THE OMAHA DAILY J1EE; SIOiNDAY, DECEMHETC 23, 1901. SPECIALNOTICES ArivrrtUrmrnla for llirir col u hum ttIII tin tnkrn nnlll H in. fur tliu tVCnhiK rilltliiii nml until S ill! p, in. for morn Ink ami Jduulny rilltlon, Hntrs, 1 I-Up n vrnril firm lnrrtlon, In n wont thereafter. Nntlilnir InUni for Irs tluiu 2fio for (lir flrnt Insrr flon. These nil verllsrtuente in us I I14 run consrcntlt rly AdvertlnfM, by n-qtieMliiK num bered rlircl., rnu huvr nntnrrt nil Creased to a numbered letlcr In cnre f The llrr. Answer no ntlilrmaril trill bm delivered on presents, tlou of tba keck only. .XITI ATIO.VS H'A.M IIII, WANTED, tnsltlon us olllco nr road sales miin hy young mnn of experience wishing to lonit'i In ' Omaha: good ti ltl rt ami best references. Address N 61, Bee. A- MU2 2.V u'. a l' 1 : 11-.11 a i.i 11 1 : i. 1 . WANTED A good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Furmei. Our agents muku good wuges everywhere. Huli-reiices required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Umuh.1, Neb. D-013 WANTKD. malinger for oflloe with large business uciiiiintunie; salary, Wl.W per month anil shur? of (irolltH. Address )ox Mo, Milwaukee, Wis. H-M615 Zi WANTKD. men to lourti tlm barber trude., only eight weeks ruitulred tiy the ml vnntugo of eoiiHtant practice, cxixirt In utrucllnti unil lectures that cannot In tuit In hny other way. uur method of freo ollnln suvph yearn of apprenticeship, tiperltil offer for thirty ilai. Ian eurn scholarship, tools, transportation and wages Saturdays If desired. No better traue In ' cxlstcnco lor u poor man. Our system of colleges-New Vork, Chioiigo, Kt. Louis, 'Sun Krant'lfco, Minneapolis and Iturfnlo are the only lii'tlttitlnus of the kind In the World. Do not In: deceived by -cheap 6-cent shops tj 11 111 11 themselves school. Our beautifully til j n tra till eiitn logllij mailed free by addressing Moler Barber College, 1023 Farnam .St. Visitors welcome. B M574 21 A LICENSED engineer, one that can also do repitlis and make himself useful. Apply to M. J. Frntick, Midland hotel. R-53G 23 I W'ILL (dilcuto n deserving young mnn or woman In the best shorthand and type writing sellout, to be paid Tor when course Is Mulshed and position secured. Address N 1, Ueo. I5-5W5 J5 GOOD messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 Sollth 13th. H-lU! STEADY WORK, prnrttnbie work, for neat, energetic, hustlers. C. 1''. Adams Co., 1619 Howard. It Ctil ti FOR A.Tf AI.tMJA Y'TTwORK. If you live In tho country or In a small town nhd have a good iiciiunlntiuice among tho farmers nml .stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make live dol lars easily by four or live hours' work. Wrlto us and wo will send you our propo rtion. The Ueo Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb. Ii M213 SALESMEN WANTIHI. WANTED A first clnMs hat and cap sales man tor t lie statu of Nebraska; will pay 31,600 and nil legitimate traveling ex pensci) for i'S,iyp) worth of goods shipped and accepted. Salesman must bo bonded to Insure house that ho will earn this salury. Address, llockadny Si Itoe, lilh and Central, Kansas City, .Mo. 170 23 SALESMEN wanted, yearly contract; hustling, experienced, responsible miles men only apply; references and experi ence reoulrcil. New England Jewelry Co., I own City, lov.u. .MtilU 20 w.,vn:i it.mam: lini.i'. WANTED 2C0 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S16. C-6W WANTED Two youns lady students tg learn hnlrdressliiK, mnnlcurluK and chi ropody and Mclentlllo iiiiihsuuc. Call or write, Room 220, lieu Uiug. C COS COMI'ETICNT pirl for ueneral housowork.f till ijoiiKius, .nn. 1... itosuwaiur, e,-rriol HECOND Kill. W20 Karnam HtrceL ; C- 1SS- W ANTED Domestic, at 2C03 IMerco street, .Small family. C 1ST M t.Al)IEH make S2& monthly nt home; half hour's work per dny; no capital required; yearly contract with one of the best Iritis In the country; no faku nr catch. Addrefseil envelope. brliiKs particulars. .Miss Scymoro, Klsslmmee, Elorlda. C M523 23 WANTED, ladles to learn linlrdresslnu. maiiloiulnB or facial massaKe; only four weeks reipilrcd; all advantages of free clinic, expert instructions, lectures, etc.; the niOKt thorough and prnctlcal traluluK that can bo had. Call or write for lllus- trated catalogue. Moler Colk'Ko, lt'd l'ar nam hi. ; .MS7S 2i' ,1 WfLli cducato a deserving young inun or wuiuiiu in iu 01.1S1 sum Liiiwm uiiu iyp wrltlntr school, to be paid for when course Is Mulshed and position secured. Address Is e, lleo C-537 J3 11 ,WANTED. girl for Boneral housework In ; family of three. No wnshluK. Ilefcrences renulred. Apply 415 North ,20th st. C-MU3S 24 COMIM'TENT Blrl for ceneral housework In family of three; kooU wnges. 35B7 Howard. C 193 21 HKf.l' WANTED, MALE Sc. femalo help. Call Cailadlnn omce, -604 FOIl HEA'T 1IOUSUS, Mlddlcmls, wultpaper tleati6r. 1403 Jncltson. JJ S.i J.l KOIt nENT, tiroom cottage, lnqulro 1931 ti. 11th. DMIjU 2o- HOUSEn,' stores, llemls, 1'axton Dlock. 110UBES, etc; 1 D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. uam HOUSES niU fluts. Hint-wait, Uarkar 13 lk D-W7 HOUSES for rent lit nil pnfts of tho city, Urennun-Lovo Co,; aoa South 13th street, Ufil ln a11 V"rts of city. The O. HUUodO f. uuvls Co., 152 lleo Hide. TO MOVE riant Ket. Omaha Van Storage Co., onico luiift runiuiu., or lei. siy. D-b71 FOR RENT, 8-room brick house, modern. 3715 Jackson St, Tclcphunu i'Jl or L.-25S3. A. iltlfliui. ur-tw BEE HENRY 11. I'AYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. S-ROOXf modern, except furnace, J22. a. M. Naltlnger, lice- Uldc. 'l'hone 4U3. D-073 When You Write to Advertisers rmmuer It only takes an extra strata ar two of the pen to mention tha fact that mmii mw lh i In Th 1 1 - " phones, records and supplies. Come and see inrvli x irui iiinnuni iiiiu uuuku oil n.RnOM dwclllnir. finest boardlne locality ISth and Dodge sts. ; long Huso tlrst-class tenant. Tho i'utnam Co., 601-6 N. Y. Ufe bldgj L-M2 HOUSES. Q. Q. Wallace, Brown lilock. D-674 Vnrt IlKN'T. modern Hit ground floor, close ln. Call No. 2X Hco 6-nOOM modern house and burn. 2400 N 20th,', Phonp A-25M. D-M26I l'On RENT January 1. or sale on easy payments, new, genicei six-room cotuigu. oatn nnn an conveniences. 111 nemis park 31th una Myrtle live.; special 1 nil nee ments.' InqOIro ut 507 N. Y. Ufo build ing, i-.Mwa 21 BEV.EN-IIOOM. all modern house. In. irood condition, lnrps yanl' and beautiful ihadii trees, 5, mlnute-v wajk from. city hall vt ill rent ioi m pt-i" iiiuuiii. OMAHA lOAT A THUBT CO., - 18th 'and 'Douglas Sts. s D-C NO HAhD'coal needed, central, modern team heat!' 4-room flat,' "-room house. luara, rortu -x weiuy?iniru, ' . ,. , Jj-Mtw-Dec. 1011 ni:.NT-iiot i:s. FOU KENT, steam heated flat In Davldge b'llidltiK. opposite rlty hall. JOHN V HOUUINS, 1S02 FA It NAM ST. UMbin NEW AII modern cottnKe, furnished, for rent; win take .i per montli nml board Indy who Is away during the day. Hemls park. J II. Sherwood, M7 N Y. I.lfo. DM'WJ 2:1 NICE 6-room house, ntrlctly modern, easily naie.i, per mo., niciuning wnier. 'A So. 37th. D-SJ6 JC 'tut iii:.VT-rritMMiii;n itoo.i. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnnm. ONE fuinlsl.ed fom, with heat, 011 car line. 1618 Clark; Ji per month. t, ?j TH11EE furnished rooms for light houc- l..,,l,r 1111 U 1111. til 1117! bAllOE front room, nicely furnNheil, stenin heat, one or two gentlemen. an 313' S. llth et. NIf'EM furnlfhed room In prlvato family for one or two gentlemen; very cinse in; 19th St. N 52, Her E-MS2 i 2S HOOMS, 1M Capitol nvc. j-i aiuu ii- I'l It.MSIIEU UUtl.M.S AM) IIOAHI). UTOl'lA, 1721 Davenport St. CLENCAIKN, transient $1.25 day. l&O Doug. NICE homo for yojng men. ICS S. 25th St. 1' wou SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gontlo men. 1519 Jackson St. F-683 STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, Willi or wmiuui uuuiu, ui aiiu aiiuisiuh. F-OM ELEGANT steam heated front room, with board. 1M0 Capltoi Ave, F-M10j FOH KENT, nicely furnished, steam heatod rooms, will! or wunoui uuuru. .iiuuuuu hotel, IfltN nml Chicago sts. F MH4 WEI.lT furnished steam heated rooms, with board. 1721 Dodge. F-M4M 24' THE UONNIE UIHAIt. 1720 DODOE ST. F-IS5-J-17 I'Olt Itll.NT t.M'tlllSIIIin ItOOMH. DESK room space, i"i per month, ground noor room in 1110 uce nunuing, lucinv Farnnm street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service, it. C. I'otcrs & Co,, Rental Agents, ISco Uulldlng. Q 110 SUITE of rooms, modern. C1C Georgia ave. U 23' FOIl HEAT STOKES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu- plea oy rue uee nt uiu rarnam at. 11 nus four stories and a basement which wui formerly used us The Ueo press room. ThU will be rented very rcusouubly. If Interested apply ut once to C. C. Rosa water, uccrutury, luotn 100, lluu building. l-2tll OFFICE with vault nnd part first lloor or .... . .... Ifl I U Ull lul iiuor. nit-iu 01. -.iiuiui.u Ulass and I'ulut Co., 1110 Harney St. 1-6SI FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply 11, c. reters u Co.. gruund lloor. lieu llldg. I 266 ACHATS WAATKI). MEMORIAL llfo Of McKlnlcy, four lan guages, GiO pngCL, im uaittoncs, i.wj; iree oullTt. W. A Hlxcnbaugh & Co., 600 Waro block. Omaha. J C82 'ROFITARI.K .work offered agents In every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladles' llomu Journal and the Suturday Evening l'ost. Wo want agents who will work thoroughly and with business sys tem to cover each section with our lllus trtitod llttlo booklets urd other advertis ing matter and to look sharply after re newals from old subscribers. Tho pay Is Ilrut rate and ut tho end of the season (20,ni0 M'lH bo given tho best workers us extra prizes for good work. How well fcomo of our agents have succeeded Is told In a little booklet we would like to pend yoii-portralts of somo of our best agents, with tho story of how they made, It pay. The Curtis I'ublljhlng Co.. 1'hlt adellillln, Fa. J-M200 Feb7 UEFUTAUI.E attorney can obtain ofllco ell Hill 'ii 111 win uuiiimm. jiuurcsH ,l 4j, Uee olTlco. J MbOl WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suoscrmiions to tub TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE HTOCIC nnd COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid boog contains 1.100 Imperial ictavo pages, id) object-teaching engravings and Is the only book on live stock ever published adapted to the every day, practlcsl money-saving uso of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents ln the country with horse and buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily ICO to (100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Ueo building, Omaha. J-213 ATTORNEY ln Ilco building can accom- modato lawyer witn omce cn suite. M 43, Uee. J-S27 AGENTS wnntod for new publications; prospectus, etc., rreo. ucorge uarrio ss Bon, 1313 Walnut St., 1'hlladolpbla. J-M231 J12 AGENTS, with Hayes' metallic rubber tiros for rocking cnnirs you can maito uw per month. Address J. C. Hnyes. 413 East Locust St., Des Moines, la. J Mult 23 AVAATED TO JIIJY. SECOND-HAND books bought for spot cash at Aiitiquariun, jaiv larnam si. N 030 WANTED, to buy somo glass doors and glass partitions, nnd one hnlf-oak round counter. Apply to M. J. Fruuck, Midland .hotel. N-M444 WANTED to buy, secondhand roller skates, statu quantity, condition and price. Address Manager Opera House, Albion. Neb. N-SI6S1 24' FOIL SALE-Ft'llMTt'lli;. CHICAGO Furnlturo Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Now and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged; O CM FOIl MAI. I' HOUSES, AVAGOA'S, ETC. niviii prifinv Ti A lin A TN7Q 1 rubber-tired depot wagon. 4 leather-top faintly carriages. 4 pUUeiOIIM, U lUp UUU UVeil UUBB.IC3 UIIU .t .... hrtlitfl Secondhand harness. urummona v,arnuga vo., 13111 jiurney 01, P 192 THE REST In buggies and wagons at II. Frost's, llth and Leavenworth. P 133 FOIl SALE MISCm.I.AXFOL'S, LARGEST stock latest combination grapho phones, records and jupnlles. Coma and sea them. Fredurlcksou, lath and Dodge fits. q-cu D24 Al HORSE and phaeton, cheap. Inquire 131S 4'nrnam or 1723 Dodge. ,Q-M!M5 EDISON and Columbia talking machines and records. Omaha Uloycle Co., 16th and Chicago. Q 702 FIR timbers for housomovers. etc., 40 to 71 ft.,' cribbing and hog fence. 901 Doug las. Q-cn When You Write to Advertisers remomber It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the tact that you saw the ad ln The Re. CADET coat, pood as new; will flt boy 1 or II years old. Address II 53, lite. e Q-M5S0 2DHAND safo cheap. Pcrlght, 1119 Farmm O-CDS WO OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowitz. 41S 41 aWlllt tVtl 2D-HANT) safo cheap. Schwartz, 111 S. IX Q-9S1 FOR SALE, good-slied packages of news- puper exciiHiines, o cents nnu up. Apply ut Ueo Olllce, Circulation Window. Q-0S3 FOR SALE, phnpogrnphs, superior to any other musical Instruments; . (J up. The minium wi iici i 104 PHONOGRAPHS bouglit and sold. ?419 v-uming hi. Q-MS53 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. foii sai.i: Misc i:i,i,am:oi s. A MERRY CHRISTMAS present! a nlco gas lamp will please ull; open evenings 6 to 10. Hpeclnlty Mfg. Co., 41 N. Main St., Council illuffs, la. Q-M377 PE R F FMES-lOc to $10." Sherman & ' Mc Connell Drug Co., 16th nnd Dodge. (J M172 FOR SALE, machinery; One 17-Inch en glno Inthe, onu 15-Inch crank simper, one 20-Inch drill press, one 1-horse power motor, 20-Inch drill press, ono 1-horse power motor, pulleys, hangers nnd belting at lnilf nctunl value. UirfOn & Co., 116 N. Itth St., Omunu, Neb. Q-C37 2S FOR SALE, fine mahogany bank flxluros nnd Chicago Safo d Iick Co. safe, auto matic double time lock; doublo burglar proof steel chests. Will be sold at a bargain. National Rank of Commerce. FOR SALE, pool nnd bllllnrd table, good ns new. Thurston Rllles. 617 N. I61I1. Q-MC52 21 FOR SALE, chonp, Portland sleigh nnd four strings of bells. 1W7 Iilhrupj st, y-Sl67f'23' PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu ous hair removed by electricity. II. 12, Frcnzer Dlock. U 707 V1AVA, wo;nin'o way to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment, 313 Uce Iildg. U 70s JUST think of Rl Good cabinet photos only 'jo doz. at Tim U. S. Gallery, CM S. 16th. U-7W WANTED, 10,000 black crows, must bo as black us Crow Stovo Polish. Address Crow Stovo Polish Co., Mllwuukce. Wis. U-M503 D29 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send for circular. O. S. Wood, M. D.. 621 New York Llfo Rldg., Omuh.i, Neb. U-710 SHAMPOOING nnd hair dressing. 25c. In connection with The Uathcry, 216-220 Ilej building. Tel. 171G. U-661 HA1RDRESSING, manicuring nnd chlro tiody, for ladles only, In connection with Tho lUtll.ry, 216-220 Rco Rldg. U-2S3 LIEUEN, theatrical, nmsqucrado costumer. 101 s Farnam. U-701 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad ln The Reo. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con- unemi'iii; ouuies nuoiiieii. tw urnni t, Mr3. Gurdels. Tel. F-1U2. U 9US CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with Tno uatnery, rooms i'iu-220 uce Hidg. Tel. 1718. U-54J ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best nnd quiCKCSi. .Mrs. j. .Marie, 11 .V uouuius, U-M161 ORAMOPHUNES und hupplles, wholesale anu reiuu. counts i-iano uo., IU22 uotig las. U-997 GET tho little photos for 16c per doz. at The U. S. Gallery, C'0 South 16th St. u 703 SURE HATCH INCUHATOR CO., CLAY CENTER, NEU. Bend for hundsbino loti-pugo fieo catalogue. U-4513 PRIVATE homo for ladles beforo and dur ing coniincmcnt; babies adopted. 2620 Uurdotto st. Mrs. Uurget. U M191 J9 MME. SMITH, baths, 113 N. 16, 2d lloor: R 2. U lOtf J -15' QOLDMAN'S, tho only perfect pleating piuui 111 ii'O wesi. uuugias oik. U-M513 F. TAY'LOR, formerly of Knnsns City, will ptenso cuu on mo or senu ms nuuress anu lenrn of something to his ndvantngu. Antono Duda, Cudahy Packing Co., Bouth Omaha. U-M4S2 24' SECRET SERVICE Business, Criminal and Personal. Call or address 2619 No. 24th St., Omaha. U-M500.25' VICTOR TALKING MACHINES nre tho Ideal Christmas present, wo have them from .S3 to 145. A compete line of Records. Planosi cash or easy payments. v.oiuus 1'iann 1.0., itij Douglus st. U MCS6 21 CLA1KVOYAATS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th. S 705 MME. GYLM13R, out of city. S-700 VIENNA fortuno teller. 1515 Davenport. S-MI54 D26 E I.ECTIt IO Til EA'l'.H EAT. MASSAGE und bath. 1515 Davenport. T M 153 D28 MME. AMES, 3174 N. 16; flat E; attendants iSJ J6 MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 15. 2d lloor. R 2. T-J1132 J7 REATRICB HARLOW-Elegant vapor nnd tub baths; electricity given, Egyptluu treatment. 3211s N. 15(h, 1st lloor. Hat A. T-M4J3 23 MOX13Y TO l.OAA IIEAU INSTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay duo sr any multiple; uny interest dute; no delay. lironuun-Lovo Co., 309 South 12th St., Omuhu, Neb. W 712 WANTED, city loans, bonda and warrants. George & Company, luvl Farnam street. W 713 4V4 PER CENT on business prop'erty. 0 per cent on residence, property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. 13. ME1K.LE, 101 S". 15th St. W-M&26 WANTED, city loans nnd warrants. W. Furnam Smith & Co., 1J20 Farnuin street. W-714 WANTED, city und farm loans; also bonds und warrants. It. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Furnam St., Ueo llldg. W 71 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. " w-m MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Ureuuau-Lovu Co., 309 South 13th. W-722 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. II. Thomas, 1st Nat. Rank Rldg. Tel. 1648. W-710 YOU don't need to borrow money If you work for tho Kharus Co. W 663 ii TO 5 P. C. money. Remls, Paxton Rlk. W-720 (50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans (500 up: lowest rates. Gurvln Uros., 1C01 Furnum St. W-717 PRIVATE money. Shorwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-719 SEE HENRY 1). PAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. Life. W-721 MORTGAGE G, G. Wallace, Rrown Hlock. W-723 (1.000 TO LOA.N quick. G. E. Turklngton, C05 Rco. AV C61 JIUXBV TO l.OAA CHATTELS. MONEY To loan on Furnlturo and Pianos, Live siock, etc. on to relulu noHscbSiou of the nronertv. SAI ARY I OAN To )el)le lidding oAUrtiM uuin 3 permanent positions, lou cuu borrow from (10.00 up. You can get the money on short notice. You got the lull uniojtit In cush. You may keep It ono month 01 mure und puy for it only what time you keep It, Our rutes are low, our bl'slnetis Is conlldentlal and our motto Is to "try to please." OMAHA MOHTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Roard of Trude JJIdg, Tel. 2295. (Established 12.) 2i S. 16th St. X-721 "DO YOU WANT X.MAS MONEY?" (10, (16, J20, (25, (30. (35, (40, (15, (of. (GO, (75, (S5, (100. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to honest employes. No Mortgage. No Endorser. No Publicity. Every (1 paid off loans reduces cost. "No on,u need ever know." GUARANTEE lowest rutes juslcst pay ments. Open evenings until 8 O'CLOCK. RELIARLE CREDIT COMPANY, Room 3u;t, Third Floor, Paxton Rluck. (See Window from Farnam Street.) X.-S1S FURNITURE. PIANOS. HOl7iESETc7 LOANS. "Absolutely without removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 103. Paxton Block. ' X-817 MO.M5V TO l,OAA-('IIATi:i.S. MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. Jew elry; also to salaried people without secur ity; cheap rates; easy payments; business ccnlldcntlal. Foley Loan Co., successors to Duff Grtcn, R, 3, Darker Rlk. Est 1&9. X-725 LARGEST RUSINES3 IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team ctvr, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest turms; 40 otllces In prin cipal cities. Tolmaii, 110 Board of Trade Rldg. s X-727 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE! live stock, etc. Quick service nnd lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLGE 6.U (top lloor) Paxton block, northeust corner 16tn end Farnam; entrance on 16th street. , X-730 When You Write . to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that jrou saw the ad in The. Ua. MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Iteed, 319 a. 13. X-720 MONEY lonticd on plain note to salaried people.; business conlldentlal; lowest rntes, cl4 Puxlon block. Tho J, A. liutton Co. X-729 YOU don't need to borrow money If vou work for the Kharus Co. X 661 IHSIAES.H CIIA.M'ES. TO GET ln or out of business call on Wil liams, Room .411, McCugua building. Y-&S1 INTERESTED In goats? Lenrn all nbout them as money makers. Head American Goat Ureedc-, published monthly, 20 cents a copy. Address Room O, 117 6C1 Ave., Chlcugo. Y-.M503 D7 COAL and feed business for sale. Well equipped nnd prosperous. Motiroa & Co., 811 N. 16th. Y-S57 FOR 3ALE. millinery store doing good business; nUo good hotel for sale (or cuo to right witty), both good locations in N. E. Ncbrusku. Call or wrlto 621 N. Y. Life building, Omahu. Y-131 INVESTORS-If you wTsh to traifoiiT your capital by Investing from (.VJ and up into manuiacturo 01 tuo iiitesi una lemi' Ing patented urtlcles to bo iilaeed on tho market by local, county and stuta agents ull over, fulluro Is Impossible; profits enormous. For particulars write with stump to F. R. Hlltz, Omaha, Neb. Y-MI6I31 WANTED, ta rent, blacksmith shop nnd tools, In Iowa town; expert steel worker; .references. Address E. Rabeock, Fort Dodge, la. Y MI97 23 FOR SALE, or will trado part on land, a good, clean stock of general merchan dise, loented In central Nebraska, In good, live county seat town of 2,500: best location Ir town; stock will Invoice ubout (5,(io to (6,0; best of renson for selling. Address N CI, Uce. Y-4SW ill WANTED A good dental location In Ne braska. Address M, ThustoiL hotel, 15th und Jucksou Sts., Omaha, Neb. Y-MG't? 27 When You' Write to Advertisers remember It only takes nn xtra strokn or two of tho pen to mention tho fact that you saw US4 ad ln The Reo, Hl'TCIIER. good man with llttlo money can Mud splendid opening next to gro cery store, cheap rent. Apply to WeNh ans Mantol fc Tito Co., 301) S. 17th. Y-M670 21 FOU HACIIAA'CE. AVILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 4!, llee. Z-M510 FOR EXcTlANG E good land nnd cuttle for dry goods or ueuernl merchandise In eastirn Nebraska or Knnsas. Also land nnd cash for merchandise. T. M. Cllnc, 1238 O Street, t, Lincoln, Neb. .-M591 28 FOIl SALE-HEAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. Llfo. RE-731 HOUSES and lots In all'pfcrtfl of rlty; also acre property and furm.l.thds. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 652, Reo liulldlng. KE-72S iO ACRES, ti miles S. W. Valparaiso, Saun ders county, small house, well, etc., (20 an acre. Harrison & Morion, N, Y. I.. Tel. 314. 10), Hurt county, very good land, fair buildings, till January 1, (0,600. Harrison & Morton, N. Y. L. Tel. 314. RE-C39 21 SEVERAL good farms for s.ilo In u good farming country. For further particular wrlto or cull on II. L. Ludlum, Plntnvlew, Neb. RE M391 RANCH nnd farm lands for salo by tha Union Pacific llullrond comoauy. 11. A. McAlbiEter, land commissioner. Union Pa. ctllc Headquurters, Omaha, Neb. RE-733 720. CEDAR county, 3 miles from Cole ridge, good soil, but rolling, 260 plowed, bulanci! cnu be, light buildings, price, tli per acre; no doubt will go to (30 soon. Harrison & Morton, N. Y. I... Tel. 314. RE-510 21 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tiro Insurunce. Remls, Puxton Rlnck. RE-732 Farms Harrison & Morton, N V. L. Tel. 31T. RE-171-13 IF YOU want ono of tho nicest S-room homes ln llnnscom Place, I wilt glvo you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. J. 11. Sherwood, 037 N. Y. C llldg. IIE-M153 619, SARPY county, rough pastilro land, but good soil and In good neighborhood; 00 ueres plowed, umnli house, (20 an aeru. HarrUon & Morton, N Y. L. Tel. 314. RE-541 21' FOR SALE, 240-ncro form near Lincoln, nil good soil, lino Improvements; only (17.50. T. M. Cllno, 1223 O, Lincoln, Neb. RE-M633 28 WILLIAMSON, Charles E., 1203 Farnam RE-661 401 ACRES, Dnwson .county, fair house, barn, woll, windmill, 160 fenced with two wires, 240 plowed, soil good, party non resident; price (10 per noro. Harrison & Morton. N. Y. I Tel. 314. RE-53S 21 THIRTY-THREE FEET NEAR 11EN NETT'S NEW STORE, 16th AND HAR NEY. For particulars seo GEORGE COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST. RE M 691 29 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged lending specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would cajl tho attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations li(for4 und durlne conllnemcnt. und his trcutment for Irregularities, no matter wnat cuuse. cuu or iiuuruss, witn stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha, 737 IADIES, our harmless monthly remedy cannot fall. Trial frno. Paris Chemical Co., Mllwuukeo, Wis. -119 J5' DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women und children; 30 yours' practice. ot!lce2219 cumlng. lies. tel. i'-27W, onico U-2S36, IS I 31 LADIES, (500 rownrd falling to relievo caso or lUniormal suppression, uny cause; prlcu a; itiuy gunrauieeu. ur, -iieiui itemcuy Co., 17 Qulncy St., Chicago, Rl. 595 J2l LOST. OREEN leather purse, containing bills, chuuge nnd safety vuult key, near First National bank; rewurd If returned to Reo olllce. Lost-.M53l 23- OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 515 N. Y. L. nidir. Tel. 1C61. Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; uiu uuunson, usieopaiuisi, igr. DR. A. T. HUNT, 512 llcCugue Rldg, Tel, 2352. -717 DR. MRS. MUSlCK, Dougias Rlk. Tel. 2821 i LAU.VDIl V. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1751) Leavenworth. Tel, 647. 75j CAKIIAGH. A VTT.fnWIMlAT v r". -V . r .1 .... . w w umuuhO LICUIIO cesspools and vaults, removing garbngu and dead unlmuls ut reduced prices. 621 N. Mth St. Tel. 1779. r -MMJ-P-26 JIAiSttL Ell ADE COSTl.MES, NEW gents' and ladles' costumes for rent. S. i tk, Mi youth Wth street. -43 D24 STAJIMIRHAC. AM) STl'TTIJIll.Vl. CURED. Julin Vaughn, 430 Ramge llldg. -750 STOHAdE. STORAGE, low rates. Dorlght, 1119 Fnr ltam St. 433 OM. Van Stor Co., 151R, Fnm. Tcls. 1539-S63. C91 PACIFIC Storago and Wnrehouso Co., 913 1)11 Jones, general storage und forwarding, -695 horses nitr.n. HORSES wlnteled, (I per month; good shelter and feed. V. C. Hopper. Water loo. Neb 594 D31 DA.NCI.Ml. NEW classes ln dancing organized llrst week in January at Mornnd s, Crelghton hall. Children, Saturday, 2 p. m.; adults, Tuesday und Friday, s p. in. Prices havo been greatly reduced for rest of seuson. J03 D-29 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2167. M7S7 MCltr.l, ri.ATIA'C. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating piuni in viniuiiu. umuna noting lu.. uiu llldg. Tel. 2535. 754 LARGEST plating plant ln Omaha. A. L. uuueianu, ioiu uougu st. iti. ivu, msis PAWAflllOlcnitS. EAGLE Loan Olllce. reliable, accommodat ing; 1111 business conlldentlal. 1301 Douglas, -53 FACTORIES, TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repaired, um. Trunk f actory, 1201) l' urnam. -744 Damaged looking glasses resllvcred. 70S N 16 IIOOKICEEI'l.Xl. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., dny or even- ing. it. is, com. ;sut, uanK. u. it. uatnmin. 752 MIMICAL. PROF. WRIOHT-Sttidlo remowd to 315 Itumge. Voice, l'lano ami pipe organ. 572 Fii.vTEii.vAi. oiinmis. THE GARDENERS protect old ago as well as lite unurier mcmuers rrcc. i-arncu-lars Irom Frunk ltosewnter, supremo manager, 222 Reo Rldg. 721 MtrSICAL IXVrilU.MENTS. HE PROMPT ln cnlliiiK to seo nil the slightly used pianos we aro onering tms wtek on very easy terms, ond you will Mud yourself well repaid. If you wish n piano you can save money now, nt this time. Wheru? Mueller Piano & Organ Co.. 1316 Farnam St. -73S imi'SS'MAKIACS. MRS. FOSTER, dressmaking, tailoring, 113' North istii. J CAItl'EA'TEHS AM) JOI.NEItS. ALL kinds of enrponter work nnd repairing promptly attended tu. j. 1. ucniiirco, 20th and Luke Sts. -370 WM. EVER ITT. Special rates to real es tuto men; weather strips put on. 2S0J Leavenworth. -M7CJ PATEATS. HAVE ensh for good patent or Invention. Address, P. O. Uox So, Omahu, Neb. 1SI-J-23' FOR SALE HAY, OltAI.V, ETC. WEST OMAHA FEED CO., 2S0S Leav. Tel. 2303 M162 ELECTItIC IIEI.TS. ELECTRIC Dolts and what they will do. Addrebs P. O. Rox 483, Omaha, Nob, -751 TAU.OHINd. LADIES' Jacknts made, remodeled, altered, cleaned and repaired. Joo Yousen, 1506 Farnam. Sol IILACIC.SJUTIIIA'G & IIOIISEiSIIOEIAT., CHARLES A. HOFMANN, rear 811 N. 16th. -751 FLORISTS. I HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tol. 123l. M4K3 TYPEWRITERS. UNDERWOOD Typewriter, vlslblo wrltor; typewriter supplies, nil makes of ma chines for rent. A. 11. Workman .4 Co., 1617 Farnam Ht. Phono 2139. M269 31 AM) TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug 739 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 740 BOYLES College, court reporter principal Bee llldg. -741 NER. Rtislness & Shorthand College, Rovd's Theater. 7i2 .MAUAETIO OSTEOPATHY. CURES chronic diseases; pay when cured; nrnduates of Kharus school employed; re llablo students given time on tuition; catalogue free. Hours, 'J to 5. Kharus Hcndquartcrs, 1th lloor Reo bldg. -M47I 21 HAIR IIRHSSI.VG AM) MANICURING. MISS RELLE A. TRAYNOR. 509 N. 24th St., South Omaha. Telephone 2374. JIB 21 HALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 North 16th, -172 Fllll DRESSING, O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 S. 13th. -M829 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -745 LEGAL .NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. OFFICE OF LEE-GLAH8-ANDIIEEHKN HARDWARE COMPANY, OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 11, 1W1. Notice Is hereby given to the fctockholders of tho Lec-Glass-Andreesen Hardware company that tha annual meet ing of the stockholders of the company win lie item 111 uie oiiicuh 01 inu nam com nanv. 814 to 821 Harney street. In the eltv of Omaha, In tha state uf Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 14, A. D. 1902, at 3 o'clock p. in., for tho purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to servo dur ing the ensuing year, nnu to transact such other business us may be presented at such meeting. 11, j. i.r;r;, President. Attest: W. M. GLASS, Secretary. (Seat.) rec.l5toJ14M NOTICE. OMAHA. Dec. 14. 1901. Notleo Is hir.hv given that thn annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Omaha Gas company will bo held nt tho oltlco of tho compuny. Merchants' National bank building, at 10 a. m, .Monaay, January u, i:wz, for Ihe elec tion of directors for tho ensuing year nnd for the transaction of such other business as may come ueiorn ine meeting. FRANK MURPHY. President GEORGE W. CLAUAUQIi. Secretary. POS TOFI'K 11 NO I'll E. Should t renil ilnllv liv nil Inti rested, as changes may occur at uny time. I'otTtgtt mails ror lite week ending De cember 2S, io , will close (promptly in all rases) at the General Post Otllee as fol lows. Parcels Host limits close one hour earlier than clolng time shown below. Porccls post malls for Germiiny close nt 5 p. m. Wednesday, per s. s. llnrbarossu. via Bremen, nnd Friday per s. s. Phoenicia, via H tmburg. Regular and stinntemeiitnrv mails close at foreign branch half hour later tlian closing tlmo shown below, oxcent that supple mentary malls ror Europe nnd Central America, via 1 oipn, ciose one nour iiucr n foreign branch. Trniisnllniitli' Mult. MONDAY-nt 11:30 u. m. for AZORES IS- i.rt.Min, per s. s. irojiiii iTince. l'FESDAY-At S:30u. m. for ITALY direct. per k. s. .rrnimeiio linn 11 must ue uiieeiro I'lT , s. .rcilll!li'iiu J. W EDNESDAY at 0 30 n. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Philadelphia, via Southnniptoii; nt 8:30 a. in. (supplrmcnlarr 10 11. 111.) for EUROPE, per s s, Germanic, via Queen- umil, ill in a. ill. ior lll'.l.ltll isi illirei, u . Y....I. ...It ........ t... .11. H- r. r. . mill 111 III! Illlllll IIIUI.L I'VT rected "per s. s. Vaderland' ). THURSDAY At 7 11. in, for FRANCE. fJUMW I.llt VfA Rt I I t LlttllX l'llt ru 1 1 rjiit(M w, 1 iiui 1 r)i4 ii rt'n- Tl'GAL, TURKEY, EGYPT. GREECE. RRITISH INDIA nml LORENZO MAR- ntllW ..nM A In U..Al. ..I.. tin.... l a..t iei r. r, r..iii., .111 11111 ie (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "per s, s. La Pavole"). SATURDAY At 3:3D a. in. for EUROPE, I )tr n( r. v iiiti tNi 11 iii 111. w ,,r' 11 n. in. tor NETHERLANDS, direct, per s. s. Hohenzollerii (mail must be di rected "per h, s. Hoheniollern"); nt 7:30 per s. s. Stnatetidiini (mull must lie di rected "per s s Stantendam"). Printed matter. Etc. This steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers nnu samples for Germany only, The sumo class of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not be sent by tills ship un less siieclallv directed bv her. After tho closing of the supplementary Trnnanintmic mniis nnmeu nnovo until tlonal supplementary malls are opened nt the piers of tho American, I'ligllsh, French nml German steamers, nnd re main open until ten minutes of tho hour sailing of steamer. Mails fur South unit (Vnlrnl Ainerlon, West Indies, lite. TUESDAY At 9:30 n. m. (supplementary i):30 n. in.) for i'h.sth.Mi a.mkuhw (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, ier H. s. Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must be di rected "per s. s. Advance"); ut 12:30 p. m. (supplementary t p. in.) for TURK'S ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPURLIC, per s B. New York; at 2 p. in. for IN AGt'A and HAITI, per s. s. Mt. Ver lion; nt 6:31) p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Farrngut. from Boston; nt 'It p. in. for IIAI1AMAS, per steamer from Miami. Fli. W EDNEHDA Y At S n. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; at 11 p. in. for JA MA tCA. per s. h. Admiral Schley, from Phlluilclr. hlii. THURSDAY At 12 m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN, CAMPECIIE. TABASCO and CHI APAS, wr s. k. Esperanzu (mull for other pnrls of Mexico must bo directed "per i. r Esperanzu"); nt II p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. s. Corean, from Phlladi'lnhlii. FRIDAY Al 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Hciiecu, via 'rnmpico itnntl must no di rected "per s. p. SeneciiM). SATU RDA Y At S n. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY und PARAGUAY, per H. s. Strabo; nt !i a. m. for PORTO RICO. CURACOA and VENEZUELA, per . . Philadelphia (mail for K.ivnnllln und Car tngenu must be directed "per s. s. Phil adelphia"); ut 0 n. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Pathfinder, via Pongo (mail must lie directed "per h. h. Pnthllniler"); at 9:30 n. m. (supplemi'titnry 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SA VANILLA nnd CARTAGENA, per p. H. Altnl (mall for Costa Rica must lie directed "per . s. Al tnl") nt 0:30 n. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTA, per h. h. Andes; ut 10 u. in. for CUBA, per s. h. Mexico, via Hnvnnu; nt 12:30 p. m for CUBA, per h. h. Ollndu, via Ma taiinas, etc. (ordinary mail only, which must bo directed "per s. s. Ollndu"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sidney, nnd thence by steamer, close nt this olllce) dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Mondnv. Wednesday nnd Snturdiiy). Mails for Mbiuelon, by rail to Boston, nnd thence by steamer, close at this olllco dully ut 6:30 p. in. Malls for Cuba, by mil to Port Tampa. Fin., nnd tlienco by stenmcr, close lit thH olllco dully at fi:0o a. m. (the connecting closes nro on Monday. AVcdnosdny nml Saturday). Malls for Mexico City, over lnnd. unl"ss speclnlly addressed for dis patch by steamer, close at this olllce dully nt 1:30 p. ). and 11 p. in. Malls for Costa Rica, Rellze, Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and tlienco by stenmer, close ut this olllco dally nt 1:W) p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondav for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala, nnd Tuesdays for Costa men). Registered mall closes nt 0:00 p. ni. pre vious duy. TrniiNpiii'lllo Mulls. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil Ipplno Islands, via San Frnnclsco, close hero dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to December J23, Inclusive, for dlspntch per p. s. Cop Mulls for Chlnn nnd Japan, via Vancouver, eloso here dally nt C:30 ii. m. up to De cember 21, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. H. Empress of India (registered mall must bu directed "via Vancouver." Mer chandise for the IT. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot bo forwarded via Can ndu.) Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally nt 6:30 p. in. up to Do cember 25, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tosa Marti, (Registered mail must bo directed "via Seattle.") Mulls for Hawaii, China, Japan nnd Phil ippine Islnnds, via San Francisco, close hero dally at C;3o p, in, up to December 30, Inclusive, for dlsputch per . h. America, Mnru, Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, clnso hero dally nt (1:30 ii, m. up to December 30. Inclusive, for dhipntch per s. s. Australia. MuIIh for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close, here daily at 0:30 p. in. up to Decembor 30, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. b, Al nmedn. Mnlls for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and Now Zealand, which goes via San Francisco) and FIJI Inlands, via Vnncouver, close hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. nftcr December 21 nnd up to January "l, Inclusive, for dlspntch per it, h. Aoiungl (supplementary mails via Seattle nnd Victoria), close hero nt 0:30 p. m, Jnntiury 5. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which In forwanled via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Frnnclsco, closo hero dnlly at 6:30 p. m. after January and up to Jan uary "ll, Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Etrurln, due at Now York January II, for dispatch per s, s. Ventura, Transpacific mnlls nro forwnnlod to port .if (...III... .Inllt. n.,,1 .t.n ..L...I..U 'l i nr.iiim ...IJ iwiw litu ntiii'imiu III UlUn- Ing I arranged on tlie presumption of tholr unlutorrupted ovorland transit. Registered mnlls closo at 6:00 p. m, pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Posttmifltcr. Pnstoltlce, Now York, N. Y. December 20, 1901. RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION IOTII AM) MAIICV, Illinois Centrnl. Ivave. Arrlvo. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm Chlcugo, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 8:05 um Minneapolis & St, Paul Express b 7:20 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodgo Locnl, from Council Bluffs a 6:00 am C'lileiiKo .V AortlMventrrn. "The Northwestern Line," Chicago Spcclul a 7:20 am all:10 pm Chicago Parsenger a 4:15 pm a 8:00 um Eastern Express al0:6b um a 4:03 pm Eastern Special a 1:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mall a 8:oo pm a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd ..a 7:45 pm a 8:40 am FuBt Mall a 8:30 am Ccdur Rapldc Pass a 6:30 pm Twin City Express a 7:10 am aI0:25 pm Twin City Limited u 7:55 pm a 8:15 um Sioux City Local a S;00 am a 3:59 pm a Dully. tnlon Pnclfln. Overland Limited a 8:60 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mali a 9i00 nm a 3:25 pm California Express a 4:25 pm Pacific Express ull :20 pm Eastern Express n 4:35 pm Atlantic Express u,7;05um Llricoln-Btromsburg Ex.ti 1:05 pm 1)12:30 pm Grand Island Local o 6:3m pm b 9:36 um ChlcriKo, Milwaukee . SI. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chlcugo & Omulia Ex,, b 7:15 um b 3;40 pm Wnliusli. St. Louis "Cannon Bail" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am St. Louts Local, Council Bluffs alO:CO am nl0:30 pm MlNNitiirl Pneino. St. Louis Express alOiOO am a 6:23 pm 1C C. & St. L. lixproas.uWiW pm fjis Hm tiiiW.ti riMi: t vim, Lllll'iiuu, lloi'K Island A PuullU'. EAST. Des Moines and Dnv- enport Local a 7i35 nm a 9:35 pm Chlcugo Express bll:!5 tun n l:(ft pm Des Mulncs 1oc.ll a 4:20 pin bll.W mi Chlcugo Fast Exprss..a 6:00 pm u 1:25 pm Des Moines. Rock Isl and and Chlcugo a 7:40 pm u S;25 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo und Wert a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 6:20 pm a 9.60 am III Itl.lMi ION STA I'lOA IOTII A MASON lliirllnutnn A .Missouri ltlver. Leave. Arrive. Wyniore, Rrutrlco nnd Nebraska Express u 8:10 um a 7:35 pm Lincoln a 8:10 um bli:f5 um Denver Limited a 4:25 pm u 3.U0 pm llluck Hills nnd Puget Sound, Denser Con nection n :00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fust Mall b 3 W pm a y;17 am Fort Ctook and l'lutts- mouth ............. ......b 3:20 pm bll;05am Relluvue it Pacllle Jct..u 7;l0 pm n 8.20 am Rellevuo .t 1'iiclllc Jct .u 3M um Iviiiimi tit;, Si. .mxi-iiIi .v. ('mi ii i' 1 1 Illuffs. Kansas City Dny Ex. ...a 9.20 nm a 6:05 pm Kaunas City Night E..ul0:30 pm a d:15 um St. Loul Flyer a 6:10 pm ull. 15 um Clili'iiun, lliirllimion v ((iiliii'), Chicago Special a 7;00 nm nl0.20 pm Chicago Vestibulcd Ex. .a i;oo pm a ";45 am Chicago Local a 9:Su uiu n 4:05 pm Chicago Limited u 7:50 pm a 7:4j um Fust .Mall a 2.40 pm a Dolly, b Dally except Sunday. WEHSTEH DUPOT-I.Vl'll WEIISTEIl l'ri'iiiiinl, I'lUlmrn .V Mlsmmrl V'mIIp)' Leave. Arrive. Rlack Hills, Dindwood, Hot Springs it 3:00 pm a 5:W pm Wyoming, Casper nnd Douglas d 3 '00 pm o 5:00 pm Hustings, York, David city auperlor, Geneva, Exeter und Sewarl...,b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln nnd Fremont b 7:30 nm b 10:35 nm Fremont Local o 7:30 um CIlli'llUu, SI. Pillil, .MlniiciliMilU .v oniiilin. Twin City Passenger.. ..n 6:00 nm a 5:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2.41 pm nil :10 am Emerson Local ,....b 6:30 pm b 8:30 am MUxmirl Piifllle. Nebrusku Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm nl0:25 nm ii Dnlly b Dally except .Sunday, o Sun day only, d Dully except Saturday, a Dally except juonuny. BELIEVE SHE IS MURDERED YitmiK AVoiiiiiii I.imivps lloine In liny Poultry nml I'nlls lit Return, VANCOUVER, 1). C., Doc. 22. Miss draco Powell, u young German woman living on Seventh avenue, Mount Pleasant, a suburb of Vn iienlivnr linn linim ttilsMlnt- fnr llirim days and Is supposed to havo been mur dered, on Thursday tho woman was nt homo with her father and was called to tho door hy a stranger, an undersized man, who wanted to sell her somo poultry. Shu agreo'1 to buy nnd tho man said ho hud tho fowls at his place, u short distance nwoy. Sho throw on her shawl, took her purse, containing (16, and went nut, re marking that she would bo back lu a few minutes. Since then sho hns not boon seen. Seasonable Fashions. 3700 Fancy Blouse Waist, 32 to 40 6uit 3920 Five-Gored Skirt, 22 to 30 Waist. Hint ! Mny .Miiiilon. Fancy IIIoubo Waist 3790. Flvo-Gored Skirt 3920. Bright colors In light-weight wool materials tnnku charming afternoon gowna find aro much In voguo. Tho smart costume Illustrated Is madn of princess crepe, In roso color, with cnllnr of whlto dotted panno edged with silk ombroldery run with black chenille; vest, undcrslcoves and baud for skirt of crenm laco ovor whlto, overlaid with n latticework of black velvet, ribbon hold by tiny coral buttons, tho largo ornamental buttons being of coral nnd rhlnestoncs. Tho fitted lining Is snug nnd woll shaped and closes at tho center front. Tho plas tron, or vost, Is attached to tho right front and hooked over onto tho left, wlillo thi back and fronts are arranged over tho lining beforo tho shoulder und undor-arm sciuin aro closed, Tho (loop collar finishes tho nccli and fronts whllo tho stock completes tnc plastron and closed at tho conter back. The sleeves nro charming. Tho upper portions aro ucalloped and fall ovor tho full lact cuffs, which are unllucd nnd transparent and aro seamed to tho lower edgo of the lining. The? live gorc of tho skirt nro carefully shaped nnd fitted without fulnesi at tho belt, to glvo tho new habit back nnd provldo Just tho snugnces required by fush lon. Tho flounce fulls In soft undulating folds and widens as It approaches tho back, forming admirable lines. Tho placket can bo at thn conter Imclc or left front Beam, at desired, but In either caso should bo pro vided with nn amplo undcrlnp nnd an nbund nnt Supply of hooks and loops, that there may bo no danger of gaping, To cut this gown for n woman of medium flzn 1G yards of material 21 Inches wide, 13 yards 27 Inches wide or S'A ynrds 11 Inches wldo, with 1 yard of nil-over laco und of a yard of panno, to mako as Illustrated; to cut tho waist alone, 'iVj yards 21 Inches wide, 3 yards 27 Incluvi wldo or 1 yards II Inches wldo, with 1 yard of all-over lace und of a yard of panno; to cut tha skirt albno, 13 yards 21 Inchon wldo, 10V4 yards 27 Inches wide, 7',4 yards 11 Inches wldo or G4 yards 60 Inches wide. Tho wnlst pattern 3790 Is cut In sizes for 32, 31, 30, 33 und 10-Inch bust raruuure. Tho skirt pattern 3920 la cut In hIzos for a 22, 21, 20, 28 and 30-inch waist measure, For tho accommodation of Tho Boa read ers thcHo patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 cents, will ho furnished at a nominal prlco, 10 rents, which covers all expense. In ardor to got any pattern en close 10 cents, glvo number nnd name of pattern wanted und bust measure. Allow about ten days from dato of your lptter before beginning to look for tho pattorn. Ad'Jreuu I'aRyru Department, Oman Ute. R t