Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1901, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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fihop Id tho morning If you possibly can;
tho afternoon crowds will tax tho capacity
Children's Silk Hoods
Vi'o offer you tho cholco of nn Immcnuo lino
of chlldren'o flno silk hoods at very low
prices. You can chooso from detens of
styles nnd colors, all handsomely trimmed
ribbon, etc.. 4 O - O ft H
special at -V-FW
of tho store.
take your small parcels with you whenever
convenient. Wo will consider It a favor.
When Roods nro to bo delivered seo that the salesperson gots
your full name and address correctly; saves delay and disap
pointment. rLEASn KEHP TO THE ItlQItT.
There is Pleasure in Christmas Shopping
WHEN YOU COME TO JiOSTON STOKE. Here the aisles are broad and liberal, typifying the policy of the store; the eeiliugs are high, ventilation perfect and the salespeople skilled
and courteous. Every feature of the store is brought to the highest point of perfection.
Holiday stocks were never so complete, so perfect. It's Omaha's broadest and most brilliant gathering of dependable merchandise, all displayed in a manner to make selection easy.
All priced in the most pleasing and tempting way.
In the next two days we must dispose of every dollar's worth of Toys, Games, Dolls, Hooks and Novelties; In fact, all -classes of merchandise that we bought expressly for holiday trade.
In order to force the selling we have made radical reductions on all these goods.
Remarkable Dress Goods Values
High art fabrics and exclusiv
under priced for tomorrow's selling,
a good, sensible Christinas present
Uxcliislvc Patterns In
English nml Scotch tnllor cloths,
llopo cheviots,
Camel'H hair tweeds,
Yorkshlro tweeds,
Doosklns, Venetians nnd Zclmltnes;
Also French productions of Voguo
Eullonnes, I'opllnM, Ilarcgo and
Entlro patterns for $4.98 ami $7.50.
Full Dress Patterns of
Storm serges, cheviots, mohair Jacquardi,
Henrietta. rflshineroH, tweed suitings,
I'uncy granites, etc. (black or colored), for...
Full Dress Patterns of
Prunellas, cheviots, etnmlnca,
Canvas, granite, rlay worsted.
Vlgeroux. cloth suitings, etc..
In black or colored, for
Wo nre making a general clearing
of waist Itigs mid French llannels,
"Kochcllno Krcures. best French llannels, at.,
Highest grade walstlngs, I'erslan strlpc3,
plented effects, cords and silk fancy
tripes, all nt
e patterns considerably
A dress pattern makes
for any woman.
For a Full Dress Pattern
39c yd.
69c yd.
Buy a Handsome Fur Piece
Nothing adds so greatly to the beauty of woman's street
dress this season of the year as a. handsome fur piece, and with
these prices in force no one need deny
themselves the comfbrt and pleasure you
are sure to derive. We suggest to the
men that they buy them for gifts. Noth
ing is more appropriate or more practi
cal. Note these special values.
Women's electric seal coats 22 inches
long, guaranteed, satin lining and $4 50
reveres, worth $2.".O0, J
Woman's guaranteed astrakhan jackets,
nobby styles', with roll reveres anil JjJ-
storm collar, heavy satin lined,
$.10.00 values, for
Handsome fur scarfs with large cluster
of tails of all tho popular furs Immcnso values, at
$1.98, $2.50, $3, $4.98
Childs' and misses' fur sets, large cape
collar, with purso or muff, angora and lan b combina
tion, at
98c, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98
Ijirgo snblo fox scarfs with two full Largo fur muffs of Canada marten, near
natural tails, very stylish furs, at ho', mink, storm marten, chinchilla,
$9.98, SI2.50, $15.00 $J.98,S4.98, $7.50. $9.98 and up to $20
Kid Gloves, Mittens and Boas
$1.50 Kid Gloves, 98c
Immense lots of Indies' kid gloves,
all tho well known brands, all col
ors and sizes, worth Qftp
fl.GO, go at "Ol
All wool Saxony wool knit mittens
for ladles nnd children, plain and
fancy mittens, go nt. ''JCJ-,
ltlc, 25c nnd Out
Oreat variety of styles In ladles'
and children's golf gloves, black
und nil colors, on bargain coun
ter at 25o
Misses' and children's kid 'mlttons
with fur top, fleeco llnod, worth
7Do pair, go nt A f
t5c and t
$2 50 Kid Gloves $1.98
and $1.50 ,
All tho finest Imported kid gloves, no better made,
Imported especially for this holiday trndo. suitable
for drewi and evening wear, great variety of styles,
worth up to $2.00, go in 1 F)Q
$1.98 nnd vr
Fancy Silk Boas Made of liberty silk
and chiffon. In black, white, nnd nil colors, worth up
to $4.00, on snlo at
93c, $1.50, $1.98
Pfinrv Silk Neckwear Imported and
u II wj
domestic in automobile tlos, wldo nnd narrow silk scarfs, fancy Jabeaux, and all
TZiT.T!"!.. ..25c, 50c, 98c, 1.50, 1.98
7 1
Tomorrow we begin to close out all the
Toys and Holiday Goods on Third Floor
T IS a well known fact that ours is the one toy department tliat opens up every year with an
entirely new line of toys and holiday goods. Xever do we show the same toys two consecu
tive seasons. The way we do t his is very simple. We close out every dollar's worth of toys each
year. A visit to our toy department tomorrow will show you how this is done. The prices are
less than half what other dealers ask for the same goods.
$1 croklnolo boards we will close out Closing out all tho children's fiOc rock
t 25c. ng chairs, 15c.
Closing out nil the $1.25 and $1.50 largo
slzo kid body dolls; other dealers get as
high ns $2.60 for them; our prlco 76c.
Closing out nil tho $1.23, $1.60 nnd $2.50
dressed dolls for 76c.
Closing out all tho 60c, 75c and $1 Iron 2Cc at 5c-
trains, steam engines, hoso carts, etc., Closing out all tho stoves that sold
tor 35c. for 60c at 15c.
Closing out all the children's 25c red Closing out all tho $2.60 hobby horses
chairs for Sc. at SI.
Closing out all tho children's 15c chnlrs
for 6c.
Closing out all tho 23c Havings banks
for 6c.
Closing out all tho stoves that sold for
Closing out all tho children's sce-saws,
worth $2.60, at $1.
Closing out all tho 25c furniture, bu
reaus, dressers, chiffoniers, etc., for 10c.
Closing out all tho 10c nnd 15c Christ
mas curd at 2c.
Closing out all the $1 plpo racks nt 39c.
Closing out all tho $1 typewriters for
Closing out all tho 60c gift books, Imi
tation silk covered, 10c.
Closing out nil tho holiday stock of
runs nml xaurorn nt 10c. worth 25c.
Closing out everything In the toy department at about tho same proportion. Hundreds of bargains will bo placed on salo.
They will bo on special tables and ns booh as one lino Is closed out It will be replaced by another, All day long will It bo a
busy bargain day on tho third floor.
Reduced Prices on Jewelry, Novelties, Toilet Cases, Etc.
The time is short and our immense stock of jewelry, novelties, toilet cases and every arti
cle of that kind MUST be disposed of. We adopt the usual method by cutting prices.
Olovo boxes, handkerchief boxes,
neckwear boxes, fancy Jewel nnd work
boxes of every description aro priced
half, yes, even one-third of what they
aro worth. No end of styles, no end
of varieties, no end of prices. Tho
values we offer you are positively two
and three-fold.
Special offerings In ladles'
solid gold rings, a grent va
riety of styles, various
mountings und settings, nt
$1.23. $1.75, $2.50,
$.1 und
worth $1.50,
Ipern glasses liavo
all been reduced,
lmudsomc pearl, mo
rocco und enamel
mountings, from
$1.50 to $8
Toilet requisites of all kinds, In
cluding hair brushes, combs, clothes
brushes, military brushes, etc. nil
such articles that aro sterling silver
trimmed nnd made expressly for gift
purposes have been reduced to about
half the former prices.
Gentlemen's Roman gold
sleevo buttons, warranted
UK, set with fine double
stones, $2.98
und ,
Imitation cut glass puff
boxes with fancy sterling
silver tops, tobacco Jars, cigar Jars nnd hundreds
of other dresser novelties, such ns button boxes,
hairpin boxes, etc., mndo of sterling sUvor. liavo
all been subject to vast reduction. In many In
stances tho prices aro about one-halt what they
formerly were.
Toilet cases of every description, containing
from 3 to 20 pieces, ranging In price from le to
J23, havo nil been marked down an average re
duction of Xl$ per cent und 50 per cent. They
uro great values.
Wo offer unusual bargains In
silverware of all kinds, from
tho trlplc-platcd to tho pure
silver P23-1.000 line. This in
eludes silver knives, forks,
hpoons, silver table sets, fruit
dishes, etc.
Handsomely bended ehatclatno
bags, heavy oxydlzed
frames, only ,
Thousands of sterling silver
manicure pieces, OE5-t
worth 60c, on sale at..50C
One Hundred Thousand Handkerchiefs
Every kind and style of holiday handkerchiefs priced lower than ever before.
10c Handkerchiefs, 5c
Ladles' and men's plain white nnd fancy
colored border handkerchiefs,
also ladles' all linen handker
chiefs, at
15c HnndkerchiefB. 8c
Ladles' and men's nil linen hemstitched
and embroidered handker
chiefs, In grent variety
of styles
Women's fancy silk handker- -4
chiefs, tho 25c quality, for 1 A2w
Men's 25c fine linen handker- -4 fyi-,
chiefs, all widths of hem t1K
25c Hiuulkerchlefs, 15c
Ladles' and men's plain and fancy hand
kerchiefs, Including all linen embroldorcd
flne sheer hemstitched, Irish linen hem-
Blttchcd handkerchiefs,
worth 25c,
go at
50c Handkerchiefs, 25c
Ladles' and men's finest Imported, all pure
linen, handsomely embroidered handker
chiefs, French revered handkerchiefs,
plain nnd fancy silk handker
chiefs, great variety of
styles, worth 50c, at
Women's 75c and 60o fine
laco handkerchiefs at...
Men's 35c and 60c quality Initial anil
plain linen handkerchiefs
Men's silk Initial handkerchiefs, hand-cm-broldered
letters, f
worth $1, at OVC, UUC
$1 and $1.50 Handkerchiefs, 5!)c
50 styles of high-class handkerchiefs,
edged with llnost Valenciennes laco and
Insertion, real linen,
worth $1.50,
go at
$1 Silk .Mufflers, n'.)c
100 styles of all kinds of plnlu A
and fancy silk mufllcrs,
worth $1.00, go at "
75c Silk Handkerchiefs, H5c
nig lot of ladles' and mon's plain and
fancy silk handkerchiefs,
many styles, silk cmbrold- tJiC
cred, worth 75c, go at
Buy Her a Silk Dress
for Christmas. The cost is very moderate if you'll buy it
here. We have made some special reductions on high class
novelties and evening silks. Come and seo the splendid
, lines of black and colored Dress Silks, Foulards, Crepe do
Chine and Fancy Velvets and Corduroy Wnistlngs. You'll
marvel at the showing and the values.
Hrilllnnt Orcpc de Chines in n pront vnrloty of
tho newest colorings, also black; 24 lnchrn wide; the
regular prlco Is $1.39 per yard, on ealo nt. yard
New Satin Foulards .Tncqunrd effects, sntln finish nnd twills, nil tho
nowesi designs, in tho following colors
new blues, grays, old rose, navy, whlto and
black; mostly all aro cxclustvo patterns of
12 tn If. Vila ttlnv ).a nffnrml lnm.i,niu
at 75c and USo u yard. Y AK1J
:i ml twills, nil tho
75c I 98c
Honnct & Lyons' Hlnck TuiTctn
l'uro dye, extra soft finish and beautiful
lustre, overy yard guaranteed 22 and 24
Inches wide, worth $2 nnd $2.60 a yard, on
salo at $1.25 and $1.33 a yard.
Silk Waist Patterns, Bnmo 600 In nutnboi, of n (front variety of flno sllka,
inciuning now corcieu i,ouiscnes nnd rancy
printed warp novelties; patterns contain
from 3 to 4 yards, per pattern
Many patterns uro worth more than double.
LJtv in uno on rvti,
Sale of Silk and Flannel Waists
A Great Silk Waist Purchase
-; Q8 for $8 silk waists. A pur
kp 2 chase, of 2,000 poau do
soio waists, mado in two
striking styles, the prettiest ever placed on
sale, made expressly for the holiday trade
by one of the greatest .silk manufacturers
in the country. These new styles are so
different and so artistically trimmed that
you will readily recognize the great value.
They come in all the evening shades; .actu
al ly worth !?S.00.
Great Flannel Waist Sacrifice
A purchase of U,000 ladies' high class waists
made of strictly first class all wool botony and
French .llannel, in the most wonderful varieties,
prices below cost of production. The values we
offer tomorrow are most astonishing tucked
cording, fancy combinations, trimmed effects nnd plain styles,
making one of tho most dcatrnblo Chrlatmas presents for
mother, wlfo or sister.
fiCn for $2.00
OOI nnnnel Waists.
1 OQ for f.1.00
il)l.VO icinnncl Waists.
Men's and Boys' Winter Caps
Men's electric seal caps, Just what
you need for theso cold days, at.
...2.50, $3
Men's plush nnd cloth caps, In nrlghtons, Windsor and
golf styles, at
25c, 50c, 75c and $1
Hoys' cloth caps, In Ilrlghton,
golf and yacht titylcs
Children's camel's hair Tarn
O'Shantcrs, all colors, at....
23c, 45c
19c, 45c
Children's toques, In nil
colors and combinations, at.
Bargains in Silk Umbrellas
Wo aro offorincr a fine lot of mon's
and women's silk umbrellas at bargain prices. They
are covered with extra quality material, havo steel
rod and extra stronir frame and have solid silver
mountings; the handles are particularly handsome
and the variety is very
extensive, grand
bargains at
e particularly handsome
198 jj 250
,19c, 35c, 45c, 69c
Holiday Offerings in Men's Suits
These are all fashionable suits, cut in the season's newest
styles and made of the newest fabrics,
such as chalk-line ami hair-line stripes,
serges, cheviots and oxfords; all are pure
wool fabrics. They ,are lined with best
materials and are the products of highly
skilled tailors. In each instance is the
saving considerable. The values cer
tainly warrant your attendance.
Your pick from thousnnds of $5. 00
Your pick from thousnnds of "iH
suits at ou
Your pick from thousands of CIO
BUlts nt tpif
Your pick from thousands of $12 50 $15
Every suit. at a saving of from $2.50
to $7.50.
Men's (yoke nnd new gown .overcoats,
IS inches long, actual $15 Cf
values, at - .Ov
Men's yoke nnd swagger overcoats of fin
est oxford .and frieze, $20 Jl i f
values, at 4lv
Thousands of Presents for Men and Boys
Everything that man can wish for, every
thing that is stylish, everything that is
durable can be found in our men's and
boys' furnishing goods section. Every
thing is priced according to Hoston Store's
... 50c
noys' dog skin and mocha warm lliiPd
gloves, plain and fur trimmed, only....
Men'B warm lined and dog skin and ns
trachan gloves, tho (1-00 kind, at
Men's flno dog skin, mocha and
kid llneil gloves
Men's finest gloves, plnln and A e.C Hevcrslblo four-ln-hand tics,
fur trimmed, PnrlB kid, pair 1 7 J band bows and tecks, cnly.
Men's fancy suspenders, silk llnlshcd, rich ow novelties In silk tecks,
colors, kid and leather rcT sIllold ll0WS nni1 ban1 b0WH ntl
trimmed, nt Kuncy neckwear In separate boxes.
Smoking jackets In a great variety. suspenders, dark and 0XflulHlt" ',aUern8 nml co,or',
the serviceable sorts, something- that "ncy ,UXP r "' nn1 Newest creations In men's llnost silk neck-
looks well, something that will wear mU box at 50C wenr' tccks' '--n-Hnd. CA-
well, many styles nnd colors, at ' etc.. U quality, at t7 J
aw ft fl P A YoU can cUooM from ,no nnfai "Ponders U.M nn,i $3 rnniors, made of flno Imported
n.niJ. l.OXJ over biiowd in tuts cllyi O tG cllks, beautiful colorings
; -r-, r prices range up to, pair At n
IJoys' fancy silk oxford
mufflers, with plaids,
stripes and figures, at..
range up to, pair AVO nnd styles VQC
Men's all silk oxford mufflers, silk and Men's flno silk nnd satin brocaded oxford
grrif-, mutllcrs. satin quilted bnck, T Cj-i
DUw many stylos and patterns J JjC
entln effects, stripes,
plaids nnd figures
WcSicll und Show Aloro and licttcr
Shoes and Slippers
thnn any other storo wettt of Chicago. Wo havo fancy slip
pers for llttlo tots that can only Just walk, nnd wo havo
them In overy Btylo and slzo you can think of for ovary
body else, In overy kind of material In silk, vclvot and
leather, and In overy prlco from 39o up to Jli.OO.
Special Ladies' 9-strap Sandals, $1.98
Men's Slippers
GO different styles
from 59c to 1.50
u pair nil wizen all
Women's full dress patent
kid, patent calf and enamel
ed leathers in all widths
from A A to EE,
$3, $3.50, $4, $5
Men's patent kid, patent
calf and enameled shoos
$3 to $5