Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1901, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Niw Ordir 8rigs Up Ainang Omala
tmall hojt.
Inspection of Mum U'lndonn IlrliiKi
Ationt Certain Conilltlnn Hint
Ratnlillalir the- Vouim-Iim-'h
He piitntlou.
ones that aro worried about what to buy.
The uncertainty In experienced by all.
Young men with sweetheart are In the
some boat. Those who ran afford them are
sending the timc-honorcd ring or a pair of g l Husic&l Prarrtmi Arranred far
opera glasses; some aro attll staying wTh- 1 jtjj
Christmas leys and Chrlatmaa buying is
tha urao this year that It han boca ever
alnee Santa Claue was first Invented only
mora 10, Not only all tho eld toy aro on
th markot from which to select, but count
1ms thousands of nw, mado solely for tha
purposo of mystifying tho young nud worry
ing tha llfo out of tlin old.
Doubtless It has never worried parents
irheio all thnsn toys como from each year,
but U has the ehtldrsu to such an extent
that a crowd of thorn ban solved tha mys
tery, according to a lltlln eplsodo that oc
curred out on North Thirty-third street
aovsral.daya ago and also what It Is that
causod tha provalonco of flat ncsoa among
tha younger goncintlon,
Four hoys woro returning from a trip
downtown, whsro they hod bean 'o see tho
Chrlitinnn toys without tho.'r mothers
nd mot cno ot tholr playmates who had
not aumelontly eorno from under tha pro
tecting wing as to bo downtown by him
self. Their conversation was eotnethtng
Ilka thlai
"Hallo, Willie! Your mamma wouldn't
1st you go down and ace tho Christmas
windows, .would sho? I'd hato to bo a
mamma boy; haf to atay la the house all
"I did, too; I'a down all day yesterday and
saw every window and every toy In town,"
(bravely answered the Willie boy. "In one
Iwlndow was a train running around, Santa
iClaus on a horae, lot ot dolls "
''Aw, como off your momma told you,"
Interrupted the tormentors. "Let a see your
the f.resslng cases that nre ever with us
and always n tried and true friend of the
boy with a sweothcart.
1'rorilln of I'onamaliin.
Those who nre "dead sure" of their
sweethearts nre sending books. And many
are "dead sure" of their sweethoarts, for n
dealer raid-yesterday that more books had
been bought this Christmas than ever be
fore. No favorites are being played 111 the
book line. The boy who wan's a sweet
heart, but Is not sure of her, Is sticking to
tho five-pound box of candy.
With the girls It In tho same thing. Smok-
Tadaj and Wedneida;.
Cntliollcn and niilm-iipftlliittn to Until
Speolnl oiib Services nil I'lirUtmilo
Oil) Mimy nf thr I'ro
Kriim In Full.
The natal day of the Christ child will
be celebrated In all the churches of Omaha
Ing Jackets arc coming In for a good share Special Christmas services will be held In
of favorable attention. Most of the girls many of the city churches today and others
will send the usual necktie or watchebarm, will hold their services Christmas day
however, with a few hooks and smoking In sonic and story the birth nnd life of
sets thrown In. Jesus will be reviewed. All the Catholic
Santa Claus this year haa got the twen- and Kpticopal churches of Omaha will ob-
tleth century Idea and In many stores has serve Christmas day with opeclal ccremo
tied tin his faithful reindeers and has sal- nlei. while most of the other churchel
lied forth In a brand new automobile. As
the latter has more capacity for toys and
presents tho children offer no objection and
tho Christmas rush Is on, and woe unto the
man who puts off to the last day to buy
III I'prnniliulntnr lunltrs mill lliirnx
n Fcvr Mlnutri After Hi- In
Tnltrn from It,
After this It will never ne denied that
the Somberg Infant la a "warm baby."
Shortly after a o'clock yesterday morning
hlB mother. Mrs. Sam Somberg. IMS South
Tenth street, took him out of the perambu
lator, which was standing In the parlor.
will havo Chrlstmaa music today and will
have Sunday school entertainments Chrlsi
mas day or Christmas evening.
Miixlrnl nroeramn to be alvon at various
Omaha churches today nre as follows:
PI rat I'rulirtrrlnii.
t.trl t'ronhvltirtnii Mornlne fit 10:30.
Mrs. Howard Kennedy. Jr.. organist ana
Soprano Solo "The Kverlnstlng Light
Minn N'nrlhrtin.
Anthcm-"ltethlehem' Unrtlett
iiruiin nml Hum Hurt "L'brlstmas Sontf
, , tt 111 I VII
Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Make.
t--ennlnir nl t;:IIV
Duet-'Oiildlng Htnr" . . . .llrngdoti
Mian Nnrthrtin nnd Mlxw Heeker.
Solo Selected
Mr. Met tine.
Antlim"It Ik llln IltiiSHed Chr StmnS
Day Hnrtlntt
Organ and Hnrp Duet "Holy City' ....
and sat him In his hlghchnlr In the kitchen, I Adums
where sho could watch him as she did tho
brcakfaat work. A few minutes later sho
smelled burning feathers and. rushing Into
the parlor, found tho carriage, with Its pll-
Mm. Kennedy and Mrs. lllako.
First .Methodist Hlilscopul.
faco. Thero, I know ho wasn't f down.
We've caught him, sure."
Wliem Willie I.oat Out.
"Hoiv'd you know I waan'tJ" anxiously
inquired Wllllo and his fact- took on n
crimson huo.
" 'Cause you' ncao ain't flat," proudly
proclaimed tho spokesman of tho tormen
tors, at tho aamo tlmo ho and hla com
panions dlaplaed Ave little flattened noses
causod from coming in contact wun i,nrii
mm windows.
"And I'll bet you don't know where all
these Christmas toys come from. Keep
till now, you follows, and let him answer."
"Man makea them, of course," answered
"Naw, you're 'way off. You don't oven
know your third reader. Now, I'll tell you.
When tha rich man stolo the grind organ
from his brother and sold It to 'grind salt,
salt, nothing but salt.' and It was lost In
tho ocean,9anta Claus got onto It and
fished It out. Ho told It to 'grind toys, toys,
nothing but toys,' and It has been grinding
nothing but toys ever since. And that a
Why the toys novor run out."
And Wllllo had to accept tho statement
of the tormentor, for tho latter asked, when
Willie looked doubtful, If ho over saw n
man who cvor knew a man who had ever
thought of a toy that wns not on tho mar
ket. And Willie hadn't.
"It you have," Interrupted tho older boy,
"tell him there's a fortune waiting for him
when ho aprlnga his thoughts."
How flic Merchant IIu
Toy morchants buy with their eyes shut.
All they want Is variety, for thousands of
big little, old and young aro to be selected
from tho atock and the merchant has never
yet been discovered who ever bought any
thing that someone didn't believe, wns the
prcttloat toy In tho stock. The merchant
baa an easy task compared with tho mother
who takes her children to the toy counter
to solect tholr own presents lrom tne
time tho child goes In until It Is dragged
out It in a continual:' "Mumma, buy mo
that." "Mamma, get me this; please.
mamma. No, mamma. I want this. I
won't havo that old doll. I want one like
Ethel's." And a wonder Indeed la tho lit
tle chlld-or tho grown up ono-who can
elect a prcssnt nnd bo contented utter
twenty-four houra. It haa boon proven be
yond doubt, according to the stateroom of
nn old toy dealer, that no purson cvor
camo to the toy counter with tho Intention
of buying a cortaln article and, after look
in nrminrt. made the Intended purchase,
And no wonder. The toy stock consists
of everything that mind can conceive, From
a private soldier to a major general; from
a canoe to a Inttlcshlp; then there'H tho
.ium enclnos. trains, magic lanterns, taiK
Ing dolls, sleoplng beautleB, negro and tho
banjo, singing quartets, Jumping Jacks,
crazy Jakes, games of overy description,
dear old flinch and Judy, sleds, wagons and
ton hundred thousand other toyn intimcnu
able nnd tmnamoable. A magician couldn't
tell which of tho lotjls the most popular.
Incident In the Counter.
Many amusing Incidents come under tho
notice of Christmas clerks. Sovoral dnyt
go two boys about 7 and 6 years of age,
the clothing of each being very poor cover
Ing for Chrlstmaa weather, walked up to a
clerk In tho toy department of one of the
' hla: atorcs. Tho elder of tho boya pulled
' out a. fi.cenl Dlece and showed It to the
"MlM. mo and my brother want to buy
soma Christmas toys and w don't want t
waste our money; wo want something that
will do u.t some good."
The heart of the Hympnthetlc clerk wan
touched and sho determined tho boys should
get their money's worth at her counter. She
devoted her entire attention to tne noy.
howlne them, first n savings bnnk, then
knlvrn. nlfl tola, tool chests and hundreds of
other rreseuts both useful and useless
some worth 50 cents, hut the boys bough
The clerk was almoat In despair of mak
Ing tho snle, when the older boy noticed n
little toy that tho clerk had failed to show
them. "Let mo see that, please man.
The clerk handed over tho toy. After a
critical examination by tho two brothers
the older, with n Solomon look on hi faco
nnd Judgc-llka drawl, sold- "Now, brother,
I think thla will do us more good than nny
thing wo could buy." And tho clerk wrapped
up a "Jumping Juck.
Willi I Noun- Women Kntivt.
Mothers who quarrel with their children
for becoming bowlldcrcd when trying to.
select a present and drag them homo with
the promise never ngaln to take tnem t
the toy countor find themselves children
when It comes to selecting presents to be
Blven away.
A few day ngou niothor who hail fussod
at hor children for wanting everything I
slRht and then not wanting what they got
returned to tho store with tho remark that
"as tha children are at homo I will htvo n
trouble In selecting a present for my hus
band." She wna ahown everything suitable
for a piesent for a man. She picked out at
lonut iwrniv that "would do to soleot
from." The twenty finally dwindled dow
tn ihreo and tho mother concluded "thoy
omn'i timi what I want." urn! sauntered
ovor to the cents' furnishing department
Her husband will get the regulation 25-ccnt
lavender necktie and will doubtless return
thanks that It Isn't a box of cigars,
Mothera aud children arc not tho only
Iowa, quilts and linen, to bo In flames. Sho
tried to smother them with a blanket from
a bed. but falllnit In this, ran out and
turned In a fire alarm.
Tho department arrived In tlmo to keep
tho fire from spreading and tho blaio was
confined to the perambulator, which was
almost entirely consumed. How the Are
orlslnated Is a mystery. Tho parlor Is
heated with a base biirnor, wMrh makes It
Improbable that a spark could havo flown
Into the cab.
An alarm of flro was turned In at 640
a. m. yesterday from the Auditorium hotel,
fi02-S South Thirteenth street. A quantity
of tnble and bed linen In the laundry do-
Dartmcnt was consumed, which was the ex-
tont of the damage, the blaie being out by
tho tlmo tho flro department arrived.
Knrly Morning lllnie In llooma of the
Anioolnllon In the I'm
ton Illnrk.
Variations on
Oh. Come
All Ye
Klr was discovered In the rooms of the
Young Women's. Christian association on Organ ( 8olo-"I'niyer"
tho third floor In the Paxton block at six
teenth nnd Fnrnam streets at 2:45 o'clock
this morning. Ily tho tlmo tho Are depart nrrlvpit the entire third Story was
full nf smoke and tho kitchen ablazo,
rt..Al,Mn.nliip nl in30!
rompt work extinguished tho fire, with a Organ Ircl:do V"tiSJtr
loss of not more than 100. Hcsnonse. Selection by the Choir
Tho flro wna discovered by J. T. toopor, organ Interlude... ................
who had been at work In thn rooms of U. mnern-inu oir - -
Hnthwnll on tho fifth floor. Coo-ier was I Tu ''YVwii.'"Tiifri
eavlng the building nnd noticed tho smoke. Offertory Oolo-The Llrthday of KlnK
Immediately turned In the alarm. The fire, MU's KiisworVh!'''
It lo thought, caught from the largo gas uyrnn 191:. Tune, Chrlstmng
Anthem Thero Were unepnerus
Thomas J. Kelly. Director of Music.
HiimiIiiv miirtilnir service nt 10:JU II. in
Orcnn ITeludc ' The Munger"... nulimnni
opening nymn. i..
ftpMttn nun. "Atit-'i.lM frnm the IteiilttlS Of
uiory "jiu i.iiKunn
organ inieriiiue.
Chant Magnllleat. "Hymn of Mary ....
.. I nndo
Anthem "Now, When Jesus Wan Horn"
i. ruicnBiiuiin
Hymn No. 12. . . ..
The Sermoii-"ChrlHt the ltuler of
OffeVtory ' 'Hyinn-'''Hiirk1' 'tis the Watch
man s ury .Mivrm ii-iiiii
fllnrln lnlri. .
Closing Hymn. No. 019. Omit Third Stunza.
organ romiiiue.
Kvenlng Service at "i.TO: .
Organ l'rolude "Improvisation on a
memo or amx voKriin ;
Chorus (the Mnl Kings) "viiere is
Hi.?" i. ruicKsnmiK.
Organ Interlude "Tho Waiting anop-
henlH '
ChoriiH of Shepherds "O, Lord, be Gra
cious Until US" , omiiirr
Organ Interlude "Pastoral
Chorus of snepncriie " e uiivo vwuirn
for ri nee niitmu
Uvinn N'n. 190.
Response "Angela from the ltenlms of
uiory- j-.uh""
Chant-dlymn of Simeon) "Nunc uimii-
(lHtB , r.ivt-j
Anthem'-"Liko Sliver Lamps".. ... .Uarnliy
Offertory Cnrol-"lt Camo Upon the Mld-
nignt uionr . ;-u".'.,l'. ?,Vr
flllU Finnic
Hong """"
Flnnle-"ning Out, Wild Hells". .Damrosch
KniiiiKe .liMiuirlnl.
Anthem-Strnln.1 Iprlse Alleluia HJck
Gounod' "Sanetui" . .
Tenor solo dv mt Hnxciton.
Sola-Oh Hnbe Divine . . . Dressier
Mr. tntney
Sermon ublect. "Hethlehem's Touch on
Scholar, Sage and Seer '
Mt. t'lillnnienn' Cnttieilrnl.
At the pontifical mass, sung by th b ahop
at 5 a. m.. this program will be rendered;
Kyrle Mercndunte
i norup.
Olorl.i-Mozarfs Seventh Mass
Credo.. Mercndante
Offertory Adste. Fldeles
i noii''.
Sanctus and Agnu Do. Mercadante. .
At the Bolemn high mass, eclohrated at
10:30 a. m., the following program will be
Kvrle Mnrzo
t'hrlste ...
Mr. V lnton Miller, Mrs. r. A. coury.
Gloria Moa.irt's Twelfth Mass
QUI Tollls
Mr. Clinton Miller and Choir.
Qtionlam Til Solus
Mr. wuiiam tirown ami i- noir.
Cum Sancto
Credo Marzo
Ht Inoarnatus
Mrs. T. A. Cnhry.
Kt In Pplrllum Sanctum
Mr. Wll lam Ilrown.
Ht Vltnm
Offertory Adcste Fldeles. arr. by Novello
Sanctus Mnrzo
Agnus Del Marzo
Miss Kllu Croft, Mr. Clinton Miller and
The Christmas cantata, "Mls,s Christmas
Day," will be given by tho Sunday school
of the First Mcthodlt church In the church
parlors Christmas evening.
St. .Mark's Kngllsh Lutheran Sunday
school will hold Christmas anniversary
services Christmas evening, at which a
special musical program will he given.
Tho Sunday school of Grace llaptlst
church will give a cantana. "Santa Claus,"
In tho church Christmas night.
llnnseom I'nrk M. IS. Chnrch.
Hanscom Park Methodist Lplscopai
range or the heater. It ran up the parti
tion that separates the kitchen ond din-
ng room and badly scorched the celling.
A tnble near the rango was burned.
iiIIiit IIiikIi I'uiiiiiiInI;o In Chnrgn
of 'lli eiiue Dlni'i'se I'imiiIIiik
Setei'tlon nf IIUImii,
lllnhop Scannell has returned from
Dubuque, whero ho attended Iho funeral
services over the remains of the Into Illshoo
.Inlhnn of Cheyenno. Contrary to ex
pectations thero was no meeting of bishops
ttcr tho funeral and It was understood
that thn matter would be held In abeyance
until spring.
Father Hugh Cummlskey, vicar general
tho diocese of Cheyenne, has been ap-
olntcd administrator ot tho diocese pend-
ng the selection of a bishop, This is the
ccond tlmo Father Cummlskey has held
this place, he having been appointed ad
ministrator upon the removal of nishon
Hurko from Cheyenno to St. Joseph, hold
ng tho place until tho Installation ot
Dlshop Llnlhan. So tar thero Is no talk
mado publicly ot a probable successor to
Dlshop Llnlhan, It being said In official
lrclcs that the best way to defeat tho
nsplratlons of any person for tho position
to mention him for the place bofor the
bishopn have met to niako n selection
Ulshop Cunningham of Concordia was In
Dubuque, spent Friday night In Omaha and
left yesterday morning for Kansas.
.liny or nnd City Council Hold Session
Over the Union 1'nclHc
Omiilin AKreentent.
Hymn No. 18.1 Tune, Antloch
Organ Postlude.,
Evenlns at 7:30;
Many of tho guests In the Mcr(.jnts hotel "rKan 'r.'uiio.......
wcro awokonod by the arrival of tho fire imyor
department. Several rushod . downstairs, Response. .. .. . .j,.bi'tohuu V.." ......
but the flro was extinguished so quiCKiy A.h(;.n"oiory to God In tho Hlghem
that a majority knew notblnfc of U
St. Andrew I'reeeptory AilinluUterM
liiiireU e gervlee of Knluliti
of KiiiIokIi.
Tho solemn and Impressive services of
tho Knights of Kadosh were held ovor the Organ Prelude
body of Robert E. Sack In Masonic hall last
night by St. Andrew's preceptory No, l.
The hour was midnight. Washington time,
or 10:30 p. m local tlmo. A large audi
enco filled the hall and many members 51
tho Ancient Order of United Workmen, of
which Mr. Sack was a member, worn In at
torn! mice.
Tho bcnutlful symbolic ceremonies woro
Interspersed with muslo by n quartet com
posed of Mim. Flora Phlleo, soprano; Miss
Andrews, alto; ' Dan "Wheeler, runor; A.
Haverstock. bass. The following knights
participated In tho ceremonies: Luther M
Kuhns, preceptor; R. W. Dyball, flrat sun
preceptor; R. S. Parkar, second sub-prc
ceptor, F. W. Slabaugh, almonor; S. R
Crlckmore, recorder; 0. 8. Loblngler, or
ator; J. S. Davis, trtnsurer; M. A. Hall,
draper; Ouatavo Anderson, marshal; C. W.
Ilaxter. trumpotcr: C. L. Shook, J. F,
Shultz, 11. H. Wilcox, D. L. Holmes, J. N
Westberg, J. R. Stlne, J. W. Dlsbrow, J. H.
Ilrown, nBslstunt knights; Tolf Hanson, F.
S. Hayes, Julian Uoonstra, J. B. Hadfleld,
guard of honor.
Offertory' ' Solo ' VvinVlnY-vMcVo'dle In F"
Anthein-"The' Star''of''iicthle'hem"..l;:rtrlo
Anthem-"Thero Wero Shepherds Vtifroim.
Sorir'ano ' Solo "Tne ' Christmas I lerald" . .
Miss VtVanche 'sorenHon. with violin obli
gate bv Miss Ellsworth.
Closing Hymn No. HI Tune, Repose
The mayor and city council held a brief
conference yesterday noon concerning tho
contract settling all litigation with the
Union Pacific. No decision was reached, but
the matter will probably bo brought before
the council at a special meeting Monday,
City Attorney Conncll has arranged for a
conference with City Engineer Andre. v
Roscwatcr and Goneral Solicitor Kelly of
tho Union Pacific, and saya that he hopes
o have the contract In such shape Monday
that It will be acceptablo both to the coun
ell nnd tho Union Pacific. Tho city attorney
believes that tho contract will bo formally
approved at tho council meeting Tuesday
Unity Churrh.
Unity Church-Morning nt 10:30:
Mr riir..lMiii. Mimical Director.
Organ 8olo-"Chorus of Angels"
.,.(..... DIIIDUI, V H. . It
Old "Hundred"'
Chora) Ilesponso
rrin niinnri, t .11 111 11 111 ic. uli.
violin. Vlnlincello. Orcan.
iinM Snlo ' Undaunted" Sleber
Mr. (inrpiBHPii.
flffprtorv Jiausio
Quartet "A Psnlm of Llfo"..Henry Smart
Miss uareiHsen, aiish in.iiiriiu vhhivbodhi
Mr. KUtiarn unrie.isen, .ur.
IlLrmn .........
Coronntlon March Meyerbeer
Mrs. Anna u. unvis, urgiiiiisi,
First Chrlallnn Chnrch
choir of the .First Christian
l.uat of Mnulilncry. Iteiiulreil hy
Oumlin I'ni'tory In Received nnd
I'nrtlully liiHtnllril.
At Iho Omaha match factory tho last of
tho machinery Is being placed In position
and It Is said that work will be started In
enrnest by January 1.
The Omaha match factory has had dlffl,
culty In starting. In the first place, It was
dltrtcult to let contracts, as nil machine
shops making these mochlnm were very
busy Inst spring. Then came tho strike of
tho Chicago machinists, delaying tho work
Lon tho machines at least two months. When
these inachlncH had been delivered It wns
found Imposslhlo to secure tho equipment
for malting and printing the paateboard
boxes, but finally tho last of theso has been
unloaded anil Is being Installed, The fao-
tory will hnvo a capacity sufllclent to meet
tho requirement-! of thq Nebraska territory
and tho capacity will be Increased aa war,
ranted by tho demands of tho trade.
church, under the directorship of Mr. Henri
r-owani. iissinieu ity .ni"n .jmuc uuic.i.a, -
t.rnnn- Mr. iipnrire Koummu vo. it'imr. nnti
Miss Ona. Masters, organist, will render tho
following music nt the morning service:
Organ Prelude "Largo" lianuoi
liymn "joy 10 tne ,onu
Anthem "Come, Thou Fount" .Kxcel,
I vmn-" lti. Come. Alt ve 1' n II itiui ' . . . .
Snlo-"NlBht of Nights" Water
Offertory "Thou Didst Leave Thy
Throne mirnuy
Ho n ami unorus).
Postiucie "restai Marcn ' uuiimnnt
Klmt CnnKTeprntlonnl.
F.VI3NING AT 7:30.
Harp Solo Selected
Sum I'nlnky nf Lincoln Aim-untiI of
Sreurluir Mnety-Klve Ilnllnr
Sam Polsky was arrrited Saturday after-
nqon by Detective Dunn and Flsk, charged
with robbing hla father of $95. The robbery
occurred In Lincoln and the young man was
taken thero Inst night by Chief of Police
Hoaglnud. Polsky worked the shortchange
racket on his father, according to tho tat
ter's story, on n largo scale. The father
gave tha young man what he thought was
n $5 bill to get changed. The young man
brought back the 5 all right and then left
town. Upon counting the money remaining
In his purse tho father found that he hail
given his son a 1100 bill. When arrested
young Polsky had J106. He dmled that he
had robbed hla father.
MIa Mnrlo Mwnniinn.
Solo Tho Christ Child Sheppprd
Mri. A. (.. Hilwnnis.
Solo-He Shnll Feed Mv Flock. .. .Handel
Ml Uortha Williams.
Ounrtet Hnrk! What Mean Those Holv
Volcos? Schumann
Anthem The Glad Tidings Hrewer
Kniinlr.e Memnrlnl.
Anthem God of Abraham Praise
Dudley lluck
EVEN1NO AT 7:30.
Anthem Cnlm on the Listening Ear,. .
Solo Selected i
Mr. Delntoro Cheney.
St. .Mnr' Avenue CoiiKrcKill Innnl
Anthem Heboid I Jlrlng narnby
vioun Hoio seiecicd
Mr. i.iiv Wnniinril.
Anthem Hallelujah Clioriis Handel
Aniuem Ann me uiory oi in!" inru.iiantici
Anthem Praise the Lord Wntoon
Anthem-God lie Merciful Loud
I'lrit Itu ti tint.
MORNING AT 10:3il.
Selections from Handel's "Messiah" w'JII
be sung Tho nuartet will he assisted by
Miss Loule iioltnrr. ronrnno. ami n lnri?o
chorus. The soloists will be: Miss Hn.
torf. soprano; miss riorenro hit of
r attsmouth. sonrann: Jlrs. v. K. Hitch,
pook, contralto; .nr. A v. iinsimr. tenor
Mr. J. I'Cignr. nasso. msss Marga'ot
Roller win ne at the organ,
Special musical programs to bo given
Christmas day are as follows:
Trinity Cntheilrnl,
Hymns SS, 89, 51
Tn Deum (Tours In F)
Communion Servlcn (Tours In Fl .. ..
Anthem Sing Oh Heavens Tours
urran voluntaries
Prelude on Xmaa Carols,.,,,
Lord I'auneefnte Mnken Itefutntliiu of
11 u in or of Atli'Keil AttueU
on the 1'reNlilent.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. noth at tho
Whlto House and at the Ilrltlsli ombnfsy an
omphalic dental is made of tho published
story of an assault alleged to have been
mado upon the president Thursday after
noon. The president himself declares the
story Is not true and nuthorlzes the denial
of It. Lord Pauncofoto, tho Rrltlsh ambas
sador, who Is siild to havo been a witness
of tho assault, emphatically denies the
Tho story of the assault grew out of tho
fact that an Intoxicated man was lurching
along Massachusetts avenue Thursday aft
ernoon ns the president was tnklug his
dally walk and that tho man brushed
against the president A secret service
officer arrested tho man, hut It la under
stood ho was boon afterward released.
A sensational story that the president
had beon struck In tho prcsonca of Lord
Pauncefoto was printed In Now York today.
3 stories
MisiliilMMHBHHHHisJMHM JHaMaaaiiiMiaiMsaa BMimiMi
Christmas Goods
All the Newly Arrived Art and Music
Novelties are Placed in This Big Sale
together with tin; stoi-k 011 which wo rvcoivi'il tho liberal
iiisurttitfc tidjustinont. Hvorything gotH at discount
winch leaves no alternative, as to here you will spend
your Christ mas money.
Look tit. the immense variety of most useful and sensi
ble presents which are attractive as well as ornamental.
The highest grade, tho best known,
tho most durable make, the lending
planes ot the world, nt prices within
rrach of all.
The KNAI1K pianos. In mahogany and
walnut cascB.
Tho KRANICH ft I1ACH pianos. In
rosewood, mahogany and walnut
The KIM HALL pianos, In oak. walnut
and mahogany casts.
The HALLET & DAVIS pianos, In wal
nut and mahogany cases.
The McPItAlL pianos, In walnut
mahogany nnd oak cases,
The SCHUMANN plan, In mahog
any nnd walnut cases.
The HOSPn pianos.
Tho WHITNKY pianos.
The IHJttTON pianos.
And twrrt other makes In all the
detilrnble cases, marked down to JOS,
$138, Jlf.S, 187. t9S, $227. J26S, J2S7,
$31 1, 1338 $387. 3fi.r.
Terms $5, 10. $25 down. $.1 to $15
Piano Stools, Ileuches nnd Chairs,
only 25c, 50c, $1. $1.50, $2 up to $10.
PIANO SCARFS In velvet, satin,
oilk or cloth, only $1, $1.50, $2.50 up
to $10.
Art Materials
Water color boxes oulDts, 25c
Crayon drawing outfits, $1.50
China color boxes outfits, $3,75
Pyrogrnphy or wood burning
outfits, $1.50 up.
Oil painting boxes and outfits,
13.75 up.
Cnlcndnrs from 10c up,
Music Instruments and
Talking Machines from $12 and
up on Installments If desired.
lleglna Music Roxes from $15
up -on small payments.
Sss Mu lc Rexes fiom 25c up.
Musical Steins, Musical Al
bums, MiiHlcal Pigs, Musical
Cigars, Singing Iilrds, at all
pi Ices.
Violins, complete, from $5 up:
Oultnri from $5 up, Mandolins
fiom $4 up, Hnnjos from $t up.
Cases for nil Instruments from
U up, Harmonious 5c up, Ac
rordeons from $3 up. Strlngn for
all Instruments from Cc up.
Fifes, Drums, Flutes, Zobos,
Jews Harps, Rand Instruments,
llnro Violins, Tambourines,
Ocntlnns, riute Harmonicas,
Violin Rows nnd trimmings for
nil Instruments, from 6c up.
Music Holla, 50c, (Re, $1, $1.50
up to 3.
The K1M11A1J. organs.
The Hl'RDKTTK orsans.
Th HOSPU organs.
Tho IM PKK1AL organ?.
Tho 1THICA organo.
all In oak or walnut cases.
$13. $22. $32. $12. $52. $43.
Terms $3 to $" down. $3 to $5 In
stallments. Picture Dpar tment
Water Color pictures In gold
frames, from $3 up to $100.
Ktchlngs In hard wood frames, $2
up to $50
Carbon Photos In oak frnmon, $2.
$1. $f, $10.
Platlnntypo Plclures In black and
gold frame, $1.50. $2.50, $3.0 up to
Framed Pictures, 50c. $1.00 and up.
Florentine (told Mirrors and frames,
from $2.75 up to $60.
Oval Oold Frames, oval black and
gold, oval hard wood frames, for
piiotngrnr.hs, from 25c up.
Oold plated and gilt Card and Cabi
net frames from 25c up.
Mlnlatun- and China Paintings from
$1 50 up.
Picture Fr.inioo. to lit all slzea of
Pictures, from 25a up.
Oroat variety of Art Novelties, 25o
The only perfect easy running IMano Player on the market. Prices from
fll.LOO to 50.00 cheaper than any other player. Sold on monthly pay
rUDTCTUiC TDiHU TUW1VCC I pensive books, higher-class magazines, bet
U11UJ1AJ llXAVli llllUiljJ
Omaka Daalari Da Largest Business ia
Lical History.
Money Nprnt Frerly nnd All Sort of
Tlilnu llntiKht with llenillitrN
(lint AMimlxlien the Olil
rnt Trnili-Mlim.
OiU'iiko IlrRlna to .Sop Hope of Itp-
llof from Tliren teneil Fuel
Kn ni I nr.
ClflCAOO, Dec. 21. Chicago has passed
tho most serious aspect of tho coal shortage
and after Monday manufacturing establish
ments and big downtown buildings will be
In a better position to fight tho possibility
of anything approaching a famlno. The
coming ot Sunday and tho apparent break
In tho cold apell nro the two things that
coal men bellevo will bring nbout thU
chango in conditions. Tomorrow tho grent
majority of the coal supplies of various
plants will remain undisturbed and within
the noxt forty-olght hours tho railroad
managers say they will be ablo to pour
enough soft coal Into tho city to prevent
any further shortage
The actual shortage and tho scare result
ing from it caused a wild rush for coal.
All kinds of prices havo been asked and
paid for fuel within the last two dayB.
Trill M :if .MereliiuiillNi nt Ilcitloni of
.MIxHoiilu Illi or Near (Jnr
rUnn. Mmit,
HELENA. Mont., hoc. 2L A freight
wreck occurred on thu Northern Paclflo last
night two miles west of Garrison, and as a
result twenty cars at merchandise aro lying
at the bottom of tho Missoula river and
traffic Is suspended, threo overland passen
ger trains are being held at Missoula. The
cause ot tho accident Is not known, but It Is
supposed to have been caused hy the break
ing of a rail or wheel flange by tho cold
weather, which caused the train to separate,
uncoupling the rear portion, which tumbled
down the mountain Into tbo river. No one
was Injured.
Personal statements mado to The Ilee
laat night hy tho managers of more than
a dozen Arms, representing as many differ
ent lines of business and selected nt ran
dom, Indicate that moro money was spent
ut tho retail stores of Omaha yesterduy
than on tho corresponding day of any pre
vious year In tho city's existence.
Tho Saturday before Chrlstmaa Is nlwoj'B
a big trading day, second only to that In
tho evening of which tho mythical Santa
Claus Is due to appear, hut this year It
has been doubly so because of curlier shop
ping having been restricted by the sevcro
cold weather, and for the other reason
that money Is unusually ''easy."
Everybody In n household has tho neces
sary trade lubricant this year anil Is will
ing to apply It. The head ot tho family
has apparently opened his checkbook clear
out, his wife, sons and daughtera hnve let
loose of their private savings and oven
Annette In tho nursery and Ilrldgut in tho
kitchen 'have been In line at tho gift
On tho streets and In tho stores all day
yesterday and last evening there were
thousands of happy souls and wet uppers.
The rise In temperature and the reappear
ance of a genial sun had mae slush of
tho snow and mud was tracked Into store
aisles ut tho rate ot a pound n minute,
but nobod:' seemed to euro. Thero never
was a moro distinctly good-nntured, happy
crowd and never ona that squeezed the
eagles less mUcrly as they took their (light
to tho aerlo ot the cashier, high up above
tho corset counter or tho long tables on
which the mechanical toyB held sway.
Uverynne Mlirrnl with Colli.
From every alternate street cornor came
thn dolorous pealing of a grind organ, and
from all the other corners enme the dis
astrous peeling of the banana vendors.
Small coin rattled Into tho boxes of tho
former and tho pockets of tho Inttor ns
briskly ns hall Into a pansy bed aud the
Just, the unjust nnd thoso not yut claHslllod
wcro nil mado equally happy. Somcwhero,
In dismal rooms unllghted nnd unhented,
there may havo been aurforlng nnd want,
but tho happy street crowdB knew not tho
places nnd could only glvo alms where
nlmH were asked.
Today the drawn blinds will screen many
n crowd of Sabbath breakers, who. with
brooms and mops nnd possibly even with
shovels, will clean tho storerooms,
straighten up the confused stocks nnd
otherwlso prepare for tho trado of tho noxt
two days, expected to equal If not surpass
that of nny other two days that Omaha
has over known.
Ileeoril fur Sixteen Venrs,
A momber of a Sixteenth street dry goods
house mild:
"This Is our sixteenth year In business,
mu never neiorc, wun ino exception ot ue-
tober of tno rransmissippl yenr, have wo
had such trade as In this December anil
never turn a Saturday as this ono. Pros
pcrlty U here. Omaha Is all right."
Tho manager of tho clothing department
In a department store said It was tho best
Saturday ho had over seen, but was only a
correct cilmax to a trado that had been
splendid over since Ak-Sar-llen week In
A leading book and stationery stora's
chief reprcssntatlve said; "Our best days
are due next week, but this one. has brought
a trado far In excess of that of prevloux
j years. 1'e.opie are investing id more ex-
ter statlouury, more costly games tor the
I children, and an for our calendar stock, It
Is nearly cleaned out already. This latter
feature Is Important, for tho new styles,
In poster effect and water colors, aro the
most artistic nnd original that havo over
been gotten out nnd the demand for them,
even at stiff prices, has shown us that the
public, when times nre prosperous os now,
Is willing to reward Ingenuity and Is quick
to detect It. Tho Calendar sale this year Is
already nearly double, what tt was Inst year,
and not for economy's sako either."
.Mi item i' ii Are .liilillinit.
"Women ure spending $5 bills for shoes
without hesitation and without asking t"
coo homcthlng cheaper. When they do that
you can bet that tho family finances lire on
a sound basis," snlil a salesman of tho wear.
On Farnam Htrect there la a chlnnware
dealor who has been In business In Omaha
Juat forty years, nnd In thoso forty has
never seen such a holiday trade as the
present. "It Is now t!:30," he said, "nnd I
am Htlll without my dinner, though I had
breakfast at tho usual rnrly hour this morn
ing. I have flight clerks on tho Moor und
havo been obliged to bring my wife down
to help out. Monday I shall employ ton
clerks. Flvo years ngo, with ldlo men
walking the strifts hunting for work, I
hardly felt that anyone should be expected
to buy Chrlitmas presents, hut now nil men
who wnnt work hnvo it and glft-glvlng has
again become n Justified Joy."
A Jowelery dealer said that ho liud bad
twice as mnny customers ns usual, but tor
motions which ho waa totally unable to ex
plain tho amount of snips for the day had
not equalled the total for tho same day last
A llorlst reported buslncos about tho mime
ns last yenr, with some very good sales, an,
for Instance, $40 worth of violets and $20
worth of other flowers for onu woman, the
violets being sold hor nt the flat rato ot $1
a bunch. "American lleautle are selling at
$18 per dozen this year Instead of $24 an
last year," ho said, "hut notwithstanding
this tho domund for (hem la less, the pnpu-
canta Clam Malls Two Tom ef Presents
Daily frcm mslia.
Uiitlrr NtiifT of l.oenl Olllee, with l'.
t')tlon of Currier, Worl.liirt
Overtime to Keep t'p tvltli
the Holiday Ituxli,
Saturday morning an additional table w.i.s
placed iu tbo lobby of tho postolllcu Just out
sldo tho stamp room, for the accommodation
ot thosn having Christmas bundles to weigh.
It wnH tho nisi confession thnt tho holiday
rush had (.Town beyond the capacity ot thu
ordinary ulamp windows, whero audi weigh
ing Is usually done.
Nor was 11 put thero any too noun. Siuco
i.irly morning pcoplo of all Mzch, agca
and colors had been tiling In with nrnu
full, fnecs radiant nnd purees Hat. It wan
thu opening day of tho llnul noilday Inllux
of domtstlc mall, and Auslbtant Postmuator
Woodard, who Is personally superintending
tho for' cs, f i ml h the rush Just as big ub Hi
any prevloiiH year.
To !('u an Idea of Its enormity It Is only
necessary to ijuotu Mr. Woudard's prediction
that Saturday and Monday thero will bo de
posited In thn Omaha postollce four tons of
merchandise mall, or two tons ench day. No
package can exceed four pounda In weight
nnd the average Is not iiinro than two
pounds, Figuring on this weight average
tho number of oundlcs thai will shoot Iho
chutrs In tneso two daya will be 2,u00, ex
clusive of all the curds, envelopes, calendar
and hltH of kulck-knack thul weigh but u
few ounces.
A watchman who stood guard at tha pack
age chute saya that ho timed the rate of
deposit and found that u thrcu-bunhcl basket
IB mica in two minutes when tho rush la
lar demand seeming to center now In holly." fastest. There Is a long row of theso baa-
t..i. ...... ....i.i.. '1'i.ri... kf't8 Jut lusldo thu packugc window, aud as
'Missouri meerschaums won't do this
year," said a Fiftoenth street cigar dealer.
Ilrlars arc tho cheapest plpo wo Hove any
call for and those to bo given as cnrlstmas
presonts nre, In the majority of cases,
meerschaums of genuine and aristocratic
title. Nor havo wo ever bofore- had so mnny
orders for good clgara In such largo lots, It
l the finest holiday trado we have ever
had since wo btarted hero a good many
years ago,"
Drueclsta and confectioners said that
their harvest Is not until the eleventh
hour, but that tho Saturdny business wbh
most assuring. Haberdashers said It was
only n question of being nblo to take tare
of tho customers who enme.
"Swamped; literally svumipcd! That's
what wo aro," said tho local manager ot
nn express company. "And I don't bellovo
that any of the other companies nro nny
better off. Tho shipping from Omaha thlr
yoar I would estimate as nt least 25 per
cent greater than that of any provlnm
year. Tho packages are not only more nu
merous, hut larger and entored oh nf
higher vnluo. This has been our big dn
for tho shipping business, but tho bulk of
tho rnrelvlng work Is still to come and I
now have three wagnna out mnklng delivery
of what has already been rocolvod, that wn
may have all the roqm possible to handle
thn enormous consignments of Monday.
"Tho Sabbath observers will have to for
glvo us for wqrklng our teams tomorrow,
for we will simply hnvo to do It and we
purpose to deliver every bundle that wo
can. It's wonderful, positively wonderful
tho amourjt of Christiana remoinbrances
that aro In transit thlH year, and Omaha Is
doing Its full share, If not more."
Coffee .Market.
NHW YOJtK. Dec 21.-rOFPHK-Hiot,
steady: No, 7 Invoice, ti'ic: mild, steady,
cordova, 7'.&llc. Futures opened steady
fast ns ono Is filled It Is whisked to the
tables und another slid Into Itu place.
Open On Sniiilfi).
Custom nnd ruled will bo tscl uuldo to
day and tho register window kept upon
from 10 a, m. to 4 p. in. tor tho accommo
dation of tho public. The other window
will be open only the usual time unless thn
riiBh nt tho stamp window requires nn ex
tension there, which Is not probable, nts the
register window will havo mumps for sal''.
No additional help bus been employed,
but tho entire regular stuff ut tho postolllco
Is wtrklng ovorttmo, tho onu exception to
thla being the carriers, who uru iilllcUlly
forbidden to work moro than tho atlpulatul
eight houra par day under any circum
stances. Thu railway mall clcrka aro having a par
ticularly busy tlmo, im tbo holiday mall is
as largo as tn any pruvlous yenr In tho on
ilro l.lstnry of tho service, nud 111 addition
hoy havo to contend with thn delays
itlll continue n the cast becauso of thn cold
.vave, and which havo resulted In Important
onncctlona being mlwicd every diiy for
moro than a week. At tho local headquar
ters Chief Clerk 11. F. Shears and Deputy
W. J. Motion keep tho telephone wires hot
In an effort to prevent nny delay ut tho
Union Pacific transfer or ut tho local ttu
Hon. '
llliJi't'tloiiK to bullion l.iii'nllnii,
Thn Hoard of Fire and Pollen Commix
slonera completed Iih hearing of thu pro.
test against the location of u saloon nt
tho corner of Twenty-lourth and Hickory
streets lust night and took thn protest
under consideration. The tirnt'ntntitH In
troduced evidence to Hhow that IIW children
llvo wltiln a radius of a few Works of the
proposed location of the saloon and Dint
the illstllPt Ik ,i residence rather than u
liUHltleFM dlstilct.
TriiliKlttlltlltlc Sleiimer In Luiiiielieil,
nALTIMOItlO, Dec .i A new llmO-ton
ononed steady tranwit antic siearner wiib launcneo ner
In tone with prices unchanged Price ullf- I today It will be Known nn Hip Hhawmut
fenod Hp raildlv ,i to in points, tin; mnr- and Is nni if the twelve tf timers he ug
hct closing firm and 5 to 10 points higher, built for tho Uoston HUainshlp compuny.