Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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leYeral Decroiinc FaoUri Affect the Ei
changa Early In tha Wak.
Altrnllon of Miicfii In torn ("entered mi
thr linporliil Tobiiooii Coin ii n ,
Which Intend tit I'lKlit
American In, nil or.
LONDON. Doc. 15. Several depressing
factors affected tho Stock exchange early
In th week: business was consequently
dull, although tho outlook ciui hardly bo
considered omlnnus. The money mnrket In
dearer with the approach of tho cml of
the year, but there In Htilllclcnt money
furthcoming to meet requirements with
out serious Inconvenlenco,
American shares were adversely affected
by the break In copper anil were lint on tho
A.iih(u Wlir rumor anil In spite of ihe as
urnnceH from olllclal (itiartcrs as to tho
Iniptobablllty of an outbreak.
Home mils were depressed on tho un
favorable returns. Mine shares, on the
other hand, wero favorably affected by
tho successes In .South Africa and tho
prospect of a large Increase of stamps In
the Hand.
Considerable Is felt In tho In
dustrial department In tho dotation of tho
mw imperial Tobacco company, with tho
object of lighting the American Invaders.
This company has an Immense capital of
This Is adversely criticised In some quar
ters, where It Is asserted that tho company
hns no expectation of paying dividends
upon any tfiltiK more than 0,000,(1110 of
preference shares, which It Is understood
approximately represent the real lighting
capital of the company. Hut It Is believed
u lout; and hard contest In ahead between
the great opposing forces.
Henry Clou I rum ('Million In 11 n -
lliK t'lltll ltcniljlltllicnl l,eel
In Iteiielied.
KBW YORK, De. I5.tsiperlul.)-In his
weekly review of Wall street Honry Clews,
heud of tho hanking house of Henry Clows
& Co., says:
Liquidation has been i 1 1 c extensive dur
ing tho past week, due ehlelly to two
causes, tinner money and the collapse In
cuper securities. 'I ho decline In tho lat
ter, of course, forced the selling of good
stocks to protect accounts; hence tho
weakness of tho better class of securities.
There was less resistance to declines than
wltnnssrd during tho summer months,
though whether tills was duo to free sell
lug or willingness of tho market leaders to
poind u moderate degreo of liquidation Is
u matter of doubt. There Is no question,
however, that tho future of tho market will
Le lienellted by the present reaction. An
advance could not be conducted without .1
lresh start, and a fresh start was Impos
sible except at a lower level and with Hew
blrod. There Is plenty of money seeking
Investment, but not at top prices. Those
vhn have largo sums to Invest anil whoso
operations must bo depended upon for u
successful bull movement are not likely to
buy at the end of a rise. If, therefore, tho
powers who control the market and who
uro vitally Interested In higher prices have
now willingly permitted tho market to re
spond naturally to actual conditions, nud
this seems to bo so, they have acted wisely.
It was the Interferencu with the natural
swing of tho murkets at the time of tho
Vnltod Htates Steel strike, tho corn crop
domugc, tho death of President Melvlnloy other untoward events that brought
tho stock market Into tho condition of
deadlock which It has endured for the last
two mouths. Mad a recession of S to 10
points been permitted, between say July
and October, we might now have been on
tho evn of a legitimate bull campaign. In
stead, the market seems to bo now tardily
nspondlng to drawbacks which cannot be,
Ono Important feature which is not satis
factory Is tho occasional declines In ex
potts which -we hnvo repeatedly referred
to. Tho decline In exports of manufacture!!
Is especially lcgrettublc, and seems likely
to continue, for Europe Is not In a condi
tion to buy short crops with freedom ex
cipt food products which short crops
abroad compel her to purchase. Interna
tional trade rotations nro anything but
satisfactory nt tho moment, tho constant
threats of tariff wars and retaliation being
simply an expression of economic stress.
This Is the dark sldo of tho ptcturo con
tiasted with our own oxtruordlniiry pros
perity, which still continues with wonder
ful momentum, but which has been too
rapidly discounted In the stock market.
Tho monetary situation at tho moment Is
tintavornblo, high rat en seeming probable
until nfter preparations for .January dis
bursements, which will be exceedingly
havy. Hank reserves are at a very low
bb and some sharp contraction of loans
will bo necessary to maintain tho surplus
nbovu legal requirements. Gold exports at
this time aro iinsual and, of course, exert
an unfavorable effect, being additional
proof of l ho changes going on In our Inter
national trndo nud tluauclal relations, As
largo sums hnvo been withdrawn for un
derwriting purposes tho only relief that
can como to the New York market Is
through forced liquidation and tho return
of funds from tho Interior, whero money
hns been relatively cheaper and moro
uhundant than here.
Tho effect of tho corn crop damage will
scon bo moro visibly felt In vurlous ways.
Already there has been an Important de
crease In corn receipts at western prlmnry
markets, and tho exports of corn during
tho cloven months of tho current year havo
been only 99,6f0,ooo bushels, against 167,000,
Ooo bunhcls tho hiiiiio tlmo last year a de
crease of not far from 60 per cent. Short
crops of corn and cotton aro not elements
of prosperity, no matter how much com
pensation growers may receive In bettor
prices, nor how much tho loss may bo
rcunternctcd by business activity In other
directions, Truo prosperity Is based on
uhumlanco, not scarcity.
Tho reaction may not be pleasant, but It
will bo beneficial. Readjustment Is neces.
sary to changed conditions. The United
States Is still enjoying great prosperity,
particularly In certain sections; but tho
progressive movement Is less uniform than
Mx or twelve months ngo. tho crest of tho
wnvo has been reached In some quarters
and recessions nro duo If wo are to have a
healthy stock market and nctlvo and sub
stantial mercantile markets. Thoro aro
signs that the market leaders nppreclato
theso facts, and that the downward ten
dency Is being assisted by manipulation.
When the market has been tested the weak
spots discovered and now blood and now
capital admitted, wo may expect a recov
ery. Hut tho upward turn is not yet In
sight and stocks aro likely to bo a good
sale on nil sharp rallies.
Tho only thing that will adjust, tho
money situation with tho banks in connec
tion with their reserves Is liquidation In tho
siock margei, as tnrnugn mat process
only at this tlmo enn tho bank reserves bo
maintained. It Is this feature of the niton.
tlon that threatens lower prices for stocks
before wo get out of tho present rut of
mcney stringency. Tho receding prices In
the stock market of Into should not hnvo
taken nny sagacious person by surprise, as
they woro Inevitable Artlllclnl methods
in Keeping up prices noyoud what condl
Hons warrant cannot be continued In.
dellnttely. Wall street oucht to huvn hml
threo big surges In prices at least during
tho last several months, but nrtlllclnl
methods In bridging over prevented such
natural setbacks. Tho steel strike woa
sulllclent' Incentlvn for a good-sized break;
tho corn crop dninago was another and the
usussluntlon of President MeKlnloy was n
.,,,... I'HUVl III llll-BU uniu iiuiHir-
tllllt factors lltmil the niiirlc.,1 wna Hniiretilv
percenilblo inline to the herculean nfrnrta
which wero made to prevent a seml-panlo
(i, ..un iimi Mil uie verg
ing on tho 1st of January, when the euro
crop will commence to move. It will bo
found that there Is but llttlo to send for
ward, and then the serious damage to the
crop will be fully realized. The market has
commenced to discount It now. Tim nrn.
ent tendency of the vnrlous markets la
wnnt grows win go up and what Is mado
will go down. King Corn so decrees by
autocratic rule, thus showing his almighty
power 'n producing cause and effect and
regulating sunnlv and demand.
I advise Belling stocks on tho rallies for
mo present nun using caution In buying
until n readjustment level has been
Liverpool Quotation Experience l-'re
quent Fluctuation luillre unit
China Respond I'nnrl-.
MANCHESTER. ,Dec. 15,-Tho frequent
nucuiiiiinus in couon quotations n j,iver.
nnol and tho higher nrlces reoutreil hv
sellers during the last week made business
dllllcult ponding the adjustment of tho
Ideas of over the sea buyers to tho higher
prices wnicn aro ouiainen nere. tup opln
Ion that the crop will be less than was ox
iiected has become moro general and It Is
lelleved that present values will be ex
ceeded IMer.
Aperutlonc at tho end of the week were
hampered by the Interruption to tele
graphic communication, which hindered
the recelnt of N'ew York nuntntlnnx Inilln
nr.d China responded poorly to the advalico
in prices, iiom nro ininy wen supplied
and enn afford to wait a while.
Considerable was booked during tho week
In vnrlous directions for delivery In the
next fow months. Only moderate and
frrsh buying Is needed to keep the market
fnlrlS' steady, Yarns are hardening. Spin
ners decline to do business unless nt the
advanced prices Shippers are not dis
posed to pay tho enhanced figures.
Increase In Price Oilmen Hntiil-tii-.Mnutli
II ii I ii k mill Cripples
Iron Industries.
BERLIN. Dee. If.. Tho rhlef strength of
the bourse during the last week was again
foreign rentes. Hoanlsb 4s tnklnir the first
phice and reaching their highest quotation
In a number of years. There were large
transactions In .Spanish 4s, ns well as In
Portuguese and Chinese rentes on tho in
vitation of outsiders.
Townrd tho end of the week thin denart-
men I weakened an a result of the Argen-tlne-Chlll
dllllelilty. German loans wero
llkowlso In good demand, scoring light
Tho good tone of the mnrket for nil llxetl
Interest-bearing securities Is materially
strengthened by tho continued ease of tho
money market and fr?sh evidence that tho
Irduntrlul crisis Is nht exhausted.
'I no week s reports from the Iron Indus
try nro nualn unfavorable, both tho oust
anil tho west representing conditions as
again growing worse. In the Slegcn dis
trict, wnero me prices on tire havo just
been reduced from 21 to 111 marks a ton,
tho blast furnaces voted vesterdav for a
50 per cent reduction of the output. Tho
wesi ucrman I'late syuuicnio mis voted it
further reduction on boiler plates to 165
n. a r Its.
The Colocne Vnlks Settling reiterates Its
statement to tho effect thnt the coke syndi
cate nas already decided to increase Its
nstrlctlon January 1 to 10 tier cent. All
sides ugreo that the consumers of coal anil
coko aro only ordering from hand-to-
mouth, hoping for better terms later.
Among tho American securities Ca
nadians only attracted attention during
tho last week, but Americans followed
New York wllllimlv. Tho Frankfurter
Zrltung asserts that tho German market
generally Is growing more Independent of
Now York, adding the rising money rates
at New Yotk, Ihe gold exports from that
city and tho American iron market re
ports nave an remained ror some tlmo past
without Influence hero. Our market Is
evidently trying to stand moro upon Its
own feet.
Other authorities maintain that tho rein-
tlvo firmness of German Iron shares, not
withstanding the gloomy prospect In Ger
many. Is duo largely to American renortn.
Tho National Xeltung expresses this hellof
and adds thu It awakens unpleasant sen
sations In Europe to see how tho Culled
States dominates Euroiicnn cointrles In nil
departments of business activity.
I'd it I mi I'Mllllliellll.
LISBON. Dec. 15. Gold was quoted yes
terday at K54.
.maiikik, ucc. io. ino report or mo
Hank of Hnaln for tho week ended yester
day showsf Gold In hand, Increased Ifi.WO
pesetas; silver In hand, Increased M3,uu0
pesetas; notes In circulation, decreased
S SI7.(aX tiesetas. Gold was uuoted yester
day nt si ::.
Coiiillt Ion of Trmle nud Quotnt Ions
mi Staple mill l-'niiry Produce.
KOGS Itecclpts. light; fresh stock, 21c.
LIVE POULTHY Hens. BH'nc: old
roosters, .Vulo; turkeys, 7(ij.No; ducks nnd
giieso. dWatio: snrlng chickens, tier lb..
iJillsssisu POUI-TKY Turkeys, ajfioc;
ducks and geese, "JJSc; spring chickens,
Cliiso: nens, iWtMC
Hl'TTKIl Common to fnlr. 13Uc: choice
dairy, In tubs, lBfolTe; separator, 23024c
FItKSH KISIl-Hlack bass, ISc; whlto
bass, 10c; bluellsh, 12c; bullheads, 10c; blue
fins, "c; buffaloes, "c; cattish, 12c; cod, 11c;
rranples, 11c: halibut, He; herring, Tc; had
dock, 10c; plko, 10c; red snapper, 10c; sal
mon, He; sunllsh. fie; trout, Do; whltctlsh,
9c; pickerel, 6c; fresh mackerel, each, Suty
OYBTKHS lied urns, ner can. 22c: Stand
ards, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can,
33c; Now York counts, per can, 40c; bulk
Standards, per gal., Sl.ZO( 1.25: bulk extra
selects, Jl.fiOJl.C'r, bulk, New York counts,
per gal., J1.75.
1'imi.uivitt mvo, per doz., ooc.
VHAL-Cbolce, ttfSc.
TURKS I to C feet, nor do?... il.TE: B to
ft foot, per doz., $2.50; 8 to 9 feet, per doz.,
J3.50; 10 to 14 feet, each, N.OOftl.60; 15 to 20
ICCl, CilCIl, .'.Wtll.UU.
of 20 yards, per coll, $1; evergreen wreaths,
i inencs in uiametcr, per doz., n.w, nolly
wreaths, 12 Inches In diameter, per doz., $2.
HOLLY HHANCHH8 Per case of 50 lbs.,
J w; ut:r ltd., tJ.uu.
MNES-Pcr doz., $2,505?
40c. "
IIA Prices minted liv Omnlin Whole.
sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice up
land. J9.50; No. 2 upland, $S.W); medium, $8;
coarse. $7.50. Hve straw, ii. Tnexn nrlces
are tor hay of good color und quality. Do-
iiianii iitir. ucccipis, 4 cars.
uuh.n .-vow, twe: old, ic.
POTATOES Home grown: $1: northern.
$1.10; Salt I,'iko. $1.10; Colorado, $1.10.
L,Aiiiiuio-rcr uu., wjc.
HEETS Per 4-hu. basket, 30c.
Tl'HNIPS Per tin.. EOo: llnlalmirnu. ner
100 lbs., $1.25.
CUUU.MHERS HothoilBe, per doz., $1.25.
LETTUCE Head, nor hh .. JR.KO: hnthniisn
lettuce, per doz,, 25c.
i-AunurjY I'er doz., 26c.
HADIBHES-Por doz., 25c.
SWEET I'OTATniCS Hnmn r?rnwn. ner
lb.. 2He; Kansas, per bbl., $3.25.
CAHHAO 13 Holland seed, crated, lWc.
CAl'LIFLOWEH-Por crate. J2.R0.
ONIONS Homo grown, per lb., 2fl2c;
SpanlBh, por crato, $2; Michigan reds, 3c
per lb.
CELEIVY Knlamnzoo, per blinch, 25fi35c;
Nebraska, per bunch. 30035c; California,
Wa 60e.
WAVY UEANH Per lilt., $2.15.
APPLES nen Davis, ner hht.. 14iWfflK0:
Wlnesa'ps. $5: Jonathan, $5.60; Belteilowers,
Ijici itvAi
riiAita viKers, iz.zs; Lawrence. $2.25B
OrtAPES Malagas, per keg, $5 5Offfi.50,
CHAN HERH1E8 Per bbl.. I7.50HS.M: ner
crate, $2.75.
OHANOES-Floridns. $3.25T?3.60: California
navels. $3.25i3.50; budded, $2.75.
LEMONS Fancy, $3,5043.75; choice. $3 00
HA NA NAS Per bunch, according to slzo,
FIGS California, now cartons, 75c; Im
ported, per lb,, 12T14c.
DATES Persian, in GO-lb. boxes, tier lb..
5Ho; Balrs, 6c.
NUTS New crop walnuts. No, 1 soft
shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb.. 11c;
No. 2 soft shell. 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c;
Uruzlls. per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 13c:
almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c;
pecans, large, per lb.. 12c; small, 10c; cocoa
nuts, for cwt $5; chestnuts, 12c.
HONEY Por 24-sectlon case, $3.503.75.
CIDER-Nehawkn. pur bbl.. $J; New
York. $3.50.
HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 preen. 5c;
No. 1 salted, 7io; No. 2 salted, 0V4c; No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 lbs., "c; dry hides, R'tfl3c; sheep
pelts, 25f27e; horse hides, $1.602.25.
SAUERKRAUT Per ,,-bbl $3; per bbl.,
Km nuns City Criiln mid Provision.
comber, 73c; May, 77To; cash. No, 2 hard,
74o: No. 3, riiiHc; No. 2 red, 7!a7SV4c; No. 3,
CORN December. 70c: January. fiS4fi3e!
May, C3Viil69'c; cash, No, 2 mixed. liSM
C9V4c; No. 2 white. iBJic; No, 3, C9c.
OATS NO. 2 Wlllte. 40C,
RYE-No, 2, Hij65Uc.
HAY Choice timothy, $13.50; cholco prnl
rle. $13. 14.00.
HUTTEH-Crcnmery. lSfl22c; dairy, fancy,
EGOS-FIrnt; fresh Missouri and Kansns
stock quoted on "change at 21o doz., loss
eft nnfiiiu rntlipntiil rwmtiti n ii-.
wi '" iii.miii.ih J Ml' HI 4( ilHJ,
RECEIPTS Wheat. 21,000 liu.; corn, 80,-
W till.' OlllH, .,l"f l)U.
SHIPMENTS Wheat, 12,000 bit.; corn, 80,
000 bu,; oats, 21,000 bu,
Ilvnimrnteit mill Dried Fruits,
APPLES Tho usual Saturday dullness pre
vailed In the market, while the iinilnrimm
was still -toady at old trices; state, com
mon 10 goon,'tje; prime, vgisuc; cnolco,
9Mi9l4e: fancy, lOfdOUo
nrujies. 3j1f7ci Anrlents. Itnviil. iniilip-
Jloor Park, 9Vifil3 Peaches, peeled, 121
I'liiliiiloliiliiii Priiiliii'p InrKrt.
jinn iiincy wesiern creamery, 2).if25o;
nearby prints, 2Sc.
EGGS Steady ; fresh nearby, 27c; south-
wexiern, oc; somnern, ;c.
t CHEESE-FIrm but quiet.
Wt&thir Condition Afficti thi BptoalttiTi
I'rnile l t'lilniportiiiit nnd Early l)e.
iiiiiiiiI front CiiiiiiiiInsIiiii IIiiiisom li
the Only Feature Corn nnd
Ontn I'nlrly Actlic.
CHICAGO, Dec. ll.-An Inclination to
take tirulltn ami Sntiinl.'tv i1iiIIiih worlieil
against thu cold weather bull factor In
grains and May closed He down,
May corn, t,c up and May oats Wic lower.
Provisions closed 5'i7!C to 12Hc higher.
Wheat had a dull, st.iiily murkei. rullnc
steady llrst. but closing dull. Weather
conditions had a good deal to do with tho
speculative temperament and tho early
cables were sornr thing of a help. May
opened a shade lower In l.l',7.e im ut yMiH
We and quickly sold up to HiNftMc. Trade
.un nut iiniioriaiu anu tno eariy itemauu
from cotntnlsslnn linn,m unu nlmiii th,
only feature. This Boon gave way to prollt
toklng on the bulge and tho market gradu
ally sagged off to 79V. closing weak, -c
lower, at .9a4li79Tie, Local receipts wero
40 cars, none of contract grade. Minne
apolis and Duluth reported 461 cars, mak
ing a total for the threo points of 601 cars,
against 761 last week and 627 n year ngo.
Primary receipts were fl70,ono bu., against Inst year. Seaboard clearances In
whent nnd Hour equalled 1,0"0 bu.
Corn was fairly active and ruled llrm
the greater part of the .session, The early
demand was largely on the part of shorts.
mi inn niiisuie marien were nisn rair
buyers. The cold weather hrontrht Ihe
enrly spurt on the fear that tho heavier
fording to stock would bo necessary. Tin;
ensh movement was slow and country no
eeptanees free, with western nrlces moro
nttractlvo than nt this point.
Professionals took on fair lines of long
corn nt low prices nnd this brought good
advances. .May opened 'fcflUc to -VuHc up,
ndvnnced to Kse, but on nrolH-taklng set-
neu uown io iii".e, 'i no close was steady,
ido higher, ut ti7!jC7Ic. Receipts wuro 1G7
ca rs.
Oats were moderately active, but ruled
ensy nfter tho early bulge. Trado was
small for the commission house account
and was mostly sales. There was nlso
considerable local selling by professionals.
May opened WiVic to So higher, touched
high Price at IliUe and closed wenk. lifZ'ic
down, nt 45c. Receipts wero 173 cars.
Provisions were dull, but ruled very firm.
The demand was largely for the local no
count and was supplied by packers. Trade
was small and country orders were unim
portant. May pork closed 12Hc higher nt
$16.90. May bird tyv,'2c up nt $9.b7'j nnd
May ribs 6ff7Hc higher nt $S.62'4.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat.
35 cars; corn, 110 cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs,
w"i iiean.
Tho leading futures ranged ns follows:
Artlctcs. Open. High. Low. Cloe. Yes'y.
7CTJ, 7fi';g77 7.Wi 75 76' i
ttWi; Mltifisl T9S, 7914 f
801411 "S, h0 79H 79, 80
6iK 65 61 61 6m
67i53j csi,i 67H C7U1t?i GMe't
G7?aCr 6S C6TB6f U-'.f, 6S!4
45t4 45li U 4li 43VJ
40 46', 45U 4514 45iff?j
1014 40(4 334 39 40
U 45 1 6 45 1 6 4 5 1 6 13 1 6 32H
16 83 10 9714 16 85 16 90 16 771i
9 S74 9 90 9 S3 9 87!4 9 S24
9 8714 9 90 9 S3 9 90 9 8214
S 45 8 45 8 45 8 45 8 40
8 6214 8 63 8 60 8 0214 8 5714
No 2.
Cash quotations wero ns follows:
l.M.ntTt? C(nn,1, .!., am ..... ,1 -AO.
. ..w.a. ....... , t..i;iiin, t.i.tVU-
3.90: strnlghts, $3.70f?3.W; clears, $3.W?3.40;
spring specials. $3.40; patents, $3,501)3.80;
W II EAT-No. 3, 7l076c; No. 2 red, S01?
oats-no. 2, iGljc; No. 2 white, 4S541H9c;
No. 3 white, 4SiiM9e.
KYIS no. 2. V4c.
PARLEY Fnlr to cholco malting, 59f(61c.
ipenu kt i ,in i , .
northwestern, $U7. Prlmo timothy, $6.63.
(fflo.60. I.ard per 100 lbs.. $9.82Uli9.i5. Short
rll.u ul,1..a rt,miiM 0 nZfT.U f.- t . . ....
shoulders (boxed). $7.37!4'o7.60. Short clear
sides (boxed). $8.S0flS.9O.
whisky Hauls or high wines, $1.32.
Tltn f nl Imr Imr urn 1,a fnnnln.a -.. .,
mrnts of grain yesterday:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments.
1-lolir. hhls f!7 IM nn rsu
Whent, bu 75.(100 21,000
Corn, bu 163,000 61.000
Outs, bll pil.OOO 299.000
Hyp. bu 90,000 - 3,ono
Harley. bu 105,000 31.000
On thn lrn,1nn nvl,n ..!.. .... . '..
tor market wns steady; creameries, 151?;
Lie; uairies, n-u.-oc. cneese, stem y, 9!4ii
1014c. Eggs, llrm; fresh, 25c! w
(tiiotudniiN of the liny on Various
NEW YORK. Dec.'l4.-FLOUR-nocolnls.
15,530 bbls.. exports, 7,337 bbls,; quiet all
day, but steady, with grains; winter pat
ents. $3.75fl4.00; winter straights, $3.I5Q3.05;
Minnesota patents, S3.SS17I.IO: winter ev.
tras, $2,801(310; .Minnesota linkers. $2.90fi"
3.15; Winter low grades, $2.00fi2.70. Rvo
". sieaiiv, niir io goon, w.oya.lO; cho co
to fancy, $3.45f(3.70.
.,PU'N.MI'V,,TS.,.,'a,,y,: 'elIow western,
,1-,3Avcl,lv,i Jl.36: Hrnndy wine, $3,631(3.75.
H E Firm; No. 2 western, Tie. f. o. b
nlloat; state. 67065c. c. I. f.. New York
cnrlots. '
HARLEM -Steady; feeding. 69i70le. c. I f
nuffnlo; malt nc. KYtiCSe. o. I. r . n,ifc,i
WHEAT Receipts, 170,050 bu.; exports
23,910 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, SU'dc
f. o. b afloat; No. 2 red, 841,c, elevator;
No. 1 northern. Duluth, 85'4c, f. o, b., ailont:
No 1 hard. Duluth, ilic. f. o. b..' alloat
Options displayed activity and further
strength this morning ns a result of hlghr
cnbles, bad weather in tho sotuhwest, small
spring wheat receipts and netlvltv among
Finn in. iugi inu iiiitrniu sniii on unaer
realizing and closed stonily nt tlfil.n ni
advance. March, Sti'41(S6sJc, closed Jit 864c:
May, 854f(86c, closed at S5j,o; July, S51,ii
8514c, closed at 8514c; December, 83T41fSlc,
LM'nvu ill oo-.Bl..
CORN-Kecclpts. 19.000 bu.; exports, 691
bu.; spot llrm; No, 2, 71ro. elovator. and
72Uc. f. o, 1:.. afloat. Ontlnn market lm.1
a strong and vigorous trado In tho tlrst
iiour on iiiik oi iigiitt'r receipiB, good sup
port by Chlrngn bulls nnd hlirhr rni,ir.
nnd ncunt local offerings. Closed llrm nt if
Vic net advance. May, 71KW72C, closed at
U'.c. lu'ci'iniier cioseu ai (IThC.
OATS Rrcelpts. 41,950 bu.; exports. "50
bu. Spot, llrm; No. 2, 614e; No. 3, roiio:
No. 2 wlllte, 5114c: No. 3 white, 514e; truck
mUed western. 51fJ52c; track white, 63ff57o
Options uctlvo nnd stronger, with corn.
1IAY Steady; shipping, C0fiC5o; good to
choice. S2l4f9214c.
HOPS Quiet: stato, common to choice,
1901 crop, llifflSUc; 19:0 crop, 81j814c; 1S99
crop, 6l(9c; Pnclllc coast, 19i)l crop, 11015c:
1900 croii. 8T(SV4ci 1899 crop. CJJ9c.
HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs..
ISc; California, 21 to 22 lbs., 19fll9.4c; Texas
dry, 21 to SO lbs., HVsc.
LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole. Huenos
Ayrcs, light to heavyweights, 251f2rV4o.
WOOL Domestic lleece, 251(26c;' Texas.
PROVISIONS-Heef. quiet; family, $11.00
Iil2.u0; mess, $9.C01J10.0i); beef hams, $20.6')
4(21.50; packet. $12; city extra India mess.
$!7.00U19.l. Cut meats, steady; pickled
bellies. $S.751fl0.25; pickled shoulders. $7;
pickled hams, $D.751i 10.50. Iard. steady;
western steamed, $10,10110.15; compound.
$s.00f(S.23. i;ork. llrm; family, $16.oofli7.50
short clear, $18.50f20.(0 mesi, $16.251il7.50.
Ht'TTER Steadier; creamery, IM?4o;
factory, 131H5l4c; June creamery, 151(2l'c;
Imitation creamery, Hfil8isc; stato dairy.
CH liESE-Steady; fancy large. Septem
ber, lOliloUc; fnncy small, September, lWn
llo; late mado, best large, 914c; late made,
best small. 101lOVic.
EGGS Firm; stato and Pennsylvania, 26
(27c: western, at mark, 20c; southern, at
mark. 20fi25e.
POULTRY All vo, steady; springers, 9c;
turkeys, 8c; fowls, 1014c. Dressed, firm;
springers, 91jihl0c; fowls, 814K9c; turkeys,
I'll 10c.
METAlS-Copper In tho locnl market
was still unsettled, but without quotable
change, though a weak undertone prevailed
at $15.37Vu 15.621s for Lake Superior. $15,00
4(15.25 for electroyltlc and $15 for easting.
No reports were received from tondon.
Iycud wns dull nt $4.37V nnd spelter dull
at $1.45, nominal, while Iron wns quiet, but
held sternly as to undertone, with pig Iron
warrants quoted at $10,501(11.6); No. l north,
ern foundry. $15 Bfwi I6.t): No. 2 southern
foundry, $11.5016 50; No, 1 southern
foundry, $l5.50ifilti.W; No, l southern soft
foundry, $15.O01j 17,00.
Weekly Hunk Sin t enien I.
NEW VORK. Dec. 11. The stntemeni nf
the associated bnnks for the week ending
In, Int nV.Ml-u Tnot.u .t'T. ,V.l .,
n,,v. o, Ml'DIIP, . l,V.U,U,.n., lltlTl llSO
$11,178,100; deposits, $923,158,300, decrease $15..
799,600; circulation. S31.S79.0O-), decrease $07.
! 400; legal tenders, $71,783,SW, decrease $30,700;
specie, $lfil,l.i.sno, decrease S.,0.1.); re
serves, f236.2ll.6oo, decrease $5,102.6''; rcscrvo
re.pilrrd, $2.Tii,779.575, decrense $3,9l9,9o0; sur
plus, $5,455,025, decrenso $l,152,twl.
movi:mutn or .stiicics axd iiomis.
Appenrnnor of HnnU .stnti'iiient CntMes
Ilrlk IIiijIok f StneUs.
NEW YORK, Dec. 11. Operators In tho
stock market placed n favornblo Interpre
tation upon todny's bank statement and
bought slocks briskly nfter Its nppearance.
As prices roue over last night's level heavy
selling to reullze was encountered, which
carried prices buck from tho best. The of
ferings diminished nt the decline and tho
close was llrm at a, level generally slightly
above that of last night. Previous to tho
bank statement the mnrket was dull nnd
hesitating" and governed largely by the er
ratic fluctuations in Amalgamated Copper,
That stock opened with running sales of
6.2W shares at 65l4j6, compared with 6614
nt last night's close. It declined to 6414,
breaking the low record nnd checked tho
advancing tendency In other stocks. Tho
Inst price was 6514, n net loss of n point for
the day. The stock went Sc lower than last
Saturday, compared with a high price early
In the week, moro than 10 points over laBt
Saturday's low level,
The sentiment regarding tho stock was
much confused, and brokers usually cred
ited with acting for Insiders both bought
and sold tho stock. The decline In cash re
serves of the banks was about $1,000,000
less than was expected, The liquidation In
tho speculative markets was rellected In tho
loan contraction bf $11,178,100, which showed
an encroachment on the surplus of $1,010,
ir. Tho transfer of money to New Orleans
through the sublreasury was continued
today nnd foreign exchnngo hero hard
ened, but money was easier In London and
tho price of American eagles declined 3.
Itiillrnnd bonds have been (illltc active
and Irregulnr, The United States old und
new 4s unit the 6s advanced 4 per cent over
tho closing cull of laBt week.
Tho Commercial Advertisers London
llnauclal cablegram says: American shares
were moderntely steady, although tele
graphic communication Is still disorgan
ized. Wabash, Atchison, Haltlmore & uhlo
and St. l'atil were the best features.
Tho following aro the closing prices on
tho New York Stock exchange:
do pfd
Haltlmore & O..
ilo llfll
. 75-V St. Paul pfd
. asGHo, Paclllc
.1011 So. Railway ....
. 9ll4 do pfd
,112 ,Tex. k Paclllc...
. 83J4 Tol St. L. & W
, 45U do pfd
. :a ,Unlon Paclllc ...
. ,75i do pfd
, I7l Wabash
. 73U do pfd
,131-U W, & L, E
. 23ti do 2d pfd
. 8514 Wis. Central ...
,41 do pfd
,199 Adams Ex
,117 American Kx....
, l.4 U. S. Ex
, za'.s Wells-Fargo Kx
. it? Amal. Copper ..
. 13iAmer. Car & F.
, 66 do pfd
, 25 Amer, Lin. Oil..
,171 do pfd
211 Amer. S. & R...
, 4.1 do pfd
, !)7 Anuc. Mln. Co..
, 39(4 Hrooklyn it. T..
, 77 (Colo. Fuel A 1..
, 654 Con. Gas
. ss
. 91
. 31(4
. 2S
. 2014
. 89
: W
. 47
. It
. 96-i
. 02(4
. 8IU
Canadian Pnc...
Canada So
Clies. & Ollio....
Chicago & A
do prd
Chi., ind. & L..
do lifd
Chi. At E, III
Chicago G. W...
do isi pni
do 2d nfd
Chicago Ac N. W
C. R. I. & P
(Jill. Tor. & Tr..
do pfd
C. C. C. & St. L
Colorado So
do 1st prd
do 2d lifd ,
Dol. Hudson.
Del. L. & W....
Denver & H. G..
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Gt. Nor. pfd
,182(4 Gen. Kleotrlc ...
, 62)4 Glucose Sugar ..
, sou Hocklnir Coal ...
,13,, Inter. Paper ....
, 35(4 . 'lo PfL
, 70 Inter. Power ...
66 Lacledo Gas ....
,122 Nil. Hlscult
,101 Nn. Lend
,132ft Nn. Salt pfd
ir.(... No. ,tllnrln,in
Hockv Valley ...
do iifd
Illinois Central.
Iowa Central ..
do pfd
Lake Erie & Vf.
do pfd
L. .i N
' 'ii
. 75
. 88(.
. 90
. 43
. 16(4
. 61
. 9214
. 81
. 15
. 69
. 61
. 71
. 1114
. 81
. 1314
. 48
. 40
. 90?i
. 30
. 87i
Manhattan L....
Met. St. Ry
Mex, Central ...
22(4 Paclllc Coast ...
, is; Paclllc Mall
.107 .People's Gas ....
1021i 'Pressed 8, Car..
(Ill Ilfil
Mex. National..
Minn. & St. I,...
Mo. Paclllo
M., K. & T
do nfd
5o4h Pullman P. Car.'
tllnrinl.lln (J . i
N. J. Central....
Republic Steel .
N. Y. Central...
Norfolk & W....
r.',i. Huirnr
no piu
do prd
No. Paclllc nfd.
, 91 Tenn. Coal & I,
U94 Union Hag & p.
, 33i do pfd
,1I7(, U. S. Lenther ..
i 47(4 1 Pfd
, 79 U. 8. Rubber ...
, 574 do pfd
, 5214 U- 8- Steel
, 79 do pfd
, 70 Western Union..
, 271i'Amer. Locomo..
, 5S do pfd
Ontario & Vf....,
Pennsylvnnla ...
no ist prd
do 2d nfd
St. L. t S. F....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. L. Southw...
do pfd
t-. Paul
Trust receipts.
Iliistun iStoolc (limtntlnn.
HOSTON, Dec. 14. Cnll lonns, 4li per
cent: time lonns. 4!4ftG ner cent, nmeini
Atchison 4s
102 Allouez
80 Amalgamated .
57 Haltlo
.. 414
.. 03U
.. 37
. .CIj
:: P
.. 2014
.. 32
. . 23
.. S3
.. 31
.. 3
Mex. Cen. 4s
N. E. G. & a...
do nfd
. OKsj'Cnl. & Hecla..
.259 ICcntennlal
.1891,4 Copper Range..
,16S Dominion Coal.
.212 Franklin
,14t4 Islo Roynlo
. W Mohawk
. 2l'4()ld Dominion ..
.120(4 Osceola
Itoston & Alb'y.
lloston H Mo....
Hoston Kiev
N Y. N II Sc H.
Fltchburg pfd...
Union Pnclllc ...
Mex. Central ...
Amer. Sugar ...
Amer. T. . T...
Dnm. I. & S
Gen. Electric; ...
.imj i-arrot
. 25i
Santa Fo Cop.
Mass. Electric ..
do nfd
. 92 Trlmnuntaln ..
N. E. O. & a...
United Fruit ....
U. S. Steel
ft i trinity
. 9014
. II
. 91
. 7314
. 19
United States"
do nfd
Westlngh. Com.
London Slock Clniitntlmis.
LONDON, Dec. II. 2 p. m.-ClosIng:
Cons., money,
do account..
.93 1-10
93 1-10
... 61'
... 21
... 44'4
... 9514
... 40(4
... 73
Norfolk A V...
do pfd
Nn. Pnclfln nf,l
. 56;
. 9314
. 29U
. 93i
. 5914
. 90(4
. 42
. 9.IV4
'. 43
. 75J4
. 39(4
do nfd
Olltar.,l & A'..!
Pennsylvania ..
Hnl. & Ohio ....
Canadian Pac.
Clies. & Ohio..
Chicago G. W,
C M. & St. P,
Denver & R. O
no isi prn
O.l ,.f,l
So. Rallwny"!!!
no pro
So. Pacific
Union Pacific ..
do pfd
U. S. Steel
do pfd
do nfd
do 1st prd.....
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central
L. & N
. 67
. 26
M.. K. & T
ISpanlsh 4s.'.'.'.'.'.'.
do prd
N. Y. Central.,
. 55H
St. LiiiiIn (Jrnln nnd Provisions,
ST. LOUIS. Dec. ll.-WHEAT-Lower;
No. 2 red cash, elovator, 82V4c; track, 841f
Soc; December S2ftc; May, 82(4US2c; No.
2 hard, 77(41J79o.
rriifv t ,,.,... o AnBv. . . . ,.
-.v..i ... m vun,,, o,;u, lIUCKi
6S!41(6S)4c; December, 67Wc May. fi9Hc
OATS',p. V. .nh ltu,
4fibo; Derember, 4514c; May, 47l(4714c ; No!
2 white, 1914c.
RYE-Dull at C6o.
FLOUR Dull and lower; red winter pat
ents, $3.851j4.(0; extra fancy and straight.
$3.45fi3.65: clear, $3,1013.25.
SEED-Tlmothy. nominal, $6.030.50.
CORNMEAI-Steady, $3.25.
HRAN Dull nnd ensy; sacked, cast track,
HAY" Timothy, easy, $12,601)14.60; prairie,
senrco und drm, $12.
WHISKY-Steadv nt $1.32.
HAGOING 54j614c
PROVISIONS - Pork, hlghor; jobbing,
$16.10. Lard higher nt $9.7214. Dry suit
mvats. boxed, dull; extra shorts and clear
ribs, $8.50; clenr sides, $8.75. Hncon. boxed,
dull; extra shorts and clear ribs, $9.3714:
clear sides, $3.6214.
M ETA LS Lend, firm at $I.250.:7U. Spel
ter. lrm at $1.20.
POULTRY-Stenily; chickens, 6c; springs,
S14c; turkeys, 67c; ducks, og?c; gceso, 31
HUTTER Steady; creamery, 204J2514c;
dairy, 15(20c.
EGGS-Hlgher at 23c.
RECIJIPTS-Flnur, 7,000 bbls.; wheat, 21,
0fO bu.; corn, 77,000 bu.; oats, 43,0)0 bu.
SIIIPMENTS-Flour, 13,0m) bhls.; wheat.
47,000 bu.; corn, 46.000 bJ.; oats, 46,000 bu.
, Dry CliioiU Jlnrket.
Ihero wns no chongo In the character of
the dry goods markot today. Tho demand
was fair, but still moro or less checked
by tho reserve of sellers. Dress goods
were strong; cotton yarns also strong and
advancing; worsted yams very llrm, with
well-sustulned demand; woolen yarns
Mllrvuiil.rc Grain Mnruet,
northern, 76lj73lc; No. 2, 7ll41(75c; May,
RYE-Steady; No. 1. C314c.
HARLEY Quiet; No. 2, 62c; snmplo, 501T
CORN May, 6714c
MlunenpnlU Wlienl, Flour mill llriui,
Cash, 75Sc; May, 76io; July, 77ic; on
track, no market.
FLOUR First patents, $3,931(1.60; second
pntents, $3,804)3.90: llrst clears, $2,9i)4f3.00;
Eeennd clears, $.'.80.
URAN In bulk. $20.0042:0.50. '
Ckttls Ktoiipti ftf thi Wtik Aboit Normal,
but f noti Znsid Off.
Supply of Flit Mieen mill l.nnibs llns
lleen About llqiinl to Deinuinl nnd
Price Fully .Stonily fur Week,
but, Feeders Xejrr Sinn-.
Tleerlntn were.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 3,38 j 8,63 D.WJ
... 4,701 13,68'J 2,111
.. 3,440 1.1, ,151
,.. 2,S.4 11,823 4,271
... 2,557 U.Sm 2W
,.. 1W 6.7S7
Olllclal Monday
Olllclal Tuesday
Olllclal Wednesday
Olllclal Thursday...
Olllclal Friday
Olllclal Saturday....
Total this weeK 17,193
Week ending Dec 7.... 15.J01
Week ending Nov. ;).... lO.OOS
Week ending Nov. 23. ..23,ul4
Week eliding Nov, 10.... 25,312
i3. ...... ...... .1 I... ...... m 1? UT
Average prices paid 'or hogs at South
Omaha thu past stverai days with com
parisons: Date. 1901. l!W.189.,l!iS.n97.iU9J.l5.
Nov. 15...
Nov. 16...
Nov 17...'
Nov, 18,..
Nov. 19...
Nov. 20...
Nov. 21...
Nov. 22...
Nov. 23...
Nov. 24...
Nov. 23...
Nov. 26...
Nov. 27...
Nov. 28...
Nov. 29...
Nov. 30..'.
Dec. 1....
Dec. 2....
Dec. 3,...
Dec. 4....
Dec. 5,...
Dec. ti....
Dec. 7....
Dec. S....
Dec. 9....
Dec. 10...
Dec. 11...
Dec. 12...
Dec. 13...
Dec. 14...
6 67HI
4 82
4 82
4 781
4 15
i 70;
4 78
6 80
2 90 3 96',
8 84 I 3 361
3 87 3 3$
3 t6i 3 35i
I 3 281
3 SS,
3 89, 3 31
3 27
3 31,
3 4$
3 ii
3 II
3 18
3 U
3 32,
6 6314
3 3:
3 I4
5 6311
3 34
3 34
J 101
a IJ
5 81
5 7511
'3 13 3 U
I 3 31
S 21 3 41
6 661
3 ti, 3 44
3 82 3 46
jj 3 ;ui
& 76U
3 77, 3 38
3 3ill
3 10, i 11
6 78)4
i 87
3 2J
3 24 3 24
4 76
3 76'
3 23
3 26
3 43
3 3f
4 74
3 73
3 20,
3 19
3 32
5 8514
3 6
3 30
6 V)
4 C9
4 71
3 21
3 27,
3 23
3 25
3 19
3 21
3 3
3 40
i 35
3 42
3 39
3 19
4 W
3 74
3 76
3 2o
3 28
3 29,
3 19
0 95S
6 88(4
5 92S,
3 09,
3 23
3 16
4 64
3 81
3 80
3 86
4 6S,
r vo
6 (9
4 77
3 37
3 35
3 09
4 84!
3 25
3 36
0 04?4
4 81
3 81
3 28
3 23 3 00 3 30
4 85
3 83 3 30!
3 171 3 19,
3 13i 3 21
3 131 3 21
6 iui
6 1314
6 14
3 32
3 25
3 28
.3 31
3 33
3 38
J Jl
4 82
3 92
3 95
3 15
3 17
6 ltr
4 77
3 37
3 r.s
3 33
3 20i
4 8I
4 86
3 96
3 20
3 23 3 2S
Indicates Sunday. Holiday.
Tho official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road wns:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C, M. & St. P. Ry li
O. & St. U Ry 1
Missouri Paclllc Ry 1
Union Pnclllc system.... 1 15
C. & N. W. Ry 15
V., E. & M. V. Hy 16
C, St. P., M. O. Hy.. .. 0
H, & M. It. R: R 7
C, II. & Q. Ry 11
C, R. I, c P., enst 2 11
C, H. I. & P., west 3 3..
Illinois Central 1
Total receipts 6 99
Tho disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, ench buyer purchasing tho
number of head Indicated:
Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 831 ....
G. II. Hammond Co 117
Swift and Company 2,151
Cudahy Packing Co 2,474 ....
Armour & Co 2.4SI ....
Totnl 117 7.913
CATTLE Tho receipts of catttlo this
week havo been about normal, as there Is
but llttlo variation from cither last week
or from the corresponding week of last
year. Packers wero all liberal buyers, but
still tho tendency of prices was downward,
particularly on the less dcslrablo grades.
That, however, was the case at all murket
points and particularly at Chicago.
There havo been quite n fow corn-fed
steers Included In the receipts from dny to
day and some of tho cattle have been
good enough to sell ns high as $7.00. The
cattlo that aro selling frum SCO) up aro
probably not over 101il5c lower than they
wero a week ago and In somo cases that
class of cattle havo sold fully as high
as they did a week ngo. The commoner
grades and warmed-up cattle, however,
havo declined fully lBliinc. It has been nn
uneven mnrket this week, as prices wero
stronger the llrst of the week nnd then
Inter on values took a drop and on Friday
thcro was a stronger market. For that
reason prices at tho close of the week wero
moto or less uneven. Fair to good cattlo
sold largely from $5.50 to $0.00, with tho less
desirable grades from $5.50 down.
Tho cow market also took a drop this
week nnd tho general market may be
uuoted a big 25c lower. Tho choicer grades
are perhaps not over 10U25c lower, but tho
medium grades nnd dinners nro 251(40a
lower for tho week. Oood to cholco fed
cows may bo quoted from $3.75 to $4.60 and
heifers nro selling ns high as $5.00. Fnlr
to good cows aro worth trom $3.00 to $3,75
und common kinds sell from $3.00 down to
Thero has been a good demand this week
for choice fat bulls selling from $3.75 up
and prlcen are about the same as they
wero a week ago. Tho half-fat kinds, how
ever, and common grades are fully 25c
lower and buyers nro very Indifferent. Venl
cnlves aro about steady and a choice veal
would probably sell at right around $6.00.
Stags arc also about steady.
Thero havo been comparatively few
stockers and feeders on sale this week
nnd tho demand has been sufllcient to tako
tho better grades at good llrm prices. Com
mon cattlo havo been neglected all tho
week and. sellers havo found It a dllllcult
matter to dispose, of such kinds nt nny
price, Vnlues nn that class of stock aro
barely steady for tho week.
The season for rnnge cattlo Is practically
closed. A few cars arrive, most every day,
nut tho bulk of them are cows, In most
cases tho range cattlo Uncinate nbout tho
same as tho natives, though It Is very
evident thnt packers aro not particularly
anxious for tho steers that are offered.
The quality, though, Is far from choice.
HOGS Receipts Of hogs today wero
fairly liberal for tho last day of tho week,
Trmle was a little moro active today than
It has been for tho lust severnl days, and
tho bulk was disposed of In fairly good
season, The bulk of the hogs sold In about
the samo notches as they did yesterday,
but 1J was noticeable that there wus not
as many cholco heavyweights nor as many
extremely lightweights as thero wero yen.
tcrday. Tho market opened up with tho
heavier hogs strong to 6o higher. They
sold largely from $6.30 to $0.62(4. Good
mixed hogs brought fully steady prices
with yesterday and sold mostly from $6.15
to $6.30. Tho light mixed hogs sold largely
from $6.00 to $0.15, with tho common light
stuff going from $6.00 down. Tho lighter
hogs, iih usual, wero left mostly till tho
close, and trading wns not as actlvo on the
Inst end of the market ns It was on the
Tho supply of hogs for the week has been
fnlrly liberal, though not quite ns heivy
ns Inst week. There Is, however, n gnln
over the cot responding week of last year.
Tho tendency of prices has been upward
and values are now I5o to 20c higher than
they were at the close of last week. Tho
most noticeable featuro of the trado hns
been the wide range of prices, and com
mission men aro warning their pntrons to
remember that tho light hogs hell con
siderably lower than tho heavyweights.
Representative saleat
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
25 11G ... 5 0) 6S 234 40) 6 15
42 107 ... 5 10 8S 205 160 6 15
53 110 ... 6 15 60 191 40 6 15
45 125 ... 5 25 OS 188
6 17 It
113 120 ... 6 10 80.
.196 ... 6 20
.211 80 6 20
.216 160 6 20
.201 ... 6 20
.217 120 6 20
.207 160 6 20
. ,1M 160 Wl MJ.
5 60
6 80
, . 5 85
40 5 90
40 6 90
80 6 O)
11 80 6 20
40 6 2214
.193 120 6 0)
79 215 ..
100 158
81 170
107 176
.. 6 O)
. . 6 0)
. . 6 0)
.. CO)
80 6 O)
80 6 05
80 0 05
.. 0 03
. . 6 03
.. 6 05
. . 6 05
. . 6 07Vj
6 25
75. ,
80 6 25
.. 6 25
. . 6 25
40 6 25
82 162
65 190
66. . .
85. . .
90. . .
90 ..
ft). .
.241 160 6 25
.231 40 6 2714
.241 200 0 30
.230 40 6 30
.236 100 6 30 .
.262 ... 6 30
.251 120 6 33
.221 ... 6 33
.251 280 6 35
.218 ... 6 35
.260 80 6 40
.256 160 6 40
.246 210 6 40
.206 120 6 10
ISO 40 6 10
. . I. 10
.. 6 10
.. 6 10
. . .6 10
40 6 10
. . .215
. . 6 40
.. 6 10
80 6 40
. . 6 40
. . 6 40
10 6 C.
201 120 6 10
.199 200 6 10
.182 240 6 10
.186 ... 6 1214
.178 80 fi 15
.177 ... 6 15
.212 80 6 15
.247 80 6 15
.210 120 6 13
.202 ... 6 15
02 120 6 13
.IIS 80 6 60
.267 120 6 50
.. 6 60
.. 6 50
40 6 65
68 279
77 260
,20) 80 6 15
80 6 15
40 6 15
.348 160 0 63
66 336
61 .. .310
6 62 u;
6 15
80 6 0214
SHEEP Tho supply of sheep at thru
point tho past week has not been excesslvo.
As will bu noticed from the tnblo of re
ceipts given nbove thoro Is a decrease both
as compared with last week and alsg with
the corresponding week of last yenr The
demand for the better grades of both fat
sheep .mil lambs hns been fully equal to
the supply, so that the mnrket Is fully as
high ns it was a week ago. It there Is
nny change at all It Is in the wny of
stronger prices. A good bunch of fat
lambs, It is thought, would sell as high as
$S.(i, but they, ot course, would have to be
Tho feeder trade has been Very unsatis
factory all the week. Not many havo
arrived, but sellers have found It it dllll
cult matter to dispose of what did arrlvo
at nliythlng like satisfactory prices. Thero
Is almost no demand for them at nil. o
that sellers have to tako what thev can
get for th-m and prices are now at thu
lowest point of tho season.
Quotations; Choice lightweight yearlings,
$3,u,() l.lo; good to cholco medium weight
yearlings, $3,601(3.90; fair to good yearlings,
3.3Oj3.C0; choice wethers, $3.3.'; fair to
good wethers, $4. 10113.35; cholco ewes, $2,901
niir io goou ewes, t2.iwu-.vv; common
ewes, $1.0)1(2.0); choice lambs, $l.7olf.i.oj;
fair to good Iambi, $l.40ffl,75, feeder weth
ers, $2.9' n 3. 15; feeder liVtnbs, $3.0Vf3 50. Rep.
rcsciiiniivo sales:
Cut tie .stem))' IIiikm lllidier unit .Sheep
CHICAGO, Dec. ll.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
10) head; good, steady; quotations nominal;
good to prime. $0.oujj.5o; poor to medium,
$3.,5'r)u.9); stockers and feeders, $2.0Ki)'l.25;
cows, $l.ofi4.3ri; heifers, $l.iVij6.0); runners,
$l.0l(2.O); bulls, $1.7i"m.50; calves, $2.00yG.25;
Texas fed steers, $l.6mi5.30.
noun itoceipis. is,ooi pead; estimated
Monday, head; left over, 7.0") bend;
steady to strong and higher. Closed dull;
mixed and liutcbers, S5.8iKiti.IO, good to
eiiince neavyj ji.jiKini.uii; rough heavy, $o.S0'i(; limn, jj.whu.w; uuiK oi sales, fo.SjK
SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 1,0
iiemi, siciiiiy, lamiis, nrm; good io riioloc
iiiL-., o.u'j,,i i.iv, itiir in cnoico mixed,
$2. .6f(3.); western sheep, $3,OKii l.o); native
lambs, $2.5(tfio.40; western lambs, si.ooii 1.0).
, RECEIPTH-Olllclnl; Cattle, 3.050 head;
hogs, 40.999 head; sheep, 9,:i9 hend.
SlllPMENTS-Olllclnl: Cattle. 4,073 head;
nogs, i.oji ncau; ivicop, i,,j.) ueaa.
ICiitiNim City I, lie .Stuck .Market.
tvAVHAS PITV 1J P1WI l. li-
relpts, :m head; mnrket compared with
week ago; beef steers. 25'iJ33e lower; cows
nnd heifers, 15K25c lower; slnckers ami
feeders, steady to higher; today's prices
nominal; choice export and dressed beef
steers, JS.751IC.60; fair to good, Jl.751i6.ta;
stockers and feeders, $3.(Vil t.50; western
f ...I ot,,,,.. t r. I f, . I 1 1. ,
$3501(6.0); Texis and Indian steers, $3.5off
I.,,,, n-.iiip i-,ji., f.-.,-(; niuivii cows,
$2.6nM,6; heifers, $3.60TR.r; dinners. $2.0!f
2.60; bulls, $2.2.Vj-l.25: cnlves, $3.1,01(5.75; re.
ceipts tor wcck, 3.,wo nontl; last week, 33
COo head.
HOGS-Hecelpts, 9,000 hend; heavy, 8c
Dinner, otners steady; ton, $0.70; bulk of
sales, $5.75'(i6.50; heavy. $6.63i6.70: mixed
packers. $0.1O!i0.5i): Unlit. $5.2(Bii6.M: nlirs.
J4.251r-5.15; receipts for week, 107,000 head;
nisi weeK, ui.iiKj nenii.
.-sur.iii- .ru j, amiss Receipts, lronend;
mnrket lOfjlSc higher, compared with a
week ngo; todny's prices nominal; native
lambs, $I.SOTf..00; western lambs, Jl.25fi4.75;
native wethers, $3.50fM.W; western wethers,
$3.251i3.75; ewes, $2.75fi3.60; culls nnd feed
ers, $2.00Ti3.2T; receipts for week, 13,300 head;
IllBl ttt-Ull, JI,IIV lll'illl.
.St. Louis Mm Stock .Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 1 l.-CATTLF.-Ilorotnts.
40) head, Including 109 head Te.vnns; market
quiet; native shipping and export steers,
$5.1)0.33; choice, $6.r,iKjS.oi; dressed beef
and butcher steers, $3.75fiti.lO; steers under ins., ;.ij'j(ii.o; stoeKcrs nud feeders,
$2.1031.01: cows nnd heifers, $2.00rc5.OJ; enn
ners. il.25fi2.85: bulls. S2.25W1.25: Texns nnd
Indian steers, $l.oo;;5.oo, fed; grrtssors, $3.10
1(4.25; cows nnd heifers, $2.301i3.IO.
iioiia ueceipis, .1,701 Head: markot 5o
nigncr on nest, otners steady: pigs and
lights, $5.90116.05; packers, SCtKVJf C.lo; butch
ers. Jfi.501jC.GO.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 100 head;
market otilet, closing higher than last
week; native muttons, J2.75fi3.S5; lambs. $1.23
U6.23; culls and bucks, $2,251)3.73; stackers,
Ximv York Live .Stuck Mnrket.
NEW YORK. Dec. H.-nEEVES-Rn-celnts,
39 hend; no snles reported: exports.
692 hend beeves, 40 heud sheep and 4,500
quarters 01 neei,
CALVES-Steady; receipts, 12 head; no
sales reported.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 2,003
nead; sneep nine stronger: iambs about 14c
higher; 2 cars reported unsold; sheep sold
$2.26153.40; lambs, J4.231iS.40.
HOGS Receipts, 3.261 head; no sales re
ported; market rated nominally stronger.
Hi, Jnnrpli I.ivn monk Mnrknt,
onlplM, 1,300 hoiulj stonily; natives, J3.50
7jW); cows and lirlrem, fl,uotfA,25: veal", J2.60
(u.i,'J5; Htockors nud femlrrs, I2.001f4.25.
HOGS Receipts, 6,400 head; sternly; light
and light mixed, J5.80lfit.60j medium nud
heavy, $0.30((l.8o.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rocolpts, none.
Stock In SlglH.
The following tabc shows tho receipts of
cnttle, hogs nnd sheep nt the five principal
mnrTtets for December 14:
Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 100 0.7S7
Chicago 1(0 1,000
KunsuH City 300 9,Co0 100
St. Louis 40) 3,70) 10)
St. Joseph 1,300 6,40)
Totals 2,260 43,887 1,200
Co tin 11 .Mnrket.
quiet; prices steady; American middling,
4 19-32d. Futures opened, (pilot nnd closed
quiet. '
NEW YORK, Dec. H.-COTTON-Fu-tures
closed steady; December. 8.14c; JnM
uary, 8.12c; February. 8.13e; March, S.15c;
April, 8.16c; May, 8.18c; Juno. 8.16c; July,
8.15c; August, 8.02c. Spot .closed quiet;
middling up' iuds, Sljc; middling gulf, 8?4c.
No sulen.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 14,-COTTON-Flrm,
1-1 Oc higher; snles, 50 bnles; middling, Sc;
receipts, 0,115 bales; shipments, 6,576 bales;
stock, 51,007 bales
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 14.-COTTON-Steady;
sales, 3,300 bales; ordlnnry, C9-16c;
good ordinary. 71-16c; low middling, c;
middling, 8c; good middling, 814c; middling
fair, 8 1-16c, receipts, 14,411 bales; stock,
31,605 bales. Futures, llrm.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. ll.-Socrotary
Hester's statement of tho world's supply
of cotton shows a total visible of 3,177,763
bales, agalnit 3,715,305 Inst yenr. Of this
total American cotton Is 3,125,250.
Ilnnk ClrnrltiK",
OMAHA, Dec. 14. Rank clearings today,
$1,075,118.26; for tho snmo day Inst year,
$1,010.070 95: Increase, $64,142.41.
CINCINNATI. Dee. ll.-Clcarlngs, J2.1SS,.
550; money, 41(0 per cent; Now York ex
change, par to 35c premium.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 14. Clearings, $7,101,563;
balances, $l,O07.SS0; money, 11)514 per cent;
New York exchnnge, par.
HOSTON, Dec. l.-Clearlngs, $23,461,617;
balances, $1,931,466.
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 14.-C1earlnps.
$17,632,874; balances. $2,293,105; clearings for
tho week. $110,518,743; balances, $13.3S6,9I0.
CHICAGO Die. 14, -Clearings, $19,263,123;
balances, $979,516; posted exchange, $4,813
1.8714; New York exchange, 10c discount.
BALTIMORE. Dec. H.-Clearlngs. $1,673,.
530; bnlances. $115,251; clearings for tho
week, $2I,279.(; balances, $3,253,163; money,
1V,!(5 per cent.
NEW YORK. Dee. ll.-Clcnrings, $312,301,
150; balances, $11,825,351.
Siixiir Mnrket,
NEW ORLEANS, Deo. ll.-BUOAR-Steady;
open kettle, 2 9-16()3e; open kott6,
centrifugal, 3i314e: centrifugal, granu.
lated, 4.ilM 6-16c; whiles, 3y()31ic; yellows,
3 7-16'fl31c; seconds. 2f3Hc. Molasses,
sternly; open kettle, 'Wtfc; centrifugal, Hi
21c. Syrup, steady.
NEW YORK, Dec. 14. BUG A R Raw,
steady: fair rellnlng. 3 9-32d; centrifugal, 90
test. 3?4c; molasses sugar. B l-32c. Holloed,
market steady; No 6. 4. So,,; No. 7, 4.20c; No.
8. 4.10c; No. 9, 1.05c Nn III, lc; No. 11, 3.90c;
No. 12, 3.93c; No. 13 3 9"e; No. 14, 4.30c;
stundard A, 1.70c; confectioners' A, 4.70c;
mould A, 6.25e; cut loaf. 6.10c; crushed,
6.40c; powdered, 5c; granulated, $l.90c;
cubes, 6.75c. Molasses, steady; New Or
leans, open kettle, good to choice, 371H2c,
Wool Mnrket.
LONDON. Dec' 14.-WOOIr-Tho sixth
series of tho 1901 wool sales closed today
with 9.150 bales. Sales: Now South Wales,
1,20) bales; scoured. 5dlls614d; greasy. Wtfp
10!4d. Queensland. 600 bales; scoured, Is 314d
lls4!4d; greasy. 41)8d. Victoria, 1,10) bales;
scoured, 9diilHGd, West Australia, 1,40)
bales; greasy. VIM. Now Zealand, 1,400
bales; greasy, 31i9d. Capo of Good Hope
anil Natal. 70) bales; scoured, CV(dlls 5d;
greasy. 514fi9d. Huenos Ayrcs, 1,600 bales;
greasy. MiiiUd.
ST. LOUIS, Deo. ll.-WOOL-In light do.
maud, unchanged; medium grades, l.'Mi
17'4c; light lino, 1214K16o; heavy line, 10'xt
12c; tub washed, 14021c.
Co IT re Murk ft.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1 l.-COFFEE-Snot
wns quiet und steady on tho basis of filio
for Rio No. 7 and 814c for Santos No, 4,
Invoice lots. Futures opened barely steady
at a decline of 5 points; closed lower, with
prlcen net unchanged to 5 points lower
Total sales wero 19,60) bags. Including Do
eemjicr nt 6 65c; March, 6.90c, May, 7.05g
7 10e; July. 7.30q; September, 7.40K'7.l5c; Oc
ttber, 7.50c
ritth Whdtult anil Retail Trad trtatlj
, Improved bj Cld Weather.
Jobber Aullclpnte n lllg Improve
ment In Collection to Fiillinv
the Present Brisk Trmle
In the Country.
Tho cold weather whlrh Omaha Jobbers
,laV. "i ll,n,B hern wishing for has at last
arr ved nnd business Is tully as brisk as
anticipated. holesnlers shipped out more
fiVlV1" l."t WKvk tM,'' "ve for some
little time, nnd according 10 all reports
the outlook for this coming week Is wrv
encouraging. Traveling men siiy that tr.-d'o
In the country Is very brisk and that re
tailers stocks nro going to pieces nt 11
rapid rate. Until tho last few days tho
weather hns not been cold enough to bring
heavy weight goods Into very heavy dc
mand, and as a result all the trade on
those lines Is coming In In a bunch There
Is no longer nny doubt but what merchants
will bo able to sell fully as much winter
stock this year as usual, and If a hard
winter should be experienced from this
time on they would probably sell much
more than usual. It Is confidently ex
pected by Omaha Jobbers that collections
will Improve Immediately, as 11 result of
the better trado In the country. Collec
tions have not been in bad shape nt anv
tlmo this season, but still a good many
request for extensions have been received
since the tlrst of September.
Advance business t also In a most sat
Isfnctory condition. It may safely bo ald
that Jobbers In almost all lines have more
orders for spring shipment than they ever
had before. Since the colder weather set
In traveling men have been getting a good
many orders which they could not capture
before, nnd It Is thought thnt the good
condition of trade at the present time will
bring In tunny more advance- orders.
The markets have been rather devoid of
Important changes during the week. A few
lines havi lluetuated back nnd forth to
some extent, but none of the changes t
of any great slgnlllcnnce. The market
us 11 whole are In a good, healthy condi
tion nnd Jobbers arc nil predicting good
llrm prices for some time to come.
.MiKnr .Mny C11 lllitber.
There hns been no quotable change In the
sugar mnrket sluco Inst report, but con
dltlons nre such 11s to lead to the belief
that higher prices will rule nt no very
distant dnte.
There was nn ndvnnre In California rai
sins Inst week amounting to t.fl?4c per
pound. Indications are that still higher
prices will rule In the neur future. The
prune mnrket Is also tinner on the coast
nnd ovapornted npples nre higher than thry
woro 11 week ago. Thero has been con
siderable Improvement In tho demand for
dried fruits during the Inst few days mil
Jobbers nro shipping out considerable
stock for the Christmas trade.
In farinaceous goods there hns been nn
advance In beans amounting to .tlidc per
bushel. On account of light receipts higher
prices nre predicted nfter tho turn of the
year. Both liackngo nnd bulk oatmeal hns
been marked up owing to tho high price
ruling in oats. Case goods advanced loMc
nnd for bulk goods tho advance amounts to
25r per barrel.
Tho entire lino of ennned goods Is In a
very strong position, but thero were no
quotable changes last week at the rlrv
markets. Tomatoes In particular nre llrm
nnd nn ndvanco has tnkon place In tho
enst. Prices nt this point nro tho mmo ns
they wero n week ngo.
As previously reported stocks of nuts nro
being rapidly depleted nnd several lines
advanced shnrply last week.
So far ns tho trmle sttuntlon Is concerned
local Jobbers sny there has been a grem
Improvement during the last few days. All
lines of seasonable goods aro now moving
out nt a very rnpld rate nnd Christmas
goods In particular aro In big demand.
Cotton (Joints Strnnu.
Trado with local dry goods Jobbers cion
tlnues very brisk. All lines for current uso
nro In big demand, ns tho cold woatner
has stimulated trade In tho country to n,
mnrked degree. Immediate business Is
now better than It has been for a good
many weeks past. Not only Is the reorder
trade good, but all kinds of holiday lines
nro also moving out freely, so that local
Jobbers nro well pleased with present con
ditions. Advnnco orders for shipment after Jan
uary 1 nro also coming In very freely.
Snles hnvo extended to practically nil lines
of spring specialties, laces, embroideries,
white goods, wnsh goods and furnishing
Tho mnrket Is still In n very sntlsfnctory
erudition and It Is very evident that tho
tendency of prices on cotton goods Is up
ward, Tho advance of Jo In raw cotton
has given n very strong undertone to tho
market on practically all cotton goods.
Brown and black goods In particular aro
In n, strong position nnd higher prices nro
being freely predicted for tho near future.
Denims nud shirtings havo boon marked
up during the week and still further ad
vances nro nntlclpnted. The expected nd
vnnco In Amcrlenn prints bus not yet tnken
place, but In view of tho fact that they
are '4c under the market local Jobbers aro
confident thnt nil ndvance will tnkn nlnen
In tho near future.
Ilnrilivilre .Mnrket DiieliiuiKeil.
TTnrdwnre inbbers nbm enlnvntt 11 irnml
liberal, patronagn last week. All kinds of
cold weather goods wero In big demand
and wholesalers wero ru'ied with orders
for immediate shipment. All Indications nt
mo present time nro tnnt jonners win do
a rushing business from now until tho
holidays In all snsonnbIo lines.
Thero Is practically no market news to
report. Nearly all classes of goods aro In
exactly the samo position they wero a
week ago nnd so far as known there nro
no Important changes anticipated, Tho
feeling seems to be llrm nil along the lino
and thcro Is a great deal of confidence In
future vnlues.
Dig Deniiind tor FnnttTriir.
Merchnnts who handle boots, shoes and
rubber goods sold enough stock Inst week
to go n long wny toward mulling up for
what they did not sell previous to that
tlmo. So far as can be learned tho retail
stores out through tho country did a rush
lng business nnd Judging from the way
duplicate and slzlug-up orders havo been
coming ill local jonners aro inclined to
think tho renorts truo. Tho sudden drnn
In temperature made It necessary for peo.
pie to havo heavy footwear and as a re
sult both leather nnd rubber goods sold
much better tnau tney nave at any tlmo
this siason. From the localities whore
thero was much snow arctics wero in enor
mous demand and felt boots havo nlpo sold
very freely. Jobbers uro naturally In good
spirits nnd nre no longer complaining
nbout tho lack of seasonable weather. All
they ask for Is a normal winter and If
they got that they say they will, break all
previous records ior amount or stock sold
by a safe margin,
Advnnco business Is also to the llklnir
of wholesalers and thoy nil ngreo that they
havo sold moro stock this year for spring
delivery than over before.
iiio mai'Kct ror leatlier goods continues
very strong and It is freely predicted that
present prices will be easily maintained for
somo time to como.
Fruits nun rmliii'r
Thero wns a fairly good demand last
week for fruits and vegetables, thotmli thu
cold weather toward the close of tho week
mado it a dllllcult mntter to shin perlslmhln
goons. iuorciiuniH uro naturally noldlng
back their orders until the time when they
will nred them for their Chrlstmns trndo
and for that reason Jobbers nro looking
for a big demand this coming week Thero
wero very fow changes In nrlces nnd noun
of nny Importnncn. Just nbout tho snmn
lines are on tho market as wero offered
11 week ago. It seems to be the general
impression tnui in case tno woatner con
tinues cold for some llttlo tlmo notntnes
will sell higher than they nro at tho pre
ent tlmo.
Prrstnl mil cations now aro that lata
buyers of Christmas trees will havo somo
dltllrulty In getting their orders filled. Sales
so far havo been unusually large nnd stocks
aro running low. Commission men nro very
cauuoim anoui stocKing 1111 very neavuy
on that class of goods for tho reason
that Christmas decorations left over aro a
total loss. They aro advising their friends
to buy early.
Tho egg market has not changed slnco
last renorl. freHh stock being ounted nt
21c, Receipts aro of coursu very light at
tno iircseiu nine
Toledo (Irniu 11 nil Mrcd.
ll.-WHIJAT-FIrm and
actlvo; cash
ctlvo; cash, December, 8414c; Mny, R514o.
CORN-December, 68UC; May. tt',4c.
OATS-December, tS'Sic; May, W4c
TrtfptiUH IDIW.
Boyd Commission Co
Bucceiteri to jamta K. Boyd Co.,
Uur of Trm4m Ballala.
Dlrct wires to Chicago and Nw York.
&m&AM&f..4.hft A. .Warn A fc "