TTTTC OMATIA DAILY JVEE: Sf'XPAY, DEClttlBTCTl 15, 101. i a The Only Perfect Holiday Bazaar in the city. It don't take a fortune to buy your holiday gifts here. Everybody Ihih Homebody to make happy with u holidn.v present (his year. Pi.i.ii.'it.u vim ifimuv iw.i'lmiiM vim fiiii'f tniiU'( iin vour mind iust what to buy. Either way wo can help you. There's an Inspiration In tho morn net of walking through our plnco. Hero I nlmiM everything nn.l It In In such a wny you scorn to fool Instinctively Unit tho old folks would llko this, tliiit tho llttli; ones wnliM he awfully plcnucd with that and tho other would Just Hull your very best friend, ., , ..... ,.,. ,. The way things nro priced makes Klft-RtvlriR n plonsuro Instend of a Imrden. Wo hnvo mndo It possible for your money to go no fnr this yenr that wo nro Interested In oery ono or your pros cnls, And It Is beam of our Immense stock, Its mngtllllcent diversity and our own price tlmt our store Is today tho only perfect holiday bazaar In tho city. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS i hi mar i iiTiiifiTirrfT r-rrmmmmm 0MKT fHJJrmlTB - . miHiRD m Open Evenings Until Christmas Hiindt Claim will hold si reception every evening n nil will present, handsome souvenirs to children accompanied by their pnrentH. Dress Patterns lire sensible lioliday iftH. We are offer ing Homo extraordinary values that are sure to attract vou. Dress pa! terns at 1.75, $2.f.)S, attract you. f.tl8 and $1.1)8. A full dress pattern of mitln soiled, Indies' cloth, tnohnlr Jne fliwrdu, serge, i-liovlot or hotirlottii, - n Mnok mill colors. JL jf til Kull ilrttM pnttnniM of cheviot, golf lndlon' cloth, nut In Hollrl, prunella oloth, etc, In btuek mid ntfilM. III..... ... . V..n ir,. mitiorn f most s.-leot styles III black dress goods. Including Molniw, Annun-. prunella cloth, clay worst"!, Kranlto elotli Full iu"liUp"rVVir"nnn Vmi.V Bkln. brolothH. pobhlo Cheviot and Scotch Cheviot, tweeds AQ prunella cloths. Mohair granites, nil high Hb 30 waist ;in e,,,. Silrff itt.ti.Mt . 3.7B ;'-r' for co,,,,,,ll lorn. cloth, storm serges, 2.98 ck dress goods, 3.98 Holiday Handkerchiefs In the. new handkerchief department. BR A I THIRD FLOOR. Immense bargains in line imwiKcmutMN from our great purchase of 20,000 from ,1. I' JVVhite & Co. 1,000 Dozen Handkerchiefs at Sc Holes' line, uuallty pun. Irish llnon hemstitched handkerchiefs gnrt mon'ti plain mid fancy colored border handkerchiefs, worth up to K.e, go t 20c lliiiuluorchlefs. 10c Udlcs1 nnd men's puro linen handkorchlefs, nil widths of hem ptltchlnKi nlwo fancy embroidered hand- - korchlefs, worth 'Mc lVJKm t 125c lliimlkcrclilcfs, T.ji mill mnn'H nlalli and fancy 15c 15c handkerchiefs, It linen embroldercii. nno Hiieer iium tltchcd nil Irish linen hamlkerchlofs, worth 2fc, nt AOc Hamllcorcl.lcfH, 2Rc tAflleH" nnd men'H llnest Imported hnndkurchlofs, fcnndHomely embroidered. Kroiich revered bandkerchlefs, plain and fancy llk hand kerchlefM, ;reat variety of styles, worth too. nil linen, 25c - t tilt it tlniti ii.-..rt-lilL-fs. B')z ti ml (Jc pearly 300 ntylM of blKh class hamlkerchlofH very handsomely hand work embroidered; also vnlenclennes Inco trlmmi-l, IneludhiK convent made. i j Jaundored nnd unluundered handkerchlefH, OC Vorth U.OO, nt IIANDKKUCIIIKFS Men's Plain nnd fancy brocaded Mlk mulllcrs. In blnck. whlto nnd hundreds worth J 1.00. at of fancy colors, many 49c Chatelaine Bags-Purses Wo havo a very choice nssortment of flno pocket books, tho latest enstem novelties nnd fnilM. mndo of tho best leather tho world affords, hucIi iih horn- ck nlllKntnr, senl, Uusslan, morocco and vomplro. prices raiiRo from 75o to Bplondld nsHortmeut of hnndsomo c.hntelaluo bncs, beautiful bended effects, oxydlzed silver and Hold frames, at 9Sc. $1.18. I'J.CO, $3,75 nnd leainer mo $10 $5 SHppers for Christttias Uidles' kid 0-strap wimliils nnd f nn patent leathor l)-strap tmndnbi I. O Iadlen' 1, 2 nnd 3-strnp snuilnls at 89c, 1.50, 1.98, 2 50, $3 lulles' cross Htrap snnilaU, Jet and iiteul trlmmlnKB . 2.50, $3, 3.50, $4 Ijidles' boudoir slippers 98c, 1.50, 1.59 IjiiIIoh' felt Hllppers 75c, $1, 1.25 1.50,. "COLONIALS" 10 different Blylcs nt, it pair $5.00 Men's Holiday SHppers Men's holiday slippers, In leather, vnlvut and folt, iilaln and fnncy trimmed, drill mid chamois nklu lined, In black, tan, wtnn and red, In operas, Hvo rets and milliners, nt, pair 59c, 75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50 2,373 Fashionable Fur Garments On Sale Tomorrow A New York furrier's entire stock, sold by order of the court and bought by us at a g reat discount, will be placed on sale tomorrow This is a rare opportunity to secure a fine seal skin jacket or a. splendid fur piece at a very low price. We secured them for considerably less .than they originally cost the makers and offer them at a slight margin in order to hasten the selling. Clou sidcriiitf the propriety of furs for holiday gifts, the weather and these prices we .cannot be amiss in anticipating a great fur sale. Ono XXX seal skin Jaokot. 22 Inches lonR selected skins, worth $200. $C)Q r"11 ,ron,H' W(,rl1' ,ri' 011 R"IlJC) 5Q Ono XXX real skin Jacket, vory select, lino furrier's satin HiiImk. worth tHOCJ wo, tor rpio Ono fine Krlnimer Jacket, perfect color nnd shadltiK, new Huapc, worth $05, Klectrlo seal Jackets with marten collars. I-arKo cluster senrfs In nstrachan. atono marten, Imitation marten, diuo iox, eic, thlH Includes mnny odd lots; vulucs rango up to $CuO, choice -J OA Nenr neal Jackets, with Kcnulno Intnl. collars nnd reveres nnd cuffs, worth $rr, nt l'crslan for $29 for Ono XXXX Persian lamb Jacket, Ioiik, lined with furrier's satin, worth JIM), for $59 21! InchcH $45 I.arKo full black muffs, mndo of nil populnr furs, Including nenr senl, mnrtcn, Imltntlon Nenr seal Jackets, very select, with new mono marten, eic. many rw iw ,.. i. , . ...i.i.. rn ,u worth $7. choice of tho lot W S reveres, worth $M, for. $35 Two lino Persian Innib Jackets, mink collars nnd roll fronts, now style, worth ', nt i:lcctrle seal capes, SO Inchm loni;, heavy rntln llnliiK, full wccp, worth $20, Just a blendi'd few of thoHe, choice, "my .7,50 Children's fur sols of anRorla nnd Inmbs' wool. InrKo collarette and muff, with nllt pocketbook und ribbon streamerB, nt 08c, $l.r.0. $1.2.1 Oft M. Ono Bllver benver enpn, .10 Inches fnncy satin HiiIiik, worth 10 r $12 tuul $1S Automobiles ami Short Jackets. jjil.08 Choice of 100 of our now ntitotnnblloi tlmt uro 3B Inches nnd 42 Inches. Inim. with storm collars, In black, brown, catnr nnd reds, nlso nn Imu.ciise nssortment of short Jackets that are considered the nwell Jacket In New York City, mndo of kerseys, cheviots, meltons, etc , nil of them silk lined throughout, every A Q ono of them mnn tnllored und Kiinr- c2L9A anteed perfect llttliiB, Ko on sale nt Astrnchnn enpes, fine silk fur, Kiinrnnteed loiik'. llnlnK, $S0 values, Juat u few of these, 47.50 r.?:: $15 and Plush enpes, 30 Inches lonit, bouelo, fur edKcd, seal plush and Rolf, worth up to $10, nil go ut flnn curly 2.98 Women's $15, $17.50, S20 Automobiles and Raglans at $9.98 lndo of various ma terials of extra good quality, in all col ors, Btorin and volvot collars, strap stitched, guaranteed lining, Q Q choice of lot only 0 Women's Tallor-Mudc Suits, worth up to SIS, at $7.51) The variety Is extensive tho inateriulB Include every desirable fabric, nnd tho rntmo of colors Is very broad also tho rauo of styles blouses, ctons, unci Norfo ks t.redomlnato n row aro extreme dijich. Thoy nro worth In a reRiilnr way fully 312.GO nnd $1C we offer you tho choice of this nplcndld assortment of nulta ut... 7.50 Biggest Toy Department in Omaha is on ottr 3rd Floor Never before was there such a display of Holiday (ioods at such prices as One gigantic floor all arrayed in Holiday attire, only Uoston Store can make. Toy pianos nt 49c, 75c, 98c Kid body dolls with open mid shut eyen, curly llowliiK hair, ut 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c Trnbisof nil kinds, 250 49c 5mLSFS IirRo lnundry Rets ui Doll furnlturo nt. n sot 10c, 15c, 19c Hobby horses nt 98c, 1.25 Iron express wnsons nt 75c, 98c, 1.25 Ci.mics of every descrip tion, all the new names oi mis sennon m- Klno dressed dolls nt 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c, 98c A full lino of trunks nt, nil mndo with tray 25c to $1 Children's picture, books ut, each 5c, 15c, 19c, 25c Hoys' story books nt, each 39c, 49c I'opulnr bound books, at, each 5c, lUc, 15c, 25c, 50c ...5c 25c 3c, 5c, 10c Children's; chairs ut, eneh 10c, 15c, 25c Tin horns nt, up from Iron toys, flro enslnes, ete, up from f'brlslmnB treu ornaments, ut, eneh Children's dressers, bureaus, chiffoniers, wash Htiiuds, etc., nn nt. each 25c, 50c, 75c, 98c MiikIo lanterns, up from 25c Oood onk tnblo, lurK" size 39c Tool chests, each from ... ,25c up 10c, lOC, 25c, Mr rifles, tho best. 98c 1 25 2.50 Fashionable Clothing for the little men. Parents enjoy fcoIiir their youiiR hopefuls well dretwed. NothlnK bIvcs them Krcntor plcasuro than tho uatUfaotlon of knowing their children look well. Our special offerings In boys' clothlnR makes It possll.lo for pcoplo of limited mentis to clotho their Ioh In tho I.oIkIiI of fashion. Till: APPUOACIUNa IIOLIUAY3 and tho Kenernl demand for flno togs makes this sulu doubly attrnctlvo. Children's Top Gouts uml Reefers Mndo of hoavy oxford cheviot, beavers nnd kerseys, - jjj" nKs a to 12. worth up to $3.00, J speclnl sulo prlco Ghilureu's ltusslim am! Sailor Hlouse Suits, Vestoe anil Doiihlo llreasteil ults Tho llnoHt ifnlshed suits for children, hkch 3 to Ifi yenrs, In all tho now tyles und pntteriia. Many nro sainpies ana re.reent tho oxtremo novelties. They nro worth $5.00 nnd JC.OO, nil on snlo Mondny, nt Chillis' Suits, Volte Overcoats, Top GontH nnd Reefers In tills assortment you will II ml tho vory llnest sailor nnd Itusslan blouse suits and overcoats 3 i.u N'urfnlk uml doublo breasted Btyleii, nnd extra quality chinchilla rectors and flno kersoy nnd melton top coats and ovorcoats. Thcuo nro nil ex ceptionally nno made KiirtnontH nnd A wo offer you the choice of tho lot J nt Men's Full Yoke Overcoats $10.00 We claim this is the best overcoat ever offered by any house in Omaha for 10, and a personal ex amination will convince you of the fact look at the cost see the style tho way it hangs the fullness at the bot tom, the broad military shoulders and the vertical pockets. Hvcry coat is U) inches long. They are made of the llnest materials, in dark and medium shades, all perfect ly tailored- ut HO Watches, Clocks and Silverware Very Special Bargains for Monday. Sample plcccn of quadruple pinto silver ware from W. A. ltoKern, consisting of tea potB, suRar bowls, creamers and spoon holdoni, shaving uiukb, tobacco Jars, tooth brush holders, syrup pitchers, napkin rings und droiser ornaments of divers descrip tion, every pleco warranted, all go nt about half price. New Haven clocks, wnrrantcd beautiful gold finish with cnmlolabrns, at 1!.'J3, $3.!iS and correct timekeepers, 5.00 New Haven clocks, olght-day, strikes tho half hour and the hour, with cathedral gong, boautlful enameled steol cases In blnck, grny, groeu nnd ivory, warranted for flvo years, go nt I 98 and Ladles' O slzo ennmolod watches, with pearl setting, 15 Jewel movement at Ladles' O slzo wntches, 14k. filled boas ense, stamped and warranted flno American movement, nt 5.98 9.98 9.98 Ladles' O size watches, Ilk. filled boss enses, with If, Jewel Klgln or Wultlium moveml'Ut, worth a0.00 ut Iloya' wntches In nlckol, gun mutul nnd gold lllled-nt from 14.98 sterling sliver, 98c to $12 Ladles' beautiful rings, solid gold, set with rubles, emeralds und opuls at $1.25, $2.50, $3.98 and $5.00 Wo havo nn Immense assortment of everything per taining to the line of silver tnblownro for every occasion nnd overy purpose, everything from u dessert spoon to n chaffing dish, our prices represent n saving of thlrty-throo por cent. Manlcuro and toilet nrtlcles of every description, Includ ing files, cuticle knives, button hooks, shoo horns, tooth bruhes, darners, etc., nil beautiful sliver mounted, "holce of this splendid as sortment, worth doublo our prlco, at 25c Open Evenings Until Christmas Kant a Clans will hold a reception every evening and will present handsome souvenirs to children accompanied by their parents. Holiday Silks Our line of silks is the handsomest in the city and includes new foulards, Cheney Uros.' satin and twill foulards, now crepe do chine, new satin humineux und new black and fancy grenadines. A silk pattern makes a good sensi ble present. We are offering extra values to the lioliday buyers. Fancy Velvets Now bottlovnrd corduroy volvot, printed wnrp velvets, now dots, hulrllno stripes, white nnd ft -f blnck novelties, also high grado silk crolsu velvets, I worth J1.C0 u yurd, ut Silk Waist Patterns Over .'100 stylos to select from, In- ciuuing nuvnnco spring styles, worth up to (2.00 yard, 3 nnd 4 yards In n pattern, at 2.98 l)res Patterns of black uc.-ui do solo, now Hoft mellow finish, puro silk, 22 Inches wide, gunrnnteed -v -v m to wenr, worth J1.3f. a yurd. 12 ynrds to thn 74 pattern, for v-' SILKS ON BARGAIN SQUAKK-Plnln nnd fancy sllka, blnck nnd colored, 27-Inch tnffotns, corded all silk taffetas. 3fi-ln. wnshnblo china silks, heavy llnlug satins, black nnd colored bro cades, new, pretty foulards, at 49-67V2c 98c Visit Our New Kid Glove Dept. $1.50 Kid Cloves at HSc A new lot of high class kid gloves will bo Bhowti Monday for tho first time. Such well known makes ns Frances, Ileauty, Andre, Cznr, Oxford nnd Kmpress of 1 nil la. In black and nil colors, Including evening shades, every pulr guaranteed, nnd worth regular $l.r0, go at, pair At 11.50 and $1.03 paJr wo nre showing tho very best kid gloves Imported, such makes iib Carmen, Majestic nnd Juvln. These wero Imported by us especially for this holiday trade. They como In all sizes, In black nnd nil colors. Including excluslvo novelties, regulnr prlco up to $2.50, go at, pair Ladies' Christmas Neckwear in our new Neckwear Department 1100 fnncy silk boas marto of llborty illk nnd chiffon In black, whlto nnd all colorn, worth up to $ t.00 eneh, no In lots, U .. Ladles' fnncy Imported nnd domnstln tllk ueckwenr, In automobile ties, wldo and narrow silk senrfs, fnncy labeaux, nil colorn of silk stocks, over 150 styles, go nt 1.98-1.50 .98c, 1.50, 1.98 25c,5Oc,98c,1.50,1.98 Travelers' Outfits Toilet Cases Traveling outfits for men, a great variety of styles, from lie to $15.00. Wo offer n upeelnl In traveling outfits, consisting of military brushes, clothes brush, lint brush, soap box, tooth brush und holder, mirror, comb, lllo, cutl clo knife, etc., In lenther enso $7 value, at 3.98 f-nrgn slzo ebony mirrors. French doublo glass, heavy sterling silver trlminlnga, nt 'JSc, $1. t'J and . 2.50 lleautlf ul tollot cases, storllng silver mounted combs and brushes, vory flnost bristle stock, beau tiful outfit, nt 3.98 Lnrgo assortment of sterling silver mounted mirrors, combs, cloth anil hat brushes on nalo nt a Having of nenrly half. Wo havo nn lmmonso lino of tollot ennos nnd manlcuro cases, ranging In prlco from 98a to $20 Holiday Goods In the llasemcnt On account of tho grent crowds thnt throng our third floor wo hnvo placed In tho basement lmmonso special bargains In toys nnd holiday goods. Ono big counter of nil kinds of tollot cases, brush nnd coral. tiots, boxes, mirrors nnd fancy goouu of every description everything on tho counter nt Ono big lot of framed pictures of every description, worth ?5.00 each, on ono hlg countor at Ono big tablo of nil kinds of ojialcBcent waro, worth up to $1.35 each, cholco of ontlro table, bottles, worK boxes, toilet cases, cigar cases, everything on tho tablo nt , uunstmas tree candles, nil sizes, per box Christmas Cards in Basement Choice of all of our fancy Christinas cards thnt gonerally sell nt 10c. J.C go ai Ono big lot of regular 50o Christmas cards, at Ono big lot of fancy cups nnd saucers, worth 50c a set, go at, por set BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE 98c 1.25 up to $1.35 15c 10c 10c ; r 2c f nt lc