THE OMAHA nAJlil' AJEE: Sl'iNDAY. DECHMllLh 15, k 1. 7 A FEW REASONS Vflilch Are Itnplilly .MiiklnK a Xerr Cn tnrrh Cure I'niiiiiiis. Stuart'n Catarrh Tablets, the new Catarrh cure, ha th following advantages over other catarrh remedies. First Theso tablet ccotntn no cocaine, morphine or any other injurious drug and are as safo and beneficial (or children as (or adults; this Is an Important point when It Is recalled that many catarrh remedies do contain theso very objcctlonablo lngredl mts. Next Ilclng In tablet (orm this remedy docs not dotorlorato with age, or an expos ure to the air as liquid preparation Invari ably do, 1 Next Tho tablet (orm not only preserves the medicinal properties, but It Is so (ar moro convenient to carry anil to use at nny time that It Is only a question of time when the tablet will entirely supersede liquid medicines as It has alrcndy dono In this medical department ot tho United slates army. Next No secret Is made o( the compo sition of Stuart's Catnrrli Tablets; they contain tho nctlvo principles o( Kucnlyptus bark, red gum, blood root and Hydrastln, all harmless antiseptics which, however, aro death to catarrhal germs wherever found, becauso they eliminate them (rom tho blood. Next You cannot euro catnrrh by local application! to the nosa and throat because theso aro simply local symptoms and such treatment cannot possibly reach tho real cat of catarrhal disease which Is In the btood; for this reason, Inhalers, douches, sprays and powders never really euro ca tarrh, but simply give temporary relief which ii doso of plain salt and water wilt do Just as well. Catarrh must bo driven out of tho system, out of tho blood, by nn Internal remedy be causo an Internal remedy Is tho only kind which can bo assimilated Into tho blood. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets do thli better than tho old form of treatment because they contnln every safe specific Itnown to modern sclenco In tho antiseptic (orm of disease. Next Tho uso of tnhulcrs nnd spraying apparatuses, besides being Ineffective and disappointing, Is uxponnlve, whllo a com plete treatment of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets ran be had nt any drug storo In tho United States And Canada for CO cunts. Indicate ft morbid condition of the seba ceum glands. Sgutozlug them out does not cure nnd cauvc a largo lores that be como very dlstlgi .ring. With my ciii1ilflo homo treatments, specially prepaid forench rase, I positive ly cure all affections o! tho akin, and re store to the complexion n healthy rcscato KloW. I ratDOVO I'Verv Hun mu furrnw. every spot nnd blemish (rom tho (aco or body, rendering the skip clear and smooth. i;onsuiraiion in person or by lcttor Is free and strictly confidential. HO years practi cal o pcrlence, JO'.'i H H. WOODBURY D. I. 163 Stjto St., Chlesgo. pMANSFIELD' EADINO clothiers have the K. N. &F. ready-to-wear clothing. The "Mansfield" Is one of the handsomest stylea shown this season, and a great favorite with the best dressers. , Your doaler will have It in many ennerent patterns. 1 KUH, NATHAN & FISCHER COMPANY i x CHICAGO TAKE PRICKLY ASH BITTERS for Indigestion, Constipation, Kidney Troubles. IT CURIAS, When You Get Right Down To the point, where can you got better beor than tho Mots lleor? The special euro taken In tho brewing nnd bottling gives MeU Heer u prestige all Its own, Thero Ih nothing ho cooling, so refresh ing and so healthful ns a beverage. With It In tho house you have bottled health and comfort. Metz Bros. Brewing GO,, TU. 110, Uinalui, Or Jacob Neumnver. Agent, enre Noil- nayer Hotel, council uiuith, town. Howell's Is as harmless as puro spring water, Anti-irvawf yet Is Ik the most effective cough and cold cure In existence. Do not take nny substitute. Tweuty-flve cenU a bottle. I n AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Fin Iwibt Katttr Again Frastti for tit Attiotitn tf Ownrt, GRAND JURY HAS INSrECTOrVS RErORT I.Ut of Ilulldlng Which Are Not Vet Snillnt linn Hern I'll rn lulled niul Prosecutions Are l.lkelr. Over a month ago the city building In spector was called before the grand Jury and directed to make an Inspection of all buildings and halls two storltn and over In height and report all those not provided with suitable llro escapes. Inspector Click put In several days at this work and filed a lengthy report with the grand Jury. This Inspection Included tho packing houses as well as other buildings. Slnco this report was filed It has been given out that property owners who have not compiled with thu law In respect to dro escapes wero notified to do ro at once. Not a slnglo flro escape on any of the build ings reported has been erected. Tho build ing Inspector says that a number of lire escapes should bo placed on flats In the central part of tho city, and especially on those whero thero aro living rooms to let. It was also stated by the Inspector that several of tho schoolhouscs should be pro vided with ouslde Iron stairways. Another provision of the state law which has been disregarded by contractors erecting school buildings here provides that all doors must swing outward. It Is averted that In case tho fire escape order Is enforced a change will nlsa havo to be mado on many of the doors at tho scboolhouscs. It was reported ou tho streets hero yes tcrday that In cases where property own ers havo not compiled with tho llro escape law tho grand Jury will return bills and thus force a compliance with tho rcgula tlous. Tlmt Workmen Temple. Grand Master Workman Jacob Jasalck of tho Nebraska Ancient Order of United Workmen Btatcd yesterday that tho pro posed temple would be constructed next year at the corner ot Twenty-fifth and M streets. "The rough sketches of the plans are al ready drawn," said Mr. Jaskalck, "and Architect DavU will soon commencu upon the working plnns. The structure will bo a two-tory brick and will cover tho entlru property owned by tho order. Tho plan Is to have nn auditorium on tho ground floor which will sent from 450 to COO persons. A Btngo will be arranged at one end of the auditorium (or cntcrtnlnmcntB, etc. A cor poratlon has been formed, composed en tlrely of members ot tho order, with a enp Ital stock of JUS, 000. Stock In selling at $5 a share. Ilctwcen 300 nnd 400 shares have already" been sold. As tho property Is clear It Is not going to bo n difficult matter to sell enough tstock to erect tho building. On tho second floor there will bo lodgerooms, n parlor and reading room. A dining room on tho ground floor off the auditorium Is ono of tho possibilities." Stock In this project Is sold to members of the order only. Kxpret llusy Week. City Treasurer Koutsky said yesterday that this would bo an exceedingly bUBy week for tho force In his office as a ma jority of tho heavy taxpayers would bo net tling up the 1901 tax. A great many have already paid In ahead of tho usual time, but still there Is n big chunk of money to ccne befora January 1. Ono notlceablo feature In the payment ot taxes this year Is the fact that not a single property owner has taken adantnge of the opportunity offered by the charter to pay ono-half of tho 1001 tax on or beforo Janu ary 1 and the balance on or beforo Juno 1. 1002. Perhaps a great mnny nro not aware of this provision, tut In cases whero prop erty owners have had this knowlcdgo they had paid the full amount In one payment. City officials say that this fact Bpcaks well for tho financial condition of the people of tho Muglo City. Hntrrprlsr I.oiIrc Selects Oilier, Enterprlso lodge No. G12, Fraternal Union of America, elected theso odlcors Friday night: O. K. Ilruce, fraternal matter; E. K. Itldgewny, Justice; Mrs. Dorothy Howe, mercy; Mrs. II. v. llcrgcr, truth; II. V. Purcellfl, secretary; Ilcnjamln R Ucrgor, treasurer; Mrs. Lynch, protector;. Mrs TUllo Dcnnlston, guide; Mrs. Thomas Ilro- flold, guard; Frank Nelson, sentinel; W. K. Orny, It. S. illddlesworth, trustees; II. V Turcolls, district representative; Mrs. H. S. Mlddlesworth, musclan; Dr. E. L,. Dclauncy, medical examiner. Library Ilonril Mnttcrs. A meeting of the South Omaha Llbrnry board was to havo been held Friday night, but on account of the cxtremoly cold weathor fow attended and the meeting was postponed subjoct to the call of tho presi dent. Had thero been a quorum officers would havo been elected. Mrs. C. L. Talbot, tho president of tho board, stated last ovenlng that a meeting would doubtless be held sometime between Christmas and Now Ycnr's for the) election of officers. At this meeting steps wilt doubtless bo taken to provide some addi tional books for tho present library. MetliiMllnU F.U-rt Oilier r. At tho recent meeting of tho Sunday school board of the First Methodist church the following officers were elected: J. Uivcrty, uupcrlntendent; H. 11. Fleharty. assistant superintendent; Mrs, M. I,. Head superintendent of Infant dopnrtment, nnd Miss Agnes Olson, assistant; K. Leigh, sec rotary, and Mrs. C. L. Peterson, thcasurcr; Ilnlph Creseoy was chosen librarian and Chariot Ilevers, assistant; Mrs. James E. Lau was elected cholrlstcr and Miss Martha Wlddls, organist; Miss Ilesslo llrlgga, as sistant organist. Thjso teachers were elected: C. W. Smith, 11, II. Flchnrty. Mrs. C. W. Smith, Mrs. Anna 11. Cressey, Miss Martha Wlddla, Mrs. Ilattlo Osborn, Mrs. Laura Click, Miss Ethel McMillan, P. II. Shields, J. E. Lush. Committees wero appointed to arrange for a Christmas entertainment to bo held on Tuesday ovenlng, Dccorabor II. .MliKle City nml. Ilulldlng operations havo ceased until wnrmer weather comes. Tho cold snnn has nut a stop to grndlnc operations In this vicinity. Joseph Gosh of Chicago is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Ilussell, A daughter has been born to Dr. and Mrs. Dell, Twenty-third nnd J street. Henry Elsfelder, city detective, has gone to southern Indiana to visit his parents. A. V. Miller proposes going to Arizona this week to look after his mining Inter ests, Members of the South Omaha club ex pect to give ii smoker the latter part of the week. The Lotus club will give another of Its enjoyable dancing parties on Wednesday night. Live stock receipts ut tho yards here have been checked somewhat by tho cold weather. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Frosler, Twentloth nnd It streets, announce tho birth of a daughter. Storm Sash-net prices from I lowland, 13$ North Twenty-fourth street, bofore buy. In?. 'Phone 7. Myles Welsh will return today from O'Neill. Neb., whoru ho was called by the death of a relative. Iter. J. Hurt Jcnks, .Itev. Robert M. L. llruden and llev, Dr. It. L. Wheeler wilt nsMst In the dedicatory exercises nt the Dimdeo Presbyterian church at 3 o'clock this nfternoon, Dr. Wheeler will preach In the evening. Mlsa Corn Holmes, il auditor of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Holme. Twentv-fourth nnd D streets. Is on the sick list. Dr. J. E. Crothers has arranccd a fine program for the Christmas festival of the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. Marlon Mrninsson of Grand Island Is the guest of her father, C. W. Thompion, Twenty-fourth nnd Jt streets. Mrs. W. L. Holland nnd her sister. Miss Carrie Clark, entertained a number of friends nt cards Friday evening. rtov. Dr. II. L. Wheeler w III preach thl mnrnlnc nt the First Presbyterian church on the topic, "Tho Supremo Charity of This worm. It Is stated that William F. Schmidt will not prosecute his former wife for having fired three shots nt him. All of the bullets went wild. St, Catherine.' nulld will hold nn ex change In connection with the doll fair to bo neiu nt Twenty-iourtn ami J sirceiB on Wednesday. Clover Leaf camp No. S, Itoynl Neighbor of America, will give u "shoe" social nt Modern Woodman hall on Thursday even ing, January U. Tho blowing out of n range waterback In the home of Edwnrd Grundy. Twenty-third nnd I streets, yesterday caused u fire which damaged property to the extent of $10. Dr. Chnrles 11. Miller of Schuyler, Neb., lecture nt the First Presbyterian enuren mis evening, "is miujen win ut; "Lights and Shndows of Plantation Life." At the First Methodist Episcopal church this morning llev. M. A. Head, the pastor, will deliver n sermon on the theme, "Com panionship with God, In the Pilgrimage of Life." Mrs. S. 0, Shrlglcy and son Chester left InHt night for Hammond, Ind.. for a week's visit with Mr. nnd Mrs, Halph Hall. From Hammond Mrs. Shrlgley will go to Illoom Ington, 111., to visit until after Now Venr'K. JOKE ON A LINCOLN MAN JucUsonlnnn Trim Down Canillilnte from Ilrjnn'n Town for IIoiIkc Count' .IiiiIkc The Jackronlan club at Its annual rice tlon last night perpetrated a Joko which will come as a mild sdrprlso to Phil Kohl of Lincoln, who not only halls from the home of the "pccrlcsa Htatesman," but Is one of his close political friends. Tho petitions for nominations filed with tho secretary according to tho rules of tho club fcboued up to tho hour of election but tho necessary number o( candidates required to fill tho offices. Theso nomlnu Hons were: For president, Fred II. Cos grove; for vlco presidents, E. E. Howell, W. It. Kelllgar of Auburn nnd Phil Kohl of Lincoln; for treasurer, John F. Murphy; for secretary, Ed P. llerryman; for eer- gennt-at-nrms, Joseph Sherry. This was the successful ticket with but ono exception nnd that exception was tho man from Mr. Ilrynn's town. Early In tho evening thero wan a strong lobby, which, rumor says, Included tho managers of the club, which started an active campaign In favor of Waldo Wlntorsteen of Fremont, tho present probate Judge of Dodge county. Tho friends of Kohl rested securo In tho fact that every man who voted for tho man from Dodgo would havo to wrlto tho nnmo upon the ballot and they mado little effort to elect tho regular nominee. The result wns that when the votes woro counted Wlntcrsteon had received coventy-four votes against sixty-eight cast for Kohl. Tho total number of votes cast was 112. of which every enn dldnto received an equal number with tho exception noted. Immediately after tho election the ban quct committee held a session to mako preparations for the annual (cast to bo hold Wednesday, Jnnuary 8. Tho sub-committees having the different phases of tho en tertainment lu charge reported progress, but no phase of the affair was concluded. Tho speakers' committee has positive as surance that J. Hamilton Lewis, who dis appointed the club this year, will bo prosont at tho next banquet nnd deliver tho ad dress which ho was to have mado last January. An effort Is being mado to securo Congressman DeArmond of Missouri nnd other notable democrats of the west and south. At tho next meeting of the committee which will bo held sometime next week, It Is expected that all arrangements for tho banquet on St. Jackson's day will be com pleted. Xinv Co m in 1 1 tor men, WASHINGTON, Dec. II. Senator Hanna has nppolntcd ns members of tho national republican commltteo Hon. William Stnnrod of Pocntello, Idaho, vlco Hon. Ocorgo U Shoup, resigned, and Colonel Samuel Parker of Honolulu, II. I., vlco Harold M. Sewcll, resigned. Ilrot llnrtc In In Hood llcnlth. LONDON, Dec. 14. Tho reports circulated In tho United Statew to tho effect that Ilret Hnrtc, tho American novelist, Is dangerously ill nro untrue. Mr. llarto Is In perfect health. GOLDEN WINS FIRST PRIZE trlwh Cluiiitploii Capture Six-Day WalUlnir Mntch, .Miiklntf Knit llevuril, ROCHESTER. N. V., Dec. ll.-Peter Gol den, tho Irish champion, won tho six dnys go-as-you-please walking mateh which closed ut Fltzhugh hall nt midnight to night, with n record of 332 miles and 10 laps. This, It Is said, will stand ns a world's record for a raco of this kind over n twenty-hip track. Fahey, the Shenandoah (Pa.) man, who crowded tho winner closely In tho last four days, will receive necoml money, with 34.1 miles 4 laps, nnd Fred Ilnrt,, the colored boy, takes third place, with 310 miles 8 laps. Tho score; Golden. 352.10; Fnhey, 313.3; Hart, Slrt.S; Iterty, 300.13; Cnrtwrlght, 291; Loestcln, SSI; unknown (John Hloom), 2(M.O; Moore, 214,3; McGraw, 1GS.3; Guerrero, 132 miles. H1CKEY GETS THE BEER CITY A iiiertcMii AkhooIhIIiih lli-tnl I,rnfte Hit mi- llnll I'nrk In Mll n iiiiltrp. MILWAUKEE, Dec. 14,-Mllwaukeo Is as sum! of a position in tho American asso ciation, us President Hlckey toduy enmo to Mllwuukco and secured from President Quln a lease of thu park nt Elk-hth and Chambers streets. Tho head of tho Amer ican nssoclutlon stated beforo leaving for Chicago that ho had received word from Kansas City that Georgo Tebcati had out bid James Manning for Exposition park and had all of tho uvallnblo grounds corollcd. LOCAL BREVITIES. Someono telephoned to tho pollco stn tlon last night nnd Inquired If tho pollco department would necept J3 to bo used In rendering assistance to tho poor. She re itised to glvo her nnme, but said tho nionoy would be sent Immediately. A small olllce adjoining ono of tho cow sheds of tho Willow Springs distillery caught flro about 8:30 o'clock last night. Tho damngo amounted to about $23. Tho fire originated from a stove In tho office. The Indies of Grant Relief corps will hold a social In their hall In tho Continental lilock Tuesday evening. December 7, to which all the posts and corns of the city are Invited. Tho silk quilt Is to bo voted to tho most popular post commander nnd tho quilt presented by Mr. Rnsownter will be rallied oft. Como nnd bring all your friends. W. II. Townsend of Chicago, foreman of a construction gang in tho employ of tho Northwestern rnllroad. complained to tho police last night that hlH pocket had been picked of a purso containing 120 nnd n pass (or himself nnd two over the Northwestern. Townpend suld ho met two colored women nenr Tenth nnd Dodgu streets and they started n conversation. After leaving them ho misled the purse. PERSONALJPARAGRAPHS. It, F Chapman of Coznd Is lu the city Mr. ami Mrs. George J Coddlngton of Fremont aro nt tho Murny. Speaker Sears of tho house. Senator Cur- rlo of Custer and Hcprefentatlve lleckley of Seward were tho legislative delegation In Omaha yesterday. CHEMICAL COMPANY SELLS Mircer Oeictrm Traiiftri Its Plant aid Bminssi Entlrt, NEW COMPANY F8RMED TO HANDLE TRADE Men Well Verged In .Mnniifnotiirlim mill .lolililntr Pliitriitnc)- TnLr Hold of tlir Instltntlnn nnd Will Opernte It Uxtrnilt ry. The plant, stock and goodwill of the Mercer Chemical company wore sold Sat urday for a cash consideration to a new company, headed by Ocorgo W. Iloobler and Frank II. Porter of Omnha and M. W. llyerson ot Waterloo. Ia. Tho active man agement of the company will bo In their hands. Aesoclated with them ns stock holders are: II. Cartan, W. C. Sunderland. J. M. Richards and W. Ti. Hitchcock. The now company has a capital stock of $100, 000, fully paid up. The branches nt Portland and San Fran cisco, established within the last year nnd a half, aro Included In tho sale with the main plant at 1112 Howard street. Tho plant occupies five floors and basement and Is fully equipped with up-to-date machin ery, being tho largest of its kind west of Chicago. It is tho Intention of the new management to add new machinery and In crease tho capacity ot the plant. Addi tional salesmen will bo put on the road nt once. Mr. Iloobler, Mr. Porter and Mr. nyerson aro nit practical men In the pharmaceutical business. At ono time or another each has been engaged with the Richardson Drug company. Of late Mr. Ryerson has been with the Wnnglcr Drug company at Waterloo, la., nnd It Is prnbablo that he will bo at the head of tho manufacturing department of tho business. Tho new com pany has not elected officers as yet, but will assume the conduct of nffnlrs Monday morning. Ilr. Mercer on tho l)rnl. In speaking of tho sale S. D. Mercer, president of tho company bearing his name. Ball: "Tho gentlemen comprising tho new company mado us nn offer for our business. It was satisfactory and wo ncccptcd It. Now wo havo their money nnd they havo our plant nnd business. Monday tho few obli gations against tho old company will bo paid by us and tho new company will com mence business with a clean set of books. They havo retained our cntlro forco of em ployes and will contlnuo tho manufacture of tho 5.000 different preparations Just tho samo ns heretofore. Our company has been In existence (or ten years nnd was built (rom a bniall beginning until today It is tho largest o( Its kind In the west and docs business In practically all parts of tho civ ilized world. "Tho men nt tho head ot tho new com pany hnvc practical experience In the phar maceutical business and possess tho neces sary qualifications for success. I seo no reason why they will not succeed, as they havo put Increased capital Into tho busi ness nnd will cnlargo tho plant to meet tho rapidly growing demands for Its pro ducts. Our Pacific coast branches nlono handle Immense, quantities of goods, nnd few Omaha peoplo realize, tho extent of tho business carried on here. "Tho stockholders of tho old company, Including In nddltlon to myself, J. W. Dc Wecso of Lincoln, E. W, Nash of Now York, G. W. Mercer, Dr N. S. Mercer, Wil liam Hums and II, P. Pageler of Omaha, nro figuring on engaging In another lino of business which will doubtless provo of as much benefit to tho community and to our selves a tho ono which wo havo Just left. I cannot disclose tho nature of tho busi ness Just now, as It might disarrange our plans." Sheet Mctnl Wiirlirm' Hull. Tho third nnnunl ball given bv tho Amal gamated Sheet Metal Workers' Interna tlon association union No. 3 nt Gcrmanln hnll last night was ono of the most suc cessful and enjoyublo In tho history of tho union. Tim decoration? made of sheot inetnl, wero especially beautiful and showed skill ful workmanship. The banner of tho union, made of sheet metal, was n work of art. A lurgo crowd was in nttcmlancu and each member of tho vnrlous committees vied with each other In showing tho guests n good time. Ed Ilnnnlgnn acted ns master of ceremonies. Tho nrranKoment commlt teo wns composed of Al Engstrom, D. E. lurrny, rinrk W. Adair, Otto Neldcr wlescr and Frnnk Houscr. Knenpril Prisoner CiiiikIi Oscar Kldler was lodged In the city Jail this morning by Itecord Clerk W. W. Mc Cluughey of lenvcnwnrth, Kan. Fldler escaped from the lA'nvetiworth prison throe years ago and was arrested several days ago In Sioux Kails, S, D. . nii:n. DOWEMr-Sara It., wife of James M. Dowell, nged 44 years 13 days, ufter tin Illness of one year nnd eight months. Funeral from residence. 4;p2;i Park street. 1 p, m.. Monday, December K. Interment Mount Hope cemetery, Hew Main officiat ing. SUMMEItS-Holen Stunrt. daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Summers', Jr., December 14, 1901, nged 22 months, Sent Free Jo Men. Free Trial PackuKc of tills New Dis covery .Mailed to ISvory Man Sending Name and Address Quickly Kcstorcs Strength and Vlnor. Free trial packages of a most remark able remedy ar being mailed to all who writs tho Stut'o Medical Instltuto. They gurod to many men who had battled for A. E. RODINSON, M. D C. ,M Medical Director years against the mental and physical suf forlas of lost manhood that the Instltuto has decided to distribute free trial packa ges to all who write, It Is a home treat ment and nil men who HUfter with any form of sexual weakness resulting from youthful folly, premature loss of strength and memory, weak back, varicocele, or emaciation of parts can now cure them snlvcn at home. Tho remedy has a peculiarly grateful ef fect of wnrmth and seema to act direct to tho dealrcd location KWtng strength end development Just whero It Is m-eded. It cures all tho Ills and trnuhlrs that eomn from years of misuse of the i.aturnl func tions and has been an absolute success In all cases. A rankest to the State Medical Instltuto, 770 Elektron Ilulldlng, Ft. W'nyno Ind., stating that you desire ono of thlr free trial pnekages will be compiled with promptly. Tho Initltute Is desirous of reaching that great clas:i of men who cro utinblo to leavu homo to be treatel ord tho free sample will unable them ti s now easy It In to be cured of sexual weak lie?1! when the proper remedies are. em ployed, The Institute makes no restric tions. Any man who writes will be sent . freo sample, carefully sealed in a plain package so thut Its recipient need have no fear of embarassmunt or publicity rtcad IL4E3. Uaueflied to.jyrUu wtiout alay4 TwcBi Yoaips of ; AwfaiB PUo Pain. A. E. Aurlnger, Urnldwood, 111., says: "After suffering untold agony for over twelve years from both forms of piles, nnd trying nil sorts of pile remedies without relief, I am completely cured by Pyramid Pile Cure." Sold by all druggists, 5oo a box. Uook, "Piles. Causes nnd Cure," mailed free. Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mleh. Pyramid Drug Co.. Marshall, Mich. , Strengthens World Fatuous Mariani Tonic It is found especially useful in Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia, Malaria, Consumption, Over- work, Indigestion, La Grippe, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Tardy Convalescence ' and Throat and Lung Troubles. All DniHulsts. Refuse Substitutes Superior to Aplol, Tunsy, Pennyroyal or Steel. Suro Rcliof of Pain and Irregulari ties Peculiar to tho Sox. ApIoMBO' Capsules for turco months cost S' Drupelet or P, O. Tlox Hl, New York. VARICOCELE A safe, painless, per manent euro guaran teed. Twonty flvo years' experience. No inonoy acccjvteil until pa. tlcnt is well. Consultation and Booh Fret, by mall or at ofllce. Write to DOOTUIt O. M. VOV, BIS Wuluul Street. KANSAS CITY, HO, Another t t of Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments. Our sale of last week on short jackets was such a remarkable success that wo will start this week by giving you still greater bargains than over in i t Raglans, Newmarkets and Fashionable Holiday Furs What is more desirable and useful for a young or old lady or child than a handsome muff, neck scarf or set of furs for a Christmas present. Genuine .Marten Scarfs skins throughout, worth $10.00 our sacrifice sale nrice is Handsome yfl-inch long Sable Fox Scarfs with Qk QO bushy tails and claws, worth $17.50, our sacrifice salo' C Children's Sots in Angora, Thibet, Imitation Stone Marten, Lamb's Wool and Ermine, worth from 5 to $12.50 SO our sacrifice sale price is from $1.50 to 7X. FABNAM 16111 & ? Every Article marked with s a green tag reduced to about HALF 122 ' for L n d I c s' Dressing Table -I n q.ntrtered oak, birds-eyo tnnpV o r ma hogany - large V r e n c h bevel mirror, worth is. for liitilles' Dressing Tablo choice of I woods, polished, worth up o H. A75 for Ladles' 13 o s k, s o in o w 1 1 h mirrors nssorted woods and Mulshes worth up to 112. 98 for Muslo Cabi net quartered golden oak or imitation ma hogany, medi um idze, worth $10.00. "sir for Divans highly polished frame, silk da mask coverings, swell pntternn -worth tlCOO i t i for Soml -porcelain In Dinner Sets, 100 pleee, beautiful border nnd spray dec orations, worth 10,00. for Veloiir Couches. 2S In. wide, iS feet long, cholco ot frames nnd up holsterings, worth up to $13. i r98 for ltocker highly polish ed, oak ur mahogany tin lull, wood or cobbler sent, worth J5.60. in -95 for Center Ta ble, 2tx2l-lnch. top, lower shelf, highly polished, worth & for Itattnn Hocker-I ull roll edge solid comfort pattern, worth J3.60. Five-foot Curtain Poles, for nil colors, complete with trimmings Sacrifice Automobiles. 135 Raglans and Newmarkets in oxford, gray, black and end or, yoke backs and fronts, half or tight iitting backs, some with detachable triple capes, wide kimona cuff sleeve, half lined with heavy satin lining, which have been sold for 22.50 and $25.00 this sacrillce sale price $14.95 The remainder of about 100 fin est .Raglans and Newmarkets in the house absolutely the finest mate rials of imported kersey, in blaeks, castor and oxford gray, some flounce bottom and velvet yoke back and front effect, none worth less than $30 and up to 141) in this sacrifice sale for About 275 12 to 45-inoh length Automobiles in black, tan, red, castor and brown, a faultlessly made gar ment, of which we have had such tremendous success all ueason original price was $22.50 27.50 in this sacrifice sale, price with 0 to S cluster of tails, prime 4.98 STREETS, OMAHA. GREEN if TAG f SALE t OF I "7 50 1 for Morris Chair nuisilvi' frames, pretty velour uphol storings, wortli $12.oo. 12Z5 for Combination Hook Cnso nnd Writing Desk- oak or mahogany. Trench bevel pinto mirror, new design, wortli $:'0.w. 13c 19.50 to 12.50 1 Sale