THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1001. MEETS WITH POPULAR FAVOR Pijtotd Orjaaizitio tf Wirkiunui'i MoKlaWj Mimorlal Amciatios. FinST MEETING COMES SATURDAY NIGHT tt mi' ml ft I'. .MiiiiilrrKtin, 12. Itum" rviilrr mill OtliiT OHIim-m of Slntu OrKiiiiliilloii A pt !' Hull""" lo SpefiU to WnrLliiKiiim. General 0. F. Mandcrson. E. Hosewntor nd othur ulllcora of the Nebraska .McKIn Joy MGinorlal association liavo acccptcil tho invitation of tho promoters of thu Work lngnian's MeKlnlcy .Memorial association of Omaha to bo present nt the organization of that association Saturday evening at Labor Temple. Tho miKKt-ation of tho formation of tho society has met with popular favor and It Is expected that thu capacity of tho Central Labor union hall will bo taied to hold tho members of labor unions who will bo prcHint to testify to their Interest In tho object for which tho Hoclcty Is to be organized. A notlco for the meeting was posted In the reading room nt thu templo this week. It romalnud but n short tlmo when one of tho active lenders in thu socialist propaganda In tho Central Uibor union saw it and with uncomplimentary remarks regarding the promoters of the sorloty toro tho paper from tho board nnd threw it upon tho lloor. Tho Insult wuit permitted to pass without notlco. Thero was Homo discussion an to the course to bo pursued In regard to tho trans mlsslou of funds to Canton. A few of tho members of tho unions who will Join tho society desire tho funds to bo sent directly to tho national association, whllo others dealro tho fund united with the funds bolng raised by tho Nebraska, association to swell tho total from the stato whllo receiving credit for tho money as coming from the JaborerH of tho city. This Is ono of tho questions to be decided by tho society Im mediately after Its organization. It Is de sired that at least ono representative from each labor organization bo present to tako Up tho work of raising funds In his union. Tho bent way to Judgo a storo is by tho way It meets your demands upon It. Try our ntoro onco and sco If there's anything you want that wo haven't got. Ilaydon IlroH., with a big ml on Pago 7. iio.Mi:si:nici:itv nxccnsioxs. Via Hock Inlniiit ltniitr. On January 7 and 14, February 4 and 18 tho Hock Island route will soil tickets at ono regular first-class faro plus $2 for the round trip to points In western nnd south ern Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas and certain points In New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah. City ticket olllcc, 1323 Farnam street. I'retty writing desks at 14.75, Jo.GO, $7.00, JS.OO, and up. OHCHAHI) & WIlI I ELM CAHPET CO. Frrr Skull' for llnya utv.l Girls. Any boy or girl can get n free pair of skates. If nny of your family, or neigh bors, take Tho Twentieth Century Farmer get a copy of It and start out to got us a few sii3crlbcrs. Wo will send you a splendid pair of skatto free, express charges pre paid. If you cannot get n copy of tho paper send to us and wo will mall you a sample copy. You will see that ft weekly Illustrated agricultural magazine llko this, that Is of Interest not only to tho farmer, but his wbolo family, Is ono which overy ono will want, particularly If they can help you at tho !amo tlmo to get a pair of skates for nothing. If you will send us two new suscrlbcrs, wo will sen yuu n pair of Homey & Horry filiates, slzo 8 to 12 .Inched. This skato Is thoroughly made and durable, adjusted by single thread screw foot-plates, hoel plates, clamps and brackets of best steel and blades of solid hardened steel. Hy sending three new suscrlbcrs we will send you tho same skates only nickel plntcd. If nu will send us threo new suscrlbcrs wo will send you a Harney & Berry skate, Ize 8 to 11 Inches, This skate has heol strap and Is particularly designed for chil dren's use. If you will send four new suscrlbcrs wo will send tho name skato nickel plated. For six new subcrlhcrs wo will send a air of Harney & Horry Bkatcs, slzo S to 12 inches. This Is a live dollar pair of skates polished and nickeled, mado of tho very best steel that is produced. TUB TWENTIETH CENTURY FAUMElt, KEE SKATE DEPARTMENT, Omaha, Neb. Morris Reclining chairs, $3.03, $7.00, $8.00, $9.00, ln.HO nnd up. ORCHARD & W1LIIELM CARPET CO. Bargains of commanding Importance Is what you always got at the big storo of Hayilcn Hros. Their big ad Is on Pago 7. HOLIDAY HATES. Vln Itock InIiiiiiI ltniitr. On December 24, 2fi, 31, 1001, and January 1, 1902, tho Rock Island routo will sell tick ts to points within n distance of 200 miles for onn nnd one-third fare, return limit January 2. City tlckot cilice, 1323 Farnam street. Dowey & Stono Furnlturo Co. will remain open Saturday nnd .Monday and Tuesday nights. Annoiiiii'i'iiM'iitM of tlii Tlirutrrs. This afternoon Andrew Robsnn will glvo a mntinco performance of "Richard Carvel" at tho Hoyd. Tonight concludes his en gagement. Tomorrow afternoon tho two Uormati comedians, Mason nnd Mason, will bo scon In their now farclal comedy, "Ru dolph anil Ailolph." Their support Is very strong, It Including Ijottla Williams Salter, Ht-atrlco McKenzIo nnd other of llko prom lncuco. Tho engagement includes matlnoo tomorrow, tomorrow night and Monday night. Snellbakor's Mejcstlca cloao their engage ment Immediately after tho mntinco today. Jim Jeffries nnd his company of boxers make their Initial npponraneo before an Omaha audience tonight at tho Trocadcro. Included In tho .company nro Hilly Dclaucy, tho famous trainer, and Jack Jeffries, who will spar four round with his brother Jim. Oood preliminaries and n battlo royal mnko up thu balance of an Interesting pro gram. Tho "Utopians," ono of tho great metro politan shows, will inn lio their appearance Sunday matinee. Dowey & Stono Furnlturo Co. will remain open Saturday and Monday and Tuesday nights. Rugs for Christmas, $1.50. $2.75, $3. SO, $3.75, JS.OO and up. ORCHARD & WILHRLM CARPET CO. Shampooing ami hair dressing, 25(. In connection with tho Rather)-, 216-220 Dca building, Telephone 171C. rubllsh your legm notlvcs In the Weekly Dee. Tclephono 238. For the Holidays nt $3.50 Always Ik tho ono thing ncceptnblo to every lady They uro uovor too old to wear Sorosls, they lit ho easy ami comfort able. They nro never too yoililK to weir SdiosIh, they liavu such stylo nnd character Hint are imitated by fttw nnd equalled liy none. No mnt tor what price Is asked for the other kind Surosls nro ilwayn J3.00, nny leather, nny weight, Our Surpass at $2.50 Always Is tho only lino of women's shoes In Omaha nt $2.50 among which thero nro no innchluu Hewed shoes. All welts and turns. Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St. Frauk Wilcox, .Mgr. .Send for Catalogue. I'rlxi Dniii-p TonlKht. At Washington hall this evening Jolly Jlght offers eight cash prizes for tho eight best lnily and gent wnltzcrs. A grand, good tlmo for you. Oents, 23 cents. Wcl como. Dowey d Stone Furnlturo Co. will remain open Saturday and Monday and Tuesday nights. Mechanical toys, dolls, games, Iron toys and general toy headquarters. ORCHARD & W1LHELM CARPET CO. SPECIAL r.XCLHSION To Crntrnl Atnrrlen. Leave Omaha January 12th, via St. Louis, New Orleans, Puerto Harrlos, Guatemala City, Pan Jose, returning In tlmo for Mardl Oras In New Orleans. For rates and all Information, Call or write W. It. Oreon, Room 405, New York Llfo Building, Omaha, Neb. SorriMvl SoriMvi .lorrotrt St. Andrew's Preccplory. No. 1. will hold Kndosh service over tho remains of llrother Robert E. Sack In their asylum on Saturday, ttio 2lst mot., nt 10;30 p. m. Other than member admitted only by card. Doors not opened until 10 p. m., nnd closed promptly nt 10-30 p. m., nfter which tlmo thero will bo no admittance. Uy order of tho com mander. S. ROPER CRICKMORE. Recorder. Wo Invite you, one nnd all. to visit our Oriental Pagodn, where wo servo tea and wafers free. Store open every evening un til Xraas. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO. fR.OO for a Half n Dnr Work. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and stockralsers In the neigh borhood, you can make $5.00 easily by four or five hours' work. Write us and wo will send you our proposition. Tho Uco Publish ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Neb. Satisfaction. That's It. Satisfaction In quality, quantity and price. You'll always get satisfaction at Haydcn Hros. Read our ad on Pago 7, nnd como Saturday. ninn. OLSEN Ethel Ann Amey, December 20 i;u. neon it years, (inuaiiter or Mr. nm Mrs. K. A. Olsen, 113 North Eighteenth rirert. Funeral notlco later. Sunday School Perfumes Not n distinct quality for Sunday schools, but n distinctly low price on llttlo hottlcH of perfume in neat boxes, which wo ncll In quantities nt a very grout saving over reg' ulnr figures, Our stork of nerfumen Intended for r.htl. (Ir.m la thla vrnr litiiitiilii ilv 1ntio ii'ltti prices uncommonly small. Wo mention n few thlucs, but Invito Inspection: Sprinkler top bottle, containing Crushed tlose. Verona Vlolette nnd other Hn immilxir oilnrK ner bottle IVf Pretty little boxes, containing two dainty llttlo bottles perfume itr (I.undborc'H) nor box v Hnndsomo box, containing two large bottles per box Pretty box. containing two cakes Hoan and bottle perfume OSri Tirlro. nor box iyj Neat Perfume Atdmlzors each .( Tiny bottle Lundbore's Daisy Queen each We Sell Over 1,000 'Klniln l'erf tune; A novelty this year for children Is tho dalntv red stocking tilled with Klck- weeker's soap, perfumery and rsc tnnlh nou'ilor nrlrn for nil If you want nny kind of perfume, SEE UH. N. H. SEE US HEFOHB BUYING PER FUMES IN QUANTITY. Sherman&McGonnell Drug Go. "Tho Drug' Store on tho Corner." COIl. 10TII AND DODQE. OMAHA. 15c .25c 5c Pure Wines, Old Whisky, Fine Brandies, Where to buy them and what to pay. Horo is a partial list of the 'extensive lino, of fin j table liquors sold by Omaha's onlyoxoluslve family liquor store. Wines pints, 50c; Escapernong quarts, wc. Santerno, pints, 40c; quarts, "5 cents, limit Santerno, pints, &0cj quarts, $1.(0. Clarets, quarts, 25c, 35c and 50 cents. Zlnfandel, qunrts, 50c and 75c. Burgundy, quarts, 75c nnd $1.00. Rhino Wines, quarts, 50c, 75c nnd $1.00. Sherry, Port, Catawba nnd Muscatel, qunrts, 3jc. Ancel ca. Tokay. Madeira anil Malaga, each, 50o, 75c and $1.00 per quart. Ornnno wines, mnilo from Ilnest navel oranges by the California Fruit Co,, per quart, TTic. Imported Port nnd Sherry, quarts, 11.00.- $1.25 nnd $1.50. A lino lino of Imported and domestic Champugne. Brandies. Imported Cognncs from James Hennessy & Co.. E. Homy, Martin & Co., Oeo. Sau nler. Gordlo Freres & Son, Jules Marquis & Son, Imperial Cognnc, Domestic Cognncs unci lalirornlu urapo Brandies. Scotch Whiskies. Fine, old imrSorted Scotch Whiskies, such ns King William, Dcwars, Andrew Usher & Co., Encore, Don MimlocK and Hunna. naunnin, irom Ji.w to js.&o per quart. Bourbon. Finest Bourbon AVhlskv. bottled In bond Old Crow, Hermltnge. W. II. McHrnyer, (Ccdnrbrook), Oscar Pepper, Old Taylor, Itlountain lirooK. Rye andMalt. Bottled in bond: Finch's Golden Wed ding. Quckenhelmer, John Gibson & Sons Clark's Puro Uyo, Old Elk (Stull & Co.) Tluntcr Baltimore Rye, 76c, $1.00. $1.25 and fl.60 per quart. Malt whiskies, 4oc, Coc, too unit 7uc per quart. Miscellaneous. St. Croix New England, Jamaica and Rums, nuarts. J1.00. Milltnlre, Sven.ilc nnd Aquavit Punches, quarts, ji.w. Pcnch and Apple Brandies, quarts, $1.00. Imported Muraschlno Cherries, GOc, 75o and $1.00 bottlo. Tom and Jerry, mixed, ready for uso with not wamr, pints, Toe; quarts, ji.oo. Beef ExtrnctH in 'i. V and 1.1b. cispr. Burnham's Clam Bouillon In glnss nnd tins. Ladles enn order their tabio llnimr hnm In this store-goods sold only In original pnekuges. A handsome imported Bo hemlan -arneo Vnso Is presented free to each.lndy who makes a. purchase. Itemem- "''i """, n ni uiwuyn; tne price is Dusea upon mo quality. Mnil orders tirnmn v llllo.l nit, -.i .in 1 ' ' uiuutn tiviivim, TAriVI PV RDHC Wholesale Loquor Merchants. WYLIYLEI DlUOM Opp. Iostoice. Tel. 1148 Santa Claus is leaving many of his orders at our store his tooto runs this season to Fur Gloves, Mufflers, Sweat ers, Dress Gloves, Tajamas, Umbrellas, Ties and such practical things. For tho baby he has lnstructod us to have a nice lot of Honneta, Hoods, Drcssce, Slips, Carrlago Robes, Mittens and Hosiery. Girls' coats at reduced prices. MwfumaflJj Talk A azaar Op. Orahard TTIlh.lm It's Only a Matter of Taste. You may prefer wine to beer, but If you llko the lutter and most peoplo do thcro's no better beer browed than Metz. Wo do not make as much per bottlo or barrel as porno uthcrs, perhaps, but wo moro of It and everybody Is satistlcd, To suit tho palate, tho wholo body, tho pockctbook, Metz beer Is tho beat, Metz Bros. Brewing Co., 'IV I, lit), Omiiliti. Or Jacob Noumayer, Agt., euro Neuuiayer Hotel, Council 1) luffs, Iuniu. ORIENTAL RUG SALE AT PAXTON BLOCK A great crowd Is expected. WILL YOU BE ONE OF THEM 7 Have Just re ceived a largo lot of rugs from our Importers. Many of our citizens have received tho bonellt of our bargains; why should not you also7 WE ARE HERE TO STAY. Will help you got a collection of good Oriental Rugs, tako tho responsibility of pleasing you, guaranteeing exchango and satisfaction within two years. You need an Oriental Rug expert established In your town. We need your patronage. You savo 50 per cent by purchasing from us. Our reliability Is already established. This Is your last chanco to secure a beautiful Christmas prosent which will last a lifetime Increasing In value each year. All visitors aro welcome, whether they buy or not; make haste before you are too late, 616-617 PaXton Block Cor 10th HnJ Farnnm Street Take 16th Street Elevator J. I. TAMINOSIAN & CO. BOSTON STORE We Sell and Show More and Better and moro CL & butter OilUC than any other storo west of Chicago. Wo have fancy slippers for little tots that can only just walk, and wo havo them in overy style and sizo you can think of for every body else, In every kind of material In silk, velvet and leather, and In every prlco from 39c up to $5.00 Special Sale Children's, Boys' and Misses' Shoes Special Ladies' 9 Strap Sandals $198 JRPAND Men's Slippers Men's Patent Kid, Patent Calf and Enamel Shoes lrom $3.00 to $5.00 VV siBNS GO dilferont styles from 59c to 1,50 all sizes all colors. Ladies' Full Dress Patent Kid, Patent Calf & Enamel Leathers In all widths from AA to EE at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5,00 HAY DE "Merry Christmas" Be sensible and buy something sensible for a Christinas present;. Tho cloak biiyor is going into eeshicics over his Christmas trade, and claims he has the most iiiseful and sensible Christmas presents for women and children to be found anywhere at one-third less than others ask you. Here is a partial list for your benefit. We want you to price all over town and if we cannot save you 25 per cent we will make you a present of the article. WE FIXI) OIIHSEI.VKS O VRIII.O Al)i:i WITH ClflllSTMAS Kl'ltS especially In tho children's lino and they go nt half price from now until Christmas. Children's fur sets in Imitation ermine, $1.25 quality, at p9c. Children's AuRora lamb sets; worth $2.00, at 9Sc. Misses' river mink sets, at $2.95. Children's Ions Egyptian Angora sets; JI.OO quality, $2.50. MIkscb' long Grimmer sets, round muff nnd scarf, for only $3.98. Misses' beaver sets, $10.00 quality for $3. WOMK.VS 1'IIHS. Astrakhan collarettes, satin lined for $1.90. Mink scarfs, tl fox tails, $2.90. Gen ulno marten scarfs, C tails, $7X0. Women's electric muffs for $1.00. Women's near seal muffs. $2.00. Womon's astrakhan muffs, $2.98. Women's marten muffs, $4.00. Women's 4 strlpo mink muffB, $13.00. Women's blended mink muffs, nt $1.9S. Women's Persian lamb muffs nt $7.30. Women's astrakhan capos, 30 Inches long, lined with Skinner's satin, for $10.00. Women's genulno beaver capes, $49.00. Women's $00 nstrakhan Jackets, $35,00, Women's $50 near seal for $30.00. Itoad great sales on page 7 WO.MI3.VS CLOAKS AMI SUITS. Women's $20 rnglans, $10.00. Womon's $10 automobiles, $3.00. Women's $18 automobiles, $S.9S. Women's $20 suits, silk lined, $10.00. Women's $15 suits at $0.98. i;illl,ll(i:.VS JACKETS AT 1IAI.K i-omii:it phicrs. Children's $2 eiderdowns for $1.00. Children's $3 eiderdowns for $1.30. 100 children's $2.30 Jackets, at $1.00. 200 children's Jackets, worth up to $7.00, ror $2.9S. Misses nnd children's ragluns with without cupo for $2.98. ll.XTHA SI'IH'IAI.S Toil SATIIHIIAY French flannel waists, trimmed with braid C9 cents. Women's ralny-dny skirts, trimmed with satin bands, for ono day only, at $1.50. 600 women's dross skirts, elaborately tucked and trimmed with satin bands and braid, worth $10.00, Saturday only $5.00, Women's silk dress skirts, mado of ex cellent quullty taffeta, for $3.90. Women's silk underskirts, In all colors, nicely tucked, deep flounce, nt $1.90. 200 women's silk waists In nil colors, $6 quality, nt $2.9S. Women's $5.00 bath robes, $2.98. Women's extra heaw fleeco lined wrap pers, worth $2.00, at $98c. Women's dressing sacques, $3 quality $1. HAYDEN 3RD 4 Your Man will bo satisfied with A PAIR OF GLOVES, A NEW TIE, A FINE MUFFLER, HALF DOZEN PAIR H0SP, I 00D FIT SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, WARM UNDERWEAR ot" ono of our t$2.50 HATS t A You'll pleaso him If they como from BLACK, the $2.50 Hatter, 107 S. 16th St, 5 Cents Saturday Dnn t Judge tho vnluo of Lotus Cronm liy tho price because thero isn't n pre scrlptlun, oven If sold for Wc that can bent It. Our object In selling It for 5o Is l to let more peoplo know what a splendid preparation It in for chapped hands, face and lips. Itemcrnber. Saturduy Its 6c u bottlo. , I'itiiiiii, Satiiriliiy mil)' je ! Tfiiiiitiitliin Tunic, Siiliirilny only, , il.'r Wine Curiliil, Sn I ii ril ii y only )(. .Mlxlli-fno ('renin, Siiliirilny imly. ..l.'le Syrup FIk, Siitiirilny only alio I CiiIiIucU'n Sfil I'l-iinIii, Slltunlliy "'l' l!!lc Mcniirii'N Talcum rimilcr, Nnlur- 1 iluy only . , . 1 lr I 1711 .Snap, Saturday only llr ('niiiulliiit .Malt WlilsUy, Siitiirilny '' -Iffii -iinir( I'iiii ii In I SyrhiKi', Sum r ilny only , , . , , , . 17c I10W 1)0 TIIKSB I'llICKS stuikk vou? SGrlAEFER'S " Drug Store Tal. 747. K. W. Cor, IMIh anil Cbloaa , Ocedi dtllyered 7IUCB to an part ( city. Only 3 Deys rcumiit to do your Christmas shopping Do not wait until the eleventh hour to buy, Saturday Suggestions fea UMBRELLAS If in doubt, carry an umbrella, look at these. We don't expert you to buy unless you are convinced that you jjet more um brella value here for your money than anywhere else. These exceptional good buying 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.5 J, $3.59, $4.50 up. MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS We didn't always have the best dollar shirt. Tt took years to get it years of trying and experimenting. But it's here now. Some !.;"() shirts may be as gootl in a hero-and-there point, but not one. so good all over except our own. They're cut right, made right, feel right, ami wear right quality, percale, madras, etc. GLOVES FOR GIFTS When in doubt and you've exhaust ed your thinking bump, buy gloves. It's a safe rule. You need have no doubt where to get them. A match less stock here of wanted kinds. Make it Mackintosh, Then! "Nothing gives in rain or slosh, com fort like a mackintosh." 2.U5 buyH one, double breasted, box, V2 inches long, tan or gray. !?1.7fi for an all wool cheviot one, double breasted, fL' inches long, tan or gray, awful good gift this. (;.;"() gets the fancy English effect kind in all wool, 51 inches in length, blue, black or fancy. SS.Tfi cracker-jack, "The Alexombric" rain proof, looks just like an o'coat 'tis just as good they're better in some cases. They are always acceptable. 2nd lloor. HOME OF THE HANDKERCHIEFS Xo matter what time of the year the handkerchief stock is always ahead of any in the place. But at Christmas you expect it to top-mark all other times of coarse. Vou shan't be disappointed. There is arranged in special trays thousands of these pretty Christmas gifts for you to select from. Fancy hemstitched, lace edge, and plain bordered handkerchiefs, at 5c. 10c, 15c and 25c. Children's fancy bordered handkerchiefs, ,T in a box, 19c per box. Men's plain white find fancy colored, hemstitched bordered china silk .handkerchiefs, 50c and 25c. CHRISTMAS SLIPFERS The best business organization only can make such a slip per trade possible. It nearly reaches perfection 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.40 up. AMONG THE FURS If per chance you have a fur need, it is supplied at a very satisfactory price. A stock of Women's Fur Scarfs, in imi tation stone marten, sable, opossum, and best French mar ten, choice line to select from, $2.90 Women's Genuine Mink Cluster Scarfs $3.90 Women's Genuine Marten Scarfs, special $4.90 MEN'S HOUSE COATS (Smoking Jackets.) The comfort-loving man doesn't wait till Christmas nor his wife, either; though if you have your mind set on a surprise, you can easily smuggle a house coat or bath robe into the house or we'll hold it for you. BATH ROBES $1.90 to $5.00 IB) HOUSE COATS $4.75 to $9.75 As this store is the greatest retailing place in the state, it is logically best able to give lowest prices. It's baying power places it as near the actual producers as any store in the land. MEN'S NECKWEAR No matter what, time of the year, the neckwear stock is always ahead of any in (lie land. But at Christ mas time you expect, it. top-mark of all oilier times, of course. You shan't be disappointed. Tecks, puffs, four-in-hand, string, band-bows, bows, etc., the Toe and 50o kind elsewhere, .';"c here the 5()c and JJoc elsewhere, iiiic here got some good ones at 15c, too. Your Christmas buying will bo done where stocks are fullest and most varied where aisles are broad and light abundant. CLOTHES FOR CHRISTMAS A little before Christinas is ihe one time of the year when every thought leans toward making others happy with a present of some kind. Custom lias made it necessary for a man to think of his clothes, and, in fact, it's become a second nature to "spruce up" at this time of the year. T1IF MOTIIE1J AND JIISK BOY will find this store the greatest clothing mart within their reach styles and prices to your liking. MEN'S HOLIDAY HATS On Saturday, Dec. 21st, our hat man will place on sale 221 MliN'S SAMPLE II ATS. All advance spring dtylcs no two alllto mostly N'o. 7 In ulie all the now colors. PASHAS. KKDOUAS. OltAKCOS, ItAIMtOAD AND GOW. Theso hats havo boon divided Into two lots Lot No. 1. Lot No. 2. $1.00 and $2.00 If you can't find ono In lot ono at 1, perhaps you can find ono In lot two at C In either caso you Ret your money's worth. YBS WH SEl,L STKTSON HATS. 6l i