Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1901, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA'7 DAILY 23E3:"VX;iiT J3ftIiiVT.TO.ZCEMBEK"5lSa 9
Imiity Wrrnt Bmed Wkll TroipictiTe
Raldier U on Way to Dipat
United MnlM Attomry Srrrnrs Out n
Writ of llnlien Corpus hnlillcr
'JVIls 11 I iillur fttorj- of
rialonli; AfTrcllon,
The I'nltcd States government started
. Ernwit Kltiloch to the Philippines ns a
soldier nml a DoiiKlns county deputy
sheriff stopped him because, It Is said, ho
whb given to praying at night and had
threatened to Join the Salvation array.
Klnloch Is now In the county Jail, but
"United States Attorney Summers late yes
terday nfternoon secured a writ of habeas
corpus and will havo tho soldier brougui
before Jildgo Munger this afternoon at 2
o'clock for n hearing
The warrant used by Deputy Sheriff Wil
liam Novo In making tho arrest charged
that Klnloch Is Insane and Is said to have
iM'im Issued at tho routtest of John Mrby,
who has been Klnloch's roommate at tho
Thurston hotel.
Klnloch's own tale, as related to a rep
resentative of Tho Ileo at the Jail last
nlKht. Is that since November 10 he has
been rooming at tho hotel with ltrny
(irorgo K. I-ohefner and It. J. Sliamilian
nil of whom wero employed In the Klrken-
dall shoo factory. He says that tho nuar
,tet was a thoroughly congenial one and
that It wan n matter of regret when Shan
nhnn took a wife and another room on
Thanksgiving day. In fact, ho enys they
felt so badly over the breaking up of the
little bachelor alliance that when ho nn
nounccd his enlistment In the United States
nrmv last Saturday and prospective le
parturo for"the 'Philippine to Join tho I'lrst
cavalry tho other two deciaren nc sunum
not en. Klrby had a brother in tno serv
Ice. who had written dlscouraglngly of
soldier llfo and Klnloch says ho believes
that also Influenced Klrby In. IiIb effort to
detain him here.
I.IUi-n Army I.ll.
Klnloch, who gives his ago as 25 years,
says his nearest relatives arc his parents
and a sister, nil living at Chllllcothe, Peoria
county. III., hut It has been reported In
nmiih.1 that ho has a wlfo and two children
In Mlnnesotn. Concerning his past life he
only tells that ho enlisted In tho Klfty
socond . Iown nt Webster City and served
until , s ckness made Ulm iinui ior cam
pnlgnlng, being llnnlly mustered out there
nt tho end of the Cuban war; mui no nan
been In Omaha only three months, that
h tins not noun his neople In Ohllllcothe In
flvo years nor been In correspondence with
them, that ho Is prollclent In two trndes
besides tho one Hint gave him employment
here, lint that ho likes army life nnd re
enllated for service In the Philippines with
the hopn of continuing the study which ho
begnn three years ago and eventually get
ting n commission in tho nrmy. He says
that tho doctor who examined him last
week comnllmcnted him on his nvernpe
flm! mi tin- trlu to 'Frisco ho was to bo In
chnrgo of the squad of four nnd that his
arrest on his way to tho depot with the
other recruits last Monday nfternoon was
n. total surnrlse to him and thnt he has
only recently figured out tho possible
Identity of thoso who tirougni u nnoui mm
their reason for desiring his dotcntion
This reason as given nbovo docs not
however, havo tho endorsement of Mr.
Klrby ns bnloejlio right one. Mr. Klrby,
when seen"ht tho Wcl last' night, snld
that tho affair was not one nbout which
ho cared to talk for publication and thnt
lin had hoped It might bo kept from the
pnnqrs, nt least for tho present, but that
ho' had consulted a good nttornoy nnd wus
doing only what he believed to bo for tho
best and perfectly safe.
From other sources It Is reported thnt
Mr. Klrby alleged among other reasons for
hollovlng Klnloch Insane Is thnt the latter
paced tho floor nt night. Koniotlmos prny-
Inc nnd sometimes expatiating on the Colorado.
merits of tho Salvation army with tho an
nouncement that ho would soon Join It.
In his conversation at tho Jail last night
Klnloch talked ratlonnlly nnd seemed
amused rather than vexed over the charge
on which ho Is detained. At tho hotel ho Is
said to hnvo been peculiar In some ways,
but not to tho extent of arousing any
question as to his sanity nor even attract
ing particular nttcntlon. He has tho smnrt
step and correct carrlago of n soldier, Is
less than medium height and rnther slight,
hut with broad shoulders. Ho Is clean
haven nnd his features aro clear cut,
Charles Heploglo, Atwnter, O., was In
very bad shape. Ho says: "I suffered a
prent deal with my kidneys nnd was ro
qucsted to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I did
no and In four days I was ablo to go to
work again; now I nm entirely well."
rrlpnils nml Sw rctlicnH llolmtile
tht (iiitlliitr ."eel Ion for
it Qunrtrr nf nn Hour.
LifiilatiTi Bunch f Qtmimtnt Pinii
Llttlt Euinm to Oeoipj Tim.
liprrliMtep of n .Mlstlnit AVnrkrr ttltli
One of Her IntcrrMliiK
Viihiik C'litirK
A womnn who Is vory prominent In the
Tenth street mission school and who never
tires of telling of the many wonderful UNION PACIFIC CONTRACT NOT READY
things done by the students and of tho
wonderful advancement they have made In
ovory branch of education hail an experi
ence tho other day with one of her pet
pupils that for a few minutes completely
frustrated her.
The mission woman was entertaining a
number of neighbor women at high five.
Tho door bell rnng and tho servant an
nounced, "One of your pupils 'from the mis
Show him right In," said the mistress.
While awaiting the pupil tho hoste?s said:
Onr Firm VUvm n Protest nml Will
Unlit City for Diitiiiikc One KlRhth
Street Orilliinnre lostinucil
for ii Month,
At last night's meeting of the city coun
cil tho committee on railways and tele
graphs was granted thirty additional days
In which to consider tho ordlnanco giving
"I nnt you nil to see what a manly ,,. . ,,, ,m
tltll. lt... la Mo nlnov. nnmna tnl "v " ' Mui"W ...........
mo with hli troubles. I always speak to
him on the street nnd ho has so much con
fldcnco In me that he won't keep anything
from mo. Come right In, Johnny," sho
said, as the boy stood, hat In hand, nt the
parlor door. "What can I do for you?
Don't be nfrald; theso aro my friends and
thry won't hurt you."
Johnny twisted his hat around in his
lingers for n few minutes In nn undecided
'Speak right out, Johnny; what Is It?"
said Johnny's sponsor.
"Please, mum, I want you to see the
patch I sewed on my pants." And sho did
and so did her guests. ,
l)(ititr lli'livi-rn ("hill nml ArKrittlne
Iteiiiililli Is Mill I'eml-Inir.
tho exclusive use of Eighth street between
Farnam and Howard streets. The company
seeks the uso of this street for depot pur
poses and has announced that It will not
build a freight depot unless the council
passro tho ordinance. Tho committee on
railways and telegraphs has already had
tho ordlnanco thirty dnys without taking
any action on It. Tho section of street In
question Is that over which tho Chicago &
Northwestern and Chicago, lltirllngton Sr.
Qulncy havo had constant litigation for tho
last year.-
Mast, Foos & Co. filed a protest with tho
council against tho closing of Nicholas
street east from Eleventh street to the
river. This portion of Nicholas street Is
Included In tho land tho city Is nbout to
deed to the Union Pacific Railway com
pany In consideration of tho settlement of
all litigation between the, city and tho
company. Tho protesting company asserts
that Its property adjoining the section of
street about to bo closed will ho Injured
IIUENOS AYIIKS, Dec. 17. Tho Chilian and announces that It will hold tho city
answer to Argentine's reply to Chill's Inst responsible for any damages. Tho final
noto has been received. Hopo that tho contract settling the litigation between the
matter will be nmlcnhly arranged still pre- city and tho Union Pacific company Is not
vnlls here. Senor Concha Suborchecenus, yet completed, but will probably bo brought
Chilian minister to Argentina, Is doing his beforo tho council for opnroval next week.
utmost to this end. City Tax Commissioner William Fleming
According to the Tlempo no nrrnngemcnt filed with tho council n statement showing
of tho existing dltllcultles Is posslblo If tho results of tho recent sitting of the
Chill rifuses to accept the modifications Hoard of Review. The original assessment
suggested by Argentina to tho two Import- which Mr. Fleming mado upon personal
ant paragraphs In the orlnglnal Chilian note, property wns $S.r0S,410, and his assessment
The rnllroads of tho country have placed upon real property was $2!,0S2,230. The
y&.OOO tons of coal at the disposal of tho total assessment wns $37.riPO.f!IO. Tin
government. They have also offered to Hoard of Review reduced this sum to $3fi,.
provide transportation facilities for 10.000 250.3S3.
men ns soon os the former aro required. An ordlnnnce wns passed declaring Thlr
Tho Dlarlo publishes a telegraph from ty-thlrd street open for travel between Cnss
Ixindon to tho effect that tho British govern- and California streets. An ordlnnnce wns
ment tins dispatched a telogrnm to thu nlso passed providing for tho grading of
Chilian nnd tho Argentina governments of- Kd Crelghton avenue between Twenty-sev
ferlng Us good olllces to bring about u enth and Twenty-ninth streets,
settlement of all existing dltllcultles be- Tho Transvaal lenguo asked tho permls
tween tho two countries. nlon of tho council to uso the council chnm-
Tho llrltlsh government adds that It takes her In tho city linll for Sunday nfternoon
this step at tho Instance of Chill. meectlngs. The request wns referred to
thn rntnmlttnn nn mtlilln IttitMtncra nml nrnr.
f-T"r-" Aklf-t r h I A r r I , I rT" I m 1 1 r. I ,.. ...... ....... ...... i'.uj.
DM I t& HIMU SHVMUt IIM b I . LUUIb crty.
An ordlnnnco wns Introduced granting thn
(iuv.Tiinr with IIIn .KUiff Will lie
In I Ik- (ifiit-riil'n I'ro-
Union Pnclllc permission to uso tho west
ilde of Eleventh street for a distance of
1,300 feet north of Nicholas street. The
purposo of this ordlnnnce Is to sccuro
trackago for tho National Roofing company.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 17. At a meeting of the
world's fair board of directors today
PreMlilnnf Prnnrla r.itmrloil thn rnanlt n1
his trip to Washington. Ho stated that nrc, bcs' advertisers for Foley's Honey
SntlKlli'il Tropic
ypttliiK Anlilr of riinri'e Decree
Lcntm Hint In n ."crloii.
Joseph Adams, who hns two wives, Is try
ing to get rid of the first nno through di
vorce proceedings in Judge Dickinson s
court. He and tho defendant, Mary Adams,
were married on October 6, 1SS5, nt Fort
Worth, Tex. Ho secured n divorce on Juno
20, 1900, on tho ground that the defendant
wns a person of "vicious, Intcmperato and
Irregular habits." Adams was given the
custody of their adopted daughter Rosa. On
May 4, 1001, the decreo of dlvorco was sot
nslde by Judge Dickinson on an allegation
that fraud had been used In obtaining It
and Mrs. Adams was given custody of tho
child. Then Adams filed a petition for a
second divorce, alleging bad habits and ex
treme cruelty, which Is now being heard.
The petition recites vnrlous Instances In
support of the first allegation nnd tells of
the assault made upon Adams by Mrs
A lams, the first wife, on the night of Feb
ruary H or IB, 1001. Mrs. Adams Is alleged
to havo thrown ncld In Adams' face, dls
figuring him for life. She was arrested for
Ohriitiu f i.t Dimoiitr-tM that I Cti
D a Fw LIt1j Tumi
Ten Cnnillilntrs Snrlvr thf Hide,
White Ills (inntahlp Contra Out
Wlthont the SIkh of a
.Xncl.Hr Murk.
Proclamation Kxtrnordlnarv. To All
tanyul Oet-Oners, Oreetlng: His most high
royal notentate. Klnc Kn-U-Toe. loen
hereby command by nil tho powers thnt be,
wini every memner or nis majesty mgii
council, the (let-One eluli. nnd every nn-
plleant therefor, stinll assemble In special
nnd solemn conclave In tho Young Men's
Christian association parlors, on Tuesday
evening at S o'clock, December 17. A most
high nnd roynl time will be nlTcred. Ills
majesty's humorist, !ord Cnickard, will
perform. Ijonl Unable, his majesty's ma
gician, will do mysterious deeds. Regal
refreshments will bo sacrificed. Tho iovnl
legion or Hoi-iintuiers, under command oi
tho offense, but wns discharged after n trial ' Vice Karl llarnlshcrs, will Initiate the new
In criminal court. On the stand Adams told
of tho acid throwing nnd snld thnt he struck
Mrs. Adams aftcrwnrd. In reply to a ques
tion ho snld ho would not lie sorry had ho
killed her nftcr she threw the acid.
After securing the first divorce Adams
married a second tlmo and was living with
his second wlfo at tho time of tho alleged
acid throwing.
Klmer llarber linn asked for a dlvorco
from Maud llarber, alleging habitual drunk
enness. They wcro married Juno 19, 1808,
at Milwaukee.
Judge Kstelle hns granted Hertha I,.
Wllcdgo n dlvorco from John S. Wllcdgo
on tho ground of cruelty. Sho was awnrded
nominal alimony and the custody of their
child. They wero married at Roodhouse,
III., on October IB, 1S91.
Anna Davis, who was married to Ocorgo
W. Davis on Jnnnnry 28, 1895 at Croston,
la., wonts n divorce becauso he threw a
lint Iron nt her April 1, 1899. Sho says It
was no Joke.
Kdward D. Martin has been granted a
dlvorco from Kllen I. Martin by Judge
Dickinson on tho ground of abandonment.
Carrlo Orny has been legally separated
from Ruby F. Oray through a decree of
Judge Dickinson. Ruby Is a man, notwith
standing his feminine name.
Will Piny Itnli lto.
Tho Dramatic Circle of Crelghton univer
sity will glvo tho play, "Rob Roy," on
Wednesday In the new university hall.
Owing to uncertain conditions In the build
ing operations, tho olllcers of tho circle re
gret that they have not been nblo to make
earlier arrangements for reserve seats.
They now wish to nnnounco that all who
wish may exchange their tickets for rcservo
seat tickets by applying nt tho university
hall box otllco Wednesday.
a satisfactory conference had been held
nnd Tar and all who use It agreo that It Is
with tho secretary of tho treasury and with snIom,l, remedy for coughs, colds or sorn
tho government board upon tho subject of
nn appropriation by congress for n govern
ment exhibit. Ho snld that It was hoped
lungs. Chns. Rcplogle, Atwatcr, O., was
In very bad shape. Ho says: "I suffered
a great ileal with my kidneys nnd was re
.w n,.,Ua i.i.i i.i .nn nnn aucstcd to try Foley's Kidney Cure. I did
- """ ..w... . ,, , , ,, . ..... . ...
... ,. ,M iuui uuri t nno nuit? ill U IU
work again, now I nm entirely well.
Tnvlor Wells of CnllioHsnn la nt thn
Dellone. .
W. I. Mitchell of Reno, Nov,, Is at tho
iter urniui.
(J. M. Mulling, nn nttorney from Papllllon,
in ill lilt; Ull),
Men XI T . tl..lln ,..
nil,, , fr,m ,11a, ..... .umillMlll in 1111
- ....n. ..m.ii i ummiii viHiinr.
who aro expected are: Oovernor S. It. .Vnn W. T. Davis, nn nttorney of Hamburg,
Sant of Mlnnesotn. Oovernor J. K. Toolo of ' 't the Murray.
Montana, and (loverncr James II, Orman of I. R.KIngsley of Mlnden nnd W. 13. rtec.l
such an exhibit
General John C. Hates, commanding tho
Department of tho Missouri,' will nrrlve In
the city tomorrow morning and Immediately
glvo his attention to tho final preparations
for tho procession, which Is to form a fen
ture of tho world's fair ground-breaking
cerumony thn coming Friday
Governor K. P. Savage and staff of No-
braBkn, will bo among tho distinguished
DitrliiK Crime Coitinil tleil In I.nliliy
if ro-Killlee lliilld-Inw.
ST. I.OUIS, Doc. 17. A dnrlng robbery
of a pouch of United States registered mall registers himself and n bunch of
doors of the old postolllce building nt Third Oeorge D. Melklejohn. Is registered nt tho
anil Diivo streets, iiccnr Kelling, vlrlvor or I jjuiioiiu irom r uiicrioii.
An tinusunlly extravagant cataclysm of
osculation occurred nt Union station Inst
evening, the occasion being tho nrrlvnl and
brief stay In Omaha of tho Union Oatlltlg
Run gunrds, it vaudevlllo stunt of the Or-
pheum circuit, the pemoline! of which con
slsts of eight members of tho Omaha
Fully 200 parents, relatives, brothers, sis
tors nnd sweethearts, but no wives, of tho
young guardsmon nwalted them at tho Htn
Hon and the scene wns a wild confusion of
greet Inga, lunch nnd farewells. What ren
dered tho lnundntlon of affection still moro
plethoric was tho fact that tho train Svns
threo hours Into and nil that time, from
4:05 to 7:0r, tho expectant ones had crowded
tho wnltlng rooms, with nothing elso to
do but plan how wnrmly they would ro-
i'flo the loved ones;
Captain, J. C. Arnott, Ounner Oeorgo W.
Doano, Jr.. nnd Cnnoneers I.ouls K. Haucr,
Ouy. U. Clnrk, Arthur Potry, Charles L
Bonewa, Fred I.. Whlto and Fred Chnlland
qomprlsed tho Ontllng gun Bectlon. They
had boon absent from Omaha slnco Septem
ber 23 last and hnvo been engaged mean
while In tho somewhat romantic task of
doing their half-hour stunt each night In
a vaudovlllo show at different plnces ovor
tho country, but ono would have Imagined
from tho warmth of their reception thnt
they had long endured tho privations of a
Jungle campaign against a savage nnd re
Icntless foe.
Only fifteen nilnutos were tho boys In
Oninhh, ns they wero then hurried away
westward to San Francisco, whero they
play their next dnte, They aro scheduled
nt tho Orphcum hero beginning February 9
next on their return Journey east. The boys
wero looking exceedingly well, greeted with
great fur'vor their friends In Omaha nnd
snld thoy. wished they could stay over a
day., Captain Kit Jlodglna and forty mem
hers, of tho Omaha Guards wero nranng
thoso at tho train. A few of tho toldlers
accompanied tholr former comrades out as
;far ns North Platte.
To Mi n Colli.
After oxpoeuro or when you feel n cold
coming 'on, tnko u dnso of Foley's Honoy
and Tar. It never falls to stop a cold If
tken In tlmo-
of MmllHon uro In' tho city
Mr. nnd Mrs. John It. llnvs of Vnrfniu
nro registered at tho Her Grand.
1owIh V. llitskell, bank examiner, from
Wakolleld. Neb.. Is at the Dellone.
J. O. Ollwr of Huffalo, Wyo., .md K. D.
Norton of Casper, Wyo., are In Omaha.
Oeorge Lehman, proprietor of tho Thurs
ton hotel at Columbus, Neb., Is n guest of
Nut Ilrown.
P. J. Murphy, u stockmnn of Roccrs.
icourrtd at mi early hour tonight nt tho
helpers nt tho Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Guorup M. Hmvh nml rhlld
nnd W. C Junzen from Killings, Mont. uro
reginiercn ui u local uotoi.
City Attorney K. C. Strndo of Lincoln and
his brother. Former ConcresHmnn Mtrndn.
also of Llneoln, uro nt the Murray.
Tho Millard has arranged to servo 150
lieoplo at tonight's banquet of tho
n mail wngnn, wns knocked down with the
butt ond of revolvers by thruo men ns he
was leaving tho building and relieved of a
sack of registered mail which ho was tak'
lrig outside. So cloverly had the robbory
been planned thnt the robbors succeeded In
escnplng with their booty before Kelling Daughters of tho Amerleun Revolution.
could glvo tho alarm.
At the tlmo the lobhy of tho branch post
olllce wan crowded with people, nnd the
sldownlk thronged with men returning homo
from business. The exact value of tho con.
tents of tho lost sack Is not known.
Sam Robinson of L'hudrmi. L Ijuiu...
necker of lexlnctnn nnd J. I. lieliii,i ,.t
Chadron nro among tho stato guests nt tho
hit uninu.
Nebrnskans nt tho Millard: it. K. Whltn
nnd wlfo. Wiihno; N. (1. Harding, Nebraska; .iips jicc. i-nunii, uiair; v, K.
Oliver. Lynch; J. W. DeWeese. Lincoln;
F. I. Fobs, Crete. "
A. S. 10 of tho Dellono returnoil frnm
Inclined to 9nlcu.K.9 y'crday, bringing with his Mrs.
inclined to Mm (la im( jJrs mH(,
he Missouri, Mrs. Ida M, Ford, who have been nt their
Dmilit thr "lvnt" Story.
High railroad officials nro
n n 1 1 ) .lit. .. n m in .nm an t . V. .1 1 1
omul m- ,..,iw.,.....ii...v ,.i. mi. ..unnifuii, tirH. nut .u, j' ur u. who nave ucen nt IllpIP
Kansas & Texas railroad Is planning to lormer nomo in u nmingion, uel for some.
1.. .11.1 Ihi t.-MnnHln trn a 1 nn
uiiiiii uf 11111' isiu.iim 111,111 i.iutiui ta, iiiii. .1
general pussenger agent of ono extensive llrevltlen frinu t It Ciiiirtn.
system said: John Norberg. bailiff In charcn nt itm
I do not believe there Is anything In tho Kran.i jury loom, is on ntity on account of
t'nltiii Wnloh AteeiliiK.
"At the meeting of tho city union of tho
lining I'eopioH society or Christian Kn
ileuvur Inst tilylit It was decided bv th I
societies of the city to Join In a union wntc
meeting nnd reception to President Arthli
Chase on Now Year's ovo. The meeting wl.
be In tho nature of u social, which wll
watch tho old ymr out nnd the new yea
In. A program will be nrranged and Mr
Clmse, who was recently elected preside!!,
of tho stato union, will be given tho llrst
reception ny mo societies or tins city since
his election. Tho meeting will be In tho
parlors of St. Mary's Avenue Congrega
tional church, under tho auspices of the
social committees of that society and of
tno city union,
Tlrril nf t'm'lt Tom.
Henjnmln J. Talbett of Richmond. Vn..
who cot the show fever somo time ngo nnd
Joined an "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company
us cur porter, but with the expectation of
being tun leading mini In the procession
at leasf-wants to go home. At the pollen
station last flight he Informed tho otllcers
ho had been with tho company several
mouths, that during that time his salary
had always "been n coming," that he had
advanced money to pay for oil nnd that
bo had been "llred" when tho show reached
Omaha, and desired the pollco to notify his
father that ho was ready to como homo
upon receipt of a ticket. Talbett later
recovered $2.50 from the show people,
.llorlnltly StiitlMlm.
Tho following deaths and births wero re
ported to the city heatli commissioner for
tho twenty-four hours ending at noon
Deaths Mnt ICiitilek. 1117 South Four
teenth, aged 4S; Nancy K. Hush. 3102 North
Thirtieth, aged 6S; Sarah It. McDowell, 4329
Pinker, aged U; Mrs. Sarah Shaw, 2107
I'lneknoy. nged 7fl.
lllrths Frank Hnrtn, Fourteenth nnd
Murtha, girl; A. Campbell, lMf, Nicholas,
boy; Charles Anderson, !Of William, girl;
Charlea O. .Smith, ai:v, Houth Nineteenth,
boy; L. W. Kliiperle. ,Hvl2 South Nineteenth,
girl; Oeorge II. Swobodn, ES07 North Twenty-fourth,
IMhn' I'nlr Wnrkrrn.
Tho associate women's committee for tho
Ulks' fair will hold nn Important meeting
nt :t o'clock this afternoon In the L'lk par
lors, and from all reports which havo been
received It Is reasonable to believe that
from fifty to loo will bo present. The work
will bo outlined at this meeting ami dis
tribution of tho same mndo among tho
women present. A meeting of the Klks
who havo ' been selected for committee
work will bo held Thursday ovenlng In the
lodge ruoitiH, and over 200 notlllcatlons havo
leen sent out for tho same.
story. Tho only object of tho inovo would
Tho Carpenter Paper company has tiled
bo for tho 'Knty' to get somo Omaha trade articles of Incorporation. Tho capital stock
for Texas or vice versa, nnd what does that Is JKAoeO, held by Isaac V, H'lllam O.,
amount to? Surely not enough to cause the J. V U,K, J'""C8,' ''irpentcr.
construction of such a line ns tho o.,o sug- tl(-0" y for coZnlMThVSK
gesiuu. wmuiiii i inn iiiiiiii oi a laxus wini inieiu in uu grvat uoiuiy injury upon
town." Robert Hansen In South Omaha on Novom-
A freight offlclnl occupying a prominent Tim'i.irv m ii, un ,imo
position with tho trnfllc department of nn- city Attorney V. J. Connell ngalnst
other big railroad company said: ilnyilen llros., winch was tried bofnro
Why. the 'Katy' has a good connection,lant'vVlnr.lnvV,,,, " """" lor u,
with tho Union Pacific now at Junction City, Tho executors of tho cstnto of Cantnln
Kan. That Is sulllclent for all Its Omaha W. W. Mnrsh havo been nuthnrlred by
needs as far ns freight business goes, and It SKnTBn,nnmVnVi,.Vir in i5n'?,-0' '. f c"Ll
seems to mo that tho passengor end of It at cost not exceeding $2.D(.
out of Omaha 1e pretty woll covered now," The case of Fred Youngorman ngalnst
.Murgucriio nun r neua jange, proprietors
of tho Lnngo hotel, Is on trial In county
court. Ho asks for 1230 damages because
no neenmo iniectcu wun smnnpox nt tho
Peter Dovlo has brouitht suit nu'iilnst thn
Union Pnclllc Railroad company for $1,999
damages because of severe bruises alleged
to havo been received on Juno 18, 1901, while
n was unloading a ear or cement lit
wntenoo, kcii.
Tho executors of the estate of Frederick
Metz have tiled n petition In the county
court for lenvo to sell nersonnl nronertv.
consisting of n sulllclent number of shares
or stocK in tne .lolz liros. lirowlnir com
pany to pay cerium claims against tno
WcNltin Wmitnn Arrmleil.
Annie Ilousner, mlddlo-aged, was nrrested
last night by Olllcers Sowers and Orler,
charged with stealing from tho Hoston
store. Tho womnn worn u long Jacket nnd
had a quantity nf Chrlstmns goods stored
benenth It, Including leather purses, dress
cooils nnd JoWelrv. Tho woman Is from
Weston, Neb., and camo to Omaha Tuesday
I)lticnte n 1 1 1 .
Klla Nelson. 107 North Twelfth street.
fell near Thirteenth and Ilnrney streets
at 5:30 lust evening nnd dislocated her right
hip. Tho woman was carried Into a restau
rant and Inter removed to tho pollco sta
tion, whero her Injuries wero attended by
Pollco Surgeon Unrglum. Sho la now nt
tho Clnrkson hospital,
subjects Into tho. secrets of the Inner
realm. Hveryoni will havo a hot and glor
ious time.
The king has commanded It Is up to you
to ouey, KK-U' i uu, iiox
Ily his lord high executioner, HULC.
This document translated means that tn
of the unsuspecting youth of tho city were
last night initiated Into tho top order of
tho Get-Ono club nt tho Young Men's Chris
tian association; that after the spectacular
rites wero concluded music and reading
wero given by K. H. Packard, a slclght-of-
hand performance by Mr. Zaable, a recep
tlon by tho association at large nnd that
refreshments wcro tho final order of tho
Tho Initiation was the fenture of the
whole affair. Four distinct ordeals went
undcrgono by tho candidates, some of whom
survived. Tho ten wero: Fred Klsasser,
Charles S. Smith, Carton Roth. Frank Tall
mire, 1). K. Paxton, C. K. Rich, Herman
Hnwldnson, John C. Crawford, Churlcs Rey
nolds and II. S. Daniel.
Coming groping down tho stairway, blind
folded ono by one, and with hands tightly
hound, tho aspirants found themselves
soiled In several pair of strong nnd willing
nrms which belonged to athletic looking
youths In gymnasium suits, sweaters and
rubber shoes nnd hustled blindly Into tho
ceremonial hall
Ilrrr Trnnhln Cntninrner s.
There nt tho very entrance tho candldnto
heard a stern order coming from some
whero commanding him to bow to th
ground In salutation to his goatshtp. Obey
Ing. with quaking llmhs, tho Initiate found
that In order to get his head to tho ground '
It wns necessary to shovo It through n foot
or so of wnter In a tub, which ho did not
expect to find at his feet.
This being satisfactorily performed nnd
tho Innocent as nearly drowned ns suited
his tormentors ho was told that ho might
sit down and regain his breath, and with
'onsplcuous and nstontatlous clatter a chair
is rhoved up behind him. Relaxing with
sigh of relief Into his seat tho aspirant
mnd himself gono deep down Into a huge
eceptaclc, which Immediately sped down
lie hall with tho voloclty of n locomotive.
3cforo tho blindfolded captive had fairly
realized that he was being drawn across the
floor In a hugo market basket by four giants
of tho gymnasium tho upper end of tho hall
was reached nnd a sharp turn rande, with a
Jerk at tho end of It. Thcro- waB a rope
which stopped tho chariot at the turn, but
thero was nothing to keep tho candidate In
It, so ho Just flow out at a tangent nnd lit
wherover he fell. His rldo on tho Dead
wood stage was over.
The new member was not nllowod to pick
himself up after his rude disembarkation,
for a dozen hands seized him and brought
him to tho foot of tho steps to tho shrine
bofore ho had regained his breath. Then he
wns commanded to climb on his hands nnd
knees. The stops wore many and high, and
It was a long Journey, but the trip down
was the CRsenco.of brevity, for nil of n sud
den there wasn't any step and tho youth
toppled ovor townrd the floor headfirst. He
never got there, however, for ft blnnket
stretched taut by his handlers Just nbovo
the carpet caught him ns ho was awaiting
tho crash, and ho was then further de
moralized by being tossed at on en to tho
colling four tlmeB In rapid succession.
Clinnce to Ret liven.
Tho trip to tho shrlno was finished, but
there was ono moro stunt to bo endured,
"Crnwl forty feet to tho exit" was the
next order, nnd It wns nhout as volcanic a
forty fret as mortal over travorsed after
any fashion, leoBt of all crawling.' If there
was any Young Man's Christian nssoclntlon
boy thero who did not bolt said candldato
fully forty times during that forty-foot
Journey It was becauso the crowd was so
thick he couldn't got In.
Ilolng formnlly Installed as a member the
Inltlnto waB then repaid by being given tho
prtvilego of assisting at tho torturo of the
next candidate, which ceremony ho entered
Into with a zeal that seemed moro Inspired
than natural. The last mnn held tho sack.
Ho did not got to hit anybody back.
Wild lllll" Wins thr lint tie.
LOIMSVILLR. Kl. Dec. l7.-"WIId Hill"
Haiirnhnu of New York defeated Marvin
Hart of this city In the tlrift round tonight
at tho Auditorium. The knockout blow
was u bard right hook on the law. follow
ing a left to tho stomach. Tho men wero
scheduled to light n twonty-llvo-rnund go
at eaten weights. Tim Hurst was the
referee. The knockout tonight was Hart's
llrst in His lighting career.
Ksiirllril frnm lltmrd.
CHICAGO, Dec. 17. Tho A. It. Jones
Commission comnnnv was expelled from
tno iioaru or ir.iuo ni u meeting nt tno estate, amounting to i.:w, and to provldo
directors tonight. The chnrgo was bucket for tho nllownnco of $173 n month to the
nhomiiriL-. Tim comimnv has branches
throughout tho country and did an exten
sive tiusiness in mocks niui grain
Mrs, .McKlnley rril o Doctors.
CANTON. O.. Dec. 17. Two sisters of tho
Into president. Mrs. A. J. Duncan and Miss
widow. A hearing will bo had Friday
The crnnd lurv bus returned Indictments
against threo saloonkeepers. n follows
John C. Tlerney, Omaha, for selling liquor
in uuuum aim inr bi'iuiik liquor on nunuii) ,
Dennis Cushlng, South Omaha, for selling
liquor on Sunday; Herman Anger, South
Helen McKlnlev. of Cleveland, nro hero to "luor on Sunday; Herman Anger, South
vis t Mrs McKlnlev Mrs McKlnlev does Omaha, for selling liquor to minors. Judgo
not ffnuIrS1 mftlAl aMenllimr'alough '!icr Al?h?nliiK
llrr Currier' MIkM Out.
n. Phllllns nnd I'nrimnnn He her nnV.. t no bouin umana men were released on
or twice a week, tncir own recognizance nnn iierney tur
lllflli'u uuivniu ciii'i nn inn pinny.
Fred llnnnls, who Is wanted at Chicago
. i . ior nDuunoniug nm iiiinuy. may not no
TIlO llCO S Cnrrlers turned Olit In fnrro InUnn hneU In turn thn elliiri?... I'nnn nn.
last night to the number of eighty and at- plication of his attorneys, Judge Haker
leiuii'u me i,i iniiiiiii in u uuuy. urrupyuiK a tiranicit nn oruer laio vesieruav arternnon
fow sections of tho paniue;. Thero w.-u for a writ nf habeas corpus and a hearing
IlllllllIlK 'Ut:y lliuineil emuyillg iron! ill" Will 1)0 llllll 111 VIM tills morning. HOlinlS
nrsi tooi oi me nrciiesirii until tno curtain was arrested nere on December. 10 liy Do.
went down for the lust time. Other tinrtlPH teetlvn Shnnn nml has heen held nl thn ollv
present wero the members of th. city Jail since on ft charge of helng a fugitive
council, who OCCUliletl tho bald-bended row. frnm lustlee. Kdward l- Ilnrrv. a C'lilenirn
and a number of students from the Omaha detective, arrived yesterday to take Ilonnls
ucntni cuiicko. uacK.
MarrlnKK Lionise.
Licenses to wed have, been Issued to the
Name and Ttcsldenco. Age.
Harry D. Stone. Omaha y
Kstella M. Ulack, Omaha 20
Horrlo K. l'orklns, Salt Lake City 27
Hertha U Mansfield, Milwuukeo 21
Oswald Haler, Cass county....'. 5.1
Mary A. 13. Younir, Cass county 4S
Otto H. Gnfeke, West Point, Neb 2
IlofcHlo DcCnmo, Omaha 2.1
Henry K. White, Wuhoo, Neb 40
Lulu Atatldo Odoll, Weston, Nob 23
It's Your Liver!"!
You cannot
possibly enjoy good health un
less you have at least one free
movement of the bowels each
day. When this is not the case
jji the poisonous products are ab
sorbed into the system, causing
headache, biliousness, nausea,
vomiting, dyspepsia, indigestion.
Ayer's Pills are liver pills, a gentle, vege
table laxative. One pill at bedtime will pro
duce a natural movement the day following.
" Ayer's Pills have done me anil my family great Rood. They are like a
true friend in trouble. There is nothing equal to them for sick headache
and biliousness." Mrs. Julia Hrown, tit. Louis, Mo.
25 ctoti i feoi. All dreiiliu.
J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mil.
Headache, Neuralgia,
Fatigue of Body or Brain,
When First Symptoms Appear.
To CURE Stubborn Cases
Follow Simple Directions in Brcry Package
Mr. Win. filllrttr, In the midst of
his Krent Loudon success, writes to ii
Now York friend: "ICxpress me n
dozen &.V rmckuKca of 'Uranitelno'
MIkn llnrrlct Culnicr. Slipt Vlslt
ltiK Nurses' Association. ChleaKo,
says: "1 am Kind to mid my testi
mony to the Ioiik list of those who
havo found relief 111 ,()ruHKclfii'
especially In cases of NouralnU and
"A sure preventive of vnrlous dis
orders common to New l'liiiland
II. II. llriuUtriTl, Uccy. V S. Steel
Co.. Hoston.
Prof. Mfllnnnlil, of tho Hartford
Theological Semlnnry, says. "Sup
plies stimulant nnd nourishment for
body nnd brain,"' Slillili')- nnd Dr. Axiliivllll,
from London, linn, Mr. 1'rt'il
Lmtilcr, from Yokohama; .Mr. .1. I.
.luuitiT, i;uropi'Mii iiKcnt for tho
Krcnt Atchison system nt ltmu ltl.i.
write for OrniiKelne' powders and tell
of their Krent vnliio to rellove pain,
prevent nnd euro seasonable ailments,
offset climatic conditions, regulate and
build up tho system
Mr. .Inxliiin 'I'. Iltitli-r, Sei-rotiiry
Corporntlon LliiuldatluK I'ompanj.
New York City. says. "1 fnund
'Oranuelne' nil effective cure for
violent hendiiches of several years'
Ir. IMnln llniuii, of Phlladelpblii.
says: "OriuiKelnii works llko a charm
I would not bo without It."
Our Annual Holiday Offer
"Otnrorrtiw" hi told by ttKidnijodsti
In 10, 21. nd OOo tnckiirs. Vnr ttM
convnlno of oM rrtvndn, nnd to
make nw, w will mall KltKK to any adtk-ans, on rooaipt of 2r (durlnir th holtdaya
ealr), one of our naudaom and durablt black morocts Oranclnr" pocket casa,
contarnlnK Ca worth ot 'TJruncrlnv' powdra, with full Information aj to th
compoaiUon. OMufort and Mmfutnas of ranffattM.
Jacksonville with its sunshine and flowers is
only two nights' ride from Omaha, and the trip is
not an expensive one.
This season the trains to Florida are faster and
the service better than ever:
Drop in the liurlington ollice and talk it over.'
1502 Famam St. Tel. 250.
10th and Mason Sts. Tel. 128
P. 8. Tho nurllnRtnn nlso runs personally conducted excursions to Call,
fornla threo times a week I .a p. m. Thursdays und Saturdays and 10:30 p, m
Scenic Line
Friday and
Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco
via Colorado, passing the Grandest Scenery of the Rockies and" Sierra
Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connections to Los Angeles.
City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha.
Mahogany Furniture
for Christmas
From $5 to $50
MAHOCANV IIUIlRAUS fllko cut) $31.60,
othors at 27. I27.S0, $38.00, W.M ond
upward to $100. Somo beautifully finish
ed goods, Wll you boo thorn?
MAHOGANY DESKS (llko rut) $10.80
others at $11.70, 112.60, $16.00, $19.80, $26,
$28, $50. Oak from $5 to $25. All SO pM
cent less than former prlcos.
With tho exception of dlnmonds, you cannot find n moro lasting Christmas present
thnn a plcco of good furnlturo.
Shiverick Furniture Co.,
The Great Christmas Sale,
1315 to 1319 Farnam St.