10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Imall Aitirity Bmlipu in tti Dnll ' ' Graii Markiti. ALL CEREALS SHOW SLIGHT ADVANCE Renewal of Vrnrm for Crop Injuries hr t'olil Wenthrr and Drrrrime In Unniiirnn Storks Are the ., Principal Incentive. As. CHICAGO, Dec. 17. Lato bullish condi tions! supplemented by a renewal of fears for crops because of tho cold weather, brought somo small activity in othcrwlso dull grain markets today and May wheat closed -7ic ut), May coni a higher and May oats Uo aJvanced. Provisions closed un changed to 'Mo up. Early conditions In tho wheat pit wcro boarlth, tho cablo list was lower, outsldo Markets weak nnd thcro was still a marked influence from yesteduy's vlslblo Increase; report. Northwestern receipts wero small nnd thero was a fear that tho cold weather und continued scarcity of cars would work ugalnst tho movement, but thero was Uttlo Inlluonco from theso facts, on theso In tlunnccs, a very dull Hhow for business, May opened Hlflo to a shade lower at 794P 7V',t,c Thcro was little to bo had at this dip (i ml on a small outsldo demand and Homo nhort covering prices grudually advanced. Then camo tho roport of greatly decreased primary receipts and a very, small not In crease of tho world's vlslblo supply. This latter factor, taken together with a report of n marked decrease In European stocks, worked against yesterday's vlslblo supply roport and prices began to pick up. Shorts Jlfcamn worried and on a, report that tho Kunsas crop would bo damaged by tho cold woather, unprotected by snow, thero was a good show of activity. St. Louis began to buy and May sold up to NKf&OHc, closing firm, 4c up nt 'UftltfiOc. Local receipts wero GS cars, a of contract Krado. Minneapolis and Duluth reported f.9S cars, making a total for tho three points of SW cars, iigulnst 1,104 last week and 717 a ear ago, Primary receipts wero only 653,(joo nishcls, compared with 778,000 lust yoar. Tho world's vlslblo supply Increaso was 1,900,000 bushels, against 3,292,nno Increaso last week. Tho Kuropean vlslblo decrcaso was 1,600,000 bushels. Senboard clearances In wheat and Hour equalled 2O6,0 bushels. Tho scabourd reported 7 loads taken for ex port. Corn wns dull nnd narrow early. Tho rash demand was slow, tho outside markets dull nnd this pit followed after wheat. Early buying was nil local and Insignia cant. Cables started May a shnrio to UrU Jo lower at tho opening, hut when wheat iiegan to dovolop corn also had qulto u. bull market. Itecclpts here, as well us oIho whero, havo beon curtailed by tho cold weather and tho threatened rcnuwal of tho cold wavo mado shorts unsteady. At pri mary points thero wcro nbout 700,oO) bushels lss than last year. Theso factors pushed May up to 070 and brought a llrm closo, ';c up at KlWm'uViC. Receipts worn tVl cars. Oats reileeted tho tone of tho other mar Icots. Tho tono of tho other markets neces sitated soino support by professionals and shorts covering on tho wheat bulgu Hrmed this pit somewhat. Commission houses had somo selling orders, but In the main trndo was dull. May oponed unchanged to Ho lower, advniieed Uo over yesterday's close and closed llrm, ia up at 45Ufll.V,io, llecolpls worn 121 cars. Provisions wero uulct, though fairly firm, on better prices for hogs. Receipts ut tho ynrds wcro short of tho estlmato and caused a number of shorts to cover. May pork closed unchanged at $16.80, May lard I: Ho up at $9.90 and May ribs 20 higher at $S.62!4. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: 'Wheat, DO enrs: com, 45 cars: oats, 05 cars; hogs, 40.000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclos. Open. High. I Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Dec. May July Corn Dec. May July Oats Dec' May .Tuly Fork .Ian. May Lord .1:1 II. May . Itlbs ,Ian. May 75U 75781(76 75J TRTTTTG 7R',lp.i 7051 (4, Soft if, 79 7VrtK 79JiiM.i roUii yii 79'.4 7i;i!(S0 79'.i 63 04; f.3 64 63'i COU'ftH i!7?i 66U 67.4i U WW !5 6'HiY !4 CG1S fiSJi 4i mi mm 44, 4414 I4WJ 45 4I4 I.WiU 44?A t&WlIn 39 aSff 3.Sai Ti SSi in 3.1 ir, 35 in r i 35 ir, 32V4 II! SO 10 'Jl'.i 16 SO lfi SO 18 SO 0 S2W 0 9." 0 S'M 9 S7& 9 821$ 9 S7i 9 95 9 S7 9 90 9 S74 8 42l 8 45 S 42',4 8 42' 8 40 8 60 8 6715 S 60 8 62'i 8 60 No 2. Cash quotations wero ns follows: FLOUR Easy: winter patents. $3.707i .1.90; straights. $3.70473.90; clears, S3.0off3.40; spring specials, S3. 10; patents, $3.&0ir3.S0; htralghts. J3.10ii3.30. AVI I HAT No. 3 spring, 72!f(76c; No, 2 red, f0Hri82c. CORN No. 2 yellow, Wc. OATS-No. 2. 4614c; No, 2 white, ISfriS'ic; No. 3 white, I7fi 1814c rye-no. 2, rt;e. HARLEA'-Fnlr to choice mailing, HSfirtlc. HEEDS-No. 1 flax. $1,501(1,51; No. 1 north, western, tl.5214; prime timothy, $0.401j(;.5O; clover, contract grade, $9.30. PHOA'ISIONS-Mess pork, per hbl.. $1.-3. 10f 15.60. Lurd, per 100 lbs., J'J.Sil4y9.90. Short ribs sides (loose), $S.I0iiS.5o. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $7.37',17.60. Short clear sides (boxed). $8.80(it8.90. AVHIHKY Hasls of high wines, J1.32. The following are tho receipts and ship ments of grain yesterday: Articles. Roeoltits. Shlnmnntn J'llMJI, iiiun ,.,.., UO,UI.F Wheat, lui Kt.000 Corn, bu ill.Oon Oats, bu 214,000 Hyo, bu 21,000 Harlcy, bu 113,000 On tho Produco exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 13gs2lu; dairies, llifOV. Cheese, tinner, flliii 1014c Kggs, excitedly strong; fresh, 2S',4c 43,000 4S.00O 7.1,000 2Jli,00i) 3,(i0 23,000 i:V YOHK (ii:.MUI.l, SIAHKHT. liita tlnim of the !) on A'nrlous CtiiiuiKiiItt ten. NKAV YORK. Dec. 17. Vl.OUR-Recelpts. 2J,4"5 bbls,; exports. 11,528 bbls.; tho market was In a rut of dullness and had absolutely no feature, upart from Its steadiness of undtrtono; winter patents, J3.75Q4.0); winter straights, J3.l5fi3.60; Minnesota pat cuts. J3.S5i4.1o; winter extras. jr.ROfj.l.iO; Minnesota bakers, J2.!KMi3.33; winter low grades, J2.GO'i('.,.70. Rvo llinir, steady: fair to good, J3.20ifi3.40; choice to fancy, J3.155 .1.70. COHNM HA l Sternly: yollow western, J1.3S: city, $1.36; Hrandywlne, W.6303.75. RYi: Klrm; No. 2 western, 72e. f. o. b ntloat: state. 07ij6Sc, c. I. f., Now A'ork, carlots. HARLKY Qllleti feeillng, 59fJ61c. c. I. f., Iluffalo; malting, (Tlj6Sc, c. I. f., Iluffalo, WHKAT Receipts, 11,100 hu.; sjuit mar ket tlrm; No. 2 red, S6ic, f. o. b., alloat; No. 2 red, S34c, elevator; No, 1 northern, Duluth, X5Hc, f. o. b nllout; No, 1 hanl, Duluth. Q2c, f. o. b ulloat. Options wero generally llrm all day, but qulto featureloss as to trade. Adverse crop reports from Kansas caught tho crowd short and pro moted covering. Hmall northwest receipts -ami foreign buying also had an Intluenen. Clop-ed llrm at !4?ia net advanco; March, S6iN)Mic. closed at SOc: May, SlUSitSc, closed at S4Tic; July, 8l84&ic, closed n 8114c; December, 82 13-lftl('s3'4c, closed at S3 lie. CORN Receipts, 33,000 hu,; exports, 6,500 bu.; sales, 175.(VK bu. futures. Spot, llrm; No. 2, "OTtc elevator, anil 7114c, f. o. b,, alloat. Option market advanced freely on small receipts and covering, helped by tho wheat strcnuth. Closed UtfWo net higher and llrm. May. 70!Si illtc, closed at 71c; December. 701iiOl4c, closed at 70',ii OATS Receipts, 111,000 bu.; exports, W0 bu. Spot, llrm: No, 2, 5IWo: No. 3, 51c: No, 3 whlto. 6414c; No. 3 white, &3io; track mixed western. BKU52o; track white, 53if,Y7c. Options slow, but tinner, on good cash de mand and tho strength In other markets, HAY Steady; shipping, 60iisc; good to choice. 82l4trJiV4c HOPS Slenily; state, common to choice, 1901 crop. llff15Uc; 1900 crop, SfiS'.io; WJ crop, CtiOc; Paclllo coast, 1901 crop, 110l5o; VJM crop. SjiS14c; 1'ju crop, iti'9c HIDICS nrm: Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 22 lbs., 19'u'1914c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., mSc MJATHKR Steady; hemlock sole. Hucnoa Ayrcs, light to heavyweights. 252tii4c. AVOOLf-Dull; doinestlo lleece, 25fi26o; Texas, HVrtt7c. PROAMSIONS-lleef. steadv: famllv. $11.00 12.00; mess, J9.6OB1O.0O; beef hams, $20.50 ( j. x ; jihchui, ciiy uxira inula mess, lii.wutv.vu. ...v..n. a,.-ttilj, iriunii'il hollies, J8.75iri0.25; pickled shoulders. J7; Dlckled hams. S9.7551 10.50. Lard. Htearlv; western steomcd, $10.2214; compound. js.'j' 8.25: rellned, (iulet; continent, J10.224; South America, $11, Pork, steady; family, ll6.0Ofi'17.W; short clear, JlS.6OfJ2o.00; mess, 6:m 17.60. nUTTUR-Reeelpts, 6,21 pkgs.: tlrm; Htito dalrj'. 15lra(?o; creamery, lCfT2lljo; JTuno crt-nmeri'i l&ii21o; factory, I3fjl54c. CHH1C8I3 Receipts, 3,097 iikgs.; llrm; fancy largo September, lOffioiie; fancy small September, lodllto; lato mado best large, 9c; Into mado best small, UVjlOlic KaOH Receipts, C776 pkgs.; tlrm; Btate nnd Pennsylvania. 2S$tJ9o; western, ut mark, 22ano; soutiiern, at murk, 212(270. PU4TjllV Alive, steady; springers, c; turkeys, OfTlOe; fowls, 10c trr.scd. firm, springers, a'ayiOc; fowls, SHyOc, turkeys, O'f&llr METAUS For tho first time In many months thoro occurred a ehango In lead values and nt the closo tho market was yio lower. This decline was caused by tho continued dullness In the market nnd was In order to bring about some business. Tho prlco Is now $1. At Ixjndon lead was dull and unchanged and quoted nt 10 los. Copper at Ivmdon Dnlshed the day to fid lower, after having once shown a lom of 10s. At New A'ork tho market whs dull, but hod a weak undertone, with vaiue In buyers' favor on tho basis of JIS.3T'fi JI5.6214 for Iviko Superior, JI5.0OJ715.25 lor electrolytic and $15 for fasting. The pro duction of copper In tho t'nlted States dur ing November was 21.728 tons, making a total for tho lost eleven months of 245.3f6 tons, ns compared with 246.1.63 tons for the samo period last year. At Iondon tin wns quiet nnd closed easy and 10s on, with spot at 10) 10s and futures at lol 2s 6d. locally tho market was without feature and closed dull nt J2l.50.Ji 25.50. Spelter was a shade higher at )ondon and closed at 17, whlto tho local market for that metal was dull and nominally quoted nt JI.O. Iron was quiet, but about steudy, at J10.5iflll.5i) for pig Iron warrants; No. 1 northern foundry, JI5.6oyi6.)i No. 2 southern foundry, $l4.rfjl6.&0; No. 1 southern foundry, J15.riOffl6.00: No. 1 southern soft, Jlo.OOff 17.00. Glasgow Iron warrants closed nt 60s and Mlddlcsborough closed ut 43s Hid. OMAHA AVIUM. KSAI.i: MAttlCI'T. Condition of Trndo nnd liintnt Ions on Staple nnd l'nney Produce. EGOS Receipts, light; fresh stock, 21c. LIVU POULTRY Hens, 6!4f; old roosters, 3filc; turkeys, 7fjsc; ducks and geese, 6!4fJ6c; spring chickens, per lb., IjRKSSKD POULTRY Turkeys, lOJrllc; ducks nnd geese, 7iSc; spring chickens, 7VtflSo: hi-nB, 75i714c RUTT13R Common to fair, 1314c: choice dairy, In tubs, 15i17c; separator, 23fJ2lc, KRO-I3N FISH-Uluck bass, 18c; whlto bass, 10c: bluellsh, 12c; bllllheuils, 10c; bluo flns, 7c; buffaloes, 7c; cattish, 12c; cod, 11c; crunples, lie; halibut, lie; herring, 7c; had dock, 10c; pike, 10c; red snapper, 10c; sal men, lie; suutlsh, 6c; trout, 9c; whltetlsh, 9c; pickerel, 6c; fresh mnckcrel, each, 2"Jji 35c OYSTKRS-Medlums, per can, 22c; Stand ards, tier can, 25c; extra selects, por can, 33c; New A'ork counts, per can, 40o; bulk Standards, per gal., J1.2ivfi,25; bulk extra selects, Jl.fi0fU.65; bulk, New York counts, per gal., J1.76. PIOKONH Live, per doz COc. A'KAIy-Cl'olce. 6fj8c. CHRISTMAS JJIJCORATIONS. TREKS I to 6 feet, ner dnx . it "3: f. In 8 feot. per doz., J2.50; 8 to 9 reot, per doz., iv hi it iiTi, euuii, i.wui,uu; id io M feet, each, J2.Oorj4.00. UVKRORKKN WRUATHINO-In polls of 20 yards, per coll, Jl; evergreen wreaths, 12 Indies In diameter, per doz., $1.60; holly wreaths, 12 Inches In diameter, per doz.. J2. HOLLY HRANCHES Per case of 60 lbs., j wt iittr in.!., LONG NKKDLK I. 3.0O. MISTLI5TOK URANCHKS-Per lb., 303' 40c. HAA' Prices quoted by Omaha W'holc salo Hay Dealers' assoclatlor- Cholcu up land, J9.50 No. 2 lltdand, J8.60: medium, $8: coarse. J7.60. Rvo straw. tL Tnesu tirlces aro Tor hay of good color und quality. Do- maim inir. iicccmis, J cuts. CORN-Nnw, 7c; old, 67c. ltRAN J23. OATS-52C A' KG KTA Rti KS. POTATOKS ltntnf irrnum tit nurlliarn $1.10; Salt Lake. Ji.io; Colorado, J1.10. CARHOTH Per bu., 60c. jiijiiis 1'er "i-bti. baskot. 30c. Tl'ltXIPH I'lT III fJW-' l!l,tl-.,.na 100 lbs.. J1.25. ' PARHNIPS-Per bu., CiOc. CPCl'.MIlKRS-llothouse, per doz.. J I 25. LKTTI'CI" 1 lend, imp i n .tau- it',,V... lettuce, per doz., 23c. j-Aiiai,r;-i'er doz., 25c. RADISHKS-Pcr doz.. 25c HWHHT POTATnuS-lliiinn rn,., lb.. 214c; Kansas, per bbl., J3.25. ' i A fill ,ni. iir.lt..... i .-:'.i iii,i.iiiiii ttuLii cr.iieti. it,c (lAITLIKl,OWKR-Per crate, $2.75. bnanlsh. tier crate. 12: Mlehlirnti t,.,ta -i.' per lb. u n i , is i i v ca 1 1 lorn l.i , -lOf j75c. NAVY L'ANS-Per l.tl.. $2.16. FRUITS. PINKS-Pcr doz,, $2.D0fi API'LES Ren Davis, per hbl., Jl.OOJjirpO: AVInesans. J5: Jonathan. J5.60: Hehetinwers. lier box, J1.75. n PEARS-Vikcrs, J2.25; Iawrencc. $2,253 GRAPES Malagas, per keg. $5.6OfJ6.50. CRANHERRIE8 Per bbl.. I7.50flX(io: nor crate, $2.75. TiinmPAT. TtitTna ORANGES Flarldas' J3.2..f3 60; Cnllfrtrnl., navels. $3.25Jj3.60; budded, $2.75. LEMONS Fancy, $3.605J3.75; choice. $3.00 (ft 3.25. R ANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.2(f2.75. FIGS California, new cartons, $1.00; Im ported, per lb,, 12'ul4c. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, per lb.. D14c; Salrs, 6c MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Now crop wnlnuts, No. 1 soft shell, por lb., 12c; hard shell, por lb llu; No. 2 soft shell, lOe; No. 2 hard shell, 9e; lirazlls. tier lb.. 14c: filberts, ner 1 1 almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, I5j; pecans, largo, per lb.. 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per cwt., $5; chestnuts, 12c. HONEY Per 21-sectlon case, $3.5073.75. CIDER-Nehawka, por bbl., $3; New l un, i.w. HIDES No. I greec, do, No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 79ie; No. 2 salted, Oo; No. 1 vein van, a io ii"j ios., yc; rso. - veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides. Sjil3c; sheen pelts. 25fi27o; horse- hides, J1.60S2.25. SAUERKRAUT Per 4-bbl.. J3: m-r bbl. No. 1 hard, 7SVi No, 1 northern, 75Hc! No. 2 northern, 74sc FIXJt R-Ilrm. first patents, J3.94jJ-l.Oj; second patents, J3.S0fi3.9u, first clears, $.' 90 5).V, second clears, $2:60. HRAN-In bulk, $20. Phllndrlphln Produce Mnrket, PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 17. HUTTER Firm, fair demand; fnncy western cream ery, 2e; tnney nearby prints, 28c. EGGS Firm, lc higher; fresh nearby, :c; fresh western, 2e, fresh southwestern, 2H-; fresh southern, 27c. CHEESE Firm; Now A'ork full creums, fnncy smull, 11c; fair to choice, 9jl0ic. Toledo (! rn In nnd .Srcil, TOLEDO. O.. Dec. 17.-WHEAT-Dllll; cash nnd December, Sllic; May. S3'4c CORN Dull; December ami May, 6M4C OATS December. 45c; May, 40S,c. .CLOVERSEED-Docombcr, $5.b6; March, $5.65. Ilulntli Griiln .tlnrket. DULUTH. Dec. 17. WHEAT Cash, No. 1 hard, 77c; No, 2 northern, 7P4o; No. 1 north ern, 71c; May, 770. ' OATS ll'kc. CORN-6U-. Movi.Mr.vr.s ts .stocks ami titons, Market l l-'lrmer nnd Slumx ntnble (JiiIiin In A'nrioiis .Stocks, NEW YORK, Dec 17.-The undertone of the stock market was decidedly llrmer today, growing Into strength us tho day progressed, nnd tho closing wns fairly strong, with notable net gains In a number of prominent stocks. The speculation was almost entirely professional nnd was re pressed in Its nature, with a disposition to caution about encroaching on the limited money supplies. Amalgamated Copper maintained Its dominant Inlliienco on tho market and Its Incessant lltictuatlons had somo sympathetic effect always, but the effect was more marked on the upward range of prices, and the gains established by tho general market were yielded stub bornly when Amalgamated Copper reacted. That stock touched 6OI4 soon after the opening, a decline from yesterday's clos ing and reported weak, and shares of cop per companies everywhere were depressed, Call loans ruled at 1! per cent until late ill the day, when tho placing of n residue car ried tho rate lower. Sterling exchange was culled strong, but foreign bankers express the opinion that the.'e Is tin likelihood of further gold going nut before January 1. The- argument for a permanent Injunction In a suit to restrain the retirement of Northern Pacific preferred hail no effect on them and they rose In the face of some what alarming reports of rato cutting among western railroads Included In the community of Interest, which wore appar ently Intended for other than Wall street consumption. Cuts In the prlco of potroleum, sugar, lead and Unseed oil had a depressing effect on securities of companies In those trades, The bond market was moderately active and Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2, 630,(1)10. United States, coupon, 3s advanced and tho refunding 2s H per cent. The 6s, coupon, declined per cent on the last call. Tho Commercial Advertiser's. London financial cablegram says; American stocks were dull and Idle until the afternoon, when there was a smart rnllv. with some desultory bidding with Union Paclllc, South ern t'liciuc, Atcnisou nun l.ouisvmn it Nashville In response to better prices In New A'ork, accompanied by a report of a rally In Amalgamated Copper. Tho closo wns cheerful. Tho following nro tho closing prices on tho Now York Stock exchange: $0.75. St. I.i) 11 In Grnln nnd Provisions, ST. LOUIS, Dec. 17.-VHEAT-No. 2 red. cash, elevator, S2'c; track, 84fSI',J,c; De cembor. S2U.C: Mnv. S2Ho: No. 2 Intnl. 76 79c cuius Higher; .no. 2 cosh, 6i'ic; track, 6Sfi6S!'.c: December. 67!ic: Mnv. 1:1 tie: .Inlv. Cl'.iC OATH l Uglier; No. 2 cash. 18c: track. 19c; December, 48c; May, I7',ic; No. 2 white, 50c. RYE-Ilotter at dscr FLOUR Dull, steady; rod winter 'pat ents, J3.S0ti4.0O; extra fancy nnd straight, $3.l5f3.65; clear. $3.103.25. SEED Timothy, nominal. $6,201)0.50. CORNM HA 1,-Stcady-nt $3.25. RRAN Dull: sucked, cast track. Jl.Ufr 1.15. HAA' Firm: timothy, $12.50fJ15.00; prairie, $12.50. WIUSK.Y steady at 11.32. IRON COTTON TIES-95c HAGOING-dVfJOUc. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady; Jobbing, $16. Lard, higher, $9.7214. Dry salt meats (boxed), oulet: extra shorts and clear Hits v60; clear sides. $8.75. llacon (boxed), unlet: extra shorts and clenr ribs. S9..17U.: clear sides. $9.60. .METALS Lend, sharply lower at $1.10. Snelter. nulet at J 1.1714. POULTR A' Steady; chickens. 5c; springs, 6c: turkeys, fif(7c; ducks, w7o; geese. :if(lc. RUTTER Steady; creamery, 2ofj25'Ac; dairy, 15Sf20e. i-.iiiiM iiiKiior nt sic. RECEIPTS-Flour. 12.000 bbls.: wheat. 16.. 000 bu.; corn. 42,000 Int.; oats, 40,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour, 10.000 bbls.; wheat, 31,000 bu.; corn, 64.O0O bu.; oats, 26,000 bu. A'lsllile Supply of (iriilii. NEW A'ORK. Dec. 17. Sncclal teleirrnnble. nnd cnhlo communications to Urndstreot show tho following changes In available supplies from the lust account: WHEAT Unltec States and Canada, east of the Rockies, Increased 3,126.0(10 bu. ; alloat tor anil in I'iurope, Decreased 1,600,000 bu.; total supply, Inciensed l,920,(i00 bu. CORN United States and Canada, cast of the Rockies, decreased 92,000 bu. OATS United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased !23,Ono bu. Among tho more Important Increases re ported to Rradstreet's are those of 70n,(y) bu. at northwestern Interior clevatum. "!.. on) bu. at Chicago private elevators, 13S,() hu. at Cntcau and S7.000 bu. nt Depot Har- iiiir. nil leaning necreuses luciuiio llloso of 710,000 bu. In Manitoba, 3U5,0no bu. at Omulm, 202,000 bu, at St. Joseph and 77,000 bu, at Newport News. Kiiiihiin City (J ruin mid Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Dec. 17 AVIIMATDn. eember, 73c; May, 77'4c: cash. No. 2 hard. v'4L'LAsoii?-V,?1'71o; No 2 ml- 6HW7o; CORN December. 69e; January. 6SUc; May, 6S7i,o: cash, No. 2 mixed. 6Sj)69c; No. 2 white, I'MiiHOo; No. 3. 6i.fji,se. OATS-No. 2 white, KCHtVc. RYE No 2, 6l!4fi65Kc HAA' Choice timothy, $13.60; cholco prairie, $13,501(11.00. RUTTER-Creamery, lSift22c; dairy, fancy, 17c. EGOS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on "change, 22c per doz., loss off, cases returned; country held, ICc. RKCEIPTS-Wheut, 31,3(0 bu.; corn, 110, 800 bu.; oats. 21,000 bu, SHIPMENTS-Wheat, 11,200 hu.; corn. 73. 000 bu.; oats, 20,000 bu, .Mllwnukep (ruin .Market. MILAVAUKEE, Dec. 17.-VHKAT-Mur-ket hlgherv No. 1, 77a; No. 2 northern, T&if too; .tiii,v, i.i'.ltC, Atchlsrtn ,, do pfdi naltlmore & O... (In llfil Canadian Pac... Canada So Chen. fc Ohio Chlcugo & A.... no pin Chl lud. & L... do pfd rid. k. 111 Chicago G. W... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Chicago ft N. W r if 1 .v- i Chi. Tor. .V: Tr.. do prd C. C. C. & St. L. Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d lifd Del. Jb. Hudson.. Del. L, AV Denver .fc R, G.. do nfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Ot, Nor. pfd Hocking A'ulley.. do pfd Illinois Central.. Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Erie & AV. do pfd L. & N Manhattan I..... Met. St. Ry m . . v- r...,tf,1 ilex,' National .. Minn, ft St. l... Mo. Puclllc M.. K. & T do pfd N. .1. Central ... N. Y. Central.... Norfolk & AV.... do pfd No. Paclllc pfd.. Ontario & AV.... .Pennsylvunlu ... i..n.n.,n- , i.rinium 1 ilo lut i.Tfl llfl L'd tlfll St. L. & S. F do 1st prd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw... do pfd St. Paul do pfd 7714 So. Pacific .. . no -loi'.S , 9) 11215 ISo. Railway ,,,, 110 piu Tex. Paclllo... Tol St. L. & AV tin nfd.... Union Paclllc... do pfd Wabash 110 pin.,, Wheel. & L. E... no .it pin Wis. Centra! .... io pftl Aitntiiu l-?v American Ex.... U. s. Ex Wells. Fargo Ex. . 60 . 23 1' .17214 .215 llYK-steady; No. 1, 634c ii.xui.r.i iiignor; so. ., 62c. CORN-Mny, 6714fi67Uc, C2c; sample, WfT MlnneniiollH AVheat, Flour nnd llrnn, MINNEAPOLIS, Dee. 17. AVHEAT Cash, 75Ho; May, 761c; July, 77Hci on track, 1 , 31 , 7711 . 47'.h 7;i-i .1311 ,2..i 4614 ,201 2S- Atnnl. riitmnr , 97 'Amer. Car & P.. 13'.5 do prd Ainer. I.ln. Oil.. do pfd Amer. S. & R... (In tif.l . Attn,. Ml., rvV ' 93' IRrooklyn it. t'.'.', ::91i ('lo. Puel & I... . KiW Con, Tob. pfd... .182 Gen. Electric ... . 62',4 Glucose Sugar ,. . m IHocklng Coal ... .137',; Inter. Paper .... . :;6 I. do prd . 7014 Inter. Power .... . fiOiS.LacIeilo Gas .12.1 iNn. Rlscult .105 Nn . Lead .131 National Salt ... .16014' do pfd . 22 No. American .. , 3V!. Paclllc Coast ... .1061? Paclllc Mull .103'. People's Gas .... . 25 Pressed S. Car.. M ..''l'. I'f'1 .181 Pullman P. Car. .HSVJi. Hepubllc Steel .. . 65 do pfd . 9l'i Sugar 9914 TS')"- c11' & I.. . 331. Union Hug .t P. .117 t do prd . .'7la I S. Leather ... . 79U do pfd . 67 U. S. Rubber ... . fil;i do pfd . 80 U. S. Steel ...... "23..'.'0 nf'' . 26-H Western Union . . 57 Amer. Locomo... .16U; do pfd .186 .-SB . 9.1 ?-i? il , 8S . 22)i . 42 . IS . 28 20J I 40(4 .190 .19.1 . 89 .180 . S5 i . 17 . 46 . 33S Ot ..215J4 .114(4 .280 .. 3!i . 13 . 20 9214 . 4.1U . Kilt. . 32 . 61 . 9JI. . 73 " . I Hi . 99 . 37ai . 791a .210 . liVi . t u; .12014 . 61 1 4 . 1C.4 . 73 lPi, . 80 . 13?i . no . 41$ . 91 . 91 ' . 30; . 87 4 Offered. Svw A'ork .Sloney Mnrkpt. NEW A'ORK. Dec. 17.-MONEY-On call. steady nt lf6 per cent; closing, bid and asked, 3Uffl per cent; prlmo mercantile iper. u'iii',s per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4 S'3i' for demand and at $1.83 for sixty days; posted rates, $1.91 nnd JI.S7V4; commercial bills. $l.82i.-ftl.83. SILA'ER liar, 55Uc; Mexican dollars, 63Hc RONDS S'nte, Inactive; railroad, lrregu lur. Tho closing quotations on bonds nro as follows: , V. S. rot. 2s, reg.iosi ilo coupon 103'i do 3s. reg IOSs do coupon lo-vfy do new 4s, reg..l39 do coupon 139J do old Is, reg...!!!1) do coupon 1120 do 5s, reg IO1I4 do coupon 107Vi Atch. gen. 4s 103 do adj. ts 9314 Hal. ti Ohio 4s....102!i do 314s 97 do conv. -is nn Canada So. 2s... 108 Cent, of Ga. 5s... 10514 do Is lac 75 Ches. & O. 4!4s..l0!!i C. & A. 314s 86 C, H. & i). n. 4s. M C. M S Pg. 4s. Ill C. & N. AV. c. 7s.Us'i C. R. I. .t P. 4s.l06'a CCC & St L g 48.103 Chicago Ter Is... 89 . Colo. So. 4s S?4 Den. & R. G. 4S..IO314 Erie prior 1. 4s...loo'.i do gen. 4s.. 89'.. F. AV. & D. C. ls.lOlUl Hock. 'al. 414s..10s'3i Hid. Offered. I.. K- K. mil 4u Mex. Central 4s.. 110 is ino M. & St. L. 4s. M.. K. & T. hs.. do 2ds N. A". Central Is dn lien. :UAn N. J. C. gen. 6s. ISO. Purine 4s do as N. W. c. 4s... Iteiiillnir iren. 4a St I. X- I Mo r.u St. L. & S. F. Is St. L. S. W. Is.. do 2s S A K- A P 4s... So, Paclllo 4s... So. Railway 6s... Tex. Jv Pacific Is T, St L H AV 4s. Union Paclllc 4s. tin emit Ja Wabash Is... "do 2ds do deb. II West Shoro Is! W. & L. E. 4s.. Wis. Central Is.. Consol. Tob. 4s.. 103 82J 29l 103',i !' 8114 loci-, no 131 14 10 1 72',, 102-'"h i!.r 79 n 8914 92 122'i 119 82 K0T4 ia-i 117'j, 1131 6.) H3?i 91 noli 6314 London Stock tuiitii t Inn, LONDON, Dec. 17.-1 p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money ... do account ... Anaconda Atchison do pfd Raltlmoro ,t O.. Canndlan Pac, dies. A: Ohio... Chicago O. V.., ('., M. & St. P.., Denver & R. O., do pfd Erie do JM pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central., L. it N M., K. & T tlo pfd N. '. Central... . 9.1' . 78?4 .IOP4 .lan, .Un' f' :i6l . 43V . 95 '-1 . 4 ?j... . mU1 .141 .107 .169 Norfolk it AV... do pfd -.. No. Paclllc pfd. Ontario & AV... Pennsylvania .. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd So. Railway ... do nfil So. Pacific Union Paclllo ., do pfd U. S. Steel ,ln i.f.l Wabash '.!.'.'!!!! il,i i.r.i Spanish 4s'.'.'.'.'.'.'. (and .Mines .... DelleerH . 66 . 931 .102 " IK!5 . 7314 . 2 Hi, . Wh 29U . :a4 . 9313 59S .101 . H0. . 41 . 9314 . 23 . 43 . 75 10 39-H RAR SILVER-Steady at 2o',4d per ounce .MONEY-3Hfi3l4 per cent. Tho rate of discount In tho open market for thort bills Is 3J3 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 7-16 per cent. lln nl.' t'li'iirlnuN. OMAHA. Dec. 17.-Hnnk clearings for to. day. $1.120 .467.42: for corresponding day last year. Jl.0a7.SI7.72; Increase, $62,619.70. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 17.-Clearlngi, $8,691,011; balances, $1,31.1.672: money, 4J(5i. por cent: Now A ork exehango, par. NEW YORK. Dec. 17.-Clearlngs, $11,131,. S3S: balances, $12,493,513. CHICAOO, Dec. 17. Clearings, $26,432,84?; balnnres. $2,tW,2i3; posted exchange, $I.SIff 4.8714: New York exchnngo not quoted. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 17.-Clcarlngs, $22,131,210; balance!", $2,602,400; money, 6 per cent ROSTON. Dee 17.-Clcarlngs, $3,324,418; balances. $1,659,331. CINCINNATI, Dec 17. -Clearings. $2,741. 700; money, 4ft6 per cent; New York 'ex change, 20e premium. Huston Stock OUtotnt Innn. ROSTON, Dec. 17.-Cn!l loans, 4JT5 per cent; time loans, 4l4fj0 per cent. Official closing: Atchison 4s 102 lAmutgamatcd ... Gas 1st 80 Bnltlr Mex. Ccn. 4s so .Hlnghum N. E. O. & C 67 Cal. & Hecla 4 ,,.1.1 a.... --.V I .....in.. ..In I (111 iiipuii ......,, 1 1-3 i f'll tl-lllllll I ...... copper Range... Dominion Coal,. Franklin Isle Roynle ..... .Mohawk Old Dominion .. Osceola do nfd m Hostoil A M 189 Iloston Elevated. 1S7 N A", N H a H..210 Fltchburg pfd.... 114 Union Pocltlo ....loo .Mex. (.-cntral Amer. Sugar 120 Parrot Am. Tel. .fc Tot... lilt Dolll. I. S 23 Gen. Electric ....280 Mass, Electric... 32 N. E. O. & C a United Fruit 9014 V. S. Steel 41, do pfd 914 Westlngh. Com... 73 Ailvntittlrn Allouez 3(4! Qulncy nania f e cop Tamarack Trimountiiln Trinity United States ... Utah A'lctorla winonn Wolverine 63; 33', 2l'i no 12 464 37 124 19 :9i 8014 29 13'; 1.1a. is .a 3 Neve York Mining Stock. NEW YORK, Dec. 17.-Tho following are tho closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Alice 45 Hrcece 7B limits wick Con... 16 Comstock Tun.... 6 Con. Cal. A Vu.,.16.1 Deadwood Terra. 60 Horn Silver 190 Iron Silver 60 Leadvllle Con C iLlttle Chief ... Ontnrlo Ophlr 'Phoenix , Potosl Suva go Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ., Standard .. 12 ..S50 .. 58 .. 6 .. 1 ,. 1 ,. 15 ,. 40 ,.313 Cotton .Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 17.-COTTON-Spot fair demand, prices easier; American mid dllng, 4 5-lOd, Futures opened and closed quiet. NEW YORK, Dec. 17.-COTTON-Spot elosetl quiet; middling Uplands, S14c; mid dling gnlr, Mir-; sales, 3,700 bales, Futures closed quiet; December nnd January, 8.13c; February, S.Hc; March. 8.17c; April. 8.18c; May, 8.20c; June, S.18c; July, 8.17c; August, 'ST. LOUIS, Dec. 17.-COTTON-8tendv; sales, 320 bales; middling, 8c; receipts, 6.630 bales; shipments, 4.730 bales; stock, 62,(X)2 bales. OALA'ESTON, Doc. 17.-COTTON-Steady, 8i NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 17.-COTTON Quiet and steady; sales, 3,400 bales; ordi nary. 6 9.16c; good ordinary, 7 M6c: low middling. 7ic; middling, So; good middling, Sljc; middling fair, 8 11-lGc: receipts. 18,901 bales; stock, 330,858 bales. Futures, steady; December, S.02f(8.03c; January. SfiS.Olc; Feb ruary, 8.02ffS.03c; Mnrch, S.WIfr S.07c ; April, S.O7fi8.00c; May, 8.09iS.10c; June, 8.10H8.12c; July, 8.1108.13c. AVool Mnrkrt. ROSTON. Dec 17. AVOOL Thn wool markot here maintains a strong tono and the outlook Is fnvorable. There is a steady demand for supplies and while no largo lots aro being cleaned up thero Is enough call to keep prices strong. Tho call for terri tory wools continues steady nnd sales are miiKiug nt full prices. Purchases aro mostly of moderate lots and wanted for Immedlnto use. Oregon wools continued steady on tho basis of 41(14c for fine medium nnd fine, with value at 35Jj38c and staple ut 4,'fHSc. Tho market for Ileeco wool Is llrm, with tho demand moderate. Ohio washed De laines aro quoted at 2Sfr29c. No. 1 washed Ohio fleeces hold at 26c. with XX ami above quoted at 26fi'J6l4c. .The market for 14 blood Australian wool here Is quoted ut 3So clean, with -blood at 45?ic; 14-blood Aus tralians ura costing 60c clean, with Merinos at 70fj72c; sitpercomblng good at 676Sc and average at 62fn"c. ST. LOUIS, Dee. 17.-AVOOL-Steady: medium grade, 13ffl714c: light line. 12'4ftf 15c; heavy line, 10frl2c; tub washed, 14fj2lc. (Ill nnd Hosln. OIL CITY, Dec. 17.-OIL-Credlt balances. $1.15; certificates, no bid! shipments. 91,790 bids.: average. 94,773 bbls.; runs, 69,376 bbls.; uvernge, 73.6iS) bbls. SAA'ANNAH, On.. Dec K.-OII-Turpcn-tlne, llrm, 36o. Rosin, sternly. TOLEDO, O.. Doc. 17. OH-North Lima, S5c: South Lima and Indiana. 80c. NEW YORK, Dec 17.-OIL-Cottonsecd, quiet, 40TJ41C Petroleum, easy. Rosin, quiet. Turpentine, quiet. LONDON. Dec. 17.-OHCnlcutta linseed, spot. 61s. Turpentlno spirits. 26s 10',4d. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 17.-OIL-Cottonsccd, Hull rellned, spot, firings. SiiKitr Mnrkrt. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 17.-SUOAR-Steudy: open kottle. 2 9"16fr3c: open kettle, centrifugal. 3fJ3Hc; centrlfugnl granu lated. tftOUo; whites, 3ifJ3c; vellows, 3 7-lC4f3s;c; seconds. 2fi3c. Molasses, steady, open kettle, 20f?32c; centrlfugnl, 17 21c. Syrup, steady, 22fr2.Sc NEW A'ORK. Dec. 17.-SUGAR-Raw. steady: fair refining, 3 9-32e; centrifugal, 96 test. 3-';e; molasses sugar. 31-32c; refined, unsettled; crushed, 6.40c; powdered, 5c; granulated, 4.90c. Molasses, steudy. Dry Goods Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Dec. 17.-DRY GOODS Thero bus been a quiet market today. Rrown cottons of all kinds nro firm. Print cloths nlso llrm. Somo of the 3S14lnch 61s sold at lc again. Rleuehed cottons un changed, but may bo advanced any day. Courso colored goods well held. Prints quiet, but firm. Glnghnms continue scarce. Silks nrt tending upward on strength of market for raw material. Coffer Mnrkrt. NEW A'ORK. Dec. 17.-COFFEE-Spot Rio, steady: No. 7 Invoice, 0c. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 7Whllc. Futures opened stonily In tone, with prices a partial 5 points higher. The market ended steady In tonp nnd net unchanged to 5 points lower. Total sales amounted to 30,250 bugs, Including: March. 6.90f(7c; May, 7.10fT7.13c; June, 7.13c: July, 7.20c; August, 7.45c; September, 7.45Q) 7.5.riC. Evnporntcil nnd Dried Fruits, NEW A'ORK, Dec. 17. KA'APORATED APPLES Tho market ruled very quiet all day. but hnd a steady undertone. Stnto. common to good. SfiS'-e: nrlme, SfJSc; choice. fiiOiOAic: fancv. lOfMOlJc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Market dull. Prunes, 314fi7c. Apricots. Royal, 10fr lie: Moor Pnrk. fl".f13c. Peaches, peeled, 12f?19c; impeded, 7J71014c SALVATION ARMY WANTS HELP Need of Drstltntr People Are Fn re in K Deiiinnils on I'hllnntliroplc Proplr Aunln, The Salvation Army has during the last few days received quite a number of extra calls for clothing and food owing to tho cold snap, and nnyoue wishing to assist thoso In need Is asked to send contributions to tho Army headquarters. Arrangements nro well In hand for the an nual free dinner to tho poor given at Christ mas time by the Army. The poor nnd needy are being visited In tholr houses and tickets distributed entitling tho bearer to a basket which will be given out nt the Army hall on Christmas dny nt 9:30 a. m. Ench baskot will cxintnln suinclent food for two good meals for 6 or 0 persons, On Christmas dny nt 6 p. m. tho Army will give a trent to 200 poor children. Re freshments will bo provided nnd, If possible, presents of clothes nnd toys will bo dis tributed. The children will nlso bo enter tained by stereoptlqon scenes nnd special singing by tho children belonging to the Army. Funds nro needed for tho nbovo plans nnd tho public Is hereby nsked to contribute lib erally. Cash contributions should bo sent to Hrlgndler Jnines Toft, 1709 Davenport street, nnd orders for goods suitnblo for tho basket dinner or tree mny bo communicated on 'phono No. 223S, and wo will nrrnngo for our wagon to call at any nddress. THE HEAI.TV MARKET, INSTRUMENTS nlaced on record Tues day, December 17: AViirrniity needs, A. A. L'linorcaux und wife to D. AV. Morrow, lot 1, block 3, Sherwood's subdlv $2,000 M. C. Wenr to Carl Schlliz. lot 20, block 21, 1st add. to Corrlgan Place 200 O. Strlckler nnd wife to E. M. Gnriiott, outlots 25, 259, 2(11 and 261, Florence 1 Andrew Peterson and wife to T. J. Mitchell, lot 11, block 17, Ilcdford Placo 300 DeedK. Sheriff to D. AV. Morrow, lot 4, block 12. Myers. R & T.'s add Total amount of transfer! OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Qui t Ohoici Cattle li lotW Dmid t Itiadj U Itftif Prion HOG MARKET NOT FAR FROM STEADY Ilrmnnil fur Fnt Sheep nnd I,niiilin A'rry Active nnd Prices Are Sow Fully Fifty Cents Higher Tlinu They AVerc I.nst AA'crk. SOUTH OMAHA. Dee. 17. Receipts wi re: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofllciul Monday 2,601 6,222 1,963 OIIlclul Tuesday 3,473 10,HlO 3. H 5,368 6,407 10,322 8,240 28.661 S.39 South corn- Two days this week... 6.071 17,022 Same days lust week... 8,116 22,052 Same week before S.091 26,702 Same three weeks ago.. 9.730 22,019 Same four weeks ago. ..11,023 22,3'n3 Same days Put year.... 4,761 18,011 Averago prices paid for hogs at Omaha tho past several days with parlsons: D7to. I 1901. H9ii0.,lS99.:iS9sTitS97.1896:iS95, Dec Dec. Dec Dec Dec. Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec. Dec. Dec Doc. Dec Dec. Doc. I. ... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7., , s.. 9.... 10... II. .. 12... 13... II... 15... 16... 17... 6 95S 6 S8i S92H I" C6 6 09 6 04i 6 lUi 6 1314 6 14 6 16 6 2IH 6 2114 6 2614 4 631 4 61 4 68 4 77 4 84 4 81 4 781 4 85 4 82 4 77 4 81 4 S6 4 S4 4 83 3 74 3 76 3 St 3 80 3 86 3 SI 3 28 3 83 3 90, 3 92 3 95 3 96 3 WS 3 95 4 01 3 3 28 3 29 3 371 3 35 3 30 3 29 3 31 3 37 3 38 3 33 3 3 30 3 26 3 231 3 19 a v.i 3 23 3 16 3 09 3 25 3 19 3 21 3 251 3 3 17 3 13 3 131 3 15 3) 3 00 o ID 3 21 3 21 3 17 3 20 3 -S, 3 24 3 29 3 31 3 2S 3 1 a 1 3 17 3 33 3 42 3 39 3 ."9 3 36 3 36 3 32 3 36 3 28 3 31 3 33 3 M 3 37 3 10 Indicates Sunday. Tho official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cn 1 1 Irt llta llli'n Wand v., iv nt. i , iiy.. 7 i. v Ht, i,. ity 1 Mo. Pacific Ry 3 Union Pac. System.. 14 r. x, v. w. ii- m F., E. & M. A'. R. It. 31 C, St. P.. M. & O.. 19 R. & M. R. R. R 40 C, 11, & Q. Ry lfi Tf. r. jc- st .t 1 ('., R. I. fi. P., east.. 18 1 .. It. 1. C 1'., WCSl.. 3 Illinois (.entrat 2 Total receipts .,..165 The deposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho niimuer 01 ncau inuicnieu: 9 3.. 3 19 '5 27 '6 !I 9 .. ., 23 It 2 O 19 0 'i 1 6 1 "l51 19 "I Ruvcrs. Omaha Packlnir Co.. G. II. Hammond Co Swift niuj. Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co R. Decker & Degnn A'nnsant & Co .1. L. Carey Lobmnn & Co AV. I. Stephen Livingstone & Schnllor. Hamilton & Rothschild, H. L. Dennis & Co R. F. H Wolfe & M S, & S Other buyers.; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 169 370 497 1.097 173 8 19 . 10 189 77 125 149 28 19 133 '205 1,689 3.0T6 4.703 2,357 300 'tViS 491 793 419 487 2,629 Totals n;S58 12,274 CATTLE There wern nn mnrn rnttln nn (ale today than were wanted nnd as a result prices held fully steady on all do slrublo grades. Packers seemed to hnvo qulto liberal orders, particularly for tho better grades, so that sellers had no dlfll culty In disposing of that class of cuttle at very satisfactory prices. Reef steers of good quality wore In de mand this morning at steady to strong prices. There wero not very many offered, so that they were all out of first hands In ftood season. Tho commoner grades und lulf-fat cattle sold more or less unevenly, tho same as usual, but as n general thing they brought fully stenily prices today, as compared with yesterday. Good fat cows and heifers sold freely nt steady to strong prices. Ruyers were all anxious for that class of cattle, so that they changed hands rapidly. The medium grades and cunncrs did not sell qulto us freely, and tho feeling seemed to bo a trlllo weak. In somi cases sellers thought they got fully steady prices, while others had to sell n shade lower than they did yes terday. Hulls, stags and veal calves sold with out material change In prices. There wns an nctlve demand for tho better grades, but common kinds wero neglected. There were only a few desirable bunches of stockers nnd feeders In the yards today mid such kinds wcro picked up early nt good, llrm prices, So far as the common cattle and medium weights were concerned the market was quiet and buyers very In different Representative sales: REEF STEERS No, No. 1 19!.".'.' 3 7 3 9 5 3 6 11 8 11 19 3 !::::: 21 3 11 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 S 17"!" 1 4 4 8 1 3 5 3 3 1 6 6 6 4 24 12 15 3 16 11... J ft 4... AV. AV. .... 800 S55 ..... 696 833 .... 861 ..... 870 795 ..... 900 ..... S70 861 1011 ,....1018 .... 852 .... 976 .... 893 WHO ....1243 972 .... S26 .... 970 .... 900 ....1080 .....1005 .... 970 .... S10 .... 870 ....1210 .... 810 .... 8S3 .... 875 .... 917 ....1170 .... 792 .... 782 693 .... 670 .... 993 .... IBS .... 1036 .... 900 ....1260 1000 ....1076 .... 933 ....1010 ....1020 ....1043 .... 901 ....1016 ..... 770 .... 912 .... 930 ..1115 Pr. Pr. 3 00 3 00 3 40 .1 65 3 75 3 73 3 80 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 20 4 25 4 30 I 30 I 60 4 60 4 I)) 4 65 20. 10... 19... 15".'." 16... 4... 20... 17..., 30... 13... I'.l... 36..., 5(1..., 9..., 60..., 40..., 18... 27... ,. 969 1093 IOCS 90) 1171 1170 870 looo 1050 .... 11SS 1213 1130 1242 1257 1321 1212 1153 1353 1112 4 65 I 63 4 70 4 73 4 110 6 00 5 m 6 00 5 35 6 50 6 70 5 85 6 90 5 90 6 00 0 03 6 05 6 10 0 25 (i 983 1 1210 1 PT,0 2 1193 ... 930 ... 983 ...1100 ... 855 ...1070 .... 890 6 1 12 4 11 2 00 2 10 2 30 2 35 2 40 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 W 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 80 2 SO 2 80 2 S3 2 85 2 90 2 95 3 (10 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 fill 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 COWS. 13 4 1 3 1 Si"!'.! 8 , 10 6 1 1 1 27 4 6 , 7 1 28 11 , fi n l!!!!! 1 3 1 12.'""; 21 l!.'!X 1 3 6 , 1 1 i :t 4 6 13. 4.. 1.. o L. 1.. 1.. .... 720 .... 690 ....1220 m 1510 1220 1170 1105 1240 1650 1950 2 00 2 50 2 73 3 00 3 00 3 05 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 25 4 ! HULLS. ...1053 ...1190 ... 910 ... 912 ...1270 ... 950 ...1120 ...1050 ...1094 .... 9S0 ...KM) ....1090 ... 976 ...1106 ...1150 ...1470 ...1210 ... 910 ...1250 873 ...1109 ... 820 ....1027 .... 82.1 ... 965 ...1165 ...12SO ...1150 ...1183 ...1310 ...1100 ... S12 ...1051 ...1035 ... 870 ...1030 ... 923 ,...10W ...1370 ,..1250 ...1390 ... 843 soo 961 976 1 1 1 1 1.. ....1300 ....1410 ....156i) ....1550 ....1160 ....1670 ....1610 . .1260 ..I860 ..1360 1010 10... 4 29 5 1 1 1 1 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 980 . 992 . 196 .1151 . 260 . 300 . 200 . 220 720 5 25 21 u 30 7 HEIFERS. 2 80 1 4 00 CALVES. 3 60 1 3 60 1 5 00 1 5 23 STAGS. 3 00 ..1095 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 :!5 3 33 3 45 3 15 3 45 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 55 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 75 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 80 3 90 3 90 3 91 3 90 3 90 3 90 3 90 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 no I OT 4 15 3 23 3 25 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 73 4 00 I 10 6 00 3 65 5 85 ...1210 4 23 110 110 190 6 SO 5 73 6 73 1.. 3.... 11.... 1..., 1.... 3.... 1.... STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 870 2 no 576 2 60 397 3 60 STOCKERS 380 2 no 400 791 480 650 780 70 70 603 8 S01 12 761 1i! 768 3 35 60..., 32 732 3 40 36,... 3 600 3 40 22.... 1 430 3 60 43.... 15 612 3 60 4.... HOGS Thero wus a good average run of hogs hero today, but thn demand seemed to bo equnl to tho supply. The markot, liowevcr, was very slow In opening, us buyers and sellers did not'ngren on terms, When tho hogs finally did begin to movo to the scales it was found that prices, as a rule, were not far from stendy. Thcro wuh more or less imcvcnncss, though, as Is very apt to bo tho case when thcro Is such 00 3 no 3 CO 3 00 3 23 3 30 3 X 3 35 3 40 3 40 3 60 3 60 AND 5.. S.. 8.. 61.. 10.. o si! FEEDERS. 376 3 55 . 707 .. 731 . 792 . 470 . 826 . 910 ,. 857 .. 860 .. 730 .. 694 .1009 3 r.i 3 65 3 65 3 70 3 75 3 73 3 80 3 80 3 85 3 85 3 85 I 00 a wide range of weights. In some cases sales were made that looked stronger, while In others the market looked weaker Tho heavyweight hogs of course wero In tho best demand ami anything showing weight nnd quality sold Irani J6.50 to $6.75. The medium weight hogs sold largely from 6.25 to $6.60. The lighter grades went from $6.20 down. It wns not nn active mnrket and the morning was well advanced before anything like a cicaranco was made. Rep resentutlve sales; No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 86 ... 4 70 6.1 212 80 6 25 33 252 ... 201 5 35 74... 89. . 80. . . SO 6 05 2V.. 33... 60... 71... 37... 61... 18. . 97.. 70.. 95.. 91.. 75. . 87.. 39.. 36.. 71.. 97.. SO.. 96.. 89.. 49.. 83.. 46.. 13.. 92.. 61.. 91.. 75. . 91.. rt). . 67.. 113. 82. . 83.. 61.. 90.. 92.. 82. . 73.. 82.. 74.. 15.. 72.. 66.. 73.. 86.. 42.. 100. 91.. 35. . 45.. 95 .145 ....13.' ....153 ....180 ....176 ....160 ....185 ....161 ....174 ....173 ....10 ....1S3 ....181 ....161 ....171 . . . .185 !;.'.'i?i ....iss ....180 ....182 ....181 ....193 . .. .20)! ....197 ....198 ....IV, ....191 ....189 ....185 209 ....2IS ....180 ....195 ....250 ....19S ....251 ....195 ....197 ....203 ....181 ....186 ....201 .251 40 '40 'so 40 120 lil 160 40 80 40 120 'id so 320 'io SO 160 4 70 4 S3 5 35 5 60 5 93 6 05 6 Oft 6 05 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 13 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 16 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6. 6 17V 6 17j 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 20 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 23 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 67. S3.. ...an ...191 ...195 ...276 ...215 ...233 . . .2.12 ...229 ...210 . . .209 ...230 ...209 40 SO 200 160 160 80 84 221) 76. 85. . 34.. 41.. 75. . 68.. 67.. 78.. ..291 .236 .293 .239 .216 .219 .250 .231 .266 .261 .237 ....200 ....256 ....293 . . . .292 . . . .315 . . . .293 66. 75. 65. 69. 68. 63. 67. 49. 62. (VI .1. 61 383 145 263 65 2-.V, 67. 66. 60. 49. 47. 49... 66.... 40.... . .SI .316 .291 .3JS .35" .339 .365 .393 160 40 SO 100 120 200 160 40 so 40 160 80 SO 120 SO SO SO iiV) 2Si) 120 'so 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 : 6 30 6 30 6 30 6 35 6 35 6 33 6 33 6 35 6 35 6 33 6 45 6 45 6 45 6 43 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 65 6 65 6 65 6 (V) 6 tVl 6 6") 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 6J4 6 65 6 65 6 65 6 05 6 70 6 70 (i 70 f, 70 6 70 6 75 6 SO SHEEP There wns not a heavy run of sheep hero todny, and, as was noted yes terday, there was active competition for both fat sheep and lambs, Ruyers wero OUt carlv and nvervtblmr i'Iimiilt-iI luiiulu about us fast ns It was unloaded. As com- pareu wit 11 tlie closo of last week the market Is now Just about 60e higher on the better grades of both sheep nnd lambs. Slieep sold ns high as J4.l) which a week ago would not have brought over $J.60. Lives sold ns high as $3,45 which last week wero selling no higher than $3.(0. Lambs brought ns hluh mm J.vnn nnd 1540 widen probably would not huve sold for over $1.75 a Sblirt ftnm n,..t llntmi linlli'., r,.u ll.,....1 lambs sold up to $1.75. From these sales 11 is seen mat packers nro anxious for supplies, and, owing to tho light receipts, tlleV firit ffirr.ul til t.tiv nvt ...ti.nl ,1 l,ll. prlees as compared with recent quotations. 1 nn ii-euvr murKci, However, is just nuoill tile same. Onlv 11 few urn ufY.,r.,tl rin,1 iUn demand continues light. winiuiiioius: i iioico llgutweigtit yearlings. $l.tnVif4.25j good to choice medium weight i'fi'.V'i'K."' W '!(): fair to good yearlings. $J.5Wj3.io: choice wethers. J3.l0fl3.fo; fair to good wethers. t3AUftn.Xi: ,tml,.. i in 3.40; fair to good ewes, $2,8013.10; common elves. $1,005(2.01); choice Inmbs. $3.00G5.40: tair to good Iambs. $1 tivffo.oo; feeder weth ers, $2.93.15: feeder lambs. 1.1 OOfi.1 50. lien. rcsontntive sales: :'J .Mexican Iambs , 69 native ewes 192 Mexican lambs m native wetliors 42 dinned lambs 1( tiatlvo lambs , .0 cupped lambs No, 2 cull ewes 3 cull ewes 1 cull owe 0 cull owes , 1 buck 4 ewes and bucks 97 natives , 6) western ewes 21 nntlvn ewes 31 nntlvn owes 1 native ewe 28 natlvo owes 27 nutlvo owes 30 natlvo ewes 71 native ewes 90 native ewes 81 western wetliors 4 yearling ewes 153 nntlvn wethers , ISS nutlvo wcthurs 23 clipped lumbs , 68 clipped lnmbs , 25 natlvo lambs , 31 natlvo lambs 36 nntlvu lambs 213 native lambs 295 natlvo lambs 12 nutlvo lambs 13 natlvo lambs 40 3 00 123 3 40 42 3 50 102 4 2.5 89 5 no 91 6 (3 61 4 124 Av. Pr. 110 2 00 96 2 00 10O 2 60 96 2 50 170 3 0) 167 3 00 136 3 10 103 3 15 111 3 25 129 3 23 ) 3 23 105 3 23 121 3 35 133 3 35 126 3 45 132 3 45 91 3 83 110 4 00 120 4 00 120 I 00 69 4 C.5 78 4 75 61 4 75 88 5 no 93 5 10 71 6 10 87 6 30 73 5 40 0) 6 40 CIltCAftO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cuttle .Slrii.ty linn lllRlirr nnd Sheen l.oivrr. e SI1 CA00-. rx-c- 17.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 6,000 head; steady at advance of Monday; cnod tn la-liini M "fjr, ? rji- ,..,r, . ...... 11...., ... ltSii r n' . . ..'J. ri'U, . W II). 1.11,11,, $.I.SO76.00; stockers nnd feeders, $2.00l,25; cows. $IOOJ50; heifers, $1,501(5.13: dinners $ .iHi2.(i0; bulls, $1.75'i 1.60; cnlves, $2.50f5.75 'lexas fed steers, $l.30f5.40, HOGS Receipts. 30.000 head: estimated tomorrow. 43,000; left over, U.ooo; strong to a shado higher; mixed nnd butchers, J5.S5 5(i.6,ii good to choice heavy. $6.30'n6.67'.; rough heavy, $5 ixHU.lS; light, $5.2505.93; bulk of sales, $3.90f6.60. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady to 10c lower; good to cholco wethers, $3,7311.40; fair to cholco mixed, $2.8((3.60; western shenp. $3.00frl.00: native lumbs, $2.50f5,75; western lumbs, $2.00 Gl4.25. OIIlclul yesterday: Receipts Cattlo. 1,011 bend: hogs, 33.120 bend; sheep, 15,679 head. Shipments-Cattle, 2,711 head; hogs, 3,850 head; sheep, 150 head. KmiMiiM City Mv .Stock Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITA. Dec. 17. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,500 head nntlves, 700 head Texans. head calves; beef steers, 10ijl5c higher; cows and hollers, strong; stockers and feeders, steudy; cholco export nnd dressed beef steers, $j.SO1i0.50; fair to good. $4.75fi u.u; stockers and feeders, $3.O0ff4. 10; west .r" f0(i, ?iy,err?i '-&"fc&00; western rango steere. S3.60fff5.00; Texans and Indian steers, 3.00ifc-l.75; Texns cows. $2.35ffj3.75; nutlvo cows. $2.75f(5.0O; heifers, $3,S0iiG.25: bulls. $2.6iW.25; calves. $3.2.ViJG.50. IIOn.s.T,H,;c'!l!,s.' "-P00 llPn(1: market opened lCX?15o higher, closed easy; top, $6.80: bulk of sales, $5. in v,i 6. 70; heavy, $6.7(li6.S0: mixed packers, $0.23fc0.70; light, $5.251jC.50 pigs, $ 1.23(f) 3.25. ' SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rocclpts, 4,000 fiond: mnrket lofiCoq higher; natlvo Inmbs, $4.2(5.20; .western Inmbs, $.25fN.75; natlvo wethers, $3.hk4.25; western wethers, $3.60 4.10; ewes, $3.(0tf3.S0; culls and feeders, $2.23 4J3.50. St. I.oiiIn Mvr Stock Mnrkrt. 4,600 head, Including 3,3oo Texans: market slow und dull for Texans and lOfiiSo. higher for best native steers; nutlvo shipping und export steers. $8.fi6.4o. with cholco to fancy ut $6.50fiS.25; dreshed beef nnd hutchor steers, $l,IOf(6.25; steers under l.OoO lbs., $3.00fi5.90; stockers nnd feeders, $2.45f3.S9; cows nnd heifers, $2.OoT5.O0; ennners, $1.60 5(2.85; bulls, $2,3513.76; Texas and Indian steers, $l.00ff5.10; fed, $3.10f4.30; grass cows and heifers, $2.10713.50. HOGS Receipts, 6.800 bond; market 5c higher on best, steady on others; pigs and lights. $6.mi6.2.ri; puckers, $6.10f)6.40; butch ers. $6.351(6.67'4 SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recclpts, 600 head: mnrket 10lil5o higher; nutlvo muttons, $3.25 ffit.OO; lambs, $l.00f(6.60; culls iuuI bucks. $1,601(3.00. ' .en A'ork Mvr Stock Market. NEW YORK. Dec. K.-REEVES-Ro-celnts, 371 head, partly consigned direct; bulls sold ut $2.7o; dry cows, $1,701(2.75. Cables quote: American steers, 12147(13V4c, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 5'41lOe. Exports. 85 head beeves. 1,710 head sheep and B.fiio quarters of beef. CALVES-Recelpls. 227 head; firm; veals, $4.50(8.00; n few calves $3.60; westerns, $3.00 43.25. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 3,932 head; active, dun mainly to short supply; sheep, $2,501(1,00; lambs, $5.751j0.00; no prlmo on sale. HOflS-Recelpts, 2,681 head; about 1 car on snlo; no sales. GETTING NEWS FROM ROME Slnuittnr Custom Hint Prrtnln In nn Indlnn Territory Settlement of Easterner. George C. Thompson of SI. Louis was thn guest of Omaha friends n few Mays this week. .Mr. Thompson travels for a shoo hoiiso nnd Is enrouto homo to spend tho holidays. "I wns down In tho Indian Territory re cently. Things havo changed considerably down there In tho last few years. Several years ago I was down there on n buslnees nnd pleasure trip combined, nnd wns stop ping at n farmhouse, or, rather, cnbln, about twelve miles from Checotnh. Sitting out In front of the cabin one afternoon theso cabins wero nbout a mllo apart I saw two men coming riding by; In a few minutes four or llvo more; then came sev eral women; then more men, some riding und some walking. I knew tho procession wns out of tho ordinary nnd went Into tho house to ask my host what It meant. Ha was just putting on his Sunday clothes nnd his wife wns all decked out In hor store clothes. 'This Is Tuesday,' he said, 'am! we are going over to Louis Courtney's to read the home paper.' Well, I went with them and the rending circle wns a revela tion to mo. Tho Courtneys lived nbout four miles from tho place where I wns stopping. AVhen wo got there fully twenty-live men nnd women had congregated. Mr. Courtney then called tho meeting to order wo as sembled out In tho yHrd pulled out a weekly newspaper and commenced to read. First tho locn! nows, then tho country cor respondence nnd Instly the editorial. Fre quently when some paragraph was rend nbout some one a member of tho pnrty knew, ho would ndd his knowledge to whnt the paper snld nnd the matter would on thoroughly discussed before tho rending wan resumed. When nn obituary wns read nnd there were several In thnt paper tho deceased hnd n relatlvo In the reading cir cle, the voice of tho reader would becomn snd nnd he would Invnrlably hnvo to tnko off his glasses nnd wipe them before com mencing ngnln, A'oii see some of thefo people hnd been In the country for yenrs nnd very few of them hnd a correspondent back tn the states. There only means of keeping up with the homo nows wns through tho weekly paper. Courtney wns tho only tnnn In thnt section of tho coun try who subscribed for tho pnper nnd ench week oveyonc of theso people who hnd form erly lived within twently miles of Court ney's old home came over to hear tho news read. Somo of them camo fully fifteen miles, They would read every lino In tho pnper, including tho ndvertlscmonts. I nsked one of them why he didn't subscrlbo for tho paper. 'Oh, I don't know, l'vo Just got In tho habit of coming over to louts', and then, It costs n dollar a yenr.' Ho didn't scorn to count tho tlnio ho loet In coming to louts' plncc." Grnrrnl Srivrll Hests Uulctly. CAMnKV. K .I Iliw 17n,,.rnl a. .. condition remains unchanged today. Ho icsu-ii wen uuriiig mo nignt ami seemed lirlirntnr lllln tiinrnlni. lllu .,). ..tnn -' rt. ...r. I'l.J n.v.llllO 111, not untlclpato any Immediate chango for I I tti ! KJ I Oi l pAII.AVAA TIM 12 CARD. UNION STATION lOTH AMD MAIICV Illinois Crntrnl. Chicago Express a 7:50 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & oi. x'uui iuuiieu.... Txave. .a 7:10 am Arrive, n 5:10 pm Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:10 am Fort Dodge Local, from council uiuns a t:uu am CIiIchko & Northwestern. "Thn Northwestern Line Chicago Special a 7:20 am Chicago Papscnccr a 4:15 rim Eastern Express al0:6t nm custom special u 4: pm Fust Mali a 8:00 on. Omaha.Chicago L't'd ..a 7:45 pm Fast Mnll a 8:30 am Cedar Rapldr Pass Twin City Express a 7:10 am i win Liiy united a 7:&o pm Sioux City Locul a 8:00 am a Dally. Union Pnetne. Overland Limited.,., Fast Mull California Express. Paclllc Express Eastern Express.... Atlantic Express..., Llncolii'Strnmsburg Grand Island Local., .Mlnkllll'l I'lll'llle. St. Louis Express., iv. w. a at. l. ...a. 8:50 nm ...a 9:00 nm ...a 4:25 pm ,..nll:20 pm Ex.b 4:05 pm ....i) 6:30 pm a 8:20 nm b 9:40 pin nll:10 pm a s:oo am a 4:05 pm a 4:05 pm a 2:45 pm a 8:49 am a 6:30 pm alO:25 pm n 8:15 am a 3:53 pm a 7:30 pm a-3:25 pm a 4:35 pm a 7:03 u m bl2:30 pm b 9:36 ura a 6:25 pm a 6:10 am St. Joseph ST. JOSEPH, I. lie Stock Mnrkrt. Dec. 17.-CATTLE-Re. celpis, 1,901) head; steady; natives, $3,251? 7.25: cows nnd heifers, $1,0015 50: venls, $2.50 15.25; stockers and feeders, $2.ooli 1,26, HOGS Receipts, 9,'joo head; stfady; light and. light mixed, $3.75fi0.SO; medium and heavy. $6:2ia6.80; pigs, $2,7514.50. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recolpts, 1,700 head; market steady. Stork In SIkIiI. Tho following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st tho llvo principal markets for December 17: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 3,473 10,800 3,410 Chicago 6,000 30,0110 H.iyt) Kansas City 7,200 lO.ono i.O'fl St. IJIlls 4.IVI) 6,K) m) St. Joseph l.fluj 9,W) 1.700 Totnl... 23,173 73,500 23,700 llndriivor to lleiicli Setllenienl. CHICAGO, Deo. 17.-Rpresentntlves of western association roads mot horn today. Thn notice of withdrawal of tho Southern Puclflc from tho military truftlo agreement was discussed In un endeavor to reach somo settlement. .al0:00 nm Express. nl0:50 pm CIiIciiko, Ilnek Islnutl fc I'nclne. EAST. Des Moines and Dav- ennort Local a 7:35 nm Chicago Express bll;15 am Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:00 pm Des Moines, Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 8:25 am AVEST. Lincoln, Colo, Springs, Denver. Pueblo nnd AVcst a 1:30 pm Colorado, Okluhoma & Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm Ch.ciiKo, Mllmiukco & Nt. Paul, Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 urn b 3:40 pm AVnlinnh. St. Luuls "Cannon Bail" Express a 6:15 pm St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs 4.10:00 am a 9:35 pm a 4:55 pm 1)11:50 tm a 1:23 pm a 4:15 pm a 9:50 am a 8:20 am al0:30 pm lUllll.INGTON STATION IOTII & MASON Dnrllnnton fc MUannrl Itlver. Leave. Nebraska Express a 8:40 am AVymore, Jieuirlco and Lincoln a 8:40 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm Illuck 1 Illl" and Puget Sound, Denver Con nection a 9:00 pm - Lincoln Fast Mall b 3 00 pm Fort Crook nnd PJatts mouth b 3:20 pm Rcllevuo & Pacific Jet.. a 7:40 pm Uollevuo & Psclllc Jet., a 3:00 nm Knnsna C'lt), Si. Jimrpli .t IIIiiITs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 nm Kansns City Night Ex..nl0:30 pm St. Louis Flyer a 5:10 pm Arrive, a 7:35 pm bll:55 am a 3:00 pm a 6:45 am a 9:17 am bll:05 nm a 8:20 am Council a 6:05 pm a 0:15 am nll:i5 am Clilcnun, llurllnRton .t Unlnny. Chlcngo Special........ ..a 7:00 am nl0:20 pm Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:45 am Chicago Local... a 9:30 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pn a Daily, b Dally except Sunduy. WKHSTHIl DEPOT 15TII A AVEIlSTKlt Fremont, Elklinrn fc Mlrnimirl Valley Leave. Arrive. 1anr TTIIln Dt .id wnrirf. Hot Springs a 1:00 pm Wyoming, Casper nnd Dnuglnn d 3:00 pm Hustings, A'ork, David Lliy oupcrior, uunuvu, Exoter und BeworJ....i 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:23 am Fremont locui u (; um CIiIciiko, SI. Paul, Onuilin. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:00 nm SIOUX Ulty l-asHCiiKei ... i.w un Emerson Local b 6:30 pm Missouri Purine. NebniBka Local, Via AA'eeplng AVator h 4:10 pm al0:25 am .. . - I . . 1. t-hI.. ......... n , . .1 .. . . n II jvuiiy u unity caucii diiiintiy. o nun dny only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally fvn.it Kfnnrlnv. a 6:00 pm o 6:00 pm .Mlmiriiiiolia ,fc a 9:10 pm all'.io am b 8:30 am Tetttpkaa inn. Boyd Commission Co Bucceitora to jamas E. Doyd A Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION URAIN, I'ltOVIHIOXH AND STOCK!. Uuarft of Trade Ilullallaa?. Dlrtot wires to Calcaio and Naw Tarlfc 1 A i