33 3 27 3 27 3 31 6 134! 4 86 3 21 o Jl 6 16 0 21 4 82 3 92 3 15 3 20! 3 17 4 77 3 90 3 96 3 37 3 20 4 81 3 38 0 2U4 6 26H 4 86 3 96 3 93 3 33 3 23 3 28 3 17 4 84 4 83 4 73 4 77 3 27 3 24 4 01 I 3 9S 3 92 8 94 3 30 3 29 3 17 3 26 3 28 3 31 3 31 3 17 0 26(4 3 16 3 18 317 3 14 3 17, 3 19l 6 12 r ot 60S 4 '.9 3 3 3 33 3 2S 3 21 4 81 4 01 4 80 4 02 4 01 3 34 3 37 3 21 cook: 4 86 3 47 3 Indlcuto Sunday. , The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought Jn loduy by each road was: Id, i,l. I'nllln Hues. Sh'tl. H'ses. ,C , M. & Ht, r. y.. .. Wiibush . 1 Mo. i. Ky r TJ. I. system 7 C. ft N. W.: Hy. .. 1 ,y B. ft M. V. R. II.. 9 s. c. ft I. Ry C fit P., M. ft O. Ry G 10 1 32 19 16 23 .6 XI. it M. 11. 1U U... IK c. n. & Q. Ry Jt. I Ac I'., cnsi .. i io C R. I. & 1'.. west .. .. 1 .. Illinois Central ..... 11.. 1 'r Total receipts .... GO 161 6 6 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was as -follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Uuytrs. , Cattlo. Hogs, ancep, Omaha l'acklng Co O. II. Hamrr.'iinl .Co. ., Hwlft nnd Company Cudahy racking Co. ., Armour & Co.' , Hnlft & Co., country . 11. Ueokor & Degan .... Vansant & Co 3. It. Carey ..... "lohman & Co Denton & Underwood. 1-tvlngstone & Hchallcr Hamilton & Rothschild H! U Dennis fc Co. . Hobblck , Wolf & M (Other buyers 14 1,213 430 3.060 2.923 4,463 4J 313 402 19 '"si 48 10 62 ! S5 1,120 "l8 74 Totals , 1.6S3 12.123 1,144 CATTL.I5 As. anticipated, thore was a ,vory light run of cattle hero today, owing to th fact that Wednesday will bo a fiollday. l'ackcrs seemed to havo qulto Ibcral orders nnd , started out early and tfought up overythliig offered at slrongor prices. It was, in fact, tho most active .cattlo market that has been experienced In somo llttlo time. .,, i Thcro wero very fow cornfed steers in itho yards nnd thoso that did arrlvo wero of common uuallty. Packers. Iiowever, Iwanted a few cattlo and ns a result sen iors mado them pay 10Q15c moro for them than tho samo kind of cnttlo sold for yes- torday. as mero were umj " eale tho market soon enmo to a. close. Signer.' tho advanco being about the sumo worn only a tyr on sale today. 1 rmlo ruled vory nctlvo at tho advance and tho ions wero cleared at un early hour. V Bulls also advanced sharplyond could he auotcd fully 1015o higher than yester SSy? Ve.il dilveT and stags also com- Jf.!2' .S'kers and feed- 1 rs oni sal today' and tho better1 gmdes rod0nw.Pt?oV:d.Lul,y at od -twdy atq sV may L obliged to carry them over ,Tand fonr all Yho good cattle thai a'rVcom- Kntlon. " hecommonfr rndes of stock rnttUi were not wnnteu iooay mm i; sfliind It a (Ufllcult matter to dispose of t rh kinds at any price. Representative talcs.' BE13F Av. rr. STEERS. No. 3 1 3 62 20 40 20 4 v. 3r.::u: 20 Av. . 946 . 850 . 950 .1057 .1046 . 937 .1149 .1075 .1143 .1030 .1006 ,.1245 Pr. 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 25 4 65 4 Gu 4 65 4 75 4 85 4 85 E 05 5 75 1 7S 670 2 W 2 GO 700 i.. i... , 480 50 , 810 1 73 , 690 3 10 . 87 3 IE , 890 3 25 3..... 3 5 1..... 2 1..;.. 1 1 iv..:s. l i. i...;. i . 886 .3 30 , 900 3 611 , 804 '3 60 !!... 690 3 w ...'SIO 3 90 CO. BTIT1SRS AND HEIFERS. ... 610 ... 760 1 25 900 720 .1 65 1 85 2 75 3 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 i 85 2 85 2 90 2 90 2 90 2 95 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 03 3 03 3 05 3 05 3 05 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 15 3 15 ' 3 15 :. -Mi 3 20 3 25 3 26 3 23'. 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 30 3 S.-i COWS. t 870T ... 900 ... 810 ... 93G ... 890 ...920 ... 870 ,,..,763, 837 .... 847 2 00 1 .1120 .1160 .1120' .1140 .1116 ,.1060 .1060 ,.1X) ,. 866 ,.1180 ,. 960 ,.1023 ,. 000 ,. 730 ,.1110 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 I 05 2 05" 2 10 2 10. 2 10 2 15 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 35 J 35 2 35 2 35 2 35 , 2 40. ' 2 40 2 40 . 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 40. 2 15 2 60 2 60 2 GO ' 2 60 2 60 '2 60 2 61 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 CO 2 60, 2 60 2 60 2 CO ' 2 60 1.. 4.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 4.. 7.. 1.. 3.. 6.. 1.. a.. 4 4 jfjJ..J.... u, ....... 4 3 1 rn ...ti... , 830 , 800 . 763 .looo . 80O .1120 ,; 890 V" 10 2 l 9 4 3 6 4 1 8 13 14 1 17 1 3 15 3).... 1 13 ,..,1000 .... 980 ....1130 ....1000 .... 890 .... 990 ....loco .... 833 ....10S5 .... 901 .... 900 .... 950 ....1230 ....1186 ....1105 ....1206 ...11G0 .... ,!! f.71..I.i.... 826 I 1,. .1130- 17 9SS 1 884 9 904 3.,,...,.. .1000 11 886 ll.u....... 890 13 W7 9 1012 6 810 1 1 1100 1 ,..1000 2 ;..1023 4 1010 6..,, 922 '2.. ...... :..iooo 2 962 1, 1380 1 1140 1 960 u.M.!.... sio 1 1020 !l,.,.-.' 980 2 1KB . 2 1115 ' 2...J 885 I 1 :,..1020 1 1010 3 10CG 3 i. .1020 2 1015 2 905 1060 1. 1. 13. .1. ..1100 ...1050 ... 940 ,..1243 inn 6.. 3 35 C ftl- .1 4U 1 ,.1140 7 980 1 1150 4 1165 1 1310 7 882 1 12S0 1 1270 2 1350 21 10S5 3 50 3 6-1 3 65 3 S3 3 85 3 95 4 00 4 2-1 4 25 4 25 4 60 &'!")l0I0' 2.05 ' 1.; i aw iv. 955 2 65 , , 800 111 R2S 2 65 2 63 2 65 2 65 looo 4. 436 JiS.'.'.Z 6S3 ,2...; ii;o '! Til ...,v . iv i ....nm. COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 1400 n.'iBTKBRS-TEXAS. i 3. .. HEIFERS. 1 09 1 At 13. . 916 . 822 . 820 . 970 . 802 .1050 . 100 . 140 . 163 . 140 2 93 3 15 3 60 3 75 3 75 4 00 5 60 5 60 5 CO 6 00 1 790 2 40 6... 1... j 690 3 60 "m'.!.,,'676 2 65 " JlrK'HM.. 720 2 78 i::::: i 705 2 85 CATA'ES. Tl... !50 2 00 1 3 00 1 4 00 2 4 25 1 4 GO i.' 140 fcjxo.'f.. 230 l:... .I.... 180 f . , 1 970 l .... Mn 2 30 1... ... 950 ...13S0 ...1300 ...1390 ...1660 ...1000. ...1350 ...1610 ...1630 ...1520 ...140fi ...1460 2 80 2 80 2 85 2 85 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 10 3 10 3 10 2 25 2 25 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 45 2 60 2 60 3 50 1... i;; isoo . U;...i...'. 610 1. .... 850 ....1060 .... 970 ..,.1050 ....1170 BIo. 1,,., JPoc. J.... Bee. 1.... Pea. 4,.i. Dec o..f. Pea. (.... Pc. 7,... X)ec. 8... Dec. 9.i. . o. 10... ec. 11... JJec 12... pec. 13... pec. 14... Dec. 15.. . Iiec 18... gee. 17... fee. 18... Dec. 19... Pec. 20,., Poo, 21... Pec. 23... Pec. 23.., Poc. 24.., 1 ( k". , 890 .1110 2 60 ,.n:o : co 1 ...13:$ 3 15 I...' 1510 3 20 1 1780 3 20 1 1710 3 35 1 ,..11611 3 .) 1 910 2 75 ..1720 3 60 RTOf'lC OALVES. 2 275 1 60 3 GW 2 GO 1 23) 2 60 1 360 - STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 ,.. 300 1 75 9 6S2 2 25 1 SS0 2 00 43 4M 2 40 1 1010 2 t) 2 450 2 6j 4 1020 2 10 BTnrK-KIMl AND FEEDERS. 1 440 1 25 3. . . . - ... fit) J 3 Xt ... 675 3 40 ... 750 .1 M . . . 705 3 go . . . 700 3 65 ... 890 75 ..A790 3 75 ... 930 3 M ... 973 3 90 3 610 2 35 C2 689 2 75 2 925 3 00 1 710 3 10 2 7M 3 10 6 700 3 20 9 740 3 25 1 G30 3 25 3 EOS 3 ".- 2.... 8.... 21.... 2.... 3.... 1.... 2.... 22.... 10. V. W. L1SCO rtCU, 1 cow 730 3 (O 1 cow... 21 cows KGS 3 00 3 cowr.. 1 cow 970 3 Oil 2 cows.. 46 COWS 1020 2 90 1 COW... 1 COW 104O 2 90 1 COW... 2 COWS 1110 2 90 11 cows.. .. 960 2 10 .. S90 3 ) ..1063 3 TO ..1000 2 !) .. 910 2 9) .. 964 2-40 lCOW 1200 2 CKJ 2 COW?.. ..146ii !W UnriS Thnrn won n liencroUH supply of hogs hero today, but the feeling seemed to bo a llttlo hotter than yesterday und trading was more active. It wan an un even market, however, the same ns has buon the caso all along. In somo cases sales were undoubtedly made that wenr fully Go higher, whllo In other Instances sellers had trouble In getting steady prices. Light hogs, In some cases, sold a good deal higher this morning when IncUdod In u string of heavy hogs, but otherwise they wero neglected and toward the close of tho market wero undoubtedly ji llttlo lower than yesterday. The rango of prices was not much different from yesterday. Tho prlmo, heavy nogs sold very largely nu n $6.25 to 6.5o. Oood mixed hogs brought from 16.00 to $6.20 and light weights sold from J6.00 down. The bulk of the offerings changed hands In fairly good season, but tho last end of tho market was slow and a llttlo weak, particularly on tho light weights. Representative sales: No. AV. Sh. IT. No. Av. Sh. IT. 10 SO ... 4 60 1.1 J.IJ II iv :g 75 ... &o 68 224 80 6 15 80 6 13 M ... 4 W 61... M... 72..., 21 69 155 ... 6 65 68 143 ... 6 65 ..211 ... 6 10 ..200 ... 6 10 38 8.8 ... 4 GO 51 92 ... 4 82V4 79. .'218 100 0 10 r,r 217 4i) 6 10 . 12 215 ... 0 10 86... ...200 80 6 10 17...... 261 ... 6 15 66 24S 320 fi 15 79 221 40 6 15 86 240 280 6 20 43 230 120 6 20 83 220 ... 6 20 29 116 ... b 60 142 ... 6 40 131 ... 6 bO 110 151 ... 6 GO 106 140 40 6 60 69 167 ... 6 60 lWi ... 6 m 97 155 120 5 66 103 167 ... 6 65 18. .278 190 6 20 .2.12 ... 6 20 ,.268 ... 0 20 ..2.1 1 ... 6 20 ..250 ... 6 20 2 160 ... 6 85 18... 30.., OS.. 69.. C9.. 87 10) 240 6 70 109 157 80 6 70 157 ... 6 70 101 164 ... 0 70 ,...237 ... C 20 101 151 ... 6 75 06... .IStfi 2i) 0 20 2 16.1 80 5 75 82 236 160 6 20 79 221 ... 6 2i) CO 231 ... 6 20 67...., .200 80 fi 25 69 269 200 6 25 73 250 40 6 25 64 212 160 6 25 71 215 80 6 25 66 255 120 0 23 80 215 ... 6 25 CO 284 80 6 30 C9 .2) 80 6 30 77 279 80 6 30 67 295 ... 6 30 61 275 40 6 SO 67 24 S 80 fi 30 69 280 240 6 .13 67 314 320 6 40 60 300 300 6 40 95 1BH 120 fi 80 89 172 80 6 80 6 167 40 5 .80 173 80 5 80 95 181 200 6 85 Z 175 200 6 S.i 105 176 ... C 85 9G 181 ... E 85 185 100 5 S3 62 171 ... 6 85 80 in ... 0 90 84 .179 40 6 10 100 177 ... 6 !rt 93 186 ... 6 90 69, 177 ... 6 60 i....,,ini ... (i ;nj ?! 181 ... 6 90 96 179 ... 6 90 .18S ... G fir. 43 367 6 45 9 172 ... 5 95 88 181 80 6 95 54 292 240 6 45 43 32S ... G 60 69 186 ... fi 00 99 185 80 6 00 49 199 120 6 00 74 198 160 6 00 70 228 320 6 05 88 213 ... GOu 79 202 160 6 05 90 199 80 6 05 68 202 40 6 03 70 213 1 00 0 05 70 220 ... 6 03 7S 234 1C0 6 05 89 211 ... 6 05 86 ,316 ... 6 10 72 240 120 0 10 68 216 80 fi 10 .1S3 120 6 nr. 62 184 40 fi K1 60 197 40 6 00 8 HOI ... ft no 34 1M 80 0 00 36 270 ... 0 00 64 204 80 6 00 8 200 200 6 00 6 213 ... i; m J7 184 40 G 00 67 191 120 6 0) 6 189 ... Ron 36 190 III im 86 195 SO 6 05 80. 170 80, 6 05 60,...V2U ,80 6 05 9? .201 120 GOT, 6 226 40 0 121A 78. 73 20S HI K rr. .200 ... 6 15 .248' 1C0 0 25 .303 120 6 40 .302 80 6 40 ..351 ... 6 60 ..410 ... 6 53 G5..., S..., 71..., 48... 41... 211 40 ft 05 HI ' 1 212 ... C K 2 212 120 6 07 H 220 80 G10 23 19.1 ... am SllKKH-TI,.... . . . . mort a on-VretS u? goou, snarn anil bought -up ovorythtng n ?d;."cn"!". B"ady tii strong nrtn's" t.p-n .V i' r".'".1" w"l a few SHouT to go around. X?n SSoSS K?SS?dlln. .?'"?" "market to somS .ldnby.,SSJnB ,h0 rkeCtnnac'tfv,o davh armlWten2 'V"1" fco,lcrs offorel to aay anil the demand was rather llmttp.i S$2fVftt,hhn.!!2,,dttiae puyers at homo, Tho marknt. linnnunV CUIl DO lllllltl.il utniwli, $4n4n"3,.on1?(;o.i::,,.olco,int,veKht yearlings. in rCivii rr.' ..u" Hoqu yearlings " kjoii lamtis, u. MMj5.00: feeder tvnth. O. A Tr. 3 60 3 60 3 S5 5 10 6 10 7 feeder. Iambs jo' 11 feeder lambs jo 476.natlvo lambs '"' r? Vi red 'iambs....: r 4 fed lanyjs 70 CHICAGO MVB STOCK MAHKKT Cntlle Actl'vp, Hdks Stonily nnil Sheep Active. t r".??0, Pf 24. CATTLE Receipts, trt!jf.?.dV.iMar.kct n.cUvo nn'1 strong at t''v.n, to prime, u.25'u7.10: poor to medium, W.80c.0i; stockers am feeders. J2.0OTt4.60: rowi ti ini 7?." i,i,',''' jufesiob. ' 4UXus.inii steers, llOOH llnMl,.!. OA AAA 1 .... ki i wi . 1 nean xnursiiay, 30,000 (estimated): loft over, 5,000. Markot Uiif ' "n. iur meuiums unci heavy mixed and butchers. 5.75l6.25j good tc W, light. IG.0Oa6.70; 'bulk of "sales,' fs.TS HlliSlsr AND I.AM II H G.50. Ofllclal vestonliiv yesterday: Receipts Cattle. 15, hogs, 42,427 head; sheep, 12.2J9 Ipmonts-Cnttle, 2,915 head; hogs, i iiciui; 1 head. Shin ,602 head; sheep, none. Knusns City I.lvo Stock Inrkel. KANSAS CITV. llp l -PAtti irT. celnts. 3.001) natives. 500 Tovn,, rj .vVi.'A., corn-fed steers. lfli;i!w' iiiii'i-. mkniJ piviiii,, i.-iiuiL-ti export onil iiresseil beef steers. J5.IOiio.C0; lair to good. J4.7503.73; stockers nnd feeders, J3.70f.l;25; western i&2.j.o: bulls, J2.404?4.'JTi; calves, J3.2W3.25. I1UIJH Kece DtK. 10.OM heml. Mnrlfol 10 M5c higher; top. JS.fo; bulk of ralesi J3.70 mii.uiii iiuavy, 4u.nuiwi.iu; mixed pacKers. J6.l0fi6.60; light, J5.0O16.15; pigs. J;l.!Uriri.0i HI1EEP AND TAMILS - Receipts, 3.0K) iii iiii. .uiiini'i niruiiKi leu llinius, SI Vytf 5.35: fed wethers. J3.5i)'n4.25; yearlings, J.1,75 iin.07; Hives, .i.wim.io; cuut nnil feeders. 4..W(d.W. St. I.ouIn I.Ivp Stnek larket. ST. I.OUIS, Dec. 2l.-rATTl,E-Recolpts4 4. 100 .head. nc Ud III! II.IKh) beail TnviinA! markot steady to strong; native shipping mm riiiii. sieerei, w.nifi t..in. Wlin lancy worth up to JS: dressed beef ami Imtrhpr steers, J4.WVfifi.00; steers under 1,000 lbs., J3.50 4T5.00; stockers and feeders, $2.453.SO; cows niiu neiiers, jj.wiei.aa; canners, IllllIH. 1 '.IHKll.l.llll! flVJIH fllllt Imllllll Btunra 3.SOffi3.(X). fed. and J2.SCWI.23. irr:iss: iw aim neiiers, ..jij.H'. 1 ions Receipts, 4,100 hend; market steady 10 hh-iihk; iik 111111 iiguis, a ntxa j.fu; pacK ers. J5.riri6.oo: butchers. J1I.O1VI16.C0. SHEEP AND UAMUS-Recelnts. head market Htronc: natlvo'imitton. S2.90ff3.oo liimbs, $I.OiXl5.60; culls nnd bucks, ja.OC NEW YORK. Dec. 24.-REEVES-TIO rolpts, 9ll head; no sules reported. Cables (junio American steers nt J2j(i wc. dressed weight: refrigerator beef ur l0'4Sil0icr ux. ports, 810 head beeves, 1,740 head sheep and nuarmrs 01 neei. CALVES Receipts. 331 headf steadv veals Bold at Jl.00itS.60j barnyard calvcb, J3.0fMfl.0O: westerns. J3.Mf3.75. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelnts, 2.2!9 head; steady: alioop, J3.00fr3.75; Inmlis, JI.62U 4t'3.75: vulls, J3.60. HOOH-Hecelpts, 3.155 head; very few on sale; no sityes ruporieu. St. Jnsili Me Stnek Mnrket. BT. JOSEPH. Dec. 2I.-CATTL.E-Re cctpts, 800 head. Mnrket steady; natives jj. wil 1. 10; cows anu neiiers. ji.wiio.iu stockers nnd feeders. J2.00fi 4.0. HOGS-Kectlpts, 6,000 .head. Market 2 1060 2 CO 1 1170 2 65 1 1020 2 70 3 i. 770 2 75 1 1130 2 75 Receipts. S.fOO neau; sncep anil lambs, active and 10fi25c higher; good to choice wethers. M-fyifi 1.25: fair to choice mixed, J2.Sfyfj3.60; wpstcrn Hheen. fed. J3.00(i74.ik-,! i,miv' 'inh. ,inil --i--,-.--p i-imu tutiiuo) fm.tr.ni '..Jn? r!v" "'uu"'i western rnngo steers, .i.j.r(,u.w,i juxiih nun inmnii steers. 11. fn) H4;B:.T'XI.",.S,"WS'.,--:;5"3G0; nntlv cows, J2.50ff4.60: heifers. J3.00ii5.0i): ramnim ti fn steady light and light mixed. $5.70S40: pigs. J3.oo4.70. . ' mii;r Aisu iiASiiiB Receipts, ij head, I Market slow but steady. Stock In SlKht. Tho following tnhle shows the reeelnts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho live principal marKets tor December. 24: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omoha 1.S40 11.751 1,147 Chicago 3,60) 29,0 8.C00 Kansas City 3.20) lO.cmo 3,0n) St. IaiuIm 4,100 4,100 600 St. Joseph St) 6,OiO 123 Totals ...13.440 &SS4 12,772 OMAHA AVII()l,i;.SAI,i: MARKET, Condition of Trnde nnd limitations on Staple nnil l'nncy 1'rodncV?. EOOS Receipts, light; fresh stock, 21c. MVE POI'I.TUY Hens. GlT6c: old roosters. Jfilc, turkeys, 7ift9c; ducks and geese, EHljCo," spring chickens, per lb., 0G'4C DtlESSED POt'ITRY TUDkeys, llf12c; duoks, SOSWc; geese, SfJ9c; spring chickens, Mite: hens, 7if7.4C . ' ... tntw. 1 1 1 I .1,. 1,1 I X nil 1. uiiiiiiuii iv, lull, 1-1,31., VUUII.U dairy. In tubs, n5TH7c; separator. 23fl2lc. FROZEN FISH-lllack bass, ISc: whlto bass, 10c: bluellsh, 12c; bullheads, 10c; bluo ilns, 7c; huffnloes, 7c; cattish, 12c; cod, 10c; crniiples, lie: halibut, 11c; herring, 60; had dock, 9cJ pike, 8c; red snapper, 10c; sal mon, 12c; sunllsh, 6c; trout, 9c; whltcflsh. 8c: tdckerel. 6c: fresh mackerel, each. 20f? 35c; smelts, 10c. OYSTERS Mediums, .ner can. 22c: Stand- rds. tier cnn. 25c: extra selects, tier can. 33c; Now York counts, per can, 40c; bulk Hlnndards, per gal., J1.2ifl.25: bulk extrn selects. Jl.GMjl.65; bulk New York counts, per gal., J1.7G.' niii.u.ij i.ivc, per noz wc. VEAL Choice, GfiSc. HAY l'rlccs auoted bv Omaha AVhole- sale Flay Dealers' association: Choice up land, J9.60; No. 2 upland, J9.G0: medium, J8i coarse, J7.6i). Ryo straw, J3. These prices are for bay of good color anil quTillty. Demand fnlr. Receipts, 20 cars. ruan-iMPW, oic; 0111, life. HRAN-J23. OATS-G2C. VEO ETA R I.ES. POTATOES Homo urown. SI: northcrti. J1.10; Halt Iiikc. J1.10; Colorado, J1.10. UAIIKIJTS- l'Or l)U,, IWC. IIHETS-Por 44-bti. basket, 30c. TL'RNIPS Per btl., 60c: Rntabaeas. per 100 lbs., J1.25. ' J'ARSNIUS Per btl., 600. CI'CUMRERS-Hothouse. per doz J1.25. IiETTl'CE Head, per bbl.. J0.50: hot- house lettuce, per dox., 25c. I'AitHiiKi l'er ior., 2:1c. RADISHES Per doz., 23c. SWEET I'OTATOES-Homo crown, ner lb., 2V4c; KnnBas. per bbl., $8.25. u.iiiiAti'-iiniianii seea. crnieu, ivic. CAUDIFIX3WER-Per crate, J2.75. ONIONS Spanish, per crate. J2.00: Michi gan, red or yellow, 3c per lb, uuiiKiti i-aniornin, iic. NAVY DEANS Per btl., J2.1S. FRUITS. APPLES Ren Davis, ner bbl.. J4.G0: Vlnesnps, $5;' Jonathans, J5.G0; Ilelleflowers, per box, Jl 76. I'liAlcn vigors, jz.-o; jawrenco, u---'U GO. ORAPES Malagas, por keg. J0.BOiB6.D0. CIIANI1ERRIES Per bbl.. J7.GOfiS.00: per crate, J2.75. TROPICAXi FRUITS. ORANOES-Florldas. J3.25fi3.60: Califor nia navels, J3.253.60; budded, J2.G0. LEMONS Fancy. J3.60f(3.75: choice. S3.00 3.25. . iiA.AnAH-ror uuncn, accoruing o biiu, 12.26fi2.75. FIOS California, new cartons, $1.00; Im ported, per lb., 12Q14c. iJATiit Persians, in w-id. doxcs, per iu., 6ic; Snlrs, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. NtTTR New cron walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12a; liard shell, por lb.. 11c; ISO. sou sneu, lirc; iNo. i naru biiuu, uc; Urazlts, per lb., 14o; filberts, per lb., 13c: almondB, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c: pecans, large, per lb., l2o; small, 10c; oocoa- Uts, per cwi ,; cncsinuis, i.u. HONEY Per 24-scctlon case, $3.503.7G. CIDER Nehawka, por bbl., $3; Now York. J3.60. . HIDES no. 1 green, to; n.o. 3 green, tc; tiit Hfittnil. 8n: No. 2 salted. 7c: No. 1 veal calf, R to 12H Ihs., 9c: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 1G lbs., 7c; dry hides, Sf(13c; sheep pelts, 20'H2ic; norso niues, i.ixrs.aj. NEW YOniC C.E.VEIIAI, MAIIICET. lnntntlona nf the Dny on Various Commodities. NRV YORK. Dec. 24. IIUTTER Re ceipts, 3,628 pkgs.; firm; stato dairy. 15f?23c; creamery. 16.025c;. Juno creamery. 15fj'21Hc; ractnrv. i;m.'iiiiimc: creamery. liuiBiic. CHEESE Reeelnts.' 3.G12 nkes.: unlet but Arm; Uito made best lnrgo. 9V4c; ato mado best small, lOjtlO'.ic, stnto full cream, largo fall made fancy, lowfiotfio: stato run cream, small fall mado funcy, llffllV4c. ! (us- uece huh. iu.418 PKgs.: steadier: state and Pennsylvania, 29c; western, at mark, 23fi2Sc; southern, at mark, 2S27c. POUI1'RY Allvo, steady; springers, 9c; turkeys, lOft'llc; fowls. 10c. Dressed, weak; sprlngors, lOfillc; fowls, 914filOHo; turkoys, 1211 12V40. - HAr Quiet! fihlDnlmr. J6.00fM.20: Kood to 'choice. J8.25fj9.00. 1 iiii'M uuiet: siaie. common 10 cnoice. 1901 crop, HffloHc; 1900 crop, Sf12c; 1899 crop, 6fi9c; Paclllc coast. 1901 crop, HSJlBc. HIDES Qulot; Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., lSu; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19',4o; Toxas dry, 21 to 30 ids., i4V4c. ljlSATiiKii eteauy; itemiocK soio, uue nos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 25f?26Hc, WOOIj OJlot: domestic Ilcoco, 254i26c: Tcxns. 16fil7c. METALS The foreign copper nnd tho tin markets wero higher and tho local tin market was somowhat higher In sympathy with tho 'better markot abroad. Tho Lon don tin markot closed with a net gain of 2 15s, wth spot at l(r 5s nnd futures nt 101. The Now York markot closed with spot tin at $23.30 to J23.65 and steady to firm In tone. Copper at London was 1 10s bct ler. closing with spot nt 4R 10s and futures nt 49. ino local maricei was nominnny unennnued at isc tor lane, tnougn it wns reported that sales were mado at 12c for spot; and at something less than that for lorwuru oeuvory. rjicciroiyuc was nuoicu at J12.67H and casting nt $12.60. Lead was unchanged nt Jl, but Loudon was Is 3d lugncr at iu3s 'ja. uneiier, nominal at $4.40. London was 2s fid lower at 1G 15a. Iron was dull hero, whllo Euronean mar kets wero unchanged. Olnsgow closed at 49s 6d nnd MlddlcBborougn closed at iits 4V&IJ. Pig Iron warrants. J10.50ffll.5O; No. 1 north ern foundry. JlG.EOfflO.OO; No. 2 southern foundry, Jl4.60fH5.GO; No. 1 uouthorn foun dry. J15.0OfT16.OO; No. 1 southern foundry. soft, $15.0Hf 17.00. Today was a holiday on the Produce ex change. Liverpool Orotn nntl Provisions, LIVERPOOL. Dec 24. WHEAT-Soot. No, 2 red, western, winter, llrm. as zn; no. 1 northern, spring, llrm, ,6s 2VJd; No. 1 California, llrm, 6s 4d; futures, quiet; Mnrcn. hs ai.iu: .May. ts ihi . CORN Spot, llrm; American mixed, Es 9Hd; futures, qulot; JniTnary, 6s 9.d; .Murcii, bs .May. ts 4-g(i. Pl.AS uanadinn. strong at vs. FLOl'R Firm nt 7s 9d. HOPS-At London (Pacific coast), 3 3s A... 133. . PROVISIONS Reef, firm; extra Indian mess, 75s 9d. Pork, firm; moss, westorn, 72s, Lard, dull; American reilned. In nails, 4fl.: nrlmu westorn. In tierces. 49s. Hams. short cut, 14 to 16 lbs,, dull, 45s, Ilncon, nulet: Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs.. 43s: snort rins, in to .1 ins., 40s ou; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., 45s 6d; long clear middles, heavy. 33 to 40 lbs., 14s 61I; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 41s; clear bellies, 14 to iu ins., mm iki. Muouidcrs, snunre. 11 to 13 lbs.. 42s 6d, HUTTER-Slenily at 92s for finest United States; good t'nitcd mates, 70s, CHEESE-Firm; American llnest white 4GH6d: Ambrlcnn llnest colored. 47s fid. RecelntH t wheat during tho last threo days, 1S.1.000 centnls, including lSl.ono Amcr lean. Receipts of American corn during no inst tureo iiiiyn, centals. .Knnnns City firnln nnd Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Doc. 21. WHEAT May, KOUc; cash. No, 2 hard, 76T,fl7S4c; No. 3. 76kf(77c: No, 2 red, 87f8Sc; No. 3. SSUfji f6Wo: No. 2 spring, 7lfi7Cc; No, 2. 73J74ic: CORN December, fiiHc: January, RSfi GSi'.c; May. CS'ic; cash, Not 2 mixed. C,a CSi'tc: No. 2 whlto, 68ic: No. 3, 67nfJGSc. OATS No. 2 white, 4S?if?49c 11 yi.; ro, 2, wic. - HAY-Clmico timothy, J13.E0; cholco prairie. J13.7EW14.00, Ill'TTER-C reamery, 18fJ22c; dairy, fancy ttc. EflClS Iiwer nnd weak: still further decline looked ror ir mild weather con tinues; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock quoted on 'ennngo nt iva noz,, oss orr. iqiuiiii.ii. Phlliideliihln Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 21. HUTTER Firm, fair demand; fancy westorn cream nrr !V.li.ifi"rt.'f fnnnv nenrhv nrlnts flp. f:aa-Stoady; fresh nearby. 30c; fresh western, SOo; fre.sh southwestern, 29c; fresh southern, .9c. 1 llolldny nn Iliiiird nf Trade. CHICAOO. Dee. 21. Following Its usual Christinas custom, tha directory of the Chicago iiounl of Trado has necinren today and tomorrow nounnys 011 ine uoaru. CofTen Mnrket. NEW YORK, Dec. 24,-COFFEE-Spot Kin invoice 7 7-itc. Mini. nun. uncnanKeu j t'-utures openeu steady at an auvunoo ot points. Tho close was firm nnd net lGfiCfl points nigner. Total sales were 3o,750 bags, nciuuing: December, o.tc; January. 6.fff u.iw, r i-ui Uilf , K tOJ , .IlltlWIl, u. I U"U 7JU , May, 7fI7.10e; July. 7.20c; September, 7.40y ooci uctooer, 7,4ofi i.&jc. MOVnjIUNTS III.' STOCKS AMI IIOMIS. 'ransnittlons Tlirouuliont the Mnrket Are f'hnrnclerlsllc of llolldnyn. NEW YORK. Dun. St Todnv's nenrrecatn dealings were nllghtly In excess of thoso yesterday, principally by reason of the continued active speculation for a fall In Sligar. Tho dealings In the general market wero In tho hands of professional trnders nnd only 11 small pnrt of the day's opera- 110ns originated outside tno Hoard room. Tho Into roenverv In iirlces nfter tho steady downward tendency of the early part of tho day was 11 sufficient Inducement 10 put tno profcssfonni statement upon me 11 y s miirKet. Even In Sugar, although thcro was ob loilsly very Tartre llmildatton. tho largest traders on tho exchnnge Joined Hctlvelv In the selling for special account. Thcro were sales of l.Ow tu 10.000 shares during the day by Individual brokers and some of tho largest sellern bought to cover before tho close. The stock wos forced down nt Olio tlmn in 1fftl rnnrnnptillni? n flprllnn nf 6K from last" night's level. ine ucmanu from tno snorts rallied it 10 106s and the closing was at lOoli, repre senting n net loss of 3. Tho traders of fered pessimistic nrgumcnts of the very largo accumulation of stocks, tho wining out of u prolltnblc margin In the price anil tno inreatening increase in tno production 1 nee 1 sugar. Parallels were drawn bv the eonnor enl- odo to point to tho Inndcnuacv of the great Industrial combinations to regulate ami control trado In staplo products. Mean time the copper market In London made a turn from Its Inmr ilownwnrd course and rallied quite strongly. The Amalgamated Copper hero resisted tho general weakness of the mnrket and rose nt one time 1H over last night, closing with n not gain of 4j. Thcro wero 11 few other Blocks .which made headway against the prevailing de pression, notably tho Hocking vnlloy biocks, which rose ljs nnd 2V respectively for tho common and preferred on tho re iterated rumor of tho projected retirement r tno prererred, Tho strnmr movement In tho ireneral list was based uiinn I lie oxnectatlon that thcro would bo a flurry In call money during tho day on nccount of the requirements to carry over tho holiday. Rears also counted upon ino depressing innuenco or continued weakness In Sugar. The earlier rates for call money proved to be tho highest and lenders who held out for tho high rntes found themselves with funds unplnced. The offering of this resldtio carried tho rato down bolow fi per cent In tho nfternoon and was tho effective factor In driving tho norts to cover,' Tho bears showed nn Inclination to gather In their ilnv's nrotlt beforo Christmas. Tho market was a rellectlon of holiday season throughout. Tho closing was fairly steady nt tho rally and with the earlier losses mostly reuiiceo to a iraciion, exyupi in 01. l'aui and union I'acinc, wnicn wero unuer conspicuous pressure all day on nccount of tho uneasiness caused b.v the onslaught upon Union Pnclflo Interests In tho public "moment Dy I'resiuent 11111 01 tno urent lTnrthern. Lako Erlo ft Western dropped 3i and tho preferred 4 on single Bales. 1110 noud mnraei was nun mm urm. lomi sales, nar vnlue. Jl.920.000. United States 4s declined i. but nil other Issues 'advanced H on tho closing call. Tho following nro the closing prices on tho Now York Stock exchange: Atchison ..i. a- t , 1 1 n w iinu. i'uuuiu oYt 100(i 80. Railway S2i 110 tiril JJnl. & Ohio. lmw do pin do pfd. 93Vi,Tcx. ft, Paclllc... 38V4 Canadian Pnc. Canada So Ches. & Ohio. Chicago & A., do nfd 112 Tol St. U & W. 1SV4 85 do pfd... 34 40'f, Union Paclllc ....Unji, 31Mil do pfd 89 75nVnbnHh 22 Chl Ind. & L. ... 48Vi do pfd 74U Chi. & E. Ill 131 CIO pill 41 W. i& L. K... do 2d pfd.. Wis. Central do nfd ... 1174 ... 28ft ... 20 ... 40 unicago u. w... do 1st ptd M do 2d nfd 46 Adams Ex... ...I'M ...203 ... 93 Chlcngo & N. W.20O C. It. I. ft P 150 Chl.'Tor. ft Tr... 15V4 American Ex U. S. Ex Wells-Fnrgo Ex. 190 do prd . C. C. ft St. L. 97 Ainni. copper ... 67 Amer. Car & F., 29U Colorado So 14U uo pill KIJ Amer. Lin. Oil... 15 do 1st pfd 61N do 2d nfd 264, do prd Amer. S. ft II. Mo pfd Anac. Mln. Co 43 Del. ft Hudson. ..174 Del. L. ft W 212 951S Den. ft R. O. nfd. 91 .11 -rie , 3i;fe Hrooklyn It. T... 6IHs do 1st pfd 73 IwOlO. i'UOl it 1.. tlS Con. Gas 2111 Con. Tob. pfd. ...115 do 2d nfd 67W Ot. Nor. nfd 1824 iiock. vniiey 114 Ocn. Electric ....27! 9 on ptd kfi-i. Hllllcosu Hnmir 37U Illinois Central. .137Vi Hocking Coal.. 15 Iowa Central .... 56 Inter. Paper .. Lin 110 pid 71 uo pid.... Lako Erie ft W.. 67 do nfd 120 Inter, l'ower . Lacledo Oils ., Nn. Illscutt ... N'ntlnnnl l..nil to 88 90 L. ft N 1054 Manhattan L 132i National Halt.'i 32 I4?i Met. fit, uy loJVS Mex. Centrnl 23H,! o pid ci Mex, National 134 No. American ... 93 Minn, ft St. L....100 il'aclUo Coast .... W M.. K. ft T 25 1 People's CI as ...MiM ,1a rnUrf.cian,1 a n - ,Ha ix. j. cenirni 154 . I"" 8, N. V. Centrnl. ..,165h'J!ull"!'i I'. Cur..21 214 Nnrfolk X- W rjl' iRenubllo Stenl 15H tin nf,l ni do nfit No. Pacific pfd... 99H Sugar 10,-, Ontnrlo ft V 334 'r,enn. Coal & I,, 62 Pennsylvania ....147H Union Hog ft P.. u iie.iuinK inj i,,uu I'm 73 UU JJIU ,3 uo 1st pro so do 2d nfd 59W u. a. Leathor ... in; do pfd got: U. S. Rubber ... ll' ni. Li. AC H. 1' .... OHi do 1st pfd 82 ird0o Hlh-t 5H do 2d nfd 73U ni. ij. Kouinw..,. 27 fin nf,l I do nfd f.s Western "Union." W Am. Locomotive. 801 St. Paul 162 do pfd 1S7 'u pill b'Jft Ex-dlvldend. Offered. The Commercial AdvertlRpr'ii Tjinflnn financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket had a dull opening on tho South Airicnn reverses, nut at tho close thero was a most cheerful spirit on reports of Hrltlsh success. Thero was nroetienllv nn business on account of tho Chrlstmns fool ing and the Americans Indulged In Jockey ing. Money rates are unchiinired. I'nrlq exchange Is 2G.17; llcrlln, 20.39H. JVovr York Money MnrUet. NEW YORK. Dec. 21.-MONEY-On en.ll. firm, 2V45J8 per cent; closed asked 3 per cont; prlmo mercnntllo paper, 6fjGH per UOIll. JiTERLINQ EXCHANGE Steadv. with actual bUBtnesa In bankers' bills at J4.86H lor uomnnu nna ai 4.enrt ror sixty days; pumeu ruiuH, j.m'jj i,frt ana 4.orii; com. mercial bills. J4.82fi4.S3i,i. SILVER Har, 65Uc; Mexican dollars 434c. UONDS Government, Irregular; stato, iiiiiuwvu, runruua, irretsuutr. 'ino closing quotations on bonus are as fpllows: U. 8. rof. Is, rcg.lOSTi' L. ft N. unl. 4s,. 102; Mex. Centrnl 4s.. SSU do Is Inc.i 30V5 do coupon imrt do 3s. reg lOStd do .coupon 1088 do now 4s, reg.l3'i HI. el Ol, u. 4S...1IM '.M It. & T. 4s,. 97 do coupon 1391? do old 4s, reg.. llltS do coupon 112ji do 5s, rK l07Vj do counon 107?i iiu .n. Ol.! N. Y. central ls.l06(i (In iren .7l4u Un .In lit. ..... N, J. 5. gen. 6s','.ll34 No. Pnclflo 4s....itt"iH do 3s 73 N. ft W. , 48....102H Rending gen. 4s.. 99), St L & I M c. 6S.117H St L ft S F 4s.. 97H St. L.-3. W. Is... SSZ do 2s ;g( S A ft A P 4s. 89i! So. Pacific 4s U3 ho. Railway 6s.. .123 Atch. gcn. 4S....103U do adj. 4S ui4 Hal.-ft Ohio 4s...l02te do ilViS. .,f. yhh do conv. 4s....l0Wi unnitua so.i's...iu'j Cent, of Un. 5B..100 do 1b lnc 75irb Ches. ft O. 4HH...108V4 Chi. ft A. .IVis... 85 C. H. ft Q. n. 4s. 9S lex, , ft Pac. ls...H9T I3ld. II on ton Stock Ountntlona. BOSTON, Dec. 2l.-Call loans, 4HQCH per cent; time loans, 6f?6 per cent. Oillrinl closing: Atchison 4s 103 rVmnlnamated ... fir Ons Is 81 Haltlc 33 Cal, ft Hecla,..673 Mex. Central 4s.. fco N. H. G. ft C 6S?4 Atehlson 77 Centonnlnl 11W Cojiper Rango 47 aii 19 27 21 75 do Pfd hWnDom. Coal Uoston ft A 239 Franklin llostou ft Mo 191 UbIr Rnynlo ... Roston Elov 167 IMohawk N Y. N H ft II.. .SlOifj uiii Dominion . Fltchhurg pfd..., 11 1 Osceola Union Pacltlc loon Parrot I'lliuil i iH.tnw..,"'.! rj Mex, Central .... 23', Qtilncy yg, Amer. Sugar 103V, Santa Fo Cop,.., 2'A Dom. I. ft 8...... 2 1 ft Tamarack ........230 Gen. Electric. ....21 Tr mountain 2S 28Hi Jlass, li'.ectric... .ns i.riniiy Trust receipts. "Bid. Ilnnk Clenrliisjs. OMAHA, Dec. 24. Bank clearings today, $1,346,604.00; corresponding day last year, -w, ii o 1- Hi in, 111 1 , hi 11 fv 4B. til C ft N W c 7s...l40j4lUnlon Pacific 4s,.10U C. R. I. ft P. 4S.106U do conv. 4s 105$; CCC ft S L g. 48.103 iWabash Is mi Chicago Tor. 4s, 88 i do 2s 1J3II "Colorado Ho, 4s. 8U 1 do dob, 11 Den, ft R. G, 4s..l03Vt West Shore 4s...,114vJ Erlo prior 1. 4s,..10OJ, W. ft L. 1;. 4s.!!. 9: do general 4s... 89$i Wis. Contrnl 4s.. 90V4 F. W. ft D. C. ls.lOlVi.Consol. Tob. 4s." 65 Hock. Val. 4V4s...l09 1 " 13 do prd wvi I'niieu mates, ... 13 N. E, G. ft C 4Ti l.'tah 20 United Fruit .... 93 Victoria m Westlngh. Com., 81 Winona Adventure 16 .Wolverine (U'. Allouez 2?i " none, It being Christmas; for December 26 last year. J1,3U5,669.91 j Increase, JI2.S65.09. PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 21. Clearings. $20,129,196 balances, $1,972,965! money, 0 per cent. RALTIMORE, Dec. 2i.-ClcarIngs, $3,803,. )2: balances, J5I1.529; money. 6 per cent. NEW YORK. Dec. 24-cIenrlllgs. $236.- 231,872! balances, J12.88.1.511. Hto'fnv 1-.. nt .iMi.,M i em ViA balnncc?, $1,417,107. balanc. $1,223,244; exclmnpo on New York loo premium. balances, Jl.788.114; posted rates. $I.S4'Sff 4.87Vi, New York exchange, 20c premium. Cincinnati, Dec. 24. clearings, k.ssi, 850; money, 4V4fl per cent; New York ex change, par. London Stock tluotnt tons. LONDON, Dec. 24.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., monoy..93 I3-16,Norfolk ft W 57U do nccount ....,91 do nfd 93Vfe Anaconda G Ontario ft W :o iVtchlson TSiPeiinsylvnnla .)U do nfd 1031. Reading 1Z Ral. ft Ohio 101 do 1st prd 4t do 2d nfd 304 Canadian Pac 116 Ches. ft Ohio 47); Chicago O. W.... 24 U So. Rllwny 3JN IIO flld... I'.-i'j So. Pacific Ol-S Union Pacific ....1044 do prd 91 U. S. Steel 43S do nfd 91V y.t .i. v ni. i'..,iui4 uenver i it, u.. -nn do nfd MS'; Erlo 41V do 1st pfd 74V do 2d nfd r,n Wabash 2l Illinois Central. ..141W L. ft N lftiS M.. K. ft T 25i do pfd bU N. Y. Central... .170$ do prd 4.1 Spanish 4s..:..... 74 Rand Mines .... lUt DcUeers S9V4 I1AR SILVER-Stendy nt 2SUd per ounco, MONEY 3UfM ner cent. Tho rate of discount In tho open market for short bills is iiw per cent; lor three months' tuns, 3 7-16 per cent. .e tt York Mining Stnoka. NEW Y'ORK. Dee. 24. The following nro tho closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 iLlttle Chief ... 12 ...SOO ... CO Alice 45 Ontario IJrcoco 76 llrunswlck Con.. 15 ophlr Phoenix Potosl Suva go Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standnrd Comstock Tun... 6 Con. Cat. ft Vn.,150 .. 3 .. 17 ,.. 40 , ..353 Deadwootl Terra. 60 Horn Sllvor In) iron Hiiver CO Lendvlllo Con..... C Cot to n .Mnrket. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 21. COTTON Snot. moderate business: nrlces ntenilv: Ameri can middling, 4 16-32d; tho sales of tho day wero 7.000 bales, of which 200 wero for speculation nnd export nnd Included 6,700 American; recipts, si.uuu iinies, including 17.60) Amerlcnn. Futurert ononod and Closed qulot. 1.1. IWl.O. iJIZISi . 1 J I 1 w. u,ui closed quiet; middling uplands, 8 9-16c; mld- oung guiuanus, h-iuc; sates, jj oaies. Futures closed steady; December, 8.17c; January, 8.16c: February, 8.19c; Mnrch, 8.24a; Anrll, 8.28c; May. 8.30c; Juno, 8.29c; July, 8.31c; August, 8.21c. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 24.-COTTON- Htcady; sales, 4,;kiO naies; oriiinair, tijfec; good ordinary. 7ic; low middling, 71t-l6c; middling 81-16c: good middling, 8 6-16c; middling fnlr, 8 3-16c; receipts, 16,069 bales; stock, 318,563 bales. Futures quiet: De cember, 8.05fi8.06c: January, S.03c; Febru ary, 8.08fj8.10c; March. S.137f8.14c: April, I.168.l7c: May. 8.l9as.20c: June. 8.20H8.22C: July. 8.23fl8.25c ST. LOUIS. Dec. 2I.-COTTON Steady: middling, 8Ha; sales, 160 bales: receipts, 6.S72 bales; shipments, 6,762 bales; stock, 51,230 bales. Wool Mnrket. BOSTON, Deo. 24. WOOL The wool markot here, holds a strong position with a fair dcrhnnd noted and prices firm. Tho sales thus rar recorded aro ror tno smaller manufacturers, who buy their stock as lt Is needed. Prices, while llrm, do not work up much. There, has been somo Bpeculntlvo buying on tho part of dealers ftnd any cheap lots that havo been nvall ablo of late have been snapped up. Ter ritory wools contlnuo to head tho list of sales. Fine mediums arc selling on tho scoured basis of 42fJ43c, with tine nt 43W 46c. and staplo wools at 46W4Sc. Thero has been moro doing In fleoco wools this weok nnd prices are firm. Ohio vnshed dolnlncH have sold at 2Sc and are now held at 29c. Whllo XX Ohio aro quoted at 2&n27c, with somo sales at 26t,4c. No. 1 Ohio nro hold at 27c. with 26o bid. Tho spot markot for Australian wools Is quiet, with prices about the same. The market for quarter-blood Australian wool Is quoted at 38c; clean, with threo-elghths-blood, at 464Sc. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 24. WOOL Strong; ter ritory and western, medium, 15ffl7c; line, llfjlfic; coarse, H515c. Evnpnrnted nnil Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, Dec. 24. EVAPORATED APPLES Tho markot for evaporated ap ples ruled somewhat firmer, with supply very moderate. Stato fancy ovnpornted woro W&c higher at lOiffllc; common wero quoted at &S8Vc; prlmo, 9f9V4c; choice, 9iWf9ic. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Ruled firmer but qulot. Prunes, 3c. Apricots, Roynl, JOffHc; Moor Park, 9',4ii 13c. Peaches, peeled, lGflJlOo; unpeelcd, i ' Dry floods Mnrket. NEW YORK, Dec. 2I.-DRY GOODS-To-iliiv's market has ruled nulet In nil de partments, tho usual holiday Inlluonco being apparent. There has beon no change In prlces'ln any qunrtcr In cither cotton or woolen goods, Business iicmg witnout spo clnl feature. Tho tono Is very firm. MANCHESTER. Doc. 24.-DRY GOODS- Cloths firm, witn a rair demand, larns llrm, but not active. SnKnr Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 24,-SUGAR-OuIot nid easier: open kottle, 2 9-163o; open ket tle, centrifugal, 3fJ3Vo; centrifugal, granu lated, ;ii-inc; whites, a ii-jbyaic; yellows, S'lifjTOo: seconds, 2030. Molasses, qulot; open kottle, 7fj21c. .1.11 1UI1H. WDU T . .J UVJ.ll I. 1 1 , en8y; fair refining, 3 3-16o; centrifugal, 9t) test, s 21-azc: molasses sugar, i lb-ibc. no flnod; unsettled. Oil nnd Itosln. ATT rtTfTT Tmj. 1 fl TT rmA f.n1nA.a Will V , 1 L , irrv,, if., wiir wi uuii uaiuiii,i:n, $1,15; certificates, no bids; shipments, 99,934 bnis.; runs, Mi.ti-'f ddis.; average, a.asj nuis. SAVANNAH, Dec, 24.-OIl-Turpentlno, firm, 367ic Rosin, firm. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI- No. 10679. Fox acalnst Stnto ex rel. Pow ers. Error from Butler. Remittitur. Pound, c, division No. 2. Reported. 1. Where satisfaction of a Judgment has been procured by frnud tho court may sot the satisfaction asldo on motion upon no tice nnd proper showing hy aflldavlt, unless right of others not parties to tho action havo supervened or would bo unduly af fected, or the ovldenco Is conflicting on material questions of fuot arising upon tho motion, In which cases tho party seeking relief should be left to an Independent no tion. 2. A party who has entered Into n con tract lawful on its fnco In good faith nnd for an honest purpose Is not precluded from relief becausn tho othpr Dartv may havo Intended to make, fraudulent use of It ns to a third person. 3. The narti annlylng for relief against a fraudulent satisfaction of a Judgment should bo required to put tho other party In stntu quo by restorlilg moneys paid to him uinlcr tho settlement, 4. If thn sum dun such nnrtv has been finally determined by Judgment so that no further Judicial ascertainment of lia bility or tho amount thereof Is necessary and it does not upponr that tho sum paid was exempt or for somu other special reason ought to bo restored directly, ap plication and credit upon tho Judgment Is a sumctoni leMiiuumi. No. 10731 Town of. Denver against Myers Error Irom AdauiB. Reversed and ru. mnmleil. Ilnlcnmb. J. l. A ronil district Is not a political entity or corporation In which property rights may Invest and which as such has cor porate powers or capacity to conduct thu nffairs tor which it Is created. S. A road overseer Is not an nfllcer of tho district, but of tho township In which tho road Is situated. 8. Tho duties, powers and nuthorlty re lating to public highways devolve on the township and county which nre by law directly empowered to act regarding such "iRtturs' .., . 4. A town or a township In countloB undor township organization may malntnln nn nation for a breach of ofllclal duty by a narsnn holdlnir tho ofllco Of road overseer. 5. It Is tho duty of a road overseer to no- count to tho proper oincer or oiucers iur an tho moneys coming into nis nmiun, inn ins linraninpnts made and for whnt nurnoSo. 6. Tho law Impllcst that such report shnll in. mitHclentlv cnmnrehenslvo nnd Intelli gent, that Its correctness may be Inquired Into nnd passed upon by thoso whoso duty It Ib to examine and to approve thn ac counting so made, 7, Beforo the road overseer Is authorized to apply district road funds In his own hands to his own uso for tltno consumed In wnrnlng hands, overseeing work and mak ing his report, ns provided by section 9(1, chapter lxxvlll. Compiled Statutes of 1901, his account therefor must bo presented to nnrl nnnrnveil tiv thn town board. 8. In the disbursement of funds coming Into the hands of a road overseer In the repair and Improvement of tho puhllo highways he Is charged with tho rcsponsl blllty of a faithful discharge of tho duties Imposed, and If In making such disburse menu ha pays mor than the services or materials nro reasonably worth In the mar ket and tho disbursement Is not mado In good faith or Is mado fraudulently or cor ruptly tho excess payment win uo "uiiu thorlzed and for which ho would bo liable as for misconduct In otllce - , U. Whiire u defendant has been called by and given testimony on behalf of the plain tiff it Is error to Instruct tho Jury ."that a party presenting a witness Is bound by tho testimony of such witness, even though It be uufiivornblo to his side of the case." 10. Where there aro two coiiiiieung in tructlons which nro confusing to tho Jury nnd leave them In doubt nnd uncertainty ns to w i r i Is correct, the incorrect instruc tion will be deemed prejudicially erroneous. No. 11071. Stato against .Standard Oil Company. Original. Judgment. Sulli van, j. Whnrrt n nnn la Irlivl bv referees and no exceptions to their report nro lllcd within tno time limited for that purpose, wic min ings of fact stand ns ail unchallenged ver dict upon which It Is the duty of tho court to pronounce Judgment. ktu, i.''... jrn llKilllini niniv, i,,.f. from Phelps, Atllrmed, Holcomb, J. 1. An .'innllentlnn fnr it enntlnunnco Is ad dressed to the sound dWeretlon of the trial court nnd Its ruling thereon will not bo hold erroneous unless an abuse of discretion Is dlsclnftcd bj the record. i. wneit due diligence Is not shown "10 have been exercised or when tho materiality or tho proposed evidence does not appear or when tho proposed ovldenco may be pro cured from witnesses within the Jurisdic tion of tho court. It Is not error to overrulo nn application for a continuance for- tho uirpose or securing tho same character or estimony irom witnesses res ding in other slates. 3. It Is not error to overru o a motion for a new trial on the izrnunil of newlv discov ered evidence where It does not nppenr that sucn evidence ir introduced oq a rotri.ii would probably dinner- tho result reached on the llrst trial. 1. AllldnvltH In sunnort nf nn nnnllentlnii for a continuance or of a motion for n new trial not made a part of thu bill of executions and found onlv In the transcrlnt of the record certified to by the clerk of the trial court aro not jiroperly pre sented to a reviewing court for considera tion In determining whether tho lower court correctly ruled on such application. u. it is not n good ground oi ennnengo to tho array of Jurors selected for a regu lar term of court that In selecting tho names from Which to drnw those required to be summoned to survo as Jurors tho county commissioners selected the names of several persons who had served on tho regular panel or ns talesmen within iwo years next Preceding such term and that of those drawn to servo at such term thcro wero but nineteen who had not previously nnd within two years performed Jury serv ice in ine same court. 6. It Is tho ilutv of the county commls. oloncrs so lar ns practicable to solect the names ot tnosw against wnom tho objec tion of prior Jury nvrvJco can not bo urged, but where five orhoso drawn nnd sum moned to serve on tho regular panel nro disqualified to servo In n cause If objec tion bo Interposed on that ground this Is no suillclent reason for sustaining a chal lenge to tho oiittro panel. i. wnoro moro is evidence tondimr to iirove that a liquor claimed to be Intoxlcat ng was of the same kind nnd nunllty as that allcxed to havo beon sold In violation of law It is not error to admit tho testi mony or a. witness who hns analyzed such liquor as to Its Intoxicating properties. Nn. 12.1f.-i. llriverlv fiirnlnul Htntn hy rl. Halpln. Error from Douglns. Affirmed. Nor vnl, C. J i. legislation winch is not within tno scopo of tho tltlo of tho net Is unconstitu tional, 2. No law can be nmended unless the nuw act contains the section or sections so amended, and the section or sections so amended shall be repealed. J. i nai portion u section n, nriicio chapter 13, Complied Stntutes, relating to the electlor of nn nssessor for county pur poses In cities having mure than 25,000 and less than 40.000 Inhabitants Is Inimical to section 11, article 3, of tho constitution, nnil is void. No. 1212I. Redell ngnlnst Moores. Error from Douglns. Reversed, Albert. C. Division No. 3. Norvitl, c. J., dissenting. Reported. 1. Where portions of n Mtntuto aro held unconstitutional If the remainder is not fo connected with such portion as to bo In capable of separation, and tho remainder is a complete net and not dependent upon tho part held Invalid, tho latter alone will bo disregarded nnd tho remainder upheld oxcept In cases whero It Is apparent thnt th) rejected part was un inducement to tho adopt i?n of the remainder .'. in i no construction ot a staiuie courts will taku Judicial notlco of events which nro generally known and matters of com mon knowledge within tho limits of their Jurisdiction. , 3. Tho powec. to create ,a municipal cor poration Is vested In tho legislature and Implies tho power to create it with such limitations as that body may seo lit to Im pose, and to Impose such limitations nt any stage oi us existence. 4. Tho leglslnturo may by statute confor upon the governor tho power to appoint members of tho board of tiro nnd police commlsslonorH of cities of tho metropolitan class, tttato v. .ioore8, ua rsou., iui, over ruled. No. 1222o. Ball ngalnst Heaumont. Error from porltins. Reversed nnd remnnded, with directions. .Ames, C. Division No. 3. Reported, l. wnon a general actual in an answer is nunlltlcd by tho pleading of special de fenses In tho naturo-nf confession nndi avoldanco ovldenco or other defenses of a like nuturn Is Inadmlssnblo. although In tho absence of such pleading such evidence wouid have been admissible under the gen- oral denial. 2. When In nn action In tho county court a general uonini in un answer is quauueu by tho pleading of special defenses In tho na turo of confession nnd avoidance, uddl tions to such defenses cannot bo Introduced by amendment of tho answer upon appeal to tho district court, nlthough In the nb nnnen of such pleading tho same matter might havo been given In ovldenco under tho general nenini. No. 12267. Ayers against Thurston County, Error from Thurston. Reversed nnd r. mnnded. Sullivan. J. 1. Where a public corporation, other than a' sovereign stnte. Incurs a legal liability, It may, unless otnerwiso provided uy statute, bo sued and a money Judgment recovered against it. 2. Tho existence of a lawful clnlm Im plies, ordinarily, tho right to enforco such clnlm by action. 3. Thn nrovlslon nf our statute, section 20. chapter xvlll, article 1, Compiled Stautes of 1901, declaring mni counties may uo sued either In law or In equity, Is express au thority to oniorco uy action nny claim or which tho county board has not exclusive or ulnal cognizaneo. 4, County warrants nro not within tho class ot claims which must, In the Orst In stance, bo presonteu to tno county board for examination and adjustment. 6. An action to recover a money Judg ment upon a county warrant may bo maln nlned when tho money for tho navmont of such warrant has been colleoted and wrong fully npplien ny tno county nutnorities to tho payment of other claims against tho county. No. 12366. Stato ex rel Howard nga nst Haverlv. Original. Mnndamus. Writ al lowed. Norval, C. J, 1, In cities- having moro tnnn 2,ooo and ,ess than 40.000 Inhabitants nn nsseflsor for county purposes is to bo elected annually n every precinct in sucn city. No. 100S0. Concordia Ixian and Trust company against Shoubee, Appeal from uniiKias, Aiiirmeo, itirapaincK, c, divis ion No, 1. Not reported. Thn duestlons presented for determination In this ense nro Identical with tho ques tions already determined in the case or Concordia Lnan and Trust company ngalnst Parrott. No, 10039, decided at this term, and iirifin tin. nntlinrltv nf thut eiiHn the fnilcr. mont herein should bo nfllrmcd. It Is thero- foro, recommended that tno judgment or tho district court bo nfllrrned. No, 10314. Reed against Burg. Error from Pawnco. Alllrmed, Oldhum, C, division V,i ' Vnt rimnrleil. Ill this state nn action nt law cannot bo maintained by a. creditor or an insolvent corporation ngalnst a stockholder in uuch corporiitlcn for his unpaid subscription. Such action cnn only bo maintained by a bill In equity for tho benefit nf nil creditors of such corporation nnd against all tha stockholders thereof whoso subscriptions nro unpaid. No. 1032s. Concordia Lonn nnd Trust com pany ngalnst Doilglan county. Error from Douglas. Alllrmed. Albert, C, division No. 3. Not roported. Tho rulo of- onvoat emptor applies to tho purehnser of real ostato at a tax sale. 2, A county In not liable, under section 131, nrtlcln 1. chapter 77, Compl ed Statutes, for a mistake of a city officer In certifying city assessments to tho county treasurer. 3, Whore an entire tract of land Is sold ... nri,,in inv unlit fnr sneclul city assess ments, levied ngalnst only a portion thereof nnd a tax receipt in manni in ipiiinuiuitu hi such sale, In which tho entire tract Is de scribed, such Balo cannot bo said to have been mndo "In consequence of error In de scribing such land In such receipt," within tu.. mncititniF nf unlrl section. No. 10G2S. Muchmoro against Guest. Error from Giigo. Ainrmeii. umnain, i;., division O X'fA, rOT.inrtllfl Tiii. in ii we i marseii distinction main talned between Judgments rendered In which thero hits been no service of sum mons nt all and thoso rendered where thero huh been service of summons Irrcgulnrly mado. In tho former class the 'Judgment may be collaterally Impeached, but In tho latter tho defect Is waived unless directly numllofl. No. 10538. , Morton against Westorn Seed and Irrigation company. Error from Doug las. Reversed and remanded, Pound, C, iiviulnn N'n. 2. Not reported. In order to supersede a Judgment under ' . mrr. . - m t J l' 111..II T" sections 1W anil uw, loud iu vjivh -rn-cedure. a transcript ns well ns a petition In error must on men in ino auini-iiiu muri- No. 10656. Clark against Colfax county, Error from Colfax. Reversed and re manded. Albert, C, division No. 3. Not rWlie'ro a tender Is nccompanlcd by iv condition nntl tho party to whom tho tender Is made makes no objection to such condi tion butv rejects the 'tender on the solo ground that tho amount tendered s In suillclent, tho condition docs not vltlnte the 'T Where n tax Is levied In excess , f the legal limit, a taxpayer is not restricted t the statutory remedy, but may tender h amount nsscsscd against him, less such "'Tf'stich tender Is rejected nnd Is kept good by the party making It, in nn nc Ion for tho recovery of such taxes, no recovery can bo had for Interest accruing after such UTher'followln(? opinions will not be pub- '''NoioGT First National Bank of Albion against Snyder. Error from Boone, lie veVsed nnd remanded. Hnstlngs. C. Division No. 1. Not reported. .,. Proceeds of a partition sale of real estato cannot be claimed as exempt personal prop erty against one who had, and has taken proptr steps In the partition proceedings to enforce n Judgment Hen ngalnst tho Innd ''noI'mSm.' Shulr ngalnst Mcdisett. Error from Douglns. Alllrmedr Oldhnm, C. Division No. 2. Not reported. r. All tho undisputed pertinent facts of a caso should bo substantially Included In hypothetical questions propounded to ex pert witnesses, , .. 2. Evidence exnmlned and held sutriclent to sustain tho Judgment. No, 10012. Russell ngalnst Ounn. Error from Red Willow. Reversed nnd remanded, Day, C. Division No. 1. Not reported. An Instruction which substantially with draws nn Issue In tho caso Is erroneous. No, 10621. People's Building. Lonn nnd Savings Association against Plcknrd. Error . . i .i.. ... .. n......u,i iftili ill rent Inns. irom iiuiiiin. nv.-.o. ... .; Dullle, C. Division No. 3. Not reported. l lie (leicnse m nnui.v m ui n" w purchaser of the equity of redemption, who lias assumed and agreed to pay tho mort gage debt. , , No. 1O025. Hnrtsuff against IIuss. Ap peal from Douglas. Judgment. Albert, C. Division No. 3. Not reported. . .. . Mti.i ,.l.l.,.i,lfin tr, (tin mn. 1, 11 If niu iv iiuii ucji. u., flrmatlou of a sale of real estate under ft decree of roreciosuro mni nuen nniy n mnde more than sixty (lays after tho Is suanee of tho order of ii e, Burkett Clerk. 10 Neb.. 460. overruled, to tho extent that It conlllcts with tho foregoing. 2. j jungo nt ciiiiiniiem jm . . ...... . ...7 ti ..i.i..itnn. I.-, tlin r,.Liitarlt v to puss on nn uu . ..... . . f ' i. ..i i.,..l,.,ll,w. fil.lnfil Innn In tni nil. oi snen niiiui ini.iiiiiiir v Jv . . : pnilsement. nnd In making tho order of oon- llrmntlnp ho impliedly overruien mi tuui - lections. , . . .... ...... 1 . I. nnl.riul nn Inn J, liurn until univi records of tho court nqd n party nppenls . . I. ...Ill l.r. . ....A.,.,,! f , II Ihn tneroirom it win nuv un i. ground that it does not nUlrmotlvoly ap pear that tho Judge directed tho clem to mnko such entry. . , , 4. A Judge has no Jurisdiction nt chambers to grant a writ of assistance. trj"vj n..n iiitn nal (nlllnpi. Krmr i , ..rt.Hi. AiTlnnpil. If;intmis. C. 1IU1I1 i.iiiiv.i.Ti. ............. , Division No. 1. Not reported. 1, Errors not urged In tho briefs will bo disregarded. 2. All ncKnowiedgro instrument, ui n permitted to bo .ickhowioubwi nnu m-uiuni, U iidmlsslblo in proof without evidence of tho nuthentlclty or tne siguniures. 3, A JUUICini Tecum ui iiiiuin.-i niiiin, u- ' . .1.1.1 In uf..ll.Ml ill .if tncnticaten nn i.ii.i.ii in r.v.iu,. ... ... tho code, is ndmlsslhln In evldenco without further prooi Hint ine uuui l num -iiin;ii ii. comes Is one of record. 4. Hero un Tti in niui. i-1 i, ,1.-1, 1.1, ivti.ntin to support the allegation of no proceedings at law III a inreeinnuin nun. nun un i.uiiuvi.'i showing nttempted, decree of forcclosuro will bo alllrmed. Cnuse of llet-lliie. In Sniinr. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. Jnmos 11. Post, president of tho National Sugar Refining company. In nn Interview regarding tho sujmr situation nnd tho recent cut In prices BU"iU this tltno of tho year tho grocers do not buy very largely of sugar, They all seom very badly demoralized by tho recent rapid declines. Tho small decline In raw sugar ban been caused by the possible withdrawal ot a portion .of tho bounties paid bv European countries. In addition thero are tho excessive stocks all over tho world of both beet and'enno sugars.' City Trennrer lleslgiiis. BUFFALO, N. Y Dec. 21. Tho Board of Aldermen hns accepted tho rndignatlon ot City Treasurer Philip Gcrst, whoso ac counts nro now undergoing an Investiga tion. Gcrst has publicly admitted that there was recently a shortago In his ac counts of over $50,000, but claims It has beon mado good. Postpone 'Ion Decision. CHICAGO, Dec. 2J.-Judgo Tuley an nounced today that his decision in tho suit for tho nppolntmont of a receiver for tho Zlon lace Industries would not be handed iimvn until after hla return from his holi day vacation. IlnllTTity Notes nnd Pcrsonnls. Frank Plerson of tho Rock Island city ofllco has gono to Newton. In., for Christ mas. Thomas A. Foss of the Northwestern ticket ofllce, will spend Christmas at Sioux City. Chiof J. Foley, telegrapher at tho Rock Island city tlckot ofllce, hns gono to Des Moines. Roy Miller of tho Northwestern city ticket ofllco will pass Christmas In Des Moines. U A. Hoffmnn of the Illinois Central city ofllce will spend Christmas In Du buque, la. District Passenger Agent W. II. Brill of tho lillnlH Central haB gono to St. Joseph for tho holidays. Jnmos Sheean of tho legal department of tho Northwestern lines has gono to Mlchl gnn for Christmas. Samuol North, traveling passenger agent of. tho Illinois Central, will spend tho boll days at Tipton, In. John Mellen, traveling passenger agent of the Northwestern, will spend the holi days In Clinton, la. r Fritz Wagner of the Burlington passenger headqunrtors will spent thb holidays lit Aberdeen, 8. D with his mother. C. A. Rutherford, genernl agent of tho passcngor department of tho Rock Island, has gone to Toronto, Cnnadn, for tho holi days. Genoral Passenger Agent J. R. Buchannu of the Fremont, Elkhorn ft Missouri Vnl loy railroad will spend tho holidays In Chicago. H, C. Choynoy, general ngont of tho Northwestern, will sipend tho holidays In Dea Moines, Mrs. Choyney nnd the children going with him. F. B. Wood, mall clerk In tho passenger department at Fremont, Elkhorn ft Mis souri Valley headquarters, has gono to Alden, la., for tho holidays, tl. W. Bush, cashier of tho passenger department at Fremont, Elkhorn ft Mis souri Valley headquartors, bus gon io hparta, Wis., with his wlfo und fnmlly for Christmas." Traveling passenger agents of tho Union Paclllc system swooped upon Omaha In u body for the holidays. A. S. Borglum, J. O, Gooilsell, A. K. Curtis and L. Belndorft ar all In tho city. W. F. McMillan, general agents ot tho Burlington at Cleveland. O.. formerly trav eling passenger agent for tho samo road, with headquarters at Omaha, Is hero to spend Chrlstmns with his rolntlvos, Mr, McMillan la well known In Omaha. Georgo R. Kllno of Chicago has Just been appointed district paBsonger agent of 'thn Rock Island, with headquarters at Des Moines, vlco V. II. Lord, resigned. Tho appointment takes effect on Jnnuajy 1. Mr. Kllno has been for many yeani In tho Chicago headquarters of tho road, Colonel "Bill" Shaw, tho Burlington gen eral agent at Cincinnati, O., has sent out as Christmas souvenir to his railroad frlonds tho country over a reproduction of a cartoon recently printed In a Columbus, O., paper apropos of tho colonel's dlSRiist at having his annual pitsf.es taken, from hi in when tho now rulo to that end goes into effect, Colonel W, D. Sanborn, genoral agent of the Burlington at San Francisco, Is In Omaha. Mr, Sanborn Is a member of the, staff of Governor Gago'of tho west coast Btnto. Ho Ib enthusiastic at tho prospects for a vast winter travel west, which, lui says, will begin Immediately nfter tho holl days. Mr. Snnbnrn states that In nddltlon to tho regular winter vIsltorH thero will ba mnny settlers going west this next year, On Sunday, December 29, tho Illinois Cen tral wiil establish a now trnln between Chlcngo and Omaha, leaving thero at 8:25 a. in. and arriving hero X 10:40 p. m. Tho train will bo called No, 3 nnd will cause tho discontinuance on tho same (Into nf No, 5, now running botwoun Fort Dodge. In., and Omaha. Thu tlmrt of No. 31 will also bo changed bo bh to leavo Fort Dodgo nt 6 a. m. and reach Council Bluffs nt 10 a. m Tetrpnoaa lOn, Boyd Commiaaion Co Successors to jttnea R. Btyd 4 Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION UFIAIN, PIIOVIBIO.MI AND aTOOKil. Ba at Trail Bvlldlnar. Direct wires to Chicago nd New Terlc, CorttndBC, Jthn A. VV'anrta 4 C.