KELLEY, STIQER & COMPANY. i i Holiday Handkerchiefs Everybody expects to recclvo Handkor chiefs Xmas. We have the most complete assortment of Holiday Handkerchief to be found in the cltjr. Don't buy until you have seen our clock. Fine Irish Hand Embroidered Sheer Linen Lawn Handkerchief, scalloped and II. S. borders, latent designs, nt 60c, 60c, "Dc, $1.00 and $1.25 to $2.50 each. Flno Irish and Swiss machine embroid ered all linen handkerchiefs, In all the. latest designs, at 12 Vic, 15c. 25c and 30c. Flno hand embroidered Initial pure linen lawn handkerchiefs, special, 25c each. Fine hemstitched sheer linen lawn hand kerchiefs, 1-8, U arid -lnch hem 10c, 15c, 26c and 50c each. Flno hemstitched linen cambric handker chiefs, 1-8, VJ and H-lncn hems, 8 l-3c, 10c, 12Vac, 15c and 25c each. Fine hemstitched, all linen handkerchief center 6, 7, 8 and 9 Inches square, at 1214c, 15c, 26c, 35c and 60c each. Children's hand embroidered Initial hand kerchiefs, In fancy picture boxes, 3 In box, for 25c a box. Real Duchess laco border handkerchiefs, at $2.25, $3.00, $3.60, $4.60 to $15.00 each. Irish point lace border handkerchiefs, very pretty effects, at $1.75, $2.00, $2.60, $.1.00 to $7.50 each. Fine French Valcnclcnneo, Jace border handkerchiefs. The laco borders are all sewed by hand 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 to $2.50 each. Fine French and Swiss hand embroidered and hand hemstitched fine linen handker chiefs, at $1.60, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 to $7.50 each. Ileal Duchess Laces, genuine nrussels productions, at $2.26, $3.00, $4.00, $5.60 and $0.76. Real Duchess and Real Point Laco Turn Over Collars, exquisite designs, at $1.65, 11.85, $2.00, $2.60 to $5.60 each. Attractive Holiday Gifts FINE IMPORTED GAUZE FANS -with dainty hand painted, spangled and lace dec orations at 65c, 76c, $1.00, $1.60, $2.00 to $6.50 each. Novelties In Neckwear, rich printed crepo scarfs, orlontal effects, etc., at $3.60, $4.60, $5.50 and $6.50. Printed and embroidered crepo de chine scarfs, at 60c, $1.00, $1.26, $1.60, $2.00 and $2.50 each. Flno crepe opera squares, In all dellcato shades, special $4.00 each. New automobile silk ties, In satin, cm broldorod and Persian effects, 60c, 76c, $1.00 and $1.25 each. All Silk Windsor Tlos, new stripes, checks and dots, 25c and 60a each. Llborty Gauze Ruffs and Boas, at $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, $4.50 to $15.00 each. CORNER FARNAM AND FIFTEENTH STREETS, NEBRASKA SCHOOL FUNDS AppTtitimtit t til OtroitUi and How It in land. DOUGLAS GETS THIRTY-FOUR THOUSAND Lancaster's Allotment is Eighteen Thousand Foil List of tho Divi sionGeneral State Nerra. (From a Stnff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec 14. (Special.) The semi annual apportionment of school funds for the public schools of the state will be based on & rate per scholar of $0,842. Douglas county, with a school population of 40,792, will recelvo $34,365.61 as Its share of tbo division, and Lancaster county, with a school population of 22,206, will receive $18. 707.60. Last year the apportionment was based on a rate of $0,814, with a total school population of 377,791. This year the popu lation as returned by the county superin tendents Is 376,059. The following state ment shows how tho money will be divided among the various counties: 1 No. of Amount County. . , Scholars. Due. Adams 7450 $ 6.276.31 Antelopo 4,387 3.69A.S6 Banner 287 211.79 Ulnlno 168 133.11 Boone 4,196 3,634.95 Box llutto 1,61.2 1.315.92 Boyd 2,627 2,213.14 Brown r. 1.130 1.0S6.77 Buffalo 7.832 6.598.13 Burt 4.661 3,814.97 Butler 6.915 5,008.41 Cass -. 7.V.H) fi.CI6.99 Cedar 4,826 4,(5.70 Chase 940 791.91 Cherry 1,692 1,341.19 Cheyenne 1,554 1,309.18 Clay 5,930 4,995.77 L'oliax v 4,410 3,715.21 Cuming 6,699 4.8U1.16 Custer 7.S43 ti.ti07.33 Dakota 2,305 1,941. R6 Dnwes 1,837 1,547.69 Dawson 4,418 3,721.9 t'eucl 791 tM.9l lxnn 3,kS2 3,27a42 Podgu 8,262 6,960.38 Douglas 10,792 31,365.51 Dundy 815 66.6) Fillmore ; 6,661 4,769.15 Franklin 3,501 2,949.41 Frontier 3.023 4.M6.75 Furnns .,; 4,217 3.552.61 UagO 10,506 , 8,850.8! Unrtleld 753 1 634.37 Gosper 1,815 1,629.06 Ornnt 1 205 172.70 Greeley 2,114 2,033.69 Hall ti.OIS 5,095.18 Hamilton 5,015 4, 221.92 Harlan 3,215 2,708.50 Hayes 898 756,63 Hitchcock 1,629 1,372.36 Holt . 4,727 3,982.29 Hooker , 78 65.71 Howard 4,301 3,625.91 Jefferson 5.4S5 4,620.83 Johnson 4,091 3,416.19 Kearney 3,6?) 3,iJ9t.2 Keith 693 683.8 Key Pnha l.otB 894,69 tvlmbnlt 3il 213.9S nox 5,477 1,614.11 .nnenstor 22,206 lH.TOT.fiO Lincoln 4,033 3,397.63 Logan j . 341 2S7.2S I.oup 499 4:0.39 Madison 6,201 5,226.60 McPherson 139 117.10 Merrick 3,173 2,673.12 Nance , 2,850 2,401.00 Nemaha 6,353 4,509.67 Nuckolls , 4,542 3.826.44 Otoe 7,240 6,099.39 Pnwneu 4,204 3,511.69 Perkins , 691 500.12 Phelps 3.656 3.0S0.02 1'lerce. .1.386 2.852.5a Pin Mo 6,62i) 6,577.07 Polk 4.021 3.387 52 Bed Willow 3.340 2,813.81 Richardson 6,987 6.KS6.25 nofck .. 1.0S3 912.34 Kullnn 7.092 5,974.71 Sarpy 3,107' . 2.617.51 Haundors 8,301 6.993.24 Bcotts Bluff 1.007 418.35 Howard 5,737 4,833.1$ Sheridan 1.949 1.611.95 Sherman 2.567 2,162.59 Sious 536 iiLU Holiday Perfumes Colgate's Triple Extracts, all odors, half oz. bottles, 25c; 1-oz. bottles, 60c. Colgate's Tollot Waters at 40c and SOc a bottle. Children's Perfumes, 10c a bottle. Fancy Satin licit Hose Supporters, SOc, 65c and 85c each. Fancy Round Silk Garters, fancy and enameled buckles, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 and $2.00 a pair. Fancy Toilet Sets, French Ollt, German Silver and Ivory Mountings, at $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00 a set. ( Ebonold Comb and Brush Sets, sterling mounted, $2.25 a set. Ebony Military Hair Rrushes, sterling mounted, at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 each. Ebony Clothes Rrushes, 65c, 75c and $1.00 each. Ebonold Manicure Sets, sterling mounted, $1.60, $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00 a set. Smoking Sets, Ash Trays, Writing Sets, Traveling Sets, Paper Weights, Handker chief and Glove Case, etc. Pocketbooks Bags, Etc. Cut steel and set beaded Chatalalne bags, at $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.60, $7.50 to $12 each. Fine leather wrist bags, newest shapes and mountings, at 60c, 75c, $1.15, $1.50, $2.00, $2.60 to $10 each. Fine leather Chatalalne bags, In Mor rocco, seal, walrus, sea lion, lizard, etc, at 60c, 76c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.60 to $5.00 each. Misses' flno leather Chatalalne bags, at 25c, 60c, 76c aod $1.00 each. Fine Boston shopping bags, good cloth, with leather trimmings, at $1.35, $1.50, $1.76, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 each. Fine Imported Frgnch Combination Pocketbooks, In Mexican and polished alli gator, rich mountings, special, $4.50, $5.00 and $5.60 each. Flno Combination Pocketbooks and Card Cases, In Morrocco, seal, sea lion, walrus, etc.. at 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1,60, $2.00 to $3.50 each. ST Gloves Thero Is nothing you could present your lady friends moro acccptublo than kid gloves. Our stock Is complete, representing tho best manufacturers of Europe, Tre fousso, Perrln Frcrcs, Dents, Monarch, Sholburno and Chatnm piques In shades that are adapted for ctrcct and evening wear. Misses' and children's kid gloves, mocha gloves, lined and unllned, reindeer street gloves, new line Just received kid mittens for women and children; silk mittens, wool mittens, golf gloves for women and chil dren. Stanton 2,675 2,253.57 Thayer 6,336 4,495.35 Thomas 191 160.91 Thurston 2.105 1.773.37 Vnlley 2,851 2,401.85 Washington 4,660 3.925.S5 Wayne 3,766 3,172.69 Webster 4,212 3,548.43 Wheeler 536 451.56 York 6.132 5,165.95 Totals 36,059 $316,813.59 Lincoln IlsfllTvay Flnnnelnit, A deposition of Frank W. Little, flled in tho district court today. In the Lincoln tax case, gives nn Interesting Insight Into the history of Btreot railway financiering and consolidation In this city. Mr. Little's testimony Is to the effect that with three men from Sioux City ho secured control of street rnllwny property In this city, equipped It with electric motive power, merged tho various companies Into ono system and then sold enough bonds to re imburse them for tho outlay. All these transactions took place prior to the organi zation of the Lincoln Traction company. The bonds were sold in New York through Mr. Clapp, a member of the firm of Little & Co. By the deal with Lee. Hlgglnson & Co., F. W. Llttlo & Co., became the owner of all the stock of the Lincoln Street Railway company, and were. In fact, the actual owners of the consolidated 'company. Commenting upon lb? deposition City At torney Strode says: "Mr. Llttlo's evidence shows that ho nnd his partners came here, purchased the street railways then In existence, equipped them with electricity nnd then sold the bonds, with the proceeds of which they reimbursed themselves for every dollar of outlay; It shown that the roads cost them nothing and that they made their money out of tho deal through their energetic work ns a construction company and as fiscal agents. They may havo applied tho money received for tho purposes for which tho gentlomen really created the corporation, but not for those which the charter of the company provides." DrnBKlxt'a License Revoked. Albert L. Shrader, druggist nt Fifteenth and O streets, no longer has a permit to sell liquors. The excise board met In spe cial session this morning and revoked his license. Convictions in police court for tho alleged Illegal salo of liquor led to this action. Governor Cummlim In Speak. . Two prominent speakers for tho Young Men's Republican club banquet to be hold on the anniversary of Lincoln's birthday. February 12, have been secured, Governor Cummins of Iowa sent his acceptanco to an Invltntlon tp be present some tlmo ngo. Congressman Burkctt telegraphed President Roberts last evening that Congressman Fowler of New Jersoy had also accepted tbo Invltntlon to be present and deliver an Rddreia. Condition of All nniiks. Secretary RoyBe of the Stnte Banking board today Issued a call for a statement of tho condition of tho state nnd prlvato banks In Nebraska at the close of business on December 10. This Is the fifth call Is sued during the year Just ending. HARRY DODGE IS INJURED Elkhorn Fireman Struck on the lleml li- Wnlerspnnt nt ArlliiKtun. FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. 14. (Special.) Harry Dodge, a fireman on the Elkhorn, at Arlington yesterday afternoon slipped on the top of tho tender and was struck on tbo side of the head by tha waterspout, throw ing him to the ground and cutting a big gash In his head, Hmallrox Epidemic Wiped ()nt. CHADRON, Nob.. Dec. 14. (Special.) The smallpox epidemic which existed In Chadron for three months has been wiped Cloak and Suit Dept. Raglans, Long Cloak ami Jackets Special bargains. 25 Oxford Jackets, 27-ln. length, double breasted, pearl" buttons, correctly tailored, at $5.00. 15 Illack Kersey Capes, 42-ln. length, handsomely braided, lined with Skinner's satin, nt $19.00. Ragtans, Oxford and mixed cloths, $12.50 to $28.00. Long Coats, all the latest materials and exclusive styles, $20.00 to $50.00. 27-Ip. Jackets, $5.00 to $27.00. 42-ln. Jackets, $15.00 to $42.00. Walking 8klrts, man-tailored, from $4.60 to $18.00. Dress Skirts, perfect hanging, $5.75 to $18.00. Dress Velvet. $16.00 to $30.00. Silk Taffeta and Peau de Solo Dress Skirts, plain and with laco Insertions, ap plique trimmings, etc., $13.00 to $45.00. Table Linens WHY NOT TAHLE LINEN 7 Many women prefer to havo a serviceable gift than a knick-knack, women who would sincerely apreclato something that has a substantial and material value. Wo havo arranged a series of extraordinary bargains In this department. Our 75o bleached Irish table linen, 66 Inches wide, holiday price, SOc yard. Our 1.15 bleached Irish table linen, 72 Inche3 wide, holiday prlco, 76c yard. Our $1.25 blenched Irish tablo linen, 70 Inches wide, holiday price, 85c yard. Our $2.00 bleached Irish table linen, 72 Inches wide and heaviest Imported, holiday prlco, $1.3!) yard. Pattern tablo cloths, Irish make, all In beautiful designs, they corao In tho follow ing sizes nnd prices, 2x2 yords. 2x2H yards. 2x3 yards, 2x314 yards, at $2.35, $3.00. $3.50 and $1.00 each; xi napkins to match at $3.50 dozen. HOLIDAY TOWEL SALE If you enro for special nnd explicit Information concern ing values, read tho following: Two cases of 10c Russia crash, on special salo at 5c yard. Our 16$jc hemmed huck towelB, 124c each Our 20c hemmed huck towels, 15c each. Our 25c hemstitched huck towels 20c each. Our 33Wc hemstitched plain and figured huck, 25c each. Our SOc hemstitched huck towels, figured borders and extru large size, 35c each, or 3 for $1.00. REAL HAND CLUNY DECORATIVE LINENS, In designs that appeal strongly to critical buyers who appreciate artistic effects In real lace. You can buy as your pockctbook dlctntes, as wo have them with linen centers from 25c ench for tho doylle size up to $6.50 for the 30-Inch centerpiece. Real Mexican hand drawn work doilci and centerpieces at 12&C, 25c, 75c, $1.25, $2.25 and $3.00 each. out. Thero Is not a single case In town or tho vicinity. JUDGE HUBBARD GOES HUNTING Attorney Genernl of Northwestern llallwny I.cnren for 'Wj-nnilnii on a Tito IVVrku' Shoot. ATKINSON, Neb., Dec. 14. (Special.) Hon. N. W. Hubbard, general at torney of tho Northwestern railway, passed through Atkinson Thursday night enroute for tho hunting fields of Wyo ming. This is the second time this season that Judge Hubbard has made this trip. He expects to' make a longer stny thero by spending about two weeks at his favorite sport. Dell Aken, a politician of this sec tion, Joined Judge Hubbard at Atkinson, DECIDES T0 CELEBRATE r.rand Army Intends to Hold Patriotic MectliiK on MeKlnley'n Dlrtlulny. SUPERIOR, Nob., Dec. 14. (Special.) Tho Grand Army of the Republic post at this placo has decided to make tho birthday of the late President McKlnlcy January 29 the occasion of a grand patriotic meeting of soldiers nnd citizens. Department offi cers of the Grand Army of th'o Republic and other prominent men have been Invited to sreak. TEACHERS MEEJAT TRENTON Depnty .Superintendent Mo Brim Atl tlresNes Illtehenek County In structor nnd I'nhllc. TRENTON, Ncb Doc. 14. (Special Tele gram.) The Hitchcock County Teachers' association met here today. Deputy Su perintendent McBrlen addressed the teach ers In the afternoon. Ho delivered his lecture on "Our Young People: What Shall Wo. Do With Them," to tbo public In tho evening. The attendance wns not as largo us oxpected, on account of tho Intense cold. Five G'liaes of Smiillnnx nt llnrvnrcl. HARVARD, Neb., Dec. 14. (Special.) In tho family of Milton J. Splccr flvo cases of smallpox have been reported, nil In light form. The disease seems to havo been brought to the homo by n daughter who was teaching In another part of the county. The houso Is quarantined. Third Amputation I'oif oriucd. SHELTON, Neb.. Dec. 14. (Special.) Au gust Peters, whoso arm was torn off In his comshrcddtT, waB taken to tho hospital at Grand Island tho past week and a third amputation performed, SI. l'(lvnrd Hon n Cnrfew l.nir, ST. EDWARD, Neb., Dec. 14. (Special.) At tho latest meeting of tho city council a curfew ordinance was passed prohibiting children under 16 on the streets after 8 o'clock. South llnkatn liirorpomtlnim, PIERRE. S. I).. Dec. 14, (Special.) Theso ai tides of Incorporation have been flled: Ohlo-Deadwood Gold Mining company nt Dead'ood, with n capital of $1,000,000. Incorporators, A. Baldwin, F. W. Bower, L. M. Kerney, Brookslde Oil and Glass company nt Pierre, with a capital of $500,000. Incorpo rators, John K. Robertson, Joseph W, Hays and L. L. Stephens. Stsklou Gold and Copper company at Pierre, with a capital of $1,000,000. Incorpo rators, A. B. Gibson, George W, Lee, George, A, Llebers, L. L. Stephens and F. A. Stephens, Bath and Robe Blankets Your Judgment and taste will never ba challenged If you choofe one of these; St. Mary's woolen mills robo blankets, largest size, $3.75 each. California robe blankets, floral and con ventional designs, $5.00 each. Austrian robe blankets In Arabic and Egyptian designs, $10.00 each. Bed Blankets and Comforts If you do not need these yourself they will delight somo ono and the prlco wilt tax you lightly. Fleeco cotton blankets for sheets at- 45c. 49c, 75e, 90c pair. Heavy fleeced bed blankets, In gray or white, nt $1.25, $1.39, $1.50 nnd $1.75 pair. All wool blankets, white or colored, at $3.50, $4.60, $5.25, $5.50, $6.00, $8.50 and $10.00 pair. Largo nnd fluffy comforts, covered with sllkollnc and inndo almost as soft as down, at $1.25, $1.60, $2.25 and $2.50 ench. DOWN COMFORTS Wo carry a large variety of these One comforts. What could be moro acceptable for ChrUtmns presents? Price, $4.75, $6.00, $9.00 nnd $10.00 each. 8BROINE WAIST PATTERNS With bor dered edgo, 36 Inches wide and 2 yards In each, at 39c pattern. Aggressive reductions In French flannel waist patterns; these arc tucked nnd havo appllqued embroidered fronts, reduced from $1.50 nnd $6.00 to $2.75, $3.50 and $4.00 each. How about your maid's house dresses? Remember we carry nothing but tho best In ginghams and percales. Largo assort ment, 12iic yard. Black Dress Goods Great values In very desirable dress fab rics, fine all nool goods or silk nnd mohair mixed, beat foreign nnd domestic make, In all tho now weaves. Floe nil wool chovlots, "shrunk," 50-ln. wldo, 85c; 52ln., $1, $1.25 nnd $1.35; Sti-ln., $1.75, $2 an-1, $2.25; 53-ln., $2, $2.25 and $3. Venetian cloth, $1.25, $2, $2.25 nnd $3. Broad cloth, "doc skin llnlsh, $3, $4.50 and $5. Satin sollel, 45-ln. wide, $1.25. French poplins, 46-tn., $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2. Dra de Venice, C4-In. wide, $1.50. Basket cloth, 52-ln. wide, $1.35 and $1.50. Melrose, 4S-ln. wldo, $2.50. Flno wool and velvet brocade dress pat terns. In grenadines, satin stripes nnd che nille dots, from $20 to $40 per pattern. Just received, new ctnmlncs, vloles, eollnes, silk and wool barcgo and olga crepe. PUBLIC BUILDINGS BURN Oitj Hall and Eigine Ht at Nebraska City Diitiejei bj F!amii. BEYOND CONTROL WHEN DISCOVERED IlnlldliiRs, nccordu nnd Instruments In Ashen nud (.rent nifllnnlty I Kxperlenaed In I'reventlnK Sprend of Conllnii radon. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Dec. II. (Spe cial Telegram.) Tho city hall and engine houso wore completely destroyed by Are at nn oarly hour this morning. It is not known how the lire, originated, as It had gained great headway before It wns dis covered. Tho driver of tho hose team wns asleep In tho building nnd wns rescued with difficulty. The records, plates and drawings of tho city engineer's oftlco wero entirely destroyed and represent nn Inestimable loss to tho city. The loss on tho building nnd contents Is' nbout $10,000; Insurance, $2,500. A. M. Munn, city engineer, lost his Instru ments nnd books, valued nt $1,500, on which he carried $500 insurance. Tho fire team and flro-flghtlng apparatus were saved, except n steamer presented to the city many years ago by H. F. Cady. Tho records of tho city clerk and treasurer were stored in the vault and are believed to be safe. Owing to the extreme cold and great headway gained by the fire tho ef forts of tho Are department were of llttlo avail except in saving tho adjoining bulld IngB, which wero In great danger, but by bard work the fire was kept from spreading. Livery Barn nt Fremont. FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 14. (Special.) At 3:45 this morning n Are broke out In Bauman's livery barn back of the Commer cial National bank on Fourth street. It commenced In the west barn, which waB used for storngo of backs and carriages, and bad gained good headway when dis covered. Tho barn Is a total loss. The east barn, where tho horses were kept, was also badly damaged. Tho roof of tho next building west, occupied by C. W. Tharp as a wagon repair shop, was burned off nnd tho contents of the lower floor damaged by wnter. All the horses In tho east barn were liberated and nil but two of tho enr rlnges and hacks In the west barn wero saved. The flro department had a hard time on bccnunt of tho cold, One lino of hoso frozo up and several flromen wero frost bitten, Tho barns wero owned by tho Com mercial National bank and Insured for $500, Loss from $600 to $700. Bauman carried $1,500 011 his horses, stock, carriages and feed, which will more than cover his loss. The building to the west was owned by John D. Markey and was Insured for $500. Damage about $200. The tools and wagon stock were owned by C. W. Tharp and wero uninsured. He 'estimates his loss at about $100. ' HnNlliiKN I'esthonae. HASTINGS, Nob., Dec. 14. (Spcnlnl.) Fire last night destroyed tho large two story house used by Hastings college for a hospital and pesthouse. At the time the flrn hrnkn nut thnro u-.t nnn Hmnllnnv nn. tlcnt In tho house, but as ho was nwakej no escaped, jno nre originated irom a de fective flue. - Itepnlr Shop at llnntliiiti. HASTINGS. Neb., Dec. 14. (Special Tel egram.) The repair shop of Fred Brucnln Ingseus was destroyed by flro this morn ing. Tho fire orlgnatcd from a defective flue. The loss Is $600, with no Insurance, New Ideas in Silks for Waists Many new Parisian nnd London modes In tho advanced Ideas for fancy waists, bought especially for our holldaytrndo. Fancy stripes, cords and figures In all tho latest shades, to sell 75c. Empress crepo In colors and black, to sell, S5c. Lonslne, Including all shades nnd black, 24 Inches, $1.00. 24-Inch all silk crepo do chine, In shades of rose, grey, pink, blue, reseda maize, cream nnd black, $1.25 quality for $1.00. Crepo do meteor In plain and brocaded, full lino of new shades and black. BLACK TAFFETA. 27-lnch, $1.00 quality, 85c, 36-lnch, $1.50 quality, $1.25. 36-inch, $2.00 quality, $1.75 (guaranteed.) Also a lino of tho world renowned C. J. Bennett ct Clr nt 90c, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Illack Peau de Sole, priced special for Monday selling: 19-lnch, 85c quality, 69c 21- Inch, $1.00 quality, S9c. 22- Inch, $1.40 quality, $1.10. 22-lnch, $1.60 quality, $1.25. Hosiery Carefully selected ntsortment of women's and children's Holiday Hoslory at moderoto prices. Large and extcnslvo lino of ladles' black and colored silk, llslo and cotton stockings. Ladles' fancy Hose, black red, now blue, embroidered ankles and klocks, all tho new extreme pntterns, fast colors; also a very pretty lino of black lace, boot pattern or all-over lace. This entire lino on our coun ter for Xmas, only 50c pair. Our hnnd-embroldered black lisle Hose, excluslvo patterns, very dainty colors, now and pretty, 85c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 pair. Ladles' Imported black thrend silk Stock ings, beautifully hand-cmbroldored, new de signs, a most appreciated Christmas pres ent, at $1.50. Puro thread silk block Hose, double solo, heel and toe, cannot bo equalled for Icsb than $2. Drop. stitch, black silk Hose, $2.25 quality, our holiday, price, $1.0 j pair. Ladles' silk umbrellas, in black, blue, red, natural wood handles with sterling trim mings special bargain at $1,50. Our Htock Is completo In all the new novelties In handles, colored and black silk 26-ln. umbrellas, $2, $2.60, $3.50 to $5 each. Our own Importation Xmas umbrollas for ladles and children. , MONEY MARKET IS STRINGENT Some ftellef Expected Throuxh the l'repnyment of Interest Due by the Government, NEW YORK, Dec. 14. It Is expected that there will bo somo rellof to the money market during the current week, through tho prepayment by the treasury of thb Jan uary interest duo by the government. Judging from experience, not much Im pression will be made by these payments, which will amount to nbout $3,000,000 at New York, because th. need for money Irt so urgent. Last week 'tho flurry In tho mouey market was partly responsible for tho fairly large sales of unmatured bonds nnd tho payment by the subtreasury for theso securities amounted to $2,556,600. The checks wore collected over the counter of that Institution tn order tbat tho pro ceeds might bo made Immediately available. A movement which has begun to be Im portant Is the withdrawal of new coins, gold as well ns silver, from the subtreasury for holiday presents. Such withdrawals last week amounted to about $250,000 and it Is llkoly that tho volume will Increase this week. There was no cvldenco last week of contributions to the needs of the Now York money market by tho Canadian banks. This Is somewhat surprising, beS causo usually when money Is dear here these bankB seek to tnke advantage of the fact nnd bring gold over tho border for tho purpose of loaning It In Now York. Tbo fact tbnt on Wednesday nnd Friday of last week money was freoly offered In the last hour by largo banking Interests, with tho result of breaking the rate temporarily to the lowest of tho week, seems to show that these interests aro Intent upon pee venting, If possible, nny unduo derange ment of the market, and as their resources are supposed to be enormous they will most likely succeed In their efforts to ro storo normal conditions to the monetary situation. 1 WINS A TEMPORARY VICTORY Chicago Ilonrd of Trnde Grim Better of the Bucket' Shop Contest. SPRINGFIELD, III., Dec. 14. By the su premo court's modification today ot tho temporary Injunction which restrains the Chicago Board of Trade arid telegraph com panies from keeping stock quotations from tho Stock exchange of Chlcngo, the Board of Trado won a temporary victory In its fight ngnlnst tbo bucket shops, Even though bucket shops are' Illegal, J lid go Vail ot Chlcngo somo tlmo ago granted an. ox parte injunction, holding that Board ot Trado quotations should bo given to the public through thorn. Tho appollnto court reversed Judge Vall's decision, but tho supremo court granted a continuation of tho injunction pending appeal. Under tho modification today the Board of Trado may withhold quotations from tho Central Stock exchange of Chicago. Tho decision, whon finally made by the su premo court, will be of great Importance, as tho Stock exchange 1 has thirty-alx ranches in tho west, eighteen bolng In Chlcngo. BISHOP OF CHEYENNE IS ILL ltlulit Reverend T. M. I.enlhnn Strnck nt III Brother's Home, MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia Dec. 1,4. Right Rov. T. M. I.enlhnn, bishop of , Cheyenne, who has been 111 hero for six weeks at the home of his brother, Father M. C. Lenlhan, suffered a change for the worse tonight and the physicians say he prob- Womens'Petticoats & Dressing Sacques Tho celebrated "Magee" Adjustlblc Yoke Skirts, makes a sensible gift, flno black mercerised satin, bias flounce, faced nnd corded at bottom, trimmed with three ruffles; special, $2.60 each. Excellent quality mercerised satin, with 12-Inch accordloh pleated flounce; special, $3.25. "Elite," Oo.-e Fitting Skirts, line, black mercerised rating, good style's nnd well made, at $2.25, $2.76, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50 each. Taffeta Silk Skirts, rellablo quality, latest styles, black nnd colors-$5.50, $7.00, $S.00, $9.60, $11.00 and $12.00 each. Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, nit colors, at $1.25, $1.60, $2.00. $3.25, $4.00 and $4.50. Eiderdown Bath Robes, cardinal, rose, gray and light blue $6.00, $7.50 and $S.60 each. Gifts for Men and Boys Holiday handkerchiefs, unusual values. Hemstitch handkerchiefs, better qualities como In H, U, V4 and 1-lnch hem. Many of theso aro soft blcnchtd, ready for Im mediate use, at 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. Initial handkerchiefs, all linen, nt 25c. Initial silk handkerchiefs at 25c, 40c and 60c. MEN'S AND BOYS' GLOVES. Kid and dogskin gloves for street wear at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Silk lined gloves at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Mocha gloves, $1.50 nnd $1.W. Boys' gloves, lined and unllncd, nt SOc, 75c and $1.00. Golf gloves In whlto, red, black nnd fancy mittens, at 25c, 50c and 75c. MUFFLERS An exceptional asortroent, Including tho rhadc up Harvard, this sen son's latest novelty, nt 25c, SOc. 75c. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. $2.25. $2.50 nnd $2.75. Fancy suspenders nt SOc, 76c, $1.00, $1.15 nnd $1.75. Fnncy half hose, largo variety, nt 25c, 35c and SOc. UMBRELLAS Lnrge assortment for the holiday trado, natural handles nnd sterling silver mounted, $1.00, $1.60, $2.60, $3.00. $4.00, $4.50 nnd $5.00. MEN'S NECKWEAR Tecks, our-ln hnnds. puffs, Imperials, etc., nt 60c, $1.00 nnd $1.50. Outing flannel night shirts, new designs and mnterlal, 60c, 75c, $1.00 nnd $1.50, Fine muslin night shirts, plain nnd hand somely trimmed, nt SOc, 75c nnd $1.00. Vhtte dreus shirts, exceptional value nt $1 Fancy madras and percale shirts, $1.00 and $1.60. Underwear, union suits nnd separate gar ments at modcrnto prices. ably will not llvo more than a few days. Uo Is suffering from heart disease, aggra vated by the high altltudo of tbo western country. MAY BE HARRY . LONGBAUGH Assailant of Knoxvlllc I'ollceitmn Flees nnd Mnspleliiim Money In Found. KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 14. Local de tectives now bellevo tbnt the man whu fatally wounded Policeman Taylor and shot Policeman Dlnwlddy last night and made his escapo Is Harry Longbaugh, alias Harry Parker, tho alleged Montana train robber who -csenped from tho Nashvlllo poltco a few weeks ago in nn ice wagon after an exciting chaso. Today $3,800 worth of the stolen unsigned $20 notes of tbo National Bank of Montana wof located by dotectlveu In tho pos session of a local saloon keeper and con fiscated. Much of tho money had been floated or changed In with mero reprints. The location of tho money Wns disclosed by Lutfier Brady, James Boloy nnd John Whipple Knoxvlllc men, who wore ar rested this morning -with Montana bank notes In their possession. 1 Tho thrco men claimed they won, tho money by gambling with tho fugitive and they aro known to havo been In Nashville, N. C, last wock. Tho bills which have been recoVered aro numbers serially 1021 to 2000 Inclusive. Tho government notes ro from 934349 to 935148. It Is thought the assailant ot tho Knox vlllc officers will soon bo captured, as a fosse is .pursuing him and he was se lously wounded in the fight with tbo men he shot. WILLING TO DIVIDE CLAIM Knnaas Man Who Is Interested In the Scheme of Mndnnte Nnrdlcn. OTTAWA, Kan., Dec. 14. E. TV. Dowd. a real estate dealer ot Ottawa, asserts that If Madame Nordlca, tho singer, wins her suit against tho government for a sum said to bo between $3,000,000 and $4,000,000 he will come in for a share ot the money, Madame Nordlca's claim Is for money paid tho United States by tho French govern ment for the destruction' of ships that be longed to Ichabod Norton, nn ancestor. Tho monoy, It Is snld, waB never paid over to tho Norton heirs. Ichabod Norton was tho grandfather of Mr. Dowd's grand mother, according to- a record in Mr. Dowd's possession. Mr. Dowd says ho has always known of a claim that his family bold against the government, but had never made any effort to collect It. Another Kansas heir and relative of Madame Nordlca Is Mrs. J. D, Bowersock of Lawrence. Mrs. Bowersock and MrH. Dowd's mother wero cousins. Mr. Dowd says there aro several othor heirs in the south. PINE BEETLE HAS DISAPPEARED Former riastae of HI nek IIIIU Forests I Hxtermlnated hy Nnture, CUSTER, S. D Dec. 14. (Special.) Captain Seth Bullock, the forest supervisor, says tbat the plna beetle which has done so' much harm to the forests of tho Black Hills, has practically disappeared. For the past Ave years these Insects havo been found In every portion of tho hills, whole sections of ground having been' turned brown by them. The government spent large sums In experimenting for n way to exterminate them, but without success. Na ture Anally rose to the emergency and the bugs disappeared. furs! furs! New arrivals for the holidays most com pleto assortment of smnll Furs in this city. Isabella Fox Scarfs nt $10. $13, $15, $19, $20, $25 nnd 127 f,n Stono Marten Scarfs 22.00 Mink Scnrfs. $12 nnd i.en 'Marten Scarfs, $5, $5.50, $12 nnd 15.00 Oppossum Scnrfs, $1, $4.60. $5. $6 nnd 12.00 Electric Seal Scarfs, $1.25,' $3.60, $5, and is.oo Collarettes In Beaver, $35.00 and 60.00 Collarettes in Isabella Fox 42.60 Collarettes in Mink 42.00 Collarettes In Marten, $18 and 2S.00 Collarettes In Sable Coon, $22 and.... 22.50 Collarettes In Persian Lamb, $12 nnd 15.00 Collarettes In Sable. Oppossum, $S.50, $12 nnd ifi.00 Collarettes In dyed Marten, $10.60 and 12.09 Collarettes In Near Seal. $4,50. $6, $15 And :o.OO Muffs to match from $1.50 to 22.50 Select assortment of children Fur Sots. Wool Seal Capes $10.00 Astrakhan Capes, guaranteed to wear, 30 Inches long, nt $25 nnd 30.00 Near Seal Capes nt 27.00 Floe Cloth Capes, lined with Siberian squirrel, marten collar, front trimmed with marten, at $45.00 and 50.04 Waistings Very new and stylish materials for Shirt wnlsts. Momlo cloth, In plain colors, turquolut blue, red, grny nnd porcelain, 29-ln. wide, COc a yard. Momle cloth, with side bands for trim ming, rrse, turquoise, blue, rvd nnd porce lain, 27-ln. wide, 65c a ynrd. Momle cloth, In fancy stripes 28-ln. wldo, 65c and 75c a yard. Albatross, In all tho plain shades, grny red, blues nnd cream, 3S-in. wldo, tOc ynrd. Complete line of materials for wblto woo) waists, Bedford ford, silk soldi, foulo, momle cloth nnd wool crepo. New materials for klmnnas and tcs ROWtK. Flno Imported lino of French nil wool challls new nnd stylish pntterns, 31 - In. wide, SOc a :ard. Fine Imported French batiste all wool, latu shades, Orleans blue, Resedi eardlnnl, lllne, pentl gray, pink, old rose and cham pagne, SOc, 75c and 85c a ynrd. SUk-flnlshed Henrietta, In soft dainty shades for tea gowns. Art and Fancy Goods Novel designs In Sofa Pillows, now stomped linens, center pieces nnd doylies, kemdngton bags, match scratcbers, tele phone books, pen wipers, pin cushions nud various other novelties suitable for Xmai I Rifts. Miss Goldsmith will give frco lessons li embroidery work on Wednesday and Satur days from 10 to 11 a. m. OMAHA, NEB. WOULD POSTPONE ELECTION Idas Fictiea Bayi Fair CaiTau Now ii ImpoBiible. ALLEGE A NUMBER OF ILLECALITE3 Cnse In Presented to Seervtnry of Wnr, Who Is Asked to Fix Ilnto of rresldentlnl Election Jnn unry 1, IOOU. WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. Fidel G. Plorra, commissioner for tho coalition of political parties of Cuba In favor of tho presi dential candldato General Maso, was ac corded nn Interview by the secretary of wat this afternoon. Mr. Plorrn presented to tho secretary a memorial to General Wood, signed by FtiBChln Hornamjoz, president of the union democratic party and chairman of tho executive commlttco of tho Maso electoral coalition composed of the na tional, tho Independent, tho republican and, union democratic parties and tho Independ ent votes. In laying the memorial beforo the secre tary, Mr. Plcrra submitted n statement signed by himself, explaining tho political conditions existing in Cuba and urging that, tho election bo deferred until January 1, 1902, In order that certain alleged Illegal and dofectivo acts of the central board of canvassers may bo remedied. He bases this request upon tho assertion that the members qf this board aro candidates for offlco and members of Scnor Palma's ex ecutive commlttco. The said board, ho as sorts, has Issued orders and Instructions materially changing the provisions ot the election law. Mr. Plefra further charges n number of alleged Illegal acts by the board which he avora aro calculated to deprlvo General Maro of his rights. "Through theso and many other Illegali ties," he says, "a condition of things has been created which rondcrs it impossible to hold a fair and honest election." HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water nnd let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling Indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys; If it stain tho linen It Is evidence of Jddney trouble; too frequent doslre to pass It or pain In th back Is also convincing proof tbat tho kid neys and bladder aro out of order. WHAT TO DO. There In comfort In tho knowledge so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, tho great kidney and bladder remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain In tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of tho urinary passage It cor rects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In pBslng It or bad effects following uso of liquor, wlno or boer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being com pelled to go. often during tho day and to get up many times during tho night. Tbej mild and the extraordinary effect ot Swamp Root Is noon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of tho most distress ing cases. If you need n medicine you should havo tho best. Sold by druggists In 60-ccnt and $1 sites. You may havo n samplo bottln ot Swamp Root and n book that tells moro about It, both sent absolutely free by mall, Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing mention that you read this generous) offer tn The Omaha Sunday Bee.