Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1901, PART I, Page 2, Image 2
fPTTir. rWfATTA TA1TJV Tl Kir,! STTNT) A V. ITUfM'TM Tt Mil lfM)!' Telephones C18-69I, Bargain in Colored Dress Goods Remnants- Sllll -rom- nantn. for everybody These practical, sensible skills make a handsome Christmas present for either a child, misd or lady, nnd coat but little,, handsome lengths In waist lengths, skirt lengths ami ninny fine dress length', hundreds of pattenm to choose from. Among them ure: Rc;nnnnts of d',4 yards Venetian Suit In;. In this rnle for $1.33. Kcmnant of fi yards flno Trench Serge, In this sulc for S3c. Remnant of C yards oxford gray Cheviot, In thin sale for 73c. Remnnnt of CU yards brown mix Suit ing, In this salo for 80c. Remnant of i ',4 yards satin finished Ve netian, In'thls salo for $1.90. Kcmnant of 5 f-8 yards blue gray Chev iot, In this salo for liSc. Remnant of 4 yards handsome- 1'lnld, G2 Inches wide, In this sale for $1.50. Kcmnant, of 3,4 yards l'lald Suiting, 52 Inches wide. In this Bute for $1.30. . Kcmnant of G yards mixed gray Chev iot, CO Inches wide, in this salo $2.13. Kcmnant of I yards oxford gray Suiting, BO Inches wide. In this snlo for $1.30. Itomr.tint of 24 yards new Waist Mate rial, In this mile for 93c. Kcmnant of 3 yards Wnlstlng, in this nloor $1.08. HANDSOMK W.AOK UKKSS OOOU3 KOI I CHlllSTMAS. When In doubt ns to what to buy, buy blank. You can make no mistake, thcro Is nothing bettor or sufcr to buy than u handsome black skirt or dress pattern. Any gentleman buying a dress pattern that Is not satisfactory, It can bo returned nnd exchanged any tlmo before January 1st., 1902. Christmas Linens Do you know any other Btoro in tho city that gathers together such a stock of small fancy linens for Christmas time? A list of a fow real laco plate dollies, $1.3.r nnd $2.00 each. Ileal Irish embroidered plato dollies, "Be, 8Sc nnd $1.00 each. Ileal Irish hand embroidered scarfs, $2 - ouch. Heal flue II. S. towels, $2.00 oach. Ileal Irlnh hand embroidered pollow shams, 3.7Gup to $!0.00ta pair. Wenched tablecloths, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 nnd $3.00 each. Blenched tnble napkins, $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 nnd $4.50 ench. Real Irish hand embroidered tray cloths, Hpcelal, $1.00. SPKCIAL. Monday wo will sell nil our $1.50 flno II. S. towels at $1.00 each. hanccmont of their own property In tho northwest nnd elsewhere. "Out of this desire has grown tho North ern Securities company. It became neces sary (In order to provont tho Northern Pa cific, from passing under tho control of the Union Paclllc Interests and with It the Joint control of tho Htirllngton) to pay off tho $75,000,000 of Northern Pacific proferrcd. "Tho enormous amount of cash required for this purpose from n comparatively small number of men mndo It necessary for them to net together In a largo and permanent manner, through the medium of a corpora tion, and the Northern Socurltlcs compnny nffonliM (heftt tho mftans of accomplishing this object without tho necessity of creating a separato company to finance tho transac tions for tho Northern Pacific; while at tho same tlmo tno credit of tho Northern Securities company would bo much stronger ns It woul alsi hold a considerable amount of Great Northern and other securities. OrKimlzed io llrul In hecurltlfN. "Tlio Northern Securities company is or ganl.n! to deal In high clnss securtles, to hold thojmmo for the benefit of Its Bharo holder and In advance tho Interests of tho corporations whoso securltlos It owns. Its no we re do not Include tho operation of rail ways, banking, mining nor tho buying or selling of securities or properties for others on commission. "It Is purely nu Investment company and tho object of Us organization wns simply for those holding Its ntock to continue their respective, intercuts in association together Mid to prevent such Interests from being vl mIIIHb Christmas Shopping is at High Tide No matter how much shopping you have left for the last minute you can finish it up quickly at our store. So many things h ere tha make useful gifts. Store open evenings until Christmas, f Fancy Novelties for A choice assortment of dainty painted and iiuiiuuy umuy novelties, hand embroidered, at prices ranging from 25c to $4.50 each. Tho following arc a few hints of the many things we arc showing: Match Scratchcrs, Calendnrs, Whisk Broom Holders, Work Ilnskets, Jewel Iloxcs, Pin Halls, Laundry Lists, Ilnby Ilaskcts, Letter Cases, Key Hacks, Tin Cushions, I'hoto Frames, Scrap Ilask cts, Address Hooks, etc. Christmas Hosiery Wo have prepared ' for Christmas the most com plete line of novelties in ho siery in tho largest variety over shown. You are cordially Invited to Inspect our lino before buying. Our prices will Interest you. Striped hculory Is shown In large quan tities, while jho demand for all-over lnco and embroidered stockings Is as strong ns evor. Wo have them at all prices nnd sizes and Will be pleased to bow them. A Suggestion to Buyers Wo bo ot Christmas Gilts Hove that a laco bed sot (spread arid shams) Brussels net curtains, Dentello Arabia curtnlns, milled Roblnct cur tains would mnko suttnblo and prac tical presents, profitable to both giver and receiver. Lnco lied Sets at $1.50, $2.50, $3.00,. $7.50 nnd $3.00 per set. Urussols Net Curtnlns at $4.00, $3.00, $6.00,, $7.60, $8.00 and $10.00 per pair. Dentello Arabia Curtains nt $9.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 and $20.00 per pair. Iliimed Iloblnct Curtains At $2.60, $3.25, $3.60, $3.75, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 per pair. Flannel Waist Patterns (Silk embroi dered). A beatiful line of choicest flannel waist patterns They aro admired by everybody that sees them. Come nnd tako a look at thorn, too, and you'll ngroe that one of these flannel waist patterns will make tho most acceptable ChrlBtmas preeent for n lady. Prices aro $2.25, $3.00, $3.26, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $6.00, $7.00 nnd $7.60 per pattern. Special: All of our $3.00 sldo-plcnted llnnncl waist patterns on alo Monday at $1.50 per pattern. STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHlllSTMAS. Thompson, Beldeh &Ca T. M. O. JL. BOIUHX. CWR. XTM AXB BODOL4I MB. scattered by denth or otherwise; to provide against such attacks as havo been made upon tho Northern Pacific by n rival and competing Interest whoso main Investment wan hundreds of miles from the northwest and whoso only object In buying control of 1 tho Northern Pacific was to benefit their southern properties by restraining tho growth of the country between Lake Su perior nnd Puget sound, nnd by turning nwny from tha northern lines tho enormous Oriental trndo which must follow placing on tho ocean tho largest ships In tho world. "The foregoing Is a brief and absolutely correct statement of the whole subject nnd Its truth can easily bo verified by the state of Minnesota and any other state or per son having sunicb?nt interest to investigate the fncts, which aro all matters of record, (location Inflect Upon I'lllillc Intercut". "Now, as to the effect of what has been dono upon the public Interests, let mo ask a fow questions, which I want every cnndld and honest man to answer for him self: "Did tho Union Pacific people, with their railway lines, extending from Omaha and Now Orleans to California nnd Oregon through tho several stntes In the rolddlo west nnd south, purchase n majority of tho stock of tho Northern Pacific company for the purpose of nldlng that company and Increasing tho growth and prosperity of the northern country, or was it for tho purposo of restricting such growth nnd aldlug tho development of 'their enormous Interests hundreds of miles to tho south? "Did they purchase the Northern Pa- OIL ! OIL ! Gusher almost In sight. What could you glvo to a friend In the way of a Christ mas preeent that would pleaso them more than stock In tho Omaha Texas Oil Co., which means a regular dividend, nnd, In our Judgment much greater than any in vestment yet suggested to tho people of this vicinity. Wo aro now 200 feet In cap rock. Wo are drilling In tho hard rock nt this tlmo with 11-luch drill which would Insure a plpo of about 10V4 Inches. If we meet no ob struction wo will surely bring in ono of tho best wells yet drilled on Splndlo Top. Remember tho Directors can wlthdaw the 25 cent stock at any time, nemembcr, 2' cents Invested would mean $1.00 returns as toon as stock goes to par. Whero could you Invest to make so much money to say nothing of tho dividends anticipated. Ac while, you havo a chance. Address all communications and drafts to H. I. FORSYTH, Sec. & Trcs. OMAHA TEXAS OIL COMPANY Room 406 Ssvp Block", Council Illuffs, Is Holiday Gifts for Men Among : the many Xmas gifts for men there are some that aro useful and some that aro not. Hut nono will bo appreciated more than something one can uso evrry day. Our stock Is still complete? with mnny novelties. N'ockwenr Handsome light coloring for the holldnys, In a great vnrlety of shades, from 60c to $2.00 each. Mufflers Tho new pleated mufflers, In fancy silks, also black, at $1.00 and $1.60 each. Suspenders Fancy silk webs, gold plated buckles, each pair In fancy box, from 60c to $4.00 a pair. Gloves Oray mocha, brown mocha, kid, unllncd or silk lined, every pair guaranteed, perfect fitting nnd good for wear. Men's silk lined kid gloves, gray mocha or tan, a very dressy glovo for $1.60. Some Appropriate Things for in Our Cloak Dept Christ mas giv ing. No woman but what will appreciate somo ready-to-put- on garment : We sell tho style's which aro new and of tho beat designs. Petticoats of flno black morcerlicd cot ton at $1.60, $1.75, $2.50. Pottlconta of flno black nnd colored taf feta silk at $7.60, $8.60, $10. Muffs of fine fur, In clcctrlo and near seal, at $3, $3.60, $4. Muffs of Alaska' seal nt $20 and $22. Muffs of flno beaver, Persian lamb and mink from $10 to $15. Astrakhan fur capes, guaranteed to wear, $25 to $40. Storm Collars In genuine marten, $12 to $26. Fur Scarfs In all tho new nnd most de sirable furs, such ns stono marten, Isabella fox, uablo fox and American sablo. Dlack 6111: Waists, handsome black silk taffctta, nt $5, $7.60 and $10. Walking Skirts which fit nnd hang cor rectly, at $6.60, $7.60 and $10. , Sterling Silver and We have a ebony Novelties nice line of sterling Bilver novelties such as Darners, blotters, flics, letter openers, salve Jars and tooth powder bottles at 25c each. Ebony and ebonlzcd bat brushes, hair brushes, cloth brushes, mirrors and military brushes at 25c nnd 50c ench. olde nnd Its Interest In the Uurllngton for the purposo of butldlug up tho Asiatic trndo between tho norlhorn zone, lying from St. Paul nnd Minneapolis to tho Pacific coast, or In brder to control tho Orlontol trade for their own southern railway lines through their own seaports over their own ships? "In defeating tholr control of tho North ern Pacific and retaining It In tho bands of tliORO who had built It up, and with It tho cntlro northwest, did we Injuro or benefit tho peoplo of tho northwest? Auk If Their Action Wnn In Jiirlon. Did I, by inducing my friends to hold tholr Northern Pacific common Btock and net Jointly with Messrs. Morgan & Co., when this stock was selling at $500 and $1,000 a share, thus proventlug tho Union Pacific from controlling tho northwest, Injuro or benefit every Interest, agriculture, business nnd otherwise of tho ontiro country be- tweon Lako Superior nnd tho Pacific ocean? Had wo sold our twenty millions of Northern Pnclllc, oven nt $300 a share, amounting to $00,000,000, or nearly $40,000,- 000 moro than Its present value, and trans ferred to tho Union Pacific control of tho entlro country botween Cannda and Mox- lro, -what law of Minnesota would wo havo violated? Could wo not legally have put the money In our pockets and let tho country loam what It wns to be dominated by n parallel and competing railroad? Why did Governor Van Sant sit still from May until November, whllo a majority of tho stock of tho Northern Pacific com pany was controlled by a parallal and com peting railroad compnny, In clear opposi tion to lnw, mid wait until myself and friends havo by our efforts nnd with our own money rollevcd tho northwest, not as a rival parallel or competing railway, but doing what we clearly have the right to do, as Individuals, or working together for greater permanency and security us a financial corporation? "Has thero over been a caso In tho history of this country wheu men havo droppod their money profit and stood ns firmly by tho Interests of the communities, which had grown up with tholr own nnd largely by their own efforts and capital? I'redletM Itciluctlon of Itittm, "Tho Funilc is interested in having n good railway service and nt fair and rea sonable rates, Tho past Is gone and speaks for Itself; I can speak for tho future nnd have no hesitation whatever In saying that the Increased volume of trafllc, both through and local will enable the companion to ro duco their rates In proportion to tho volume Few are entirely free from It. It may dovclop so slowly as to cant little If nny disturbance during the whole period of childhood. It may then produce Irregularity of tho stomach nnd boweli, dyspepsia, catarrh, nnd marked tendency to jonsumptlon before manifesting Itscir In much cutaneous eruption or glandular swelllnj?. It Is best to bo sure that you arc quite free from It. and for Its complete eradica tion you can rely on Hood's Sarsapmrillm Th beat of all medicines jot all humors, Uco, Dec. 22, 1M1 Handkerchiefs Always accep table as gilts. No finer assortment anywhere than we are showing, from the plnln hemstitched to the finest of embroidered or real lnco handker chief! Women's all linen, plain hemstitched, at 10c. 15c. 25c. 35c and 50c each. Women's all llnon, embroidered, 15c, 23c, 60c. 75c. $1. $1.60 up to $5 each Women's real Duchesso laco Handker chiefs, $1.60, $2, $2.60, $3, $3.50 up to J10 each. Women's real point laco Handkerchiefs, $8 to $12 each. Men's nil linen hemstitched nt 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c or 3 for $1, 50c, 75o nnd $1 each. Men's Initial all linen Handkerchiefs at 25c and 35c, 3 for $1. PocketbOOks Tho kind of gift that don't per- nl0X tllO ff'lVOr abOUt HiZ0 Or jjiua iuu h,vul tw Huf. VOll nil77.1llicr about eOlOl'. BIJb yuu pU.llllb uuuuu w'ul' Our assortment was novor prettlor. Wo would suggest ono as a Uttlo gift. Indies' combination I'ockotbooks, In walrus, seal, alligator nnd Morocco, nt 60c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2. $2.60, $3, $3.50, $4, $5 nnd $C each. Clmtclalno Hags at 1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $4, $5, $6 and $G.60 each. Men's I'ocketbooks at 25c, COc, 75c, $1, $1 50, $2 nnd $3 oach. Children's combination Tockctbooks nt 25c and 35o each. Real Laces for There aro Christmas as Gifts many trifiea that are pret ty, and useful, too, but for real eleirance real laco Btauds at the head. - I nl Any lady will nppreclato a gift of this sort. It may be a bandsomo norths, novcro Collar, Turn-over Collar, Handkerchief or laco by the yard. Hcnl Duchesso nnd Point Laco Dcrthas at $15.00 and $30.00 each. Ileal Duchesso and Point Lnce Hevero Collars, $10.50, $14.00, $15.00 and $16.00 each. Ileal Duchuise Lace at $2.00, $3.00, $3.60, $5.00 and $6.00 a yard. Real Point Laco at 14.50 a yard. Christmas Umbrellas You must look for the novelty in the handle. All tho silk and all tho frames aro good. Wo havo umbrellas mado with cither men's or women's handles at $1.00, $1.60, $2.60, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 each. At $5.00 each wo havo a beautiful line of men's and women's umbrellas, val ues that aro worth up to $10 each. We offer these at tho special prlco of $5.00 becauso wo purchased a manu facturer's line of holiday handles at a fraction of their real value. Every handlo 1b different, so you havo a large lino to select from. of such trafllc and that in tho nonr future tho public wilt have a chanco to bco for Itself this featuro of what I havo said. The dovolopracnt of tho country will Increase with, greater Increaso In population between Minnesota and tho Pacific. No morgor or consolidation of tho Northern Pacific and the Great Northern Is contemplated. Each company will bo operated separately In the future as In the past. "I greatly dislike to discuss my matters In tho newspapers, but during my absence an attack has been made upon myself and friends, which has been porslstcntly sup ported by both political nnd rival Interests, All I nsk Is fair play, and lpt time dotermlne whether tho public will bo benefited or In. Jurcd by what wo have dono nnd will con. ttnue to do. "JAMES J, HILL." STRONG PLEA FOR SULLIVAN Lsik'Ii'n TcUniony la Denounced nnd Street IlnllTvny Compnny I'or trujetl iim llcnl Culprit. CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Arguments for the defenso of Alex Sullivan closed today and Assistant State's Attorney Dames Instructed tho Jury to send Sullivan to the penitentiary for conspiracy in connection with Jury brlb. lng. A strong plea for Sullivan was made, and It was shown that tho West Chicago Street Hallway company was the real cul prit. Lynch'a testimony was denounced. Attorneys for Sullivan said It was common knowledgo that tho West Chicago Street Hallway company had a department of cor. ruptlon and dishonor, and he wanted to know If tho Jurors thought It posslblo that tho road had not begun bribery until 1S97, when Sullivan mado n contract with tho road. Ho also asked tho Jury If It wns rea sonable that tho railway directors bribed, or that they had a mnn to do it who would not profit by It n ponny. It Is expected that Darnes will finish for tho stato In tlmo to lot tho caso go to the Jury tonight. DEATH RECORD. "WIIHnin Sillier. SIDLEV. Ia., Dec. 21. (Spoclol Tele. gram.) William Miller, horn in Mecklon burg, Germany, March 15, 1801, died hero this morning at tho home of his daughter, Mrs Ida Smith. Mr. Miller lived for many years at Lafayette, Ind. Thomas Delnvrn rt Vor. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 21. Dr. Thomas Delavan do Voo, poet, playwright, miner, dentist and a member of a prominent Nova Scotia family, was laid to rest today In the pot tera' field. He died hore yesterday of con sumption, aged 69 years. Captain Krnncln H. Drown. PORT MONROE, Va., Doc. 21. Captain Francis S. Iirown, retired, died Friday night In tho cottnne of Robley D. Evans. In which ho resided. Appolexy was tho cause assigned. Ho was from New York and was CO years of age. .lumen ClnrL. ERICSON. Neb., Dec. 21. (Special.) James Clark of Erleson died of heart falluro on bis way home from town on Tuesday, TO HELP BUILD MONUMENT Wrkiij;in of Omaha Join ia tbt Mc- Kiilij Mniril Work. FORM THE FIRST LOCAL ORGANIZATION (lenernl .Mnnili-rnti 1'nys Trlliute to lir l.nte President mill Sir. It ( nnlrr flxplnlna Object of Stnte Aaanolntloii. Tho first local McKlnley Memorial asso ciation In the stnto of Nebraska was or ganized last night at Labor tcroplo In tho formation of the Omaha Worklngmcn's Mc Klnley Memorial association. The meeting was Culled to order by Fred Bauninn, secretary of tho Stato Society of Labor and Industry. C 12. Watson, labor commissioner of tho state, was elected tcmpornry chairman and Fred Dauman sec retary. Letters were read from Judgo Silas A. Holcomb, J. Sterling Morion nnd Uoneral C. F. Manderson, regretting their Inability to be present. The letter of (lencral Muii- il era on, iiddrcssoil to Mr. Hnumnn, under date of December 2i, was as follows: . t had promised myself the pleasure of meeting with you nnd your uasuclnloM to night to bear testimony to thu personal worth anil otiiiurini: memory or our inio uriHlili'tit. Mnlnr U lllhmi MrKlnloV. 1111(1 aid In such milliner hh 1 could your lauda ble effort to perpetuate tho recollection nt tho ureiit good he him ticcotupllxlied for the republic by Hiding In the erection of u Huitiiiilu monument over iuh grave, mat it may become, like the placed of Interment of Washington, Lincoln, Ornnl mid tlnr- si-i.i r .. ......... ,.,t,. t 1 .. i imtrlots A DCIBOtml 111 M1UII. US tmtUVtlHnm as ii wns unexpeciiii. preveinn mo iruin lie tin with von iiiul Huh contincil me to my room for the. last two liiyn, 1 fell In coming down n flight of stulrt) and Mruck ,mck H0 pPVt,re;y t)ml j i,Uve moved great dllllcully nnd pain ever hIiico. Tlio doctor prescribe absolute, quiet. I rpirnH llil enforced nliHeticc more than I can describe, for 1 greatly desired to tes tify to your organization how much In mind mill how clone to heart nil tho tru Interests of labor were to McKlnley. I knew him clescly nnd Intlrnntely rrom tnu time when we wero struggling young law yerH nt Canton, O.. to the hour when ho moil at nullum irom uie cruei wuuiui in lnln.1 hv ilm mlunriili'ii wrplrh WllOHC namo should pass Into history coupled with that or juuns jscarioi io pe curseo ny mi men. In nr vuto nnd In pumic nro-nn lawyer ana as jumosmnn, an coiiKri.-si'niim, i,u ernor nnd prcHldent MeKlnley'H nlm yni y h nlm wns to d Urn fv labor In nil nn rormifc mo im iirrssed lila views upon the. legm.itlon .or the country nnd the prosperity of the day in inrneiv one io iuh wiyuoin nun iuiu- flght. It Is llttlng that nil lovers of virtue, n It Is exemplified by the life of this Ideal American, should contribute to u populnr testimonial to his memory. Hon. Hdwnnl ltosnwnter, Kecretnry nnd treasurer of tho Nebrnskn branch of the McKtnlov Mentorlnl iiHsoclntlon, will bo with you tonight nmi win explain miiy tho purpose nnd nlms of the national organlzn tion, 01 which wu iiru it pin i. Mr. HoncMntor' Speech. At tho closo of tho rending of the letter Mr. nosowator was called upon nnd mnde a statement of tho objects of the associa tion, saying that It was much to be do plorod that tho movement In Nebraska had been dolayed by tho absence of mombcrs of the executive committee. Ho congratu lated tho men present upon tho fact that they wero the first to organize a local association and predicted that following their load Omaha would soon make a good showing In tho stnto society. Ho snld that tho movement was entirely non-polltlcalr that contributions to tho fund In no way pledged contributors to nn endorsement of any policy of tho lato presldcut. but was to bo considered ns a testimonial to tlio life work of tho Individual and the high office of president. Ho then explained In detail tho work nnd tho rclntivo duty of tho local, stato and national associations, Lneh porson contributing to tho fund will bo In tlmo presented with nn engraven re ceipt in suitable design ns a souvenir of tho donntlon. At tho cIobo of Mr. Rosewator's talk tho tcmpornry organization wns mnuo perma nent nnd a committee of five wns nppolntcd to bring tho plan of tho association befor tho different unions. This committee Is composed of Peter Green, 0. P. Shrum, Hen Maylard, Dr. M. J. Ford and Fred Dauman, The secretary was Instructed to write letters to ench union, setting forth tho object of tho society nnd Inviting the mcmbors of tho unlon3 to be present at tho next-meeting, which will bo hold upon tho call of tho chairman. VERDICT AGAINST RAILROAD ArkmiKiifi Court ilvon JuilKinent of Over One Hundred TIioumuiiiI for rlnlutlrr. NEWPORT, Ark., Dec. 21. A Jury In tho circuit court hero today gave Judgmont for $124,638, against tho St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Hallway company, for the destruction by fire on April 24, 1600, of 2,768 bales of cotton, stored at tho compress here. The plaintiffs wero tho olf-aoid-man Mercantile company. It Is alleged that sparks from an Iron Mountain locomotive cniieed the fire. nuru PALACIN13 OIL. PART CLOUDY, MAYBE COLDER Nebruakn la to llnve Lowering hUlea, While I.MVit la Serene nnd Sunny. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21. Forecast: For Nebraska and Kansas Partly cloudy Sunday and Mondny; probauiy coiuor in western portion Sunday; westerly winds. For Missouri nnd Illinois Fair una warmor Sunday; wonuay, jiruuuuijr uu , southerly winds. For Iowa Fair nnd warmer Sunday; Mon day, fair; westerly winds. For North Dakota Fair and colder sun- day; Mouday, fair; wcBtcriy wiuus. For South Dakota Fair Sunuay aau Mon day; probably colder In northwest portion Hundny; westerly winds. For Wyoming nnd uoiorauo fair sunuay and Monday, especially sionuayi vnnnnio winds. r'or Montana Cloudy Sundny and Mon day; colder Sunday in soutucrn portion; westerly winds. For Eastern Texas Fair Sunday ana warmer In eastern ana soumern portions; Monday, partly cloudy; fresh southerly winds on the roast. For Western Texas, Now Mexico and Arl- zona Fair sunuay anu .-uonaay; jirounuiy colder In northern portion; varlablo winds. For Oklahoma nnd Indian Territory Fair Sunday end probably Monday; southerly winds. For Arkansas Warmer Sunday nnd Mon day; cloudy; southerly winds, I, oeid lleooril. office of tiii: wkatiiku nritRAU. omaiia. Dec. 21. Olllc al record of tem perature nnn nrrciimnwon euniimriMi wiui thu corresponding day of the lust thrco vn r . 1001. 1000. ISM. 1S!iS Maximum temperature... 41 57 :is Minimum temperature... n ,u s.i .j Mean lemneratura 47 Jl .14 Precllltutlon I") .0) M Record of temperaturo and precipitation at Omuha or this uuy ami since .Mil run j 1W1: Normal temperature v.. 2! lri'HH for the 1I11V Total excoHH allien March 1, 1W1 A 'ilb Norma menu tat on wi mci, Oenclencv for the ilav 0.1 Inch Total rainfall slnco Mnreh 1 24.07 Inches Dcflcle.icy slnco .March 1 6. SI Inchei IiBfleienev fur enr nerloi I. 15").. .13 Inchex Ueflc flity for cor period, 1899 4.11) Inches Locul Force nxt Olllelul, U A. S JJLSIl, RATHBUN JURY STILL OUT Mint Clini-Ki-il Midi l'olnoiilitic Allotted ftntiieanke Aivnlla III 1'nte, JKFFKnsONVILLH, Ind., Pec. 21. Tho enso of Now ell C. Hathbuu, charged with the murder of Chnrles Ooodmnn In this city last month, was given to tho Jury at 3:23 p. m. today, but no verdict had been returned nt midnight. ltathbun was charged with having poisoned Ooodman on tho night of Novem ber 6 nt tho Fnlls City hotel In this city, where llnthbun had registered ns W. L. Teneycko nnd Goodman a Newell C. Hath bun. Tho following morning tho man who had registered ns Hathbuu wna found dead In his room nnd 'letters In his possession Indicated that he , had a wife In Little Hock, Ark. Tho man who had registered as Teneycko left somo tlmo beforo tho body was discovered. The romalns were shipped to Little- Hock, where it was dis covered by tho agent of nn lnsurnnco com pany, who had Insured Rnthhtin'n life for $4,000, that the dead man wns not the ono to whom ho had Issued a policy. The body wns then sent back to this city nnd wns Identified ns that of Charles Goodman of livnnsvllle, Ind. In the meantime n man answering tho description of Teneycko wns nrrested at the LouIbvIUo recruiting station, whero he had enlisted in the army, and ho wna charged with causing Ooodmnn's denth. Tho prisoner finally admitted that his nnmo was Newell C. Hnthbun: that ho was formerly a noldler In tho regulnr army: that ho had Intended to kill Ooodman, whom he had registered as ltathbun In Jefferson- vllle, nnd then burn tho hotel to hide alt V ut iu..K-iiuiiiK umvi iu lunutL a $1,000 life lnsurnnco policy on Ills (Hath bun's) llfo; but thnt Ooodman had died from the effects of n drunken spree be fore the plans had matured. His Indict ment followed, but ho maintained when put upon tha witness stand that ho did not cnuso Goodman's denth. JKFFERSONVILLE, Ind., Dec. 21. No verdict hns been returned up to 1 o'clock this morning. HESITATES JN ACCEPTING Governor AV. Murray Crane ('otililern Offer of the Trenmiry Portfolio. 110STON. Dee. 21. A rloce friend of Gov ernor W. Murray Crane todny confirms tho report published today stntlng that the gov ernor had been offered tho treasury port folio by President Roosevelt nnd snld thnt tho governor had aRked for time until noxl Mondny beforo deciding whether or not he would t.ceopt. A telephone messago from Dalton, Gov ernor Crnno's home, received hero today fcnys that Governor Crnno Is considering the question with great thoroughness and Is In clined to accept tho position. Famliy nnd business considerations nro tho cause of tho governor's hesitation. UPROAR IN POLAND (Continued from First Page.) maud charity toward all children. What, then, Is our duty toward tbeso children of ours?" Apnrnl to Three Xnllon. After this account of the Polish trials had been written the storm of Indignation nroused throughout, th ancient kingdom of Poland forced the matter upon the notice of the governments of Germany, Austria and Russia, among which the kingdom Is ill- i vlded. Tho Gcrmnn chancellor told the Rolchstag In effect that tho policy of Germanizing lTUKSiun-i'uianu must gu uu, uuu uiui 1110 Helchstng hns no business to meilillo wun what concerns nnlv tho Prussian Diet. The Austrian chancellor reminded thej Ilclchsrnth ot Vienna that It would not bo neighborly to lntertcro In Germany's home nffalrs. Tho czar has said nothing, but his censors havo excelled themselves to keep the,IlU9Flnn public from uows of this and other recent cases which havo stirred up tho Poles. 1 To Core n toon it n Etop coughing, ai It Irritates the lungs nnd gives them no chanco to heal. Foley's Honey nnd Tar cures without causing a strain In throwing oft the phlegm like com mon cough expectorants. SUES FOR HEAVY DAMAGES Speculator I'llex Action AKnlnat Illk- I1111 Mlnlnif nml .Mllllnir Co 111 i nny. DRNVRR, Dec. 21. Cyrus Raker has filed suit In tho district court against tho Dlkton Mining nnd Milling company for $200,000. Ho alleges that the compnuy in lfj95 gave him an option on Its property In Cripple Creek at KiOO.OOO nnd that whllo he was negotiating a deal In New York stock holders of the company Interfered to pro vent n sale by representing that ho could not glvo a title to tho property. IT IS IMPORTANT To Know "What You Are TnkliiK VVIu'n tlaliiK Cutiirrli .Medicine. Catnrrh Is the Abort routo to consumption and tho Importanco of early and Judicious treatment of catarrh, whether located In the head, throat or bronchial tubes, cannot bo too Htrongly emphasized. Tho list of catnrrh euros Is or long as tho moral law and tho formB In which they nro administered, numerous und confusing, from sprays, Inhalers, wnwhet, ointments und salves, to powdors, liquids and tablets. Tho tablet form Is undoubtedly the most convenient and tho most effective, but with nearly all advertised catarrh remedlos It Is ulmost entirely a matter of guesswork ns to what you nro Inking Into your syntoin, ns tho proprietors, whllo making all sortB of claims as to what their modlclnes will do, always keop It n close secret as to what they aro. Tho success and popularity of tho now catarrh cure. Stuart's Catnrrh Tnblcts, l Inrgcly because It not only euros catarrh, but because catarrh sufferers who use thrso tablets know what they aro taking Into their systems. Stuart's Catarrh Tab lets aro composed of Red Gum, Illood Hoot nnd similar vnluable nnd nntlneptlo ingre dients, nnd nro- plensnnt to the tasto, and, bolng dissolved In tho mouth, thoy tnke lm- mcdlato effect upon the mucous lining of the throat, naeal pawsuges and wbolo ro splratory tract. The cures that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets have accomplished In .old, chronic cases of catnrrh aro little short of romarkablo and tho advantngn of knowing what you nro putting Into your stomach Is of paramount Importance when It Is rimombored that the cocnlno or morphine habit hns been fro quently contracted ns tho result of using bc- crot catarrh romedliu. Stuart's Catarrh Tabids meet with cor dial approval frnm physicians, because their antiseptic character render them per fectly snfo for tho general public to uso and their composition makes them a common senso euro for all forms of catarrhal trffubltf. All druggists (HI them at CO cents for full sized packages, i 1 1 1 i i 1 1 r 1 1 i i rrrv . . CALIFORNIA . . i i I i i i I i I I I I I I I iTT The qunlnt old mission townn nntl the lovely senMdo resorts of Southern California nre VISITED EVERY YEAR by thousands of tourists who travel Over the Union Pacific becnttBo It Is the tost nnd quickest route. In nddltlon to the Pullman Palace Weep ers tlio UNION PACIFIC runs Pullmnn Ordinary Sleep ers every day, Leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. m. Tliene Ordinary Can aro Personally Conducted every Wednesday and Frldny from Omnhn. A Pullman Ordlunry Sleeper also leaves Omnha every Tuesday nt 11:20 P. M. for Los Aiifioles. For full Information nddrers City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Phone 310 Indicate a morbid condition of the feba- ccoin glnnd. Siiueeilng them out dives not cure and raurj largo Kires that be come cry imngumw un my HMcnimc nomo ircstmcnij, lclally prepared for ench cote, 1 ltlvo. ly cure nil niK-fliniiM of the nkln. ninl re store to the complexion n healthy rejonto glow. 1 remove every line nun nirrow, every smt nnd blemish from the face or body, rendering the skin clear and giiiooth. ronniiiniinn in j erson or by letter Is freo and Mrlrtly conililentlitl, :io year pnicti cal experience. JOHN H, WOODBURY D, I. I S3 Sltto St., Chicago. Howcll'a Is giinranteed not to contain any thing thnt Is harm Anti-Kawf ful to the sinatlcst child or the frailest grown pirson. It n cough nnd cold cure nnd-the bef-t. Noth ing as good. Tnko no other. 25 cents a bottle. Office Ilonra, e iundnya, froui H i DR. McGREW(Age53) SPfc.UIAft-.ST. DlRt'iifti'i. uuu .,.ui'afi 01 .inn Only. SO Yenm' Uxiirrlence. lc icura Id omnlin. WADinnPCI C cured In less than 10 day T nil I UUULLU without cutting. SYpHL5 ..- . rl JBnB 0, thu j, disappear at once, nil CD in) null iukcs uuiea uf uurvoui UVLn ZUiUUU debility, loss of vitality and all uiiuntuiul weuknestics of num. btrlcture, (Heat. Kidney and Uladder Dis eases, Hydrocele, cured prrmuncntly. (.tire Cuilllllitecil. C.iiiNiiltiilton Free. CHARGES LOW. Treatment oy mall. P. O. l:ox i(A Ofllco over 21j 8, llth street, between Far nam and Douglas Sts.. OMAHA. NICU. Quicker Than Ever HOT SPRINGS ARKANSAS IN 1 HOURS From ST. LOUIS 12 12 8 P. M. TO 8 A. Nl. IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE PAMPIILRTS PRHC ON APPLICATION. II, C. TOWXNHMI, General PfiBHuuger nnd Ticket Agont. ST LOUIS, MO. VARICOCELE A snfo, palnlnsit, per. mnnentc 11 ro guaran teed, Twentv nn yean' experience, No money acceieil until p. tlent l well. Consultation and Book Frtt, by mall oratonire. Wrlto to lioo'l oil . M. 00K, M16 WulclU (Street, KANHAH CITY, BIO. A Model Doctor's Office Most doctors find It convenient to havo evening or Sunday ofTSc hours. Patients can hardly walk up stair, at su h times. The Bee Building has all night and Sunday elevator tervlce. Water and gas, as well as olcctrlc light are In each room. The rooms arn all light and our 0 ftlces arc most attractive, Rents are no higher than In Inferior bulldlnts, R. C. Peters & Co , Rental Agency, Oround Floor, Bee Building. a. m. O p. ui . a, t 5 i, ra. f 1 1