Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Manj AdzIiii Ftrmsri Si tic t Ftrfict
Tteir Titlei.
In Miift InnlnnrrK tin- l.nnriH Arc Al
roiiil) OitiiiiIpiI liy I'tiri'lmxr r
frinn ItiillMfi), anil IVv
Are Dlfiiiulrtl.
(From n Htnff Correspondent.)
MNVOI.X, Dec. 16. (Special Telegram.)
The rrntorntlon of IlurlltiRton railroad
lands In tfallm', (Jreoley, Otoe, Cass and
Lancaster counties today brought many
nnxloun farmers to the United State land
olTIco In thin city. Record was mailo of the
claims (in fast as presented and J. V. John-
non, register of tho onice, will begin the
consideration of contested cases within n
few days.
Today wns et by tho government as th!
time for tho return to the public domain of
toveral thnuxand acres nf land once re
tarded as part of tho U. & M railway
grant, which by recent adjustment has been
determined government land again. These
tracts nro In Hallnc, (Ircclcy, Otoe, Cass
and Iancastcr counties. People claiming
priority tn tho lands were obliged to pre
sent their claims of entry today. Later a
lienrlng will be had on the proofs offered
nnil when Mr. Johnson Is satlMled with tho
representations made and the testimony of
poaslblo challengers be will forward his
recommendations to (he land department
for final record.
As tho llurllngton originally received pay
for the tracts purchased. It Is standing tho
expenso of this latest action to perfect
titles, in order to keep good the warranty
deeds It furnished.
cpliftv CimlonlH 1,'iiHc'm Clnlliin,
Ono contest of Interest that will he given
early consideration U between Charles It.
Motler and Ills nephew, Itobert Vnll, over
in eighty-acre farm In Cass county. Mr.
Motler Is n man of many years and a
Veteran of the civil war. Ho wayB In bis
nindavlt that he rented his farm to his
nephew because he himself was too weak
to till the soil longer. Now the nephew
desires to claim tho place because of his
residence thereon for scvernl yenra. ilo
rays he was not a tenant, but claims It as
a nquattor.
In most Instances the lands nre already
occupied by purchasers from tho llurllng
ton and In' such cases where thero Is no
dispute as to possession or ownership the
present occupants have nothing lo do but
pay to tho government the J2.R0 per oeru,
after proving satisfactorily to the local
land olllco and nrcupants of the land.
.e Xnt lomil (iuiiril,
Adjutnnt Oeneral Colby today Issued a
grist of orders affecting various officers of
tho Nebraska National Guard, The resigna
tion of First Lieutenant William I. Stroud
of Company I, First regiment. Is accepted
and an election to till tho vacancy has been
ordered to take plnco at the first regular
meeting of tho company. Tho resignation
of Second Lieutenant Victor H. Holmes of
Company I), First regiment, is also ac
cepted and an election to fill tho vacancy
Is ordered for December 2S. Another resig
nation received Is that of Second Lieutenant
"William 1. Cress of Company II, First
regiment, and nn election to fill the vacancy
thus caused will bo held at the. first regular
meeting of tho company.
Tho recent election of Earl C. Loach as
captain and Nelson H. Darbcr as first lieu
tenant of Company 11, First regiment, Is
approved. Tho former will tako rank from
November IS and the latter from Decem
ber 0.
Sergeant Lowls 0. Kramer of Company
H, First regiment, having been elected
first lieutenant of that company, Is dis
charged to accept promotion. His election
s lieutenant Is approved and ho will take
rank from December 6,
Snlnrj of II. K. I. pi- Herilinnn.
Tho litigation by which Robert B. Leo
Ilerdmau Is uttcmpting' to obtain the salary
for services as supreme court reporter,
which he waived during tho legislature as
an Inducement for the defeat of certain
objectionable bills affecting the fees of tho
office, has been appealed to the supreme
court and briefs on behalf of tho stato were
filed today. Auditor Weston refused to pay
Little Liver Pills.
Must r Signature f
Cm Pac-SlailU Wrapper Balnr.
to uUm
World Famous Marian! Tonic
At All Timit TONIC
rfolibv AllUruifiiU. Refuse SubitituUu
I Tan umall mm
the salary claim on the ground that no
appropriation for the services was made
by tho legislature. The decision In the
lower court was adverse to tho state,
Deputy Attorney (lencral Drown sums up
tho argument as follows;
"Out contention Is that tho court erred
In overruling the demurrer, for the reason
that tho state auditor Is without authority
to Issue his warrants for the clerk's salary
tn tho absence of a specific appropriation
therefor by the legislature. We do not
question the wisdom of the rule of this court
heretofore announced, that an appropriation
by the leglslaturo Is not necessary to pay
salaries of ofllcers created by tho constitu
tion, provided the salary Is fixed and de
termined by the constitution. It must be
conceded that an appropriation by the leg
islature or constitution is sufficient to au
thorize the Issuance of a warrant, but we
contend there Is no appropriation by the
constitution for the payment of tho salary
of the clerk of the court."
Cnltlr Mtmllnit Cmr.
Insufficiency of evidence and error In tho
Irstructlon that the Jury might consider
the relationship of any witness to the de
fendant are the reasons assigned In n plea
for the reversal of the judgment given In
Cherry county, by which (Icorge Van Huron
was convicted of stealing cattle and sen
tenced to four years In the penitentiary. A
motion for a ne,w trial was denied In the
district court and the case has been ap
pealed to the supremo court. The man
convicted largely through tho identification
of brand. In the brief of the state, filed In
tho supreme court today, it Is argued that
the rulo is elementary that any fact or cir
cumstance tending to show Interest of any
witness In either the subject matter or In
the parties to an action may be proved, and
that once shown, cf rtalnly the Jury may con
sldcr It In weighing the testimony of tho
witness. The relationship of one or two
witnesses to the defendant In this case
was established without objection.
Clinrne f Murilerlim (illlllnn.
The preliminary trial of C. K. Heywood
on tho charge of murdering John J. Ollll
lan was begun today In police court before
Judge Comstock. The defendant pleaded
not guilty and several witnesses were called
by the slate. William Johnson of Havo
lock testified that Heywood purchased a 32
caliber revolver at his store a few days
beforo the tragedy and William Fullgroat,
bartender at the Capitol hotel, te3tlfled that
Heywood was In the hotel saloon between
fi and 8 o'clock on the night Olllllan wns
shot. Dr. F. W. Hill gave the most im
portant testimony. It being that Heywood
answers tho general appearance of one of
the men he saw running away from tho
scene of the murder. Tho defense will at
tempt to prove nn alibi.
.rlirnnkit Ntntp Trnclirm.
For the Information of teachers and others
who wish to attend the forthcoming meeting
of the Nebraska Stato Teachers' associa
tion Superintendent Fowler publishes tho
following rate bulletin, which wbb received
today from the Wfstcrn Passenger asso-
"Ilato of ono fare for the round trip from
points In Nebraska and tho Dlnck Hills dis
trict of South Dakota; excursion tickets to
bo sold from points in tho territory men
tioned from which tho local ono way rate
to Lincoln is moro than $3 on December 30,
31 and January 1, and from points within
tho radius mentioned on Decembor 31 and
January 1, good to return until and includ
ing January 4, 1902. Tickets limited for
going pancago commencing date of sale and
for continuous passago In each direction"
Clinrltlm nml Correction.
A spoclal committee of tho Stato Hoard
of Charltlos and Corrections met this aft
ernoon to demand a chango In tho rules
governing the Home for tho Friendless, by
which crippled children may be admitted
to tho institution under the name terms
as thoso who are sound tn body. The su
perintendent and tho visiting and advisory
board of the home havo decreed that crip
ples cannot be cared for anO the Stato
Hoard of rubllc Lands and Ilulldlngs will
bo asked to do away with this restriction.
Tho charities and corrections committee
will meet again Wednesday, at which tlmo
some definite action will bo taken. Those
who attended tho meeting wore: A. W.
Clark, Omahn; J. W. Seabrook, University
I'lnce, and Mrs. E. C. Johnston, Lincoln.
Appoint Dr. Young I'nthiilmrlnt.
Acting under authority granted by tho
Btnto Hoard of Public Lands and Dulldlngs,
Governor Savage this afternoon appointed
Dr. O. Alexander Young to the position
of pathologist at tho Lincoln Hospital tor
tho Insane. Dr. Yarns wns appointed as
sistant physlclnn nt Norfolk by former
Governor Dietrich and remained thero un
til relieved at the time of tho removal of
tho Norfolk patients, The Increase In tho
number of patients In tho Lincoln hospital
made It necessary to Incrcaso the medical
N ctt Incorporation.
Secretary of Stato Marsh today legalized
tho following corporations:
Tho James Morton & Sons company of
Omaha; capital stock, $60,000: Incorpo
rators, James Morton, Charles W. Morton
and Mary E. Morton; for general dealing In
Tho Orcutt Manufacturing company of
Omnha; capital stock, $10,000; lucorpo.
rators. J. E. Orcutt, S. G. Smith and A
W. Paul; for the manufacture and sale of
advertising novoltles,
Tho David Talbot Ice company of Omaha;
capital stock, $15,000; incorporators, David
Talbot, Edgar W. Lamoreaux; for dealing
In Ice and hardware.
Missouri Aimlnat Nrbrnka,
Attorney General Prout haB returned from
Washington, where ho appeared beforo tho
United States supreme court and asked that
commissioners be appointed to tako evi
dence In tho suit of Missouri against No
braska. Tho controversy arises over sev
eral acres of land cut off from Nebraska
a number of years ago by a sudden freak
of tho Missouri river. Tho land and its
citizens are still considered Nebraska's,
taxes being paid In Nemaha county. If
the chango wns the result of gradual accre
tlon Missouri Is doubtless right In hor
claim, but Nebraska urges that the chango
was the work of a single night. Alfred
Ilazlctt of lieu trice was the commissioner
appointed for Nebraska.
lliimlsniiip Rillflcp nt llntliiK Con-
rated lijr Hrv. Or, How land
of lilnrotn.
HASTINGS, Nob., Dec. 16. (Special.)
Tho handsome new $12,000 First Baptist
church of Hastings was dedicated yester
day. Myron W. Haynes of Chicago was to
deliver tho address, but on account of sick
ness he failed to como and He v. Dr. How-
land of Lincoln delivered tho dedicating
address In his place. Deacon Bennett of
Lincoln had charge of tho financial part of
the proceedings, Thero were three serv
In the morning Dr. Rowland delivered
tho address and In the afternoon and even
ing tho resident ministers of the various
churches assisted. All but 13,600 of ih
entire amount had been subscribed for tho
new church, but this balance was sub
scribed for before the closing of tho serv
ices last night. Tho new church li of
brick and has a seating capacity of 750,
L. L. Cloyd Is tho present pastor.
Keep the bowels active If you would pre
serve your health. A doso of Prickly Ash
Hitters now and then does this to perfoc-
Hon- I I . .
Ltading RtprtitntttiTM ( Two Fiction
Diiomi Indnitris.1 Qmtloai.
Former Deelnre I'rliirlplr nf Limit
ing Product Inn Will Vnll it Trnt
I'nll nml SiikhcI Different
NEW YORK, Dec. 16. Drought together
through tho good offices of the National
Civic Fedeintlon, leading representatives
of labor and capital met here today to dis
cuss plans to minimize wage and Industrial
disputes. Aiding them with counsel wero
several prominent students of economics
and leading figures In the religious world
and the opening session was notable for
a number of striking expressions and com
ments upon the problem faced by the con
ferees. Tho storm In eastern Pennsylvania
prevented Samuel Oompcrs, John Michael
and other leading members of tho Ameri
can Federation of Iibor from reaching
New York in time for tho meeting todny,
but they will participate In tho session to
morrow. Oscar Strauss, former minister to Turkey,
who acted ns chairman, announced that It
wns planned to form n general executive
committee with representation divided
among labor, capital and tho general pub
lic and that It was hoped that It would
become n tribunal of pence, whero the con
flicting Interests might meet on even foot-
ng and settlu their differences' In a spirit
of concllllatlon and mutual tolerance.
I'romliK'nt .Men Attend. j
Senator M. A. Hannn, Charles M. Schwab,
president of the United States Steel corpo
ration; ArchblBhop Ireland, Ulshop Potter,
S. R. Calloway, president of tho American
Locomotive works; E. I), Durand, secretory
of tho Industrial commission; Theodore
Mnrburg of Ilaltlmore, W. H. Pfalor of
Philadelphia, R. C. Kerns of St. Louis. R.
M. Kasty of tho Nntlonal Chic Federation,
John Phillips of tho National Hatters'
unions, James Ryan of tho International
Typographical union and Marcus Marks,
president of the National Clothing Makers'
association, wero among tho men who at
tended the opening meeting.
Charles M. Schwab declared tbnt ho was
opposed to labor unions as thoy wero now
constituted and said that they must fall
as tho trusts had fnlled for seeking to
limit tho output and control prices. Itc
I am hero with n mind onen tn conviction.
anxious to see the other side of the shield,
ns Ulshop Potter luix sold, nml ready to do
that which Is fair. It mnv lie Mint this Ih
a selllsb motive, but I realize Unit upon the
punrciin iKijuHimoni or tne dinicuities unit
exist between capital and labor depends
the future prosperity of the I'nlted States.
The decadence of trade In other countries
Is due to the hostility of .nbor unions. I
ilo not deny that capital has been nrbltrnrv
nnd unfair. 1 am not opposed tn labor
unions per so. but I am ni:iilnxt. them mm
they are now constituted.
Sclitviili ('nil IiiiIiiiin Trunin.
Labor unions will not succeed, ns thn
trusts liuvi) not succeeded, on the nrlnetnln
of limiting production. Consolidation tor
economics sake, fair wnges. purchasing In
tno cneapest inurKet nml selling in the best
aro tho trudo principles that will stand.
The Inbor unions have become trusts. After
nil. tho fortunes nnd thn nrosncrltv nf tin.
employer and the employed nro linked to
gether; they are the same nnd tho two In
terests should stand together. I nm willing
to como nero ami give any practical wens
tbnt I can nnd I bono tbnt this conference
will como to some good.
Senator Hnnua expressed strong approval
of tho principle of organized labor, and his
speech drew apologies from John Phillips
and Juhn J. Donnelly, two of tho labor
delegates present, who confessed tbnt thoy
had held erroneous and unjust views ns to
the attitude of tho senator toward organized
Ilnnnn l'lidorae (hp 1'rliir lple.
Senator Hnnna related an experience he
hnd with coal miners In Ohio many yearn
ago, nnd said that the experience had snadu
him an advocate of unionism.
"I saw then," ho snld "and I bcllevo now
that labor and capital could be brought to
gether. I bollovo that tho day Is nt hand
for their peace and I am willing to give tho
best that Is in mo to bring labor and cap
ital together. A settlement of tho
question will do moro for good government,
good morals, good social relations than any
thing that wo could accomplish. To tho end
of all this I freely glvo whatever service I
can render to this association."
Illshop Potter nsaortcd that tho restora
tion of human Interest to the relation of
labor and capital, tho establishment of
contract between tho two, bringing them so
close that they might see each other's po-
ition would go far toward settling tho dif
ference between thom. Ho said that ideas
and practical work were needed to bring
tho result which both desired.
Archbishop Ireland said thnt nil Europe
looked to the United States to beul tho
breach between tho two great interests.
As a minister of religion, ns n member of a
church whoso pontiff hnd declared that tho
most Important duty of the church was to
maintain pinco between labor and capital,
ho was present to do his duty In a move
ment thnt made for peaco and harmony and
brotherhood among men.
Ho believed, he said, that tho realization
of what Amcrlcutis owed to each other as
men and children of God was needed to
bring thoso opposed together. Ho approved
tho idea of creating somo channol for an ex
change of Ideas and the mutual flow of tho
feeling of brotherhood.
John Phillips nnd John J. Donnelly, the
latter of the New ork Bricklayers' union,
recorded their npprovnl of tho prlnclplo of
arbitration nnd concllllatlon nnd asserted
that for years the hatters and bricklayers
In New ork had maintained satisfactory
relations with tho men who employed them.
So Hi- AVn Tormroil,
"I suffered such pnln from corns I could
hardly walk," writes II. Robinson, Hills
borough, 111., "but Hucklln's Arnica Salyo
completely cured them." Acts llko maglo
on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds,
burns, bolls, ulcers. Perfect healer of skis
diseases and piles. Curo guaranteed by
Kuhn & Co., 25c.
Cddill iik ton-lln iter.
FREMONT, Neb.. Dec. 16. (Special.)
George J. Coddlngton nnd Miss Elsie Uaxter
of this city were married Saturday after
noon at the homo of tho bride's parents, by
Rev. C. W. Woyer of tho Presbyterian
church, in iho presence of a few intimate
friends, Their wedding was somewhat of a
surprlso to their many acquaintances, Mr.
Coddlngton has been deputy county treas
urer for eight years, and was elected county
treasurer in November. Thn brldo la a
daughter of Adam llnxter, and was sten
ographer In tho county treasurer's otllco
threo years.
l.linu-A iclnllll,
QREEN RIVER, Wyo., Dec. 16,-(Spe-clal.)
John II. Long and Miss Etta Axol
son, both of Lincoln, Nub., wero married at
Green River yesterday by Rev. A. I). Dlb
bio. Mr, Long hns for threo months been
connected with the Kcmmcror Catnora, on
tho Oregon Short Line. The young couple
will mnko their homo at Kemmerur, '
For 40 years Cook's Imperial Rrfm nrv
Champagne has stood tho test for purity
no, us aencious uoauuu
Similiter I'll one Cheek un Pint!
mouth .VI rri' limit Which They
Are I n ii III e to (nh
PLATTSMOt'TH, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.)
A stranger entered tho general merchan
dise store of C. D. Long In this city and after
purchasing 75 cents worth of merchandise
gave Mr. Long a check on the Hank of Cass
County for $10, which was signed "A. W.
Wills." Tho check wns nccepted and 10.75
In cash returned to tho stranger. The next
day when tho check was presented to the
bank Mr. Long was Informed that no one
by that name was known there.
When Mr. Ixing accepted the check' he
supposed 'it was signed by A. S. Will, n
wealthy farmer residing near Louisville, lu
this county.
At tho clothing storo of C. E, Wcstcott
the stranger bought a pair of mitts for 50
cents and was given $9.50 for n check of
tho snmo kind. He tried to pass ono on
John H. Cox, tho hardware man, for n box
of shells for a shotgun, but Mr. Cox refused
to accept tho check, He nlso attempted to
pass n check of the same kind at the drug
storo of A. W. Atwood and several of tho
other merchants, but w,as unsuccessful..
The matter was nt once reported to John
D. Mcllrlde, deputy sheriff, who hns learned
that tho snme party succeeded In raising
$30 from parties lu Red Oak, la., on the $10
check deal on the Thursday evening before
coming to Plnttsmouth, where he operated
Friday evening nfter the bnnks closed. It Is
nlso learned thnt he wns In Council Muffs
Saturday evening. About three weeks ago,
In company with nnother person, ho was
successful In working the check racket on
tho business men In Hnstlngs, nnd In ench
place ho used tho name of somo wealthy
prominent person ns signers of the checks.
City Council KsIiiIiIInIic Price of
I'lftecn Criil a TIiihi-
Nlllltl (llllllllN,
(From a Stuff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 16. (Special Telegram.)
Tho city council tonight passed nn ordi
nance fixing tho water rate at 15 cents per
1,000 gnllons and doing awny with tho
minimum chnrgo of $6 a year. Mayor Win
nett declnres ho will veto tho measure.
Tho only notablo change Is tho repeal of
tho minimum figure.
(Jniccry Stnrc Itiirn nl Crete.
CRETE, Neb., Dec. 16. -(Special.) The
grocery Btoro of R. E. Wolf, next to tho
postofllce, caught fire between 10 nnd 11
o'clock Saturday night. Tho lire originated
In a case of matches In the rear of tho
store. Tho blaze was easily extinguished,
after doing considerable damage by smoke
nnd heat to tho stock. Tho building Is
owned by Mrs. Leo Norrls. The chief dam
ago is to tho fixtures.
Attend Tiililii Ciinlnr' Funeral.
CRETE, Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.) The
special funeral train carrying the remains
of Hon. Tobias Castor passed this station
nt noon yestordny. About sixty citizens
from here took advantage of tho train to
attend tho obsequies nt Wilber, tho old
homo of tho Castor family.
Cnrrle Niitlmi In llentrlce.
I1EATRICE, Neb., Deo. 16. (Special Tel
egram.) Mrs. Nation, saloon smasher, Is
billed to Iecturo In tho auditorium here to
morrow night.
LciIkc f Colli Full on Operatives
One In Killed nml Ti
Are Injured.
KEMMERER, Wyo Dec. 10. (Special.)
Word has been received hero thnt nt Cum
berland Tuesday night three coal miners
had put in a blast which fnlled to explode
and they went to Investigate. In their
hasto to got to work they neglected to in
spect tho roof nnd na they entered the room
a ledgo of coal twcnty-llvo feet long and
threo feet thick fell upon them. An un
known Austrlnn wns Instantly killed, be
ing crushed In n horrible manner. John
Felix received terrlblo Injuries, but mny
recover. Ills head wns crushed, Jaw bono
broken, teeth knocked out nnd nbout nn
inch of his tongue cut off. The third man
was not seriously hurt.
Hidden I'll r I line MIiiIiik Coiiiillii'
Make Finn I l'n nicn t on
LEAD, S. D., Dec. 16. (Special. )-Otto P.
Grantz has received tho llnnl payment on
tho four mining claims nnd fractions that
ho sold to tho Hidden Fortune company, on
North Lend hill. Tho purchase price was
$110,000 and tho deed of transfer wns re
corded yesterday. Mr. Grantz had taken
over $20,000 out of tho grounil beforo selling.
llnrse Kick Off Amlretv I'ollicrK1
Sculp nnil Part nf One
PIEDMONT. S. D., Dec. 16. (Special.)
Andrew Fnlberg had his scalp torn nway
Friday night by tho kick of a horso und Is
In n critical condition. Tho top of ono ear
was taken off.
Convict Safe In Ximv I'lison,
RAWLINS, Wyo., Dec. 16. (Special.)
Hy tomorrow night nil of tho stato con
victs In tho old penitentiary at Larnmio
will havo been transferred to tho now in
stitution nt this place. Tho transfer has
been mado without n hitch of nuy kind.
South Dnkiitii I'iikIIIvc Arrelcil,
HELLE FOURCHE. S. I).. Dec. 16. (Spo
clal.) David Ducharmc, who has escaped
from thn odlcers three times within the last
throe years, has been arrested and Is In tho
county Jail here, nwultlng trial for horso
Admitted from Inun,
PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 16. (Special Tclo
gram.) Tho supremo court today admitted
T. F. Ward of Geddos on a certificate from
tho supremo court of Iowa
Dyspepsia Cure
Just so suro na water Ulssolvcssupiir, Jiistso6uro will Kodol Dyspep
bia Cure digest your food; It's on the samo Kcucnl principles. Itcon
kalns tho samo elements as Nature's dlgostlvo finals, bo why wont it
act Inexactly thosamo manner? It will. It can't help It. That's why
it never falls to cure the worst cases of indigestion ami dyspepsia whero
other remedies havo failed. A little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure after meals
will prevent that terrlblo distress and belching so often experienced.
"For years I sought a remedy in vain until 1 tried Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It has no equal as a stomach and dyspepsia remedy and 1 havo
tried all I could find. M. C. Edwards, 1422-lOth Ave., Altoona, Pa."
It can't help but do you good
Prepared by E. O. DeWlttttCo., Chicago. Tho tl. bottlo contains W, times tho 60c. elio.
When you suiter from biliousness or constipation, uso the famous llttlo liver
DlllA known as DeWitt's Little EARLY RISERS. They never gripe.
InTintor Einid with P.pets bj A(lo
Amtrioia Cbl Oomptij
Wlrclcn TclcKrttih' Ciimiiiiinlcitlloii
llcportcil i:(nlilMicil llcMtccn
Mciiliicr lit eu nml Intcr
ciiiir!' I Carried (lu.
ST. JOHNS, N. F., Dec. 16. Marconi has
Just returned hero from Capo Spear, where
he experienced poor luck. The weather was
rendered extremely unpleasant by fog, wind
nnd n rainstorm, and the Inventor wns un
able to decide on a site for his proposed
station. He could not sec tho surroundlug
region nnd n general view of the physical
features of tho country In tho vicinity Is
necessary before fixing on a site. Mr. Mnr
conl wishes to prevent tho presence of n
high hill behind the station. Hills In the
background are detrimental to the system
If they nro lu tho Tlno of transmission, na
they weaken tho slgnnls by causing n re
bound. On returning hero from Capo Spear Mar
coni was served with legal uocuments from
the solicitors of the Anglo-Ameru-rs r"ubto
company. These notify him that tho snld
company possesses nn exclusive monopoly
of tho telegraph business within Newfound
land nnd Its dependencies, and detnnnds
that ho cease his experiments nnd remove
his apparatus forthwith, otherwise the com
pany will npply to tho supreme court for nn
Injunction restraining lilin from further
trials. Marconi hns not decided what
course of action he will take In the matter.
Hut ho regards this action on tho part of
tho Anglo-Amerlcnn Cnblo company ns tho
best proof of tho Importance of his new
Iltriirlu nnil t'mhrlii '1'nlU.
NEW YORK. Dec. 16. Tho steamer
Etrurla, which has Just arrived here, was
In cnmmunlcntlon for more than 11 vo hours
In mid-ocean with Its sister ship, Umbrla.
Long beforo either ship sighted tho other
their commanders wero conversing by tho
Mnrcnnl wireless system. Tho position of
ench ship was known on tho other hours
before their main trucks showed above tho
horizon. Etrurla left Liverpool on Decem
ber 7, tho same day Umbrla steamed out
of Now York. They were 1,630 miles east
nortbeast of Sandy Hook when they passed
each other last Wednesday, or lu latitude)
15.17 nnd longitude 51.07. live hours beforo
thnt, or when they wero fully 100 miles
npart, the receiver on Etrurla began to
click warning))'. The oporntot icplled, nnd
then the word "Umbrla" wns slowly spelled
out on Etrurln's Instrument. Then fol
lowed Umbrla's location. Etrurla replied,
giving Its location, which showed It to bo
fully 100 miles away from tho other vessel.
Umbrla bent Its number of passengers, tho
fnct that all was well and tho Intest news
from New York. Etrurla sent word of tho
burning of tho great Liverpool exchange
quadrangle, which occurred on December 0,
while Etrurla wns lying in tho Mersey.
Ivpcrlm nl Are All Oicr.
LONDON, Dec. It!. A cnblo dispatch has
been received hero from St. Johns, Jf. F.,
announcing that Slgnor Marconi will sail
for England December 19.
At the hcndqunrtcrH hero cf tho inventor
of wireless telegraphy It was said today by
tho odlclals In charge that the experiments
at St. Johns, so far as they know, nre nil
over Thoy do not expect to hear nuy fur
ther details until Slgnor Marconi arrives
In London. It wnn said that storms on both
sides of tho Atlantic hnd seriously Inter
fered with tho work, which tho officials as
sert, would havo been much moro satisfac
tory under normal weather conditions, tho
Poldhu, Cornwall station having been seri
ously dnmaged by high winds.
Tho Glllclnls at Ptldhu refuse to confirm
cr deny tho truth of tho reports from St.
Johns that messages had been received
thero from Cornwall by Tireless telegraphy.
They profess complete ignorance of tho
uuccess or fnlluro of tho experiments.
Owing to fog nnd rain Marconi wns unnble
to swing his kites In mld-nlr today. Ilo
therefore went to Capo Spear to determine
on tho IHnesn of that station for tho wire
less telegraph station. Marconi will In
augurate tho New Yenr by sending n special
message over tho Atlantle if tho steamer
on which ho Is to sail rom New York
reaches England In time. Ho will go direct
to Cornwall nnd tako chargo of matters
Hy mid-summer Marconi will have a fully
equipped btatlon hero for sending nnd re
ceiving messages between America nnd
England nnd nnother station on tho Mas
sachusetts coast.
tliiiirmilliie I HehiK Hlxldly Unforced
for Cattle Fever In the
.Sou Hi,
GUTHRIE, Okl Dec. 16. Tho settlers In
tho now country nro losing their northern
born stock as a result of tho Texas fover
Infection. Ono Kansnn lost 100 head re
cently, while smnller herds havo been wiped
out entirely. Northern cattle dlo as soon
ns Infected. For this reason tho quarantine
olllccrs nre making arrests of violators of
tho law.
Great .Northern Olllolnl liilnK .Mon
tana Wreck AVa Canaeil liy
nx-KmptoycK. t
SPOKANE, Wash.. Dec. 16. It Is believed
tho fatnl train wreck near Essex, Mont.,
yesterday wns not nu accident, but a crime,
A telegram has been received from W. II.
Kennedy, nsslstant superintendent of tho
Great Northern, who hns visited tho wreck,
raying: "Thero Is not tho slightest doubt
that No. 8 was wrecked by parties unknown.
Think discharged employes."
Court Hear I'lea for cv Trial,
DEADWOOD. S. D., Dec. 10. (Special.)
A motion for a new trial In tho caso of tho
Stato ugalnst Walter Strohm, convicted of
perjury, Is to bo argued in circuit court
what you
Jap Rose
one sixth pure glycerin, is ex
quisite and delightful.
These qualities are the
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It has the delicate odor of
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Soothing to an irritated skin;
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Scenic Line
Daily First-class SleeperThrough to San Francisco
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Cough cure
Cures Quickly
It has long been a household favorite
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monia, Asthma, Whooping Cough and
all other Throat and Lung Troubles.
It is prescribed as a specific for Orlppc,
Mothers endorso it as an infallible
remedy for Croup. Children like it.
Prepared by E. G. DeWItt A Ga., Chlonflo.
Otllce Hour, n n. in. to n p. tn,
Suuilii frtr.n H u. uu to r. j, in.
DR. McGREW Age53
1)Ih-iii- anil 1 1 isomer a ir .Mm (Inly,
lid V1-111V i;iii;rltMiui:. it, Ii'iiih In
VAQIPnPEI C cured In less tlinn Vi diiy.
VAnlllUUCLt without cutting.
QVPUII iC "II Jilot"! UlneuHCs cured
OirniLIO fur llfu. All bruuklnc out una
ulcim of tliu discuHu disappear at once,
DVD Oil flllfi'-UB,;H uuiun ot nurvoui
UVCtl ZUUUU debility, lo or vitality
und ull unnatural wcukiieaueH of inon.
btrlcturc, Uli'ut, Kidney nnd Illuildnr Ula
euHCB, Hydrocele, cured permanently.
t IHTfc (illll I'llllllM'll, ClIIINIlllllllllll t'rcC,
Treutinent ay moll, I. O, Uox 7C4.
Olllco over 21 j H, 11th Htreet, between Far
nam nnd UuucIuh ma., OMAHA. NHl).
deputy Rtats Veterinarian.
Pood Inspector.
Ode and Infirmary. 28th und. Mason HUi
Friday and
Farnam St., Omaha.
Lv. St. Louis - -8;00 P, M.
Ar, Hot Springs, Ark. 8:00 A. M.
I 'or I'limiihlrta Apply- to AKnnta,
ii. c. TowNsnxn,
General PuHHcnfier and Tlcltot Agent,
ST. I.OLIS .tit).
Haven't you got omthttR that you
do not nend and would llko to ei
change for nomethlnK you do? Maka
an nxcliango. Now It lit pretty likely
that among tho 30,000 rfadem of Tha
rien'B want nd pagea thero Is iome
body that has got what you wnnt and
wnnta what you have. Wrlto out a
brief llttlo ad and Bend It to us today
and we will put you In tnuch with
tho other follow. Remember that to
morrow nover comes nnd that today Ii
the tlmo to attend to It.
la an hnrmlcaa oh
pure prlng witter,
yet Ih Ir tho rooat
cffectlvo cough and cold curo In existence.
Do not tako any substitute Twenty-flvo
conts u bottlo.