Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1901, Image 16

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    Playful Children and Their Pretty Pony Pets
j V !
Snap Shots by the Camera
At Little Equestriennes
Seen on Omaha Streets
l.ui 1st: im:i'K i' HKit i'iiw snoWHAU," -Photo hyn
Slillf flNl
W 1 fl
huownii: m:ss haum on iimt i'ony "immsky"-
I'linto by a .Slntf Artist
"I'M- I'OK I'ONY UCH T TIIH IUIOP nK II XT Phulo l u Stall
nzi:i. I'oun on in:u pony "kino" Photo by it stn
Art Int.
Photo by (i Sinn rllst
Stall Artist.
Gleanings from the Story Tellers' Pack
('O.M.Mi:uciAI, traveler well known
In thecjiio trade on both sldcH of
tlui A t In ttt le adds thlH to tlio col
let Hon of Jokes oil nowiy-muilo-happy
fatliora :
hero Ih tin' uiiiniifuciurcr of tin'
which tin' narrator sells, llelng
i oiiiH'lti'il to go away mi a business trip
aliotit thi time an Interesting domestic
i vi iu was expected, Iu left orders for the
mn ni' to lri li I in rtvulis according to tin
follow lug formula:
If a boy: "(loiitleiiian's safety nrrlvt'il."
If a Kill: "Lady's safety arrived."
Tim father's stale or iiiliul may bo im
agined when, a few ilaj'H lati'r, ho received
a i i'Ii'kiu in containing tlu oiii' word "Tail
ihlii." I, .an oiio Sutuulny night inn) of tlio WiihIi
tiiKtim ni'WHm)i'r oillci'H was put In tili
liluuii' I'oiiiiuiuiU'atloit "Ith tlio iohIiIl'ih'p of
Siii.iior Chauiicy M. Di'puw, whuro llio
Mi'iiiiiur'H illiini'i' to ma lo fi'li'iiili bi'forn
koIiik to Parirt to Kt't 'tiiarrlcil, was In
Iuoki-i SM.
"Ih tlllH ?"
Pi'iilx of lauttlittT 1'iiimi thlcl; ami fast
KMT thi wlro.
"fan you lull tun ?"
Moro latmlitor.
U 111 Miu nlcam) ?"
NntliliiK but laiiKhtor.
"I'untiy, ln't It?"
"Vory," It was tlio ucimtor'B volco at tlio
ti'li'iiliuno at laat.
"Was It yournT"
'"Oh, no, It was tin) iifi'sliltmt'B. Mo'
lierr. Not very kihhI, but wo all havo to
laiiRli, you Know. IU'bIiIch, 1 have not
a new mio for a. year."
Two yiiuni; ini'ii wit" through tlio Hrst iut
at a llustim tliontcr. tlion ailournt'l t a
ui'lKhborhiK tavern for rt'fri'Hliim'tu Tli
ai'tlui; wax bail, nn.l woubl li.i i'Miisi.I
tlir iini' of Htimutauts by any bin t In- pl.i
i'IH Wlh'ii about to ri'-i'litir llio ImiiI.Iimk
only oiii' roiihl proilm't' IiIh ictiirn rln-i l
"II'h all rlKllt." sulci ln of ilii rlii'i'K air
lly. "You ri'iui'tnbi'r liliu. He's with im
"Yi's." atiMWiTi'il tlio KiituKi rpor, more
iloubtfiil than pollto, "but ln nriy havt'
Klvi'li li's clii'i'U to soino otlii'r pi'r?on."
"Hut lin illtln't," wan tlio comlticltiK to
ply. "Ilo's a HtratiKiT Ihtp ami linsn't au
rni'iny In tlio city."
Tlic Kato oii'iiril wblt'
t'oli.iii'l It. IV KiTcim of St. Louis tells a
i-atiiiiiiKU JoKo In cniiui't'llait with Attorucj
It'll. nil IMwiuil Crowo anil tlu roci'iit Ml -cull
r I I'li'ctlous.
Mr frown In ail ummualtv Rnml epealiiT
ami sliiKularly frt'o fiotu uratorii-n I I'rrors.
Ilowi'vt'i'. at a poll l Ira I mi'otliiK one ulKlit
Inst fall ho ovi'rlnoki'il tlu similarity of his
naino ami that of the blnl with tlio harsh
iiuto, nml in a u effort to win his henri'm
"IVUow Cltlfens: Hear me for my
"'tie laiiKh that fol'oweil brolu up thti
Now that Amlms4iilur Clioaio has re
lurneil fiom "near tlr- eourt of St. James"
tlui following etory. amoim many other
about lilin, Is put In tireiilatlun by tlio
llrooUlyn KiikIo: A si'inl-state reception
was Ktveu at the nxbltriieo of a eertnln lor)
ami Mr. (Minute. In his "eourt ilrees" of
plain breiiilcloth, wns Inconspicuous In
eoiuparUon with the khI1 laceil nml InslKtiln
ilerorateil repreHentatlves of other coun
tries. When the nlt;ht was wauliiK one of the
ilepartlni; nuesis. whose InilulKem-e proba
bly miule lilin forKi't that KukIIkIi lackeys
in siuli oettisliuis wore the livery of their
"lllie. appruaiiioil Mr fMionte ami re
'liiesleil ll till to rail .1 tab The Hhpouse
was a blank stnre. I pmi bis repentltn; the
U'MUest, Won t ou rail me a cab. phase! '
Mr (Minute respomle.1 "Certainly, you'ro
a cub." limiKlne the InillKiiatlon of tlio In
fiilteil IMiKllsnian. who. upon making com
plaint to the host, wan nskeil. as a favor,
it point out the ol'iemler.
After a search throiiKh the ctowileil sa
lons the Kimllshninn was ipilte at the elbow
of .Mr. Choato when he eu-talineil : "That's
the man!" The whlspcrnl reply, "Why,
that's the rnlteil States ambaswnilor," was
heunl by Mr. Chente. Then a presentation
ami explanation of the unfortunate mlstnko.
Mr. (Mutate, In his eharaeteiistlr way, salil:
".My lord, the Kcntleninn neeil not feel nt
all ilisturbeil. I remember the circumstance
wry well. If the Kentleman hail Just been
n little more polite I fhniibl have culled
him a Minm-om cab." "
"HltlliiK ono nlKht In Chaiuberlaln's hotel
In WasliliiKton," ald Amos J. CunimlnK.
who has Just losumeil his Feat in congress,
"were John Mien, the MlFsslppl wit;
Senator Vest nml several other men of
mure or less national distinction, when the
couuTsatlon turned upon loliu musli.
Vest Is noted for his i-klll with the horse
hair bow. ami the upshot of the discussion
was thai he clmlleui.'ed me to ,i (m. on
the violin.
"1 Bent n servant around to a pawnshop
ami t?ot an Inr-tiiiuent which looked ns
If It had been used to ball out a boat.
Vest liiul a 'Strad' or a Oimrnarlus or nn
Ainatl. nnd ho plnu'd a selection by Vlcux
temps. It was highly classical nnd beau
tifully done.
"I tucked my old fiddle under my chin
nnd scrnped nway at The Arkmisaw Trav
eler ' I had not been playing for a uiltiuti
when twenty feet were keeping time to
the noise and several negro waiters wetu
doing Julius. Of course I won the prize,
but Vest said :
"'You're no violinist, Amos; you'io
nothing hut a measly fiddler.' "
It Is related that on the lust lour of
President McKInley In the south Andrew
Carnegie wns In tlio party, mid all were
asked to attend n negro church In Thomas
ville, Oa., whero n very fervid colored min
ister clllclated.
It is said that whenover a lull came In
the services tho deacons took up a collec
tion, but through hospitable motives avoided
passing the box to tho white visitors. The
old pastor nrose nt Inst And preached a ser
mon thnt was at the same time eloquent,
earnest nnd ridiculous preaching right at
the white folks, and his description of the
poverty of tho church wns so Impressive
that when tho deacons pactcd the contribu
tion boxes nround for the third time Mr
Carifgle Intercepted one ami dropped n J50
bill Pi the box.
The old prencher counted the contents.
When he hnd tlnlshed he placed a handful
of small change on one side and a crisp
'greenback on the other. Clearing his throat
he said:
"lit eddcrn. we has been greatly blessed by
dish yer contebutinn. We has henh fo' dol
Inlis an' fo'ty cents dnt Is good, nn' If do
llfty-dollnh bill put In by de whlto gemnien
wid de grny whlwkers Is nlso good, we Is
blessed n whole lot lr.ouli," and he looked
suspiciously at the giver of libraries.
"I nm sick mid tired," said tho cynic
to n Chicago Tribune man, "of hearing wlso
millionaires throw con-talk advice to am
bitious young men 'Don't watch th clock '
po more than you are paid to do.' 'Indus
try, thr fi and perseverance.' and all that
string of llsh. Tho young man of my ac
quaintance; who has made the most rapid
success In Ilfo owes his stnrt to a box In
a safety deposit vault.
"When ho first struck tho town ho had
enough money to go down nnd rent n 10
box for n year. He was wise enough to
pick out tho vault chiefly patronized by ex
tremely rich men, mid ho spent tlmo
enough sitting around to determine Just
when there was likely to be most of thorn
in the vaults.
"Then he got hold of about $1,000,000
worth of Confederate bomU, which ho kept
In his box, nnd when there was a ctowd of
mnr-Blghtcd mllllrtialres in tho place ho'd
get busy nnd clip coupons for nn hour ns
If It was a terrible bore. Ily nnd by ho
began to get on nodding terms with some
of the old boys with white chinchillas nnd
big bnnk accounts.
"l-Mnally. when he had worked It up for
several nunths and was getting down closo
to his last dollar, he called on tine of his
old sufet) deposit vault friends nnd struck
him for n Job. The old man looked at him
for n moment over the top of his glasses
nml Mutt, uonL'n tut
" llln kpiv I'll MPPIl vnn nvnr nt 11,
safety deposit vnults, haven't I?'
"The young man ndniltted tho charge, and
was given employment a fow weeks later nt
n t-nlary of $mo a week to start with. Ho's
n partner In the tlrm now. Of courso the
box wouldn't have done him any good If ho
hadn't been able to mako good, hut there
nro plenty of J20 a week clerks In this town
right now who could put up Just ns rich a
front ns ho if they only had a chance.
"Perseverance nnd thrift nre nil right In
the rural districts, but when It comos to
this man s town you'vo got to get next to
tho right people, and It tnkes n smnrt man
to do that in n couple of years."