Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Btate AtsooUtioi Tunnels Its Bailam In
Short Ordr.
Cotnprnftittliiii fur ,loilrilrj (Inn of
tlir Mil I II Tlllimi In Id- 'I'll hi-n
I'll it llh till- ,-t i y n -crnl
.VM'itt1l) ; '
In it brief PBglon ot the MorchunU'
hotel Friday a'ftfrnoon the State Sheriffs'
Ksioelutlon of .S'abrnaka ilectivl oIIIclts nml
decided thm tho noxt . annual, mvctlnu,
which will liu the aaocltuion'n thlrtecuili,
ehall bo In Lincoln noxt December, on a
day to bo seluctod by the president and
Theno urrp tho memberi! in attendance
J. A. Hnydor, tfobron, Tlmyer county; J.
H. llrown, Trenton, Hitchcock, Charlon K.
Bhrndor, N'ebrnku City, Otoe; John I'owrr.
umnnn, Dmmiaii, p. n. Taylor, flrand
Bland, Hull; (luy V. Hetord. Clnv Outer.
Clay; IM MrAvoy, 1'anilllmi. Sarnv: I.. C.
lien, David (Illy, Diltler; A. ('. Crabtreo,
Mccook, Red Willow; Dojiuly VV. P. Webber.
Onmlic; 0. A.'.Kornlln. Kimball; Kltnball
Bhorlff. cleat It. Oamiibclltlerlnt?. Scotts
IlJuff; Hherlff ,R. fj. .Walsh, Scotta llliiff,
Beoltfi niuff; Rherlrf-firort 0. B. Mncolh
mill Shcrllf Andrnw Hayes. I.exhiKton, Daw
son. T. W. l;'vet(, Tojtamah, .Uu'rl; 1). W.
Hecox, Mlnden, Kearney: Shcrlff-uleet C.
1. Honsol, Hebron, Thuynr; J. A. McAr
thur, Hcd Clmid,' KurnaH; T. A. Sawyer,
"Wlllier, Salmon
Tho ifow i-xbctlves aro Tower of
I)ouKla, HiiccenlInK J. C. lliirim of Poluni
liUH, I'latto county, iih prcHldeJit; I.. 0.
lien of D.ivld City, Ilutler county, succeed
InK W. I. I.anrustrr nf York a8 vice presi
dent, ami J, A. Snydtr of Hebron. Thayer
county, to micceed himself as secretary uud
Iti-rui-il An- .MInhImu.
Tho last mentioned otnclal has been In
olllco since mO', but in hi 11 1 uimulo to Rot
tho affairs ami tho llnntu'Cft of tho associa
tion HtralKhteiiod out to bis satisfaction, ns
hl predecofsor, Joint W. I..-wIh of Omaha,
Bburllt MeDonald'H deputy, left tho records
Incomplete and no funds In nW;ht, althoURh
Boino of the association members ore said
to bo of tho opinion that there should bo
botwren $aO') uid J 100 in the. treasury, as
tho dues are $1 per year and the organiza
tion has never been under any considerable
oxponse. Secretary Snyder'H report at this
meeting shows that duriiiK the past two
years membership feoH received amount to
J-tC and tho only expenses have been $3.7.1
for two lots of printed postal cards an
nouncltiK theso last two mucttnK.
Thu nsHoclatiou was In session from 2
o'clock till G o'clock and met nRiiln after
nupper, but transacted no business at the
latter session, taking final adjournment
almost Immediately to attend tho theater
villi .Sheriff John Power. .Many, howevor,
expuet to remain In tho city today to visit
and do lOrno buying.
Tho' early adjournment left to the presi
dent tho selection of tho legislative com
mittee for tho coming session of tho legis
lature. This cominltteo will, If possible,
Heeuro a resurrection of the old provision
for paying sheriffs' mllcago for trips made
with prisoners.
Until the legislature of four yenrs ago
idierlffs wero allowed 10 cents per mllo for
hueh trips, but at that session tho plan wns
revised lo allow them ?.1 per day and ex
penses, the cost of transportation to bo paid
lit tho Hat ratu of 3 ciints per mile, or tho
actual cost of tho rallroud ticket. This
action, It lit alleged by the sheriffs out in
tho state, was brought about by tho Doug
las county olflccrs mailing an unnecessary
number uf(JrlH, as, for Instance, if twenty
prisoner's wcro to bo taken to Lincoln, in
stead of being conducted thoro in squads,
they would be token separately.
Mlulll .MIk n I '.
Tho ground on which tho stato associa
tion's lobbying committee will baso Its ar
gument Is that whllo a sheriff Is away from
his county on an ofllclal errand ho may
miss some duty nt homo that would mean
noveral times as much as the J3 per day and
expenses that, ho draws on tho trip.
Another cause of complaint which tho
shurlffs hope to bavo removed Is the fact
that In boiiio counties the members of their
association aro losing misdemeanor fees
whenever u convicted party lays out his
mmtenco In Jail Instead of paying a line.
There are- counties wherein tho Judges take
euro that tho lino fund Is kept large enough
to tho requirements, but this is said
to bo truo of only a few, and It Is tlm
hhorlffs of tho other counties who aro .urg
ing rovlslonary action.
Dill .Hun with I'liiMlnir Hen ill MiiUcn
Three Children lliii
IIiiiiiikIi. Tho depots nro crowded each evening
vlth out-of-town people who come to
Omaha to do tholr Christmas buying. Tho
trains for tho past soveral days have beon
from thirty minute to twd hours late, and
as tho holiday vlsljors stroll around tho
Hindoos awaiting the trains they resemble
n bundlo of bundles moro than anything
A case of mistaken Identity ended hap
pily at tho station lost night and brought
Joy .to more than onu henrt. In one part
of tho waiting room, apart from Mio
crowds, wero a woman and threo little
children. Tho children wcro making them-
. 1
4. ana 20
gmirniti mini iw a
fill! II
Can't cure an incurable disease. Nor can
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. But it has cured a
great many most desperate cases, chronic
cases, such cases as no other medicine in the
world touches.
The next time you talk with your doctor
ask him if knows of any other cough medicine
that so quickly cures colds and coughs, even
the hardest kind of lung troubles. He will
give you an honest answer. Abide by it.
" I was Riven up to die with quids consumption. I rapidly lost In weloht
from ijS to oS pounds. I had repeated hemorthages, and at last went to bed
never expecting o pet up. I their tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and In nlno
months I had regained my old weight and was a well man again."
Chas. Ii. Hartman, P.M., Gibbstown, N. Y.
25t., SOc, JI.OO. J. c. AYGR CO., Lowell,
hiii i ii in. iu immj
pelveg at home In the station, running foot
races and having a good time generally.
The younger of thu three finally noticed
an old man with long white whiskers and
wearing a heavy fur overcoat, dozing in
a seat near them. The little one's face
took on a look of surpflse and, running to
her mother, sho whispered, loud enough
for many to hear: "Mamma, ain't that
Santa Claus?" Ilefore the mother could
answer the threo children made a break
for the old man und were gathered around
him when he awakened. The old man
began a conversation with the children
about Christmas and before departing for
bis train gave ear h a handful of candy.
So one bad the heart to inform the chil
dren that the old man was not the real
Santa claus. and tho man didn't know that
ho was suspected of b" ing Kris Krlngle.
Itli'liiuil ("iirvel.
A dramatization by Kdward Hoso of
Winston Churchill novel of the same
iiiinii. Produced for the first time in
Omaha at Itoyd's the. iter 1'rlday night
by Andrew Hnbson and bis company
Till! 'AST.
Itl.'lmr.l Carvel
l.lonil I'.irv.'l ..
Lord form n
Duke of hard-rsea
.Martniidiike MiiuiuM',1. .
Or.ift'iti Curve!
Hev Ileum tt Allen
. .Andrew H lnn
.William J (Iniiw
.Theodore 1'rMuis
. .William M.A'uy
-John K. Newman
PereivHl T Mooro
...CHiirad t'atitzeii
(IplHlll lfWIH
r Horace Walpole..
.W. Hurtnn Downing
r Horace walpole Irving Williams
Pliliiln .Inlill 1'nlll rllliir W ltetitlnv
Crirles I'Vix ..Cofmiil Cntitsun
tlolile JnhlC.I. Crowley
Dorothy Manners Ituth Berkeley
Patty .Swain Mabel Wright
Mrs. Manners Klisan Chlniell
Hetty Tuyliio Isubel lleber
Opinions ns to tho literary quality of
Winston ChurethlU's popular novel, "Hlch
ard Carvel," may lie widely nt variance,
but whatever may bo the mrrltH or demerits
of the book there can surely be but ono
opinion of tho dramatization as made by
Kdward Uoe, and that Is that it takes
rank alongside of the best "thrillers" nf the
day. Those who enjoy the melodramatic,
and they are few. Indeed, who do not, will
find the play a source of much gratlllca
Hon. Necessarily, as Is tho 'case with all
plays of this kind, much of tho book has
been left out. However, nil of the most
important and rxeltlng incidents of the
thrilling story have been so c'arefully pre
served nnd fitted Into tho dramatization
with such skill as to mako It quite as In
teresting to look at as Is the story to read.
Thoro are the same Impetuous hot-headed,
although admirable lllchard; the same
nwoet. wlnfome and mlld-tempcrcd Dorothy;
the same repulsive Chartcrseu, and all the
other characters! of the book, who havo been
given life by tho dramatist and aro made
to form the nucleus nf a really ndmlrnblo
and entertaining play, although one that Is
hardly worth the serious consideration of
any actor who clnlnm tho distinction of
greatness. Last season John Drew ap
peared in tho play in New York, nnd It Is
hard for one to Imagine an actor of his ro
pute and ability wasting bin time upon such
an unimportant trlflo as the part of lllch
ard. Friday night tho play served to Introduce,
or perhaps it might better bo said to roln
tioduce, to local thentor-goers a now star
in tho person of Andrew llnbson, who will
be remiimbered for bis excellent Imper
sonation ot Clarence In "A Hoynl Ilox" hero
two seasons ago. At that tlmo his work
was credited to ono of the great romantic
actors of tho latter-day and received rec
ognition nnd prnlso oh such. Ho waH wel
comed last night qnlto ns heartily as An
drew Hnbson as ho was two years ago ns
Charles Coghlan, and his efforts were qulto
as deserving of the same high pralso as
.was beatowed upon them at that time. The
principal draw-back, if such it may bo
called, to his success as a romantic actor,
Is his slight inclination to obesity, which
doubtless could be easily overcome by dili
gent gymnastic work. Ho has a splendid
voice, perfect enunciation nnd nil of tho
other requisites of a splendid nctor. The
supporting company is rather nbovo tho
average In merit, considering Its bIzo, whllo
the production l n marvel of perfection nnd
A matinee this afternoon and a perform
unco tonight terminates tho engagement.
Ilrnnzes, Clolsonno vases, cnndlestlcks,
steins, lamps; In fact hundreds of very
choice nnd lnexpenajvo bric-a-brac pieces
for the holidays.
Send artlclos of incorporation, notices ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The lie.
Wo will glvn them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 23S.
I'tii'iinNi-luii'i from it I'll.
Thomas Shandy wns taken to tho pollco
station Friday morning, unconscious from
Iho effects of a lit. Asslstnnt Police Bur
geon llenawa worked with tho man for
reverni hours, but without arousing him.
Last night he was removed to the Clark
Km hospital and early this morning wus
still unconscious. Shandy was porter In a
saloon near Thirteenth and Cass streets.
Mrs. II. Zanuok. who owns nnd man
nges n hotel at Wuhoo, Is an 'Her Oratid
M. J. Hughes, a caiiltallst of West Point
Is at the IUt Grand, accompanied by his
uaugnier l.ucme.
Judge .1. V. Hoyd and daughter nnd Judgo
is. u. .iiicksoii anil uaugnier, all or Nellgli,
are at tho Her Grand.
A. T. Wilson, chief clerk of tho railway
mall service for the CeiPir Itaplds district,
sixth dlvMon. was a c.iller nt local fiend
quarters Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Doherty left last
night for I'nlverslty Park, Colo,, to visit
Dr Allison, who has been there for tho
last live weeks They will return Monday.
pension Hximluer W II Morrow has ro.
turned from two weeks' olllclal work In
South Dakota, his ears still smarting from
the cold that nipped them while he was ut
Lead and De.idwood
ictlritj iaoBf Ktilritdi Friu(ti Growth
of Lira BUok Bciinin.
Ti-rmliiiil 1 ! 1 1 1 1 - Itinilrqnnte nnd
C'diiiK'i'lliin m Itli Mock Ynrtln
I'uniliuiiy' Lines Suuglit for
Ynrlotis Unison.
Itailronds doing business In South Omaha
aro hunting about for moro trackage
ground. Dullness has Increased hero to
such an extent that moro storage room
for cars is needed and also more switching
tracks. Only n day or two ago tho Omaha
Drldgo & Terminal company purchased
through W. J. C. Kenyon, general man
ager of the stock yards company, a plcco
of ground south of P street nnd near tho
boulevard. It is understood that other
available land in this vicinity Is to'bo se
curcil by the railroads If possible.
During the summer the Illinois Central
purchased n pleco of trackage land through
tho Ilridgo & Terminal company and now
it desires to extend its tracks to connect
with tho Union Stock Yards' lines. Tho
old talk of moving tho boulovnrd west
about 300 feet and using tho present road
way for trackago purposes Is again bolng
considered by tho railroad companies and
the chances aro that before long a proposi
tion of this sort will bo in ado to tho city
authorities. It is Btated that very Ilttlo
grading will bo needed to mako this change.
In the road, and It Is further assorted that
tho change will not disconcert tho public
in the least.
Citizens of South Omaha expect that
thero will be considerable activity in tho
railroad building line hern In tho spring.
l.iiliiiriTs Still In Demniid.
Threo slolgh loads of laborers woro
hauled out to tho Seymour lake yesterday
to work on tho Cudahy Ico llelds. During
tho nfternoon ono of Armour's head men
left Omaha with a bunch of laborers bound
for tho Memphis lake. Hammond, Swift
nnd Iho other packers aro stilt dooklng for
men nnd all who apply can be given work.
It Is expected that by Sunday tho Ico will
bo not less than a fool thick. Thousands
of tons of Ico will bo stored within tho noxt
few days. This year, on account of tho
clear cold weathor, tho Ico has frozen rap
Idly and it is of much better quality than
that harvested for several years past.
YVoiilltii'n llrlli'f Corps.
Theso ofllccrs havo been elected by tho
Woman's Hollef corps of Phil Kearney
post No. 2, Ornnd Army of the Republic:
Mrs. J. O. Lastman, president; Mrs. John
Condon, senior vice president; Mrs. Nora
Williams, Junior vlco president; Mrs. J. W.
Cress, treasurer; Mrs. 13. Ingorsoll, secro
tary; Mrs. Iluttcrfleld. chaplain; Mrs. J.
Ornnge, conductor; Mrs. P. J. Ktter, as
sistant conductor; Mrs. H. Wlrick, guard;
Mrs. L. Fuller, assistant guard.
Muriliii'k lor .Inilur.
Members of the South Omaha bar pro
pose to send n committoii to Lincoln for tho
purpose of calling upon Oovemnr Savago
with a view to huvlng him nppolnt A. H.
Murdock of this city a Judge of tho dis
trict court in raso Hon. Denjamln linker
resigns to accept tho appointment of ter
ritorial Judge In New Mexico.
Ili'fnnril Clin-k'n HeslKimtliin.
At a, special -meeting of tho Sout,h Omaha
Live Stork exchange yesterday nfternoon
W. II. Cheek tendered his resignation aa
tho nomlnoo for president of tho exchango
und tho body refused to consider the prop
osition. Mr. Cheek will therefore stand
for election ns president of the exchango
at tho regular meeting In January.
.MiikIc City ritiMMl p.
Hyron Smiley Is homo for tho holidays.
Henry C. Lellcr is reported to be seriously
ICugeno Dawson baa returned from an
extended western trip.
Tho public schools closed yesterday for
the usual holiday vacation.
Charles Swerlncer has been reinstated
ns Junltor at Highland school.
N. F. Darker has removed his family to
Albion, Neb., where ho will go into busi
ness. A daughter wns born yesterday to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Akoffer, Twenty-fourth
and K streets.
Knoxnll council of the Hoya! Arcanum
gave ii smoker and reception last night,
which was well attended.
Miss Percentln McCarthy of Wyoming,
Null.. Is the guest of Mrs. J. M. Abbot, 1330
North Twenty-third street.
Funeral services over tho remnlns of
Mrs. Kdwnril McHrldo will bo ludil at tho
family residence. Fourteenth street and
Archer avenue, this morning at 10 o'clock.
Hev. It. L. Wheeler will otllelate. Inter
ment will bo at Alt. Hope cemutcry.
rOt'fill.H AMI COLON l. CllILI)ltn
llecoiiniieiidnlloii of n "Well Known
Cliirnrfii I'll, hIcIhii.
I usn and proacrlho Chnmborlnln's Cough
Homedy for nlmost all obstinate, constricted
coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it
to children of all ages. Am glad to recom
mend it to all In need and seeking relief
from colds and coughs and bronchial aflllo
tlons. It is non-narcotic, and safe In tho
h niuls nt tho most unprofessional. A uni
eroal pannren for all mankind. Mrs. Mnry
II. Melondy, M. D., Ph. D., Chlcugo, III.
This remedy Is for sale by all druggists.
Missouri After .lefTcrmin.
Constable J. D. Stokes of Sprlnglleld, Mo.,
came lo Omaha last night after II. AV. Jef
ferson, who fur tho last few days has been
a prisoner In the city Jail. Jefferson Is
wanted on n chargo of robbing Mrs. M, T.
llutes of $7 whllo on a train going out of
St. Louis, May . Ho was Indicted for the
theft ami relensed on JOoo bond. Ho fore tho
day of his trial Jefferson lied, Ho was
located in Omaha onio tlmo ago nnd Con
stablo Stokes wired the chief of pollco to
arrest him. Should Jc(Tcrsqn consent to re
turn to Missouri without requisition papers
the ollicer will leave with htm this morn-ins-
The Ilnl .SprlnitH f ArUnnn.
Owned and controlled by U. S, govern
ment. Tho nation's health. nnd ple'nsuro
resort. Splendid winter climate. Oolf. Ele
gant hotels, Kastmau, Park and Arlington,
For Information address managers, or T.
P. Oodfrey, P. & T. A., Mo. Pacific Hy.,
Hth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Nob.;
II. C. 'Townsend, fi. P. and T. A., Mo. Pa
cific Hy., St. Louts, Mo.
Miirrloue License.
Tho following marriage, licenses wero Is
sued yesterday:
Name and Residence. Age.
Jacob II. Miller California 31
Ida Donaldson, Omaha J
Anton HJorgum, Soutli Omnha 2:1
Annlu Dudje, Ullinore 17
John Stark, Omaha 31
awry Borenson, lowu ,. 36
Carl Victor Frcderlckson, Omaha 23
Elizabeth O. Magnuson, Omaha 20
For MoKlnley MemorluL
Considering that the human mind is lust
now centered on Santa Claus nnd his urns.
pectlvo operations tho Interest taken In tho
benefit performance for the McKlnley Me
morial fund at Hoyd s next Thursday even
ing Is remarkable. Tho prospect Is that
tilts inuso wi II De tilled wltti ona nf tlio
most brilliant assemblages of tho season.
Miss Uertruile Coghlan will a linear us
"Collnetto" on this occasion, and a thor
oughly delightful entertainment Is prom
ised. Couches, Special Holiday sale nt couches,
genuine leather couch, 122.00, I23.7C and up,
Velnur couches, J5.75, 19.75, 112.00, 115.00
and up.
HhIhIiik Corn 11 nil Klllliiu Hkk Pref
erable lo Miltllrrlnir In the
S. U Kldd Is tired of soldier life In the
Philippines ami Is on his way back to Ne
braska City to become a confirmed farmer.
Ho said last night;
"I havo two brothers la business at Ne
braska City and expect to buy a farm near
thero and mako It my permanent homo
again. It was two nnd a halt years ago that
1 left thero with the war fever nnd since
then 1 havo served with tho Fifth Missouri,
under Colonel Fleming, nnd then with Fun
ston's Kansas regiment, t am glad to sco
Funston nindo a brigadier general, for ho
denervcs It, nnd Chaffee Is nnother man
very popular on tho island, but neither of
them Is any smarter than Agutnaldo, or
any moro nllvo. Indeed, tho Filipino leader
and Funston nro no much nllko In slzo and
actions that, with their backs turned, you
could scarcely tell them apart.
"Whllo I was In Manila I had several op
portunities to talk with Agutnaldo and with
his wife. They aro both well educated nnd
astonishingly well Informed. He wants to
como to America for nwhllc, for ho ways
that ho likes our peoplo anil bears no mal
ice. Tho finish Is going to be that ho will
get about tho best government position on
tho Island and bo the real lender ot his
people again. He Is a forcible man, with
an alert, aggrcsslvo manner that stamps
htm as far out of tho ordinary.
"llut I don't think much of tho other Fil
ipinos ns soldiers. They aro as skittish ns
rabbits and deer nnd four of us captured
forty-soven of them at Iola. They Just
dropped on their knees nnd commenced to
beg. llut the puro-bred native guerrilla
Isn't that way. Ho will fight, like a tiger
when cornered and knows so Ilttlo that ho
doesn't even know when ho Is licked. 1
brought homo somo of tho Holomen's prim.
Itlvo arms, sawed into pieces to evado the
government order against their exportation.
"Tho civilian element Is crowding In now
rapidly, but I regret to say that many of
tho Americans who havo arrived thoro are
not ot a creditable class and aro pilfering
every chanco they get. Tho Japs aro tho
most industrious and tho most reliable
class over there. Sometime tho Islands will
bo an Ideal place to live, but not for a good
many years to come."
Hiijk He Vi'im 'I'orinreiL
"I suffered such pain from coms I could
hardly walk," writes II. Hoblnson, Hills
borough, III., "but Ilucklln's Arnica Salvo
completely cured them." Acts llko maglo
on sprains, bruises, cuts, Bores, scalds,
burns, bolls, ulcers. Perfect healer of sklu
dlbcases and piles. Curo guaranteed by
Kuhn & Co., 25j.
I'o r Ceiilrnl America.
Leaving Omaha January 12, going via St.
Louis and Now Orleans, taking the now niM
elegant stenmer Hreakwater of tho United
Fruit nnd Mall company, sailing from Now
Orleans 9 a. 111. January 16. thenco to Puerto
Dairies, thenco to Guatemala City via
Northern railroad, passing through tho
garden spot of Central America from tho
tropical to tho temperato zones, along
batiks ot rivers, cocoantlt plantations, trop
ical forests, cornfields, sugar, rlco and to
bacco plantations.
Tho most delightful winter trip Imagin
able. Tho capital, Ouutemala City, is one of tho
niost beautiful cities In tho world, ,provldsd
with first-class hotels, electric lights and
all modern Improvements of n metropolitan
city, surrounded by mountnnk and vol
canoes. Tbo grnndest climate In tho world.
A stop of about ton days at the jlty, thenco
to San Joso on the Pacific const, a dlstnnco
of about goventy-four miles. A most inter
esting nnd enpeclally attractlvo side trip,
passing through ruins of old cities, which
havo boon thero for nges, returning so ns to
arrivo in Now Orleans to witness tho Mardl
Qras and carnivals. Passengers desiring to
remnlu longer In tho south enn leave party
at New Orleans, returning nt any tlmo up to
June 1. Mr. J. A. narthel, general manager
Northern railway of Guatemala, will meet
party at Puerto Uarrlos nnd personally con
duct tt through tho entire trip while In
Central America, Mr. Ihirthol bolng well
acquainted with tho country, language and
nil points of Interest. Hound trip from
Omaha and back to Omahn, including rail
road and Bleeping car faro both ways, meals
and stntoroom on steamer, 113S. For de
acrlptivo matter, or all information, call or
write W. H. Oreen, room 405, New York
Life building, Omnha, Neb.
The annual photographic commissions for
tho rnllwny mail clerks of tho Omaha dis
trict were received Friday.
Tho American lCxpress company will
keep Its uptown olllco open Saturday night
for tho accommodation of Christmas ship
pers. Thero will bo a meeting of the Omaha
branch of tho Transvaal league at tho Pax
tou hotel cafe Sunday, Decembur 22, nt 3
p. m., to arrange for a lecture by Hon.
Webster Davis.
Somo sporty person drovo up to II. 13.
Frederlcksoii's store last night and hitched
to a cutter the proprietor had Just put out
for ti drive himself. It wns tho Inst In
stock and a good cutter, too.
Kate Moraine bus nsked for 11 dlvorco
from Ilobert Moraine, alleging non-support.
They wero married In Omaha on Juno 9,
1891, nnd havo nn 8-year-old daughter, tho
custody of whom tho plaintiff desires,
Ana M. do Plunot nnd Plncldn Plcnet
wero married In Madrid, .Spain, 011 August 1
1, 187-', ami the rormer now prays ror a
divorce. She alleges that I'lncldo deserted
her on April 7, 1S92, nnd ho never been
seen since.
Articles of Incorporation of tho Corneer
Hros. & Croft Ilrlek company havo been
Hied with tho county clerk. The capital
stock Is 110,(0 and tho Incorporators nre:
Samuel A. Comecr, Krliartl Corneer nnd
Henry Croft.
Miss Oertrudo Coghlan occupied a box
nt Doyd's last night and applauded the act
ing of her former co-stnr, Andrew Itobson,
After tho death of her father, two yearn
ago, Miss Coghlan and Mr. Ithbsou up.
poured Jointly in "A Hoy a I Hox."
I "When tho ficklo uppo-
tito of tbo irritrtblo con-
valobcent rejocts every
thing elso you crtn think
of iu tho food lino, try
hitu with a cup of boof
tea mtulo from
OF BEEF. Odda aro that ho takea
it gratefully and focls bettor after.
Toys! Toys! Toys!
The Largest Line.
11-Inch Kid Dolls, He.
16-Inch Kid Dolls, 30c.
Sleeping Kid Dolls, 55c.
Patent Jointed 18-lnch Sleeping Kid
Dolls, long natural hair, 11.15,
21-Inch Kid Doll, 90c.
Very large Sleeping Doll, blonde or
brunette, 11.63.
Walking Dolls, dressed, something
now, for boys or girls, each 11.25.
Pretty Ilttlo Dressed Dolls, each 30c.
Hagtlmo Dolls, dressed, 35c, up to
Pretty Jointed Dressed Doll, 11.15.
An endless variety of Dressed Dolls
at SSc, and nil In between prices up
to 15.00.
Engine and Train for 11.00, 11.23,
12.00, 12.25 up to 17.65.
Automobile, 11.00 up to 12.50.
Dlcyclo Itlder, 4Sc.
Walking Hear, 40o.
HanBCom Cab, 78c.
Clown, 30c.
Rabbits, 20c.
Weeden Steam Engines In great
variety, 40e, 90c, 11.25, 12.00 up to
110.00. Lots ot fun for tho Ilttlo
Tractlcal, useful, instructive SOc,
11.00, 11.50. up to 13.00.
Yachting, Oolf, etc., 5c.
An endless assortment and variety
of games nt 7c, 10c, 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c,
28c, 30c and up ns high ns you deslro
to go for a good gnmo that will In
terest the Ilttlo one, as well ns tho
older ones.
Foot Hall Games, tho real thing and
very Interesting, 11.00.
Knroma. Tip Cup Ten Pins, 11.43.
Croklnolo Hoards, 11.25.
Combination Gnmo Hoard, plays 65
different games, 13.75, 15.00 and 16.00.
Kour-surfnco Gnmo Hoard, 100 dif
ferent games can bo played on this
board prlco 15.00,
Plcturo Hooks for tho Ilttlo ones;
also plcturo nnd story books. An
abundant assortment 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c,
25c, 2Sc, 30c nnd up.
AN INVITATION. Wo particularly invito all the latlios to visit the toa booth on our
second floor whore avo serve ten and wafers free.
Hundreds of ladies havo complimented us upon our itlea of making this store a pleasant,
trading place and erecting for their convenience this beautiful little resting place where we
serve light refreshments free. AVe welcome one and all, bring your friends. fJpQIl EVBIlingS
Orchard & Wilhelm
"The Dixie Flyer"
A Solid Vestibulcd Train via
Illinois Central R. R.
From St.LoniB to JackfionYille, Flo., via Cairo, Nashville,
Chattanooga, Lookout Mountniu, Atlanta, Macon
Scenic Route to the South
Tourist Tickets now on sale at greatly reduced rates.
Stopovers allowed enroute.
.For rates, hotel accommodations and particulars call at
Or address W. II. BRILL, AHsifrtant PuBsengor Agent,
Omnha, Nebraska.
by our new invention. Only those born deaf nre incurable.
- .. , ., . .... 1ULTINOKC, Md., March AO, loot,
. . VJ'1, . V ne,"K en'l"'b',l ', tlunki to your treatment, I will now cive you
a full nUtoryof mycae, to be ued at your discretion '
my hearing I'll niUear cntl'rVl riRbt 'Kan ' 5'"B' a"d tMi Vept " Be,""K "' u""l 1
I underwent a trratment for catnrrh, for three niontlin, without any micctM, consulted a num.
Iierot phyilcianii, amone others the most eminent ear upeclalint of thli city, who told me that
J"1.01!".' ,n fould hc,,I'.!1,t'n'1 ?ven that pnly temporarily, that the head nolies would
thencj-ane, but the hearing In the affected ear would be lost forever
. . ,.M,T J'ou.r dvertiement accidentally In a New York paper, and ordered your treat
ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your direction, the noUes ceased, and
to day, afier five week, iny hearing In the dlteated ear tian been entirely ref lored. I thank you
heartily and beg to remain very truly your.
V A, WURMAN, 7jo8, Droadway, naltlmore, Md.
Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation.
Tool Chests- 23e, 4ic, 62c and up to
13 33 for tho larger ones, with com
plete set of carpenter tools.
Noisy Toys, Hell nnd Ilattlo at 4e,
6c, Sc, lOo and 25e.
Helns 30c to COc.
Mouth Harps le, 6e, 8e, 10c, ISc
and up.
Set of Hlocks Sc.
A, H, C Hlocks 23c,
Trunk of Hlocks 23c.
Construction Hlocks 23e.
Hulldlng Hlocks-63c.
Picture Hlocks 25c.
Other Hlocks up to 11.00.
Btono Hlocks, very Instructive, 25o,
45c, 11.00, 11.69 nnd up for the larger
Sulky, horso and driver, Cc.
I'lro Engine Sc.
Hoso Cnrts Pc.
Steeplo Chase 20c.
Hook'nnd Laddors 20c.
Stondhopo Gig, 15 Inches long, 48c.
Ico Wagons, Milk Wngons, Coal
Wagons, 46c, 65c, 98c and up.
Traltis, all sires and all colom, 10c,
17c, 25c, 60c, t'Sc for tho finer ones.
Iron Stoves, 10c.
Stoves and Utensils ISc.
Gem Hango and t'tenslls 11.00.
Flno Steel Itnnges 12.23, 13.60 up to
Elephant Hanks and Key Hanks, 10c.
Combination Hanks 15c, SOc, 50a
and up to 11.00.
Cnsh Heglster Hanks 9Sc nnd 11.15.
JJeautiful toys a sight
to see,
A visit to wonderland
'twill bc
Toys from every land
and realm,
Theso are to bo found at
Orchard cG Wilhelm.
1414 - 1416 -
W ncHU
Very lino line 13.60, 11.50,
17.60, 110.00 and 113.00.
With real hair, blooded stock, 110,
115, IS nnd 120.
China Dishes, complete set S3c, 65o
and up for tho very lino ones at 13.73.
Pewter Dishes 9c, 60e, 11.00.
Granite S9c.
Steel Wheels 12.00.
llubber Tiro Wheels 13.00, 13.60,
14.26 nnd up.
Automobiles, Pollco Patrols, Ex
press Wagons, Coasting Wngons, nro
hero in grent variety for your choos
Hough Itlders 11.10.
Fire Department ISc.
G. A. Il.-tl.15.
Cadet with drum 11.03.
Tin Drums nnd Noisy Drums 10o,
20c, 40c, 75c, 11.00 and up to tho very
lino drums, (5.15.
DESKS for tho Ilttlo ones
11.45, 12.65, 13.00, 13.60 and 14.25.
Our nesortment and showing of
Hric-a-Hrac Is far superior to any
thing wo havo heretofore attempted.
Wo aro suro you could tlnd something
among tho very pretty and Inexpen
sive pieces wo are showing as suitable
Moro than a thousand pretty pleecB
to select from In Vases, Match and
Ash Trays, Ink Wells,, Can
dle Sticks, Steins, Cloisonne Plocen
nnd hundreds of other patterns of
Imported and domestic Hrlc-n-Hrao
1611 Farnam St.
All arooda trfr tor savlna;
Dlanoai "C" Soap Wper
Itaviland China
Limoges China
Cut Glass
Framed Pictures
Nick-Nacks IS
Toys; Books
VNtf ot Diamond "O" Bop or pro.
pcottT Users are cordially Inrltvd
to com and look orer our nw and
largo atook ad anlnot their prem
ium. iw vimv of .tiiiq
that wu expariatuwd nt tho Dta
raond "G" Soap Irnmiun Store for
two weeks before last Chrlstmaa,
we roqueat our patrooj to call aa4
foot their OhrUUna ftfta as early
aa poealble, eo as to avoid oonfualou
aad tbo poaalbUUr 'of disappoint
raves, t.
Branch Premium Ston.
l.OHH Ot I'lmiT,
UrKnnlri Wrnli
IHnruAi-N n r Iho
iiroktntu tliwiil,
( I il n j ii ii it
lllfwlilor 'Iron-II-m,
Itiipt lire,
Ntrlotur! unit
t7n(lfura for Mnrrlnirr. Hntublikhed ISM.
Chartered liv tho State. C't.11 or Htate caao by
mat), for 1'ituii iio.mi: thi:atji j:m.
Addrew Dr La CROIX,
IlMlron Illock, MII,WAUKi:i:, WU.