Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Ttrtlu Who Hold Unelir Tx Titl Fiid
lhat it ii VhImImi.
Court Drnlilc tlint lniler Condition
.Statute of I. Imitation In .Not
n lln r to ItcilciHiitloii
of l'roiicrty.
The prolonged litigation over the lands of
lohn Irwin was Riven nnother turn nnd a
dccltlvo one yesterday, when Judgo
Mungcr, In tho L'nllcd States circuit court
Issued decrees quieting tltlo to Sarpy
county acres In Henry C. I.cflcr, who pur
chased lila holdings from ono ot tho
Irwin helm, Tho Ilrst of the two decrees
nppllcs to the northwest quarter of section
25, township 14, rango 10, cant, In Sarpy
county, nnd tho other nppllcs to tho south
west quarter of section 10, township II,
range 11, and northwest quarter of section
30 of tho sarno township nnd range, both
In Sarpy county.
The controversy had Ita origin hack In
tho early '60s, when John Irwin enmo to
Illinois with nn armful of government war
rants and took up thousands of acres In tho
host sections of Sarpy. Cass and Otoe coun
ties In this atnto nnd Kremont county, Iowa
Ilccnusc ho held tho patents ho maintained
that ho was Immune from taxation and
would nev:r pay one cent of tho fax levy.
Ileforo ninny years, nnd while residing iu
Falls City, ho becamo n conspicu
ous figure In tho 'courts, nlwaya
arising nt his earliest opportunity to hn
rangun on tho Injustice of taxation In gen
oral and tho taxation of John Irwin In par
ticular. I, anil Sold for Tiik'h,
Eventually tho Incvltnhlo salo of the
land for taxes was made nnd tnx deeds
Untied Tho Inter examinations of tltlo
seem to have been rather Inx, for loans
vcro made nn tho land nnd there Is a
mortgage company represented by Omaha
ottorneys, which now holds mortgages
amounting to $10,000 on tho land to swear
ovor. ,
Tho heirs found tho necessary loophole
through which to regiln firm hold of tho
Barpy county property In John Irwin's ec
centric actions In court, their claim being
thnt ho was Insane nfter 1ST.' and that there
fore the statute ot limitation could not
apply to tho tnx deeds on tho holdings
that ho failed to reclaim. .
In Its decrees '.lie. court states that tho
cailBo ramo on to bo heard upon the hill
nnd nnswer and ero.sH-blll of tho defendants,
Lemuel 1). Irwin, ot nl., tho replication
of tho plnlntlff, Roger V. I'holps, the proofs
In tho cause and tho master's report. The
court flmlu on tho Issuo Joined for Henry
C. I.eller, that there Is no equity In tho
bill of complaint nnd that I'helps has no
tltlo to tho land; that Lemuel I). Irwin,
Snrah V. Lino nnd Eliza II. Hawley hnvo
no Interest In the property In controversy;
thnt Leller Is Its owner nnd entitled to tho
rents and profits of tho lnnda for the
four years beginning with 1S9S. Tho com
plainant Is ordered to pay his costs and
thoso of tho referee.
Ifnrtest Tims tit Cut (Iff nnd Oilier
l.nUei In cnr lit llmiit
A (Mr.
Ice harvesters nro making preparations
for nn early stnrt at cutting their annual
crop. At Swift's It Ut reported that tho
lco Is six Inches thick nnd cutting will
begin when a thickness of nine Inches has
been reached. With a continuation of tho
prcteut weather they expect to be at wotk
In a day or two.
David Talbot Is preparing to storo moro
lco than he did last year nnd carpenters
nro repairing the house nt Cut Off lake which
was damaged by flro n year ago. Ho will
probably ftart tho harvest by tho first of
noxt week If tho freezing weather con
tinues. Humors of lco plnnts nnd tho positive
announcement thnt ono would be operated
In Omaha next year seem to have no effect
on tho quantity of nnturnl lco which will
ho stored. Said ono of tho men engaged
in the business:
"It may bo thnt n hard winter with
plenty of Ice will deter the operation of
tho factory. If wo can get plenty of
thick lco It Is possible thnt tho commcr
clal rate will bo bo low next summer that
an lco factory cannot compete. If tho
crop Is shott, nnd the present 'freeze does
not etiBuro a crop by nny means, no ono
would welcome n factory sooner than tho
dealer In natural Ice. Competition with
tho factory will not Injure us, whllo n
shortage does, ns It raises complaint whero
none should exist."
Tho kidney ncho when they nro over
worked nnd the trouble gets serious linlcu
promptly removed. Prickly Ash Hitters Is
u reliable kidney tonic nnd bowel regulation.
Announcements of the Til en (cr.
This nftcrnoon n special school children's
matlneo will bo given nt tho Iloyd of
"Lncio Tom's Cabin" by tho Al V. Mar
tin company. Tho curtain will ho rung up
on tills pcrformnnco nt 3:30, nfter school,
so thnt there intending school may nttend.
Speclnl features will be given for tho llttlo
ones by Knstus, tho eight-foot negro drum
major, and by .Master Sparrow, tho dwarf
negro comcdlnn. Little Eva will nlso con
tribute to tho nmusement of tho llttlo ones
free .Skill en for lloj nnd Clrln,
Any boy or girl can get a froo pair of
skates. If any of your family, or neigh
bors, take The Twentieth Century Farmer
get a copy of It nnd stnrt out to get us n few
euBcrlhcrs. Wo will send you n splendid
pnlr of skntrs free, express charges pro
paid. If you cannot got n copy of tho paper
ond to us and wo will mall you n tmmplo
You will seo thnt a weekly Illustrated
agricultural magazine llko this, that Is of
Interest not only to tho fnrmer. but his
wholo fnml'y. Is ono which every ono will
wnnt, particularly If they con help you nt
tho snme tlmo to got n pair of skates for
Jf you will send us two now suscrlbcrs,
wo will sen you a pair of Harney & llcrry
skntos, size 8 to 12 Inches. This skntn Is
thoroughly made and durable, adjusted by
single thread screw foot-platen, heel plates,
clamps and brackets of best steel and blades
of solid hardened steel. Ily sending three
new suscrlbcrs wo will scud you tho samo
katcs only nickel plated.
If you will send us thrco new suscrlbcrs
wo will send you n Ilnrncy & llcrry skate,
size 8 to 11 Inches. This skate has heel
Btrap and Is particularly designed for chil
dren's use.
If you will send four new suscrlbcrs wo
will send the flume skate nickel plated,
For six now subcrlbers wo will send n
pair of Harney & Ilerry skntcs, bIzo 8 to 12
Inches. This Is n live dollar pair of skntes
polished and nickeled, mado of tho very
best steel that Is produced.
Shampoolug nnd hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with tho Ilathcry, 216-23 Oca
building. Telephone 17 10.
"California lor the Tonrlni."
"Undoubtedly tho best book on California
ever published by nny Railroad Company."
Chicago Chronicle.
An Illustrated pamphlet of OS pages with
70 splendid half-tone, cuts, nnd n map of tho
world THxl'J inches, (lives full Information
about big trees, grove, natural bridges,
climate, geysers, lakes, mineral springs,
old missions, nnd nil tho nntural points cf
Interest In California, also minutely de
scribes tho principal cities of that state.
Sont free on receipt of two cents for
City Ticket Ofllce, 1324 Fnrnam, Thono
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with tho Ilathcry, 210-220 Ho 9
building. Telephone 1710.
Tubllsh your legal notices In ths Weekly
Hoc. Telephone 23S.
Gentlemen's Traveling Gases
Wo have a splendid nssortmcut of Pull
man or traveling toilet cases for gentlemen,
containing llnlr HrusheM. Combs, Mirrors,
Tooth nnd Null Hrushes, Soup Poxes, etc.
Wo describe below u fow sots:
No. 1 Case, tun color hiiIii leather, tele-
ncopo style, containing Imlr brush, comb,
tooth and nnll brush; price, Jl; by mall $1.15.
No. 2-Snmo caso with black grain leather
cuae, leuwoiiillg to it alienator; prico, Jl.WJ
by mail, $1.15.
No. 3 Caso. lilarlf irriilii lnnflinr lrlnann.
In lid to shoulder, containing ebony'.lmlr
iininji, iifiiin iirumi, nun uruHii unit comu,
price, $2.25; by mail, $2.40.
No. 4 Saino tlCHCi'lnlloii oiilv nlli-liiu.
larger cuho nnd liner brushes, ease provided
wiiu nii'iiuiK bumt iiiuiini; once,; uy
mall. $3.0ki.
No. 4-Case, alligator telescope to shoul
der, containing ebony hair, tooth and mill
uriiBii mm room; puce, jj.w, uy mall, JJ.IU.
No. 5 Cnso sminro. black, telexennn t
houlder, mirror In side of cnso, containing
r,,"' Kullu' mum iiiat mm nrusn; price,
No. C Case hand carved Mexican leather,
llaps nt end, pocketboolc style, fastening
wltli buckle strap, containing Imlr. tooth
and null briiHhes, comb, mirror and soup
mua, mi Ki'liuillt! I'liiiii) u.ii'lin; price, tv.ini.
No. 7 Case genuine black uralii hoI
leather, tlups nt end. pocketbook style, clos
liur with buckle strop, containing; 1 pair
handsome .military brushes, solid back
cloth brush and hat brush, nnll nnd tooth
brush, soap box, mirror, comb, nil brushes
polished eoco bo!a wood backs; prlco of
case, $10.00.
y" We have hundreds of toilet cases for
iriiviMiiiK nun mum' iiu mr iiiiucH uuo gen
tlemen nnd llttlo folks. Cull nnd seo them.
ShBrman & McConnsll Drug Go.
Tho Orphenm will glvo a souvenir matl
neo tomorrow (Wcilncail.1V). ttvnrv wnmnn
who nttends, besides having tho pleusuro
of witnessing a bill of unusual excellence,
will bo presented with n cabinet photograph
of Miss (ioorgla Gardner, the tnlcnted
comedienne. A charming personality,
gracious manners and distinguishing nr
tlstlc nctlng hnvo endeared Miss Gardner
to her auditors, especially to tho women,
nnd tho little gift will mnko a pleasing
memento. Tho llttlo sketch, "Too Many
Darlings," In which Miss Gardner and Mr.
Mnddern nro nppenrlng, Is brimful of good
comedy nnd Is scoring n decided hit. The
sensation ot tho program Is tho remarkablo
acrobatic performanco of tho Florenz
troupe. The other members nro ubovo tho
nvoragc. Eighty employes of The Heo hnvo
purchased scnts In n body nnd will nttend
Seminary Wiilt on lliillromlM.
Managers of tho Omaha Theological sem
inary nro nwultlng tho action of tho rail
roads In the matter of laying track upon
Eighth street before arranging for tho new
bulb Irgs of tho Institution. Tho change
In tho location of tho seminary depends
upon the salo of tho present quarters. As
lung us tho rnllroail situation remains un
changed tho value of the propertv now oc
cupied Is not llxed nnd sales In contempla
tion cannot bu closed.
Hnpplness Is but another namo for per
fect health. Fso Prickly Ash Hitters and
bo happy. It keeps tho vital orguns
healthy nnd well regulated.
IJ.1.00 Tor a llnlf n IJuy'n "Work.
If you Ilvo In tho country or In a small
town nnd have a good acquaintance among
tho farmers nnd atockralsors In tho neigh
borhood, you can mako $5,00 easily by four
or five hours' work. Wrlto us nnd wo will
tend you our proposition. Tho Heo Publish
ing compnny, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Neb.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Hoe.
We will glvo them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 23S.
Pianola recital, Mr. H. O. Hurt, Unity
church Wednesday 8 p. m. 23 cents.
A Pulque cut.
A government bond Is supposed to bo
about as good a thing ns you can glvo for
n Christmas remembrance. Here Is some
thing, howovor, qulto as good as a govern
ment .bond nnd It does not cost so much
money. It Is a most unique Idea for a gift,
yet most practical and solves tho prob
lem of what to glvo In a most satisfactory
A pair of flno shoes or a dainty pair of
slippers Is a gift nrceptnblo to all. Yet
It Is lmposslblo to mnko this gift ordi
narily without giving away tho secret. Ono
must know tho elzu nnd other necessary
details. Hut the Sorosls shoo people have
6olvcd tho problem. They nro Issuing a
certificate which you can send In lieu of the
gift nnd tho happy recipient cnu go and
pick out her own shoes or slippers. This
ccitlflcato Is good In nny part of tho
country whero there Is n Sorosls storo. So
If you wnnt to end such a gift to anyone
In Chicago, Snu Francisco or any other
city you can purchase tho cortifleato hero
nt their store, at No. 203 S. 16th, slip It
Into n letter nud the shoes will bo forth
coming at tho other end when it is pre
sented. It Is an ideal method to securo nn Ideal
gift for tho Sorosls shoo Is n favorite with
well dressed women from tho Atlantic to
tho Pacific, Its merits nro so well known
they need no tolling and fow glftu would
bo moro acceptable.
Closing out
Ono lot. only ono of n kind Phntnn
just the last of the original UllUluu
purchase originally sold ut U flfl
$15,00 to $20.l- OUiUU
k Splendid
Christmas Gift
for somo ono needing n suit.
Anothor lot, made of finer phfilno
goods Just such ns every- UllulbD
bodv sells ut $25.00 and $30.00 Q QQ
Wo think ours nro better mnde ono
suit of a kind.
AV ivoulil lilit to 1m troubled
to nIiimv fnu tliem milt.
JOIO uoatclaa St.
Open Evenings
Special sales every evening until Christmas.
Santa Clatis will present each child accom
panied by it's parents, with handsome souvenir.
50c Gift Books for 10c, on sale Tuesday even
ing at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening at S o'clock wo
will place on sale on the third Hour 12,000 volumes of se
lect pft, books; they are all handsomely bound, beautiful
covers, printed in :old and colors and -fl
Hilt edjjed; all new and standard titles, I 1 I C
fiOe values for.
One big tnblo of flno gilt edge, hand
florae bound $1.00 books, s"
many copyrighted titles 3 VC
among them, nt, each ...."
Ono big tnblo of all kinds of stand
ard works by well known authors, Im
menso Hue of titles, many new ones
never beforo published In - gj
cheap edition lt"5C
Ro ot
Ono big tnblo of fancy gift books,
one In n box, they gen
erally sell nt "ue,
go at
One big tablo of fancy Christmas
cards that generally sell up to lOo
each, choice of over a
thousand different
vnrlctlcs, at,
All the balance of our entire stock
on hand ot sleds, worth up to $2.C0
each, no matter what fm
kind or quality, they go
ns long ns Uiey last at....
And hundreds of other bargains In
our toy department.
On Sale Today
Closing put nil tho balance of tho stock on hand from tho' Itldley Art
To close out this cntlro lot we have made still further reductions, wo
have cut tho prices nearly In half of what tbey formerly were.
All the finished sofn pillows at one-fourth regular price.
All tho scarfs, center pieces, doylies, tidies, laundry bags, sofn pillow
tops, pin cushions, etc. etc., all beautifully hand worked and finished In tho
best manner, nt less than one-quarter regular prlco.
All on salo on front bargain uqtiares at prices uo that there will be nono
lolt by tomorrow ovcnlu?.
Men's Long Overcoats
The men's Kitchener Yoke
Overcoats we are selling at, 10
are positively the best in Oma
ha at that price, and when we
make that, statement, we know
exactly what we are talking
about. For workmanship, lin
ing, style and tit it beats them
all. They come in all the new
est colors and fabrics. They
have broad sloping shoulders
and vertical pockets, for
We are sole Omaha agents
for riOCiHIJS, PENT & CVs
CLOTHING. The best in the
country. Suits and overcoats,
17.')0 to $,'5.00.
No Christmas is complete without candy and nuts
Our stock has no parallel for goodness, purity, low price.
(In Ilasomcnt.)
5 TO R E
Christinas Shoppers
Shop as early in the season as possible
(this week is the very best time), shopping
early means selecting from stocks which
are the most complete, and which contain
the rarest values. Shop early iu the day
it gives you advantage of deliberate selec
tions, you avoid the surging crowds which
are here iu the afternoon and evening.
Hundreds of Pretty Mufflers
in all colors cashmere, sill; and wool, loc,
' 7;'c, 1.00, SLLTi and !?l.r0.
All the New Tilings in Neckwear
tecks, pull's, four-in-hand, string, band
bows, bows, etc., 1.00, "oc, ;,"( and L'.V.
Men's Suspenders
10c, inc. LMc, are, o 7v. i.()o. i.'jn,
l.r0, 1.7o up to .'!.ij0- inany of them in
single boxes.
Holiday Handkerchiefs
Thousands to select from, a whole page of
descriptions would fail to tell half about
their prettiness and price.
Christmas Shoes and Slippers
Substantial and useful presents to be found
in this. department. Select a pair before
the lines are broken.
Men's House Coats smnkim Jackets
Fvery style you might think of, every price
you care to pay. 1.7;" to l).7o.
Men's Bath Robes
Most complete line we have ever shown
you'll find them at the shirt counter west
aisle, 1.00 to .-.00.
Umbrellas for Alcn and Women
Two complete departmentshandy to get
at, easy to puy for 7r,c, J.00, 1.50, 1.75,
2.50, .'.50, 1.50 and up.
"The Merriest
News of A l."
"NEW YOHK, Dee. 10, 1901.
"IIAYDKN' UROS., Omnhn, Neb.
"AcconllnK to your instructions this nftcrnoon I bought for spot cash the
pntlro stock of furs, rnRlans, suits, children's Jackets, shirt wnists nnd skirts
everything In their concern. The fixtures disposed of for $700.00. All goods
shipped by express nnd hopo theywlll reach you for Monday's sale.
"W. J.. MUIUtAY.
"Now York lleprescntntlvc, 115 Worth Street."
Tho goods aro on sale nnd they'ro going fast. There Is no
reserve dcnlers, peddlers, out-of-town merchants nnd the public
In gencrnl nro Invited. They nro nil on our counters In flrat
clnss shnpo for easy nnd satisfactory selection. Wo will spenk
to you today particularly on the KUIt QUESTION tho Htock
of furs carried. This houso carried a tremendous stock of furs.
You can buy them now right at your doors nt half prlco.
There nro about 2,000 children's and misses' fur sets that
vcro sold by them nt $1.60 to $10.00; they will bo divided Into
Jots at half price at C9e, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $2.00 nnd up to $5.00.
All tho beaver Jackets In this tremendous stock will bo
cIobciI out at $50.00.
All tho beaver capes will bo closed out at $55,00. 4
All tho otter capes will bo closed out nt $110.00.
Astrakhan rnpes, 30 Inches ling, lined with Skinner's satin,
on sale for $12.50.
Electric seal Jnckots trimmed with beaver, for, each, $18.00,
Astrakhan Jacket, mado of choice skins, IX quality, tho very
host, worth $00,00, for. each, $29 00.
Genuine mink scarfs with six fox tails, for, only, $2.90.
t00 women's box coats, worth up to $10.00, for $1.90.
Your choice of 480 coats from Hits tremendous stock that
sold up to $20.00, for $9.?6.
Women's raglans, either looso or tight-fitting back, worth
$12.50, for $0.98.
Children's raglans with or without collar, worth up to $S.00,
for $2.95.
Children's coats at Ilayden's only 90c.
Infants' olderdown conts, 59c,
Having Secured the Services of
II. Goldstine, the Celebrated
Skirt Maker for Another
Week, Commencing
Monday, Dec. 16th
wo will make u plain lined skirt frco,
providing tho material will aot cost Icsj
than 76c per yard. You will have tho priv
ilege of selecting nny material from our
high grade dress good3 or silk stock, nnd
we will guarantee a perfect fit In every
Instance, or money cheerfully refunded
No risk to our customers.
Mr. Goldstine hns tho most phenomenal
success ns n cutter nnd litter, ns out of
CGI skirts tuken In one week ho had only
ono misfit. Come early ns orders run by
number, and Ilrst ordered will bo drat
Open evenings until Christmas.
The real live Santn Clans at Ilityden'a, only. Thou
sands upon thousands ot pretty ami useful presents that
easily tuggest a plenalng gift. Everything nrrn1gcd to
make suggestion nnd belcctlon ensy nnd satlsfnrtory.
Trices cut to Insure tho selling out of every cents worth
ot toys and dolls. All Monday's bargnlns will In, repent
ed, and thousands of other specials put on pnle. Don't
fnll to visit this wonderful toy I'AI.ACE OP I1EAUTY,
only complete stock In Omaha.
Wo have tho banner lino of ladles' fine neck ruffs In
the city prices, 50c to $25.00 each.
Tuesday, wi will hold n rpcclal salo ami sell neck ruffs
from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent loss than regular price.
$1.50 gilt odge, fine padded leather hound lino of poet
cal works, on sale Tuesday nt 71c. The Ilrnly books, at
21c. The Dreeden books, 19e. Tho 25c 12mo. hooka, 12',fcc.
1000 novels nt 7V.c.
We glvo away on Tuesday, 1000 Xmas Hevlow on books.
Wlll'll U'n Mnl'n n "n....l,.i r .. r. t.
tnnol, .f.'ul ,0,,t 8 (.111-3 AM lmM ,
much ns It does when you n.-t a n,u. (i,r.
mas Present, no that H.itiirilnv. lo" I
we will plcaso everybody by Helllim (Ins
equal to nny 50c 'article on thn market or
chopped hundH. fneo urn! lips at
.:VnK rcnJcWb,-;r w" "r" uhowliiR ,i benntl.
" ll,"0..o,t I'erfuino Atomize nnd Hlink t
'lop Uottles; prices range iroin .",ur to
fnney bottles of perfume, 10c to i:;o; bulk
perfume, from Wo oz. to
1 rA'",'.!?'"" lll!'.r To!,lu (mmruntecd).'. 7.-;o
Jl.tO Wine of ( unlul j,i
25c Mistletoe Cream jsq
2,'e Laxntlvo llromo Qiilnlno vn
2,)0 Hehlltz'' Extract Malt, 2 for" ." ssj
ti.vj .M.imivi j-iiu cure "'in
Illlru I'r.u.. ..... I,,, i i..., r.
..... w...,...... f in,,, in-. HQ
LT.c Pastpiilllle Tooth Pante l!ic
'Tit )itv CI nti ma i Itnui un-i n t ( - m
Wo Cramr'H Ivlilnty ('urn (Kfiuiliu'). . Ijo
DOc CaltlwulPs Syrun of Vomln'. ' n-Jn
SOStflEFES'S '",K;slr
Tl. :-4T. I. W. Cnr. JMtli Hnd CliU-MKa
Coods uellvercd PUEE to nnv snrt of city.
Great Nut Sale
Now Mixed Nuts, on snlo at 1214c pound.
Great Special Sale of Meats
and Choice Poultry.
No, 1 Sugar Cured Hama 7'4c
Now Ilolognn Sausage 6o
Potted Meats, assorted per can Vc
HcndnunrtcrB for fresh dressed poultry
at lowest prices during holidays. ;
Tobacco Deafislment,
Star Plug Chewing Toiinera
Horseshoe Plug 'h'Wlng Tobacco ....
Navy Plug Chewing Tobacco
Newsboy Tobacco
Ilnttle Axe
Dull Durhnm Smoking Tobacco
Duko's Mixture
Meerschaum Smoking Tobacco
t'nele Tom Smoking Tobncco
Old Style Si'jol- nn Tolmeia
Mall Pouch, per puckugo
Wdl, Here's Looking At Yon!
Santa Clans has n keen eye and n earn
fully cultivated tnkte for all that's good
and bh endorsement of Motz beer Is cor
dial nud denotes his hearty nppreclntbiu
of n good, honest, p.ilntnble, dlgestlon-ln-.
spiring beer for Christmas day. New Year's
dny and the other 333 d.iys of the year,
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. I It), OiiwiIiii.
Or Jacob Neumayer. Agi . euro Ncumnyer
Hotel, couiu n muffs, loWU.
Rum and Brandy
Nothing so wnrmlng nnd
Invigorating ns a Hue old
Hum or Hrandv. Jamaica,
St Croix and New England
iM.oa ami 9i.t:r
Per qt. bottle.
Ilrandy, Cognac. Ornpe,
otc , per qt. bottle,
T.-.e, tfl.OO, HI. 'J,', mill
If I. (SO
1 4 A D I K S P 1 1 K E V HE E
A beautiful hand-curved,
Imported eaiuco vace to thu
ludleH with each fl.Ol pur
chase. Pure California Wines (bot
tle ripe), 33c. 50c, 75e per qt.
Mail oroers promptly lllled.
City orders delivered.
vii(ii,i:.sAi.i: i.Mtroit siiHtciiA.vrs.
Oiipimltu I'lintolllcf. Trlejilimie UIH,
AgeutH for Hunter Hvo and Old Taylor
Thero must bo more than one. TIici-o
Is one on jotli street, which lirenkt. oj!
every once In a while. They don't hltu n
have It known, however. Itesult: Wo
nil hnvo to sell
I.lpterlne Do
Kwnmp-Itoot Cio
Allen Wlteh Harol Salvo 2i'c
Hrown's Troehen '. 20
HuH'h Catarrh Cum C-o
H. H. 8 Co
Cnstorln 2.",o
Molted Milk o
Syrup of Plgn 30o
Plnkhnm'H 'ompuiind C0o
Crti r j PiIIj Jto
EMIR 1 KE8 ?'lH S
ita aa a u 1'AINP Wi3a
HtU null llliuulna Nli,
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars.
Jdoufuoturtd by F. IC Rico MorooutUu Olgne Qv,t bU LJuU L'uluit Jlud