WE USED IT-WE LIKE IT-SO WILL YOU IMPROVED AND PERFECTED ORDER WOODCRAFT. J DIAMOND C Fifth Largest Benefit Order in America. . . Woodin 'A SOAP SOVEREIGN CAMP or Hi m Pmm$ FOR WRAPPERS Our stock of Premium Goods, specially selecled and suitable lor the holidays, is the most complete that we have ever offered. Visitors are cordially welcome at our Premium Store, 1611 Faruam St. The Cudahy Packing Co., SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. Hi OUR J ENGRAVERS 1 f i; 1 1 J. MANZ ENGRAVING COMPANY 195 TO 207 CANAL STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS A U'K justly celebrated as the iMiraviii"- establish iiUMit which can at all times he relied upon for satisfactory results, whether the enraviu he a tine half-tone, wood cut or zinc etching. Their facilities are so extensive that work which must he executed quickly for shipment to distant cities can he easily turned out. WHEN ORDERING ENGRAVINGS FROM YOUR PRINTERS ASK FOR MANZ PERFECT ENGRAVING Hi Hi it Hi Hi to Hi Hi ft Hi Hi l l to Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi .6 1 ) m mi v SUGGESTION : 18 UY A TYPEWRITER I'm- viif sun in- ilanlitcr; a .(ami. ml m.u-lii ii-. iu- that i ias t.. l.-arn anil will last a lit.- tmi- A M-.W I 1 KY. l AI.UiWAl'll, DKNSMt K'K .1 VusT h. n pi . -n. ,.i . iv;ulil liinl positu'ii. ITNITKO TYIMiWttlTUIl ANI SI IM'I.IICK COSH ANY. NEW LOCATION ( )!' I'MTIUi I'liWKITKK AMI Sl'ITI.Ih" ('(IMI'ANV: 415 SOUTH 15th STREET OMAHA. NEB. Sakvs AtMits fur Minli-daili1 Staiiilanl Writing Macliiiu-.s. NEW CENTURY, DEN8MORE AND YOST. Illustrated catalogue inaik'il mi ifiiict. Latest Revised Equitable Minimum Graded Hates. Emergency Fund to Keep Assessments Limited. In addition to payment of $500 to $,000 erects a beautiful monument at every grave. ONE-TENTH of whole benefits annually payable at 70 years of age for total physical disability. Over 200,000 JVIcmbcrs, Over $9,000,000 Loggcs paid. Over ,ooo JVfonumcnts Greeted. Attractive terms to capable, producing deputies. Organizers wanted in nearly every State in the Union. JOSEPH CULLEN ROOT, JOHN THOMAS YATES, Author and rounder of all Woodcraft, SOVI-KliKIN COMMAND!:!. SOVi-KIHON Cl.l-HK. Woodmen of the World Building, OMAHA, NEIJ. mm W. R. Bennett Co., Board of Education, Allen Bros. Co., Her Grand Hotel, The Omaha Bee, and F. P. Kirkendall & Co. think our northern Dynamos and motors... They bought them and recommend them. CUcstcm Electrical Company, TELEPHONE 456 1510 Howard Street, - - OMAHA, NEB. M V ' J J5he Only Piano That Improves With Use... Established 1842. as i 1 Ok) 55,000th Piano Made 1901... Always a-sonant and full in tone; never becomes thin or metallic; stands in tune almost indefinitely. Conceded on its merits to be the most satisfactory piano ever manufactured. Sold direct from the factory store at factory prices, i Save 6100. nil u $2oo.oo. , Write or call at Omaha branch house. Mueller Piano and Organ Co., 1316 FARNAM STREET, Hardman Store. Omaha.