0 TTTE OMATTA DAILY DEE: SI'S DAY, DECEIDED 22, 1 901. COMING SWIFT FOR SOCIETT (mall Thiigi aid llg Orawd Ich Other Oltitlj oi Caltndir. HOLIDAYS TO BE HADE SLORIOUSLY MERRY lloiinil of tlic l.imt AVrrk Only a Stnrl on Wlint In .Scheduled lo I'll I In Dnj-M nrul Xltclitn to Climf, From a neck of unceasing gaiety during the taut novcn days society wilt plunge Into nnothcr round of plcasuro this week that promised no abatement until Lent puts a stop to It nil, for every day some new affair Is ndded to tho list until the hostess who would still entertain finds nearly every afternoon and evening already oc cupied with soma other affairs. This week Is replete with smart occasions, to which tho presence of the unusual number of college men and women, homo for tho holidays, wilt lend an additional Interest. Christmas night tho second of tho as semblies will occupy n largo proportion of thn fashionables, On Thursday evening tho Orcutt dancing party Is to bo given at Metropolitan club. Friday afternoon Mrs. Kcnnsrd will give a largo reception In honor of her daughter, Miss Kcnnard. Mrs. J. F. Cond and her daughter, Mrs. II. P. Jensen, will also glvo n largo reception during tho afternoon. In tho evening Mr. and Mrs. Horry Welter will entertain a largo party of friends at cords and on Sat urday oftornoon Mrs. Hermnn Kountzo will glvo ono of the largest receptions of tho winter at Forest Hill, when aho will present her daughter. l'li'nmi Pant. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Erquhart rntcr talneil at supper on Thursday evening. About 100 couples participated In tho dancing party given on Monday evening by tho Omaha Ononis. Tho Southwest Dancing club gavo an other of lis enjoyablo parties nt Chambers' halt on Friday evening. Mrs. Freeman Loom Is entertained n party of about sixty women nt cards on Friday afternoon at her homo on South Thtrty iccond street. Mr. Fred Nnsh was host on Tuesday evening at n dialling dish supper, nt his home, given In honor of Miss Swensberg's guests, Ml em Uennett nnd Miss Ilrooklngs. Thcro wcro about eighteen guests presont. Mr. nnd Mrs. Conklcy entertained the Saturday N'lght club at their homo, on Thirty-seventh street last week. Tho house was prettily decornted with holly and over greons and tho electric lights shaded In pink. Mrs. Charleton entertained tho Six Handed Kuchro club on Monday, Mrs. Funkhoiiser, Mrs. Llndsey nnd Mrs. Prltch ctt, being awarded tho prizes. Mrs. E. M. Morsman will entertain tho club nt tomor row's meeting. "Tho Thorbegwofs" met at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Fuukhouscr on Wednes day ovenlng nnd Bpcnt tho evening playing whist. The organization will meet fort nightly In tho futuro nt tho homes of the various members. Mrs. Hnrry Straight wns hostess on Wednesday at the meeting of tho Twentieth Century Kensington club, when a very pleasant nfternoon was spent, concluding with a luncheon. Tho next meeting will bo cntortalned by Mrs. Kd Lowrey at tho Mur ray. Mrs. Frank Johnson entertained a num ber of women nt tea on Wcdnesdny after noon In honor of her guest, Mrs. Itlvlnlus of Cambridge, Mass., tho gtiests consisting chiefly of former friends of Mrs. Hlvlnlus previous to her marriage, when sho was Miss Ambroso of Omaha. In compliment to Mlt Law, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountzo gavo ono of tho pretty dinners of tho week ou Tuesday evening, when their guests were: Miss Law, Miss Webster, MIsh Cotton, Miss Edith Smith, Miss Carlta Curtis, Messrs. Haskell, Cooley, Cotton, Dodge nnd Crclgh. Mrs. Chawo entertained a party of thirty women on Tuesday afternoon, cards bolng tho diversion of tho occasion. Tho houso decorations, together with tho scoro cards and prizes wero all In red. Mrs. Joslyu secured tho first nward and Mrs. Wattles tho second, tho lono hand prlzo going to Mrfl. Coutnnt. On Thursday evening, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ford ontertnlncd n six-handed thirty-three. Six tnbles wero employed, tho prizes of the ovenlng being awarded to Mrs. Fred Schneider and Mrs. J. L. linker, Mr. Robert l'urvls nnd Mr. J. E. Kclby. Tho game wns played up In tho ball room, which was hung with Hags. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ford cntortalned n pnrty of thirty friends nt an Informal dancing party nt their homo on West Far nam street on last Snturdoy evening. Tho bait room wan trimmed red, tho same color and designs bolng carried out In tho decora tion of tho dining room, whoro supper was served lato In tho evening. Mlssc Webster, Law, l'eck, Edith Smith, Allen, Cotton, McCIIntock, Mensrs. Charles Kountzo, Cowglll, George l'nlmer and Harry Wllklns wero Miss SwenBberg's guests at u luncheon on Tuesday, given In honor of her guests, Miss Ilrooklngs of Itedlnnds, 01., and Miss Dennett of Tacoma. Covnrs woro laid for fourteen, tho table decorations being of holly nnd palnclunu. Mrs. J. H. Hnnoy arranged n very en oyablo slirprlBc porty In honor of Mr. Honey on Thursday evening, Decomber 10, tho occasion Wolng Mr. Hnnoy'a birthday. Hlgh-flvo woe Indulged In and tho first prtzos woro awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Cor coran. Mrs. McKey und Mr. Mlcdlug wero uwarded consolation prizes. Some beau tiful piano selections wcro rendered by Mrs. Gotten. Goneral and Mrs. Mandcrson, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Webstor, Mr. and Mrs. Urecn, Mr, nnd Mrs. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Mc Cord wcro thu guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hor ace Hurt at a dinner an Thursday evening. It wob a most pleasing affair, tho decora tions being all In pink. Lator In tho even ing Mr. Oscar Oarrolien nnd Mr. Eduard Oarrolson contributed n most delightful musical program. Last weok's meetiug of tho South Side Whist club wns entertained nt tho home of Mrs. A. E. llryson, 2022 St. Mary's avenue, whoro a very pleasant afternoon was spent. Tho houso decorations wcro of holly and Christmas grcons, tho scheme including a untquo representation of each guest. Tho prizes woro won by Mrs. a. Marti und Mrs. O. Price. Tho next meeting will be held Now Year's eve, nt tho homo of Mrs. Marti, Tho rnon friends of tho club will bo In cluded. Miss Law was tho guest of honor at a buffet luncheon given by Mrs, Keuyoti on Friday, which was rendered unusually charming by Its variation from the con ventional form of such affairs. Tho cheery ChrlstmaB ntmosphero pervaded tho rooms, which wero trimmed with holly and red carnations and filled with womon. Upon her arrival each guest was Bcrvcd punch from tho tnblo where Mrs. Luther Kountzo nud Mrs. John Patrick presided. Mrs. Fred Rustlu and Mrs, Webster wero In tho din ing room, tho tablo being effectively trimmed with fruit and red carnations, with a looso scattering of holly over tho cloth The Ices wero served In form of carnations from baskets of spun sugar. Coffco was served In stilt another room. About forty women wero present during tho afternoon. Tho Friendly Greeting club wns enter tained at tho borne of Mr. and Mrs. John Kcyscr on Tuesday ovenlng, December 17, tho time being devoted to cards. Mrs, H. C. Cook wjs awarded the first woman's prlzo and Mr. A. L. Lynch the first gentleman's prize. Consolation prizes were awarded Mrs. A. U Lynch and Mr. E, W. Norrls. After tho award of prizes refreshments wcro served. Tho next meeting will tako placo at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. I'. A. McKcnna on Wednesday evening, January 1, 1002. Mrs. Qulou's buffet luncheon on Thursday was conspicuous among tho many charming affairs of like character given recently, about thirty women being Included among her guists. Tho rooms wcro darkened and lighted by tho soft glow of numerous whlto candles, unshaded, supported by a variety of candelabra, at onco unln.ua nnd doc oratlve. On tho dining room tnblo the candles wero red, ' corresponding with the huge bowl of American beauty roses, which occupied ono end. Mrs. Gulou wns assisted by Mrs. Coles, Miss Wnkeley nnd Mrs. Cow glll. Ono of tho largest and wholly delightful nffnlrs of tho week, was tho dancing party given nt Motropolltnn club on Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English nud Mr. nnd Mrs. It. W. Ilnlley. Tho large ball room, which ndmlts of tho mora mas slvo decoration, wo trimmed with quanti ties of etnllux and greens hung In festoons nnd Intermingled with tho Hags that draped tho doors and front of tho stagu where tho orchestra was stationed. About 150 guests participated In tho dancing ami later enjoyed tho supper served down In tho dining room, from small tables pret tily trimmed with red nnd whlto carna tions. Tho dinner commcmorntlvo of Forefathers' day given at tho Millard on Thursday oven lng by tho Omaha chapter. Daughters of tho American Revolution, to tho Sons of tho American Revolution of tho state wtis among tho pleasant social features of tho week past and occasioned n gathering of members of thoao orders from several parts of Nebraska. Mrs. A. Alice, regent of tho Omaha chapter, was toastmlstrcss nnd mudo tho nddrcss of welcome, to which Mr. J. H. Daniels mado tho response. Tho other speakers of tho evening wero: Hon. II. M. Lambortson of Lincoln, Mrs. C. S. Lnns worthy of Sownrd, Judgo Pond of Lincoln, Mrs. C. F. Steel of Fnlrbury. Colonel Mc Clcrland, Mrs. H. S. Jnyncs nnd Mr. Frunk U. Lawrence. Movniirnf mill Whoronliniitn. Mies Dcsslo Drndy Is at homo for tho holi days. Mrs. E. H. Spraguo returned from Chi cago on Thursday. Miss Margaret and Mr. George Prltchett aro nt homo for the holidays. Mlfs Ella Mno Drown hns returned from a six weeks' visit In tbo cast. Gerald Drew Is at homo for the holidays from his low studies nt Lincoln. Mrs. Jcnnlo Jnmcs O'Neill Is spending the holidays with friends In Chicago. Mrs. H. S. Jaynes nnd Miss Jaynes aro back from n brief trip to Chicago. Messrs. John Iledlck nnd Arthur Jncqutth aro at homo from Culver Military academy. Miss Hester Taylor has returned from a flvo weeks' visit with friends In tho cast. Mr. Tom Davis returned from Princeton yesterdny to spend tho holidays with his parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Miller aro on n trip through tho south, spending somo tlmo nt Ililoxl, Miss. Miss Margaret Hitchcock returned from her school In tho cast on Friday to spend tho holidays hero. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ford spent a part of Inst week In Chicago, returning homo on Thursday morning. Mrs. C. E. Durmcstcr, Jr., loft on Monday for Chicago, where sho will spend tho holi days with her mother. Mr. Horaco Spurgcon returned from I'rlnceton last week to spend his vacation horo with his parents. Mrs. E. V. Lewis Is In Chicago, tho guest of Mrs. C. C. Choso. Sho Is expected homo tho early part of tho week. Miss Curtis Is oxpocted from Chicago to morrow and will bo accompanied by guests, who will spend somo tlmo here. Messrs. Lyman l'eck, Donlso Darkalow and Richard IJaum arc at homo from Culvor Military academy for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Thompson nnd daugh ter have gouo to Chicago, to remain until nfter New Year with their parents. Georgo W. Holbrook returned from St. Loula yostcrday and will spend tho boll- days with his family In Kountzo place. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn of 1117 Park avenue nro expected homo on Tuesday from n threo months' trip to tho Pacific coast. Mrs. Edwin K. Perfect and daughter, Miss Irene, left lust week to spend tho holidays with Mrs. Porfoct'H parents In Richmond, Ind. Messrs. Glenn and Gcrnld Wharton re turned from Princeton collego last week to spend Christmas with their parents In Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. McMullon left yesterday for Fulrllold, In., whero they will romnln until nfter New Year with Dr. McMullen's parents. Hon. Lorenzo Crounso and daughters left last week for Florida, whero they will pond tho remainder of tho winter on tholr plantation. Mrs. Adelald Mtllspaugh Zanncr will go to Minneapolis on Tuesday to spend Christmas with her son, Mr. F. M. Znnner, nnd brother, Mr. E. K. Mlllspaugh. Mr. Otla Howard, accompanied by his sister. Miss Helen Howard, arrived homo on Thursday to spend the holidays with tholr mother, Mrs. Ouy Howard. Mrs. P. F. Klrkondall and Bon loft Omaha on Wednesday for Toledo, whero Miss Ada Klrkendall will Join them; and together they will spend Christmas with friends, Mrs. John P. Lord nnd children hnvo gono to Hockport, HI., to spend tho holi days with her parents, nlso to attend the wedding of her sister, Miss Swlngloy, on New Yeor's duy. Mr. It. N. Wlthnoll has gono to Culver, Mo., to meet his grandson, Mr, Dick Leon ard, who Is attending tho military academy there. They win go east togethor and spend tho holidays with relatives. Miss Ella Clark, daughter of Rev. A. W. Clark, arrived In Omaha yesterday from Owatonna, Minn., to spend the holidays with her parents. Miss Clark Is n student at Plllsbury academy, Owatonna. Mrs. Nathan Mcrrlam returned yesterday morning from Chicago, whero tho wont to meet her daughter, Miss Mildred, who Is attending school at Albany, N. Y., and will remain In Omaha until nfter Now Year. WrdillnuN mill tf iiKiiKiMiif iiIn. Mr. nnd Mrs, J. Northrup announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Grace Clove, and Mr. William Whlto Troxell. Mrs. Frances Chapman announces tho engagement of her duughter, Miss Mndc llno, nnd Mr. Georgo It, Mnrlleld of Daven port, la. Tho wedding will occur early In February. A pretty homo wedding was solemnized on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, William Carpenter, 2220 Lake street, tho bride being her sister, Miss Bertha Louise MnnaQold, nnd tho groom Mr. Harry Edward Perkins of Salt Lake City. Only tho Im mediate relatives wcro present, Mr. nnd Mrs. Perkins leaving Immediately for their futuro home In Portland, Ore. Mr. John Wnlcott Mills nnd Miss Laura Mae Matteson wero married on Wednesday ovenlng In St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Mills are both widely known In Omaha, both hav ing formerly resided here. The morrlago of Mr. C. E. Adams, Jr., of Omaha and Miss Lorn N. Ilcchcr, daugh ter of Mr. Georgo G. Uechor of Columbus, Neb., will be solemnized nt noon Thursday, December 20, nt Graco Eplscopnl church of thnt city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Adams will resldo nt 2024 Cnllfornla street, Omaha, after January 15. Tho mnrrlngo of Mr. Wilbur M. Lemon of Omaha and Miss Mnmlo Johnson was Eolemnlzed on lost Monday at tho home of tho bride's father, Mr. Charles D. Johnson, in San Antonio, Tex. After January 1 Mr. nnd Mrs. Lemon will reside nt 2107 North Twenty-eighth avenue, Omnhn. Though Mrs, Lemon Is tho daughter of ono of the oldest families of Son Antonio, the wedding wns very quiet, no cards having been Issued. Moclnl riill-Clnit. Mr. Arthur Lewis Is expected homo from Culver tomorrow. Captain and Mrs. Erwin and family will spend Christmas In St. LouIb. Tho Et-a-VIrp club will kI'o Its next as sembly on Friday evening, December 27. Miss Cnrlta Curtis will bo nt homo from 4 uutll C o'clock on Now Year's day In honor of Miss Cotton. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Munn will bo tho guests over Chrlsttnnn of Captain and Mrs. Reynolds nt Florence. Mr. nnd Mrs. John I. Redlek havo re turned to Omaha and are occupying their homo on North Twenty-fourth street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Clarke, Jr., woro tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Gan nett nt Florence Saturday nnd Sunday. Mrs. John F. Coad has Issued cards for a reception to bo given on Friday nfternoon, December 27, In honor of her daughter, Mrs. It. P. Jensen. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. L. Whitney nnd little daughter, Ilornlco, will upend tho holidays at Norfolk with Mrs. Whitney's parents, Judgo nnd Mrs. Powers. Mrs. J. It. IUichaunn has gono east to spend thu holidays nnd upon her return sho and Mr. Iluchnnnn will be at homo for the winter nt tho Her Grand. Mr. nnd Mrs. John It. Patrick came In from their ranch tho early part of the week and will spend tho remainder of tho winter In Omnhn nt Happy Hollow. Miss Helen Cady Is not expected homo until New Year's, ns sho has decided to rpend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Her bert Wheeler, in Washington. Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard Kimball and fam ily will tako possession of their now homo ou South Seventh street next week, having recently come Into tho city from their ranch nenr Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Nash nnd daughters will return from Now York tomorrow. Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Dnrton, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Chrlstluncy of Washington and Mr. Ed McCann will nlso bo In tho porty. Mrs. Herman Kountzo wilt glvo n large reception nt Forest Hill on Saturday after noon, when sho will formally introduce her daughter, Miss Ellen Cotton. On Monday evening, December 30, Miss Cotton will glvo n largo dancing party at Metropolitan club. Out-of-TiMrn Gurntn. Miss Alma Urlnu Is oxpected homo from Denver next week. Mrs. W. I. Iledlck Is entertaining Mrs. Dundy as her guest. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Burgess of Knnsns City will spend Christmas with Omahu friends. Miss Ilrooklngs, who has been Miss Swonsberg's guest, will leave for tho cast tomorrow. Mr. C. M. Doynton of Creston, Ia was tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. II. L. Whitney on Thursdny. Miss Law, who hns been Miss Webster's guest, will return to her homo In Henry, III., tomorrow. Prof, and Mrs. G. E. Uarbcr of Lincoln will bo tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. H. Co! j over Christmas. Miss Lesllo Schmidt of Denver, Colo., will bo the guest of Miss Catherine Urlau during Christmas week. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Curtis of St. Louis will bo tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Wallaco during tho holidays. Mrs. William TIchenor of Trumnnsburg, N. Y., Is tho guest of her slstors, Mrs. O. H. Pratt nnd Airs. W. J. Wclshnus. Miss Margaret Sullivan of Albion Is the guest of her cousin, Mtsa Katharlno Lawless of North Nineteenth street. Prof. Richard T. Ely was tho guest lost week of Mr. Victor Rosownter, formorly ono of his students nt Johns Hopkins. Dr. F. C. Fnrmor of Chicago will bo the guest of Mrs. J. It. Mustek and daughters of tho Her Grand during tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hunter of Rock Island, III., nro spending tho holidays with tholr parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. G. Urlnu. Miss Forpough returned to her homo In St. Pout yesterdny, after having spent two weeks In Omahu, tho guest of Miss Mc Kenna. Miss IVycke of Kansas City and Miss Edith Peycko of Hamburg, Germany, will bo tho guests of Miss Coad for tho next ton days. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Clark of Kansas City aro spending tho holidays with their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. F, Redmon, 2219 Ulnnoy street. HlKli School Xotca, A number of excellent posters wero hung on tho walls of tho High school last week to odvertlso tho red and whlto section of tho senior class. New posters aro added every day. Tho members of tho red section Try Our 35-Cent Sunday Dinner CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT 120 DOlr.LAS STR1JRT MENU OX JOINT SOUP CELERY SALAD ROAST PRIME nEEF AU JUS or STUFFED YOUNG TURKEY CRANBERRY SAUCE MASHED POTATOES SUGAR CORN OREEN APPLE PIE A LA MODE TEA COFFEE MILK Tin: oxi.v i:.vci,rsivn iujstaii- HAI'XT IN OMAHA. OUR ART nro tilled with Royal Honn China, Fravlllo tlnuo Ilrass. Plaques, Jardlneres. etcHand nouvenu decorations, Framed TapcHtrles innKO an nccepmuiu present uiiu neiiuiuy Mawhinney & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art inm ami douoi.as nth, Stall nnert Moll order given careful attention. Beleo 11 Ooa picJtfc" nt to riponslbU parU. wear red popples, while the "whites'' are distinguished by white chrysanthemums. Th. polo of tho Christmas posters closel Wednesday. Over $15 was realized to fur nlsh tho drawing room In tho new build ing with cases, statues, etc. Tho preliminary dobato to decide who shall represent tho Omaha High school nt the Inter-scholnstlc debnto to bo nt Lincoln took plnco Thursdny nfternoon. An en thusluBtic crowd listened to tho spenkcro. Messrs. Wcrham, Kelly, Phelps, Arnold nnd Hlgglns. Tho High school string qunrtet tnndo Its first public appenran.-e here and played splendidly. While the Judges, Miss Fitch, Miss Roe nnd Mr. Lock wood wero trying to mnko a decision, Miss Mary Ilcdwell rendered n piano solo nnd Mr. Fnlrbrothcr amused tho assembly by n witty speech, llcforo rending the decision Mr. Wnterhouso congratulated the speakers on their good work and encournged them to continue It. He then nnnouueed that Mr. Harry Kelly would represent tho Bchool at Lincoln nnd Mr. Howard Werhnm would go as an alternate. Tho Omaha High school endet band gave n very enjoyable muslcalo Friday nfter noon, December 20, 1!01. Thu progrnm wns ns follows: March, "Atbnnlan Hall," Omaha high school cadet band. Hnrltotie solo, "Over tho Ocean Dlue," Mr. C. Lehmer. Selection Omaha High school violin quar tet. Debate: "Resolved, That plo Is an Ideal diet for n foot bnll player." Mr. Kelkenncy, nfllrmatlvc, Mr. Stnudoven. negative. Flute solo, Mr. Luis Meyer. Col lego songs, Omaha High school male qunr tet. Violin Bclo, Miss Emily Clovo. Wnltzcs, Omaha High school orchestra, Se lection, Omnha High school llnnjo club. March, Pattltlnus, Ohiohn High school band. Ranjo solo, Mr. Glllcnbeck. Tho Register Annual was Issued last Tuesday. It contained tho pictures of the cadet companies with their captain and sponsor. Also tho history of tho compan ies. Each class society occupied two pages with their offlccrs. A number of excellent poems written by tho students wero also published In It. COUGHS AMI COLDS IN CIIIl,I)lin Itri'nmiitpiiiliillim of n Well Known Clilrrtrfo I'IijnIoImii. I use find prescribe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for almost alt obstinate, constricted coughs, with direct results. I prcscrlbo it to children of all nges. Am glnd to recom mend It to all In need nud seeking relief from colds and coughs nnd bronchial nllllc Hons. It Is non-nnrcotlc, nnd safe In tho hands of thu most unprofessional. A unl venial ponoccn for nil mankind. Mrs. Mnry R. Molundy, M. D., Ph. D., Chicago, 111. ThU remedy Is for snto by nil druggists. POLLS OPEN UNTIL MONDAY Aiiilltorlntii Com puny HtnoltliolilrrN Still VotliiK on Debt Limit A me mi ni p lit to Article. For tho Auditorium election on the prop osition to amend tho nrtlclcs of Incorpora tion tho polls will bo kept open until 1 o'clock on Monday in order to allow somo heavy stockholders who havo been out of the city an opportunity to vote. Up to Sat urday night votes representing 61,000 shares of stock had been cast. Tho building and grounds committee, will hold a meeting early next week to consider tho plans for heating and ventilating tho Auditorium b'llldiug. Tho promotion commltteo will also meet enrly In tho week, Its spcclnl business being to make arrangements for a porndo concert to bo given for tho benefit of tho Audi torium fund. Arc Von OiiIiik llnntf Tho Lehigh Valley railroad opcrntes lux uriously furnished trnlns to New York or Philadelphia, on which uvcry enro Is tuken to mako tho passenger feol nt homo and fully at ease. Dining cars n la enrtc. Stop-over allowed at Niagara Falls on through tickets to New York or Philadel phia. If You Prefer, the Lady Aay Select Her Own By Our Certificate Plan You may buy a Sorosls Certificate, rood for n pnlr of Sorosls Shoes of I any ntylo desired Tho shoes may bo selected nt the Omnhn store, 203 S. 15th street, or In nny city In tho United States whero Sorosls nro sold and thnt menns nil the cities of nny Im porlnnco In this country. It Is becoming nioro nnd moro n fnct that woman's wardrobe Is Incomplete without Sorosls Shoes. Sorosls Cortlflcntc8 sent by mall upon receipt of $3.50. i - Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frank Wilcox, Mri .Send for Cntalogu. BOOKS BOOKS AT ROACH'S NEW BOOK STORE. Nothing1 Is moro ncccptnblo for n Christ mas gift tliun u good book. I have nil tho now copyrighted books. A nlco selec tlon of poetry and n largo stock of chil dren's books nt your own price, J. L ROACH, 1515 Farnani St. 1902 Calendar Free for 1902. With a 10c or 25o box of Shrnder's Fig Powder nny drugglBt will give you a hand somo calendar free. Wo glvo them frco to druggists to glvo you. ALL DRUGGISTS sell Fig Powder. If you know of nny ono thnt thinks ho has appendicitis or symptoms remember Shrnder's Fig Towdor cures and prevents. If lu doubt try n 10c or 25o box. Sold by druggists or sent by mail with a calendar freo. W. J. Shrader Medicine Co., New York Room 10. No. 30 East 14th 3t. r 1C02 N. 21th St.. Omaha. Neb. ROOMS Glass, Rusts, In marble nI"J,1'ir""" ' t Painted china, Vases In '' " "L1. nnd llrlc-n-Urac-any of tho nUoo will uur iimm- J) I.KSC0TIELD HVcioAiasuiTco, 1510 Donalna at. Useful Gifts Give Lasting Pleasure i Only two more days in which to nialu your soloctions. Jf you are umk'cirieri what lo jjivo to your lady friends and relatives, we ask you lo step in here and look at the many things we have suhable for gifts that will be appreciated it is useless to quote prices, as no idea can be formed of the high grade of the qualities in all lines of literehandiHU we offer the prices we guarantee to be as low as asked any where and in many cases lower furthermore we know our garments are the 1?EST MADE and all new and approved styles. Japanese silk down lined robes Japanese silk down lined jackets Dressing sacques, Kimonas, Silk waists, Wool waists, Silk petticoats, Mercerized petticoats, fur scarfs, fur storm collars, fur Muffs, fur jackets, fur capes, fur trimmed cloaks, Cloth jackets, Cloth Raglans, 3-quarter cloaks, full length cloaks, Ladies' dress skirts, Ladies' suits. MISSES' SATIN LINED JACKETS, S to 11 years, ?10. MISSES' AUTOMOIULE COATS, S to li years, 10. GEXTLEM'EN who are ;iot posted on styles and quali ties can buy here Avith the assurance of getting articles that are right in every way. OK Only Two Days More in which to select your Christmas Presents How tho Ktft-suKRCRtlons como crowding in ns you j?lnneo Into tho cases of this Jowclry Htore. The dollar 1)111 seems to stretch out nnd cover moro buying than ever before. They realty do, for wo nro surprised ourselves nt tho lowness of somo of tho prices wo nsk. Tills Is n modern, up-to-dato Jewelry store not. tho blRKest, but tho best ono in town. We Have Hundreds of Pretty Things for Gifts. Link nuttons, $2.20 to $2S.O0. V Studs, $2.25 to J5.00. Clar Cutters, lMns. $1.10 to $23.00. Vest Chains. $7 Knives. $5.00 to $20.TO. Match lloxo Key Chains nnd HIiirs. fIS.,5 to $25. $2.(0 to $15.75. I.orKnetto Chains, $ Thimbles, $2.50 to $11.50. Neck Chal Hleevo Iluttons. $1.50 to $2S.OO. Cuff $20.(0. Lockets, $2.50 to $1S.75. ltos $05.00. Golf Mirror Lockets, J0.00. T. L. Combs & Co., The Busy Jewelers. 1520 Douglas Street. NOTi: THE NUMBER. Attend the Great JEWELRY AUCTION SALE OF THB GEO. W. RYAN & CO. STOCK 109 North Sixteenth Street. Daimonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc, Sales Daily at 10:30, 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. Chairs provided for ladies. PIPES! PIPES! PIPES! For a Gentleman's Christmas Gift. T1II3 LAKfiHST AND .MOST COMPLETE LINE OF PII'ES IN THE CITY. Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, in cases, from 50c to $10.00. Wo boiiRht tho entlro sample lino oi l'lpes from Knufman Ilro. & lionly nnd will glvo our customors tho benefit of tho price selllnK theso goods at Just one-half tho reguln." value, CK5AIJS PACKED IN CIUUSTMAS PACKAGES. CALL AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. A. J. Sherret Cigar Co., J ;W2 FAKNAM ST, THE B 1 01! SCDNELD CLOAI&SUITCO. obs, W.K0 to $:9.50. I.ockcts, J.i.00 to JS2.S0. J3.&0 to J2n.50. HlnBH. SOc to 5m. Scnrf 75 to J30.W. Charms, M.C0 to $10.00. Pocket H, $10.00 to $.1T.iJ. iio Clasps. $1.25 to V'.Uoi). 00. Stick I'lns, Jl.fri to $2o.(. Hat Tins, fi.75 to 5S5.00. Hracelcts, $1.00 to J40.fi). ns, $1 ,r to $fi,i.i. Uroochcs. J2.00 to $).uo. Pins. $1.75 to $7.50 unlr. ItltlCH. $1.7B to ettes, J3.00 to J1S.T5. Garters, $12.00 to Walnut I'urscs and Toilet Sets, 75c to $4.00. iiinvip. mm A -W J WW I ALL THE NEWS I'lAN'OS- otm oUAit.w n r IS THB SToNi,i:aT WK SKMi WK SKI, I, WB SKLt, Wt: &VAA4 VH SKM HA II DM AN I'lANOiJ II A It DM AN IMANOS HAIIDMAN PIANOS HAHDMAN PIANOS HAIIDMAN PIANOS ON PAYMENTS ON PAYMENTS ON PAYMENTS ON PAYMENTS ON PAYMENTS Oil FOR CASH Oil FOU CASH OU KOIt CASH Oil FOU CASH Oil FOU CASH FACTORY PRICES FACTORY PRICES FACTORY PRICKS FACTORY PRICES FACTORY PRICES 11 y this wo menn thnt peopto can obtain of us ovcry business tiny of tho yenr nt tho factory prlco tho benullful "Hnrdmnn Pianos." HIGHEST GRADE HIGHEST GRADE HIGHEST GRADE HIGHEST GRADE HIGHEST GRADE MEDIUM SIZES MEDIUM SIZES MEDIUM SIZES MEDIUM SIZES MEDIUM SIZES ART CASES ART CASES ART CASES ART CASES ART CASES PRICKS LOWER PRICES LOWER PRICES LOWER PRICKS LOWER PRICES I.OWErt than nslfi-d nt tho retail piano stores for honest mndo goods. RARGAINS FOR HOLIDAYS. 1318 North SMo FARNAM STREET. Eaay Term. Fairest Treatment. UPRIGHT CHICAGO PIANOS. NEW. Ono Rosowood J137 One Mahogany $5 Ono Oak 77 Ono Wnlnut $193 Ono Fancy Oak 5210 Ono Fancy Wnlnut . $225 EASY TERMS. WORTH DOUIJLE. Now Pianos For Rent, J4 and $3 Per Month. Tunlns, JI.f,0. Moving. Jl.W) to J2 50 Repairing, Estlnmto Froo. SIMPLEX PIANO PLATER. ANOELUS PIANO PLAYER. A little better than others, $200 to $300. FACTORY STORE, MUELLER PIANO AND ORGAN CO.. North Sldo Farnnm Street, No. 1316. Sewing Machine Sale For This Week Only. 100 Machines Including every mnko of machlno manu factured. Must bo eold. Thcro will b guaranteed modern Drop-Head Machines ai cheap as $15.00. Socond-Hand Machines from 2.00 to fS.OO each; worth from $5.00 to $15.00. Don't fall to attend, for the price nro lower thf.n ever quoted on reliable, up-to-date machines. Wo Rent Machines, any make, at 76o per week or $2.00 per month. Wo sell Needles and Attachments for and repair every mako of machlno manufac tured. FREE SEWING SCHOOL EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. Nebraska Cycle Co. Cor. 15th and Harney. GEO. B. MICKEL, Mgr. 'Phono JGC3. 034 Hrondwny, 612 N. 2th St., 'Phono 11 CIS, South Omaha, Council Bluffs, In. Neb. Huyler's Fine Candies Of nil candy milkers IIUYMCU'S Knods nro tho bent to lo found iinywhero. Wo luivo tho oxcIunIvo biiIo for Omnliii and havo a freHh stock on hand now for Clirlsl miiH. Soil at tho Kaino prlco iih In Now York. Jnnt 'jihouo uh (No. IfiO) and wo do tho rest. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., IOIIi nud l'lirniini Street.