, THE OMAIIA DA LV liEE: SUNDAY, "DECEMBETC 22, ) V! ! "W. BENNETT OOMPANTT 5 Stationery Department J. fjf Wi- carry the largest nnd most cr.m- plete line Of books, stationery, cairn f darn and novclil'S for Holiday Gifts r at Bpfi i I low prices V iioi.iimi i i i;.mi,i; papijh. W Holiday Juvenile Pnpctrie. Fine qunl- A lt, cream wove, pupcr nnd envelopes W tied wnh ii silk ribbon, put up S V In a iieut r renin colored box. each 1 " T9 Inticy llox. covered with tinted paper JC nnil ornamental, with colored cuni dm mounting, cream wove pat er Oi .-. f nnd envelopes to mut h. I'rice. .VJC & ioi,it Second Floor. Kane y pearl hnmlled penholder, com plete with gold pen. put up earh In box. Trices No, 1 size pen, eneh yi No 2 size pen, earh 11 -x . 3 slzo pen, each J u v o n 1 1 e Toy H o o k n, 'May Reile" series, Pn- fer cover Illus rated. Assort innnt of titles "Jack and ihtt Henn Stalk "It - o-.My inutnii "Damn Trot," "Robin Hood," "Aluddln or tho Wonderful l-nmp. etc., at 2 for New Testament, ruby type, 32mo, slzo 3ix2H Inches, leatherette bind ing, round corners and reil -4 f .dges- HJC each w lc Bibles & Testaments Text lllblcs. j,-rain cloth cover, red edges, con tains 12 mops M nnd family record, small pica type, slzo vuxii incnes, each 98c Teachers' Hlblos, mnrglnnl refer ences, KKyptlan seal bound, red uniler gold edKcs tnlnlon f Q type, euch, tj C only ana t Make up Your Christmas List Then visit our drug department. This department you will llnd Is full of Holiday Ooods. We submit a few spe cials below: llulb I'erfumo Atomizers, at $1.91, $1.08. $1.28, 93c, "Jo, C2c. 4Sc, aSo nnd 23c. Toilet Sets, lit 3.!H. $3.78, $2.!w, $2. IS, $2 2.S, Il.&S, Jl.M ami 9Sc. Fancy I'erfumo Packages, wo havo In great variety, at prices ranging from $:U8 to the loss expensive onus, Ulc. tSe, 2)Jo, 2.'o uuil 10c. Wo are also heailuuiirtcrs for I'ockot Hooks, Hill Hooks, Card Cases, Hill Holls, I'nrses and tine Chatelaines. Wo have an overstock of Chns. Htarr I'erfuines, In full 8 oz. glass stoppered bottlns. In tho following odors. Violet. While Hose, I.llac Illos soms, Apple Hlossom. Theso aro lino odors, and In order to close them out we will sell them at tho rldlrulous prlco of, per bottle, ?3o. The matter of wines and liquors Is a very importnnt one considered both from it medicinal and culinary stand point We have everything you may wish In this lino. Tho following uro our leaders. Pure California Port Wine. $1.60 gal lon. 2T.e pint. Pure California Sherry. $1.00 Knllon. 25e pint; Pure California Clnret, per bottle, EOc, Pure California Hweet Angelica. $1.W gallon, 25c pint; Pure Obi Prentice Hye, W.no gullun. 75c quart; Kino Old Osenr Pepper. 7 years old, $1.00 gallon, mo pint; Hen nett's Pure Mult Whiskey, 75c bottle. Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco First Floor. . The largest and finest stock In tho city Clgurs 23 In box at f-tOr $2W. $1 15, SOc, 75; and tJVJV, Clgnrs-60 In box at J3.). RCir $2.25, $2.00, $1.00, $U.0, !! nnd... Cigar ('uses J3.W, il.fcu, tiOe, 2Sc l"c and TV- Meerschaum Cigar Holder ,OSc In plush lined :asi at $1.2r. andy-"4" Elegant plush lined caso, containing a small meersehaum pipe, ambroid cigar and rlguruttu holders, with sil ver trlmmliiK t OS at L Hnuff Poxes ,-jc at 25e, 15c. 10c and Match Safes , at 2.c, ISc, 15c. 10c and Pipes from $10.75 A large variety' of Wood l'lpos Cic at 25c. VH 16c, 10c and 'w Pipe Hacks- 38C ut 'JSC, Bic and wvjw Tea and Coffee Dept. First Floor. No better values ever offered. us Try Teas-splendid value- 38c per puuuti , Coffee -a good drink- 12 4 C per pound Deimetfs Capitol Coffee-most 2oC delicious -per pound . v-"' Pure, select Spices In airtight cans. Jewelry Department First Floor. A few Christmas suggestions among tho many bargains to bo found on our Jewelry counters. Do not mlsa seeing. Tho Winner Nickel Watch a good timepiece worth $1.50 7Qc special at Sterling Silver Match Safe fiFC worth $1.50 special at Sterling Silver Stamp Hex 7ftc worth $1.00 special at K Sterling Silver Cream I-adles- QQn special at -,uw Sterling Sliver Cold Meat QQn Korks special at -rw Sterling Silver Namo Plates Afir at BVc and Sterling Silver Coat 48c Hangers at Ormula Ollt Clocks O RO at $.'I.JS, $3.4!) and Beth Thomas Alarm Clocks Q8C Clllt Photo Krames at Silver-Plated Chillis' Cups Tftr at $1.3. $1.21 and ' Silver-Plated Chllds" Set Knife, Kork and Spoon at fOr 20o iuhI Nickel Silver Knives nnd Korks In sets of six each 1.Q8 Silver-Plated Nut Cracker with six picks In fancy box 48c Silver-Plated Napkin ltlngs JOr at 5Sc, 39c and V6t KIN 10 STKKf. CAIIVINO SKTS, To carve tho Christmas turkey with tine mahogany handle carvers linn sehnetar blade per 1.39 Klnn Horn Handle -Carvers best steel sclmetar blade per 2.74 Klne sterling sliver trimmed buck horn handled Carvers scimetnr s QO bladc'-ptr 'sot J,JO Poultry and Fish Dept First Floor. The larncst and best stock of fresh dressed poultry In tho city. Ix;t us have your orders early. Turkeys per pound Geese lOAr per pound VJ2V Ducks- IfHr per pound 'wJ cpclrk& 9c and 8c Stock Klsh in per pound I-6 2W Mackerel, ff, each vlW Herring OXn each S3 Celery, I.lngon Hcrrles, Sngo, Horse radish, etc. Last Call for Monday and Tuesday Grand Clearance Sale of all Holiday Goods. Everything goes, nothing reserved, from tho moat expensive to tho cheapest. Visit every department from tho basement to including the third lloor. The greatest bargains in our business hiBtory will prevail on tho last two shopping days. Come early if possible. Doll Go-Carts Reduced to Cost Expensive goods to be sold at figures within the reach of all. These bargains can be found at Hennett's only. Klegant Oo-Cart, stands 2 Inches high, extra Ilne upholstering, with parasol, strong springs, wltn solid tiro Iron wheels, reguiur price $.1.75 sale price Klegmt Oo-Cart, 2S Inches high, colored green with gilt trim mings, strong springs, solid tiro Iron wheels, reguiur price $3.95 sulo price Oo-Cart, heavy braided willow, extra finish, ID Inches high, nlco parasol, good springs, solid tire Iron wheels, reguiur prlco J4.4S sale price Klegant Oo-Cart, 25 Inches high, line plush upholstering, low front, nicely trimmed imrnsol, heavy springs, solid tiro Iron wheels, teguiar price $5.3 sale price Hecltnlng Oo-Cart, drop front, colors pink or green, with gilt sent 0x10, with leather strups across front. Detachable parasol, solid tire Iron wheels, nnd heavy springs, regular price $7.tS sale prlco 298 3.25 3.75 4.50 trimmings, 5.98 Black Boards. Not another store in Omaha wi.H sell blackboards at prices like these. We marked them low at the beginning, but owing lo an overstock we place them on sale at these LOW 1'KIOES. Come early nnd avoid the crowd. Combination lllack Hoard and Desk, roller chart, 47 In. high, reg- f f( ular prlco $1.23 sale prlco itv Combination Ulnckbonrd and Desk, on onk frame, 46 In. high, roller chart, reguiur prlco $1.76 prlco. Illnck Hoards, on frames, 42 Inches high with roller chart, regular anr price 45c sale prlco J Large lllack Hoard, on frame, 4C In. high, roller chart, regular Q&r' price $1.10 salo prlco OV Boys' Tool Chests t reduced prices Special salo to close. Tool Chests Salo price Tool Cfiests regular prlco 89c, Sale nrlco Tool Chests, regular prlco 72c, AHr Salo nrlco .UL Tool Chests, regular prlco 86c, 7(n Salo price ut ...9c 30c Tool Chests, regular prlco $1,20, 4 rjSt Sale prlco i.UC Tool Chests, regular price $3.60, O OH Hale prlco Tool Chests, regular prico $7.60, fZ OH Sale price J.tiJ Tool Chests, regular prlce,$10.6O, Q sn Salo prlco Only a few left Expensive Rocking Horses go fast at these prices. Hocking horses, wolt braced and nicely finished, can be used on rockers r Iron wheels. Special sale prices for Monday: Itegular price $fi.76, sale prico Itegular prlco $7.10, Sule price , 5.25 5.50 Hook and Ladders. Itegular price $3.9S, Salo price Itegular prlio $12.73, Sale prlco ...8.50 10.25 Overstock on one slro only. Theso will bo sold at cost or less. Come early If you want ono of theso. Regular Wo Hook and Ladders, go at G4a Furniture Department Third Floor. Oreat closing out sale of children's Itockora, at prices that will move them quick, they make an elegant present. Child' nocker, like cut, a good strong nnd durablo rocker, prlco 75c Child's nocker, like cut, large size, prlco only 85c Crockery Department In llfisutncnt. Monday and Tuesday merry Christmas whirl in prices. Look at these items and see the wares never equalled world leaders. Kino cold leafage gift Teas and Coffees gorgeous decorations nn table of beauties cholco at OJl, Cut Glass Salts and Peppers stiver plated screw tops OS,, nt .uL Cut Uluss Art Hollies- ' Q()g Parlor Cuspidors Imported 'cit'ltin tine decorations Vho' one'iVo'l'lar nrin article nt tlVC KngHsh Jet Head Decorated Teapots cholco of threo sires 4-i)c China Teapot' 'stands V)rVsdeii'' wrcVtli'Vlower ' or,, nt uL Hungarian Vases relief llower new 7S1., nt Rainbow Color Vases-Knuey Faience Vases Table of Hlsnue flri cholco nt , VWl Tete-n-tete Sets thrco pieces US.-. nt ODk, Sugar and Creams two pieces i , at , one Hasket of Kino Cups and Saucers decorated 10c Jewel Night Lumps at , "ivlL. Jewel Night I -a tups and Globe 2()C Knncy Syrup Cans OHi nt , .OL. Fancy Oil Dottles OCi at , iSDL Table of gift Cako and Krult Dates OEi,, at -'"t Heuutlful Salad Howls 25c Cracker" Ja'r's''ond''choc'oi.Vto'i'o'tH ' -48c Shade nnd Globe Knncy limps 75c Rochester No. 2 Shndo Lamps Olobo Intnps ' " 1 OE at S.St7 Cumeu Ducqucs (Si-, at IOC Gifts in the Drapery and Carpet Department Third Floor. Hcst to look through d r a p o r y department. Many n splendid article for giving. Such as Lace Curtains, Table Covers, etc . etc. LIKi: Ct'T-very effec tive Lace Curtain, hand some and rich In design -regular at $2.25 pair salo price, pair Child's Rocker, like cut, made ot maple and has a double ftE? woven cane scat, fTC price only ' vv A well mndo golden oak finish high chair, with table a gen uine bargain, nt , 68c ..12c and 10ic Candy Department First Floor. Our stocks nro largo and everything guaranteed strictly pure. English Walnuts- 9r per pound aw Mixed Nut 12r per pound iaw Hlnck Wulnuts Sti ver pound -' Novelties for Christmas 4 trees up from ,w Candy Hends-pcr pound, 20c: 2Ac per yard ""v Handsome lino of Knncy Mixed Cnn- dles In pretty boxes, suitable for gifts. Chocolate Creams f Cp per pound auw Caramels 1 2 A C per pound a2w Mixed Candy per pound Or 12i4c, 10c und Salted Peanuts Cr, per pound i-v Gum Drops Oc per pound -'w Special Notice. AVOID DELAYS. Leavi your holiday orders early and do not get disappointed. Send your orders by 'Phone No. 137. Send your orders by Driver. Send your orders by Mall. Send your orders by Messenger. We guarantee careful attention nnd prompt delivery. Woodenware Dept. In Basement. A complete lino of useful "household nrtlcles in Woodenwnro at tho lowest prices. A few extra specials for 5Ion day nnd Tuesdny: A largo size 8-drnwer Splee Cabinet a very handy article for the CQn kltehen-at OOt Kaney Salt Hoxes Imported Qq Decorated Vliuo China Suit inn Roxes-ut OUU Table Mats set of live pCr square and round at "O" Knncy Imported Knife Trnys 25c A Comiilnntinn Towel RoVler, Comb Case, with mirror nicely OQri varnlHbed-at Iiok over our Washing Machines be fore buying, We have ten differ ent styles nnd makes to chonso from prices ranging from O QQ $6.S5 to W. R. BENNETT COMPANY, 15th and Capitol Avenue, OMAHA, NEB. Grocery Department First Floor. Only first-class goods Bold in this department small profits, quick sales. Oranges . 4 On per dozen rium Pudding ifir per can 'v Mince Meat Oin pnekago C7W Olives 0- per bottle VC Pickles assorted r- per bottle Horseradish O-. per bottle VC Prunes- er per pound Raisins Qn per pound Currants cleaned ttn per iiound. ; I IV a?.""?.?.1.0.?" 30C Ginger Snnp's per pound Cw Preserves assorted ifr one-pound Jar at Jelly nssorted Cp per glass Otv Worcester Sauce n per bottle Salad Dressing lOin iier bottle Chill Sauco iftr per Jar 1VW Relish- QC per Jar tvrw A tine line of Taney Cookies, Wnfers, etc. 1.98 lti:Mi:.MHi:it our Im mense variety of RVJGS, In latest designs und pat terns, ranging in price up lrom- 65c Trunk Department In lliiscincnt, A special holiday drlvo In this de partment, No better stock In Omaha to choose from. Wo have them In nil tho sizes and styles, Btenmer. Hurcau. Skirt, Packing nnd Toy Trunks. Our prices nro right. A special low price on a Knncy Metal Covered. Trunk, well made with tray and hat box JQ ut only And up to $1G.&0. A well selected line of fine leather Goods. In Dress Suit Cnses, Traveling Hags nnd Valises In latest shaius and styles ranging In QQ prlco up from Do not fall to see them. They mako an elegant Christmas present. Carpet Sweepers for Gifts. THIRD KI.OOR. When Xmas comes tho CAHPUT SW13I3PUII business booms. ''" dreds of them are bought Tor gifts. Our sweepers come from the famous Hlssell Carpet Swenper Co., of Grand RnpldM, Mich., the largest weper manufacturers In tho world. Gentlemen examine your wife h car net sweeper; If It Is worn out a new Lno Is a sensible gift, and if she has nono a sweeper ought to bo ono of the presents for Xmas. Butter Dept. First Floor. Pure and fresh from tho country. Country Roll Hutter lr per pound Plckles-smnll- Qr V per dozen ow Mlnco Meal- lOlc W per pound IA2C Preserves Qr r per pound - V Oysters solid meat Oir C per pint AUC ' Hardware Dept. First Floor. p The most complete hardwaro stock Jh In the city. Wu carry nn elegant lino of ufctful articles suitable for Christ- 2)j mas presents. W Our Copper Nlckel-Plated Wnro looks -A well and wears well. Tea nnd Coffee Pots OAn mb ut OSc, ISc and Tea Kettles- 7 At, 3 ut 8V, blc and Trays- 9,dC (!) at ;so ii mi . Crumb Hrusli nnd Scrapcrn- OJ,r tS) nl Dc and i Crumb Tray und Hrush SZd.n nt 7lo and Of-L. COURT Of lSQOIRI mures Bcfcrd is DisiiWul by Order from SicriUry of NuTj. LONG APPROVES 9PINI0N F MAJORITY Celebrated Cnc I" Cloxed So Pnr n tho Xny Depurliiiellt U t.'on uerned Appeul Mny 1'ollinv. WASHINOTON. Dec. 21. Secretary Long this ufternoon lusued tho formal order dis solving tho Schluy court of Inquiry. The order was communicated nt onco to Ad miral Dewey, president of tho court, who acknowledged Its reception and said thnt In conformity with tho order of tho secre tary ho had announced tho dissolution of the court. Following U the text of tho letter sent by Soeretnry Umg to Admiral Dowey: The court of Inuuiry of which you ore tho president, convened by departments order of July :u, 1W1. for the purpose ot Inquiring Into the conduct of Hear Ad mlrul tthen comuvulore) W. S. Schley, V. H, N., rotlreil, during the recent wur with tipatn nnd the events connected therewith U tills day dissolved You will Inform the Other members of the court and tho Judge Advocate accordingly Very respectfully, JOHN D. LONO, Secretary. To the admiral of the navy. Schley Is Silent. When seen at his hotel this nfteruoon Ad miral Scl.lcy stated thnt ho did not euro to mako nnV comment whatever on tho action taken by Secretary, Long on. tho finding of tho court of Inquiry. Tho ndmlral said he would leave Washington on Monday next for Now Yoik. where ho will remain for an lndetlnite period. ' . Messrs. Itnyner nnd Tenguo of counsel Tor Admiral Schley, were in. Baltimore to any. and In their absence the. admiral was not prepared to say1 whtther nuy further Action would bo taken lu his behalf nt tho Navy department , or lu congress, or whether or not a "llrml nppeal to President Roosevelt would bo made. HAI.TlMOHi:. Dec. 21. Isadoro llaynor, attorney general of Maryland aud counsel for Admiral Schley, when shown the de cision of Secretary Long declared that the wholo proceeding Is nrbltrary nnd maul, tested great surprise and Indignation. "The court decided tho case," snld ho, "without considering the testimony of Ad miral Schley and his wltmwsna and Soere tnry Long seems to hnve decided It without pcrmltUog-us to fllo a reply to tho protest filed by Admiral Sampson's nttorneys. This protest was llled lnte yesterday afternoon and Just one hour ngo wo finished our reply to It and sent It to Washington, "Now I understand thnt tho eecrotary has decided against Admiral Dewey and adverse to Schley's being In command nt Santiago nnd virtually In favor of Sampson, without oven permitting us to produce before him tho concluslvo proof, admitted at the hear ing by consent, that tho command prac tically nnd otllclally devolved upon Schley. Tho wholo proceeding Is too nrbltrary and tyranlcal for me now to discuss. I really wonder whether the people who live under free Institutions will tolcrato tho exercise of such despotic measures, "You nsk me what our noxt stop will bo. I do not know unless the president Inter venes. There Is a power In tho courts to compel tho secretary to fllo tho dissenting opinion of Admiral Dewey whether he agrees with It or not. Wo will decldo next weok what proceedings wo will adopt." DIsposeM of the ('use. WASHINGTON, Doc. 21. Secretary Long has disposed finally of the Schley caso so far ns tho Navy department Is concernod by acting upou tho findings and conclusions of the court of inquiry. Ho approves tho finding of facts nnd the opinion of tho fUU court; he approves tho majority opinion where there Is a differ ence In tho court; ho holdH that tho court could uot havo entered into the question of comninnd nt the battle of Santiago, and finally he accepts tho recommendation that no further proceedings shall bo had. The secretury also has declined tho ap plication of Admiral Sampson's counsol to enter upon nn Inquiry into tho question of command nnd hss notified Admiral Schley's counsel of that fact as a reason for declin ing to hear them ou that point. Soeretnry Long's approval of tho majority report was ns follows: Tho depiutment has rend tho testimony In this case, tho arguments of counsel nt the trial, the court's findings of fact, ooln Itn and recommendation, the Individual u.emoinndum of the presiding member, tho statement of exceptions to the said find ings and oplnlrn by the applicant, the reply !! said statement by the J.idgo advocate of the lourt and his assistant and tho briefs tlilH day submitted by cintnse, for Rear .uiminii finmpion traversing tne presiding member's view as to who was In command at tho battle of Suntlaco. And after careful consideration the find ings of fact and the opinion of the full court aro approved, As lu the points on which tho presiding member differs from tho majority of tho court tho opinion of the majority Is approved, As to the further expression of his views by tho sumo member with regard to tho questions of command on the morning of July 3, l.S'i. and of the title to credit for the ensuing victory, the conduct of the court In making no finding nnd rendering no opinion ou those nuesttoiiH Is uimroved Indeed It could with propriety tuke no during tho Inquiry having been excluded by the court. Tho department npproves the recommen dation of tho court that no further pro ceedings bo had In the premises, Tho department records Its appreciation of tho urduous labors of the whole court. JOHN D. LONG, Secretary of tho Navy. Tho text of tho secretary's letters to Ad miral Sampson's attorneys and to Admiral Schley follows: Navy Department. Washington, Dec. 20, 1901. Gentlemen: lu view ot tho depart ment's upprovul, this day, the recom mendation of the court ot Inquiry, lu tho case of Rear Admiral Schley, that no further proceedings bo had, and of the fact that the question of command wus excluded from consideration by the court, the department will take no uction upon the brief llled by you In hchuit ot Rear Admiral William T. Sampson. Very Re spectfully. JOHN D. LUNG, Secretary. Messrs. Stayton, Campbell & Thcill, John ston Hulldlng, 20 Hroad Street, New York. Navy Department. Dec. 20, 1901. Sir: Re ferring to the department's letter of tho 20th lust., you are advised that action to day has been taken upon the findings of the court of Inquiry In your case und uppn the minority opinion of the presiding mem ber and u copy of the endorsing such action Is herewith transmitted ior your In formation. In response to your request of tho 18th Inst., heretofore acknowledged, that If a protest should bo filed by Rear Admiral W. T. Sampson relative to tho question of command of the nnval forces during the battle of Santiago and credit for the victory won In that battle, you bo accorded an opportunity to present, through your coun sel, oral argument against such protest, you are ndvlsed that u brief ou this sub ject has this day been filed by Messrs. Stayton, Campbell & Thcill, counsel for Admiral Sampson. In view, however, of tho department's approval of tho recommendation ot the court of inquiry, that no further proceedings uo nan, aim or tne tact mat tho question of command was excluded from consideration by the court, no action will bo taken on said brief, and reply to . that effect (copy enclosed) has this day I been made to counsel for Admiral Sampson. I A copy of tho report of tho Judge nil- . vocato of tho court and his assistant upon your communication of the 1Mb Inst., oh- 1 jectlng to the approval of the findings of i the court, Is also herewith transmitted. I Very Respectfully, JOHN D. LONG, Secretary. ' Rear Admiral W. S. Schley. IT. s. N.. Re tired. The Richmond. Washington, D. C. j Attorney AVrlKlit tietn One Vi'nr. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Dec. 21. (Special ' Telegram.) S. II. Wright, tho Ccntervlllo nttorney, convicted of embezzlement, was , today sontencod by Judge Gnffy to ono year Imprisonment In the penltentlnry. A mo- ! tlon for a new trial was denied. An ap- j peal to the stato supremo court la being prepared. Triiliiiunater l Promoted, CHKYENNK. Wyo Dec. 21. (Special.) II. W. Sheridan, who haH been serving the I Union Pacific at Green River as trainmas ter, has been made assistant superintend- other course, evidence on theso questions 1 UD' with headquarters at Cheyenne. GENERAL MILES CENSURED It critarj Soot Sewely Bopriaaidi Gtitral for tchliy Ditoiiiloo. SAYS HE VIOLATES THE MILITARY LAW President Hoosevelt Dlreetd tho Ac tion of the Wur Portfolio, with Intent of TermliiutillK Whole Controversy. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. A determination on the part of the administration to abso lutely termlnato further discussion, of tho Sampson-Schley controversy took shape to day lu tho publication of some remarkable correspondence thnt has passed between Secretary Root and Lieutenant ' Genoral Miles relative to tho luttcr'a Interviews published lu a Cincinnati paper, comment ing upon tho Schley case. When the Interview officially appeared It attracted considerable attention otllclally, but after tho lapse ot two days without any sign of olllclal action tho conclusion be came goneral that tho Interview would bo Ignored. Thercforo, tho publication today of tho full correspondence on this subject created much surprise. It Is seldom that so severe a reprimand Is administered to nn officer of so high a rank In elthor service. What the result will bo Is not known, al though It Is supposed General Miles will submit without comment. I'll rill I el In Mciitln ("use. Tho nearest parallel of lato years was that ot Rear Admiral Richard Meade, who, upon returning from a cruise In Venezuelan waters with tho White squadron, accorded an Interview to n New York newspaper, severely criticising the administration for Its lack ot vigor In dealing with the Vene zuelan question. The outcome of that caso was tho early retirement of tho rear ad miral from active service. That General Miles appreciates tho situ ation Is snnwn by tho deep concern he man ifested today and his frequent visits to the office of Secretaiy Root. It was necessary for him to write two, letters to meet the de mnnds of tho department and even tlion there was no expression of satisfaction on the secretary's part at tho second explana tion. However, Secretary Root himself ro gards tho Incident as closed. At least bo does not proposo to take any tfurther action unless obliged to do so. Text it Letters. Tho full text ot tho -correspondence which passed between tho secretary of war and General Miles follows: r.WAJS E.KI'ARTMBNT. WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. Sir; I nm Instructed by the presl- " f"ur uiieniion io mo enclosed report of an Interview with you appealing In tho Associated Press newspapers on I Tuesday, December 17, and to Inqulro i whether tho observatlonx nnnn tin. i,niii,u of tho officers of a co-ordlnnto branch of tho service were made, and if so, to afford you such opportunity for explanation In writing us you may desire. Very respect 'U"y. KLIHU ROOT, r . . . . Secretary of War. Lieutenant Goneral Miles Headquarters of tho Army. Tho interview given by Goneral Miles to a Cincinnati paper referred to by Secre tary Root was an follows: .lilies' I'ntttl Interview. I am willing to tako tho Judgment of Admiral Dewey In tho matter. Ho has been a commander of a fleet nnd as such has known tho uiixleties and responslblll ties which rest on n man under thoso cir cumstances. He was instrumental In tho destruction of ono Spanish lleet und knows und realizes tho feelings that encompass an olllcer under such conditions. I think Dewey has summed up the mat ter In a clear and concise manner, and I bellevo his conclusions will bo Indorsed by the patriotic peoplo of tho United Stntes. 1 have no sympathy with tho efforts which have been made to destroy tho honor of an ottlcer under such circumstances. To tho secretary's letter General Miles makes this roply: ClnlniN Hlitht to Opinion. HEADQUARTERS OF THE ARMY. WAHHINGTON, Dec. 20.-Tho Honorable tho Secretary of Wur, Washington, D. c Slr: Replying to your note of tho 19th Inst. I havo tho nonor to state that my observations, ns substantially reported, had no reference to the action, pending or otherwise, of a co-ordinate branch of tho service. They woro merely my personal views, based upon matters set forth in vnrlous publications which had been given to tho world, and concerning which I con colvo them was no Impropriety In express ing an opinion tho same us any other cltl zen ou a matter of such public Interest. My observations wero In no sense Intended as n criticism of any action taken by a co-ordlnalo branch of the service, nnd tho statement that I had no sympathy with ef forts tending to dlsparago a distinguished ami gallant officer likewise had no such reference. Respectfully, NELSON A. MILES, Lieutenant General. General Miles supplemented this letter with the following, landed to tho secretary: SpimIh Second .ile. HKADQ FARTERS OF THE ARMY. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, 1901. -To the Hon- nrnme, mo secretary ot war: Sir Re ferring to my note of yeitcrday, nnd In order that there may bo no misunder standing, I deslro to say that for several years a distinguished and gallant olllcer I has been assailed by putties who have I endeavored to write him and other high ntllclnls down, until finally ho nppenleil ugalnht such nssaults to a co-ordlnnto i.Tuncn or tno Kovornment, unat co-onll-tiate brunch of tho government granted him a court of Inquiry and, us I under stand it, they unanimously exonerated h!m from euch cplthetn ns cownrd, pol troon, etc, and thtlr opinions were given to tho public for tho Information of nil AVhen'l said thnt I Ivid no sy1,l,a!ll','sv,11t,h. thoso who had endeavored to destroy tho reputation of a high olllcer. who. like i I other otllcers. regards his honor inoio sucred than life. I had In mind nnd re ferred to tho assaults against which the admiral hud nppoulcd for pro ectlon ni l Justification, und certainly not to a co ordinate branch of tho government. 1 request thut this note be laid before tho president nnd have no objection to Its being made public. Very respectfully, NELSON A. Mll.l'.n, LlelltOlliini uenenu. Tho reprimand Is contained In tho follow ing letter of Secretary Root to Genoral Miles: Hoot' lteprlinniid. "WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, 190l.-8lr: Hy direction, of the president I communicate to you his con clusions upon your courso In the interview to which your attention wus called by my letter of the 19th Inst. Your explanation of the public state ment mude by you Is not satisfactory. You nro In error If you supppso that you havo tho same right ns any other citizen to express publicly un opinion regarding of ficial questions pending In the course of military discipline. The established In variable rules of official propriety neces sary to tho effectlvo discipline ot the- serv ice tmposo limitations upon tho public: ex pressions of military otllcnrs, with which your long experience should huvo mado you fninlllar. Your duty Is to express your opinion on olllclnl matters when called upon by your olllclnl superiors or In the duo courso of your olllclal reports and recommendntlnns and not otherwlFo Tho first nrtlclo of the regulations gov erning the army of tho United States pro vides; Uuoten l.mv UK Proof. "Deliberations or discussions among m'll tary men conveying prulso or censure, or any mark of approbation, toward ntheri In tho military service, nro prohibited This provision bus been n pnrt of tho army regulations for at lenst half u cen tury nnd tho highest objection to observe It rests upon the otllcers whoso high rink should mako them exumples to their sub ordinates. Any other rule of uetlon In tho military service would be subversive of discipline. It would not bo tolernted In a subaltern nnd It will not be tolerated In any olllcer of whatever rank. Tho present facts nro that for several years thero has been un unfortunate nnd cltter controversy In the Navy department a controversy gcnernlly deplored by the participants ns tending to bring tho serv ice Into dlsesteem nt homo and abroad and to destroy thoso relations of mutual confidence nnd friendship between naval olllcers which the Interests of effective service require. ."None of III" HiisliifHN, In this controversy tho army has not been involved and no bar has been raised to that good feeling nnd friendly relation between all the otllcers of the navy nnd nil of tho olllcers of the army, which Is es sential to tho successful und harmonious co-operation of tho two services In prepa ration nnd In action, A court nt Inquiry has been held, In which tho mutters In controversy und tho report has been mndo In which ono member of tho court hns dis sented in Borne particular and the matter was pending beforo tho rovlowlng au thority. At this point tho lieutenant general of the army saw fit to make a public expres sion of his opinion as between tho mn Jorlty aud minority opinion by tho court, announced lu a criticism of tho most m. vero churucter, which could uot full to be applied by tho generality of readers to the naval olllcers against whoso view your opinion was expressed. It In of no cop, requenco of whoso sldo your opinion was or what It was. You hud uo business lu tho controversy nnd no right, holding tho ofllco which you did, to expiess any opin ion. Your conduct was lu violation of I tut regulations above cited und tho rules of nf llcial propriety, and you are Justly llnblo lo censure, which i now express, l nura respectfully, ELI II U ROOT, Secretary ot War. Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles, Headquarters of tho Armv. P. S. Yout second Infer of explanation, dated today aud received since the nbovo wru written, does not chaugo tho ense. Tho necessity for repented oxplunntlonH but Illustrates the Importunco of tho ruin which you havo violated. ELI ITU ROOT, . Secretury of War. Mnolny Told to Itenlun. Tho fact thai simultaneously with tho publication of tho Miles currespoifdcnco Socrotnry Root gavo out a ropy of See rotary Long's letter directing that Mn clay'a resignation bo requested, tnkon In connection with the publication thin morn ing of tho final Schley desclHlou, so farns It has gono beforo tho Navy dopartmont, Is taken an nn Indication of tho president's purposo to cleur tho olllclnl records of all ponding Issues In that m at tor. Soeretnry Root's publication of tho Maclay letter In oxprctod by the fact that ho loft tho Whltn IIouso soiiio time aftor Secretary Long ! had been thero and thus wan In position to carry out tho president's latest wish in the mattor. DOCTORING FREE A staff of eminent physicians nnd sur geons from tho Hrltlsh Medlcul Institute have, nt tho urgent solicitation of a large number of patients under their care In tlilH country, established u permanent branch of the Instttuto in this city, ut Corner of lllth mill Fiiriiiiiu .Streets, ItoniiiN i:iH-i:iO Hoard o( Truiln luUdlng. These eminent gentlemen hnve decided tj give their services entirely free for thro months (medicines excepted) to nil Invulldi who call upon them for treatment between now and Jani'ary 9. Tho object In pursuing this course Is to becomo rapidly nnd personally ncqunlntod with tho sick and ullllcted, und under no conditions will uny charge whatever be madu for nny services rendered for three months to all who call beforo January o. j Male nnd fcinulo weakness, catarrh nnd catarrhal deafness, ulso rupture, goltit, cancer, nil skin diseases nnd all dlsessn . of tho rectum aro positively cured by their new treatment.