Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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niiiiiir i i ii i iiii i.ii i.iiiii.,i
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Coisnlt Fariati.
Slfllr .ttrilor Wratmt In llrliiu lliimr
n llrlilr lllitlirr Kim rime
, f from Oil lniri'.
llitn, '
LrNCOLNi Dec. llVwSnrrlal.l-tn
Klorncp, Nob., State HupciJiitciplrnt Kon
ir loony made the foilonlnr; ruline rounrd
Iok a teae'ier'a Authority over iiiils ot
their way to mid from school:
"The Iflwg of Nohrnnkn ilo not touch ill
rectly upon the matter nf the tcucher'
nlithnrltv nvrr mitillo nn ll,n trt fin
fiom chool. Several drclslon of illfferrn
supreme rourln, however, Fcrm to Indlcnt
lhlll X hlr thnrn tu hit latlllnri'
to the contrary the teacher may exerelw
ft reanonaiilo control over puplH on Win way
to ami from the school house in nil matters
of conduct which affect the Interests and
discipline of the school. This authority
must be exercised with Kreat discretion on
the part of the teacher, and he rtlll he lia
ble for any flagrant perversion or abuse of
It. The teacher stands in the place of th
parent at ovhool and h.-js the same Juris
diction over the conduct of the pupils there
that the parent has nt home. It seems to
bo a simple deductlou fronrthls principle
that the teacher has authority also over
the pupils at alt times when they are
thrown togethei In consequence of attend
ance at school, and It would bo very disas
trous to school discipline If the teacher
were denied a reasonable control over'tlte
Actions of puplln on thewny to and from
tho school house. This rljdit. therefore,
reems to belong to the teacher by Implica
tion without any express statement of the
law to that effect. I have no doubt but
the courts would sustnln such a position.
"ItrRardlng the authority uf the teacher
entirely outsldn of school, school hours and
on the way to and from school, a teacher
lias u right to punish pupils for nets com
mitted out of fichool or after school hours
which dlrctly Interfere with the discipline
and well being of tho school, or which aro
detrimental to Its best Interests. For ex
ample, In the case of Lander against Sever,
32 Vermont, HI, wo bavo n decision of tho
courts sustaining the punishment of a boy
for using Insulting languago about tha
teacher In tho hearing of the teacher and In
the presence of omo fellow pupils. Tho In
cident occurred nn hour and a half after
tho closo of school In tho afternoon and
Hfter tho boy had returned to bis home and
while tho boy was driving his father' cow
from the pasturo by the teacbor's homo.
The next morning after, school opened tho
tenchor reprimanded tho boy for using In
sulting languago tho evenlug before, and
then whipped him.
"It nppearo to mo that where acts are
committed in or about tho homes of ,tho pu
pils It would nvold a source of much trouble
and Irritation If the teacher would consult
with tho parents, reasoning with them. If
they am reasonable, and parents usually
are when facts nro fairly stated and they
see that somo action Is necessary for the
good of their own children. Teachers
should not bo arbltrnry or dictatorial, Par
ents havo rights nnd are, or should be, tho
proper guardians of their children and re
sponsible for their acts In school and out.
Many parents would prefer to punish their
children themselves for misconduct In
hchool. anil would do sorihore severely than
the teachers If applied to In the1 proper
Trnctlon Company Answers.
Tho Lincoln Traction company today filed
answer In tho district court to tho petition
i.f the cltv In tho tax foreclosure case. In
which the city sought to enforce a lien
agulnat tho entlro system or tho company
.iB now operated. Tho Hen Is against an
old system that was purchased by tho Lin
cola Traction company Interests. It Ib ns
.ririi in the answer that none of the prop
eity acquired in the consolidation with the
old company was sold in under the decree
of foreclosure secured by tho. bondholdsrs.
It Is averred that Messrs. Scudder and
rinlnhrr acted In the nurchnso of the prop
erty Jib a commltteo organized by tho men
for whose benefit tho foreclosure proceed
ings wero entered. Tho company assorts
that It has expended a largo sum of money
for repairs and Improvements, has extended
many of Its linos, but ..Insists that none of
tho property nqw In nso was Included In
the purchase. It claims that the city Is
bound by tho decree In foreclosure because
it made Itself u narty thereto by Interven
tion, and is now estopped from questioning
Its full force and effect, and that this court
must give full faith and credit to tho dc-
This man is one Incident In the Ions-
fought litigation for tho collection of taxes
levied against the street rnllway property
before tno cousounauon ana me orguuizH
tlon of the Llncolu Trnctlon company.
Tni-Cnllectinu; Otiailt.
Employing tho effective mothods of the
Omaha authorities Sheriff Branson today
began a tax-collecting crusade n gu Inst Ian
caster county delinquents. Several days
ago the sheriff gave public notice that if
persons against whom ho held distress
warrants, Issued because they had not paid
their city taxes, did not Immediately set
tle with the proper officials, ho would call
tinonthcm with a furniture van and lew
on enough property "to satisfy tho claims.
He kept his promise and at 9 this morning
started on the first round with the big
Little Liver Pills.
Must ar Signature f
Am PacSJall Wrapper Mw.
Try aault x mb
.cuiJtK n qic, mf a run u,
gest aa obtainable In the city Two places
ooly were tinted today, but no property
was taken, prompt settlement being prom
ised. Auditor WVwton Mnrrlr.
Official and employes at the state house I
were surprised today to lesm that Auditor)
t'hsrles il. Wcftnn was married yesterday
In Chicago. The name of the hrde Ii not
known, as Mr. Weston kept his matrimonial
Intention n secret, even among his closest
friends. He left Lincoln Saturday, saying
that he was going east on business trip,
and the first known of Iho eent was when
a telegram whs received today announcing
that It had taken place. It Is believed that
Mr. and Mr, Weston will soon return to
IIpimiiic from OH tliirrtliin.
B. R. SUer has established a new record
for producing revenue In the office of state
oil Inspector. According to his monthly
rport filed today In the auditing depar'-
mcnt the collections during November cx-
ced'd the expenses. Including salaries,
I12I.30. which amount was turned Into the
rensnry. For the some month 'last year
the surplus was JI52.S8. Tho tot'al receipt"!
of the department during the latt monili
ninounted to JI.i27.TO. A comparison of
reports for several years shows that
he revenue this year has been larger than
vcr before. TbCflcml-unnual report shows
receipts from .Juno 1 to November 1 were
ftt.lto and the expenses K,2?..S2, leaving n
balance In the treasury of $3,Sf0.t0. which
Is nbout $1,700 more than the surplus dur-
ng the corresponding period last year.
CoinmlHrr mi I, nnd Trnnsfer.
The committee appointed to Investigate
the Torrens system of land transfers will
be ready to flic Its report with the Judges of
the supreme court by January 1. Tho mem
bers hnvc visited Chicago, Toronto, Can.,
and Doston, Inspecting th workings of the
system with Its modifications. The commlt-
en whs appointed In response to a bill
p'assed by the last legislature, introduced
by Representative Hanks of Otoe county.
It consists of A. W. Crltes, Chadron; W.
L. Hand, Kearney, and !. H. Tipton, Sew-
nrd. They will recommend adoption by the
legislature of the principal features of the
Torrens system as operated elfnwhcrc.
Fnlr I.unil rnrcclnweil.
Three hundred and twenty acres of farm
land Immediately adjoining the town of
Ilcrks was sold yesterday afternoon by
Deputy Sheriff Hess to Winchester J. Dawes
of Crete, for IS.flOO. This property be
longed to one Bomgart and was sold under
a decree of foreclosure, secured by Dawes.
Xcir Corpnrnllonn,
Secretary of State Marsh today legalized
the following new corporations:
The llock County Ranch company of
Newport, Rock county: capital stock, $15,
000. Incorporators, Frank II. Gaines, John
A. Story, Thomas W. Taliaferro, James E.
Kelby, Kv R. Duffle.
The uoieman company, omahn, for gen
eral printing, publishing and binding: cap
ital stock, $20,000. Incorporators, C. B.
Cosgrove, C. J. Clarke and Fred II. Cos
grove. The Wllber Brewery compnny of Wllbcr,
Saline county; capital stock, $25,000. In
corporators, E. J. Mirk, F. J. Beck and F.
IIIpk nf Apoplexy
Mrs. Kelza N. Irwin died suddenly of
apoplexy In her home, 3071 Klcckner court,
last night. Funeral will be tomorrow morn
ing from the family residence and services
will be conducted by Rev. B. Everett Smith.
Atkinson A .Mohrara Hirer Its
rond Intend (o Dullil In
ATKINSON, Neb.. Dec. 11. (Special.)
Tho latest development In connection with
the Atkinson & Niobrara River railroad,
which has been In the course of construc
tion from Atkinson to Butte, tho county
seat of Boyd county. Is that work on thp
same hns been temporarllly abandoned
pending a proposition to enlarge the orlgl
nal scope of the road by building a link
from O'Neill, the terminus of the Great
Northern Short Line, tn this place, a dis
tnnce of eighteen miles. While this plan
has' been considered for some tlmo past, no
effort had been made to secure tho link
until nn nnnouncemunt recently appeared In
the dally papers from Elkborn headquar
ters that their road intended to extend
their Verdigris line up Into Boyd county as
far as Lynch. This announcement frustrated
tho plans of tho Atkluson ft Niobrara pro
rooters, who Intended to run their road In
connection with tho Elkhorn, by giving the
latter system their business at this place,
und tho result Is thnt eastern capitalists,
headed by Abel Anderson, president of the
Northwestern National bank of Sioux City,
who Is trustee of the Atkinson & Niobrara.
will either Induce the Great Northern road
to extend to this place from O'Neill or take
out stocks In the enlargement of Atkinson
ft Niobrara. At a mass meeting of tho
citizens of Atkinson held In Grand
Army of the Republic Ijall last night for
tho purpose of tnqulrlug Into the sentiment
of the people generally concerning this do-
sire to have the link constructed It was
developed that tho people universally fa
vored the project.
Atlorr III Friend lo Snap lid
Meed and fid
Canght. v
FREMONT. Neb., Dec. 11. (Special.)
John Rosengrcen of this city thinks that be
Is tho victim of a "hons trade" that sur
passes any ever made by Dsvld Hnrum. lie
delivered niSxiiorse to a triend, I,. -Hanson
who claimed to be well posted ou horfe fltsti,
to trade for one more suited to his wants.
N. Bergman, a farmer residing about threo
miles from tho city, had one tbnt Hanson
thought would exactly fill the hill, but It
was down at his farm. Hanson know the
animal so well and was so sure that he bad
the best of It that ho said. "It Is a go" and
took tho horse down to Bergman's to bring
back the farmer's steed. Bergman took
possession of the llnscngreen animal and
then polntel out hnrsij that had had de
parted mis nre tor some time, as noscn
green's property, "But hay bane dade,"
says IlHnsou. "Dot makes no defference."
says Bergman, Hanson could not get the
horse bnck and a replevin suit followed,
Attnnnt In Itoli ftore.
Ml'LLEN. Neb.. Dec. 11. (Special.)-Earl
Stephenson, 12 years old, attempted to rnb
II. J". Lore's store. Young Stephennon broke
through the rear w indow nnd was approach
Ing tho cash box when he awnkened the
clerk, who slept in the store. Stephenson
escaped and fearing arrest he look his horee
and Jcft town,
Mr Akhp .Hchnnlirl lnnne.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 11. (Special Tole
gram.) Mrs. Agnet. Schaubel. rrMdlni
twelve milt south of Beatrice, was ad
Judged Insane, by the Infinity commission
and was taken to tho asylum at Lincoln by
Sheriff Waddingtnn.
Tii Vltne Ml llmmpi r 1 1' llplint
NEW YORK. Dee. 11. MIrb Cnr.lMla
Roosevelt-Pcovel, daughter of Chevalier
pcivpi, nun uni morner, .Mrs. uooseveil
Scovel. were pakKCliKeri" on the recently
arrived steamship Kaiser Wllhelin der
wross"". inpy lrnveieu ,u) miles trotn
Florence, in Italy, to be present at the dehut of MN Ronvrlt-Fcnvej't
cousin, .mik Alice liooscvcu, tile preil
Wasp Ntmbir Tw Proin a Ht f Pfiv
for Dttdwtfd Mil.
lllnrk Hill Product llnlineil to Utocl
All Other for I'lerlrlcnl lnriops
ami Itccrnt Intention
9ninllct I'iecrk,
DK.'.DWOOI). S. D.. Dec. 11. -(Special. )-
Wasp No, 2 Mining company Is one of the
best dividend payers of the Black Hills.
fhe wlock Is held principally by Dcadwood
business men wlio advanced the money
originally for a fifty-ton cyanide plant. The
mill has since been enlarged to 100 tons
ally capacity which makes II possible lo
handle successfully the thousands of tons
of the lower grade ore which oerlles the
quartzltp level. The mine Is In the Yellow
reek district, four miles south of this city,
nd it bus produced about the richest ore
vcr mined In the Hills. The mine has
paid back several times over the original
cost ,of the cyanide mill, the dividends at
present being In tho neighborhood of $.1,00
month. John tlray of Terryvllle, who was
one of the principal men to build the min
eral palace In this city last summer, is
general manager of the Wasp company.
.Mien Mined In lite ItlmU t I tin.
CL'SIKR. S. I)., Dec. 11. ( An
electric drill hns been Installed at the
Crown Mica mine, three miles northwest of
his city, mid n new shaft Is being sunk
which will open up a strong ledge of mien
hat Is known to exist. The mine Is owned
by thy Chicago Mica company and tho qunl
lty Is pronounced the very best for elcc-
rlcal purposes. A great deal of mica was
hipped last summer from tho old workings.
This mica company has made nn Important
discovery which maker It possible to cement
together small pieces of mien, thus forming
any sized block desired. The price of
Black Hills mica has been ndMtnccd on ac
count of this discovery, for everv bit of
tho mica rained Is now merchantable. Tho
Crown mica mine has produced blocks that
would cut sheets twenty-four Inches nuarn,
which have sold for from $3 to $10 per
pound. The mica Industry of Custer county
s undeveloped and has great possibilities.
t has been found by actual tests that It Is
the best electrical mien In, being
absolutely free from Iron.
Alinnrtts Iip e Mmct Mine.
LEAD. S. D., Dec. 11. (Special.) The
Homestnke Mining company has absorbed
all tho stock of the Father Do Smet Mining.
company nnd has taken possession of the
De Smet mill and tho new hoisting pinnt.
There was qnlto an amount of tho company's
stock at large, but It Is now all In, and tho
company Is a part of tho great Homestake
corporation. Tho Do Smet mine has not
bcon developed to nny extent below tno
200-foot level, but it Is supposed to enrry
the best portion of the Homcstako oro
veins. The now De Smet hoisting plant Is
one of tho best owned by the company, nnd
It Is now at work sinking a new shaft which
will bo put down to a considerable depth
In order to open up the property. The Do
Smet mill Is treating ore from another por
tion of the company's great property.
Implement npalera Consldpr Various
Iaap of Their Commer
cial Care.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Dec. 11. (Special
Telegram.) At this morning's session of tho
implement Dealers' convention the annual
reports of Secretary and Treasurer W. S.
Hill of Alexandria were read, inese ana
the report of tho finance committee showed
the association to be In very good condition
for so young an organization.
Forty new members have lieen added
to the rolls thus far during tho present
meeting. "Local Competition" wns ably
presented by J. E. Sinclair of Bercsford.
W. H .Wumkes, Lennox; J. u. uurgnnrat.
Valley Springs; J. J. Nlsson. Yankton; D.
M. Grove, Nevada, In., participated In tho
discussion on this subject. G. J. Bach of
Hurley read a paper on "What Benollts
Are to Be Derived from Being a Member
of This Association." K. O. Stukko, Woon
socket. discussed the subject. L. V
Schneider of Salem presented his views on
How Best to Advertise." Tho subject
was discussed by Jonah Jones. Sioux Falls.
Harrison Whlto of Uivercne, Minn., J. J.
Nlsscn. Yankton; D. M. Grove, Nevada la.;
K. O. Stnkke. Woonsockett; G. H. Ireland,
Newton, la discussed tho subject of "Col
At tonight's session J. S, Buck of Sioux
Falls rend a paper on "The Wholesaler,
tho Retailer and tho Commercial Travclor."
He was followed by W. S. Thomas of
Springfield. O., president of tho National
Association of Agricultural Implement and
Vehicle Manufacturers, who presented his
vlows in relations that should exist be
tween the manufacturer and rotnller. P,
G. WllllamS of Montrose read a paper on
"Collections." W. H. Miles of Sioux Falls
talked on "Harmony."
niislne Men Tkp .Step U'oirnrJ the
I'l-pptlon of a Modern
DEAD WOOD. S. D.. Dec. 11. (Special.)
A committee bus been appointed among the
members of the newly-organized Business
Men's club to solicit subscriptions for the
new $100,000 hotel In this city. There Is
an old hotel rompany still lu existence and
the old charter will be used for the now
building. A foundation wns laid for n
hotel several years ago, which has a valua
tion at present of nbout $50.0(10. II Is pro
posed that the company Issue first mortgnge
bonds for $ino,nno, bearing 5 or fl per cent
Interest, payable semi-annually. The hotel
movement has progressed so far that there
will be nothing to prevent the erection of
a building early In the spring that will
eclipse anything of Its kind in tho state.
.South llnkotn Itctnll Mpri'hnnl' -
oclnilon Call for II ceo nt me
lton Contention,
SIOl'X FALLS. S. O.. Dec. 11 (Special J
Telegram.) At 11 nieetinK nt tno soutn in
kota fletnll Merchsuts' nshorlatlnu, held
here, It whs decided to reorganize and r.
convention will be called for Junuifry il,
190;, In Sioux Falls for the purpose of re
organizing and placing the association upon
a substantial and permanent basis. Among
those, who attended the annual meeting,
which has Just concluded, wns P. O. Han
son of Minneapolis, president of tho Na
tional Retail Orocers' s3oclntlon.
(internment Owners of MImIiik flnhim
lo lion' lliic-llutcu
nKADWOOI), S. I) Dec. II (SpecUl ) -The
people of the Black 1IIIU are pleased
nt a recent ruling of the I'ntted States land
officn in regird In the cutting of the bus
teutrj which, war cUcrsd all over
the Hill It is now allowable for owners
of mining claims to 'cut this class of tim
ber after securing a government permit
and disposing of it on the public market In
the form of wood or lumber. This order
has been made as n preventative of forest
fires and spreading of the hugs. There are
millions nf feet of pine trees that are dead
and for two years after tho bugs have got
ten In their work they can bo made Into
uso the same as green limber.
llrporl from f liiiinlirrlnlii MmtT
Marked liniiro wmi-iit in tnt
tlp Hii'li'P.
clal.) During the se.ison closing on Decem
ber 1, 1.036 carloads of . slock passed
through the stock yards of the Milwaukee
company hi Chamberlain, a against 710
cars ono ago, and (72 cars two years
ago, A total of fi,13. beef cnttlc, or I3."i
carloads, wore shipped to eastern markets,
as against 0.0.19, or 304 carloads a year ngo.
While, forty-two more cars of beef cnttlo
were shipped than during' tlu previous
yciir. the fact that shipments did not keep
pace with tho great Increase In other
classes of stock movements wns due entirely
to the depressed market. While forty-two
earn more beef catlle were shipped this
year than last, but $3t'.3,t00 wero realized, as
against $106,755 last year.
As a result stockmen only shipped such
stock as they were forced to place upon
tho market, preferring, ns the ranges nre
well supplied with feed, nnd water, to hold
tho stock over until next season.' Tho most
marked Increase has been In the receipt
of young cattle from eastern or southern
points, 515 cars of young cattle having
been brought In, as against but 221 last
year, mid ISO two years ago.
As these young cattle, aggregating 21. Sf'O, averaged nbout $20 per head laid
down at Chamberlain, It Is shown thnt al
most $500,000 worth of young cuttle have
been placed upon, the ranges tributary to
Chamberlain during tho year, In addition
to the natural Increase, whlln but 0,13"
havo been shipped ns beef cattle.
It Is therefore snfo to nsHumn that the
amount of stock on the ranges has fully
doubled during tho year. Next year's
flgurc3 of stock movements arc certuln to
show u marked Increase over even this
year. JVlth tho largo nmount of stock
that hns been taken to 'the ranges over
land, together with the Immcnsu wool ship
ments from tho great sheep ranches west
of the rlvor, It Is safe to assume Hint stock
Interests to nn amount exceeding $1,000,000
passed through tho hands of stock oper
ators at Chamberlain during the last Season,
making Chamberlain ono of tho leading
stock shipping points In tho northwest.
Northerly Wind lo .Nitppo plirnUii
nml Xpntrnllzp (he Mm'
Itn? .
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. -Forecast for
Thursday nnd Friday:
For Nebraskn Clearing and cold Thurs
day; Friday, fair; northerly winds.
For Iowa Cloudy Thursday and probably
Friday; variable winds.
For Missouri Cloudy Thursday and prob
ably Friday, with rnln or snow In western
portion; easterly winds.
For Kunsns Snow or rnln Thursday;
Friday, clearing; northeasterly winds.
For South Dakota Clearing and cold
Thursday; Friday, fair and warmer; north
erly winds.
For Colorado Snow Thursday, with coldor
In western portion; Friday; fair nnd colder;
northerly winds.
For Wyoming Snow Thursday; Friday,
fnlr and cold; northerly winds.
I.OPHl llPC'OI'd.
OMAHA, Dec. 11. OIIlclnl record of tem
perature nnd precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of tho last three
1901. im. isso lso
Maximum temperature... 22 33 33 31
Minimum temperature 11 2') 23 r,
Menu temperature lii 24 2S 23
rreclpltutlon T .0) .12 .0)
Record of tcmpcrntiirc and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since Alnrch 1,
Normnl temperature 31
Uellclcncy for the day 13
Total excess since March 1 na
Normnl precipitation tc Inch
Dellcloncy for the day l Inch
Totnl rolnfnll since March 1 Inches
Dotlclcncy since Mnrch 1 5.!H Incli-s
Excess for cor. psrlod ISM u i; Inch
Dellcloncy for cor. period 1K0.... 3. i!) Inches
Iti'liort from Mntlona at 7 i. in.
H 3
; s i i
: M - C
: t : 5 s
: : :
. r . t
f :
i : "i
. i
fsi 5i os
20 22 m
I 20 2:1 T
1K 22' .to
181 18' .01
I 201 2 T
SOI 301 .(V)
ns ssi .on
20' 221 .(.0
::m si .00
si :n .00
I II IS .(hi
I ll is r
i ffi 6.' T
Omaha, cloudy. '.
Valentino, t-nowing
North Pl.itte. snowing
Huron, cloudy
Rupld City. jTiowlnp
Cheyenne, nnowing
Halt lokc City, part cloudy.
Wllllston, c.lenr
Chicago, clear
St. Ixmis, cloudy
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, cloudy
Helena, olciir
Hlsmnrek. cloudy
Onlveston. cloudy
T Indicates truce of precipitation.
la, A, A 1 jJaHI It
Local Forecast Offlclul
I Do Not Treat All Diseases, But Cure All I Treat; I Treat Men Only and
Wo hnvc recently treated scores of stubborn enses for some, of th liest citizens of till city nnd vicinity,
nnd not a single failure nor nn unpleusiiiit result has been reported. Whnt we havo done for others we can do
for yon. Wo euro to stay cured
Syphilitic HI011J Poison, Ncrvo.Ssxunl Debility, Varicocele, Stricture. IJtipIurc, Hydrocele, Kid
ney and Urinary Diseases ami All AlllcJ an I Associate Discuses ot .Men.
Ono personal visit Is preferred, hut If It Is, Impossible or Inconvenient for you to call nt our ofllce. write n
full nnd unreserved history of your cnt-e, plainly stntlng your symptoms. Wo mako no charge for private coun
sel nnd give to citch patient A I.EtiAI. fONTRACT to hold for our promises. If rou cannot call today, write.
References: Ilcst Hanks and Leading Ritslness .Men of This City Consultation l)i person or by Letter
Tree and Confidential. Office Hour.: 8 n, in. tn S p. in j rinnd ays 10 to I,
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th, and 14th Sts.,
But if You Havo Kidney, Liver or Bladder
Troubles, You Will Find Swamp-Root
Just the Remedy You Need.
It used to be considered that only urinary
and bladder troubles were to bo traced to
the kidneys, but now modern science proves
that nearly nil diseases have tholr hcglnnlnz
In the disorder of these most Important
The kidneys filter and purify tho blood
that Is their work.
Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or
out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body Is affected nnd bow
every organ seems to fall to do Its duty.
If you are sick or "feel badly" begin
taking the famous now discovery, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Rait, because as soon as your
kidneys nre well they will help nil the
other organs to health. A trial will con
vince an one,
Doctors Prescribe Swamp-Root.
1 hnve prescribed that wonderful remedy
for kidney nnd bladder complaints, Dr. Klf
hit's Swamp-Root, with most beneficial
effect nnd know of many cures by its use.
These pntlonts hnd kidney trouble, as diag
nosed by other physicians, und treated
without benefit. Dr. Kllmcr'H Swnmp-lloot
effected a cure. 1 nm n llbcrnl man and
accept n specific wherever 1 rind It, In an
nccepted school or out of It, For despornte
cases of kidney or bladder complaint under
treatment with unsatisfactory results I
turn to Dr. Kilmer's Hwnmp-Root with
most nattering results. 1 shall continue, to
prescribe It nnd from personal observation
state thnt Swamp-Root hns great curatlva
270 !'tb St., Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y.
September 24, 1Mb
Wink nnd unhealthy kidneys are respon
sible for many kinds of diseases and If per
mitted to continue! much suffering with fatal
results aro sure to follow. Kidney trouhlo
Irritates the nerves, makes you dliry, rest
less, sleepless nnd Irritable; makes you pass
wnter often during the day nnd obliges you
to Ret up many times during the night.
I'nhealthy kidneys cause rheumatism,
grnvel, cotarrh of the bladder, rain or dull
ache In tlm back. Joints and muscles; makes
the head ache and back ache, causes Indi
gestion, ttnmsch nnd liver trouble, you got
a sallow, yellow comploxlnn; makes you feel
as though you had heart trouble; you muy
hnvo plenty of amhltlon, but no strength;
get weak nnd waste nwny.
Tho cure for these troubles Is Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, tho world famous kidney
romody. In tnklng Swamp-Root you afford
natural help to nature, for Swamp-Root Is
the most porfect healer and gentle aid to
th kidneys that Is known to medical
If there Is any doubt In your mind as to
your condition take from your urlno on
rising about four ounces, plaro It In a glass
or bottlo and let It stand twenty-four hours.
If on examination It Is milky or cloudy, If
there Is a brick dust settling, or If srunll
particles float In It, your kidneys aro tn
Sample Bottle of Swamp-Root Sent Free By Mail,
EDITORIAL NOTK If you bavo tho slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder
troubles, or If tnero Is a trace of It In your family history, send nt ouco to Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Blngharaton, N. Y., who will gladly send you by mull. Immediately,
without cost to you, a samplo bottle of Swnmp-Ropt nnd a book containing many of
tho thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men nnd women
cured. In writing be sure to say thnt you reud this generous offor In The Omaha
Morning lice. .
lUmovn Tin, ilnipl, ,
I'recklrp. Moth l'atchf, '
n 1UH and Kkln lli-
iiraar, and aver J
blmlfh on bauly,
nj dene detec
tion. It hu atooj
tho test ot S3
jrarn, and Is i
harmltus wa taita
It to be iure 'I
la properly made.
Accept no counter-
relt ot (Initial I
name. Dr. I.. A. I
Sxyra all to a la
dy cr tne naut.toi ,
(a ratlenOi I :
you ladles will uso them, I recom- ' i
'GOURAUD'S CltEAM' us the least
harmful of all tho Skin preparations." For-
Eale by all Druggists nnd Fancy CJood
ealers In the U. U. und Kurope. I
KJSKU. T. HOl'Kl.VS, rmp'r, 1
HI Great Jonea St.. N. T.
wiieh hazel
A well known curs fop Piles
Tills salve cannot be equalled wherever
asoottilnguml healing antlseptlcappli
cation Is needed. It quickly cures sores,
cuts, burns ami scalds without leaving
a scar. For piles, eczema and all skin
diseases it Is considered infallible.
Beware of Counterfeits
Unscrupulous persons may offer you
worthless Imitations. Take only the or
iginal DkWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., Chlcaoo.
Suaw"i Jt
r F2XTUIIIKS nr;o, upon tho lower slopps of Wsnv-
Iup, men, women nnd children wero roJok-liiK to
the music of Rultnr nnd mandolin, grandly ob
livious of tho flHry ordenl to
subjected. Intoxlcntod
. laughing ns they dn need,
rumbling nhove them,
Uihenvnl of lire, nnd th
lay deeply buried urdrr
n man unmindful nf
difpnsp, finds, after
there Is danger In
jjH SB. KU.MEH'8 jH
H tttsM taupooafali titter H
rsAivBMlsMid ba- H
bbI ttaw. 1
H CkMim Urn aonnitac H
H Kay ooniMna Mh H
H BnlldofMBd taMMSto H
H fall daw or mora, m th H
H MMmitfisMmtertqntK, H
H Tth gttU rmt&f mart
H m kid txr, Mm, aiwidar jjl
(B ftnl Vrlo AdAtranbtwtad tH
H (UtorliridMttvotk kid- B
H ntjf, rich u eunrrh of t!w H
H tikddw, crtm, rhoBa- H
B kUm. tarolMo and M ht'i H
H JUaM,wtitehlitti wont H
l font of ktduy dhraM. B
H ttUBluaattAtak. H
(Swnmp-Itoot Is pleasant to tnlre.)
need of immediate attention.
Swnmp-Root. Is pleasant to tako nnd Is
used In the lending hospitals, recommended
by physicians In their prlvato prnctlco and
Is taken by doctors themselves who hnvo
kidney nllments, becnuso they recognlzo In
It the greatest and most successful remedy
for kidney, liver and bladder troubles.
If you nro already convinced that Swamp
Root Is what you need, jou can purchase
tho regular tlfty-ccut nnd one-dollnr sir
bottles nt tho drug stores everywhere.
f?5 What Is tho use of wnstinK ynuve''''
y tlmo enroiite nnd your money oiic.;.
V".jxiin nicnis unell II UUH TH NO FT
KfJ MOU.E to tnivcl in Iho llnent trnlns t
011 u perfectly bnllustcd track ou-rff
W a direct toutu? J
ThrcothrouRh fn8t irnlns
to California find Oregon.
City Tickot Offlco
1324 Farnam St.
Tolophono 316.
PSTiira 1111 fTtCTHfCfS?
which they wero soon
with Joy tltoy dnnced on
and iiipscnlly then wan a
followed llko lightning hy nn
pIUck wherein thoy reveled
a saa of molten Invn. Sf tay
tho Insidious; InromlK of his
consulting n (peclnllst, thnt
his persistent dohiy.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Sliiverick Furniture Co.
Holiday Sales
M'h n. far greater selection In'y
ever line nnd prices ulmost . per cent
less than fortnerb, our dally pales .ire th
largest of record
All goods tnirkcd nt th low pile In
largo plain ilgurcs.
I Jul
Brnss and Iron Bctfs
Tho ivw Urnss nnd Iron lleds are tltn
flnct vn linve ever shown
Hrn:-s Reds. J10.00 to $7T..C
Iron HeilH, $5.i to $2A.v.
All are being sold M per cent less
Parlor Suites
This 3-plece I'nrlor Suite reduced frortl
23.(i to $13.oii.
Wo have nn unusually large line of
Farlot ftuilrs. All sn per cent less than
For $.i, M0, $15 or $23 you can find somo
beautiful goods
Wo 11 ml wo liuvr over .IV) Hldebosids on
hand which Is too huso 11 stock for De
cember. An wo want this stock to be low
when wo Inventory January 1 wo hnvo
therefore, AFTHH tin- ) per cent reduc
tion In price, reduced Mt III further nearly
cwry Sideboard from J.'i to $in.
Will you sco these prices, from to
Another Kreni siale of ( oin-hcs this w ok.
There In nothliiK thnt can cquul the JI5.ii
Leather I'oiich lit $.11 .80
Tin' Vrlour "'oucIiom 11 1 J7..V. $10.75 nnd
Jll.u1) nre en inr 'i'nt les than rcBulur
1315 to 1318 Farnam St.
Fast Trains
nro via
What Is the use of nastlnK your
time enroute and your money
on extra meals when it COSTS
NO MOIIB to travel ( rha
nneat trJn pn the best bl
lanted road In the vest, th
Orat Trana.ContlnHjv.ul Uan,
"The Orerland Route:"
The Popular I'er.sonnUy
Conducted arn
vltt this line. Leave Omnht
vry Wrdnfday and Friday at
p. ra. can Join excursion at
r.n point enroute
Pullman Ordinary Cars loiv
Oinnhn at n.20 p. rn. every
Tunday for I.on AnReloa.
Tillman Ordluary (Tourist)
Cars leave Omaha DAILY at
4:25 p. in. for San l'Vanclseo ami
For full Information addrei,
Cily Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam,
Telophono 310.
Every Ionian
ii i.iiritiir.i nii iirui'i know
about I tin wuiid'rfu)
MARVEL Whirlimi Snrnv
A'oij si? ' t""' 'i;." ""' '
t, 2p iAfiiw,,' ,,' f'l ConTHile,1.
h$UfiWy lltl'iiilnll;,
7hrr.rT.V.ll..i.,r1., rf.
w TT" . f M -nTT un i l-Wi f i-Y
It -ll1 - f I . .1.
fr )1
mner, rmttnirl itnmnlnrll rV-iT
ImttilH liriok lJ.t Birrs V J 'H
lull ,riifiilinil ffi'Hoi i of ,tt
aliuhletiiiiiir ! lu l.l, (I, . ff
Itomu . ! ,
Th Whlr'dnu firray Hyrlntto I'or CrU Jlr
Sherman & fffCcuell Diu&Oo,
UitL ouU liuiiv, OU4uL( hub.