ctuti: TDivruvr iimnm'' TI i t t . f T" . TT-J.- Go:i t riiir. rruLMiu Tire uiV Ain ij tiic pi aw Hip f itiii pn t nur - I'diii'iitlmi liini t'lu'tlonnl I'lnM In WyiiHire Artlllury. (From n Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 12. (Special.) The first shipment of boohs under tho Nebraska traveling library system will be sent to Llalr. It will be ono of tho twenty-five- I or mom Independent traveling libraries J that will soon bo started on their way around tho reading circle, which extends over practically tho cntlro state and In cludes about thirty towns or villages'. Hooks aro now being purchased by thu commission and It Is likely that the system will bo In good working order within tho next few wtcks. As Illalr was the first town to apply for the reading service It will bo the first accommodated. "Wo want tho people of tbo state to un derstand the work and tho object of the ( Library commission," said Miss I'dna Mul lock, secretary, today. "Tho Intention of tho framers of tho law which created tho commission was to encourage the founding of libraries and to Improve the adminis tration of those already established and to aid In every way possible the educational development of tho state by helping tho people to tho denlro for more and better books. The law whs passed at tho solicits- j tlon of the Nebraska federation of Women's Clubs, the Nebraska Library association, the Nebraska Teachers' association and friends of library extension, nnd education' throughout tho state. CmiiiII t Iiiiim of (lie I.oiiim. "The commission In required to collect j lausucs oi uie iiurarius oi tne state nnci to report to tho governor all facts that It deems of public Interest. The law also provides that tho commission shall, when nsked, give advlco nnd Instruction to all libraries or Individuals and to nil com mitters which may proposn to establish libraries as to tho best means for estab lishing, organizing and administering such libraries, nnd In selecting and cataloguing books and other duties of library manage ment. Tho commission Is authorized to loan any books, collections or other prop erty It may possess to any library, college, school, university oxtonslon center, chnu tauuun clrclo, literary vsoclety, study cluh or other association approved under tho rules. Tho transportation charges, both ways, as well as all expenses connected with the. local distribution of tho books, must bo paid by the borrowers. Thcso ex penses must bo nrranged for by tho appli cants to whom tho library Is loaned. No fee can bo charged for tho uo of tho books, but voluntary contributions may bo Bollcltcd from borrowers and tho raonoy l.o cillccted may be used toward defraying tho local expenses Incurred. "Application for traveling libraries or1 for tho special loan of books on n particu lar subject should bo addressed to tho secretary. Tho commission desires to make tbo rules governing tho loan and uso of tho traveling libraries so simple that, thoy will offer no obstacles whatovor to tho froo uso of tho books. Any study club do siring a few books on n subject may se cure such books If the commission Is ablo to supply them. Tho residents of a com munity aro entitled to tho freo uso of any traveling library loaned to tho community by tho commission. Hooks sent as special loans may bo used solely by tho associa tion or tho, lndU'lduaf to whom the loan Is made. How CnmmnnKlPM Mny Co-opcrnto. "To carry tho law Into effect, tho legis lates appropriated $4,000. This sum Is so small In comparison with tho work con templated by tho law that only n few trav eling libraries can bo purchased during tho first biennial period, unless tho citizens of Nebraska como to tho afd of tho commls- j slon aH the citizens of Wisconsin and other states have done, and glvo tho commission travollng llbrnrleB to bo used for tho benefit of tho peoplo of the state. The commission Is ready to make any community that will add a traveling library to tho system about lo be put In operation a permanent travel ing library station. Tho call for travollng libraries Is so great that It will bo Impos llblo to servo everybody who applies. "Tho commission Is ready to receive Klfts, clthor of book or monoy. Corre spondent with tho secretary will enable donors to ascertain tho needs of tho com mission. Hound volumes or unbound num bers of standard magazines such as Har pers', Munsey, Ladles' Homo Journal, Youths' Companion and St. Nicholas aro particularly nccoptablo. Thoy will bo sent with tho travollng libraries to communities whero nucli Uteraturo Is vory scarce. Tho secre tary will arrango for their transportation to Lincoln." Compulsory ICilnrnt Ion I.nrr. Superintendent Kowler has received num erous Inquiries recently regarding tho com pulsory education law which was passed by tho last legislature. Tho act was drafted by a non-partisan and non-sectarian com mittee, In which tho leading nationalities and the Roman Catholic, Lutheran and , Trotcstan churches wore equally repre sented. Today Mr. Fowler was asked whethor attendance at a aorman school ex cuses a pupil from attending tho public school. In response to this and othor sim ilar Inqulrlos Mr. Kowler has made tho following official ruling: "In answer to tho question I will say that that portion of tho law' requiring at toudauco at a public day school shall not apply In nny cbbo whore' tho child lsfor a time equal to that required by said law In structed lu' somo private or parochial Bcbool, but In case exemption Is claimed on account of attendance at a private or parochial nchool, an provided In tho compulsory at tendance law, or on account of suitable In struction elsewhere, as provided In said law, tho authorities of tho prlvato or paro 14 Ijome Soaps 1 1 pl J ik I Eat and Destroy the fibers of I H .mWvJ'r-Wm tue clothes they are intended to clean. I I W m(udc2na II V HUBPHHHHHi H 1 1 U S ULldUSC 11 13 ail UUSUIUICIV H H.H7 aHflH neutral span, made of Purified Ox- H MHH Gall and prime edible beef suet. lit LLBmmi makes colored goods bright, leaves H I fmKLmmmU woolens and flannels like new. Ideal HVV flHB for and bath as well as for H HI 7-1 in -"BBB laundry. Removes spots and stains. H HI jBHKWHB SOLD EVERYWHERE. H HI k hHHH Cudoma Primer sent free on request. H i ILi jflBVBH THB CUDAHY PACKING CO., H lhHIlBHVBBnVVH Oman. .JCaaj City. Hj BBmjWBKHwWjWMwBMLWjWmmmwm .Hi i I r if . chial school so attended, or the person giv ing elsewhere such Instruction, must be per sens competent to give Instruction In the studies required to be taught In tho public srhools cf the district In which such chil dren havo their legal residence, and such Instruction must be given In the studies re quired to bo taught In the course of study as adopted by tho local public school board, by and with the consent of the county su perintendent, Tho legislature has specified but a single subject that must be taught In the public schools of this state, viz., physi ology aud hygiene, with special reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks and nar cotics upon the human system. Other sub jects are left to the district school boards, who shall havo the power to cause tho pupils to bo taught In such branches und classified In such grades or depart ments as may seem best adapted to a course of study which th school board of any dis trict shall establish by and with tho con r.ent of tho county superintendent. There fore, any prlvato or parochial Instruction not meeting these replilroments Is not meet ing tho provisions of our compulsory at tendance 'law, and any person having legal or actual control of a child or children sub ject to the provisions of this law who shall violate or fail to comply with tho provisions of said law shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a flno of not Icsb than $5 nor more than 23." Metiti'iinnt MrKlnnry In Cnmnmntl. My tho order Issued yesterday postponing tho election of a captain for tho battery of artillery at Wymore', Lieutenant Alfred McKlnney Is authorized to assumo com mand at tho expiration of the term of Cap tain Murdock. Captain Murdock will In voice nil property nnd records for which he Is responsible nnd will transfer them to Lieutenant McKlnney on December 14, the day his term expires. No explanation Is mado at military headquarters of the action taken yesterday by which tho election Is postponed other than that an Investigation will bo made. So far as can be learned no specific charges havo been mado agafnst either candidate, but there. Is a bitter fac tional feeling In the battery and tho state authorities thought It best to sift the mat ter to tho bottom nnd If possible prevent any disruption In the ranks. 'VnUr Ontlin of Miller. Tho oaths of office of Supremo Judge elect Sedgwick and Kegcnt-eloct Krnst were filed today In tho secretary of state's ofllco and certificates of their election have been mailed to them In accordance with tho law. Judge Sedgwick will bo sworn In ns Judgo at tho first sitting of tho supremo court after Jnnuaty 1. Governor Savago today appointed John T. Uarrlman of Cincinnati, O., commissioner of deeds for Nebraska. ELECTRIC LIGHJ FOR PIERCE Knri-Kitli' Clflsnm Clnli ToKiMhrr mill inline Mnnrj- for Illiimlun. (Ion rinn. nnnCR, Neb., Doc. 12. (Special.) Plerco buslnoss men havo decided to hnvq electric lights. This question has been agU tnted over slnco tho town voted tho water works bonds last summer, but only a few weeks ago was any work done toward rals lng funds for the project. A stock company has been formed by citizens, who ngreo to loan tho town $5,&00 to pay for the plant. Tho oBlcers aro: Benjamin Lindsay, presi dent; Woods Cones, vlcrf president; A. L. Ilrando. secretary; L. A. rohlmann, treas urer. A committee consisting of Ilonjamln' Lindsay, II. II. Mohr, D. L. Upton and J. A. Van Wagenen has been appointed to draft articles of Incorporation. JURY SAYS NOT GUILTY Andrew Frabnrg, Chnrtred irlth Srll tiiK MorlKKRPil Property, U Acquitted. YORK, Nob.. Dec. 12. (Special.) For three days District Judge Sorenbcrger has been trying tho caso of Nebraska against Andrew Fruburg, a York county politician and well known farmer, who was charged with selling mortgaged property. At noon today tho Jury brought In a verdict of not guilty. POULTRY EXHIBITION OPENS Clny County Illril l'nuolrm Ilolit An- nunl Show nt Clny , Center. CLAY CENTER. Nob.. Dec. 12. (Special.) Tho annual exhibition of tho Clay County Poultry association opened yesterday with a largo attendance. Thero aro fifty ex hlbltors, showing 600 birds, being tho larg est display over mado In Clay Center. Judges Harris and Larson aro making tho awards. Pioneer to Meet at Lincoln. BROWNVILLE, Nob., Dec. 12. (Special.) Tho annual mooting of tho Nebraska Ter ritorial PlonocrB' association will bo hold nt University chapel, Lincoln, Tuesday, Jan uary 14, at 2 p. m. The officers of tho as sociation will bo, elected at this mooting and general arrangements mado for the In terests und advancement of tho organiza tion. HIlKht "Wreck on MlRxnurt Pnclfte. NEBRASKA CITY. Dec. 12. (Special Tel egram.) Tho Missouri Pacific passenger trnln ran Into tho rear end of a freight In tho local yards this morning, resulting In tho wrecking of a way car and somo damage to tho onglno of tho passenger train. No ono was Injured. Wnnt filenvllle Appointed. GRAND ISLAND, Nob.. Doc. 12. (Spe cial.) Friends of R. C. Glenvlllo are en deavoring to secure his appointment on the supremo court commission, ,to succeed Judge Sedgwick. Two Incite of Snow nt North I.onp. NORTH LOUP, Neb., Doc. 12. (Special.) Two Inches of snow fell yesterday and last night, and It Is still snowing this morning. The tempernturo Is moderate THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FKTDAT, DECEMBER 10, 1001. BUFFALO COUNT! SUICIDES Jeli a ljMur tf Ksiraiy and Mn. Hautd of EtTtisa. TAILOR DRINKS AND INHALES CHLOROFORM llnllrnnd Mnn' Wit I.rnps Into the Loup I.onellnpKK nnd Xerrona ness IJrlre to Self-De- trnetlon. KEARNEY, Ncb Dec. 12. (Special Telo- gram.) Two eases of suicide were reported to tho authorities hern, today, tho victims being John Seymour, n Kearney tailor, and Mrs. A. L. Ilasard of Ravenna. John Seymour, an old resident of this city nnd a tailor by trade, wns found dead iu his shop nt 3:30 this afternoon by Chief of I'ollco Tyndall. To nil appearances ho had'comlilttcd sulcldo by taking chloroform, as ho was found with his face placed over u tin cup, which had been filled with a woolen cloth saturated with chloroform and ho placed a towel over his head and face, so that nono of tho funic could escape. Ho procured four ounces of the fluid this morning nt 11 o'clock, saying ho Intended to use It for cleaning clothes, then loft tho drugstore, entered his shop and closed and locked tho door. Seymour had evidently drunk some of the fluid and the rest ho had Inhaled. Sey mour was C3 years of ago and had lived in this city since 187". Ho had married a Miss Willis, but was divorced after two years. He led a lonely Hfo Driinim In l.oup Itlvor. Mrs. A. L. Hnsard of Ravenna, Neb., committed sulcldo this morning at that place by drowning herself In tho Loup river. Mr. Hnsard Is a railroad man In the employ of the Ilurllngtpn. Ho aroso this morning at G'SO to start tho flro and found his wifo had arisen before, him and left tho houso In tho direction of the river, whlthor ho ,wns able to track her In tho snow. They led him to the mllldam oh tho Loup river, about four blocks from their house, Her shawl lay upon tho bank and ho at onco surmised sho had thrown hnrsclf Into the water. Ho returned to town, gavo tho alarm and then began a search for her body, which was found nfter daylight about fifty feet below the spot where hor shawl had been left, Tho cause of sulcldo was pro- sumed to be on account of nervous trouble, from which sho had been h great sufferer. Sho wnc CI years of age. HUMBOLDT SALOON IS CLOSED Court Ordern City Council to Hc- rokr Henry Meyer'n License. HUMBOLDT. Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) Tho saloon cases camo up for action again this week, when tho district court Issued n mandamus directing tho city council to rc- voko tho llccnso Issued to Honry Meyer. Tho council promptly mot In special ses sion and took action In nccordanco with tho Instructions of the court. Humboldt thcrc- foro has only ono saloon open now, but It Is Imposslblo to predict with accuracy how long ths condition of things may continue. Xfn Suit for Pun tor. YORK, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.) Rov. II. C. Green, pastor of the Baptist church, was surprised by his congregation at his homo lost evening with a now suit of clothes nnd a new hat. Mrs. Orccn re ceived a now drcBS. During tho short tlmo Rev. Oreen has lived hero ovor fifty members havo been added to the church. IMPLEMENT MEN ADJOURN Scullion Clone After ICIertlna Officer mid Dec 1(1 In h: nn Next Yenr'a Mcctlnit I'lncc. SIOUX FALLS, S. D Dec. 12. (Special Telegram.) At today's session of tho Im plemcnt men, which was tho final one, Sioux Falls was selected os tho placo for holding tho next annual meeting. It will bo hold during tho first half of December. 1002. Tho exact dato Is to be selected by tho directors of tho association. M. D. Thompson of Ver mlllon was olected president for tho en suing year. W. S. Hill of Alexandria was ro-olected secretary and treasurer. Flvo vlco presidents, n board of directors and tho membors of tho various standing committees wero also selected. After an oxecutlvo ses sion tho convention adjourned without day. flontli Ilnltota Incnrpnrntlnni. PIERRE, S. D Dec. 12. (Special.) Theso articles of Incorporation havo been filed: ' Tomblon Land company, nt Pierre, with a capital of $500,000. incorporators: K. D. Cooloy, J. R. FlruiHtone und L. L. Stepncns. Lujo Creek Gold nnd Copper Mining com pany, nt llrltton. wlth.n capital of $1,000,000. Incorporators: S. I). Pumpcllv. S. K, Pum tiolly. E. D. Unrcolnw. N. J. Mortenson, a. V. McArthur nnd M. P. McArthur. Alexandria lodgo No. 11, Ancient Order of United Workmen. Trustees: V. D. Knanp. W. 8. Hill nnd li. P. Gregory. Mount Aetna Mining- and Milling com pany, nt Keystone, Mth n capital of $500. 000. Incorporators: John S. Mattes, .Elmer K. Axford. Matt It. Talllem and Oeorgo A. Clnrk. Gafl Belt Land nnd Abstract company, nt Pierre, with n cnpltal of $10,000. Incorpora tors: Thomas It. Ayrcs, John I. Newell and Shermnn Trask. A 11 nil Precedent. BEATRICE, Neb.. Nov. 80. To the Editor of The Heo: In your Issue of The Dally Heo for tho 28th Inst, thero appeared an edi torial under tho nbove heading which seems to havo been received with very genorul approval by tho reading public. Your posi tion was sound and much more equally trun could be added to show that the method UBetl to raise funds for tho Cotton exposi tion was extremely vicious In Hh nature and Its evil effect cropped out nt tho next meeting of the legislature. Thero may bo u personal reason why Mr. Furnas Is ndvocatlng tho same plan r.ow. That gentleman was designated nt the tlmo of the New 'Orleans exposition n the most competent mnn to be sent down thero to urrnngo nnd tnko charge of tho display from this state, which he engaged to do gratis, nil his traveling expenfe!?? board nnd other personal expenses to bo paid by tho state while ho was thero on duty. So well pleased wero his. constituents that on his return he was nwnnled a vote of thanks and a gold medal for faithful servlco nt tho front. Thero It was sup posed that he would rest content nnd go down Into history ns n patriotic citizen, who had served tho stnto well and had been honored therefor. Hut no; ho had received all the honor nnd now reached out for tho protlt also. The legislature of 1887 wan about to meet, bo he took tho pains to mnll to each member-elect n printed circular, signed' by himself, wherein ho set forth tho fact of his gratuitous service nnd tho consequent voto of thanks nnd tho gold medal and thon urged all this ns u threefold reason why each member should voto for a bill which would bo Introduced nt tho coming Hussion giving him tho modest llttlo sum of $5,000 for his services nt tho Cotton ex position during two or three months, Rut why multiply words In telling how a few members In vain tried to defeat this bill, or, nt leaBt. to cut It down to n reasonable tlKurc. It la n matter of record that tho bill went through with a rush without any amendment. Now. Is it nny wonder that Mr. Furnas, nfter drawing this $5,coo. thinks the Cotton exposition plan or precedi-nt n good one? J. N. FULLER AlisnrliM Ilnjiiuinil I.cnil Cnmpiiny. CHICAGO, Dec, 12. Homer Wise, presl dent of the I'nlon lad & Oil company, representing the Ryan-Whitney syndicate of New York, has boon hero for the past week and has secured n slto for it largo plant. Negotiations are almost completed for the absort tloM of tho Raymond Ix'nd com pany of Chicago by tho Union Ieud & Oil company. FRED W. PETTIGREW RECOVERS Injured Mnn Itriialim Connrlouness nml Esplnliin the Mystery nf the Accident, SIOUX FALLS. S. D Dec. 12. (Special.) The mystery surrounding the Injuries sus tained by Fred W. I'cttlgrew has been par tially solved. The Injured man has now become rational and Is steadily recover ing from his narrow escape. When he first became conscious he looked around tho room and then asked his wife If the children had gone to church. Ho thought It was Sunday, the thrco days Intervening between the tlmo of his Injury nnd his recovering consciousness having been completely erased from his memory. hp says ho was run Into by n top buggy. Ho was walking westward from his homo when ho met tho buggy going eastward. He stepped asldo far enough, as ho thought, to clear It, but something, he does not know what, projecting from tho vchlclo struck him a violent blow In the face, knocking hlra backward to the ground. Iloily Awnlts Identification. DEADWOOD, S. D Dec. 12. (Special.) Tho body of tho man killed by Deputy Sheriff Patterson south of this city lies In tho raorguo here, awaiting Identifica tion. A membership card of the labor union of Cripple Creek, Colo., was found In one of his pockets, but tho card was not dated. It boro tho namo of Jerry Kelly. Unlets Information comes today the man will bo burled tomorrow. No blnmo Is at tached to tho deputy sheriff for killing tho man, for It was In self-defense. Ho was ono of three men who robbed Kd Wood nt Galena. Nothing has been heard of tho third man. GENERAL BATES ACCEPTS Omnhn Post Cnniiimndcr Will lie Ornud Marshal nt St. !, u Ik. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 12. Tho River Des Peres, which flows through tho world's fair site. will bo covored up to get It out of the way. This llttlo stream, which has been quite n problem In tho work of preparing tho grounds for tho coming International ex position, will be led underground for a dis tance of two miles. Thus It Is expected to conflnn tho llttlo stream that usually over flows Its bauks nt every freshet. Ocneral Bates, In command of tho De partment of tho Missouri nt Omaha, today sent his ncceptanco of grand marshal of the parado to bo hold on December 20, tho occasion of ground breaking ceremonies nt the world's fair site. For that occasion all tho railroads entering St. Louis havo mado n rate of ono and ono-thlrd fare from points within n radius of 1C0 miles of St. Louts. President Carter of tho World's fair na tional committee has designated Hon. John M. Allen to represent that body at tho ccro- monies. MAJOR P. R. EGAN IS ON TRIAL SurKcon of Fort DoaKlnn Pont lie fore Court-Mnrtlnl lu Utuli. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. Dee. 12. A court-martial met at Fort rjouglas today to try Major Peter R. Egan, Burgeon al this pont, charged with falling to perform his duty In examining nnd treating six soldiers who applied to htm for treatment between October 29 nnd Novcmbor 8 of tho present year. Tho charges wero preferred by Major Gcorgo S. Young, Eighteenth' Infantry, com manding the post. Tho court Is composed of twelve officers from various posts In the Department of tho Coloradof with Colonel T. S. Lebo of tho Fourteenth Infantry pro dding and Captain Do Lamar, Judgo advo cate. HYMENEAL MeCatchen-Anstln. IOWA CITY. Ia Dec. 12. (Special.) Fred C. McCutchen of Holstcln, la,, general manager of athletics for tho University of Iowa, was married nt 3 o'clock today at Carlsbad, N. M., to Miss Lou M. Austin of Llncvlllo, la. Mr. and Mrs. McCutchen will spend their honeymoon In Now Mexico nnd will return to Iowa In January. Mr. Mc Cutcheon will enter tho banking business a Holsteln, but will remain tbo general manager of athletics for tho university, al though ho will no longer manngo nny ath letic team, Tho oxpcrlonco which ho has gained In hlB four years of athletic man agcinont at Iowa is needed by tho university In tho larger details of athletic manage moti, such as tho making of schedules, the direction of tho gonernl athletic' policy, the supervision of tho big gnmen and Intor- collegiate relations generally. This man agement will not require his presence In Iowa City enough to Interforo with his business Interests. FAIR AND COLDER FRIDAY gntnrflny Fnlr nml Cold, vrltli "Wlniln front the North went. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. Forecnst for Friday and Saturday: For Nebraska, South Dakota nnd Kan sasFair and colder Friday; Saturday fair and cold; northwesterly winds. For Missouri Snow or rain and much coldor Friday, with a cold wavo; Saturday fair nnd cold; brisk northwesterly winds. For Iowa Clearing and coldor Friday; Saturday fair and cold; northwesterly winds, For Wyoming nnd Colorado Snow In early morning, followed by fair. l.ocnl Itecnrit, OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Dec. 12. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of tho lust thres years: 1901. 1900. 1889 im Maximum tomperaturo,... 27 , 48 21 2.1 Minimum tomperaturo.... 22 2., 15 s f n i limnapnlMrn "1 ft! 1D 1 1- i, ,.,-.. w u ........ .... ,i J.J Precipitation 02 .00 T .00 Record of temperature and precipitation nt Omaha for this day and since March l. isoi: N'ormnl tempernturo , 30 pendency lor tno tiny , o Totol excess slnco March l 937 Normal precipitation 03 Inch Deficiency for tho dny oi Inch Total rnlnfnll slnco March l 23. K9 Inched Deficiency slnco March l 6.93 Inches Excess for cor. period, 1900 14 Inch Dellclency for cor. period, 1899... 3.72 Inches Itt'porta from atutlnua nt 7 p. 111. 1 "1 T3 3 : c : 3 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. 3 : z. n : 3 Omnhn, cloudy Valentine, cloudy North Platte, pnrtly cloudy. Huron, cloudy Rapid City, snowing Cheyenne, snowing Salt Lake City, clear Wllllston, cWr Chicago, cloudy St, I.oiiIh, clear Hi, Pnul.snowlng , Davenpoft, raining Kansas City, raining Hcdi'im, partly cloudy Bismarck, clear Oalveston, clear Below zero. T Indicates trnco of precipitation. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecast Olllclal. ijm DOCTORS FRIENDS PLEAD FOR PEACE Quaker Societies of All Clnsses In Conference Protest AKulnst AVnr. PHILADELPHIA, Doc. 12. Members of nil divisions of tho Society of Friends gath ered -here, today for tho America Friends' poaco conferenco as a protost against war. Nearly 1.000 Quakers wero present nt tho nnnnlmf ansa Inn (nr-Inilhiir orthodox. Hock- lto and Wllburlto Friends from every sec tion of tho country. ThlB Is tho first com bined mooting of tho different branches slnco tho division of the society. At tho opening session John n. Garrett of this city presided. Dr. Ilonjamln F. Trueblood of Iloston, secretary xot tho American Peaco society, stated tho object of tho conferenco nnd said thnt all branches of tho society wero united In tho dcslro for penco nmong tho nations. MORE DIAMONDS RECOVERED Knunn Sinter nf True JoIimhoii Given Up Kliilit Tliounnmt Dollurs Worth. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Doc. 12. Diamonds nnd other Jewelry vnlued at $S,000 aro lu tho possession of tho chief of pollco of Kan sas City, Knn nnd that ofllcer bellovcs ho has recovered a portion of tho goods stolen from Alfred B. Lowenthal nt Portlnnd, Ore., last month. Tho Jowolry wns found at tho resldonco of Mrs. Mllllo Allen, n sister of Truo Johnson, who wns arrested In Omaha yesterday, charged with tho robbery. Mrs. Allen wnsakon to tho pollco station, Sho asserts that tho Jewelry wns left with her by Truo Johnson. MARSHAL IS UNDER ARREST Territorial Olllelnl Churned with Mur der nf Noted ClilcUannrr Indian, ARDMORR, I. T., Dec. 12. Fedoral offi cials who wero Investigating tho death of Thompson Plcklns, a noted full-blooded Chickasaw Indian, havo plnced City Mar shal Walter Vnnnoy of Tishomingo under nrrcst on a cbargo of murdering Plcklns. Tho deceased wns found by tho public road Bide nnd It waB thought at tho tlmo that heart failure wna tho cnuso of death. Tho arrest created n sensation, ns Vonnoy Is well known throughout tho territory. MUST STAND INVESTIGATION Mrs. Kllrnhrlh Ilmve Dale Am nits I'eudlUK Hxiiniluiitliiun Into Caime nf Her Chlld'it Death. NF.W YORK, Dec. 12. Application for tho dtschnrgo of Mrs. Kllznbcth IIowo Dalo, who Is dotnlned pending investigation by tho grand Jury Into tho clrcumntnnccs of tho death of her llttlo daughter, was de nied In tho court of oyer and terminer In Jertioy City today. GIRL ACQUITTED OF MURDER Ccrtrinli! HlmiiMiii S'liyp, ller Fntlirr Mlstrrntt'tl lli-r und Thrrnt fiicil Diiitli. PltEKDK, Colo.. Dec. 12.-(5ertrudo Simp son, 15 years of ago, who shot and killed hor fotber. Dr. Simpson, coroner of Mineral county, on November 15, was acqulttnl to day, after hor trial on iho-chnrgo of mur der. Tho girl's tiofrnso was that her father had abused her uml throatcnod to kill hor. 'l'n .Slop it Cold, After oxpneure or whon you feol n cold coming on, take a doso of Foley's Honey and Tar. It nover falls to stop a cold If taken lu tlmo. m 2,000 HOSPITALS After yews of scientille research nml thorough tests over 7,000 doctors and 12,000 hospitals use and indorse, for all the dis eases of the throat and lungs, and prescribe exclusively as a tonic and stimulant when the system is weak and run down from disease or overwork Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey The doctors nnd hospitals as well ns tho people havo learned that It does not pay tp fill tho system full of drugs. Thoy reallzo what tho system wants Is a tonic nnd stimulant to aid tho circulation nnd lend artificial force to throw off tho disease germs. The following letter. are samples of the many received from lad ing doctor and prominent hospitals who have successfully usd M'FFrs VVUK MALT WlIlSKJiW Hr, II. Cenlenln, Bridgeport, Conn., on Dee. II, 19tV sent us thi following: '! have prt-icrlbed Duffy'H Puro Malt Whiskey In mv practice nnd think It n puro ami beneficial tonic nnd stimulant 1 cheerfully recommend It." DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY Is tho true elixir of life. There Is no other tonic nnd stimulant thnt will prolong llfo nnd keep the system freo from disease llko DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. Every old man and woman should take DUFFY'S Pt'RK MALT WHISKEY regularly three times a day In either milk or water. Thoy will need no other medicine. After Operation. Myself nnd family nover know the vnluo of Duffy's Malt Whiskey until recently, when my wlfo wns stricken with appendicitis nnd operated on successfully by Prof. Oroy of Christ Hospital, Jersey City. Immediately after tho operation vomiting sot In and for thrco days tho doctors nnd nurses used every known mentis for checKlng same, but not until Duffy's Mnlt Whiskey was ndmlnlsteretl wns thu vomiting stopped. I enn, therefore, cheerfully recommend Oulfy's Mnlt Whiskey to nil persons suffering from weak or disordered sto'm nch. Very truly yours, Frank C. Fritz., 3309 5th Ave., Pittsburg, l'n. Cured Consumption. My expnrlcnco with Duffy's Ture Mnlt Whiskey hns been vory sat isfactory. In consumption nnd all conditions of the system requiring n stimulant no better nrtlcln ran bo employed. I havo n patient now who wns taking another Whiskey nnd whlto doing so continued to sink. I changed tho stimulant to Duffy's I'uro Mnlt Whiskey nnd nt onco a chnngo for tho better .took plnov JUAN E. BROOKS, M. P., 191 Vofltnl Ave., ninghampton. N. Y., Sept. 21, 1901. Retained by Wenk Stomach. l'AWTUCKHT EMKKOKNCY HOSPITAL. Wo hnva used Duffy's Puro Malt Whiskey nnd nro now uslnn It nt thin hospltnl. Wo consider It nn excellent preparation, used with Ice. It will stay on nn Irrltablo t-tomnch. It Is tho Ideal stimulant f t r tho Invalid whero ono of this chnracter Is Lulled for. FRANCIS M. HARRINGTON. Surgcon-ln-Chlef ; JOHN W. GORMAN, Resident Physician, 'nwtuckct, R, I., April 13, 1901. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY Ct'UUS CoiiNumptton, Oeuernl Debility, I.u Grippe, Colli, llrnitcliltln, Miliaria, !,, Kever, l) ki-Iii, DeiiresNliiii nml Wenkut'NN from clinic ver fituse. It liulliln up nml nourishes the litiily. It In vluoralm tlio lirnln, tnnos mi, the heart unit prolong life. A 1 en ill n k .eir York iloctor nalili "Iluffy'n I'uro Mnlt Whiskey In a form nf fund tilrenily it IkonU'iI." CAUTION Our patrons nro cnutloncd ngnlnst so-called Duffy's Malt Whiskey offered for sale In bulk or In flasks and packages other than our patent bottle. Duffy's Pure Mall Whiskey l sold In sealed bottlou only. Offered In nny other form It Is not Kctiulnc. Thero Is nonu "Just as good ns" Lmffy's. Tho dealer who mys so Is thinking of lus iirntltit only. Ask for Duffy's; Insist on getting It. Look for tho trndc-mark on tho bottle. rnr,rTo nny render of Tho Omaha noo who will wrlto us wo IlltX will Mend freo two of our pntont gnmo oountcrs for whist, euchre, etc. Send 4 cents lu stamps to cover postage. They nro unlquo nnd useful. FREE ADVICE If von nro sick nnd run down wrlto our doctor for freo ndvlce It will cost you uotnlng to learn how to regiiln health, strength nnd vitality. Mcdlcnl booklet, containing symptoms, treatment nnd testimonials sent free. All correspondence with our doctor Is strictly confidential and no testimonials nro used without permission. All druggists nnd grocers, or direct, 11,0) n bottlo. DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester. N. Y. 'M GRAPES CONTAIN MEDICINAL properties that are strengthening, digestive, restorative. They nro always ngreeablo to tho health and act gently on tho system. MULL'S GRAPE Composed of the. nourishing tnd vitalising qualities of grapoa nnd other fruits combined with natnro'B health giving; herbs. Harmless, yot powerful in Irs effects for relieving the system of all Impurities trv3 storing health and vigor. It cheeks the loss of vHm twttx?, Increases tho nerve force, quiets and soothes the heavtxl brain, nnd tones up tho system Into sound nnd vigorous action. Tbo.graco Ingredient malces flesh and strength. The frnit keeps the system regular. The herbs purify tho blood. With its use stomach troubles, dyspepsia, sick headache, liver and kidney complaints quickly disappear. Onm Dome One Bottle 60o for a bottla as large as SHERMAN ft McGONNELL DRUG CO. . . OMAHA . . Mull's Lightning Pain Killer euros all the aohes and pains thst flesh Is holrlo. Bab it on or drina l tftc. PRICKLY ASH BITTERC CURE8 CONSTIPATION. 0 I Lit&J i LARGE ROOM AND VAULT $18,00, If you havo valuable papers or book.i, this room will unit you exactly, li. in next to the elevator and a large ple.'iKnnt room. Water, light and janitor Korvice in cluded as well as all the advantages of a fireproof, modern, handsome olllee building. 1 EZaHBBaHBl'aBHMBHBHHsl TONIC Benefit Convince yon usually P7 11-00 for. THE BEE BUILDING LDING I lal Agents. I R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental