8 TTE OM.ATTA DAILY BEE: SnS'DAY, DECEMP.ETl 15, 1901. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MINOR MHNTION. Davis soils drugs Btrckert foils carpets and rugs. Metz beer at Neumnyor's hotel. Vts. Orcon. olllco 303 Sspp l)Iook. Welsbach burners. Mxby U Son. Elegant X'iniii photos at Schmidt's. Wollman. scientific optician, HO Broadway. Dr Stephen-on, Ilatdwin block. Elevator. Miss Arluuight's china sale, 001 Mynstcr treet, Uiccn licr II to 21. Mlssuuil oak body wood. tS.SO cord. m. Welch, 23 N. Main at. Tel. 123. . Another shipment of elegant pictures Just In. Alexundr r & Co., 333 Broadway. For rent, modern seven-room residence, 609 Eighth ntrct, corner Sixth avenue. I'adlant Home stove, guaranteed not to crack. Sold by l'oterson fit Schocnlnc. Mernam block. Biirncon, tho great smallpox preventative, for sale liv S. K. Whuley, ll Hroudwny, Count II Muffs. In. for heating systems, the Wlrkhum block, Klks litilmiiiK Hii-l I'lrst Natioiinl bank bul'ling being among the number. Allind .MurundM Wi'dncsdiiy assembles tf jou desire to leiirn tin- Intent New v ork era ' KlnrodMr.i.' n perfect gem. Judge (Irci ii luix net December IT for the hearing In he mutter of the second report of the receiver of the Ulllcer & I'usey bank I'etersen & Bchocnlng, Mcrriam block, have the most complete lino of Hot Wait stoves Hi thu city und ut prices that will surprise you. Hcmcmber that next week Chrlstrmis conn"- Oct In your laundry work early to the HluiT t 'II y laundry, 32 North Main street, and avoid the rush. Dan Hughes, colored, lit Avenue C, was found to bo suffering with smallpox yoster duy and was removed to tho pesthouse. He makes the fourth patient thcro In charge of Nurse Autrey. Justice Bryant yesterdny set tho pre-lltnlti.-uy hearing of Hurry Hamilton, charged with lleeclng W. II. lloycr, an oM soldi, r from Mankato, Kan., out of $10, for Monday. December 23. The statement of the First Nntlonnl bank ns published In today's paper shows an In crniHc In deposits over the statement of Beptuiibrr of $Khi,(iihi. and mi Increase during ihe M'lir nf $5i:!,um). Comp.niy I.. I'lfty-llrst regiment, lowa Nn'lnii'il guard, will bold an election Mon day night at the armory to Mil a vacancy In thr olllee of second lieutenant, caused by tlr resignation or Lieutenant Jamison. Mr II II. ox. ;i retired farmer, Is build Ing a new resldi lire at Missouri Valley, la., And has Riven his contract for steam heat ing and plumb ng to J. '. lllxby Sr Ion of this city. This llrm also fumlshs plans The funeral of Miss Ida Mooney will bo at 1 o'clock this afternoon from l.unkley's undertaking rooms. Itev. YV. H. Crewson of thr Klrst christian church will conduct tho services and burial will be In the ceme tery In crescent. Jesse Oldhnin of Douglas township, Madi son county, this state, brother of Mrs. J. D. Baker of Lincoln avenue, this city, died Haturdav evening. Heath was the result of nn accident. Mr. Oldham fulling; down a ravine near his barn. Thr funeral of Mrs. Augusta Hoffman will bo this nftemoon at 2:Sa from tho family residence. 232 Seventeenth avenue. Hev W. II. Cable of Trinity Methodist church will conduct the services and burial will be In I'alrvlew cemetery. Letters for Santa Claim from children up to Id years old, for the violin contest at Ilotirlclus. will bo received Monday, Decem ber Hi, till 10 p. in. The violin will be awarded Tuesday, December IT, by Santa Claus himse lf at & o'clock In tho afternoon. Aimer Iceland, arrested hero on the chnrgo of stealing a horse unit buggy from a Mills county farmer, has been bound over to tho grand Jury of that county. Tho pre liminary hearing was In Silver City, where Olllcers Slack and 1M Smith were wit nesses. Tho Council Blurts Trades ami Libor assembly has adopted resolutions urging thu stnto legislature to enact a law making the free textbook law applicable to tho whole state. It also endorsed tho candidacy of Arthur K. Holder of Sioux City for labor commissioner. The dealer who rolls Woodward's candy and tho consumer who buys It, both show their appreciation of bavins " largo In dustry In their town, such ns Woodward's candy factory. This concern pays over J1.500 per week In wages, which Is spent Willi t no niorcnaiiis ni nomo. Bourielus would respectfully announce that If there arc any piano purchasers who want to buy an Instrument ut sumo kind of a "sale" ho has got a number of special salo signs ready and can suit most any body's taste. liutios from $175 up to the prices of tho hlgh-grado "Crown," and other pianos. :ui Broadwn. whero tho organ stands upon tho building. Como and see tho latest styles In photo mounts from the east. Pictures taken Just as good on cloudy days as clear. With every dozen cabinets you can have your cholco of your photo In a paperweight. In colors, or In a handsome frame. Prices to please everybody. Photos from 75 cents a dozen up. Pictures enlarged, any style. CJood work guaranteed. Oldest established gallery In the city. Peterson. 317 Broadway. Open Sundays. There will no doubt bo a crowded hotle tonight at the Doliuny to enjoy tho per formiinco of Charles 11. Boyles nnil Ills company In the farce comedy entitled "The Star Boarder." This Is a high-class en tertainment, containing many musical niim bors and bright up-to-date specialties, which will bo presented throughout the production. In fact, there aro many novel tics In the play which will bo served with llfo and sprlghtllncss, every feature. It Is said, being strikingly good. It Is claimed tg bo tho best of tho season In tho farce comedy line. CAPTURE A YOUTHFUL THIEF Ctuaoll EUfTi Nile. Tak. Ari.ld Prultt Iito UuiUdj. LAD CONFESSES TO THREE ROBBERIES Also Admits Hint He Is n lloretblef Sn.vs llo Is Only Ten Yritrn of Arc, but .Seems to lie Older. In the pcrton of Arnold Prultt, n 10-year-old boy arrested yesterday afternoon, tho pollco discovered tho thief responsible for several robberies committed at resi dences In tho daytlmo during the absence of the occupants. The boy confessed to three robberies and Intimated that ho could show whero ho hid part of the plunder. The money ho secured ho had spent or given away. Young Prultt also admitted taking on Friday evening the horso aud buggy belonging to Mrs. A. I). Annls, which dis appeared from in front of a Broadway store whllo Mrs. Annls was shopping. Tho horso aud buggy wero recovered lato at night on Kast Plorco street, whore It was found hitched within a short distance, of whore young Prultt lives. Tho youthful self-confessed thief Is not unknown to tho pollco and only recently appeared In pollco court and testified against a companion, who was sent to tho reform school. Tho boy lives with his grandfather at Oak ami PIcrco streets. Whllo ho says ho Is 10 years of ngc. tho pollco believe ho Is at least 11 ami has cunning enough for twice tlint ngc. Asked how ho managed to get Into tho houses which ho robbed, the hoy said ho cither raised a roar window or broko It. Ho said he would go to the front door to find out If the family wero at homo nnd If they wero ho would pretend to bo In nticst of empty bottles and other Junk. If ho found tho occupants out, ho would at onco proceed to tho rear nnd get In, If possible. Ho confessed to breaking Into tho resi dence of Frank Harlow at D0t Voorhls street, whero ho secured some articles of minor vnluo and n small sum of money; the residence of I.. S. Cnrty. 107 Washing ton avenue, whero ho secured a pockctbook containing a small sum of money, nnd three other places, which ho could not definitely locnto. With tho money ho secured at tho Harlow rcsldcnco ho enjoyed a good dinner at a Broadway restaurant and Kavo part of It to two newsboys. elements of partnership rest In this caso upon undisputed facts and the testimony of disinterested nnd unlmpcached nnd unques tioned witnesses. Burns declared Doyle 10 be his partner In tho doing of tho work, In the protection of tho claims, In tho ncqul- I sltlon of tho rights at times and under cir cumstances and In places whero It Is Im possible to give to the declarations of Burns any meaning other than that Doyle occu pied, with reference to him, the position of partner In Its broad, general, comprehen sive meaning and with referenco to the very claims now under discussion. Was there design on tho part of Burns from the be ginning to secure Doyle's work and deprive him of an Interest? Ills conduct with othor partners, making stakes without their names, attempting to mako certificates In like manner, finding pretense for quarrels to get rid of them, Jumping their property, nil confessed by hlrasolf, nnd thus estab lished, but also corroborated by tho evi dence of others. All this leaves It a fair Infercnco thnt be was willing and had skill In the manner of misusing partners. Everything shows that It was the disposi tion of Burns to got his name title to prop erty belonging to others nnd in which oth ers had Interests." With this lntiodiicttou Mr. Hughes then took up n review of the evidence In tho case. sili.l.lMl (Jlvcn Avtny. Monday evening, Dec. 10, Santa Claus will bo at tho Boston Store, Council Bluffs, nnd will glvo nwuy to the children visiting that storo after 6 o'clock p. m. GOO sacks of candy; 25 of these sacks will contain an order from Santa Claus on Whltelaw & Gardiner for $1.00 In merchandise, to bo traded In their Toy department. Suggestions for Christmas.... Appropriate Gifts for Everybody at Reduced Prices. We nre enthusiastic because anticipating an unusually large demand for Holiday goods; we have put in a stock so complete and perfect that we know we enn please the purchasing public, and are equally positive that they will be pleased with themselves for dealing with us. Keniember that all articles bought of us will be engraved free of charge. Sterling Silver Novelties from 25c to $2,00 N. Y. Plumbing Co.. telephone 250. Special prices given on candy to teachers and Sunday school societies. Wo hnvo 60 different varieties of candles to select from. Bartel & Miller, 100 West Broadway. Tel. camii.im: IiA.mp r.xi'i.oniis. Atln title Man Narrowly Merlons Injury, Hsen pes ATLANTIC. In.. Dec. 13. Monday night Mumshy & Harrison, tailors in this placo, went through an experience they will not euro to repeat very soon. Mr. Mumsby had Just como from supper nnd wns taking off his overcoat, when a largo gasollno lamp exploded. Tho forco of the explosion blew out tho partition between the main part of the storo and tho back room, A fine overcoat and some of tho utensils of tho shop wero burned. Mr. Harrison was burned, one hand being qulto badly blis tered, his hulr, mustache and eyebrow3 wero also singed. Pocket cutlery for Christmas. Cole brclBford Hardware company. Ml1 J! Christmas Gifts thnt will bo appreciated enn bo se lected from our stock of opera glasses, lorgnettes, microscopes, etc. Wo hnvo a big assortment of theso goods from tho bcBt mnkers at prices that you can afford. Wo sell olegaut pcnrl Opera Oltisscs nt $8.50 a pair. HERMAN M. LEFFERT Optician, Jcwoter nnd Kngravcr. 2HS IlltO VDU'A V, Opposite Olen Avenue, Council Uluffs. QOHflHY THEATERS Sunday, Dec. IS ClUItMIS H BOYI.KS will present tho funniest farce of tho season a tornnd') of fun- a cyclone of luughter, The Star Boarder Best fun In tho city. You never heard such demonstrations of delight. All who wish to spend n few hours pleasantly should seo "Tho Star Uoanler " Prices-35c, We, 750, Band concert In Hayllss park 3 p. m. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director ltiuco.-r.aur to VV. C. Kat? SB piiAiti .vruiujT. ''riio9 nt, FARM LOANS Gog? NoKotUtuii in Kastern .".ubrnaKi nd Iowa. James N. Cady, JH u yWA Mala Bt Council BluBm. Davis sells glass ARGUE THE MINING CASE Counsel Benin Sum Up the I'iiiikiiin I)u le-lurn Content. Counsel began tho arguments In the Doyle-Burns mining suit yesterday morn ing, C. J. Hugheg opening for tho plaintiff. Ho had not completed his argument when court adjourned nt 4 o'clock until Monday morning. Mr. Hughes will bo followed by Congressman Walter I. Smith and Sen- i ntor Patterson for Burns. John N. Baldwin will mako tho concluding argument for . Doyle. Tho courtroom was packed to tho , doors during tho entire time of Mr. Hughes' I argument, standing room being nt a pre mium. Thoro wero many women among ! the spectators. Counsel Hughes said: "Tho Issue between tho parties at bar I Is whether or not Boylo nnd Burns wero Interested In tho Uobtnll No. 2. tho Tidal Wttvo and Devil s Own mining claims, ns ; partners with count shares and rights. All of tho allegations In tho pleadings, when reduced to their final analysis, consist of tho allegation thnt such partnership nnd I Interests existed; tho denial by Burns that such partnership was created; tho claim that It was not In writing nnd therefore cannot bo enforced; that Doylo Is barred In his attempt to recover by tho statute of limitations nnd thnt oven tf ho tins a i claim ho comes too lato lu Its assertion, i nnd thoreforo Doyle must permit Burns to keep his (Doylo's) properly, becauso he did not sooner compel him to surrender It; that oven If Doylo was n partner, entitled to tho Interest, Burns may keep It, becauso Doylo did not nt all times nnd places and on every occn3lon nsscrt to others and renssert to Burns thnt ho had tho interests which Doylo claims Bunts always knew ho hnd. "Of all theso Issues thcro remains for . tho consideration of tho jury but one Whether or not tho partnership existed j and Doylo hnd at ono time or nt nny tlmo ( nn Interest In theso thrco claims. The I Btatuto of frauds Is not applicable. Tho statute of limitations litis no application here. Tho doctrlno of catoppol and delay Is not Involved. "Was there n partnership, and did t J cover nnd apply o the Bobtnlll No 2, tho i Dovll's Own and Tidal Wavo claims? It it did, thon by cvory rule of law, fairness, I right nnd morality Doylo should recover j this action. Tho partnership, peculiar In its diameter. Is known fnmlllnrly In tho re gion whero clnlms nro located upon public lands as a mining partnership. To avoid the destruction of vulunblo rights In. the I hands of thoso who have honestly done tholr part by tho application nf technical rules, with referenco to the formalities con nected with the making of contracts, the courts havo hold most Justly nnd properly thnt no formal, specific, definite, from a lawyer's standpoint unnsBnllnblo contract, need bo mado. It is enough If the parties go together, uniting their services, working together, undergoing Hko hardships nnd pri vations, nnd although no agreemeut for a partnership was ever oxprcssed In written words, tho law. In Its efforts to do Justice, declared tho partnership to exist nnd pro tects tho rights of nil couccrned. "Doyle, always Industrious nnd willing, worked for nnd under Burns, Whon con troversies arose ho took risks nnd perils and endured assaults, insults nnd Injuries out of his friendship for mid connection with Burns, Ho contributed his money in connection with the work and ho labored olecwhoro nnd brought tho proceeds of his labor to bo used In the Joint enterprise. Ho wrought with his owu hnnds by tho sldo of Burns nnd Burns' hired man upon the prop erties In controversy. Ho shared In nil that ho should do to acquire tho property nnd bow has a right to u division of It. These Cameras and photo supplies, ford Ilnrdwaro company. Colo-Brels- Dentil uf II r. Hll.iilii-tli Cole. Mrs. Kllznbeth Colo, nged 83 years, died esterday morning nt tho home of her daughter, Mrw. Ocorge Osborno, 120 Harri son street, o.' tho Infirmities of old age. Deceased whs a pioneer resident of Council Blufls, having como here In lS.'il, and mado It her home over since. Two daughters, Mrs. rjeorgo Osborne and Mrs. A. 0. (lali, and one son. 11. D. Harle of the Hnrle-Haa3 Drug company, survlvo her. The funeral will bo Monday nfternoon nt 2 from the residence, 120 Ilnrrlpoii street, nnd burial will bo In Fnlrvlow cemetery. Schmollcr & Mueller hnvo leased tho storo room In tho Olllcnr & Pusey block, corner Broadway nnd Pcnrl streets, nnd will remove from 337 Broadway on or about December 18. After the removal they will carry tho largest stock of pianos In Council Bluffs. Skates at nil prices. Colo-Brelsford Hardware company. Special nrlccs given on candy to teachers and Sunday school societies. Wo havo 50 different varieties of candles to select from. Bartel & Miller, 100 West Broadway. Tel. Sleds for boys nnd girls. Colo-Brelsford Hardwnro company. Palm Orovo danco at W. O. W. hall Tuesday, December 1". AVhaley's orchestra. Davis sells paint. 92.1,00 fHvpii ATvny. Monday evening, Dee. 1C, Snnta Claus will bo at the Boston Slore, Council Bluffs, nnd will glvo away to the children viBlting that storo after 0 o'clock p. m. 500 sacks of candy; 25 of these sacks will contain au order from Snntn Clnus on Whltelaw & Gardiner for $1.00 In merchandise, to be trnded In their Toy department, Gravel roofing. A. 11 Bead. Gil Broadway. Special prices given on candy to teachers and Sunday school societies. Wo havo SO different varieties of candles to select from, Bartel & Miller, 100 West Broadway. Tel. 359. Carving sets for Christmas. Colo-Brels' ford Hardware company. Council lllufTM Society. The University club was entertained Wednesday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs, Mark Wllllnms, Madison avenue. Tho art depnrtmetit of the Council Bluffs (Continued on Ninth Page.) The line includes Bolls, Scissors, Nail Files, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, .Darners, Koller Blotters, Shoe Horn, Button Hooks, Seals, Letter Openers, Hat Marks, tc. Sterling Silver ami Ebony Manicure Sets. .?JJ.OO tip. Ear Hings, Diamond, !?!).() up. Pen Holders. Writing Sets, .Mustache ets, I'epper and Salt Sets, Scarf Retainers, Cold Meat Forks, Merry Spoons, (iravy Ladles, Soup Spoons, Olive Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Pickle Forks, Butter Knives. A line assortment, Hoe and up. Silverware 75c to $23.00 Butter Dishes, Smoking Sets, Tea Sets, Coffee Pot, Cream Pitcher, Sugar Bowl, Spoon Holder, Cake Trays, Tooth Pick Holders, Syrup Pitchers, Candelabras, Cigar Holders, Chocolate Pots, Salve Boxes, Baby Battles, Baggage Checks of Sterling Silver. Watches from $4.00 to $125 The choicest line ever shown in this city. Solid ("Sold, Cold Filled, Silver, Silverine. Brooches from 25c to $75.00 Diamonds, Pearls, Solid Cold, Cold Filled, Sterling Silver. Scarf Pins from 75c to $50.00 Solid Cold, Cold Filled, Diamond. Rings from 50c to $250 Solid Gold Bands or Set in Diamond, Emerald. Buby, Tur quoise, Amethyst, Garnet, Sapphire, I'earls, Agates, Sardonyx, Bloodstones and Tope,. Bracelets from 25c to $10.00 Solid Gold, Gold Filled. Sterling Silver, or Snake Charmer. Chains from 50c up Solid Gold, Gold Killed, Fob and Guard Chains. Guff Buttons from 35c to $35.00 Solid Gold Set with Diamonds, Gold Filled or Sterling Silver. Secret Lockets and Charms Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Diamond Lockets. Solid Gold Emblem Pins and Elk Heads Elk Teeth 50c tip. Gorham Sterling Silverware This is as fine a line in these goods as was ever shown in Council Bl nil's. Jf you want spoons do not fail to see our latest designs in the Gorham Sterling Silverware. Here are some of the patterns: Versailles, Chrysanthemum, Meadow, Buttercup, Marguerite, Lancaster, New Castle, Queen, Bedford, etc. Deep, Rich Gut Glass In this line we stand without a peer in this pur' of the country and can give you the latest thing out in desig aud va riety, at astonishingly low prices. You will be delighted with our Water Sets, Sugar Bowls, Creamers, Bowls, Vases, Spoon holders, Pickle Dishes, Olive Dishes, Salts and Peppers, Berry Dishes, Etc. New Goods New Store. New Designs. We can, we will, we do supply just what every body wants for Chrsitmas. If you want to buy right, buy of us. HERMAN M. LEFFERT, Optician, Jeweler nnd Engraver. 238 W. Broadway, Opp. Glen Ave., Council Bluffs. ILLUSTRATE YOUR ADS I make original designs and luggestlous for advertising cuts, me, Council Bluffs, Iowa. furnish Wrlto Its Time to Think About CHRISTMAS .... And we want to tell you that wo ara prepared for tho holidays as wo nevor wero before Wo don't expect you to ruth Into our storo and buy at tho last minute and get as good n selec tion os you would by taking a llttln more tlmo to look over our goods, and that's why wo nro tolling you about them now. EBONY GOODS FANCY STATIONERY Fancy Confectionery and Christmas Boxes of Cigars the best smokers in town. We wqnt you to como In and see us and get acquainted with our line of holiday goods. George W. Fletcher's Drug Store, 'Phone 275. 106 Broadway, Council Bluffs i m. V A. M V A. M V A . A A V A A fc. k 1 a .1. m m I MEN'S HOLIDAY GIFTS The most elegant display of strictly first class Holiday Furnish ings ever shown in the town. Neckwear, Mufflers, Suspenders, Hosiery, Bath Robes, Suit Cases, Smoking Coats Silk Caps, Handke rchief s Gloves, Valises. "If you have them from us, they're right." SMITH & BRADLEY 415 Broadway, Council Bluffs. i 881 4. re You Thinking of Setting a New Machine If you want a machlno that will last a lifetime, one that docs not get out of order, one that you would be proud to show your friends, got a No. 118 Drop-Head New Home. It Is tho most handsomo and best finished machine on tho market. If you can not afford to pay anything for Btyle, convenience and extra finUh. but want, n good, plain Drop-Head Ma chine, No. 119 will suit you. We havo twenty other kinds, with prices as low as $15.00. . n ... ...III. vrtll fnr terms and prices. Wo enn discount catalogue prices, uoi " "',"' blnes. Machines Wo repair all makes of machines; also havo parts tor all maeni rented. 75 cents per week, Second-hand m achlnes fromJl.OO up. 25 per cent discount on every machlno sold this wee. D. A. BULLIS, 337 B'dway, Council Bluffs, Tel. 378 First National Bank, Council Bluffs, Iowa. United States Depository. Statement at Close of flusluess, December 10. 1901. Comptroller's Call: HKsnutrr.s. j Ioans nnd discounts I 1.3.1 1.W.j.S Hanking houso W.OOMo cash mcsoimoEs. IT. S. Honds, at par. . . ,W13,700.0i South Dakota stnto warrants I50.di0.on Demand loans 135,000.00 Honds and cash he- curltles G7,fiW.0.) Cash nnd V. 8. Troiis- urcr 750,101.10 1.I16.J0I.10 7tiii.il i o.r.r. i.i.inii.iTins. Capital stock Surnlus nnd nrollts. net. Circulation .J lOO.OoO.OO S6.5i9.03 lOO.CMXOO nonosllH i;.3o"l(W.02 U. S. deposits 201,0:3.50 2,50101.52 tiki, in --. COMI'AIIATIVi: STATHMIINT. Dscorabor JO, 1000-Doposlta $l,05,82.2a December 10, lOOl-DojiOdlta $2,504,031.52 1 BE ON TIME rOR THE HOLIDAYS. And make your selections of pre are disappointed with their purchus a rush. Wo will keerf every thins delivery at any time you may wu.nl nil the poods in our storo If the lo will nnd we ask you to come In nnd nnu cnolco noiniiiy presents, Hero nnd bo suro of KcttlnK something valuable to the home: sents before th big rush begins. Paoplo es a great many times by buying them In you mny seieci ni our store sanject to tho goods. We have determined to turn w prices cut nny figure, and w think they see what we otter, both In auulltv of iroods Is a. partial list that you can select from that will be appreciated as a present and EINE ROCKING CHAIRS, ELEGANT CENTER TABLES, LADIES' Will TING DESKS, COUCHES, BEDROOM SETS, CHINA CLOSETS AND BOOK CASES. sinnnoAims, i.Aiini: khkncii plath suunoits, mr.ii ciiAinn ami CHILD'S HOCKKIIN, .sntKKNK, KASISI.S, FA.VOV UISCOIIATRD ni.v.vr.ii kivts, jahimmkh htaxds, i.ace ami tapiss- TUY CU11TAINS, IIOIM? POHTIUUKH, HUOS, Kto. WE WllA, CARRY A FINK L.INB OF I'HETTY AND USEFUL TOTH FOU TIIK MTTlvlA FOLKS. OPEN EVENINGS DURING WEEK DAYS. IOWA FURNITURE & CARPET CO., 407 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 'imiom: Mm. WEE GOT EM' GAMES OF ALL KINDS and If you want to ploaso tho little folks you aro buto of doing so If you glvo thorn somo kind of a gamo romethlns In which their tlmo can bo passed with Innocent amusement. Stacks of Perfumery Our assortment of perfumes Is doubtless tho most complcto In the city, nnd thosn who know us nro aware of tho fact that wo keep only tho best mado. There's nothing flnor than I'AL-MKK'8 HKOAL HOSK I'KU rUME, for which wo nro tho oxcluslvo agents In Council muffs. Wo havo many other brands, and prices rnngo from 25c to tl.CO a bottle. Dell G. Morgan, The DrtKfrist. 142 Broadway, Co. Bluffs. In His Christmas Shirt a man looks bis best If It comes from thin laundry. Wo glvo special attention to do ing up Una linen, and our work has a fault less finish which all well dressed men de sire. Wo call for nnd deliver, and wo al ways deliver on time. Send us your nddreiB now. BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY, ,TJ NORTH MAIN ST., Ti'lcpliimr ill I, Council II I off , The Bes Want Ads Produce Results- A Gold Mounted Fountain Pen Would ranko a linnilRoino Christmas prefiPtit nnd If It's a Waterman It will always please tho user. DoT.oiik'h Sta tionery Department Is the. place, to look for FOUNTAIN I'KNS. 307 llrondvtuy, Council Illuffa,