THE OMAHA DAILTIIEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1001. nuo.s. Tlip Ilrrnlil of Kniiln. fin in .l"t . rrl pili From the Icy home of tho Jolly old fellow, bringing to his chief the second Installment of beautiful gift ami toys that we have hardly room In which to store them; Santa Claim says our toy department In the best plaro to show toys nnd Rifts he ever saw. That Is the reason he makes our sturo his headquarters. TOY DKPAHTMHNT ON MAIN' KI.OOU, " AN'.VnX; NO STAIRS TO CLIMII, NO WA1TINO I'OIl KIiKVATOlt. A carload of sleds on sale today, noys' nnd girls' sleds from 19c up; go carts nnd doll carriages, 75 styles, all kinds of trimmings, from l'Jc up; doll swings nnd cradles, doll chairs, etc., from 10c up, croklnnlo boards, regular 11.50 boards, our Bale, special price, 9Sc; combination boards, regular $3.75 boards (50 games can bo played on these), special price, $2.50; back gammon and cIiosh boards, 25c; thousands of the most popular games, frotn 3c up, pony tricycle, nil we have left of the regu lar $3.50 kind, special price, $1.25; boyj tool chosts, nil sizes, special price, 49c up; magic lantern (sperlnl samplo line), from $1.25 up; child's tea sets, packed In solid wood cases, .$1.20; 3J)00 dozen dolls to se lect from of every kind, size anil make from 2c to $10.00; doll heads, bisque, china, nd unbreakable. Greatest display of fancy dressing cases, comb nnd brush sots, collar and cult boxes,, smoking and shaving sets, manicure sets, work boxes, etc., novcltlefl that nrc to be found nowhero ulso and only one or two pieces of ii kind, nil from the. (bouso sam ples) of tho largest fancy goods Importing house In America, lloautlful hnnd painted celluloid novelties, useful, ornamental und ortlMIc, glove boxes, knick-knack boxes, col lar and cuff boxes, oie.. nil lem than half the usual price. Fancy celluloid pieces, hand painted, glove, handkerchief or necktie case, pcclol price, 25c ench. Attend the great Jewelry sale. Open evenings until Christmas. IIAYDKN DUOS. MUNGER GETS TRACKAGE CASE Poor I'ruspppt of .selllcniPiit f IJInlitli .Street IJillleulty nt llnrly IIiiIp. Tho fight of tho Northwestern nnd nurllngton roads for Eighth street priv ileges is up to Judge Muugtr, tho transcript huving been filed In tho ofllco of tho clerk of tho United Slates circuit court for tho district of Nebraska yesterday. Its prospects for Immediate, consideration, however, nro thought to bo extremely poor, us tho court ImB mutters In hand thnt will probably consume tho tlmo until nt least nftor the holidays. Mcnn whllo thero Is nothing for tho roadr. and tho public to do but wnlt and wonder. 1,1.11111:1) l'AHTV I'nr Oolrnl Ainprlen. , leaving Omnha Januury 12th, going via Bt. Louis nnd Now Orleans, tuklng tho Now und Klognnt Steamer "Ureakwater" of tho United Fruit nnd Mnll company, sailing from Now Orleans, 9:00 n. m Jnnuary 16th, thonco I'uorto llarrlos, thenco to C.uatemala City via Northern railroad, passing through tho Garden Spot of Central America from tho Tropical to Tempernto Zones, nlong banks of rivers, Cocoanut I'lnntatlons, tronlcnl ForcBts. Corn Fields. Sugar, IUco nnd Tobncco I'lnntatlons. Tho most delightful winter trip lrangln able. Tho cnpltnl, Guatemala City, Is one of tho most beautiful cities In tho world, provided with flrst-clnss hotels, electric lights nnd nil modern Improvements of a Metropolitan Citv. surrounded by Mountains, nnd vol canoes. Tho grandest cllmnto lu tho world A stop of about ton days nt tho city, thenco to San Joso on tho Pacific coast, n dlstanco of about seventy-four miles. A most Inter eating nnd especially nttractlvo sldo trip, passing through ruins of old cities, which hiivn been thoro for nges, Returning so ns to nrrlvo In Now Orleans to witness tho Mnrdl Gras nnd cnrnlvnls. I'usscngers du siring to remain longer In tho south can leavo party nt New Orlenns, returning nt nny tlmo up to Juno 1st. Mr. J. A. liar thol, general manager, Northern Hallway of Guatemala, will meet party nt Puerto llarrlos and personally conduct them through tho ontlro trip, whllo In Central America, Mr. Unrthol being well acquainted with tho country. Innguago and all points of Interest. Hound trip from Omaha back to Omaha, Including railroad and sleeping car. faro both wnys, meals nnd stateroom on Btcnmor, $138.00. For descriptive mat ter or nil Information, call on or write W. II. Green, Hnotn 405, Now York Ufo Hulld log, Omaha, Neb. Shampooing and hair dressing, 26c. In connection with tho Ilathcry. 216-220 Do building. Telephone) 1716. Aniiouiieeinriiln of Hip Tlienlprs. nvcry woman attending tho matinee at tho Orphoum today will be presented with & souvenir photograph of tho talentei comedienne, Georgia Gardner. Miss Gard ner Is scoring n decided hit In her cleVor llttlo comedy sketch, "Two Many Darlings und her graclousncss nnd refilled essayal bns mado her n great favorlto of tho women Shampoolug nod hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Ilathory, 216-220 De building, Telophono 1716. Stationery and We've an elegant lino of Uox Stationery In nil tho new ,R0u,,.arr.,il't"l, "III1 25o to $U a box; engraved address mid mon ogram dies; stamping. Illuminating and em bossing. Wo linvo nil tho desk nrtlcloa for ladles' or gentlemen's wrUlns jleskH. s IN ublo for Christinas gifts; paper cutters, sp ongo cups, blotters, eraser, seals, muciwso Jnrs, stamp cases, ink wells, pen holders, etc. Mawhinney Jewelers and Art Stall oners Mall orilers rlven tion pucluitea Tretty handkerchiefs in lace or emuroiuereu ar. - ior )c, jc, Hoc, 50o, "He, 1.00 up. Neckwear, ribbon bows, for the hair. Novelties in jewelry, perfumes, stationery, silk underwear, ho siery and umbrellas. Irish hand embroidered centers, doylies, lunch cloths, etc. Mexican and Japanese drawn work, and Hat tonburg pieces of all kinds. Largo stock of real ebony an ob onoid goods in toilet seta and pieces of all kind''. Sec our big stock of dolls. A $12,000 spot cash purchase of Men's and Boys' Yarn and Leather Gloves and Mittens The entire stock of Gloves and Mittens of a Chicago wholesaler closed out at 50c on the dollar will be. placed ON SALE TODAY. Boys', girls' mittens, pair 'Hoys' leather tons In kid, sheep and calf skin, pair Sr Ov J $25 Collarettes at $5 each Genuine seal skin collarettes with Persian lnmb yokes, Krlmmcr collarettes marten nnd nstrakhnn com binations, marten and Persian lamb combinations, genulno O reives collarettes, every one worth $23.00, ft n handsome Christmas present Fur Neck Scarfs for Christmas Presents Hundred to select from in Imitation stono marten, I Cnnadlan marten, chinchilla, fox, etc., P" yV nil with handsome cluster of tulls, iJ cholco Muffs for Christmas Presents Genuine nstrakhnn muffs, Canadian tion stono marten, nnd line near seal muffs all at $250 Genuine Seal $150 Persian Lamb Jacket Ladies' Flannel for Christmas A new lot Just received of very stylish reduced prices. J.'.OO flannel walsta nt $1.08. $3. CO flannel waists at Sue. Open Evenings Special Sales Every Evening Until Xmas GRAND DISPLAY OF TOYS on the Third Floor IIEAUTIKUIj nnd DAZZLING Everything Is priced exceedingly low Unlimited varieties, Men's 50c Christmas Neckwear for 25c Wo offer you tho cholco of n splendid lino of Men's Neckwear nt 23c. Tecks, 1owb, four-ln-hanils nnd Mufflers In nlmost endless variety a g vast nrrny of beautiful nnd' tstyllsh patterns, newest colorings, .tC nil 35c nnd 60c qualities, at ML,V Candy! Candy! Candy! PUHK. SWEET AND WHOLESOME CANDY, FHESII FROM THE FACTORY EVERY DAY. THE DEST THE WORLD PRODUCES MINUS THE FANCY PRICES. YOU'LL WANT SOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. IN I1ASEMENT. jnnAunns SPECIAL KXUl'llHION To Central America. Leavo Omaha January 12th, via St. Louis, New Orleans, Puerto Barrios, Guatemala City, San Jose, returning In tlmo for Mardl Gras In Now Orleans. For rates and nil Information, Call or wrlto W. II. Green, Room 405, Now York Life llulldlng, Omaha, Neb. "California (or the Toiirlnt." "Undoubtedly tho best book on California over published by nny Railroad Company." Chicago Chronicle. An Illustrated pamphlet of G8 pages with 70 splendid hnlf-tono cuts, nnd n map of the world 7',4xl9 inches. OIvcb full Information about big trees, groves, natural bridges, climate, geysers, lakes, mineral springs, old missions, and all the natural points of interest In California, also minutely de scribes tho principal cities of that stato. Sent free on receipt of two cents for postage. City Ticket Olllce, 1321 Farnam, 'Phono 310. IfR.OO for ii Ilnir n Ditr'n "orli. If you llvo In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among tho farmers and stockralsers In tho neigh borhood, you can mako $5.00 easily by four or five hours' work. Wrlto us nnd wo will send you our proposition. Tho Heo Publish ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omnha, Neb. Send articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' moetlugs, etc., to The lice. We will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238, Desk Furnishings & Ryan Co., 1KTII AND DOUGLAS STS. careful attention. Selec sunt to responsible parties. Mrs. J. Benson. Yes, Have It If you will take tho time to look over our stock of pretty and useful goods, suit able for Christmas presents, 1 think you will find just what you want. Handkerchiefs from an all linen at He up to tine French hand embroidered at 10.00. Lace up to IS.50. Initial handkerchiefs, all kinds. and childroiiB yarn 1q lined mittens, ISc pair Men's extra heavy warm mittens r7rt pair " Men's extra heavy lined leather 25c mittens pair Men's 75c leather lined gloves 35c and mittens, pair UJ Men's finest lined gloves and niit-er fc marten, Imita 2.98 Skin Jacket, $98. with blended sable, $98. and Silk Waists Presents, flannel and silk waists at greatly $7 no silk waists nt $2.93. All on salo on second lloor. SONS Military Hair Brush Sets. Our assortment of Military Hair Ilrushes was nevor before so complete. Kmbraclng nu innus or wooils, an well ns all tho dlf ferent varieties of bristles. Wo describe u few, us follows: ii. i iigm woou, imitation olive, a rather small brush, oval shape, per pair, $1.00. No. 2 ebonlzcd wood, ovnl shape, small brush, per pair, $1.25. No. 3 Kbonlzed wood, oblong shape, me dlum size, pair, $1.50. Jo. '. Kbonlzed wood (ovnt) with silver mouuts, packed in neat black bdx, pair, .mi. r l'.uonized wood (oval) In paste board box, with comb to match, brushes and comb provided with sterling IIvor mount, prlco of set, $2.50. No. G Kbonlzed wood (oval) sterling mount, In black, leather box, with glove uuiton fnstener lid, per set. $3.00. No. Genulno ebony (oval) short stiff bristle, in neat, stout leather ense, with glovo clasp, small but very handsome set, price, f J.&u. No. 8 Coco llola wood (oval) solid back, u rows long still hrlstiitt, uno nnd sub-, set, $3.00. No. !V Samo brushes exactly as nbovo but with gold plated mountings, nnd packed In neat hlnck case, per set, $3,50. No. 10 Satin wood (light color) oval. solid back, long Htlff bristles, very hand- somu briiHhes, pair, $3.00. No. 11 Samo brush packed In Hole leather case, set, $1,00. No. 12 French brushes, heavy solid rose wood backs, long stiff bristled, pair $1.00. No, 13 Samo brush as ubovo only with nenvy genuino cnony nacK. pair $5.00. No. 11 Mexican hand carved leather case continuing 1 pair genulno ebony hatr brushes, nnd samo quality cloth brushes and hat brush, also comb ami mirror, prlco per bet, $12.00. Any of nbovo cases may bo mailed or ex pressed on receipt of nbove prlco plus 15c for carnage. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th nnd Dodge, Omaha, Nob. REMEMBER THE DATE Its next Saturday, December 21st when wo will sell our eelohrntcii EGYPTIAN LOTUS CltKAM for 0 cents n bottle-there- nro luminous or lotions on the market Out sell for &Oc that nro not hnlf so good aaiuniuy is me nay. 5 CKNTH A HOTTI.E. I Just remember wo nro showlntr a henutl fill lino of l'-jrfumo Atomizers and Shaker 'Top Homes; prices range irom aoc to $1.51); fancy bottles of perfume, 10c to $30, bulk penumc, irom w uj. w ji rnriHian uair luiuo iguarnnieeci).. Jl.kl Wine of CiifcUil.. -'Jc Mistletoe Llililil 13o , 25c I.ixutlvo Hromii Qulnlno ll'c I 25c Qulnncutol, best for culils 20o 1 25a He l tz' extract Ainu. tor 23c 1 $1.00 Magnet Pllo Cure 23o 25c Hlll'b CiHcara Qulnlno 17c 'm: l'liHtcurlim Tooth I'nsto l'.ie 25o box (3 enkes) best soap In America. 15c 50c Cramer's Kidney L'uro (genuine) . lOo $2.00 Cramer s Cotton Hoot und Tansy Pills $1.00 DOc Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin 20c SGHAEFER'S Cut Pries Ur ue Stor rl. TT. 1. W. Cor. UtU mm CUlemm Qcods delivered FREK to anv cart of city. Deputy fltate Veterinarian. Food Inspector. H. L. RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S, CITY VETETIINAIIIAN. Office and Infirmary, 23th and Maaon BU. XelafiAon U3 HAYDEHsmIdefree Having Secured the Services of II. Goldmine, the Celebrated Skirt Maker for Another Week, Commencing Monday, Dec. 16th wo will mako n plain lined skirt freo, providing tho material will not cost less than 75c per yard. You will have the priv ilege of selecting nny material from our high grude dress goods or silk stock, nnd wo will guarantee n perfect lit in every Instance, or money cheerfully refunded No risk to our customers. Mr. Goldstlne has tho most phenomenal success ns a cutter nnd litter, an out of G61 skirts taken In one week ho had only ono misfit. Como early ns orders run by number, nnd first ordered will bo first made. Open evenings until Chrlstmns, vtv SprliiK Kmilntiln Are In. mv Sprint Wimli Nllkn Are In. Big Holiday Business on Silks Dig stock of new silks; big bargain snlcs each day. It will pay you to attend these snles. TWO-HOUR MORNING SALE FROM 9 UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK. 5c Taffeta, nil colors nnd black; 41.00, $1.25 nnd $1.C0 Fnncy Wnlst Silk, $1.25 811k Manuel, $1.00 Itlnck Corded Silks, $1.25 Satin Foulards, $1.00 Hrocadea, $1.50 Stripes nd Plaids, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Colored Velvets over 1,000 pieces of Silk and Velvet In all on sale Wednesday morning, from until 11 o'clock, quantity limited, at 3'jc. All day Wednesday tho following bar gains on sate: $0.00 special Silk Wnlst Pattern for only .98. $7.50 Special Silk Waist Pattoms for only $3.98. $12.50 Special Silk Waist Patterns for only $4.93. $1.25 Hlnck Taffeta Silk, 27 Inches wldo. t only C9c. $2.00 lllack Taffeta Silk, 30 Inches wide, t only $1.00. Illack Peau de Sole. Hlack Gros Grain, lllack Satin. Ulnck Armure, Illack Princess, Illack Poplin, nil worth from $1.50 up to 2.00, on salo nt $1.00. More New Foulards Just Received Moit beautiful styles. They nro quickly selling to those, who like to got llrst selection. Wo nro the only silk department In Omaha showing new spring silks. SI5 Handkerchiefs $5.95 Tho greatest handkerchief ualo over held In America. Wo havo the goods. Wo havo the very best nnd we havo too many. 10c Handkerchiefs, embroidered In each corner, 3c; sold only In lots of live. Hero you get llvo 10c Handkerchiefs for ISc. , 25c Handkerchiefs, two for 23c; sold only In lots of two. 20c Ilandkorchlofs, 9c. 18c Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 7c each; sold two to a customer. 15c flno Initial Handkerchiefs, He. All kinds of Hnmlkcrchtcfs ut nil kinds of prices Wcdnesdny, $15.00 Heal linco Handkerchiefs, $.'.9j. $10.00 Ileal Lnun Handkerchiefs, $4.75. $8.00 Kent Lace. Hnndkerchlefs, $3.95. $5.00 Heal Lacq Handkerchiefs. $2.25 Wo havo tho finest stock of Heal Laco Handkerchiefs In tho city nnd our prices aro always the lowest. Brush Sale. Ilrushes, Mirrors and Toilet Sets for ladles nnd gentlemen, DOC ON THE I)OL- LAK. Wo havo purchased tho entlro sample lino of the Florcnco Manufacturing com pany, manufacturers of flno Cloth and Hair Ilrushes, Military Ilrush Sets, French Hcv elcd Hand Mirrors and Comb nnd Ilrush Sets, nt one-halt price. Flno Hand Mirrors, 15c to 50c. Flno Hair Ilrushes, 15c to $1.00. Flno Military Ilrush Sets, 75c to $1.50. Flno Comb nnd Ilrush Sets, JiOc to $1.00. 10,000 25c 12-mo, cloth-bound Hooks on salo Wednesday, 12'.c. G.000 Dresden 10-mo, Gilt Hooks, 19c. Thcso are worth 2fic to 50c. HAYDEN NOW IS THE WINTER of your discontent If you try to got results from poor coal which Just burnt) without heat. Huy dur SEMI-ANTHRACITE for your fnrnnco nnd you can bo warm nnd contented. It Is a pure coal, gives moro bent to tho ton than any other und COSTS $8.00 delivered. Hald & Rice, Tel. 1238. S06 So. Kith St. Christmas Things FOR MEN. Gloves, Umbrellas, Neckwear, Hosiery, Shirts A $2.60 HAT WOULD DO. 1 4 BLACK, the $2.50 Hatler I07 S, I6th St. Great Sale on Underwear Ladles' $2.50 and $3.00 fancy, extra heavy, Outing Flannel Gowns nt $1.98. Ladk'S' special In suits of Muslin Under wear." Complete Suits, consisting of Gown, Draw ers, Chemise, Corset Cover and Skirt, made of line cambrics, trimmed with lino tucks, insertion and lace, nt $7.!iG, complete. Ladles' Fancy Aprons, Illb Aprons nnd flno Plain Aprons, nt 23c. Lndles' Fancy Aprons nt 50c, 75c nnd 9Sc. Ladles' lino lllb Aprons, trimmed with embroidery, lnco nnd hemstitched, nt COc. LadleB' lino Hlnck Silk llosu nt $1.00 and $1.50. Indies' flno Fnncy Hose, In lisle thread, worth up lo $1.00, at 39c. Ladles' Vega Silk Vest, In black, whlto nnd fancy colors, nt $1.00. ' Lndles' Silk Combination Suits. In black and fnncy colors, worth $3.00, at $3.50. Ladles' heavy nil wool Sterling Combina tion Suits, In whlto nnd gray, worth $3.00, at $3.50. Children's Hlnck Wool Tights, In all nlzes, at 7Gc. Ladles' Oporn Shawls, In all colors, worth $2.G0, nt $LIi8. Lndles' flno Gloria Silk Umbrellas nt 98c. Ladles' nnd gents' lino Taffeta Silk Um brellas at $2.98. Men's Silk Muniera, In nil the new styles and colors, nt COc, 75c nnd $1.00. Men's line Silk Hnndkerchlefs, In whlto or colored borders, In nil tho now colors, at 25c, 50c and 75c. Men's lino Silk Suspenders, In nil stylos nnd colors, the Inrgest lino In Omahn, at a saving of one-hnlf tho price, COc, 75c nnd $1.00; worth up to $2.00. Men's lino Linen Inltlnl Handkerchiefs, hnlf dozen In box, at 12',:C nnd 25c each; worth 23c and 50c. Men's Golf Gloves, In nil tho now colors, nt 23c nnd GOc. Moil's COc Neckwear, In nil the new stylos nnd colors, nt 23c. ' Men's $1.00 N'cckwcnr, In all tho new styles nnd colors, nt COc. Hoys' $1.23 Wool aiid Silk Striped Sweat ers nt 75c. Men's $1.50 All Wool Sweaters, In all colors, nt 9Sc. The Inrgest line of men's and boys' flno Wool Sweaters In Omaha, from 7uc to $4.50, Men's $1.00 and $1.25 wool flceco lined Shirts and Drawers, in plain and fancy col ors, nt 49c. Ono lot of men's flue All Wool Shirts and Drawers, worth up to $2.00, all at 73c. Men's $1.00 and $3.00 Silk nnd Silk Wool Underwenr, all tho best makes nil sizes and colors, all nt $2.50. and and Grand Ribbon Sale. Holiday Itlbbons on sale. 25c All Silk Ribbons, 10c yard. 35c All Silk Itlbbons, 19c yard. Fancy Itlbbons, 10c yard. Tobacco Deoarfment. Star Plug Chewing Tobacco 33c Horscshoo Plug Chewing Tobacco . Navy Plug Chowlng Tobacco Newsboy Tobncco Hattle Axe 35c 33o 35o 35c Hull Durham Smoking Tobacco 5Cc I Duko's Mixture 35c Meerschaum Smoking Tobacco 35c Uncle Tom Smoking Tobncco 35c Old Style Smoking Tobacco 23c , Mall Pouch, per package 9c BROS. We have just what you want for Christmas. Nothing gives morn plensure In after years than a. picture nf tho Christmas gathering. (let ii t'amera or Kodak, nnd tnke a picture tho prices nro now within tho reach of nil. A beautiful folding Camera, slzo 1x5 with one, only $.50. A N,o '.' Urownle flOnstinan), $1.V). All othiTH nt InwcHt prices. Call nnd see us liel'iiro completing your Christ inas 1 If i . THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Fai n iixi Strict. Wholesalo and Itetnll Dealers In Photo Material. OPHN KVRHV i:V12NtNQ. Spadra Arkansas Anthracite A high gradn Rnml-anthraclto coal, tho work of hard coal. $8 Per Ton Docs Clean, (.trong, with Ubs ash than hard coal. llttlo smoke nnd C. B. Havens & Co 1522 farnam St. Tols. 301-317-S25. ! ..A HOLIDAY.. STOCKNg the price range is limited and up to $9.75. Ill the Cloak Room. No word or combinations of words can tell you our jacket and cloak story. Cloaks do not exhibit advantage ously in print. The most wo might say would be but a cupfiill out of a sea of truth. Eyes and feet much bettor. WOMEN'S BOX COATS, $4.90. WOMEN'S It A C3 LANS, $6.75. The .?4.n0 ones made of kersey, 27 inches long, perfect fitting, real value ".(). The raglans at $(5.75 are worth double. You must see them to appreciate the real value. Home of the Handkerchiefs No matter what; time of the year, the handkerchief stock is always ahead of any in the place. But at Christmas you expect it to top-mark all other times, of course. You shan't be disappointed. There is arranged in special trays now thousands of these pretty Christmas gifts for you to select from. Fancy hemstitched, lnco edge and plain bordered handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c. Children's fancy bordered handkerchiefs, 3 in a box, 19c per box. Men's plain white and fancy bordered China silk handkerchiefs, 50c and 25c. Christmas Slippers The best business organization only can make such a slipper trade possible. It nearly reaches perfection, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.40 up. Among the Furs If perchance you have a fur need, it is supplied nt a very satisfactory price. A stock of WOMEN'S FUJI SCARFS, in imitation stone marten, sable, opossum, and best French marten, choice line to select from, $2.90. Women's genuine mink cluster scarfs, $3.90. Women's genuine marten scarfs special $4.90. Umbrella Gifts Don't try to know too much about umbrellas. Not "nil silk" now as in days past. Experience of makers says, "don't wear." Linen and silk are the best, they say wear longest, and has shortened prices by half. In service, economy has doubled. Five of the best in the market $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50. """Tii'BMnf mi'lHllM HAYDEN ) S Hrt- SchfTner Tailor" Clothe sr.- W w A third line of excellent all wool suits thai sold regularly at 910.00, and l,ii.r0, will be cleared 7 Cfj away this week at I iuU NEW 1JNE of the famous black and white overcoats, cut long and full, and handled only by Haydon Hros., Oft ffl this week at $22.50 and H'lUU A special line of pure wool vicuna and unfinished worsted over coats, cut long and full, sold earlier at l to !?22.r0 10 nft now marked 15.00 and IUiUU CONTINUATION of the great trousers sale, inaugurated this week. We cannot use the name of the famous linn that made them, but the name is on every button. The trousers were made to sell from 1.50 to ?12 we offer them at 2.50, .'5.50, 5.00 and 0.50. HAYDE Selling the .Most Of surprising pro portions is Iiere for you, more complete, more commanding than any stock within the reach of local customers. Men's Smoking- Jackets You'd belt it huy "his" house coat early, for wo know by experience that it's. not the easiest thing in the world to secure the proper lit without his knowing anything about I it. We've rather more to choose from and prettier than we've seen elsewhere only by your own purse, $4.75 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 25 to 40 Per Cent Reduction on Many Lines of Suits and Overcoats, A radical measure to reduce stock at a time when bargains a re .rare and economy appeals to you most. All the .small lines of our tinest imported and domestic wors ted suits, fashionably cut, thoroughly made and sold earlier at $20.00, $22J0 and S2r.00, !R (Ifl combined this week at IJiUU The balance of those very stylish suits, included in our recent special purchase from a reliable eastern maker and which were sold earlier at $ir, .and if ftfl marked IUiUU Clothing in Omaha. BROS i S' ) 4 u