10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1001, BIC LIEN ON MILLARD HOTEL llMtirii Chueirj Wy Bell BiUIij aid riilnru Tbli Wttk. UPSET PRICE FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS Utiles I'mil .1, Stir'n .Iiii1kiiii-ii t AkuIiiM lintel ANMiclittloii mid MnrkoN In I'nlil OfT I't-opi-rt ' Will fJo fuller tli IIiimiiiht. From Judgo Smith Mcl'hcrson thero was recolvod and placed on file iu the .United States circuit court yesterday morning his decreo In tlio null of l'uul J. Sorg, nn eastern tobacco manufacturer nml ttio owner of tho ground at Thirteenth ond Douglas streets on which tho Millard hotnl stands, ngalnst tho Hotel Association of Omaha, Jar.ob 13. Markol and Pryor U, Market, a copartnership doing business as J. E. Market & Son, who havo a nlncty-nlne-yoar loa8o on tho ground. Tho decreo orders a sato of tho hotel and fixtures within flvo days from December 21, tho date of tho do cruo, but not for less than $60,000. George II. Thummcl Is appointed special mauler In chancery. Tho story of this litigation Is a moru than twico-told tnlo and It will bo ro mcmbercd that Sorg asked payment of four claims. Tho court llnds that IIhto Is duo him tho original nolo for tTi.Wi.3i de clared on In thu hill of Docombor 20, lS'JC, end that It shall hereafter bear Intercut at G por cont; nlso that thern Is due for rout $23,663.08; anil for Insurance which ha paid on thn building J1.2S0.10, this latter to hoar 8 per cent Interest hereafter. I'ny I'p ir .NurrMiiliT. It Is decreed that for tho payment of this total of tho claims, $IG,'J4I. I.". the com plainant has a lien on the Millard hotel building, Its llxturcs nnd Improvements, but sot on any pnrt of Us furniture. It Is further ordered that tho total bo paid to tho clerk of tho circuit court for tho uso und boncflt of tho complainant within llvu days nnd that Its failure to do bo necessi tates tho master's selling the hulling, fix tures and Improvements; tho proceeds shall bo nppltcd first to tho costs of tho suit, Uio (ixocutlon of tho decreo and the making of tho unlet; second, to paying tho complain nnt tho Hums duo him, with Interest from this date, tho balanco to abide tho court's order. Tho ptirchasor of tho property Is to tnko It subject to nil tho conditions of the nlnoty-nlno-ycnr lenso. If tho purchaser bo Sorg htmsolf ho will not hnvo to pay In the amount duo him, but must fllo receipts for nil rents for tho ground uud nil lnsur unco to date. Tho muster Is to oxecuto n deed to tho purchaser nnd upon Its delivery tho defend ants must Immediately surrender posses nlon of tho hotel and fixtures upon pre sentation of n certified order of tho court confirming tho report of tho sale. Tho master will receive no bid for less than tho upsot prlco of $30,000. J. K. Markol was n momber of tho firm that launched thu Millard, but later sold his Intercut nnd then bought In ngaln. It wan contended that thu principal Indebted ness was iucurrcd whllo ho was out of tho company. Slmiilil WMir mi I!. V AV. Nlilrl. Tho K. & W. iihlrt In every way equals tho K. & W. collars and cuffs. Tho cloth Is thu very best procurable, thu linen being a special weave and blench exclusively controlled by Karl & Wllwm. Tho mnku 'Is tho work of experts, nil portions being bclentlftcally cut and put together. Tho fit Is perfect. There Is u :alo of body sizes conforming to neck sizes, likowlso'ii sys tem of balanco and proportion so uniformly preserved that thn hnpplest lilting result follow. Tho laundering Is of uniform ex cellence, tho beautiful soft whlto llulsh be. lng a treat to tho eye. Tho current styles nro tho well known "Caddo," "Snco," "Tauro" and "Otego" nnd tho fomom l'rinco Albert series, Noa. 1 to 6. In all essentials tho K. & W. Is tho shirt par ex cellenro of tho trado. Them are two very good wing collar dn the very largo variety of tho typo of fered by Knrl & Wilson. Theso nro the "Nlota" and tho "Unto." They meet ex actly tho Idea of tho most modish dressers. Tho "Nlota" is of tho extreme type af fected by young men. It is Sxl! and banded. Tho wlugs nro very largo, being 2 Inches on tho outside line nnd 2Vi inches nt tho babo line. The "Tnlo" Is n conservative shape nnd ono of tho bent proportioned wing collars on tho market. It is 2iX2 inches, tho wings being 2i Inches on thu outer lino and 1 Inches on tho baso lino. In nddltlnn to theso two collars thu firm hn tho smart "Lubeck." a collar that has modcrato sized wings, vThls Is tho lat ifst addition to tho line and Its unlu has boon so great that for tho first time In thu career of the makers they havo been tin able to meet nil orders promptly. Drtonr IloutrH Are AlvtujK Tedious, Why travel to California or Oregon In winter over any other than direct routes? I'asscugorn leaving Omaha for Portland or San Krnnclsco can reach their destina tion fifteen hours sooner than if they trav eled nny other way, besides avoiding tho discomforts of winter nnd extra expenses incident to a long Journey enroutu. THK UNION l'ACIl'ia htm tho best of everything. Pullman palace Blecpers, buffet smoking ?nd library cars, ordinary (tourist) cars, 'ullman dining cars, moals n la Carte, freo reclining chair cars, Plntsch light, steam beat, etc. City ticket offlco 1324 Karnam; 'phono 310. homi-:m:i:icl:iiv i:.vci,hmos. Via Hock Island Itiiute. On January 7 nnd 14, robrunry 4 and IS tho Hock Island routu win sell tickets nt ono regular first-class faro plus $2 for tho round trip to points lu western and south cm Kansas, Oklahoma, ludlnn Territory, Toxas and certain poluts In New Mexico. Arlzonn, Colorado nnd Utnh. City tickot Offlco, 1323 Farnnm streot. Send articles of incorporation, notices of lockholders' mcotlncs, etc., to The lie. tVe will give them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238, WE'RE TOO BUSY with our holiday trado Just now to monkey With nny nils, but Just wish to announce to our customers nnd KSPHCIAMA" THOSE Ol'T OF TOWN, that our new cat alogue will soon bo ready nnd will bu pleased to send ono nnywhero nn applica tion. This cutnloguo will not bo n "cut hnd dried" affair with tho HAMU OLD TRICKS tho year around, but will be so arranged that tho prices will bo changed to suit tho market changes; In othor words. AN UP-TO-IJATU PUICH LIST. ' ' JUST NOW. outside of CHHISTMAS fiOODS, wo are inuklng speclnl prices on LlEHIO'S KXTUACT OF lillKF, u lnrtre quantity of which wo huvn Just received Und QlJAHANTKl': TO UK FHKSH, at theso "KNOCK-OFT" prices: S-ox. DOo blze I'lblg's Kxtract Heef ice 4-oz. "5o 8lzo l-A-dblc's llxtruot lieef 40o 8-oz. $1.25 slzo I,f-l' Ij'h Kxtract lteef 7Jo ltf-oz. $2.M sUu Ix'lblg's Kxtract liouf...$1.25 llotol, saloon and hospital trade Hollclted. Itemembcr we are not to bo undersold on patent medicines, rubber goods, pre scriptions, cii;. SOHAEFER'S Cut Prlc. Drue Store . 17. . V. Cur. ltU mA UbltMi i fluvra riMBM m mr nr i air. ARMY HORSES BURN TO DEATH Stable Tire nt 121 Iteim Cniic I,nn of I'nrl -Clur Cosllj" Cav alry llorxrs. A telegram received at the army head quarters yesterday contains meager ad vices of a fire at Fort Hcno, Okl., Saturday night In which forty-ono cavalry horses woro burned to death. Tho blazo was dis covered about midnight lu nn adjunct of tho Btnblo used for storing baled hay and though the cntlro garrison turned out to fight tho Ilames they gnlned rnpld headway. It was possible to save only eight of the forty-nlno head of horses In tho building, ns several of the animals, after having been led into the open nlr, ran back ngaln Into the burning structure. The horses were all of high value and represented nn nverage cost to tho government of $125 per head. It Is not known how the fire originated. TAX COMMITTEE IS AT WORK Ili'preNeiitiitlvt'N of Heal IXalo IIi I'lianue ( oiixliteriiiur Corporation AnnrxNiueiiln and General Levy. Tho special committee of the Real Kstatc exchange charged with tho work of Investi gating tax assessments In Omaha Is now holding dally meetings to discuss plans of procedure. Tho meetings aro not open to the public, as tho members deslro to fully (lecldo upon n course of action before making iholr plans known. It Is stated that lu ndilltlon to corpora tion assessments nnd the question of tho city tax lovy, tho committee Is investigat ing the Hiatus of school board finances and endeavoring to discover some way In which expenses can bo reduced during thu year. AiiuiiiineeiiieiilN of (lie Tlieillers. That merry musical romedy, "Florodorn," will bo seen for n return performance nt the lloyd tonight. Hut the ono perform ance will bo given. It Is the riimi' com- J pnny that was seen hero early In thu pres ent season. Christmas day Gertrildo Cogh lnn opens In "Vanity Fair." This bill will bo given nt tho big Christmas matinee nnd night. Thursday night "Collnette" will bo given. Seldom has n bill nt tho Orpheum elicited such geuulno manifestation of pleasure as tho ono on view this week. Tho exhibition of trick blcyclo riding by tho Kaufman troupo Is very remarkable. They perform the seemingly Impotable with n grace ond casu that 1m most pleasing. IMdlo Olrnrd, formerly of Donnelly & Olrnrd of "Natural Gas," Is Just us big a hit as ho was In farce comedy. Jessie Gardner, his talented partner, adds much to the delight of their llttlo sketch, "Tho Soubrctto nnd tho Co:)," Tho demand for scat3 for the Christmas mntlnco nnd ovenlng perform ance tomorrow Indicates an early Bell out. Tho Utopian Ilurlesquers nt tho Trocn dcro are an excellent Christmas attraction and continue- to keep attracting large sized audiences. Tho burlesques nro funny and appropriately staged, while the olio la ex ceedingly good. Tho engagement closes Immediately after tho Friday's matinee. On Christmas several new features will bo ndded. SI'KCIAI, i:eUKMON To Central Amerlen. Leavo Omaha January 12th, via St. Louis, New Orknns, Puerto Ilarrlos, Guatemala City, San Jose, returning In time for Mardl Gras In Now Orlenns. For Tntes and nil Information, Call or write W. H. Croon, ltoom 403, New York Life Uulldlug, Omaha, Nob. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with the Pathory, 216-220 l)e building. Tolcphono 1710. Samuel Hums la closing out nil tho Im ported cut glnss at half price. i)ii:n. I OW l'XL-Cllnton N.. December 23, 1901. VLh '" .J1.1. 1,10 ''resbyterlnn hospital Remains ;vil i,e tnken to Dixon. Ill , via L;,.;,..V.., i:,J ' m- Tuesday. torlaii church. Friends Invited. by LAVhR llllnm, December 23, aged 23 year; funeral Thursday, December "5 - p. in.. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery! The recipient of a pair of osmosis IS FITTED IN HER HOME TOWN Hy our new plan wo sell you a ccr- tltlciito good for ono pnir of Sorosls shoes in nny city In tho United States 'where, Sorosls shoes nro sold. It saves express nnd tho posslblo ehnnco of sending wrong size or style. 75 shapes and kinds to select from, nnd nil the iiow leathers nt ono and the snmo price $3.50 always. CertltlcateH nro iiised In giving Sorosls lu Omaha ns woll ns In sending tho now shoe for "women to other cities. SorosisShoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mgr. .Send for Catalogue. Original Allegreffi Chocolate Creams at Chicago price CO centa per pound. Huyler's Fine Candies Wo have tho only exclusive ntnrlr cnndlcs in tho city. Order now far .li.tlv. ory Christmas ove or morning. Just call up -i iiunu iou aim wo win no tne rest. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Kith mill I'll r na in Street. onwuvi-.iira. jnnet, Knturdav evenine 2' W. hkp.1 77 years. 4 nUTl I'lineral Tuesday morning. December 21, nt 10 o'c oek. at Cumm-Hhi. m,! ii. I SENATOR MILLARD ARRIVES Too In wltk FrirftU luilnsi tt Tulk n fubllo Attain. rRISPECT OF FEDERAL BUILDING fLANS Spimlor Hnyn .' One Can Tell Fate of Irrluatloii lllll Whleli linn llrcu l'rtinri'it liy Wrstrrti Mcm bcrs of Conurcsa. Senator Joseph H. Millard returned from Washington yesterday and Immediately went to tho Omaha Natlonnl bank, whero ho started to work on prlvato matters, denying himself to all politicians until ho could get business off hl hands. Ho will remain In tho city until Friday, when ho will return to Washington. "I am too busy to talk or even to think of anything but business," ho said. "Since going to Washington I bavo had llttlo tlmo to do anything outoldo my congressional work, which has boon reported from day to day from that city. Thu Omaha federal building has received soma attention from ma and I am certain that I will succeed In getting my plans carried out. It will probably rcuulro an appropriation, but this, I believe, can bo secured under tho circum stances, ' "The only bill I hnvo Introduced Is tho ono to nmend tho charter of tho Omaha Bridge and Terminal company. This com pany seems to have occasion for n better structure ono which will permit tho handling of mnro nnd lnrger trains and tho necessity for an amended charter Is apparently pressing, "N'ebrasknns ore being cared for In Washington In r. good shape as could bo expected, but thero will bo moro to say on this subject after tho session of con gress Is older. Tho western congressmen ond senators havo got togothcr on nn Irri gation plan which seems satisfactory to tho people of Omaha, but no one can say what will bo tho fnto of tho hill." Congressman David Mercer Is said to havo decided to cat his Christum dinner at his homo in Washington, leaving Imme diately afterward for tho west and ar riving In Omaha possibly Saturday night, but probably Sunday morning. HUM DAI IIATICS. Vln Itnek Iftlimil Kontr. On December 21, 25, 31, 1901, nnd January 1, 1902, tho llock Island routo will sell tick ets to points within u distance of 200 miles for ono nnd ono-thlrd fare, return limit Janunry 2. City tickot office, 1323 Farnnm streot. Holiday llnlen Via Missouri Pacific, on sale December 24, 25 31 and January 1. Dlstanco limit, 209 miles; limit of tickets, Jnnuary 2. For Information cnll nt company's olTlces, S. K. corner 14th nnd Douglas streets. T. F. Godfrey, P. and T. A. Shampooing and hair nresslns, 25(. In connection with tho liathery, 21G-22P Be building. Telephone 1716. LKSCOFIELD 1 1 VCUW&SUITCO. 1B10 Duarlna It. Fur Collerettes Reduced in Price Wo havo too many Fur Collarettes to reduco tho stock wo will offer them Before . Christmas (Opon Kvcnlngs) at greatly reduced prices. 915 Tiir ColleretK'H for 9.10. t?:t(l Fur Collcrettt-H for tf0 tf.r.O Fur Ciillerulten for IflT.. 91R Collcretlen for 910. See our black and colored silk Pet ticoats reduced to $5.00. Sco our 3 wool Waists. Sco our $5 silk Waists. See ladles' Japaueso silk Robea. Ladles' silk house Jackets, $5. Seo tho many useful and bnndsomo garments wo bavo to offer. Wo Invito you to look. Wo show goods willingly whothor you buy or not. I.KSCOFIELD IVCUW&SUITCO. into iioiiuIun st. FORTUNE'S WHEEL may not always turn your wny, but Motz beer has tho fortunate wny of always turn ing out satisfactory. Quality and prlco aro harmonized to mnko It tho pleasing bovor ngo for tho most critical and economical In cost. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., Tel. Ill), O in n Int. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Neumaycr Hotel, Council Uluffs, Iowa. Gunthers Candy Wo hnvo Just received a fresh supply of Ounthcr's Famous Candy Italian Chocolates tho finest Pounds, 60c; halt pounds, 30c, Chocolates and lion Dons Pounds, COc; half pounds, 30c. Chocolates assorted Pounds, COc; half pounds, 30c. Choice French Mixed Pounds, 40c; half pounds, 20c, Peppermint Creams 15c packago. Horehound, Fruit Tablets, Caramels, Choc olato Peanuth, 10c package. FULLER DRUG AND PAINT CO. 4lh amd UpIm IU. NOTICE TO HOLIDAY BUYERS R UT one day remains in which we must dispose of every dollar's worth of merchandise that we bought expressly for the holiday trade, You will readily grasp the significance of the foregoing if you will but stop and think of the radical measures we adopt when merchandise must be disposed oL We deem such de cisive action necessary as our methods of merchandising demand that stocks of this nature shall not be carried over, We open up every season with an entirely new stock and totally disregard the losses incurred, as they are trivial compared to the advantages gained, However, it gives you an opportunity to secure the very things you want at from onchalf to onethird the value, The lines that will be most affected by the sweeping reductions are the followingj Toys, Dolls, Books, Jewelry, Novelties, Sil- veiWKre Fancy Goods, Toilet Cases, Furs, Slippers foi everybody, Fancy Neckwear for men and women, Fancy Suspenders, Smoking Jackets, Lounging Robes, Fancy Handker chiefs, Boas, Holiday Gloves and Fancy Silk Mittens, etc., etc.. etc. ( We aro open tonight. ) HAiDols FOR NfEN AND BOYS An Ulster, an Overcoat, a Suit or a Pair of Trousers. Ifayden's olTor you the best selections in Oniulm nt u reduc tion of 25. to -10 per cent from early season's prices, liny now. 25 to 50 l'Elv CENT SAVING ON CIIIURTMAS CLOAKS AND FUKS. WK FIND oimsni.VHS OV13HI.O.nHI WITH CllllISTMAH KlllS especially In tho chllilrcu'e lino and they go at half prlco from now until Christmas. Children's fur sots in Imitation ormlno. J1.25 qmiHty. nt D'Jc. Children's Angora lamb sets; worth $2.C0, at SSc. Misses' river mink sets, at $2.05. Children's Iuhk Egyptian Angora sets; $4.90 quality, $2.50. Mlaset.' long Crtmmcr sets, round muff and scarf, for only $3.S8. Misses' heaver sets, $10.00 quality for $5. WOMEN'S CLOAKS A.VO MJ1TS. Women's $20 raglans, $10,00. Womon's $10 nutomoblles, $5.00. Women's $18 automobiles, $3.08, Women's $20 eults, slllc lined, $10.00. Women's $15 suits at $0.98. CHIMHU'IVS J.UKUTH AT HALF KG II Ml'. 1 1 IMUCHS. Children's $2 eiderdowns for $1.00. Children's $3 eiderdowns for $1.50. 100 chlldren'n $2.50 Jackets, nt $1.00. 200 children's Jackets, worth up to $7.00, for $2.98. Misses and children's melons with or without cape for $2.0S. womh.vs rims. Astrakhan collarettes, satin lined for $1.00. Mink scarfs, 6 fox tails, $2.00. Oou ulno marten scarfs, C talis, $7.50. Women's electric muffs for $1.00. Women's ncur seal muffs. $2.00. Womon's nstrakhnn muffs, $2. OS. Women's marten muffs, $1.00. Women's 4 strlpo mlnlc muffs, $15.00. Women's blonded mink muffs, nt $1.08. Women's Persian lamb muffs at $7.50. Women's astrakhan capes, 30 Inches long, lined with Skinner's satin, for $10.00. HAYBE Oriental Rug Sale Look Out! Speclnl bargains arc limited till Christmas day. You will rogrot If you let thlB opportunity pass by. We aro trying to save monoy for you nnd establish our perman ent business firmly. Wo represent our rugs ns they aro and guarantee oxchango within two years. We ara hero to stay with you, to mako everything right. Wo taki responsibility of keeping your rugs In good condition, (repairing nnd cleaning) if purchased from us 4 cents each squaro feet per year. A rug 1x0 costa you 90 cents, which you pay $2 and moro only for cleaning. Nobody glvcB you such privilege, neither wo promise to do this continually excopt you hold our written contract. For further information and purchasing coino seo us right away. J. I. TAMINOSIAN, 616-617 Pnxton Block. Cor, 16th and Farnam Strcots. Take 10th Streot Elevator. SONS USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS Women's Kenulno heaver capes, $10.00. Women's $00 aatrakbnn Jackets, $35.00. Women's $50 near soul for $30.00. I2XTH.V .M'KCIAl.S I "OH MO.VIIAV. French llnnnel wnlstn, trimmed with braid CO cents. Women's rainy-day skirts, trimmed with tattn bands, for ono iov only, at $1.60. 500 women's dress skirts, elaborately tucked and trimmed with satin bands nnd braid, worth $10.00, Saturday only $5.00. Womon's silk dress skirts, made of ex cellent quality taffeta, for $3.00. Women's silk underskirts, In all colors, nicely tucked, deep llounco, nt $1.90. 200 women's silk waists In all colors, $0 quality at $2.flS. Women's $5.00 bath roboB, $2.0S. Women's extra heavy Ueoco lined wrap pers, worth $2.00, at $08c. Women's dressing eacques, $3 quality $1. BROS STORE OPEN PUSH .THE STORE. As hard as you please, it will meet the conditions. There'll be no trouble in any wny. The store is as bright as ever. There is a good selection everywhere. You've grown so sensible now-a-days at gift-giving that the Christinas goods aro prac tically every-day goods. Every department has something use ful to offer you something to please you. lAYDENs IS CLOSING OUT AT 1 All the dolls, all the sleds, the drums, all the wooden toys, novelties, all the jewelry novelties in fact EVEHY DOLLARS WOIITU OP HOLI DAY GOODS must be closed out Tuesday not a single article carried over. The prices will be made to sell them. OVEK 500 SALES-PEOl'LE TO AT TEND TO YOUK WANTS PROMPTLY. Displays are large and arranged to make selections easy, pleasant and .satis factory. NO MATTEK HOW WG THE CHOWDSYOU CAN GET WHAT YOU WANT AT THE BIG STORE. Attend the great jewelry sale. Attend the great men's clothing sale. 12 1-2 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. A TELEGRAM. Received from tho Art Lithograph Co. of Now York City reads: Ni:W YOUK, December 16, 1901. HAYDEN DUOS., Omaha: Can offer stock of new Calendars, three fifths off list. Good value and selec tion, limnudlato delivery. Wlro nnswer. AIIT LITIIO. I'Un. CO.- Our answer was to ship goods via tho American Express. Wo plnco tho lot on tnlo Tuesday. Thero nro thousands of them but the prlco, "Three-fifths offs." This means that wo can uell 60c calendars for 15c. 76c calendars for 20c. $1.00 cnlendnrs for 25c. $1.50 calondnrs for .15c. $2.00 calendars for 60c. Tho greatest Cnlendnr snlo over hold only 12c on tho dollar. PIANOS SOU) ON KASY rAYMENTS. Subscrlbo foi tho Delineator. Iluy tho nuttorick Patterns nnd Publlca- tlons for season. Tobacco Department Star plug chewing tobacco, 35c; Horsoshoo plug chewing tobacco. 35c; Navy plug chow- J lng tobacco, K5c; Ilattlo Ax, 35c; Newsboy tobacco, 35c; Dull Durham smoking tobacco, 60c; Duko's Mixture, 35c; Meerschaum HAYDEN FOR THE HOLIDAYS TABLE WINES, BRANDIES. CORDIALS, Etc. Where to buy them mid what to pay. Hero is a partial list of tho extensive lino of fins table liquors sold by Omaha's only exclusive family liquor store. Wines Escnpernong pints, wc; quarts, Ooo. Sauterno, plntH, 40c; quarts, 75 cents. . . limit Hauterne, pints, COc; (Itinrts, Jl.W. , Clarets, quarts, 2oC, 3oc nnd W cents. Zlnfnndel, quarts, 60c nnd 75c. Burgundy, quarts, 70c nnd $1.00. Ithlno Wines, quarts, 60e, 75c nnd $l.ro. Sherry. I'ort, Catuwltn nnd Muscatel, quarts. 35c, 50o. Voc una Ancellcn, ToKny, .nuuuiru mm mun.., each, 50c, 75c and $1.W per quart. OrnnKo Wines, mndo from llnost navel oranges by tho California Krult Co., per quart, 75o. Imported Port and Sherry, quarts, $1.0), $1.25 and $1.50. A lino lino or imporicu mm uuinrauu Chumpngne. Brandies. Imported Cognacs from James Hennessy & Co.. 15. Rcmy, Mnrtln & Co., Geo. Snu- nlcr, Clordlo Kreres ft Son. Jules Mnrquls & Son: Imperial commo, uomesuc (.-ognucs nnd California Orapo IlrnndleH, 75o to $2 qt. I.ndles can order their tnblo liquors hero with perfect propriety. Thero Is no bar in this store goods sold only lu original pnekages. A hnndHomo Imported Ho hemluu Cnmeo Viiho Is presented freo to each lady who makes a purchase. Remem ber, quality of goods Is first always, tho prlco Is based upon tho quality. Mall orders promptly tilled. City orders delivered. C KCV PV RNfK Wholesale Liquor Mcrclumts. LALrtLci DlvUo, opp.iostofficc? rci. ins TO STOP FALLING nrA Dandruff, ltrtilnir ic&Id. icaIa inilrruit, nothing cqtuU my oleiitllo lieutmenti pteWII l'rfpr'l tor Mill mv. cU orwrlta for (ton cohiiiluilori ami ixjok. John H, Woodbury a. ., i "3 But. at., Chicago, ASK FOR A jniiTMii MlliMWI liM Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigars, plaauUoturod by P. U. Rloo MoxcaaUlo Olgixr Go,, BU Louis, Uulott Jluiio, THIS EVENING Tovs and Holiday Goods - 4 COST AND LESS all the skates, all the games, all all the iron toys, all the celluloid smoking tobacco, 33c: Undo Tom smoking tobacco, 35c: Old Stylo smoking tobacco. 25c; Jlall Pouch, per packago, 9c. Candy Department Peanuts, salted j50 Peanut Taffy ic0 F'onnut Candy i50 Poppormlnt J0o Mnrshmullown nutter Scotch Peppermint Drops Peppermint nnd Wlntorgroen 250 25a 20c 20c 20c Fnrd Dates Porslan Cream DatCB 25c Cheese and Fruit Sale Imported Swiss cheeso, 32c; Nebraska crenm chooso, 8c; Snpsago or Swltzer cheeso, each 7c; Iowa brick cheeso, 14c; Florida sweet ornngOB, only lie; California figs, 8'$o lb., fancy largo navel oranges, 45c; new crop, 1901, mixed nuts, only 12Hc BROS. Scotch Whiskies. Finn, as Kin in, old Imported Hrotch Whiskies, such Clng William, Duwnrs, Andrew Usher fc Co., Encore, Don Mtirdock and Uunun- hnbhnln, from 11.00 to $2.00 por quart. Bourbon. Tlnest nourbon Whisky, bottled In bond. Old Crow, Hermitage, W. II. McIJraycr, (Ccdnrbrook), Uscur Pepper, Old Tnylor, ;luuntuln llrook. Rye and Malt. Ilottled in imnd. Finch's Golden Wed ding, Guckeuhelrner, John Gibson & Sons. Clark's Purn Ityo, Old Klk Htoll & Co.), Hunter llultlmoro Hye, 76c, $1.W), $1.25 nnd $1.60 per quart. Malt Whiskies, 45c, C5c, 70o and 75c per quart. Miscellaneous. Now England, Jamaica and St. Croix Rums, quurts, $1.10. Mllltnr. Hvensk nnd Aquavit Punches, quarts, $l.w. Peach nnd Applo llrandles, quarts, $1.00. Imported Maraschino Chorrles, 60c, 76a nnd J1.0U bottle. Tom nnd Jurry, mixed, ready for uss with hot water, pints. 75c; quarts, $1.00. Hoof Extracts in 2-or., , and 1-lb Jars prices 15e, 40e. ffie und $1.1", respectively. liurnhnm's Clam IIoulllou In glass und tins; pint bottles, Me. Howell's Is guaranteed not Anfi-Kawf to contain any thing that Is harm ful to tho smullcst child or tho frailest grown person. It's n cough and cold euro and tho best. Noth ing as good Tuko no other. 25 cents a bottlo.