Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1901, Page 7, Image 19

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    Dccciiilicr 1.", mot
How a Great Song
Queen Travels
tii i: SUM!
qi ui:n noiiihc on in:tt
Photo by a Stalf Artist
VHN as robust a souk blnl as Nor-
illcii llnd dllllciilty In wintering
In northern climate and Is never
ns happy as when humid for the
far south Tin- finest car I ho l'till-
niaii company ran bulM. a corps of caro
takln;; servants ami every conceivable com
fort arc no guarantee that tho nwlft changes
of tho temperate one will not bring hoarse
ness to a singer, ami particularly to a
singer who Ik daring enough to give a re
cital unaided, as N'ordlca Is doing tills sea
sun. There is no (older place In the United
Stntos than nli ng the Maine coast, where
Ulllan Norton nas born Hut Ulllan Nor
ton and Lillian Nordlia are very different
persons. Lillian Norton was a slurdy girl
with a largo voice that gave iniich promise,
hut was rather inetnlllc and did not satisfy
the artistic soul of It?, possessor. Tho Maine
girl loft her friends and their lavish praise,
which she believed to be unmerited, and
began the culture of the wonderful voice
which has brought nil the world to the feet
of Nordlca, the queen of grand opera sinn
ers. Years of life In (leriuany ami Italy caused
tho girl from tho state of pines to forget
below zero weather, or rather caused h"r
volco to forget tho rigor of the cllmato In
which the singer npont her childhood. Nor
dlca loves tin cold, but she has nn dcilro to
enjoy It when the price might be about
$1,000 per illem.
Viirillcii In (liiinliii.
Thu Saturday afternoon Noidlca spent In
Omaha recently sho was wrapped carefully
In n great broadcloth coat, which was lined
with beaver and had a collar that stood
above the top of her queenly head. Then
sho started out for a walk. A handkerchief
was wrapped about her mouth to guard her
throat from the cold wind. Hut all of this
care did not convince the prima donna that
she would not catch cold. She remained out
In the air for less than five minutes and
during that time did not open the mouth
from which golden notes were to pour that
night at the Kounte Memorial church.
"Oh, yes, so many people nivy us sing
ers our voices nnd long for nn operatic ca
reer. I am frequently told that my llfo Ib
so vnricd and Interesting." Nordlca sighed
nftor sho had been driven back Into hor car
liy tho Nebraska breezes "Then- Is no
llfp ns monotonous an of a singer.
Work Is nil there Is In store for us, but
then, of course, wo dollght In tho work.
singer must always practice solf-deninl
Keeping n volco In good condition Is ns
dlincult ns Us cultivation. The sin pop vehn
gives the public his best effort must sloop
and rest and starve hlms. If. Self-denial
must bo practiced constantly. All excite
ment must be avoided and most pleasures
The car in which Madame Nordlca lives
Ij nnmed after her favorite rolo "Brun
klldo." It Is a home worthy of the groat
slngor and Is as cosy ns tho proverblnl
vlno-clad cottage. Nonlica li a great homo
body nnd Is very dnmostlc In her tastes
U tho windows of the car arc dainty whlto
cnrtnlns. which worn made by the great
ninger, and In all the rooms are traces of
;i woman's hand
Nerdlcn's sister. Mis (icoigc Walker. Is
sharing the moving home of the singer at
priscnt. and before tho end of the season
another Mister Is to Join them In III li
travels Mr. K. llomayne Simmons. Nor
dlca s accompanist, Is also a member of
the great soprano's household. Two maids
(inil several colored servants complete the
pirsonnel of the party that lives In tho
The drawing room is tho crowning glory
of the "llrunhllde." It Is In the center of
ihe car and Is quite Inrge. Tho woodwork
in the room Is mahogany nnd the draperies
are green. A touch of yellow appears In
the celling. In one corner of the room Is
a great divan of green plush covered with
n half dozen lnrge. bright-colored pillows
At olio end of the car nro an organ nga im
the wall and a writing desk with a grea
mahogany top. Against one of the sldt
walls stands a hamlsomo piano wlih a ma
hogany case. A few easy chairs am) a
large tablo adorned with handsome spray
of roses complete the furnishings
.mm ttiieen'M IHIK lllril.
Ono member of the Nordlca household,
and a very Important member, too. wns
overlooked. A pet canary holds the place
of honor in the drawing room Ills gold
cage hangs nboe the piano, where (he
sinner can watch the yellow fellow warble
as she vocalizes. The bird Is Nordlca's only
pet and It Is not so much her pet as her
master, for the great singer watches the
little fellow continually as he chirps away
in his wild abandon.
The sleeping rooms In Nordlca's little
palace arc much larger than the rooms in
most private cars and comfortable brass
beds replace the berths of former days
Pressing tables and comfortable chairs give
ihe chambers the appearance of the smnller
looms in a llrst -class hotel.
t one end of the "Hrunhilde" are the
l,Hi In n and the servants' quarters and at
In- other end Is a large reception room,
ulil'h is tilled with the baggage of the
parly. Kvery gown Nordlca wears In pub
lie has a separate trunk, a tall trunk, which
stand on end ami Is large enough to con
tain a dress form, upon which the gorgeous
gowns are hung when not In uso.
The Nordlcn one sees upon tho stngo la
no more beautiful than the wholesome
women one meets In the "llrunhllde." (inrge
oils clothes do not enhance her beauty. Sho
Is as queenly In a plain gray walking gown
as In n Worth creation. Her regnl cnrrlngc
can be seen as plainly upon the strcot ns
upon the s'.ige.
Nature has done every thing possible for
Nordlca nnd Nordica has had the good
sense to enhance her charms by keeping
herself free from all worry and by leading
a life unlike the strenuous i xlstcnco of
nn st stage celebrities. She Is not forced
to resort to coMinetlcs and paints to cover
up the traces of age. Her skin Is ns clear
ns a child's ami the coloring of her cheeks
Im not unlike that of a Hl-ytnr old girl
Her eyes ate a bright blue and are arched
by dark brow. Her hair Is light brown
ami in a bright light shows a Huge of red
There Is nothing artificial in Mine. Nor
dica's appearance. Her clothes are such n
any well-bred woman would choose nnd
show none of the eccentricities which nil
great singers are supposed to possess. She
Is a genius without Ihe earmarks, a beauti
ful, gracious woman who has mastered the
greatest of nrta.
Many ladles and gentlemen who cannot 1
complain of any kind of sickness are nil
normally thin nod cannot Mini any tucdlcal
neiitment which will correct this condition
I'r. Whitney's Nerve and Hesli llullder
is not alone mienueu lor muse woo arc
sick, lint also for thoe who appear well
and hearty, but ciinnot acquire sutllclent
llesh lo round out the form. In dyspepsln.
Indigestion, all stomach troubles, debility
nnd nervous diseases, no icmedy Is so
prompt and powerful. In order to demon
strate the wonderful merits of Or. Whit
ney's Nerve and Klesli Hullder, every per
son who will address the t". O Jones I'o .
Klmlrii. N. Y.. will receive trial pacHagc
in plln srnl wrapper nbsoluudy free.
A Christmas
of line
will be
for y i
hoi lb il beer
a very ac
i) u r friends
every one tip
preclati s a p u r e.
s u a p p v. t-parklliig
beverage, such as our
"Gold Top"
Bottled Beer
Send in your
vuuee orders
Delivered In cases of
quarts or pints. Or
der from your denier
or telephone
If your dealer does not handle
write us and we will furnish
the name of one who does.
VCrite for our Inrge map of the United States
sent free on application. Address Dept. J,
Mi . Wlnnlun' Nontliltm nip
hai bfrn used for over I'M FT Y YHAHM b 1
MILLIONS of MOTIIKHH for their (Mill I
I 'HUN Wllll.K THHTMINO. with I'KIt 1
I'KCT St'tVKSH IT SOOTH KH the (M 1 1 1 I)
(MMIKS WIND and Is the best rem
eily for niAHHIIOKA Sold bv druggist
111 every part of the world. He sure and
nsk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Svrup'
and take no other kind Twenty-live cmt
V 'r
W l
Floral designs!
Hollquel.H nn short or
ders. All the leading
roses ami carnations and
bulbous Mowers In season
KI.OH1STS riimi I MM
141 1 Kiiriinm st , oinaliu
Brewers and flottlers of l ine llccr.
South Omaha. Neb
iug and It will be well lo st
inflictive and Inexpensive
nf the year You cannot si
fHi e al which these are off'
Wi: offer this week the second In our siilcn of
beautiful .ill i ,ili ndiirs for P.M2 The llrst, our
'eiitury tilt 1". in;i --lill lie had. Hie hccoihI I" now
i..i.h for dlsl rlliiii Inn I'm want of a belter ii.iiih'
have dii Idi d in i ill thl one "Outing" h i aide title si ciiiv must il 'in In I In the ilnlnl and
i .nlMIc drawings Mm II pl ile In fiem a water color
p liming by Ml Mi Maude Slaiuiu. and all the delicate
mi nn m uiin ariiHiic in iiint-poere in iin m ikiiijiim iiiim
liei ii faithfully leproduced. Theie is no advei Using
I 1 these calendars, nothing more nor less Ihan
-hiiwil III the Illustration heieullh except the color
xx I 1 -1 1 are of course impossible of i epreducl Ion In
a half-tone We have secured a large number of
ibisc calendars, but the ileiuand Is steadily Incri'iis
ml In your orders as early at- possible. They will make
('In Hliuas gifts ami are most appiopilale nl this season
i nn ii. b i alcnd.iic ii ib an '.intiH for . M.fnl Htm". Hi.
r .1
Lost the Bet
Chicago Trltiumi: "Hollo Central''"
"How would you call 'Main, 'leven bun
died nnd 'leven?' "
"I'our ones?"
"What do you want?"
"Or would you say 'one, ono, one, one?' "
"I don't quite catch you. Say It ngaln."
"Or would It bo ono thousand one hun
dred nnd eleven?"
"Can't you speak plainer?"
"I'm asking you how to call Main o-iov-on
hun-dred nnd e-Iov-cn. Out that?"
"Oh, you mean ono, ono, double ono?"
"Horo It Ib."
"Hero what Is?"
"Main. one. ono, doublo ono,"
"Oh, I didn't want to talk to nnyhody. I
only wanted to find out to settle n hot, how
you would call that particular number. I've
lost. Good by."
Thori l no whlnliejr the
cnual nl pure man
wmnltey anil
In nliwiluti'ly tli" tlni't,
iiii'llounia unit mnt il"
llidiifid whltkejr in tho
Willow Spring
Distillery. Omaha.
12 Silk Pillow Tops
1 Sateen Pillow Top
1 Cry Baby Rag Doll
t him jum niii!li till r
ruiiw'i in nt wnli Ail tttl'ili'
MlIMm ih. Hiitfhn tinm.f id. ir I
litautiiiil n I'tii.'w li'pM itMii
frtt Himit wl.tiiliy j.. ii urn
oMltlllll.lM '.lll(t( 111 II 1)4 It ll-
diit iiiliiiiti t nt of )iuii own
IIIOIH 111 tlilH 4 oinfoit'loMht'
mrv On iv k m'iii(I n Ih.hh
Vitliolit llhciiJ loihil ltli.1 til
ati, iiii.l iiH-tnipitiiiik-' mtof
I'll'IWH, 'In tlltllMllli (' lilt M1 lltl
111.' LMimU null kh . Y-V W 111 UiW
I lil.wiut( ly I tp, (o Hli hk.i
vim will h II only the h of
our r'liiitnH (i1l nnl lntllt htlnii Imhi Z'iv nf n ji .ox,
li U'ltutirul iiiliilJitiirt' SI1.K' I'll. Uv loi s. nil nut
d"ikfht. I S 1 KI'.S A I IT I'll. LOW KH'tltkt'
tiiPil CUV ItWIV ltU I h H.Ik llit wt oilloM ti..Hit. i.ilnh .l
on fitru tlntt hilk lltiUhtil Hntt n, in UnuiMul oil oli.ii.
tltJit will ma ftilt. Tlify nn uoiktt of iiit.iitut n ritl itiii(l
111 attM lUM'l Illll otl 1 Mtlf It I llfcTH. Ijlttlltt Will llMOtl 11
tlt)'ti unM In v. hit Ii they ran l iim fur tit mi nine ur
I m wt m. Vrltt t'Mluv unit wt lll m nl the ih ) iimll
Httuilil. Wh.'iiH.M w h mtlioluntiey ill ii ninl v.v will
h.-lit the IS 111.1.' I W 1llS nt oiM-e. nil i lutl'tH -nU Wo
iillim :fiilnvH to ilUpoMt of tli Ih, l.ut If j on n ml int
tin money wlthtn out wi t k after n-t't ivlnw tin in, we will
Heml a CHV MMtV H'H.U whli-h will i.Ii hhomihI hiihik lie
lit tin folkH, ft4 an entia im inluin. I'm hw it tueiiiln r oii
wllU-. t I3HII.K 1'II.I.OW TOIS. I KXTl.rV I'll.lnW 1it,
nnl I t'UV It 1tV h,U etii. iy nt tl wril-e.), f i.r m (lintr
onlv lh' Imyi-h ttt At i t t'tiM a Ihiv in not hup
thlt irient oNii1iinlty iih it will Im wttliilrawn nn hm.h ha
tlx pillow t.H art tlioroiiulilv Intro.liirt .( AiIiIum,
NATXMEDICINECO.ArtDcpt.102 .NcwHavcn.Conn
Jl&mts Tfdntcd
or Mr. U n. JOHN A. I.OIJAN H lirnnil Ni w lluok
It re Trail the Innrr Mfe ami all ttif WomlTf til MfihU iml
ne nf nnr N'ttlontl ('ynltal Kiectitivt- Atlinlniitratlv.
Sclal ami l)fartmrnUlilncluliitht l,lvxif all the Trr!-
ilnU,ttii-irwvr ami ewty I,aiy oft hi White Home from
Wa-hlnjrtont HomevHt In nmaiilrlrt'nt llhutrstlnim (ir
natnuintfrt-fet t.liicntionftt value nnd rim 1. 1 aali It In the
alngof Ihm.kii 'louifii uixl vrotnrnvtt nlTtr untk at homa
tint ihi, a Imn.W that eU, irliulre t rrltnry an I lino
term- Frrluht i.ali) ami rrt-.lit Klvrti Ailir-
A 1. WUUTIIIMiT N .V t it., llurtforJ, t'onu
which nppenr from time to time
In The Illustrated Ilee. On Miiall
portrait cuts we make n nouilnil
prleo of $1 00. On larger cuts fi
cents per square Inch. They are
nil In flrst-clnsA condition.
Our phntoRrnphle departtnent
will also print additional copies
of our orlKlnnl photographs at
rmsonable rate.
The Bee
Publishing Co,,
Omaha, Neb.
i vi&amf . . m& ....
TIII'I nliove half-touii Ives but a faint idea of tho
llrHt page iIckIkii of the now "OiiIIiik" Calendar
for 1902. There are two other ileslcin In MIhh
Statntn'R happiest rnoml, and rather Iliiin alteinpt a
description wo have given cadi a iianie which will ion
vey to you Home idea of these i lever hIii IiIii,
"The Hunt for Happiness"
ttl tn t tm (i '1 tf 1l Keiiii.ii
"Bruin's Fate."
Tho "Outing" calendar Is uniform In sle and
style with tho "Century Olrl" and may he had upon
tho Fiimo terms Uou't forget the coupon and don't
wait until all are gone licfor. von order AddreH-.
I'rosont at lien Olllcu
or mall with lfc and got
this beautiful Art Calen
dar. When ordering by
1 1 1 a II mill 1c for postago.
i cr nni'Airmr.vr,
me i : im iiiiisii i.vti
('0 OMAHA.
The Bee Publishiuu Co., Omaha, Neb.