THE OMATTA DAILY UKT.i TTTVTCSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1001. DISPUTES OIL LAND CLAIMS! Uaiu Faolfio AiMrta Iti Rlfht U th Titl.i. TERRITORY INCLUDED IN THE CRANT Hntlrontl Mill I'IkIiI fur II I'roiirrty and Will t'nrry (In- t.'iiNrs to llir Suprrnir- Court If eccsMiry. rHUYENN'E, Wyo.. Dec. 11. (Special.) It Is reported that trouble Is in store, for oil men who hnvc located claims on Union J'arlflc unpatented land In southwest Wyo ming. Land Examiner C. A. Dtock of the Union l'aclllc has been Investigating tho matter for suvcrnl weckB, and ns a result of his roport the railroad company will, In till probability, fight nil claims. carrying tho cases to the United States supreme court If necessary Mr Illnck suys that In tho nil field near Aspen and I'ledmnnt n number of people, including Senator Kenrns of Utah and other prominent men, bavo located oil claims on land Included In the Union Pacific land grant. The locators claim that tho land Is unpatented and that It ran bo locnted under tho placer mining laws ns oil land. Tho railroad will fight the claims on povcral grounds, First, It will ho maintained that no land can ho hold as oil land unless Jt Is producing- oil In paying quantities. The tnero supposition from surface Indications that there Is oil will not bo sufficient, says tho agent of tho company. If It Is proved that tho land Is producing oil. tho company will fight the claims on tho ground that they hnvn n right to patent becnuso tho rnllroad has been paying taxes on all lands Included In the grant-slnco W,. Tho company Hays It Is not Its purpose to retard the development of the Wyoming oil fields. On the contrary, the Union I'aclflc would like to encourage develop ment, but It doesn't purpose to glvo Its land away. It wants to sell at a fair rirlco to pcoplo who will devolop It. . ENGINEER COOPER IS DEAD tVlilcly Known Itiillrnnit Mini Kllli-il In mi Acci dent. I HURON'. S. R, Dec. 11. (Special.) News Of tho death In a railway accident nt Kllcns Iiurg, Wash., on tho fsth Inst, of Engineer Thomas H. Cooper, Into of this city, was Received hero with much surprise nnd deep regret. Mr. Cooper with his wlfo nnd two llttlo boys ,Uh hero for their new home In Washington a f,ow months slnco. Kor several yonis Mr. Cooper wbb cm ployed on the Dakota Central division of tho Chicago & Northwestern railway and was well known In railway and mili tary circles, being a member of tho llrothcrhood of Locomotive Engineers and captain of Company 0, First South Dakota Infantry. Ho did not accompany tho regiment to th") J'hlllpplnis, being rejected because of phys ical disabilities. Mr. Cooper's mother resides at Miller, S. D. WYOMING CONVENTION OPENS IJvrry Si'i'lliin of the State Ii Iti'pro- , Nuntuil nt First Industrial i. Mrrtliiir. LARAMIE, Wyo.. Dec. 11. Tho first Wyo mlng Industrial convention opened In this city tgday nt '.' o'clock. Thoro nre lfiO delegates present, representing every sec tion and. overy Interest In this state. (iav-( crnor Richards is chairman.' After nn opening address by Governor illchards and several welcoming speeches nddresses were made by Dr. II. II. llrooks of Casper, on "Cattlo Raising; Stnto Geologist Heeler on the mineral resources of tho state, nnd cx-Henutor J. M. Carey on Irrigation. A committee wan appointed to mako rec ommendatlon for a Wyoming exhibit nt tho Loulslnna I'urchaso exposition In 1903. FINDS WQMAN'aLMQST FROZEN Discoverer l.fiivi'n lli-r to .Summon A III nml Ni'iiri'liliiK I'nrty Cui In I'llt-Mlllt. CIIEYE.VNE. Wyo.. Dec. 11.- telcphono lineman tonight reported that ho found a woman on the prnlrlo about four miles pouth of Cheyenne nt I o'clock this after noon nearly Htupcftcd by cold. He roused her anil tried to Induco her to accompany him, to town, but she fought him savagely. Finally wrapping his coat nbout her and Klvlng her a flask of whisky, he hurried to town for help. A searching party wns sent nut, hut returned with no trace of her. Thn sheriff afterward went with a largo party and had not returned nt a late hour. There Iti no clew to tho woman's Identity. Tho weather Is very cold, a heavy snow ptorm Is raging und llttlo hopo Is felt ol her belni; found alive. Smith lliiKoln liii'iiriioriitloiiM. PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 11. (Special.) Thesu articles of incorporation havo been filed: Huston and New Haven Copper com pany, at l'lerre with a capltnl of $.100,000; incorporators, Ilcnjamln F. Colinan, Charles J, Arthur nml L. L. Stephens. Wnubay Land and Loan company at Wau tny, with a cnpltal of $5,000; Incorporators, Georgo L, (Instad, Louis J. Onstad and George G, Laxell. I) rook I n k Investment compnny, at llrook ings, with n capital of fin. 000; Incorpora tors, S. II McCall, James F. Holiiday nnd 4. M. Hnllldny. i M LongHair for Sale! The girls of Brittany and the lower Pyrenees still sell their hair at the annual fairs. Perhaps you are wearing some of this sale-hair ! Better spend your money on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have an abundance of your own hair. If your hair is turning gray and you are beginning to look, a little old, Ayer's Hair Vigor will surely bring back to it all the dark, rich color of youth. "At 19 my hair began to turn gray. I med Ayer's Hair Vigor ; ami now, at 6i years of age, my hair lias the natural Jet-black color It had when, 1 was 1 7." L V. Williams, Shenandoah Junction, W. Va. letter takeslong journey Alimixt ii lenr mi llio HiiimI nml lln Trinelcil llnlf h Million Miles. 0. T. Cartrlght, a clerk In the army head quarters, received yesterday n letter which, It Is estimated, has traveled more than 500,000 miles slnco January 1 last. Slnco that date it has been on the go con stantly, having visited nearly nil tho coun tries of tho globe, nnd Its various envelopes present b rather complete stamp collection In themselves. It was written by Edward W. Griffith, n clerk In tho adjutant general's office at Manila, who sent It out as a New Year's greeting to nearly 100 of his friends in all parts of tho world. Having served in both tho Ilrltlsh nnd United States armies, ho hnd a wldo acquaintance. The letter con tains a list of addresses and each recipient Is asked to forward It to the next. Mr. Cartrlght's name Is tho Inst In tho list. Ho will now return It to tho sender. Four envelopes havo been worn out, nnd these, dog-eared, trnvcl-stalncd nnd bqdecked with foreign stamps, are still wtth the package, ns new covers havo been substituted from tlmo to tlmo for the useless ones. Tho letter hns been to China, India, l'ersla, Afghanistan. South Afrlcn, Scotlnnd, Eng land, Ireland, Wales nnd to several points In tho United States. Hnw .Ni'iir Dentil. "It often mndo my heart ache," writes L. C. Overstrect of Elgin, Tcnn., "to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak nnd soro lungs would colapse. Good doctors said sho was so far gone with consumption that no medicine or i-.irthly help could snvo her, but a friend recommended Dr. King's Now Discovery nnd persistent uso of this excellent medicine saved her life." It's nb soluely guaranteed for Coughs, Cold, Ilron chills. Asthma nnd all Throat and I.ung diseases, fiuc nnd $1 at Kuhn & Co.'s. Trlnl bottles free. Cluiriti'il n ltd IIiiIiIiIiik l.oitunr. Florence Flck wns nrresteil Inst night by Detectives lleltfclt find Donahue, charged with robbing IVter Clirlstenson of $10. Hoth parties hnvc rooms nt Sixteenth tun! Daven port. During the nbieneo of I'hrlstetison Morence, It Is charged, went Into his room nml mnlo $10 At the station no money was found on the woman. Illcvlllr from tin- ('onrtn, Elmer E. Thomas of Omaha has been nd mltted to practice in federal courts. Mrs. Justice Kessler hns applied for nn ntipolntmeut as guardian for her huh:ind. Mr. ICesslcr has sulTereil partial paralysis and Is unable to write or sppak. Judge Slabaugh Is hearing nn action brought against .Mrs l'lim-lie It. K. Linton by Attorney John 'I'. fathers, who seeks to recover $."..l.W.7o for professional service. Tho Coalman company has been Incor porated for $:(.. Tho company will do a general printing bislncss. l II. t'osgrnvo, C. J. Clnrke nnd Fred II.. Cosgrovu tiro the Incorporators, Tim arguments linve been concluded on the motion for temporary alimony tiled by Mrs. Cora I.athrop Patterson. Judge ICs tolle has the matter under consideration anil will render a decision Saturday. Judge Keysor was In Omaha yesterday, returning from Tekuinnh, but returned to lllnlr to resume his court work there todny. Sheriff Power went to Lincoln yesterday morning In charge of Jacob Wiley, an In sane put lent who will lie placed In the hos pital at Lincoln. Judge Munger. sitting in the federal clr cult court, expects to move today from thn courtroom In the south wing of tho federal building to a similar room In the north wing. The stonecutters move to the south side nnd the court wMies to escape as much of the noise as possible. Flo Comer, who wns arresteil nnd Im prisoned on a charge of larceny. Illeil by Mrs. Ilufus U Clark, has been released on bond furnished by II. I'. Maze. Miss Comer Is the woman who Is charged with having left Omaha with Unfits L. Clark when he deserted his wife Homo time ago. The fasti liro'.ight against the Omaha Prldgo unit Terminal company by Adam Denies was taken from the Jury by Judge Slabaugh. who Instructed u verdict for thn defendant. Denies sought to recover $.",0u0 damages for Injuries which he Is said to have received while In the employ of the company. Statements llled by the Postal Telegraph Cable company concerning Its relations with the Plnttsmnoth Telephone company havo been llled with the clerk of the dis trict court. Tho company explains thnt It agreed to erect two wires on Its poles through the streets of the city of South Omaha for the uso of the Iiattsninuth company and was not awuro that It was violating Judgo Kstollc'H restraining order when It continued this work after the mat ter had been brought Into court. In Judge DIcklnson'H court Farrlngtnn Powers has brought action against James O. Allan for the purpose of imletltig tho title to a house and Pit In Alamo Plaza. Powers maintains that ho secured tho property from Allan In IS!i, trading a pleoo of Antelope county bind for the entity In the house and lot. lie Insists that he se cured a deed for the property, but after wards lost the instrument. Allan contends that he mane no ileal with Powers and says that the property still belongs to him. Itiilltvnr Niiti-H mill I'ei'Nollnlfi, J. Miintoe. Union Pacific freight mnnn ger, went to Chicago last night. A. Harlow, head of the Union Pnclllo advertising department, went to Chlcnco Tuesday night. J. W. Munn, chief clerk of the Elkhorn passenger department, left for St. Louis yesterday afternoon, whore he will attend tho meeting of the trnustnlssourl lines for the discussion of the Interchangeable mileage proposition. . One of the Milwaukee road's new big engines. No. 912, came In Tuesday morning on No. I nnd left for Chicago on No. 4 Tuesday evening. A description of those engines, which are said to bo the largest ever constructed for passenger service, was printed In The Uee Monday. The next time table of the Ilurllngton, to bo Issued next Sunday, will show a new mlleagu for practically every station be tween Chicago and Omaha. This, Is mndo. possible by the opening of several stretches of the new double track. While thn total mileage Is only reduced from f.ft to 515 miles, thero has been a great saving In tho matter of grades and curves. The Chicago Oreat Wotern Is negotiat ing with the Pullman company for tho lighting of Its entire passenger equipment with electricity. Work Is to be commenced Immediately on some of the equipment, and It Is said that by tho time the road is running Into Omaha, next jeur, all of its important trains will lm tltted with new cars, lighted by electricity ami furnished with telephones, $1.00 bottle. AN druiciitJ. J FUND TO FIGHT WESTERN Told Turn Promiiu Iti f rifiti t Hlp HicVoj. CAPITAL FROM OHIO CITY TO HELP OMAHA American Assnrlnllnn I'lnn Wnrm Ca ill pn lun AkiiIiisI IlonrUr nnd lloiiMts of lleltm n "Win n er. TOLEDO, Dee. 11. (Special Telegram. ) Speaking of the fight between the Western league and tho American association to night, Manager Strocbel of tho Toledo' team said: "This will bo a fight to tho finish nnd a survival of tho fittest. I havo Just wired Hlckey that I will donate the entire profits of tho Toledo ball team next season to a fund to fight tho Western, it bids fnlr to bo a prosperous year. In this city and the money will nsslst mntcrlnlly In helping tho tennis to live In the towns whero thero nro two teiimq. "The American nssoclntlnn does not Intend to nbnndon tho Omaha territory nnd will have n tenm In that city that will bo n winner. There ore men In Toledo who nre willing and anxious to go Into Omahn and take a franchise in tho league nnd fight Rourke. I am surprised In Rourko, ns he was one of tho most enthusiastic men In tho meeting, nnd paid his guarantee cheerfully. It will bo a case of tho bettor learn living tho longest In Omaha, nnd I think with tho prestige and money the cir cuit can mako In Toledo, Columbus and In dlanapolls in the east and Minneapolis and St. Paul In tho west, whore thero v. Ill be no trouble, thn Western will havo a losing fight on Its hands. "The pcoplo of Kansas City should ho disgusted with Manning by this time, as ha Jumped tho town once and went to Wash ington. Our league Is a go nnd nothing enn prevent It not even the kindly feeling of tho major lengue for the Western," C0RRILL0S BEATEN BY RIDER .title Scout nml Frank M Htcluslrr AVIiinrr Annum the Favorites. XHIV ORLEANS Dee. 11. Little Scout nnd Frank M were the only winning favor ites today. Corrlllo's defeat in the steeple chase was due, ns tho stewards viewed It, to i'. .iniinon s cnreiess riuo unit 1110 jocnsy was suspenueit inueiiniiciy. nesuiis: First race, one mile: Llttlo Scout won. Atnotn second, The Way third. Time: 1:tc. Second race, selling, one mile: Frank M won, Dandy second, Itcqucnth third. Time: Dti'i Third race, stecplechnse, short course: Hidden Link won, Corrlllo second, Iloslah mini. Time: i':iu. Fourth race, handicap, nvo runongs: Flouron won. Llttlo Jack Horner second. Sevoy third. Time: 1:0214. Fifth race, selling, onu mile: Free Pas won, Else Ilraniblo second, Ida Presence third. Time: 1:41. Sixth race, selling, one mile and a quar ter: Little Elkln won. Irving Mavor sec ond, Delorulno third. Tlmo: 2:ll4. PRESENT TROPHY TO LIPT0N American I'rlrnils Scml ClirlMmn filft to the Popular Ynclitninnn, NEW YORK. Dec. 11. The euests who were entertained by Sir Thomas Upton on thn yacht Erin are sending him a sliver niincli bowl and trnv as a Christmas pres ent The tray bears tho following Inscrip tion: 'Sir Thomas J. Lltitrm. Christmas erect ing. 1901. From a row Amerlcnn friends, guests on board tho Erin during tho In ternational races." SIGN ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT lloli IMtr.sliiinions Will llcferee I'IkIiI Ili'twccii Terry MrRnvcrn 11 nil hnvr Siilllvmi. NEW YORK, Doc. 11. Articles for a match between Terry McGovern nnd Dave Sullivan, featherweight pugilists, worn signed In this city today. Tho bout will tnko place January SO beforo the club offering the best terms. Robert Fltzslm mons will net as referee. Tho National Athletic club of Wnter bury, Conn., has offered 65 per cent of the gate receipts. Options Defeat liiltyn. The Options defeated the Equltys on Clark's bowling alloys last night. Score: OPTIONS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Miller 211 ls5 212 611 Davey Iti 12S IMi m Schneider 1!S Kin 121 491 Iletigele 171 177 IW 51.1 Forscutt IBrt 1G7 IV) 4J2 Total. SS2 EQUITYS. 1st. 1XS lsrt 117 107 172 i2 m 2,531 2d. l.Vi HI 100 1M 211 3d. 109 119 nn 132 Total. 512 4C2 4'3 Iawier ... Ayer Selleck .. linden ... Reynolds Total. 512 515 813 2 825 2.191 Thirty Miles llrlilnil the Itrconl. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. The score In tho New York bicycle rnces at 2 o'clock this morning was: Fischer and Clievnller. 1,422.4; Ilutler ond McLean, 1.422.5; Newklrk and Munro. 1.; MoEacbern anil Wnlthour, 1,422.5; Maya and Wilson, 1.422.6; Lawson nnd Ju lius, 1,122,3; King nnd Snmuelson, 1,422.3; Habcock nnd Turville, 1.422.1: Fredericks and Jank. 1,422.1; Hall and McLaren, 1,122.1, Tho riders were thirty miles nnd six laps behind tho record. fjolileil .Still In the I, coil. ROCHESTER, N. Y., Dec. 11. Tho grind in tho six-day go-ns-you-pleaso walking match continues. The interest and attend nncn are Increasing. Coition, tho leader, is making good tlmo with weak knees. At 12 o'clock tin scorn wns: Oolden. 183 10; Fahey, ios.7; Hart, 170.16; Herty,; Cart wrlght, 135.S; t'nknnwn, 161.2; Losleln, 147.S; Mctiraw, 118.11; Mooro, 133; Ouerrero. 115.7; llcgnlmnn. 79.19; Martin, S4; Clark, 81; Cooper, 88.12. .loeUey t'lnli Stcvriiriln. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. A meeting of tho elownrds of tho Jockey club was hold at tho olllco of tho club hero today. Tho stewards present were: August Belmont, J II. Hrndfnrd, II. K. Kmitip, James R. Kerne and Andrew Miller. Tho application of Jockey J. Harry Mitchell, that the con tract with Anthony L. Asto be rescinded nn tho ground of Informality in tho tlmo of payment, wns denied. Sclincffcr Continues to Win, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. U.-Tho swim ming contests for the American champion ship took plnco tonight at the sportsmen's show. E. Carroll Schueffer, national cham pion, won both and lowered the record for fii yards. In this race ho finished In 6:51 3-5, the previous record, held by himself, being 7:21. Tho other rneo wns for 200 yards. Divide Money nml Honor. NEW YORK. Dec. 11 Tho billiard match which was to have decided second and third honors between Hlosson of this city and Harutel of Franco did not tnko plnco tonight. The, men decided to divide tho money nnd honors. Each had won three and lost two of tho gnmes played. ElUs' Party ionlnht. A card party at tho Elks' rooms was erroneously nnnounced yesterdny for list evening. It will tnko place this evening. Over HO couples have nlrendv signified their Intention to be prercnt. Progressive high live Is tho game to bo played and handsome prizes will bo competed for. Re freshments will bo served ns usual. No household Is complete without a enso of Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne, It's the beet sparkling wino made. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ileber Herd of Central City are Omaha visitors, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wylln returned yes terdny from a four-weeks' tour of Mexico, They wero ono week in tho City of Mexico and ono week on tho Vera Cruz coffco plantation, tho tueatu of William C. Orr. improvementclub protests MontlHTCit Orxnnlrntlnn Object to Re duction of Corporntlon Ap prnlvciitent. The following resolution was adopted by unanimous volo nt a well-attended meeting of the Southwest Improvement club last night; Resolved, That tho Southwest Improve ment club herewith publlclv protests against the action of tho Hoard of Review In reducing tho appraisement of the Omaha Street Railway company nml of the Omalta Oa company from JS27,Oi to J475.CM) nnd from J720,om to rospectlvloy, while tho petitions of poor home-owners nro be ing Ignored. The annual election of officers resulted as follows: W. H. Green, president; Henry Rohlff, vice president; M. J. Feenan, secre tary; Fred Zotzman, treasurer; E. F. Morenrty, Iwls Peterson, D. W. Shull, finance committee. A resolution wns adopted asking tho city council to mako provision in the next gcneml levy for the plnelng of electric lights on Twenty-fourth street, from Leav enworth street to tho southern city limits. Another resolution was adopted tendering n vote of thanks to tho mnyor, city council, city engineer, railroad olllelals nnd tho dally papers for generous treatment ex tended to tho club during tho last three years. Tho widening of Twenty-fourth street between Pacific street nnd St. Mnry's ave nue in orucr to accommodate double Btreet car tracks wns discussed. Tho committee appointed to look Into tho matter of grading tho street reported progress, as did tho committee on stdowntks. MASONIC BODIES IN SESSION Cruml ritnptcr, Itojnl Areli mill tirnml Council lloynl nml Select .Mnstcm .llert. The flrand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, was called In annual session at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon by (Irand Master John S. Harman of Tecumsch. Tho only business of tho afternoon was tho nppolntment of committees and refcr Ing of reports. In tho evening tho order of High Priesthood, was conferred upon twen-ty-alx candidates. Tho session will con clude today. Tho Grand Council, Royal and Select Masters, met nt 10 o'clock yesterday morn ing. No business other than tho election of nfilccrs was transacted, us no now laws had been suggested. Olilccrs elected wore: Ocorgo W. Llnlnger, grand master; W. L. Rltter, deputy grand mnster; F. S, White, grand secrotnry; John S. Harman, grand treasurer; Arthur Trtiesdale, principal con ductor of work. Tho grand master np pointed tho following olllcera: J. J. Mer cer, grand chaplain; Gustavo Andorson, cnptnln of tho guard; L D. Woodruff of Lincoln, principal conductor of tho council; J. C. Work, grand steward, nnd Jacob King, grand tyler. .Muriinuc l.lceimr. The county Judge hns Issued tho follow ing licenses: Namo und Residence. Age. William C. Farr, Omaha 29 Rcna II. Kline, Omaha 2i) Christ Chrlstensen, Omahn 21 Antoinette Novotny, Omaha 20 Tompkins Smith, Omaha M Anna Tompkins, Omaha w John Cederel. Omaha 22 Margarct Orogan, Omaha 11 Albert Johnson, Oakland, Neb 20 Hllma Krlckson, Mcud, Neb 19 Roscoe Moon, South Omaha 21 Hello Twing, South Omaha 20 Otto Rlecker, Elkhorn. Neb 2'i Mary Frlcdrlckson, Dcnnlngton, Neb.... 18 Charles A. Homcllus, Omaha 21 Anna A. Kcmpf. Omaha ; IS Henry (3. Wlecke, Omaha 20 Lydla Sachs, Douglas, county 23 Harry K. Kdson, Omaha 22 llesslo St. Ceyer, Omaha IS Egdar M. llottorff, Oretnn, Neb 28 Carrie K. Graham, Rlchllcld, Ncli 2S William E. Miller, Des Moines II Ida li. Gruhnm, Denver 27 Melvln W. Henryer. Fort Crook 21 Emma. Knnpp, East Omaha 19 .Shooting Mull l!ofN In Uxpenslvr. Ono hundred dollars. Is tho amount of tliu line Imposed by Judgo Munger Wednes day afternoon on William Nnggs and John Herger, two young men of Kearney, who plead guilty to having mutilated two mall boxes on tho rural free delivery routo out of Mlndon. The young men explain that they had been hunting a dog and that tho galvanized Iron boxes, perched con spicuously on two posts, was too much of a temptation nnd that each emptied hli shotgun Into ono of the targets. They did not realize the gravity of perforating I'nclo Sam's property until Deputy t'nlted Slates Marshal James Walling ciuno after them and then they took advantage of a head start and lied. loiter they recon sidered tho matter and cntno In with their fathers to give themselves up. Tho lino Imposed Is the minimum. Army Dines Poor on Clirlstninn. Thnt tho needy poor of tho city may bo among thoso who know the Joy and com fort of well-lllled stomachs on Christmas day. the Salvation Army proposes to give a freo dinner and Invites donations of money and edibles and also of clothing. Checks or letters should bo sent to Hrlga dler James Toft, 1709 Davenport street. For tho children's treo at night thero Is par ticularly desired an assortment of toys, candy, nuts nnd npples, For the dinner anything good Is acceptable, from onions to llvo gceso, and from oranges to popper nnd salt. Mortality Stat Intlcs. Tho following births nnd deaths havo been reported to tho Hoard of Health for the twenty-four hours ending at noon, De cember 11: Ulrths-Alfred Jones. 3111 Wobster. girl; Robert F. Grant, 2MB Franklin, girl; Henry Tratminu, 701 South Seventeenth, boy. Deaths Otto Lund. 40 years. 1522 Howard; J. O. Smith, CO years, 214 North Ninth. 'let tho GOLD DUST Itli the "World'i Bert C!ean&er." Try It THE N. K. FA1RBANK COMPANY. I GOLD DUST DEFEAT THE BRUSH SCHEME Nttioitl Lttgn MtgnkWi Block EtToit t ItTolitUnizt tht Gtmt. SPAULDING'S ELECTION II HELD UP Ncit llnnlon, UronUly n's Vrlernn Mnu niirr, Will Tint lie Permitted to l'lirinlir tin Ilrltlcuroonn for Noit York. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. John T. nrush's scheme for a revolution of tho national gamo is dead, At a meeting at tho Fifth Avenuo hotel today tho National league magnates decided by a majority voto that tho league was a perpetual body nnd did not cease with the expiration of tho Indianapolis agreement on December 18. It wns decided also that no club can bo expelled from tho lcaguo for specified causes as set forth In tho constitution and by-laws of tho organization. Thus Mr. Ilrush's plan for syndicate baso hull caiuu to nn end. Tho voto followed n resolution to declare the lengue out of exlstenco on and nfter December IS. For several hours tho mat ter hnd been discussed and argued pro nnd ' con. Tho speeches, It Is said, wero stormy I ones. Charges of bad fulth wero frequently mndo on both sides. Finally a vote wan taken. Lengue Kept lufet. Tho result, according to excellent au thorlty, showed thnt Ilrooklyu, Iloston, Philadelphia und Chicago wero ngalnst the ! motion. St. IxjuIs voted nyo, whllo New ' York nnd Cincinnati did not vote. Tho vote, It is said, meaus that the National league is back whero It was beforo thu signing of tho Indlnunpolls agreement in 1S91. ' An attempt wns mado nt todny's meet ing to elect A. U. Spuuldlng president. It wub at first reported that ho had been beaten, but this turned out to bo untrue. Shortly after tho magnates went In ses sion, Dreyfus mado a motion that tho elec tion of olllcera bo proceeded with. This was amended that A. G. Spauldlng bo unani mously ulccted president. Tho hitch was In doing nwuy with tho regular order of business, so us to proceed with tho elec tion. In tho regular order the reports of tho board of directors and thoso of vari ous committees must bo heard before the election could proceed. II lock .SpmililliiK'H nieetlon. When tho matter was brought to a vote, Iloston, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Nuw York voted for proceeding in the regular order, thereby setting back Mr. Spauldlug's elec tion until later. It Is said upon good authority, that nt least llvo of tho clubs favor tho election of Mr. Spauldlng. They arc: Pittsburg, Ronton, Chicugn, Ilrooklyu nnd Philadel phia. When the session began nt 3 o'clock In tho afternoon those present were: N. E. Young, president; A. H. Soden, W. II. Co nnnt, C. W. Hillings, of Iloston, Edward Hnnloii, F. A. Aboil, Hnrry Von Dcr Horst nnd Charles Ebbctts of ilrooklyu, Colonel John I. Rogers and A. J. Reach of Phila delphia, Andrew Frccdman of New York, Frnnk Dcllaas Roblson of St. Louis, James Hart of Chicago and John T. Ilrush of Cin cinnati. At 8:30 tonight tho lengue rulers began another session, nt which they listened to tho report of tho board of directors. Keep llmilon In Ilrooklyu, A story that Hnnlon will manago tho New York team next season wns killed as soon as llnnlon . reached tho hotel today. Tho only chanco thut could bring him to New York would bu for Freedman to se curo the consent of Ebbct, Ahell nnd Von Der Horst, tho Urooklyn directors. All of them nro on record ns refusing to let Hanlon leave Urooklyn. Ho has au Ironclad agreement with tho Ilrooklyn di rectors that ho will stay with them ns long us they wnnt him' ut n stipulated salary. Kolicy, captain of tho Ilrooklyn team, was mentioned todny In connection with tho management of tho Now Yorkers. Tho Now York club today secured Matty Mclntyro, an outfielder of tho Philadelphia Amerlcnn lenguo team, nnd L. Qulnlnnd, shortstop of tho Montreal team. Doth play ers, according to tho club's secretary, lmvo signed New York contracts. TIS0NA HANDS OUT SURPRISE Wrll-IMnynl Homes .Snecrsnf ill In 1'lve Invents nt link Inml. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. ll.-The track at Oakland wns good today for tho first tlmo In two weeks and favorites or well plaved horses wero successful In llvo events. Tho only surprlso wns tho victory of Tlsona In tho closing event. Tho best race of tho day wns tho freo hnndlcnp nt six and a half furlongs, for which Nehanus wan favorite. Results: First rare, eleven-sixteenths of a mllo: Afghan won, H. F. Mnson second, Slzzen vlnu third. Tlmo: 1:0!;. Second race, llve-elghths of n mile, sell ing: Jarrcttlerro D'Orr won, Esternell sec ond. Cuthello third. Tlmo: 1:1GU. Third nice, seven-eighths of a mile, sell ing: Nntlvo won, Gold Ono second. Dun Rhine third. Time: 1:2S. Fourth race, thlrteen-slxtecnths of n mile, handicap: Wuter Cure won, Doublet second, Rosormoudo third. Tlmo: l;21'i. Fifth race, ono mllo and un eighth, sell, lug: Plohn won. Sunollo second, Artilla third. Tlmo: 1:5'. Sixth race, eloven-slxteentlis of n mile, selling: Tlsona won, Midnight Chimes second, Patsy Dolnn third. Tlmo: 1;0S'4, tvtlnu do your work!' makes cle&n floori . bright pint, jpotlaw kettlts, nowv lnn. Jhlnlnt dlihei. it clean eyerythlnc more thoroui hly than nan Ham nH la mush kiMn once and you will always use It. Chicago, St. LouI, New York, Boston P is for Present the best time to try a bar of WOOL SOAP with quality high Use Swift's Pride Soap in the Laundry. ST. LOUIS FLYER Loaves Burlington Station, Omahn, 5:10 V. M. Arrives Union Station, St. Louis, 7:19 A. M. no later. This train carries HutTct Sleeping ear and free Weclining Chair ears all the way, runs over n smooth track, and offers the best service be tween Omaha and St. Louis. TICKET OFFICE, 1502 ParnamSt. V 8. Presume you know nbout tho Hurllngton's personally conducted ex cursions to Callffornla thrro times a week 1:2. P. M Thursdiiya und Satur days and 10,30 P. M , Saturdays, BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS TO' California Three Excursions Weekly VIA Scenic Line Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco via Colorado, passing the Grandest Scenery of the Rockies and Sierra Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connections to Los Angeles. City Ticket Office, 1323 "OUTING" yy E AK I I m2, Xtlll CALENDAR inn A 1 to the IUUa I PlntB There Is no advcrtlslnc uPon theso calendars. Wo havo secured a largo number of theso calendars, hut the demand In steadily increns ltiK and It will bo well to send In your orders as early as possible. They will make attractive nnd Inexpensive Christmas Blf(s and arc mast appropriate at this season of the year. You cannot secure such calendars at tho art stores for several time, the price at which these aro offered. "Thi Hunt for Happiness" "Landing a Speckled Beauty" "Bruin's Fate" rpiin abov titles glv but a faint Idea of tho new "OuUhk" -l- endnr for 1003. Tho designs aro In Miss Stumm'a han mood, nnd rather than attompt a namo wuicli will convoy to you aomo lda of theso clevor sketches, the "Out Inn" rnlrndar la uniform In Also nnd style with the "Contury Olrl" and miiy he had upuii the aatno terms. Don't fornot the coupon and don't wait until all are gone before you order. AddrPM bflRT DEPARTMENT, 1 BEE PUBLISHING OMAHA, NEB. HOWELL'S Anti-Kawf even thero stimulates healthy action. None other is just as good. 25c a bottle at tho drug store. It'seany to take. THE BEE FOR Tel. 250. BURLINGTON STATION, lOtli ami Mason Sts. Tel. 128 1 LEAVE OMAHA Wednesday Friday and Saturday Farnam St., Omaha. oner this woek tho second In our "i utauuiui un cnicniiurn for Tho nrst' our "Ontury oirl", may hn l.n.l. .!, , , . . ...... ww .un ocuiuii in now renuy for distribution. For wnnt of a hotter namo wo havo docldod to call this ono "OutlnK," hecausB that tltlo seoms most nnnronrlntn dalaiY uv rtistlc drawings. Kaeh ,R frora n watcr coIor Painting by waudo Stumm. and all the dellcata shades and nrtlstlo atmosphere of tho originals have been fnltl,fiii! j j csl- ipplnst description wo havo glvon each a GUT OUT THIS COUPON Freient at lice Oflice or mall with 15c and get this beautiful Art Calendar. When ordering by mall add 4 cents for poetngn. ART DEPARTMENT, BEE PUBLISHING GO., OMAHA, NED. CO., ActB quickly on tho mom- branes of tho throat, clear ing it of phlegm and stim ulating healthy action. It docs not disturb tho stom ach, in fact, its presenco ALL Tilt NEWS