x'JIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1001. n ) SPECIAL JOTJCB Ad vertlnrnirntu for tlier minimis trill lif tnkrn until 1- m. for Hie tTFtilim edition nml until H .'III i. iu. Cor nioritliiK nml Sundnj rilltliin. nnlex, 1 I ''( n iruril first liiaertlon, Ir a ivoril llierrnllrr. NoIIiIiik InWrn (or Irs IIihii for tlir llrst Insrr llon, These ndi rrllriiiciit iinial lie rim ronsceiitH rly. Ahi rllrri, liy rciinrstlinr n nam hereil check, mil linve mmrfri uil Irmard to n niiiiiliorril IrtliT In rnre tf Tlir lire. AnsMcru mi addressed will be ilHltirrd om urenentnlluii of tUm heck only. SITI ATIONS WANTED. WANTED, position by n first-class ex-peril-need clothing nnil furnishing goods salesman; bent references. Address N 41. Uee. A-MIW ! wanted male iii:i,i STEADY WORK, profitable work, for nc.it, energetic hustlers. C. F. Adums Co.. IBIS Howard, H-OU WANTED A good man In every county to tnko subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our ugents make good wuges everywhere. References required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omuhu, Neb. IJ-613 00D messengers wanted. Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., 212 Hollth 13th. D-062 3f6rAHALF DAY'S WORK. If you llvo In tho country or In n small town and havu a good acquaintance among tho farmers and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make live dol larH cosily by four or llvo bourn' work. Wrlto us and wo will Mend you our propo sition. Tho Hee Publishing Co.. Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb, R-M213 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra otroko or two of tho pen to mention tho fuct that you saw Ui ad la Tho Dtsu. WE GUARANTEE splendid wages to nny ono that learns the barber trado with us now. We want 100 men nt once and can furnish positions to all In country and city shops, hospitals, palncu trains and soldiers' homes; many positions con trolled entirely by us; nlso many shops for sale and rent on file. Our method of Instructions nml practical experience by free work saves two years' apprentice ship; two months completes. Our seven great schools are the only Institutions of the kind. Do not bo deceived by 6c shops calling themselves colleges. Tan earn scholarship board .tools and transporta tion If desired. Catalogue ami particu lars mailed free. Moler Harber College, 1023 Fnrnum at. H-M3I6-20 WANTUD. traveling salesmen to travel on commission basli, Address liuekoyo China Co., East Liverpool, U. 11-M3I0 17 ANY person who will distribute circular for VI dally should address .Standard Co., 4 Wells, Chicago. Steady position; no eanvusslng. H MUX) 17' W.t NTH !-!' E M A I. II 1 1 11 1 . 1'. WANTED 200 girls. 1621 Dodge. WANTUD Two young1 lady students to leurn hulrdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and sclentlllc massage Call or write, iioom i.v, uco mug. u uus WANTUD, experienced second girl In small family. 2037 Dodgo St. C-M1D7 COMPETENT girl for general housework, I'll Douglus, ,lrs. 12. Roscwntcr. C M25S WANTUD Woman (widow preferred) to Keep nounc. i nave nvu uiiuurcii. m dress, llox 29. Foster, Neb. C M323 17 VK CAN guarantee girls hotter wages at hulrdresslng, manicuring or facial mabsngo than any other work they can do. U requires four weeks to learn by our method of practical experience and expert Instructions, Call or write. .Moler uouego, iu;j i urnam at. u .MiHj ju' WANTUD ("Sood worker to attend cows and horses and do chores. Call with city reroroneoa in in lwtruacu uiock, city. C 1S WANTUD. good girl for general house work, nt once; no wiibhlng. lew 4th ave., UOUllCll 1IIUI1H. ' .Mlli WANTUD, ladles to handle a new solendld selling ladles' article; neat and light to carry and sells to most every lady; It will pay to wriio mo lor particulars. i n, Case, mfgr., Albert Leu, .Minn. C-MI57 19 FOR. KENT HOUSES. Mldillemls, wullpaper clcuner. 1103 Jackson, D-S22 J3 1IOUSUS, stores. Demls, Fuxton Xilock. HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. 110USUS und Hats. Rlngwalt, UarkeuliT D-607 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city. Drennun-Lovo Co,, 309 South 13lh streot. D-0O3 uni ICCC in all parts of city. Tho O. nUUOLJ ii; Davis Co., 652 IJoo Hldg. -502 TUN rooms, moilern except furnnce. 971 N. 27th Ave., J2G. JOHN W. RODU1N8, 1S02 FAHNAM ST. D-CI0 TO MOVU right got Omaha Van Storugo Co., oltlco IDU',3 Furnam., or tel. 1553-iC3. D-071 FOK HUNT, S-room brick house, modem. 2715 JackBon St. Telephono 491 or L-25S3. A. Traynor. D-us 112 N. 26TH, 8 rooms. 002 Dodgo St. d-130 iva BUU HKNIIY 11. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. D-C77 B-llOOM modem, except furnace, J22. a. M. Nattlnger, lieu Illdg. 'Phono 4C3. D-C73 LAUOUST stock latest combination grnpho. phones, records and supplies, Come ami seo them. Fredrlcksou, loth and Dodgo Sts. D-533 D21 10-ltOOM dwelling, finest boarding locality. 18th and Dodgo sts.; long lease llrst-class tenant. Tho Putnam Co., 604-5 N. Y. Ufo bldg. D-M243 pesiraiujE hopru. west paiit cityT 418 S. 3Stli st.. 9 rooms, modern In every way and in nrst-clus condition, (05 per month. aUOUQU & COMPANY, lCOl Farnam St. , D-M2IU 14 HOUSES. Q. O. Wnllaco. Drown lllock. D S7j NICE 6-room house, strictly modern, easily hentcd, $22.60 per mo., Including water. 721 So. 37th. D-i!5 JG FOH HENT, C-room cottage. 1709 Jackson et. D-M2CG 17 D-HOOM modern bouso and barn. 2109 N. 20tj. Phone A-25i. D-M26I. BEVEN-HOOM all modern house, In good condition, largo yard and beautiful slia.1.. trees, 6 minuter' wnlk from city hall, Will rent for $30 per month. OMAHA LOAN &. THUST CO., 18th and Douglas Sts. D-C7I LOW DOWN HATE for gooT S-room "nioiT em house, with nil conveniences, near High school, luquiro soon at 607 N. Y. Llfu bldg. D 122 10 NO HAHD coal needed, central, modern, steam neat, i-room utu, croom nnuse. Tlzard, 224 North Twenty-third. D-M102 Dec. 31 FOH HENT, R-room cottage. Inquire 1931 n. 11111. liMiW iJ' UU UU.M I t lt.MMli:il ROOMS, DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam E-tol ONE fuinlsl.ed room, with heat, on car line, ibis cium; o per montn. vi uj MOd1:hN, well heated rooms. 310 N. 151 E-M131 D17 T11HEE furnished rooms for light houso' keeping. 1112 S, 11th St. E-S22 ROOMS, 190(5 Capitol uve. E-M250 10 HOUSEKEEPING Mary's. rooms, $0. 2023 St. K-V39 Ji FURNISHED rooms, steam heat. S13H N. 15th, Mat U U IT IFOR nENT Thrto modern furhiBhed 1 rou iii a for nouacKeepinu" ui vm iiurt. liSr 152 17 'L Il.MSII l;l) ltOO.MS AMI IIOAHI), ITuPrA, 1721 Davenport St. F- CSt CILUNCAIHN, transient J126 day. 1C00 Doug. 1" UBO NICE home for yojng men. 10S S. Mth St. r BCITU of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle tntii. 1619 Jackson St. F-H STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, wiui or wuuuut uouru, at rue iiiur-iiou. F-S STEAM-HEATED rooms, with or without boutd. Midland hotel, ICth ulul Chicago streets. F-M213 D21 HOOM and board for three and tuble board ror two additional gentlemen at ski: ijhv enport street; Jl per month for room and board; 112 for meals only. F-MH 10 EI,EGANT stenm heated front room, with board. 19f0 Capltoi Ave. F M403 MAIN llnr of iW7 Douglas for business or living rooms, steam heat. Inquire 10.9 DoUkIob St. F-.l;tM 21 DHHIItAIH.U room; llrst-class board. 2SS I Harney. F-M391 1S FOH HUNT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago sts. F Mill roil iti:.M-i M Litisiii:n iioo.Mei. DESK room space, $5 per mouth, ground lloor room In The lice b.iildlng, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. H. C. Peters At Co., ltcntal Agents, Uee Building. U 110 LIGHT housekeeping. 2021 St. Mary's uve. SUITE of rooms, modern. C16 Oeorgln ave. 0-M23I IS rou itu.vr vruiiHH ami orricn. FOH HUNT, tho building formerly occu pied by Thu lite ut 910 Furnam St. It hau tour stories and a basement which wtn formerly used as The Hee press room. '1 his will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at once to C. C. Hose water, secretury, room 100, lloo building. 1-201 OFFICE with vault and part first lloor or all top lloor. 1411-10 Harney St. Midland Olass and Paint Co., Hlv Harney St. 1-C91 FOH HENT, store In first-class location; relit reasonable. Apply H, C. Peters & Co., ground lloor, Hee llldg. 1 200 FOH HENT, ono room 20x100. 1517 Chicago St., stenm heat, gas and water; suitable for most any business. Apply to M. J. Franck, Midland hotel. 1-Mll'J AUii.vrs WA.vrun. MEMORIAL life of McKlnley, four lan guages. 050 pager,, 100 halftones, H.&o; treo uutllt. Y. A lilxeubaugh & Co., 600 Wuro block, Omaha. J-G92 PHOF1TAHLE work offered agents In every town to secure subscriptions to thu Ladles' Homo Journal and tho Saturday Evening Post. We wunt agents who will work thoroughly and with business sys tem to cover each section with our illus trated llttlu bouklets urd other advertis ing matter and to look sharply utter re newals from old subscribers. The pay is llrst rate and ut tho end of the season $2o,0iAt will be given the best workers as extra prizes for good work. How well some of our uuents havu succeeded Is told In a little booklet wo would like to send you portrait ur some of our best agents, with the story of how they made It pay. Tho Curtis Publishing Co.. Phil adelphia, I'll. J-M200 Feb?' HEPUTAHLE attorney can obtain ollleo en suite In Hco building. Address M 45, uco OII1CO. j AISUl WANTED, cunvnsslng agents In every county to solicit sjbscrititlons to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR, This splendid boog contains 1,100 Imperial jctnvo pages, sow oinect-teachlng engravings and Is tho only book on llvo stock over published adapted to tho evory day, practical money-saving uso of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse and buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make easily $00 to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Uureau, IJee building, uinana. j zu When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra istroka or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In Tho Dee. AGENTS wanted for new publications; ptospectus. etc., free. George llarrlo Us Son, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia. J-M231 J12 ATTORNEY In Heo building cun accom inodato lawyer with ollleo cn suite. M 45, Hec. J-i27 AGENTS, wanted I want a local agent In every town in lowa to represent me ex clusively In obtalnng buyers for South Dakota land; splendid list; llhcrnt con tract. Address, giving references. Hllund P. l.ockwood, Sioux City, la. J 120 17 WAVnin-TO UHNT. YOUNG lady wants room. N 37, Hee. jv i:o rr YOUNG man wnnts room; will also tnko ooaru. jn as, uee. k 120 u WANTED, housekeeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished, .n 39, llec. K 121 17 STOIlAlii:. STORAGE, low rates. Derlght, 1119 Far- nam ai. i.ui OM. Vnn Stor Co., lDUVi Fum. Tcls. 1539-S03. i1, i .j. PACIFIC Storngo nnd Wnrchouso Co.. 912- vil Jones, general storagu and forwarding. -093 WANTI1H-TO IH1Y. SECOND-HAND books bought for spot cusn m jwHiquuriun, iuij rarnaiu si. N-530 WANTED, to buy, some glass doors nnd glass partitions ami one uair-oau round counter. Apply to M. J. Franck, Midland hotel. N-.MII5 SECOND-HAND typowrlter In good con dition, euner uensmore or (.'hicago, statu prlco nnd terms. N 43 Hee. N-MIGi IS WANTED to buy, furniture and undertak ing stock. Address llox 7H, spencer, la. N-MI5S 10 FOR SALE FlIRMTl lti: CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1110 Dodgo. Tel. IVZ0. New nnd secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O (i9d FOR ft A I, K HOUSES, WAHO.VS, ETC. GOOD HUQGY 1IARGA1NS. 1 rubber-tired depot wagon. 1 U-pusa. Hockawuy. 4 leather-top fumlly carriages. 4 phaeton, 0 top and open buggies and runabouts Secondhand harness. Drummoild Carriage Co., 18th & Harney St. P-192 THE REST In buggies nnd wngons at II. Frcst'b, 14th and Ieavenworth. P 103 FOR SALE Horse, buggy and harness, cheap. Fidelity Oil Co., South 20th and u. p. ny. p 1& FOH SALE Young mare, cheap. W. 11, Smith, 4020 Chicago, P-M1KI IS FOR s.AI.E-Ml'S(JHM,A.EOUS. LARGEST stock latest combination grnpho phones, records and supplies, Come ana seo inom. f reucricKsou, lain uuu ouueu ois, Q-53J D21, FIR timbers for housomovcrs, etc., 40 to 71 ft,; crlbbtut; and hog fence, 901 Doug lus. Q CO) 2DHAND ?nf.)"chcap7 IH'rTghtTUrFalrTiam Q-09J PATENT in nil dues at cut prices. Shcrnun & McConliell Drug Co., cor. 10th niul Dodge. Q-.M172 Al HORSE nnd phaeton, cheap. Inquire ma farnam or ii.j uougc. y mvu D00 OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowltz, 413 ,N, ltilh. IJ 703 EDISON and Columbia tnlklng machines nnd records, Omuha Illcycle Co., ICth una .unicngo. g tus 2D-HAND safe cheap, Schwartz, 111 S. 13. Q-9Si FOR S U,E MISC EI.I.ANEUIX. CADET coal, pood t new: will lit bey 13 f.r II ipnm nld AthlreSK l! a2. Hrfl. Q-M5S4 FOR SALE, a doten empty news Ink bar rels. Apply rressroom, iec mug Q-MM9 17 FOH SALE, one torm door, suitable for store or fnlnon; price, $10; one larte Hub besting stove, $3; one i.irge base burnet, JS; one medium base burner, U: air a it lot of pipe, chap. Apply to M. J. Franck, Midland hotel. -Mt4fl FOR SALF. good-sized pnekages of news paper exchanges, cents nnd up. Apply at lleo Olllcc, Circulation Window. Q-CS3 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Uee. FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other muslinl Instruments; $5 up. Tho Wlllmann Co . 1021 Farr.am. Q 701 Phonographs bougtit nnd soul 2119 Cuming st. Q-M'52 A MEHHY CHRISTMAS present; n nice gas lamp will please all; open evenings 0 to 10. Speclnlty Mfg. Co., II N. Main st., Council Hluffs, la. Q-M377 TEIHtlTORLVL right to sell now Invent tlon; cheap; for cash only. 2.MS Ohio street. Q-MI01 li Gus Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. Incaniloi-cenr gaslights, glassware, man tles. The best gasoline lamps. Wholesalo uml retail. II. FHANX.EN, 1101 N. lth St., Omuhu, Neb, Q CI,AIIt VAXT.. MRS. FR1TX, clnlrvoyunt, S19 N. ICth. S-705 MME. C5YLMER, out of city. S-7W VIENNA fo'tuno teller. 1515 Davenport. S-MI34 1J26 MME. LE f?li7Y. clalrvtijt nnd pnlmlsT at 1GI9 Dodge nt. Prices In teach of all. Reads your full life from "the cradle to the grave." S 127 17 ELECTRIC TIWIATME.VP. ELITE PARLOIH, C15 S. 10th St.. 2d lloor. T-Ml!sS D20 MASSAGE nnd bath. 1515 Davenport. T-M153 D20 I1EATRICE HAHI.OW-Elegnnt vaior anil tub tiaths; electricity given; I'gyptlau treatment. 2211 N. 15th, 2d lloor left. T-M217 IS MME. AMES, Slli N. 13; Hat E; attendant S&0 JO MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 15, 2d lloor, 112, T-M132 J7 PERSONAL. A SECRET Which LADIES will appreciate. A nice smokii'g outllt, a good box of cigars, a lino pipe or a fancy clgurholder Is ono of tho best X.UAS PRiiSIiNTS That you can ilnd for u gentleman. Come In nml let us show you a complcto Hue. lucluillug bigh-grado tobaccos. V. I'. aiUI'.LM'.U LIUAll L'DJ STORE sat W. F. STOECKER CIGAR COMPANY. Douglas. 10th. 15th. U-253 DR. HOY, chiropodist; coniB and superllu ous hair removed by electricity. H. 12, Frenzer lllock. U 707 VIAVA, woamn'a way to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment. 311 Heo Uldg. U 70i JUST think of It! Good cnblnot photos only 99c doz. ut Thu U. tL Uullery, 020 S. 10th. U-709 WANTED, 10,000 blnck crows, must bo as black as Crow Stovo Polish. Address Crow Stovo Polish Co., Mllwuukee, Wis. U M503 D29 RUPTURE permanently cured In 20 to (30 duys; send for circular, O. S, Wood. M. 521 Now York Ufo Uldg., Omaha, Neb. U-710 SHAMPOOING nnd hair dressing. 25c. In connection with tiio liatncry, 210-220 uco building. Tel. 1716. U-561 HAIRDHESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, ror l. idles oniy, in councciion wun The Hath.ry, 210-220 Heo Hldg. U-2S5 LIEHEN, theatrical, masquerade costtimer. lois i''urnum. u iui PRIVATE hospltnl, before and during con- i. .. . . i...f.l.. n,l,..,t... I nini! (. linuillcllli uiiutrn iiuiiincu, .w VJtuitl ai. Mrs, Gnrduls, Tel. F-11S2. U-993 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The jjiuucry, rooms 210-220 lice uiug. Tel. 1716. U-543 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. -Airs. A. -. .laru, 11 & uougias. U-M161 GRAMOPHONES and Mippltes, wholesalo ami retail. Collins i-iano cjo., 1022 Doug las. U-997 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes nn extra stroll or two or mo pen to mention ine tact that I'ou uw thu ad In The Ueo. GET tho llttlo photos for 15c per doz, at Tho U. S. Gallery, C20 South ICth St. ' U-709 SURE HATCH INCUI1ATOH CO., CLAY CENTER, NE1I. Send for hundsomo 100-pago free cutulogue. U-G13 PRIVATE homo for ladles beloro and dur lug conllncment; babies adopted. 2020 iiuruotio st. airs, jjurgei. u Air.11 ja' FREE TREATMENT Wo will treat freo the llrst two cases of partial paralysis wno appiy ior treatment nt room i.'J uco bldg. Treatment to be continued until perfect euro Is established. Call today. Tho Khurus Co. U-MI51 17 NEJiil band Instruments nn sale. Room 8, Withnell block. A nlco Christmas present. U-155-10 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d lloor; R 2. U 1.,0 J-15 SIOXEV TO l.OA.V-HEAL ESTATE. When You Write to Advertisers rememhrr It only takes an extra stroko or two or tno pen to mention ine tact mat you tho ud iu The lit. LOANS on eastern Nebraska an.l western lowa farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 oi nny multiple; nnv interest date; no delay. lireunnu-Lovu Co., .'.09 Soutii 13th St., Omuha. Neb. W 712 WANTED, city loans, bonds und warrants, Ucorgo .! company, 1601 Farnam ,rcjj WANTED, city loans and wurrants, W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Furnam street. W-714 WANTED, city und farm loans; also bonds and warrants. H. C. Poters Jc Co., 17o3 Farnam St., Uee Hide. W 715 4VS PER CENT on business property. 5 per cent on residence property. Oultous to pay whole or part any time. W. 11. MEIKLE. 401 S. 15th St, W-MS20 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha reil estate. llrcuuau-Lovu Co,, 309 South 13th, W-722 FARM and city loans, low rntes. W. II. Thomas, 1st Nat. Hank Hldg. Tel. 1641 W-716 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up; lowest rates. Gurvlu Iiros., 1001 Farnam St. 'W-717 PRIVATE monoy. F. D. Woad, 1524 Douglas. W US PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-719 SEE HEN HY llT "lAY N E, C01-2 N. 7 4H TO 5 P. C. money, Dentin, Paxton Hlk, W 7-0 MOHTG AG E G. O. Wnllace, Drown Ulock. W-723 bT A" -M Ml! 1 1 TSTTA 1 ) h'l'HTTEllI.M '.' CURED, Julia Vaughn, 430 Ham go Hldg. .MO.EY TO LOAS CHATTELS. MONEY 1 To loan on urntture nnd lauos. Llvo St.i, k. etc. You to relnlil po8tsslou of the property. CAl A t V I riAm To I'Pople holding Ortl.rtlu L.Urt.xo permanent positions. luu tan borrow from $10.( up. You can get the money 011 short notice. You get the lull al-iojnt In cash. You may keep It one month or more nnd pay for It only what time otl keep It. Our rates are low, our business Is confidential nnd our motto Is to "try to pleaie." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Hoard of Trade Hide. Tel. 2TO3. (.Established 12.) 3oG S. ICth St, X-721 "DO YOU WANT XMAS MONEY 7" $10. $15, $20, $26. . $3o, $, $10, $13, SV. $00. $75. $SJ. $1'0. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to Honest employes. No Mortgage No Endorser. No Publicity. Every Jl paid oil loans reduces cost. "No one need ever know." GUARANTEE lowest rates easiest pay ments, open evenings until n u t'l.ucK, RELIAIILE CREDIT COMPANY, Room :W3, Third Floor. Paxton lllock. tSeo Window from Furnam Street.) X-S1S MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jew elry; also to salaried people without secur ity; cheap rates; easy payments; business c iilldentlal Foley Loan Co.. successors to Dull Green, R. , Uarker Hlk. Est. 1S.S9. X 725 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc, C. F. Heed, 319 S. 13. X 720 MONEY' loaned on plain note to salaried people; business conlldentlal, lowest rates, till Puxtou block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X-72'J FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES "uTcT LOANS. "Absolutely without removing goods." Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 303, Paxton lllock. X S17 LARGEST HUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, utc, without se curity; easiest terms; 10 otllies In prin cipal cities. Tolmun, 110 Hoard of Trade Illdg. X-727 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Quick service and lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, C53 (top lloor) Paxton block, northeast corner lGtn ulul Furuuni; entrance on 10th street. X 730 Itrsi.M'SS CIIAM'E.v TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCuguo building. INTERESTED In goats7 Learn all about them as money makers. Head American Goat llrcede-, published monthly; 20 centa u copy. Addresu Room G, 147 6th Ave., Chicago. Y M50J D7 COAL nnd feed business for sale. Well equipped nnd prosperous. Monroe & Co., Ml N. 10th. Y-i57 FOR 3ALE. millinery store doing good business; nUo good hotel for &ule (or lrua to right 'nifty), both good locations In N. E. Nebraska. Call or write 021 N. Y. Llfo building, Omuha. Y 131 11-ROOM brick tenement, best location, complutely equipped with llrst class fur- utiuru; lined llrst-class roomers; owner going to California; must sell quick; como immediately aim uo proutcu. j. 11. joiiiv son, 813 N. Y Life. Y'-M205 RESTAURANT, flno location, paying busl- ness; oesi or reasons ior selling, j. 11, Juluison, N. Y. Life. Y-M201 CIGARS and news stand, living rooms In rear, good location; llttlo less than $300 will buy It. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M202 7-HOOM Hat, completely furnished, steam heat, lino locution; lady going to Cali fornia: will sell cheap, J. 11. Johnson, 813 N. Y Llfo. Y-M203 15-HOOM modern brick tenement; best lo cation; tull roomers and boarders; paying business; furniture reasonably cheap. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-M204 DANK location wanted; might buy. 602 Hoyd Theater, Omaha. Y 129 17 A SPLENDID opening for an up-to-dato doctor In n small llvo western town; cor respoudenco solicited. Wrlto to Anchor Hank, Merrlmun, Neb. Y-339 21 INVESTOHS-If you wish to tcjifold your capital by Investing frflrn $"oO nnd up Into mnnufticturo of -the latest and lead ing patented articles to' bcV placed on tho market by local, county 'nnd state agents all over; failure Is impossible; prollts enormous. For particulars wrlto with utamp to F. H. Siltz, Omaha. Neb. Y'-MI0I31 FOH SALE REAL ESTATE HOUSES, lots, forms, ranches, loans; also tiro Insurance. Uemls, Paxton lllock. HE-733 FOR SALIC, a good stock farm, 240 acres. Joining town: 150 Improved. Price, $10.00 per aero. Will tuko one-fourth In young cattle. F. J. Dover, Coleridge, Neb. RE-M35I 5.7' SEE HENRY li. PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. Llfo. RE-731 HOUSES nnd lots In all parts of city; ulso acre property and farm lands. Tho O. F. Davis Co., Room 052, Uco Hulldlng. HE-720 SEVERAL good farms for salo In n good farming country. For further particulars wrlto or cull on II. L. Ludlum, Plnluvlew, NetX RE-M332 RANCH and farm lands for solo by tho Union Pacific Railroad company. U. A. McAllaster, land commissioner, union Pa cific Headquarters, Omuhu, Neb. RE-733 CHA3. E. WILLIAMSON. 203 Farnam St. RE-733 IF Y'OU want ono of tho nicest 8-room homes in Hanscom Place, 1 will glvo you a bargain, Owner left city. Must sell. J. 11. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. U Hldg. RE-M153 A. P. TUKUY AND SON nro selling ncres Just south of Conter street, on 40th, for only $103 per acre. Terms $50 cash and baluuco to suit pur chasers. A. P. TUKEY AND SON, Hoard of Trade. HE-23S-10 T 1 1 1 RT Y'-T 1 1 HE E FEET NEAR HEN. NUTT'S NEW STORE, ICTH AND HAU- NEY. For iiartlculars seo EORGE & COMPANY, 1001 FARNAM ST. G I RE-M149 22 FARMS FOR 11 EXT. 400-ACRE well Improved farm, six miles from postotuce. QARV1N HROS., 1001 FARNAM STRET, 290-10 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Fuctory, 12o9 Farnam. -741 Damaged looking glasses resllvcred. 708 N 16 219 I'ATE.VTS, HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Address, 1. O. Uox 85, Omuha, Neb. -1S1-J-23 FOR SALE HAY", GRAIX, ETC. WEST OMAHA FEED CO., 2808 Leav. Tol. 2303 -MIC2 HOOlvltEEIM.NC. LESSONS in bookkeeiilng, etc., day or even ing. R. 15, Com. Nat. Hank. O. R. Hathbun. PAWMIHOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Ollleo, reliable, nccommodat lng; ull business conlldentlal. 1301 Douglas. 753 DRESSMAKING. MRS. FOSTER, dressmaking, tailoring, 1133 North 18th. -753 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. -710 nOYLES College, court reporter principal Deo Hide. -711 NED. Duslncss & Shorthand College, Hoyd's JXheatcr, -713 .11 1 SIC A 1. t.vyrui MENTS. Dt: PROMPT In rilling to seo nil tho sllghtl used Tdatios we nro offering this week on er easy terms, and you will ilnd yourself well repaid. If you wish a piano 0;i can s.ive money now, at this time. Where" Mueller Plnno & Orcnn Co , U10 Furmim St, 7is PIANO SALE If VOU nro Inii'restrd In lhn pnt vnn rtiit1 handmade pianos-.nmple.te ami under con struction, ulfo n variety of medium grade and second-band pianos In stock. C. SO.U.MbK'S t'lANO FACTORY, 209 S, 14th St., Cor. Douglas. Send for catalogue. OVIEOI-ATIIY'. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L, Hldg. Tel. liiii, Alice jonnsoti, u. u., ladies dept.; GUI E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 740 DR. A. 1. HUNT, 512 McCaguo Hldg. Tel. 2342. -747 DR. MRS. MUS1CK, Douglas Hlk. Tel. 2S2X 74S .MEDICAL DR. PRtES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call tho attention of suffcrlu't Indies to his unsurpassed accommodations befori und during conllncment, and liM treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dode, Otnnha. 7J7 LA OILS, our harmless monthly renicdv cannot foil. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Mllwuukc-.', Wis. 919 J5" DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women 11 mi cmiarcii: years practice, uiuce .iiy Cuming. Rea. tel. F-27W, ollleo U-2NT0. IS 31 LADIES! Chichester's English Ponnyrovnl Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stumps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mull. As your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd re jirompuv intended to. J. T. Ochlltreo, L'uth and I.alto Sts. 3T0 WM. EVEHITT. Special rates to real es tato men; weather strips put on. 2S0J Leavenworth. M7C3 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old ago ns well as 1110 cnurier incmncrs tree, funicu lars from Frank Kosowntcr, supremo inanag e r, 222 lieu Hldg. 72 1 HAIR DRESSING AM) MANICURING. MISS HELLE A. TRAYNOR. 509 N. 21th at., south omuha. Telephone 2374. .lis 21 IIEI. I' WANTED. MALE & female help. Call Canudlan Ofllco. 001 ELECTRIC HEI.IS. ELECTRIC Holts and what they will do. Address P. O. llox 4W, Omaha. Neb. -731 TAILORING, LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered, cleaned und repaired. Joo Y'ouscn, 1500 Farnam. 801 HORSES WINTERED. HOUSES wlntcicd, $1 per month; good shelter und feed, D. O. Hopper. Water loo. Neli. 591 D31" PHOTOGRAPHY. CHRISTMAS Offer. Opal pictures worth $3 freo with euch dozen photos. Miner, lead lug photographer. 918 N. 21th. 750 LAUNDRY'. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 517. DANCING. NEW classes now forming for beginners nt Morand's, 15th and Hurney, Adults, Tucs. and Frl., o p, in.; children, Sat. after noons; select assemblies, Wed., 8:30 p. m.; 60c private lessons; waltz and two-step, S3. oOS D 29 NICKEL PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating plant In Omaha. Omuha Plating Co., llo Hldg. Tel. 2333. 731 LARGEST plating plant In Otnnha. Undulnud, 1510 Dodgo st. Tel. 7C0. - A. L MS13 TYPEWRITERS, UNDERWOOD Typowrlter, vNlblo writer; typewriter supplies, all makes of ma cnluoH for rent. A. II. Workmun & Co., 1017 Farnam st. Phono 2130. M239 31 HI.AOKS.MITIIING A IIOHSEiSHOHEVG. CHARLES A. HOFMANN, reur Sll N. ICth. -751 HATTERS. OLD HATS mado new. 207 North 17th St. 7C3 F U II NIT U 1 1 E REPAIRING, TEL. 1331. JL S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. -743 HALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Dalc-TIo Co., Sll North ICth. -172 FUR DRESSING. O. H. GILDERT CO,, tanners, 1121 3. 13th. -MS29 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2107. -M787 MAlSdUERADE COSTUMES, NEW gents' nnd ladles' costumes for rent, S. ctk, 3318 South 20th streot. 436 D2P GARIIAGi:. ANTI-MONOPOLY Gurbago Co. cleans cesspools und vaults, removing garbngo and dead animals at reduced prices, 021 N. ICth St. Tel. 1779. -MIIB-D-2C B B Our Electrical Appliance for tho perfect tilling of teeth Is becoming more popular day by day It minimizes thu pain nnd inoro perfectly prepures tho cavities of decay for tho recep of tho tilling. Gold lllllngs, $5 up. Bailey the Dentist :t 11T Paxton HlocU, ICth and Furnam fits. Lady attendant. Phono 1085. iiiii a POSTOFFICU NOTICE. (Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested, us changes may occur at any time,) Foreign mails for tho week ending Do ccmber 21, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In ull cases; at the gunerul postoltlco us fol lows: Parcels post malls cloho one hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below. Parcels post malls tor Germany clono ut 6 p. in. Filday, per s. s. Pretoria, via Hum burir. Regular anil supplementary malls closo nt foreign branch half hour lntr than closing tlmo shown bulow (uAcept that supplementary mulls for Europe und Cen tral America, via Colon, closo one hour later ut foreign branch.) Triilikutlniitlu .Mulls, WEDNESDAY At 0.30 n m. for EUROPE, per b, 6. tit. Louis, vU Southampton (mall POSTOFFICE NOTICE for Ireland must be dlrei led "per s s St Louis '): at 8:3r n m. tupplementary to n. m 1 for EUROPE, per s. s. Teutonic. Ma Quienstown. ut 10 a. m for HKL Oll'M direct, per s. s. Snuthwnrk tmnil must be directed "per s. s Southw.irk' 1 THURSDAY At 7 a. m, for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY. SPAIN. POR TUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE, URITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR QUE'',, per !.. s La Hrrtagne, via llnvi'e A mall for other parts of Europe must be Irceted "per s. s. La HretaKlie"). SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Amsterdam (mull mu'-l bo directed "per s. . Amster dam"), at 9:30 a m. (supplementary U n. 111.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurl.i, via Quecnstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Pilnted Matter, Comir.eiclnl Papers nnd Samples ror Germany only. Tho same cluss of mill matter ror other parts of Europe will not be sent ay this ship unless specially directed by It. After c; sing or the Supp'nv ntnrv Trans atlantic Malls named ahovu nddltlonal supplementary malls arc opeix-d u H10 piers of the American. English, Fr-mch nnd German steamers and remain op.u until within Ten Minutes ot the hour of tailing of steamer. Malls for Smith nml CerSrnl America, West llldlca, Etc. TUESDAY" At 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) Ior CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) nnd SOUTII PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. h. Orizaba, vl.i Colon (mall ior Guatemala must bo directed "per s. s. Orizaba"), at G.30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Dewey, from Huston. WEDNESDAY-At 9;30 n. m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. h. Luuenbiirg; al 9.30 n. m. for FORTUNE ISLAND, per s. s. Htiugnrl.i (mall for Haiti must be di rected "per s, s. Hellagglo"); at 12 111 for CUHA, YUCATAN, CAMPUCHE. TA HASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. n Havana (mull for other parts of Mexico must ho directed "per 8. s. Havana"), at 12 M ):..m: (supplementary 1 p. m.) for TURK'S ISLAND and DOMINICAN HE I'L'UUIU, Per s. s. Cherokee; at 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Admiral Samp fun. ,'" Philadelphia; nt 11 p. m for HAIIA.MAS, per stenmer fiom Miami. Fla. THURSDAV-At 10 iu m. for HAITI, per s. s. Ornnje Nassau (mall for Cur.n.io, ene2tiela, Trinidad, llrltlsh nnd Duirh Gulann nr.lst be directed "per s. s Ornnje Nassau"); nt 12 m. (supplemon Jnp' l-':30 ). m.) Mr HAHAMAS. GUAN 1 AN AMO und SANTIAGO, per s. s. He guranea. riIDAY-At C a. m. for HRA'.IL. per h, s Coleridge (mall for Northern h:?, Ar gentlne, Uruguay and Paraguay most be directed "tier h. s. Coleridge"); at 12 m. fpr MEXICO, per s. s. Santiago, via lamptco (mall must bo directed "per s s Santiago"). SATURUAY-At 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per S. s. Ponce via Sun .tiiim. nl !t 11 111 (supplementary 9:30 n. in.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Maracnlbo (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must bo directed "tier s. s. Maracalbo' ), at 9:30 S,'.."'-.(""Iil'lomrntiiry H"W a. in.) for ST. T. JWj:?- st- UROIX, LEEWARD and l:.1?.VAHn IHUANDS. and HRITISII. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per S,' ? , .""rolnin (mall for Grenada und Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Ho inlma'); at 9:3i) a. m. (suiiplementary Vi'T. ,'tv, m ) for UOHTUNE ISLAND. JAMA CA. SA VANILLA, CARTAGENA nnd OREYTOWN. per s. s. Aletic (mall lor Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene"); ut 10 u. m. for CUHA. per s. . ',nri.". ,(.""l.', via Havana; at 10 a. 111. for GRENADA nnd TRINIDAD, per s. h. Muruvul; at 10 11. in. Tor YUCATAN, per s. s. Daggry, via Progrcso. Mails for Newfoundland, b; rail t0 North Sydney, r.nd llienco by steamer, cloe at this ollleo daily at C:3o p. m. ( .nnectlng closo hero ever Monday, Wednesday and Saturday) Malls for Mlquciun. by rail to lloston. und thenco by stcaiuer, close nt this ollleo dally ut 0.30 p. 111. .Mails for Cubu, by rail to Port Tampa. Flu., and thence by steamer, close .it this oino dally, at a m. (tho connecting closes uro on Mouduy, Wednesday ami Satur day). Mulls for Mexico City, overland, iinUss specially addressed for dlsputch by kdeamcr, closo al this oillce dully al 1 .!) p. m. and 11 p. m. Malls tor Costa Rlcn, lieltze. l'uerto Cortez und iuutemaia, by rail ta New Orleans, and 'henco by steamer, close 'it this olllcs dally at l:;:o p. m. (connecting closes hero Monduya for Dclize, Puerto Cortez and Uuatainnia and Tuesdays for Costa Rlou). HegUterud mall closes ut C p. in. pruvlous day. Trnnspiiclllo .Hull,, Malls for China and Japan, via Tacnma, closo hero dally nt 0:30 . m. u;i to De cember "17, tucluslvc, for dispatch per s. s. Clavcrlng. Mails for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via fiurope), New Zl aland, FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, dote here dallv at 6.30 p. nt. after Dccomber "S and up to December "21. Indui'lvc, or on arrival of s. h. Cam pania, duo at New York December "21, for dispatch per s. h Sonoma. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, Chine snd Philip pine Islands, via San Fra!e:.co. closo hero dally at fi:3i) p. m. up to December 23, in clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Mulls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, closo hero dally nt 0:30 p. m. up to De cember 21, Inclusive, tor dispatch per h. a. Empress of India (registered mall must bu directed "via Vancouver"), Mer chandise for tho United States postal ngency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Cam da. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Seattle, closo hero dally at 0:30 p. in, up to De cember 25, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Tosa Maru. iRcglstotcd mall must be directed "via Seattle"). Mails for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip, iilno Islands, via Sun Francisco, closo hero dally at C:30 p. m. up to December 30, Inclusive, for dispatch pur s. h. America Maru. Mulls for Tahiti and Mnrquesas Islandi. via San Francisco, closo hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to December 30, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. h Australia. JIalla for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closo hero dully at 0'30 p m. up to December 30, Inclusive, fjr dispatch per b. u, Ala meda. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, nnd New Zea land, which goes via San Francisco) nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close hero dally at 0;30 p. in. after December 21 nnd up tr January !, Inclusive, for ills patch per s, h Aorangl (suiiplementary mnils, via Seattlo und Vlctorlu, closo hero ut 0:30 p. m. Junuary "5. Transpacific tnnlls aro forwarded In port of salting dally and the schedulo of closing Is arrunged on tho presumption of their uninterrupted overland trunslt. Regis tered mall closes at 0 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster, ostolllco, New York, N. Y December 13. 1 rvi 1 1901. R AILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATIOX-IOTH AND MARCY. Illinois Cenlrnl. Tx"nvo. Arrive. Chicago Exprofs a 7:10 am n 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:20 am Minneapolis & St, Paul Express b 7:10 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Locnl, from Council Dluffs u 5:00 am ClilcitK" & N'ortlio i-Nlerii. "Tho Northwestern Lino." Chicago Special a 7:20 um nll:10 pm Chicago Passenger u 4:15 pm a 8:00 am Eastern Exprtsa al0:56 am n 1:03 pm Eastern Special a 4:55 pm -1 4:05 pm Fast Mall u 8:00 pin a 2:15 pm Oinuha-Ohlcago L't'd ..a 7:13 pm a 8:40 am Fast Mull u 8:20 am Cedar Rapidr Pass a 5:30 pm Twin City Express a 7:10 uni al0:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pm a 8;15 am Sioux City Local a 8:v0 am u 3:50 pm a Dally. liilmi Pnelllc. Overland Limited a S;50 nm a 7:30 pm Fust Mall a 9:00 am a 3:23 pm Puclllu Express all :20 pm 11 4:25 pm Colorado Special Hl:20 pm a I'M am Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex. b 4:35 pm bU.'M pin California & Atlantic L's.a. 4;:i5 pm a 7:03 nm Grand Island Local u fi;30 pm b 9,:!6 um Mikkllll'l Pui'tllo. St. Louis Express alO'.OO am a 0:23 pm K. C. & St L. Express. alU;50 pm u C:15 um Clllenuo, ItouU IhIiiihI .V Pitulllu, EAST. Des Moines and Dav enport Local a 7:33 am a 9:35 pm Chicago Express bll.15 am a 4 5ri pm Des Moines Iocal a 4:20 pm hll:50 nn Chicago Fust Express.. u 5:00 pm a 1:25 pn. ucs Aioiuen, rock isl and and Chlcugo a 7:10 pin a S;25 am AVE ST Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo und West a 1:30 pm n 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma Ac Texas Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 am I h.'CUKu, ,11 1 1 11 ill.ee A St. Paul, Chicago Limited a 0:00 pm n 8;05 am Chicago is Omuhu Ex.. b 7:15 um b 3:40 pm Wllllllkll, St. Louis "Cannon Dad" Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 nm St Louis Local, Council Blurts ,,,, , ul0;00um ul0;30 pm AII.WA V TIME t till), 111 RI.INti TON STATION ID I'M .V MASON' llurllimton .t Mliiont'1 Itlvcr, Leuo. Arrive. Ncbmskti Express a 8.10 am u 7:35 pm more, Heutrico and Lincoln a S 10 am bll:S5 am Di'iner Limited a i.ii pin a 3.110 put Hl.uk Hill" and Paget Sound. Denver Con- ncitioit 9:00 pm n 6:45 am Lliuolii l'ast MaiL. b 3 00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Cioolt and Plstts- mouth ...b 3.20 put 1)11:05 am UelleMie .t Pacific Jet. .11 7:10 pm a 8:20 am Hellevue & lVclllc Jet.. a 3:00 am Kini'ii III). M. uHi'pli ,v Coiiiiell llllini. Kansas City Da Kr....n 9:20 am a (!:05 pm Kansas City Night Ex..ulO:30 pm a 0.15 am St Louis PI) or a 5.10 tun all. 1 am riilengo, lliii-lliiutun A liilnr, Chicago Special a 7:00 am nl0:20 pm Chicago Vestlbtiled Ex. 11 4.00 put a 7;ii mn 1 blcago Local a 9 3o am a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a 7.30 pm 11 7:43 ail Fust Mall a 2:10 pm a Diilly. b Dally except Sunday, WEIIST11R DEI'O'I int'll ,v WEIISTHR l'l rintiiit, ElUhurn .V Mlimiiirl X'nllry Lcuvc. Arrive. DIack Hills, Dendwood, Hot Springs 11 3:00 pm n 5:00 pm Wvomlng, Casper and lV1.lgl.13 d 3:00 pm o 6:00 pm Hastings. York. David City superior, Geneva, Exeter and Sewarl.. .b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 nm b 10:23 nm Fiemonl Local a 7:30 nm I lilenttii. SI. l'mil. Al 1 11 1 1 i i 1 1 n A Omiilin. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 0:00 am n 9:10 pm Slnux City Passenger. ..a 2:13 pm ulUlOam Eirerson Local b 6.30 pm b 8.20 am MlNIHIt'l I'm'IIK', Nebraska Local Via Weeping Water b 4;10 pm nl0,25 nm II Dally b Dally except Sunday c Sun day only, d Daily except Saturday, o Dally except Mc inlay I 2 SPECIAL ANN'OUNCEMENI NewSfnlce to Mediterranean The new kIimiUI twin. sen' w steamer Coniinonwi'iilih 1,1,. 000 inns I'.OO feel tim,f uml "New Knirlaiid. ll.liOOIOIiH i7ft feet loiiif. will h.iII fr.,111 lloHtiiu in uilirnlter Meiers IJelmii Niiples nml .Mev:ne irla, Kirvpi, ns lollows ('(minion wealth Jan. t. 'ui!. New Kturlnud Jan '. . '('oniniiiiiwe'illli " Keti IV Perf eel service and cuisine. Annlv Com. puny s Olllcc, CO Dcaiboru Si , Chliago. HANK STATEMENT, No. nai. Report of the Condition of THE OMAHA NATIONAL II A NIC, At Omaha. In (he Statu of Nebraska, at tho Close ot Hiislness, December 10, 1901. RESOURCES. lnltlu fit., I ttlfcix.t.i.itu tlilti rni tm Overdrafts, secured and unsecured Hl"3 70 U. S. bonds to seettro circulation Cin.oO'JOO U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits 4DO.OO0 00 Premiums on U. S. llllflilM 111 lllrl Slocks, securities, eto EOS'CSS 70 Hanking house, furni ture ami uxiures... 2i).)o0 (O Oilier real estato , owned 10J.115 M Due from national banks (not reserve agents) $ 901,015 4". Due rroin state hanks and bankers Due from approved reserve ugents Internal revenue MlllflltlM 32S.152 52 09l,Sfi'l 96- 1,327,064 91 SO0 00 fhiw.Us fitnl iillint- cash Hems 2.1,175 50 Exchanges for clcur iug house 121,919 It! Notes of oilier na tional banks Cfl,502 00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels und cents 691 41 lawful Money Re servo In llntilr vl? Specie J6U.1S7 70 Iegitl tender notes iio.imi () 781,612 70- Hedemptloii fund with U. S. treasurer (5 tier cent of circula tion) Duo from U. S. trens- uror, other than 5 per cent redemption fund - 990,730 S3 30.000 CO 4,40) CO $3,331,327 22 $l,fiim,(W) no lOJ.oo) oa 107,117 39 C00.000 oo Total LIAHILITIUS. Capital slock paid In Surplus fund Undivided prollts. less expenses and tnxes paid National bank notes outstanding Duo to other na tional hanks (2,1X3,527 4? Duo to state banks uml bankers 1,839,451 10 Due to trust compa nies nnd savings banks 21,128 92 Individual deposits subject to check.... 2,000,870 fil Demand certlllcates I of deposit 74 91 ! Tlmo certlllcates of deposit 419, VA !)S 1 Certlllcd checks 4,276 93 Cashier's checks out standing 155,558 93 United Slates depos its 96,743 N? DepocllH or U. S. dis bursing olllcers .... 117,412 10-7,620,909 84 Total J9,334,327 23 Slate of Nebraska, County of Douglas, sb: I, C. H. Anderson, cashier of tho nbovo named bank, do solemnly swear that the, above statement Is true to thu best of my knowledge und belief. C. II. ANDERSON, Cnshler. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 16th day of December, 1901. FRANK HOYD. (Seal.) Notary Public, Correct Attest: WM. WALLACE, C. II. IIROWN. A. J. SIMPSON. Directors. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. OFFICE OF LUE-GLASS-ANDREESEN HARDWARE COMPANY, OMAHA, Neb,, Doc. 14, 1901. Notlco Is hereby given to tho fitockholderH of tho I.ee-GIass-Andrceson Hardware company that tho annual meet ing of the stockholders of tho company will bu held at tho olllces of tho snld com pany, till to 824 Harney street, Iu tho city of Omnhit, In tho stato of Nebraska, 011 Tuesday, January 14, A. D. 1002, ut 3 o'clock; ti. m., for the purpose of electing 11 board of directors for the compnny to servo dur ing the ensuing year, unit to transact such other business ns may bo presented ut ouch meeting. II. J. LEE, President. Attest: W. M. GLASS, Secrotary. (Seal.) Dcc.l5tfJ14M ' NO'nCE ' Notlco Is hereby given that the nnuunl meeting of tho membors of tho Hankers' Rescrvo Llfo association of Omuhu, Neb., will bo held In th McCuguo building In snld city ut 2 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, January 15, 1902, for tho election of directors and tho trunstactlon of such other business ns rnuy properly como beforo It. It. C. WAGNER. Secretury, Omaha, Nob., December 10, 1901. D-17-2I-31-J-7 notice! ' OMAHA. Dec. II. 1901. -Notlco Iu hereby given thut tho annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho Omaha Gas. company will bo held at tho ollleo of the company. Merchants' National bunk building, at 10 n. in. Monday, January , 1902, for ine elec tion of din-dors for the ensuing year and for tho transaction of such other business as may como beforo the meeting. FRANK MURPHY, President, GEORGE W. CLADAUOH. Secretary. CARRIE NATION OBJECTS Attoel.M ll.-v. .1. !-. ClicKny In Nt. .luoepk Depot lor Wearing i Silk Hut. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 1C (Special Tele-gi-Htn.)--Mrs. Carrie Nation attacked Rev, J. T. Chi sny of Troy, N. Y'., Iu tlm Union sta tion today, becuiiso hi wors u vlilc hat and gave tho minister a tongue lashing, fiho thou went across tho street and threatened to binanh a saloon, after telling tho lur tendcr who was smoking, a clear that Uo had u ticket to hell. R El I