Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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jLitltlpttid ActUn Taken Lata in Aft
tiaoin YiiUnUj.
"Wllllnm IC. I'filli-r .ViiiiiimI liy .InilKc
'"" nn Iti'colt T Petition
Irr Omiilin l.niiii nml Trnnt
llni'ii .11 ore 'I'll n ti tin Annrtn.
Upon the application of Wllllnm Wnllnco
Judgo Jncob Fawcett named William K.
Potter receiver for the Omaha Ionn nnd
Trust company yostcrdny afternoon.
Mr. Wallace Is a stockholder In the In
solvent company and stntod In IiIh petition
for n receiver that tho capital and surplus
ot the company have been exhausted nnd
that nn indebtedness of $100,000 ling accu
nuilntcd, exclusive of debenture bonds so
cured by first mortgages on real estate.
Tho petition ol Mr. Wallace recited that
tho Iops on guaranteed loans is several
thousand dollars each month and states that
If tho nffalrw of tho company were allowed
to continue In their present condition all
ItH property weuld soon bo dissipated,
Tho nppllrntlon of Mr. Wallnco was mado
at tho request of other stockholders, and
ho bvo Ouy C. llnrton and C. II. Ilrown as
his sureties In tho sum of $100,000. Mr.
Wallnco holds 150 shares of stock In tho
Insolvent company.
It was recommended In tho petition that
William K. Totter bo named as receiver nud
Judgo I'iwcett ncteil upon this suggestion.
Ho fixed Mr. Potter's bond at $150,000 and
accepted tho Fidelity and Ocposlt company
of Maryland as surety.
Mr. Potter was formerly cnshler ot tho
Nebraska nxchnngo bank, lorated at tho
corner of .Sixteenth and Knrn.mi streets.
After tho falluro of that Institution ho be
camo Its receiver.
The application for a receiver had been
anticipated for somn days, In fact ono was
on tho vergo of being made, but the papers
were not filed, though J ml bo Kawcctt was
consulted lu relation thereto, Tho trans
fers of real cstnto a short tlmo ngo first at
tracted Roneral attention to tho company,
nnd thlB was looked upon by many a In
dicating somo move of this kind. Tho oftl
cctb ot tho company have strenuously de
nied that n receivership was contemplated,
but llttlo credence was placed lu these denials.
Don't forput to uso a llttlo Prickly Ash
Illttors whenever tho stomach or bowelB
aro disordered. It quickly corrects such
troubles and mukes you feel bright and
Aniimm',i'tH of lie Theater.
Tho bill at tho Orphcum this week Is
scoring ono of tho season's best bits to
largo audiences Doth of tho headline fea
tures nro making Rood. Tom N'nwn In "Pat
nnd tho Oenll" Is repeating his success
of last season on oven a bigger scalo. His
lrrcslstlblo drollery keeps his auditors In
continuous laiiRhlcr. Tho llttlo sketch Is
ono of tho funniest things In vaudovlllo.
Tho dainty llttlo operetta, "Mlyo San." Is
a delightful musical treat. Tho music Is
catchy, tho lines brlRht and Interesting, un
ravel Ins a brief tale of lovo. Tho scenic
lnveatlturo Is unusually lino to bo found
In vaudeville. Tho cast Is in capablo
hands, every volco being commondable, Tho
other Jlvo acts keep up tho high standard.
By request of n largo, number ot tho
natrons of lloyd s theater tho bill for Sat
tirday night has been changed to "Mac-
fcoth." Tho management of Madamo
ModJc3ka und Mr. James originally Intended
to present "Henry VIII," but such a prcs
euro was brought to bear on theso gentlo
mcu that thoy decided to chango tho bill.
Friday night "Henry VIII" will bo givon
and nt tho Saturday matlneo "Mary Stuart."
Every Wearer of
nt $3.50 Always
In a -wnlklnR representative of tho best
shoo for -women.
No matter how long sho has worn
the pair, tho stylo and character Is
thera Juat tho name,
SoronlH aro tho only rendy-to-wenr
flno shoo In tho world that fit and
wear llko custom work.
Tho prlco of which Is tho samo In
Omaha as It Is In Now York $3 50
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 S. 15th St.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.
iSena for Catalogue.
tiii: en ii.mtnv.s'Tiox.
At lln ilen'i, Tnnlulit l tin Ural, I.lve,
Old Siniln ('Inn.
Who wishes nil tho rooi) rhlldren to
know that ho will be at Hayden's until
Christmas Kve, where he will see, talk and
inquire of all the little boys nnd girls what
they wish hltn to bring thorn from hH
Omahn headquarters (Hayden's Toy dept.)
Hp says tell all the children, "I am goln
to bt so busy I will not have tlmo to ro
anywhere else than Hayden's toy depart
ment, so that I want them all to come
here." So rcmumber tonight, from 7 till !,
and Saturday forenoon.
Iook at his collection of dolls tonight
thousands of them
Look at tho doll cab!, go-carts, carrlngcs,
obby and swing horses, sleds, wheelbar
rows, doll beds, swings, cradles, doll houses,
hundreds and thousands of games, pretty
picture nnd story books and cards and a
million other rholco things which Tho Jolly
Old Fellow has broURht.
Our opening sale commencing tonight nnd
ontlnulng these prices for tho balanco ot
this week will to n holiday gift bargain op
llorso trl-cycles the kind that arc cata
logued and most dealers ask $3.50 to $1.50
for, $1.25 and $1.50.
Olrls' sleds, well made, serviceable, real
fun-makers, 25c.
Sailor dolls, dressed In real woolens.
these arc regularly 25c each, but on our
penltiR pale, two for 25c.
Steel pafscnger train engine and threo
cnrs-cnn't break opening falo price, 19e.
Do sure to firing tho children tonight or
Saturday morning to men Santa Claus.
DUniMTi Wtiitt In AVmileil,
Sergeant Hudson, sct-lni; a colored man
standing In tho lower hull of thu police
lotion yesterday, went out to inquire,
vhnt ho wanted, and a moment Inter tn
urnrd to report that tho man had tho
mallpox. The patient was promptly
mslied Into tho surcenn's oltlca nnd tho
lour was locked upon him. Thu Hoard of
lennn was tlieu noillleil.
To Dr. Kiilnli. who culled later, lie irtivu
he mime of Sam Wharton, and mild ho h id
been working as n porter In n barber shop
on Knrmim Ho was sent to tho
morgency hospital.
Cnril of 'I'linnUx.
John D. Moyers and family beg to
return their most slnccro thanks to nil
their friends for their heartfelt sympathy
during their Into bereavement, through tho
loss of our dear wlfo and mother.
Wild Cherry
Troperly compounded, mako ono of the bes
cough syrups you can. buy. Our
Is peculiar In Itself, relieving tho most oh
etlnnto cough, tickling sensation In tho
throat, hoarseness, sore lungs, tightness o
Cheat, In fact nil troubles of tho throat and
lungs. Manufactured and sold hero for tho
last 15 years. Price, 25a a bottle.
14th and DoBKlaa Sis.
aro conducting an exclu
slvo family liquor store and wo
want tho patronage, of th
ladles. We offer special in
ducemonts for their trade. Just
now It is a souvenir vaso a
genuine, imported Ilohcmlnn
huiid-cnrved cameo vase. W
nro giving ono of these vasea
to every ludy who makes
nurchuso of $1.00 or over. Tho
vases nlono are worth thl
amount. Don't forget our frco cook book
Whether you buy or not.
wiioi.i;.i.n unroll Mi'JHt'iiA.vrs.
OoDoalto I'oxtotllce. Telephone 11-IWt
Agents for Hunter Ujo unil Old Taylor
(ienerul .Mnniiaer of (Jrnit Western
."pruiN n I 111 J' l.ookltiK
Over Omiilin.
Samuel C. Stlckney of St. Paul, son of
President A. H. Stlckney of tho Chicago
(Jreat Western nnd genera4 managor of that
road, spent y.'stprdny In Omaha. He was ac
companied by his wlfo and they arrived on
a morning train.
When questioned about tho Oreat West
ern's entry Into Omaha Mr. Stlckney said
that ho knew nothing of tho details of the
matter, as It was not In his hands. "I am
hero merely to Ret acquainted with Omaha,"
said he. "and not to transact business. I
hope by the tlmo our road gets Into Omaha
that 'I will be familiar with your streets
and public places and acquainted with many
Omahx people. Hereafter I will spend a
day quito often In Omahn. No, I don't know
what bridge wo will use In getting Into
Omnha, nnd it Is not my purpose to see the
Omaha llrldge and Terminal company people."
Irlnh Itfli-Kiitcn lleturii Maine,
NHW YORK. Dec ll.-John IS. Hedmond.
Thomas O'Donnell nnd Patrick A. McHugh,
Irish nationalists, who camo to this coun
try to solicit subscriptions to the t'tilted
Irish league, sailed for Uuropo today on
tliH Oceanic
Sale of
Thursday, commencing
at 9 o'clock, all of our
Print Wrappers
That were $1.50
That were $1.25
That were $1.00
Choice for 50c
Wo offer n few odd Tnllor-Mndo
Suits on Kecond lloor, Hint have
been 915,. $'J0 nnd $25, choice $5.00.
1B10 Doualna St.
It's No Use
being without tho most useful articles in
tho household csDeclallv In tlmo of sick
ness, wnen you can nuy urHL qunuty or
ruuucr ltoouh ill Hiiecitii hilui nnrpH .wninii
wo aru liaving nil this week. Thu quality
can't bo better nnd you tako no chancus
occiiuse wu uiuirmiiee inem oiirsiviH.
'Jsc Mlstlotou Cream 17o
$1.00 Parisian Hulr tonlo 75c
b0o Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 30c
wc ayrup rigs 30c
l-quart rountaln syringe So
3- qunrt fountain syringe B3c
4- qunrt fountain syrlngo 83c
I.quart hot wntor bottlo 4So
3-qunrt hot water bottlo fi3a
i-quari noi water uoitio sic
-quart combination water bottlo nnd
syringe $1.00
Marvel whirling spray syrlngo
Tyrlan whirling spruy syringe J2.00
Ooad atomizer 5)c
I'opuiar -u atomizer 7ric
Vasollno atomizer ,., , "5c
i-reiiy uno or xmas novelties. Fino
whiskeys for family use.
Cut Irlc
Drur Store
tel. 7T. . W. Cor. lh Cl.ln...
Qooda delivered FUKE to nv sart of city.
Chafing Dishes
5 O'clock Tens
Artistic designs, many entirely new,
nt prices from $2 to $16.
Curving Sets
Roast Carvers
Game Carvers
Breakfast Carvers
Klegant patterns In stag, ebony,
pearl and tusk mounting In English
and American brands, from $1.15 to
$15 per set.
uocniis .sti.vim kxivhs,
iiAitxnv .t ni:iuiY, avixslow,
KMI'l'CIl KI.Ull
A big lino of nuw patterns from tWo
to $3.00.
Sleds and Coasters
Muny styles for boys and girls from
2Sc up.
He's a Jolly Good Fellow
nnd likes a bottlo of Metz beer. That's be
cause he knowB It Is tho best beer browed.
Don't omit to lncludo a supply of this beer
among your Christmas purchases. It's good
to havo somo In tho houso always, Tho
bottling retains tho Iluvor and tho quality.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. Ill), Oinnlui.
Or Jacob Neumayor, Agt., caro Neumayer
Hotel, Council Hltiffs, Iowa.
" .HjQferV
Traveling cases of all kinds
from ll.Oi) up to $15. Sco our lino
of Holiday OoodH boforo you
buy Wo hnvo tho most com
plete lino of leather Goods
Travfdlng CnseH, Vienna I'ockct
liooks. Card Cases. Clgnr Cusos,
Cigarotto Cases, I o r f u m o h,
Krushes of all kinds lather,
military, oloth und hair brushes
-Hand MlrrorH. Leave your or
ders now fur Allegrettl and
Huylpr's Candles to be delivered
any tlmo you wish. Watrh our
windows from now until Christ
mas If you want something new.
It will pay you.
Drug Company
Kith and l'arnam St.
The Man Behind
tho times Is tho business man who doesn't uso
ft Typewriter In his correspondence.
A Typewriter
repays Its cost quickly ai"l repented!' by In
creasing tho facility for conducting business,
Wo handlo several Btamlani machines; in fact,
every good sort of Typewriter, and will bo
glad to show them to you
Cloaks and Furs
For Women and Children
Articles of won ring apparel make sensible holiday fjifls.
We are oUerin for Thursday a number of very special
bargains in line Kurs, Automobiles, Jlox Coats, etc.
Women's fur storm collars
and cluster scarfs, worth $5
aT!.!7;.5!' 2.50
Women's storm collars, col
larettes and cluster scarfs,
worth $10 nnd ,4 nn
$12.60, at 4,VO
Women's 30-tnch electric
senl capes, furriers' satin
lining, worth 4 fQ
$20, at y.yO
Women's Persian lamb Jack
ets, with blended mink collar
and revere, Ii0
worth $125, nt....ipOy
Wotiipit'n iiux Conts,
Women's box coats In nil colors, flvo
different styles, guaranteed tatln lin
ing, velvet trimmed, worthy CA
$12.60, all In one lot, choice, i OU
Woiiicii'n ?1T.."iO Atltoiiiolillns,
Broken lines nnd sizes put In ono
lot to close them out nt once; various
choice fabrics, In nils, castors, ox
fords, navies, etc, with heavy satin
lining, worth up to
$17.00 values ,
I.irgo black ncl- si f
glau haro muffs at. . UVC
Whllo lamb nnd Angora
child's sets, with
purse and ribbon.." OC
Misses' odd muffs of Krlm
mor fox, Canada marten,
etc., worth up -4 f Q
to $5.00, nt l.yO
Misses' combination sets of
cluster ecart and muff ot
Krlmmcr, Imitation stono
marten, Canada marten, etc.,
set, nt iy f Q
worth $3.00 a ittVO
Women' 15IUX.0 .Silk Skirts, 5.00
An odd lot of women's fancy taffeta
skirts, ruffle, laco and ribbon trimmed,
up to $12.60 values $5
Woiilmi's Coif Sktrtn, f 1.118
Elegant golf skirts of heavy oxford
meltons, handsomely stitched and
C)Q strapped, $7.50 values 98
pCI CV One of the lieat Ippril of tile K !., ajatrm u( limit.
W .... .!. ....... If . . I . . .. . I . . . . ... I .
wUIC iirutikcinieaa. Cure Druir Uaern. Tolinucu L'lrn. Til 11
UU1SLUY lNbl'lTt'l'L:, 11) nud Leuvcuirut th, Omuba.
Toys on Third Floor
Some unheard of bargains for early toy selling.
Toy blackboards, 10c.
Chautauqua blackboards, OSc
Cash rcglstor savings banks,
worth $1.25, at 25c.
Doll chairs, worth 25c, at 10a.
25a building blocks, Cc.
Toy dishes, worth COc, nt 25e.
Doll furniture sets at lOo and
19c st, i
Zirgo doll dressers, bureau,
chiffoniers, wash stands at 2.o
Paint boxes, Cc, 10c, 15c nnd 19c.
Bargains in dressed dolls at 19o,
25c, COc and 7Cc.
Largo slzo crokonolo boards nt
And hundreds of other bargains In our
Uargalns in magic Inntcrns at
CSc, $1.25, $1.75, $1.03 and $2.60
Typewriters, OSc.
Tool chests, from 25c up.
A II C blocks, worth 25c, at Co.
Washing machines, 98c.
Trunks, from 25c up.
Iron toys, fine engines, hoso
carts, hook and ladder trains,
from 25o up.
ChrlstmaB trco candles, Co box.
All kinds of Christmas trco or
naments at less than halt
Plcturo books, 10c, 16c and 25c
Games, Cc, 10c, 15c and 25c.
big toy department on third floor.
Art Needlework at i Price
Grand special selling while these goods last.
The entlro Itldloy & Sons' nrt ncedlo work department Is now on sale, con
testing of pillows, pillow tops nnd backs, largo assortment of battenburg and
spachtcl work, everything In bureau scnrf3 and Inmbcrqulns, mantlo drapos,
tablo covers, etc., nil at less than U regular price.
1 "Further Particulars"
u Keep it Before the Public
That wo nro now having tho most sensational sale of
Haglans, Jackets, Capes, Skirts and Suits In the history
of tho cloak department. That theso goods wero
bought by our New York buyer from New York manu
facturers at COo on tho dollar Is a certainty. That our
customers aro now reaping the benefit of theso pur
chases is a certainty and tho hundreds of customers
that aro crowding our department every dny is proof
that tho goods aro cheap and that Omaha pooplo ap
preciate bargains.
Women's Ilaglans from the S. & O. stock, in Ox
ford grays; velvet collar, ellk lined throughout, sco It
beforo you buy, at $C.9S.
Women's Ilaglans from tho S. & O. stock, mado from
American Woolen mills kerecy, half lined, sold lu
Omaha for $20.00, for $12.50.
Women's Automobiles, In nil wool korsoy, half lined,
from tho S. & S. stock, at $0.50.
Women's Automobiles, in Oxford grays, blacks and
castors and tuns, silk lined throughout, mado from nn
cxcollont pleco of American kersey, stitched with 12
rows of tnffotn around tho edRes; n beautiful garment,
worth $18.60, for $10.50.
Women's Jackots, 27 Inches long, made of all wool
kcrsoy, with now back and new collar, worth $7.50, for
Women's nox Coats, lined with tho famous Skin
ner's satin, trimmed with bands of samo material, nicely
stitched, known all ovor this locality as our famous
$10.00 Jacket, on alo Thursday for $7.50.
Just 775 women's Suits from theso enormous stocks to bo closed out.
Wo will put on salo 75 of them for Thursday at $5,00.
150 of them, with tho Jackots llnod with excellent n"Ulty taffeta, now flounce
skirt, worth $12.60 to $15.00, for $7.75.
200 women's Suits, lined with satin nnd tnffota, skirts nro mado with tho now
flounco nnd nicely trimmed, Jacket trimmed with taffeta and satin bands, beautiful
Eultn, somo silk lined throughout, worth up to $25.00, for $10.00.
More Skirts than all tho houses in Omaha comblnnd. Tho entlro stocks of thrco
leading manufacturers of Now York right at your doors.
Women's Rainy-Day Skirls, with eight rows of tucks, perfect In lit nnd hang, for
Women's Silk Skirts, every thread mndo of excellent quality tnffota, for only
Women's Skirts, mndo of excellent quality storm Bergo, trimmed with bands ot
satin, perfect In fit nnd hang, for only $2. OS.
600 Skirts, trimmed two to six rows of satin bnnds, lined with elegant quality
pcrrallno and velvot bound, worth up to $10.00, your rholco for $1.98.
150 Skirts In tho finer qualities, gooda worth up to $12.00, for $0.98.
Watch Papers for Fur Sale.
nx'riiA srnciAi.s l'oif tiii itsn.v v-
Women's Astrakhan Collarottea, lined with satin throughout, worth $5.00, at $1.90.
Women's Electric Seal Jackets, trimmed with beaver, for $18.60.
Women's 30-tnch Astrakhan Capes, lined with Skinner's satin, for $12.50.
Children's Fur Sets nt 90c, $1.25 and $2.00.
Women's Klannol Waists, trimmed with four rows of braid, for 79o.
60 dozen women's Underskirts, tho $1.00 quality, for 60c.
Children's Jackets at $1 35.
Children's Long Cloaks, mado In nil wool materials, nicely trimmed, worth $7.60,
for $1.90.
An excellont Wrnppor for only 69c.
Open Mveninps Until Christmas.
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigars.
A!auUaturd bji ff. U. Uloo Moroaatllo Olgar Go,, St, Loul. Valou Alad
Most people Joruet to do tomorrow what they put off doing
Holiday Hints...
The merchandise stir under way here will be profit
able to you who take early advantage of the offering.
Getting things into ship-shape, giving all the room and all
the attention to goods wanted during the holidays inten
sifies the holiday attractions.
Hound reasons why it should. Christinas things
can't wait. Thu following interesting price list is far
from complete.
Gloves for Gifts
When in doubt and you've ex
hausted your thinking bump, buy
gloves. It's n safe rule. You
need have no doubt where to get
them. A matchless stock hero of
wanted kinds.
Make It a Mackintosh, Then!
"Nothing gives in rain or slosh,
comfort like n mackintosh." 2.25
buys one, double-breasted, box,
12 inches long, tan or gray. 4.75 for an all wool cheviot
one, double-breasted, 52 inches long, tan or gray, awful
good gift this! .no gets the fancy English effect kind in
all wool, 51 inches in length, blue, black or fancy. S.7o
cracker jack, "The Alexombric" rain proof, looks just like
an o'coat 'tis just as good they're better in some cases.
They are always acceptable. 2nd lloor.
Men's Holiday INecK
More nnd better at 35c than any other
store in Omaha. You've tried, so havo
weWe both know it. livery new
shape, every new coloring, every new
trick of the silk loom, is here lirst, ib
here now. Don't wait, the eleventh
hour shoppers will spoil all shopping.
A Suit Case Will Suit
A handy contrivance to carry your suit
and a few other necessaries, too numerous
to mention. Full leather ones at 3.75, 5.00,
5.50, (5.00, G.50, 7.50, 8.50, 9.00 nnd up to
Traveling bags, 75c to 9.00.
Suit cases for the boy handy, cheap and
he'll like it 1.00. Third lloor.
By-the-by we've suit cases at 1.25, 2.25,
2.75. They're not leather but they're a
pretty good case for the money. They look almost nB
good as leather.
Slippers for Men and Women
You can slip into a pair of nice fancy Christmas slip
pers here for a small outlay of money.
Men's, 75c, 1.00, 1.10, 1.25, 1.40.
Women's, 65c, 95c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.40.
They bring more elsewhere, but The Nebraska sells slip
pers as merchandise and do not expect to innke shoe
store profits.
A7id so it goes on, the favored things
were never here before in completer assort'
ment. Choosing is abtmdant and easy be
cause prices are fibptilar.
I I ill y1-
CI AXnril' Grand Children's Recep-
nAT UCIlS ti!!!,.TnhiLs...Evening by
Don't fail to bring the children to see the only real live
Santa Claus. He can be seen only at llnyden Bros, this eenBon.
His second reception will be Saturday morning next.
Skirts Made Free
Having secured the services of II. GOLSTINE, the cele
brated skirt maker, for another week, commencing
wo will mako a plain lined skirt free, providing the material
will not cost less than 75c per yard. You will have the privilege
of selecting any material from our high grade dress goods or Bilk
stock, nnd we will guarantee a perfect fit in every instance or
money cheerfully refunded. No risk to our customers.
Mr. Oolstine has the most phenomenal success as a cutter
and fitter, as out of 5(11 skirts taken in one week he had only one
misfit. Come early Monday, as orders run by number and first
ordered will be first made.
Great Sale on Furnishing Goods
Men's 25c colored hnmlliorchlcfs nt 10c.
Mmj'h 50c Bilk handkerchiefs, whlto or
colored at 25c.
Men's flllk muffle, in all styles nnd col
ors nt 60c, 75c nnd $1.00.
Mcn'H kid gloves lined or unllncd, In all
styloB, at 75c, $1.00 and $1.25.
Men's flno silk suspondors, In nil colors,
nt SOc, 76c nnd $1.00.
Men's colored laundered shirts, In nil tho
newest colors, nt i'JC, 76o nnd $1.00.
Men's fancy llitlo or enshrooro oclts, nt
15c, 25c nnd 39c.
Men's 25c white llnon handkcrchlofs, with
Initials, nt 15c, 2 for 25c.
Men's $1.50 and $2.00 underwenr ftt 75o.
ClosInK out all tho men's Ono nil wool
and silk lleeco lined shirts nnd Jrawern
that sold for $1.30 nnd $2.00, nt 7Bc.
Men's $1.00 nnd $1.25 wool flooced shirts
nnd drawers, In all sizes, In plain and fancy
colors, nt 49c.
I.adlos' 50c and 75c vests and pants, In
blue, pink nnd ccruo, all sizes, every gar
ment varrantcd perfect, on snle nt 25o.
Men's $150 nil wool sweaters, In nil col.
ors, nt !'Sc.
Hoys' $l.2G wool sweaters, In fnncr color,
at 75c.
R0q and 75o boys' mufflers nt 26a
Men's $1.00 underwear, In all thu newest
styles and colors, at 60c.
Men's COc neckwear, In nil styles, at 2JSo.
Open ovenlngs until Christmas,