4 Sent Free Jo Men. Tree Trial Pjukngc of thla New UIs. covery .Mniloil to fivcry Man Sciullng amc and Address Quick ly Restore Strennth and Vl(tor. Free, trial packages of a most remark- tblo remedy are being mailed to all who rite tho Htato Medical Institute. They fcUted o many men who had battled tor Woman's Work in Club and Charity n 1p L ROBINSON, M. D.. C. M., Medical Director tears against the mental and physical auf ferlti;,' ot lost manhood that the Institute has iirclded In distribute freo trial packa ges to nil who write. It In a home treat Fnent and all men who suffer with any form of sexual weakness resulting from l-oiithful folly, premature loss of strength ml memory, weak back, varicocele, or emaciation of parts can now cure them fct'Jvc at home. Tho remedy has a peculiarly grateful ef fect of warmth and seems to act direct to tho desired location gwlng strength and tlovolopmenl Just where It Is needed, It cures all tho Ills nnd troubles that come from years of misuse, of the nntural func tions und han been an absolute succen In nil cases. A rcmieRt to the State Medical Institute, 770 Klektron Building. Kt. Wayne Jiid,, stating that you dexlro one of their freo trial packages will be complied with promptly. The Institute Is desirous of reaching that great class of men who nro tinubln to leave home to be treated nnd the free sample will enable them to seo now easy It Ih to be cured of sexual weak ness when tho proper remedies are em- Jiloyod. Tho Institute makes no restrlc Ions. Any man who writes will be sent h free sample, carefully scaled In a plain rnckngo so that Its recipient need have no ear of embarassment or publicity Head ers urc requested to writ without delay. Gossip concerning the probable successor of Mrs. ncbccca Douglas Lowe as prcsldont cf the General Federation of Woman's clubs Is especially plentiful Just at present. Although there are an unusual number ot names being used It Is Interesting that somo of tho women considered strongest two years ago have dropped out entirely, whllo other comparatively unknown or considered out ot the question beforo the Milwaukee; biennial aro admitted to be strong possible candidates, Mrs, Denlson of New York, vlco president of the general federation, has won strong support In tho executive board during her recent term of acting president. A member of the board Is re sponsible for tho statement that as a re sult ot an Informal canvass of the board Mrs, Denlson was generally supported by Its members, owing to her able conduct of federation matters during Mrs, Lowe's ab sence. Mrs. Sarah 8. Platt-Dcckcr ot Den ver seems to bo more popular than ever this year and next to Mrs. Denlson Is tho cholco of the board, Ilclng a western woman and recognized as one of tho most able women In the organlmtlon, sho could prob ably muster stronger support than any other candidate, If sho should accept a nomination, The friends of Mrs. Robert Wiles of the Illinois federation aro nctlvo In her behalf. Humor Is current that Miss Margaret Kvans of Minnesota has declined support for that ofllco that Is seldom con centrated In behalf of one candidate and there Is general talk through the states of tho middle west that Mrs. Williams, also of Minnesota, Is looked upon as an able representative of this section. significant. Thcro seems to bo an Impres slon abroad that Nebraska has forfeited Its right to representation on tho board because lia former representative never at tended any of tho board meetings, If past attendance Is to bo the basis of repre sentation In tho future, not a few of the stntes will find themselves In a rather em barrassing position. It should be remem bered that It is only slnco the Milwaukee biennial that any provision has been mado for the expanse of these board members In attending meetings and now that that pro vision has been mado the federation will find u Nebraska representative quite as en thusiastic and as ready to go, expensos paid, to New York, Washington or across tho continent tho other way as tho repre sentative of any other state. 11 OLIDAY DISPLAY at. 1611 Farnam St. DuMiiond "C PREMIUM STORE All good tree for aitTlng Diamond "C" ilonp Wrapper llaviland China Limoges China Cut Glass Crockery Silverware framed Pictures Cutlery Clocks Nick-Macks Toys, Books AND ".KVEIIAI. IIimDIUSD oTiinu Aivrici.ns Users of Diamond "0" Bcap or pro spoctlvo UBers aro cordially Invltod to como and look over our new and large stock and select their prem iums, ix vif.w or Tim GREAT RUSH that was experienced at the Dia mond "0" Soap Promlura Dtore for two weeks before last Christmas, vro request our patrons to call xd elect thnlr Christmas gift as early as possible, so as to aTOld confusion nud the possibility of disappoint ment. THE CUDAHY PACKING GO Branch Premium Store. 1611 FARNAM STREET The rumor that Nobraska women nro In terested In a combination with members from neighboring states to sccuro repre sentation In the next executive board of the General Federation ot Woman's clubs bns occasioned Indignant protest and denial from several well known Nebraska club women. Considering tho fact that none of thece women have been accused, their In dignation and denials are amusing If not Tho Clio club met on Tuesday with Mrs, D. W. Mcrrow. The tubjects under dis cussion wore "Lincoln to Ely" and "Uni versities." Miss Tenlck contributed lovcral musical numbers. Tho next meeting will bo held at tho homo ot Mrs. K. I). Kvans, January 10. A circular letter has been Issued this week to tho clubs of tho 'state federation Informing them regarding tho aetlon of tho Wayne convontlon In regard to the voluntary contribution to the state fund for the year; nUo of tho nctlon of tho committee regarding the Louisiana Pur chase memorial and of the co-operation of the stato federation with tho Nebraska Kindergarten association In giving the pro gram of January 3 of the Stato Teachers' arsoclatlon at Lincoln. The following list of questions has nlso been sent with re quest for an answer by December 31, thnt the Information may be In for the year book to bn Issued as soon after the first of the year as possible: "The name of your president. Tho namo of your corresponding secretary. Number of members. Is your membership limited or unlimited? What Is your courso of study? Are you engaged In educational, literary, philanthropic or other outside work? If so, give brief ac count of It; What Is your method of work? Class work, with questions and answers, p.npors, talks or n combination of nil of them. Do you have a stale federation day? Do you havo an educational or patrons' day? Arc men Invited to any of your meetings? Any other Items of In terest not Included In tho above list. I'lease send me, If you have not nlready done so, your club manual or outline of work for 1901-1902. Signed, Dlla II. Lobln. gler, Omaha." Tho stcreoptlcon entcrtnlnmcnt planned for tho children at Tenth Street City mis sion for Monday evening has been postponed until Thursday evening, when the "Life of Christ" will bo presented nnd Illus trated for all tho children who enro to bo present. For Tuesday, Miss Magco has arranged a Btocklng hanging for the lfiO children that constitute the clusses of the mission. The stockings aro to be brought In In the afternoon and pinned to long lines that will be stretched In the mails room, the" boys to have one sldo of tho room and tho girls tho other. On Christmas morning tho children nro to call for their stockings, the boys at 0 nnd the girls at 10 o'clock. Miss Mngco has adopted this plan of reaching tho worthy poor and of preventing the rush, confusion and general seramblo usually attending Christmas dis tributions. As yet thcro nro a Inrgo num ber of children that have no stockings to bring nnd tho women connected with tho mission are making every effort to supply tho children before TueKdny. Up to date there Is fair promlso of toys to go around, but tho randy supply la still fully two buckets short. Twenty now sleds nro to be distributed among the boys and a line lot of dolls have been secured for ' tho little girls. These, with the clothing nnd other things provided, will, tho mission workers think, nfford the children tho most prolltablo Christmas they havo yet en Joyed. MASO MEN ALL WITHDRAW j railroads will protest FUGITIVE THIRTY-TWO YEARS Etfsta U Enttr Election .n Day Bt by SecTttiry Bot- SAY H9NEST CANVASS IS IMPOSSIBLE Linen in State of Trian Shy Order of Stnte Ofllrliil Unjust. la Retiring Faction Take Exception to Vnr finrtincnt Attitude nnd Insist Unfair 1'nrtUnn- lilp Prevail". HAVANA, Dec. 21. Tho supporters of Oenoral Maso In his candidacy for tho pres idency of the republic havo decided to tnk) no part In the coming elections, fixed for December 31. All tho candidates of the party have withdrawn and tho Maso mem bers of tho provincial boards have been re quested to resign. These stopa wero de cided upon on the receipt of a letter from Governor General Wood refusing to grant tho party .representation on tho board of scrutiny or an extension of the time to modify the voting list. At a meeting of tho party leaders a reso lution was adopted declaring that the cen tral board la a coalition of partisans and that General Maso, after exhausting every means to Insure Impartiality, rcctltudo and Justice at tho coining elections, has become convinced that nclthor In official circles In tho Unltert States nor In Cuba does the In tention exist to seo that the elections ars carried out with sufficient legality to re flect the rral wish of the Cubans, who are desirous of Independence and anxious to freely elect their first constitutional gov ernor. Trent Appliitid Mm no. It was voted to Inform Secretary Hoot of tho decision nrrlved at and also to publish a manifesto to the country. La Lucha applauds tho withdrawal of the Maso candidates and says that without thu guarantees aeked from Secretary Root evoryono knows t,hat tho election will bo a falsification of the will of the majority. "Tho Maso coalition," says La Lucha, "should not lend themselves to tho betrayal of tho public will and Bhould not co-operate In a policy which tends to lay the founda tion of tho republic In a gigantic fraud." Besides having the so-called conserva tives with -him, Maso Is said to havo a strong following among the blacks In the country districts and It Is Intimated In Ha vana tonight that this olomcnt may not tako kindly to tho present condition ot thlnga nnd may cause trouble. Maso's con servative leaders, howover, say they havo no fear. Tho Dlscusclon, tho Talma organ, asserts that the withdrawal of Maso's (supporters Is duo to the fact that they are a hopeless minority and tho candidates have no chance, of being elected, AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. 21. Tho Texas Rail road commission extended tho time until January 1, 1902, In which Tc'xna railroads must comply with tho commissioners' or ders rcqulrlng'nlt stato lines to Ignore their stato. line connection and opera to trains from starting and junction points on Gchcdulo time. It Is claimed that this or der, It enforced, will In mnny cases lay out eastern mall and passengers at several stato lino points from eight to ten hours In tho. event that connections are over thirty minutes late. It will nlso require railways to keep a rcscrvo train and crew at all connecting points to be used In caso of dolayed connections. Two of tho roads aro threatening to send federal, Interference to force tho commis sioners to abolish their order, claiming that tho order is unjust nnd Is an Interference with Inlerstato commerce and an unneces sary delay and also an Interference with the handling of tho United States mall. IF AGGIE GOT A MESSAGE Scnntor llonr Draw Rloqnent Pic ture of Spirit ot Independence. NEW YORK, Dec. 21. In speaking to night at the twenty-second nnnual dinner of tho, New England society In tho city of Brooklyn, Senator Hoar ot Massachusetts, who was the guest of honor, said: "Thero was a wireless telegraphy that enmo down across the ages from the men ot Marathon and Thermopylae to tho men of tho Mayflower and carao from the mon of tho Mayflower to tho men of the revolution and ramo from tho men ot tho revolution to our splendid youth In 1861, It Is not every- hero on earth stations ot these signals aro to bo found. Possibly there Is a spot In South Africa today whero a race of Dutch farmers havo been able to comprohond thu message I trust thero are some men still oft In tho United States who have cars to hear. Possibly Agulnaldo may havo gotten little intimation of It." Oklabtm farmtr Arrested far Allegid Crime YeaiB Ajo. IS BETRAYED BY HIS DIVORCED WIFE Woman After Kiirty Yours n Com panion Tell Ofllcci'N ot Her Ilun bnud'a Alleged Murder ot Orvllle I.yiiim, GUTHRIE. Okla., Dec. 21. Jnmcs Wilson a farmer living ten miles west of this place, was arretted on a requisition from tho governor of Missouri today, for the murder of OrvlIIo Lyon at Arno, Douglas county Missouri, thirty-two years ago. It Is al leged thnt Wilson, In muktng his cscnpe, killed a man named Hall, whom he sun pected of being an officer. Wilson Is now more than CO years old, anil It Is said has bcon a fugitive from Justice ever slnco the day ho killed Lyons, Ho was botrayed to tho officers by his first wife, with whom ho bad lived nearly forty years. Thoy woro divorced here about two years ago. Wilson and Lyons wero neighbors, and quarreled over a business matter. Wilson shot Lyons through tho heart and lied. In tho yens that followed, Wilson drifted through Arknmns, tho Cherokee nation and Kansas and Oklahoma, where ho located about eight years ago, ten miles west of Guthrie. The prisoner will bo tnken to Ava, Mo., for trial. Relatives of Lyons will prose cute Wilson. Three children of Lyons nro still living, but all Important witnesses are dead. S5.0G A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE .nd HYDROCELE curtd. Method new, without cattlur. osi. A lost of time. CVDUII let curd(orlUanattipo!oD Ot rnil-lo tfcoroughly cltanssd from lbs system. Soon every sign and symptom ulssppesrs completely and forever. No "UUViAKINQ OUT" ot ie dlitlin on tbe iklq or face, Ireatment contains no duiferoui oruci or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victim , ro NKHVOUfi DEBIUTY or EXUiDSTIOH, WASTING WlUNIBH With KAHLT Uf OAT in vouna and M!ui)i.B Aozd, lack of vim, rigor tihrt strength, wltn organs trapalmd and weak. STRICTURE cured with a sew Homi Treatment, is'opaln, no detention from but Deis. Kidney and Illaddev Troubles. CHARCPI8 t. 3VV Conttltltloa Fret. mttmtrt ky Mitt, i Calloaouoraddreti IIOSo. UthSti 1 Dr. Searles & Searles. Omttia. Neb. CURE YOURSELF I Uia Ulf CI (or utiBttnrsI dlietikrgM.tnlammatloiu, Irrltulooi or k-eretlaui . ... nr mi, Anna mffmur&noB rr?LU iVouiin. ' l'tlalei. end not eeifw I Mi a ojr DrejiMHj "cr tent in plain wi OlwiiW HUM )ikiup,0. A COMMON TKOUULE. Thonrnmle Suffer from It Without Knowlnu Ita nenl Character. No trouble l more common or more mil- understood than nervouB dyspepsia. Peo plo having It think that their nerves are to blame, aro surprlied that they are not cured by nervo medicines and spring remedies; tho real seat of the mlschlet Is lost sight of; the stomach la tho organ to be looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whatever In tho stomach, nor perhaps any of tho usual symptoms of stomach woakness. Nervous dyspepsia shows Itsolt not In tho stomach so much as In nearly every other organ; In somo cases tho heart palpitates and Is Irregular; In others, the kidneys are affected; in others, the bowels are troubled, with Iobs of flesh and appetite with the accumulation of gas, sour risings and heartburn. Mr. A. W. Sharper of No. 61 Prospect St Indianapolis, Ind., writes as follows; "A motlvo of pure gratltudo prompts me to write these few linos regarding the now and valuable medicine, Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. I have been a sufferer from nerv ous dyspepsia tor the last four years; havo used various patent medicines and other remedies without any favorablo result They sometimes give temporary relief until the effects of tho medicine wear off, I at trlbutcd this to my sedentary habits, being a bookkeeper with little physical exercise hut I am glad to state that the tablets hav overcome all theso obstacles, for I have gained in flesh, sleep better and am better In every way. The bove la written not for notoriety, but is based on actual tacts," Respectfully yours, A. W. Sharper, 61 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind. It Is safo to eay that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablots will cure any stomach weakness or disease except cancer of the stomach They cure sour stomach, gas, lots of flesh and appetite, sleeplessness, palpitation hoatburn, constipation and headaches. Send for valuable little book on stomach diseases by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall Mich. All druggists sell full sited packages at' 60 cents. Kdltor Lynch of tho Dally Tost, Phillips- burg, N. J., has tested the merits of Foley's Honey and Tar with this result: "I havo used a great many patent remedies In my family tor coughs and colds, and I can lion' estly say your Honey and Tar Is tho best thing of tbe kind 1 have ever used and I cannot say too much In praise of It. CLIMAX OF FAMILY FEUD ristol rinlit KihU In Tito mid Two Are Wounded. Ilenths SANDERSVILLE. Fla., Dec. 21. A battle with firearms occurred this afternoon five miles from here between tho Hogan and Dorman families, all of whom are well known In this section. A feud has ex lsted between ,tho two families for n long time and on formor occasions a fight was almost precipitated. The dead ore; S. A. HOGAN. WILLIE DOrtMAN. The wounded: Andrew Nnln. Thad Dorman, who Is said to bo fatally wounded. Lewis Hogan Is missing and his friends nro searching for him. THINK IT IS NELL CR0PSEY Girl Kept by Nern Woman ."Not Tell Her ,Nrm e. Will ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, Dec. 2L- letter recolved by W. H. Cropsoy ycitor day from Kocky Mount, N. C, signed George Hottesqn, stated that a girl was being held In that vicinity by a negro woman. She had been left thcro by a man who had not returned. The girl will not give her name, Baying she is afraid her father will kill the young man who placed her In charge of tho woman. The girl Is thought to bo the missing Noll Croptsy. Two mombers of tho cltlrens' committee left today for Itocky Mount to Investigate. 1, efller 1 Keenptitreil. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. 21. (Special Telegram,) Tom Lefller, wanted at Co lumbus, Neb,, and who escaped from Sheriff Byrnes of Columbus during tho excitement of the wreck at Solon Tuesday night, was captured today at Granger by David Nichols, "77" REVIVES UENUMHEI) VITALITY, SO CUKES COLDS A Cold checks 'tho circulation""' stimulates tho heart's nctlon, sends tho blood tingling through the veins. A Cold causes Torpid Liver "77" re stores Its activity, cleansing tho system. A Cold benumbs the Kidneys "77" as sists tho action of the "filters" of tho body carries off the impurities, especially uric acid, preventing Hhcumntlsm. "77" breaks up a Cold that clings. At ait rrtiirulstn 55 cents, or mailed on re- rolnt nf iirire. Doctors Rook mailed free. numnhrpvfc i lmneoiiuinio iweuicina o.. Corner William and John Streets, New York. KB mm mm Voal for Cheyenne. CHEYENNE, Wyo., Dec. -21. (Spoclal Telegram.) A tralnload of coal was re eelved here todiy and the threatened coal famine did not materialize. The Union Pa cific hurried the coal forward as soon as the shortage was reported to tho official. A cold, cough or la grippe can be "nipped In the bud" with a dose or two of Foley' i Honey and Tar. Beware ot substitute. ' 4 HORSE SENSE There aro times when HORSE SENSE or simply "good Judgment'' Is necessary in the selection of n carrlago or harness. Hut If you nro not gifted with HOUSE SENSE It Is entirely safe to go to a re liable firm and tako their word In the purchaso of a vehicle, har ness, robo, stable or street blanket, foot warmer or carrlago heater. and tbU firm carries everything Inl this line. Drummond Carriage Go, The people win sell fall nnd winter carrluges on ... I8TH and HARNEY STS Mrs. J. Benson. Cbrisimas Presents We have the handsomest line of urs, in Scarfs, Collar ettes, Storm Collars and Children's Sets for the money ever shown in Omaha. Silk and Mercerized Underskirts Newest styles In black taffeta and pcau do sole, prices $7.60, 19.60, $10.60. $12.30. Wack and colored silk moreens, $1.76. Elegant Into make in mohair, prlco $5.25. Tho prettiest mercerized skirts that aro made, prlco $1.00 up. Handsome dress skirts of nil kinds, rieautlfuf flannel waists, $2 nnd up. Hand some silk nnd flno wool underwear and hosiery and satin ribbon girdles make a nice Christmas present. , DRESSING SACQUES-Somo nro very handsome. Prices, $1.00 up to $3.00. Chil dren's cloaks, bonnets and hats. NECKWEAR Chilton Hoas, prlco $1.2C to $7.60. Handsome nutomobllo nnd other late makes. Id tics, real laco In ties, collars, reveres, boloros, etc. Dolls! Best Stock in Town. From 2H In. to 32 in. long, Blsmio or kid bodies, dressed or undressed. Wo havo tho huidsomest pink Kid body, doublo riveted Joints and the Kestncr hoad, acknowl edged the finest head made, prlco with head, $1.36 to $6.t50. The best French made, ball Jointed wood body nnd Kestner bead, prlco $1 to $5.25. White Kid bodies, with hand riveted hip Joint, 0o to $1,60; with plalu Joint, 35c to $1.75. Small blBque dolls, 6c up to $1. Drossed dolls. lOo to $15.00. Bargains in- Children's Cloaks PERFUMES! PERFUMES! Bottles In fancy boxes filled with cholco perfumes, 58c, 76c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 nnd up to $3.00. In bulk or bottle. Single bottles, 25c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. KID GLOVES ! KID GLOVES ! Porln lends them all for beauty nnd durability, prices $1.00, $1.60, $1.76 and $2.00, n light or heavy weight, drossed or undressed. Mocha gloves, $1.00 to $1.60. Silk lined Mocba gloves, $1.60 nnd $2.00. Genulno Dent gloves, $2.00. HANDKERCHIEFS ! Anything You Could Wish. Our handkerchief slock Is full of 'choice goods at a bargain In men's, ladles' nnd children's handkerchiefs. Indies' handkerchiefs, from nn all linen nt 6c up to the finest linen thnt is made, in embroidered, plain or lace trimmed. Special larg-) assortment at 25c. 50c. 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Ileal laco trimmed, $1.25 up to $18.50. Flno French hand embroldored, 60o up to $10.50. Initial handkorchlcfs for men, ladles and children, In boxes or single. Children's Initial, three in a box, 25c. LINEN CENTERS, DOILIES, ETC. Irish hand embroidered centers, lunch cloths, dollies, etc., Hennaissance, Batten berg, and Mexican drawn work pieces, all sizes. Real Ebony and Ebonoid Goods On our Christmas counters wo have tho best stock of real ebony and ebon- old goods thnt nro made. Sets of comb and brushes, In boxes, 76c up to $6.00 Seta, with mirror, $1 and up to $8.50; Including manlcuro sots, $6.50 to $15. Manicure sets nlone, In boxos, 66c up to $6; without box, 35c up. Brush nnd comb sets, In leather traveling cases, 75c up to $10, for ladles and gents. Military brushes, $1 pair u p to $5.00. Hand mirrors, all prices. JEWELRY NOVELTIES We carry nil tho late novelties In Jewolry. Bonded bags a specialty, $2.00 up. Wo carry a grand line of POCKETIIOOKS and SHOPPING BAGS and can please you as to stylo nnd price. Seo our Christmas umbrellas at $1.25, $1.60, $2.00, $2.50, $3.60, $5.00 up to $7.50. Men's umbrellas, $1.00 up. Handsome fans from 50c to $15. 00. Aprons, from 26c up. Flno stationery from 10c to $2.00 box. Dewey & Stone Furniture Co., 1115 and 1117 Farnam Street. Sensible Christmas Presents In the wholo category of tilings suitable for Christmas gifts nothing is more appreciated than a GOOD PIECE OF FUUXITUKE you t:an find anything in our stock and at the right price too. Dressing Tables, Shaving Stands, Easy Chairs and Hookers, and a thousand and one. other things always acceptable. AVe offer a few suggestions below. Store Open Monday and Tuesday Evenings pip r.Vii-'.lf.'-'. ?T7V illig Dressing Tables Mahogany finished dressing tables, at $7.60, $10.60 and $12.00. Blrd's-oye maple, at $14.50, $17.00, $20.00, $22.00 and $25.00. Polished oak, at $18.50, $20.00 and $22.00. Largo line of fancy tables up to $75.00. Music Cabinets In bird's-eye maple, oak and mahog any, at $6.00, $(1.60. $7.50, JS.00, $0,00. $10,00, $12.00, $13.50, $15.00 and a full lino of beautiful goods In Vernis, Martin and real mahogany. etc., at from $9.00 to $75.00. Special values Ih flno tables of all kinds large lino to select from. India Seats India seats In oak and mahogany, plain and upholstered, at $2.25, $2,75, $3.25, $8.60 and $5.50. These are high grado goods, suitable for holiday presents. Chiffoniers ESQ Parlor Desks Oak, mahogany finish, birch and ma hogany, In up-to-date styles, at $5.00, $5.50. $6.00, $7.60, $U,00, $10.00. $12.00 uud $100. And a largo lino of special Christ mas values, at $20.00. $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00. Morris Chairs In oak and mahogany finish, with reversible cushions, at $7.60, $8.00, $8.50 and $9.00. Special values at $13.00, $16.00, $18.00 and up. Parlor Cabinets largo assortment at $9.00, $13.00, $17.60 and $20.00. Beautiful lino in real mahogany, Vernis, Martin nnd gold leaf, at $20.00, ' $22.60. $25.00. $33.00. $15.00, $59.00. $05.00 and up. Blacking Cases with neat upholstered tops, at $1.25, $2.25, $3.25 nnd $3.50. In oak, nt $6.25, $7.75, $9.00, $10.00 and $11.00. In polished quartered - oak, birch, bird's-eye maple and mahogany, at $1.25, $18.00, $21.00, $21.00, $27.00 and up. Rockers Oak, cobbler scat rockers, at $2,25, $2.60 and $3.00. Beautiful lino ot rockers In polished woods, at $5.00, $r,.00, $7.50, $9.00, $10.00 and $12.00. Nice lino of hand-carved rockers, at $10.50, $12.00. $13.50, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $26.00. Best values In tho city. Metal Beds Iron beds in all the new colorings, at $5.50, $6.60. $7.50 and $8.50. Best lino of high grado goods at 5)0.50, $12.00, $15.00 $18.00 and up. Brass beds In all grades and sires at our usually very low prices. Parlor Tables In polished oak, bird's-eye maple and mahogany finish, at $1.25. $1 60. 11.75, $2.60, $3,75 and $5.00. ' Boautltul lino ot real mahogany, Vernis, Martin, French marquetry. We guarantee to deliver every order before Christmas night on time and in good order. One Price Dewey & Stone Furniture Go, Plain Figures