Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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CHANCE IN CLASSIFICATION i general batesjback at post
8it-ComItti lai Almost Gmplt4 t
Moit Work.
Work Wns Tnlion Up n( Mir Itrqurnt
of n Urup .Vtinilier tit Henry
fihlHirr TliroiiKlinut
the Country.
Extensive alterations nro shortly to be
made In the clarification and rating of
freight by western railroads, Tho changes
will Involve somo 300 different commodities
And will go Into effect on January 15 next.
At a meeting In Chicago Wednesday a sub
committee of tho western classification
committee began tho work.
All the roads which havo membership In
tho western classification commltteo will
partlclpato In this now scheduling. They
comprise tho sixty-seven lines west of tho
Missouri river. The commltteo will hold
Its next nnnual meeting In New Orleans
on January 11 next, nt which tlmo definite
final action will bo taken In tho mntter.
Meanwhile, however, tho establishment of
tho changes Is left to tho sub-commlttec,
containing soventeen members. General
Freight Agent 13. L. Wood of the Union
I'fttlfln railroad Is one member nnd ho re
turned Thursday morning from tho meeting
In Chicago,
A considerable portion of tho dotall In
volved In theso changes was cleared up
Wednesday by tho committee, but ono more
fessloc will bo required. It will be held
two or thrco days previous to tho annual
meeting of tho classification committee.
The alterations to bo mado are scattered
All through tho ten different clnsses of
freight matter. They result from demands
jnndo by big shippers nnd Jobbers Inter
ested, who havo mado showings to tho com
mltteo of cost, tonnage, bulk and other
details In support of tho legality nnd fair
ness of their requests.
Tho now classification as flnnlly prepared
by tho sub-comtnlttco will bo submitted to
tho ganornl mooting for approval, which
Is a moro matter of form, nnd will go Into
effect Immediately thereafter.
Aruty Jlioiril on Which iln linn Been
SrrvJiiK 'In Urn n Itrcen
for n Tlmr.
General John C. Hates, accompanied by
his aid, Captain McCllntock, returned yes
terday from Washington, whero tho gen
eral has been serving on a board of army
officers convened to uiako certain recom
mendations touching the abandonment or
establishment of posts nnd training camps
throughout tho United States.
"This adjournment Is not final," said tho
general, "but was called to cnnble each
member to, moke special examination Into
tho various military establishments under
his supervision. Tho board will convene
again January 10 to prcparo Its final report.
Ono report was mado to tho sccretnry of
war before wo left Washington, but I am
not nt liberty to disclose any part of It."
Colonel C. C. C. Cnrr, who hns been In
command of tho Department of tho Missouri
during tho absence of tho general, will re
turn to his post nt Fort Hlloy, Kan., today.
The f.nriiiiilc, Milium I'rnk A; I'nclflc
Ilnllvrny .' m pti n -.
Now building, has signed contracts for suffi
cient tonnage to pay regular dividends on
common stock from tlmo first train Is In
operation, which will bo within five months.
No preferred stock, no mortgago bonds.
I'nr valuo Htock, $10 sharo, uow selling 42
for short time. Investigate. Call on M. J.
Orccvy, fiscal agent, representing Isaac Van
Horn & Co., Iloston bankers financing tho
corporation, 411 Ilea bldg.
Without .Snllrltntlon Hrifi lire"
Ilt'colvpil ly (hp McKlnlry
Tho McKlnley Memorial Association of
Nebraska will hold a meeting In a short
tlmo to outline a plan of work In tho state.
Subscription blanks havo been received by
tho secretary of tho association and they
will bo distributed as soon as tho board of
directors, consisting of tho general officers
nnd tho vlco presidents for tho congres
sional districts, bold their meeting.
So far without solicitation tho sum of $183
has been received by 12. Iloscwntcr, secre
tary and treasurer, tho donors being as fol
lows: C. T. Mandcrson, $25; John A. Crelgh
ton, $23; J. Sterling Morton, $25; 12. nose
water. $25; K. J. Ilalncr. $25; A. I. Clark,
$25; Lorenzo Crounao, $23; J. T. Mallalleu,
$10; J. T. Johnston, $1; Mlunlo 12. Stout, $1;
Nora May I'aul, $1.
Atlt-titl K. a mi 1,. of Nrciirltr.
Members of Omaha council No. 415,
Knights nnd Ladles of Security, aro re
quested to meet promptly nt their hall In
Crounso block, corner ICtli nnd Capitol ave
nue, nt 12M5 o'clock p. m., to attend the
funeral of our Into brother, Francis O. Torn
blom, from tho faintly residence, 2318 No.
15th street, this nftcrnoon nt 2 o'clock.
II. 12. I1UIII2HMAN, President.
HOIIAC13 M. POLLOCK, Secretary.
Toduy's Sale of Remnants is of Vital In
terest to Every Woman in Omaha.
A l.otlK .Jniirnry.
Means extra money for meals and Incident
als, and a waste of valuable tlmo enrouto.
Why Incur unnecessary expenso and delay
In traveling via circuitous routes when you
can ride lu the finest trains on a perfectly
ballasted track, over a direct route. Tho
fast trains of tho Union Pacific reach San
Francisco and Portland, from Omaha, 15
hours ahead of alt competitors.
City ticket office, 1324 Farnam, Thono 316.
Send articles of Incorporation, noticed of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bet.
Wo will give them proper legal Insertion.
Tclcphono 233.
Annnniirrntrnt of tli Thrntern.
Tho appearnnco of Modjcska nnd James
In "Henry VIII" this evening Is naturally
tho principal topic of plnygolng gossip JiiBt
now. U Is expected tho porformanco will
bo almost as brilliant In tho light of a
dramatic spcctaclo as In that of tho histri
onic genius of tho two famous stars. Tho
pomp, glitter nnd roynl cxtrnvoganco which
tho Imagination conjures up In reading tho
play would lead ono to look for somo mag
nificent stago plsturcs In tho coming pro
duction, especially slnco It Is ono of Wag
cnbnlfl & Kcmpcr'H enterprises. Thoro nro
novcral scenes In which theso managers nro
jiald to havo excelled themselves. One of
theso Is thn banquet hall of Cardinal Wol-
Boy's pnlaco. Tho ecclesiastical court nt
Illackfrlarn when Queen Katborlno makos
her HUbllmo defenso in tho dlvorcn pro
ceedings Is another. That which has at
tracted tho most comment, however. Is,
perhaps, tho closing scene, of tho play, which
represents tho triumph of Anno Iloleyn and
the christening of tho Infant Ktlzaboth. As
already nnnounccd Mr. Jnmcs will be seen
fis Cardinal Wolsoy nnd Mmo. Modjcska as
Qucon Kathcrlno. Tho supporting company,
which numbers over fifty pcoplo, Includes
.many of tho best known artists in tho
legitimate field. Tomorrow afternoon
"Mary Stuart" will bo given and tomorrow
night, by request, "Macbeth."
On Thursday evening. December 2. Lelnnd
T. Towers, tho Impersonator, will appear
at tlio Iloyd in tho greatest of his 1m
personations, Rostand's great play of
"Cyrano do Ilcrgernc," In which ho takes
tho part of twolvo charactors. This in
torthlnment Is ono of tho regular Young
Mon s Christian association course.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with tho Bnthory, 216-220 Dee
building. Tclephono 1716.
Publish your legal notices In the Wookly
lieo. ToloDHono 23b.
Organ recital at Trinity cathedral Sunday
nftcrnoon, 4 o'clock.
Today we will sell
150 Wool
Ghoiqe for
All sizes, all colors, lntcst shapes.
You hava oeon no bettor ones any
where for less than $2.60 and $2.25
each. When you aeo thorn you'll say
An Easy Way
to Save Money
and at tho samo tlmo got Just what
you want.
i They'll mako flno Christmas gifts
those $20,00 suits for $5.00, also.
1B10 Duniclua 8t.
This Is tho tlmo of year when cvoryono
s particular about coal.
iro threo necessary ndjuncta that you can
rely on our giving satisfaction.
C. B. Havens & Co.
1522 Farnam St.
Tels. 801317-825.
?..(() for a Unit ii liny' Work.
It you live In tho country or In n small
town nnd havo a good acqualntanco among
tho farmers and stnckralsers In tho neigh
borhood, you can muko $.'.00 easily by four
or flvo hours' work. Wrlto us nnd wo will
send you our proposition. Tho lleo Publish
ing company. Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Neb.
This is merely an instance of how remnants of
every description will be sold The bargain
squares on the main floor and in basement
will all be filled and refilled with exceptional
bargains all day tomorrow Come in the
morning if possible.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with tho Dathery. 216-220 Dee
building. Telephone 1716.
A Suitable Christmas Present
At Very Low Cost
Nothing gives moro plcnsuro to
young nnd old than pictures. Wo havo
a lnrger selection thnn ever this year
of KODAKS AND CAMHUAS, nt prices
within tho reach of nil. Before com
pleting your Christmas list call on
us. Wo can show you n beautiful
Folding Camera, with bulb rclenso,
for $3.00. Largo assortment of Al
bums and I'hotographlc Specialties.
7Bc ritu.vcii Ki.A.wm, ioo rnit
Having purchased nil tho short
lcngtlis of French Flannel from n
waist manufacturer, wo will place on
palo Friday nil tho lengths of i yards
nnd yards, 3, 4 ami 5 pieces to
match, strictly nil wool Imported
French Flannel, In plain colors mid
novelty designs. Threo of theso rem
nants will mnko n ladles' cntlro wnlst
or a child's dress, etc., on sulo nt 10c
7f.o FIU3.CII FI.AN'.NHI.f, i!.-.c VI).
Longer lengths from this wnlst fac
tory in French Flannels, reds, light
blues, pinks, blnck, greens nnd nil
colors Imiiglnublc, nlso tdlk embroid
ered ilnnncls, Persian French flannels,
In lengths 3 ynrds, 5 yards nnd up
wards, every yard .worth 73c, on snlo
ut 25c yard.
silk Moussni.i nn son;, r,o.
Thousands nnd thousands of pieces
of silk moussclln do sole, light nnd
dark colors, plain colors with satin
stripes, lloral and other small nnd
largo designs, especially adaptable for
dolls' dresses, trimmings, fancy work,
etc., go at Co per piece.
So AMI lc I1AC1I.
Having purchased from tho Custom
IIouso a lat of Imported silk remnants
In lengths of ono ynrd, i yard, i yard
nnd U yaxd, suitable for fancy work,
neckwear, millinery trimmings, ate,
wo plnco them on snlo acordlng to
length of remnant at 10c, Cc, 2c und lo
for cntlro piece.
ft ii,k hkmnants ix i.oxo
I.II.NGTII.N. AT -Ilk- AM) tlllo.
Taffeta silks, plain nnd fancy bro
ended silk, and peau do sole, many of
them wnlm lengths, skirt lengths,
etc., nil from tho Hldley sale, go In
two lots tit 49c and CJc yard.
Mnny valunblo lengths of dress
goods that havo accumulated from
tho lttdley snlo In the past week, In
lengths of 2 yards, 5 yards, 6 yards,
also waist lengths nnd skirt lengths.
In storm serges, cheviots, panne cloths,
broadcloths, granite cloths, silk nnd
wool mixtures, checks und plaids, go
at 23c yurd, 50c yard and Mc yard.
Hest standard print rem mint a, 3V4o
Outing flannel, light nnd dnrk col
ors, at Be.
Flceco bnclc wrapper flannol nnd Im
itation French Ilannel, nt 6ic yard.
All tho yard-wldo Imitation French
flannel that generally sells at 15c yard,
go at Sc yard.
Genuine all wool French flannel 25o
yard, worth 50c.
40-Incli wldo dotted drapery swiss,
12140 yard.
Ono big tnblo fancy whlto goods and
India lluoiiH, 10c yard.
Onu big counter chnmbray gingham,
worth 15c, nt 3&c yard,
Ono table of short remnants of dou
bio fold aucnla hen Ilannel nnd Duf
falo ilannel at lo per remnant.
Ono big counter of remnants of tow
eling of every description, all grade
and kinds, at about half regular prlco,
running iu length up to 10 yard,
Ono big lot of remnants of all kinds
of tablu damask running up to y4
ynrds long, bleached, unbleached and
turkoy red, nt ubout half prlco.
An Unequaled Display and Unequaled values
1215 Far nam Street.
Wholcsalo nnd Retail Dealers In
Photo Material.
Men's Clothing
for the Holidays
Great Holida y inducements in Suits and Overcoats,
Price concessions made possible by an extra
large purchase at late season's figures the
suits are pure worsteds in neat cheeks and
plaids unfinished worsteds in plain effects
and oxford gray slripes in the now varsity
and conservative cuts. They Ave re intended
to retail at $L3.r0 to !?20.0(), but owing to the
unusual conditions of the pur
chase, avo offer them at . . .
treme and medium cut-price
Men's extra flue stout and slim suits at
half regular prices.
Stout Suits, sizes 36 to 46
Slim Suits, sizes 35 to 42.
Avorth 15, at $7i50
worth 18 and 20, nt $0
worth 25 and 30, at $5
7.50, SIO
-All styles, ex-
THE OVERCOATS are the splendid black
and Avhite styles that have become so
popular Avith tasty dressers. We carry tho
only line to bo seen in the city and unhesi
tatingly recommend these garments inHarf
i-ni. ii i ! Schjffiier
every mite as wen as every great, uotaii u rjiar
our special Ioav COfl COO Efl''
prices, at vU. OfcfciUUclo1'"
Men's long stylish overcoats with or Avith
out yokes, in the neAV Fullmore, Ryton and
varsity styles, at ?7.50, $10, 12.50 and 15.
IIAVMrHi Santa Glaus' Omaha
I1A I UCRS Headquarters
Hayden's Toy Dept. Main Floor Annex.
Thousands of good llttlo boys and girls wcro down to Santa Clans' reception
Wednesday evening nnd ho says that wo must toll all tho HtUo children that ho docs
not wish any of thorn to fall to coroo to hln reception Saturday forenoon, bo that ho
may boo them nnd find out Just what they really wish him to hrlnK on Christmas eve.
Ho wlshcH all hln llttlo friends to leuow that he will not havo tlmo to go nny
whero else, bccatiHO ho has mado Hnydcn'o Toy Department his Omaha store room,
whero ho has now displayed hundreds of thou?unds of tienutlful gifts, Come Saturday
foronoon nnd seo, talk nnd get acquainted with tho Good, Real, Old Santa Claus.
On Main Floor Ann' Xo Slalrn to t'llmli, no tmltliiK for olovutor.
Qlrl'H sleds, opening fialo prlco for Friday aaMaanMMMv
nnd Saturday, Mo.
Steel Passongor Train, englno nnd threo
cars, opening sale price, 19c.
Sailor Dolls, regular 23c kind, opening salo
price, two for 25c.
Pony Tricycles, worth J3.50 to $1.50, open
ing salo prlco, $1.25.
ssorted Games, opening snlo prlco. So
Fairy Go-Carts, regularly Bold at doublo
our opening Balo prlco of 10c.
Fancy Dressing Cases, Celluloid, Plush Leather, fancy pieces for handsome scarfs,
cults and collars, toilet cases, Albums and thousands of beautiful things which suggost
pleasing GIFT MAKING. All ready and on sale,
Selling the Most Clothing in Omiilin.
Brushes. mlrrorB and toilet sets for la
dles and gentlemen. f-0C ON THE D0LI,AIl.
AVo havo purchased tho cntlro Rampio lino
of tho Florence Mfg. Co., mnnufneturers
of lino cloth and hair brushes, military
brush sots, French beveled hand mirrors
nnd comb nnd brush sots, at ono-nnir price.
Sale begins Friday morning.
Flno hand mirrors 15c to COc.
Flno hnlr brushes, 15c to f 1.00.
Flno mtlltnry brush sets, 75c to $1.50.
Flno comb and brush sets. 50c to $1.00.
10,000 25c 12-mo. cloth bound booliB, on
salo Friday at lStyc.
5,000 Dresden lfi-mo. Gift hooks, ll'c.
Theso nro worth 25c to 50c.
l,Ii:N I 1 3 1V I IT.1I I INT.
Yard-wlrto unbleached muslin, 3Vic per yd.
ltomnnnts of Pillow Casing, 42-15-Inch,
Ilcranants of sheeting 8-4 and 9-4. ioc
Remnants of Tablo Linen at all prices.
Also remnants of good heavy crash.
go Friday at 49c a dozen.
.sicniTS maim: 1'iinn.
Having securod tho services of II. Gol-
stcln, tho celebrated Sklrtmaker, for on
othor week, commencing MONDAY, DE
CEMHEU 10, wo will mako a plain lined
skirt free, providing tho material will not
cost less than 75c per yard. You will havo
the privilege of selecting any material from
our high grndo Dress Goods or Silk Stock,
and wo will guarantees a perfect fit In every
Instance, or money cheerfully refunded. No
risk to our customers.
Mr. Goldstein hns tho most phenomenal
success as n cutter and fitter, as out of 601
skirts taken In ono week, ho had only ono
Como early Monday, as orders run by
number, nnd first ordered will bo first mndo.
mt.ciai. oitA.r;i: sai.k I'ltin.w.
700 dozen fancy sweet oranges, per dozen,
only 10c.
Stnr plug chowlng tobacco, 35c,
Hnrseshoo plug chewing tobacco, 35c.
Navy plug chowlug tobacco, 35c.
Newsboy tobacco, 33c.
Hull Durham smoking tobacco, EOo.
Duko's Mlxturo, 35c.
Meerschaum smoking tobacco, 33c.
Undo Tom smoking tobacco, 33c.
Old Stylo smoking tobacco, 23c.
Mali Pouch, per package, 0c.
Mrs. J. Benson
Nothing makes a nicer Christmas Gift
than a pretty Umbrella. See the good Avearing
silk nnd pretty handles avo are shoAving from
1.25 to 7.50.
We are shoAving a very large stock of Real Ebony and Ebo
noid goods in sets of brush, comb and mirror, brush and comb
On leather traveling cases for ladies or gentlemen, military
brushes, manicure sets, cloth and hat brushes.
These goods avo can give you from the lowest price to the
best, in sets or single pieces.
Bee our Christmas Avindows nnd counters.
EELEV "" ' th 1,11,1 UUI',l,Ml ,,,e 'Celr n'trm of Iniill
-iIITiC iiiw'i "ir ivreicj- iiiiiiiui in AcurMkn, Core
I)t-iiukciiii-a, Cure Druic, Tnhnruo Uaera.
KICni.i;V INSTITUTE, lit und I.niventvortli, Omutia.
Fir Powder
Cures and Prevents
of your discontent If you try to get results
from poor coal which Just bums without
neau iiuy our
for your furnace and yoj can bo jvarm
and contented. It is a pure cnnl, gives
moro heat to tho ton than uny other nnd
COSTS $8.00
Hald& Rice,
Tel. 1238. 50G So. 16th St.
Tornld Liver.
Sour Stomach,
Ivoss of Appetlto,
Coated Tongue,
Enlarged Liver,
Knul Hreath,
Distress After Eating
1'nln in tho Stomach, Chronlo LnQrlppo,
That Tireci feeling, iiiui ;m,
Nervousness, Toor Digestion,
Gall Stones, Heartburn,
diseases Fig Powder will remove tho cause.
If in uouiK try n. "' m nu o
Ijoxcb nt drug stores or by mall.
W. J. Shrader,
24th aud Seward Sts.
AA'hy Is It that n certain number of drug
stores havo suddenly popped up ns grent
benefactors of tho public? Stores which
up to the present tlmo havo had from threo
to six different prices on tho same article
nt tho same time; in fact, havo always
had "a got what you can system of prices"
and who nro now uuttlnR the prices four
times in two on tlio same patentn, esne
dally thoso which they mako themselves
(Magnet Pllo Curo for Instunee) who not
Ke for 6 ouncen of AVItch Huzel, unless tho
purchaser kicks, who then gets it for lOo.
which la still too high. AVhy Is It?. It's
because they nro trying to forco us out of
tho cut price business and bo dictators
thomselvcs. They either want tho "wholo
hog or none" n dollur for dollar patents
or Rlvo It uway for fear someone else will
sell It for a living price. We'ro shut o(T,
but we'vo got thn goods nnd wo defy iho
tfntit r IAnn (lu fffri irutllmr . It n .
Cut irric
Drue Store
!!. 741. . W, Car. ltfth ami Cklsaa
Ocedi delivered FK1SE to ay part of dir.
F'nds the store.nt its best
Long ago avo announced that the
stock of Holiday goods AVould be
the best in toAvn not in one partic
ular thing, but in everything. Xo
matter Avhnt the terms are, avo hot
tor, Ave increase. We creep ahead
of all former doings.
House Coats
It is always avoII to make
your selection early, but par
ticularly so this year, be
cause avo can't duplicate the
stock avo lmve iioav at these
prices. Not an old coat from
last season to Avorry us we
start fresh every season. All
kinds are ready, from the
comfortable unlined double
faced Avoolens to the lined
cloth coals.
$4.75 lo $9.75
Bath Robes
Men are really just finding
out Iioav necessary they are
the demand is growing faster
than for any other garment.
It's hard to keep enough
of the right kind on hand,
but just iioav the line is al
most complete. All of them
marked ut a reasonable price
you'll 11 ml them at the
shirt counter, Avest aisle.
$1.90 to $5.00
If in doubt, carry an umbrella, look
at these. AVo don't expect you to buy
unless you are convinced that you get
more umbrella value here for your
money than anywhere else. These ex
ceptionally good buying
75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50. $3.50,
$4.50 up.
AVe didn't always have the best dollar shirt. It took
years to get it years of trying and experimenting. But
it's here now. Some .?.l.n0 shirts may be as good in a here-and-there
point, but not one so good all over except our
OAvn. They're cut right, made right, feels right, nnd
Avears right quality, percale, mndras, etc.
No matter Avhat time of the year, the neckAvenr stock is
always ahead of any in the land. Hut at Christmas time
you expect it top-mark of all other times, of course. You
shan't be disappointed. Tecks, puffs," four-in-hand, string,
band-boAA's, bows, etc., tho 7i"c and 5.0c kind elsoAvhere, 35c
here the 50c and .Ioc elsoAvhere, 25c here got some good
ones nt 15c, too. Your Christmas buying will be done Avhere
stocks are fullest and most Aaried Avhero aisles are broad
and light abundant.
Holiday Handkerchiefs
AVhon you can't think of a thor
oughly appropriate gift, give hand
kerchiefs. EA-erybody needs them,
everybody likes to bo extravagant
Avith them, Avhen they've got them
to bo extravagant Avith; and nobody
e'er has too many. You can put
thought into them as Avell as money.
For a girl, give some dainty lace-trimmed thing or a
French novelty handkerchief, perhaps. AVe've some pretty
ones in dainty colored silk, handsomely embroidered.
No matter Iioav old or Iioav young, handkerchiefs always
Avelcome 5c nnd up main floor center aisle and tAVo
or three other handy places so to make choosing handy.
Any Honest Hat Man
Will tell you It's Impossible to put moro Intrinsic
valuo into a stiff hat than $3.00 will buy, thn
other $2.00 goes for the laboL AVo charge you
nothing for tho label. Thoro aro no hotter hats
than thoso mado for Tho Nebraska.
$1.50, $2, $2.50 aud $3
AVlnter caps for men nnd boys.
'111 III tf-
Christmas Suggestions No. 3.
AIITICLKS FOR MRN Alo Mugs. Cnnos, Clgnr lloxes, Clgnr Trays, Claret
Pitchers, Combs, Decanters, Hnlr Brushes, Ink Stands, Iockots, Match Iloxes,
J'aper Cutters, Ash Trays, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Clgarotto CiiRes. Cork Scrows,
Cuff Buttons, Flasks, Hat Marks, Key Chains, Mnnlcun Articles, Military Brushes,
Mawhinney& Ryan Co.,
Jewelers and Art iktii and pouolah hth.
Stltl oners Ma" orders given careful attention. Selec
tion packages sent to responsible partita.
Oriental Rug Sale
To socuro beautiful, rich and lustrous Orlontal Hugs at prices tho lowest
ever offered before In Omaha. Wo havo latoly received from our Now York
Importers. Orlcnlnl Carpets among tho most beautiful over shown in tho
city. Theso will bo closed out in a fow days.
As a Christmas gift nothing will pleaso tho lady of tho house like an
Oriental Itug decorntlvo and sorvlccablo they last a llfo time. Bottor boo us
616.617 Paxton Block, Comer 16th and Farnam Sts.
Christinas Gifts
We nro showing a beautiful lino of Sterling Silver
Knives, Forks, Spoons, Cups, Bon Bon Dishes, Tnlcum
Powder Boxes, Cigar Jars. Mnnlcuro Sets, Berry Bowls
Halvo Jars, Tooth Powder Boxes, Ieo Cream Sets iind
hundreds of nobby, tasty things for Christmas gifts
Spend a fow inlniitos nt our store, Look for Iho name
S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
151 (i UuukIus St.