Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Innt7rjDompftny Paji Hbruk in J. H.
Gaffln'i Cm.
apartment la Ilandlcnppeil lir I.nek
of rncUltltn-II. H. White of North
Platte on Fnlr Com.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 17. (Special.) Tho
Ihortago of former Oil Inspector J. N.
5ffln was today made good by the pay
Dent of $622.03 to the state by the Fidelity
ind Deposit company of Ilaltlmore. Tho
lettlemcnt was brought about by the State
Hoard of Compromise, of which tho attor
ney Keneral( elate treasurer and state
tudltor nro the mombers. A check for tho
imount due tho Btiitn waa given to tho
luditor and by him was turned over to the
treasury depnrtmont.
Tho fatluro of Mr. Onflln to make a com
plete settlomont with tho state at the time
he rotlred from offlco was discovered by
Oil Inspector K. R. Hizcr a fow days after
he assumed his duties and was promptly
roported to tho attornoy goneral, Tho
bonding company was notified and a repre
sentative was sont hero to check over tho
records. Tho Investigation proved that all
money received by Oaffln had not been ac
counted for and an offer on a compromise
basis was mado to tho state. As reported
by Mr. Slier tho shortage waa 1G22.03. Tho
books Indicated that $100 of this amount
had been withhold from tho salary of a
tcnographer In tho offlce. Mr. OafTIn filed
nn amdavlt asserting that the 1100 was ex
pended for other clerk hire and tho bonding
company offered to Bottle the balance. After
ome consideration tho board agreed to
tho offer and Uio settlement was completed
ted ay.
Tho Stnto Iloard of Compromise was ere
nted by nn act of tho last legislature. Tho
chief object of tho law wan to enable tho
utate officials to effect a compromise with
tho bondsmen of former Treasurer Hartley,
but by 1U terrcs tho board Is authorized
to sottlo other claims which are In dispute.
J. N. Oaffln was ono of tho organizers of
tho pcoplo's Independent party nnd for a
tlmo acted as chairman of Its stato cen
tral committee. Ho was appointed oil In
spector by Governor Poyntcr to succeed J. j
II. Edmlstcn.
Pew Seeker After Wnrli.
"No, wo'ro not having many applications
for employmont these days," said It. A.
Hodge, chief clerk In tho state employment
offlce, today. "Wo havo reasons to bollovo
that thero are a great many without work,
but they do not communlcato tholr condi
tion to this department. Most of thorn aro
farmhands who worked steadily during tho
summer month and wcro laid off In the
fall becauso of tho local crop damage.
"An erroneous Impression provalls among
the unemployed that tho crop damago wbb
goneral all over tho state and for that rea
son work la scarce. For Instance, a man
who lives In a community that lost heavily
through tho drouth last summer believes
that conditions aro tho same elBcwhero
and ho ts content to remain whero he Is In
anticipation of steady work next summer.
"Thore are somo localities In this state
who re employment may bo had for tho ask
ing. Wo have an application here from
Dodge county for a man for steady, con
tinuous employment, but know of no one
to fill tho position. Cases of this kind, of
course, are rare at thin season of the year.
It would' b Impossible to estimate tho
number ot laborers and farmers unem
ployed, not becauso ot their number, but
because wo have no facilities for gathering
Itntistlcs ot this nature. Tho department
deals almost exclusively with farmers and
our service Lamong thin class Is scattering.
. Atwnya Work on Itntlrnndn.
1 "Wo havo frequently boon asked whether
we can furnish employment to railroad
laborers. Thero Is always raoro or leas
Railroad oxtenslon or construction or grad
ing going on, but tho work la invariably
flono uuder contract and tho laborers arc
supplied by the agencies In Omaha and
pther largo cities that aro In closo touch
With tho contractors and know their needs
and aro In a position to fill them. Theso
agencies can give tho mon transportation
to tho point whero thoy aro to be put to
work. The laborers know this, they know
ur Inability to glvo them work and couao
Buontly apply only to tho railroad labor
"Tho freo employmont feature was added
to the v-ork ot tho department ot labor and
Industrial statistics four years ago and may
be said to bo In Its lnfanoy. Dut still con
siderable good work has boon done In the
way ot finding work for tho unemployed,
ind the experience of those few years has
luggested, soveral changes In the law gov
lining the work which should meet with the
approval ot the legislature.
Department la Handicapped.
"In the first place the department U
handicapped In not having facilities for as
certaining where employment may be bad
If a man tells ua he wants a man to work
tor him we roako a record of the fact and
consult our books to see whether any man
baa applied for work ot tho kind offerod. It
bo man la available we havo only to wait
until somo man does apply who fills the bill
We cannot go out and look for the position
por can we go out and look for the man to
DU the position. Thero should be some
provisions made for advertising for help
when help Is wanted,' and for positions
Iwhen positions are wanted.
I "Another thing which stands as a bar to
he successful operation ot the department
Is the tact that we have only ono office,
Which Is located In the state house. Wo
should have some representation at the
labor centers and then wo would bo In a
position to deal In labor ot all kinds, skilled
hnd unskilled. Thero Is no reason why tho
stato cannot conduct an employmont
Vgoocy as successfully as a prlvato In
dividual or corporation.
i. Branches Proposed ICIsevrhnre.
I It Is tho unnnlmous opinion of all per
iods who havo boon connected with this
Bfflco that branches should be established In
Dmaba, Fremont, Grand Island and per
baps one or two othor places. Under this
arrangement close communication could be
bad with the large employers, and It would
pot be nocessary to carry on our work by
malt. Supposo, for tnstanco, a man In Fre
tnont la without work and without much
monoy. If ho wants to do business with
Ar department ho must either pay his fare
to Llnooln or communlcato with us by
mall. To got a letter to Lincoln and reply
In roturn would tako at loast three days
to say nothing of tho correspondence with
tho prospootlvo employer, which would be
hocessary In nearly all canes.
"When the Nebraska legislature proposed
lo ostabllsh a free employment ngency tho
commissioner ot labor of the stato ot 111!
hots foresaw the difficulties under which
we would havo to work If tho bill then pend
tag bocamo a law, lie said In his annual
'report that the functions ot tho bureau of
labor and Industrial statistics wera so en
tlrelr distinct from tho functions of the
employment bureau that any attempt t
unite them absolutely, us contemplated by
Nebraska and Montana, would Impair th
usefulness ot both and likely destroy them
"There ts a great work to e accoro
1 BlUbed la the finding of work for the un
employed, nnd our prayer Is that the leg
islature will provide means with which we
can perform the beat possible service. Our
records show that tho department has given
work to over 600 unemployed. It Is rea
sonable to suppose that many others whom
wo have recommended havo found positions,
but failed to report the fast."
On Trlnl fur (lltlllnii's II tinier.
The preliminary trial of C. K. Hcywood,
who Is accused of the murder of John Chil
ian, was continued In police court today and
will be resumed tomorrow. Testimony on
behalf of the defendant was presentedi all
tending to prove an alibi. Daisy Dougherty
testified that Heywood was with her during
most of tho evening and Homer Morton, his
half brother, said he accompanied him to
the 10:30 train for Montana the night of
the murder. Heywood tald he knew noth
ing of the murder until arrested by Malotie
two weeks ago.
Activity In lee Tutting.
The prolonged cold weather has caused
greater activity In Ico cutting than has
been seen hero for several winters. Ex
tending for n dlstanco of about fifteen miles
northwest ot Lincoln U the broad, clear
Oak creek and the Ice taken from It Is tho
best that can be obtained In this vicinity.
Hut tho last few winters have not been
good Ice producera and tho creek has passed
through each of them with Its contents
practically undiminished. This year the
record-breaking cold weather has frozen u
thick, hard surface, which In unusual nt
this tlmo of the season and Is In great de
mand. Tho Ilock Island Itallroad company
is beginning the work with an order for
260 carloads of the Ice. After this demand
has boon filled tho other railroads will tako
their turn at the Ice cutting and the work
will bo carried on day and night without
cessation so long as tho Ice lasts,
I'lipreeedented PrelKht llnslness,
All railroads entering Lincoln report an
unprecedented freight business since Octo
ber 1. The officials say that more and
larger shipments have been carried and
that collections aro better than for several
yearn past.
"Tho only reason wo can suggest for tho
big Increase In freight business Is tho gen
eral prosperous condition ot business and
trade throughout tho country." said an
official today. "Hero In Lincoln we havo
more, stores than last year. Sales, both
wholesale and retail, are better nnd our
business Is unquestionably greater than for
several years past. So far as we havo ob-
Horvcd not much more Christmas merchan
dise has been carried this year, but nil lines
ro active. This cold weather has given us
II wo want to do In handling coal. We
avo difficulty In getting enough cats to
carry tho fuol, but thero Is no possibility
f this condition producing a coal famino,
for tho railroads will provide means for tho
transportation of all coal that Is needed,
even In tho coldest weather."
Fifth Member of Fair Commission,
Govornor Savage today named H. S. White
' North Platte as tho fifth member of tho
commission, which will arrango for a state
xhlblt at the Louisiana Purchase expos!
tlon In St. Louis In 1003. As previously nn.
nounced the othor members are: O. W.
Wattles and E. E. Rruco of Omaha, J. Ster
ling Morton ot Nebraska City, nnd C. H.
Kudge ot Lincoln. All members will ac
company Governor Savage to St. Louis
Thursday, to attend tho meeting ot exposi
tion authorities on tho Louisiana Purchaso
flag day, December 20. Governors and com
missioners from other states In tho Louisi
ana territory have also been Invited to at
Mr. Whlto was chosen to represent the
live stock ot the state. The appointment
was tendered him several days ago and a
tolegram was received from him this aft
ernoon saying that ho would accept.
Extension In Trust I, aw Case.
The Bupromo court today granted forty
days' time for the filing ot brlefn In the
case of tho state against tho Argo Manu
facturing company. This is tho caso Instl
tuted by tho former attorney general under
the Nebraska anti-trust law. All evidence
and testimony has been submitted and the
case now awaits argument nnd submission
to the court.
Tho caso of tho Crawford company against
Hathaway, which Involves tho constitution
ollty of tho irrigation law of tho state, has
been assigned for argument tomorrow.
At this morning's session of the court
tho caso of tho stato against George Van
Duron, who was convicted In Cherry county
of stealing cnttle and aonjenced to four
yean) In tbo penitentiary, was argued and
submitted. Insufficiency of ovldenco and er
ror In tho Instructions of tho lower court
aro the grounds upon which tho dofendant
seeks a roversal.
Sell Stock nt Norfolk.
Ilobert C. Clancey, prlvato secretary to
tho governor, nnd Deputy Stato Treasuror
Illlman will go to Norfolk tomorrow to sfell
the stock ot tho Hospital for the Insano In
that city at public auction. All furnlturo
and farm machinery will be retained, as It
Is believed by the stato officials horo that
tbo legislature will order the Institution
New Incorporation.
Articles of Incorporation of the Carpenter
Paper company of Omaha were recorded In
tho secretary of stato's office today. The
company Is capitalized for $400,000 and Its
Incorporators are: Isaao W. Carpenter,
William G. Carpenter and James A. Carpen
New articles of Incorporation of the Lin
coln Gas and Electric company of this city
havo been filed with the secretary ot state
Tho capital stock ts $2,500,000 and the In
corporators are: A. Lincoln Egllnton,
Frank W. Fraueauff and I. E. Wettllng.
A certified copy ot tho proceedings ot the
Nebraska Baptist state convention at ntalr
on October 8 woro recorded at the capltol
today. J. II. Webster of Omaha Is president
ot tho association.
For IlavltiK Fralrle Chickens.
Special Deputy Gamo Warden A. n. Mar
tin of Genoa, Nance county, reports that ho
arrestod Charles Agustan last week with
two pralrlo chickens in his possession
Charles was offering them for sale. When
arrested he said he had found them lying
near a telegraph pole nnd supposed that
they had been killed by flying against tho
wlro. Mr. Martin thought tho story rather
thin, bo consulted Deputy Oamo, Warden
Slmpklns. Deputy Carter left for Genoa
last night.
Tho last of the claims against tho Pan
American exposition fund were paid today
leaving a balanco of $1,800. Commissioner
E. L. Vance was paid $1,200 for his services,
the rate belug fixed at $150 per month by
the legislature.
W. C. Eastman of this city, Janitor In the
executive department at the state house
was today promoted to the position of head
Janitor to fill a vacancy that has existed
soveral weeks. His predecessor, O. Drown
of Tekamah, resigned.
Governor Savago today honored a requlsl
tlon from Illinois for Frederick Bonnebs
who Is under arrest In Omaha on tbo charge
of wlfo abandonment. He will be taken
back to Chicago tor trial by; pctectlve James
Fire Destroys Fremont, Klkhorn
Missouri Valley Hallrnntl's fttn
tlon In One Hour.
BRAINAKD, Neb., Dec. 17. (8peclal
Telegram.) About 9:30 this morning the
Fremont, Elkhoru & Missouri Valley depot
caught fire and within an hour was la
shes. Agent Maules' furniture was re
moved, but was damaged. Tho citizens
turned out In numbers and with buckets
carried water to the fire, but owing to the
trong north wind nothing could be done.
It looked for a time as though tbo Uralnard
High school and the Nye & Schneider ele
ctor and lumber yard would catch on fire,
but the wind changed enough to save them.
The fire originated In tho dwelling part at
the north end ot the building.
lly Mutual Arrnnnetnent He (Jives Ills
Wife Seven Tlimmnnd
Dollars Allmonr.
HEATIUCE, Neb., Dec. IT. (Special Tele.
gram.) A great surprise was sprung today
In the district court when S. Itlnaker, an
attorney of this city, filed n petition for
Mrs. Clara B. Murphy, wife of Hon. O, A.
Murphy, for a divorce upon tho ground of
ruclty and tho fatluro of the defendant to
treat her ns a husband should treat his
wife, claiming that he frequently went on
Journeys without the formalities of bidding
cr goodby or telling her where ho was
going; that he had written her" that their
marrlago vn a mistake once when away
from home nnd that ho never could live
with her as her husband nny longer.
Mr. Murphy did not nppcar ngalnst his
wife and the decree of divorce as prayed
for In the petition waa granted by Judge
C. I), Lctton.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy were mnrrled at
ort Wayne, Ind., twenty years ago laat
uue nnd aro highly respocted In this com
munity, whero they havo lived for a num
ber of years. Mr. Murphy has served as
county attorney of this county, was elected
o tho stato senate In 1S95 on tho repub
lican ticket and was tbo running mato ot
Judge Hayward four years ngo when ho ran
for governor. Mr. Murphy has accumu-
ated quite a snug fortune, and by a mu
tual agreement Mrs. Murphy receives as
llmouy real cstato In Jefferson and Gage
counties valued at $7,000.
Waste Paper Thrown AR-nlnst Wires
Cntmea Uxeltemcnt nt
FREMONT, Nob,, Doc. 17. (Special.) A
lively time occurred around tho Fremont
Nntlonnl bank corner nbout 6 o'clock this
morning, Tho burglar alarm went off, awak
ening John France, an employo ot tho
American ExprcHs company, who sleeps In
tho offlco of the company, In tho rear of the
building. France thought ho hoard somo
onc at tho door and fired two shots, ono of
which came uncomfortably close to tho ears
ot a boy who was delivering tho morning
papers. Tho boy nt onco called n pollco
man. Tho bank officials wcro summoned,
and while somo guarded the doors of the
bank, others with lanterns nnd revolvers
went through the building without discover
ing anything out of tho way.
When thoy reached tho basement, "old
John" Hnsnett was cleaning out tho fur
naces and ho dropped tho poker and called
out, "What's tho matter?" It waa found
that porno wasto paper had been thrown up
against tho wires, completing a circuit and
setting oft tho alarm. Albert VanAnda, tho
boy who wns delivering tho papers, wna
hit In the mouth by a splinter of wood from
tho door and tho bullet evidently passed
within a toot or so ot his head.
t'nlversnl Interest Shown li- All nnd
Ilrncllcinl Result Is Ins
pected. BEAVEIt C1TV. Neb., Dec. 17. (Special
Telegram.) A two days' session of the
Farmers Instlttito closed hero tonight. In
splto of tho bitter cold weather thero has
been a nplcmlid attendance, farmers having
driven an far ns flfteon miles. Tho In-
(crest has been Intense nnd much good work
will rosult. Hon. M. F. Greeley of South
Dakota spoke on the advnntage of tho farm
home, his lecture was well received. Mrs
Bertha D. Uiwson of Minnesota gave prac
tical talks on houshold sanitation and
cooking cheap nnd nutrltous food, which
was ono of tho featuros of tho Institute.
A. L. Hacker and E. Von Forel, regent of
tho Stato university, spoko along their spe
clnl lines, dairying and forago cropa. Theso
wero discussed by local experts and many
good IdeaB wcro brought out. Tho resources
of tho Beaver valley as an alfalfa producing
region nnd tho valtiablo qualities of this
wonderful forago plant received laudatory
Prank Ilenner Endeavors to Pass Ile-
twern Cars and Meets U
stant Death.
PLATTSMOUTH, Nob., Doc. 17. (Spe
cial.) Frank Homier, 30 years of age, who
Is working In tho Burlington blacksmith
shop hero, was Instantly killed this after
noon whllo passing betweon two cars in tho
yard. A train was being made up and tho
engine pushed ono car back against another
and Ilenner wub crushed In between the
two. A coronor'B Inquest will be held to
locate the responsibility of the cause of tho
death. Mr. Ilenner was a soldlor In tho
First Nebraska In tbo Philippines. Rcnner
makw the third employo of tho Burlington
company who has recently boen killed by
the cars ot the company.
Itoad Not Illumed for Killing of Ren-
nard Wllllant Hates Arrested ,
for Assault.
PLATTSMOUTH, Nob., Dec. 17. (Special
Telegram.) The coroner's Jury exonorated
tho Burlington Hallway company and Its
employes from all liability In tho acci
dental killing at Frank Rcnnard.
William Bates, 19 years of age, son of
Edward Bates, was arrested, charged with
assault upon Miss Grace Chrlsman, under
the age ot 14 years, and taken before Judge
Archer this ovcnlng. Tho dofendant gave
bond and his hearing wns set for next Sat
John Sundns Nenot lntm for Hentnl of
Tecumseh Fair Grounds for
Next Rummer's Gathering;,
TECUMSEH, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.)
Hon', John Sundas ot Auburn, manager ot
tho Auburn Chautauqua, ts figuring with
tho directors of tho Johnson county fair
with a view to securing tho local fair
grounds for tho holding of the proposed
Tecumseh Chautauqua next summer. It bo
gins to look as It Tecumseh will get a Cbau
Funeral ot Mrs. Mnrurnret Steele.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.)
The funeral of Mrs, Margaret Steele, who
died on Saturday at her homo In Falls City,
wag held yesterday at her late residence. A
largo crowd wan In attendanco, Tho ser
mon wag preached by Rev. W. B, Alex
ander, pastor of tho Methodist Episcopal
church, and the remains were laid to re3t
In the Steele cemetory. Mrs. Steele was
the mother of Mrs. F. W. Samtielson of this
city, and has tour other grown children In
this county. Her husband, Hon. Joseph
Steele, died tome six years ago.
This Day u Pticiptibly Watatr in
Wind Sot Likely to He Hothersome
and Clouds to He invisible
Forecnster Hejolce's with
I People.
By 3 or 4 o'clock p. m., today the tempera
turo In Omaha will be perceptably warmer
and may reach 16 degrees abovo zero, which
would be more than a dozen points warmer
than It was yesterday at the samo hours,
Thero will not bo wind enough to bother
about and probably no snow or even cloudi
ness. That tells the wholo In Its abbreviated
form. To go Into details, It may bo said
that a season ot higher temperature wns
prodlctcd by Forecaster L. A. Welsh yester
day and that the conditions nnd changes
slnco that time havo been precisely thoso bo
anticipated In his cards. He had said that
yesterday would bo cold nnd It was. At 5
a. m., tho mercury was at zero and It fell
to 6 below by 9 p. m.; then It took a-turn
In tho other direction and reached 2 abovo
at 4 o'clock, after which It began Its regu
lar night decline, going to & below at 9
p. m., when tho last reading was mado.
Tho readings mado clscwhcro at 7 p. m.,
seemed to Indicate that the coldest weather
then was In tho upper Mississippi valley
and the Missouri valley. It was 8 above
zero at St, Louis and 2 below at St. Paul.
Valentino reported 8 above; North Platta
16 above; Cheyenno 32 abovo; Denver 46
abovo; Kansas City 4 above; Davenport 4
abovo; Dos Moines 2 above; Blsmark 12 be
low and Huron 8 bolow.
The only snow falling at that hour was
at Wllllston, N. D but during tho day
thero had boen slight flurries at St. Louis,
Kansas City, St. Paul, Detroit and Rapid
Over this final termination of tho Arctic
season, which began early last Friday morn
ing, Forecaster L. A. Welsh of tho local
bureau will bo qulto as rejoiced as will tbo
public, for ho has had little pcaco during
tho last few days, nnd particularly Monday
evening. Ono cold snap trailing tho other
bo closely the first coming so suddenly
commission men and other shippers wcro at
n loss to know what to do, and thoy kept
tho bureau 'phone ringing continually. To
mako matters worse, a report was circu
lated Monday afternoon that tho most
violent blizzard In years was raging In
western Nebraska and then the general
public took a hand In tbo Inquisition. All
sorts ot questions were asked nnd by the
time Mr. Welsh and bis staff had answered
them they were ready to dispute tho last
census report for the city of Omaha.
Late Iteports Fall to Confirm It n morn
of Loss of .Stork nnd
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Dec. 17. (Special
Tolegram.) Today dawned bright and
warm nnd reports from all sections of the
Btnte Indicate that tho storm Is broken.
During tho day tho snow melted and formed
a crust which will prevent Its blowing Into
tho railroad cuts, and unletm moro snow
fnlts tho railroads will cxpcrlenco no moro
Reports of tho condition of stock have
been received from Douglas, Glen Rock,
Casper, Guernsey, Rawlins, Lnramlo, Rock
Springs and Green River and all tell tbo
same story of no lossos.
Lato reports fall to confirm the rumors
of loss of Uvea and It is probablo no per
Eons perished In tho storm other thnn thoso
at Cheyenno, Hanna, Rawlins and Polnt-
III I ii til it K Snow Flurries and Low
Thermometer MkM Waleh
lu nil Ilrenks IIIIin.
HUMBOLDT, Nob., Dec. 17. (Special.)
This section was visited last evening by a
furious Btorm, which fortunately wns of
short duration. The air was for soveral
Jiours filled with a blinding cloud ot fine
Bnow which mado traveling very difficult,
and the thermometer dropped down to
within a few degrees of the low notch of
last week. Houso plants suffered consid
erably, In many InBtances In splto ot tho
near presence of a hard coal burner.
Night Watchman J. J. Turner suffered a
fall on tho slippery walks last night and
sustained a couplo of fractured ribs as a
Iletween RlKht and Ten Inches Thick
and of Excellent
FREMONT, Neb., Dee. 17. (Special.)
The mercury dropped to 8 degrees below
zero yesterday afternoon and a strong wind
sprung up from the north, accompanied by
a slight snow, delaying trains on all roads.
This morning ono of tho Ico companies
commenced putting up Its winter sup
ply. It Is botwecn eight and ten Inches
thick nnd ot an unusually good quality.
Tho Ice supply for 1901 ran short and dur
ing tho last ot tho season Ico waa obtained
from Omaha.
Snow Melts nnd Thermometer nines
Forty Degrees nt Dead
wood. DEADWOOD, S. D.. Doc. 17.r-(Spoclal
Tolegram.) Tho thermometer has risen 10
degrees slnco morning, and tonight the
Bnow ts melting and the wenther Is like
spring. Tho thcrmomtcr has been ns low
as 32 degrees below zoro the last week,
Owners Have flood Harris and Plenty
ot Feed to Stand Severity
of Weather.
YORK, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.) Cold
weather continues, with snow flurries.
Owners of stock in York county havo good
barns nnd plenty of feed and no loss ot
stock Is reported.
IltKh Wind nt West Point.
WEST POINT, Neb.. Deo. 17. (Special.)
A severe storm broke upon this section late
yesterday afternoon. A heavy snow fell,
with a boisterous north wind. The ther
mometer dropped to 10 below zero Inside of
a halt hour and It has been steadily cold all
Violent Storm nt Plalnvlrw,
PLAINVIEW, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special,)
A violent storm raced all day yesterday.
Ijist Katurilav the thermometer stood nt 31
below zero, a record-breaker for sudden
Nebraska City Wants .Snow.
NRdRASKA CITY. Neb.. Dec. 17. (See
nclal.) There was another sharp tall In the
temperature hero last night The mercury
registered 10 degrees below zero this morn
ing. Farmers are complnlnlng that the ex
treme cold will Injure the winter wheat, as
tho crop Is unprotected by snow. There
has been no rain since October 10.
Farmer Frosen to Death,
WEST POINT, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.)
News reached tho city yesterday that n
Swedish farmer named Gumlcrson, living on
the reservation In tho northern portion of
the county, left Bancroft lnte last night
In a Btnte of Intoxication nnd wns found
next morning frozen to death.
Five llelow nt tlcneva.
GENEVA, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.) This
morning the mercury registered 5 degrees
below zero.
Portland Flyer Mnkes ItrKiltar Stops
at Iliimhotdt to Meet Pop
ular Demand.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Dee. 17. (Special.)
Since tho westbound train No. 13 has been
mado n fust trnln Humboldt has been suf
fering from poor nccommodnttons for thoso
licstrlni; to go west, thero belug only ono
train each day In that direction. The mat
ter was taken up by a number of leading
buslnctis men, who ccmraunlcnted with tho
rnllrond authorities, ndvlslng them of the
situation, Today word was received to tho
effect that an order had been mado for No,
41, known ns the Portland Flyer to mako
regular stops at Humboldt In the future.
Kenesnw .VI nn, t'linrnrit with ScIIIiik
lntuvlciints Without License,
In Arrested.
HASTINGS, Neb., Doc. 17. (Spcclal.)
John B, Cook of Kenesnw wns arrested yes
terday on tho charge ot selling liquor with
out a license. Cook was brought to Hast
ings and taken before Judge Bow en, whero
bo waived examination nnd gave bond for
his nppearanco ut tho uoxt term of tho dis
trict court. Several barrels of liquor were
seized and Judge Howen ordered tho same
to bo destroyed.
Sheriff Wheeler of Pliittsmonth Taken
I'm nk Work nnd lirorxo
Wnlker to Lincoln,
PLATTSMOUTH, Nob., Dec. 17. (Spo
clnl.) Sheriff W. D. Wheeler took Frank
Work nnd Oeorgo Walker to tho stato peni
tentiary today. Both will ervo four years
ut hard lnbor. tho former for grand lar
ceny and tho latter for burglary at Avoca,
Nob. Work hired a livery rig In Nebraska
City nu4 drovo 11 to Weeping Water nnd
sold it.
Interstate llluh School Dehnte.
YORK, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.) Tho In
terstate high school debate between Aurora
and York High schools will be at York
auditorium on Thursday evening, December
19. Tho quostlon is, "Thnt It would be derl
mental to tho best Interests of this country
to extend BUffrago to women." York hns
the afflrmatlvo and Aurora tbo negative.
tloodmnnsou Not Known There.
TACOMA, Wnsh., Dec. 17. (Special Tele
gram.) J. Sidney Onodmanson, formerly of
Pender,. Neb., who wns tried nnd acquitted
In Nebraska on the charge of murdering his
first wlfo, has been reported aa being lynched
In Washington for tho murdor of his second
wife. Investigation falls to verify tho re
port. Goodmanson Is not known here.
Klopers Itetuvn.
ATKINSON, Neb., Dec. 17. (Special.)
Gcorgo Collins, who recently camo to this
place from his home nt Wahoo, Neb., nnd
eloped two weeks ago nfter about a month's
acquaintance, hah returned here with his
wife, formorly Miss Lottie Tullcr.
Jury Suys P. J. Mlnltcr Is F.ntltled
to Sales CliarKes and In
terest. DEADWOOD, S. D., Doc. 17. (Special.)
In tho caso of P. J. Mlnltor nnd W. J.
Thornby ngalnst Frank A. Waters, suit for
commission on n mining sale, the Jury re
turned a verdict finding for the plaintiffs
on nil tho Issues and nwardlng them $9,005
with interest from August, 1900.
South Dnkotn Incorporations,
PIERRE, S. D Doc. 17. (Special.)
Theso nrtlclcs of incorporntjon havo been
Mammoth Hot Springs company, at Hot
Springs, with n cupltal of JoO.OW. Incor
porators; A. S. Miner, J. A. Martin and 13.
W. Martin,
Orent Eastern Patent unci Novelty Manu
facturing company, at Pierre, with n cap
itnl of J2UO,uU0. Incorporators Mrtx Zlctlcr,
Julius ilelnrich and Oscar Nelson,
J. H. Rock Manufacturing compnny, nt
Pierre, with u cnpltnl of $25,000. Incorpora
tors: Leverett E. Knglesby, John D. Rock
and Oscar Nelson.
Frunko, Htelner A Miller company, nt
Pierre, with a cnpltnl of $3,000. Incorpora
tors: William O. Frnnke, Edwin F. Miller
nnd L. L. Stephens.
Tununcnuca woia-i-opner ljcvciopmeni
company, at Pierre, with n cnpltnl of $1,-
000,000. Incorporators: C. M. Huntoon, P.
K, .Mcuiven, .u. nniuiicr, v. .u. u, luiiuuiii
and V. H. Williams.
Apportions Money to Schools.
PIERRE. S. D Dec. 17. (Spoolal Tele
gram.) Tho state land department today
apportioned $34,000 of Interest and Income
fund to tho schoolB of tho state. This is 54
cents por capita on school population and a
total of $2.54 for the year.
Is dangerous,
but there is timely warning.
The danger signal x
is hoarseness.
A day or two before the attach
the child becomes hoarse,
then a rough cough appears.
The following night
the child. has
It can be preventer
can be warded off.
There is a remedy
a safe one,
and sure too.
It never fails.,
It is called
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Given, as soon
as the child becomes hoarse,
or even
after the rough cough appears,
it will prevent the attach.
It has done so
thousands and
thousands of times
and has
nevcrbcenilnown": to.faU
(One of the Matty I'nmiiiK m tvtin llrllee In Pe-rn-ttn.)
, llrlgndtcr General Oeorgo W. Cook, Washington, D. C, writes;
"As n number of my frlciuls have used Periiiiu tor catarrh, with
such totKl results, 1 can safely recommend it to all siifl'erors of like dis
orders." HR1GADIKH GKNl'KAI. (il-'OKUIS W. COOK.
Catarrh is the Scourge of the Nine
teenth Century.
Ilnve you catarrh' Maybo you have not;
but do you know that a person may havo
catarrh of tho bead, cntnrrh of tho throat,
catarrh of the lungs, catarrh ot tho
stomach, catarrh of tho bowels, catarrh of
the kidneys, catarrh of tho bladder, nnd
also tho othor pelvic organs? Aro nny of
these orpnni nffectcd In your case?
If so, tho probability Is that you havo
chronic catarrh. So many people think
that catarrh Is confined to tho head.
This is not true. Cutarrh may uffect nny
organ of the body. Thousands of people
who have been sick a long tlmo have
catarrh, but do not know It. Thoy have
doctored for every imaginable disease but
catarrh, and flml no cure.
! I
I I I I I I' I
The quaint old mission towns
and the; lovely nensldp resorts
of Southern (Inllfornla aro
by tlioiisitnilH of tourists who
Over the Union Pacific
Iipc'ihiho It Is tlio host and
qnli'la'st route. In addition
to the I'lilhuan I'iiIiipp Sleep
ers the UNION PACIl-'ir
runs Pullman Ordinary Sleep
ers every day,
Leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. m.
Tlifbu Ordinary Curs aro
I'er.oonally Conducted every
Wednesday and I'rldny from
Omalia. A Pullman Ordinary
Sleeper also leaves Omalia
ovory Tuesday nt 11:120 P. M.
for I.os Angeles.
For full Information nddress
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam
Phone 316
U. St. Louis - -8:00 P, M.
Ar, Hot Springs, Ark, Mil A. M.
Par Pamphlet Apply to Afrent.
General PossenBcr and Ticket Agent,
ST. i.oris MU.
I Loan of l'otrer,
1 OrRMilo Vrnl.
iirH,t aririicrio,
I Dlsrime of Out
fimntato Kland,
Kidney nn il
lllntlilor Tron
lile, Ilupt ore,
ht rlotunt unit
Untltiica for Hnrrlng. Katnbllshed 1864.
Chartered by tho Htato. Call or stato caso by
mall, for Vnr.V. HUM K TltEA.TME.NT.
Address! Dr. La CROIX,
1 Iron Pluck MJU.WAOUEE, WIN-
They have never thought thnt what they
had been calling dyspepsia, or llvor com
plaint, or kidney disease, or tcmnlc. weak
ness, Is catarrh of theso organs. If they
did know that this was the case they would
get Peruna nnd cure thcmselvuh,
Perunn cures catarrh of any locality.
If cattrrh Is In the head. Peruna cures It;
If In the stomach, Perunn cures It, llkewlso
of the liver or kidneys or nny other
organs of tho human body.
Kverybody enn get a free copy of a book
on catarrh nnd other dlsenscs of winter by
writing nt oncu to Tho Peruna Medicine
Company, of Columbus, Ohio, 61 pages, In
structively lllusl rated.
If you do not receive prompt nnd satis
factory results from tho use of Peruni,
write nt once to Dr. Ilnrtmnu, giving a full
stntement of your case, and ho will be
pleased to give you his vnlunblu advlca
Address Dr llartinnn. President of Tho
Ilnrtmnu Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio,
omce llnnra, er n. nt. 111 I) p.
Smiilnyi, fro in S m. mu to (1 p. m,
DR, McGREW(Age53)
DIst'ltai'n mill ili'i'M ut .t.cii (Inly,
tl Yfiim i:iicrii-nci:. jf, ,.lu.,
VARiCOCELEw,lou,lnc,uTin,lmn lt dny
QVPUH iQ and ull lllood JJlsi'iiKes cured
OirniLIO iur I lie. All hlualciug out 1111 J
bliitiH oi 1 lie Olscuyo disappear nt once.
nutu oil nun -ub,;b -uruu ot jiuivoM
UVCn lUjUUU deUMItj, loss of vitality
unci all i.nii.itui'al weaknesses' of inoii.
Stricture, Gleet, Kidney ami liludder Dis
eases, llydrocclu, cured perma neatly.
I uii'x (j nil rn 11 1 ceil, ('.mail 1 1 ill Ion I'rrr.
Treatment uy mull. 1'. o. Hon ,6.
Ofllce over 2Io .S, 14th street, between Par
Hum ulld DooisIur St . OMAHA, J&H.
Weputy fltate Veterinarian.
Pood Inspector.
H. L. RAK1ACCI0TT!, D. V. S,
Office and Inllrtnnry. :8th nnd Mason HU,
Xlci)Uoao 639.
"machinery AND FOUNDRY
Davis & Gowgili iron Works.
101, ino mm a 1005 JaoUiga ItrMt,
Omalia, Neb. .Tel. DOS.
B. Zaaiiakle. Acent. J. B. CawgUl, lfa
Mnnufftiuurnrn and Jebbaraot
Steam and Water Supplies
Of All ICInda.
1014 nn1 1010 DOtTOLAB T,
Uestern Electrical
v Company
Electrical Supplier
Macule Wlrlae Belli aad Qu Mgfctlaa
li, W, JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 Howard at.
Omaha Tent & Awning Co.,
David Cole Co.,
White Plume Celery, Poultry.
41C South Uth 8t